What do missing people want to tell us in a dream? Why do you dream about a missing man?

Dream interpretation of a missing person

It has been proven that if a dreamer dreams of a missing person, then dream books consider this bad sign. Why do you dream about a missing person? It is believed that soon you will have troubles at work, as well as in communicating with people around you.

The message of such a dream is that you must improve yourself, strive for the ideal, otherwise you risk losing something important in your own life.

Disappearance of a person

People dream about disappearing people when the dreamer expects separation from people close to him. If you dreamed that you began to look for a person who was lost, then in the cycle of affairs you risk not noticing something important to you, losing what you value.

Loff's prediction

I dreamed about the disappearance of dear people

Why do you dream about a person going missing? It is believed that such a vision describes strong experiences in the soul of a sleeping person.

Sometimes in our dreams we see children disappearing. You can understand that the parents saw this plot in a dream. It is justified by the fact that we are very worried about our child, we understand how defenseless he is in the face of various dangers. Our child has not yet learned to determine what is bad and what is good.

The good news is that, according to the dream book, such visions are not prophetic in nature. They simply describe our inner experiences. If the dreamer dreams that his children have disappeared, then he should try to understand the reason for his subconscious anxiety.

According to the dream book, the disappearance of a person is a rather complex vision. To understand it, it is worth considering it in detail. The main thing is who he is to you:

Often through the symbol of people disappearing in night vision higher powers warn you that you will soon lose something important.

What do other interpreters say?

Dreams that a person has disappeared are not that rare. This is an incentive for different interpreters to consider this dream in detail.

Seeing the disappearance of familiar people in a dream

Interpreter Tsvetkova

The esotericist considered not only the plot in which a person disappears, but also dreams about property or a certain thing being missing. It is believed that the dreamer is not entirely satisfied with his position in real life, he does not accept himself, so he dreams that a certain thing or person disappears.

Interpreter Hasse

Hasse believed that if a person disappeared in your dream, then such a vision can be viewed from two points of view:

  • you envy him in real life, so you subconsciously want him to disappear from your field of vision;
  • on the contrary, you do not strive for loss this person out of sight, but you worry excessively about his fate.

To see a person who has actually disappeared - you will soon learn interesting news.

The child disappeared from dreams

This dream book says that the disappearance of a small child, a girl, means that important information for you will pass by, which will not only be of interest, but would also be useful to you.

If you dreamed about finding a person, you will have great joy in reality.

Modern interpreter

When you dreamed that a person disappeared, it means in reality you will forget about something important to yourself. It is possible that you are a driven person who will simply follow public opinion and forget about what is really important to him. The main message of the interpreter is - do not forget about your relatives.

Psychology of sleep

There are a lot of psychological dream books, and they all talk about why a person disappeared in a dream. Since people quite often see such dreams, the science of psychology could not bypass this question side.

Dreaming about a lost animal

According to psychological dream books, disappearance in night vision acts as a symbol of external repression. In simple words, this means that you will start to lose something. Interpreters believe that this could be a thing, feelings for people around, self-respect.

While if you dreamed about the loss of an animal, or something disappeared from you, dream interpreters may indicate your dissatisfaction with your sex life.

You dreamed of an unknown force that led you to disappear - be careful, death may await you. Especially such a dream should frighten a person who does not lead the most correct lifestyle.

According to Sigmund Freud, people who see a familiar person disappear in a dream feel fear for their fate in reality. What does he think? this dream book, disappearance is an indicator of the dreamer’s lack of confidence in his abilities.

Disappear in a dream

If it is not another person who disappears in night vision, but the sleeping person himself, then in such cases you will be given a different prediction:

  • according to the dream book, the disappearance of a certain person symbolizes concern for loved ones;
  • if the role of the missing person is the sleeping person himself, then he is clearly haunted by thoughts of death.

The main thing is constant work

The dream book takes an interesting look at the disappearance of the dreamer himself. When a person dreams that he is missing, then, according to dream books, it is believed that he is not very satisfied with his fate. A person considers himself superfluous in this world. If your child says that he saw himself as lost, then he urgently needs help.

Often a person who has disappeared in a dream is visited by thoughts of his difficult fate. Dream interpreters advise you to find hobbies or people who truly value you.

Modern dream book

Getting lost in the city is not only unpleasant, but also scary. And if in real life, in the event of such a thing, we are overcome by a feeling of panic, then in a dream a person probably experiences it too. And not without reason, because such a vision foreshadows a decision important tasks. And if the dreamer still cannot find the right path, then in reality he will have to face risk.

When you don't even try to find a way out, it's a sad vision. Usually it is a subconscious reflection of those remorse that have long haunted the dreamer.

And if a girl dreamed of something like that, then it can only mean one thing. Namely, the fear of new acquaintances and society. Even if she doesn’t suffer from a personality disorder, she probably doesn’t like going out in public. It’s worth finally coping with this and adapting to city life. Otherwise, loneliness may overtake her.

According to Miller

Quite a lot interesting information This dream book can also tell. Getting lost in a foreign city and not feeling uneasy is a favorable coincidence of circumstances. Perhaps the person will be successful in his endeavors. But if in a dream he tried to find the right road in a panic, this means fear of changes that may occur in life. It also indicates that the dreamer trusts few people. Of course, sometimes this quality saves, but if its manifestation is excessive, then something needs to be done.

If a person sees a lost child, it means that he needs to take control of the upbringing of his children. Otherwise, he may lose sight of them, and the consequences will be sad.

But if a child dreams that he is lost, then nothing bad will happen. Most likely, he just feels a little fear of some event. There is no need to worry - everything will go like clockwork.

This is not all that this dream book can tell. Anyone can get lost in their vision. But if this is a man, then the dream will not turn out well for him. Most likely, he will soon have to choose between two people, each of whom is very close and dear to him.

What will Tsvetkov’s book of interpretations tell you?

If the dreamer in his night dreams watched the lost by a stranger who asked for help, then in real life he will be very much expected advantageous offer. And they will definitely need to use it.

Seeing a lost woman with a child is also good. Usually, after such a vision, a person receives favorable news from relatives or loved ones.

But if he himself is lost, no good should be expected. Such a vision can only promise memory loss or major failure. If the dreamer went in the wrong direction, but still found the right path, then in real life he will be expected to prosper and achieve his long-set goals.

According to Freud

This popular book of interpretations also gives a detailed explanation of the vision in which the person managed to get lost. Freud's dream book states: if you cannot find out the place in which the dreamer finds yourself, it means that in real life he will lose some important goal. And through my own fault.

Observe a stranger who, in unsuccessful attempts, tries to find the right path - to loneliness. And this is not just a dream, but an alarm bell. After this, the dreamer should take a closer look at his personal life if he does not want to spend the next long period of time alone.

But seeing yourself, lost, sitting with a doomed and confused look, leads to a difficult situation in reality. The dream book advises not to get involved in dubious matters in the near future and not to accept “tempting” offers. The consequences may be unpredictable.

Other dream circumstances

You can get lost not only in the city, but, for example, in the forest. If a person has dreamed something like this in his night dreams and he doesn’t know what explanation to give for this, a dream book will come to the rescue. Getting lost in the forest is even more unpleasant than in the city. At least there are people in big cities. But in the forest - very rarely.

If such a vision is given to those born from September to December, then in real life they are doomed to hopelessness. In the near future, a dark streak awaits them, so they should gain strength, patience, and go through obstacles.

According to Medea’s dream book, such a vision is translated as uncertainty in the future. Most likely, the sleeper simply does not know what to do with his life next.

But a person lost in the forest is a symbol of gossip and rumors in reality. However, if the dreamer wandered around the surrounding area with interest, then in reality a useful and pleasant journey awaits him. But to feel panic, to understand that the right path no, this means making big mistakes. It is worth taking this into account and showing maximum care and vigilance in the near future.

If you're lost in the house

There are buildings in which you can easily get lost. If something similar happened according to the plot of the vision, then the dream book will tell you what to expect from it. Getting lost in a building while you're alone is scary. But the book of interpretations assures: such a vision only speaks of the dreamer’s well-developed intuition. True, if he had no doubts while wandering around the building. Was there any confusion? Then he should reconsider the plans he has made for the near future. Perhaps they will not come true if everything is not carefully thought through.

There are other interpretations regarding those visions in which a person could get lost. The wanderer's dream book assures: if he wandered around the city and could not find the building where he needed to get, it means that in reality he lacks thrills. Perhaps it's time to go on an extreme vacation.

How does the book of Freud’s interpretations explain the vision in which a man could get lost in a building? The dream book says that if the room was large and unfamiliar, then in real life you will meet a person who will cause incomprehensible, contradictory feelings.


If in a dream a person wandered for a long time along intricate corridors and could not find a way out, then in real life he will have to solve a very difficult problem. And this will take him too much effort and time. But the dreamer will cope. And when the result is achieved, he will gain complete freedom and feel like a true winner.

The main thing is that a person walks through the labyrinth in high spirits - with the belief that he will find a way out. If he didn't feel well, then most likely he would fall into depression in the near future. And the reason for this will be accumulated problems.

Other interpretations

Finally, it is worth noting what the esoteric dream book tells about visions in which a person gets lost. If he gets lost in the forest, then this promises depression, a long process of soul-searching and Bad mood. To avoid this, it is advisable to find the reason why this feeling primarily occurs.

If the dreamer does not even try to look for a way out of the forest, he is confused in himself and is afraid of the future. You need to be more careful with this, since such periods often drag on and then it is more difficult to find a way out. The main thing is not to lose heart and try to support yourself in every possible way, even if it seems that everything is bad.

For many people in a dream, the subconscious gives hints. For example, a thirsty person dreams that there is a glass or mug of water in front of him, but during the dream he cannot get drunk.

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Why do you dream about Disappearance?

Disappearance in the modern dream book

A dream in which you were looking for a person who suddenly disappeared indicates that in reality you will forget about something serious. If an object suddenly disappears from your hands, then this indicates your dissatisfaction with your position, but you cannot claim anything else, the consequence of this is constant dissatisfaction. The disappearance of a child is a warning that you will not be able to realize your plans; you will face failure in a business that you considered successful. The disappearance of loved ones and friends is a sign of disappointment in a well-thought-out business and the approach of a gloomy future. If valuable items disappeared during a robbery, then you will live in abundance and fortune will be your companion. The disappearance of a passport or important documents indicates the need to be more critical of your shortcomings. A dream in which something insignificant has disappeared speaks of making wrong decisions when gaining authority and winning over new acquaintances. Searching for a missing thing symbolizes a real loss or an amazing discovery. A dream in which you yourself have disappeared speaks of a desire to find a quiet place and take a break from the constant bustle.

Disappearance in Miller's dream book

The disappearance of a car in a dream means the collapse of many of your plans, which greatly influence the future. The disappearance of warts on your hands promises you victory over all the obstacles that stand in the way of happiness. A dream in which a corpse has disappeared, for which a grave has already been prepared, portends bad news. The disappearance of luggage promises an unfavorable game on the stock exchange or family discord. Unmarried people can expect the engagement to be dissolved after such a dream. The disappearance of diamonds symbolizes approaching shame and poverty. A dream in which your money has disappeared promises the approach of ill-fated times at home and problems at work. The disappearance of small things represents your self-contempt and unhappiness. A dream in which you lost gold promises you the loss of the greatest opportunity of your life due to your negligence. The disappearance of keys symbolizes the sadness that will appear after a bad incident. If your gloves disappeared in a dream, then in reality someone will leave you, but strong character will help you stay cheerful. A dream in which your coat has disappeared is very bad. It means that you will need to build a life with clean slate, you will hate yourself for your vain gullibility and negligence in financial matters. The disappearance of shoes promises you a break in relationships and the renunciation of loved ones

Disappearance in Vanga's dream book

The disappearance of a photograph in a dream is an indicator that in reality you need to be more careful in your affairs. You act ugly, sometimes forgetting what conscience and honor are. You should stop, because then you will have to answer to God. A dream about searching for missing children is very negative. In reality, you will not be able to cope with the problems that arise due to small misunderstandings.

Disappearance in Freud's dream book

The disappearance of various objects or small animals represents your dissatisfaction with your sexual relationships and your desire to improve everything. Your own disappearance speaks of your thoughts about death. If people have disappeared, then in reality you are afraid of losing them and are worried about their health. The disappearance of a sexual partner represents your hidden desire to leave him. The search for a missing knife indicates your fatigue, which results in a difficult attitude towards sex.

Healthy sleep lengthens life and reduces working time.

If you dreamed of disappearance, then you will experience separation from someone close to you.

Looking for someone who has disappeared in a dream means you risk forgetting about something that is of great importance to you.


Why do you dream about Disappearance?

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Disappearing somewhere in a dream means a business trip.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

If you dream that someone from your family has suddenly disappeared and there is no news about his whereabouts, this means a long business trip for one of the family members; or someone will have to work on a rotational basis.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Seeing you suddenly disappear in a dream means a loss of authority.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Disappearance is the external expression of repression. Someone who disappears or disappears suddenly. Someone died.

The disappearance of some of your things or small animals symbolizes your dissatisfaction with your sex life, as well as your desire to put things in order. The disappearance of people indicates your fear of losing them and your concern for their health.

Symbolic dream book

Disappearance, appearance - should be understood in the literal sense, depending on what object (object or figure) appeared or disappeared (in the field of attention of the sleeper).

This appearance or disappearance refers to a future event, influence, feeling, attitude, desire, interest, state of the dreamer himself - literally, directly.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Disappearance?

If in a dream you are busy looking for a person who has suddenly disappeared, in reality you will forget about something very important.

A dream in which an object disappears from your hands, as if dissolving into thin air, is a sign that the position you occupy does not suit you, but you simply do not have the right to claim more, which is why you constantly experience internal dissatisfaction.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Disappearance in a dream?

If in a dream you are busy looking for a person who has suddenly disappeared, in reality you will forget about something very important.

A dream in which an object disappears from your hands, as if dissolving into thin air, is a sign that the position you occupy does not suit you, but you simply do not have the right to claim more, which is why you constantly experience internal dissatisfaction.

Freud's Dream Book

The disappearance of some of your things or small animals symbolizes your dissatisfaction with your sex life, as well as your desire to put things in order.

The disappearance of people speaks of your fear of losing them and your concern for their health.

If you yourself have disappeared, you are haunted by thoughts of death.


Why do you dream of an abyss?

A dream in which an abyss is visible in the distance speaks of vain worries. A person may have disturbing thoughts or be present strong fear. However, fears are in vain - they are never destined to come true. Soaring over an abyss means that a person has very good inner intuition.

He easily bypasses life sharp corners because he knows in advance about a possible threat. Falling into the abyss speaks of the ill will of someone close to you. Someone secretly hates a person and is waiting for the moment to take revenge on him. There is only one answer to the question of why one dreams of an abyss over the sea - a person is too driven and often listens to the wrong advice of his friends. If you manage to avoid falling into the abyss, then in reality one of your friends will lend a helping hand. Life danger will be avoided without any losses. Holding onto a rock with all your strength so as not to fall into the abyss means a great love for life. Thanks to your will to live, you will be able to avoid many serious problems.

Why do you dream of an abyss? An abyss in a dream symbolizes danger threatening a person. Seeing an abyss in a dream means the possibility of a threat from others. You should be extremely careful, because the threat can develop into real aggressive actions. Falling into the abyss means that a heavy loss awaits a person ahead. It will be extremely difficult to survive an irreparable loss.

Sitting on the edge of an abyss in a dream means that in life a person likes to joke with death. Perhaps he is interested in extreme sports or likes to drive fast. Such an indifferent attitude towards one’s own life can lead to dire consequences.

Seeing one of your friends or relatives falling into the abyss speaks of impending danger. It is urgent to warn the person about your dream - perhaps he will be able to avoid a sad fate. Jumping over an abyss in a dream means getting out of the water unscathed. Perhaps a person will be able to survive a disaster or cope with any other difficult life situation.

Finding yourself at the bottom of an abyss without remembering your fall speaks of major monetary losses. Most likely, one of the partners or colleagues will set the person up in a big way and it will be impossible to avoid financial ruin.

Falling into the abyss indicates great danger. Be careful, you should listen to your inner voice, perhaps your intuition will warn you about the source of the threat to life and trouble will pass you by.


Missing person

Dream Interpretation Missing Person dreamed of why you dream about a missing person? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a missing person in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Lost

Dream Interpretation - Man

A noble noble person is hiding - to recovery.

A noble man leaves on a horse - clarity in official matters.

A sick person is placed on a cart - portends death.

A sick person climbing onto a cart portends a great misfortune.

A sick person gets up - portends death.

A sick person sometimes cries, sometimes laughs - portends recovery.

A sick person riding in a boat portends death.

A sick person singing songs portends great misfortune.

Taking a mirror that belongs to another person means the birth of a noble offspring.

Seeing a person being killed is a great happiness.

Seeing a person with a government seal means glory, fame.

Seeing a person reading a book means a noble offspring will be born.

To see a noble person coming - misfortune will pass you by.

If you own the same clothes with some person, your wife has a lover.

If you return money to a person, you will get rid of the disease.

Talking to a bad person, a villain - there will be a quarrel.

Giving a person some clothes means official matters will arise.

Giving a person castanets is a hassle.

Giving a person a knife is bad luck.

Giving silk to a person is a great misfortune.

If you give a person some clothes, official matters will arise, there will be illness, illness, grief.

If you give a person a longitudinal flute, it portends fame and glory.

If you bow to the ground to some person - happiness in all matters.

Another person is holding your hands mirror - portends misfortune with your wife.

The smell of rot, carrion from a burning person, portends happiness.

A soiled, dirty shirt portends humiliation and shame.

A snake or dragon kills a person - portends a great misfortune.

A snake bites a person - portends the acquisition of great wealth.

A snake follows a man - speaks of his wife’s betrayal.

A snake that wraps itself around a turtle means prosperity and relative wealth will appear.

A noble person gives a patterned brocade - the arrival of an official.

A noble person gives out hats to people - fortunately.

A noble person gives out clothes and hats to people - fortunately.

Human speech is heard from the well - there will be joyful events.

A rat bites a person’s clothes - you will achieve what you were striving for.

Bite a person - portends loss.

Eat honey with a person - portends happiness and benefits.

A dead person eats - portends illness.

Stabbing a person repeatedly with a knife is joy and benefit.

A sick person climbs onto the cart - a great misfortune.

If you cut a person with a knife or saber, it portends a loss of wealth.

Giving a person an umbrella means breaking up with that person.

You lift a basin or a bucket, and the bottom falls off - foreshadows ruin.

You buy a house from someone rural areas- relocation due to a change of duty station.

Receiving paper money from a person is great happiness.

Receiving a knife from a person means you will soon be appointed to a position.

Helping a person go to prison is wealth and happiness.

Entrusting a person with your business is a great misfortune.

Approaching a person who practices fortune telling using the I Ching is a disease, an illness.

Invite a person to enter a government institution - drink and food.

Accepting a sword from a person means a person coming from afar

A noble person comes - misfortune will pass you by.

Sword fighting with a person portends great luck and benefit.

Arguing with a person is fortunate.

If you shoot at a person yourself, it foretells a long trip.

A pig or wild boar turns into a human - there will be a government matter, a situation related to officials.

Grief and tears about a person from afar - portends misfortune.

I dream of a man who learns to write - great wealth, nobility.

Shooting a person is a long trip.

The man's head is cut into two parts - fortunately.

Killing another person portends wealth and nobility.

Killing a person means wealth and nobility.

Killing a person so that the blood stains his clothes is material gain and wealth.

Killing a person - portends great happiness.

A person tells you about death - portends longevity.

A person says things that are very pleasant for you - misfortune, grief is approaching.

A man gives you a big bucket - a benefit.

A man gives you ink, ink - progress in writing your work.

A person gives a broom or a broom - portends getting a place in the service.

A person gives scales - portends the possession of power.

A person gives you official clothes, a uniform - you will be appointed to an official position.

A person gives you a big bucket - portends benefits.

A person gives you a comb or a comb - you get a wife or a concubine.

A person gives you ink, ink - talks about progress in writing your work.

A man gives three swords - you will become the head of the district, the governor.

A person gives you a brush - promotion of talent.

A person gives a bow or crossbow - outside help.

A person gives silks, taffeta - portends great happiness and prosperity.

The person is holding your brush, writing instrument - your essay, article will not be accepted.

A man calling you from the street portends misfortune.

Man plays on musical instruments- you will be recognized as right in court proceedings, litigation.

A man pricks himself with a bamboo stick - happiness, prosperity, good luck.

If you break your arm, it portends illness.

A man catches a fish - indicates good luck.

A person cries, baring his teeth - there will be rivalry, litigation.

A man supports a bedridden patient - promotion.

A person offers you to eat curdled milk - portends joy.

A person invites you to drink wine - longevity.

Man with severed goes with his head towards you - to great happiness.

A person puts you in a very awkward position, you experience humiliation - you will gain wealth.

A man shoots at you - the arrival of a traveler.

A man kicks you - acquiring wealth

A stranger hits you - gaining strength.

A person humiliates you - wealth.

A person who learns to write means great wealth and nobility.

A person with a government seal - portends glory, fame.

A person who reads a book will be born a noble offspring.

Human speech comes from the well - there will be joyful events.

Dream Interpretation - Man

A man sitting on a high rock means that in the distant future a great event will happen to the dreamer that will radically change his life.

A meeting between a person and a stranger who has an animalistic look in his eyes is a sign of a meeting with the Antichrist.

Seeing an evil, despotic person in a dream is a sign that a tyrant will come to power and bring war, hunger and poverty to Earth.

If you dreamed of a beggar, then big trouble will happen to you in the future, as a result of which you will lose your fortune, shelter and true friend. If you saw in a dream large number poor people, this means that many nations will face poverty in the future.

Seeing a rich person in a dream is a good omen. A comfortable life awaits you in the circle of people close to you. Seeing many wealthy people in a dream means happy life peoples all over the world.

If in a dream you saw a wounded person, it means that someone close to you will face a serious test, as a result of which this person will lose not only his home, material resources, family, but will also receive serious injuries.

Dream Interpretation - Man

Nostradamus interpreted dreams about a person as follows.

If you dreamed of a man sitting on a high rock, this means that in the distant future a great event will happen to you that will radically change your life.

If you saw an evil, despotic person in a dream, it means a change of job.

If you dreamed of a beggar, then big trouble will happen to you in the future, as a result of which you will lose your fortune, shelter and true friend.

Dreaming about a rich man is a good omen. A comfortable life awaits you in the circle of people close to you.

If in a dream you saw a wounded person, then someone close to you will face a serious test.

Dream Interpretation - Man

If you dream of a person and you don’t know whether he is a man or a woman, then in reality you will have to change your job and find yourself in a new team in which you will not be welcome.

If the person you dream about is standing on some kind of eminence, this means that changes are coming in your life that can radically change it in better side, although it won't be too soon. A dream in which you see evil man, promises you and your loved ones grief.

Dream Interpretation - Man

A black man has come to you with tragic news.

If you are just communicating with a person, this is disappointing news.

A quick-witted person – you’ll soon meet someone like him in life, don’t miss the chance to meet him!

Dream Interpretation - Man under a veil

Symbolizes an ambivalent action or person, the meaning of which is determined by the context of the dream. If a person is under a veil throughout the dream, then the image is negative. When the veil is removed and the subject sees who is hiding under it, it is necessary to establish whose image it is - “death”, “old woman”, child, animal, woman, friend, mouse, etc. Behind the veil there may be an eye or just emptiness. In these cases, the image denotes a mechanical or negative orientation. In other words, such a dream may mean that we are deliberately placing our trust in a situation or people that do not actually live up to our expectations or trust.

Dream Interpretation - Man in Black

The man in black dreams of a difficult, hopeless life.

Dream Interpretation - Man in Black

Seeing a man in black - you will receive power and wealth without happiness.

Dream Interpretation - A person with an unnatural skin color

A person with an unnatural skin color is a conspiracy against you / some kind of lie or flattery.


Missing Friend

Dream Interpretation Losing Friend dreamed of why you dream about a missing friend in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a friend missing in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Lost

If in a dream you have lost something insignificant, a small household item, this portends that you will take the wrong steps, trying to gain authority and gain favor among your new friends.

A serious loss of valuables as a result of theft or robbery is a guarantee that in reality you will not lack anything and everything will be more than fine.

The loss of a passport or other documents that you simply lost - such a dream foreshadows that you will have to be more critical of your own shortcomings.

Dream Interpretation - Friend

Having a close friend in a dream means that you can count on the help of friends in difficult situation. A dream in which you unexpectedly meet a friend predicts that you will soon receive news about him. Eating or drinking with a friend in a dream is a harbinger of big troubles. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you will have to share his hardships with a friend. Seeing a friend in a dream means gossip, discord and family squabbles, sometimes to receive news about this person. Seeing a friend you haven't seen for a long time in a dream means that he remembers you. Finding out in a dream that your friend has died means receiving news of his marriage. Seeing your friend joyful in a dream means receiving good news and have a nice day. Seeing him sad means a bad day and unpleasant news. To be in the company of friends and enemies together in a dream is a sign that soon either one of your friends will become your enemy, or vice versa. Seeing your friend in a different guise in a dream means expect deception from your loved ones, the disclosure of which will lead to a breakup. Pay attention to how your friends are dressed in your dreams. If their clothes attract your attention in a dream, then See interpretation: clothes. Looking up at a friend means the fulfillment of bold hopes that you will strive to achieve, as well as the same position that your friend has achieved; looking down is a harbinger that you may lose friends due to your arrogant behavior or selfish motives. Leaving a friend in a dream (or seeing a friend leaving you) is a sign of separation from a friend.

Dream Interpretation - To each other. with each other, against each other. among themselves

A wife and husband give each other combs - portends happiness.

Watch dragonflies fly against each other - a beautiful person will arrive.

Women fighting among themselves is a disease.

Bees fly, playing love games with each other - the matter will not end in success.

Evil people pulling each other is a disease.

Dream Interpretation - Other

You take a mirror that belongs to another person - the birth of a noble offspring.

Seeing the reflection of another person in the mirror is a problem with your wife or lover.

Seeing a person’s reflection in a broken mirror is unlucky.

Seeing another person or yourself dead is fortunate.

If you give a person castanets, it foretells an altercation.

Holding a sword in your hands, inflicting injections on another person is a loss.

Holding a knife in your hands and stabbing another person is a loss.

Another person gives a brush - portends the advancement of talent.

Another person holding your mirror in his hands portends misfortune with his wife.

Another person plays musical instruments - you will be found to be right in court proceedings or litigation.

Another person supports a bedridden patient - a promotion.

Another person shoots at you - the arrival of a traveler.

You give a longitudinal flute to another person - portends fame, glory.

The death of another person or oneself is fortunate.

Moving to a new house owned by another person is fortunate.

If you accept simple clothes made from hemp fabric from another person, it is unfortunate.

Receiving condolences from other people - foretells the birth of a son.

Dream Interpretation - Friend

Seeing friends healthy and happy in a dream portends good news. It is possible that soon you will meet someone dear to you.

To see that your friend is upset, or that his face has darkened, promises illness and suffering.

If you see your friend in the form of an animal, it means that your enemies will soon separate you from your loved ones.

If a friend, unexpectedly for you, is dressed in bright red clothes, this promises you anxiety and concern for your loved ones.

If you dream of your friend standing high on a pedestal, you will have to accomplish a lot of what you have planned, and a sense of justice will always be inherent in you. If you see it far below, then this portends that at the time of your future successes you will neglect your old attachments. If in a dream you leave your friend, this is a sign that you are breaking off the ties of friendship. You will begin to look for new experiences. Shaking the hand of a sad and dejected person means separation from a friend or his loss.

Dream Interpretation - Friend

A dream in which you see your friends in good location spirit, joyful and healthy, suggests that in reality you can expect good news or a meeting with an old friend, which will charge you with a lot of energy positive emotions. If you see a dream in which your friend is sad, in reality you are threatened with illness and deprivation. Seeing your friend in an unusual guise means that you have enemies or a rival who will separate you from your lover.

If in a dream your friend appeared before you in an unusually bright robe, in the near future you will worry, experience anxiety, which will affect the people around you. If you dream of your friend, who, unexpectedly for everyone, took a high position, then in reality you will have to bring all your plans and dreams to life, your efforts will be adequately rewarded. If, on the contrary, you dream of your friend being defeated, then during your takeoff you will forget about those who helped you in difficult times.

A dream in which you quarrel with your friend promises you new impressions and adventures designed to replace your old attachments.

Dream Interpretation - Friend

Expect good news. A friend is happy to meet you - expect unexpected guests; to see the thoughtful face of a friend - the information received will bring great success; to see the death of a friend in a dream - you will be invited to a wedding; meet a friend halfway - someone is trying to regain your favor; laugh in the company of friends - get the wise advice you so desperately need; a friend was appointed to a high post - you will receive news of a reward for your work; find new friends - you will learn about the opportunity to spend time in pleasant company.

Imagine that you are sitting at a table with a friend, enjoying wine and snacks and having a quiet, unhurried conversation.

Dream Interpretation - Friend

You saw a friend in a dream - a reflection of upcoming events; what you see in a dream is what will happen.

Seeing a friend and laughing with him means separation from him.

Helping a friend means receiving long-awaited help.

Arguing with a friend means his infidelity.

For those who have died, seeing a friend means unexpected news.

Talking to a deceased friend means important news; his words are true.

Dream Interpretation - Friend, friends

If you dreamed of a close friend, you will be overcome by doubts about his sincerity.

A dying friend means prosperity.

A cheerful friend means a pleasant conversation.

Shaking hands with a sad person means separation from a friend.

Leaving a friend in a dream means breaking the bonds of friendship in reality.

Healthy and happy friends mean good news and pleasant meetings.

Cheerful friends - a prosperous day, sad friends - a boring day.

Bad news.

If you dreamed that your friends and enemies are in the same company and communicate with pleasure, this is evidence of the insincerity and duplicity of your friends.

They were your secret ill-wishers or will become so.

Dream Interpretation - Friend

Friend - your deceased friend appeared in a dream - trouble. A healthy friend means separation.



Dream Interpretation Loss dreamed of why you dream about loss in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Loss in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Lost

If in a dream you have lost something insignificant, a small household item, this portends that you will take the wrong steps, trying to gain authority and gain favor among your new friends.

A serious loss of valuables as a result of theft or robbery is a guarantee that in reality you will not lack anything and everything will be more than fine.

The loss of a passport or other documents that you simply lost - such a dream foreshadows that you will have to be more critical of your own shortcomings.

Dream Interpretation - Loss

A dream in which you lost your luggage in the chaos of the station foreshadows failure in business. If you lost your companion in the crowd, there will be something waiting for you in reality family quarrel, and for unmarried people this means breaking up with a boyfriend who has found someone else.

Losing jewelry in a dream means that in reality you will deal with flatterers who will fool you to the point that you simply send them away. If you lost wedding ring- in reality, such a dream can entail shame and need. Losing a pearl necklace means suffering and sadness, gold chain- due to your own short-sightedness, you will miss, perhaps, your only chance to get significantly rich.

A dream in which you lost small money means a disdainful attitude towards people below you on the social ladder, which will lead to annoying losses. Losing a significant amount means that an unexpected misfortune will come to the house and the situation will be aggravated by troubles in the service.

If in a dream you lost and cannot find a needle or pin, it means that you will soon suffer minor damage or quarrel with a friend. Losing your oars in a dream and being carried away far from the shore - do not try to realize your plans, because all your efforts in this direction will be crowned with failure.

Losing a powder compact in a dream or lipstick- to good luck in business. Lost keys foretell loss of freedom or separation due to jealousy. Losing a medallion is a sign of sad events among true friends.

Losing brand new fur gloves is a sign of unreasonable behavior with people who are well disposed toward you. Losing a handkerchief means unfulfilled hopes, glasses - you will get a slight injury due to your own inattention and idleness.

The loss of some part of the toilet at an unexpected moment and in a crowded place foreshadows interference in commercial affairs and obstacles in love. Losing your wig while drunk and returning to a restaurant table without it foretells that you will be given favors by being mistaken for another person.

A dream where you lost your coat foreshadows that you will have to re-arrange your destiny and you will bitterly repent, cursing yourself for your own short-sightedness and indiscretion. Losing your shoes in a dream while escaping persecution means that you will be abandoned, but you will find the strength within yourself to maintain cheerfulness and faith in human decency.

Losing documents in a dream means that you will be involved in a business that is obviously doomed to failure. If in a dream you lost the right to significant property such as a house or car, this foreshadows the failure of important plans.

A dream in which you lost your teeth predicts a difficult time of humiliation and need for you. Losing your nose in a dream means that in reality you will be ridiculed by unfriendly colleagues. Losing an arm or leg - such a dream promises wealth and prosperity.

Dream Interpretation - Loss of teeth

Losing teeth - unexpected love adventure, adultery / death of a relative / secret and hidden from consciousness desire for death of one of your loved ones / feeling of one’s involution (reverse development, degradation), feeling of “loss of the future”, feeling that one is falling into childhood.

Losing a molar is a misfortune for an elderly person.

Loss front tooth- misfortune with the young; with brothers, sisters, children.

Seeing a pulled out tooth in the blood means misfortune with your parents or people very dear to you.

Taking out the tooth, examining it and putting it back in the mouth means misfortune with the wife (husband) or their relatives.

Knocking out a tooth(s) with your tongue is good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Loss

Loss - if you dream: you have lost something - separation, losses.

Dream Interpretation - Lose (drop)

Unexpected find // you will cry, failure, death (to the patient), troubles, separation, losses; lose and find - you will see the person you are thinking about again; lost and not found - the person you are thinking about will not return.

Dream Interpretation - Lose something

The dream is the opposite. If you lost something in a dream, this means a very useful find in reality.

Imagine that you are very sad about a loss. So that you cry burning tears (see Tears).

Dream Interpretation - Losses

Destruction and losses when climbing the mountains - portends evil and misfortune.

Losing items of clothing foreshadows a difficult birth for the wife.

Dream Interpretation - Lose

Losing something in a dream and never finding it means losing something or someone very dear in life.

Dream Interpretation - Lose

Losing something in a dream is a gift.

Dream Interpretation - Lose

Losing something in a dream means financial ruin.


Missing husband

Dream Interpretation Missing Husband dreamed of why you dream about your missing husband? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see your husband missing in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Lost

If in a dream you have lost something insignificant, a small household item, this portends that you will take the wrong steps, trying to gain authority and gain favor among your new friends.

A serious loss of valuables as a result of theft or robbery is a guarantee that in reality you will not lack anything and everything will be more than fine.

The loss of a passport or other documents that you simply lost - such a dream foreshadows that you will have to be more critical of your own shortcomings.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Hugging and kissing your husband when meeting or seeing him off is a sign of complete understanding and love between spouses, peace and harmony in the family.

If in a dream you give your husband a letter addressed to him, having previously familiarized yourself with its contents secretly from your spouse, this foreshadows a divorce and division of property through the courts.

If your husband came home from work tired and also sick, such a dream foreshadows troubles and lack of money. A cheerful and energetic husband returning from hunting or fishing means prosperity in the home and new acquisitions.

A dream in which you accuse your husband of cheating speaks of your overly biased attitude towards him in real life. If in a dream your husband leaves his family in your care, and himself disappears for several days in an unknown direction, without deigning to give any explanation, such a dream means a temporary discord in the relationship between you, which, however, will soon be replaced by complete agreement.

A quarrel with your husband because of your addiction to alcohol should make you think about the origins of this weakness of your spouse - is it not in your behavior that they lie?

Burying your husband in a dream foreshadows the arrival of his friends, because of which the apartment will temporarily turn into an inn and at the same time a drinking establishment.

A dream in which you leave your husband for another person can bring you big troubles in real life due to your too sharp and long tongue.

If in a dream your husband goes on a business trip, and you act according to the classic scheme, receiving your lover on your marital bed, in reality your excessive coquetry will give your husband a reason to suspect something is wrong.

For a young girl, a dream in which she sees herself married does not promise her marriage in the near future.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

A quarrel with your husband means his trust and respect for you.

Such a dream may also portend some troubles outside the family.

If a wife dreams of a very affectionate husband, problems may arise in the family.

If a woman dreams that her husband left her for no apparent reason, in reality this means a short-term cooling of the relationship, which, in any case, will be replaced by mutual attraction and agreement.

If you dreamed about your husband being sick or tired, this means that one of your relatives is ill.

If you see your husband cheerful and cheerful, life will open up brilliant prospects for you.

There will be material well-being in the house.

If you dreamed that your husband was in love with another woman, not all is well in the family.

It is possible that your relationship is too monotonous and something needs to be changed in it.

If married woman dreamed that she fell in love with another man - she is lonely in the family or does not receive satisfaction from intimate relationships with her husband.

If a girl dreamed that she got married, she should pay more attention to her appearance and think about her dignity.

If you dreamed that your husband was leaving, but when leaving home he seemed to become taller - the dream foreshadows that close people will be against your marriage and you will have to fight for your happiness.

If you dreamed of a scandal in which not only your husband, but also another woman is involved, this means divorce or significant losses.

If you dreamed that your husband was killed as a result of a scandal, this is a very bad dream.

If a husband dreams that he is fighting with her, peace will come to the family.

If a wife caresses her husband, it means profit.

Dream Interpretation - Husband, man

For a woman to see in a dream that her husband, lover or close friend got married is a prediction that separation and loneliness will soon await her.

If you dream that you are looking for your husband, but he is not there, or you call him, but he has turned his back to you and does not respond, or that he has left you, then your relationship is ruined. Mutual understanding and tender affection have been lost between you. And if you have a hard time, your husband will not support you.

Seeing him in a dream as painfully pale, unlike himself, means that troubles await you, because of which you will lose peace and sleep. Seeing your husband handsome (without frills) and pleasant in a dream is a sign of joy and pleasant troubles.

A dream in which you saw that your husband is infatuated with another lady tells you that you should pay more attention to him in order to make your life together more attractive and interesting, since your husband is currently dissatisfied with his life with you. Quarreling and swearing, fighting with him in a dream is the opposite dream, which foreshadows joyful events and peace in the house. Seeing your husband killed in a dream means that you yourself can create a situation in the family, followed by divorce. What to do in a man's dream women's work- a sign of troubles, losses, stagnation in business. Sometimes such a dream predicts death from an accident for the sleeper. Seeing a man with a white beard in a dream means that you should take care of your health.

Seeing a dead man on the street in a dream is a sign that you will be able to find a new source of enrichment. Sometimes such a dream means that your worries and troubles will soon end. Seeing your husband dead in a dream is a sign of loss and great misfortune. Seeing a lot of men in a dream is a sign that you will not find a place for yourself. If a woman dreams of a young, pleasant-looking man and speaks to her, then changes in her personal life will soon await her. Remember this person's words and what he looks like. If your impression of him in a dream is pleasant, then such changes will occur. And vice versa. Seeing a freak in a dream and getting scared is a sign of anxiety, trouble and grief. Sometimes such a dream means that close person will betray or deceive you. See interpretation: beard, freak, stranger, dead man.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

If the husband is healthy, cheerful, and looks good, this is a sign of family well-being.

Pale, thin, sad - to the illness of one of the family members.

Seeing your husband dead is a great misfortune.

Quarrel, even fight with your husband - to peace and harmony.

If your husband leaves you for no reason in a dream, then in reality there will be a temporary cooling between you.

If you dream that your husband is leaving for another woman, you must fight monotony and routine family life, because your relationship suffers from it.

Leaving your husband and falling in love with someone else means loneliness in the family and dissatisfaction.

If a girl dreams that she is married, she should be more concerned about her attractiveness to men.

Feasting with your husband means separation.

Intimacy is someone else's interference in business, someone else's influence.

Traveling with your husband means loss of property.

Giving your husband something to drink is good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

A husband and wife beat each other and fight - foreshadows the imminent establishment of a harmonious relationship.

Husband and wife share hairpins, head decorations - portends separation in

A husband and wife enter the market - foreshadows the acquisition of real estate.

Husband and wife feasting together - portends separation.

Husband and wife greet each other with a ritual bow - foreshadows separation.

Husband and wife scold each other - portends illness.

If you go somewhere with your spouse (wife), there will soon be a misfortune.

The wife gives her husband water - happiness.

A wife and husband give each other combs - portends happiness.

A man or husband suddenly turns into a nun - misfortune.

Hug your husband - portends a happy event.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Arguing with your husband means a happy family life. Your husband left you - the end of a protracted quarrel. Accuses of infidelity - earn the respect and recognition of relatives. Fighting means getting rid of a serious illness. A fatal quarrel - avoid divorce. You are offended by your husband - prosperity awaits your home and life will open new horizons for you. Filed for divorce - a quick establishment of harmonious relationships. Swearing at a party with friends means traveling together. If a widow dreams, you will get married again. Unmarried - you will have a new admirer. Sleeping with your husband means prosperity. With a stranger - a profitable financial offer from a business partner. Husband cheats - acquisition of property.

Imagine that you and your husband are walking along a wide, flat road. The sun is shining on you.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

If a woman dreamed that her husband was leaving her for no apparent reason, then a short-term alienation would arise between her and her husband, which would sometimes be replaced by complete agreement.

Oddly enough, a dream in which your husband showers you with undeserved accusations is very favorable: it promises trust and respect in real life.

If you dreamed of a husband who was pale and tired, then one of your loved ones may get sick.

But a cheerful husband who appears in a dream will bring prosperity to your home and open up new horizons for you.

If you dream that your husband is in love with someone else, you should look critically at your life to see if it is too monotonous.

But when you yourself dream that you have fallen in love with another, then you are alone in the family and are not satisfied with your position.

A girl who sees herself in a dream as a married lady should take care of her appearance.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

If you dreamed that your husband was cooking something, someone fell in love with you. To prevent this love from leading to conflicts with your husband, take a bath with rose petals at night.

If you dreamed that your husband died, someone is trying to take him away from you. To keep your family together, give your husband a keychain or pendant with your photo and make sure he wears it.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Your husband leaves you for no apparent reason - a short-term estrangement between you, which will be replaced by a wonderful time of agreement;
quarrel with your spouse, he showers you with undeserved accusations - a favorable dream, trust and respect in real life, but there is a threat of danger from a completely different side;
seeing your husband dead means great sorrow;
pale, tired - illness in the circle of your loved ones;
cheerful - prosperity in the house, life will open new horizons for you;
Your spouse is in love with someone else - the dream encourages you to critically reconsider the usual way of your home - is your life monotonous?
for a woman - to love another is the true state of your spirit, you are alone in the family or are not satisfied with your position;
for a girl - to be married - take care of your attractiveness and dignity;
your husband leaves you, but, moving further and further away, he seems to become taller - your environment will prevent you from achieving harmony in your relationship, fight the obstacles to your happiness;
Your spouse, in company with another woman, is involved in a scandal, as a result of which he is killed - the danger of divorce or other losses, ordinary everyday troubles.
Also see Hug.


Missing sister

Dream Interpretation Missing Sister dreamed of why you dream about your missing sister in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see your sister missing in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Seeing your sister in a dream means unforeseen difficulties, troubles and worries. If in a dream you and your sister quarrel, this foreshadows the collapse of all hopes for the future, an unrealistic promise. If you dream that you are saying goodbye to your sister, this means that a period is coming in your life when you can rely solely on your own strengths, without expecting outside help. A dream in which you see your sister dying promises you a deterioration in your financial situation.

If in a dream you see your half-sister, this means that a period is coming in your life when everyone has a desire to advise you and take an interest in your affairs, and actively interfere in your affairs.

By the way, the famous archaeologist G. Gilprecht for a long time could not read the scattered ancient Sumerian text on two fragments of agate found during excavations. This find was mentioned in the book he had just written and which he was supposed to take to the publisher the next day. However, without deciphering the ancient Sumerian inscription, the text of the book turned out to be incomplete. Therefore, Gilprecht sat in his office until late the day before, unsuccessfully sorting out and comparing various options translations of this inscription. The archaeologist did not notice how he dozed off in his chair. In a dream, he saw a middle-aged man wearing ancient Sumerian priestly robes standing next to him. At the sight of this man, Gilprecht was surprised and hastily stood up, but not from the chair, but from some stone step on which he found himself sitting.

The man ordered the archaeologist to follow him, promising to help him. Although the stranger spoke not at all in the ancient Sumerian dialect, but in English, this did not surprise the sleeping Gilprecht at all. The scientist and the priest walked for a short time along a deserted street and passed several huge buildings located quite close to each other. Gilprecht and his strange companion entered one of these massive houses, which seemed larger than the others. They found themselves in some kind of hall with dim lighting. When Gilprecht asked where they were, the guide replied that they were in Nipur, between the Tigris and Euphrates, in the temple of Bel, the father of the gods.

The archaeologist knew about this temple. During the excavations, it was not possible to find the treasury - a room that, as scientists knew, was located at the temple. When the scientist turned to his guide with a similar question, he silently took him to a small room in the depths of the temple. In this room, in a wooden chest, there were several pieces of agate, among which were the two pieces found during the excavations. The priest said that these pieces were parts of a cylinder donated by the temple manager Kurigalzu. The cylinder was sawn to make ear ornaments for a statue of a god, and one piece split. On it were those inscriptions that were part of the whole text. At the request of the archaeologist, the priest read this text, dating back to 1300 BC. e. Gilprecht, who woke up, wrote down his dream and the exact transcript of the text.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To irritation, anger due to one’s own fault, change.

The departure of a sister always means happiness; seeing a dead sister means lack of certainty about the future.

An unknown girl declares herself to be your sister - promising the imminent marriage of one of your acquaintances.

If you dreamed about your husband's sister, it means peace and understanding in the family.

Cousin - to family discord.

Dream Interpretation - Lost

If in a dream you have lost something insignificant, a small household item, this portends that you will take the wrong steps, trying to gain authority and gain favor among your new friends.

A serious loss of valuables as a result of theft or robbery is a guarantee that in reality you will not lack anything and everything will be more than fine.

The loss of a passport or other documents that you simply lost - such a dream foreshadows that you will have to be more critical of your own shortcomings.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Sister - dream of a sister - fortunately. “I dream about my sister - you will receive a gift” - tit - household chores; guests; true love.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

The images of brothers and sisters in your dream can be understood in two ways.

Firstly, it is often a simple reflection of related feelings and related worries.

However, in in a broad sense the image of a brother and sister in a dream: this is a reflection of your own self.

A conflict with a brother or sister in this sense means internal discord, fraught with failures and mistakes in reality.

Seeing your brothers and sisters full of strength and rejoicing at this: foretells a successful course of affairs for you.

Seeing them sad is a sign of approaching misfortune.

Cousins, sister - uncertainty of relationship with a person.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To meet your sister is to feel someone’s care or to find yourself in circumstances from which only family ties with someone can help you get out of them safely.

If your sister will get married in a dream.

Perhaps even yourself.

Seeing a half-sister means experiencing intrusive guardianship.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Seeing your own sister in good health in a dream means good relations with relatives.

Imagine that you are giving your sister a nice gift, such as earrings with precious stones.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Seeing a half-sister means intrusive guardianship and a painful inspection. Also see Cousin.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

If you dreamed about your sister, your dream means that in reality you will be faced with the betrayal of a person close to you.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Sister - to a scandal.


Missing suitcases

Dream interpretation of missing suitcases dreamed of why you dream about missing suitcases? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see missing suitcases in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Suitcase

An empty suitcase means you are wasting your time. While you are thinking, your competitors are in full swing. Full of things - your associates and colleagues are going to set you up. You will have to be responsible for all their mistakes and shortcomings. Packing a suitcase in a dream means unfavorable changes await you. Unpacking a suitcase means quarrels in the family and troubles at work. Buying a suitcase - your self-will and pride can cause a major failure, as a result of which everyone will suffer. Checking a suitcase as luggage is a betrayal of a close friend. Receiving a suitcase in the luggage compartment means you yourself will betray your friend, albeit unwittingly. This symbol will only have a positive meaning if you dreamed that you lost or broke your suitcase. This means that very soon your problems will be solved, all at once.

Imagine losing your suitcase or throwing it in the trash - and it is lost forever.

Dream Interpretation - Suitcase

Packing a suitcase in a dream when going to long journey, is a sign of trouble in relations with superiors. Sitting on a suitcase before setting off means a delay in payment of money.

Carrying a very heavy suitcase in a dream means you will have to do work unrelated to your direct responsibilities. Dreaming of a suitcase filled to the brim with money is a sign of disappointment in real life. A discarded suitcase is a sign of discord and uncoordinated actions with business partners.

If in a dream your suitcase with valuable contents was stolen, it means that in reality you will lose something very dear to you. Finding someone else's suitcase is a minor joy, regret about missed opportunities and nostalgic feelings.

Dream Interpretation - Suitcase

A travel suitcase dreams not only of travel, but also of various kinds of failures.

But, if in a dream you were packing a suitcase, you will soon go on a pleasant trip.

If you dream that the contents of your suitcase are in terrible disarray, know that, firstly, you will quarrel with someone, and secondly, you will take a short trip that will bring you neither luck nor joy.

An empty suitcase dreams of disappointment in love and marriage.

If a person who frequently travels on official business dreams that he is checking the contents of his luggage, then success will be on his way.

If he dreamed that the suitcase was small and all the things did not fit into it, then he would have a promotion and material well-being.

A young woman who tries in vain to open her suitcase in a dream will not be able to win the heart of a wealthy man in real life: circumstances will not allow her to succeed.

If in a dream she failed to lock her suitcase, then the trip she had long dreamed of would disappoint her.

Dream Interpretation - Suitcase

A standing or lying suitcase dreams of hard work or departure.

Carrying suitcases means having financial difficulties.

Packing a suitcase means a pleasant trip.

A mess in a suitcase means a quarrel or an unsuccessful short trip.

An empty suitcase is a sign of disappointment in love and marriage.

If you often travel, a dream that you are checking the contents of a suitcase promises you success in business.

If things don't fit, this is a prediction of promotion.

Things that suddenly fall out mean an unexpected turn of events or the fact that someone will closely monitor all your actions and constantly monitor them.

Buying a suitcase means making a new acquaintance; receiving a suitcase with gifts means the joys of love.

Dream Interpretation - Suitcase

Seeing travel suitcases in a dream means travel, as well as failure. Packing your bags means that very soon you will go on a pleasant trip.

Seeing that the contents of your suitcase are in terrible disorder foreshadows a quarrel, as well as some short trip that will end ingloriously for you. An empty suitcase means disappointment in love and marriage.

If a person who often travels on business matters dreams of a suitcase, then for him a promise of success will be a dream about how he checks the contents of his luggage.

If he dreams that the suitcase is small and does not contain all his things, then such a dream promises him a promotion, a reward for his efforts.

If a young woman tries in vain to unlock her suitcase in a dream, this means that in real life she will try to win the heart of a very wealthy man, but circumstances will prevent her from achieving success. If she cannot lock her suitcase in a dream, this means that the desired trip will bring her only disappointments.

Dream Interpretation - Suitcase

receive a suitcase with gifts - love, personal joys (for a woman);
buying a suitcase means a new close friend (for a man);
suitcase in a suitcase - birth or desire to have a child (for a woman).

Dream Interpretation - Suitcase

A suitcase is a symbolic repository of everyday experience, memories, and feelings.

It can also reflect a desire for change.

Sometimes its appearance is associated with female sexuality.

Do you move them from place to place? This means that you already have some kind of life baggage: feelings, experiences, mistakes.

Packing a suitcase means putting thoughts and affairs in order.

Carrying a heavy suitcase means inability to cope with circumstances.

Seeing an empty suitcase means failure in business, a disrupted trip, a break in intimate relationships.

Are you anxiously packing your suitcases and carrying them from place to place? This means that you already have some kind of life baggage: feelings, experiences, mistakes.

The second meaning of the suitcase is a female vaginal symbol.

For a man - in the event of an upcoming choice of a girlfriend.

He can see, for example, two suitcases that in some way (color, size) correspond to his girlfriends.

Taking one of them in his hands, he makes his choice.

One of the meanings of a suitcase is a female vaginal symbol.

A woman may dream about it during pregnancy.

For a man - in the event of an upcoming choice of a girlfriend. He can see, for example, two suitcases that in some way, color, or size correspond to his girlfriends. Taking one of them in his hands, he makes his choice.

Dream Interpretation - Suitcase

Usually foreshadows some kind of change.

It is possible that a new stage is beginning in your life.

More often, however, such dreams mean a simple change of scenery.

If things in your suitcase are in disarray: changes in your life may be unexpected and rapid.

The dream also suggests that the cause of sudden changes may be your own carelessness or fussiness.

An empty suitcase: a sign of a meaningless and useless enterprise. It may be better for you to postpone some of your plans or be more careful in preparing them.

Other people's suitcases seen in your house: they indicate that other people may be the cause of changes in your life.

A dream in which you meet or see off a person with suitcases has the same meaning.

Dream Interpretation - Suitcase

Towards the road, change.

An empty suitcase is an obstacle to a trip.

Packing your suitcase means bringing clarity and order to your affairs.

Carrying a heavy suitcase is a sign that greed is preventing success.

Dream Interpretation - Lost

If in a dream you have lost something insignificant, a small household item, this portends that you will take the wrong steps, trying to gain authority and gain favor among your new friends.

A serious loss of valuables as a result of theft or robbery is a guarantee that in reality you will not lack anything and everything will be more than fine.

The loss of a passport or other documents that you simply lost - such a dream foreshadows that you will have to be more critical of your own shortcomings.