Wrath of the White Lady. The mummy of the “Altai princess” threatens world war? Tattoos and jewelry of the Altai princess

Altai is called the “Cradle of the World,” meaning that it was from here that humanity began its journey. This sacred land still holds many mysteries to this day.

The meaning of the Turochak writings

In 1975, on the steep cliffs off the left bank of the Biya River, seven kilometers from the village of Turochak, amazing two-meter rock paintings were discovered: more than two dozen walking moose.

Stylistic analysis of the images made it possible to attribute them to the Bronze Age and, with a high degree of probability, to associate them with the Karakol culture, which existed in the 2nd century BC. e. But how did these unique for Altai appear? rock paintings, is not completely clear. Distinctive Features Turochak's writings were not only the choice of characters, but also the material with which the drawings were created - red ocher, atypical for Altai petroglyphs.

The researchers were also amazed by the dynamics and expressiveness of the images, which were painted on a steep and difficult-to-reach surface. But the main mystery remains their meaning. What did the ancient “artists” try to tell their descendants?

Woman with tattoo

The sacred Ukok plateau in the south of Altai is a place that attracts both daredevils who decide to test themselves and numerous researchers. His main secret The global scientific community began to discuss it relatively recently, in 1993, when archaeologists under the leadership of Dr. historical sciences Natalya Polosmak, at the excavations of the Ak-Alah burial ground, discovered a mummified body, the estimated age of which is 2.5 thousand years.

The perfectly preserved find allowed scientists to conduct a DNA examination and restore the appearance of the 25-year-old girl. Her facial features were not Mongoloid, but rather resembled European ones. The waist of Princess Ukok was decorated with a red belt - a symbol of a warrior; in her hands she clutched a larch wand - an instrument of “creation of the world”, and her head was crowned with a high headdress with golden braids - an attribute of a woman possessing magical powers and keeping the secret of immortality.

On her body, tattoos of a deer-ibex with the beak of a griffin, a ram with an thrown back head, and a spotted leopard, made in the Scythian “animal” style, were found. All this, as well as a leafy deck, similar to a shaman’s boat, Rotyk, and six “heavenly” horses buried here, indicated that not ordinary person. Altai shamans are sure that this is the body of the legendary ancestor of their people - Kydyn, with the “desecration” of whose burial all the troubles of Altai began.

Academician Vyacheslav Molodin, under whose leadership a large-scale study of the Altai highlands was carried out, is convinced that “this is not a princess, but a representative of the middle stratum of Pazyryk society” of the 6th-3rd centuries BC. e. Perhaps she was a sorceress or healer. However, who the Altai princess really was, as she was called, will remain a mystery.

Eighth wonder of the world

The Ukok Plateau has other secrets. For example, mysterious geoglyphs were discovered here - huge images that can only be viewed from considerable distances, usually from a bird's eye view. It is unclear for what purpose they were created.

The age of geoglyphs is yet another controversial issue. For a long time it was believed that they appeared 1.5-2 thousand years ago, but the latest research has shown that the time of their origin is the 3rd-2nd centuries BC. e. Scientists are also trying to figure out why over such a long period of time geological processes didn't destroy the geoglyphs?

Finally, they have yet to understand the meaning of the “messages.” Although the outlines of many of them are easy to “read”, the idea of ​​​​the ancient artists still remains a mystery. Scientists rightly call geoglyphs the eighth wonder of the world and continue their search, while ufologists are trying to prove their theory about the location of alien airfields in these places.

Altai stonehenge

Thousands of tourists visit the Chui steppe to see the Altai Stonehenge. Five huge boulders up to seven meters high are decorated with petroglyphs - drawings from the time of the Pazyryk culture. One of the blocks differs from the others by the crossbar placed on it, the other is made in the form of a throne-chair.

Researchers are sure that ancient shamans used this place for rituals. In this case, most likely, the stones were specially delivered from other places. A study of their structure showed that the material does not occur in the nearby mountains. According to legend, the boulders were brought by the ancient Scythians from afar, 500 kilometers away.

The age of the Altai Stonehenge presumably dates back to the 8th-6th centuries BC. e. The stones are installed in the direction of the cardinal points and, according to observations, have differently charged electromagnetic fields. Tourists who ventured into the center of the “stone fence” said that it was as if they were being sucked into a funnel. About the true purpose of the Altai stonehenge and its magical power they are still guessing.

"Denisovan" or "Altai man"

Denisovskaya Cave is located in the valley of the Anui River, which the keepers of Altai traditions call “the path to the mysterious Belovodye”. In this world-famous archaeological site, many cultural and historical monuments were discovered. In 2009, among other finds, a phalanx of a little girl’s finger was found, and a little earlier, a molar tooth of an 18-year-old boy.

The artifacts were sent to the M. Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig. The analysis showed that their owners were representatives of a new ancient human population. So far, Russian, American and Canadian scientists are finding it difficult to give an exact answer: whether we are talking about a new species or subspecies, so they use the neutral one - “Denisovan” or “Altai man”.

Presumably a million years ago, it “deviated from the branch of general human development” and evolved in an independent and, as it turned out, dead-end way.

Denisovan genes were not found in any representative modern civilization, with the exception of the Melanesians, whose ancestors, according to scientists, could have had contact with the “Denisovans” in East Asia.

The find completely destroyed the stereotypical idea of ​​the ancient inhabitants of the planet and suggested that 50 thousand years ago Neanderthals lived in the western part of Eurasia, and “Denisovans” lived in the eastern part. Could they interact, and what caused the disappearance of the “Altai Man” - questions for which answers have not yet been found.

Center of the Universe

Many researchers correlate the highest Altai mountain Beluga whale with the sacred Mount Meru. In particular, the Russian philosopher Nikolai Fedorov tried to confirm this theory. Using a map depicting the sacred Mount Meru, dated to the 2nd century BC. e., Turkologist Murat Adzhi developed a popular hypothesis.

One of the arguments was the similarity of location ancient Meru and modern Belukha. At equal distances from Meru were the four then known oceans, and Belukha was equally distant from the Indian, Pacific and Arctic Oceans. Where did the fourth ocean go? It may have existed west of Belukha during Atlantean times, but subsequently disappeared. Other “evidence” includes the possibility all year round observe the Big Dipper and consonance over Altai ancient name Beluga whales - “Uch Sumer” - with the toponym “Meru”.

In search of freedom

In the Russian consciousness, Altai is inseparable from the legendary and mystical country of Belovodye, the abode of freedom and immortality. The popularization of the legend is usually associated with the Old Believers-runners who flocked to Altai in search of better life and showed the way to everyone who was thirsty with the help of “guidebooks”, where the path to Belovodye was described in an allegorical form. Russian scientist and philosopher Nicholas Roerich associated the Slavic idea with Buddhist legends about Shambhala. He declared the unity of Altai, India and Tibet and was confident that they were components of one energy system that had been preserved since the times of Atlantis. Is it possible today to find a way to the Land of Justice and Virtue? The search for an answer to this question lies, rather, in the field of spiritual knowledge.

As soon as the news of the discovery and the upcoming opening of the ice lens of the burial chamber reached foreign archaeologists, the expedition was immediately replenished with specialists from Zurich, archaeologists from the Belgian royal museum, a graduate student from Harvard, a student from Japan and, of course, a correspondent National Geographic and the discovery of the Mummy of the Altai Princess became international.
Interesting find
There is no doubt that scientists are curious people, and they were simply torn by this feeling. It took almost a week for the ice block to melt. A lot of hot water was poured on her. And at the end of the work, the scientists were delighted to discover an amazing find. The remains of six horses harnessed together first appeared before the eyes of the researchers. A leaping lion was embroidered on one of the pillows. There is no arguing that this find is one of the most significant in recent times.

If you believe myths Ancient China , then it says that the horses were called “qilin”, which translated meant “heavenly”. The people believed that they were the ones capable of performing the ritual of ascension of humanity to great heights. Next, the burial chamber, consisting of deciduous wood, was thawed. Inside, the floor was lined with black felt fabric, on which stood several vessels, which were an obligatory attribute of the burial ceremony. Near the wall there was a large block of wood, on which there was a lid driven in with bronze nails. Looking inside, scientists discovered ice. It was in “coffins” of this type that only people of noble birth were buried.

An autopsy will show
After opening the deck, it immediately becomes clear that the bones of a young girl are located there. She was covered with a fur blanket, which was decorated with precious metal foil. On the young lady’s body was a large shirt, made entirely of expensive fabric, and the belt was made of raspberry brushes. The legs were decorated with long boots made of felt fabric, which were painted with a “vegetal” pattern. Altai mummy before her death she wore a wooden hryvnia around her neck, covered, of course, with gold. Not far from the remains, a mirror made entirely of bronze was discovered, as well as various dishes and jewelry. Inside the girl were all kinds of herbs, and on her head was a wig made of horse hair.

Of course, later large number There is almost no skin time left. But only left hand gave scientists hope - the remains of skin, slightly covered with tattoos, were found on it. As it turns out later, during her lifetime the mummy had several tattoos in the form of animals.

There is no doubt that such an interesting discovery by scientists was able to arouse intense public interest. The mummy was named " Altai princess“, although the researchers did not give any exact answer regarding belonging to a rich family. Most likely, during her lifetime the girl was a healer. It was necessary for such persons to live their entire lives alone, without a husband or children. But, as excavations show, there is no exact answer to who the girl was during her life.

According to local old-timers, the girl was a legend. Her name was Kydyn. She was the ancestress, therefore, her body was not recommended to be disturbed in any way.

Serious accident
An order came - all research scientists should be urgently gathered in Novosibirsk. But, unfortunately, they failed to reach their destination. The thing is that the plane, where both the researchers and the mummy were, had to land urgently. This failed and he crashed. Unfortunately, all crew members died, but the mummy remained unharmed.

Now scientists from Novosibirsk have continued to study the girl’s remains. After conducting tests, it was found that the race of the mummy was Caucasian. Several years later, the excitement around the remains still could not subside. Altai old-timers and shamans tried in every possible way to prove that the best solution would be to deliver the mummy to their homeland, to Altai.

Sweet "afterlife" revenge
The indigenous peoples of Altai have always tried to fight archaeologists, explaining that during excavations a huge curse could arise that could kill all life on the planet. Allegedly people disturbed the peace higher powers. Every culture in the world says that there is no need to dig up graves, since not only the one who does this will be punished, but also others who do not oppose the actions.

Of course, archaeologists try to treat shamans with a smile, because they believe that no curses exist and that nothing threatens them. History says that there were situations when the dead took revenge on living people. The most famous public incident occurred with the ship " Titanic" It was on him that on his fateful day the mummy Princess Amen-Ra transported to the United States of America. Everyone knows what happened to the ship.

Looking through historical documents, you can find out that the famous Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun killed more than twenty people after his death, since it was they who began to disturb his peace in the next world. Another case is the Iceman mummy, which was found in the Alps. She was able to send six people to the next world who decided to encroach on her.

Of course, the found remains of the princess also began to take revenge on humanity. It is a known fact that after the grave was opened, a whole wave of all kinds of incidents and disasters fell on Altai.

One of the most famous disasters is the earthquake that took place in 2003. Even after it, there were some tremors, which happened five times a day. After this there were heavy rains, flooding the streets and destroying houses. After such catastrophes, not every human psyche can endure, therefore, there were many suicides. Local old-timers said that such serious disasters were precisely because of the excavations of researchers. The authorities made an attempt to convince people that this was not so. Geologists, seismologists and various other scientists appeared on television trying to prove that no curse exists. But such arguments were completely unconvincing to the Altai shamans.

Indigenous peoples honor their traditions, so they put all their efforts into bringing the mummy back. They are still pagans. They drew up a petition, which was signed by more than five thousand people. The main goal is the return of the ruler to her native land, because it was she who protected the peace of the entire people. All researchers and scientists believe that the place of this mummy is exclusively in the museum. They are sure that the remains of an ancient girl are great value for history.

This question has been haunting local residents for a long time. And it became especially aggravated this year after severe flooding and unprecedented hail. The public saw a mystical background in the cataclysms and demanded... to bury the mummy found in the Altai mountains 21 years ago.

Curse of Ukok

Excavations on the Ukok plateau (a plateau on the border with China and Mongolia) began in 1993 by Natalya Polosmak, an employee of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the SB RAS. Her attention was then attracted by a dilapidated mound, and the archaeologist’s instincts did not let her down. A wooden burial chamber filled with ice was discovered in the mound. It was opened for several days, melted with hot water from mugs. And when they opened it, they gasped (see infographic). Judging by the surroundings of the burial, the deceased during her lifetime was a noble person, most likely a priestess. She was wearing a headdress with gold details, holding a larch wand in her hands, and her hands were decorated with a tattoo depicting an Altai griffin. Undoubtedly, it was a sensation. Thanks to the ice, the mummy was perfectly preserved. Further research showed that the woman lived more than 2,500 years ago and died at the age of 25.

But then scientists had a different concern: how to avoid conflicts with the local population? It formed a cordon to prevent excavations. “Through one little girl who lived in the village, there was a prediction: scientists will dig up a noble priestess who will bring misfortune to our land,” says Akai Kine, philologist, zaisan (head) of the Altai family of teles. “The authorities then gave the go-ahead for excavations, but people were against it. They wrote letters and blocked the road. As a result, scientists dug in another place, but the prediction, as you can see, came true.”

Altaians are sure that the woman found by archaeologists is none other than the White Lady, “the guardian of Ak-Kadyn.” According to legends, she guards the gates of the underworld and does not allow spirits and other evil spirits to break into our world, which cannot be called happy anyway. Shamans consider her the ancestor of Altai and the people now living there. And therefore, there is no way to disturb her ashes. The numerous troubles that have befallen the region since then are the revenge of the White Lady, they are sure.

To begin with, when the “Altai princess” (aka “Princess of Ukok”, as
journalists dubbed it) dug up, the earth began to tremble, although scientists deny this. Then the helicopter carrying the mummy made an emergency landing. Well, then a series of disasters began - forest fires and hurricanes, earthquakes and floods... For example, the Chuya earthquake of 2003. Even an increased level of suicides (and a whole epidemic of suicides swept across Altai) local residents associated with the wrath of the “princess.”

When the “Altai princess” (aka “Princess of Ukok”, as journalists dubbed her) was dug up, the earth began to tremble. Photo: RIA Novosti / Alexander Kryazhev

The time has not come

And then came the catastrophic flood of 2014. Dams and bridges were destroyed, populated areas were flooded, thousands of people were left homeless. Several people died. The public, associated with traditional pagan beliefs, again started talking about the “Princess of Ukok”. We remembered some “prophecies”. So, in 2012, during a religious ritual, one believer had a revelation: the “princess” was going to rest for a couple of years, but in the third year she would remind herself. Through another, she “declared” that if she was finally not buried, then she herself would return to her home, and would sail there by boat! There were rumors that water had already flooded the National Museum in Gorno-Altaisk, where the mummy is kept, and had reached its main exhibit.

A sculptural portrait created from the skull of a woman who died 2.5 thousand years ago, whose remains were found during excavations on the Ukok mountain plateau in Altai. Photo: RIA Novosti / Yuri Zaritovsky

“The last straw was the hail, it was the size of chicken egg and beat up a lot of houses and cars,” sighs Akai Kine. “Then we began collecting signatures for the burial of the “Princess of Ukok.” Now there are 20 thousand of them, that’s 10% of the republic’s population! We are not calling for burying it forever. The main thing is to return the mummy to the Ukok plateau, to the burial place. There you can equip a capsule for it, create the necessary conditions for storage, and provide scientists with access to it. We are even ready to raise funds for this!”

Scientists, of course, view the initiative with skepticism. They call it superstition and prejudice. The construction of the museum where the sarcophagus with the “princess” is kept cost 765 million rubles. - a considerable amount. So what, now we should follow the lead of the obscurantists, they ask, and lose unique scientific material? Opponents answer: “Are we obscurantists? And this is just because we ask you not to disturb the ashes of our ancestors? Why don't you dig up your great-grandmother's remains? Is this immoral for you? But it is also immoral for us when our ancestor is taken out of the ground!”

The situation is extremely interesting: scientific approach to reality came into conflict with the worldview of an entire people. What will this lead to? By the way, interpreters of the Altai epic point out that the “zone of influence” of the White Lady extends far beyond the borders of their region. The prophecies, albeit in figurative form, they say, describe events in Ukraine. And even more global cataclysms, up to and including world war. And in the mummy’s tattoos, shamans believe, important information for humanity is hidden. It’s just that the time has not yet come to decipher it.

The most famous mummies in the world

"Princess of Ukok"

Where is: National Museum named after. Anokhina (Gorno-Altaisk, Russia).

History: Found during excavations in 1993. The burial was made in the V-III centuries. BC e. In addition to the mummy, the grave contained the remains of horses with saddles and harnesses, which indicated the high status of the woman. But later, academician V. Molodin refuted the opinion that this is a “princess”: “The mummy belongs to a representative of the middle social class.” In response to public demands to bury the mummy, scientists respond that this is the property of the Ministry of Culture and the decision should be made at the federal level.

“Princess of Ukok” was found during excavations in 1993. The burial was made in the 5th-3rd centuries. BC e. Photo: RIA Novosti / Alexander Kryazhev

Where is: Valley of the Kings (Luxor, Egypt).

History: This pharaoh ruled Egypt in 1332-1323. BC e. and didn’t particularly stand out. It is famous for the fact that his tomb, opened in 1923, was almost untouched by robbers and has survived to this day. Many objects and works of art from that era were found there.

The name of Tutankhamun is associated with the legend of the “curse of the pharaohs.” Following the opening of the sarcophagus, a series of accidents followed, leading to the death of 22 people who were in one way or another involved in the research.

Tutankhamun. Photo: www.globallookpress.com

Where is: Ivolginsky datsan (Buryatia, Russia).

History: June 15, 1927 former Buddhist leader Eastern Siberia plunged into a state of deep meditation, ordering his disciples to “visit him after 30 years.” The body was placed in a cedar box and buried. In 2002, it was removed and no post-mortem changes or signs of decomposition were found. Scientists have not found an explanation for the phenomenon. Now Itigelov’s body is kept in a monastery near Ulan-Ude and serves as an object of worship for thousands of pilgrims. Buddhists believe he is still alive. His “return” is associated with an increase in the level and quality of life in Buryatia.

Hambo Lama Itigelov. Photo: Frame youtube.com

Ötzi (Tyrolean Iceman)

Where is: Archaeological Museum of South Tyrol (Bolzano, Italy).

History: Discovered in 1991 by two German tourists in the Alps. Oldest mummy human, found in Europe, its age is 5300 years. Some scientists believe that Ötzi was a sorcerer during his lifetime: an amulet was found on him. The deaths of 7 people are associated with the mummy.

Ötzi. Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org


Where is: Lenin Mausoleum (Moscow, Russia).

History: The founder of the Bolshevik party and the Soviet state died in 1924. It was decided to preserve his body by embalming. Historians believe that the idea belonged to Stalin, who wanted to create a new religion for the proletariat. But there is an opinion that in those years many believed: soon scientists would learn to resurrect the dead and Lenin would be revived. Now the mummy is regularly processed. Experts believe that with proper care it can last indefinitely. There are many mummies embalmed in a similar way: this is a doctor N. Pirogov, politicians Ho Chi Minh, Mao Zedong, Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il etc.

Reproduction of the painting "V.I. Lenin in the Mausoleum". People's Artist RSFSR Evgeny Aleksandrovich Katsman. Central Museum of V.I. Lenin in Moscow. Photo: RIA Novosti / S. Kogan

18 years ago, archaeologists excavated a Scythian mummy in the Altai Mountains. She was dubbed the Altai Princess. Today the Altai people demand that the mummy be buried back. So that earthquakes and various disasters stop.

In the summer of 1993, archaeologists from the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, under the leadership of Natalya Polosmak, carried out excavations on the Ukok plateau. The high-mountain plateau of Utok in the south of Altai, located at an altitude of about 3 kilometers above sea level, has long been considered a sacred territory here. It is here, at the foot of the great Tabyn-Bogdo-Ola mountains, that the indigenous Altai people believe that the upper world, the “second layer of heaven,” is located. Getting here is quite difficult: from a helicopter you can see a stunningly beautiful and at the same time eerie view of giant, inaccessible boulders, steep bare rocks, cut by the Ak-Alakhi River. Perhaps there is no place in Altai more fantastic and unearthly. It is here that, back in the days of the ancient Scythians, it is believed that creatures with supernatural abilities lived many millennia ago. One of the objects of research, and far from the most promising, was the Ak-Alah-3 mound. Researchers did not expect to find anything special here, because the grave was considered partially destroyed, not only by private individuals, but also by the military, who in the mid-60s of the last century took material here to build fortifications during the conflict with China.

The burial chamber was opened under the guns of video cameras and cameras. Not just one day. At first, the researchers' expectations were justified - they managed to discover a ruined burial site from the late Iron Age. When it was cleared, it turned out that under the first burial there was a truly ancient grave. What made the find truly sensational was the fact that inner part The burial site turned out to be filled with ice, which allows the remains to be preserved for thousands of years. To remove objects from the grave, scientists melted the burial, which was a wooden frame, with hot water for several days. Six horses lay in the ice - under saddles, with harnesses. And another wooden block, nailed with bronze nails. Noble people were buried in such logs, carved from larch.

As a result, scientists were able to discover the mummy of a young woman about 2.5 thousand years old. Almost immediately, scientists concluded that the mummy belonged to the so-called Pazyryk culture, which flourished in the territory of modern Altai Mountains in the 6th - III centuries B.C. The discovery of mummies belonging to this culture, generally speaking, is not something unique - for example, the mummy of a leader from the same time period, which is now kept in the Hermitage, was discovered in Altai in 1950, and the first such finds date back to 30 -years of the last century. In fact, traces of the Pazyryk culture are scattered everywhere on the territory of the Ukok plateau. The mummy was lying on its right side, its legs slightly bent. The conditions in the burial allowed even the clothes on the woman to be preserved - she was dressed in a woolen skirt, silk shirt and fur coat. Numerous tattoos were found on the mummy’s hands, namely on the left shoulder there was a sacred sign - the so-called Altai griffin. The woman's age at the time of death was about 25 years old, and her height was approximately 170 centimeters.

Who is she? Local residents claim that they always knew about the burial of their ancestress named Kydym on the Ukok plateau, but did not dare to disturb her sacred sleep. Novosibirsk geneticists have managed the almost impossible. They isolated a non-dead gene from the mummy tissue and concluded: the princess does not belong to any of the known Mongoloid races inhabiting the Earth. She cannot be the ancestor of the Altai people. Her appearance was more reminiscent of European. It can also be argued that the lady rode dashingly on a horse and skillfully shot a bow.

The ancient Greek historian Herodotus, a contemporary of the mysterious princess, wrote about the Scythian tribes inhabiting the Altai Mountains, who could turn into vultures “guarding gold.” These unknown creatures were distinguished by their tall stature and “unearthly” appearance. Neither you have slanted eyes, nor wide cheekbones, like the Chinese or Altaians. Their “portraits” are again very close to the ancient Chinese descriptions of the “sons of heaven.”

Herodotus writes that the Scythians had their own “kings,” headed by the “foremother,” “the mistress of the Scythians.” In the graves of this period, many images of long-eared griffins were found - mythological creatures guarding gold. By the way, there are especially many of them on the Ukok plateau. But only one of them, and the largest one, was applied to the human body. Thus, there is almost no doubt that the princess with a vulture on her shoulder, made in the Scythian animal style, was the same Great Priestess of the Scythians.

The fact that six red horses, decorated with strange metal objects, were buried along with the woman also speaks of the uniqueness of the burial. According to Chinese mythology, such horses were called “qilin” - heavenly, capable of lifting a person to transcendental heights. They were a cross with a griffin and were associated with the image of the Mother Goddess, who gave birth to the entire human race.

It is worth paying attention to the unusual attire of the Scythian woman. Clothing made of the finest silk, a material practically never used in these parts, is framed by a thick red belt. Archaeologists believe that such a belt is a sign of a warrior and initiate. And the larch stirring stick found in her hands is an extremely important ritual symbol: even in pre-Buddhist times, such sticks were considered an instrument for the creation of the world and were placed in the hands of the highest divine persons. A tall headdress with gold braids of a complex shape speaks of the magical power of the Altai Princess, a goddess who, according to ancient beliefs, kept the secrets of the Creation of the World and immortality.

The great Scythian woman, however, died like an ordinary earthly woman. Who interred her with all honors? Who “inherited” her secret knowledge? Where, in the end, did the mythical gold of the Scythians, which has been sought unsuccessfully for many centuries, go? Was the princess a messenger from heaven or an ordinary wise earthling?

Princess of Discord

As it turned out, it was this find that triggered the process, in which, in addition to scientists, they took all possible part public organizations, prosecutor's office and legislative assembly of the Altai Republic.

The fact is that after the discovery of the mummy, one of the scientists or journalists (who exactly is now no longer possible to establish) stated that the discovery of the mummy was the greatest archaeological find of the late 20th century. It was probably these loud words that attracted the attention of the Altai public, who, in a fit of indignation, stated that the archaeologists had not told them anything new - they say, local residents had already known about this grave for a long time. And this mummy has nothing to do with the Pazyryk culture, because these are the remains of the great warrior and sorceress Kydym - the ancestor of modern Altai people (it was then with light hand local journalists dubbed the mummy the Princess of Ukok). And since she is an ancestor, she must be immediately returned to her place and buried.

Some time later, scientists aggravated the situation by analyzing the remains, which, after excavations, were transported to Novosibirsk. Facial reconstruction and subsequent DNA analysis made it possible to establish that the girl, whose remains were discovered on the Ukok Plateau, belonged to the Caucasian race. This did not come as a surprise to the archaeologists themselves - they already knew that most of the representatives of that same Pazyryk culture were similar to modern Europeans, fortunately, research in this direction had been carried out since the 30s of the last century. However, members of the public were surprised. Without losing their patriotic spirit, however, they told the scientists:

“...Despite the statements of some leaders of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography that burials in the mounds of the Scythian era “are not your ancestors,” we think differently. The far-fetched thesis of the absence of a genetic connection with the people of Altai is a tendentious approach to history Turkic peoples. We are against turning the Altai land into one ugly excavation pit. We must return the embalmed body of a young woman removed from the mound to its resting place. No scientific interests can or should outweigh the religious and moral feelings of an entire people."

Very soon they began to refer to the mummy every time opportunity. For example, earthquakes began on the territory of the Altai Republic - this is Kydym taking revenge on his descendants. The death of livestock - again the ancestress demands to return her from Novosibirsk to her homeland.

Of course, since issues of patriotism were raised, politicians could not stay away from lively discussion. They supported the opinion of the shamans and demanded that the mummy be returned to its place. And to prevent this from happening again, in 1998 it was decided to ban excavations on the Ukok Plateau, declaring it a “territory of peace.” The ban had no formal force, since excavation issues are within the competence of the federal government, but the obstacles created local authorities authorities and the population, led to the fact that excavations actually stopped.

Altai has more than once delighted archaeologists with amazing historical artifacts, because mountain burials are perfectly preserved in permafrost. The most famous find was the burial of the “Princess of Ukok”, which, as they say in the Urals, was protected by an ancient curse.

In 1993, Novosibirsk archaeologists explored the Ak-Alakha-3 mound on the Ukok plateau, Altai Republic. The mound had long been plundered and was in a dilapidated state, and scientists did not expect anything sensational. At first they came to a ruined Iron Age burial ground, but underneath it they unexpectedly discovered another, more ancient one. The burial was untouched; its interior was filled with ice. Now archaeologists understand: the mound, contrary to their expectations, can present many surprises. The news of the discovery instantly spread around the world: soon scientists from Switzerland, Belgium, Japan and the USA, as well as National Geographic journalists, arrived at the excavation site.

Experienced members of the expedition, led by Doctor of Science Natalya Polosmak, were curious, however, in order not to damage the contents of the mound, they had to act very carefully. It took several days to melt the huge block of ice using hot water. When the job was done, under a layer of ice, scientists discovered six horses with saddles and harnesses, as well as a wooden block, inside which was a well-preserved mummy.

She was a young woman about 25 years old. The body lay on its side, legs bent. The clothes of the deceased have been preserved: a shirt made of Chinese silk, a woolen skirt, a fur coat and stockings-boots made of felt. All signs pointed to the burial belonging to the Scythian Pazyryk culture, widespread in Altai two and a half thousand years ago.

Appearance the mummy testified to the peculiar fashion of those times: a horsehair wig was worn on his shaved head, his arms and shoulders were covered with numerous tattoos. In particular, on the left shoulder was depicted a fantastic deer with the beak of a griffin and the horns of a capricorn - a sacred Altai symbol.

Of course, the find caused considerable public outcry. The press immediately dubbed the girl the “Altai Princess” or “Princess of Ukok.” However, scientists considered such statements reckless: neither the size of the mound nor the deceased’s belongings (with the exception of an expensive silk shirt) indicated that she was noble birth. Although the Altai girl cannot be called a commoner. Apparently, she was the owner of some kind of “secret knowledge” - for example, a healer and a fortune teller.

The mummy was urgently taken to Novosibirsk, where its study continued. Local specialists were joined by guests from Moscow - employees of the Research Institute at the Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin. Analysis of the remains showed that the “princess” belonged to the Caucasian race. The girl was buried several months after her death - in March-April, when her life was cut short. short life. Special balms, wax and mercury were used to mummify the body.

Local shamans said that the archaeologists did not tell them anything new: they had long known about this burial, sacred to them. The deceased, they said, is their legendary ancestor Kydyn (another name is Ochy-Bala). The body, therefore, needs to be returned from Novosibirsk to Altai and no longer disturbed. The archaeologists’ arguments that genetically “Kydyn” had no relation to the modern inhabitants of the republic did not work. Even with time, the hype around " Altai princess" didn't subside.

Before the elections in the Altai Republic, some politicians and parties promised to return the shrine if they won. In 1998, the local Kurultai, without any authority, declared Ukok a “quiet zone” - from now on, excavations here were prohibited. Numerous media outlets continued to circulate information about the “curse of the Altai princess” - they say that disturbing the peace of the mummy caused numerous troubles and cataclysms. These include the earthquake that occurred in Altai in 2003 and even the monetization of benefits.

The decision of local parliamentarians on the “quiet zone” was subsequently canceled. And in September of this year, the aspirations of thousands of Altai residents finally came true: accompanied by shamans, the mummy was returned to “ small homeland».

Now the sarcophagus with the “Princess of Ukok” is stored in National Museum named after Anokhin in Gorno-Altaisk. The museum building was thoroughly restored, and a separate extension was built for the “princess”. The sponsor of all this was the Gazprom company. The head of the company, Alexey Miller, grand opening Grateful Altai residents presented the museum with the highest republican order and presented a horse. And the orchestra performed a specially written ode to Gazprom in the Altai language.