Watch anime horror cartoons online. Watch anime horror

Although the Japanese are great at horror and, of course, they invented anime, scary anime are still rare. However, even in the horror genre, which is quite exotic for anime, there are worthy representatives. So, a list of the scariest anime.

15. Urotsukidouji (1989)

Not just some run-of-the-mill demon. Superdemon!

Hentai classic. The time has come for the Superdemon to incarnate. And to be incarnated not just in anyone, but in a lustful Japanese schoolboy who regularly fucks cute classmates. The problem is that the birth of the Overdemon means the onset of the Apocalypse and the death of the entire world... In addition to the voluptuous tentacles, Urotsukidoji captivates with its titanic scope, the highest artistic performance and truly impressive demons.

13. Danganronpa (2013)

Only scions of the richest families and young stars of show business and sports are accepted into the Academy "Peak of Hope". True, the lucky ones barely have time to cross the threshold of the school before they lose their senses. Having come to their senses, they find themselves in the assembly hall. A teddy bear named Monokuma appears before them, declaring that the only way to get out of school is to kill his neighbor. And kill in such a way as not to leave evidence. But that's not all. Gradually, the terrible truth is revealed to the schoolchildren: the world outside the walls of the school has been destroyed by a sect, bringing humanity Despair...

Danganronpa has a good plot. But, since this is an anime, you have to come to terms with the idea that a glamorous 15-year-old schoolgirl is able to think through and implement complex plan to take over the world. And not for the sake of profit or power, but in the name of higher ideological goals. Nya!

12. Mononoke (2007)

The mysterious Apothecary destroys evil spirits (mononoke, hence the name of the series). The Apothecary himself is also not human and is apparently immortal, since the action of the series takes place sequentially in different time periods over the centuries - from ancient to modern Japan. The main features of “Mononoke” are a love for Japanese folklore, truly creepy monsters and unusual for anime, but very pleasant art.

11. Hell Girl (2005)

I take revenge, and my revenge is severe!

Are your classmates bullying you? Are you being pursued by an overly intrusive gentleman who is obsessed with youngsters? Argued with your neighbor? The Hellish Correspondence website is at your service. Just go to it at midnight and enter the name of the offender in a special window. Hell Girl will appear and send your enemy to Hell. True, if you use her services, you yourself will go to Hell after death. By the way, Hell Girl has her own sad story connected with the ancient Japanese custom of sacrificing children for the glory of the harvest. Hell Girl is also stunningly beautiful.

10. Ghost Hunt (2007-2008)

As a child, Taro Komori and his older sister were kidnapped for ransom by an attacker. As a result, Taro's sister died, and he himself survived only by a miracle. Even 11 years after the incident, memories of this horror haunt Taro, which is why he is forced to turn to a psychoanalyst. Meanwhile in native village Strange things start happening to the Tarot. People see ghosts, and a suspicious sect performs strange rituals. And the father of one of Taro’s classmates is engaged in mysterious bioengineering experiments...

A good mystical thriller, unfortunately the ending was lost. Because Ryujin, the Japanese dragon god, appears in it for no reason. And everything suddenly becomes good. You can't understand Japan with your mind, yes.

9. When Cicadas Cry (2006)

You've never seen such scary kawaii girls before

15-year-old Keiichi arrives in the quiet village of Hinamizawa, where he makes friends with a warm group of kawaii girls. However, Keiichi soon realizes that the kawaii girls are actually planning to kill him. In order not to be killed, Keiichi takes the bat himself and solves the kawaii girls... However, this is not the end, but only the beginning of a story in which aliens, an alien virus, village elders, an ancient goddess and even the Japanese government are involved. And, of course, bloodthirsty kawaii girls. Nya!

8. School of the Dead (2010)

The happiest day in the life of every schoolchild has arrived - the zombie apocalypse has broken out. All that remains is to take a bat and start crushing and breaking zombie skulls. And during the breaks, I frantically fap on the charms of my classmates and the school nurse, who, by the way, are also good at wielding bats. Sex and violence are eternal values“High School of the Dead” takes it literally and with passion. It's a shame that the second season never came out because the creator passed away. Perhaps he was eaten by zombies. Well, we continue the list of the scariest anime.

7. Berserk (1997)

Dark fantasy Middle Ages. The ambitious young man Griffith wants to seize power in the country and puts together an invincible squad of Falcons. One of his comrades is the invincible Black Swordsman, a valiant warrior named Guts. Gradually, the Falcons achieve great success and are invited to the court. True, by that time Guts begins to suspect that his old friend Griffith is not such a wonderful guy after all...

"Berserk" is a powerful battle, adrenaline and testosterone. The last three episodes, when Griffith shamelessly sends a squad of Falcons to be sacrificed to ancient demons in order to gain supernatural powers, are simply magnificent. Well, there is a moral: if your commander looks like a cutesy gay, then he will behave like a gay. And not in a good way.

6. Agent of Paranoia (2004)

Geeky, mature and truly scary anime. An elusive teenage maniac appears in the city, deftly wielding a baseball bat. After a series of violent attacks, the police begin an investigation. Gradually, the detective involved in the investigation realizes that the guy with the bat is not a living person, but... a certain supernatural creature. Which has something to do with the young girl Tsugiko, the inventor of the super popular toy Maromi. Separately, it is worth noting the brilliant opening of “Paranoia Agent,” which is rightfully included in the 50 best openings of all time.

5. Chaos; Top (2008)

An introverted teenager, a fan of anime and MMORPGs, suddenly witnesses a brutal ritual murder. Then they start hovering around the guy weird girls with equally strange D-swords. One of the girls, for example, swears that she has been friends with the hero since childhood, although he does not remember this at all. For some reason, another asks him to wake up... and the third is simply trying to kill him. Perhaps our hero is a banal schizophrenic. Or he has been living in the Matrix for a long time. Or lying in a hospital in a deep coma. Or... is it something else?

4. Dead Party: Tortured Souls (2013)

Well, where are the pens, where are your pens

An anime adaptation of the famous horror game title Corpse Party. Having carried out some kind of “friendship ritual”, a group of schoolchildren find themselves in parallel reality hellish school. There they begin to be haunted by evil ghosts and a dead girl in a red dress, who looks exactly like Alma from FEAR. If Corpse Party isn't the scariest anime, it is undoubtedly the toughest on this list. Schoolchildren are killed here with gusto and pleasure, cutting off their heads, gouging out their eyes and releasing their entrails. It is worth noting both the dashingly twisted plot and the witty ending.

3. Other (2012)

Quiet boy Koichi moves from Tokyo to the quiet town of Yomiyama and enters school. Everything would be fine, but he is very worried about a strange classmate, whom no one seems to see except him. In addition, Koichi soon hears rumors that 20 years ago the class where he studies was cursed... A very good thriller, in the end - a test hack and slash for schoolchildren. Separately, it is worth mentioning the nightmare school photo of the damned class. And the idea that someone you know has been possessed by the restless dead, which lies at the heart of “The Other,” is quite frightening in itself.

2. Fish (2012)

An interesting and non-standard version of the zombie apocalypse, except instead of zombies there are fish. Namely, in fish and myriads of others sea ​​creatures Mechanical limbs suddenly grew and lungs formed, allowing them to breathe on land. Countless legions of walking fish have infested cities around the world, mercilessly destroying people. The few survivors are desperately trying to survive. The ending of “Fish,” when the suffering heroine ends up on board the liner, is reminiscent of the Japanese horror film “Pulse.”

1. Deceased (2010)

As usual, the little girl is to blame for all the troubles. Nya!

A family of vampires arrives in a tiny Japanese village and begins to feast on local residents. Some die after this for good, but others rise up, turning into the Dead, and also begin to drink blood. Finally, the villagers get tired of these atrocities, they arm themselves with stakes and gasoline, and commit genocide of the Dead. But it’s not at all easy to drive a stake into the chest of someone who just yesterday was your best friend, relative or classmate...

Sometimes human destinies are more interesting than any movie. But still, a rare inhabitant of the planet can boast that in his life at least once a scenario similar to the plot of such films as “Silent Hill” or “Twilight” was realized. And this is certainly good, since it is one thing to passively watch, and another to participate. And there are also people who real characters they prefer drawn ones, and the script should be no worse, or even better, than in an ordinary horror film. These are anime lovers.

Such adult children's fairy tales

Before providing a list of scary anime horrors, it’s worth understanding where the legs come from human passions according to the thrill. All the peoples of the world, even before the advent of writing, chilling legends were passed on from mouth to mouth, fairy tales were composed, which have come to us in an already polished form. For example, the cute fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, if told in an adult way, are unlikely to seem harmless to anyone.

The themes in almost any children's fairy tale are difficult trials and hardships; the narrative is replete with terrible details and cruel moments. All this is intertwined with fear and loss, pain and murder, monsters and evil spirits. What is the cost of the cannibal in the fairy tale “Tom Thumb”, the boiled king in “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, the secret room in “Bluebeard”. Why do people need this, especially children?

What attracts you to horror stories?

From a psychological point of view, the sensations that a person experiences when watching terrible stories are not something he can feel in real life. This is understandable, because civilization imposes certain restrictions on society. Therefore, watching how a maniac pursues his victim, the viewer transforms his own aggression into fear, thereby annulling the latter. In addition, a person gets the feeling that the world around him is not so bad, compared to the abominations that he sees on the screen. Actually, this is a kind of film therapy in which terrible anime are not last place, because the artist’s brush, his imagination, is capable of embodying the ideas of the screenwriter and director in the best possible way.

The benefits of the terrible

As for children and teenagers, for them terrible stories are nothing more than an encrypted message saying that they can find their way and achieve success only after going through certain difficulties. In other words, experience grief in order to experience happiness. Metaphorical meaning of fairy tales, mystical stories, terrifying legends turn out to be more useful than any empty conversations. So it turns out that people are brought up with the help of fairy tales, because there is hardly a person who has never read them.

Are parents doing the right thing by protecting their children from scary anime and cartoons? Of course not. After all, the child will have to grow up in an unsterile world, in which there are problems, grief, death. He will have to face meanness, betrayal, uncertainty and fear. But only after knowing them will he be able to appreciate true friendship and a stable life. Anime clearly shows children the conflicts of life and also encourages them to think.

Cartoons are the cure for problems

Soul experts say that if a child or teenager constantly watches scary anime, then most likely he is deeply worried about something. Thus, he tries to survive the traumatic situation. The task of parents in in this case talk unobtrusively with your child, figure out the problem that is tormenting him (conflicts with classmates, misunderstandings from the teacher, first love). Maybe the child feels different from everyone else, unnecessary, superfluous, and therefore chooses characters that seem to him to be a match for himself? In any case, so that watching horror films does not harm, you need to control age category and the genre of animated films. After all, among anime there are both melodramas and hentai (cartoons with erotic content), so adults should be careful in their choice. And then anime horrors, the list of the most terrible of which will be presented below, will not harm the child’s psyche.

Ratings of scary anime

So, having understood the aspects of the benefits or harm of products of this kind, you can begin to wonder what fans think about it. Of course, there is more than one list (anime horror) of the most scary cartoons, according to the multi-million army of fans of this genre. These could be films different topics, for an audience of different ages, series or full-length films - they have one thing in common: Japanese creators.

There is a more expanded version of the list, the top 50 worst anime horrors, which varies in detail, but invariably includes such masterpieces as:

  • series "Death Note";
  • serial film “School of the Dead”;
  • "Grave of the Fireflies";
  • "Blood: The Last Vampire";
  • "The Girl Who Leapt Through Time";
  • "Princess Mononoke";
  • "Fullmetal Alchemist";
  • "Spirited Away"

Among the anime on this list there are truly frightening films with philosophical overtones, such as the first series listed, and there are also lighter anime with fairy-tale-heroic content (Princess Mononoke).

Treasured ten

The top 10 scariest anime horrors really include standing paintings, a must-see for every connoisseur of the genre.

But for this you need to create a mood. It is advisable to plan to watch it in the evening, sitting comfortably under a warm blanket with your own laptop.


This film tops the anime (horror) list of the scariest cartoon horror films. There are many versions, so there is no single rating approved by everyone, but “Fish” is the leader in most cases. The plot is very nontrivial. After graduating from university, the friends go to Okinawa to relax. Having settled in the summer house of their friend, they had no idea how their vacation would turn out for them. One day, the girls are attacked by a nightmare fish that can move on land...


Under such an innocent name lies a terrible story about orphaned children who took care of each other on their own for many years. But their well-being is disrupted by a fateful meeting: the little sister encounters an unprecedented butterfly. After this, the girl slowly but surely turns into a cruel carnivorous monster.

The mystical series makes you think about many things, about the world in which we live. After death, the boy is resurrected in a strange room, similar to a hotel room, with a beautiful view from the window. But the trouble is that the only furniture in the room is a black ball, and it is not possible to leave the room...


Quite a long, but passing in one breath, the series tells the story of a noble neurosurgeon who saved the life of an innocent boy, who over time turned into a cold-blooded killer.


A very dark series about vampires. They are not told in a romantic way at all. Society faces a problem: in the surrounding villages, residents begin to die out from a general anemia that has mysteriously struck them.

The 2012 series, which tells the story of the favorite of the whole class, who suddenly died. But the point is that her friends have refused to accept this fact for years.

"When the Cicadas Cry"

This film was included in the list of films for a reason. Despite the rather complex and leisurely plot, the animated film is fascinating. The story is about a quiet and peaceful village to which a decent family moves. But behind the apparent idyll lies a real nightmare.

"Ghost Hunt"

The film tells about a mysterious building standing opposite the school, in the dilapidated walls of which something strange has settled...

"Hell Girl"

The plot revolves around a school theme, complex teenage relationships in the classroom. An inconspicuous girl recklessly borrows a large amount from his more successful classmate. She, along with her friends, begins to humiliate and blackmail the debtor. A desperate girl finds a strange website on the Internet. According to the information posted on its pages, you can enter the name of your offender here, and soon he will go straight to hell. But what price will you have to pay for it?

"Elf's Song"

It mixes blood, biorobots, a variety of genres and a lightning-fast change of events. This film has nothing to do with elves. But there are moments related to dismemberment, so it is better to protect children from watching it. Anime-horror, the list of the most terrible of them, this film completes.

The best horror series

Those who want to tickle their nerves with the help of hand-drawn horror films probably know how diverse versions of ratings are put forward by experts. But the films that will be discussed are on every list.

The list of the worst anime horrors in the world can be successfully supplemented by series that have not yet been mentioned in the last section.

  1. "Master Mushi" A somewhat mystical, at times philosophical series about a Master who is able to heal victims of “mushi,” that is, spirits. The world of spirits is shown very realistically and frighteningly, since their almost vegetative life is radically different from human life.
  2. "Ayasaki: Scary Samurai Stories." A classic 11-episode film telling about ancient Japanese horror stories to the accompaniment of national rap. Folklore stories and stylization of Japanese folk frescoes distinguish the series from other similar products.
  3. "Claymore". A very tough series about girls who save ancient world from monsters, ultimately sacrificing himself.
  4. "100 stories". This series is otherwise called “Requiem from Darkness.” The writer meets demon-fighting swindlers, falls in love with a spirit girl and finds himself in many different stories. The 22-episode film contains some humor, which gives it additional charm.
  5. "Death note". The masterpiece anime begins with the fact that he lost a notebook with a list of potential dead. And this valuable document was found by a young man who decides to do justice on his own. But people differ from gods in that they are subject to ambition and temptation. Soon the guy's pride takes precedence over prudence...
  6. "Helsing". The series will focus on the company of the same name, which is engaged in catching vampires and other evil spirits. It was founded by the legendary Abraham Van Helsing, and his granddaughter leads the organization. This topic mainly revolves around storyline, but you can watch the film endlessly.

Thus, we found out which series are worth watching in the horror anime category. The list of the most terrible animated films can be supplemented with the multi-part film “ Tokyo Ghoul" The action takes place in the future, where an ordinary guy is transplanted with the organs of a creature that eats people. Reviews about this anime are encouraging, so it is worth watching for those who like to tickle their nerves.

Full-length horror

It is worth taking a closer look at the following pictures:

  • "Spirited Away": a tale based on the story of a family moving to new home, and suddenly gets captured by an evil witch; The film is aimed at children's age group.
  • “In the Forest of Fireflies”: about the friendship between man and youkai; This mystical drama will appeal to children and teenagers.
  • “Blood: The Last Vampire”: this anime is full of mysticism, bloody scenes, creepy images and a painful atmosphere.
  • “Dee the Vampire Hunter”: an animated film made at the end of the last century, it tells the story of a future world where bloodthirsty vampires will become the masters.

Perhaps this is where we should limit the list of anime (horror). List of the most scary movies, despite any ratings, you can add endlessly, guided by your own taste.

Why anime? Or thoughts on the topic

Finally, let’s ask ourselves the question: why is anime classified as a special category of film production, and not even considered cartoons? In fact, the answer is obvious. What do we mean by the phrase “children's cartoon”? This means simple, elementary, with an accessible meaning. Of course, anime does not fit this definition in any way. Animated films often filled with deep meaning, philosophical overtones, and ambiguous. It’s only in Soviet and, partially, Disney cartoons that everything is divided into good and evil, but you don’t need to think about anything, everything has already been thought out for the viewer.

The next distinctive aspect is the method of drawing images. Among the Japanese it is characteristic and easily distinguishable from others. Huge “mirrors of the soul” are precisely what is needed to reflect the inner, spiritual essence of the hero. And if the character is planning to do something unkind, then the eyes become small and expressionless.

Anime endings almost always leave room for reflection, even if we are talking about a film intended for a children's audience. In this regard, some anime created by the world famous Studio Ghibli, in the sense of a child growing up, can give much more formulaic cartoons.

The only thing parents should worry about is the correct selection of content. We must remember that Japanese culture in some respects it is radically different from what we are used to.

Sometimes, in order for a person to drive fear and apprehension out of his soul, he needs to really tickle his nerves. In such cases, they come to the rescue horror online, which can not only really scare you, but also leave noticeable fear for the next few days. Task best horror – is to create maximum psychological tension in order to subsequently enjoy relaxation. Some works can keep the viewer in suspense until the credits roll, while others, on the contrary, frighten periodically, giving the viewer the opportunity to take a little break from the horror on the screen.

Anime horror They try to adhere to the generally accepted rules of scaring people. The main scare is, as a rule, a mystical creature or a murderous maniac. The main thing for screenwriters is to create a depressing atmosphere and, of course, a hopeless situation. Very often this genre is found in the TOP 100 anime. The hero, falling into the trap of an ominous creature, tries to save his life, despite the tricks of the villain. At the moment when the hero is ready to die with dignity, salvation may unexpectedly come, which can destroy the sinister plans of the killer. Killers are usually very cold-blooded and inhumane. Before the villain can get to the main character, he will take a life huge amount people whose bodies the cameramen will show in close-up.

Unexpected appearance mystical power or killer, can make the heart rattle unusually loudly. Fear, which is a constant companion of the main character, dominates the mind of the viewer who dares to watch horror. On our portal, visitors will be able to find a huge amount of anime fiction about war, mystical, dramatic, mysterious and at the same time terrible stories from the lives of real heroes who found themselves in a hopeless situation and came face to face with a powerful killer. Welcome to anime world fear, death and fearlessness.

KinoPoisk: 6.52 1 437

IMDb: 6.7 10 873

Description: America on the threshold of the Vietnam War. Tensions are rising at Japan's Yokota Air Force Base. But there is a greater danger within the walls of the guarded complex: Vampires! A team of top-secret agents sends a mysterious young girl to destroy them.

Director: Morita Shuhei

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 7.44 7 005

IMDb: 8 24 266

WorldArt: 6.5 539

Description: Having gone through terrible pain, humiliation and a breakdown in life values, Ken Kaneki was reborn. Instead of a clumsy hybrid of a man and a ghoul, something new arose, much stronger and more perfect. Having released and tamed his inner beast, Ken set out on the path of power, but where will it lead? For now, the young fighter is sure of one thing - only absolute strength will allow him to live the way he wants and protect those few who remain dear. The rest are just enemies, prey, and nothing more.

Having accepted the law of the jungle, the grim, gray-haired guy no longer shies away from conflict, but places himself firmly among predators. Such a drastic change interested the secret organization of ghouls, striving for world domination of their race. The increased activity of cannibals forced the authorities to take action - and, as usual, innocent people must suffer, including the peaceful ghouls from the Meeting Place cafe, who once saved Kaneki and took him under protection. Who will the main character be with in difficult times - with old or new friends? Or, as they say, every man for himself?

Director: Matsubayashi Tadahito

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 6.19 135

IMDb: 5.6 111

WorldArt: 6.6 20

Description: For tiny girl Aya, every day is filled with nightmares. She is regularly humiliated at school, which is why she has no friends. The older brother does not protect her, but only makes fun of her and may even beat her. Her parents simply do not pay attention to her, because, like everyone else around her, they do not consider her to be a person. For the heroine, the only salvation is the Internet, which is why she sits at her laptop all day long, just to avoid encountering a negligent relative who is sure that he can independently raise her. At a certain point, she begins to think about suicide, but fate decides otherwise. It seemed at a moment when the situation was absolutely hopeless, the heroine found a strange site. Scrolling through, she begins to immerse herself in this exciting world, and suddenly receives a message from the creator of the Internet resource. The letter offers her a magic wand if she fulfills the conditions set before her. Realizing that this is the only opportunity to change her life, she agrees. Thus, a world of unsolved mysteries and insidious plans opens up before her. But can she survive in this tough and uncompromising world?

Director: Sasaki Tokiyoshi

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 5.8 104

IMDb: 4.9 142

WorldArt: 4.6 198

Description: Surely many have come across such a game as Blue Whale. She has been around for a long time, and was born quite a long time ago. But few managed to dare to play it, because it is the most real game with death. On the other hand, you can’t start on your own; everything happens by chance, after a mysterious message. This is exactly the kind of game that will be discussed in the reporting anime. The audience first meets a young guy named Nobuaki Kanazawa, who happens to be new to the class. He was forced to change his place of study for the reason that his relationships with classmates at his previous school categorically did not go well. Initially, Nobuaki is in no hurry to start meeting new people, but he soon realizes that being constantly alone is not the best option, so he still decides to start contact with others. But the acquaintance was not really destined to take place, since on the same day all classmates, like Kanazawa himself, received an incomprehensible message in which everyone received a personal task. This is where it becomes clear that from now on the guys are drawn into the Blue Whale game, which is controlled by an unknown King. If you disobey and do not do what is required, you can say goodbye to life. What will the heroes have to do and how will it end?

Director: Tagashira Shinobu

Series length: 25 min.

WorldArt: 7 77

Description: Viewers of this anime experience real horrors. Here are the best and scariest horror films ready to scare for days on end. The author of these stories and images is the master of his craft, Ito Junji, who has been drawing unusual manga for a long time. And only twenty years later, his stories will be able to receive the most real colorful images and finally come to life. It's strange that many years ago, everyone really liked the images of the main characters, some amazed the world, but no one wanted to do animation at that time. An example of his creativity is the slug girl. In this story, a young girl faced a little problem, as she previously thought. The fact is that one day she noticed that her tongue was swollen, making it difficult to pronounce some words. However, the girl did not pay enough attention and simply left everything as it was, hoping for the best. Only every day, her tongue became larger and larger, which interfered with her diction, and in general, conversation with her. Until she realized that it was not a tongue, but a real slug that had settled in her mouth. Or a story about a fashion model whose appearance evoked a real feeling of fear in everyone, and at night she came to them in their dreams, creating terrifying nightmares.

Director: Yuasa Masaaki

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 7.4 1 081

IMDb: 7.6 5 795

WorldArt: 7.6 300

Description: Akiro was an ordinary schoolboy. I went to school, had fun with my classmates, and courted pretty young ladies. But when he met Ryo, everything changed. A new friend is a real hurricane. He never sits still, is mobile, active, talkative. Their relationship was like fire and water. One is furious, fast and purposeful, and the second is quiet and silent. The friend turned out to be obsessed with strange ideas, some of which were complete nonsense. But one day he said. That soon the creatures of darkness will come to the world. They will take over the planet and usurp government controls. They will grind those they don't like into powder, and the rest will be subjected to cruel tyranny. And only those who allow themselves to be infused with the essence of a demon can resist them. Oddly enough, the young man believed his comrade. He allowed him to carry out the necessary manipulations. As a result of a mysterious ritual, the guy turned into a cross between a man and a devil. He is capable of murder, can move with incredible speed, and has supernatural strength. But the soul of that romantic who once wandered the streets and looked at shop windows remained in him. But now he also has responsibilities: to stand on the edge of two realities and protect those who cannot fight back against the monsters.

Director: Mamoru Kanbe, Sumio Watanabe and Akira Iwanaga

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 7.91 20 195

IMDb: 8.1 25 459

WorldArt: 8.7 9 407

Description: Kota, after a long absence, returned to the ocean city where he lives cousin and childhood friend Yuka. Kota is going to attend a local college. And Yuka, who has been partial to him from an early age, naturally goes there too. Her family provided the guy with housing in the building of a former small hotel, on the condition that he would look after her and clean the rooms. When the couple was walking along the beach in the evening, a naked girl with fiery hair and small horns came out of the water to meet them, who could not utter a single word except the touching “Nu!” She looked so helpless and innocent that Kouta took the stranger, whom he and Yuka nicknamed Nyu, to his home. The guys didn’t even suspect that they had given shelter to a deadly female Diclonius, Lucy, who, based on the mutilated corpses of two dozen guards, had escaped from the experimental laboratory and was wanted by the police and special forces with orders to shoot to kill.

Diclonius are human-like mutants considered God's chosen ones and capable of destroying all human race. In addition to small horns reminiscent of elf ears, they have “vectors” - fast, like light, invisible arms several meters long. These vectors are capable of inflicting terrible damage and intercepting bullets in flight, and also have other functions. It is not difficult to understand why such individuals were kept under the strictest protection. But Lucy's escape was doubly dangerous because she, unlike other Diclonius, had the ability to bear children.

While escaping from a laboratory located on a steep ocean shore, Lucy received a sniper bullet in the head, but it did not stop her from going into the water. This, as well as some other reasons, led to an exacerbation of the mental illness inherent in many Dicloniuses - split personality. As a result, the smart, but extremely evil Lucy was suddenly replaced by the touching charming Nu with the mind of a young child, not to say weak-minded. It was this metamorphosis that confused the guys who sheltered the sweet stranger, finding themselves in a whirlpool of incredible events. After all, the meek Nu can turn into the deadly demon Lucy at any moment...

Director: Itagaki Shin

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 7.58 5 648

IMDb: 7.2 4 071

WorldArt: 7.7 2 005

Description: The spotlight is on the young and strong man named Dante. However, ordinary life is far behind him. There are secrets and unusual moments in his journey, because he is not an ordinary person, but half a demon. In his veins flows the blood of a dangerous creature who is constantly looking for new adventures. He sees life like any other person. He likes to relax and get positive emotions from eating food. In order to earn a living, Dante opens his own agency, which does absolutely any work. For him, ordinary work seems boring, because he is a towerless demon hunter who is difficult to keep in one place. There is no fear or horror in his life, because he himself represents horror for demons and other evil spirits that live on the streets of the city. He has enough of his own strength to fight various ghosts and incarnations of evil. He comes out of every brawl alive and unharmed. The hunter always has his trusty sword and pistol at the ready, which helps him out in dangerous situations. However, in the life of a half-human, half-demon, there are many situations that can be life-threatening. What will be the fate of a real hunter who cannot imagine life without adventure?

Director: Ryoochimo Sawa, Hiroaki Ando and Hiroyuki Seshita

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 7.18 830

IMDb: 7.7 3 790

WorldArt: 7.9 798

Description: Everyone dreams of immortality and is ready to sacrifice everything to prolong their life. In this anime series, some people have the chance to live forever. And now these immortals have become the target of the whole world, since everyone wants to get the secrets of immortality. In every corner of the globe, they want to get their secret, and every person on earth is ready to do anything for this. And wherever they hide, they will be found everywhere, but time is on their side. Among these immortal people, there is a young guy whose life has just begun, and now he is forced to hide from the whole world. Kay, a young guy who had his whole life ahead of him, but having received immortality, he will have to forget about his past life, and he is forced to go on the run. Hunt for him, like a strange animal, to catch him, and conduct experiments on him. The secret of immortality is very important, every person would give everything to know this secret, and therefore these people, who learned this secret, became the number one goal for all the inhabitants of the earth. For Kay, there is only one, but the biggest plus, in his new life, time itself is on his side, which people do not have. For him now, the main thing is to hide for so long that others forget about him and stop hunting for him and others like him.

Director: Michael Hack, Akiko Honda and Naomichi Yamato

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 7.59 2 350

IMDb: 7.7 3 825

WorldArt: 8.1 1 358

Description: For many centuries, in the shadows of history, the little-known brutal war. Immortal werewolf monsters that feed on human blood are opposed by the Red Shield organization, designed to expose dangerous creatures and destroy them. These days, this age-old struggle is taking an even more serious turn, in the center of which is a seemingly ordinary schoolgirl from Okinawa. The beauty and athlete Saya Otonashi lives quietly and peacefully with her father and brothers not far from a large American military base. The problem is that her earliest memories are only a year ago, everything else seems to be erased. True, from time to time frightening images of another life emerge in the girl’s memory - faces distorted in horror and splashing streams of blood. You can't hide from fate - a terrible incident interrupts the serene idyll of school everyday life. After a stranger in black places a sword in Sai's hands, commanding her to "Fight!", she is destined to face her past and discover her true self.

Director: Itano Ichiro

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 7.27 2 790

IMDb: 7.3 6 128

WorldArt: 8.1 2 527

Description: Kay is an ordinary tenth grader who lives in Tokyo, like his peers, his life is boring and monotonous, every day is the same, the hero attends school and prepares for final exams. The young man spends all his free time from studying thinking about beautiful girls. But one fine day came in his life dramatic changes, when Kay was returning home on the subway after studying, he saw his childhood friend at the station, but decided not to show much interest in him. The guys might not have met if not for the accident that occurred at the station, where an intoxicated man of no fixed abode fell onto the rails. Everyone who was at the station at that moment offered to stand still and made no attempt to save the tramp. Only an acquaintance of the schoolboy decided to show his courage and save the poor man, but in this very dangerous matter he takes Kay as his assistant. The schoolchildren rushed together to save the tramp, but they were unable to save themselves, they ended up under the wheels of the train. From that moment on, the guys' lives were like delirium, because they ended up in some room where there were a lot of different people, and in the center there is a black Sphere.

Director: Kenichi Shimizu, Yuki Inaba and Kenichi Kawamura

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 8.08 6 203

IMDb: 8.4 13 633

WorldArt: 8.7 2 609

Director: Takahashi Naohito

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 8.47 8 766

IMDb: 8.6 21 239

WorldArt: 8.9 4 133

Description: The bloody war between the Midland and Tudor empires has continued for more than a century. In the east there is another large Kushan empire, where the people live almost like the Jews. Along with these empires, other kingdoms, states, republics, etc. also coexist. There is magic in this world, but it is used only in the east, where King Ganishke rules. In the West, magic is prohibited and a real hunt opens up for everyone who uses it, and the Holy Inquisition deals with it. After all, they take religion very seriously here and it is controlled by the Holy See. All this is similar to our world and here, too, there is the title of pope, and the capital of this coalition is the Vatican. Although there is a small number of witches living here, they are constantly hiding. The economic and industrial state of the world is at medieval levels. Wars here are fought with the help of knights dressed in heavy armor; the siege of the fortress is carried out by bombards. However, archers here only use crossbows. Because of what is happening in the world, it is not surprising that power is seized by a new king who carried out a coup. His army begins to cause chaos and destruction, but it all ends when a warrior approaches the walls of the city. From a distance it was clear that he was a professional, because his equipment and scars spoke about it. And he has only two tasks on his mind. The first is revenge best friend, and the second is helping your loved one.

Director: Yasuichirô Yamamoto, Toshihiro Hirano and Masato Sato

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 7.19 182

IMDb: 8.4 9 172

WorldArt: 8.7 295

Description: Any man knows - either take care of the girl or deal with the world's problems! As soon as 17-year-old Shinichi Kudo, while walking with his childhood friend Ran Mori, was distracted by the actions of suspicious persons, evil bandits grabbed him and forced him to take a strange pill that turned the guy into a 7-year-old boy. Miraculously surviving, Kudo rushed to his friend for help, but even the brilliant Professor Agasa could not do anything. And when the excited Ran burst into the professor’s house and asked an unfamiliar child who he was, the poor fellow could only glance at the bookshelves and squeeze out: “Edogawa... Conan.” Going against the ominous Black Syndicate is no joke, but the heroes did not even think of retreating . Kudo's parents left the country, and baby Conan settled with the Mori family along with his beloved Ran and her father Kogoro, a former policeman. Thanks to his own extraordinary mind, Kogoro’s connections and technical support professor, the boy detective, together with his friends, was actively involved in investigating crimes and cleansing Japan of crime. Well, the main question of the series is simple - will young Edogawa be able to overcome the enemy’s plans before the beloved Ran realizes with whom she lives under the same roof?

Halloween, the one day of the year when you can officially bring fear and horror to life, is approaching. You need to prepare for it with feeling, sense and arrangement. Firstly, . Second, decorate your room/cave/science lab.

Thirdly, arrange a horror marathon from those who invented the concept of "", the Japanese.
High-grade mysticism. Utsutsu and Yume had difficult childhood: They didn’t have a Playstation; their parents didn’t like them. One day, when they were walking from school, a strange-looking woman approached them and told them to beware of red butterflies. But Yume’s younger sister could not save herself and met with mysterious creatures, after which turned into a monster. A very, very, very hungry monster that feeds on human flesh.

Mayumi was given a large sum of charity money for safekeeping - and someone successfully stole it. In a panic, the girl turned to her classmate Ayu with a request to borrow money. But Ayu evil and treacherous, so actually unhappy became her slave. One day Mayumi found out about a website that sends to Hell the soul of anyone whose name is written on his page at exactly midnight. Naturally, no one began to think about the consequences. To quote the great grandmothers, " it's all your computer's fault".

To the point of madness atmospheric anime, which professionally gives you goosebumps. IN high school third grade girl dies- an excellent student, athlete, Komsomol member, whom everyone loved and adored. Despite the fact that doctors, teachers and parents confirmed the fact of death, classmates completely refused to believe in death and continued to pretend that the girl was still next to them. There are no monsters, severed limbs or other paraphernalia here, but all this is fully compensated for strange and frightening circumstances.

It all starts out like another part of Scary Movie. Kaori and her friends just started graduated from university. To celebrate the transition into adulthood, where you can finally walk around without a hat and not have to report to your parents about what you ate, went on vacation. In the beach house where they moved in, on the girls attacked by a strange walking fish. Thus began a series of events that are difficult to surpass in hellishness.

Deeply philosophical anime thriller with a nice dose of drama. The young pop singer decided to move into the TV series industry, but her fans were not happy with this decision. Strange calls, envelopes with explosives, etc. scary trash subtly hint to the singer that world where she lives - complete lies and provocation, and she is not at all who she sees herself. At some point, the audience feels like they are go crazy with the heroine, so the fear in this anime is serious.

The guy moves from the city to a quiet village, where almost immediately he begins to make friends with charming classmates. In the horror tradition, There's horror hiding behind the girls' cute faces, fear, brutal murders and disappearances without a trace. They rule the local ball wild forces of evil. Plot anime difficult, is suitable only for those who like to use their brains and know how to read between the lines. Very tense, a lot of blood and destruction.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, Tenzin's school was closed after a series of mysterious and cruel incidents. They didn’t think of building anything better than the Academy in its place. A group of local students is holding ritual, after which, according to legend, they " will stay together forever"But something went wrong: earthquake, classroom floor collapses, and each of them finds himself alone in a dark dilapidated school. Welcome: this is the same Tenzin School where the souls of the dead still roam. Uncompromising brutality and liters of gore.