Monument-ensemble to the defenders of Stalingrad (1967). Notifications Monuments dedicated to the heroes and events of the Battle of Stalingrad

A monument to the Romanian soldiers and officers who died in Stalingrad was erected in Volgograd. A memorial monument with the inscription: “In memory of the Romanian prisoners of war of the Second World War who died in Russia” was opened in the Krasnoarmeysky district by a delegation from Romania together with officials of the Volgograd administration and administration Volgograd region. The installation of the monument is connected with Romania’s initiative to perpetuate the memory of its soldiers and officers who died in the Battle of Stalingrad, was told in the administration of the Volgograd region. - Between Russia and Romania back in 1995, agreements were concluded to ensure the safety and order of maintenance of Russian military graves abroad and foreign military graves in Russian Federation, - the administration reported. - As part of these agreements, in 1996, at the request of the War Memorials association, the Volgograd administration provided a plot of land in the village of Sacco and Vanzetti in the Krasnoarmeysky district for indefinite use. It was transferred for the arrangement of the cemetery for foreign prisoners of war of the 1st department of the 108th Beketovsky camp. In 2005, an agreement was concluded between the governments of Russia and Romania that military personnel, including those captured, and people killed or died during the First and Second World Wars and in the post-war period, buried on the territory of the two countries, have the right to a worthy place of rest, the creation and maintenance of which must be properly ensured. On this basis, the Romanian side and “War Memorials” expressed a desire to erect a memorial sign in the period from May 10 to 15 of this year. Representative of the association of international military memorial cooperation “War Memorials” Sergei Chikhirev told that the installation of a memorial stone in the Krasnoarmeysky district is due to the fact that the remains of 35 Romanian prisoners of war rest on the territory of the cemetery. - The initiative for the installation belongs to the Romanian consulate and authorities, as well as organizations involved in the care of war graves. It is difficult to single out just one. It was more of a general idea. The monument was prepared in advance and brought to Volgograd,” explained Sergei Chikhirev. - From Romania, the ambassador and his family, the consul from Rostov-on-Don, and embassy workers were present at the opening of the monument. There are about 10 people in total. Representatives from Volgograd were represented by employees of the international relations committee of the regional administration and the deputy head of the Krasnoarmeysky district. Everyone met at the cemetery, and the Romanians thanked the Volgograd authorities for the opportunity to install the monument and constructive cooperation. The whole event took 20-30 minutes. The ambassador mentioned in his speech that there are about 300 graves and monuments to Soviet soldiers on the territory of Romania. They guarantee to take care of them. Then the Romanians went to Astrakhan to unveil a small monument. In the near future, they plan to open a prefabricated cemetery in the city of Apsheronsk, Krasnodar Territory. There they are going to perpetuate the memory of not only soldiers and prisoners of war, but also civilians who lived in the south of Russia. In Romania, there is a special program that allocates funds for the installation of such monuments. According to a representative of War Memorials, the opening of the monument at the combined Hungarian-German-Romanian cemetery is explained primarily by pragmatic reasons. - Mostly Germans are buried in the cemetery in the villages of Sacco and Vanzetti. There are about 120 of them and 35 Romanians. There are fewer Hungarians there. The installation of the monument there is due to the fact that it is easier to care for the graves and the monument. The opening of the monument will help preserve the memory of prisoners and soldiers, so that contemporaries can see who is buried in this particular place. If Romanian soldiers lie here, then it is logical to indicate this with a memorial sign. Nothing more. The reason is simple - 35 Romanian prisoners of war are buried here. Therefore, the inscription on the stone speaks of this. Another monument has stood for many years in the old cemetery in the city of Uryupinsk, Volgograd Region, where there was a hospital for prisoners of war during the war. “War Memorials” have long been engaged in the Volgograd region in the search, exhumation and establishment of the fate of foreign soldiers who fought at Stalingrad. - Behind last years It was possible to discover and rebury the remains of more than 1,000 Romanian soldiers,” said Sergei Chikhirev. - They are buried at the Memorial Cemetery in Rossoshki. Two monuments have been erected to Romanians in Russia and one prefabricated cemetery has been opened in Rossoshki. There are about 300 monuments and two prefabricated cemeteries to Hungarian soldiers and prisoners of war on Russian territory. Our state takes care of them. As part of a parity partnership, the same Germans and Romanians maintain the proper burial of Soviet soldiers in their countries. Our organization provides funding and finds people who take care of foreign graves. The opening of the monument in the village of Sacco and Vanzetti was carried out


Medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad"

On the front side of the medal is a group of fighters with rifles at the ready. Above a group of fighters, with right side medals, a banner flutters, and on the left side you can see the outlines of tanks and planes flying one after another. At the top of the medal, above the group of fighters, there is a five-pointed star and the inscription along the edge of the medal “FOR THE DEFENSE OF STALINGRAD.”

On the reverse side of the medal is the inscription “FOR OUR SOVIET MOTHERLAND.” Above the inscription are a hammer and sickle.

The medal “For the Defense of Stalingrad” was awarded to all participants in the defense of Stalingrad - servicemen of the Red Army, Navy and NKVD troops, as well as civilians who took a direct part in the defense. The period of defense of Stalingrad is considered to be July 12 - November 19, 1942.

As of January 1, 1995, the medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad" was awarded to approximately 759 561 Human.

In Volgograd, on the headquarters building of military unit No. 22220, there was a huge wall panel depicting a medal.

Monuments Battle of Stalingrad

  • · Mamaev kurgan - " main height Russia." During the Battle of Stalingrad, some of the fiercest battles took place here. Today, a monument-ensemble “To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad” has been erected on Mamayev Kurgan. The central figure of the composition is the sculpture “The Motherland is Calling!” It is one of the seven wonders of Russia.
  • · Panorama “Destruction” Nazi troops near Stalingrad" - painting on the theme of the Battle of Stalingrad, located on the Central Embankment of the city. Opened in 1982.
  • · “Lyudnikov Island” - an area of ​​700 meters along the Volga bank and 400 meters in depth (from the river bank to the territory of the Barricades plant), the defense area of ​​the 138th Red Banner Rifle Division under the command of Colonel I.I. Lyudnikova.
  • · The destroyed mill is a building that has not been restored since the war, an exhibit of the “Battle of Stalingrad” museum.
  • · “Rodimtsev’s Wall” - a quay wall that serves as shelter from massive bombings by German aircraft for soldiers of the rifle division of Major General A.I. Rodimtseva.
  • · “The House of Soldiers’ Glory,” also known as “Pavlov’s House,” was a brick building that occupied a dominant position over the surrounding area.
  • · Avenue of Heroes - a wide street connects the embankment to them. 62nd Army near the Volga River and the Square of Fallen Fighters.
  • · On September 8, 1985, a memorial monument dedicated to the Heroes was opened here Soviet Union and full holders of the Order of Glory, natives of the Volgograd region and heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad. Artwork executed by the Volgograd branch of the RSFSR Art Fund under the direction of the city’s chief artist M.Ya. Pyshty. The team of authors included the chief architect of the project A.N. Klyuchishchev, architect A.S. Belousov, designer L. Podoprigora, artist E.V. Gerasimov. On the monument are the names (surnames and initials) of 127 Heroes of the Soviet Union, who received this title for heroism in the Battle of Stalingrad in 1942-1943, 192 Heroes of the Soviet Union - natives of the Volgograd region, of whom three are twice Heroes of the Soviet Union, and 28 holders of the Order of Glory of three degrees.
  • · Poplar on the Alley of Heroes is a historical and natural monument of Volgograd, located on the Alley of Heroes. The poplar survived the Battle of Stalingrad and has numerous evidence of military action on its trunk.

In the world

Stalingrad Avenue in Brussels

Named in honor of the Battle of Stalingrad:

  • · Stalingrad Square (Paris) - a square in Paris.
  • · Stalingrad Avenue (Brussels) - in Brussels.

In many countries, including France, Great Britain, Belgium, Italy and a number of other countries, streets, gardens, and squares were named after the battle. Only in Paris is the name “Stalingrad” given to a square, boulevard and one of the metro stations. In Lyon there is the so-called “Stalingrad” bracant, where the third largest antique market in Europe is located.

Also named after Stalingrad central Street city ​​of Bologna.

Sukhanov Fedor Ivanovich (1923-2000) “Mamaev Kurgan”. 1972
Volgograd Museum fine arts them. I.I. Mashkova.

On October 15, 1967, the monument-ensemble “To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad” was inaugurated in Volgograd.

The decision to build a memorial ensemble dedicated to the feat of the heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad (July 17, 1942 - February 2, 1943) was made back in January 1958. Construction began in May 1959 and was completed by October 1967.

The project was developed by a team of sculptors and architects under the leadership of E. V. Vuchetich. Architects: Ya. B. Belopolsky, V. A. Demin, F. M. Lysov. Sculptors: M. S. Aleshenko, V. E. Matrosov, L. Maistrenko. M., Melnik A.N., Marunov V.A., Novikov N.S., Tyurenkov A.A. Head of the engineering group Nikitin N.V.

The main military consultant of the project was Marshal V.I. Chuikov, commander of the army that defended Mamayev Kurgan.

The total area of ​​the architectural and sculptural complex on Mamayev Kurgan is 26 hectares.

Symbolic ruins of Stalingrad, Square of those who stood to the death, Square of Heroes, Hall Military glory, Sorrow Square and other sculptural objects have enormous power emotional impact. Along the serpentine leading to the top of the hill, the remains of 34 thousand 505 soldiers - the defenders of Stalingrad - were reburied.

The logical center of the memorial is the sculpture “Motherland”. The work of the sculptor Vuchetich and engineer Nikitin represents a multi-meter figure of a woman quickly stepping forward with a raised sword. The statue is an allegorical image of the Motherland, calling its sons to fight the enemy. The total height of the monument is 85 m. The height of the female figure is 52 m, the length of the arm is 20 m, the length of the sword is 33 m. The weight of the sculpture is 8 thousand tons, and the length of the sword is 14 tons.

In 2008, Mamayev Kurgan was included in the “7 Wonders of Russia”.

Monument-ensemble to the heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad. Volgograd. Mamayev Kurgan: Set of 10 postcards / Photo by A. Shagin. - M.: Soviet Russia, 1967. - 1st region. (10 separate l.).

Monument “Stand to the death!”
Heroes Square
Heroes Square
Monument "Sorrow" and view of the main monument
Introductory composition
Main monument
General view of the “Wall-ruins”
Detail “Wall-ruins”
Monument "Sorrow"
Detail “Wall-ruins”

Volgograd – Big City on the Volga with a rich history. Stalingrad withstood the fascist pressure during fierce battles. The city was practically destroyed, but Soviet army turned the tide of the war. This event affected the monuments of Volgograd. Most of them are dedicated to the Second World War: the Motherland, Mother's Sorrow, other sculptural compositions of Mamayev Kurgan, a monument in honor of the civilians of Stalingrad, a composition dedicated to Michael Panikakhe. There are also modern monuments: the bunny Agnia Barto, a sculpture of the first conductor. Among the pre-war monuments, the monument to V. S. Kholzunov has been preserved.

Monument-ensemble "Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad"

Better known as Mamayev Kurgan. This is a symbol of Volgograd, a tribute to the memory of the Battle of Stalingrad and the tens of thousands of soldiers killed while defending the city. The complex was founded from 1959 to 1967. The author of the project is Evgeniy Viktorovich Vuchetich. Since 2014, the memorial has been included in the list of candidates world heritage UNESCO. There are large compositions on Mamayev Kurgan. The basis of the complex is the statue of the Motherland. Other sculptures are also known: “Mother’s Sorrow”, “Stand to Death”, ruin walls and high relief memory of generations. The bodies of 35 thousand soldiers rest on the mound in mass and individual graves.


This sculpture is the compositional basis of Mamayev Kurgan. Tourist pilgrimage center. It stands at the top point of the historical complex. The figure of the Motherland can be seen from almost every part of the city. The authors of the project are sculptor Vuchetich and engineer Nikitin. The height of the statue is 85 meters, without a pedestal it is the tallest sculpture in the world. The height including the pedestal is 87 meters. The sculpture is made of stressed reinforced concrete. 5,500 tons of concrete and 2,400 tons of iron structures were used in the manufacture. The statue represents a woman holding a sword in her raised hands. Symbolizes the Motherland, calling its sons into battle.

Sculpture "Mother's Sorrow"

The monument is located on Mamayev Kurgan, on the Square of Sorrow. A bowed female mother figure holds her dying son in her arms. The eleven-meter sculpture is made of reinforced concrete. According to the author's plan, the figures of mother and son are not completely carved. This creates a feeling of monolithicity and aching melancholy. Next to the monument is the Lake of Tears swimming pool. It symbolizes the pain of mothers and wives who lost their loved ones in battle.

Sculpture “Stand to the death”

This is one of the main monuments located on Mamayev Kurgan. It stands in the center of a round pool, rising out of the water like a rock. The warrior-liberator, 16.2 meters tall, holds a grenade in one hand and a machine gun in the other. The man is not completely carved, only top part bodies. The facial features resemble the commander of the 62nd Army V.I. Chuikov. The sculpture is positioned so that its back covers the Motherland standing in the distance.

High relief “Memory of Generations”

This is the central element of the Entrance Square of Mamayev Kurgan. The multi-figure bas-relief represents stone wall. The figures of men, women and children are carved on it. They all carry wreaths of flowers and flags at half-staff. In this way, people pay tribute to the memory of the soldiers who died in the Battle of Stalingrad. The high relief symbolizes the memory of descendants; they will never forget about the feat.

Ruin walls

This is a sculptural composition leading up the stairs. Located next to the "Stand to the Death" square. The length of the memorial wall is 46 meters, height 18 meters. The ruins represent the heroic chronicle of the Battle of Stalingrad. Figures of soldiers, banners, and battles are carved into the wall. Walking up the stairs, you inevitably find yourself back in time during the Second World War. Because the place is voiced by information bureau reports and songs of the war years.

Monument to Mikhail Panikakha

The sculpture was unveiled in 1975. The authors were sculptor Kharitonov and architect Belousov. The monument is dedicated to Mikhail Panikakha, the hero of the Battle of Stalingrad. In 1942, he sacrificed his life and jumped on a tank with a Molotov cocktail. The six-meter monument depicts Mikhail Panikakha in a jump. The sculpture is made of copper and stands on a reinforced concrete pedestal.

Gerhardt's Mill

This is a monument to the terrible Battle of Stalingrad. Gerhardt's mill is located not far from Pavlov's house and from the embankment. This is a building left over from the Second World War. It was not deliberately demolished or restored; it symbolizes the memory of the bloody events of the battles for Stalingrad. It is a box of a once full-fledged building, the walls of which are riddled with bullets, the windows are broken, and there is no roof at all. The steam mill building itself was built in 1907 – 1908.

Monument to Tank Destroyer Dogs

In 2011, a monument to demolition dogs was erected on Chekist Square in Volgograd. They were trained specifically to blow up fascist tanks. The author of the project is Nikolai Karpov. There is a figure of a dog on a granite pedestal. She looks like an East European Shepherd, but the author did not intentionally make obvious similarities. The height of the monument is 2 meters, weight is just over 200 kilograms.

Monument to civilians of Stalingrad

Stalingrad was subjected to terrible bombing during the war. On August 23, 1943, the most powerful bombardment of the city took place, when two thousand German aircraft carried out combat sorties. Over 40 thousand civilians died. The monument is dedicated to these victims. It was installed on May 9, 1995. Authors: N. Pavlovskaya and V. Kalinichenko. A five hundred kilogram fascist bomb froze above the figures of women and children.

Floating monument to fallen river workers on the Volga

In 1980 it was opened in Volgograd unusual monument. It is located opposite Mamayev Kurgan, in the fairway of the Volga. A huge anchor, 15 meters high, occupies a floating platform. It is dedicated to the courage of the rivermen who transported thousands of wounded, and many sections of the Volga were often mined. Every year on the eve of Victory Day, a floating buoy takes its place on the Volga.

Monument to Konstantin Rokossovsky

In honor of the 70th anniversary of the Victory, a monument to Konstantin Rokossovsky was opened in Volgograd in 2015. The military leader hosted the Victory Parade on Red Square and participated in most military operations. The authors were sculptors Vladimir Surovtsev and his son Danila. The marshal is depicted in military uniform and riding a horse. The sculpture was made in classic style, located on a high pedestal.

Guardian Angel Statue

In 2005, the opening of the monument “Guardian Angel of Volgograd” took place. The author of the project is sculptor Sergei Shcherbakov. A bronze angel stands on a granite hemisphere. His gaze is fixed on the Volga. Hands folded in prayer. The height of the monument is just over two and a half meters. Weight – 600 kilograms. A capsule with the wishes and dreams of Volgograd residents is buried under the monument.

Monument to Alexander Nevsky

In February 2007, a monument dedicated to the Novgorod prince was inaugurated. The author of the project was sculptor Sergei Shcherbakov. Nevsky was the first to talk about the need to build fortifications on the Volga, so a monument to him was erected in the city. The monument is cast from bronze. The figure of Alexander Nevsky is made in full height. He is dressed in armor and holds a banner in right hand. The height of the monument is 7 meters including the pedestal.

Lenin monument

The monument to Vladimir Ilyich is located near the entrance to the Volga-Don shipping canal. Considered one of the most tall statues peace. Construction of the monument and pedestal lasted from 1969 to 1973. The authors are E. V. Vuchetich and L. M. Polyakov. Until 1962, a monument to Stalin stood on this pedestal, then it was removed. The Lenin monument is made of stressed reinforced concrete. The total height is 57 meters, of which the height of the pedestal is 30 meters.

Monument to V. S. Kholzunov

The sculpture was installed in 1940. Its authors are sculptors M. G. Belashov and E. F. Alekseeva-Belashova, architect V. E. Shalashov. The monument stands on the embankment and is included in the list of objects federal significance. One of the few surviving pre-war monuments. On a granite pedestal stands a bronze figure of Hero of the USSR Kholzunov. The total height of the monument is 8.35 meters. Viktor Stepanovich was a bomber pilot. Proven himself in Civil War in Spain.

Monument to the first governor of Tsaritsyn Zasekin

In 2009, on the Day of National Unity, a monument to the first governor of Tsaritsyn, Grigory Zasekin, was inaugurated. The voivode is considered the founder of the city. The authors of the project are V. Seryakov and S. Shcherbakov. Grigory Zasekin sits on horseback, he is dressed in a 16th century uniform. The gaze is directed into the distance, towards the Volga. The height of the monument including the pedestal is six and a half meters.

Monument to the founding fathers of the city

The monument opened in 1989, in honor of the 400th anniversary of the city of Volgograd. It symbolizes eternal memory generations. The authors of the monument: sculptors Yu. Yushin and A. Tomarov, architect O. Sadovsky. At the site where the monument was founded, the Tsaritsyn-Volgograd line once began. The monument represents two figures of an archer holding in their hands a letter with a covenant for future generations.

Monument to Peter and Fevronia

Monuments dedicated to married couple Saints are located in many cities of Russia. Volgograd was no exception. The composition was opened in 2001. The author was the sculptor Konstantin Chernyavsky. Peter and Fevronia stand on a low pedestal, in their hands they hold a dove - a symbol of love and peace. Eight rules for creating a strong and friendly family are carved next to the monument.

Monument "Cossack Glory"

Known as a monument to the Russian Cossacks. It was opened in 2010, on National Unity Day. Author: Vladimir Seryakov. The monument was placed next to the ancient Church of John the Baptist, where Stepan Razin was baptized. The monument represents a brave Cossack who is sitting on a horse, preparing for a military campaign. He is accompanied by a Cossack woman with an icon in her hands. The sculptural composition is cast from bronze. Height – 2.85 meters, width – 1.3 meters.

Monument to Zheglov and Sharapov

In 2015, a sculptural composition in an urban style dedicated to criminal investigation was unveiled. Gleb Zheglov and Vladimir Sharapov stand in front of the Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Both figures are cast in bronze and copied in the likeness of the characters from the film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed.” The sculptures stand leaning on Street light. The monument became the first such monument in Russia.

Monument to the first district conductor

The monument dedicated to the conductor was erected in 2015. There are tram rails next to the figure. The man is dressed in a uniform from the early twentieth century. The monument was created from old photographs. This collective image many conductors who worked in the first tram depot of Volgograd in the twentieth century.

Monument to a motorist

This modern statue is dedicated to the motorist. It was opened in 2012 at the request of the Arkont automobile company. Author – Sergey Shcherbakov. Taken as a motorist main character"The Golden Calf" Adam Kozlewicz. He sits on one wheel, the steering wheel is in his hands, and his foot is on the gas pedal. It is considered the only monument to a motorist in Russia.

Monument to the first teacher

In 2010, on Teacher's Day, a monument to the first teacher was unveiled. The author of the project is sculptor Anatoly Pakhota. The teacher holds a school magazine and a pointer in her hands. Next to her stands a boy dressed in a Soviet uniform, holding a briefcase behind his back. “Tags” are laid out on the asphalt in front of the teacher and student. The monument is cast from bronze, the height of the composition is one and a half meters.

Monument to the bunny Agnia Barto

A sculpture of a bunny from the famous children's poem by Agnia Barto stands in the city garden. Author sculptural composition– architect Alexey Antyufeev. A bunny in a children's overalls and a short-sleeved shirt sits on a pile of books with children's poems by Agnia Barto. Not far from the statue there is a carved bench on which, according to the poem, the little hare was forgotten.

Mamayev Kurgan is a hill on the right bank of the Volga, located almost in the center of Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad), and, at the same time, is the main height of Russia, sacred place for Russian people. It was here – on “Height 102” (as the mound was designated on military maps) – during the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War During the Battle of Stalingrad there were fierce battles, Soviet soldiers fought to the death. Rising above the central part of the city, it was an important link in common system defense of the Stalingrad Front, since it allowed whoever controlled the top of the mound to control almost the entire city, Trans-Volga region and crossings across the Volga.

Since then, Mamayev Kurgan has become known to the whole world as the scene of some of the most fierce battles of the Second World War, and where its radical turn took place. It is here that the monument-ensemble “To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad” is located today - the largest and most majestic memorial Complex, dedicated to the victory of Soviet troops in the Great Patriotic War.

The battles for this height lasted 135 days out of 200 days of the Battle of Stalingrad; the slopes of the mound were plowed with bombs, shells, and mines. And after the end of the fighting, the dead from all over the city began to be buried here - about 34.5 thousand people. At the same time, the idea arose of building a monument in the city, in memory of the great battle and the defenders of the Motherland who died here.

An all-Union competition for the design of the monument was announced immediately after the war, and all sorts of options were submitted. But by Stalin’s decision, E. Vuchetich was appointed the author of the future memorial, who by that time had already created a memorial in Berlin. A team of sculptors, architects, and engineers worked on the project under his leadership. By the way, the engineering group was led by Doctor of Technical Sciences N. Nikitin, the author of the calculations for the Ostankino TV tower. It was he who performed the most complex calculations of the stability of the structure of the monument “The Motherland is Calling!” And the main military consultant of the project was Marshal of the Soviet Union V. Chuikov, commander of the 62nd Army holding Hill 102 during the war.

In January 1958, the Council of Ministers of the USSR decided to begin construction of the monument, and in May 1959, construction work began, which was carried out intensively. Despite this, the scale and complexity of the composition of the planned ensemble required several years for its implementation. Large excavations were carried out, and it was here that reinforced concrete was used for the first time in the practice of constructing monuments.

The grand opening of the cultural and historical monument-ensemble “Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad” on Mamayev Kurgan took place on October 15, 1967.

This complex on Mamayev Kurgan in Volgograd is unique today engineering structure and an architectural and sculptural ensemble united general plan, a general idea. Its total area is 26 hectares, and the length of the entire complex from the foot to the top of the hill is 1.5 km. Compositionally, it consists of architectural and spatial links, as if strung on a single axis. Following in one direction, one level gives way to another, and as it rises, more and more new elements of the composition are revealed.

The main elements of the monument-ensemble are the introductory high-relief composition “Memory of Generations”, the Alley of Pyramid Poplars, the Square of “Those Who Stood to the Death”, the ruin walls, the Square of Heroes, the retaining wall-relief, the Hall of Military Glory, the Square of Sorrow with the monument “Grieving Mother” , the monument “The Motherland Calls!”, a military memorial cemetery, a memorial arboretum at the foot of the mound, the Church of All Saints.

The main figure and compositional center of the entire ensemble is the monument “The Motherland Calls!”, which is located on a huge mound about 14 meters high, in which the remains of 34,505 soldiers - defenders of Stalingrad are buried. 200 granite steps lead from the foot of the mound to its top - the number of days of the Battle of Stalingrad. The sculpture itself “The Motherland is Calling!” amazes with its size and shape. It represents a 52-meter figure of a woman (she towers above the city and is visible for tens of kilometers), in her right hand is a sword 33 m long (weight 14 tons). The monument is made of reinforced concrete (5500 tons of concrete and 2400 tons of metal structures), and it was cast once, without allowing the concrete to harden so that there were no seams. Inside there are 99 steel ropes holding the structure together, a room for monitoring the condition of the ropes and a staircase. The statue stands on a slab 2 meters high (which lies on the main foundation), but is not connected to the foundation in any way, but is held by gravity.

In 2008, the monument-ensemble, after merging with the Panorama Museum "Battle of Stalingrad", was included in the list of federal monuments and became known as the State Historical and Memorial Museum-Reserve "Battle of Stalingrad". In the same year, he became one of the wonders of our country, winning the final of the “7 Wonders of Russia” competition.

Today, the historical and memorial complex “Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad” is the most visited monument in Russia - every year about three million people from Russia and other countries visit Mamayev Kurgan to see the unique creation of Soviet masters and honor the blessed memory heroic defenders Stalingrad.