Interpretation of dreams forest, dream forest, dreamed of a forest. Why do you dream about a wolf? Why do you dream of a pine forest?

For some of us, the forest is nothing more than a picture that pleases the eye; for others, it is a place where you can relax and find a lot of useful things, but you need to be careful. Likewise, in dreams, a forest can have many faces, and there are a great many interpretations of what a forest means in dreams.

Seeing a forest in a dream happens differently to different people - it can turn out to be coniferous or deciduous, attractive or frightening, green or autumn, playing with all its colors. If you dreamed of a forest, you need to try to remember the details in detail in order to correctly interpret your night visions.

  • Remember what forest you saw, what trees grew in it?
  • Did you find him handsome? Or, on the contrary, was it dark and scared you?
  • What time of year was it in the forest in your dream?
  • Did you walk in the forest calmly or for some reason did you have to run through the thickets of bushes and trees?
  • Was there a road in the forest from your dream? Have you crossed his paths?
  • Maybe you dreamed that you went mushroom hunting?
  • Or have you witnessed a forest fire?
  • Or maybe you saw a house on the edge of the forest or in the wilderness?

Even if the dream did not seem to you the most pleasant, it is worth remembering that dreams do not come to us to scare us. They are needed to understand yourself and the important moments of your own life.

Green beauty

Psychological and Children's dream book a forest in a dream is considered an indicator of the physical and mental health of the sleeper. The more you think that the forest you dreamed of is beautiful, the more you are drawn to walk in it, the better. This indicates your good health and that you are at peace with yourself.

I dreamed of a green forest of deciduous trees, penetrated by the sun's rays - such a vision promises a meeting with friends from childhood. It may also happen that you meet acquaintances whom you have not seen for a long time.

If you dream of a coniferous forest, for example, a pine forest, such a vision foreshadows meeting people who will help you in the future with their own patronage. Even if it seems that problems surround you from all sides, everything will end quite well.

To see a mixed forest in a dream, with coniferous and deciduous trees, means an invitation to an event with a large number of guests. If the green forest in your dream turned into a tropical jungle, you may be invited to travel to exotic countries.

You dream of a beautiful forest, says the Dream Book of the 21st century, which means that your plans are destined to come true, and in a fairly quick future. But interpreter Rommel is sure that walking in a pretty oak grove in a dream is a sign of romantic adventures in reality. The Ukrainian dream book assures that a green forest in a dream promises long years of life.

Why dream of a forest that you want to admire, if such a dream occurs to creative people - artists, painters, writers? The family dream book assures that such dreams are harbingers of public recognition of the sleeping person’s talents. If other people dream of tall, majestic trees, this promises significant public affairs and public recognition.

If in your dream you find yourself in a dark forest, in its very thicket, in reality you should pay more attention to the most seemingly simple matters, so as not to end up “getting lost in three pines.” If you dream of a dark forest married woman, she needs to pay attention to the relationship with her husband - perhaps right now, in order to save the marriage, she needs to show more support and understanding towards her husband.

Most dream books say that a dark forest in dreams mainly symbolizes the mental turmoil of the sleeper; this is a sign that you need to analyze your own life situation, deal with troubling issues and understand what needs to be done first.

Seeing a forest as dense and scary in a dream means that in reality your bad mood may be the cause of a quarrel with a friend or some kind of blunder in the financial sphere. Such a dream is a warning that you need to rest, put your thoughts and feelings in order, and then take on serious matters, otherwise you are quite capable of “breaking the woods.” If you dream of a forest that is dark and foggy, it means that it is difficult for you to solve your problems on your own and you need the help of loved ones.

As the Autumn Dream Book says, getting lost in the forest and looking for a way out of it means that your brain, even in a dream, is busy looking for options for extracting income from your abilities. You will soon get out of the difficult financial situation in which you find yourself.

If the forest is quite rare, but the road out of it is difficult, then you will have a source of income, but you will hardly have to count on luxury. In general, the thicker the forest from which you find a way out in your vision, the greater material benefits this promises you in real life.

A frightening coniferous, mostly spruce, forest, where someone’s scary eyes are literally watching you from behind every tree, is a dream when you need to be as careful as possible in your words and actions in life. There are people around you who will not fail to take advantage of your mistake, so you should not make mistakes.

Forest paths

If the forest in which you happened to be walking in a dream is green like spring, the leaves on the trees look more like haze, and the grass is just starting to grow, this means that in the near future your financial affairs will also go uphill. A spring pine forest with young shoots on the trees promises career advancement.

Everything that was said about “forest” dreams above can be attributed to cases when the forest is dreamed of in its summer state. If you dreamed of an autumn forest, the meaning of the vision will be slightly different. The autumn dream book says that if you dream of trees in crimson and gold during the season, this is a sign of a successful completion of everything that has begun.

In addition, walking through the autumn forest in a dream - such a vision promises a successful acquaintance for women, and for girls it can foretell an imminent wedding. If you dream of autumn decorations on trees out of season, this most likely indicates that the load on you at the moment is quite high, and you need rest.

Walking in a winter forest in a dream is a favorable sign that speaks of your good vitality, especially if the forest in your dream is pine. Seeing bare branches of trees in a winter forest from afar - now there is some lull in your life, but thanks to your efforts, after a while everything will grow again, like trees in the spring.

If in a dream you calmly walk through the forest, this is a completely favorable sign, but why do you dream of a forest through which you had to run? Running past trees under trees in a dream, some interpreters believe, means that you are haunted by some mistakes from the past. It’s worth figuring out whether you may have offended someone and asking for forgiveness in order to find peace of mind. Also, running through the forest in a dream may mean that you are trying to do everything in your power to achieve your goal. Whether this goal will be achieved depends on what the forest was like in your vision and whether you managed to get out of it in the end. Running after some living creature and catching it is an unexpected joy.

  • If a road runs through a forest in your dream and you have the feeling that along it you will reach your goal without any problems, then in reality your road will lead to the resolution of all the issues that are important to you.
  • Walking along the paths between the trees means you will achieve your goal, but you will have to get to your goal in a roundabout way.
  • Also, walking along forest paths in a dream may mean that in a decision complex issues you are looking for your way, and perhaps you will be able to solve problems in a non-trivial way.

A dream in which you happened to walk in the forest, picking berries, is considered a favorable sign.. Walking among the trees with a basket, picking mushrooms - such a dream means that in reality you will receive an adequate reward for your hard work. For a young woman, collected mushrooms can tell her, for example, that she is pregnant.

If a man dreams that he went mushroom picking pine forest, - such a dream foreshadows either public recognition or a successful step in business that will definitely pay off. Going to the forest to pick berries - such a dream promises that in the near future fate will give you a very good chance, and it is extremely important not to miss it.

People often look to dream books for an answer to the question of what a burning forest means. If a forest is on fire in your dream, this means that one stage in your life is coming to an end, which will bear fruit, and soon you will need to take on a new business. Or continue the current one - but at a new level.

Also, if a forest is burning in a dream, this could be a warning against your natural temper. You shouldn’t “inflate” problems so as not to arrange things in your relationships with family and friends. If in reality you are usually pessimistic, then a dream in which a grove or copse is on fire says that you need to change your mood to a positive one, otherwise you can “burn” your own good endeavors.

If you happened to see it in the forest, then, for example, the old Russian Noble Dream Book interprets it as a symbol of loneliness and sadness. Majority modern interpretations they say that if you didn’t feel when you saw a forest house negative feelings, such a dream may simply mean a peaceful life, not burdened by unnecessary communication. But the house that you saw on a bright forest edge may symbolize a new stage in life associated with a successful change of profession or social status.

If in a dream you see a forest from afar, this portends you deep sadness for those who are irretrievably gone bright days.

Finding yourself in the darkness of a dense, impenetrable thicket means that in reality you will not be able to cope with a task that at first glance seemed extremely simple.

Walking through the forest picking berries or mushrooms will give you great pleasure from visiting a theater or concert.

Finding yourself in a spring forest, picking the first flowers, is a sign of a happy marriage.

A summer forest on a fine sunny day portends good luck and a change in business to a positive result.

An autumn forest in gold and the crimson of flying leaves is a harbinger of a clash of your interests with the demands of your partners.

If you see yourself in the forest in winter, this portends ruin, need and a search for work.

Wading through solid dead wood in the forest means losses that could have been avoided.

Deciduous young growth is a sign that your dreams and aspirations are destined to come true, and sooner than you expect.

Sosnovy Bor indicates that in a dispute over the division of property you will achieve a favorable solution for yourself.

Walking through a burnt area of ​​the forest in a dream means a change in affairs for the worse.

Seeing a forest engulfed in an all-destroying fire means the successful implementation of plans, which will allow you to believe in your strength and creativity.

To see uprooted trees in a forest that has been hit by a terrible hurricane - such a dream foreshadows the danger of wasting your time, health and wealth in pursuit of dubious pleasures.

Singing in the forest means that days are coming for you full of fun and vigorous activity with your family.

Hearing the singing of forest birds - expect disappointment in the person who made your heart flutter.

If you hear dead wood cracking under your feet or fallen leaves rustling, it means you are about to experience a sad loss.

Hearing the thick, spreading crowns of huge trees rustling above your head is a sign of future success and glory.

If you and your friends have a picnic at the edge of the forest, in reality you will have a date alone with a secret friend.

If in a dream you are looking out over the forest from the top of a tall tree, which God knows how you ended up in, expect a quick promotion.

If you are collecting brushwood for a fire in the forest, this portends the beginning of a struggle for success that will end brilliantly for you.

Cutting down trees in the forest means mourning and sorrow. Seeing a forest clearing or clearing - in reality you will experience unaccountable fear, finding yourself completely alone.

If you are lost in a dense forest and circle around it, having lost all orientation and track of time, failures at work and family disagreements await you.

If at the same time it began to quickly get dark in the forest and suddenly there was heavy and cold rain, then in reality you will have to go on a forced trip. Calling in the forest means receiving good news.

If in a dream you find yourself in a tropical forest and are making your way through dense, almost impenetrable jungle as part of some expedition, expect an invitation to go on an exotic journey at someone else’s expense.

Finding yourself in a palm forest foretells a calm course of affairs without any shocks in the near future.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Run

A dream in which you are running all alone means that you will be able to surpass your partners in terms of wealth and take, and firmly, an honorable step on the hierarchical ladder of social position.

If you dream that you are running as part of a group of people, this foreshadows your possible participation in some fun holiday; moreover, you will soon discover that things have improved dramatically and are leading you straight to financial success.

Stumbling or falling in a dream means that in reality you will go wrong, or even go broke.

To get ahead of someone in a race means to outlive that person. Running barefoot means trouble.

Running after someone until you get tired means loss of money; chasing after game means unexpected joy if the game is caught.

Running away from someone means a dangerous journey; running away from somewhere means your success will be replaced by failure. Seeing hunters or riders running for those participating in it means receiving joy; falling at the same time means getting offended.

Watching brown horses run promises you favorable circumstances, which can unexpectedly change for the worse. This dream can also mean fleeting and superficial hobbies.

Seeing that your horse is supposedly running away, joining a wild herd, means that news of someone's illness awaits you.

A young girl’s dream about a running donkey means that she will have a lot of suitors, but none of them will make a serious proposal.
If you run away with fear from a donkey chasing you in a dream, then this is a sign of rumors and gossip gathering around your name.

If you dream that you are running away from a large spider, it means that luck will leave you under humiliating circumstances.

In general, if you dream that you are running away from some kind of danger, it means that you are threatened with loss, and you will lose hope of settling your affairs in a way acceptable to you.

Running through the window means that you will get into trouble from which you will not be able to recover for a long time.

If you dream about other people running away from danger, this can result in grief for you and the death of friends.

Seeing a hare running away from you in a dream means that you are gradually, unnoticed by yourself, losing something truly valuable to you.

Running after a mouse is a sign of approaching matchmaking.

If you run while participating in a sports competition, someone will encroach on what you have created, but if you come to the finish line as a winner, it means that you will defeat your rivals in life.

Interpretation of dreams from

Felomena's dream book advises paying attention to the forest. Such a dream can mean diametrically opposite things: failure or luck, profit or loss. For accurate interpretation, remember what the forest was like and what you did there.

What were you doing in the forest in your dream? What time of year was it in your dream when you saw the forest? What happened to the forest in your dream? What did the forest look like in your dream? What did you see in your dream related to the forest? What type of forest was the forest in your dream?

What were you doing in the forest in your dream?

Why do you dream about running through the forest?

A dream where you are running through the forest often symbolizes fears associated with feeling weak in the face of a cruel world. The dreamer is constantly looking for support and protection. Believe in yourself: you cannot always rely on others.

Also, running through the forest in a dream, making your way through the branches of trees - towards expected obstacles. The path to the goal will be thorny, but don’t give up: go through it to the end, because the result will make you happy.

Walking through the forest in a dream

If you dreamed about walking through the forest, you will soon have problems making decisions. A difficult situation will arise, and you will be confused. But do not despair: consider it an opportunity to learn something new, and then you will easily overcome difficulties.

When a woman dreams of walking through the forest, she will probably meet a person with whom she will enter into a romantic relationship. Less often, such a dream foreshadows new love for a man.

Dreaming about walking in the forest

Walking through the forest in a dream means the coming period of harmony and happiness. Such a plot promises a calm family life, love, joy. The dreamer will also be surrounded by loyal friends and conflict-free colleagues.

A dream in which you walk through the forest, enjoying its beauty, can also report an unexpected and pleasant event: marriage, pregnancy, promotion or receipt of funds.

Getting lost in the forest in a dream

The dream book warns: if you are lost in the forest, a situation will probably arise in reality that will seem hopeless. Quarrels in the family and problems at work are not excluded. But remember that sooner or later the trouble goes away, giving way to a bright period.

A dream about wandering through the forest can also symbolize mental tossing. The dreamer is probably confused in himself and wants to find the meaning of existence. Think about everything you've ever wondered: the answer may be more obvious than it seems.

I dreamed about picking berries

According to the dream book, picking berries or mushrooms in the forest is a sign of a new love interest. A person who has not previously considered you as a partner may be interested in you and offer to meet.

What time of year was it in your dream when you saw the forest?

Why do you dream of an autumn forest?

An autumn forest in a dream often symbolizes negative emotions: resentment, confusion, anxiety. Try to understand yourself, find the cause of your worries. Fallen leaves, bare or broken branches mean disappointment in the person with whom you valued the relationship.

Winter forest in a dream

If you dreamed of a winter forest, joy awaits the dreamer. He will maintain a good mood for a long time and share his warmth with others.

What happened to the forest in your dream?

I dreamed that the forest was burning

A dream where a forest is burning often foreshadows dramatic changes for the better. At the same time, joyful events in the family are more likely than career success. What is certain is that improvements in the dreamer’s life will be fateful.

A less often burning forest can, on the contrary, warn of troubles in work or personal life. However, these losses are unlikely to be significant. Do not fall into melancholy and despair.

What did the forest look like in your dream?

Dreaming of a dark forest

If you dream of a dark forest, this is often interpreted as a bad sign. A period of petty worries and fuss will come. Problems may also arise that can ruin your mood for a long time. Try not to give in to bad emotions.

Dense forest in a dream

Seeing a dense forest in a dream means unexpected financial gains. According to Felomena’s dream book, the size of the sum of money depends on the location of the trees in relation to each other.

Why do you dream about a fairy forest?

A fairytale forest is often dreamed of as a fulfillment of long-cherished desires. Even if you have dreamed of something for a very long time, the joy will still be limitless. Perhaps this will be the beginning happy times in your life.

What did you see in your dream related to the forest?

I dreamed of a forest and a road

If you dreamed of a road in the forest, the dreamer will experience financial difficulties. The problem is that your current occupation is not suitable for you. Learn new skills, try changing jobs, and spiritual harmony and cash flow will not keep you waiting.

Mushrooms in the forest

What type of forest was the forest in your dream?

Why do you dream of a pine forest?

A pine forest in a dream means future problems and minor troubles. Misunderstandings, conflicts with others, and misunderstandings between loved ones are not excluded. But you will be able to overcome all these difficulties.

Coniferous forest in a dream

A dream in which a coniferous forest appears is often considered a good sign. He promises support from influential people and success in work. Expected promotion, salary increase, bonus. For businessmen, such a plot promises a successful deal.

If you saw a Forest in a dream, then Dream Interpretations first invite you to evaluate your own feelings from this dream. Did the Forest scare you in a dream, or were you in the Forest and felt very comfortable? What does the Forest mean to you personally? Dream Interpretations traditionally associate the Forest with eternity, New Life, Subconscious Fear, Secret or a place where you want to hide and take refuge. Having decided what the Forest in a dream symbolizes for you and what associations it evokes, Dream Interpretations claim that you can easily find the correct forecast.

Seeing a forest in a dream, wandering through the forest- some important decision has to be found.

Something that is happening to you at the moment in reality is perceived by you as a “wild” - a dense Forest, In which it is difficult to find the only Tree you need out of hundreds of exactly the same ones. This state of loss, internal search and tossing will not go away until you cope with the existing problem in reality.

Seeing a forest in a dream, Walking through it, Enjoying the forest- attempts to turn to your inner world, calm contemplation of the world around you and your place in it.

Philosophical dream. This does not carry any significant forecast for you, however, it gives you a chance to be convinced once again that you are currently living with complete harmony in your soul. You are satisfied with yourself and your life - try to maintain this state for as long as possible.

Seeing a forest in a dream, Running through the forest in an attempt to hide from someone- internal fear, the desire to find powerful shelter or powerful support.

It is no coincidence that you found yourself in a dream in the Forest. Probably, in your real life now is not the most favorable and simple period. You want to accomplish something (find an answer to a question that worries you, a solution to some serious problem, there is a real threat to your well-being or health). The forest for you is the image of a powerful and reliable patron. The surest option for you is to find a person in reality who can protect you (give advice, support you physically and mentally). However, you should think about whether the Forest in your dream is an attempt to escape from yourself and your inner fears?

Seeing a forest in a dream, Walking through the forest with your lover (beloved)- peace and harmony within relationships.

This dream symbolizes that not only you are currently living with harmony in your soul, but also your soulmate. Good dream, Continue to further develop your relationship in the chosen direction.

To dream that you are in the forest and suddenly a tree grows in front of you- a new brilliant idea will appear; for men - a noble offspring will be born.

The interpretation regarding the birth of a son is very, very ancient (based on three things that every man should do at least once in his life). Whether to believe in him - time will tell. But you can really have a brilliant idea at any moment. The tree has powerful energy. It is likely that in the coming days you will be surprised to discover that you have a new brilliant plan.

The forest, as a rule, is a symbol of strength and power. But at the same time, it is also fraught with danger, since it is easy to get lost in the thicket. If you dreamed that you were lost in the forest in search of mushrooms and could not find a way out of it, it means that serious and long-term thoughts await you about the loyalty and decency of loved ones.

Finding mushrooms in a dry or fire-scorched forest is a sign that your suspicions were in vain, you yourself destroyed the existing relationship, although there was no reason for this, except for one thing - your excessive suspicion. If there are no mushrooms, only “stumps” remain of them, it is possible that you missed some opportunities.

Dark forest

Dream Interpretation Dark Forest dreamed of why the Dark Forest is seen in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Dark Forest in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dark forest, jungle

Social ladder.

Stairway to heaven.

Moving up and down is sexual intercourse.

Dream Interpretation - Forest

If in a dream you see a forest from afar, this portends you deep sadness for the bright days that are irretrievably gone. Finding yourself in the darkness of a dense, impenetrable thicket means that in reality you will not be able to cope with a task that at first glance seemed extremely simple. Walking through the forest picking berries or mushrooms will give you great pleasure from visiting a theater or concert.

Finding yourself in a spring forest, picking the first flowers, is a sign of a happy marriage. A summer forest on a fine sunny day portends good luck and a change in business to a positive result. An autumn forest in gold and the crimson of flying leaves is a harbinger of a clash of your interests with the demands of your partners.

If you see yourself in the forest in winter, this portends ruin, need and a search for work.

Wading through solid dead wood in the forest means losses that could have been avoided.

Deciduous young growth is a sign that your dreams and aspirations are destined to come true, and sooner than you expect. Pine forest suggests that in a dispute over the division of property you will achieve a solution that is beneficial to you. Walking through a burnt area of ​​the forest in a dream means a change in affairs for the worse.

Seeing a forest engulfed in an all-destroying fire means the successful implementation of plans, which will allow you to believe in your strength and creativity.

To see uprooted trees in a forest that has been hit by a terrible hurricane - such a dream foreshadows the danger of wasting your time, health and wealth in pursuit of dubious pleasures.

Singing in the forest means that days are coming for you full of fun and vigorous activity with your family.

Hearing the singing of forest birds - expect disappointment in the person who made your heart flutter.

If you hear dead wood cracking under your feet or fallen leaves rustling, it means you are about to experience a sad loss. Hearing the thick, spreading crowns of huge trees rustling above your head is a sign of future success and glory.

If you and your friends have a picnic at the edge of the forest, in reality you will have a date alone with a secret friend. If in a dream you are looking out over the forest from the top of a tall tree, which God knows how you ended up in, expect a quick promotion.

If you are collecting brushwood for a fire in the forest, this portends the beginning of a struggle for success that will end brilliantly for you. Cutting down trees in the forest means mourning and sorrow. Seeing a forest clearing or clearing - in reality you will experience unaccountable fear, finding yourself completely alone.

If you are lost in a dense forest and circle around it, having lost all orientation and track of time, failures at work and family disagreements await you.

If at the same time it began to quickly get dark in the forest and suddenly there was heavy and cold rain, then in reality you will have to go on a forced trip. Calling in the forest means receiving good news.

If in a dream you find yourself in a tropical forest and are making your way through dense, almost impenetrable jungle as part of some expedition, expect an invitation to go on an exotic journey at someone else’s expense. Finding yourself in a palm forest foretells a calm course of affairs without any shocks in the near future.

Dream Interpretation - Forest

The forest dreams of changes in business. Green forests promise luck, while leafy forests promise changes that are detrimental to your interests.

A forest fire foreshadows the completion of plans, prosperity and prosperity.

If you were chopping wood in a dream, you can safely join the fight: you will emerge victorious.

If in a dream you wandered in a dense forest, then you will face failures in your career and family disagreements.

We admired the green crowns - success and glory lie ahead.

Fallen leaves rustling underfoot are a sign of loss.

A forest with withered trees is a sign of disappointment.

D. Loff wrote about dreams in which the forest is seen: “When we hear the word “forest,” various epithets arise in our heads: magical, frightening, majestic, sacred, dangerous or phallic. The forest is associated with feelings of pleasure, space and fear, as well as the need to pass through it. These are the central points for interpretation.

If all the events of the dream take place in the forest, then it can be considered as an ordinary scene for the unfolding events. Such dreams show how the sleeper perceives his surroundings in reality.

If the forest has to be crossed, who does it and for what purpose? To gain something or to avoid something? If you go into the forest alone in search of special abilities, strength and wisdom from the hermit who lives there, then the forest in this case acts as a place of testing and search.

If you have to hide in the forest, perhaps this is an attempt to escape the intrusive influence of business and the consequences of the technological revolution. You apparently need renewal and a sense of peace in life.

A trip to the forest by an opposite-sex couple should be viewed from the perspective of Freudian psychoanalysis. The forest is a romantic place where our desires and potential are revealed.”

Dream Interpretation - Forest

To receive money, to changes in business.

The forest stands majestically - you will have to carry out various public assignments.

Trees in the forest with young and green foliage - speaks of the imminent fulfillment of your desires, plans and dreams.

Dead trees in the forest symbolize loss and sadness.

A leafless forest indicates that changes will not be very favorable for you.

Wandering through a dark forest - you will encounter career failures on your way.

Walking through the forest, enjoying its beauty and fresh air, is a sign that a calm, measured life in the family, excellent relationships between spouses and children awaits you.

Walking through the autumn forest, looking at the bare branches of trees and withered, fallen leaves - you will be disappointed in the person you care about.

Seeing the edge of the forest means a quick date with a pleasant person.

Walking through a narrow forest clearing in a dream means you will soon enter a pleasant, but not brilliant, field.

Forest in the distance - to cold winter, entering it means sudden fear.

Seeing a chopped forest means trouble, walking through the forest in winter means poverty, cutting down a forest in a dream means success.

You are making your way through the thicket - you may soon have to overcome obstacles on your way.

Getting lost in the forest means obstacles.

A frozen forest means the onset of unfavorable times.

Autumn golden forest is a symbol of clear results.

A dark forest symbolizes the uncertainty and wildness of your soul, a light and rare forest symbolizes the certainty of impulses and spiritual harmony.

Forest fire - to the successful completion of plans.

A forest in smoke - to suffering from illusions and prejudices; a forest in the fog symbolizes your reluctance to get to know yourself better, the desire for delusions.

Going through an aspen or spruce forest leads to dark and evil thoughts, through a birch forest leads to a good mood of the soul, through a pine forest leads to thoughts of the sublime.

Walking through the forest is a sign for a young girl to meet her betrothed.

To be in a forest park in a dream means you will have a rest with your family in nature.

Green forest belt - to joy and entertainment.

A forest without leaves means dull everyday life without holidays.

Forest glade - to meet a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Forest

The forest is a complex situation, the process of self-discovery, the female maternal principle of life / matter and the material world.

To see a forest means there will be a time of searches and decisions, difficult self-knowledge ahead.

Walking through the forest is a situation in which it will be difficult to navigate; get to know yourself better, know your self.

Animals and personalities in the forest are different sides of your self.

Fears are the state of your conscience.

Wandering is the state of your mind, your delusions, evil.

Making your way through the thicket means overcoming obstacles.

Going down through the forest is to comprehend the bottom of the soul.

Climbing up a mountain through a forest means comprehending the heights of your spirit.

A burning forest is a possibility of serious misfortune.

Frozen forest - the onset of evil times.

In the snow is the soul during a period of painful trials, when the essential is naked, and the little things are hidden from view.

A felled forest means mourning, grief.

Dry forest - dying, disintegration of something in the soul.

Autumn forest: if golden - a symbol of clear results;

If it is stormy - threats and troubles arising from the disharmony of the soul and emanating from the outside world.

The dark forest is the uncertainty of your mental life.

Light and rare – certainty of impulses, spiritual harmony.

A forest in smoke means suffering from illusions and prejudices.

Forest in the fog - your reluctance to get to know yourself better, your tendency to make mistakes.

Walking through an aspen or spruce forest means gloomy and evil thoughts.

Birch forest - a good mood of the soul, tenderness.

Pine forest - thoughts about the sublime.

Dream Interpretation - Forest

When we hear the word “forest”, various epithets come to mind: magical, frightening, majestic, sacred, dangerous or phallic. The forest is associated with feelings of pleasure, space and fear, as well as the need to pass through it. These are the central points for interpretation.

If all the events of the dream take place in the forest, then it can be considered as an ordinary - calm and favorable (or vice versa) - scene for unfolding events. Such dreams show how the sleeper perceives his surroundings in reality.

If the forest has to be crossed, who does it and for what purpose? To gain something or to avoid something? If you go into the forest alone in search of special abilities, strength and wisdom from the hermit who lives there, then the forest in this case acts as a place of testing and search. If you have to hide in the forest, perhaps this is an attempt to escape the intrusive influence of business and the consequences of the technological revolution. You apparently need renewal and a sense of peace in life.

A trip to the forest by an opposite-sex couple should be viewed from the perspective of Freudian psychoanalysis. The forest is a romantic place where our desires and potential are revealed.

What associations do you primarily associate with the forest in real life - relaxation and tranquility, fear of getting lost, unlimited choice or discovery?

Do you feel that life is pressing on you so much that you are not even able to see individual trees in a single forest?

Dream Interpretation - Forest

A dark forest in a dream is a sign of sadness, grief and obstacles in business. Sometimes a forest in a dream means an unfamiliar business or an unfamiliar city (country). Wading through it in a dream means that you will do everything possible to achieve your goal, but your plans are doomed to failure. Getting out of a dark forest into a bright place in a dream is a very good omen. Such a dream means that you will cope with any difficulties and achieve what you want. Seeing a burning forest in a dream is a sign of losses and grief. To see a light forest filled with sunshine with birdsong in a dream is a sign of a romantic mood, receiving good news from a nice person or a meeting with him. Sometimes such a dream predicts a happy marriage. Seeing him at a distance is a sign of loneliness; to enter into it means fear. To see logging in a dream is a harbinger of mourning and grief; cutting down a forest yourself in a dream means success in business; wandering around it in winter or autumn means that you are expected hard times. Hearing music in the forest or singing it yourself is a sign of joy. The edge of a forest in a dream is a sign of a date with a friend. Seeing a dried forest (dry forest) in a dream is a sign of disappointment and complete collapse of hopes. Such a dream means the beginning of a long period of failure in your life, the duration of which will be proportional to the number of dried trees in your dream. A birch grove in a dream symbolizes success and satisfaction. Seeing a beautiful green forest in a dream means that success in business awaits you. A coniferous forest in a dream is a sign of good health and prosperity that will accompany you until old age. It is especially favorable to see such a dream at Epiphany. A sawmill in a dream means settling a difficult matter (without a hitch). See interpretation: .. trees, leaves.

Dream Interpretation - Forest

A green forest with young foliage is a symbol of health, success, wealth.

The dark, mysterious forest promises a very difficult task, which you will still do, although it will not be easy.

Walking through a dense forest means difficulties in work or family life.

Walking in a beautiful forest is a sign of love adventures.

Cutting down a forest means prosperity.

Seeing a dense forest on the horizon is a sign of sadness.

Dead forest, autumn, bare forest with leaves underfoot, or ice and snow on the ground in the forest - to sorrows, losses, disappointments.

Getting lost in the forest means illness.

A burning forest means great success in creativity for people of creative professions.

For others - in general, success in life.

Admiring the majestic trees is a sign of success and glory.

Dream Interpretation - Forest

The forest is evil. If the forest is cut down, there will be illness and death among the people. The forest stands majestically - public concerns. Forest, flock, chickens, grass - people. The forest is dense - you will get money, green - a long life. Walking through the forest means anxiety, excitement; happy marriage. The forest is burning - secret love, joyful surprise. Getting lost in the forest means danger and confusing matters. Seeing a forester is fortunate.

Dream Interpretation - Forest

People, profit // foreign land, bad; green – good, health, long life, success // lost hopes; dry - dashing; thick - getting money // difficult work; walking through the forest - happy marriage // anxiety; walk thickly - you will be in conversation; deciduous forest - you will have to live among grumpy people; coniferous forest - sadness after short-lived joy; pine forest - fire; dark forest - sadness, great grief, illness; the forest is noisy - quarrel; the forest is burning - secret love, joyful surprise // loss, sadness; to cut down a forest - to defeat an enemy, death; getting lost is an obstacle in business, danger, illness.



At first I dreamed that I was going somewhere and I had to get there very quickly. I found myself in a dense, dense forest. And a large river flowed, quiet and smooth. The day passed, I had to go but I stayed overnight. and then I saw a gasket. That’s it.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Lesya, you will probably find an abundance of entertainment in the future; as a rule, a forest in a dream promises this.


please tell me. Now, if I’m in the forest, and there are two paths to my left and right. I’m walking on the right, looking for something or someone, but I look back. (I’m thinking whether I went right and what’s there on the left) then I come back, I doubt whether I should take the left path. but that's where the dream ends
the forest is green, but not sunny and not gloomy

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Such a dream most likely indicates that you will have to make a difficult choice.


I dreamed that I was walking through the forest alone. The forest was in the snow, the sun was shining. I really liked it there, thinking about something...
then some people appear in swimsuits despite the fact that there is snow)
please tell me what this means)))


I always have such vivid dreams that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish them from reality. Yesterday I had a dream about how I was standing in the forest. It was at sunset, the forest was so quiet and calm... The trees were tall, because I didn’t see their leaves or needles (if they were pine trees). But the point is that the dream is bright, quiet and pleasant. In general, I very often dream of forests in their different guises, sometimes in the fall, sometimes in the summer after rain, sometimes in a dry and cloudy summer. This time the forest was summer and cool


I dreamed on Saturday, as if on a clear spring day I was walking and came out to the edge of the forest, I was in a very good mood, there was goodness in my soul, and suddenly I saw a whole cleared forest clearing, and the trees were fresh, green and very beautiful. I feel very sorry for them, I cry and say that it looks like a cemetery.


Tell me please! I dreamed that I was in the forest, looking at huge spruce trees from a distance, beautiful in the snow, I admire their beauty, I talk about it, I admire it. What could this mean? In principle, the dream was pleasant.


I dreamed that I was in a beautiful, green, sun-drenched forest, in some clearing, trying on long dress bright blue color. What could this mean? Thank you.


hello! please help me interpret the dream. I’m on the street with my brother, the weather is very gloomy and old, we get on the bus, it’s half empty, our stop is about to get off, my brother gets off, but the front door closes, I ask the driver to stop, but he says that he can’t stop two times at one stop I go further and get off at the next stop. I ask people when there will be a next bus. They say that in 2-3 hours I decide to walk because I only need to walk back one stop, I walk along the road and turn into forest, in the forest no rain and it’s quite dry and warm there, it’s dark in the forest, you can’t see anything! but I know the way, on the way I come across a wooden bridge, it’s strong but there aren’t enough boards at the bottom, so to cross the bridge I move sticks and reach the ground as soon as I I crossed the bridge, I realized that I was lost and then I see a man whose face I don’t see but he is bald and dressed normally, I tell him that I am lost and that I need to go to the city, he says that he will help me and I follow him, we walk for about 15 minutes, then he says that he is tired and wants to smoke, I’m nervous but I don’t tell him, he tells me not to be nervous and that the city is just a stone’s throw away, but I don’t see anything except darkness, he gets up and lights up, let’s go, we take two steps and we find ourselves in the city, the sun is shining warmly and it’s very beautiful I see my brother and run to him, he asks why it’s taking me so long, I remember about this man and wanted to say thank you to him, but he’s nowhere to be found, and I woke up. Please help me understand the dream. Thanks in advance

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Your dream, in which there was such a forest, most likely indicates that you will have to participate in a dubious and risky event.


My grandson walked along the asphalt road, but to the right and left there was a very dense impenetrable forest, but the grandson left and was not visible.


I often have a dream that I am in a coniferous forest and feel afraid. Someone is chasing me


I'm walking through the city in the SUMMER, suddenly I find myself in the forest, but the city through the trees you can see the forest is very beautiful AUTUMN there are red-orange leaves and very tall maples with thick red leaves around, I'm standing admiring the forest, suddenly I hear singing, I look around and see my friend, she's walking with a guy and singing ( I haven’t seen him in real life yet) we said hello and moved on together...

May 22, 2012 Morning Kahiika:

(Forest. Picnic. Road. Turn. Dog.] (3rd lunar day).
This morning I dreamed that my friends and I had a meeting - a picnic in the area adjacent to the forest, we were raising toasts, with a friend who was in the distance with us. In reality. And in a dream everything is together. My friend and I had a relationship with this. In the dream, everyone raises toasts, he doesn’t even wait to finish his drink out of decency, he needs to talk to me. and he asks me: “Will you go for a walk with me?” We are walking along the road, next to a forest, a small one, a strip, the trees are quite tall, not a young forest, not old, but almost transparent, spruce trees are dark green, beautiful. The road turns and disappears behind the forest, and there we almost immediately come to a paved area and something like a tunnel begins. Stone, column, painted bluish. There we have a conversation, explanations, before going to bed, I made a dream to find out how he relates. I feel calm with him, I haven’t remembered such a feeling for a long time. But in the dream it was almost real. Pleasant). Even before this, in the company we talked about domestic animals, I was even with my pet on a leash, and the conversation was about the fact that he also had or had a dog at home, he also got some kind of breed, and at the beginning of the road I asked him about pets (in real life I don’t know if he has pets), and then he started a conversation on a topic that interests both of us And we talked) Now I read in the interpretation that a picnic with friends at the edge of the forest is a secret date) Thank you in advance, Tell me the interpretation please =)


Hello. Please help me interpret the dream. I dreamed of a pine forest, probably in late autumn or early spring, gloomy and seemingly in a fog. I was in the forest with my boyfriend, with whom I am now in the period of reconsidering my relationship in real life, and with my previous boyfriend. We were cutting down the forest, and the first tree was cut down, but three fell on their own. The real young man watched from afar, chopping with the previous one. In real life they know each other. The dream occurred from Monday to Tuesday, August 6-7. Thank you.


Forest, I was standing near a tall tree, and nearby people were sleeping on the ground, I was surprised. Some of the people asked me to cover them, and I covered them.


I had a dream that I got off at a bus stop and saw a forest (like twilight in the movie, but I haven’t seen this movie for a long time, so that’s not why I had a dream) and I’m standing on a hill and starting to go down, but then I suddenly stop I’m getting scared, because I saw a girl rolling down and I decided to go back, but then I see a scary man and he looks and smiles and pushes me, I start to roll down and grab someone’s legs and the soul of a random person with my legs (like me I understood) and later the dream is interrupted and I find myself in prison, but the prison was bright and I thank this unpleasant guy for the fact that I am in prison. what could this be for?


Tell me, I almost woke up, I dreamed that they were talking about the history of a city. I’m standing in front of a small carved wooden gate. in front the road goes into the forest near the gate there is a hut on the right with a porch there, as I understand it, there is customs)) on the left there is a cow grazing and they say that the milk is delicious from the countryside, they either sell it or give it to everyone who comes in.


I dreamed that I started raking brown leaves at my parents’ place, and then they called and made an appointment to meet a man in the forest, I get ready, put on my makeup, get dressed and go and... I wake up


Hello! Today I had several dreams:
-I was walking through the forest with my mother and brother and we met one by one, first a squirrel, then a cheetah, then a fox. No one rushed at us. Only the cheetah ran around
- I dreamed that I was driving (but in reality I don’t have a license) for some reason in the back seat and I couldn’t see the road well from behind the front seat


I had a dream in the morning of 02/19/14. I was walking in a thin forest with some people, then it began to get dark and the forest began to “thicken.” I was taking them somewhere, I wanted to show them something... There were 2 people with me. I don’t remember how the dream ended.


Early morning, summer, blue clear sky, the sun shines throughout the whole sky... the forest is green, clean, I walk through a forest clearing, along green grass and I see a man standing at a distance, he leaned over, petting a large fluffy dog ​​and said something friendly to me


I had a dream that my friends and I went into the forest, and there I saw two young deer. One of them looked into my eyes and waited for me to stroke him.


I had a very strange dream, as if I and some other guys unfamiliar to me were in the forest, in this forest there are many paths, each of which leads somewhere. It turned out that we took the wrong path, at the end of this path I saw people, but they were dressed like people dressed in the past, in general they chased us, and then a gate appeared in front of me, I went into it and it was very dark forest, and with my presence I disturbed some creatures, in general I realized that this was a forest of the dead. I began to run away from there, knowing that they would be able to run into an ordinary forest, but no, today was the very night when they could enter all the forests, I rode a horse and some creatures constantly bit me on my legs, from this forest, in the end I I hid somewhere, met some aunt and she was like this, we are all hiding that night and I woke up


Forest.. The bandits were running away from them, but then she decided to kill them, she killed them, but she herself was hurt, help was on the way, I decided to take their scooter (motor) and run away (leave), but then he stopped driving, I went on foot.. and saw a rose then the second and third, but they were separately and more and more to the left of me there was a river, or rather a waterfall. And that’s all


I dreamed of a forest, an autumn forest, the wind was shaking the leaves, which had turned yellow and fallen, the foliage was not bright. The dream is somehow gray. It seemed like they had come for mushrooms, I looked at the forest and realized that there were no mushrooms. But I raked the leaves and found two mushrooms, they were somehow thin and dark in color. Some not beautiful mushrooms.


The forest, a completely ordinary unremarkable forest, which I have known since childhood, was decorated with round lanterns, so that it looked like a piece of sun in the darkness of the night, among faceless houses and a boring landscape. There were numerous paths that led to a wonderful field of flowers. It was as if the forest was reflecting the sunset, the sun, saying goodbye to the night, gave it its rays, mystery and mystery. I was walking there with my friend. (He is unrequitedly in love with me, and soon he will move to another country) ... What could such a dream mean?


We bought a house in the forest, but I’m not happy with the fact that I will live there, I look through the eyes of people, and I reassure myself that it’s not so scary to live in the forest, several people walk along the path, and my soul becomes calmer, what could it be?? ?


I was walking through the forest at night with my dad, we lost my mom, then we found her phone, then we met a bear, but we didn’t run away from it. It seemed like it was evening.


I see a forest along the road, but the forest is not green, just trunks. All these trunks do not burn with a strong flame, but slowly, one might even say they smolder. It seems that all the trees are like lanterns. When I entered this forest belt, I saw small holes, like for fires. In these pits, unburned firewood also smoldered like coals. The thought arose in my head that the vacationers did not extinguish the fires, so all the trees caught fire. Then I immediately saw in my dream, as if from a bus window, I looked at the mountains and on each mountain there were beautiful temples with domes. I drive along this mountain serpentine and admire the temples.


I dreamed that it was as if I was flying through the forest and there were very beautiful residential buildings with plots in it, but in the middle of nowhere, some houses stood in swamps, the forest was beautiful but very gloomy


I had a dream that I was driving with my godfather in a car through the forest and we were turning into bets... a lot of duckweed, he jumped out and I was slowly sinking, but the water couldn’t reach me and I couldn’t swim


Hello, last night I had a dream, I dreamed that my two younger cousins ​​were herding geese in the garden, their dog (red color) was hovering near me all the time, there was a forest behind the garden, then I dreamed that 3 geese dragged away the forests, and the rest ran away into forest and we looked for them, then we found them and that’s all... thanks for your answer


we came on an excursion. some kind of city reminiscent of India, it is built on a mountain; when you climb to the highest streets, it becomes difficult to breathe due to the thin air. there were a lot of blooming zebras and flowers in general. opens at the top beautiful view to the forest. across the river it is dense with lush trees with green burgundy and yellow crowns.


I dreamed of a green forest and a lot of green grass, I walked along a path and found an abandoned old house, I started cleaning there, sweeping, washing the floors and wiping off dust, in order to live there


In general, I was on the bus and asked to stop and urgently get off... I stopped right on the road along right side at home on the left, I went into the forest, it was as if it was on a mountain, from far away it was colored, I came closer, it became gloomy and dark, and as if something had stopped me, I quickly walked away from it.


I dreamed of a river and I had to cross this river on a bridge..But the bridge was unusual..There were many cracks on it...After I crossed the bridge...I started running away from someone into the forest..I looked for a way out for a long time and found


As always, I sat alone in the gazebo (I just love solitude). And then an unfamiliar young man approached me. He yelled in my face: “I’m 4 days older than you.” I was born on August 5th, and you are 9th!!! Then he gently took my hand, at first we were just walking somewhere, but then, he grabbed my hand and dragged me into the forest with an evil smile. I thought it was a surprise, but he left me there alone and I was looking for a way out. This is a very strange dream)


I was at the edge of the forest. I was talking to someone. A bear came with whom I am friends. I tell him why I came, you can’t come here. I take him by the collar and take him into the depths of the forest.


I dreamed that I and a young man were driving a car through the forest; the trees there were very large and their roots were intertwined.


Hello Tatyana! I was walking through the forest, and in the distance a guy I like was watching, I know where he is and I started looking for him in the forest. I saw him, but I can’t get to that place


My girlfriend dreamed of a small fish, flattened and in the shape of a diamond. The fish tried to devour her...


I arrived by bus and got off at the stop. The night was very dark and there were tall trees on the road in front of me, and in the distance behind the trees there was a small light.


I entered the forest, there was a huge, solid oak table, there was something on it and the same buffet with dishes. My boyfriend told me to go ahead and not be afraid, it was all his. Then a huge elk with beautiful antlers appeared. Then a wolf jumped onto some hill and stood with his back to me, but I felt a feeling of fear when my child reached out to him and opened his mouth so that his teeth became visible. I fell to my knees young man, and he told me not to be afraid.


I dreamed of a forest, very warm colors! The forest was green, rich, there were a lot of pine trees and green vegetation growing in it, and there was a path in the middle, I saw it from the side, as if they had shown me a picture


I am running through the forest, a dark and very dense forest, but there is a road and more than one... there are many of them... they are not wide, but you can move along them... someone was chasing me, I was scared... I ran away.. then I jumped into the dense bushes and crawled there no matter what


My friend and I wanted to shorten the journey. and went through the forest, it was during the day. At first the road was flat and then it was like a slope downwards and my friend and I clung to the roots of the trees and went down


I dreamed of a green, beautiful forest with smooth, wide paths along which I walked. And there were also several swings in this forest where children rode. In a dream I wanted to return to this forest. Thank you


The dream began with the fact that I lived in a holiday village, in a wooden house with my mother. In the dream, night often prevailed, but it was not completely dark, but closer to the evening darkness (dark with blue tints). In the dream there were many other people, a couple from my own family, and others were friends, but in reality I don’t know them. I could often hear a wolf howling, loudly and seemingly close. Most often in the dream I was at home in my room. The room was filled with toys, mostly large and colorful. Soon they began to come to life and talk to me, they became friends. But the most important thing is that they came to life only from an electric shock. There was a cable with electricity sticking out in the wall. Sometimes I went outside, but I don’t quite remember what was there. So Well, in the dream there was a guy, I don’t remember his face or name, but in the dream, he was closest to me, before that, he was my toy, and somehow became a person.
This is all I remember from the dream.


Hello, well, I’ll start with the fact that I run past this place (lowland) quite often (run in the evenings), so here’s the dream itself - I was running during daylight hours with a dog, and so there’s a lowland there, approaching it I saw a man sitting on the road and smoking, he reasoned that life is a good thing, he said only good things, for some reason I heard him, although I was still not so close, when I came almost close, he stood up and began to call me into the forest, just call me and that’s it, I felt that nothing bad would happen, my dog ​​ran forward, but as soon as I entered a little, I was pierced by a feeling of anxiety, danger, although the forest was not dense, near the road from where I entered it there were several withered trees, very dry, I remember as soon as I returned to the road and that’s it


the dream was not pleasant for me. I was in the forest, it was night, it was terribly dark and scary, but I needed to find something or someone, I was alone in this dream.


I dreamed of a forest, there were a lot of trees, most likely a forest outside the forest, there was a dog with us. Then wolves started jumping out from everywhere, but as it turned out later they were dogs, but there was only 1 wolf. In real life, I have a young man and at the moment he is at home in the village. So my friend and I walked through this forest to his house. When these dogs started running out, I really wanted to go home with him. As a result, I didn’t even know the address, because of this, we went into some house, his friends were sitting there and he, when he saw me, he was shocked, all his friends said, his girlfriend Tanya came and he came up and started hugging and kissing, he was glad that I had arrived , asked how it all happened that you were here. I said that I walked there myself. then he introduced me to his friends, there was some girl sitting there, we got to know her so well. then I sat down on a chair and he let me say how much he liked me, that he couldn’t live without me, then he even said that he loved me. all this time he kissed and hugged me. Somehow it happened so that I’m standing hugging him and I’m watching how he’s grown, although in life he’s a little taller than me. Then I started to worry that it was already 11 and I needed to go home, it was already dark and I didn’t want to walk, I was scared, we went out into the street with him and suddenly some car pulled up and they wanted to ask us for something and I saw my math teacher there she asked what I was doing here, I told her and she said that she would take me and my husband home. And there was also a moment when my young man told his friends about me that he liked me very much, they asked him and that you didn’t even cheat on her, to which he hesitated a little, he had a strange expression on his face and he didn’t cheat.


Good afternoon. my dream is somewhat delusional.
I dreamed that I was with my parents in the forest, in the house of a man whom I knew was dangerous. After talking with this man, we hastily rode away from him on horseback; I climbed onto my horse with difficulty. Halfway there, I realized that along the way I had lost my wallet, phone and keys and wanted to go back for them, but my parents dissuaded me because... it was already dark, this man could be watching us and could harm me. in the end we returned to our house, which was also somewhere in the forest. Later it turned out that the lost things were brought to me by a black bird (it looked like a crow and could talk)


I dreamed of a road along which I was driving, there was a forest nearby and darkness ahead. Then I turned the car back and 3 men wanted to attack me. And I ran again into the darkness


I'm walking along a path in a green forest. I see a familiar large dog lying in my path. I approach the dog and see 2 white worms in the dog. I pulled one out, but the other tore.


I was walking with my mother in the forest, a sleepy forest, tall pines, very beautiful.
Then I went home with my mother and got ready for my wedding. I saw the first snow through the window, somewhere around the end of November, there were no leaves.


I was walking along a forest road and looking for a phone, I found a couple of them, mine wasn’t there, suddenly I came across two paths. It’s like I see myself in a mirror, only from the past, as a teenager, we said hello, she went back along one path, and I went forward along the other uphill, what’s this for?


I'm stealing cosmetics from a store, I come out of it and in front of me the forest is green, but dark, I try to jump in front but I jumped on a tree and then woke up


Good afternoon, Tatyana! I had a dream today:
How my friends and I are riding a bicycle along a forest road, the forest is dense and seemingly exotic, we are riding a bicycle, and on the road many, many lizards and all sorts of beetles are running away from us, but mostly there were lizards - light green in color, we don’t have time drive around them and it turns out that we run into some of them and there is a lot of blood....(((then we stop and I see in the dark in the forest how the eyes of some animal are glowing; there were two of them, they were very similar to cats or something like that, it was a dream scary, I felt a lot of negativity in it! Can you describe what it is? I’ll tell you today I’m in a stressful state, maybe that’s why I have such dreams???


Good afternoon
I barely got out of bed and had been like that for a long time.

I had a dream that I was walking through the forest with a little girl, I don’t remember whether I was holding her hand or not, but I was much older than her. Maybe my child?

In general, I dreamed that I was walking through the forest with that girl and we saw a daisy swing (a swing on a chain). I invited her to go for a ride, but she firmly said: “I don’t want to!” “, and I went and sat on them. (I don’t remember how the child ended up there, but turning my head back, I knew that that girl would be sitting there). I checked that it fits well and is held tight. I felt worried for that child. By the way, when we were sitting, she and I had a huge carrot in our hands, already gnawed, but in the dream we didn’t eat it, at least I didn’t see it. We sat down on the swing and she reluctantly began to ride on it, although I myself did not experience emotions of joy, I felt anxiety and fear that this same swing would fall apart. The swing was rusty, the paint was peeling off, but in my dream I did not see the structure itself that holds this very swing. A little time passed and we rolled around a little, the swing began to gain momentum (I won’t say for sure whether I asked or someone himself decided to give us a ride at full speed. I remember that I caught a glimpse of someone and the feeling, that it was a man, although I saw him in a dream, like a black spot, he did something, switched something, and then disappeared) and we rose higher and higher. But the swing itself stood in a circle of trees, one might say in the center, and when we rose high, the chain grabbed the trees and I jumped off the swing, shouting to the child so that she too should jump: “Jump! Fast! ". I stood below and raised my hands up to catch her, but there was some kind of cloudiness in my eyes, the dream was cut short and the child fell to the ground, and then it was as if someone had played this scene again and this time I caught her already in your hands.

After that, I woke up, what’s most interesting, with the thought that this dream wanted to tell me something and I should understand its meaning. When I fell asleep, I asked a question in my mind: “Tell me what awaits me next and what to hope for?”
Tell me, how can I interpret my dream? What does it mean? Can you write specifically what awaits me? And thank you in advance for your work!

P.S.: I was looking for dream books, but I came across your site, which means I’m on the right track and only you can help me! I'm sure of it!


I dreamed that I went to live in the forest, built myself a house, or rather a nest in a tree, and lived away from people. The forest was dominated by more coniferous, sunny, forest lake, rather closer to autumn, although warm


I dreamed that we had a math test in our class, my boyfriend told me that we were breaking up, and then he went into the forest, my friend and I followed him. My friend suddenly disappeared and so did my boyfriend. I ran to look for him and at the end I was walking through the forest with my boyfriend walking by my hand and he changed to a girlfriend and then again to him.


I don’t remember how it all started, but I remember from that moment where several girls (maybe three), in white dresses, walked through the forest (and “I” followed them, rather my character in a dream) to some place, there were guys there, they were waiting for them, and then my “father” found us, and cut the girls’ body (at the chest) crosswise and began to remove the skin, but they did not die, but ran away, I also ran, I protected them (with some kind of weapon), but I didn’t have time to run away, because the maniac ran after me, grabbed me and took me to his house in the forest. I was a prisoner in this house, but at the same time I could move freely around the house, I saw how the cell phone was lying on the table, I saw that there was a sea outside the window, we talked normally, because I knew that he was my father and would not cause harm, but I I was still in captivity, he left and came, once he came and said that he had cut the chest of some boy in the same way. So several days passed, at some point I discovered that in the far corner of the house there was a hidden door that he didn’t know about, and I planned to escape, but for some reason I didn’t run away, although I wanted to run away through it. Once when he forgot the phone on the table, I took it but messages started coming to him, I was afraid that he would hear the sound and understand that I had the phone and I returned it to its place, then I managed to call, I called my mother but I don’t remember there was a conversation and then 02, but there I also remember only silence, and then I woke up


In a dream, I went out into some garden in the forest, stole potatoes, and then some man was chasing me, and I ran through the forest on some hills, there was a house and he lay down in the bathtub, and when I left the room, he chased me again.


I had a dream, as if I, together with my ex-boyfriend, were running into the forest and making love there. The forest is not dense, passable. beautiful, summer time.


I dreamed of a beautiful autumn forest with bright red and yellow leaves, while I was driving along the road in a car near it, I wanted to stop and take a photo, but we didn’t stop, my husband and I were driving. I really admired the beauty of the forest


an old forest, centuries-old trees, they marked out their plot with a red ribbon, then a journey, dendroids, gnomes in a mine, a gnome railway road, a small carriage brings forests to its plot, a tea party


In a dream, I saw a clear boundary between the red and green (normal) forest. There was a red forest with red leaves, grass and bushes, I entered it and at the end of this forest there was a church


(In a dream, I see myself from the outside). It’s as if I see myself in a fabulous, beautiful, green forest, sitting on a bench in a summer, pink dress, I have flowing, honey-colored, curly hair and a very calm, peaceful face and next to me there is a very tall, large guy with black and red hair. He has a wide back, wide shoulders and he seems to half cover me sitting. A winding path leads to this bench. I had a dream from January 6 to January 7


My husband and I were walking in the forest, it was already getting dark... and we decided to go home... I remember for sure that we knew the way, since we had walked here more than once (but in reality we were not there) The forest is very beautiful, green, tall, wonderful) We met strangers They advised me to go back, but I said that I had walked this road more than once.


I dreamed of a forest with red and white foliage. The ground was flat, flat, and strewn with red and white leaves. The trees were tall, straight, and their foliage also grew quite densely. Afterwards, I heard the rustling of animals, and a white and fluffy miracle (something) reminiscent of a cat ran out to me. He pulled his paws towards me to touch me - what kind of animal I was. But it felt incredibly soft and warm. The animal came down from the tree closer to me, I sat down on the ground, and next to me were two frogs, one ordinary, the other deep green, they jumped onto my hand


I was driving somewhere through the forest in the back seat of a car, and felt the morning coolness, bright and strongly yellow, even bronze rays of the sun passed through the pines, I felt them on my face


I was walking along a forest road. It's light in the forest. The trees are bright, with green and yellow foliage. There are many different mushrooms. I started cutting off the cutest boletus mushrooms (2 pieces). Blueberries grew in heaps in the forest, and there were many bright blue berries on the bushes. The dream was generally long, there were various plots, but this part was best remembered


I dreamed that at night I was with my mother in the forest looking for a place to stay for the night, passing by an abandoned house, we were walking somewhere with a blanket to sleep on the way, she was telling me something with a candle


I’m walking through the forest, bright, the sun is shining, a gun on my shoulder. I approach the houses and go into one. There's a girl sitting on the bed that I like. She looks right through me. An unknown person comes in and starts making love to her, it’s as if they don’t see me. Then after it's all over, I take the gun and point it at him. He notices me and is surprised, and the girl asks me not to do anything wrong


A clearing in the autumn forest I remember that the forest was amazingly beautiful - green red yellow The road to this forest along which I move


I was traveling in a car with my husband and deceased relatives. stopped on the road. I went into the forest and started picking mushrooms. got lost, but eventually saw the sun and light through the thickets. I was delighted and went towards the light


Hello! And so I had a dream with my child and about 10 other people, I don’t know them, but supposedly we know each other and we are friends from home. We ended up in some kind of large abandoned room, other people came and threw us pistols, one for each, they were pink and black, for those people it was a game, we were divided into 2 types of teams, we shot at each other, we weren’t all alive for long, then those people started hunting us, we started running away, I was very scared for my child and for everyone I saved him with strength, then I hid in some kind of booth with the little one, I saw the dogs, they were beating bald, one old, evil-looking one didn’t touch us, and three teenagers were kind puppies, then they found us, but I and the little one broke out again and ran away, I remember they ran into I started hiding the house in the closet, so they ran outside and hid behind a pile of dirty branches, the hunt continued, then I saw the landing, grabbed my child and ran away so quickly without looking back and thought in my sleep that we were finally free..... by the way, the big dog was walking on his feet ..


I had a dream in which I was driving through the forest with my friend’s family. on every tree there was a dead person hanging, as if they had been hanged. the family was incomplete... I clearly remember my friend and his younger sister. I was driving behind, they were ahead. she ran somewhere forward, and her brother started shouting for her to come back quickly, then he ran back, as if he had seen something... I’m not a fearful person, but throughout the entire dream I was followed by an unpleasant feeling of fear...


I wanted to go into the forest with my infant daughter, but for some reason I turned around and walked out (out into a green meadow). the forest had just blossomed leaves. Pink flowers grew along the edges.


I came with my mother to the forest, we wandered around picking mushrooms, then I wanted to eat, I found mushrooms, some children came up and said that they also wanted to eat, I started looking for clean water, I found it, took a bucket and cooked soup. I don’t remember the rest.


I walk through the forest and see amazing plants and trees, I go out to the edge of the forest and see mostly yellow colors of plants. The dream is colorful. At the end of the dream I heard two knocks on the window. I thought my granddaughter came from a friend’s birthday party. But no one actually knocked.


I often dream about the forest after the rain. Huge tree trunks covered with dark green leaves. Twilight (or dark due to clouds, crowns). We (usually there are people with me running from something and looking like beggars in their clothes. 5-10 people. Mostly adults, but sometimes a couple of children). We are traveling on a wooden cart (convoy), but at some point we stop (for various reasons: the cart broke down, the road is washed out, there is no road). But I always look back. The winding earthen-clay road we passed was wet with moisture, sometimes with small streaks and puddles (partly dirty, partly transparent). There is always a wooden hut in the forest in which we hide. I never remember stepping over the threshold; I always found myself immediately inside. There is twilight and, one might say, a slight disorder. I'm always trying to save someone. At dusk I run through the damp forest and look for a child (today my son). The trees are not so tall, but they are frequent. I clearly remember the branches - partly bare, partly with leaves. Under the fallen leaves I find several mushrooms (not together, in different places). The mushrooms are not familiar to me (they look like floats), perhaps edible, not spoiled, brown, quite large and at first glance do not arouse suspicion. But I have no desire to rip them off, they’re just etched in my memory. It’s as if someone is chasing me (wolves or monsters, I won’t even say I don’t see them, I just feel them). I easily make my way through the thickets without falling, without harming myself. I bring the baby, wrapped in swaddling clothes or a blanket, into the hut. It happens that I bring a fairly adult child.


I see a pine forest and it beckons me, I really want to enter it, but I can’t, something is stopping me. dream about it very often


I dreamed that in a dream I was walking with my mother into the forest. But there is a doga in front of us. Which we are prevented from crossing (a slight fear is felt). But in the dream there is a clear image of coniferous trees on one side and the usual mixed ones on the other.


I saved the forest from the pipes that cloud nature. I saw the boardwalk, the sea. The roots of the tree were dug up and it took 2-3 days


One person owes me money. He and I have a common cause. Lately he's running away from me. I think I annoyed him with my complaints about the common cause. Before meeting him, I had a dream. Day. “He and I drove through two gas stations and didn’t fill up at either. Stop on young green grass. The forest was visible to the right


There's a big crowd of us
We fry sausages on Sheelit (a mountain in our city)
My girlfriend throws a stick into the wilderness of the forest and hits some unknown guy
He comes out with a knife and says that he will kill her now.
We all ran in the other direction into the woods and somehow ended up in the city, on the square, for a coin
Instead of a yard there was a large field and forest
And this guy comes running with his friends
We stand
They come up to us
And I see the man is nowhere to be found
My girlfriend runs into the forest, and some woman follows her
I turn my head back
A man walks and yells: “Hey, you come here”
I was scared, he came up on his own, and it turned out to be my friend
I see my girl coming out of the forest
And this woman is behind her, but she’s already riding a bike
I run up to Ulyana, hug her, and ask what happened.
She said that in the forest this woman caught up with her and pushed her, Ulyana fell and broke her lip on the left
I turn around and this woman is driving
I just grab her by the elbow and start yelling, “What did you do to my girl?”
She answered me that you were the one who fell the most
And when she rode her bike
I pushed her and said that she was on her own
She fell into the mud
I made sure her face was all dirty too
I took her by the crackling
She was lying
And in this position I dragged her into the forest
I don't know why
Before entering the forest I turned around
Walked behind me
A very tall black man with no face
In a beige raincoat and hat
I turned my head back and quickened my pace
Telling this woman “Don’t yell, otherwise they’ll think I’m a maniac”
Then I look
In my left hand I have some kind of black bag, it was unzipped, it contained all sorts of feminine things and an ax
We enter the forest
I've been having this dream for a long time
How I enter the dark forest
There's only one road
Narrow path
I'm walking on it
And past the rustling of trees
In the bushes
To my left
The girl starts to cry
Just all black
Messy braids
Smeared mascara
Black eyes
Black ripped dress
One stocking on the right leg
And dirty black ballet shoes
I turn my head, she sits crying, then suddenly she turns up next to me
I start running without looking back, I stumble
I'm falling
And I wake up
Every time I dream about this, the crying girl is getting closer and closer to me.
That is, if before I only heard her, now she is already standing next to me


I dreamed that we were cutting down a forest... the saw breaks... we do it and start cutting again... in my opinion, pine trees... and then suddenly winter snowdrifts are higher than my head and I was digging tunnels... right inside the snow like a mole right... and the day before yesterday I dreamed that a rat was running towards looked like a gray one...I shook it wasn’t pleasant that I even woke would be interesting to know what all this means...otherwise they say it’s bad...


I dreamed that I was walking through a thin forest, the foliage of the trees was green and the grass was so soft, but for some reason there was a lot of water, the grass was flooded with clean, transparent water, but when I stepped on the water it became dark and the grass too


I dreamed that I was standing on a pedestrian bridge across a lake, threw a lucky one, when I pulled it out, there was a fish on it and many more fish were tied to it on a fishing line, one after another; when I pulled it out, it turned out that it was not alive, then I looked at the water and saw not much in the water a school of swimming fish, the water in the depths was green, I unhooked the fish, took a hook and attached a stapler clip to it and threw it into the water, but didn’t catch anything, then on the shore on the left I saw a red car on the shore on the right there was a sofa, then the dream passed to because we were driving with friends in a car through this forest, we saw some kind of hut made of tree branches, surrounded by hemp from chopped trees, and then the dream was interrupted)


She stood at the entrance to the forest. I or someone else sent a luminous ball into the forest. Where the ball falls, you need to look for something important. I saw in which direction the ball flew. I thought for a moment whether I would find it. And then a shepherd dog ran out of the forest and led the way. After some time, we saw a dug hole, began to look and did not see anything valuable there. Someone was looking, but we couldn’t understand what was valuable there, so we were looking for it and said that we didn’t see anything valuable here.


I dreamed that I was walking through the forest, in the summer, someone was walking next to me. We walked along a wide path, then we saw a girl with a wolf, and when we came a little closer, they began to run away, and we ran after them, but not we caught up, the forest became suddenly dark... So the dream ended


I dreamed of me getting out of a minibus with my boyfriend’s girlfriend or she could be considered a mistress. And we go out into the forest, wet from the rain. It was also drizzling lightly


Around white snow, I walk and enter a dense coniferous forest where there is no snow and a very large clearing in which black swans are sitting, when they see me they fly away, I go further, I leave the forest, it is light and there is a lot of snow, I see a bus driving along the route to my mother, the village has left.


I walk and talk through the forest with young people whose forest I know is flowery and beautiful


I had a dream about how I was walking after school with my friends and a wolf was lying between two snowdrifts... He looked into my eyes and controlled me, I approached some forest and then I tried to wake up, only woke up 3 times...


Hello, I saw a forest in which a beautiful white horse was rushing towards me, its mane fluttering in the wind.


I dreamed of a forest and along the forest there was a path and along the path the grass was green and private houses were unlikely


Hello! I dreamed that I was walking with my friend around the city and in nature, we were jumping on hills and trees... and then my friend’s beautiful and arrogant friends came, and a rich man came up to me and offered me a ride in his car. I agreed and got into his luxurious black SUV - like a Mercedes, it had double black doors, they slammed shut and we drove off. Some men were already sitting in front. I felt uneasy, I realized that this was a kidnapping. The police drove past us, I opened the window, but they warned me that it was better not to, so I closed it. For some reason, subconsciously I knew that if I tried to break free, these men would shoot me on the spot. we arrived at a state secret place, surrounded green forest. There I was met by girls, beautiful, well-dressed and already accustomed to everything. They liked me, they began to calm me down and said that they would help with everything, I tried to ask for their help and cried a lot, but they were all in cahoots there. it was some kind of brothel. I was dressed in silk blue dress, they dressed me up and gave me some kind of candy, which allowed me to relax, I tried to snatch it, but it only came out halfway. the lollipop began to act like a drug, but I still continued to cry and ask for help. All the women, although they didn’t try to save me, warmed to me, loved me very much, and especially the eldest and most beautiful one, it seems, was a pimp. she told me that they have their own church here and that I can go there whenever I want to pray to God and cleanse myself spiritually. I hoped that through the back secret passage of that church I could get out and run away through the forest if I talked to the priest and he helped me. but I never got to the church, I walked up the stairs, there were pictures hanging on the walls, I looked at them. then the shows began. the men looked at all the girls and chose their goods for one night. there I also cried a lot and said that it was all a mistake, they set me up, I wrung my hands in horror at everything that was happening, asked for help, and the men singled me out more than everyone else. the pimp wanted to be friends with me and said that after the shows she would take me with her to some super secular exhibition in the city center, because she really liked me as a person. I tried to pretend that I was also glad to be friends with her and that I had already accepted my fate. then I had hope. I decided that I would try with all my might to escape from there. we went by car again to the city. when we got to the place, when we got out of the car in the city center, I immediately ran away from them as fast as I could, kept running somewhere, took some taxi, then took the subway, and all with fear in my soul and looking back, that they will catch up with me and catch me or find me. I somehow got home, but there was a residue and fear in my soul... such a terrible, vivid and realistic dream.


Hello Tatyana! I had a dream that I was running through the forest from Slenderman (this is such a scary character in the game) the forest is very high in the fog, I feel like if I stop it will kill me...


I met the dawn in a beautiful forest, unusual plants, twisting like aliens, the sun began to rise and it was red, red rays illuminated the entire forest and all the plants became red from the rays, leaves, grass, everything around, even I was red, then quickly the sun rose , came out from beyond the horizon and became ordinary, and the forest immediately became ordinary, grass, leaves, trees, everything became green... the red color disappeared.




A flock of crows, I’m walking through the forest, and some girl is walking with me, and everything is gloomy and black!!!


The dream begins with a flat pine forest stretching out in front of me, but absolutely dry, the trees are even and tall, the forest is not dense, because... There is a visible gray sky on the horizon. The branches of the trees are of the correct shape, and instead of needles there is white and green mold (I see it very clearly and this is the only color in the dream), I get the impression that this is a dead forest, there are no plants or animals, everything is quiet, I want to leave quickly, I see a wide road where runs along in front of this forest. I want to follow it, but I stop because... There is an intersection ahead with a muddy puddle, I stop because I understand that I won’t be able to get around the mud. I take a few steps in the other direction, but in front of me is the same intersection. I start to panic, feel dizzy, and almost fainting, I hear children’s voices, hope appears that I can go out and I wake up.


I ran out of an abandoned building with strange creatures and found myself in the forest. It was very scary and cold, I fell to my knees and screamed, but the scream was more like a growl


I'm in the forest. everything is so beautiful. and suddenly I see something big is coming to me. it was a big dog, not white but light. I just stood and watched. I wasn't even scared. and then the cat woke me up. that's what I remember vividly


A dream where I am alone walking through a deciduous forest, it is sunny and in some places there are dark corners, it is warm and there is a lot of greenery, there is a slight wind. I don’t know where I’m going and what I’m looking for; I rather want to find a path to the house, a residential area of ​​the forest. I see in dark side forest, a small pond-puddle, dark... you can’t see whether it’s transparent or not. I want to jump over it, but I fall straight into it and wake up in fright.

It is in a dream that you can often see an upcoming event. It will be good, or it will bring suffering. Will it change your life or will it be a meaningless moment - the dream book will tell you about all this. Very often, a dream about a forest is interpreted in different ways, and in order to explain what this oasis of natural nature, covered in ancient myths, is dreamed of, one must try to remember the dream in all its details.

Pictures - images

From time immemorial, the forest has been a mystery to man, shrouded in many stories and legends. And dreams associated with it indicate no less amazing and contradictory events. In all dream books available today, the meaning of the dream “forest” is interpreted differently.

Very often, seeing a forest in a dream means quick profit. If it is dense, then you will receive it in foreign currency, and if the trees are located at a distance from each other, then the cash receipts will be insignificant.

For those who clearly saw a clearing or a road in the forest, the dream book warns that they will, on the contrary, experience temporary financial difficulties, and the edge of the forest with a forest path that you remember, mysteriously beckoning into the thicket, means that you will soon have to change your gender activities, having mastered a completely new profession.

If you see a forest in a dream and do not enter it, the dream book warns - expect surprises and romantic encounters. For family people, according to interpretations, this may mean future disagreements and disputes with the other half.

Many people wonder why they dream about forests at night. Indeed, at this time of day it becomes even more mysterious, and often foreshadows fears and upcoming experiences. Dream books claim that most often this will be associated with loved ones.

Analyzing what you saw at night, clearly remember whether it was a green forest, deciduous, illuminated sunlight, or he was gloomy, and even shrouded in haze. This goes a long way towards properly explaining your dream. The dream book says that in the first case, unexpected joys await a person, in the second - sad news.

Ask why you dream of a coniferous forest? The dream book explains this dream as very promising, and almost all collections are unanimous in this. Business people support and patronage of the “powers of this world” is promised, which will be provided in the very near future. Such night vision, according to dream books, will be a turning point in the business, after which it will go uphill.

What a pine forest means in a dream is diametrically opposed to the interpretation of those in which a person saw a spruce forest. The first night vision promises immediate trouble, the second only speaks of minor misunderstandings in the near future.

Moving and real pictures

People not only see the forest as a still picture. They can walk through the forest in their sleep, touch tree branches, and run. In a word, feel it as if in reality. Such dreams also have interpretations, sometimes mystical, and sometimes very realistic, and based on the general physical condition of a person.

A man who gets lost in the forest is in dire need of rest. Not only dream books, but also professional psychologists often warn about such dreams, explaining this as a general overstrain of the nervous system. So, be sure to take advantage of the hint from your subconscious and go, preferably to the very wilderness that you saw in your dream.

If you are lost in the forest, the crowns of which are bending under the pressure of the elements, you need to be more attentive to your health, your body is overstressed, and illness may overtake you.

For those people who tend to “say too much,” a fire in the forest seen in a dream gives them reason to think and begin to choose their words more carefully when speaking with their interlocutors. It may happen that your careless communication can destroy all your most secret dreams, dream books warn. If one of the spouses saw the forest burning in a dream, this may foreshadow a quarrel or an unpleasant conversation. If such a vision visits you often, try to reconsider your family relationships. Maybe it's a matter of mutual misunderstanding?

In general, a lot of dream books interpret so differently what a burning forest means in a dream, that it makes sense to check with lunar calendar, which will tell you whether you need to attach significance to such a dream at all. If the night on which you had a dream like this is unfavorable for the dream to come true, just forget it.

It's just great if you collect something from the thicket of trees. Dream books claim that all such dreams are very favorable. For example, if you are picking blueberries in the forest and looking for mushrooms in the forest, be prepared for unexpected profitable deals that promise huge material benefits.

For a woman and a young girl, picking berries in the forest means the appearance of many fans who will seek her favor; the dream in which she picks strawberries in a summer forest has almost the same interpretation.

In general, if you saw yourself in a clearing full of berries, no matter what kind, the dream book explains this as a very favorable dream. For the sick - it promises a speedy recovery, for the healthy - success in business. So, the gifts of the forest that you dreamed of during the period when you are in the kingdom of Morpheus is a very positive dream in all respects. Maybe you should really go out of town and pick mushrooms in the forest? What if you dream about it?

If in your dream you see a house in the forest and go into it, be prepared for the fact that you will suddenly feel unwell, and in order to heal you will have to leave your own shelter. But if the hut is located in a bright sunny meadow, there is no need to worry. Happiness awaits you, albeit short-lived.

Time of year

Each season is beautiful in its own way, and the forest is also beautiful in different ways. Green leaves, birdsong and the scent of herbs - all this will bring joyful moments in life. Rejoice in such a dream.

But why do you dream of an autumn forest? Dream books explain this by saying that you are confused and sometimes offended. You try to find a way out, and you don’t find it. You feel anxious and worried. Try to pull yourself together and rethink your attitude towards life and analyze current events.

Dream book interpretations of what a winter forest means in a dream are more optimistic, and a walk in it foretells future joy and will give you great mood. This is not surprising, because what could be more pleasant than snow crunching underfoot?

A quiet lake in the forest is peace, but short-lived, because a light breeze can disturb the idyll, and any careless act of yours will have sad consequences, often associated with restless troubles.

If you are walking through a forest in a dream, and it is dark and scary, as if inhabited by monsters, it, according to the interpretation of dream books, foreshadows danger, and the wolves in the forest are your ill-wishers who are going to slander you. Follow the advice. Seek help from your loved ones in the near future, and trouble will not happen.

And those who saw a dream where a bear in the forest calmly feasts on honey or even sleeps need not fear for their future - it is cloudless.

As in other cases, when you dream of a forest, the interpretation of the dream can again be different, and if you really dreamed of something terrible, re-read several dream books. By comparing all the interpretations, you will find the correct explanation.

The most ominous warning that appears in dreams will be a forest whose trees are completely withered. Sometimes it can even foreshadow the death of a very close person. This is the most terrible interpretation. In other cases, walking in a forest with dead trees in a dream is interpreted as impending troubles, but not so tragic.

Running for a long time through a dark forest among the dry crowns of trees promises a break with a very close person, and even with your own family.

Interpretations of Miller's famous dream book

Miller's dream book gives the most answers to the question, if you dream of a forest, what does it mean. Sometimes his interpretations do not agree with other interpretations, but often turn out to be the most correct.

What you dream of about a beautiful forest, the trees of which are decorated with young foliage, is explained in the dream book as the future fulfillment of all your desires and plans. And vice versa - withered and dead trees symbolize loss and sadness.

A vision that comes at night in which you are climbing to the top of a huge tree, according to the dream book, is a sign that you will soon receive a promotion or achieve other successes in your career.

The dream book speaks directly about what a dense forest means in a dream - it means success and great achievements, and they will not keep you waiting. But wandering around it, making your way through intertwined branches, is a more “dreary” dream, meaning failure in your professional career and in your personal life.

It will only bring disappointment to see a dead and withered forest in a dream, and even more so a dark one. The thicket of the night, clearly appearing before the eye, is not a very good sign, promising problems and vanity.

Why do you dream of a Forest, dream book What does it mean to see a Forest in a dream?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream about the Forest in a dream?

According to the dream book, to see a Forest - The word “forest” for each of us is associated with various epithets: magical, frightening, majestic, sacred, dangerous or impassable... The forest is associated with feelings of pleasure, space or fear, as well as the need to pass through it. If all the events of the dream take place in the forest, then it can be seen simply as a stage for events to unfold. Such dreams show how the sleeper perceives his surroundings in reality. If you go into the forest alone in search of special abilities, strength and wisdom from the hermit who lives there, then the forest in this case acts as a place of testing and search. If you have to hide in the forest, perhaps this is an attempt to escape from the intrusive influence of business and the consequences of the technological revolution. You obviously need renewal and peace of mind. Seeing a man and woman in the forest is a harbinger of romantic adventures in life. The forest is a romantic place , in which our desires and potential capabilities can be revealed.

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about the Forest in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Forest - inner darkness, a feeling of confusion and confusion; the world of the unconscious; the need for internal transformation; the need to find oneself (see the “Grove” symbol), many dream books interpret such a dream this way.

A grove is an unknown territory, the unconscious, confusion (see the symbol “Forest”), as the dream book predictor reports.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

What does a forest mean in a dream:

According to the dream book Forest, to see what it means - Forest - A forest, lost in the distance in a foggy haze, portends deep sadness for the bright days that are irretrievably gone. If you find yourself in the darkness of a dense thicket, you will not be able to cope with a task that at first glance seemed simple. Walking through the forest, picking berries or mushrooms - you will get great pleasure from visiting a theater or concert. Find yourself in the spring forest, collecting the first flowers - sign happy marriage. A summer forest on a fine sunny day portends good luck and a change in business. Autumn forest - a clash of your interests with the demands of your partners. Being in the forest in winter portends ruin, need and a search for work. A forest engulfed in fire means a change in affairs for the worse. Trees uprooted in the forest - you will waste your health and wealth in pursuit of dubious pleasures. Inspecting the forest from the top of a tall tree, which you don’t know how you got into, means expect a quick promotion. Cutting down trees in the forest means mourning and grief. Getting lost in a dense forest means failures at work and disagreements in the family await you. Crying in the forest - to receive good news

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about the Forest in a dream?

Seeing a Forest in a dream means Forest, trees - a change in business. With young foliage - to the fulfillment of plans; without leaves - to sadness and loss. Climbing a tree -g- to promotion. Cutting down a tree or uprooting it is a waste of energy and money. Forest heat - completion of plans, well-being, prosperity. Cutting down a tree and chopping it for firewood means great success in business. Admiring majestic trees in the forest: in summer - to success and glory, in autumn - to the completion of business, in winter - to stagnation in business. Fallen and rustling leaves underfoot are a sign of loss. If there are a lot of dry trees in the forest, it will be disappointing. In relation to health: green forest - to improve health, autumn - to poor health. Getting lost in the forest means illness, confusion in business, as the dream book says about this dream.

Grove - success, pleasure.

Edge (forest) - date with a friend.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about the Forest in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Forest - Finding yourself in a thicket of woods means failure in both commercial and family affairs. If at the same time you still feel hungry and cold, perhaps a long trip awaits you, the purpose of which will be to settle some unpleasant matter. A dream in which you see a beautiful, majestic forest with a dense crown is a symbol of prosperity and pleasure. For writers, this dream promises fame and recognition from readers.

Lesbian - Seeing lesbians is an unfavorable sign: you will have to listen to undeserved reproaches. A dream in which you see yourself as a lesbian suggests that you are not very confident in yourself and your own abilities.

Dream Interpretation: Cutting down a forest - Being at a logging site and cutting down a forest means you have exhausting work ahead of you.

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Forest, what does a dream mean:

Seeing a Forest in a dream - Dreaming of a forest signifies changes in business. Green forests promise luck, while leafy forests promise changes that are detrimental to your interests. We admired the green crowns - success and glory lie ahead. Fallen leaves rustling underfoot are a sign of loss. If the forest has to be crossed, who does it and for what purpose? To gain something or to avoid something? If you go into the forest alone in search of special abilities, strength and wisdom from the hermit who lives there, then the forest in this case acts as a place of testing and search. A trip to the forest by an opposite-sex couple should be viewed from the perspective of Freudian psychoanalysis. The forest is a romantic place where our desires and potential are revealed.”

Freud's Dream Book

Why do you dream about the Forest according to the dream book?

Seeing a Liana in a dream - Seeing yourself in a tropical forest with lianas means that you will experience irritation towards a person who will make unambiguous hints to you. It is quite possible that he is counting on a close relationship, while you are doing everything possible to reduce communication with him to nothing.

Summer dream book

Why see the Forest in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream: Forest - Seeing a dense impenetrable forest in a dream means you will never overcome the difficulties that will befall you.

Grove - A grove dreams of a calm life.

Dense forest - If in a dream you get lost in the forest, in reality you will find a way out of any situation.

Taiga - Many unsolvable problems will arise.

Autumn dream book

Why see a Forest in a dream?

Why do you dream about the Forest - To dream that you are walking through the forest and cannot find a way out - in reality you will not find a way out of financial difficulties, as the dream book says about this dream.

Dense forest - Seeing a dense forest in a dream means wealth.

Grove - Dreaming of a grove signifies love affairs.

Dense forest - Getting lost in a dream in a dense forest means not finding a way out of the situation.

Taiga - To a lack of understanding of what is happening.

Spring dream book

Why see the Forest in a dream?

According to the dream book Forest, what does it mean in a dream - Forest - a dense and impenetrable forest - to an unsightly story with unclear, dense circumstances, as the dream book predictor reports.

Cutting down a forest - you will receive news of many deaths of people unknown to you.

Grove - wandering through the grove means a short-term love affair.

A dense forest - a hopeless situation will arise.

Taiga - an attempt to get out of the crisis.

Autumn forest

Dream Interpretation Autumn Forest dreamed of why you dream about the Autumn forest? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see an Autumn forest in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Autumn

If the events in your dream occur in autumn time, this means some disharmony in love relationships and a possible decline in business. A dream in which a young girl plans to get married in the fall foreshadows a successful marriage and well-being in the family.

Seeing the autumn harvest in a dream means achieving success in trade, commerce and entrepreneurship. Falling leaves seen in a dream foretell a change in relationships with loved ones and people you simply know due to a change in your position. Seeing flocks of birds flying south in autumn means the return of those who are absent and the joy of a long-awaited meeting.

Dream Interpretation - Autumn

Seeing her out of season means that you can count on the help of a friend.

Sometimes a dream about autumn foreshadows the completion of some business or relationship.

Autumn in a dream foreshadows the successful completion of what has been started or the acquisition of property. If you dream that you made some kind of deal or some important event happened in your life in the fall, then a happy future awaits you.

Dream Interpretation - Forest

Dream Interpretation - Forest

A forest fire foreshadows the completion of plans, prosperity and prosperity.

If you were chopping wood in a dream, you can safely join the fight: you will emerge victorious.

If in a dream you wandered in a dense forest, then you will face failures in your career and family disagreements.

A forest with withered trees is a sign of disappointment.

D. Loff wrote about dreams in which the forest is seen: “When we hear the word “forest,” various epithets arise in our heads: magical, frightening, majestic, sacred, dangerous or phallic. The forest is associated with feelings of pleasure, space and fear, as well as the need to pass through it. These are the central points for interpretation.

If all the events of the dream take place in the forest, then it can be considered as an ordinary scene for the unfolding events. Such dreams show how the sleeper perceives his surroundings in reality.

If you have to hide in the forest, perhaps this is an attempt to escape the intrusive influence of business and the consequences of the technological revolution. You apparently need renewal and a sense of peace in life.

Dream Interpretation - Autumn

Summing up sign. This dream foreshadows the end of some big business.

Golden Autumn: a very favorable sign, promising great satisfaction from successful work and peace of mind.

Dull, slushy autumn: a sign of mental decline. Often such a dream speaks of fading feelings or despondency, which can cause great losses and worries. try to look at life more brightly and do not forget that after autumn, spring comes sooner or later.

Dream Interpretation - Forest

Dream Interpretation - Forest

Dream Interpretation - Forest

Dream Interpretation - Forest

Dream Interpretation - Forest

Cutting down a forest means prosperity.

Forest tall trees

Dream Interpretation Forest tall trees did you dream about why you dream about a forest of tall trees? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see tall trees in a Forest in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Forest, trees

A tree covered with young foliage is a sign of the fulfillment of all your plans and hopes. Dead, dry trees symbolize sadness and loss. Climbing a tree in a dream means quick promotion. Cutting down a tree in a dream or uprooting it means that you will waste your strength and fortune.

Dream Interpretation - Forest

If in a dream you see a forest from afar, this portends you deep sadness for the bright days that are irretrievably gone. Finding yourself in the darkness of a dense, impenetrable thicket means that in reality you will not be able to cope with a task that at first glance seemed extremely simple. Walking through the forest picking berries or mushrooms will give you great pleasure from visiting a theater or concert.

Finding yourself in a spring forest, picking the first flowers, is a sign of a happy marriage. A summer forest on a fine sunny day portends good luck and a change in business to a positive result. An autumn forest in gold and the crimson of flying leaves is a harbinger of a clash of your interests with the demands of your partners.

If you see yourself in the forest in winter, this portends ruin, need and a search for work.

Wading through solid dead wood in the forest means losses that could have been avoided.

Deciduous young growth is a sign that your dreams and aspirations are destined to come true, and sooner than you expect. Pine forest suggests that in a dispute over the division of property you will achieve a solution that is beneficial to you. Walking through a burnt area of ​​the forest in a dream means a change in affairs for the worse.

Seeing a forest engulfed in an all-destroying fire means the successful implementation of plans, which will allow you to believe in your strength and creativity.

To see uprooted trees in a forest that has been hit by a terrible hurricane - such a dream foreshadows the danger of wasting your time, health and wealth in pursuit of dubious pleasures.

Singing in the forest means that days are coming for you full of fun and vigorous activity with your family.

Hearing the singing of forest birds - expect disappointment in the person who made your heart flutter.

If you hear dead wood cracking under your feet or fallen leaves rustling, it means you are about to experience a sad loss. Hearing the thick, spreading crowns of huge trees rustling above your head is a sign of future success and glory.

If you and your friends have a picnic at the edge of the forest, in reality you will have a date alone with a secret friend. If in a dream you are looking out over the forest from the top of a tall tree, which God knows how you ended up in, expect a quick promotion.

If you are collecting brushwood for a fire in the forest, this portends the beginning of a struggle for success that will end brilliantly for you. Cutting down trees in the forest means mourning and sorrow. Seeing a forest clearing or clearing - in reality you will experience unaccountable fear, finding yourself completely alone.

If you are lost in a dense forest and circle around it, having lost all orientation and track of time, failures at work and family disagreements await you.

If at the same time it began to quickly get dark in the forest and suddenly there was heavy and cold rain, then in reality you will have to go on a forced trip. Calling in the forest means receiving good news.

If in a dream you find yourself in a tropical forest and are making your way through dense, almost impenetrable jungle as part of some expedition, expect an invitation to go on an exotic journey at someone else’s expense. Finding yourself in a palm forest foretells a calm course of affairs without any shocks in the near future.

Dream Interpretation - Forest

To receive money, to changes in business.

The forest stands majestically - you will have to carry out various public assignments.

Trees in the forest with young and green foliage - speaks of the imminent fulfillment of your desires, plans and dreams.

Dead trees in the forest symbolize loss and sadness.

A leafless forest indicates that changes will not be very favorable for you.

Wandering through a dark forest - you will encounter career failures on your way.

Walking through the forest, enjoying its beauty and fresh air, is a sign that a calm, measured life in the family, excellent relationships between spouses and children awaits you.

Walking through the autumn forest, looking at the bare branches of trees and withered, fallen leaves - you will be disappointed in the person you care about.

Seeing the edge of the forest means a quick date with a pleasant person.

Walking through a narrow forest clearing in a dream means you will soon enter a pleasant, but not brilliant, field.

A forest in the distance means cold winter; entering it means sudden fear.

Seeing a chopped forest means trouble, walking through the forest in winter means poverty, cutting down a forest in a dream means success.

You are making your way through the thicket - you may soon have to overcome obstacles on your way.

Getting lost in the forest means obstacles.

A frozen forest means the onset of unfavorable times.

Autumn golden forest is a symbol of clear results.

A dark forest symbolizes the uncertainty and wildness of your soul, a light and rare forest symbolizes the certainty of impulses and spiritual harmony.

Forest fire - to the successful completion of plans.

A forest in smoke - to suffering from illusions and prejudices; a forest in the fog symbolizes your reluctance to get to know yourself better, the desire for delusions.

Going through an aspen or spruce forest leads to dark and evil thoughts, through a birch forest leads to a good mood of the soul, through a pine forest leads to thoughts of the sublime.

Walking through the forest is a sign for a young girl to meet her betrothed.

To be in a forest park in a dream means you will have a rest with your family in nature.

Green forest belt - to joy and entertainment.

A forest without leaves means dull everyday life without holidays.

Forest glade - to meet a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Forest

When we hear the word “forest”, various epithets come to mind: magical, frightening, majestic, sacred, dangerous or phallic. The forest is associated with feelings of pleasure, space and fear, as well as the need to pass through it. These are the central points for interpretation.

If all the events of the dream take place in the forest, then it can be considered as an ordinary - calm and favorable (or vice versa) - scene for unfolding events. Such dreams show how the sleeper perceives his surroundings in reality.

If the forest has to be crossed, who does it and for what purpose? To gain something or to avoid something? If you go into the forest alone in search of special abilities, strength and wisdom from the hermit who lives there, then the forest in this case acts as a place of testing and search. If you have to hide in the forest, perhaps this is an attempt to escape the intrusive influence of business and the consequences of the technological revolution. You apparently need renewal and a sense of peace in life.

A trip to the forest by an opposite-sex couple should be viewed from the perspective of Freudian psychoanalysis. The forest is a romantic place where our desires and potential are revealed.

What associations do you primarily associate with the forest in real life - relaxation and tranquility, fear of getting lost, unlimited choice or discovery?

Do you feel that life is pressing on you so much that you are not even able to see individual trees in a single forest?

Dream Interpretation - Forest

A dark forest in a dream is a sign of sadness, grief and obstacles in business. Sometimes a forest in a dream means an unfamiliar business or an unfamiliar city (country). Wading through it in a dream means that you will do everything possible to achieve your goal, but your plans are doomed to failure. Getting out of a dark forest into a bright place in a dream is a very good omen. Such a dream means that you will cope with any difficulties and achieve what you want. Seeing a burning forest in a dream is a sign of losses and grief. To see a bright forest, bathed in sunshine, with birds singing in a dream is a sign of a romantic mood, receiving pleasant news from a nice person or meeting him. Sometimes such a dream predicts a happy marriage. Seeing him at a distance is a sign of loneliness; to enter into it means fear. To see logging in a dream is a harbinger of mourning and grief; cutting down a forest yourself in a dream means success in business; wandering around it in winter or autumn means that hard times await you. Hearing music in the forest or singing it yourself is a sign of joy. The edge of a forest in a dream is a sign of a date with a friend. Seeing a dried forest (dry forest) in a dream is a sign of disappointment and complete collapse of hopes. Such a dream means the beginning of a long period of failure in your life, the duration of which will be proportional to the number of dried trees in your dream. A birch grove in a dream symbolizes success and satisfaction. Seeing a beautiful green forest in a dream means that success in business awaits you. A coniferous forest in a dream is a sign of good health and prosperity that will accompany you until old age. It is especially favorable to see such a dream at Epiphany. A sawmill in a dream means settling a difficult matter (without a hitch). See interpretation: .. trees, leaves.

Dream Interpretation - Forest

The forest dreams of changes in business. Green forests promise luck, while leafy forests promise changes that are detrimental to your interests.

A forest fire foreshadows the completion of plans, prosperity and prosperity.

If you were chopping wood in a dream, you can safely join the fight: you will emerge victorious.

If in a dream you wandered in a dense forest, then you will face failures in your career and family disagreements.

We admired the green crowns - success and glory lie ahead.

Fallen leaves rustling underfoot are a sign of loss.

A forest with withered trees is a sign of disappointment.

D. Loff wrote about dreams in which the forest is seen: “When we hear the word “forest,” various epithets arise in our heads: magical, frightening, majestic, sacred, dangerous or phallic. The forest is associated with feelings of pleasure, space and fear, as well as the need to pass through it. These are the central points for interpretation.

If all the events of the dream take place in the forest, then it can be considered as an ordinary scene for the unfolding events. Such dreams show how the sleeper perceives his surroundings in reality.

If the forest has to be crossed, who does it and for what purpose? To gain something or to avoid something? If you go into the forest alone in search of special abilities, strength and wisdom from the hermit who lives there, then the forest in this case acts as a place of testing and search.

If you have to hide in the forest, perhaps this is an attempt to escape the intrusive influence of business and the consequences of the technological revolution. You apparently need renewal and a sense of peace in life.

A trip to the forest by an opposite-sex couple should be viewed from the perspective of Freudian psychoanalysis. The forest is a romantic place where our desires and potential are revealed.”

Dream Interpretation - Forest

A green forest with young foliage is a symbol of health, success, wealth.

The dark, mysterious forest promises a very difficult task, which you will still do, although it will not be easy.

Walking through a dense forest means difficulties in work or family life.

Walking in a beautiful forest is a sign of love adventures.

Cutting down a forest means prosperity.

Seeing a dense forest on the horizon is a sign of sadness.

Dead forest, autumn, bare forest with leaves underfoot, or ice and snow on the ground in the forest - to sorrows, losses, disappointments.

Getting lost in the forest means illness.

A burning forest means great success in creativity for people of creative professions.

For others - in general, success in life.

Admiring the majestic trees is a sign of success and glory.

Dream Interpretation - Forest

The forest is a complex situation, the process of self-discovery, the female maternal principle of life / matter and the material world.

To see a forest means there will be a time of searches and decisions, difficult self-knowledge ahead.

Walking through the forest is a situation in which it will be difficult to navigate; get to know yourself better, know your self.

Animals and personalities in the forest are different sides of your self.

Fears are the state of your conscience.

Wandering is the state of your mind, your delusions, evil.

Making your way through the thicket means overcoming obstacles.

Going down through the forest is to comprehend the bottom of the soul.

Climbing up a mountain through a forest means comprehending the heights of your spirit.

A burning forest is a possibility of serious misfortune.

Frozen forest - the onset of evil times.

In the snow is the soul during a period of painful trials, when the essential is naked, and the little things are hidden from view.

A felled forest means mourning, grief.

Dry forest - dying, disintegration of something in the soul.

Autumn forest: if golden - a symbol of clear results;

if it is stormy - threats and troubles arising from the disharmony of the soul and emanating from the outside world.

The dark forest is the uncertainty of your mental life.

Light and rare – certainty of impulses, spiritual harmony.

A forest in smoke means suffering from illusions and prejudices.

Forest in the fog - your reluctance to get to know yourself better, your tendency to make mistakes.

Walking through an aspen or spruce forest means gloomy and evil thoughts.

Birch forest - a good mood of the soul, tenderness.

Pine forest - thoughts about the sublime.

Dream Interpretation - Forest

Dream Interpretation - Forest

The forest is scary

Dream Interpretation Forest is scary dreamed of why you dream about a scary forest? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a scary forest in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Forest

If in a dream you see a forest from afar, this portends you deep sadness for the bright days that are irretrievably gone. Finding yourself in the darkness of a dense, impenetrable thicket means that in reality you will not be able to cope with a task that at first glance seemed extremely simple. Walking through the forest picking berries or mushrooms will give you great pleasure from visiting a theater or concert.

Finding yourself in a spring forest, picking the first flowers, is a sign of a happy marriage. A summer forest on a fine sunny day portends good luck and a change in business to a positive result. An autumn forest in gold and the crimson of flying leaves is a harbinger of a clash of your interests with the demands of your partners.

If you see yourself in the forest in winter, this portends ruin, need and a search for work.

Wading through solid dead wood in the forest means losses that could have been avoided.

Deciduous young growth is a sign that your dreams and aspirations are destined to come true, and sooner than you expect. Pine forest suggests that in a dispute over the division of property you will achieve a solution that is beneficial to you. Walking through a burnt area of ​​the forest in a dream means a change in affairs for the worse.

Seeing a forest engulfed in an all-destroying fire means the successful implementation of plans, which will allow you to believe in your strength and creativity.

To see uprooted trees in a forest that has been hit by a terrible hurricane - such a dream foreshadows the danger of wasting your time, health and wealth in pursuit of dubious pleasures.

Singing in the forest means that days are coming for you full of fun and vigorous activity with your family.

Hearing the singing of forest birds - expect disappointment in the person who made your heart flutter.

If you hear dead wood cracking under your feet or fallen leaves rustling, it means you are about to experience a sad loss. Hearing the thick, spreading crowns of huge trees rustling above your head is a sign of future success and glory.

If you and your friends have a picnic at the edge of the forest, in reality you will have a date alone with a secret friend. If in a dream you are looking out over the forest from the top of a tall tree, which God knows how you ended up in, expect a quick promotion.

If you are collecting brushwood for a fire in the forest, this portends the beginning of a struggle for success that will end brilliantly for you. Cutting down trees in the forest means mourning and sorrow. Seeing a forest clearing or clearing - in reality you will experience unaccountable fear, finding yourself completely alone.

If you are lost in a dense forest and circle around it, having lost all orientation and track of time, failures at work and family disagreements await you.

If at the same time it began to quickly get dark in the forest and suddenly there was heavy and cold rain, then in reality you will have to go on a forced trip. Calling in the forest means receiving good news.

If in a dream you find yourself in a tropical forest and are making your way through dense, almost impenetrable jungle as part of some expedition, expect an invitation to go on an exotic journey at someone else’s expense. Finding yourself in a palm forest foretells a calm course of affairs without any shocks in the near future.

Dream Interpretation - Forest

The forest dreams of changes in business. Green forests promise luck, while leafy forests promise changes that are detrimental to your interests.

A forest fire foreshadows the completion of plans, prosperity and prosperity.

If you were chopping wood in a dream, you can safely join the fight: you will emerge victorious.

If in a dream you wandered in a dense forest, then you will face failures in your career and family disagreements.

We admired the green crowns - success and glory lie ahead.

Fallen leaves rustling underfoot are a sign of loss.

A forest with withered trees is a sign of disappointment.

D. Loff wrote about dreams in which the forest is seen: “When we hear the word “forest,” various epithets arise in our heads: magical, frightening, majestic, sacred, dangerous or phallic. The forest is associated with feelings of pleasure, space and fear, as well as the need to pass through it. These are the central points for interpretation.

If all the events of the dream take place in the forest, then it can be considered as an ordinary scene for the unfolding events. Such dreams show how the sleeper perceives his surroundings in reality.

If the forest has to be crossed, who does it and for what purpose? To gain something or to avoid something? If you go into the forest alone in search of special abilities, strength and wisdom from the hermit who lives there, then the forest in this case acts as a place of testing and search.

If you have to hide in the forest, perhaps this is an attempt to escape the intrusive influence of business and the consequences of the technological revolution. You apparently need renewal and a sense of peace in life.

A trip to the forest by an opposite-sex couple should be viewed from the perspective of Freudian psychoanalysis. The forest is a romantic place where our desires and potential are revealed.”

Dream Interpretation - Forest

To receive money, to changes in business.

The forest stands majestically - you will have to carry out various public assignments.

Trees in the forest with young and green foliage - speaks of the imminent fulfillment of your desires, plans and dreams.

Dead trees in the forest symbolize loss and sadness.

A leafless forest indicates that changes will not be very favorable for you.

Wandering through a dark forest - you will encounter career failures on your way.

Walking through the forest, enjoying its beauty and fresh air, is a sign that a calm, measured life in the family, excellent relationships between spouses and children awaits you.

Walking through the autumn forest, looking at the bare branches of trees and withered, fallen leaves - you will be disappointed in the person you care about.

Seeing the edge of the forest means a quick date with a pleasant person.

Walking through a narrow forest clearing in a dream means you will soon enter a pleasant, but not brilliant, field.

A forest in the distance means cold winter; entering it means sudden fear.

Seeing a chopped forest means trouble, walking through the forest in winter means poverty, cutting down a forest in a dream means success.

You are making your way through the thicket - you may soon have to overcome obstacles on your way.

Getting lost in the forest means obstacles.

A frozen forest means the onset of unfavorable times.

Autumn golden forest is a symbol of clear results.

A dark forest symbolizes the uncertainty and wildness of your soul, a light and rare forest symbolizes the certainty of impulses and spiritual harmony.

Forest fire - to the successful completion of plans.

A forest in smoke - to suffering from illusions and prejudices; a forest in the fog symbolizes your reluctance to get to know yourself better, the desire for delusions.

Going through an aspen or spruce forest leads to dark and evil thoughts, through a birch forest leads to a good mood of the soul, through a pine forest leads to thoughts of the sublime.

Walking through the forest is a sign for a young girl to meet her betrothed.

To be in a forest park in a dream means you will have a rest with your family in nature.

Green forest belt - to joy and entertainment.

A forest without leaves means dull everyday life without holidays.

Forest glade - to meet a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Forest

The forest is a complex situation, the process of self-discovery, the female maternal principle of life / matter and the material world.

To see a forest means there will be a time of searches and decisions, difficult self-knowledge ahead.

Walking through the forest is a situation in which it will be difficult to navigate; get to know yourself better, know your self.

Animals and personalities in the forest are different sides of your self.

Fears are the state of your conscience.

Wandering is the state of your mind, your delusions, evil.

Making your way through the thicket means overcoming obstacles.

Going down through the forest is to comprehend the bottom of the soul.

Climbing up a mountain through a forest means comprehending the heights of your spirit.

A burning forest is a possibility of serious misfortune.

Frozen forest - the onset of evil times.

In the snow is the soul during a period of painful trials, when the essential is naked, and the little things are hidden from view.

A felled forest means mourning, grief.

Dry forest - dying, disintegration of something in the soul.

Autumn forest: if golden - a symbol of clear results;

if it is stormy - threats and troubles arising from the disharmony of the soul and emanating from the outside world.

The dark forest is the uncertainty of your mental life.

Light and rare – certainty of impulses, spiritual harmony.

A forest in smoke means suffering from illusions and prejudices.

Forest in the fog - your reluctance to get to know yourself better, your tendency to make mistakes.

Walking through an aspen or spruce forest means gloomy and evil thoughts.

Birch forest - a good mood of the soul, tenderness.

Pine forest - thoughts about the sublime.

Dream Interpretation - Forest

When we hear the word “forest”, various epithets come to mind: magical, frightening, majestic, sacred, dangerous or phallic. The forest is associated with feelings of pleasure, space and fear, as well as the need to pass through it. These are the central points for interpretation.

If all the events of the dream take place in the forest, then it can be considered as an ordinary - calm and favorable (or vice versa) - scene for unfolding events. Such dreams show how the sleeper perceives his surroundings in reality.

If the forest has to be crossed, who does it and for what purpose? To gain something or to avoid something? If you go into the forest alone in search of special abilities, strength and wisdom from the hermit who lives there, then the forest in this case acts as a place of testing and search. If you have to hide in the forest, perhaps this is an attempt to escape the intrusive influence of business and the consequences of the technological revolution. You apparently need renewal and a sense of peace in life.

A trip to the forest by an opposite-sex couple should be viewed from the perspective of Freudian psychoanalysis. The forest is a romantic place where our desires and potential are revealed.

What associations do you primarily associate with the forest in real life - relaxation and tranquility, fear of getting lost, unlimited choice or discovery?

Do you feel that life is pressing on you so much that you are not even able to see individual trees in a single forest?

Dream Interpretation - Forest

A dark forest in a dream is a sign of sadness, grief and obstacles in business. Sometimes a forest in a dream means an unfamiliar business or an unfamiliar city (country). Wading through it in a dream means that you will do everything possible to achieve your goal, but your plans are doomed to failure. Getting out of a dark forest into a bright place in a dream is a very good omen. Such a dream means that you will cope with any difficulties and achieve what you want. Seeing a burning forest in a dream is a sign of losses and grief. To see a bright forest, bathed in sunshine, with birds singing in a dream is a sign of a romantic mood, receiving pleasant news from a nice person or meeting him. Sometimes such a dream predicts a happy marriage. Seeing him at a distance is a sign of loneliness; to enter into it means fear. To see logging in a dream is a harbinger of mourning and grief; cutting down a forest yourself in a dream means success in business; wandering around it in winter or autumn means that hard times await you. Hearing music in the forest or singing it yourself is a sign of joy. The edge of a forest in a dream is a sign of a date with a friend. Seeing a dried forest (dry forest) in a dream is a sign of disappointment and complete collapse of hopes. Such a dream means the beginning of a long period of failure in your life, the duration of which will be proportional to the number of dried trees in your dream. A birch grove in a dream symbolizes success and satisfaction. Seeing a beautiful green forest in a dream means that success in business awaits you. A coniferous forest in a dream is a sign of good health and prosperity that will accompany you until old age. It is especially favorable to see such a dream at Epiphany. A sawmill in a dream means settling a difficult matter (without a hitch). See interpretation: .. trees, leaves.

Dream Interpretation - Forest

A green forest with young foliage is a symbol of health, success, wealth.

The dark, mysterious forest promises a very difficult task, which you will still do, although it will not be easy.

Walking through a dense forest means difficulties in work or family life.

Walking in a beautiful forest is a sign of love adventures.

Cutting down a forest means prosperity.

Seeing a dense forest on the horizon is a sign of sadness.

Dead forest, autumn, bare forest with leaves underfoot, or ice and snow on the ground in the forest - to sorrows, losses, disappointments.

Getting lost in the forest means illness.

A burning forest means great success in creativity for people of creative professions.

For others - in general, success in life.

Admiring the majestic trees is a sign of success and glory.

Dream Interpretation - Forest

The forest is evil. If the forest is cut down, there will be illness and death among the people. The forest stands majestically - public concerns. Forest, flock, chickens, grass - people. The forest is dense - you will get money, green - a long life. Walking through the forest means anxiety, excitement; happy marriage. The forest is burning - secret love, joyful surprise. Getting lost in the forest means danger and confusing matters. Seeing a forester is fortunate.

Dream Interpretation - Forest

People, profit // foreign land, bad; green – good, health, long life, success // lost hopes; dry - dashing; thick - getting money // difficult work; walking through the forest - happy marriage // anxiety; walk thickly - you will be in conversation; deciduous forest - you will have to live among grumpy people; coniferous forest - sadness after short-lived joy; pine forest - fire; dark forest - sadness, great grief, illness; the forest is noisy - quarrel; the forest is burning - secret love, joyful surprise // loss, sadness; to cut down a forest - to defeat an enemy, death; getting lost is an obstacle in business, danger, illness.

Dream Interpretation - Forest

forest bird

Dream Interpretation - Birds

Dreaming about birds with beautiful plumage is very auspicious.

If a woman dreams of something like this, she will have a quick and happy marriage.

A wounded bird dreams of deep sadness caused by the behavior of children.

A flying bird is a sign of prosperity. All unpleasant circumstances will fade into the background compared to the future good.

If in a dream you heard birds singing, then you yourself are unlikely to cope with the task facing you.

Killing a bird with a gun is a bad sign.

According to Nostradamus, the bird is a symbol of swiftness, prophecy, and impermanence. He interpreted dreams about birds as follows.

If you saw a small bird in a dream, peace and tranquility will reign in the family. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies happiness.

If you dreamed that a bird was screaming in a “wild” voice, then you have a difficult job in subordination to a cruel boss.

A headless bird dreams of sad events.

A dream about an iron bird sitting on the ground foreshadows a major disaster.

If you saw birds of rare beauty in a dream, then you live and are interested only in your past.

If you see a rare bird in a dream, then you will have to focus all your energies on the present, and not look back at the past or look to the future. This is the only way you can avoid the disaster that is approaching you.

Seeing an eagle soaring in the sky in a dream, you will strive for mercy.

An eagle in a cage means the desire for power and might.

The rooster dreams of quarrels and conflicts.

A dream in which a rooster attacks you means that someone will try to involve you in a conflict, the consequences of which are unpredictable.

If in a dream you watch cockfights, then in reality you will witness an emergency.

And D. Loff talked about “bird” dreams as follows: “If you have ever watched Alfred Hitchcock’s film “The Birds,” you will immediately understand that the symbolism associated with them is interpreted by people in different ways. Since time immemorial, birds have had a reputation as troublemakers and harbingers of trouble. At one time, among the peoples of the Middle East, it was even considered a bad sign if a bird pecked a person.

Crows and vultures have had a bad reputation since ancient times, but the ability to fly, inaccessible to humans, contributed to the creation of an aura of majesty around birds as a species. Here it is worth citing as an example the popular expression “soar like an eagle”, which is a metaphor for hope and self-confidence.

The vigilance of birds (just remember famous expression“Hawkeye”) is another example of their positive perception.

Crows and owls in the mythology and literature of many cultures are certainly associated with wisdom, and the ability of some birds to reproduce human speech generally distinguishes them into a special category of representatives of the animal world.

Some people in your dreams may look like birds.

If you talk to them in a dream, this may indicate communication problems, and this is true even if the birds do not answer you.”

Dream Interpretation - Bird

The bird is a symbol of swiftness, prophecy, impermanence.

If you dreamed of a very large bird, then this means that in the future the Earth is threatened by a very large meteorite, as a result of which several cities will be wiped off the face of the Earth. If in a dream a large bird approaches the dreamer, then the city in which this person lives will suffer from the meteorite.

Seeing a small bird in a dream is a sign that peace and quiet will come on Earth; there will be no wars, hunger and poverty. All people will be happy. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies happiness.

To see a bird without wings in a dream - a dream foreshadows a real threat to the population of Australia, because the emu bird, which has no wings, is depicted on the coat of arms of this country.

If you dreamed that a bird was screaming in a “wild” voice, then in the future some country will be threatened by an invasion of barbarians. For the dreamer, such a dream predicts difficult work under the control of a cruel boss.

Black double headed eagle is a symbol of the power of Russia.

Seeing a black double-headed eagle fighting with any animal is a threat of war and external conflicts.

Seeing a headless bird in a dream means sad events in Russia.

Seeing an iron bird in a dream is a sign that a unique aircraft will be invented very soon. If an iron bird sits on the ground, then this is an omen of a major plane crash.

Seeing birds of rare beauty in a dream is a sign that you live and are interested only in your past.

If you see a rare bird in a dream, then you will have to focus all your energies on the present, and not look back at the past or look to the future. This is the only way you can avoid the disaster that is approaching you.

To see an eagle soaring in the sky in a dream means striving for divinity and mercy. Dignity will not allow you to make the wrong choice in the future.

Eagle in a cage - the desire for power and might.

Seeing a rooster in a dream means quarrels and conflicts.

A dream in which a rooster attacks you means that someone will try to involve you in a conflict, the consequences of which are unpredictable.

If in a dream you watch cockfights, in reality you will witness an emergency.

Dream Interpretation - Forest

Forest - means the state of your vitality. If you see a dense, green forest, it means that your strength and energy are great, you feel good and never cease to enjoy life. If you see a dried-out forest, a forest covered in snow, or an autumn forest, it means that your health will soon deteriorate. In this case, you need to pay attention to your daily routine - go to bed on time, eat well and go to fresh air. Sit less near the TV.

Dream Interpretation - Forest

A dreamed forest, depending on small details and details, can have a huge number of interpretations.

For example, if you dreamed that you were walking through a grove of young trees, and the green foliage seemed to be reaching out to you, then you have reason for joyful expectations: in the near future, all your plans and dreams will come true. But dead trees symbolize sadness and loss. For a woman over forty, they symbolize approaching old age and farewell to the best moments of life.

A dense, green forest means luck in all endeavors. Trees with fallen leaves indicate imminent changes in your life that will be disastrous for you. For a married lady, getting lost in a dense forest means failure in work and disagreements with her “other half.” Admiring the majestic green crowns in a dream, the aspiring actress receives a sign from above about future fame and success.

Dreams of this kind are often a reflection of some events of the past that greatly influenced a person and were deposited in his consciousness for a long time. And often their true meaning is hidden by a symbol or allegory, which in this case is represented by the image of a forest, and in particular trees.

An example of a dream that reflects events of the past could be the following: one woman, while still a schoolgirl, constantly saw the same dream: she and her mother walk through a bright grove and see around her tall trees, flowers, silk grass, on the leaves of which dew drops shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, the smiling face of the mother. As I grew older, this dream began to recur less and less often. At the same time, the woman noticed that she dreams of him only when she needs someone’s support. Soon after her marriage, she had, at first glance, exactly the same dream. But there were fewer trees, and they seemed to her to be standing in the distance. They were out of reach, just like the mother, whose face became blurry and unclear.

Thus, the dream reflected a turning point in the woman’s life: when she was a little girl, the only person in the world who could be relied on in difficult times was her mother, and her best friend was the green forest. But then another person appeared in her real life - her husband. And the image of the mother faded into the background. However, the dream did not stop repeating from time to time, foreshadowing difficult moments when she might need someone's help.

Dream Interpretation - Birds

they indicate greatness, power and beauty, and for the merchant, profit. Sometimes they point to the traveler for the one on whose head the bird will land. And whoever sees that a bird has descended from the sky and sat down in front of him, then this is news from which he will be very happy. Birds swimming in the water are the ruler's subordinates. Birds flying or living on water of unknown species are angels. They also say that seeing a bird on your shoulders or neck means seeing your deeds. So, if the bird is black, then the deeds committed are bad; if the bird is white, then pure and good; if the bird is motley, then deeds can be both good and bad. Birds flying high in the sky in a dream mean joy. Seeing flocks of birds above your head in a dream indicates wisdom and power. If a patient sees birds of an unusual breed unknown to him, he may die. If a traveler sees them, then his journey will be unsuccessful.

Dream Interpretation - Forest

Symbolizes uncertainty and various obstacles in business.

The thicker it is, the more difficulties are expected on your way.

A bright grove or a well-groomed park: a sign of the normal course of affairs and ordinary everyday worries.

If your mood is good, then in reality things promise to bring you some joy.

Dark, dense forest: portends danger and many unforeseen obstacles. Often, such dreams suggest that your current plans are poorly thought out, and the tasks you are about to take on may be too much for you.

A dried forest in a dream: a sign that, having become confused in your affairs, you risk suffering very serious losses.

Burning or burnt forest: indicates that the cause of your failures or even complete collapse may be your negative emotions and irritation. Such a dream encourages you not to give in to discontent, otherwise you risk completely confusing your affairs and dooming yourself to disaster.

A road going through a dense forest: warns that if you deviate from your plans, you may lose all hope of success.

Get out of the dark forest: good sign, foreshadowing the beginning of a bright period in your life.

Dream Interpretation - Scaffolding

Building forests in a dream means incomplete decisions, failure in love.

Dismantling scaffolding means fatigue; walking through it means being in charge of the situation.

To come down from the scaffolding is to admit your wrongdoing and be punished for it.

Falling from the scaffolding means helping a criminal against your will or taking part in deception.

Climbing through the scaffolding is a sign for a girl that her lover will misunderstand the situation and condemn her for an act that she actually did not commit.

Dream Interpretation - Bird

To everything good, success, profit, sometimes to gossip.

Seeing a lot of small birds is a sign that a small profit awaits you.

Throwing food to the birds means longing, searching for new acquaintances, a new society.

Hearing birds singing in a dream means talking with friends.

Hearing very loud singing means a quarrel.

A fight between birds in a dream means your upcoming participation in a quarrel between women.

Talking to birds is a sign of fun.

Catching a bird in flight is a sign that you will receive a letter from afar; the bird climbs into its bosom - fortunately.

A chick starting to try its wings and falling means failure in a poorly thought-out undertaking.

Seeing a bird of prey in a dream predicts that you will be deceived.

Shoot a bird of prey - after a struggle you will overcome all obstacles on the path to happiness.

For a young woman, scaring birds of prey away from her babies means that she will achieve her wildest dreams, but only when she is hardworking. The dream foreshadows real danger from your opponents.

Scare away birds of prey in a dream - your affairs will be successful.

Dream Interpretation - Birds

The appearance of birds can mean the arrival or arrival of a guest, the receipt of some information - it all depends on the breed, type and behavior of the birds.

Colorful birds or songbirds dream of good luck in love, joy, and prosperity.

Predatory and hunting - to changes in life, honors.

Water birds - to the treachery of your friends.

Night - symbolize adulterers and thieves.

Killing a bird of prey means defeating an ill-wisher.

In general, to injure or kill a bird in a dream - bad sign: It will be difficult to protect yourself from misfortune in reality.

Flying birds mean goodness and prosperity.

Catching birds or eating poultry dishes means profit and prosperity.

A lot of birds - for a lawsuit.

The chirping of a flock of birds - to tiresome conversations.

Dream Interpretation - Different birds

Seeing birds is good; good success, profit/gossip.

Chicks of any birds - to pregnancy. If it is a bird: it is for a girl; he goes to the boy.

Many small birds mean little profit.

Throwing food to the birds - longing / searching for new acquaintances / new society.

Hearing birds singing - talking with friends.

Very loud singing means a quarrel.

Bird fight - quarrel between women, gossip.

Talking to birds is fun.

Killing a bird is a change/an act of love.

Seeing many different birds sitting on the ground or in a tree, screaming loudly or silently, is an image of mysteries and spiritual problems overwhelming the consciousness.

Forest in a dream


Forest in a dream

Pitch darkness. Night. I'm standing on the edge of a spruce forest. Spruce trees with powerful trunks, thick crowns: they should probably be scary, but I perceive them as reality, I’m not scared. I'm waiting for something. I know that one of my relatives is next to me, it seems my dad. Suddenly, a light is visible from the depths of the forest, it becomes brighter and brighter. I understand that a procession is moving from the depths of the forest along the path. I'm worried, even terribly. The light is getting brighter and brighter. I see that this light comes from pants, like long johns (the size would fit my husband). I want to hide, but I force myself to stay at the edge of the forest, even though I know that there is a large spruce nearby, under which I saw firewood. The night is very dark, not cold, creepy.

That same night, in some room, in the hallway, I dream of my mother and grandmother (they died many years ago). They watch me put on a white slipper, I didn’t see the second slipper, but I didn’t look for it, I knew that I could put it on later. My mother and grandmother were somewhat tense about me. I got up again (I don’t remember how) at this time the image of pants from which light emanated. This is some kind of unusual light, very bright, as if alive. I felt creepy, this light excites me.

Then I ran away from tomboyish boys, about 11-12 years old. They wanted to steal something valuable from my purse. I fell and my purse was torn out of my hands. I ran away, hid in a kiosk in a narrow room, clutching something to myself (maybe a purse that the boys had snatched out of my hands). Several boys ran into the kiosk. They stood nearby, but didn’t see me. I was afraid that they would see me. They looked at me, but they didn't see me. Then one of them finally saw me... I woke up

I saw very clearly large trunks of fir trees; light coming from the pants. The slipper is white, but its color is not pure white, slightly beige. I didn’t see my husband or my father, but I felt their presence.
\r\nThe whole dream was anxious, tense, but not nightmarish.

Forest in a dream

My friend and her mother and I were walking to the beach through the forest;

All the time I was tormented by the thought that I did not take a swimsuit and constantly wanted to run home to get it;

Then I climbed a tall tree for something, holding my friend’s younger sister in my arms;

I couldn’t hold her, she scratched my hands and I lowered her downstairs (a friend caught her there), and when I tried to get down, I fell and rolled head over heels on the ground, hit my head and lay there for a couple of seconds without strength.

Forest in a dream

The dream begins with the fact that work changes its address and the office becomes in some house when I was there it seemed that I had already been there there were photographs of my old friends and so I go out for a walk in the winter forest I walk through the forest in the light...

Somewhere in the distance, a hunter is killing someone, I see it, but I’m going in the other direction and the forest is no longer winter but summer, there are large trees around and generally a dense green forest, I walk then turn around and let’s look for the way back so as not to get lost, beautiful stuffed brown bears stand in front of me somewhere in the distance I can hear the roar of a bear, but it doesn’t particularly scare me, I walk and see a white striped (brown-black) cat running and barking at me, wanting to attack me, I take some rusty bike and drive her away and then I see a puppy who is angry at me but as if nothing had happened, I trusted him in my hands, while wearing gloves on my hands, he got a little angry and then, on the contrary, became so kind, and I went further, there was a booth and the puppy began to bark at it, I say this is your house... Somewhere here the dream is interrupted!

Forest in a dream

I see a forest in front of me. A forest with tall tree trunks, each tree is 40 stories high. The foliage underfoot is very large. I see a hill leading to a small clearing ahead of me. Behind me are my closest friends, I don’t know who, but I feel that these are the closest people.

I approach the hillock and see huge stalks of cut mushrooms on it and a path to the hillock strewn with giant foliage. I start to cry, in a dream I remember my father. There is a lot of grief in my soul. I climb up to this clearing, approach the middle of the clearing, raise my head and see a beautiful glow and tears roll into my eyes from joy and beauty.

And then it turns out that I’m lying on my back on the foliage and looking up at a small piece of the sky and feeling dizzy, as if I was spinning and rising to the top. And in a dream, I feel like I’m falling asleep and my friends are walking around me. And on the right hand sits a friend who, in my opinion, is very bright, clean and good. He pulls my hand so that I wake up, but I can’t wake up, I feel like I’m paralyzed, I hear, I see, but I can’t move. Around me are my friends and dogs.

Forest in a dream

Good morning. I dreamed: I am picking berries (strawberries, some plums) in the forest. Here and there there is snow (the first, clean, without traces) The forest is quiet and calm.

Forest in a dream

I’m in a field, a forest, the outskirts of the city, somewhere between the tram rails, at the same time I’m in a box or on a balcony in a glass jar. All at once. I look at it from above, but I also clearly understand that I am every single object and character in this dream. Objects move. These are people on a city street, the houses on which have been sandpapered almost beyond recognition, me and these people and these houses and the tension in the air formed by the dust of these houses and human fumes. This is also a forest area in which crushed trees slowly fall onto a crust of earth as hard as steel. These are stones outside of any setting, just stones in nowhere, which when inhaled are hard, and when exhaled they become feminine. All at once. The dream lasts only a moment, but at first it is very slow, then it accelerates, and at the moment of its apogee it is so fast that you can go crazy without understanding the nature and source of all the emotions and pictures that appear before your eyes. It’s as if they’re hitting me on the head, hitting me very quickly, but it doesn’t hurt, I only feel the dullness of the blow and the damage. At the moment of the blow, the eyes close, and when they open, someone has already changed the picture, you are trying to understand what is on it, but then the next blow follows. Faster and faster. Then the frequency of impacts becomes so high that everything either disappears or, on the contrary, a complete picture finally appears. One time. I see a man, he is a stone, everything is pressing on me, he is walking so fast that the background turns into a motley stripe, I am scared. He stops, it’s hard for me, it’s like I’m somewhere deep under water, he’s a woman and he’s stretching, it’s easy for me, it’s about to tear at the waist, I’m scared and happy. These are two halves, I am cold and striped, one half is glass, the other is happy, I am lonely and ashamed. This is a touch of goodness and a touch of sorrow, it’s empty for me. This is an impulse that hits a person, this person is the essence. I'm not here. They intertwine, I'm cold. I'm trying to tear them apart, it's hard, dry, scary, it's slow for me, it's beautiful for me. Everything is speeding up. A hail of emotions pierces your head, quickly turns into something difficult, fear gives way to guilt, pride turns into cowardice, cowardice into humility, enthusiasm turns into a pleasant feeling of stroking warm wool, slowly becomes motley and joyful, joy gives way to anger, cold and aloof, warm and laconic , timelessness and emptiness, love is empty, respect is interest, attraction becomes doomed. All at once. The climax is near. Against the backdrop of all this, I feel attracted to my mother, but I want to renounce her. I have maternal feelings for what was a stone man and later a woman. Or rather, only to a woman. Which is a man who is inside me and presses from within. All this is inside me, although it is clearly visible before my eyes. Crazy speed, everything merges into one feeling, one emotion, this is the main thing. The essence of things and substances. This scene takes place in absolute silence, as soon as a thin squeak appears, I wake up. I woke up depressed, too much. But the main thing was missed, or rather not achieved, or it flashed by so quickly that I didn’t have time to understand it

Forest in a dream

I dream that I am running somewhere in a forest that is covered in cobwebs. The web sticks, but does not come off. Then I dreamed that I was lying on a green lawn and a spider bit me and I felt a strong tingling sensation in my hand

Forest in a dream

I dreamed that I was walking through a dark forest with some person and we found the corpses of cats and not just cats, but they were doubled like Siamese twins, tell me why this could have happened in a dream?

Forest berries bees in a dream

I very often dream that I am in the forest. I'm either driving a car or something else... The forest is dense, green, there are a lot of hills, and sometimes there are rivers. There are many roads in the forest. They all intertwine, sometimes a clear road, sometimes a barely visible path. But I'm driving too fast, so I'm driving along the shortest path.

On the road I am always with someone, most often with my father. This time I dreamed that on the way I noticed berries - blueberries (for some reason). We stop and start collecting. The berries are many large, juicy, the clearing is already blue. Suddenly bees appear. I brush them off, but still three bees stung me on the hand, back side the palms remain stinging. I pull them out, but I experience terrible pain.

I start to panic, I call all the people who are with me. I tell them that they need to leave because there are a lot of bees. I pack full buckets of berries and some things into the car and we leave.

Forest and wet road in a dream

I had a dream. I see a forest, beautiful, but not dense. I'm hiding in this forest from someone. Some kind of equipment is passing by, people are passing by, and I am sitting in the bushes. I look out and see a forest road, two ruts with wet holes. But I know that you won’t get stuck in this hole, but will have a good time. Then, I climb a tree where a small house is built. There are some other people in the house. The house doesn’t seem to be small, but I’m sure no one will see it from below. I look out of the house and decide how to get out of it. For some reason the water below is clean. I’m looking out how and where I’ll step. And there is no fear, I know that I will pass calmly.

Forest and corpses in a dream

Today I had a dream that a camp came to my city, but not of gypsies, but of sellers. My whole street (My house), all the people were having fun and walking. Then evening came and all the people realized that everyone from this “camp” had disappeared. I and other people went into the forest to look for them. In the forest, I realized that strange creatures were hunting us. I was talking about this with some man and suddenly there was a boy in front of my eyes, he was looking intently at me, he was 9-11 years old. Suddenly I was already alone and I saw how this boy was hanging on a tree, tied up by his legs upside down , the skin was removed from him, and the blood on him was already brown, it didn’t even look like blood, but like dried subcutaneous fat. I decided to run away and woke up.

Having fallen asleep again, I saw that I had run away from home, but returned for a card to withdraw the scholarship. Suddenly I find myself in some house, like in a dorm ( internal view similar) Walls with blue peeling paint. My friend told me to throw away the kitten, gray and very cute. I went down to the landing and let him go; when I got up, I closed the door. I walked among the apartments and then I heard the door that I closed slam. I tried to close it and saw a man, I close the door, but it doesn’t close. I saw through the crack that he had a weapon against the door. Of course, I ran, looked back, and he was nearby. I ran through the door, and he was next to me again and tried to shoot, but the weapon was not loaded, he held the gun weakly and I grabbed it. I try to shoot, but he doesn’t shoot. The man said that he had been rich all his life and now everything is fine, even the crisis did not affect him. I ran away and then I realized that my fingerprints were on the weapon. And then I woke up.

Forest dogs damage in a dream

Forest, two identical dogs in black and white. At first I was alarmed because of them, but they were somehow on their own, but next to me. I climb a tree, look to the side and see one of them also on a tree nearby.

I find myself in an elevator with a black-haired girl. I tell her to remove the damage from me. She looks at me, moves her hands, then with tears and a frightened face she says “no... I can’t”...

Forest lake mirror cat in a dream

The dream was during the day.

I and 2 or 3 girls I know (I don’t know who exactly, I haven’t seen their faces) go into the forest. A beautiful, sun-drenched forest with tall trees. On the left I see a large lake, along its edge there is dense greenery of trees, I come closer and look - I really remember how clean and transparent the water was, you could see the bottom, the reflections of the sun on the surface. Then, in the place where I look, I see a catfish fish, quite large, and I think to myself: “What a pity that I don’t have a fishing rod.” I really wanted to catch this fish. I turn around and see that the girls I came with are sitting up to their chests in mud, with their backs to me, I approach and start disturbing one (she looked like me from behind) - I ask her to get out of there, she comes out. Then another moment, I turn around and instead of girls in the dirt I see 3 large mirrors, also half buried in the dirt (the mirrors are turned away from me with the mirror side). I go up to one mirror and want to look into it, but suddenly I move away. A girl runs behind and shouts: “Go away, a black cat is running here!” We are all scattered, and then this cat appears, begins to run like mad through the forest, I stop, look at her and shout: “What are you afraid of? This cat is not black! She has white spots!” After my words, the cat leaves.

The dream was very memorable for the brightness of the colors and the realism of the events. Help me understand its meaning.

Forest revolver competition letter in a dream

Good afternoon I’m running through the forest, I’m running away from someone, in my hand I have a brown revolver with a long barrel... I know that the forest will hide me, I’ll hide in it, the forest is nice green, it will save me... Then I find myself on stage , I’m telling you something, there’s a women’s competition going on, I’m happy with my performance, so are the audience, then a woman comes on stage, she’s a little awkward, she has one big breasts, which is in the center, she just stands and is silent, showing herself... Then something like the last tour, another performance, I am standing behind a woman in Russian dress, she is dancing, walking left, right, I understand that we are drowning and together we need to win and I start dancing behind her too, moving so that she goes to the left, and I go to the right, and then vice versa, so that we get a beautiful dance... Next is the voice of the presenter: Natalya, smart, beautiful, spoke to us such a wonderful verse and announces the results of the competition, that awkward woman wins, I leave through the crowd in incomprehension... Then I knit a letter, it’s from the prosecutor’s office, they call me to give an explanation about the purchase of a house by my client, I understand that I have nothing to fear, I’ll come and explain how it happened, there was nothing criminal, and this is something like a formality... They received some kind of signal, they need to react to it, and I need to respond, I’ll come and explain and everything will be fine...

Forest icon flower in a dream

The first dream began with the fact that I saw myself in the forest, walking along a path and trying to hide from someone. Then I see something in the grass, I bend down and find an icon, then I walk through the forest and find a second icon, which I bring home and see my mother smiling through the forest.

Then I woke up, and when I fell asleep, I saw the following dream. I see myself among the green mountains, walking among them, with small houses around. Some people. Then I see myself in a clearing and someone gives me a beautiful white rose.

Forest in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols appear Forest. By clicking on the Dream Interpretation link under the text of a specific dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by dream interpreters on our website. If you are interested in the interpretation of a dream according to a dream book, follow the Dream Book link and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams of a Forest mean, or what it means to see a Forest in a dream.

Fire in the forest in a dream

I’m riding on a bus, from afar I see puffs of pure bluish, beautiful smoke rising from the forest belt, I suddenly realize that this is a forest fire and I need to call the firefighters, I say: “dial 156.” Then I and others are already standing near the scene of the incident, the grass and soil are slightly burnt , but the trees are not scorched, the fire has subsided or been extinguished, I think I saw firefighters (not sure) ....

Dark forest Song Wolves in a dream

3 winter I walk at night through a forest or a forest park, since there were no very densely planted trees. I hear footsteps and male voices from behind. At first, I was afraid for a second that they would pester me and all that, but she walked past, laughing and animatedly discussing something. Then they began to sing. The song was funny, it seems from some Soviet film. I quietly sang along. Some lines spoke of how a fairy tale comes to life in our world. I don’t remember exactly, but it briefly mentioned wolves.

Then one of them shouted at me to run, because wolves were chasing us. I turned around. I don’t know if it was actually the wolves that were chasing us, they were more like dogs. Pure white, small and very thin, the ribs were already visible. And their faces were pitiful; if they hadn’t been chasing me, I would have even become pitiful. I noticed two or three.

I ran for a long time, I was already exhausted, and so I decided to climb onto the broken wall bars (where did it come from in the middle of the forest? O0), but they had already overtaken me, one was about to bite me on the leg, and then I woke up.

Invisible assistant in a dream

I was going somewhere (I don’t remember exactly for what purpose). Summer, warm good weather.

I left the village, and I had to cross the forest before dark. But I didn’t have time. When I passed the last street with houses, I saw a forest and light twilight nearby.

The forest itself was ordinary and beautiful, but I was afraid to walk through the forest at night. (I'm very afraid of the dark) Actually, there was no choice: I had to walk without stopping.

And at that moment, when I was descending towards the forest with a feeling of anxiety, someone invisible lifted me into the air and seemed to push me forward, I didn’t even feel the ground with my feet.

At the same time, I felt twofold feelings: a little anxiety because someone or something unfamiliar was nearby, and at the same time relief that I was not entering the forest alone.

Flying in a dream

I dreamed that I and some person, very close to me, were running along a path. Soon we saw a very tall, dark, bare forest. The branches seemed dry and dark. rose strong wind, so much so that the yellow leaves flew in a whirlwind. It blew in our faces, cool and strong, but for some reason I felt a feeling of joy. The wind picked us up, we took off from the ground and rose higher and higher, but not higher than the forest. We didn't fly into the forest, we just flew around it, admiring its mighty strength...

Your own funeral in a dream

It all started with a trip with friends along a river where there were crocodiles. I saw their mouths, but they didn’t cause fear, as if they weren’t real. While we were joking and looking around, I fell into the water. Everyone shouted that I could die, that they needed to save me, but the current was so fast that I was carried away. Moreover, I was not in the water, but was carried along as if along the top of the water and pushed to the shore.

I stood up, brushed myself off and walked through the forest to my home. There were a lot of people in the forest, some were looking for mushrooms, some were grilling kebabs, some were even skiing. According to my impressions, I walked for a short time, through the forest, but along the river bank. I approach the house (in real life, this is not my house), and through the fence I see a picture: in the yard at the table everyone is sitting in black, drinking, silent. I jump over the fence, sit on a bench and turn to everyone, they say, who are you burying? And they look at me like that and say - You.

Then they started running up and asking where I had been for so long. And I say, they themselves abandoned me, they could have gotten me, but you left. It turned out they decided that a crocodile had eaten me, and almost a week had passed. Usually I often photograph my own weddings with unfamiliar grooms, I’m waiting for my groom, and they tell me that I’m marrying someone else, although I’ve never seen their faces. And now, for the first time, I saw a wake for myself.

Magic in a dream

I dreamed that I was looking for people who knew how to get to a university where I don’t even study, to see a friend. Suddenly I found myself in some kind of forest, but it was not a forest. Because through the trees you can clearly see the road, the stop... And there is a car that doesn’t work and a blond man with shoulder-length hair is fixing it.

I approached and asked, and he somehow strangely pulled me towards him and we walked up to a tree and he drew a golden flower, I finished drawing something, and then he painted it like this. That it turned out to be an open flower. Moreover, we drew it with nothing more than our hands. Inexplicable.

Maybe someone knows what the dream of Magic could mean? I'm confused...

Run away in a dream

I dreamed that I was running away from my pursuers through the forest. Forest with huge coniferous trees. And those people who are chasing me end up on the treetops and throw some kind of fireballs at me. In the end I broke away from them. I started climbing the mountain, got to the top, but couldn’t resist and started sliding down. I caught on the grass and managed not to fall. That's when I woke up.

Hanged in a dream

Today I had a dream, I walked into some kind of forest and found an iron door, when I opened it it was something like a basement on the window of which there was a human head. And in the middle there was a hanged guy of about 30 years old. There was a small bench near the door. I also remember that the hanged man had a date on it.

Maybe the date of death or something else. 21.04. I don’t know what it’s connected with, after I remember my yard, this door was like the entrance to the basement. And those who were walking on the street, I told them if you want, I’ll show you a joke - and they took them into the basement and laughed. I also remember that as soon as I walked through that door for the first time there was a smell of rot.. But I didn’t immediately understand that the guy was hanged.

At first I sat and watched. Then I look at the rope and he is hanging. The corpse did not make me disgusted or vomit, I just looked at it, almost touched it. Then I remember that there were some women in the yard. They were sunbathing and I just ran to this hanged man, I remember they were talking to me about something. But what I don’t remember.. ((

Kissed a friend in a dream

I went for a walk with a friend. We went into the forest and there we started kissing.

What is this for?

Seeing yourself in a dream

I dreamed that I was walking through a dark forest and saw a hut, like in fairy tales, with a warm yellow square of light right in the middle of the log wall of the house. She crept up to the house and looked out the window with bated breath. And it seems that the hut is on chicken legs, but I’m not sure, it’s just on a hill.

I looked in and my breath was taken away and I immediately seemed to dive under the window again, out of fear because I saw myself there. I was sitting there, bent over something over the table and slowly raised my head to the window and my gaze was very angry, my face was pinched with anger, and a second before our eyes met, I was already hiding under the window and woke up with a fright.

Mother eats her baby alive in her sleep

Three young women were walking in the forest with strollers. They walked up the path. One of them talked about successfully saving her child from a fatal disease. Meanwhile, they climbed to the top of the hill. Evening came, the sun set. Mothers' behavior has changed. They began to sniff the air around them like animals. And suddenly, as if for the first time, they saw their children. With interest, they pulled out the babies, examined them carefully... And clung to their bodies. The babies screamed loudly while their mothers ate.

Unpleasant dream

An excerpt that I remember: I have a good friend, in a dream I was supposed to stay at his place, but he said that he would go see a girl for a while to watch movies. I felt offended. I went with him. He met a girl I also know. And the two of them walked in front, and I followed them. It was dark, most likely night. And I see that I have to cross the road, and immediately behind it there is a small hill and a forest. The road was not a city one. They walked forward and began to go deeper into the forest. I just cross the road and see what appears to be two dead cats covered in blood lying on it. I walked around them, stopped at the entrance to the forest - I felt scared, it was dark, and I have always felt fear of the forest. As a result, despite the fact that my friends went into the forest, I couldn’t. She got scared and ran in the opposite direction. End. The rest I remember only in images. I only remember this well.

Rain on a mountain plateau in a dream

Part one:

Forest or park area, but more like a forest. Crowded with vacationers as if they were exiles or refugees. People live in camps like gypsies with the population density of Chinatown.

And they shit everywhere. They shit so hard that it hurts to watch. The forest is similar to ours, northern: tall coniferous trees, the sun illuminates small deciduous bushes through the crown, there is almost no grass, the ground is covered with old crumbling pine needles. I'm walking along a wide winding sandy road. The feeling of a fairytale forest, if not for the people. To my right, in a depression, a small river flows, similar to a tributary of a large river. There are men fishing knee-deep in the water, even catching something. The next moment, I am holding a small carp in my hands. I decide to put him in a zinc bath and fatten him with sugar, they say that then his meat will be sweet. I see him already in the bathroom, first floating freely, and after a moment, he no longer fits in it, his blurred belly does not allow him to turn around, he is covered with some kind of plaque and is dying.

Next stage. I find myself on a flat plateau of a small mountain, sparsely covered with sparse greenery, in the company of three people. In the panorama on all four sides there is only one sky, on one side clear and cloudless, and on the other horizon a cloud front was approaching. One of us in the role of the host, and we in the role of the subjects, an analogy arose with the “battle of psychics.” The presenter asks us a question: “Will it rain now? " After thinking a little, my partner answers: “No. "The presenter looks at me. I concentrated and saw a fine water suspension in the air. I decided that even if the precipitation was not planned by nature, I could cause it myself, and firmly answered: “Yes.” The next moment, with a movement of my soul incomprehensible to me, the atmosphere around me became agitated, and blind rain began to fall, but what happened next was even more interesting. The rain intensified and turned into a full-fledged downpour, as if drawing a flow from the atmosphere. I point with my left hand to the sky, where the front was moving from, saying, “Look,” and lightning flashes right under my left palm. Everyone is delighted.

Strange school in a dream

In a dream, I dreamed that I was in some kind of school, which was surrounded by a huge dark forest. This school has children with different abilities, and I am one of them. There was a vague moment about a romantic relationship with a guy from my same school. I remember exactly what this guy had best friend, with whom he competed to conquer me. Then the picture abruptly changes to a bright lawn, on which I am sitting with my supposedly best friend. She supposedly has the gift of clairvoyance and asks me to save a crow that is being kept in a bag in the depths dark forest. I immediately agree and hit the road, but not on foot. In my dreams I can consciously fly. This forest was divided into sectors by a huge net, through which I flew without difficulty. The further I flew, the darker it was. I saw a bag hanging on the very last tree in the forest, behind which there was complete darkness and nothing. I tore the bag, one crow flew out of it and flew away, but there was another one left in the bag. I got it. She was very scared and so I pressed her to my chest, to the warmth. She did not struggle, did not kick, but calmly pressed herself and sat quietly. I flew through the forest back to the school grounds. The crow immediately began to close her eyes, because there was complete darkness in the forest and now, out of habit, she sees bright light. A little later she got used to it and I put her on my shoulder. She sat calmly and even tried to peck the gnats and flies flying past. I came to my room and put the crow on the windowsill, because it was warmer there. She took a hamburger out of the refrigerator, tore off a piece of meat and began to feed her. The crow was not picky and calmly ate this meat. At this moment I suddenly wake up.

Underground houses in a dream

I walked into the forest, everyone walked into the forest (many, many people without things), and further and further I walked away from people, away from smoke. Finally, I arrived at the scientific station, a station employee helped me get further... I ended up in an underground passage. In this passage there were manholes from the houses, I went into one (as if under water) there was no door, I just went up, and there were rooms on several floors, sofas, people sitting and not seeing - blindfolds on their eyes, then another entrance to another house - there was no door either. I climbed out. Where there should have been a forest, there was a settlement, people scurried back and forth.

Picking mushrooms in the forest

Dream Interpretation: Picking mushrooms in the forest dreamed of why you dream about picking mushrooms in the forest? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Picking mushrooms in the forest in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Mushrooms

There is only one mushroom, they do something with it - something related to male organ love.

To see mushrooms growing, large lichens - your soul has difficulty finding its way in spiritual life / a gentle soul.

Mushrooms sprout from your things - a life completely devoid of any changes.

A mushroom grows from your stomach or other parts of the body - all the worst things for both body and soul.

A fly agaric, a toadstool, a tree overgrown with mushrooms from top to bottom - a deceitful person / a person with an evil eye, a sorcerer / a soul cursed by heaven.

Collecting a lot of mushrooms from your body means enjoying an inactive life.

Wandering through a forest of giant mushrooms is the contemplation of evil in your soul / your vices.

Trample mushrooms on the ground, break them, etc. – fight your own inertia.

Picking mushrooms is a small job / a lot of work, a lot of success.

Collecting fly agarics means deviating from the right path / preparing an evil deed.

Picking mushrooms, sorting, eating raw mushrooms - giving too much great value everything related to erotica.

Cooking mushrooms is a surprise.

Eating fried or boiled mushrooms means experiencing satisfaction from other people’s weaknesses / enriching themselves at the expense of other people’s weaknesses / for men - fatigue; women - pregnancy

Dream Interpretation - Mushrooms

Mushrooms symbolize caution and suspicion. In fairy tales, evil witches brew a brew from poisonous fly agarics and use this potion to bewitch people and cast spells on them. In some cases, mushrooms can mean wisdom. In many legends, the boletus mushroom is considered the guardian of the forest and its good spirit. A meeting with this spirit promises a person good luck and prosperity.

If in a dream you saw yourself in a mushroom meadow, it means in reality you must be very careful. Your imaginary friends will try to mislead you.

Seeing a basket full of mushrooms in a dream is evidence that in the near future you will have to refute unfounded suspicions.

A dream in which you saw that someone had picked mushrooms before you and you only got cut off stems means that due to your excessive suspicion you will miss your chance.

Wormy mushrooms are a bad sign. Represents illness and disaster.

If in a dream you feel like a mushroom, it means in reality you will have to take on great responsibility.

Eat in a dream mushroom soup- this means in reality you will suspect a person close to you of an ignoble act.

To see in a dream how mushrooms the size of a house grow before your eyes means that your wisdom will be appreciated by others.

Dream Interpretation - Mushrooms

Seeing mushrooms in a dream foretells pregnancy and fatigue or satisfied passion. Picking mushrooms in the forest means that your work will be duly rewarded. Buying mushrooms means unhealthy desires and unreasonable haste in an effort to increase capital as soon as possible, which can lead to illusory pleasures, and even to legal proceedings.

Eating mushrooms in a dream means old age.

Cook them in sour cream - you will live in contentment. Treating mushrooms means experiencing humiliation and secret love.

Poisonous mushrooms in a dream indicate that in reality a lucky chance will help you out of a dangerous situation. For a young girl, such a dream foreshadows in the future disdain for material wealth, but a craving for carnal pleasures.

Milk mushrooms in a dream mean a quarrel if you collect them, and a loss at cards if you eat. Dreaming of champignons means a promotion. Eating truffles in a dream means you will live in contentment.

Dried mushrooms portend that you will soon rest, significantly improve your health and bring your weight back to normal. Buying or selling dried mushrooms foretells that the purchase you intend to make will be a successful acquisition.

Dream Interpretation - Mushrooms

The mushroom is a symbol of the penis.

If you see a lot of mushrooms and collect them, then you lead a very active and rich sex life, but are not very picky in choosing partners.

If you clean mushrooms, then you dream of leading a more orderly lifestyle.

If you hold a mushroom in your hand, then you are prone to self-satisfaction.

If you cook mushrooms (fry, boil, salt, etc.), then you are predisposed to diseases of the genital organs.

If you throw away mushrooms, then you are prone to homosexual (lesbian) relationships.

If the mushrooms turn out to be wormy, then you will soon have children (grandchildren).

Dream Interpretation - Mushrooms

Seeing mushrooms in a dream means taking good advice.

Picking mushrooms means the fulfillment of secret desires, a reward for work.

Eating mushrooms is a symbol of a long and happy life, satisfaction in love, and improved health.

Seeing poisonous mushrooms in the forest is a happy accident.

The American tradition interprets dreams about mushrooms completely differently: mushrooms mean unhealthy desires and deceptive pleasures; eating mushrooms means humiliation and shameful love.

Dream Interpretation - Mushrooms

Mushrooms - if you dream of lousy mushrooms - maremukhi and others, then, they say, this is a good dream, this person will have some kind of profit. Picking mushrooms means the woman will have children. If you dream of dried mushrooms, then this is against any misfortune. Eating mushrooms means you will live to a ripe old age; seeing them means you will meet a fool.

Dream Interpretation - Mushrooms

Seeing mushrooms in a dream is a sign of great ardent love and prosperity. Picking mushrooms in a dream is a pleasant surprise, unless they are noble mushrooms. Champignons in a dream mean prosperity and success in business. Seeing or collecting toadstools in a dream is a harbinger of troubles, receiving bad news and great grief due to the betrayal of a loved one or the intrigues of spiteful critics. Eating mushrooms in sour cream in a dream is a sign of great profit, wealth and prosperity. Eating toadstools in a dream means that close person will betray you. See interpretation: food, sour cream, butter.

Dream Interpretation - Forest

If in a dream you see a forest from afar, this portends you deep sadness for the bright days that are irretrievably gone. Finding yourself in the darkness of a dense, impenetrable thicket means that in reality you will not be able to cope with a task that at first glance seemed extremely simple. Walking through the forest picking berries or mushrooms will give you great pleasure from visiting a theater or concert.

Finding yourself in a spring forest, picking the first flowers, is a sign of a happy marriage. A summer forest on a fine sunny day portends good luck and a change in business to a positive result. An autumn forest in gold and the crimson of flying leaves is a harbinger of a clash of your interests with the demands of your partners.

If you see yourself in the forest in winter, this portends ruin, need and a search for work.

Wading through solid dead wood in the forest means losses that could have been avoided.

Deciduous young growth is a sign that your dreams and aspirations are destined to come true, and sooner than you expect. Pine forest suggests that in a dispute over the division of property you will achieve a solution that is beneficial to you. Walking through a burnt area of ​​the forest in a dream means a change in affairs for the worse.

Seeing a forest engulfed in an all-destroying fire means the successful implementation of plans, which will allow you to believe in your strength and creativity.

To see uprooted trees in a forest that has been hit by a terrible hurricane - such a dream foreshadows the danger of wasting your time, health and wealth in pursuit of dubious pleasures.

Singing in the forest means that days are coming for you full of fun and vigorous activity with your family.

Hearing the singing of forest birds - expect disappointment in the person who made your heart flutter.

If you hear dead wood cracking under your feet or fallen leaves rustling, it means you are about to experience a sad loss. Hearing the thick, spreading crowns of huge trees rustling above your head is a sign of future success and glory.

If you and your friends have a picnic at the edge of the forest, in reality you will have a date alone with a secret friend. If in a dream you are looking out over the forest from the top of a tall tree, which God knows how you ended up in, expect a quick promotion.

If you are collecting brushwood for a fire in the forest, this portends the beginning of a struggle for success that will end brilliantly for you. Cutting down trees in the forest means mourning and sorrow. Seeing a forest clearing or clearing - in reality you will experience unaccountable fear, finding yourself completely alone.

If you are lost in a dense forest and circle around it, having lost all orientation and track of time, failures at work and family disagreements await you.

If at the same time it began to quickly get dark in the forest and suddenly there was heavy and cold rain, then in reality you will have to go on a forced trip. Calling in the forest means receiving good news.

If in a dream you find yourself in a tropical forest and are making your way through dense, almost impenetrable jungle as part of some expedition, expect an invitation to go on an exotic journey at someone else’s expense. Finding yourself in a palm forest foretells a calm course of affairs without any shocks in the near future.

Dream Interpretation - Forest

To receive money, to changes in business.

The forest stands majestically - you will have to carry out various public assignments.

Trees in the forest with young and green foliage - speaks of the imminent fulfillment of your desires, plans and dreams.

Dead trees in the forest symbolize loss and sadness.

A leafless forest indicates that changes will not be very favorable for you.

Wandering through a dark forest - you will encounter career failures on your way.

Walking through the forest, enjoying its beauty and fresh air, is a sign that a calm, measured life in the family, excellent relationships between spouses and children awaits you.

Walking through the autumn forest, looking at the bare branches of trees and withered, fallen leaves - you will be disappointed in the person you care about.

Seeing the edge of the forest means a quick date with a pleasant person.

Walking through a narrow forest clearing in a dream means you will soon enter a pleasant, but not brilliant, field.

A forest in the distance means cold winter; entering it means sudden fear.

Seeing a chopped forest means trouble, walking through the forest in winter means poverty, cutting down a forest in a dream means success.

You are making your way through the thicket - you may soon have to overcome obstacles on your way.

Getting lost in the forest means obstacles.

A frozen forest means the onset of unfavorable times.

Autumn golden forest is a symbol of clear results.

A dark forest symbolizes the uncertainty and wildness of your soul, a light and rare forest symbolizes the certainty of impulses and spiritual harmony.

Forest fire - to the successful completion of plans.

A forest in smoke - to suffering from illusions and prejudices; a forest in the fog symbolizes your reluctance to get to know yourself better, the desire for delusions.

Going through an aspen or spruce forest leads to dark and evil thoughts, through a birch forest leads to a good mood of the soul, through a pine forest leads to thoughts of the sublime.

Walking through the forest is a sign for a young girl to meet her betrothed.

To be in a forest park in a dream means you will have a rest with your family in nature.

Green forest belt - to joy and entertainment.

A forest without leaves means dull everyday life without holidays.

Forest glade - to meet a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Mushrooms

Seeing them in a dream means a rich life.

Eating mushrooms means longevity.

Crumpled and spoiled mushrooms mean an increase in the number of your rivals.
Seeing a watermelon in a dream Seeing strawberries in a dream

If in a dream you see a forest from afar, this portends you deep sadness for the bright days that are irretrievably gone.

Finding yourself in the darkness of a dense, impenetrable thicket means that in reality you will not be able to cope with a task that at first glance seemed extremely simple.

Walking through the forest picking berries or mushrooms will give you great pleasure from visiting a theater or concert.

Finding yourself in a spring forest, picking the first flowers, is a sign of a happy marriage.

A summer forest on a fine sunny day portends good luck and a change in business to a positive result.

An autumn forest in gold and the crimson of flying leaves is a harbinger of a clash of your interests with the demands of your partners.

If you see yourself in the forest in winter, this portends ruin, need and a search for work.

Wading through solid dead wood in the forest means losses that could have been avoided.

Deciduous young growth is a sign that your dreams and aspirations are destined to come true, and sooner than you expect.

Pine forest suggests that in a dispute over the division of property you will achieve a solution that is beneficial to you.

Walking through a burnt area of ​​the forest in a dream means a change in affairs for the worse.

Seeing a forest engulfed in an all-destroying fire means the successful implementation of plans, which will allow you to believe in your strength and creativity.

To see uprooted trees in a forest that has been hit by a terrible hurricane - such a dream foreshadows the danger of wasting your time, health and wealth in pursuit of dubious pleasures.

Singing in the forest means that days are coming for you full of fun and vigorous activity with your family.

Hearing the singing of forest birds - expect disappointment in the person who made your heart flutter.

If you hear dead wood cracking under your feet or fallen leaves rustling, it means you are about to experience a sad loss.

Hearing the thick, spreading crowns of huge trees rustling above your head is a sign of future success and glory.

If you and your friends have a picnic at the edge of the forest, in reality you will have a date alone with a secret friend.

If in a dream you are looking out over the forest from the top of a tall tree, which God knows how you ended up in, expect a quick promotion.

If you are collecting brushwood for a fire in the forest, this portends the beginning of a struggle for success that will end brilliantly for you.

Cutting down trees in the forest means mourning and sorrow. Seeing a forest clearing or clearing - in reality you will experience unaccountable fear, finding yourself completely alone.

If you are lost in a dense forest and circle around it, having lost all orientation and track of time, failures at work and family disagreements await you.

If at the same time it began to quickly get dark in the forest and suddenly there was heavy and cold rain, then in reality you will have to go on a forced trip. Calling in the forest means receiving good news.

If in a dream you find yourself in a tropical forest and are making your way through dense, almost impenetrable jungle as part of some expedition, expect an invitation to go on an exotic journey at someone else’s expense.

Finding yourself in a palm forest foretells a calm course of affairs without any shocks in the near future.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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