Why do you dream about a dolphin? Dolphin is a lucky symbol in a dream. But is he always a good dream?

Such different, amazing creatures sometimes burst into our dreams.

Sometimes they are hostile and scary, sometimes they are sweet and kind, but the inhabitants of the fauna always visit dreams with a good purpose - to hint at something important, to suggest, to give advice.

Those people who listen to such visions and apply knowledge in reality always avoid troubles and bring happiness closer, and the dream book will help with this.

A welcome and rare guest in dreams is a beautiful dolphin. An amazing creature, which is considered not only uniquely intelligent, but also endowed with magical abilities, it has been revered and famous from time immemorial.

The dolphin is a symbol of absolute beauty and purity of spirit, enlightenment, spiritual wealth and inner light. The dream that a dolphin visited can already be considered happy - this beautiful animal chooses only pure-hearted, bright and wise people.

So, why do dolphins dream, what do they carry and suggest? It depends on what the dolphin was doing in your dream, and what the dream was like. The most common options are:

  • You simply saw a dolphin in a dream, as some kind of vision or sign.
  • You had a dream in which dolphins play, swim, frolic - not in the wild, but in an indoor pool or dolphinarium.
  • You saw a beautiful dolphin in the sea, jumping out of the water.
  • In a dream, you were lucky enough to swim in the sea with a dolphin, pet it, swim in the water with it.
  • In your dreams you saw a dolphin performing circus tricks and performing in public.
  • In a dream, the circus dolphin does not listen and does not follow instructions.
  • In your dreams you are swimming on the back of a dolphin.
  • You are attacked by evil dolphins.
  • You feed the dolphins.

Each such dream is very rare and promises you something extremely important. The interpreter will tell you what exactly and why the dolphin is dreaming about.

A beautiful dolphin seen in a dream

This divine creation is breathtaking and gives great joy. What does the dream in which a dolphin appears mean? Depends on what he was like in your dreams and what he did.

1. The image of a dolphin in night dreams means great endless joy, deliverance (from unhappy love, from illness, from melancholy), enlightenment and spiritual growth. After such a dream, you can safely expect the best from generous fate.

2. If a woman dreams of an amazingly beautiful dolphin, this is a sign that she is sorely lacking in spicy, fresh sensations. There is only one piece of advice - either diversify your intimate life with your partner, or look for a new one...

3. A dream in which beautiful dolphins swim in the sea, play and frolic, but far from you, means that now all the most interesting things in the surrounding, eventful life are passing by without affecting you.

Is it normal? Life goes on, but events pass by. Be more active and bold, don’t be afraid to take a step towards adventure and new emotions!

4. If in your dreams you saw a beautiful school of dolphins in the water, but not in the open wide sea, but in a pool, in an enclosed space, this indicates that something is strongly holding you back in life.

For some reason you cannot express your feelings, you do not express yourself sufficiently, you live in a limited way. Let this dream become a landmark for you - start living more fully, express yourself! Otherwise it's all bright life will pass quietly passing...

5. Do you know why you dream of a dolphin performing like a circus performer? This is a beautiful and joyful dream, but it does not speak of good things, but hints to you that in life you are overacting, often behaving far-fetched and unnatural. More honesty and sincerity - and your life will change significantly, as will your environment.

6. If a dolphin does not want to perform tricks and tricks in a dream and resists, this means that you are in the wrong environment. You should change your social circle to the one that suits you best.

7. If you saw, as in dreams beautiful dolphin jumps out of the water, this is a sign - you are doing everything right in life now, continue in the same spirit, do not go astray.

Swimming with dolphins


Why do you dream about Dolphin?

You can find out for free in the dream book, Why do you dream about Dolphin?, having read below the interpretation of dreams from online dream books Houses of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see something other than a Dolphin in a dream, use the search form for online dream interpretations.

Why do you dream about Dolphin?

Seeing a dolphin means your tendency to fall under the influence of the new government. It's not very good dream.

Seeing a Dolphin in a dream

The dolphin is a symbol of the penis.

A frolicking dolphin symbolizes your health and sexual attractiveness.

Many dolphins symbolize your active and varied sex life.

If you are sailing on a ship and dolphins are frolicking around you, then there are a lot of people hovering around you who would like to beat off your sexual partner. Be vigilant and attentive to your partner.

Such different, amazing creatures sometimes burst into our dreams.

Sometimes they are hostile and scary, sometimes they are sweet and kind, but the inhabitants of the fauna always visit dreams with a good purpose - to hint at something important, to suggest, to give advice.

Those people who listen to such visions and apply knowledge in reality always avoid troubles and bring happiness closer, and the dream book will help with this.

A welcome and rare guest in dreams is a beautiful dolphin. An amazing creature, which is considered not only uniquely intelligent, but also endowed with magical abilities, it has been revered and famous from time immemorial.

The dolphin is a symbol of absolute beauty and purity of spirit, enlightenment, spiritual wealth and inner light. The dream that a dolphin visited can already be considered happy - this beautiful animal chooses only pure-hearted, bright and wise people.

So, why do dolphins dream, what do they carry and suggest? It depends on what the dolphin was doing in your dream, and what the dream was like. The most common options are:

  • You simply saw a dolphin in a dream, as some kind of vision or sign.
  • You had a dream in which dolphins play, swim, frolic - not in the wild, but in an indoor pool or dolphinarium.
  • You saw a beautiful dolphin in the sea, jumping out of the water.
  • In a dream, you were lucky enough to swim in the sea with a dolphin, pet it, swim in the water with it.
  • In your dreams you saw a dolphin performing circus tricks and performing in public.
  • In a dream, the circus dolphin does not listen and does not follow instructions.
  • In your dreams you are swimming on the back of a dolphin.
  • You are attacked by evil dolphins.
  • You feed the dolphins.

Each such dream is very rare and promises you something extremely important. The interpreter will tell you what exactly and why the dolphin is dreaming about.

A beautiful dolphin seen in a dream

This divine creation is breathtaking and gives great joy. What does the dream in which a dolphin appears mean? Depends on what he was like in your dreams and what he did.

1. The image of a dolphin in night dreams means great endless joy, deliverance (from unhappy love, from illness, from melancholy), enlightenment and spiritual growth. After such a dream, you can safely expect the best from generous fate.

2. If a woman dreams of an amazingly beautiful dolphin, this is a sign that she is sorely lacking in spicy, fresh sensations. There is only one piece of advice - either diversify your intimate life with your partner, or look for a new one...

3. A dream in which beautiful dolphins swim in the sea, play and frolic, but far from you, means that now all the most interesting things in the surrounding, eventful life are passing by without affecting you.

Is it normal? Life goes on, but events pass by. Be more active and bold, don’t be afraid to take a step towards adventure and new emotions!

4. If in your dreams you saw a beautiful school of dolphins in the water, but not in the open wide sea, but in a pool, in an enclosed space, this indicates that something is strongly holding you back in life.

For some reason you cannot express your feelings, you do not express yourself sufficiently, you live in a limited way. Let this dream become a landmark for you - start living more fully, express yourself! Otherwise that's all bright life will pass quietly by...

5. Do you know why you dream of a dolphin performing like a circus performer? This is a beautiful and joyful dream, but it does not speak of good things, but hints to you that in life you are overacting, often behaving far-fetched and unnatural. More honesty and sincerity - and your life will change significantly, as will your environment.

6. If a dolphin does not want to perform tricks and tricks in a dream and resists, this means that you are in the wrong environment. You should change your social circle to the one that suits you best.

7. If you saw a beautiful dolphin jumping out of the water in your dreams, this is a sign - you are doing everything right in life now, continue in the same spirit, do not go astray.

Swimming with dolphins

Seeing it is one thing, but coming into contact with a dolphin and communicating closely is another matter. And the meanings of such dreams are also different.

1. A desired dream in which dolphins and you swim together. If you are lucky enough to swim in the sea with dolphins in your dreams, pet them, play - this means that your loved ones love you, trust you and, no doubt, will always come to your aid.

2. But swimming not just with a dolphin, but riding on its smooth back - this promises passion, bright love adventures, something completely new.

Don’t be afraid to take bold steps, new experiences will only decorate and saturate your life. Just don’t go to extremes, they are always not good.

3. According to the dream book, beautiful friendly dolphins, who accepted you into their family in a dream, and you live among them, symbolize communication with people at a very high spiritual and intellectual level.

You will be able to find an environment in which you can communicate with very highly spiritual and worthy people. Such communication will enrich you emotionally and mentally, and will give you happiness.

4. This also happens - in a dream, dolphins are not kind, but angry and aggressive, and they attack you. This dream does not promise you danger, you should not be afraid, but it indicates that you are not working hard in your business and are not putting in enough effort.

So don't wait for results - you won't get them yet. You will be able to achieve success and happiness, only without laziness and with effort. But it's worth it.

5. If you fed kind dolphins in a dream, expect happiness and the fulfillment of bold, secret desires. Know that now fate is very favorable to you, and something incredible awaits you!

It is difficult to find a more friendly, pure creature than a dolphin, and the same can be said about it as a symbol. No other symbol brings so much light and joy, so such a dream can already be considered happy.

Even if the dream brought you a warning or warning, this is a great blessing, because if you accept the advice, you will receive very generous gifts from fate!


Dream Interpretation Dolphin, why do you dream of a Dolphin in a dream?

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian Why do you dream of a Dolphin according to the dream book:

To see Dolphins in the sea in a dream symbolizes people who are either important to you (like, for example, your relatives) or have power over you (like bosses). Why do you dream of dolphins in the sea, frolicking on the waves - have a good time with friends. Also, dolphins in the sea mean that if you haven’t planned a meeting with friends, then you definitely need to do it.

Dream book of psychologist A. Meneghetti Why do you dream of a Dolphin:

Dolphin - Positive symbol. Denotes a strong, healthy relationship, friendship, companion, or positive dominant instincts.

Summer dream book Why do you dream of a Dolphin according to the dream book:

Dolphin - Seeing yourself in a dream among swimming dolphins - means communication on high level.

Children's dream book What does Dolphin mean in the dream book?

Why do you dream of a Dolphin - You will have wonderful friends who will be completely different from your previous ones. They may be united by some unusual hobby or general interest in something, passion for something, this is what the dream book says about this dream.

Dream book for the whole family Why do you dream of a Dolphin?

Dream Interpretation: seeing a Dolphin in a dream - Friends will support you in difficult times. If a dolphin rushes at you, not playing, but attacking, do not expect success, you have not made enough effort to achieve it. If the dolphin is friendly, you will avoid long doubts and worries, make a firm decision and find peace and freedom. If the dream was from Thursday to Friday, you don’t need to make any effort, everything will work out by itself. If from Friday to Saturday you take a thoughtless and unjustified risk, you should not do it.

Dream book of psychologist Z. Freud Why do you dream of a Dolphin:

Dolphin - If you dreamed of a dolphin, it means that in sex you lack the thrill of sensations and you are looking for a way to experience them. It also seems to you that you have definitely lost the novelty of the relationship and this has lost its charm. If in a dream you rode a dolphin, it means that in the near future you will make love in the water. Someone else's example will motivate you to do this, since you yourself could not decide on such a thing. But in vain! Unforgettable impressions, by the way, gives water sex!

Spring dream book Why do you dream of a Dolphin according to the dream book:

Dolphin - A dolphin seen in a dream means gentle speeches, a kind demeanor.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Dolphin - Joy, good news.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why the Dolphin dreams:

Dolphin - Seeing a dolphin means your tendency to fall under the influence of the new government. This is not a very good dream, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream of a Dolphin?

See in a dream

Dolphin - A dream in which you see dolphins is a warning: you are wasting too much time and minding your own business; if dolphins frolic in clean water, then such a dream may be a harbinger of a promotion.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing a Dolphin in a dream

In a dream, what does a Dolphin dream about - Child, child; prosperity, well-being


Why do you dream of a Dolphin, dream book of a Dolphin, what does it mean to see in a dream?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a Dolphin in a dream?

According to the dream book, to see a Dolphin - These charming sea animals have become the heroes of many stories about the miraculous rescues of people at sea. In addition, some scientists are of the opinion that dolphins are representatives of a marine civilization that is not inferior to humans in terms of intelligence development. There are countless situations in which dolphins helped people, and there are no situations in which they showed aggression. If in a dream you played with a dolphin, then in life you can count on support and help from others stranger. If you just saw dolphins from afar, this is a sign that it’s time for you to go on vacation, as nervous system exhausted and the only thing that can save you from illness is to immediately go on vacation, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream of a Dolphin in a dream?

Seeing a Dolphin in a dream means - Dolphin - you can fall under someone’s strong influence, this is how such a dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Freud's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a Dolphin according to the dream book?

Seeing a Dolphin in a dream - Seeing this animal in a dream means that in real life you do not like routine and you feel a desire to diversify your intimate relationships. You no longer find pleasure in regular sex, you want something new. If you dream that you are riding a dolphin, you will have sex in the water. This will give you new unforgettable sensations, as the dream book-interpreter predicts.

Ancient dream book

Seeing a Dolphin in a dream:

Dolphin - If in a dream you saw a dolphin, then in reality this is a sign that you are a supporter of thrills, and for this reason you are constantly in a state of search. Are you very afraid of monotony? sexual relations will kill your feelings and you will easily leave your partner. If you dreamed that you were riding a dolphin, then in real life you will have an erotic water adventure. You will be able to decide on such an adventure thanks to someone else’s example, since you would not have taken such a step on your own. As a result, you will be immensely happy and excited by new sensations

Summer dream book

Why do you dream about Dolphin:

Dolphin - Seeing yourself among swimming dolphins in a dream means communication at a high level, as the dream book says about this dream.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream of a Dolphin in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Dolphin - Unfavorable dream. In addition, symbolizes loyalty to the new government or leadership

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Dolphin, what does a dream mean:

Seeing a Dolphin in a dream - Dolphins are dreamed of by those who lack the thrill of sensations in real life. You are fed up with what you have and are hungry for something new. Ride a dolphin in a dream - soon you will make love in the water. You couldn’t decide on this before, but someone else’s experience will inspire you.

Spring dream book

According to the dream book Dolphin:

Dolphin - a dolphin seen in a dream - to gentle speeches, to sweet treatment.


Dream interpretation of dolphins in the sea

Why do you dream about dolphins in the sea?

Dolphins seen in a dream always carry a positive meaning. Such a dream foreshadows a healthy, strong relationship, a faithful friend or companion, and positive dominant instincts. A dolphin frolicking in the sea - dreams of good health and sexual attractiveness. A dream in which you swam with dolphins in the sea is favorable - in reality, your friends and family completely trust you and are always ready to come to the rescue. Dreams in which dolphins are present always symbolize playfulness, boundless joy, unpredictability and spiritual enlightenment.


Dream Interpretation of Dolphins in the Sea

Why do you dream of dolphins in the Sea in a dream according to the dream book?

Dolphins film over water surface- in real life, very soon a person will appear with whom you will be comfortable, both work and relax; in general, all relationships will develop as well as possible, and you will not need to try for this.


Dolphins in the water

Dream Interpretation Dolphins in the water dreamed of why you dream about Dolphins in the water? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Dolphins in the water in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

The dolphin is a symbol of the penis.

A frolicking dolphin symbolizes your health and sexual attractiveness.

Many dolphins symbolize your active and varied sex life.

If you are sailing on a ship and dolphins are frolicking around you, then there are a lot of people hovering around you who would like to beat off your sexual partner. Be vigilant and attentive to your partner.

If a man swims among dolphins or on a dolphin, then this symbolizes his homosexual aspirations.

If a woman swims among dolphins or on a dolphin, then this symbolizes her insatiability. One man is clearly not enough for her.

A wounded dolphin symbolizes diseases of the genital organs.

A dead dolphin symbolizes impotence or frigidity.

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

For a girl, such a dream predicts a handsome and intelligent groom from a good family. If a married lady dreams of a dolphin, she will have a persistent and very pleasant admirer. For a man, a dream about a dolphin promises a good friend.

Imagine that you are swimming in a clean sea ​​water next to the dolphin.

Dream Interpretation - Dolphins

Dreams about dolphins are not good. After this dream, you should be wary of the sea: yours will die in the sea. best friend, the sea will bury your bright hopes and dreams of love. If you dreamed of a dolphin while traveling, it means... You are in great danger.

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

Friends will support you in difficult times. If a dolphin rushes at you, not playing, but attacking, do not expect success, you did not make enough effort to achieve it. If the dolphin is friendly, you will avoid long doubts and worries, make a firm decision and find peace and freedom. If the dream was from Thursday to Friday, you don’t need to make any effort, everything will work out by itself. If from Friday to Saturday you take a thoughtless and unjustified risk, you should not do it.

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

A dolphin seen in a dream indicates your tendency to easily succumb to the influence of others, which has already done you a disservice more than once. Riding a dolphin means that in reality you cannot find a way out for your romantic aspirations.

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

Dolphins are dreamed of by those who lack the thrill of sensations in real life. You are fed up with what you have and are hungry for something new.

Ride a dolphin in a dream - soon you will make love in the water. You couldn't decide to do this before, but someone else's experience will inspire you.

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

If in a dream you swam with dolphins, your loved ones and friends completely trust you and will gladly come to your aid, no matter what happens. Drink 1 glass of warm water every day on an empty stomach for a week.

If in a dream you only watch dolphins swim, everything interesting events they pass you by and you have no influence on them. To make this time pass faster, light 3 candles at midnight, burn a hair in each and fill the fire with salt;

After this, throw away the candles.

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

Seeing a dolphin means your tendency to fall under the influence of the new government. This is not a very good dream.

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

Dolphin - child, child; prosperity, prosperity.

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

Dolphin - you will have wonderful friends who will be completely different from your previous ones. They may be united by some unusual hobby or a common interest in something, a passion for something.


Dolphins in a dream


To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams of Dolphins mean, or what it means to see Dolphins in a dream.

Black dolphins in a dream

In the second dream, I was already in the water, along with black dolphins and people. We all swam in the same direction, as if with the flow. The water was the same as in the first dream, I did not see what was happening under the water. I seemed calm, but I was afraid that while swimming forward I would accidentally touch a dolphin; feelings of panic and fear fought within me with calmness and self-control. People around were playing with dolphins, but I was calm as long as they didn’t swim too close.

Sea and dolphins in a dream

And one evening, going out to the beach, I see that the water is not only below as it should be, but also above. And between the water is the sky. Water does not drip or pour on me from above. And dolphins jump between this water, a lot of dolphins. They jump and I feel the splash as they enter the water. The water is clean.


Fish and dolphins in a dream

Today I had a dream that I was swimming in the sea, in soft blue water, then I found myself on some kind of wooden chiffoner in the middle of the sea, a dolphin swam up to me and I stroked it, it rubbed against my hands, and then swam away and swung its tail as they do dolphins when they frolic. In the same dream, I dreamed that I was on a piece of shore with white sand, playing with the sand, splashing in the water, and then I noticed that I had a big belly, I realized that I was pregnant.. Then some people swim up to me and say that they are living in the water and ask to stay with them forever, and I keep laughing and splashing, falling on my back into the water and swimming... And I wake up...

Water dolphins in a dream

Two-headed dolphin in a dream

Good afternoon. I dreamed that my husband and I were standing on a huge bridge across the sea, the water was crystal clear. And I look down and there are schools of giant trout, huge eels (like anacondas) and dolphins swimming there. One two-headed dolphin, he jumps out of the water and waves hello with his head, squeaks and rejoices. Why do you have such a dream?

Angry dolphin in a dream

Fish cat and dolphin in a dream

Baby in a dream

Sea in a dream

Dolphins in the water in a dream

I see two tiny dolphins in a glass container with water. I take one of them in my hands, it is very nimble and tries to slip out. For some reason I decide to change the water in the container, pour warm water into it and release both dolphins. They begin to crust over and instantly turn into eggs. I understand that I ruined them, they need cold water. I quickly change the water, but it’s too late. They are no longer alive; just two shaggy eggs are floating in the water. I was terribly upset, I realized my mistake, and I’m grieving...

Swimming in water with fish in a dream

In the water in a dream

I remember that I was walking along the pool.. And suddenly I fell, plunging completely into the water... I float to the surface.. I swim up to the side and can’t get out... And then my man swims up.. As if on a dolphin.. And I have everything works out.. I had a dream already in the morning.. Could it mean anything?


Dolphins on the shore in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols appear Dolphins on the shore. By clicking on the link Interpretation of sleep under the text of a specific dream, you can read online interpretations, written free of charge by the dream interpreters of our site. If you are interested in the interpretation of a dream according to a dream book, follow the Dream Book link and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams of Dolphins on the shore mean, or what it means to see Dolphins on the shore in a dream.

Dolphins on the shore in a dream

I dreamed that I looked out the window and saw the seashore. There are many dolphins swimming and jumping near the shore. Then a huge killer whale appears and also jumps. Then I notice a beautiful sea creature in the fall. It is snow-white and looks like a unicorn. Something flashes nearby big fish saw And only then I notice that the action is taking place near the ship. It seems like these fish are either being released from the ship, or are being driven away, in short, I’m waving nets

But in my dream I remember well the feeling that I was standing behind glass

Please tell me

The dream is not easy, because I am now faced with choosing a job. One job is connected with my loved ones and travel, and the second is independent in the office. I am very tormented about the choice

Dolphins in a dream

I had a dream on the morning of 27.10. I remember some things in fragments, and some in detail... So: I dream of communicating with my mother, unexpected news about a vacation I had already paid for (and I supposedly forgot) in an exotic country. For some reason, a young man is traveling with me with whom I had a close relationship one year (10 years ago!), but we parted very badly (!).

So, we are in some exotic country, in a hotel where I meet at the same table (during lunch) my work colleagues whom I have not seen for several years... Then a conversation with this man, he tells me that his my friend is pregnant, we choose excursions, he says that he doesn’t have enough money, I say, it’s okay, I have it (and in my mind I count dollars, I see pieces of paper, hundreds of dollars) I’ll pay... They didn’t decide anything, I bought in a warm clear water, some feeling of pleasantness.... Then I no longer see anyone I know, but it scares me, I walk and look at my feet, there is no grass and I tell someone: be careful not to step on snakes and any poisonous things insects, be careful not to step into holes.... Then I remember that I found myself near the water, something like a pier... Early evening...

I look into the already darkened water and see a dolphin, but not an ordinary one, but a white and black one or a black one with white shapeless spots... He sticks his nose out of the water, I lean over to him and say sweet words about how good he is and what a soft nose he has, and I throw something to feed the dolphin, he didn’t catch it right away, I catch what I threw and give it a second time and this time the dolphin ate... I see the second dolphin swam, they first swam to the distance visible to me, then they returned, this is a dream finished.

The strange thing is that I didn't think about it at all young man! We parted with him not just badly, but too badly. I don’t regret it, and I don’t ever want to see him at all, he disgusts me, but in the dream it’s like we’re friends.

This dream seems to haunt me to this day. I just clearly remember the first time I dreamed of a dolphin - I wanted to feed it, but it bit my finger, then I found out that I was pregnant, the pregnancy had complications. Help me understand this dream, I feel a certain rebus, because I rarely dream of such dreams (it feels like).

Dolphin in a dream

I dreamed that I saw dolphins in the water (either the sea, or a pool). I love dolphins very much and therefore I was very happy about them. One of the dolphins started jumping out of the water towards me and playing with me. Feeling of joy. The next moment the dolphin turned into little boy, but I know it's a dolphin. Standing nearby was my mother-in-law (with whom we don’t have much a good relationship) and the boy began to say some vague predictions, something about the zodiacs.

I asked him to predict my future. He smiled strangely and I realized that something was wrong. And I asked him if something bad would happen to my loved ones, and he answered me that I wouldn’t be able to see it because I’d die in two days. And I woke up. Am I really a death prediction? Thanks in advance.

Dolphins submarine and sea in a dream

I dreamed that I was visiting in another city. Where and from whom exactly is not clear. But it feels like it’s with relatives. Something starts to happen on the horizon... I and those with whom I was in the dream (friends? Relatives?) turn around, and I see that we are on a hill, and below (2-3 kilometers), the sea and the bay. And something rises from the water. It becomes scary, but more interesting. It becomes clear that this Submarine. Huge, occupies the entire bay. I suddenly realize that I am in the past, that all this has already happened, that nothing bad will happen... And I run away to the city, find the house where I actually lived before. I decide that since I’m in the past, I want to look at it again... I come into it, wander through the rooms... I touch the walls with my hands. I remember how we lived in it (we moved 20 years ago, when I was 12 years old). It becomes sad and you want to stay.

Then the plot changes, I’m walking with some guy (I don’t know in reality), I understand that he loves me, I also have certain feelings for him. But we are just friends, he lives in this city, I am visiting. We come to the seashore, there is some kind of environmental organization there that deals with dolphins, we look at the dolphins, they are fed in front of us. And we pay for some program to support these dolphins... We pay for their food for a year)))

There are many events in a dream, perhaps. It doesn’t mean anything... But in the morning I was left with a residue of the importance of what was happening in this dream... Especially the submarine, an old house and this guy, I really had a tender feeling for him in my dream))) Oh, and dolphins!

Thanks in advance!

Dolphin in a dream

I dreamed that I was relaxing at sea, across the whole sleep is coming the idea that this is the coast of Rome. I vaguely remember driving along it. Then my mother suggested that I go water skiing. I put on gloves and go.

Along the way I scream terribly, there are a lot of sea animals like sharks under the water, but they swim past. In the end we stop near some building in the sea. I see a dolphin, take off my gloves and climb on top of it and see that it has handles on its head like an inflatable.

I'm sailing with him. The sea seems to end at central street my city. I easily picked up the dolphin, but he squealed and I lowered him back. I took her to some bay, I want to take a water test, but some girl, an athlete, tells me that she will have blood, the dolphin did not have enough water. And in fact, the water is slightly stained with blood... I almost cry.

Dolphins in a dream

I dreamed that I was looking at the sea from above and I saw a lot of swimming dolphins there... And near them on the bottom lies huge fish, the size of a dolphin, it is alive but does not swim!

What could this mean if you dreamed about Dolphins?

Dolphin in a dream

I dreamed that I was flying high in the sky over a small body of water, then I found myself in the water (I knew it was the sea), where dolphins were frolicking. I didn’t see them, but I touched their soft, smooth skin with my hands in the water. It was nice to swim in the water and fly in the sky. It was repeated several times: sometimes in the sky, sometimes in the water with dolphins)!

Dolphin in a dream

At first I dreamed that the Dolphin was in my aquarium at home, I was feeding it with small fish. I fed him, watched him swim and I had to leave, I turn to the aquarium - and the dolphin has grown, the aquarium has become too small for him, the water “gets agitated” and he jumps on my chest - and begins to hug me...... .... I stand, hold him in my arms and think that he is already big, the aquarium is too small for him and we need to let him go altogether......... Why do you think I dreamed about this???

Dolphin in a dream

I dreamed that I was at sea! I’m standing in the water, but I don’t see what it’s like. A dolphin swims up to me. He looks at me with his dark eyes. I understand that he wants me to stroke him. At first I'm afraid of him. But then I stroke it and I no longer feel fear. Only his wet, smooth and cold skin.

Dolphins in a dream

Help me solve the dream - what does it mean to swim in the sea with a dolphin or with a big fish? Then I found myself on the shore with this fish or dolphin and at the same time pulling him ashore.

What does it mean? Did you see dolphins in a dream?

Dolphins in a dream

I dreamed that I saved dolphins, but I don’t remember why! That is, there was a mother dolphin with her son!

I clearly remember that I released them into the water, and she was very grateful to me, they swam away, but the mother dolphin returned and touched my nose with her nose, since I was near the water, leaning over this sea. And in a dream I felt that with this gesture she thanked me!

Dolphins in a dream

I’ve already dreamed about dolphins twice within a short period of time, although I don’t remember them in my dreams before.

In my first dream, I see a school of dolphins in a cage; for some reason someone caught them and kept them in it. Nearby I see a crab with a fish as large as a man, and I try to touch it through the bars.

And in the second dream, my son is fishing on the sea, having caught a fish, I give him a knife and tell him to learn to clean it. He sits fiddling with it, trying to pierce it with a knife, I come closer and see that in the basin there is not a fish, but a small black dolphin, alive, but scratched in places by the knife, then my fuss began with thoughts of how to save him and I woke up.

Help me interpret both dreams.

Dolphins and a cat in a dream

I suddenly found myself in the sea, holding on to a small, peculiar raft. Nearby it seems my sister and grandmother are also in the water, as well as my pet cat. And then dolphins begin to emerge from the water. They are getting closer and closer, jumping over the raft and us. And then they start attacking my cat, I realize that they are trying to kill or eat her, I try to swim to her, but I suddenly wake up. Thank you

Dolphin in a dream

I dream of a swimming pool with a dolphinarium in it. I am sitting on the edge of the pool and a dolphin swims up to me, I stroke it with my hand, it is wet and I hear a specific sound that the dolphin makes - such a high-pitched cry.

Dolphins in a dream


Dolphin dream Why do you dream about seeing dolphins?



The dream in which you saw a dolphin is happy in every sense.

A dolphin in a dream communicates the devotion of your friends. You can rely on them in any situation and rest assured that they will do their best to help you. Often similar dream promises compliments that you will hear addressed to you, perhaps you will receive good news from afar.

It would not be amiss to pay attention to the water in which the dolphins swam, so if the water was clean and transparent, then the dream promises success in business, prosperity in life, but if the waters were cloudy and restless, then difficulties and troubles await you in reality.

Seeing dolphins frolicking in the water in a dream promises advancement in career ladder. It is possible that in the near future your merits will be appreciated by management and you will be appointed boss.

Swimming in a dream with these cute mammals speaks of your trusting relationships with people; in any situation you can hope for the support of your environment, since it is a matter of honor for friends to help you...

Only yours..

this kind of dream promises both profit and pregnancy)

Alena Tiger

Dolphin is a kind, smart, loyal friend!
You are surrounded by good people!

Rita Vladimirskaja

Dolphin is a kind, reliable friend

Two-headed dolphin in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols appear Two-headed dolphin. By clicking on the Dream Interpretation link under the text of a specific dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by dream interpreters on our website. If you are interested in the interpretation of a dream according to a dream book, follow the Dream Book link and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams of a Two-Headed Dolphin mean, or what it means to see a Two-Headed Dolphin in a dream.

Dolphins in a dream

The main thing I remember is that I stand by the water and stroke either a dolphin or a killer whale, who are caressing me, I stroke them, feeling the delicate smooth skin, I feel very pleasant and all this is even mesmerizing.

Black dolphins in a dream

Today for the third time I dreamed of black dolphins.

In the first dream, I stood on the pier and watched the dolphins, they swam in the sea (it was not dirty, but Brown and opaque), floated towards me. I was afraid of them, but the people who were in the water and playing with the dolphins calmed me down.

In the second dream, I was already in the water, along with black dolphins and people. We all swam in the same direction, as if with the flow. The water was the same as in the first dream, I did not see what was happening under the water. I seemed calm, but I was afraid that while swimming forward I would accidentally touch a dolphin; feelings of panic and fear fought within me with calmness and self-control. People around were playing with dolphins, but I was calm as long as they didn’t swim too close.

In the third dream there was bad, windy weather, it was evening. I stood on the seashore, the waves were raging. There were unfamiliar girls with me, we were waiting for two more to arrive on the boat. One of the swimmers said that she no longer goes into the water because she was attacked by a shark a few days ago. Those who arrived took 3 black dolphins out of the boat, they were smaller than in previous dreams, I thought that perhaps they were still dolphins. They threw one on the shore and baked it (he was dead and spoiled), they brought the other two specifically to eat. They didn't move. I saw how they cut up a dolphin, remove its skin/skin, I was horrified. This is where the dream ended

Sea and dolphins in a dream

From Friday to Saturday I had a dream that my husband and friends and I went to the coast to take photographs.

And one evening, going out to the beach, I see that the water is not only below as it should be, but also above. And between the water is the sky. Water does not drip or pour on me from above. And dolphins jump between this water, a lot of dolphins. They jump and I feel the splash as they enter the water. The water is clean.

I have a slight fear that the dolphin will fall on me, but it doesn't happen. I can’t understand why such a dream...

The tide ebbs and dolphins in a dream


I dreamed of a river and two wonderful dolphins splashing in it. They swam very close to the shore and found themselves next to me. I even touched their smooth skin with my hand. Then the tide began to ebb. The sandy shore was empty and the dolphins swam away. A moment later the water returned and there was noticeably more of it than at the beginning. The weather turned bad and clouds rolled in. I didn’t like the water and closed the door in front of her. It immediately became calm and light.

A pregnant woman swam with dolphins in her dream

Today I had a dream that I was swimming in the sea, in soft blue water, then I found myself on some kind of wooden chute in the middle of the sea, a dolphin swam up to me and I stroked it, it rubbed against my hands, and then swam away and swung its tail as they do dolphins when they frolic. In the same dream, I dreamed that I was on a piece of shore with white sand, playing with the sand, splashing in the water, and then I noticed that I had a big belly, I realized that I was pregnant.. Then some people swim up to me and say that they are living in the water and ask to stay with them forever, and I keep laughing and splashing, falling on my back into the water and swimming... And I wake up...

Fish and dolphins in a dream

I dreamed that I was supposedly at home. In the room there is a narrow but long pool in the floor with muddy water, where I put (either to defrost or to clean) the fish that my husband caught. And I notice that one of the fish is alive, but its fins are stuck together in a dead one. I use a knife, without cutting, to separate the dead from the living, and the living fish begins to swim and rub against my hand.

She's like a pet to me. She then climbs out of the pool and crawls along the floor on her fins. The husband swears, saying that the whole floor will now be covered in mucus. Then I notice that he was looking at photos of his friends on vacation on the computer. Photo of a boy with his mother in the water. I go into the next room and find myself in the place in the photo - a hotel room made like a sea grotto.

There is water everywhere (turquoise sea, clean), dolphins swim in the depths. I need to swim a few meters to land and there will be half a room, a table, a bed. I’m swimming, and then a dolphin swims up to me and climbs under my arm, and I kind of hug it. It's unexpected, but there is no fear.

We swam with him, and below in the depths I saw another dolphin, but he did not swim up. Then it turned out that in this wonderful hotel room you can press a button, a glass floor will appear above the water and you can walk on it. What is it for

Sea sun dolphins happiness in a dream

From Tuesday to Wednesday I dreamed of a crystal clear and calm sea (abroad).

The sun was very warm and bright...

I stood waist-deep in the water and saw a dolphin carefully swimming up to me, and another one behind it, but it didn’t swim up. And he waits calmly...

And the first dolphin swam up and climbed out of the water a little, specifically so that I could touch him, as if as a sign of a special greeting. And I carefully, carefully stroked his nose.

And throughout the entire dream there was a feeling of some kind of cosmic happiness and harmony, and when the dolphin (the first) swam away there was no sadness and sadness, but joy from meeting him. And it seemed that he, too, was swimming away very happy with this and, I would even say, satisfied that I was not afraid to come a little closer to him and touch him.

Angry dolphin in a dream

I was on some kind of metal platform in the middle of the ocean. A dolphin swam up to her, looked at me angrily and began to jump towards me, but did not reach a couple of tens of centimeters. I felt anger coming from him. After which he simply jumped out onto a lower platform and simply followed me on his tail. I woke up from this horror.

Fish cat and dolphin in a dream

In a bathroom unfamiliar to me, fish splash in the water. Some jump out onto the floor. In the hallway, a cat is playing with a small gray dolphin (they are rolling around on the floor or something like that).

Water dolphins in a dream

Hello, I dreamed that we were going to the sauna with friends whom we had not seen for a long time! But they were offended that I couldn’t go because of lack of money! And I still went and leaving the sauna I found myself with my sister on the seashore!! But it was not wide and you can swim across it! There were a lot of people swimming and we saw 2 snouting dolphins! They swam ashore to my sister and me and we pet them! We were delighted with this. There were cabins in the middle of the sea. It's like they're toilets! Everyone knew that there were crocodiles in the water (for some reason it felt like there were 2 crocodiles), but no one was afraid of them and everyone swam, and so did we! But we didn't see any crocodiles

Baby in a dream

I gave birth to a child (although I’m still 17), then I brought him to the group, everyone started looking and I lost him, someone took him, but didn’t steal him, and I couldn’t find him, I looked everywhere, cried constantly, it’s such a pain of loss bitter that part of your life is lost and no one can help me, then the scene was replaced by another, there was some kind of chase, I was flying through the forests somehow from someone, there were dolphins, although we don’t have them at sea in the region , and even in another dream I was looking for my baby, only a newborn one...

Swimming in water with fish in a dream

Swim in the water with a big fish (or a dolphin), drag the fish to the shore!

In the water in a dream

I remember that I was walking along the pool.. And suddenly I fell, plunging completely into the water... I float to the surface.. I swim up to the side and can’t get out... And then my man swims up.. As if on a dolphin.. And I have everything works out.. I had a dream already in the morning.. Could it mean anything?

Attacked by a shark in the sea in a dream

My dream begins with the fact that I am standing on the shore of some sea, the surrounding landscape is not visible, without hesitation, I climbed into this sea, in depth - at first I reached the bottom with my feet, then not. So, I went a little deeper, and then a shark attacked me, I easily overcame it, or it got scared, it swam to the shore and showed no signs of life.

I rested a little and got out of the water, looked at the shark, it was right near the shore, in the water, without signs of life (in general, I didn’t check this, but it lay there, not moving), ignoring it, I climbed into the water again, and she didn't attack me. Now I swam a little further, and then I met a dolphin, we played with him, I caressed him, and then he swam to the shore and settled down right next to the shark, which did not touch him and did not move at all.

Then, having swam a little further, I saw that the sea was not as big as it seemed, now I saw the beginning and the end. At the beginning there was the same landscape - sand, at the end of the sea there was a forest, it attracted me a little. I swam almost to the end of the sea and wanted to return to the beginning, but I couldn’t. Then I used the magic of water and climbed out somewhere in the middle of the sea on the left bank, where there was also a forest. There I found my teacher, with whom I began to improve my skill in water magic and met a man who, in turn, also found a teacher and improved his skill in fire magic (we had different teachers).

We didn’t fight and he didn’t attack me, but in my heart he seemed like an enemy to me. Here I saw a building, but didn’t notice what it looked like, what shape it was, I just noticed the entrance. At that moment, my teacher turned into some kind of water-colored transformer and that person whom I felt was my enemy too. They ran into this building, and I went there too. Then, my dream turned into a film with three heroes, and I alternately saw transformers running, destroying everything in the building, they again did not fight, but I felt some kind of hatred for the fire transformer.

My teacher was making a way for me, trying to find a way out and hide from our enemy - the fire transformer, and suddenly we found a room with a window, which was the exit, it was possible to climb to it, but it was difficult, my friend (my water transformer teacher), who accompanied me, left me, saying that he would delay our enemy, during which time I had to get out. I thought about this problem and finally got to the window. Here I saw some kind of bridge, more like a wall during the Middle Ages. I walked along it and climbed the tower.

I didn’t see anything around me, I tried to look down, but I couldn’t see anything, apparently it was very high, a few moments later, I saw another tower next to mine, it could also be reached along the wall, and on this tower stood that man , whom I felt was an enemy. I didn’t try to hide from him and saw my friend walking towards me. It was apparently my same teacher, he tried to approach me, but he was prevented by our enemy, who shot at him with a crossbow, despite this he got to me, I felt some kind of completion, victory. This is where my dream ended...

Sea in a dream

I'm sitting on the terrace of a house by the sea. The sea is not stormy, but cloudy.

Suddenly I realize that the sea is teeming with animals that look like dolphins. The terrace suddenly breaks away and floats with me into the sea. I am lost. I swam until the water disappeared and I found myself in big city, where I also got lost, tried to call somewhere, but the phone couldn’t be dialed.

In general, I was looking for something all the time.

Why do you dream about a real dolphin? The dream book considers it a reflection of joy, unpredictability and spiritual enlightenment. The appearance of this character in a dream hints: one should open the boundaries of perception of the world and find harmony. However, the dream symbol also has a more mundane interpretation.

What does a dolphin mean according to the Enigma dream book?

Dolphin is a positive sign that conveys healthy relationships and strong partnerships in love or business. The same character can be associated in a dream with a good-natured person, but somewhat prone to risk.

Seeing a killer whale in the open ocean means that you are bored with the monotony. It's time to add some color to everyday life. Did you dream about riding on a live dolphin? A period is approaching when you will experience extraordinary luck.

What do the dream books of Miller, Freud, Vanga think?

Why do you dream of a dolphin according to Miller’s interpreter? Ahead Good times, you need to have time to do what you have been planning for a long time. But Miller warns: you may fall under the influence of others, so carefully filter people and information.

Freud identifies the mammal with sexual attractiveness and health. A pod of dolphins symbolizes the rich and active life. But if a wounded dolphin appeared in a dream, then you are threatened by illness or impotence, possibly creative.

The dream interpreter of the seer Vanga also gives a positive interpretation, but draws attention to the following nuances. The two creatures together reflect the middle ground between extremes. If they look in different directions, then this is a sign of duality of perception.

Why do girls and boys dream about this image?

If a dolphin appeared in a dream to a young girl, she was destined for happy love. For a mature woman, a pod of dolphins is a symbol of insatiability in love. Is there a toothy shark among the harmless fish? The carefree existence is over. Dream book advice: get ready for the envy of your friends.

Why does a man dream about a big dolphin? There will be an opportunity to implement a non-standard project. Have you ever swum next to sea animals? In the near future, longing for the past will come over you, and this will prevent you from completing plans in the present.

What does small and big dolphin mean?

Did you dream about a little dolphin? Expect easy profits. The cub is associated with a child, an idea or an endeavor. You should immediately abandon doubts and make a decision if a small killer whale appeared in the night.

A large dolphin in a dream foretells the joy of meeting with dear friend or good news, popularity, fame. Did you see a really huge dolphin? The dream book is convinced: this is a harbinger of the beginning important enterprise, long-term business.

By the way, dolphins have another unpopular interpretation. This is an eloquent hint: instead of getting down to business, you are wasting time and resources. Think about it, maybe it’s time to grow up and choose different priorities?

Why see colorful fish in a dream?

In addition, the dream book suggests deciphering the color of a dolphin.

  • White – promotion, appointment to a position.
  • Pink – fantasies, dreams, illusions.
  • Black – deliverance from evil, recovery.
  • Gray is commonplace, a one-sided view of things.

Why do you dream of a sick fish? Get ready for a bad period, need, bad luck. Did you manage to save the dolphin? The dream book prophesies: thanks to your efforts, business life will intensify. But to kill him means that you will destroy happiness with your own hands.

Why see a dolphin in the sea, river

When interpreting the dream plot, be sure to take into account where exactly the dolphins were. Were you lucky to see pure white individuals frolicking in the blue sea? The next stage of life will be easy, pleasant and successful in all areas.

On the open ocean, they are also identified with safety, confidence and speed. But for those who are on a trip, this is a sign of danger that lurks along the way. If dolphins swam in the river with clean water, then expect good news and friendly meetings. Dirty water promises bad news and unpleasant dates.

The worst thing, according to the dream book, is if a dolphin begins to swim away from you in a dream. Hopes and expectations will not be fulfilled, a lot of work will have to be done, but to no avail, and the situation on all “fronts” will sharply worsen.

Interpretation of various actions

Why do you dream about swimming with dolphins? In reality, you will find completely new friends. Bathing symbolizes unusual hobby, field of activity, as well as communication with authoritative persons. Horseback riding promises a fun adventure and an unforgettable experience. The dream book will help to interpret other actions.

  • Swim with a dolphin - career.
  • Playing with him is a non-trivial solution to the problem.
  • Hugging means unexpected guests.
  • Touching with hands means disappointment, deception.
  • Catching by the tail is extraordinary luck.

If you kissed a dolphin in the night, then you will truly know happiness. You can also kiss a mammal before successfully implementing your plan.

I dreamed that a dolphin bit

In the dream, was the dolphin aggressive, attacking and even biting? A brilliant idea will ripen in your head. But the dream book warns: it will turn out to be so fantastic that it is unlikely to be useful in life. Aggression from a good creature hints that you did not try hard enough, which means you will fail.

It's good to see that the dolphin, on the contrary, saved you. There is a difficult stage ahead, but you will receive the necessary help. Miraculous salvation in dreams suggests: difficult task is completely solvable, you just need to apply an approach that is unusual for you.

Even though dreams have been interpreted thousands of years ago, they still remain a mystery to us. Dreams involving underwater mammals such as whales and dolphins often symbolize a mysterious connection between the waking state and the dreamer's subconscious. About what it means swim in a dream with a dolphin, we will tell you in our article. We will offer several interpretation options, taking into account where the action took place in the dream and with whom.

Interpretation of a dream with a dolphin

Interpretation of a dream begins with recording it. This means that upon waking up, you need to immediately record the dream in all its details on paper. You can also use a voice recorder or a special application on your phone for this.

The first thing to remember from a dream is the feelings that swimming with dolphins evoked. If a person felt happy and carefree, it means that he strives for the same life in reality. If the sleeper is afraid of dolphins, this may mean that in real life he is anticipating difficulties and is afraid of them.

The second thing you need to pay attention to is where the dolphin was, in the water or on land, and what happened to it. What actually happens to a person sleeping in reality means a dream in which a dolphin swims, plays and frolics with a person. Such actions indicate the playful nature of the sleeper, which he tries to control in reality. A dream in which a person is trying to save a dolphin means that in reality he is trying with all his might to preserve the relationship.

Why the dolphins?

Of great importance for every person, regardless of gender and age, is a dream in which he But if in real life swimming with these animals only causes positive emotions, then in our subconscious everything happens the other way around.

Swimming with a dolphin in a dream means a change in your usual environment. Perhaps a person will have to change jobs, and the new team will not treat him as kindly as he would like. The same dream can mean that a person, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, a large number of rivals who want to take away his partner.

If you dream that a person is simultaneously swimming and stroking a dolphin, this also means possible fuss associated with a change of scenery. This could be moving to a new place of residence, changing jobs, or renovations. A lot of effort will be spent on their implementation, but the result is unlikely to satisfy the sleeper.

Why do you dream of swimming with dolphins in the sea?

Swimming with a dolphin, no matter where it happened, means a change in life. Swimming with dolphins in the sea in a dream- get the opportunity to change jobs or partners. However, such changes are not always positive.

A dream in which a person managed to ride a dolphin calls for caution in new romantic relationships. Most likely, your partner will not appreciate you, and soon you will have to break up.

To see people swimming in the sea means to have friends who are very bored and are waiting to see you soon. More effort is required to make the meeting worthwhile.

Swimming in a pool with dolphins in a dream

When deciphering a dream, it is extremely important to find out exactly where the events took place, in what place, how clean the water was and other nuances.

Swimming with a dolphin in the pool means receiving false advice from others in reality. It is better not to take them too seriously, since they are all directed in the opposite direction. You should trust your instincts and take a closer look at those who are giving the wrong advice.

A promotion or rapid career growth means a dream in which a person happened to dream of swimming with two dolphins, but only in clear water. Two dolphins are a support, thanks to which you will be able to confidently stand on your feet and gain stability.

A lucky sign is a dream in which a dolphin itself swims into a person’s hands. This can symbolize good luck, wealth, success, and an addition to the family. Catching a dolphin means finding good luck and true friends. If you let go of the animal, it means you will not be able to defend your position in life. A more experienced opponent will not allow this.

What does swimming with a dolphin in a dream mean for a woman?

For women, a dream in which she sees a dolphin or swims with one, depending on the age of the sleeper, will have different meanings.

For the young unmarried girl the interpretation of the dream will have the following meaning:

  • joyful events that will lead to positive and unexpected changes in life;
  • the appearance of a life partner followed by marriage;
  • You should be careful with new acquaintances, any relationship with whom can lead to disappointment.

If married woman she dreamed that she swam with dolphins, which means that in real life she is not satisfied with her husband.

A dream with dolphins has a positive meaning for a woman who is already pregnant. Such a dream indicates an early delivery and the birth of a healthy and strong baby.

Swim in a dream with a dolphin according to Miller's dream book

American psychologist George Miller gave his interpretation of a dream involving dolphins. His view of the events occurring in the subconscious of the sleeper allows us to evaluate the same dream differently.

A dolphin seen in a dream, according to Miller, indicates a person’s tendency to easily succumb to the influence of others, which has more than once done the sleeper a disservice. Riding a dolphin in a dream means not finding a way out for your romantic fantasies in reality. In general, Miller’s interpretation of a dream with dolphins has a negative meaning and indicates a person’s failure in real life.

Swimming with dolphins according to Freud's dream book

A non-standard interpretation is given to a dolphin in a dream by the famous psychoanalyst, psychologist and neurologist Sigmund Freud. He compares this mammal with male and female reproductive organs, with genitals. Based on this, seeing a wounded animal in a dream means a disease of the genital organs; a dead one means infertility of both partners.

According to Freud, swimming with a dolphin in a dream means looking for thrills in intimate life that are missing in reality. Such a dream means that a person is in search of something unusual. If a mammal frolics and plays in a dream, it means that a person has excellent sexual health. This also means a dream in which a man or woman is riding on the back of a dolphin.

The interpretation of dreams with dolphins is ambiguous. A lot depends on the nuances, on where the events took place, with whom, etc. Only by understanding such moments can you correctly decipher the dream and take certain steps in real life.

The dream interpretation of why dolphins dream about water is usually interpreted in the same way as other plots with living creatures. Usually, any animals show the natural essence of people, their similarity to living beings. This parallel can be traced through fables, folk tales, in which animals depict heroes, their habits and character. In dreams, life instincts and even external resemblance with people with whom you will communicate in the near future. This is what dreams of the appearance of dolphins most often mean.

general characteristics

Water signifies the element of the unconscious in a person, feelings, health and love. By her condition you can judge how your affairs will be in the love sphere, as well as about your health. Clean and clear, cool water in a dream means good health and excellent relationships, muddy and dirty water means illness and suffering. Warm but pleasant water in a dream, not harmful to its inhabitants, means warmth, love, tenderness and good relationships with others. But boiling water, muddy or poisoned water, and very hot water always portend illness, a sharp deterioration in health, or any disease accompanied by high fever. The negative meaning of the dream is enhanced if there are dead sea creatures, including dolphins. Ice water, very cold in a dream means coldness, indifference of loved ones. The dolphin in it often predicts a cold-blooded and indifferent person.

Dolphins themselves in a dream mean children, a child, a boy, a son, as well as a person who is indifferent to others. He can only outwardly have beautiful manners, remaining indifferent to other people's feelings, troubles and worries. Therefore, the appearance of a dolphin in a dream means that you will soon have to face a cold, harsh and indifferent person.

Why does a woman dream of a dolphin in the water?

Holding its fins, playing with it, swimming or feeding a dolphin means pregnancy and the birth of a son, but in some cases the dream book predicts communication with a child, a playful and spontaneous person. Such a dream warns a pregnant woman that she may give birth to a sick child, but a playful and cheerful dolphin predicts the birth of a son with a light and cheerful temperament.

Girls dream of swimming with dolphins to represent fans and the appearance of boys in love in their lives. But the feelings of such a person may turn out to be infantile, therefore, despite devotion and sincere affection, your admirer may not be ready for serious responsibility before family relationships.

Why do you dream about dolphins in clear water?

Lively, playful and cuddly, dolphins signify joy, entertainment and peace. For a girl, such a dream predicts fans and a lot of male attention. For children, the appearance of dolphins in a dream foretells unexpected joy or a new interesting activity. But this only applies to dolphins that are healthy, playful and swim in clean and cool water.

Dolphins in the water are lethargic and sick, so: your plans will not come true due to deteriorating health. Dead dolphins in clear water predict the loss of a child for a pregnant woman, and grief, illness and infection for everyone else. Most likely, your best intentions will not come true this time either.