Why dream of saving ducklings? Why do you dream of ducklings, a whole brood with a duck, according to the interpretation of various dream books. Why do you dream of ducklings in the house, on the grass, on the water?

Dreaming of ducklings rarely makes sleeping people worry. It seems that dreams do not carry any special meaning, since cute pet birds do not frighten or excite the mind, but only touch.

It turns out that a dream can have many meanings. The number of ducklings, their color, as well as actions and other moments from the dream play a role here. Are you intrigued? Read the dream transcripts to discover the secrets of higher powers!

Is it true that a duckling dreams of pregnancy?

Some believe that a duckling in a dream promises good luck. Sometimes it's the interpretation turns out to be correct.

You should expect an addition to the family if you see in the pictures of your night dreams the whole process, that is, the appearance of eggs, hatched chicks and the care of the duck. Only such a dream indicates an imminent pregnancy.

Lots of chicks

It all depends on their behavior. Were they walking peacefully around the yard? So soon you will realize family value and learn to love what you have. Pleasant stability and loyalty to good principles are guaranteed!

Wild or domestic ducklings walking in unusual places promise a thirst for new emotions. To you you will suddenly dislike life, even if it was cozy.

In the dream there was only a lonely duckling

If you see a duckling unaccompanied by a duck and other chicks, then it’s time for career or creative takeoff. Higher powers tested you through tests and realized that you are serious and reasonable enough to go to victory.

A lost and lonely screaming duckling is not a very good sign. Go to triumph it will be hard and you will have to ask for help.

Bright yellow

Yellow tint - symbol of material wealth. If you dreamed of a bright yellow duckling, there will definitely be no problems with finances.

The more yellow chicks in a dream, the better. Consider yourself a very lucky person if you dream of a bright yellow duck with chicks. The symbol promises very big win or a gift of fortune that will literally make you rich.

Very small

The miniature chick is very positive sign. It promises an unexpected gift of fortune, which is unlikely to be material.

Here we are talking about possible signs of attention from the hot side. Also, a dream can promise an end to hostility and conflicts. Another transcript – the appearance of a long-awaited child.

I dreamed of a duckling without feathers

Bald duckling in a dream - resource shortage indicator to achieve the goal. Either you want to start your own business, but you don’t have the required finances, or you want to kill several birds with one stone, but are short on time.

Often, ducklings without feathers portend large financial losses due to their own carelessness and greed. Beware of free cheese so as not to get pinched by a mousetrap.

Dirty chick - symbol of household chores. Routine, many small problems, family troubles - this is the forecast for the near future.

Dirty chicks can symbolize fatigue due to work. You spend a lot of effort and time, but do not receive a worthy reward. No need to waste money on useless activities, because you can find another workplace.

sitting in an egg

A duckling in an eggshell is not too much good sign. Be careful, as in the near future, pending pending tasks may remind loudly about your existence.

In a dream, did you think that it would hatch, but the egg turned out to be a duckling? Among loved ones, someone is a “wolf in sheep’s clothing.” The faster you declassify an insidious liar, the less he will harm you.

Sometimes a dream can only hint to your fears. Perhaps you are afraid of what else was present in the night vision picture.

But if a newborn chick screams loudly, guests are going to come to you. Their visit will please you and bring a lot of useful things. It is possible that they will come to you with interesting offer or good news.


A dream where you have already seen the chick dead and know little about the cause of his death promises an unexpected act on your part that will become the cause of trouble.

In your dream, did you shoot ducklings, or did someone else do it? One of your loved ones may suddenly change dramatically for the worse and cause a lot of trouble. Be more careful about those around you who are fascinated by something dangerous.

Did you dream about a duckling coming to your house? Decoding night monitoring is simple - you will soon know first-hand what it is big pleasant surprise.

Often the duckling in the house dreams of acquiring useful connections and productive friendship. Don't be suspicious good people, because their intentions do not carry insidious overtones.

In a dream you fed a duckling

The symbol can hardly be called positive, because troubles are inevitable. Did you feed because they were very hungry and thin? Soon you will find yourself in difficult situation, which will be created by relatives.

Did you feed well-fed and healthy ducklings? So you will try to use, because sometimes the kindness of your soul knows no bounds.

The dream foreshadows good news. They will be heard from an unexpected source and will make you very happy.

If you also stroked the duckling while he closed his eyes, you will soon have the opportunity to get the most important and useful information. Either you cleverly learn about the actions of competitors, or reveal an exciting secret.

The chick ran away from you

Duckling running away or swimming away - symbol. Whether it will be pleasant or not depends on your emotions in night vision.

If the duckling was yours and ran away, the road will not bring anything good and will not please you at all. In the case when in a dream you were only a spectator, and the spectacle touched you, expect unusual adventure trips.

The chicks taking off symbolize the desire for family happiness. Either you really want to get married, or you long for offspring.

Did the ducklings manage to fly in a dream, and did they do it like adult birds? Soon the thirst for goals will attack your consciousness so much that you will go over your head for the sake of a dream. Remember that you cannot lose your mind, even if it concerns the goal of your whole life.

Toy ducklings

Thus higher power warn you because you are doing wrong towards to the children. Either you spoil their attention too much and risk raising real egoists, or you don’t care about them.

Such dreams can haunt and after the loss of a child. They are often dreamed of by women who have had to do something forced.

When you dream about something a strange dream, involuntarily a person begins to think: what is this for? Why did you have such a dream? What does it mean? And it doesn’t matter whether he considers dreams a game of the subconscious (it’s also not easy to understand) or an appeal from higher powers.

So it is in this case. A city person, having seen such an “agricultural” dream, will inevitably wonder why little ducklings are dreaming about. You can immediately assume that something good is coming: they are such sweethearts!

Indeed, most dream books consider this dream to be quite good: it means the fulfillment of hopes and pleasant plans. Often, many ducklings are dreamed of as a symbol of family joys. However, sometimes it means that you will have to work hard to achieve a goal.

Interpreters see even more pleasant prospects if the duckling swims in the water. A dream in which ducklings swim towards him promises wonderful changes and surprises, good news. Long journey, perhaps along the water - if the direction of the ducklings lies in a different direction.

A dream in which white ducklings walk in front of village house. But if the ducklings are black and running around a city apartment, then this is time for cleaning.

In general, there are many different thoughts about why little ducklings dream. Those interpreters who are sure that any or almost any dream means trouble, and here, unlike everyone else, they see something bad.

Why do you dream about a lot of ducklings?

A lot of troubles and worries are guaranteed! A duckling in the water, according to interpreters, means injury; chasing a duckling can cause you to become the object of a crime, and a duckling running after a duck even means that those around you perceive the sleeping person as a weak-willed person.

And dreams of chickens are not good: mainly, they mean an increase in problems. Actually, if you think about it, in reality a lot of ducklings and chickens mean the hassle of caring for this naughty scattering flock (I wonder if the teacher dreams about them primary school– is this for a field trip?). So, what little chickens and ducklings dream about is already clear: fatigue and a lot of problems.

Why do you dream of newly hatched ducklings?

In general, dreams about ducklings and chickens promise only pleasant and cheerful events. Therefore, worries about why I dreamed similar dream, it shouldn’t be, because little ducklings don’t mean anything bad.

Dream meaning: ducklings

If you are wondering why ducklings dream, the dream book will give you the answer.

To correctly interpret a dream, you need to remember where you saw the birds, what they were doing, and what color they were.

Friendly family

If you had a dream in which a duck with ducklings appeared, the dream book regards this as a good, encouraging sign. Prosperity, constant income and recognition from others await you.

But don't think that this will happen very soon. To reach a certain level you need to work hard. It will be better if you can do it yourself, without outside help.

You dream of a duck with its babies swimming after it when you are standing on the threshold of a new, more beautiful life. And seeing them in the grass means being on the right path.

Chicks that a duck hugs with its wings means that you have a reliable patron. And if you dream about birds taking off, then a swift career and a significant increase in salary.

A dream where a duck hatches eggs and ducklings emerge from them can be seen before an important meeting at which you will learn a lot of new things. And a bird that abandoned its chicks dreams of independent adoption important decision, which will become fateful in your life.

Seeing a duck with chicks swimming in your bathroom is a sign of dear, influential guests. And if the birds are located on your bed, then a pleasant acquaintance awaits you, which over time will develop into a romantic relationship.


Seeing a lot of ducklings in your yard means you will soon receive useful information. And if the chicks were at your home, then the dream book promises a noisy holiday that you will remember for a long time.

A dream in which not only ducklings, but also chickens were present, speaks of your versatility and erudition. And ducklings next to a cat or dog promise reconciliation with a long-time offender.

  • To dream that you are holding a duckling in your palm is good news.
  • Seeing him trying to take off is a risky act.
  • The dream in which babies sleep is a sign of a calm, productive conversation with a competitor.
  • Little ducklings fight among themselves - to disagreement with friends.
  • Buying them means doing a profitable business.

If from chicken eggs If not chickens, but ducklings appear, then your loved ones may deceive you. And when in a dream you count them, but you are unable to do it, then in reality you will receive a good material reward.

As the dream book writes, chicks dream of being in a nest before renovation. And to see them swimming in a pond means to rejoice in the quiet, peaceful family life. Dead ducklings promise long years lives filled with bright events.

If you had a dream about ducklings, be sure to look into the dream book and decipher this dream.

Why do ducklings dream?

Ducklings are a symbol of news. Birds in a dream have always been a warning of the appearance of guests or news in the house. If you see many different birds in a dream, it means that soon a person will have to take part in some kind of meeting.

A goose in a dream means anxiety; it is possible that bad news will come from a friend. But seeing a duck with ducklings in a dream means an early pregnancy.

Seeing ducklings in a dream. Seeing a toy duckling in a dream means that you need to be more attentive in raising your children. Such ducklings in a dream can indicate a misunderstanding between an adult and a child, and this can lead to conflicts and problems. You should listen to what the child wants to convey to the parent.

Little ducklings swimming in a pond can tell that a person may soon be injured due to negligence in reality. This dream can warn that a person may get into an accident, become a victim of a criminal, and so on.

Usually, roasted ducklings in a dream or cooked in some other way indicate that in the near future a person will face a conflict at work, at school, or between loved ones. It is best to control yourself in this situation; this will help avoid some problems.

Catching ducklings in a dream. If a person dreams of chasing ducklings in a dream, then loss is possible. Money, violation of the law, or even deprivation of any material benefits. But why do you dream about ducklings while hunting? If you shoot such a bird in a dream, it means that at the moment a person is not satisfied with the relationship with his other half. It is possible that they are bored of being together and want some kind of entertainment, excitement and adventure.

Catching ducklings that run after a duck in a dream means that many people think of the dreamer as a weak-willed and soft-bodied person. If the sleeper does not agree with such a verdict, then he needs to learn to defend his point of view and show what he is really capable of.

Why do you dream about little goslings and ducklings???



Birds have always symbolized receiving news or the appearance of guests.
Seeing many different birds in a dream is a harbinger of a process or meeting in which you will have to take part.
A goose in a dream is a symbol of anxiety, news from a friend who will warn you of danger. Hearing his cry in a dream means success in business, which will be accompanied by the revelation of a certain secret and condemnation. A goose in a dream also symbolizes stupidity and unwise actions.
A duck in a dream means marital harmony, family happiness. Fat domestic ducks in a dream are a sign of wealth and prosperity for your family. wild ducks in a dream foreshadow failures, obstacles in business and indicate the irretrievability of losses.
If you dream that someone pinched you, then do not believe false rumors.
Blood in a dream is a symbol of life, health, prosperity, kinship, surprise. Blood pouring from a wound is a sign of an unsuccessful deal, which will cause you a lot of trouble and losses.

Natalia Sirotkina

Seeing ducks swimming on clear water in a dream means that you will soon have interesting trips, perhaps by sea. If you dreamed of white ducks walking around the yard around the house, then this year there will be a rich harvest. A dream in which you hunt ducks foreshadows changes that may occur in your business. Seeing shot ducks means that enemies will try to interfere in your personal affairs. A dream in which you see flying ducks is favorable, as it promises bright prospects in business. You will also be pleased with obedient children and an accommodating wife. contextual advertising Runner
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If in a dream you hear a goose cackling and it annoys you, then in reality your home will be in trouble. Seeing geese swimming portends favorable changes. Seeing geese nibbling grass in a dream means great success. A dream in which you call geese to one place means that career growth awaits you. If you dreamed that you were eating a goose, in reality you should be prepared for disagreements with your colleagues at work.

[email protected]

Small animals in a dream are often small children in real life. Not necessarily yours - maybe you met yesterday - so I dreamed :))
Good luck! May the Force be with you! Elleanelle

Marina Mikhailovna

to profit

Liliya Kravchenko

To pregnancy

Yellow little ducklings

Dream Interpretation Yellow little ducklings dreamed of why you dream about Yellow little ducklings? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Yellow little ducklings in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Yellow

Yellow - (color) - In clothes - for a spiritual professional occupation (enter a monastery, become a priest). Flowers - to separation from a loved one, betrayal. Auto - to changeable mood or weather. Yellow color suggests a change in what it refers to in the direction of deterioration (living conditions, situation).

Dream Interpretation - Small

Seeing an incongruously small nose, mouth, ear, or any organ of the body in a dream is a warning against indiscriminate choice of friends.

If you dream of a small animal, insect, bird or fish, such a dream warns that someone's treachery can cause serious harm to you if you do not exercise due diligence.

If your clothes are small or tight in a dream, this is a sign of bitter disappointment in love. A pillow or blanket that is too small portends that you will soon awaken an interest in the profitable side of life and a desire for self-improvement.

Finding yourself in a small house or small room in a dream means that in reality you will feel short on funds.

Receiving a small amount of money in a dream instead of a large one due means unforeseen circumstances that will dramatically change the measured course of your life.

Dream Interpretation - Yellow color

Some yellow objects or landscapes, dream events, interiors painted in yellow, mean treason, betrayal, envy, slowdown in business, in resolving necessary issues.

Dream Interpretation - Small

Play with small stones - a noble son will be born.

Small fish lay eggs - great happiness and benefit.

A small door to the room opens - predicts a love affair.

Small sprouts, opening buds - portends many unpleasant situations.

Seeing yourself in hemp thickets portends illness.

Dream Interpretation - Yellow

Seeing this color and wearing yellow clothes means a disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

Dream Interpretation - Yellow

Many gypsy carts are painted yellow - for gypsies this is the color of happiness, love and a close-knit family.

Dream Interpretation - Yellow

This color is the color of the setting sun.

Historically a symbol among Buddhists, they symbolize divine qualities - holiness and enlightenment.

But an excessively bright yellow color is envy, delay, betrayal.

Dream Interpretation - Small

Becoming small in size or stature in a dream (especially in comparison with someone) means fear, danger that you fear, defenselessness, weakness of spirit. Such a dream also means that you have strong enemy. If you dream that some objects have decreased in size, then see the interpretation: them by name. Such a dream foreshadows a weakening of the meaning of these objects. See interpretation: little things.

Dream Interpretation - Little girl

The dream promises losses in the house. Perhaps one of the relatives (close or acquaintances) will leave home or city forever. If a girl talks to you in a dream, then one of your friends will die a “not natural” death.

A dream in which you see a little girl whose hair someone is braiding, foretells the appearance of a child in your home. A child will naturally require care and attention, but will also bring with it a lot of joy and pleasure. Perhaps the plans you have made will come true. If you have an adult daughter, it is time to take care of a dowry for her.

Dream Interpretation - Yellow color



I dreamed of a duck with a brood, and when I approached it, it began to attack me, that is, to protect its young. And throughout the subsequent dream I fought it off so that it would not bite me.


I dreamed of a big golden duck. who is tall more people, however, at first she was friendly, and then gave birth to ducklings and began to chase people, among whom were only my friends


I put the wicker flat basket somewhere in the center and walked away, and when I returned there was a duck with ducklings and a lot of feathers. I collected these feathers, and then I took the duckling, for some reason it was big, and stroked it. He was like a tame man. And then I let him go and saw that he shit on my clothes several times.


The ducklings were lying in a wooden box, at the moment when the duck moved away, the ducklings hatched, and I became the image of a mother for them)


At first I see some young people standing near the ditch and doing something there, then I look there and see a plucked duck, it seemed to me that it was dead, and nearby on a hill a duckling was running and seemed to be asking for help, then a duck crawled out of the ditch. In despair, I didn’t know who to ask for help, so I woke up.


Hello! I dreamed of ducks and ducklings running around the area allocated for them. There were also kittens with them. When several ducklings and kittens ran out of the fence, I drove them back and went into the house.


I dreamed of many little ducklings with dirty paws and bellies. I caught them and folded the box, and they ran away.


I dreamed of a duck with ducklings crossing the road, then the mother duck ran after me and bit my legs after eating ducks in the store orange peels. What is this for?


I dreamed of a boy peeing as a baby, I looked after him and played with him, then he peed on me and I supported him over the potty and saw clearly how he peed and for so long. What is this for? And also a duck with yellow ducklings and one was gray. The ducklings followed their mother duck, and then suddenly the mother took off and they flew after her one after another.


Hello, I dreamed of a lot of ducks sitting on their testicles, they were hatching, a lot of yellow ducklings were hatching, they were all so beautiful


a plump thoroughbred with a beautiful color jumped into her arms, it was warm with her, but she was the mother of her little ducklings, she was very beautiful with a bright purebred color


I dreamed of several Indian ducks with a hundred little ducklings. The ducks are black-brown, common Indian ducks, and the ducklings are all yellow.


I dreamed that I was barefoot, I don’t remember where I was, there was a duck next to me that tried to bite my feet, and all nap, I jumped away from her so that she wouldn’t bite my leg.


I found a duck with ducklings in a nest in the barn. One duckling is larger than all of them, he picked it up and stood it up, but one of his legs is normal, and the other is a stump (the leg is not straightened).

To dream of a flock of ducks going to a pond - in reality, make peace with your lover after a long quarrel.

Swimming ducks portend participation in an important event that you will have to miss due to illness.

Duck hunting is a harbinger of unforeseen circumstances and unfulfilled hopes.

Flying ducks portend a happy marriage, harmony in family relationships, prosperity in the house.

Plucking a duck in a dream means losing money; cooking in the oven, baking with apples - interference in your personal life by parents who ignore your interests; stewed duck is a sign of abundance.

Eating a fat duck dripping with juice in a dream foretells excellent prospects for the future; smoked, deliciously smoky-smelling duck - to luxury and contentment.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Duck

Ducks in clean waters rivers - happy travels, sea trips;
white ducks wandering around the peasant yard - prosperity to your home and a big harvest;
hunting ducks - sudden changes in the implementation of your plans;
ducks were shot while hunting - interference of unfriendly people in your affairs;
seeing ducks flying is very favorable, fate will smile on you, a happy marriage is possible, or the birth of beautiful children, or new house.
Also see Water, River, Hunting.

Interpretation of dreams from

There are many known cases when great people came up with brilliant ideas in their dreams, which they then brought to life. And it was not only inventors and scientists who created their masterpieces and artists in this way.

Diagnosis and prediction of diseases in sleep

Do you have creepy dreams? ominous dreams? If dreams begin to frighten you with their monstrous plots, know: your subconscious mind advises you to turn close attention on health status. If you want to learn how to recognize a barely emerging disease, compare the content of your dream with the interpretations that have come down to us from ancient times.

How are external stimuli reflected in our dreams?

The human brain is a unique link in the human subconscious. Scientists still say that the brain is an unsolved mystery. The secret of the relationship between the subconscious and conscious links is revealed in the reflections of dreams, which clearly demonstrate the connection between external stimuli and a person who has entered the sleep stage. This is an amazing mechanism that has attracted, attracts and will always attract the attention of an inquisitive person.

Why do Ducklings dream?

Ducklings in a modern dream book

Domestic ducklings dream of mutual understanding in the family and future prosperity. If they swim away from you, get ready for an exciting journey. If they are swimming towards you, good news awaits you. If you dreamed about ducklings on Wednesday night, they will come good days, you can go on vacation in nature. But on Thursday night such a dream says that you will try to save a drowning man by giving him your hand, but this will not help him. Seeing white ducklings walking around a farm in a dream means prosperity and a rich harvest.

Ducklings in Miller's dream book

Ducklings swimming in clean ponds, promise you successful, possibly sea voyages. Ducklings white a good, generous harvest is predicted in the peasant yard. If you dreamed of very little ducklings, expect a pleasant material surprise that will change your life for the better. Duck hunting speaks of surprises that will change your plans. And if the hunt is successful, then people who are negatively disposed towards you will interfere in your affairs. The flight of ducks promises generous gifts from fate, including a happy marriage, a new home, and beautiful children.

Ducklings in Freud's dream book

Swimming ducklings predict a trip for you in which you will learn interesting information about your partner. You need to use the acquired knowledge correctly. If you see yourself eating ducks, then you are in vain hoping that your partner’s behavior or attitude towards you will change. Therefore, decide right away whether you can put up with his behavior or whether you need to end the relationship immediately. Hunted ducks in a dream - this is advice to you that you don’t need to pay too much attention to strange behavior loved one. It is difficult to draw conclusions about his true attitude towards you from his actions.

The meaning of a dream about a Duckling (Modern dream book)

Ducklings are good sign, associated with well-being and mutual understanding within the family. They float towards you in a dream - expect good news that will change a lot of things in your life. Floating away from you - perhaps soon you will go to an amusing trip. Dream interpretation of Ducklings, if they are white and graze near the farm, portends a rich harvest and prosperity for your family. If you had a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday, it means that relaxing in nature will bring you a lot of benefits; good days are coming for you to relax and have an interesting pastime. The dream occurred on Thursday night - you will try to save someone, lend a helping hand to your neighbor, but this will not bring any benefit to either you or him.

Why do Ducklings dream in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

Why do you dream of Ducklings swimming in a clear pond - perhaps you are going to go to cruise, the dream predicts a successful weekend. White ducklings near the farm or village house dream of a rich harvest and profit. Hunting ducklings means surprises that will confuse all your plans; some plans will have to be changed. The hunt was successful - people with bad intentions will interfere in your affairs. Dream Interpretation Ducklings, if they are tiny, speaks of receiving a surprise in material form. An unexpected gift will change your life in better side. You dreamed of young ducklings flying over your house - fortune is favorable to you and gives you generous gifts in the form of a new home, happy marriage, smart and obedient children.

Freud's Dream Book

Analysis of a dream in which Ducklings dreamed

Ducklings floating on the water - in the near future you will go on a trip in which you will discover a lot interesting information, including about your lover. You just need to use the acquired knowledge correctly.

The meaning of a dream about Ducks (Universal Dream Book)

Ducklings, if they are toys, recommends paying more attention to your children, listening to their wishes and words, otherwise some problems will soon appear in your relationship with them. Ducklings are swimming in the pond - if you are careless, you can get injured: you will get into an accident, be attacked by a criminal, etc. Why do you dream about Ducklings if you are chasing them, trying to catch them? This bad dream, in reality you may lose your home, become the target of a crime, or lose money. Eating roast ducklings is also not good; you may quarrel with your neighbors or colleagues, so exercise restraint. Dream Interpretation Ducklings running after a duck signals that you appear to others as a soft-bodied, weak-willed and easily suggestible person.