How to strengthen your inner thighs. Exercises for the inner thigh

Which part of the body receives the most attention during training: stomach, sides, riding breeches, buttocks (where would we be without them), arms, legs and chest ( general concept). What do we always forget? Legs are trained with general exercises, and the load mainly goes to the outer side of the thigh, while the inner side remains without due attention and load. As a result, it suffers, cellulite begins to appear and the skin becomes flabby even against the background of general physical training. We are ready to help this state of affairs, and we offer for consideration to a wide audience of women who strive to make their body ideal, exercises for inside thighs designed to work additional muscles.

Exercises for the inner thigh

To ensure your inner thighs are pumped up, you should include 6 additional exercises in your regular training schedule. To ensure your hips acquire the desired shape, direct your training to:

  • weight loss (strength training, balanced nutrition);
  • complex work on the legs and hips;
  • performing exercises both to tighten the inner and outer thighs;
  • stretching (stretching);
  • thigh lifting using massage and cosmetics.

Exercise #1 – Scissors

Lie on your back and place your arms along your body. Raise your legs 30 cm from the floor and cross your legs as if cutting with scissors. Perform exercises for the inner thigh in several sets, the ideal number is 3 sets. Perform scissoring 10 times for each leg. Try not to take breaks.

Exercise No. 2 – Frog

Lie on your back, you need to raise your legs up to form an angle. Place your heels together and point your toes out to the sides as much as possible. Slowly bend your knees to keep your heels together and your toes apart. As you straighten your legs, try to tense your muscles. Perform curls 10 times every 3 sets.

Exercise No. 3 – Lunges from one leg to the other

Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, straighten your arms in front of you. Perform forward lunges. From the starting position, take a step forward with your left foot. Try to touch the floor with your right knee while squatting. Get back to the starting position. Switch legs and do the same exercise with the other leg. Do it 10 times.

Second option of lunge to the side

Starting position: standing, arms in front of you. Take a step to the side with your left foot. Bend your right knee and shift your body weight to right side, while the left leg should be straight. Freeze in the pose. Then roll onto your left leg and slowly transfer your body weight to your left leg, keeping your right leg straight. Do 10 times for each leg.

Exercise No. 4 – Squeezing the ball with your knees

To perform the exercise you will need an elastic ball. Lie on the floor and on your back, place the ball between your knees and press. Place your hands along your body. Lift your pelvis up, drawing in your stomach. The entire body should form an even plank. While performing the stance, squeeze the ball intensely with your knees, training your inner thighs. You need to be in the pose for about 60 seconds. Repeat 5 such passes.

Exercise No. 5 – Raising the leg from the inside

This exercise is aimed at working the inner thigh. You need to lie on your right side. Support your head with your hand bent at the elbow. Bend your left leg and place it in front of your right leg near the knee. The exercise consists of lifting the right leg up above the floor 30 cm. Repeat the lifts 10-15 times for each leg.

Exercises for the inner thighs tighten the skin, tighten the muscles and burn fat on the thighs.

Exercise #6 – Resistance pumping of thighs

To consolidate the effect of the previous exercises, pump your hips using an expander. Pull the band over the bottom of your legs and stand in a pose with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands together in front of you. Step your left leg out to the side against the band, then return your leg to the starting position and do a deep squat. Perform this alternation of squats and resistance for each leg 10 times.

Start doing exercises for the inner thighs to restore the slimness and beauty of your legs.

The muscles of the inner thigh stretch from the groin area to the knee. They help you walk, run, sit, kneel, etc. Due to bad eating habits, lack of activity or hormonal problems, women accumulate fat on various parts body, including on the inner thighs.

Unfortunately, regular running or cycling does not work these muscles. This article contains the most effective exercises for the inner thigh at home, list 20 best moves to get rid of cellulite, tone and strengthen internal muscles hips. Get ready to say goodbye to constantly chafed inner thighs, painful rashes and pigmentation and fearlessly don vinyl pants and bikinis.


Before you begin the exercises, you need to warm up and stretch. Here's what you can do.

  • Head tilts - 1 set of 10 reps
  • Neck twists - 1 set of 10 reps
  • Arm circles - 1 set of 10 reps
  • Wrist circles - 1 set of 10 reps
  • Shoulder circles - 1 set of 10 reps
  • Circular movements of the lower back - 1 set of 10 repetitions
  • Lateral lunges - 1 set of 10 reps
  • Ankle circles - 1 set of 10 reps
  • Running in place - 3 minutes
  • Calf raises - 2 rounds of 10 reps
  • Jumping jack - 2 rounds of 20 reps
  • Lateral bends - 1 set of 10 reps

Now you are completely ready to perform the exercises. Let's get started.

1. Cross Power Jacks

This exercise is a great way to start your workout. It is similar to Jumping Jack.

Involved- inner thighs, quadriceps, glutes and core muscles.

How to do crossoversPowerJack

  1. Stand straight, feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart, shoulders relaxed, core toned, knees slightly bent.
  2. Jump cross-legged and land softly on the floor.
  3. Jump with your legs open again and land softly with your feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 30 repetitions

Rest– 20 seconds

Advice– you can move your hands up and down, as when doing a jumping jack.

Lateral leg swings help tighten the inner thigh muscles and target the associated muscles.


Execution technique

  1. Stand next to the wall, lay on it right palm as a support. Place your left hand on your belt. The body is toned, the back is neutral.
  2. Raise your left leg to the side, stay in this position for a short time and return to the starting position.
  3. Do the exercise on the other side.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 15 repetitions

Rest– 20 seconds

3. Explosive Squats

This exercise is also known as jump squats.

Involved– Inner thighs, hamstrings, quads, hip flexors, glutes and core.

Execution technique

  1. Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. The body is toned, the shoulders are laid back, the back is straight.
  2. Squeeze your buttocks, keeping your weight in your heels and sit down (as if you were trying to sit in a chair). Your knees should not go beyond your toes.
  3. While sitting, bring your arms to your chest.
  4. Begin your ascent and, before returning to a standing position, jump by extending your body up and lowering your arms.
  5. Gently lower yourself to the floor and repeat the sequence.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 10 repetitions

Rest– 20 seconds

Advice– keep your back straight, look ahead.

4. Plie squats

Plie squats are another great inner thigh exercise that helps burn fat.

Involved– Inner thighs, quads, glutes, calves and hamstrings.

Execution technique

  1. Stand straight, the distance between your feet is slightly wider than shoulder width. Turn your toes 45 degrees, your back is straight, your shoulders are away from your ears.
  2. Now, like a ballerina, raise your arms up to shoulder level. Keep them taut and relax your shoulders.
  3. Go down. Don't lean forward or roll your knees inward. Hold this position for a second and then return to the starting position.
  4. Do one circuit and rest for 20 seconds.
  5. Return to the squat position, transfer your weight to your toes and spring into this position for 15 counts.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 15 repetitions

Rest– 20 seconds

5. Leg swings

Involved– Inner thighs, glutes, hamstrings and hip flexors.

Execution technique

  1. Stand straight with your feet together. For support, you can use a wall by placing your palms on it from a straight position or raising your arm to shoulder level from a side position.
  2. Raise your right leg, keep your knees straight, swing your right leg forward and return to the starting position.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 15 repetitions

Rest– 20 seconds

6. Scissor Leg Plank

For a slightly advanced exercise, you'll love the leg-scissor plank. It helps remove fat from the thighs and apart from shaping the thighs, it also helps to tone the core muscles. These are the muscles it works.

Involved– internal and outer surface thighs, hamstrings, glutes, calves and core muscles.

Execution technique

  1. Get into a plank position. Place 2 folded towels under your toes, with your back and body extended in one line. Direct your gaze down and tighten your body.
  2. Tighten your inner thighs and bring your legs as close together as possible. Hold this position for a second and then return your legs to the starting position.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 10 repetitions

Rest– 30 seconds

7. Sliding rock climber

This is a variation of the climbing exercise. It is modified to work the inner thighs.

Involved– Inner thighs, quads, hamstrings, glutes, calves and core.

Execution technique

  1. Place your toes on the towels, get into a plank position and tense your core.
  2. Without lifting your foot off the floor, slide your right leg forward, pulling it towards your chest.
  3. Slide your left leg along the floor and pull it towards your chest.
  4. Return to the starting position also through sliding.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 15 repetitions

Rest– 30 seconds

9. Sumo squats with kettlebell

These are wide squats, slightly modified to burn fat reserves on the inner thighs, and to build and tone the muscles of the inner thighs. This is a great exercise for losing weight because it requires a lot of energy and calories to perform.

Involved– Inner thighs, hamstrings, quads, calves, glutes, hip extensors, lower back and core muscles.

Execution technique

  1. Hold the kettlebell with both hands near your chest. Keep your elbows close to your body, your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, your shoulders back, your core tight, and your feet pointing outward.
  2. Move your pelvis back and bend your knees into a “sitting on a chair” position. Make sure your knees don't go beyond your toes.
  3. Hold this pose for a second, then return to the starting position.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 15 repetitions

Rest– 35 seconds

9. Leg circles while lying on your side

This is a Pilates exercise that works the following muscles.

Involved– inner and outer surface of the thigh, buttocks.

Execution technique

  1. Lie on your right side. Support your head with your right hand.
  2. Raise your left leg and place it in front of you in the pelvic area or lower abdomen. Left palm use to move your knee away from your chest.
  3. Extend your right leg and lift it up.
  4. Make circular movements with your right leg, first clockwise and then counterclockwise.
  5. Repeat the sequence for the left leg.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 10 repetitions

Rest– 20 seconds

10. Lateral lunges with a kettlebell

Lateral lunges with a kettlebell can instantly activate your inner thigh muscles.

Involved– hip adductors, hip flexors, calves, hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes and core muscles.

Execution technique

  1. Hold the weight with both hands. Your arms should be pointing straight down, your legs should be wide open, your shoulders back, your core tense, and your feet pointing outward.
  2. Bend your right knee, keeping your left foot flat on the floor, push your pelvis back and sit on your right side. Support your body with the ball of your right foot.
  3. Return to the starting position and exhale.
  4. Inhale, bend your left knee, keeping your right foot flat on the floor, push your pelvis back and sit on left side. Support your body with the ball of your left foot.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 15 repetitions

Rest– 30 seconds

11. Pilates Ring Leg Compression

For this exercise you will need a Pilates ring or pillow.


Execution technique

  1. Lie on your back. Feet on the width of the mat, back in a neutral position, arms at your sides. Hold the Pilates ring between your legs.
  2. Squeeze your thighs and feel your inner and outer thigh muscles work along with your glutes.
  3. Hold this position for 2 seconds and then relax.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 15 repetitions

Rest– 30 seconds

12. Isometric sumo squats with delay

These modified sumo squats are one of the most effective exercises to train at home to lose weight and tone muscles.

Involved– inner and outer thighs, buttocks, hamstrings and calves.

Execution technique

  1. Stand with your back straight. Spread your legs out to the sides in a sumo squat position with your feet pointing outward to your sides.
  2. Keeping your back straight, sit down. Support your knees with your palms so that they remain in line with your legs.
  3. Hold this position for 10 seconds before standing up.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 5 reps

Rest– 30 seconds

13. Frog Jumping

This is a fun and effective exercise for improving muscle tone.

Involved– Inner thighs, hamstrings, quads, hip extensors, glutes, and calves.

Execution technique

  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, feet turned outward, shoulders back.
  2. Move your pelvis back and bend so that your palms touch the floor.
  3. With your palms on the floor, jump up and land softly on the floor in a half-sitting position.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 10 repetitions

Rest– 30 seconds

14. Diamond Swings

Diamonds are truly your friends! You can get rid of fat that doesn't want to leave your thighs with the help of diamond swings.

Involved– inner and outer thighs, hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes and abs.

Execution technique

  1. Lie on your back. Place your arms at your sides close to your body, palms down.
  2. Raise your legs up. Make sure the distance between them is equal to shoulder width.
  3. Spread your legs as far apart as possible.
  4. Squeeze your inner thigh muscles, bend your knees, and bring your feet together to create a diamond shape.
  5. Straighten your legs up and return to the starting position.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 15 repetitions

Rest– 30 seconds

15. Lunges with back swings

This exercise is a little more advanced and requires good stability and balance. But we can improve the technique of its implementation by regularly practicing.

Involved– Inner thighs, hamstrings, quads, glutes, calves and core.

Execution technique

  1. Stand up straight. Pull your shoulders back and tense your core. Step forward with your right foot and lower yourself to such a position that a right angle forms between the shins and thighs of both legs. The knee of the left leg should be pointing straight down and almost touching the floor.
  2. Stand up halfway and balance on your right leg, lift your left leg and swing it back.
  3. Return to the lunge and repeat the movement.
  4. Perform the exercise on the other leg.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 10 repetitions

Rest– 30 seconds

16. Inner Leg Raise

Involved– Inner thighs, hip extensors, hamstrings, quadriceps and glutes.

Execution technique

  1. Lie on your left side. Shoulders in line with hips, left elbow bent for support, palm on the floor. Place your right hand in front of you in the area of ​​your lower abdomen for support.
  2. Raise your right leg, bend the knee and place your right foot in front of you at the pelvis.
  3. Raise your left leg 20 degrees from the floor - this is your starting position.
  4. Raise your left leg even higher to an angle of 30-40 degrees and slowly return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat the exercise on your right leg.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 15 repetitions

Rest– 30 seconds

17. Frog bridge

Another great exercise that you haven't seen before, but it's very effective for working on problem areas.

Involved– Inner thighs, pelvic floor, hamstrings, glutes, calves and core muscles.

Execution technique

  1. Lie on your back, palms pressed to the floor, gaze directed at the ceiling.
  2. Bend your knees and open your legs so that your feet touch each other.
  3. Supporting yourself with your hands, lift your pelvis up, tighten your buttocks and inner thigh muscles. Exhale and hold this position for a moment before lowering your pelvis to the floor.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 10 repetitions

Rest– 30 seconds

18. Cossack squats

This exercise is similar to the side lunge, but has certain differences that work the inner thigh muscles located closer to the groin area.

Involved– glutes, inner thighs, hamstrings, quads and calves.

Execution technique

  1. Stand with your feet wide apart, toes pointed out, back neutral, shoulders back, gaze straight ahead.
  2. Bend your right knee into a side lunge. Only this time you need to sit down completely, maintaining your balance by transferring your weight to the ball of your right foot. In this position, keep your left leg straight and place it on your heel for better balance.
  3. Exhale, rise up and return to the starting position.
  4. Inhale and lunge onto your left leg using the technique previously described.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 15 repetitions

Rest– 30 seconds

19. Pilates – standing side slides

This exercise helps strengthen the inner thigh muscles and keep them toned.

Involved– inner and outer thighs, hamstrings, calves and buttocks.

Execution technique

  1. Stand on an extendable Pilates table with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, glutes engaged, arms at your sides, and back neutral.
  2. Inhale and move the leg located on the moving surface away from the fixed foot.
  3. Exhale and pull your leg back, returning to the starting position.
  4. Repeat the sequence for the second leg.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 15 repetitions

Rest– 30 seconds

20. Lateral leg raises

This exercise is considered one of the most exhausting and effective for toning the inner muscles on the inner thighs.

Involved– inner, back and outer thighs, buttocks, abs and calves.

Execution technique

  1. Lie on your right side. Place your head on your right palm for support. Align your left shoulder with your right, and your left hip with your right.
  2. Keep your core tense and lift both legs up. Freeze in this position for a moment.
  3. Slowly lower your legs and repeat the exercise.
  4. Perform the sequence while lying on your left side.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 15 repetitions

Rest– 30 seconds

These were the 20 best and most effective exercises for the muscles of the inner thighs. Doing them in combination with other cardio or strength training and maintaining good habits in nutrition will help burn fat on your hips, become more confident and active in everything. So put in the effort and do your best. Be healthy!

Hips are a problem area, especially for women. Brings disappointment more often inner part, the skin here is thinner, quickly loses tone and elasticity, and excess fat. More often this happens after losing weight.

Before directly performing the exercises, let’s consider which muscles belong to the part of the body of interest. The muscles of the inner thigh include:

  • Short muscle (adductor) - participates in the processes of adduction of the hip by flexion and rotation;
  • Large muscle (adductor) – provides easy outward rotation of the thigh;
  • Pectineus muscle - performs flexion and adduction of the hip, provides rotation;
  • Thin and longus muscle(adductors) - required to ensure the adductor function of the thigh, flexion of the lower leg, and rotation of the leg outward.

The muscles are adductors and bring the legs together. The named muscle groups are almost not involved in the walking process; you will need to pay a lot of attention and strength, ensuring fit and aesthetic beauty the specified part of the legs, the possibility of losing weight.

Upgrade rules

A set of physical exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the inner thigh is performed after reading the information.

  1. Before starting exercises for the inner thigh, do a warm-up. You can start training after properly warming up your muscles.
  2. After completing a set of exercises, it is recommended to stretch the muscles.
  3. Doing exercises for inner thigh, take care of the condition of the muscle corset.
  4. The set of exercises is performed as correctly as possible. Do not get distracted without completing the exercises.
  5. Once every 2-3 months it is necessary to change the types of load, excluding the muscles getting used to it.
  6. Classes are held regularly.
  7. To achieve weight loss, in addition to exercise, you will have to follow a proper diet. It is better if the diet is prescribed by a nutritionist who takes into account the characteristics of the body, providing the opportunity to quickly and effectively remove unnecessary fat.

Observing simple rules, it will be possible to achieve strengthening of the part of the thigh in question, making the body attractive.

Warm-up exercises

Before a set of exercises designed to strengthen and tighten the muscles of the thigh in question, you will need to perform preliminary preparation as a warm-up. It is simple and includes two stages. It is recommended to walk on the outer ribs of the feet for five minutes, quickly achieving tension in the required muscle group.

You will need to warm up your muscles, walk for 3-5 minutes, raising your knees intensely and as high as possible. The pulse should increase slightly, and sweating may occur. After simple steps, perform exercises for the inner thigh.

This complex can be replaced by jogging for 20 minutes, thanks to which the muscles of the body will warm up and fully stretch. It is possible to warm up the hip joints by rotating the pelvis to the right and left (5 times).

Some trainers recommend doing cardio exercises (aerobic exercises) as a warm-up to prepare for exercises to tighten and strengthen the thigh muscles. Exercises are effective and perfectly help to remove excess fat, resulting in significant weight loss. Nutrition of tissues and muscles is ensured by normalizing blood flow. However, the fat-burning effect is achieved if the lesson lasts at least 20 minutes. Using cardio exercises as a warm-up, it is permissible to combine them with the main training program.

Cardio exercises are quite suitable for warming up:

  1. Run in place for as long as you can. It is required to actively move your arms (imitation of running).
  2. Jump onto your feet one at a time, helping with your hands. Do the exercise until you can stand it.
  3. Jump in place while raising your knees to the sides. Accompany the jump by clapping your hands.
  4. Raise your bent left leg to your right hand, try to jump at the same time. Perform until you feel slightly tired.
  5. Jumping in place is accompanied by raising your arms up, then landing on slightly bent knees. Feet need to be placed shoulder width apart.

Exercises for the inner thigh will prepare the muscles for the main training program and are indispensable for losing weight.

A set of exercises for pumping the inner thigh

After warming up, proceed directly to exercises aimed at strengthening a given muscle group. Most effective exercises, suitable for tightening and strengthening the muscles in question, helping to remove unwanted fat from the buttocks and other parts of the legs:

The exercises are simple, but the best for quickly removing unnecessary fat and toning muscles. If the described set of exercises is not suitable, it is possible to resort to the help of trainers and select individual program workouts or find video lessons conducted by coaches and athletes.

Final stage: stretching

After the exercises, it is necessary to stretch the part of the thigh of interest. Suitable for achieving the best possible results in terms of weight loss, removing excess subcutaneous fat, restoring slimness, preventing pain after training recently started, preventing muscle soreness due to unaccustomed use.

To warm up, sit on the floor. The back remains straight, control your posture. We bend our legs at the knees, spread them apart, lowering them as far as possible to the floor. The feet rest against each other. It is recommended to stay in the accepted position for about five minutes or until a feeling of fatigue sets in, gradually lowering your knees lower to the floor.

The new exercise is performed with your feet together. Keep your back straight. Bend your left leg so that your heel is facing your buttocks. Take the foot with your left hand and try to pull it towards the buttock. Stay in position for 5-6 seconds. Perform the exercise for the second leg.

The described set of exercises will help restore muscle tone, promoting tightening, and remove unnecessary fat from the leg muscles, which is important for losing weight.

Beautiful legs are the cherished desire of the fair sex. But many women, even those who regularly attend gyms, have noticed that the inner thigh is reluctant to pull up behind the rest of the muscles.

It also treacherously begins to sag first of all when you don’t exercise for a long time. What's the matter?

There are fewer muscles in the inner thigh, the skin is thinner, and standard gymnastics does not improve the situation. This problem area needs an integrated approach:

  • specific exercises for the inner thigh;
  • following the full structure of the workout (warm-up, load, cool-down, stretching);
  • selected diet.

Menu during training

Women are genetically programmed to accumulate fat on their hips. But doing inner thigh exercises and following a diet will help you cheat nature. To keep your legs slim, gastronomic excesses will have to be cut back.

Learn to replace unhealthy foods with healthy ones: starchy cereals with stewed vegetables, sweets with dried fruits. Love all types of cabbage, eggplant, asparagus, beets, baked potatoes. Eat fresh carrots sweet pepper, greens, lettuce.

Best Fat Burners Among the spices are red pepper and ginger, but be careful not to over-pepper. Pay attention to apples, grapefruit, black currants, rose hips, kiwi, strawberries, which contain vitamin C. It helps fight muscle cramps.

Potassium prevents swelling in the legs. There is a lot of it in dairy products, dried apricots, vobla, broccoli, and asparagus. And although exercises designed to lose weight on your inner thighs will burn calories, you shouldn't indulge in unlimited cakes.

Eat less fatty foods: pork, duck, goose, fatty fish, sausages and anything that is fried.

Avoid fatty foods, processed foods, and fast foods.
Eat at least two hours before training and the same amount after.
Drink up to 2 liters of still water per day.

Different muscles are important, different muscles are needed

But even with proper nutrition We should not forget about the general load on all muscle groups, and not just the problem ones. The human musculoskeletal and muscular system is a single apparatus in which everything is interconnected. You need to pay attention to all parts of the body and muscle groups.

Then there will be no stagnation, and the whole body will be toned. Do 1–2 complex training per week for all muscle groups, and exercises designed to tighten the inner thigh, every other day. These simple rules will also help get rid of cellulite.

Many doctors advise training in the afternoon, for example, at 16:00. By this time, the circulatory system is already well warmed up, and the load on the heart will be less. Average duration workout – 15 minutes.

Exercises can be done in any order. Start doing each movement 10 times and gradually increase it daily, for example up to 20. For greater efficiency, use weights for the legs and arms, dumbbells, and a hoop.

To improve the condition of your legs, see the article “Exercises for losing weight on your legs and thighs at home.”

Warm up before training

The most effective exercises for the inner thigh

1. Squats with dumbbells

We repeat the squats from the warm-up, only now take a 7 kg dumbbell in your hands. Remember to tighten your buttocks and keep your back straight. 2 times 15 squats is enough.

2. Lunges to the side (side)

Stand up straight and lunge on your right leg while straightening your left. The right support is at right angles to the floor. Hold for a couple of seconds and straighten up again. After 3 sets of 15 lunges, repeat the same with your left leg.

3. Leg raise

Lie on your right side and right hand, left hand press it to the floor in front of you. The legs are extended in one straight line. Raise your left leg and lower it without touching the floor 15 times. Repeat twice. Then lift both legs off the floor at the same time the same number of times. Switch position to the other side and repeat.

4. Mahi

Raise your body, focusing on your left elbow. Place your right foot behind your left. Straighten your left leg, with your toes pointed towards you, and do 15 swings without your foot touching the floor. Repeat three times. Change position for the other leg.

5. Stretching

Lying on your back, place your arms along your body, raise your legs at right angles to the floor. Spread and close your legs as much as possible without touching the floor. Do 3 sets of 15 reps.

6. Rolling legs

Remaining in this position, with your hands in line with your shoulders and pressed to the floor, squeeze the ball between your legs. Lower your legs to one side without touching the floor, then to the other. 15 lowerings in each direction, 2 sets.

7. Exercise “scissors”

Lying on the floor, keep your legs at right angles to the floor (if you lower them lower, your abs will swing). Toes point to the ceiling, quickly move your right foot behind your left, immediately your left foot behind your right, alternate quickly for 20 seconds. Lower your legs, rest and repeat 2 more times.

8. Diagonal swings

Lie on your stomach, legs and arms in line with your torso. Raise your left arm at the same time as your right leg until you feel stretching muscles, hold for 2 seconds and lower. Now, on the contrary, we raise our right arm and left leg. We lift each pair (arm plus leg) 15 times.

9. Swing your leg to the side

Kneel down with your hands on the floor, your torso parallel to the floor and your hips perpendicular. Raise one leg to the side, without bending it at the knee, until it is parallel to the floor and return it back.

We immediately pick it up again and return it again. Make sure your thigh is perpendicular to your torso and your shin is perpendicular to your thigh. The toe is turned towards you. Do 2 sets of 15 swings on each leg.

10. Straightening the leg to the side

We complicate the previous exercise by raising the leg, straightening it parallel to the floor and bending the knee again at 90 degrees, after which we return it back. Repeat 15 times on each leg.

Cool down after training

After finishing this exercise, squat down on your ankles, pressing your torso to your thighs, straightening your arms above your head along the floor. Stretch your arms forward well, straining lateral muscles backs. Hold for 10 seconds and relax.

With this exercise we begin the cool down. Its main part is muscle relaxation and stretching, which should not be done before or instead of training. The muscles should be well warmed up.

Sit on the floor, bend your knees in front of you and clasp your hands. Rest your elbows between your knees and, lowering your hands, slowly spread your legs to the sides with your elbows.

Use your feet to slightly resist the movement of your elbows. Feel the muscles stretch. The lower you bend your knees to the floor, the better. And back - close your knees. Do 4 sets.

Sitting on the floor, spread your legs as wide as possible, with your toes pointing toward the ceiling. Bend over one leg, extending your arms toward your toes, hold for 2 seconds and straighten up.

Now lean forward and stretch, straighten up. Do the same for the other leg, hold, straighten up. Repeat 10 times.

Exercises for the inner thigh on video

To make your legs the envy of everyone, follow the suggested complex. The video contains the most effective exercises with professional commentary from the trainer. Training time is 14 minutes.

The so-called “drive” muscles that we are talking about are not involved when walking, so you won’t be able to pump them up by walking. Use specially designed exercises to lose weight on your inner thighs.

It is important to perform them correctly; you should feel tension in the muscles while working them out. Selected exercises to strengthen the inner thigh muscles can be alternated in any order or done “from memory”.

For greater efficiency and variety, use gymnastics equipment. Don't forget about a special diet or proper nutrition. Having beautiful, slender legs is a great motivation to follow our recommendations.

Dear readers, have you encountered such a problem? What exercises helped you? Share your experience with us by leaving a comment on the article.

Publication date: 10-06-2017

We offer you a set of ten exercises for the inner thighs that will help you make your legs attractive for the summer and give you confidence on the beach in a bikini or short shorts.

Leg raises with fitball

Using the ball to strength training This is a great way to work on a problem area a little more than with regular exercises. But you have to work hard to hold the ball correctly and lift your legs high, then several muscle groups will work at the same time. This exercise for the inner thigh will strengthen the leg muscles and also work the thigh muscles.

Lie on your side on a mat with your arms crossed in front of you. If this is uncomfortable, bend your lower elbow and place it under your head.

Place a large exercise ball between your legs and slowly lift the ball up toward the ceiling, using only the muscles in your thighs and buttocks. Return to the starting position. This counts as one repetition.

Sumo squats

Many trainers recommend these sumo squats (also known as plie squats) to create toned legs. Focus on your inner thighs while doing this exercise. You should feel the muscles in this area working.

Stand with your feet wide apart and your toes pointing slightly outward. Hold a pair of dumbbells in your hands, arms straight, palms down.

Bend your knees until your knees are over your ankles and raise your arms out to your sides just below your shoulders. Straighten your legs and lower your arms at the same time.

Perform three sets of 15 repetitions.

Lying leg raises

This inner thigh exercise may remind you of Jane Fonda's '80s workout videos, but it's one of the most productive exercises for this tough area.

Lying on your side, extend your lower leg, place your right leg bent at the knee in front of you. Support your head with your hand or rest it on your hands.

As you exhale, lift your lower leg. Inhale as you lower it down. Your body must remain in place.

Do 10 reps, then repeat on the other side.

Narrow squats

This exercise will work both your hips and hamstrings.

You should start like this: arms raised to shoulder level, elbows bent, holding dumbbells above your shoulders.

Squat down with your knees bent and your buttocks back, as if you were sitting in a chair. Keep your legs pressed together. Focus your weight on your heels. While squatting, straighten your arms up above your head.

Return to the starting position by pressing through your heels and bending your elbows, lowering the dumbbells toward your shoulders.

Do 3 sets of 15 reps.

Side lunges

During lunges to the side, the pelvic muscles work, as well as the inner thighs.

Hold a dumbbell in each hand, place your feet and knees together, hands on your hips.

Take a big step with your right foot to the right side and lunge low.

Make sure your right knee doesn't go past your toes and keep your left leg relatively straight.

Push off with your right foot to return to the start.

Do three sets of 10 reps on each side.

Compression bridge

Lie on your back with your knees bent and keep your feet apart. Place a pillow, ball or toning ring between your knees.

Lift your hips up, keeping your glutes tight. Keep your body straight from your chest to your hips.

Without raising or lowering your pelvis, slowly squeeze the ring 20 times. Lower your pelvis and draw your knees toward your chest to round and relax your back. Then repeat this exercise for this part of the thigh two more times. Do 3 sets of 3 reps.

Sliding to the side

This is an exercise for the legs and buttocks. You will need a disposable plate if you want to slide on the carpet. If you are doing the exercise on a smooth floor, take off your sneakers and wear socks or take a towel.

Stand straight, place your feet close to each other, and place your right foot on a plastic plate. Slide to the right side. Keep your hands in front of your chest throughout the exercise to maintain balance.

Shift your weight to your right leg and slowly bend your right knee. Then slowly return to the starting position.

Perform three sets of 10 repetitions with each leg.

Climber with a towel

The exercise will focus on the abdominal and leg muscles, including inner surface hips.

First, take two small towels and fold them into squares. You will need a place on a smooth surface (wood floor, tile). Stand with your feet on the towels.

Place your hands on the floor and take your right leg back. Quickly change your leg so that your right leg is in front, your left leg is behind (as in the “climber” exercise, only without jumping, but through sliding).
Do eight reps on each leg.

You can make this exercise more difficult by moving your front knee slightly diagonally.

Circle with your feet

This Pilates exercise will allow you to work out the necessary leg muscles, strengthen and lengthen them, and make your legs slimmer.

Start by lying on your back on a mat or blanket.

Extend your right leg upward, pointing your toes away from you.

Keep your arms at the sides of your body, pressing your palms into the floor for support.

Move your right leg to the side, drawing your toes big circle. When lowering, the right leg should not touch the floor. Make sure your hips and back don't leave the floor.

Do the exercise for a minute, then repeat on the other leg.

Special squats

Carrying out this exercise to strengthen this part of the thigh, you will feel like your thighs are burning.

Stand straight, feet together, knees soft. Keep your hands together above your head, face down on the floor.

Squat down slowly as if you were about to sit down in a chair.

Hold this position, pulsating your tailbone up and down 10 to 15 times.

Keep your legs pressed together.

The exercise can be made more difficult by standing on your toes. Do 3 sets of 3 reps.