Number one network marketing company. Training and information for consultants. Only the top make money

You can make money in different ways. Some people are used to waking up every morning to the sound of an alarm clock or a smartphone signal and quickly get ready, fearing that they will be delayed on the way to work - after all, they need to get there no later than a certain hour. Some people prefer shift or shift options, which provide the opportunity to rest after several hours (days, months) of hard work. Still others prefer to work on the Internet, which involves a minimum of personal interaction with strangers.

But what to do if you don’t want to go to regular work, but without human communication boring? There is a way out: this is the so-called MLM business, which involves the sale of goods or services from person to person, without a number of intermediaries and resellers. Theoretically, this should lead to lower prices for products and an increase in their competitiveness compared to store-bought ones. Let’s try to figure it out whether this is actually true and whether working in a network company is true.

Network marketing - companies in Russia (list)

First of all, you need to understand the basic terms and clarify the very principle of operation of network companies, fortunately in Russia it is not too different from the world.

Network (affiliate) marketing- this is a method of direct sale of products “from the manufacturer to the final consumer”, which does not involve the introduction of intermediate links into the chain (retailers, resellers and specially hired sellers).

MLM is a copy of the English abbreviation MLM: Multi-Level Marketing (multi-level marketing). "Levels" in in this case- not retail, but structural formations: no matter how complex the network of partner businesses is, the goods still arrive from the seller to the final buyer without additional markups.

The principle of building a “team” of network companies is approximately the same and is not much different from a financial pyramid: each new member must not only purchase goods from a recruiter for a certain amount (and then sell it on his own), but also fulfill the plan prescribed in the rules of the structure, already attracting new distributors to the network. How successfully a new team member copes with these tasks will determine his rating and the possibility of further promotion, and sometimes the right to continue working in the company.

Important: since Russian legislation does not regulate the MLM business in any way, each network company has the right to set its own degrees of distinction for distributors, development and sales plans, trading conditions, and even regulate their behavior when communicating with clients. It is useless to argue with the demands of the “employer”: a newcomer who could not get along in the team can only leave it - often with losses resulting from the purchase and impossibility of selling the goods.

That's why network marketing in Russia (and in the rest of the world) it can hardly be called an ideal start for a young entrepreneur. For a person who has start-up capital and has an idea of ​​a “safety cushion”, it is better to consider other passive income schemes. Perhaps it will be a little longer and a little less profitable, but he won’t be left with a serious loss either.

The advantages of a network business include:

  1. Free daily routine. Each seller, regardless of the accumulated rating and current status, is focused solely on results. You can wake up at any time and have a weekend whenever you want: the main thing is to continue communicating with the wards within the structure and customers and carry out the plan.
  2. Direct dependence of profit on effort. Unlike routine work with a fixed salary, participation in network marketing gives the distributor the opportunity to sell exactly as much product as he can. Therefore, by spending a little more effort, you can get a more significant income - and vice versa. The same applies to recruiting activities: for attracting new members beyond the plan, the distributor receives additional points, bonuses or cash payments. The conclusion is obvious: the more sociable and resourceful the consultant, the more he can earn.
  3. Various bonuses. Depending on the regulations of the network company, these may be business trips abroad, cash bonuses or material rewards. However, since incentive payments, like other aspects of the activities of network companies, are not regulated by Russian legislation, a newcomer should find out in advance whether they are provided for in a specific structure - otherwise, no matter how actively he works, he may be left with nothing.

These are the main advantages of network marketing, but it also has disadvantages:

  1. Complete absence of guarantees. The distributor works in the company at his own peril and risk and receives exactly as much as he earned, according to internal regulations. There are often cases when an additional commission is charged on the seller’s earnings, sometimes reaching 40% of the amount. This practically eliminates all tax liberties associated with the lack of government regulation of network business. In other words, even if the seller does not pay money to the state, he will share earnings with the structure itself. And no one can guarantee him any significant profit.
  2. Probability of being in the red. As already mentioned, each distributor must, in order to start and continue work, not only engage in recruiting, but also regularly (once a month, quarterly, etc.) purchase products that are subsequently intended to be sold to the end consumer. If he cannot do this, no one will return the money to the distributor, and all the purchased goods will remain with him. And since the plan must be carried out, a person who wants to remain in the system will have to make new purchases in the future - and so on endlessly, until successful sales begin or until complete ruin.
  3. Lack of government guarantees. This feature of the network business was described earlier: a distributor engaged in the MLM field is not considered officially employed, does not have the appropriate rights and is completely defenseless before the “employer”.

Perhaps the low employment of the Russian population in network marketing (as of 2018, this is only 7% of the working population) is associated precisely with these disadvantages. Nevertheless, a fan should try himself in this area - the main thing is to find a company with adequate requirements and not get too carried away with purchases and “promotion” along the ephemeral career ladder.

Below is a list of the fifteen most popular network structures in Russia, suitable for both beginners and professionals in the MLM field.


The first network company on the list, founded, like most others, in the USA and came to Russia back in 1991. The area of ​​activity is the sale of cosmetics, perfumes and, to a much lesser extent, hygiene and souvenir products.

Features of cooperation with Avon:

  1. To start working in a network company, you must register as a coordinator. Already at this preparatory stage, the future team member will face difficulties: he will have to send the necessary set of paper documents to the company’s office (fortunately, located in Russia) and wait until they are processed. Only after this can you start working.
  2. A significant advantage of the network company opening the list is the low cost of products and small amounts of mandatory purchases. As of 2017, this is only 1,600 rubles.
  3. A coordinator who successfully sells a product and regularly (with the release of each catalog, that is, approximately once a quarter) attracts at least five new sellers can count on a bonus - a one-time payment in the amount of 125 thousand rubles.
  4. Each team member receives discounts on products:
    • 15% - when purchasing cosmetics and perfumes only for yourself;
    • 15–32% - if the above plan is implemented.

Important: Avon pays coordinators directly to their bank card, which is undoubtedly very convenient. On the other hand, it is this network company, at least in Russia, that “removes” from 20% (for beginners) to 40% (for advanced sellers) of earnings from each transfer. In addition, the structure completely lacks vertical development, and all the work of the coordinator can be transferred to another seller if the contract with him is unilaterally terminated.


The second chain company on the list is also engaged in the sale of cosmetics, perfumes and related products. The structure was founded in Russia in 1997 and since then has been systematically and confidently developing, without, however, showing any special miracles.

Features of cooperation with Faberlic:

  1. To get started, you do not need to send any documents to the office of the network company.
  2. The calculation is made in points: one point as of 2017 was equal to 80 rubles.
  3. Mandatory monthly turnover is 50 points, that is, 4,000 rubles. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the consultant being deprived of the bonus or expelled from the structure.
  4. Vertical growth is provided: in particular, to obtain the title of “Director” you must achieve a turnover of 5000 points, that is, 400 thousand rubles. The successful seller will be paid a bonus of 55 thousand rubles.
  5. The possibility of passive income is completely absent: no matter what level a consultant reaches, he is still required to fulfill a regular sales and recruiting plan.

Among the advantages of Faberlic is the absence of an entrance fee. One of the most unpleasant disadvantages is the lack of business trips abroad and material incentives (only cash bonuses).

Art Life

This network company, third on the list, also comes from Russia. It was created in 1997 and was initially engaged in the sale of bioactive additives (dietary supplements), nutritional products (in particular, instant jelly) and cosmetics. Despite the extremely successful start of the project, over time its growth began to slow down; now Art Life, not one of the leading Russian structures network business continues to stay afloat, bringing a stable income to both the founders and ordinary distributors.

Features of cooperation with Art Life:

  1. A newbie can register as a privileged client. In this case, he will only need to purchase a discount card worth 150 rubles, which gives the right to purchase the company’s products with a fixed 30% discount. He doesn’t have any more responsibilities at this stage: he can remain a buyer for as long as he likes, or he can become a distributor (business partner).
    • This network company provides three options for cooperation:
    • « Smooth start» - purchase for the purpose of further sale of goods worth 50 points (about 3,000 rubles);
    • « Quick start» - purchase of products worth at least 100 points (accordingly, about 6,000 rubles);
    • « Leadership start" - the amount of the first purchase is greater than or equal to 400 points (about 24,000 rubles).
  2. In addition, a monthly sales plan has been developed for network business participants - at least 50 points (the same 3,000 rubles). The three lowest levels of the company have the opportunity to take a break from work for three months.
  3. Sales are carried out personally or in a team. In the first case, the distributor receives 10% commission on sales volume; in the second (for the senior in the group) - up to 15% of personal turnover and 5% for sales of each junior consultant.
  4. One of the highest levels in this network marketing is “Director”. In this case, the group turnover must be at least 500 points monthly and a total of at least 4,000 points. The “Director’s” income is 35% from personal turnover, 20% from the sales of each of the “Masters” of the group and 25% from the turnover of each consultant.

The main advantage of a network company is a well-functioning system of rewards and compensation.


The fourth network company on the list, founded in the USA in 1952 and first appearing in Russia more than half a century later, in 2005. The area of ​​activity is the sale of household chemicals and items for home (apartment) care.

Features of cooperation with Amway:

  1. To start working in a network business, you must pay an entrance fee of 5,000 rubles.
  2. Mandatory monthly turnover - 200 points (as of 2017 - about 10,000 rubles.
  3. Vertical growth is possible, but it is greatly hampered by the high price of the product and the complexity of its sale.
  4. The presentation of products, according to the company’s requirements, is carried out directly at the buyer’s home: the consultant may offer to wash something, remove a difficult stain, and so on.

The indisputable advantage of a network company is the quality of the goods sold. On the other hand, they are not cheap, so they remain inaccessible to many Russian residents.


The fifth company on the list was founded in Sweden more than 50 years ago and came to Russia in 1996. The products sold are cosmetics and bioactive additives (BAS).

Features of cooperation with Oriflame:

  1. There is no entry fee for participating in a network business.
  2. Mandatory monthly turnover is 150 points, that is, about 6,000 rubles.
  3. Discounts for consultants - up to 32% on the next personal order after the next implementation.
  4. The bonus for reaching the “Director” level is $1,000, “Golden Director” is $2,000. To obtain the director's title, you must sell goods worth at least 250 thousand rubles monthly.
  5. A consultant for a network company may not engage in recruiting at all, without losing income.
  6. The income of the “Golden Director” and the higher levels is passive, amounting to 5% of the sales of the team he created.

The network company holds monthly conferences abroad for employees, including newcomers. The business can be inherited or sold to a third party.


Sixth on the list is a joint Chinese-Russian company founded in 2007. Sales area: cosmetics, perfumes, healthy food products, dietary supplements, souvenirs and jewelry.

Features of cooperation with TianDe:

  1. To start working in an online business, you don’t need to pay anything.
  2. Sales are calculated in points (the approximate rate is 50 rubles per 1 point).
  3. The consultant receives only 50% of sales.
  4. Vertical growth is possible up to the level of “Diamond Director”.
  5. There is no passive income at any stage of the career ladder

Since the company is relatively young, fairly modest incentives are provided for distributors of any level: discounts on personal purchases of up to 24% and cash bonuses. A member of the TianDe team should not count on foreign business trips in the near future.


The seventh network company on the list is one of the most famous in Russia and the CIS countries. Founded in 1978 in the USA, it came to the Russian Federation at the end of 1994. The area of ​​activity is the sale of products for a healthy diet and weight loss, as well as cosmetics.

Features of cooperation with Herbalife:

  1. To start working in network marketing, you need to buy a basic distributor kit.
  2. The product distributor receives 25% of the sales he makes.
  3. The next level is supervisor. His income is already 50% from retail sales, 25% from wholesale sales, plus a commission of 5% for each distributor.

The main disadvantage of working at Herbalife is the high existing competition and, therefore, the difficulty in selling the same type of product. In addition, products of truly high quality are quite expensive and therefore are in little demand in the territories of the countries of the former USSR.

Mary Kay

The eighth network company on the list, created in 1960 in the USA and “brought” to Russia in 1993. Objects of trade - cosmetics and perfumes.

Features of cooperation with Mary Kay:

  1. Only adult women can work in the network business.
  2. A beginner needs to purchase a starter kit, the cost of which is regularly reviewed.
  3. You can earn income both directly from sales and from participating in presentations and attracting new consultants.

An additional opportunity for those who do not wish to participate in network marketing is to purchase a regular customer card, which entitles you to a discount of up to 40%. Bonus - free training in makeup and sales techniques.


The ninth on the list and the oldest network company, originally from Germany. Year of foundation - 1885; appearance in Russia - 2005. Field of activity - sale of equipment for kitchens and floor care.

Features of cooperation with Vorwerk:

  1. A beginner is required to undergo free training.
  2. Advanced training courses are held regularly.
  3. Vertical growth possible.
  4. The consultant may choose to engage exclusively in direct sales without recruiting new salespeople.
  5. Floating scale of percentages due to distributors for each sale.

Vorwerk transfers earnings directly to the consultant’s bank card without charging additional commission.

Natura Cosmeticos

The tenth network company on the list was founded in Brazil in 1966 and came to Russia in 2008. Products sold are cosmetics and perfumes (in total more than 1000 items as of 2018).

Features of cooperation with Natura Cosmeticos:

  1. Entrance to the network business is free, as is the initial training.
  2. For each consultant who copes with the sales plan, additional discounts, bonuses and cash bonuses are provided.
  3. Sellers of the first and second levels - consultants and “Advisers” - receive a percentage of each sale.

The schedule of a product distributor is completely free: he can work when it is convenient for him, and also take short “vacations”.

Siberian Health

The eleventh network company on the list, founded in Russia in 2015. The subject of sale is healthy food products and “eco-friendly” cosmetics.

Features of cooperation with Siberian Health:

  1. You can start working without a down payment.
  2. A complex system of points, discounts and rewards, as well as deductions for failure to fulfill the monthly plan.
  3. Every month, the consultant is required to buy (for himself or for the purpose of sale) products worth 100 points, that is, about 6,000 rubles.

The main disadvantages of this network marketing project are the high cost of products and huge internal competition: it will be extremely difficult for a beginner to break through and start earning any serious money at Siberian Health.


Twelfth on the list is the network company Agel, founded in 2005 in the USA and almost immediately came to Russia. The product being sold is natural edible gels made from berries with the addition of fruits and herbs.

Features of cooperation with Agel:

  1. The opportunity to earn income both from personally recruited distributors and from the “first generation” of sellers they invite - the so-called quadraplane.
  2. Due to the technical features of the project, to enter the business you need to pay from 450 to 1300 dollars, with the emphasis being on the most expensive option.
  3. Each month the consultant is required to purchase at least $120 worth of products.
  4. Beginning distributors receive only 3% of sales.

The company is primarily suitable for experienced network marketing professionals who have the appropriate skills and capital to enter the business. Among other things, it will be difficult for a newcomer to get to the top due to strong internal competition.

Green World

The next company, thirteenth on the list, was founded in China in 1995, and appeared in Russia in 2011. Field of activity - distribution of products for maintaining health and home care.

Features of cooperation with Green World:

  1. The consultant is obliged to purchase goods at least once every three months. The purchase amount is not fixed.
  2. An active distributor must purchase at least $100 worth of product once a quarter.
  3. There is a flexible system of discounts and incentives for successfully completing the sales plan and attracting new distributors.

Despite its long-standing presence on the Russian market, this network business is still little known and is not developing as actively as the previously mentioned TianDe.


The fourteenth network company on the list comes from the USA. Year of foundation - 1994; year of “arrival” in Russia - 1999. Products sold - cosmetics, bioactive supplements and healthy food products.

Features of cooperation with Vitalayn:

  1. In addition to network marketing, the company actively cooperates with Russian pharmacy chains and online stores, which greatly exacerbates internal competition.
  2. A newcomer automatically receives a 30% discount on products.
  3. Every month you need to purchase goods for at least 45 points (about $90).
  4. As turnover increases, bonuses for the distributor also increase - from 10% to 32% of monthly sales.

The company's disadvantage is the high cost of products, which makes it difficult to sell them in Russia and the CIS countries.

Zepter International

The list is completed by an Austrian network company founded in 1986. It appeared in Russia twenty years later, in 2007. The structure's field of activity is the sale of kitchen appliances and utensils, luxury household chemicals, cosmetics, jewelry and even jewelry.

Features of cooperation with Zepter International:

  1. Beginners receive a free training course.
  2. Thanks to a well-functioning network marketing scheme, competition within the company is minimal.
  3. A consultant with minimal sales receives only 18% of the total cost of products sold; the maximum stipulated share is 25%.
  4. Vertical growth and creation of your own substructure is possible.

Due to the high cost of Zepter products, it is quite difficult to sell them: the business is suitable for professionals, while a beginner will have a hard time even after initial training.

How to choose a network company for cooperation?

An ideal network company must meet the following requirements:

  1. First of all, match the interests and abilities of the seller.
  2. Engage in the sale of goods permitted for free circulation in the country.
  3. Offer high-quality products that are safe for the health and life of customers.
  4. Be present on the market for at least 5–10 years.
  5. Have a thoughtful, profitable for the distributor marketing plan, as well as a flexible system of discounts and rewards.

Advice: it is better for a novice seller to choose an MLM business with little internal competition and a low entry threshold: this will help not only avoid possible disappointments, but also not regret too much about wasted money if the cooperation is terminated.

Let's sum it up

It is possible to make money in the field of network marketing: to do this, it is enough to have ingenuity, communication skills and a small start-up capital, as well as to be internally prepared for possible failures.

A novice direct sales agent should not invest all his money in initial or subsequent purchases, nor should he place too much trust in his superior colleagues. This is how, remembering to be careful, he can protect himself from ruin and build a decent career in the network company he has chosen.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

It is unlikely that anyone now does not know what MLM is, also known as network marketing, from the English multilevel marketing, which can also be translated as multi-level marketing. At its core, MLM is the concept of distributing your product, that is, virtually any enterprise can engage in network marketing, regardless of the scope of its work. However, distributing services in this way is not entirely convenient, so this principle usually applies to the sale of any goods. In civilized countries, where MLM originated a long time ago, and then through thorns came to an adequate organization of its work, there are special laws that regulate this very specific method of product distribution, which has its own unpleasant characteristics. In the same country, no similar legislative acts were found, and when imposed on Russian mentality and the economic situation, this had an unexpected effect.

It must be said right away that MLM, in general, is a very progressive concept, which has its own not only disadvantages, but also important advantages, it’s just that in the end they began to implement it crookedly, and in Russia, in general, there was a particularly obvious stratification of the “top” and “ referrals”, when the former, rather rubbing their hands, received huge profits, and the latter were forced to spend their own money on a product they did not need. But first things first. So, network marketing is the concept of distributing goods and (much less often) services, when sales are carried out by attracted employees who also have the right to attract new people to expand the network and transfer similar rights to new members. However, the foreign definition is somewhat more accurate, because in the end what is built is not a network of interdependent and equal participants, but rather a pyramid, at the top of which the leader has a good income, and employees at the very bottom are forced to resort to all possible methods and exclusively at their own expense to sell the goods. They are proudly called distributors, less often sales agents, and therefore the latter consider themselves almost independent businessmen. To some extent, this is true, only the principle of operation is slightly different.

For a Russian person, MLM is warningly consonant with MMM, both are pyramids, only the genius of Mavrodi went too far, and therefore failed. However, at present, people are entering the labor market who simply heard about vouchers from their parents, and therefore have little idea of ​​the dangers of financial pyramids. Especially if the pyramid is headed by a person focused only on his short-term profit. This is the primary problem of many modern MLM companies, although from the outside it may seem that the company has its own corporate style and employee support. In fact, everything is different - it’s just marketing... aimed at its own employees in order to deceive them. Moreover, it came to the point that a very negative image was created for network marketing, and on both sides at once - both the population disliked the meticulous referrals who were trying to almost forcefully force the purchase of their miracle powder, and the disappointed referrals themselves, who had spent all their savings and a lot of time, Having sat surrounded by purchased vacuum cleaners and understood the essence of the deception, they began to quite naturally be indignant against such a marketing concept. It all started back in the fun 90s, when Zepter pots and Herbalife dietary supplements appeared, then the unprepared market saw unreasonably expensive Kirby vacuum cleaners, and now negative image network marketing is supported by a huge number of Chinese companies that operate exclusively in Russia and some other countries, because in China they give a serious prison sentence for MLM. In connection with all this, a company that decides to engage in direct sales and MLM in particular will be forced to face a huge number of problems and mistrust of both consumers and potential employees. Although many of these organizations flourish to this day, using the same dishonest methods of selling their miracle goods, because a certain contingent of people are not mammoths and do not die out.

Let’s try to consider the possibility of organizing our own MLM concept, which will use only “honest” methods, work the way all progressive humanity works now, but taking into account Russian realities. In principle, any company that is focused on selling its products to a large number of consumers can use the concept of network marketing. The simplest and shining example the use of network marketing specifically for large manufacturing companies, but at the same time producing a product for mass consumption. If we do not take long-suffering vacuum cleaners into account (because trading equipment is generally a more complex process), then most often through MLM they sell cosmetics, non-medicinal products that are presented as medicinal supplements (dietary supplements) and other pans. That is, this is a product that can be bought, in general, spontaneously, without planning the purchase initially.

So, the owner of the company produces a product and decides that cooperation with distributor companies, retailers and other usual market participants is not profitable for him or is simply impractical, and it is much easier to use the direct sales method. An entrepreneur attracts employees to his staff who should be engaged in these very direct sales, that is, in fact, he needs sales agents. This is where the differences begin. Sales agent in simple case receives a percentage of products sold, often has a small but fixed salary, receives all social benefits and is fully employed at the enterprise. He's protected. In a company that practices MLM, the sales agent quite often does not even get a job, but is simply listed as an external employee. Therefore, he is initially deprived of all his rights according to labor code Russian Federation. If a company does not hire its sales agents, then they are at great risk because they are in fact engaged in illegal business activities, because it is unlikely that any of them, after starting work in an MLM company, will register as individual entrepreneur and at the same time I am generally ready to pay taxes. At the same time, the parent company itself legally acts legally - it transferred its goods on a reimbursable basis and paid the profit from this. At the same time, she does not keep employees on staff, to whom she has to answer and generally pay them money.

Ready ideas for your business

This is the essence of MLM - all referrals in fact work only for themselves, providing their managing manager in the process of their work. The fact is that today the vast majority of companies that work on the principle of network marketing require paying for a shipment of goods out of your own pocket to get started. That is, the manager does not give it away for sale for a fee, he literally sells his product to his own employees. In critical cases, there is also a “validity period” for this trial batch (usually a month), that is, if during the reporting period the agent did not sell anything, this becomes exclusively his problem, because he paid for the goods with his own money, and is obliged to ( yes, I definitely have to) buy it already new batch. Sometimes in the first month they offer a “trial” batch, which costs him a little less, but subsequently the amount increases. So it turns out that the employees themselves buy the goods. “Black” MLM companies make money from this. In principle, they are not interested in promoting their product to the masses, they do not need to engage in marketing in general and maintaining the image of the company and product, because income is generated exclusively from sales to their referrals. This is how, in general, the implementation process takes place in “normal” MLM companies, the only difference is that a normal one tries to push a product onto the market and support its employees, and does not make money solely at their expense.

A logical question is - if no one buys products, and a person is forced to buy what he does not need and what he cannot sell, then where does the income come from, because even in the most advanced cases, after 3-4 months such people simply leave. This is true, although there is a percentage of those who are confident that “from next month everything will be very good,” but in most cases the income is generated by neophytes. A huge number of students, housewives and other similar elements want to find themselves simple work with a flexible schedule (and you don’t have to sit in an office with a nasty boss), for which you would also be paid well. Network marketing promises it all, while hiding some important details. Therefore, it is often enough for a manager to conduct interviews monthly (or even more often) in order to attract newcomers who will simply pay once and then leave; anyway, in the new month there will be more people hungry for easy money.

A normal company (of which there are practically none on the Russian market) acts differently. The founder attracts direct sales specialists to his staff, formalizes them in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and then instructs them to find people who will also sell goods under the same conditions. This creates similar rights for all network participants, that is, even the founder is actually equal to his employees, his only advantage is that he receives the goods directly. At the same time, no one obliges anyone to buy the product right away; a person is hired precisely as a sales manager, and not a “distributor” who is promised huge profits literally tomorrow. It is very important that the founders are experienced and competent people who are engaged not only in sales, but also in training new employees.

It may seem that providing employees with free (and in a normal company it should be free) training, social benefits, and support, combined with equal rights, will entail losses, but in fact this is not the case. Here you need to know what TQM is, which generally goes very well with MLM, but due to the fact that TQM (total quality management) is focused on the long term and requires a lot of investment, which, although it will pay off many times over, is not very widespread soon. It's simple - network marketing was perceived precisely as a tool for quick and not entirely honest profit. The modern progressive concept has fallen victim to human greed. In this regard, you need to develop your network marketing only in combination with even more advanced economic and management decisions(not only TQM, there are other good ideas in economics), because all this will lead to an increase in the organization’s income, and in the end it will be possible to receive even greater profits, but only in an honest way. Unprincipled entrepreneurs need to remember that this will allow them to earn money, albeit a little later, more money, and the company will enjoy a good reputation among the population, and therefore among potential employees.

Ready ideas for your business

There is an important thing to note here. In most cases, MLM is used by companies that produce, to put it mildly, not very high-quality or simply unclaimed products. Unpopular products can sometimes be sold only in this way, because several advertising laws that are inconvenient for a dishonest enterprise do not apply, but more often it is low-quality products that are sold through network marketing. Which are sold at a price that is sometimes several times higher than higher quality analogues. Of course, it’s easier to deceive your employee, force him to buy something of his own, and then send him by hook or by crook to sell this something to at least someone. In particularly advanced cases, referrals at lower levels go so far as to simply call every apartment and literally try to sell their product on the doorstep. This method of selling has a number of disadvantages (any person with even a little understanding of marketing knows this), but in the case of MLM, it shifts all the problems onto the shoulders of the referral. Some of them try to sell goods via the Internet; strictly speaking, the manager doesn’t care who or how the product is sold to, but given that a “black” MLM company focuses only on the number of its referrals (the more of them, the higher the income), then She hires absolutely everyone more often than always. And 99% of these people know absolutely nothing not only about marketing, but about the principles of simple trading in general. Moreover, MLM companies often conduct training “ personal growth”, “mastering sales skills” and other nonsense, which sets itself the goal not of training, but of brainwashing. No wonder it's Russian Orthodox Church opposes network marketing companies - I realized that such companies form their own church with a messiah in the form of the founder. In general, the bread is taken away. And in many cases, this is true; during trainings, stories are told about successful referrals (most often fictitious) who eventually built their own business, because in fact, only the founders who were good at driving the ideas they needed into other people’s heads were able to make a profit. Yes, meetings of MLM employees who are really inspired by the idea, have worked for several months and still cannot afford to be disappointed, are similar to a gathering of witches and even more like a gathering of religious fanatics. Here it is impossible not to note the good psychological skills of managers and employees who have achieved some results (these are those who were able to attract many of their referrals), because not everyone can brainwash this way either.

As a result, the chain is simple - at the top is the manager, a little lower down are smart psychologists, even lower down are those who were able to do disgusting work with the wrong hands, and at the bottom there is a sea of ​​​​desperate people who believe that if you buy a product that no one needs every month and force it on everyone in every possible way, then success will definitely come. Due to the fact that the product is being sold, its price increases many times at each level of this rotten pyramid. Especially advanced cases, when in this chain there is no way to rise to a higher level, but you can only form levels below you. No need to possess economic education, to understand that at each subsequent level the price of the product will increase, and the end consumer (if there is one) will receive it with a markup of several hundred percent, or even more than a thousand.

Thus, a company that wants to engage in network marketing must produce a truly high-quality or at least liquid product. The product must be bought, and bought constantly, but what is very important - it must have competitive advantage. The MLM scheme itself allows you to save in many ways. The first is the absence of the need to maintain your own trading platforms; in some way, the need for advertising is reduced, because positive image The product is formed by agents, and this image is reinforced by the positive experience of using it by the consumer. From here good reputation and demand for the product.

Through network marketing, you can sell even an elite product that can only be obtained “through friends”; this will generally create an excellent perception of the product and, ultimately, may even lead to the fact that the price increase will not come from the manufacturer, but from the consumer, who I am willing to pay more for a unique item. Such marketing techniques are much more effective.

Ready ideas for your business

But the most important thing is the high consumer value of the product, even if it is a completely new product on the market or even innovative. But it must be innovative not only in words. Next, the company itself must engage in marketing not only online. That is, there must be information about the product on the market, formed good image of your product, presentations and some kind of advertising campaigns should be held. Then the person will know that the Internet offer from the referral includes the sale of a really good, high-quality and proven product. If there is one recognizable brand(recognizable with a positive connotation), then it will be much easier for the referrals themselves to sell the product. And hence the profit of the organization itself. As for trainings, maintaining the loyalty of your employees and other work with personnel, then again, everything is described in the TQM concept. Then you can get people no less zealously serving the company’s goals, only not zombied by empty promises, but motivated by real results. And you need to constantly train people and, yes, do it for free. This is the company's own money.

Correct use of MLM will lead to the fact that the manufacturing company will form a chain of relatively independent distributors who have good sales, perform some of the responsibilities independently, build their own successful business, while at the same time being employees who act very effectively. The sales growth will clearly be many times higher than the level of sales growth of the “black” MLM company. At the same time, the social benefits are obvious - employment of the population, promotion of business to the masses, formation of modern entrepreneurs who know how to trade. Yes, for this you will have to invest a lot of money, because this way of organizing a business requires much higher costs, you will have to hire competent managers and fully support your own development strategy, helping your employees achieve a common goal. Then we can say that this is a truly progressive company that was able to correctly apply the MLM concept. This is what can be called a network marketing company, and not a financial pyramid with empty promises, in which everyone works to achieve a common goal, and does not deceive and deceive consumers for the short-term profit of the founders.

Matthias Laudanum
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Probably, most of our readers have had to look for additional income, or even a place of main work, at least once in their lives. Moreover, this happens not only with young specialists who have just left the educational institution. Everyone is now looking for work or part-time work, from schoolchildren to retirees. The reasons are different - some do not have enough money to meet basic daily needs, others want to save up for an expensive car or apartment, young people living with their parents strive to gain at least minimal financial independence.

The search for options usually begins with studying the media and sites that post job advertisements. Experience shows that there are almost no valuable offers there. And we simply don’t pay attention to some, believing that they are not worth it. Network marketing advertisements often fall into this category. The attitude towards this activity in our society is very ambiguous and predominantly negative. Epithets like “scam” and “scam” are not the harshest in relation to MLM (an abbreviation of the English term MultiLevel Marketing, which “in our opinion” means “multi-level marketing”). But is everything really so sad?

We are all adults and understand that we can draw any conclusions only after studying the issue. And at the same time, many of us sin with unfounded assessments of this or that phenomenon, inspired by other people’s impressions or other people’s experiences (no matter, negative or positive, but alien). It seems that network marketing has fallen victim to precisely this assessment, although many do not even really understand its essence.

In a nutshell, this is simply one of the ways to promote and sell a product, which, like any other, has its own advantages and disadvantages, which we will look into today. This whole scheme is carried out with the help of a large number of people forming a network. Information about a product is distributed from person to person; there are no intermediaries who buy goods in bulk and resell them at an inflated price, and there is no expensive advertising. The significance of these factors will be explained with an example.

You all know “Orbit” chewing gum and have at least an approximate idea of ​​how much it costs in our stores. So compare - the cost of producing one package (10 pads) is a maximum of 50 kopecks, and we buy it hundreds of times more expensive. And all because, before it hits the counter, it passes through the hands of several wholesalers, each of whom makes their own markup (the manufacturer, naturally, also puts in his own). Add here considerable funds for advertising in print media, on the streets, television advertising, and you get the figure from the store price tag.

MLM, on the other hand, is a direct sales system, devoid of all these clutter, so goods in such networks are often cheaper than in retail outlets. And not because they are fakes or low-quality goods, as some people think.

The earnings of network members consist of a percentage of the cost of goods sold and rewards for attracting new people. That is, it is beneficial to involve newcomers in the network, but the process is not simple. Here you need to be a bit of a psychologist and be able to unobtrusively convince, conveying to the person the meaning of this sales technology and its inherent advantages.

By the way, many people compare MLM networks with such an unpopular phenomenon as financial pyramids. All this stems from a misunderstanding of the sales mechanism. But the mere fact that network marketing does not require large investments and does not promise fabulous profits in return for anything should suggest that this is not a “scam”.

Here, in order to achieve something, you need to work hard to create your own clientele. And profit does not always come immediately; for some time you may have to work in vain. But in any case, your efforts will bear fruit, and after a certain period of time you will begin to receive income. If you connect to a large network, then you shouldn’t count on a huge income, but you can definitely earn an additional 20-30 thousand rubles a month.

True, in order not to get burned, you need to be able to distinguish a real network company from a pyramid that disguises itself as one. Therefore, we advise you to consider a number of points before becoming a participant in such an enterprise and attracting friends and acquaintances to it:

  1. Firstly, a real MLM company will offer you to sell a certain product (product or service) from the manufacturer’s catalog. You will not be forced to buy goods for future use; you will only work with products already ordered by your customers and pay for them on the day they are received from the warehouse.
  2. Secondly, you should be wary of the requirement to pay membership fees or buy some “securities” that actually have no value outside this structure. You will also not be paid for the volume of products sold. You will be rewarded solely for the number of attracted members who have already paid the same membership fees. If everything is as we described, then you have come to the right place. financial pyramid and there is no point in lingering there.
  3. And finally, thirdly. There are companies that offer to sell some equipment or software, but require you to first pay a certain amount for a certain package of services, without which you will not be able to work, and also to attract a couple of new participants. The mini-network that the participant creates in this way becomes the source of his income. To be honest, such schemes look doubtful, although, in fairness, it should be noted that such companies still have a product for sale. But it’s almost impossible to climb the career ladder here, even with the skills of a psychologist, leadership qualities and oratorical talent.

That is, the conclusion from everything stated above is obvious - you can engage in network marketing and achieve success in this business only if the terms of cooperation are clear and transparent, and there are no points that raise doubts.

  1. Let's start with the fact that the MLM system makes the cost of a product (service) significantly lower for the buyer, since the price does not include advertising costs and intermediary markups.
  2. The goods are delivered to the consumer in a short time due to the fact that logistics are well thought out and the company has networks of warehouses in different regions (cities, countries).
  3. Counterfeits and product substitutions are excluded, which is possible during numerous resales. Network companies directly reach the end consumer and here falsification is almost excluded.
  4. Employees engaged in multi-level marketing have strong motivation, both from the point of view of the possibility of high earnings and from the point of view of building own business.

Sellers' income consists of a percentage of sales, but not only that. They can also attract new people to work and receive rewards for their contribution to expanding the network (hence the name of marketing - network). Each network participant can, over time, having created a fairly wide client base, establish their own small network business. The MLM system is beneficial to all parties - the manufacturer, the consumer, and sellers (distributors).

For the manufacturer, this is a real opportunity to save on advertising without compromising the popularity of the product. The consumer is satisfied with the fast delivery, guaranteed quality, relatively low prices, the availability of samples and catalogs, as well as the opportunity to sometimes purchase goods that are not on store shelves.

As for distributors, they have the opportunity to build their own business without a large start-up capital, in an already prepared market (after all, the main network companies are widely known to the population) with a built-in sales system. In addition, they have the opportunity to obtain the necessary knowledge for free, since MLM companies pay a lot of attention to training and mentoring.

So, it would seem, everything is simple. But then why do many people who tried themselves in this business fail and consider it nothing more than a scam? Most likely, they either did not show the necessary persistence, or they simply lack the qualities without which there is nothing to do in network marketing.

It must be admitted that the occupation network business Not suitable for everyone. And not because someone is bad, but someone is good. It’s just that this job, like any other, requires a certain set of qualities, without which it will be very difficult, if not impossible, to achieve success.

As a rule, people who do not accept the rigid framework of work “from call to call”, who are creative, sociable, persistent and who strive to build their financial independence with their own hands and according to their own understanding, can advance to the highest levels here. If you want your life and your income depended solely on you, if you know how to set goals and persistently strive to achieve them, know how to communicate freely with people, have the gift of persuasion and the makings of a psychologist, and also strive to constantly improve the level of your education, then MLM is exactly what you need.

And I would like to say separately about patience and perseverance. The fact is that most of those who did not achieve results in this field gave up on initial stage work. This is not a job where, no matter what your success, you will still be paid your due salary. You need to be ready to work for some time for future results (even without making a profit), create a client base, and master the intricacies of the profession. But over time, your perseverance and your patience will definitely bear fruit, which will definitely please you.

Of course, you should start with choosing a network company. There are different options here - you can connect to a company with a name that is well known to people, where there is already an established, developed distribution network. The product of such a manufacturer is easier to sell, because people know it and trust its quality. But there is also a downside to this. It lies in the fact that in such a network you will find yourself very far from the top, it will be difficult to advance, and your income will not be very high.

Another option is to join a newly created company. Difficulties in this case will await you from the very beginning, because you will have to convince people to buy an unfamiliar product from a little-known manufacturer, and buyers, as a rule, are reluctant to take such a step. But over time, when the company creates a name for itself, you will find yourself on the upper steps of the pyramid and will have a corresponding profit.

However, no matter which option you choose, first of all pay attention to the payment system and bonus program. The scheme for making a profit should be clear and transparent, there should be no penalties, and the employer’s requirements for sales volumes should be realistically feasible.

Having decided on the choice of company, think about the way to generate income. This could be direct sales, or it could be receiving passive income from attracting new members to the network.

Most often, beginners start by selling goods and this, in principle, is justified. By engaging in sales, they get the opportunity to get comfortable in a new niche, study the market and create a customer base.

But professionals advise to simultaneously engage in direct sales and attract new people to the network. After all, it’s not at all difficult, when telling a client about a product, to also tell about the prospects that your work opens up. Most likely, some people will also want to try their hand at this business in order to receive additional funds and the opportunity to purchase products at the purchase price.

When a certain time has passed and you have worked hard on creating your chain of distributors, you can give up selling altogether or do much less of it. After all, you will receive the main profit from the work of your subordinates.

Any activity has its pros and cons, and network marketing is no exception:

  1. From a positive point of view, it is worth noting the opportunity to buy products for yourself high quality cheaper by a third, or even more, than its “sales” cost, that is, the price that you announce to your clients.
  2. The second advantage is that there is no need to invest in business own money as an initial payment (membership fees), of course, if it is a legal network company and not a disguised pyramid.
  3. We cannot fail to mention the possibility of free training. As a rule, companies, caring about increasing sales and expanding their network, spare no time and money to familiarize distributors with their products, effective sales techniques and rules, ways to build their own business to receive passive income, etc.
  4. And finally, with the advent of the opportunity to conduct such business through online services, distributors no longer need to stop people on the streets, come to their homes, offices, etc. in search of clients. Now you can work remotely.

Among the disadvantages, it is perhaps worth noting the fact that expanding the network leads to a decrease in income, and new partners receive much less than those who came earlier.

There is a lot more that can be said about network marketing, but we set ourselves the task of explaining the essence of this phenomenon as simply as possible and giving you the opportunity to orient yourself in how such work corresponds to your needs and the characteristics of your character.

I would like to hope that now you will be able to make a decision about participation (or non-participation) in MLM based on your own conclusions, and not guided by the reviews of former unsuccessful distributors. Good luck.

To organize an online business online, you need to work on the Internet from home. What business is best to open online for optimal earnings online with minimal investment? Naturally, the best entry into online business is, oddly enough, network companies and network marketing. Network marketing companies in Russia appear regularly and disappear rapidly. To avoid falling for scammers on the Internet, and, in particular, scammers in network marketing, it is necessary to choose a network company with experience and a reasonable business plan. Of course, it’s easier to send all the “obsessive” ones and work for someone stupidly performing mechanical actions. But you can turn on your mind, choose the best network company with an affordable franchise, and provide yourself, your children, and your parents with a decent life just working from home on the Internet.
What do you need to know to work remotely on the network at home if you intend to work on the Internet and looking for a ready-made business with minimal investment?

“There are many network companies, but you have one life” - the words of a great woman, Tamila Polezhaeva.

When choosing the network marketing industry, it is very important to choose a network company with the most convenient marketing plan for you. It is important that the company's capabilities meet your needs. Now I will briefly describe the pros and cons of the most famous network companies - competitors and starting a business with them. Where you can open a business in Russia - the most affordable franchise and remote work online from home.
So, there are many companies on the market (cosmetics, tourism, legal). I want to say right away that the founder of network marketing was Mary Kay ( Mary Kay), which began its existence back in the 19th century! But, this company is engaged in offline promotion (meetings, master classes), entering the company is quite difficult - you need to purchase a starter set of expensive cosmetics for a good amount.
Avon, Faberlic, Oriflame, NL and Amway are actively promoting on the Internet. Let's take a look at these network marketing companies in Russia.

What business to open


To register with this company as a coordinator (that is, to get the opportunity to invite people and build your business, you need to send paper copies of documents to the company, which delays the registration process for a long time. The pluses are a small purchase amount - only 1,600 rubles, cosmetics are inexpensive. The company promises good bonus– 125,000 rubles. But it is paid only if the coordinator recruits 5 active consultants to the first line of each directory, and this continues throughout the year. At the same time, there is a certain plan for group turnover, if it is not fulfilled, the coordinator is dequalified for a bonus. The company promises a discount from the catalog price. If a consultant buys cosmetics only for himself, his discount is 15%, if he fulfills the plan (each catalog has 5 active members for 1600 rubles) - the discount reaches 32%. It’s easy to guess that if the coordinator does not fulfill the recruiting plan, then he finishes the order for inactive consultants. I want to get bonuses and very big discounts... The company thereby does not encourage the construction of structures in depth. When recruiting, the coordinator is happy to inform you that in order to receive income, you don’t have to create an individual entrepreneur, the money drips onto the consultant’s card. At the same time, it is forgotten to clarify that for such a procedure the company retains 20% of the consultant’s profit in the first stages, and then the retention increases to 40%. The company does not have large-scale events and conferences that would make the internet buzz about them. There is also no way to generate passive income. The plan for recruiting to the first line is endless. If the plan is not followed, Avon may terminate the contract with the consultant, transferring its structure to another coordinator. International sponsorship is not available.


This company has been on the market for only 20 years. This is a Russian company, which the consultants are very proud of. The marketing plan and the picture of the career ladder are painfully reminiscent of the marketing plan of the Oriflame company. But the devil is in the details. The company pays bonuses when a consultant achieves certain Director ranks. Bonuses in rubles - for achieving the title of Director, 55 thousand rubles are paid. Mandatory turnover – 50 points. In this case, 1 point costs 80 rubles. In total, the mandatory purchase for payroll is 4,000 rubles. The director's turnover is more than 400,000 rubles. The company EXISTS a plan for recruiting priority in the first line. At any Director level there must be a gap. If a consultant has 2 grown directors in the first line, then in order to receive income from these structures, it is necessary to have an additional growing group with a turnover of 1000 points (80,000 rubles). At any level there is a break. If the SUPER-Director does not have a personal group, then in this directory he will not receive a salary. That is the company did not provide the opportunity for passive income for its consultants. Also, if the recruitment plan is not fulfilled, the company reserved the right to unilaterally terminate the contract with the consultant. Travel abroad is not included. Entrance to the company is free and without a passport.


Russian company - IP registered in Russia. Company product - Energy Diet– quite expensive cans of food. I am not happy with the recruiting method in this company - newcomers are taught to recruit existing consultants of other network companies, in particular Oriflame. I was also alarmed by the turnover required to accrue income - 21,000 rubles per period. The very narrow focus of products and the high price per unit of goods make business development quite problematic.


This network company deals mainly with household chemicals and washing powders. The downside is that there is an entrance fee that you have to pay for the right to work in the company. The product is quite expensive and does not last long. Eat mandatory trade turnover - 200 points, for at the moment this amount is more than 10,000 rubles. Since the goods take a long time to be consumed, to ensure a minimum personal turnover, you need to constantly find new buyers. Product presentation also takes place offline (i.e. You need to wash clothes and remove stains at the client’s home;). The Amway business is not widespread on the Internet; you can mostly see selling pages. The products are high quality, but I wouldn’t choose Amway for business


This network company is 50 years on the market, 20 years on the Russian market. Survived 3 crises and always increased its momentum. Assortment – ​​1800 items for every taste and budget. Except decorative cosmetics, skin care products, there is an excellent Wellness series - products for health.
To calculate salaries (volume discounts), the consultant must learn how to make a turnover equal to 150 points (about 6,000 rubles). The consultant's initial discount is 20% of the catalog price. When a consultant makes 150 points to his number, the system automatically calculates and shows the income from his structure, and in the next catalog 12% of the consultant’s personal order is returned to the account. Thus, a partner who came to build a business makes 150 points and his total discount is 32%. The company has own production – 5 factories and 1 leather research institute, publishes constantly scientific publications, has its own patented formulas. The company has milestones - titles, upon reaching which the company pays dollar bonuses. For the title Director - you will receive $1000, for the title Golden Director - $2000. At the moment, bonuses of up to $1 million are provided. Director's turnover is 250,000 rubles. The company does not have a first-line recruitment plan. The consultant may not recruit at all, but buy personally for himself and have a maximum discount. In the company's projects, building structures in depth is encouraged, which gives all team members a chance to grow quickly. When a consultant achieves the title of “Golden Director” (that is, 2 director teams have grown under you) - income becomes passive, and you can not recruit at all, but do personal turnover and receive your 5% of the team’s turnover. Basically, everyone moves on and continues to build up structures, because “appetite comes with eating,” plus the company arranges motivating trips abroad (conferences) from certain levels. Once a year, the company holds a conference for managers and directors - even newcomers can attend if they meet the conditions for their growth. The second conference is for Gold Directors and above, the third is for Diamond Directors and above, and the fourth is for the Top Leadership Team of the company. The Director's Banquet is held annually in Moscow- the largest corporate event in the country, which brings together all the directors and their companions. Network marketing stars and show business stars perform at the Banquet. From the “Director” level, an Autobonus is available - a monthly payment from 3,000 to 9,000 rubles. to buy a car. Income is accrued to the consultant on his personal number and is paid in in full when a consultant opens an individual entrepreneur (calculations using the simplified taxation system). Upon reaching the “Director” level, Registration costs 149 rubles (if the consultant collects an order for 100 points within 21 days from the date of registration, this money is returned to his account and can be used as a discount on the next purchase. To register, you need a series and passport number. You can work in 62 countries around the world. International sponsorship is provided, that is, you can have a team in Russia, Ukraine, Poland, etc. Oriflame is the only best network company in Russia where you can pass on your ready-made business by inheritance - this is an ideal network job when choosing which business to open to work from home. Best choice to open a business online. They really have something to be proud of. And now is a good time to

Having studied the company's website, I only see the number hotline, list of service centers and email. In fact, there is not enough information to make a serious decision in favor of long-term cooperation.

Where is the information about trade turnover, production, form of activity, assortment? Well, okay, the company was founded in 2007 in Barnaul.

To receive a marketing plan, I had to register on the company’s website. It turns out that the company is developing in 32 countries. You can see the photo general director. On the website for checking counterparties, it turned out that the general director registered 4 companies, which are LLCs with an authorized capital of 20,000 rubles and total revenue for 2016 of 383 million rubles. Oriflame, in Russia alone, for the same year, had revenue of 15 billion 940 million rubles.

There is not a single fact that the tianDe company has at least one plant, research center or factory, institute. All production is in China with ISO certification. That is, the products are clearly at a premium - everyone needs a profit.

It says at the top - the first 20 bb are not eligible for the 35% discount. We enter an order for 20 bb (1277 rubles) - no discount is issued, we enter an order for 130 bb (5900 rubles) - the amount for free delivery - the discount is 29.6%. If the order is reduced to 50bb, then the discount will decrease to 21.3%. Where is the 35% on products?

Delivery is only from pick-up points, which are only in 15 cities. Not enough, compared with the thousands of open source software that Ori has, even in the most remote corners of our country... If your city is not on the list of Tiande pickup points, you will have to pick up the goods at the post office, paying an additional 500 rubles, and you will have to wait from 4 to 15 days for delivery of the goods .

Now about the marketing plan.

Firstly, the cost of a point for a consultant and the cost of a point to be paid are different. And the difference is quite big – about 50%. They pay, as in NL, only on half of the sales volume.

High margins on a product kill the idea of ​​network marketing, which should ensure the availability of a quality product.

Secondly, the company’s “unique non-separating marketing plan” is unique due to the total pooling of all volumes. Their entire MP is Ori’s marketing plan up to the level of Director in Ori, for example. And then, imagine that at the Senior Director level the discount would be 23%, at the Gold Director level - 24%, and so on up to the Diamond President.

But if you do not have an inter-percentage difference with your leader, you will not be paid anything from your group, only a bonus from 5 generations. And if this branch accounts for 75% of the volume of your structure, then you will not receive this bonus either. It is NOT PROFITABLE to develop leaders in this company.

The marketing plan is finite, that is, if you have collected all the qualifications, you will have to come up with new ones until you get to 100%, but this is no longer possible, that’s all uniqueness.

Thirdly, the company has only five levels of bonuses, everything else is cut off, and you constantly have to work on breaking away from your branches. There is no passive income in this company.

Fourthly, the Auto Program ends in 2018, the only brand you can count on is Volkswagen. The car is leased under specific conditions (increase 10,000 – 40,000 points per year). The company’s auto program is given under rather harsh conditions, large number points, I think. But for me, the most important thing in the network is the opportunity to build passive income. The rest will come later...

They didn’t go into the wilds about travel either - the company has just begun to develop this area. One thing is good - of all the companies listed here, representatives of Tiande have never tried to entice our girls and boys to join them - this speaks of clean working methods.

I hope that they will rework their unique Marketing plan, because a network business is a business of mutual assistance, where it is profitable to grow and train leaders.

Network companies of Russia

Despite the colossal income gained from network business, in Russia only 7 percent of residents are included in it, who are mainly engaged in open sales, that is, they form the turnover of network companies. Nevertheless, significant dynamics are visible. Every year, new network companies appear in Russia, which are growing much faster than companies performing traditional sales. Undoubtedly, in terms of mass production, the leaders in this business are mainly countries such as India, China, Brazil, and Japan. In Russia there is still a lot of free space on the Internet.
A very delicate point in the network business is the absence of any legislative framework in our country, while in America and Japan, for example, there is a whole section in the laws on network marketing. Such conditions only lead to fertile ground for fraudulent actions, which, unfortunately, still occur today. It’s good that we have at least a special association that somehow checks network companies in Russia, raising the intended trust in these companies and network marketing in general. In the database provided by the association there are only 16 organizations that may deserve some trust. When freshly minted companies emerge in the fashion network business, you cannot be one hundred percent sure that they will be able to survive among a significant number of competitors. In any case, one of them will go bankrupt, and there is nothing terrible or shameful in this, because this is a business - nothing personal...

Remote work on the network at home

Those people who decide to work in a company must understand that they may have to invest personal funds, there will undoubtedly be a lot of contact with people, researching products and, of course, prepare psychologically to the fact that clients will be all very diverse, and it is strictly forbidden to perceive any disagreement at your own subjective expense. Many people have achieved significant heights in this difficult network business - as an example, you can look at similar Russian network companies such as Avon, Oriflame, Mary Kay, Amway and Faberlic. Among their top leaders are diamond directors with cars and apartments, and a huge team of successful distributors around the world.
Often, Russian network companies provide their employees with unlimited freedom of action, the potential to carve out days off and earn as much as they wish. Such a positive fact has its own certain nuances, since, on the one hand, it looks like everything is wonderful, and you definitely your own boss, and on the other hand, at the initial stage there is no stability, today you can make good money, but tomorrow nothing, but this is only a matter of time. Undoubtedly, if there is a goal and desire, and the essential thing is knowledge of your product or service, then everything will definitely work out. Successful network companies in Russia have certain established and established tactics for professional online business organization that can build a stable business to ensure return on equity. Newcomers need to tune in to a leisurely, but promising outcome, since you won’t earn significant money right away, especially in big companies, where there is competition that has captured about 70-80% of the entire sales market. Only by gaining experience and understanding all the subtleties and nuances of a network business is it possible to achieve a decent and stable income.

If you are interested in improving your standard of living, join the team!

Question for those who are already registered in any network company:

If everything is fine with you, why are you searching for “Network marketing companies in Russia”? If you came to this page, it turns out that you are unhappy with your company and are looking for something else?
Or you came to leave your coordinates here in order to lure people from other companies to you. This behavior is definitely incorrect and discredits your entire company. Such comments are deleted.

I express my deep gratitude to E. Penkin’s blog for shaping and completing part of the article. I completely agree with Evgeniy - there should be no competition or poaching within network marketing. There should be competition between traditional and online businesses. Leave all the “tomatoes” in your pockets and go work for your companies using clean methods.

o.z. Director of the company.
Hobbies: photography, design, web design, vector psychology and esotericism.
Marital status: beloved wife and mother)
Life Motto: It's never too late to leave the crowd. Follow your dream and move towards your goal!

Updated: February 17, 2018 by:

Alexander Ivanov

I am glad to welcome you, readers of my blog.

It was founded in 1963 and, as hard as it may be to guess, was named after its founder.

The catalogs offer high-quality cosmetic products and are in great demand among Russian consumers.

Back in 2012, the organization took an honorable 6th place among international companies in direct sales. And this is worth a lot, given the scale of the statistics.

A special feature of this MLM company is the high level of preparedness of sales agents.

They not only sell products, but undergo preliminary training in the use of cosmetics and skin care, which ensures a professional approach and a high degree of customer confidence.

Place 6. Oriflame

This time it was not the Americans who distinguished themselves, but the Swedes. is a Swedish brand founded in 1967.

Back then, catalogs offered only one series of products, while today the range includes over 1000 names of perfumes and cosmetic products. The turnover is 2 billion dollars a year, and there are more than 3 million pure distributors.

A distinctive feature of the company is its position as an environmentally friendly manufacturer.

All products have a natural composition, which is especially valued in the world of synthetic products.

To demonstrate its strong position, the company even produces catalogs using materials from artificially grown plantation forests.


Well, finally, our Russian company becomes the last favorite in my rating. Its founders were our compatriots, entrepreneurs Alexey Nechaev and Alexander Davankovy.

At first the company was called “Russian Line”, but in 2001, apparently deciding that this was not solid enough, it was registered as Faberlic.

To date, the brand has grown to 20 countries, including Germany, Poland, Hungary and Romania. Faberlic considers its unique feature to be developments based on perfluorocarbons, that is, a collection of oxygen cosmetics for facial skin care.

Their annual turnover, according to today's estimates, is more than $250 million.

Regardless of the company's rating, in my opinion, most attention deserve those that suit the majority of people shopping online, and that can be used as a main or additional direction, in parallel with one or another grocery business.

Among these I include the Switips CashBack service, the advantages of which I wrote about here in Telegraph.

I was happy to provide up-to-date and educational information and I really hope it will be useful for those who are interested in the direct sales system in MLM companies.

Stay with me, subscribe to updates, including the Telegram channel and I promise to replenish the blog archives with fresh, and most importantly, necessary information.

P.S. I recommend paying attention to free training on Automation of cold contacts, which will help you create a System for attracting partners to your team on full autopilot online.