Summary of a lesson on familiarization with fiction based on the fairy tale by C. Perrault “Little Red Riding Hood” in the middle group. Literary reading lesson summary and presentation



Goals: teach you to perceive a work by ear and reproduce it in your own speech; develop students’ ability to understand the mood and the overall logical and intonation pattern of the work; continue to work on the formation literary concepts, as genre, theme, author, title; enrich vocabulary and continue development work oral speech;bring up moral qualities;to improve the psychological climate to strengthen and develop the emotional-volitional sphere of students.

Didactic goal: introducing younger schoolchildren to the world of literature as the art of speech, enriching their experience, promoting the formation aesthetic taste, formation of special reading skills: correctly name the work and the book, find and name the author’s name and title, determine the topic of reading and the genre of the work.

Equipment: portrait of Ch. Perrault, exhibition of books with Ch. Perrault’s fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” in different editions, fairy-tale heroes: Cinderella, Puss in Boots, Little Thumb, Little Red Riding Hood, pictures of fairy tale characters: Little Red Riding Hood, grandmother, wolf, lumberjacks, homemade book cover.

Lesson progress

    Organizational moment. Emotional mood.

Guys, today we have no ordinary lesson. literary reading, and listening lesson, guests came to us. Let's welcome our guests.

- How are you feeling at the beginning of the lesson, smile at each other

Who is friendly with work,

Do we need it today?

Who is friendly with studies,

Do we need it today?

Who is friendly with reading,

Do we need it today?

Praise and honor to such guys,

Are there guys like that in your class?

II. Updating knowledge.

I wish I could
Live in a magical house
Where are fairy tales kept?
Like poems in an album,
Where are the old ladies-walls?
Gossiping at night
About everything that is in fairy tales
saw with my own eyes,

Where is the fire in the fireplace
Creates comfort
And on the bookshelf
Miracles live
Where in the old chair,
Slightly creaking the pen,
Makes up fairy tales
My friend - Charles Perrault

Today our lesson is dedicated to the wonderful French storyteller Charles Perrault.

II. Biography Charles Perrault.

A long time ago, in one country (it is called France) there lived five brothers. They were so similar to each other that they even wrote in the same handwriting. The older brother's name was Jean Perrault, and he became a lawyer. Pierre Perrault became the chief tax collector. Claude trained to be a doctor. Nicolas Perrault became a learned theologian and mathematician. And the younger one, Charles Perrault, devoted himself to state affairs. Member of the French Academy, physicist, anatomist, linguist...
But the public services of Charles Perrault were soon forgotten, because something completely different was remembered - the tales of Mr. Secretary General. And they were remembered so strongly that many years later people love, appreciate and read these fairy tales with pleasure again and again.

Charles Perrault came up with extraordinary stories and incredible adventures, in which they participated and good fairies, and evil witches, and beautiful princesses, and simple good-natured girls. And for many, many years now, these heroines have been familiar to people all over the world. People appreciate and love the tales of this kind and inspired artist.

And how can one not love, how can one not appreciate them, if in them, simple and clear in plot, one can feel the soul of a great master of words. His fairy tales teach us to appreciate the true beauty of life, to love work, goodness, courage, and justice.

I think you, too, have known and loved the fairy tales of Charles Perrault since childhood. And today we will visit again magical world his tales, let us become experts in his tales.

III. The works of Charles Perrault.

How many of you know what fairy tales Charles Perrault wrote:

1. Sorceress (Fairy Gifts).

2. Cinderella.

3. Puss in Boots.

4. Little Red Riding Hood.

5. Thumb Boy.

6. Donkey skin.

7. Gingerbread house.

8. Blue beard.

9. Sleeping beauty.

10. Khokhlik (Rike with a tuft).

These fairy tales were written by the famous French writer Charles Perrault. Based on the fairy tales of Charles Perrault, plays have been written and performances have been created that are shown in theaters in many countries around the world.

IV. Game “Get to know the hero”

Look carefully!Why do we need fairy tales? Why do we need fairy tales? What does a person look for in them?
A long time ago, people dreamed of rising into the air like birds, or sinking to the bottom of the sea and feeling like fish... They also dreamed of magical objects - remember the fairy tale about the pot that cooked porridge itself? As time passed, some dreams became reality. Name the wonderful human inventions that came to us from fairy tales and to which we are already accustomed.

Gusli-samogudi (mp3)

Stupa (rocket, plane)

Miracle mirror (phone, computer, tablet)

Feather Heat - birds (flashlight)

Oven (electric car)

A ball of thread indicating the way (GPSnovigator).

Maybe kindness and affection.
Maybe yesterday's snow.
In a fairy tale, joy wins
A fairy tale teaches us to love.
In a fairy tale, animals come to life,
They start talking.
In a fairy tale, everything is fair:
Both the beginning and the end.
The brave prince leads the princess
Definitely down the aisle.
Snow White and the mermaid,
Old dwarf good gnome
It’s a pity for us to leave the fairy tale,
Like a cozy sweet home.
Read fairy tales to children!
Teach them to love.
Maybe in this world
It will become easier for people to live

V. Determining the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Grandma girl
Loved it very much
Little red riding hood
Gave it to her.
The girl forgot her name.
Well, tell me her name!

Dark forest a girl was walking
To a kind grandmother - an old woman
Shoes, vest, hat,
And in the hands of flowers there is an armful
And a basket of treats
With pies and jam. (Little Red Riding Hood)

Guys, what do you think is the topic of the lesson? – Tale of Ch. Perrault

"Little Red Riding Hood"

What tasks should we set for ourselves in class? –

1.Learn about the biography and work of Charles Perrault,

2. learn to listen to fairy tales, develop your oral speech and enrich your vocabulary;

3. INCREASE INTEREST IN READING BOOKS. cultivate moral qualities

4.evaluate your own educational activities: your achievements, independence, initiative, reasons for failures.

VI. Studying new material.

Work on the topic. - Get ready to listen.

1. Reading by the teacher of the work. (AUDIO FAIRY TALE)

2. Emotionally - evaluative conversation.

What feelings did you experience when listening to the fairy tale?

Prove that the piece you listened to is a fairy tale?

Why is the fairy tale called “Little Red Riding Hood?” What did Little Red Riding Hood collect on her way to her grandmother?(flowers)

What was in her basket?(pie and pot of butter)

Where was Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother's house?(behind the forest, behind the mill)

Who made an attempt on grandma's life?(wolf)

Who saved grandma and Little Red Riding Hood?(woodcutters)

How many questions did Little Red Riding Hood ask the wolf in disguise? (4)

Physical education minute

Song of Little Red Riding Hood from the movie “Little Red Riding Hood”.

4. Vocabulary work.

Remember and name the words that you especially remember, that are incomprehensible to you.

Write on the board:

Little Red Riding Hood

Some words YOU don't understand, how do you explain THEM?

(the teacher offers words for explanation: woodcutters, mill, shoes.)

How do you understand the expressions that were found in the fairy tale: “Mother loved Little Red Riding Hood without memory...”, “The wolf ran as best he could along the shortest road...”

5. Working with the work (discussion of the content, parallel retelling based on illustrations in the textbook, according to a drawn up plan, characterization of the characters).

Look at the illustrations in the textbook on pages 48-50.

Remember where it all started

What happened next?
- How does the fairy tale end?

Let us characterize the heroes of the fairy tale.
- What kind of Little Red Riding Hood do you imagine?
- What did the Wolf look like?
- What kind of lumberjacks, grandma?

(children's answers)

Teacher's addition: posters are hung up - supports and there is a lexical explanation of some words.

6. Characteristics of the heroes’ actions

Every fairy tale has fairy-tale heroes, let's name them:

Which ones are positive and which ones are negative?

Choose from the given words words to characterize Little Red Riding Hood

(1. Trusting. 2. Frivolous. 3. Smart. 4. Thoughtless. 5. Stupid.

6. Fearless. 7. Carefree.)

Let's try to characterize the other heroes of the fairy tale ourselves.

6. Reading exercise.

Remember the conversation between the Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood at the end of the fairy tale. In what tone would you read Little Red Riding Hood's questions?
- And the Wolf’s answers?

I offer tasks to choose from.

1) Read the passage on page 50, try to convey the character of Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf.
2) Read the words and sentences from the fairy tale on page 51.
3) For those just learning to read, I suggest collecting the syllables. Reading check.

VII. Working with a book exhibition.

At the exhibition of books containing the fairy tale by C. Perrault “Little Red Riding Hood”, if you have a desire to leaf through and read the fairy tale, you can take the books from the library or ask your friends.

VIII. Lesson summary.

So as not to offend fairy tales -
We need to see them more often.
Who liked the lesson and what was interesting about it? - What work did we work on today? - Who is the author of this work? - What does this fairy tale teach us? - Guys, what advice would you give to Little Red Riding Hood? - I wish you kind and caring, like...Little Red Riding Hood, sympathetic and brave, like...woodcutters.



Lesson topic: Charles Perrault. Little Red Riding Hood

Target: continue to introduce students to the works of Charles Perrault; develop skills of expressive, correct and conscious reading, text analysis; cultivate good feelings and respectful attitude towards loved ones.

Lesson type: lesson on the integrated application of knowledge and skills

Equipment: presentation, cards for working in pairs.

Planned results: Students should be able to read expressively and highlight the main points in what they read; find passages in the text; characterize the characters; evaluate the events and characters of the work.

Personal results training: development of goodwill, independence; instilling a love of literature; promoting awareness of the value of the subject being studied; maintaining interest in new interesting material; showing respect to loved ones and relatives.

CognitiveUUD: perceive work of art, be able to establish cause-and-effect relationships in the range of phenomena being studied.

Regulatory UUD: determine the purpose of the activity in the lesson with the help of the teacher and independently; plan educational cooperation; to develop in children the ability to analyze, generalize, and evaluate the results of their activities.

CommunicativeUUD: use speech to regulate one’s actions, cultivate a culture of dialogue communication, that is, the ability to work in pairs, taking into account the position of the interlocutor.

Subject learning outcomes: formation of conscious correct, expressive reading and storytelling; the ability to express one’s attitude to what is read and heard.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

Hello children! Before we start the lesson, turn to each other and wish each other well, smile, and now look at me. I give you my smile and hope that the lesson will bring you joy.

Guys, do you want the lesson to be interesting? (Yes)

Teacher: - I want this too. Let's work so that everything works out for us.

2.Message of the topic of the lesson.

Grandma girl
Loved it very much
Little red riding hood
Gave it to her.
The girl forgot her name.
Well, tell me her name!

(Little Red Riding Hood)

- Guys, what do you think is the topic of the lesson?? – Tale of Ch. Perrault

"Little Red Riding Hood"

What do we learn in a literary reading lesson? –

3.Updating knowledge

Guys, what can you tell us about Charles Perrault? What did you remember?

Today I will introduce you to another one interesting fact from the life of C. Perrault. Charles's childhood was prosperous. He, like other sons, was dressed beautifully, taken in a carriage, and given toys. The most favorite was the “Castle” - an exact copy of a medieval fortress almost the size of the boy himself. The roof of the castle was removed, and halls, stairs, passages, tiny furniture and people in clothes were revealed. The heads of the people were molded from wax, and the bodies were carved from wood.

Who translated the fairy tale into Russian? (I. S. Turgenev)

4.Checking homework.

Remember what was assigned for homework.

Let's get ready to read.

Breathing exercises .

    Take a deep breath and exhale all the air at once. “Blow out one big candle.”

    Imagine that there are 3 candles on your hand, take a deep breath and exhale in three portions. Blow out each candle.

    “Spray the laundry with water” - in one step, three, five.

For clarity of pronunciation, we will speak a tongue twister.

Tongue twister (in chorus).

    Like 33 Egorki standing on a hill on a hill (deep breath). One Yegorka, two Yegorkas... (and so on until you exhale completely).

After just a few classes there will be enough air to large number Yegor.

5. Analysis of the tale.

So, we got acquainted with the fairy tale in the last lesson. In self-study, you learned to read a fairy tale expressively.

Think, guys, will we read the fairy tale with the same intonation?

How do we read the girl’s words? (scared)

Who did Little Red Riding Hood meet in the forest?

- Let's read this part of the fairy tale.

Why didn't the Wolf eat her right away?

What was Wolf's plan?

Why did he send the girl on the long road?

How did he carry out his plan?

What happened to Little Red Riding Hood when she reached her grandmother's house?

Answers to questions in words of the text.

Okay, well done. Let's complicate the task. Support your answer to the question with words from the text.

Let's read how the Wolf deceived his grandmother?

Read how the Wolf managed to deceive Little Red Riding Hood?

What happened next?

And now we learn from the dialogue what the Wolf is talking about with Little Red Riding Hood.

Work in pairs.

Take envelope No. 1. Take out the contents from the envelope.

Here are parts of the dialogue. Place these parts in in the right order and read the resulting dialogue by role (dialogue between the Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood in the grandmother’s house). (Children work in pairs. Then the teacher calls 2-3 pairs for expressive reading aloud).

Physical education minute.

Based on the plot of our fairy tale, a television film was created, directed by Vladimir Basov, where Little Red Riding Hood sang a song. And now, while singing the chorus of this song, we will do a physical education session. (Music sounds: words by Yuri Mikhailov, composer Alexey Rybnikov).

And in Africa the rivers are this wide (arms to the sides),

And in Africa the mountains are so high (hands up),

Ahh crocodiles, hippos (connect and separate hands),

A-and sperm whale monkeys (jump up, clench and unclench your fingers into a fist),

Oh, and a green parrot (arms to the sides, waving up and down).

Characteristics of heroes.

Remind me who are the main characters of the fairy tale?

Let's try to describe them.

So which of the heroes of the fairy tale, in your opinion, personifies good and who represents evil?

Exercise for the eyes.

Pictures depicting nuts, flowers, and butterflies are hung around the classroom.

What did Little Red Riding Hood do on the way to her grandmother?

Now you, too, will collect nuts, flowers, chase butterflies, but only with your eyes. I ask a question and count to five. As soon as I say “five,” you immediately answer.

How many yellow daisies did the girl collect?

How many nuts did Little Red Riding Hood collect?

How many bells did the girl collect?

We looked at the yellow butterfly, blue, green, purple, orange, yellow

Tuyu. Now we looked out the window and tried to see the farthest point. They blinked.

Closed your eyes and rested.

6 Thinking Hats Method

Guys, what is the name of the main character of the fairy tale?

Why was she called that?

Now you and I will also put on hats. We have 6 hats different colors.

1-white – information hat

Where did the mother send the girl?

Where did grandma live?

2-red-hat of emotions

What feelings did you have after reading the fairy tale?

3-black – pessimist hat (critics)


4 - yellow - optimist hat

The proposal needs to be continued.


5-green-hat ideas

- Now I’m not….., but Little Red Riding Hood.

What would you do on the spot? main character?


Guys, let's analyze the situation again, why the fairy tale has such a sad ending. What mistakes did the heroes make?

The mother accompanies the girl to her grandmother. (One child cannot be allowed into the forest). 2. The girl met the Wolf. (You can't stay with a stranger). 3. Conversation between the Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood. (You cannot engage in conversation with stranger, you can’t be too gullible). 4. The wolf came to grandma’s house. (Before you open the door, you need to make sure who is there).5. Conversation between the Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood. (It was necessary to distract the Wolf in order to leave). 7. The wolf attacks Little Red Riding Hood. (Call for help). Children offer their way out of every situation.

6. Lesson summary.

What is main idea fairy tales? (You don’t have to be very gullible).

Because of what mistake of Little Red Riding Hood the fairy tale ends tragically? (Little Red Riding Hood told the Wolf the way to her grandmother).

Does our fairy tale have a good ending? (no)

7. Homework assignment.

Homework: Come up with a happy ending to a fairy tale. Condition: there are no woodcutters in the forest.

8. Reflection.

And now, guys, let's decorate the road along which Little Red Riding Hood walked with flowers. (The road along which Little Red Riding Hood walked is pinned on the board).

Take envelope No. 2. There are three flowers in it. If you were interested in the lesson, attach a red flower, if not very interesting, attach a yellow one, and if you were not interested at all, attach a blue one.

The girls of the 1st row will come out first, then the 2nd row. Now the boys will attach their flowers.

Look at the decorated road and conclude how interesting the lesson was?

Allow me to decorate the road too. It was also interesting for me to work with you in the lesson, I’m glad that everything worked out for us. I'll attach a red flower.

-The lesson is over. Thank you.

Botvinnikova N.V.

teacher primary classes MBOUSOSH No. 10


Learn to perceive a work by ear and reproduce it in your own speech;

To develop students’ abilities to understand the mood and general logical and intonation pattern of the work;

Continue work on the formation of literary concepts such as genre, theme, author, title;

Enrich vocabulary and continue work on developing oral speech;

To develop moral qualities;

Improve the psychological climate to strengthen and develop the emotional-volitional sphere of students.


Portrait of Ch. Perrault,

Exhibition of books with the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” by Charles Perrault in different editions

Recording of the song “Visiting a Fairy Tale”,

Characteristics of heroes (support posters),

Moods (support posters),

Cut pictures of fairy tale characters: Little Red Riding Hood, grandmother, wolf, woodcutters,

Homemade book cover.

The lesson includes a presentation on the topic and visual material.

Lesson progress:

I. Organizational moment.

Teacher's activities:

Guys, today we have an unusual lesson because we have guests. Let's welcome our guests.

We have to work hard in class.

Student activities:

Children answer the teacher's questions.

(Children's answers are given in parentheses.)

Who is friendly with work,

Do we need it today?


Who is friendly with studies,

Do we need it today?


Who is friendly with reading,

Do we need it today?

(- Needed!)

Praise and honor to such guys,

Are there guys like that in your class?

(- Eat!)

A recording of the song “Visiting a Fairy Tale” is playing

Guys, why do you think this particular song was played? (- Let's get acquainted with the fairy tale)

II. Updating knowledge.

Game "Get to know the hero"

What kind of fairy tales are popular, you will find out when you unravel the characters (presentation)

Generalization by the teacher.

The tales were written by the famous French writer Charles Perrault. He is also the author of the fairy tales “Sleeping Beauty”, “Bluebeard”, “Rikke with the Tuft”. Based on the fairy tales of Charles Perrault, plays have been written and performances have been created that are shown in theaters in many countries around the world.

Would you like to listen to these fairy tales in class?

You will find out which fairy tale we will meet today when you gather the heroes.

III. Determining the topic of the lesson.

Work in groups.

(Children in groups collect cut cards of the heroes of the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”).

Name the heroes. In what fairy tale do they meet?

IV. Determining the topic and objectives of the lesson.

What is the topic of the lesson?

(C. Perrault “Little Red Riding Hood”)

What goal will you set? (children's answers)

Let's reveal the secrets of Charles Perrault's fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”.

V. Work on the topic

Get ready to listen.

1. Teacher reading a work (children’s textbooks are closed)

2. Emotionally - evaluative conversation.

What feelings did you experience when listening to the fairy tale?

Prove that the piece you listened to is a fairy tale?

Why is the fairy tale called “Little Red Riding Hood?”

Physical education session to the music “Song of Little Red Riding Hood”

3. Modeling a book cover.

There are leaves on your tables. We will now use them to make a model of the cover for the piece we listened to. Look carefully at the board. Is everything depicted correctly?

(there is a model with an error on the board)

What do you disagree with? (- We listened not to a poem, but to a fairy tale, so there should be a circle on the cover, not a triangle)

What does the cover say? (- We got acquainted with the fairy tale by C. Perrault “Little Red Riding Hood”)

4. Vocabulary work.

Remember and name the words that you especially liked, remember, or that are incomprehensible to you (words are revealed on the board)





1) Reading by syllables.

2) Fluent reading.

Imagine telling a story to your younger sister or brother. Some words are not clear to them, how do you explain?

How do you understand the expressions that were found in the fairy tale: “Mother loved Little Red Riding Hood without memory...”, “The wolf ran as best he could along the shortest road...”

5. Work with the work (discussion of the content, parallel retelling based on illustrations in the textbook, according to a drawn up plan, characterization of the characters).

Look at the illustrations in the textbook on pages 48-50.

Remember where it all started

What happened next?

How does the fairy tale end?

(the teacher is on the board, and the children on the ground are drawing up a plan, introducing “deputies” for the heroes, and there is a parallel retelling by the children)

Let us characterize the heroes of the fairy tale.

How do you imagine Little Red Riding Hood?

What did the Wolf look like?

What kind of lumberjacks, grandma?

(children's answers)

Teacher's addition: posters are hung up - supports and there is a lexical explanation of some words.

On the board:

Physical education minute

6. Reading exercise.

Remember the conversation between the Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood at the end of the fairy tale. In what tone would you read Little Red Riding Hood's questions?

And the Wolf's answers?

On the board:

Reading check.

V. Working with a book exhibition.

Look at the books. What topic is the exhibition dedicated to?

(children's answers, in which they must name the genre, the author).

At the exhibition of books containing the fairy tale by C. Perrault “Little Red Riding Hood”, if you have a desire to leaf through and read the fairy tale, you can take the books from the library or ask your friends.

VI. Lesson summary. Reflection.

Guys, what advice would you give to Little Red Riding Hood?

I wish you to be kind and caring, like...Little Red Riding Hood, sympathetic and brave, like...woodcutters.

Making a homemade book. The melody “Visiting a Fairy Tale” plays.

(The teacher collects pieces of paper where the children have drawn a cover model, puts them in a cover that he made himself, and together with the children designs a homemade book).

Target : development of the emotional, coherent speech sphere of children through the theatrical staging of a work.


Teach children to convey the characters' characters.

To develop the ability to interact with each other in the process of preparing and conducting a performance.

Challenge students positive emotions related to theatrical activities.

Preliminary work:

Reading and watching the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” by C. Perrault, looking at illustrations for the fairy tale, memorizing poetic texts, discussing characters, preparing tools theatrical expressiveness(scenery, costumes).


  • Narrator
  • Little Red Riding Hood
  • Woodcutter
  • Grandmother


In the foreground there are several trees and a house on the left and a dense forest on the right.

Narrator: Once upon a time there lived a little girl. Her mother and grandmother loved her deeply. Once, for her birthday, her grandmother prepared a gift for her granddaughter - a beautiful red riding hood. The girl liked the new thing so much that she wore it everywhere. People from the village called her that - Little Red Riding Hood.

(Mom comes out of the house with a basket).

Mother: Go, Little Red Riding Hood, and see your grandmother. Bring her some pies and a pot of butter. Yes, find out, my child, if she is healthy.

(Mother gives Little Red Riding Hood a basket.)

Little Red Riding Hood: Okay, mother.

(Little Red Riding Hood goes to the forest, picking flowers along the way. Mom waves her hand to her daughter and goes into the house. The girl approaches the forest. The Wolf comes out to meet her).

Wolf: Where are you going, Little Red Riding Hood?

Little Red Riding Hood: I'm going to see my grandmother. I bring her some pies and a pot of butter.

Wolf: How far does your grandmother live?

Little Red Riding Hood: No, not very far. Over there, behind the mill.

Wolf: And I'll check on your grandmother. I will go along this path, and you go along that one. Let's see which of us will come first.

Narrator: The Wolf said this and ran as fast as he could along the shortest path. And Little Red Riding Hood went around. And she walked slowly, stopping along the way and picking flowers.

(Music plays. The wolf hides behind the trees on the right. Little Red Riding Hood slowly walks in the opposite direction, picking flowers along the way, and finally disappears behind the trees. The curtain closes).


(The curtain opens. Grandmother’s house appears in front of the trees on the right. The Wolf runs out from behind the trees on the left. Looking around and breathing heavily, he knocks on the door. Grandmother, wearing glasses and with a cap on her head, looks out of the window).

Grandmother: Who's there?

Grandmother: Pull the string, my child, and the door will open!

(The wolf pulls the string and rushes into the house. Plays disturbing music. The grandmother reappears at the window, but the wolf drags her back).

Narrator: The Wolf rushed at the grandmother and swallowed her whole. He was very hungry - he had not eaten anything for three days. Then he closed the door and began to wait for Little Red Riding Hood.

(The wolf appears in the window wearing glasses and with a cap on his head. He puts his head on his paws and falls asleep, snoring from time to time. Little Red Riding Hood appears from behind the trees on the left with a bouquet of flowers and goes to her grandmother’s house. The girl knocks on the door. The wolf stops snoring ).

Little Red Riding Hood: It's me, your granddaughter. I brought you some pies and a pot of butter!

Wolf: Pull the string, my child, and the door will open.

(Little Red Riding Hood pulls the string, enters the house, but immediately steps back, dropping flowers and a basket. The wolf comes out and begins to approach her. The girl retreats).

Little Red Riding Hood: Grandma, why are your hands so big?

Wolf: This is to hug you tighter, my child.

Little Red Riding Hood: Grandma, why are your ears so big?

Wolf: To hear better, my child.

Little Red Riding Hood: Grandma, why are your eyes so big?

Wolf: To see better, my child.

(Little Red Riding Hood retreats, the Wolf approaches).

Little Red Riding Hood: Grandma, why do you have such big teeth?

Wolf: And this is to quickly eat you, my child!

(Anxious music plays. The wolf rushes at Little Red Riding Hood. At this moment, a woodcutter with an ax on his shoulders runs out from behind the trees and runs to the wolf. The wolf runs into the forest. The woodcutter follows him.

(A minute later, a woodcutter comes out from behind the trees, followed by a grandmother).

Woodcutter: I tore open the wolf's belly, and that was the end of him! But your grandmother is safe and sound.

(Little Red Riding Hood rushes to Granny and hugs her tightly.)

The curtain closes. The actors bow to the audience.

Full name: Ivanova Elena Sergeevna (primary school teacher)
Subject: Literary reading
Class: 3rd grade
Technological map lesson
Lesson topic: Working with L. Panteleev’s work “Honest Word”

Goals for the student
1. Make an analysis of the work, draw a conclusion about
how important it is for a person to have willpower,
force yourself to do the right thing;
2.Develop the ability to speak competently and construct your answers. Defend your opinion and be able to listen to your classmates.
3. Negotiate and solve jointly assigned tasks.
Goals for the teacher
1. Learn to understand the depth of content of Leonid Panteleev’s work and its main idea.
2. Work on the development of speech and thinking.
3. Contribute to the formation of ideas about honest man through the creation of images of the main characters.

Educational: - continue to teach how to analyze text;
-work on reading expressiveness;
- develop the ability to search for the necessary information in the text;
- teach children to convey different intonations when reading and dramatizing.
Developmental: -develop students’ speech, ability to retell text;
-develop the ability to respond emotionally to what you read.
Educational: - to cultivate citizenship and patriotism;
- kind attitude towards each other;
-responsibility for the assigned work.

Planned results:
-read in whole words, expressively
-answer questions
-find the answer in the text
-students learn to motivate their actions;
- observing norms of behavior, express readiness to do the right thing;
- demonstrate the best human qualities in certain situations.
-correlate the result of your activities with the goal and evaluate it;
-give an emotional assessment of the activities of all students in the lesson.
-general education - find answers to questions using the text of the textbook, personal experience;
-logical - draw conclusions about the result collaboration class, group.
- convey your position to others, mastering the technique of monologue speech.

Lesson type

Form of work in class
frontal, individual, pair, group

Basic concepts, terms
Kindness, responsiveness, honesty.

New concepts
Honor, honesty

Formed UUD
Regulatory UUD: determine and formulate, with the help of the teacher, the purpose of the activity in the lesson; express your assumptions based on working with the text of the story and additional sources, plan your actions.
Communicative UUD: develop the ability to listen and understand others;
develop the ability to construct a speech statement; develop the ability to jointly agree on the rules of communication and behavior in accordance with the assigned tasks;
develop the ability to express your thoughts in oral speech.
Cognitive UUD: navigate your knowledge system; find answers to questions; draw up answers to questions, establish a cause-and-effect relationship.
Personal: evaluate the actions of the characters in the story, life situations from the point of view of generally accepted norms and values; express your attitude towards the characters of the story you read and their actions.

Equipment for the lesson: L.A. Efrosinina textbook “Literary reading” 3rd grade. L.A. Efrosinina Literary reading: workbook for 3rd grade students. S.I. Ozhegov Dictionary Russian language. Publisher: Onyx, 2010
Additional sources (task cards,)
Computer presentation.

Lesson stage
Teacher activities
Student activity
Methods, techniques, forms used
Result of interaction (cooperation)

1.Organizational stage.
Motivation stage.

Organizes student activities

Greetings from teachers
Read a poem on a slide
Slide 1.
The book is a faithful friend of children,
Life is more fun with her!
Let books come into homes as friends,
Read all your life, gain your mind.

The ability to negotiate with the teacher about the rules of behavior and follow them (Communicative UUD).

Understanding the role of reading for solving cognitive and communicative problems (Personal UUD)

Checking homework.
- Guys, what did we read yesterday? Determine the genre of the work. At home you have prepared cover models.
Show me what you got?
- This is a story, because the events follow one another sequentially and they could happen in real life, from the story we can learn the hero’s experiences.

Check in progress

(Communicative UUD)

2.Updating. Working with text.
Organizes the formulation of the lesson topic by students.

They answer the teacher’s questions and draw conclusions.

With the help of the teacher, they formulate the topic and goals of the lesson.

Read assignments in research forms (Appendix No. 1)
Conducts face-to-face conversations with students.
Slide 2.
-Who do you see on the slide? (Boy, author, major).
-What can unite them? What piece will we work on in class? Slide 3.
What goals will we set for ourselves in the lesson?
- Your job today will be to find and prove the answers to questions asked and express your thoughts. We will work in pairs.

Be able to extract information from illustrations; We develop the ability to generalize, compare, and highlight the main thing.
(Cognitive UUD)
Be able to express your thoughts orally, be able to listen and understand others.
(Communicative UUD)
Be able to formulate the topic of the lesson and cognitive tasks with the help of the teacher.
(Regulatory UUD)

3. Stage of discovery of new knowledge. Working with the textbook text and additional sources.


Conducts face-to-face conversations with students
- Choose related words to the first word.

How does a boy understand the word “Honesty”?

Let's see what interpretation of this word is given in Ozhegov's dictionary. I put the meaning of this word on the slide.

In order to check how carefully you read the work of L. Panteleev, work in groups. Organizes and supervises children's activities
- Let's check.

In chorus with the whole class
- Honestly.

Honesty, honor, honest

(Children offer their answers)

If you gave your word, then no matter what you keep it!

Read the text of the slide

The boy gave his word of honor and kept it, and this is a respectable quality of a person.
In the 1st meaning: moral qualities of a person worthy of respect and pride.

Students work on worksheets.

In chorus with the whole class
Read the title of the work again.

On slide 4
Honor is the moral qualities of a person worthy of respect and pride;
Honor - a good, unblemished reputation, a good name (family honor; take care of honor from a young age);
Honor-honor, respect (honor due to work).

Appendix 1

Frontal check.

Once again we have a physical education session,
Let's bend over, come on, come on!
Straightened up, stretched,
And now they’ve bent over backwards.
(Bends forward and backward.)
We stretch our arms, shoulders,
To make it easier for us to sit,
To write, read, count
And don’t get tired at all.
(Jerks with arms in front of chest.)
My head is tired too.
So let's help her!
Right and left, one and two.
Think, think, head.
(Rotate head.)
Even though the charge is short,
We rested a little.
(Children sit at their desks.)

Be able to express your thoughts orally, listen and understand the speech of others, develop the ability to work in groups. (Communicative UUD)

Be able to navigate your knowledge system. (Cognitive UUD)

Be able to predict
and plan your actions in accordance with the task (make a plan). (Regulatory UUD)

Be able to extract information from illustrations and texts;
Be able to transform information from one form to another: compose answers to questions. (Cognitive UUD)

4.Primary consolidation. Working with the text and additional literature after reading.

I suggest you remember the sequence of events in the story and reconstruct it. Let's now look at each part of the story together and match the text episode to the pictures on the slides.
- Well done! You all completed the task, which means that you read this work very carefully.

Find and read an episode that matches the illustration.

Slide 5 with mixed up pictures.

(Communicative UUD)

Formation cognitive activity. Be able to transform information from one form to another: compose answers to questions, be able to draw conclusions based on reading analysis;
Be able to navigate your knowledge system. Be able to find and highlight the necessary information about heroes and their actions in a textbook and other sources (Educational UUD)

(Regulatory UUD)

Be able to express your attitude towards the characters, evaluate actions in accordance with a certain situation (Personal UUD)

5.Independent work with self-test

I suggest you remember the proverbs and make them up from the words on your cards.
What are these proverbs about, how do you understand them?
Children collect proverbs from words and write them down on sheets of paper.
They answer the question and try to explain the meaning of each proverb.
Appendix 2.
Slide 6 (check.)
And I want and inject.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
An agreement is worth more than money.
Having given your word, hold on, and having not given, be strong.
Take care of your dress again, and take care of your honor from a young age.
There is patience for every desire.
The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.
Honor goes along the road, and dishonor goes on the side.

Be able to express your thoughts orally, listen and understand the speech of others.
(Communicative UUD)

Be able to navigate your knowledge system.
(Cognitive UUD)
Be able to convert information from one form to another. (Cognitive UUD)
Be able to plan your action in accordance with the task.
(Regulatory UUD)
Be able to draw conclusions based on analysis;
(Cognitive UUD)
Mastering moral and ethical standards of behavior through identifying moral content. (Personal UUD)


- Let's answer the main question: Why did the writer write this story? What did we gain from reading the story?
- Why do you need to study this work?

You are asked to evaluate your independence and evaluate your work.

Complete task No. 3 and No. 4 in the workbook in the “Workbook” on p. 68
or write a continuation of the story.
So that we are kind, sympathetic, honest.

This story helps to cultivate perseverance, courage, and honesty.

Carry out self-assessment of the work, answer questions and draw conclusions about the benefits of the lesson.

Choosing homework
show slide 7
In life, every person chooses his own path. What it will be depends only on him. And from childhood you need to form some character traits in yourself and no matter what happens in life, you must always remain human.

Let books be friends
They go into houses.
Read all your life
Get smart.

Slide: Thanks for the lesson!
Be able to carry out cognitive and personal reflection.

Sources used:
L.A. Efrosinina. Literary reading. Methodical manual. 3rd grade. M., “Ventana-Graf”, 2013

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