Who is faith from the hero of our time. The female image in the novel "A Hero of Our Time". The main characters of the novel

Basics character“Hero of our time” - Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin was raised in a noble family. He is quite young, has an interesting appearance, a lively mind and wit - such men are popular.

The image of Vera and her feelings for the main character

Pechorin repeatedly gets tied up romantic relationship- with Princess Mary, Bela, but the one who left the most significant mark on the soul central character, - Faith. Their romance most likely lasts for many years: feelings either subside or flare up with the same intensity. Vera understands the hero’s inner world better than anyone else, lets him go, tormented by jealousy and without making any accusations. Her attitude towards Grigory Pechorin is clearly visible from the letter sent before leaving.

Vera is in her second marriage, but each spouse decides to cheat out of love. The characters of Vera and Pechorin are very similar. She is also efficient and insightful. She married an elderly man for convenience. Vera can only be weak in front of Pechorin, turning into a carefree woman, carried away by her passion. Sometimes she is strong and able to sacrifice herself for the man she loves, but sometimes she lacks such strength. Her love is devoted and ardent, despite the lack of feminine pride.

She does not turn away from Pechorin from a failed relationship in the past. A new meeting in Pyatigorsk leads to Vera again giving in to feelings with the same ease.

When a woman finds out about Pechorin’s upcoming duel with Grushnitsky, she loses control of herself and tells her husband about her feelings.

The husband decides to take her out of town. Before leaving Pyatigorsk, Vera writes a letter to Pechorin, in which she openly writes about her love, directly saying what she thinks about her beloved. She believes that “in no one is evil so attractive...” Her love is akin to a painful addiction. She understands well what kind of person has become the object of her love, but she cannot completely abandon him.

The place of Faith in the heart of Pechorin

The main character describes in his own hand his attitude towards women in his diary entries, claiming that he never became the slave of his beloved. He does not write specifically about Faith, but these words fully apply to her. She tries to understand the soul of her beloved, but does not want to understand that not a single person will succeed. Characteristic feature Gregory - rejection of self-sacrifice for the sake of someone and sincere affection, rejection of reciprocity.

He does not perceive Vera as someone special, but their destinies are connected. She seems to have been following Pechorin for many years.

The basis of the relationship between these characters is mystery and ardent passion. At the same time, on his part there is noticeable indifference, and on hers there is real sacrifice. She perceives this painful relationship from a slightly romantic perspective. And Pechorin accepts and understands his feelings for her when it is too late.

Thus, the love story highlights and emphasizes Pechorin’s inner loneliness, his disconnection from the rest of the world. Faith did not make him happy, but the reason for his failure was in himself.

Vera is a minor character in the work “A Hero of Our Time.” Her image gives full description the main character - Pechorin. Faith was the only one dear person for Pechorin.

There was faith cousin Princess Ligovskaya. The heroine married a second time and came with her son and husband to Pyatigorsk to undergo treatment against consumption. Outwardly, Vera was a blonde of average height with ideal features faces. Her face was adorned with a mole located on right cheek. Dr. Werner was struck by her expressive gaze. People with wealth usually have such expressiveness. inner world. Thus, Vera was an attractive and wise woman.

Despite her second marriage, the heroine’s heart was devoted to Pechorin. For Vera, marriage was a material necessity. Vera had a son from her first marriage, who had to be safely put on his feet. Years later, Vera could not get rid of her feelings for Pechorin. Arriving in Pyatigorsk, Vera secretly met with her lover. The heroine did not demand anything in return for her love. The main thing for her is that he is nearby.

The heroine respected her husband and perceived her as a father. Vera married an old and rich man. Unable to bear the lies and pangs of conscience, the heroine told her husband everything. To avoid another scandal, Vera, her husband and son decided to leave the city. Vera's departure greatly upset Pechorin. Before leaving, the heroine left a letter to her lover. A few days later, Pechorin realized that he could not live without Vera.

To fully reveal the image of Vera, the author wrote a separate chapter about the romantic relationship between Pechorin and the heroine. Vera's boundless love could save Pechorin. The girl's desire to be with her beloved did not come true. The heroine began to experience severe torment from Pechorin’s indifference. She did not pay attention to his selfishness and weaknesses, and continued to love the hero. She was jealous of him for Princess Mary, and felt the need to see him constantly. Thanks to his selfishness, Pechorin admitted that he could not make Vera truly happy.

The illness of his beloved and her married life caused indignation in the hero. Vera left the city and Pechorin for the sake of her son's future. Loyalty and love for Pechorin will remain in her heart forever.

Essay about Princess Vera

IN psychological novel Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov's "Hero of Our Time" is one of minor characters is a girl named Vera. The heroine’s relationship with Pechorin, the main character of the work, creates love line and reveal an important problem.

Vera was from a secular society and was a relative of a wealthy family. The girl's appearance was sickly, but her expressive facial features were very attractive to others. Vera comes to the waters for treatment, where her face takes on a glow and a healthy appearance. Vera had a husband who was already an elderly but very wealthy man, and this was the second marriage in her life. She married him for the sake of her son, for whom she wanted to provide a good future without worries. The girl cannot be condemned for this act, because everyone wants to make their own child happy by any means possible.

On the waters, Vera meets Pechorin. As it turned out, they knew each other in the past, they were connected love relationship. For Pechorin, Vera was the only woman in his entire life who was able to leave a mark on his soul and heart. She didn't have the character secular society, but was simple and sincere, accepted young man with all its shortcomings. They begin to see each other secretly and hide from Vera’s husband, as they did in the past in her first marriage. Happy and inspired by meetings with her lover, Vera does not immediately notice the far from friendly relationship between Pechorin and Princess Mary. The upset girl cannot stand grief and jealousy and tells her husband about her secret love. Oddly enough, the husband decides to take the girl away from this place. But before leaving, she managed to leave Pechorin a love letter in which she outlined her sincere feelings in relation to him. The hero, in a fit of emotion, wants to catch up with the girl and is already preparing the horse, but he only has the strength to burst into tears, falling to the ground. Only now is he beginning to truly appreciate Vera and her attitude towards him, because he understands that he will never have such a girl in his life.

With the help of the difficult relationship between Vera and Pechorin, the author reveals a problem that is still relevant today. People begin to value something or someone only after losing it. For Pechorin, Vera has become the only person in his life who is able to accept all of him without trying to change him. Without valuing this, Pechorin loses the girl and greatly regrets it.

characterization of faith and Mary in the novel Hero of Our Time

  1. Oh.. this is a familiar story..)
    Mary Ligovskaya is a well-bred city girl, she is smart, capable of real deep feelings and very sentimental. Pechorin initially attracted her attention simply as a person capable of dispelling her boredom. Princess Mary main character He was also interested because she saw in him the hero of a novel in a new taste. Mysterious story Pechorin's thoughts about himself, about how he turned out to be misunderstood by society, lead to the fact that Mary begins to feel sorry for him. After some time, she confesses her love to him, but the main character rejects her love. As a result, her feelings for Grigory Pechorin bring suffering and humiliation to the princess.
    The image of Vera is just a sketch. She is depicted only in her relationship with the main character, he has loved her for a long time, but this love can bring nothing but suffering. Vera knows about this, but still makes many sacrifices for the sake of her love. I think that the image of Vera is ideal for Pechorin, because only she fully understands him and, despite everything, still loves him.
    Think for yourself))))
  2. Princess Mary
    Moscow princess. She came to Pyatigorsk with her mother, Princess Ligovskaya. Mary is very young and, due to her age, romantic. At the beginning of the story, she is captivated by Grushnitsky, taking his pretentious speeches seriously. She is impressed by his soldier's overcoat, and the image of a young military man, demoted to soldier because of some brave act, appears before her eyes. Pechorin sets out to completely lure the princess’s attention from Grushnitsky to himself, and he skillfully manages the situation, changing M.’s attitude towards himself from hatred to deep love. It is worth noting that in M. there is a lot good qualities. She sincerely feels sorry for Pechorin, after his confession, she sincerely wants to help him. All the princess’s thoughts and feelings are deep and sincere. Last time we see M. in the scene of explanation with Pechorin. The hero says that he laughed at the girl, and all his advances were just a game. The reader understands that after everything that happened, M. is unlikely to ever become the same. Pechorin undermined her trust in people.

    The heroine of the story "Princess Mary". Vera is a society lady, Pechorin's longtime lover. A description of her appearance is given from the lips of Doctor Werner: “some lady from the newcomers, a relative of the princess by marriage, very pretty, but very sick, it seems... of medium height, blonde, with regular features, consumptive complexion, and on the right there’s a black mole on her cheek: her face struck me with its expressiveness.” In the future, we will learn the history of the relationship between Pechorin and V. This is probably his old love. the only woman, who managed to leave an indelible mark on his soul. She doesn't look like the typical women at all. high society. We understand V.’s value for Pechorin: this is the only woman who understood him completely and accepted him for who he is, without trying to remake him. During their meeting in Pyatigorsk, we learn that V. married an unloved man who has substantial capital. She did this for the sake of her son, to give him all the conditions for a good life. Vera and Pechorin meet secretly. She is very jealous of him for Mary. Unable to withstand the strong psychological stress, V. tells her husband about her love for Pechorin, and he takes her away. She leaves Pechorin a letter with a declaration of love. V. says that P. devastated her soul, but she never tried to change him. Only after losing V. does Pechorin realize how much he needs her. He tries to catch up with the heroine, but only drives the horse. Then he falls to the ground and begins to sob uncontrollably. V. leaves his life forever.

In the segment of Pechorin’s life that is given in the novel, four women meet on his way: a smuggler girl (“”), Bela (“Bela”), Mary and Vera (“”),

The image of a smuggler girl is truly romantic. This girl is characterized by bizarre mood swings, “quick transitions from the greatest anxiety to complete immobility”; “she peered intently into the distance, then laughed and reasoned with herself, then began to sing the song again.” Her speeches are mysterious and close in form to folk proverbs and sayings; her songs, reminiscent of folk songs, speak of her desire for a violent will. There's a lot in it vitality, courage, determination, poetry of “wild freedom”. A rich, unique nature, full of mystery, it is as if by nature itself created for the free, risk-filled life that she leads.

“The half-wild daughter of the free gorges,” as Belinsky called her, Bela is distinguished by her integrity and harmony of nature. Having fallen in love with Pechorin, she saw in this love the meaning of her life, and his cooling towards her was a real tragedy for her. There are good things in her character human qualities: sincerity, sensitivity, pride, selfless love and devotion. This image is colored with a warm feeling.

Mary Litovskaya is an intelligent, cultured, proud girl, capable of deep feelings. The romantic dreaminess characteristic of youth lives in her. This explains her interest in Grushnitsky. “The thick soldier’s overcoat” instills in her a false idea of ​​him as a demoted officer, making Grushnitsky in her eyes a person shrouded in mystery. The mystery and strangeness of Pechorin interests her, and his story about himself, about how the world did not understand him and distorted his character, deeply touches her kind and trusting soul, arouses in her sincere pity for him, which soon turns into love. Mary is the first to admit her love for Pechorin, but her love was rejected by him. “When she saw herself deceived, she,” says Belinsky, “like a woman, deeply felt her insult and fell as its victim, unrequited, silently suffering, but without humiliation, and the scene of her last meeting with Pechorin arouses strong sympathy for her.”

The image of Vera is only a sketch. She is sketched only in her relation to Pechorin. Pechorin loves her deeply and for a long time, but his love, according to her own words, gave her nothing but suffering. And yet Vera loves him and makes all sorts of sacrifices in the name of love.

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Vera is an important character for understanding the image of Pechorin

The characterization of Vera in the novel “A Hero of Our Time” gives the reader the opportunity to better know and understand the main character, Pechorin. Faith was his only love, but it is in love that a person manifests himself most clearly.

We meet Vera in the chapter “Princess Mary”. She and her husband come for rest and treatment to Kislovodsk, where Pechorin was already staying by that time. Doctor Werner tells him about her arrival, not yet knowing that they know each other. It turns out that this girl is Pechorin’s old love, and that the feeling for her has not faded away in him to this day. Already knowing a lot of unpleasant things about Pechorin from previous chapters, this information about him seems unusual to us, revealing him from a new, unexpected side. Is he really capable of truly loving? And who is the woman who was able to awaken sincere affection in the egoist Pechorin?

Characteristics of Faith


The description of Vera and her appearance is given by the same doctor Werner, a friend of Pechorin. From him we learn that she is a relative of Princess Ligovskaya by marriage, “very pretty... of medium height, blonde, with regular features, consumptive complexion, and a black mole on her right cheek.” Her face struck the doctor with its expressiveness. Such faces only appear on people with a rich inner world; they reflect the presence of deep feelings and thoughts. Thus, already one by one appearance We can say that Vera is not a dummy, but an attractive, wise and sensitive woman.

Ability to love

The image of Vera in the novel “A Hero of Our Time” clearly characterizes her love for Pechorin. She is married for the second time, but in her heart she remains faithful to him alone. Marriage is only a material necessity, an opportunity to put a son on his feet, a tribute to the conventions of society. Whereas love for Pechorin is a spiritual attraction beyond her will. From the content of the conversation during their first meeting on the waters, it becomes clear that Vera tried, but could not forget her love. And she may have come to Kislovodsk to say goodbye to him, anticipating her imminent death from illness.

She does not demand anything from her lover in return, she accepts him as he is - with all his weaknesses and vices. For her, it is a pleasure to simply be with him, catch his gaze, feel his hand shake.

Moral purity

Vera respects her husband as a father and cannot do anything about her feelings for Pechorin. She arranges a secret meeting with him at night in her husband’s absence. However, when a scandal broke out and everyone began to think that Pechorin was visiting Princess Mary at that time, Vera could not stand it and confessed everything to her husband. Lying is unbearable for her.

The value of Faith for Pechorin

The fact that Pechorin fell in love with this particular woman, and not any other, suggests that he found in her qualities that were initially close to him. Only with Vera does he feel like who he really is; he doesn’t need to pretend or be a hypocrite. With her, he can be gentle and honest, openly express his feelings. She understands him very well, because she herself is forced to live in a light that disfigures everything that is good and bright. How lucky he was to meet in this spiritual desert kindred spirit, Pechorin understands only when he loses her.

In the novel “A Hero of Our Time,” Vera serves as an indicator of Pechorin’s healthy moral principles.

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