Allen Dulles's plan and his main goals for the ideological struggle against the USSR. Allen Dulles. Plan for the destruction of Russia

“The Dulles Plan” (Dulles Doctrine) is one of the most famous myths in Russia about conspiracy theories and the hostile information influence of the United States on the USSR, and subsequently on Russia. Despite the complete absence of any evidence of the existence of this “plan” and a number of facts confirming its fictitiousness, this text is still considered true by many. Like any other conspiracy theory myth, the Dulles Plan is well-organized.

This article will tell you about the origins of the “Dulles Plan”, its connection with reality and the propaganda techniques used in drawing up the “plan” itself, as well as its further popularization.

This article is nothing more than an analysis of the issue and analysis of information from open sources. “The Dulles Plan”, “Alain Dulles Doctrine” and any other documents or texts with a similar name, as well as similar in meaning are FAKE aimed at creating a negative attitude towards the United States as a whole using a common propaganda and demagogic technique - finding someone to blame. The author’s personal opinion, both on the question itself and on the individuals mentioned in the article, is not used.

“The Dulles Plan” in an article by Metropolitan John, 1993

The first mention of the text, which eventually turned into that same plan, in the Russian media is the publication of the article “The Battle for Russia” by Metropolitan John in the newspaper “Soviet Russia” on February 20, 1993, published in 1995 in the collection “Overcoming Troubles.”

Ivan Matveevich Snychev, 10/9/1927 - 11/2/1995. Bishop of Russia Orthodox Church, since July 20, 1990, Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga, permanent member of the Holy Synod, Master of Theology, publicist, author of a number of books. He is known in the press as an ardent traditionalist, monarchist and nationalist, as well as an anti-Zionist and supporter of Russian isolationism.

In the first lines of this collected works, the book “Overcoming Troubles” there is the following phrase: “ When this desire for purity and holiness takes possession of an entire people, it becomes the bearer and custodian of an idea so lofty, so strong that it inevitably affects the entire world order. Such is the fate of the Russian people. In this situation, the people and their state are inevitably subjected to the most severe tests, the most merciless and insidious attacks. Such is the fate of Russia". Quoting this phrase is important to indicate the demagogic aspect of the entire article - bringing an object (a person, society, people) to “chosenness,” alienating him from those around him and presenting those around him as some kind of hostile opponents. This phrase directly states that it is the fate of Russia and its people to fight the insidious attacks of those who do not agree with the chosenness of this people. Essentially, in this short phrase three demagogic techniques are immediately collected: substitution of theses, a vicious circle, a false alternative, and even, possibly, an argument to the individual (some enemies who disagree with the position of the author, which supposedly reflects the opinion of the entire people). In the future, in the text of the article being analyzed, we can constantly see similar statements and the same demagogic techniques.

The passage dedicated to Dulles’s statements is preceded by an extensive “excursion into history” asserting the exceptional role of Russia and specifically the Orthodox Church in the fight against some world evil and conspiracy: “ In 1054, the Christian world experienced a terrible shock: the Catholic West fell away from the universal fullness of the Orthodox Church, seduced by the vanity and deceptive glory of worldly greatness. Rus' remained faithful to Orthodoxy, despising political benefits and temptations for the sake of ascetic labors and gifts of church grace. From this moment the ongoing war against Russia began.". It is worth noting that the baptism of Rus' took place around 990, so by 1054, only 64 years after Rus' officially adopted Christianity. From a historical point of view, it is very reckless to declare that for such short term the entire people of Rus' represented a single religious force. In addition, in 1024 and 1071, peasant uprisings took place in Suzdal and Rostov, led by the Magi. In the context of this article, it is inappropriate to discuss these historical facts, but the fact that the uprisings were led by pagan priests probably indicates an incomplete unity of faith. John also quotes, although he does not confirm their authenticity, “ Protocols of the Elders of Zion". Metropolitan John quotes specifically Allen Dulles in the article “The Battle for Russia” and cites the following words, allegedly said in 1945, apparently after the end of World War II:

« By sowing chaos in Russia, said American General Allen Dulles, head of US political intelligence in Europe, who later became director of the CIA, in 1945, we will quietly replace their values ​​with false ones and force them to believe in these false values. How? We will find our like-minded people, our assistants and allies in Russia itself. Episode after episode, the grandiose tragedy of the death of the most rebellious people on earth, the final, irreversible extinction of their self-awareness, will play out. From literature and art, for example, we will gradually erase their social essence. Let's wean artists off, let's discourage them from engaging in depictions and researching the processes that take place in the depths of the masses. Literature, theaters, cinema - everything will depict and glorify the basest human feelings. We will in every possible way support and raise the so-called creators who will plant and hammer into human consciousness the cult of sex, violence, sadism, betrayal - in a word, all immorality.We will create chaos and confusion in government. We will quietly, but actively and constantly promote the tyranny of officials, bribe-takers, and unscrupulousness. Bureaucracy and red tape will be elevated to virtue. Honesty and decency will be ridiculed and will not be needed by anyone; they will turn into a relic of the past. Rudeness and arrogance, lies and deceit, drunkenness and drug addiction, animal fear of each other and shamelessness, betrayal, nationalism and enmity of peoples, above all enmity and hatred of the Russian people: we will deftly and quietly cultivate all this...And only a few, very few will guess or understand what is happening. But we will put such people in a helpless position, turning them into a laughing stock. We’ll find a way to slander them and declare them the scum of society.”

So, here are a number of things that discredit this text and cast serious doubt on its authenticity:

« Sowing chaos in Russia“- in 1945 there was only the USSR and its communist government with which the capitalist USA had well-known confrontations. It is doubtful that such statements by a CIA agent would specifically refer to Russia, which was part of the USSR, rather than to the USSR itself. Although, in the USA during the Cold War, both the expression “Soviet Russia” and “Soviet Union” were equally popular, so it is far from a fact that this phrase really has meaning.

« General Allen Dulles“- Allen Dulles was not a general, just as he did not serve in the armed forces at all. On the one hand, the priest might not even know about the rank of the person he was quoting. But if someone’s quotes are used, then it is correct to assume that the person quoting himself has read what he is talking about, and therefore must be at least superficially familiar with the biography of the author. Especially when such serious statements are made. But obviously this is not the case.

« Let's replace their values ​​with fake ones“The Cold War was an ideological war, a war of values. What in this vein could be “fake values”? A common motif of Western propaganda during the Cold War was precisely the emphasis on the “better (Western) life” and capitalist values. There could be no talk of any “fake” ones, because, in fact, these were the values ​​of the Western world. In fact, it uses a paraphrased phrase from the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” quoted by John earlier, the purpose of this phrase is to equate the US CIA with “Evil” and the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy in the eyes of readers - “Our password is power and hypocrisy,” proclaim the anonymous authors of the document. “Violence should be the principle, cunning and hypocrisy the rule...”

« Cult of sex“- The United States in 1945 was a very conservative society and issues related to sex were viewed completely differently. In addition, the future director of the CIA could not help but know about the prevalence of the idea of ​​gender equality in the USSR, in particular about some of its radical examples, such as the “Down with Shame!” society. It seems doubtful that in such social realities the topic of sex could be an effective propaganda mechanism.

« And drug addiction“- in 1945, issues of drug addiction were not so tough. Despite some control over the circulation of some drugs (heroin, cocaine, morphine), they were often used in medicine. In particular, amphetamines were widely used as stimulants in the armies of various countries during the Second World War and beyond, until the UN Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971.

« Nationalism and enmity of peoples, above all enmity and hatred of the Russian people“—here the author may be contradicting himself: at the beginning of the quote he talks about Russia, and not about the USSR, so it is not entirely clear what is meant by the very definition of “Russian people” and those who should be instilled with hatred of this people.

From all the above inconsistencies it is clear that this “quote” is not a direct quote from the future director of the US Central Intelligence Agency by 19945, who had been involved in foreign intelligence issues for exactly thirty years and was undoubtedly a professional in his field. It is extremely unlikely that he could make such gross mistakes in his statements. At most, this quote can be considered as paraphrased and adjusted to the meaning needed by John. But, in view of the fact that there is not a single source where similar words of Dulles appear, it is most likely that this is an invention of the Metropolitan himself. The purpose of this fiction is quite clear from the quotes given earlier - demagoguery and the creation of an image of the “enemy”.

So, why did Alain Dulles attract John so much, who was he, and why did the Metropolitan use him in his aggressive propaganda?

Allen Dulles and his plan. What does Dulles have to do with it?

Allen Welsh Dulles. 04/07/1893 – 01/29/1969, USA. A diplomat and intelligence officer who worked all his life in various US foreign intelligence structures, one of the main figures in Operation Sunrise, director of the CIA from 1953 to 1961, author of a number of books on intelligence and propaganda. As director of the CIA, he commanded the famous Operation Gold, the purpose of which was to lay a telephone cable under the Berlin Wall in 1955 for a secret connection to the headquarters of Soviet troops in East Berlin. The operation was controlled from the very beginning by USSR intelligence and, despite the fact that the tunnel was “discovered” only a year after its construction, most likely there was disinformation going through it all this time. The most successful operations during Dulles's directorship are considered to be the overthrow of Iranian Prime Minister Mossadegh in 1953 and the overthrow of Guatemalan President Arbenz in 1954. In addition, Allen Dulles was a member of the commission investigating the assassination of American President Kennedy in 1963.

He became known in the Soviet Union only in 1973, four years after his death. He gained fame thanks to one of the most popular television series in the USSR, “Seventeen Moments of Spring.” In the film he was played by Vyacheslav Shalevich. We must pay tribute to the director of the film, Tatyana Lioznova - the actor in the film is strikingly similar to his real prototype.

The film plays out the real situation of Operation Sunrise, the goal of which was the surrender of the German group in Northern Italy in 1945. Alain Dulles really took an active part in it, working since 1943 in Bern, Switzerland, where he headed the European center of the US Office of Strategic Services (the prototype of the future CIA). Despite the fact that secret negotiations between the United States and Germany did take place, Operation Sunrise itself concerned the Italian group of troops.

G. von Schulze-Gevernitz (left) and A. Dulles

But the film deals with a completely different topic - negotiations for a separate peace between Germany and the West. Despite the fact that Allied intelligence never reported that they expressed any conditions for a separate peace to the German side, such negotiations were indeed initiated by the German side more than once, especially actively in 1944. Allied intelligence insists that the only condition for peace with Germany was its unconditional surrender. In some way, this can be confirmed by the fact that most German generals continued to fight to the last, because unconditional surrender would actually mean the end of the German state. Although the meaning of a separate peace for the West is quite clear - how long the war will last and how weakened the USSR will be after it will determine the entire future policy in Europe and the influence of the Bolsheviks in it. On at the moment in Russia there is an opinion that Dulles was a supporter of the idea of ​​a separate peace with Germany, since he was sure that the Third World War will be precisely between the USA and the USSR, which is why I wanted to weaken the Bolsheviks as much as possible, although there is no direct confirmation or refutation of this.

In connection with this story and in particular with its coverage in the cult “Seventeen Moments”, the personality of Dulles in the USSR became not only famous, but also became extremely negative character. He was the personification of that vile American spy whose goal is to cause as much harm as possible to the Soviet people even at the cost of such an unthinkable act as an agreement with the Nazis. In addition, Dulles was indeed a professional in foreign intelligence, and it was he who organized the CIA in the manner in which it exists today. So, most likely, the candidacy of Allen Dulles was “chosen” in view of the myth that had developed about him as a “negotiator with the fascists”, as well as as an influential figure in US intelligence. Most likely, a typical propaganda technique is used here - an appeal to authority, only in a slightly different way, in reverse. But even information that is obviously aggressive towards the audience sounds more significant from a certain famous figure. The candidacy of the former (at the time of quoting) director of the CIA is ideal.

Dulles Plan, origins

It is now difficult to find the first publication of the same plan, the version of which was most popular in the Russian media. In his analysis of the “Dulles Plan” Russian journalist Mark Deitch cites the first mention of this text in the magazine “Young Guard” (No. 7, July 1993) authored by the publicist Boris Oleynik, which is five months later than the publication of the article by Metropolitan Ioan. This text differs somewhat in form from that published in " Soviet Russia", but the essence is exactly the same, as are some specific phrases:

“The war will end, everything will somehow settle down, settle down. And we will throw everything we have - all the gold, all the material power - to fool and fool people. Human brain, people's consciousness is capable of change. Having sowed chaos there, we will quietly replace their values ​​with false ones and force them to believe in these false values. How? We will find our like-minded people, our allies in Russia itself. Episode after episode, a grandiose tragedy of the death of the most rebellious people, the final, irreversible extinction of their self-awareness, will play out. From literature and art, for example, we will gradually erase their social essence, wean artists, discourage them from engaging in depictions... the study of those processes which occur in the depths of the masses. Literature, theaters, cinema - everything will depict and glorify the basest human feelings. We will in every possible way support and glorify the so-called artists who will plant and hammer into human consciousness the cult of sex, violence, sadism, betrayal - in a word, all immorality. We will create chaos and confusion in government. We will quietly, but actively and constantly promote the tyranny of officials, bribe-takers, and unscrupulousness. Bureaucracy and red tape will be elevated to virtue. Honesty and decency will be ridiculed and will not be needed by anyone; they will turn into a relic of the past. Rudeness and arrogance, lies and deceit, drunkenness and drug addiction, animal fear of each other and shamelessness, betrayal. Nationalism and enmity of peoples, above all enmity and hatred of the Russian people - all this will bloom in full bloom. And only a few, very few, will guess or even understand what is happening. But we will put such people in a helpless position, turn them into a laughing stock, find a way to slander them and declare them the scum of society. We will tear out spiritual roots, vulgarize and destroy the foundations of spiritual morality. We will take on people from childhood, teenage years, main bet We will do this to the youth, we will corrupt, corrupt, corrupt them. We will make cynics, vulgarities, and cosmopolitans out of them.

Allen Dulles, 1945.”

D This text already looks more complete and plausible, although it is not without the same errors as what John said. Additionally, here we can only note the mention of “cosmopolitanism”. Firstly, the “plan” talks about the education of nationalism, and at the same time, the transformation into cosmopolitans. Although cosmopolitanism is an ideology of world citizenship. So this comes out as a direct contradiction to itself. In addition, in world culture, cosmopolitanism does not mean anything “bad” and the fight against “rootless cosmopolitans” in the USSR was initiated by Stalin in 1948 as an initiative to strengthen Russian nationalism. So in 1945, Dulles could not talk about introducing cosmopolitanism in the USSR, at least in the same vein as “cynics” and “vulgarities.”

But what is more interesting in this text is that, it turns out, the primary sources of these thoughts have been stored for a long time on the pages of Russian literature. In particular, even Dostoevsky has similar words in “The Possessed”:

« No education needed, just science! Even without science there will be enough material for a thousand years, but obedience must be established. There is only one thing missing in the world: obedience. The thirst for education is already an aristocratic thirst. A little bit of family or love, and now there’s a desire for property. We will kill desire: we will allow drunkenness, gossip, denunciation; we will allow unheard-of debauchery; we extinguish every genius in infancy (...) But one or two generations of debauchery are now necessary; unheard-of, vile depravity, when a person turns into a disgusting, cowardly, cruel, selfish scum - that’s what you need!» (10)

« Slavs love to sing while drinking a glass of vodka. Remind them how great they were at making moonshine during civil war. (…) Let’s arm lovers of witty words with anecdotes that ridicule their present and future. (...) Poison the soul of young people with disbelief in the meaning of life, awaken interest in sexual problems, lure them with such lures of the free world as fashionable dances, beautiful rags, special records, poems, songs (...). Set the young people at odds with the older generation»

Then, an exact coincidence of several phrases is found in Anatoly Ivanov’s novel “Eternal Call”, published by the Molodaya Gvardiya publishing house in 1981:

« You haven't thought about the future. When the war ends, everything will somehow settle down and settle down. And we will throw everything we have, everything we have: all the gold, all the material power to fool and fool people! The human brain, people's consciousness is capable of change. Having sowed chaos there, we will quietly replace their values ​​with false ones and make them believe in these false values! How, you ask? How?! (...)- We will find our like-minded people: our allies and helpers in Russia itself! - Lakhnovsky shouted, breaking down."(12)

If the first publication of this version of the text of the “Dulles Plan” belongs to Oleinik and was published precisely in the Young Guard magazine, then an interesting coincidence arises - part of the big words of the plan corresponds to the text of Ivanov’s “Eternal Call”, published in the Young Guard and also by him , Anatoly Stepanovich Ivanov, since 1974 has been the editor-in-chief of this magazine and the ideological leader of the “patriotic movement of writers” within the publishing house. That is, in fact, Oleinik writes his “plan” using Ivanov’s words and publishes it in Ivanov’s journal.

So, NO SOURCES to the “Dulles Plan” except for the above mentioned. There are also no English-language references to this text, although the original, without a doubt, should be in English, because the “supposedly author” of these words is American. Even the words of Metropolitan John with quotes from an anti-Semitic text confirmed by the fake document “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” more closely fits the definition of quotation and veracity - despite the recognized falsity of these documents, the “Protocols” can still be classified as a kind of historical artifact, because they literally existed and were published under the guise of an official document. Any mention of the “Dulles plan” comes down to literary creativity there are enough specific authors - Boris Oleinik and Anatoly Ivanov. The analysis of the text of the plan actually does not stand up to criticism, because it is not only replete with technical errors, but is simply a copy of the phrases of literary heroes.

The ideological and propaganda meaning of this text is beyond doubt and pursues several goals at once:

  • Cultivation of the ideas of the Cold War and the theme of an external, global threat.
  • “Rally” around a hypertrophied external threat.
  • Shifting attention and shifting responsibility to an external threat.
  • Development of the ideas of isolationism and nationalism.
  • For the distributors of this material, it is also necessary to note the probably present desire to speculate on a “sick” and at the same time popular topic, in order to increase their own authority.

The popularity of the Dulles plan in the Russian media

At one time, the topic of the Dulles plan was extremely popular in the Russian media. Various versions of this text were quoted not only by many different small and large publications, television, in particular in the program “Moment of Truth” with Andrei Karaulov, in almost all programs of the REN-TV channel devoted to various conspiracy theories. The topic was also developed by leading media and political figures. In particular, the speech of Mikhail Zadornov, who had considerable popularity in the late nineties, made a significant contribution to the popularization of this topic. By the way, Zadornov quoted verbatim the text of Metropolitan Ioan, and not Oleinik. The topic was also actively cultivated by other famous political figures - Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Yuri Luzhkov, as well as Nikita Mikhalkov.

In particular, the existence of a certain “plan for the collapse of the USSR and Russia” is the cornerstone of the conspiracy theory regarding “Russia against everyone.” Moreover, the ideology of a particular group of people, as well as this or that theory, is not important - here are Orthodox orthodoxies, supporters of the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy, the “Golden Billion”, all sorts of “new” histories and chronologies, and even supporters of extraterrestrial intervention in the life of the planet. The political views of adherents of this conspiracy theory are also very common - nationalists (The author of this article does not undertake to give examples of adherents of these political views who quoted the “plan” so as not to accidentally offend anyone and not get into a conflict situation), monarchists (Mikhalkov), national liberals (Zhirinovsky) and even, it would seem, liberals (Kuravlev).

At the moment, the most common answer from all those who believe in the Dulles plan is: “Even if there is no plan, it works!”, as well as references to reality existing document US National Security Council Directive 20/1 of 1948.

It is quite difficult to answer the first argument without entering into empty demagoguery and ideological debate. Therefore, the author of the article will leave this practically without comment. Except for one thing - any phenomenon can be recognized as obvious by the fact of its occurrence, an appeal to the obvious. An appeal to the obvious is the same typical demagogic technique as a number of those demonstrated above - look around, because it’s all true!

There is also a document that supporters of this theory call the “Dulles Doctrine.” The document codenamed NSC 20/1 August 18, 1948 or US National Security Council Directive 20/1 of 1948, or » actually exists and is an officially confirmed declassified document and published in the book Containment: Documents on American Policy and Strategy. 1945-1950; Thomas H. Etzold and John Lewis Gaddis, eds. This doctrine actually describes US intelligence plans regarding communist countries. An analysis of this document requires a separate article, so it will not be presented here.

3. Metropolitan John (Snychev). "Overcoming Troubles." A word to the Russian people. [electronic resource] -

4. Caroline Brooke. Moscow: A Cultural History / Oxford University Press, 2006. P. 77

5. Richard Stites. Revolutionary Dreams: Utopian Vision and Experimental Life in the Russian Revolution / Oxford University Press, 1991. P. 133

6. Nicolas Rasmussen. America’s First Amphetamine Epidemic 1929–1971 // Am J Public Health. - 2008. - T. 98, No. 6. - P. 974-985. -

7. Dulles, Allen. Secret surrender. - M.: ZAO Tsentrpoligraf, 2004. ISBN 5-9524-1410-9

8. Sergey Sumbaev. “These are honest and modest people...” [electronic resource] / Red Star. - 04/15/2000

9. Mark Deitch. The sinister “Dulles plan” [electronic resource] / Moskovsky Komsomolets – 01/20/2005 –

10. Dostoevsky F. M. Collected works in fifteen volumes. - L.: Science, 1990. - T. 7. Demons. - P. 388-397 –

11. Yuri Dold. From the black knights. / Y. Dold – Kyiv – 1994 – Part 2, Deceived and Lonely –

12. Anatoly Ivanov. Eternal call, parts 4-5. - M.: Young Guard, 1981. - P. 513. - 884 p.

13. Ivanov, Anatoly Stepanovich. Novosibirsk book of memory. [electronic resource] –

14. Unofficial recording from Youtube channel. –

Dulles' plan. Text and its analysis. updated: September 22, 2018 by: Roman Boldyrev

Allen Dulles (1893 – 1969) worked for the US CIA since its creation in 1947. In 1942 - 45 led political intelligence in Europe. Director of the CIA in 1953-1961. Ideologist of the Cold War, one of the organizers of intelligence activities against the USSR and other socialist countries.

The war will end, everything will be settled and settled. And we will throw everything we have: all the gold, all the material power to fool and fool people!

The human brain and people's consciousness are capable of change. Having sowed chaos there, we will quietly replace their values ​​with fake values ​​to believe. How? We will find our like-minded people, our allies in Russia itself.

Episode after episode, the grandiose tragedy of the death of the most rebellious people on Earth, the final and irreversible extinction of its self-awareness. For example, we will gradually erase its social essence from art and literature; let's wean artists and writers - we'll discourage them from depicting and studying the processes that occur in the depths of the masses. Literature, theaters, cinema - everything will depict and glorify the basest human feelings.

We will in every possible way support and raise the so-called artists who will plant and hammer into human consciousness cult of sex, violence, sadism, betrayal- in a word, all immorality. We will create chaos and confusion in government.

We will quietly, but actively and constantly contribute to the tyranny of officials, the prosperity of bribe-takers and unscrupulousness. Bureaucracy and red tape will be elevated to virtue. Honesty and decency will be ridiculed and no one will need it, they will turn into a relic of the past. Rudeness and arrogance, lies and deceit. Drunkenness and drug addiction, animal fear of each other and shamelessness, betrayal, nationalism and enmity of peoples - above all, enmity and hatred of the Russian people, - we will deftly and imperceptibly cultivate all this, all this will bloom in full bloom.

And only a few, very few, will guess or even understand what is happening. But we will put such people in a helpless position, turn them into a laughing stock, find a way to slander them and declare them the scum of society.We will tear out spiritual roots, vulgarize and destroy the foundations of folk morality.

We will undermine this way generation after generation. We will take on people from childhood and adolescence, and we will always place the main emphasis on YOUTH - We will begin to corrupt, corrupt and corrupt her. We will make cynics, vulgarities and cosmopolitans out of her.
This is how we will do it!

Is Dulles's plan fake? Is there a Dulles plan?

Some researchers give this authorship to the head of the American intelligence center of the Office of Strategic Services in Europe in 1942-1945, Allen Welsh Dulles (pictured). At the beginning of 1945, he allegedly formulated the main goal of the US administration: to destroy the USSR from the inside, through informational and psychological influence on Soviet citizens.

According to one version, this happened at a top-secret meeting of the US Council on Foreign Relations, which, in addition to Allen Dulles, included US President Harry Truman, the American Secretary of the Treasury and the founder of the theory of political realism in international relations, Hans Morgenthau, and a long-time presidential adviser on financial matters Bernard Baruch.

According to another version, Dulles delivered a report “Reflections on the implementation of the American post-war doctrine against the USSR" at a secret meeting of the American Congress. In the report, Dulles outlined the main aspects of the possible ideological disintegration of the USSR during the Cold War.

The reliability of Dulles’s speech, or as it is also called “Dulles’s plan to defeat the USSR” (hereinafter referred to as the “plan”), has been causing fierce debate in Russia for a number of years now.

Let us remind you what we are talking about in this regard.

“The war will end, everything will somehow settle down, settle down. And we will throw everything we have - all the gold, all the material power - to fool and fool people. The human brain and people's consciousness are capable of change. Having sowed chaos there, we will invariably replace their values ​​with false ones and force them to believe in these false values. How? We will find our like-minded people, our allies in Russia itself. Episode after episode, the grandiose tragedy of the death of the most rebellious people, the final, irreversible extinction of their self-awareness, will play out.

From literature and art, for example, we will gradually erase their social essence, wean artists, we will discourage them from engaging in the depiction and study of those processes that occur in the depths of the masses.

Literature, theaters, cinema - everything will depict and glorify the basest human feelings. We will in every possible way support and glorify the so-called artists who will plant and hammer into human consciousness the cult of sex, violence, sadism, betrayal - in a word, all immorality.

We will create chaos and confusion in government. We will quietly, but actively and constantly promote the tyranny of officials, bribe-takers, and unscrupulousness.

Bureaucracy and red tape will be elevated to virtue. Honesty and integrity will be ridiculed. Rudeness and arrogance, lies and deceit, drunkenness and drug addiction, animal fear of each other and shamelessness, betrayal, nationalism and enmity of peoples, above all enmity and hatred of the Russian people - all this will bloom in full bloom.

And only a few, very few, will guess or even understand what is happening. But we will put such people in a helpless position, turn them into a laughing stock, find a way to slander them and declare them the scum of society.
We will tear out spiritual roots, vulgarize and destroy the foundations of spiritual morality.

We will take on people from childhood, from adolescence, and we will place the main emphasis on youth. We will begin to corrupt, corrupt, corrupt her. We will make cynics, vulgarities, and cosmopolitans out of them. Allen Dulles, 1945."

Quoted from the article by M. Deitch “Dulles’ Sinister Plan”, published in the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” dated January 20, 2005.

Before moving on to an analysis of the Cold War "plan", the following observations should be made. At the beginning of 1945, Allen Dulles was a fairly large figure for the European theater of operations - the resident of the US Office of Strategic Services (intelligence) in Geneva (Office of Strategic Services). The only thing Dulles distinguished himself at this time was the organization of Operation Sunrise Crossword. This was the name of the negotiations between the Americans and the Nazis on a separate peace in February-March 1945 in Switzerland. As you know, Stalin torpedoed this attempt.

But in America at the beginning of 1945, Dulles was considered a second-tier official. In September 1947, he was not even considered for the post of the newly created Central intelligence agency(CIA). Rear Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoter was appointed the first director of the CIA. Dulles joined the CIA in 1950 as deputy director of planning, usually covert operations. He was appointed director of the CIA by President D. Eisenhower only in February 1953.

Since that time, Dulles began to acquire a reputation as a world specialist in covert operations. It was then that he firmly took his place on the American Olympus, and in the USSR he began to be identified with dark forces USA, since he was the author and organizer of the “world crusade” against communism, an ideologist of the Cold War.

Harry Truman became President of the United States on April 12, 1945 after the death of F.D. Roosevelt. It is possible that shortly after taking office he held the above-mentioned meeting at which he wanted to clarify the new international concept of the United States. However, there is no official information about this meeting and Dulles' participation in it. In this regard, the very fact of holding such a meeting and Dulles speaking at it becomes hypothetical. It is no coincidence that several various options"Dulles Plan".

Let us assume that Dulles brilliantly calculated the prospects for the development of Soviet society and its political leadership. It is known from history that great authoritarian empires, and the USSR was one of them, fell into decline after the death of their founders. Neither Alexander the Great, nor Genghis Khan, nor Charlemagne had worthy successors. Stalin didn’t have them in 1953 either.

It should be noted that the “Dulles Plan” lists everything that at any time, under any government, has a destructive effect on man and society.
In 1871, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky put something similar, attributed to Dulles, into the mouth of his hero Petrusha Verkhovensky: “We will allow drunkenness, gossip, denunciation; we will allow unheard-of debauchery... one or two generations of debauchery are now necessary; unheard-of, vile depravity, when a person turns into a disgusting, cowardly, cruel, selfish scum...” (novel “Demons”, chapter 8).

It must be assumed that not only Dostoevsky, but many in the world understood and understand that what Verkhovensky said lies dormant in any person and in any society. The main thing is to wake them up. Statements similar in meaning to the “Dulles Plan” appeared in the works of Soviet writers in the 1960s. In Yuri Dold-Mikhailik’s novel “And One Warrior in the Field,” published in 1965, they are pronounced by the anti-Soviet American General Dumbright. The writer Anatoly Ivanov put a number of almost verbatim formulations from the “Dulles Plan” into the mouth of the former tsarist gendarme Lakhnovsky, one of the negative characters in the novel “Eternal Call”.

Journalist of "Red Star" (October 28, 2004) A. Kochukov, based on these coincidences, suggested that the phrases attributed to Allen Dulles were introduced into the writing and journalistic use of the USSR during the time of Brezhnev by the special services (KGB) responsible for the formation public opinion in the country. Moskovsky Komsomolets journalist M. Deitch considers the “Dulles plan” a fake, but considers the author A. Ivanov to be the author.

Deutsch's statement is the most preferable, since lexical analysis The “Dulles Plan” allows us to assert that the text does not correspond to English-language rhetoric and could not have been voiced by the American Dulles.
However, some researchers argue that Dulles's so-called speech is just an oral interpretation (that is, a free retelling, perhaps more than once) of the “plan” recorded by one of the Soviet intelligence officers. It is also argued that since the encrypted retelling of Dulles' speech for sending to Moscow was compiled in Russian, it naturally turned out to be Russified and more emotional than in reality.

It is alleged that such a scenario is indirectly confirmed by the book of the former Soviet illegal resident in the United States, KGB General Yuri Ivanovich Drozdov, “Notes of the Chief of Illegal Intelligence,” since it quotes Dulles’ speech.

Dulles could claim to be the author of the “plan” by virtue of professional qualities, which allowed him after the war to become the author of the strategy of “secret operations” during the Cold War and their unsurpassed organizer. However, Dulles demonstrated these qualities not in 1945, but in 1947-1949. Then, according to his plan and under his leadership, in the countries of people's democracy Eastern Europe a secret CIA operation “Disintegrating Factor” was carried out, during which the CIA managed to “eliminate” with the help of the NKVD and intelligence services of Eastern European countries a whole series figures of the communist movement.

The above with to a greater extent confidence allows us to assert that the American trace of the “Dulles Plan” is false. He was not born into Truman's cabinet or into Congress. In this regard, we are interested in the role of the KGB in the story of the “Dulles Plan”.

It is doubtful to believe that the KGB experts were the authors of the “plan” for the following reasons. If we accept as true the statement that Soviet intelligence managed to obtain an oral interpretation of Dulles’ speech at a meeting with Harry Truman, then what prevented the “Dulles Plan” from being made public when the threat of our agent being exposed had passed?

If the KGB in 1945 had the real “Dulles plan,” then why, even 20 years later, did they choose to camouflage it under the statements of Dumbright and Lakhnovsky? Naturally, the statements of the mythical American general and the half-dead White Guard about the inevitable degeneration of the USSR went virtually unnoticed. The action to publicize the “Dulles Plan” made sense for the KGB and the political leadership of the USSR only if it was presented as a plan of a man who personified American spies and led a “crusade” against communism. Only then could this plan cause a wide resonance in the Soviet society.

Such a resonance was observed in 1993, when Metropolitan John of St. Petersburg and poet-publicist Boris Oleynik named Dulles as the author of the plan. Then passions began to boil around him, but “the train had already left.” The Soviet Union lost the Cold War with the West.
In what case could the “Dulles Plan” not be made public by the KGB? Only in one case - if it was a fake. In this case, the United States could easily prove that in 1945 Dulles did not say anything like that either at a meeting with the president or in Congress. As a result, the reputation of the USSR and the KGB would have been irreparably damaged.

Further, the “Dulles Plan” was prepared in an extremely unprofessional manner. This, as already mentioned, is evidenced by the results of lexical analysis. “Russian ears” stick out too clearly from this “plan”. At the same time, it is known that KGB specialists were fluent in falsification techniques. There is no doubt that the authors of the “plan” (if it had been created by the KGB), to prepare a reliable version, would have used the transcript of one of the real secret meetings with the US President, at which there was a conversation about the fight against the Soviet Union and A. Dulles was present.

After this, the appropriate expressions would be inserted into Dulles' speech and the necessary emphasis would be made. This would be followed by a qualified translation of the text into English language, and then again into Russian. In conclusion, an oral interpretation of the “plan” would be created, which would be put into “work”.

Such technology would make it possible to completely eliminate Russian verbiage and cliches present in the “Dulles Plan.” For example: “everything will somehow settle down, settle down”, “let’s discourage them from working on images”, “will bloom in full bloom”, “plant and hammer in”, “cosmopolitan”, etc. Establishing the truth in this case would not help any lexical analysis. And the US’s excuses would look dubious. Was there a meeting? Was! Dulles spoke? He performed! Well, inaccuracies can be explained by the emotional perception of the agent, who arbitrarily interpreted the information received during a conversation with the “source”.

Considering the above, the involvement of the KGB in the creation of the “Dulles Plan” looks doubtful. It is more logical to assume that the authors of the plan were Soviet writers or publicists who, apparently with the approval of the KGB, tried in this way to warn Soviet society of the impending danger. The overly emotional style of the “plan” also speaks in favor of the writer’s version. It is typical for writers, not for secret service employees.

However, it must be admitted that the “plan”, born by someone in the depths of Soviet society, painted with amazing accuracy a picture of the death of a great country in the Cold War.
And in this he is absolutely reliable. Unfortunately, the promulgation of the main provisions of the “Dulles Plan” in Soviet literature did not give the expected results. And for the former Soviet people, who have experienced over the past 20 years, everything destined for it has become a terrible reality.

It should be noted that the main points of the “Dulles Plan” echo a number of directives of the National Security Council (NSC) of the United States. Thus, NSS Directive 20/1 of August 18, 1948 contains a set of actions by the US administration to “minimize the power and influence of Moscow.” This directive is sometimes also called the “Dulles plan,” although he had nothing to do with it. It was prepared at the request of US Secretary of Defense James Forrestal. The English text of NSC 20/1 was published in 1978 in Thomas H. Etzold and John Lewis Gaddis, eds., Containment: Documents on American Policy and Strategy, 1945-1950 (New York: Columbia University Press , 1978).

The ideas of the “Dulles Plan” were further developed in the directives NSC-58 (1949) and NSC-68 (1950). Directive NSC-68 explicitly states: “We need to wage open psychological warfare with the goal of causing mass betrayal against the Soviets and destroying the Kremlin’s plans. Strengthen positive and timely measures and operations by covert means in the field of economic, political and psychological warfare with the aim of causing and maintaining unrest and uprisings in selected strategically important satellite countries." (Chester L., Hodgson G., Page B. The American Melodrama, N.Y., 1969, p. 778).

Allen Dulles (1893-1969) worked for the US CIA since its creation in 1947. In the period 1942-1945, he led US political intelligence in Europe. In 1953-1961 - Director of the US CIA. Cold War ideologist, one of the organizers of intelligence activities against the USSR and other socialist countries.

The war will end, everything will be settled and settled. And we will throw everything we have: all the gold, all the material power to fool and fool people!

The human brain and people's consciousness are capable of change. Having sowed chaos there, we will quietly replace their values ​​with false ones and force them to believe in these false values. How? We will find our like-minded people, our allies in Russia itself.

Episode after episode, the grandiose tragedy of the death of the most rebellious people on Earth, the final and irreversible extinction of their self-awareness, will play out. For example, we will gradually erase its social essence from art and literature; Let's wean artists and writers - we'll discourage them from depicting and studying the processes that occur in the depths of the masses. Literature, theaters, cinema - everything will depict and glorify the basest human feelings.

We will in every possible way support and raise the so-called artists who will plant and hammer into human consciousness the cult of sex, violence, sadism, betrayal - in a word, all immorality. We will create chaos and confusion in government.

We will quietly, but actively and constantly contribute to the tyranny of officials, the prosperity of bribe-takers and unscrupulousness. Bureaucracy and red tape will be elevated to virtue. Honesty and decency will be ridiculed and will not be needed by anyone; they will turn into a relic of the past. Rudeness and arrogance, lies and deceit, drunkenness and drug addiction, animal fear of each other and shamelessness, betrayal, nationalism and enmity of peoples - above all, enmity and hatred of the Russian people - we will cleverly and imperceptibly cultivate all this, all this will blossom in full bloom color.

And only a few, very few, will guess or even understand what is happening. But we will put such people in a helpless position, turn them into a laughing stock, find a way to slander them and declare them the scum of society. We will tear out spiritual roots, vulgarize and destroy the foundations of folk morality.

We will undermine this way generation after generation. We will take on people from childhood and adolescence, and we will always place the main emphasis on youth - we will begin to corrupt, corrupt and corrupt them. We will make cynics, vulgarities and cosmopolitans out of her.

This is how we will do it!

Allen Dulles

“Reflections on the implementation of the American post-war doctrine against the USSR,” 1945.

Posted by wxsb on 11/15/2004 00:52

Is there an English original?

This rather loose translation is taken from Dulles’ speech at the Council on Foreign Relations, founded in 1921 by the leaders Masonic lodges USA participating in the Paris Peace Conference. It brings together the most influential people in the United States and the Western world as a whole. Dulles was vice president from 1944, and from 1946 to 1950, president of the CFR. As you know, such shadow organizations do not publish almanacs and press releases. However, later part of Dulles’ speech did appear in US News and World Report. Some historians subject the so-called The Dulles Doctrine is unreasonably doubted on the basis that the original text is allegedly missing. This is not entirely true and not even true at all.

The specific goals of the United States in declaring an information cold war - the Dulles Doctrine - in relation to the USSR were formulated in US National Security Council Directive 20/1 of August 18, 1948: “Our main goals in relation to Russia, in essence, come down to just two:

a) reduce Moscow’s power and influence to a minimum;
b) carry out fundamental changes in theory and practice foreign policy, which are adhered to by the government in power in Russia...

Starting from this point of view, it can be said that these goals are unattainable without war, and, therefore, we thereby recognize: our ultimate goal in relation to Soviet Union- war and overthrow of Soviet power by force.
First, we are not bound by a specific time frame to achieve our goals in peacetime.
Secondly, we should rightly not feel absolutely any sense of guilt.... It is not our place to ponder the internal consequences that the adoption of such concepts in another country might lead to, nor should we think that we bear any responsibility for these events... Our job is to work and ensure that internal events take place there... we must create automatic guarantees to ensure that even a non-communist and nominally friendly regime:

a) did not have great military power;
b) economically highly dependent on the outside world;
c) did not have serious power over the main national minorities,
d) did not install anything similar to the Iron Curtain."

The Dulles doctrine is fully expanded and confirmed here, it’s just that the wording is sometimes slightly changed...

Original text published in 1978 in
Containment. Documents on American policy and Strategy 1945-1950, pp. 174-207 - 33 pages of concise text that fully and completely reveals the US plans for our, and not only our, country.

Dulles' plan in the form of a printed document signed by the director of the US CIA has not been seen by any domestic or foreign researcher. UNDER DEVELOPMENT

However, the activities attributed to him corresponded to the logic of the Cold War period.

Its essence lies in the implementation by the American intelligence services of secret specific measures that could morally corrupt the population of the Soviet Union.

The text of such material, which is associated with the name of Allen Dulles, is a set of excerpts from fiction.

What did they talk about

Discussion about this the plan is going well since the early 1990s and continues to this day. It was taken up by some writers, journalists and publicists, political and religious figures, and cultural workers.

The essence of their opinions boils down to the fact that America is pursuing a hostile policy towards the USSR and achieving its goals by corrupting people’s self-awareness and destroying the country. The Dulles plan they mention allegedly contains points aimed at:

  • mobilization of all American resources to fool and deceive the Soviet people;
  • etching social essence literature and art and reorienting them to the most base human qualities, immorality;
  • creation of managerial chaos in the state, stimulation of tyranny and unscrupulousness of officials, their bribery;
  • cultivation of enmity and hatred towards the Russian people, interethnic enmity;
  • turning into a laughing stock those people who will understand what is happening and will be slandered and declared the scum of society;
  • stakes on youth, who must lose their sense of homeland, be corrupted, corrupted and depraved.

What really happened

Authoritative experts in Russian-American relations believe that not a single American statesman at that time could have signed such a document. The emergence of a text of this kind is connected with Russian internal political problems.

However, such false material had a noticeable impact on the self-awareness of the peoples of Russia. Moreover, there are facts of judicial recognition of it as extremist material in 2015. Experts consider it aimed at inciting hatred and hostility towards individuals representing the Russian state power. Some politicians use it to accuse opposition figures.

About American documents

The first known document on this topic was Memorandum 20/1 of the US National Security Council dated August 18, 1948. It was prepared at the request of the Pentagon about the goals of the long-term American politics regarding the Soviet Union. This document had no relation to Dulles and had no tasks on moral decay I didn’t care about Soviet society.

The law “PL 86-90”, adopted by the US Congress in October 1959, directly linked the security of America with the collapse of the Soviet Union into separate states. The next law determined the technologies for the collapse of the USSR and the further management of processes on its territory. A presidential directive adopted in 1991 allowed the liquidation of the Soviet Union by force, the further fragmentation of Russia and the colonization of its territories.

  • On instructions from the American government at Harvard, a group of experts developed a project that provided for the years 1996-2000:
  • liquidation of state and public property in the Russian Federation, widespread introduction of private property;
  • disbandment of the army;
  • the collapse of Russia as a state, the division of its territory into several dozen independent zones for use by the Anglo-Saxons;
  • refusal of free medical care and education;
  • the elimination of the high standard of living in Moscow and St. Petersburg;
  • population reduction to 30 million people.