Where the shamans live. Real shamans still exist. The strongest in Siberia

Shamanism is the most widespread of all religions, which arose far before the beginning of our era. Since ancient times, it was shamans who were considered not only intellectuals, but also spiritually developed, indeed capable people. Of course, at first glance, it would seem that these people are not at all friendly with the psyche, and they have obvious mental disorders. But no, many people are really engaged in restoring the body, and even try not to advertise their real activities. And there are those who compose musical creations or write beautiful pictures, therefore, to the question of who is a shaman and what he does, there is no more direct answer than this.

Actions and rituals

If for you, the answer to the question “who is a shaman” is still little revealed, then I suggest reading the following information. To perform seances, most write poetry. It is they that allow you to reveal in more detail everything that you want to know and, of course, with this the psychic confirms that his charms supposedly work. He interacts with the spirits of deceased animals, and in most cases among them there are predatory animals:

  • eagles;
  • lions;
  • panthers;
  • tigers;
  • wolves.

That is, the origin of the word still comes from the Tungusic language. Translated, it means a person in a state of trance. And this is not surprising, because in order to find out about something, you need to turn to the souls of dead animals. And for this you need to perform some kind of session. But it is important to remember, no matter what spirit it evokes, you need to be careful, because there are always bad ones that can harm.

Trance is a different world

If a shaman goes into a trance, it means he has already set off on a journey not to our world - it could be the world above or the world below. So he needs to find out something. For example, he is able to ask the gods and various spirits something about health, about abundant offspring in people and animals. You can also ask something more significant, for example, whether there will be success in commercial affairs or how to heal from an illness. Here is the answer to the question “who are shamans and what do they do.” Therefore, when turning to such a person, you should only find out about something important, and at least provide protection from harm.

Be vigilant, because shamans do not accept all people. There are those with whom they themselves refuse to work. He will always feel good or evil man and it is better not to turn to those who turn to evil souls.

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Shamanism is ancient belief about close communication between a person and a spiritualized, breathing world that lives its own life. And communication with the World of Spirits, which go hand in hand with a person, occurs with the help of an intermediary endowed with special abilities - a shaman.

Shaman is a person who has realized extraordinary possibilities for himself, A New Look on the world order.

Shamans, like no one else, understand the principle of the “Unified Mechanism”. Everything around is interconnected, for example, wood absorbs nutrients from the ground and in return produces fruits that people can eat. And the healing of the earth can only happen by changing a person, by him knowing the true purpose of life in this world, and by respecting the environment.

Shamans are firmly convinced that everything around is alive and cannot be dead - the soul can live without a bodily shell (if we are talking about a person or an animal). And only spirits know all the secrets of existence, the answers to all questions.

You need to understand that shamans are not magicians or sorcerers. They are people who were able to reveal the incredible capabilities of their own brain, saw the world with completely different eyes and have a special mission on this earth.

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Shaman Definition: What is a Shaman? Shaman is spiritual person developing his powers through shamanism. The teachings associated with shamanism are probably one of the oldest teachings of man, its origins dating back to the Stone Age.

The term "shaman" comes from the Sanskrit word "sraman", meaning worker.

Shaman and Indian beliefs

Shamanism is not a religion, but a worldview based on the belief that physical nature can be brought under the control of a person in the person of a shaman. The shaman is believed to have a spiritual connection with all elements of nature.

Shamanism is mixed with other beliefs such as Animism, Totemism, Ritualism. But that is a thing of the past. Today shamanism is different, it is free from traditions and past mistakes. Traditions held back the proper development of shamanism and shamans. Blindly following traditions is what it was main mistake shamans of the past. They relied on the strength of others and themselves remained in an underdeveloped state. This has continued from the Stone Age to the present day.

The role of the shaman

The shaman used suitable words, objects and rituals to protect people from evil spirits. The role of the Shaman could differ from tribe to tribe, as there were different regional and tribal variations in beliefs and beliefs. There are, however, a few common roles shared by every Shaman.

The shaman was a healer, communicator and educator:

Communicator: The shaman provided assistance and advice to the tribe members
The shaman was the keeper of myths, traditions and tribal wisdom
The Shaman had the abilities of Spiritual Healing and the ability to cure diseases - hence ancient name shaman
Mystic: The shaman had the ability to communicate with the spirit world, leave the body and enter supernatural world to find answers

In many tribes, the Shaman also played the role of a warrior or military leader.

Shaman's Tools

State of heightened awareness
Use of sacred objects
Symbolic magic, spells, war dances, beach dances and hunting dances using rattles and drums
Fasting and cleansing rituals

Medicine, mystery and shaman

The healing role of the Shaman was decisive. A person with knowledge of spirits and the supernatural was a shaman. The shaman knew words of protection and chants and knew objects that, if carried, would disarm bad spirits and protect their owners. Native Americans who spent their lives trying to gain such knowledge are called: medics, physicians, arcane people or shamans.

Shamanic regalia - masks, rattles and drums

The shaman was equipped with a number of items that helped him communicate with spirits in other worlds. They used dances, gestures and sounds as symbolic powers of the Shaman to enter into spiritual world. The shaman also wore ceremonial clothing and carried sacred objects such as rattles and drums.

The shamans of some tribes also used masks that were believed to have spiritual powers and identify them with spirits in other worlds and activate their powers.

Shaman, Ceremonies and Secret Societies

Among some tribes, especially the Southwestern Indians, there are secret societies that practice spiritual wisdom for the benefit of the individual or for the benefit of the entire tribe. Secret societies of shamans can work to cure illness in individuals or work for an entire tribe to combat illness.

This short excursion into traditional shamanism, but as we said earlier today, free shamanism is flourishing.

Healing sessions modern shamans.

Shamans of Altai and other regions of Siberia are people who inherit an ancient tradition that carries centuries-old knowledge and wisdom. What their life looks like, what their thinking is like - these are the questions many people ask. And we will lift the veil of secrecy over one of ancient traditions existing on the territory of Russia.

In the article:

Shamans of Altai - who are they

Shamanism is the oldest tradition in the world. It appeared much earlier than many spiritual teachings or magical practices. This is because its basis is what people saw directly next to them. Often tradition of shamanism was based on visible manifestations of nature, thunderstorms, rains and the like. The man saw this and thought that such power could only be released through the mediation of some great forces. Many identified such forces with gods, as well as spirits. But if so, if this is a force that, at its own will, can direct such monstrous weather phenomena, then it means you can communicate with it. Because the will speaks of self-awareness, which can guide it. It was in this way that humanity came to the practice of shamanism.

Shamans were not just people who knew and were able to do a lot. They were the chosen ones of these very spirits. Such a rapprochement could also mean that they are, in some way, relatives of the spirits. And they perform all their actions with their help and mediation.

But Altai is a special region. If in other parts of the world humanity has forgotten shamanism or it has changed so much that it is no longer recognizable, then shamanism in Altai has remained in its, so to speak, primordial form. Altaians hold tightly to ancient traditions, not allowing long-standing beliefs to change. It is worth clarifying that shamanism is not a religion. This is a way of communicating with higher entities or beings from another plane of existence. With spirits, souls of the dead and other representatives. And the shamans of the Altai Mountains are very, very experienced in such matters. They never lost touch with those mystical powers who live in our world. And even in ourselves.

What does a modern Altai shaman look like? IN Everyday life- as you wish. They can be found in both traditional suits and jeans. It is very rarely possible to distinguish them from an ordinary Altai. Perhaps by the respect that others show the shaman. Because this is a well-known person who is often visited for treatment or advice. But during rituals, they all wear ritual costumes in order to appear as close as possible to the original image.

Although, of course, now the image itself means little. Not culturally, but sacredly. Because, after all, communication with spirits is a more personal, internal matter than external. Only the old representatives of this teaching retain the full ambience of a real shaman. They still live in traditional dwellings, always go to national costumes. But modern followers are beginning to move away from this lifestyle. Because modernity dictates its own laws, no matter where people live.

Shamanism in Buryatia and the ritual of transformation

Shamanism in Buryatia is worth special mention for one very impressive ritual. Yes, there are differences in the shamanism of the peoples of Siberia and Far East there are many. Some of them are small, others are striking. But in Buryatia there is an ancient ritual that distinguishes it so much from other shamanic cultures that it is impossible not to mention it. The meaning of this ritual is to show the process that a person goes through when becoming a shaman. A ritual showing spiritual transformation.

In Buryatia, only a descendant of a shamanic family can become a shaman.

According to the tradition of the Buryat people, only those who have utha can become a shaman. If translated into Russian - hereditary roots, shamanic ancestors. It is also worth adding that in Buryat tradition the shaman has always been perceived both as a chosen one and as a martyr. A person was born with such a seal and lived with it all his life. Only a few stories are known when a descendant of a shamanic family renounced his inheritance.

On the path of his formation, the future shaman had to go a very long way. Both spiritual and physical. He had to undergo as many as nine initiations, at the end of which he received the title of whole or quality. The translation is quite rough, but at the same time very close. Shaman initiation ritual shanar, was as follows. An alley of 27 birches was built, but most of the attention was paid to the mother tree and the father tree.

A nest was placed on top of the first one, into which nine eggs were laid. At the base of the tree was a symbol of the Moon. The image of the Sun was installed at the top of the father tree. Also great attention was paid to the interior furnishings, ablution platforms and similar things. The initiate himself must dress in traditional clothes, including armor.

Shaman's ritual

The initiation began with a ritual. Calling upon ancestral spirits to determine the worthiness or unworthiness of the applicant. Then the future shaman was given all the ritual equipment, except for the tambourine. And the convert must show all his skill. He must dance around the building, climb birch trees, jump from one to another. Do everything he was taught long years. In order to impress all those watching - both dead and living. Such dedication should last several days, optimally nine. All this time, the young shaman is forbidden to leave the ritual room. They bring him food and water. Only after this did he become a real shaman. Unless, of course, the spirits of his ancestors said that he was truly worthy of such an honor.

Although, given the belief that the shaman is more of a martyr, one cannot say that his life will be so happy. But, nevertheless, it will be used for a good cause, serving society and people. The goal is definitely noble. After all, a shaman is a connecting link between the world of spirits and the material world. It helps people heal, provides spiritual relief and much more. But these powers come at a price, just like any other. In the case of a shaman, his life no longer belongs to him. He is given to service until the last drop of blood.

Shamans of Yakutia

The shamans of Yakutia are followers of shamanism, which are also worth dwelling on in more detail. There are, of course, many other representatives from different nations, about which the general reader should be told. These are Tuvan shamans, and the traditions of shamanism in Khakassia, and the Evenks, whose shamanism is known far beyond the borders of Altai. But we will try to talk only about the most interesting aspects of the shamanic tradition. The most striking difference between Yakut shamans and their colleagues from other nations is the burial traditions, as well as the spirit beast. This is not just a totem animal, but almost a material companion that accompanies the shaman throughout his life. And continues to accompany after death.

In different interpretations you can find different references to who this spirit-beast is. Some say that this is a purely speculative concept, intended to show the inner essence of the shaman. His character. Like a beast - a reflection of his soul. This is partially true. Another interpretation says that the spirit-beast is a patron given to the shaman for protection. After all, he is the chosen one of the spiritual world, and the spiritual world always takes care of such people. This is also partially true. And the truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle.

Both interpretations are correct and the real purpose of the spirit-beast lies in both. It is also a reflection of the shaman’s inner essence, which is projected onto real world, and a mystical guardian angel. It’s as if the spirit world is a bright lamp, the shaman is a complex picture on paper, and the beast is the image that will appear on the table if you point one at the other. Also, this spirit gives the shaman protection from magical attack from other shamans or evil otherworldly magical creatures. The beast plays the role of a source of strength, which at the right moment helps to overcome any danger. So its importance is difficult to overestimate.

Evenki shamanism

What about burials? Attention should be paid to both the ancient traditions of shamanic burials and those that appeared relatively recently. In ancient times, shamans were buried in special structures called arangas. These are wooden structures that were attached to tree trunks, high above the ground. The place was chosen in the thicket of the forest, as far as possible from roads and human habitation. All of his ritual attributes were placed in the coffin of the dead man. Except for the tambourine. The tambourine was broken and hung over the grave so that a stranger would not get it.

Who is a shaman? “This is the one who runs around with a tambourine and mutters something under his breath,” many will answer. And they will not be entirely right, because such an interpretation is far from complete and does not reveal the true meaning.

Shamanism how ancient art appeared in Paleolithic times and was distributed throughout the planet. People communicated with spirits and mastered the relationship between man and nature. And what’s surprising is that shamans all over the world came to a common understanding of the world, although they never communicated with each other.

A modern person can lift the veil of secrecy and learn about ancient traditions and practices. If, of course, he is ready to face his roots and the spiritual reality of existence. Let's try to figure out who a shaman really is and what he does.

Who are shamans?

First of all, these are people who have certain knowledge. The shaman, entering a state of trance, goes into other world. It is from there that information and experience come to him, which are then used for the benefit of humanity. Such a person can be called a guide to the afterlife or a mediator between worlds.

What else are people called who have secret knowledge? Traditional healer, scientist, priest, guardian of the ancients, sorcerer, magician, mystic. All these names boil down to the fact that a shaman is someone who masters natural methods for maintaining or obtaining well-being, good health for himself or others.

The guardian of the ancients draws all this knowledge from helping spirits, who most often appear in the form of mystical animals. The shaman meets them in another reality - the lower world. On average there are living people. The upper world is inhabited by divine beings who have superconsciousness. All these realities are connected. Its roots pass through the lower world, and a high crown ends in the upper world. This is the shamanic understanding of existence.

The meaning of the word "shaman"

If you turn to explanatory dictionaries, then you can see that they give several interpretations of this word.

According to one definition, a shaman is a person who, in the opinion of others, has a special magical power. That is, he is a sorcerer, or in other words, a wizard.

Another definition says that a shaman is a person who comes into contact with supernatural forces through ritual. This is a special ritual ecstasy achieved through special techniques. We will talk about this a little later.

There is another meaning, according to which the shaman acts as a provider of services of a religious, ethnic and medical nature. He does this in a state of consciousness similar to ecstasy. It is believed that supernatural forces are involved in healing.

Origin of the word "shaman"

The term "shaman" is common throughout the world. Although the languages ​​of different nations are fundamentally different from each other, the pronunciation of this word is generally consonant. If you think about what a shaman is, then you need to analyze this term according to its composition.

One version of the origin is associated with the Tungus-Manchu language. At the head of the word is the root “sa”, which means “to know”. There is also a binding - the suffix “man”. And it turns out that a shaman (saman) is a person who loves knowledge. For comparison, we can give another example not related to healing practice. "Asiman" is a "lover of women." Also, at the root “sa” you can find derivatives with similar meanings. For example, “savun” is “knowledge”, and “sademi” is “to know”.

According to another version, the term comes from the Sanskrit “shraman”, which literally translates as “spiritual ascetic”, “wandering hermit”. This word penetrated into Asia along with the Buddhist movement, and then, together with the Even language, spread among the Russian and Western populations.

Each nation calls shamans differently. Even in the same area they can get caught different names. There are also entire classifications, according to which shamans are divided into categories and perform different functions.

What do shamans do?

What functions does a shaman perform? In fact, the work of a healer-guide is not simple dances with a tambourine, as many believe. Shamans, having entered a trance, identify the disease and treat it, avert troubles and misfortunes from their fellow tribesmen, and search for missing things and even people.

During astral travel, the guardians of the ancients come into contact with other realities. Therefore, they can communicate with the dead, accompany those who left the earth to the world of their ancestors, and conduct charm rituals that protect against evil spirits. By contacting phantoms, shamans are able not only to communicate with them, but also to control them.

It is believed that astral projection and travel to the celestial and underground worlds allow you to predict the future. Therefore, you can turn to a shaman for help in making a forecast for a particular situation. Interpretation of dreams is also the specialty of traditional healers.

Shamans are inextricably linked with nature, and therefore can control the weather and natural phenomena. This ability is often used to ensure a rich harvest or a successful hunt.

As you can see, the keeper of the ancients only good intentions. But the shaman-sorcerer uses connections with other worlds for selfish purposes, to profit or cause harm to someone.

Characteristics of a shaman

  • Possesses special knowledge and magical qualities.
  • He is a guru, a spiritual mentor.
  • Able to enter a state of trance using special dances, meditations and rituals.
  • He can release the soul from the body, create astral projection and visit other worlds.

  • Understands the division of spirits into evil and good, knows how to control them. If necessary, the shaman cooperates with phantoms for the well-being of the community.
  • Has healing powers.
  • He resorts to the help of broadcasters - animal souls.
  • In rituals he uses a very important attribute - a drum or tambourine.

A shaman is a person endowed with a gift. And it doesn’t matter whether he wanted to get it or not. IN ancient society only the gods and spirits chose the traditional healer, marking him with a supernatural mark. Most often it was some kind of distinctive mark on the body. This rule applied even to those to whom abilities were inherited.

Initiation into shamans is carried out by an experienced guardian of the ancients. During it, the chosen one becomes very ill, he begins to have a headache, vomiting, and hallucinations. This phenomenon is commonly called “shamanic disease.” The illness goes away only when a person accepts his path and surrenders himself to the spirits.

The future shaman is most often a little boy. When he was recognized, special education began. He was not raised like ordinary children. WITH early childhood They were taught to spend a lot of time communicating with nature and animals, using herbs, making shamanic tools and contacting spirits.

Signs of being chosen

In ancient times, people understood that a person was chosen for a shamanic mission based on several criteria:

  • One could say about the child that he was “born in a shirt.”
  • Has a rich imagination.
  • Has a special love for nature and animals.
  • Always characterized by silence, gloominess and thoughtfulness.
  • A person sees unusual dreams about other worlds, sacred birds or animals.
  • There was a strange incident in my life (contact with the wing of a mysterious bird, injury from lightning or a stone falling straight from the sky, and so on).

Does the shaman have significance for modern times?

In ancient times, communication with animals and nature was an ordinary part of everyday life. But here modern man this skill was lost and forgotten. People no longer see the need for this.

And only for last years humanity has come to understand the value of how important it is to return to the spiritual roots of life. Scientists began to seriously consider the existence of souls and life in other worlds.

Our ancestors had knowledge about this and even traveled to other realities themselves. To the modern shaman destined to preserve and transmit ancient rites, practices and traditions necessary for calling ancestral spirits.

Is it possible to become a shaman?

In ancient times, only a supernatural mark indicated that a person was a shaman. Modern history proves the opposite. Today, almost anyone can learn the path of the shaman. So, what conditions are necessary for this?

  • There were already shamans, healers or healers in the family.
  • Experiencing a serious illness, in which a person’s life hangs by a thread, can become an impetus for the discovery of abilities.
  • If a child has the ability to foresee future events, then he can be taught to communicate with spirits.
  • An experienced practicing shaman can help you unlock your potential.
  • If you establish contact with the spirit of nature, it can help you gain shamanic abilities.

In order to comprehend secret knowledge, people usually isolate themselves from society and become hermits. They go into the forest or mountains for weeks, months and even years to be alone with themselves and their thoughts. This helps you understand whether you have no prerequisites or whether you really are a shaman. Legends say that becoming a mediator between worlds simply at will is quite difficult and very dangerous. After all, the mind of an inexperienced person can be taken over by evil spirits under the guise of allies.

Shamanic practices

All rituals and ceremonies are performed in a state of trance. To move into it, spells, special dances, chants, amulets and even hallucinogenic plants are necessarily used. Also in shamanic practice, such an attribute as a drum or tambourine, which is usually decorated with animal bones and bells, is very important.

Different rituals use their own instruments. For example, to perform rituals of carrying and storing phantoms or souls, rattles, bones, a didgeridoo or a jew's harp are needed. And to determine the protecting family, special music is created with special instruments.

The Guardian of the Ancients is in harmony with surrounding reality and draws natural strength from nature. You can meet another type that is fundamentally different in its actions. He is a shaman magician. On the contrary, he uses his own skills - sorcery to change the world.


These are entire ritual techniques that are performed to establish contact with spirits. Sometimes they themselves inhabit a person in order to transmit information through him. The ceremony may take several hours or may last up to several days. The ritual can be frightening to an untrained observer, because it is accompanied by blackouts and convulsions. When the goal is achieved, the shaman’s soul returns to earth, and he opens his eyes as if nothing had happened.

Before the ritual, you need to put on a costume, apply makeup and prepare necessary tools. Often, fellow tribesmen are called together and a fire is lit, around which everyone sits. The shaman makes a speech and makes a sacrifice. Only after this does the ritual begin - going into a trance, beating the tambourine, dancing and singing.

The rhythm of the dance is set by objects placed on the shaman’s clothes. At the same time, the noise gradually increases, and the beating of the tambourine and the singing become louder. Then the smoldering shaman fumigates his fellow tribesmen with a special mixture of mushrooms and herbs. This is necessary to immerse everyone present in a hallucinogenic trance. Then you can perform the ritual that is needed to achieve the goal: therapeutic, commercial, religious, etc. At the end of the ritual, the shaman must thank the spirits.

Legends about famous shamans

During the rituals, Sat Soyzul hammered a knife into his chest and froze in place. You would have thought he was dead. But at the end of the ritual, Sat opened his eyes and calmly pulled out the dagger.

Another shaman, Daigak Kaigal, in order to convince everyone of his abilities, asked to be shot in the heart during a ritual. You could see the blood, but neither the bullets nor the knife actually wounded him.

Shamans are continually connected to nature and spirits. And today on this mysterious world Almost anyone can take a dip.