Paul Hasson. The art of witchcraft. Magical revenge and attack. Curse spells. Birth canals, violations, curses

1. Mental weakness and emotional trauma, accidents
2. Frequently recurring, poorly diagnosed, hereditary or chronic diseases
3. Infertility, tendency to fetal incontinence, loss of children
4. The collapse of a marriage or alienation in the family, strangers among one’s own
5. Constant financial insufficiency,
6. Susceptibility to tragic accidents
7. Unnatural or untimely death.
The presence of only one or two of these problems does not necessarily in itself warrant a conclusion that a curse is at work. When several of these problems are present, or when any of these problems recur, then the likelihood of action generational curse grows proportionally.

A curse is only a homogeneous phenomenon at first glance, and its action or inaction depends on many factors.
Firstly, the qualities of the one pronouncing the curse, the degree of respect for him in the community (the curse of a shaman is very effective, in particular because of his authority), personal qualities or, in more appropriate words, magnetism, the ability to master the skills of psycho-correction and one’s own mental regulation and influence on others.
Secondly, the properties of the one on whom the curse is sent, suggestibility, a property that is very inherent especially in hysterical characters, the properties of the living environment and beliefs (habitat, environment - this is the wild tribe "Hunda Bundo" or a metropolis, city, center), i.e. . willingness to sacrifice.

A flash of anger - and we don’t know what we’re doing... It’s not even a step that separates love from hatred, but a barely perceptible line, a moment...

2. Intentional.
A curse always has some point of application. It is always aimed at something specific, be it, in a narrow sense, a person, or his place of residence, or broader spheres.

**Specific (on this person, for a certain body, for money, etc.)
**Unspecified (for a random person who falls under a bad influence, for example, for someone who picks up a certain thing at a crossroads or the hatred splashed out into space ends up in a random victim)
1.Specialist (magician, sorcerer, witch...)
They are "cast" primarily as revenge or influence, but also for protection purposes, usually of homes, treasures, graves and cemeteries. The curse has an effect in time immediately or after the ripening of a convenient moment for action or even after many years.
The centuries-old experience of mankind shows: if the victim knows that he has been cursed, or believes that he is doomed to death, then the effectiveness of the curse is greatly enhanced, since in this case the person himself helps to bring the own death! The victim herself makes the work of the destructive “virus” or “death program” easier.
The reliability of this method is confirmed by the practice of Australian aboriginal sorcerers, which has been quite well studied by Western scientists - ethnographers, parapsychologists, etc.
2. Not a specialist, but any person, energetically quite strong, in anger wished for the fulfillment of a negative message.
It is believed that a curse can be sent by any person, simply with a feeling of anger or hatred, by expressing, CRYING out, a wish that trouble should happen to some person. However, as scientific researchers have found, the strength of the curse actually depends on the physical condition and social status of the person cursing.
Curses have great magical power and therefore more dangerous when they are sent by people with religious or political authority, or by representatives of the lowest strata (homeless people), as well as by the sick or near death.
Curses of the dying have the greatest impact, since all vital energy curses fall on the cursed.

Curses are a strong energy blow or attack designed to end the lineage of the cursed victim.

Any person can send a curse by simply expressing his negative wish that such and such a person would suffer such and such damage - That’s it, the mechanism worked, there are such entities in our world with great pleasure fulfilling such “wishes” of humanity! However, the effect and effectiveness of the curse depends on the condition and position in society of the curser.

It is believed that curses are more powerful and therefore more dangerous - when they are sent by people of authority, for example, priests, priestesses or members of the royal family, noble blood; people who own magical arts, for example, witches, sorcerers and magicians; People who cannot take revenge in any other way, for example, the humiliated and offended, women in most human societies are widows, beggars, mothers who buried their children, mothers of disabled children, the wretched, the poor, the sick and those near death.

Curses pronounced on the deathbed have the greatest power, since all the outgoing vital energy in the power of the curser turns into the “last wish”, which must be fulfilled by this curse!

If the victim knows that he has been cursed, or believes that he is doomed to death, the effectiveness of the curse is enhanced, since in this case the victim himself helps to complete the action and bring his own death closer.

This phenomenon is called sympathetic magic. However, witches and wizards say that curses work without such knowledge on the part of the victim. Indeed, many claim that they never let their victim know that a curse is being cast on them, so as to prevent another witch from breaking the spell.
Like a blessing, a curse consists in calling on supernatural forces to produce some action that changes the state of affairs.
The distinction between benefit and harm is created by inner intention. Witches and warlocks in most societies throughout history have used both blessings and curses on other people, whether in response to payment from their clients or a court verdict. Plato notes in the Republic: “If someone wants to harm an enemy, then for a small fee they (sorcerers) cause damage to both good and to an evil person, calling on the gods to serve their purposes through spells and curses."

A curse is an aggressive magical act consisting of a verbal or combined negative message.

The latter means an attack with the word plus, and this often occurs - a destructive ritual action - a bloody sacrifice, envolting (a figurine or doll symbolizing the victim), as well as other professional magical actions.
A curse is a one-time attack designed to help end the lineage of the cursed.

And this is the fundamental difference between a curse and damage. When damaged, the transfer of negativity always occurs to a specific victim. In case of a curse - with some condition, either not only to the victim herself, but also to all her descendants in a direct blood line.

The magical attack, called a curse, has been known since the Middle Ages. The curse was a type of revenge (retribution). Or it served to protect a certain place or object; in this case, the impact was addressless, and was triggered when the future victim performed certain actions.

Curse of the Templars

Many people know the so-called curse of the Templars, which was specifically targeted and concerned Pope Clement V and King Philip IV the Fair, who united to destroy the Templar Order. On March 18, 1314, at a special meeting, the cardinals heard the master of the order, Jacques de Mollier, accused of heresy, who, after the verdict was announced, exclaimed: “Not even a year will pass before I call you to the judgment of God, you will be given a fair punishment! Curse! A curse on your entire family up to the thirteenth generation!”

The chief master of the order, Jacques de Mollier, was burned alive at the stake, without admitting his guilt or repenting, taking many secrets of the Templar order to the grave. The order's archives disappeared, as did all the gold and silver. There is no doubt that the Master of the Templar Order knew magic...

The curse came true exactly - Pope Clement died on April 20 of the same year (1314). King Philip IV the Fair of France died at the age of 46 due to a strange illness on November 29, 1314, i.e. the same year. His sons, who ascended the throne in turn, Louis X, Philip V the Long, Charles IV the Handsome, were clearly under the threat of a curse. In 1328, just 15 years later, the Capetian dynasty was interrupted altogether, which, in fact, was the beginning Hundred Years' War between France and England.

The curse of the pharaohs and the curse of treasures
The curse of the pharaohs is known, which was without address, and concerned those who dared to disturb the tombs protected in this way. There was also the so-called curse of treasures, which all treasure hunters without exception were very afraid of, and still are afraid of. And this, by the way, is so serious that a skilled treasure hunter is considered not the one who knows how to find the treasure, but the one who knows how to take this treasure without punishment.

Nowadays, the curse works on the basis of exactly the same principles as in the Middle Ages. In the case of a curse, sudden deaths in the family are quite often observed, including suicide and inability to bear children, and catastrophic bad luck.

A curse for the destruction of the entire clan or the destruction of only the men in the clan.
Case: A mother with two children is undergoing consultation. The eldest boy is Nikita, and his sister. The primary diagnosis is damage. After the work, everything returned to normal for everyone, except for the eldest son, Nikita. This was at the very beginning of practice, and many things were not entirely clear, and there was a lack of experience. Now we can conclude that damage is quite often confused with a curse. In this case, the healer identifies the curse as damage. Why? With damage everything is “simple”, but with a curse it is much more complicated; you need to look through a huge layer of information. Sometimes there is not enough time for this, sometimes... just laziness.
So, problems started with the boy Nikita - I’m filming, and she (“damage”) comes back, and so many times. I start to think, what’s the matter, what’s going on? We have to "dig". It turned out that according to their mother’s family, all the men died: two boys during childbirth, as well as two of the mother’s brothers, and at a young age.

Her father is a retired colonel, a security officer. In the 30s, as a very young employee, he personally participated in executions. Nikita is his own grandson - the last of the men in the family. Nikita constantly found himself in traumatic situations, and in such situations that you can’t imagine on purpose: he drowned in a barrel of water, in a puddle near the house, in the river, at sea in a children’s camp, fell from the porch and from the roof of the barn. Or he simply stumbled and broke everything he could. At the age of 12, the boy already had all his limbs broken, several ribs broken, and had a concussion twice.

It became clear that the grandfather-colonel was under a curse, the essence of which was the destruction of his family. To help his grandson Nikita, the grandfather had to repent. The colonel categorically refused to repent. Everything that could be done was done by the colonel’s wife, Nikita’s grandmother. When looking at Nikita's future life, it turned out that he needed to live away from large crowds of people, somewhere in the village, and it would be better to work as a forester or a trackman.

Curse to destroy the race through infertility

Young in the picture beautiful couple. Seven years of marriage, no children. All medical indicators are normal. IVF does not work, we tried many times. We visited many healers and removed the damage. The result is that there were no children, and there are no children. Faded faces, no longer believing in anything. After talking and watching, the conclusion was made: the problem is not with them. I started asking about my parents. It turned out that the young woman’s mother works as a gynecologist and performs abortions. I asked her to come. She has arrived. He explained that she received a curse from the relatives of the girl who had an abortion. Abortion is a sin in itself, and then there is a curse... There was only one piece of advice: if she wants grandchildren, repent and stop having abortions. The woman did everything as she was advised. A year and a half later, her daughter gave birth to her grandson. Moreover, the daughter became pregnant without medical intervention, naturally.


A young woman is having a consultation. The essence of the problem is this: five pregnancies, and all ended tragically, the babies died either in the womb or within 24 hours after birth. According to medical indicators, a woman does not have anything that prevents her from having a child, neither physically nor morally. This is not her sin and not her problem. Let's start finding out. On asked question: what is she afraid of? It turned out that most of all in life she is afraid of water...

I won’t bore you with a long story. It turned out that the great-grandmother, who was alive at that time, became pregnant by a German during the occupation. The child was drowned in an ice hole. The grandmother did not admit to what she had done for a long time, but then she finally told about this story. Obviously, the grandmother suffered the curse itself. After she confessed, her great-granddaughter gave birth safely.

Curse, according to the Bible, the word curse is used in contrast to the word blessing. By curse we mean the deprivation of blessings and condemnation to disasters (Bible. Genesis 27:12). A deliberate, powerful negative impact that brings severe painful and fatal damage to a person throughout and his family up to the seventh generation is a Curse. This is one of the most powerful destructive programs and can have a negative impact and disasters on almost all areas of life and activity of a person, as well as his kind.

To curse, to curse someone: according to church- anathematize, excommunicate; in everyday life - to deprive of favor, to expel from oneself, depriving one of the inheritance and all communication; and also - to hate, scold, revile, call for disasters, desire, evil, even to the point of untimely death. What kind of curses are there?

Types of curses.

There are a great many curses and it is impossible to list everything. This is a “curse on health”, “curse on everything, a curse on everything - a household curse”, “magic curse”, “generational curse, generational curse”, “curse on infertility”, “curse on death”, “curse of parents”, “curse of children”, “curse of beggars”, “curse of gypsies”... “Eternal curse”.

It’s impossible to list everything that can happen regarding curses - I’ll say one thing a curse is a great evil. Any angry person, aggressive and embittered, unrestrained, as they say, can send a curse, regardless of close kinship, friendship and trust. Those who are convinced that only magicians, sorcerers and witches are capable of this... (yes, this is their profession), but also in everyday life, in quarrels between family and friends, between friends and colleagues and completely unfamiliar people (in transport, store, anywhere...) at the moment of a scandal, a quarrel, curses are thrown (in a fit of anger), since at the moment of anger there is a very large charge of negativity. And also the opponent, restraining himself from verbal curses, can inflict a curse mentally (as they say in the back) sending a large stream of negativity in his thoughts. Therefore, you should always monitor your thoughts and words, especially at the moment of irritation.

Parental curse the curse of the mother, the curse of the father - is considered the most powerful and dangerous, it works destructively and quickly, because there is a very close blood and energy connection between parents and children from birth. Remember that “with a word you can kill, with a word you can lead regiments…” A sharp, sometimes evil, word spoken by a mother or father to her child has a severe effect, similar to a curse. The negative impact of mothers on children is very strong, since women are energetically and spiritually closer to children.

The curse is terrible in its destructive power. Almost anyone can cast a curse, even a close relative, and not just a magician or sorcerer. This often happens, “from the heart” wishing someone this or that misfortune. It should be remembered that a curse is always harmful for both parties, that is, both the person to whom it was addressed and the one WHO sent it.

Magic curses made to order by magicians, sorcerers and witches can affect any sphere of life of a person and his family, up to their complete destruction. Magic curses are a special type of spells, rituals, and ceremonies that cause various serious illnesses, accidents, discord in the family, at work, bankruptcy and ruin in victims. What was mentioned above. Magical curses include various types of damage and evil eyes. Magic curses are special rituals in magic, rites and spells that cause illness and even death, misfortune, misfortune, and also cause numerous major damages to victims. These rituals are performed by magicians, sorcerers, witches and, of course, secretly and vilely, like a stab in the back. Curses performed by magicians are a special type of spells that cause various serious illnesses, accidents, catastrophes, accidents, divorces, strife and ruin. There are all kinds of curses. They are diverse and divided by goals, objectives, spheres of influence, severity of harm caused, scale of coverage and distribution.

Curse of the Beggars- beggars can curse because they were not given money or were given small change, but they need paper money, not “pennies.” These are not true beggars and therefore their curse is evil and effective. The physically crippled are cursed for loss of health, for illness, while the rest are cursed with poverty, for the loss of material and other well-being and success.

Gypsy curses. The curse of the gypsies. Gypsies walk in a group, looking for their victim, surround her, then use methods of falsifying signs of imminent death for you and your dearest people, hypnotize, etc. And you are ready to do anything to “save yourself and your loved ones.” If you manage to escape from their tenacious hands, then definitely - you will receive a generational curse after, after, in the back. The back, for a curse, is one of the most vulnerable and unprotected places.

Curse of infertility in everything, and not only in relation to children, to failure, to poverty, to ruin, to losses and losses is caused by the words “so that you were empty.” As a result, the person who received this message lives in poverty, he is haunted everywhere and in everything by failures, infertility in everything, including infertility in children - these can be miscarriages at different stages of pregnancy, stillborn children, death of infants or those born with various physical disabilities and even deformity, or pregnancy may not occur at all.

Curse on health the phrases used in everyday life convey the idea of ​​illness: “so that you go blind, so that you become deaf, so that you cannot walk, so that your hands wither…”. Then, “out of the blue,” a person’s health begins to melt away... Various diseases begin, usually severe, debilitating, sometimes without a specific medical diagnosis. A health curse can also provoke mental illness, deep sadness, fears, obsessions...

Curse that day or that hour and at the same time, as they say, a person walks in circles, loses everything in life and starts all over again, and so on several times. This could be repeated bankruptcy of a company, divorces and leaving the family with large material losses, wanderings...

Ancestral curse. The most insidious curse, which has the most serious impact on the fate and health of each member of the clan, is the ancestral curse. The curse of the clan and its special severity lies in the fact that the negative manifestations of the curse are always passed on from generation to generation of the entire clan, they are haunted by evil fate, up to the seventh - ninth generation. Signs of a generational curse - characteristic feature it is the recurring tragic events of several generations, and at approximately the same age. They are haunted by fatal tragedies, misfortunes, serious illnesses, such as: neurodermatitis, oncology, epilepsy, eczema, psoriasis, diabetes, asthma, alcohol and other serious and serious health problems. A generational curse is when, after certain periods of time, a person loses everything and starts all over again, and so on several times - this can be multiple divorces, with great moral and material losses, the ruin of a company... This is repeated repeatedly, like rotating in a circle. A family curse is an energy-informational disease of a person and his family, induced by magicians, sorcerers, and witches. It is passed down through the family to the seventh generation and beyond, unless it is removed. With a family curse, it is necessary to establish who was the first in the family to fall victim to this curse. To successfully remove the curse, a thorough and thorough diagnosis of the entire family is carried out, then the removal of the curse is carried out with mandatory protection. A curse should not be confused with damage and the evil eye.

Curse to death. Sometimes it is damage to the death of all family members. It can also be a family curse - these are curses and spells aimed at the destruction, death of a specific clan, family or surname as a whole. The effect of the curse on death is realized through various accidents, often fatal, and through severe, incurable diseases. Physical - from stroke and its consequences, paralysis, psoriasis, diabetes - to cancer. Mental - from increased nervousness, fears, phobias, prolonged depression, schizophrenia to suicide. A curse to death is often obtained thoughtlessly, through the phrases used in everyday life: “so that you die, so that you fail...”, etc. etc.

Signs and symptoms of a death curse: the health of the damned is catastrophic and rapidly declining, and the symptoms are similar to medical signs of disorders of the endocrine and immune systems, as well as borderline states and mental disorders. Moreover, the indicators of tests and other medical examinations when affected by a curse to death, as well as when cursed to death, remain, as a rule, within normal limits... A person begins to get sick with some different symptoms, it is difficult for doctors to make a correct diagnosis, and they treat symptomatically, sometimes from one or another disease. Oncological diseases can be healed and cured if curses and all other negative influences are first removed. Oncology is 95% a curse on death, a curse on health, a curse on illness. For this reason, they are almost incurable by official medicine.

Household curse- these are words of curse spoken by someone to your face, addressed to you in a fit of anger or resentment, in a quarrel. Curses are sent to the back by envious people, competitors, ill-wishers, rivals, losers or people who are angry with everyone. Often curses also come true because you are scared, “unsettled,” and are expecting these events. The likelihood of receiving a household curse in a quarrel is very high.

Self-Curse- lack of self-confidence, dissatisfaction with oneself, self-criticism, self-digging, self-flagellation, indecisiveness, unsociability, low self-esteem - as a result, a person labels himself: “I’m cursed,” he stops working on himself, struggling with life’s circumstances and actually develops a curse for himself myself.

Signs of a curse- this is a loss of vitality, mental and physical illnesses, unsuccessful marriages, anxiety, depression, panic, horror, fears, nightmares, confusion, mental vacuum and discomfort, endless family problems, failures and troubles...

Curse- these are problems, defeats and collapse in all spheres and affairs, useless labor, crop failure, poverty and misery, loss of property, home and other property. The presence of a curse can be determined by its characteristic manifestations described above. Many people are prompted to think about the presence of a curse by serious health problems in the family, which are repeated at a certain age and by diagnosis in several generations or relatives, as well as a series of misfortunes, problems in their personal lives, financial problems, etc.

Remove, remove any or all curse Only a few healers can. Only a healer who has never practiced any type of magic can effectively remove a curse. This is a very labor-intensive, energetically and spiritually responsible work. A curse of any type must be removed; otherwise, it will be passed down through the family ad infinitum, becoming more and more aggravated. It is impossible to remove, remove, cure the curse and install protection on your own.

To avoid suffering from a curse, you need to protect yourself, your loved ones. This type of insurance is especially necessary for those who lead an active, public lifestyle and communicate with different people. Energy professional protection from intentional or accidental evil is a necessary and unique life insurance that can prevent curses, evil eyes, damage, magic, witchcraft directed by outright enemies, secret ill-wishers, business competitors and envious people in life. Everyone knows that evil always returns to those who wish evil to others. People call it the Law of the Boomerang, so any method of cursing will hit the curser a hundredfold, a hundred times stronger than the cursed victim. You should remember this before you cause harm, harm, damage to anyone in any way or kind.

What is a blessing? Blessing is one of the main themes of the Bible. In the Biblical context, blessing means declaring or wishing goodness in the life of an individual or group of people in the name of God. Blessing is widespread and has many types and directions: - it is a church blessing, a priest’s blessing, maternal, paternal, parental, teacher’s, etc.

Blessing means, that the person being blessed received the benefit as a gift and a gift from fate, which he himself could not obtain. They bless for a wedding, for some business, childbirth and a newborn, for study, for service in the army, for the road, the coming day for good and health, etc. Blessing - the Greek word “eulogeo” comes from the merger of two words: eu (good, good) and logos (word, saying).

Approval and verbal confirmation your approval of an upcoming action or event in the life of the person being blessed is a Blessing. Blessing is the key to happiness and good luck in all areas of a person’s existence, often in his family. To bless is to call upon a person the Help and Grace of God, or to bless an object with gratitude to God and prayer. Parental blessing is the greatest inheritance and legacy that parents leave to their children. In Christianity, the parental word is endowed with special grace-filled power and meaning. Therefore, children should strive and take care to get it.

In Rus' They always understood that getting married or getting married without asking your parents for a blessing for marriage means dooming yourself to an unhappy life... They even refused to get married.

This topic is very unpleasant, one might even say frightening, and vast. But I have no desire to spread my thoughts over the tree and just pour water, and even without me, a whole sea has already been poured on the topic. I would like it to be short, clear and accessible about curses. Which is what I will try to describe.
I will warn you right away that I will not argue about what I wrote with anyone. Simply because I am writing on the basis of very, very considerable practical experience in the fight against these same curses. Let all sorts of theorists pass by; it’s a shame to waste time on them. So, curses.
What is it? Definitely a negative program introduced into the field. But damage is also a negative program, and the evil eye. Why is the curse so different? This is a specific negative program. She fully utilizes the magic of desire. The simplest example of such a common curse is “may you be empty!” If you look at it closer, it will sound like this - I want you to have nothing anywhere. And this verbal code is pronounced at a very high emotional intensity, i.e. the desire is very strongly concentrated in the emotional component and is consolidated by a large surge of energy. Just ideal conditions to realize the magic of desire. But this is when the curse is spontaneous, one might say it arose spontaneously. And then the curse works mainly due to the magic of desire with small additions.

But there are also conscious curses, when an entire ritual is performed. Curses using that same magic of desire and a large part of ritual magic. Most often, with the involvement of blood magic, in the sense that some kind of animal is slaughtered and the curse is fueled by the power of the life of the sacrificial animal. Although the curse ritual can also occur without bloodshed. They can curse with grave soil, grave cross, simply a dead person, other cemetery and funeral supplies, creating a necrotic curse. You can impose a curse using the forces of the elements. It is possible with the help of an egregor. After all, the same anathema is a curse by the property and power of the egregor of Christianity. And the well-known ritual of pulse de nura is a curse on behalf of Judaism. In general, any source of power can become the energy “engine” of a curse. The only question is the skill of the performer and his ability to pay for the order. But the most terrible thing is the curse on human blood. Especially when the curser is the executor and himself sacrifices his blood to the curse, paying for the action with his life force. By the way, the forces of Darkness do not curse people as often as it might seem. Most likely because there are few true adherents of Darkness, and petty black trash doesn’t count.
Curses can be removed or not. This kind of curse cannot be lifted on one’s own blood, no matter what anyone says about it. I also haven’t heard anyone remove egregor curses. And I haven’t even heard of anyone undertaking to remove them, because this is obviously a lost cause. Curses on the blood of an animal or on various necro-objects and elements can be removed, but this is very serious and difficult work. And I must add, very dangerous for the master. Because the curse can very easily spread to the master working to remove it, while remaining on the patient. The easiest way, if such a concept can be applied to curses at all, is to work with everyday curses, although even there there is a lot of hassle, because the curse tends to return to the patient and its energy trace has to be very carefully cleaned out in the patient’s field.
Curses can be unconditional or conditional. Unconditional, there is simply an unkind wish being uttered. But in curses with a condition, additional options are also specified. Or the duration of the curse, for example until the well dries up. Whether it extends to blood relatives, this is when it says the entire family up to the third or seventh generation, and so on. Either the area of ​​effect of the curse, for example on money, or on luck, or on love. And we must talk about such a phenomenon as delayed damnation. This is when a ritual is performed, but a condition is set when exactly the curse will work.
The curse, and only it, when diagnosed and viewed, has the appearance of a funnel hanging over a person’s head. When diagnosed with a candle, only the curse gives a very characteristic spiral of drip around the candle.

In magic there are special rituals and spells called curses that cause misfortune, illness, death or damage to the victim. Being the most dangerous form of magic, curses are common throughout the world. They are "cast" primarily as revenge or influence, but also for protection purposes, usually of homes, treasures, graves and cemeteries. Curse has an effect either immediately or after many years. Curses can be “imposed” on entire families, afflicting many generations.

The word CONJURATION is often used as a synonym for CURSE. Among Pennsylvania witches of Dutch origin, however, the word hex (spell) is used to denote both beneficent and harmful spells. In Neopagan Witchcraft, some witches use the term "spell" to mean a special binding spell, distinct from a simple curse.

How a magical curse is cast

Curse can be sent by any person simply by expressing a desire for some damage to be caused to a certain person. However, the effectiveness of the curse depends on the condition and position of the curser. It is believed that curses are more powerful - and therefore more dangerous - when sent by people of authority, such as priests, priestesses or members of the royal family; people skilled in the arts of magic, such as witches, warlocks and magicians; people who cannot take revenge in any other way, such as women (in most societies), the poor, the sick and those near death. Curses pronounced on the deathbed are the most powerful because all the life energy of the curser is gone with the curse.

If the victim knows that he is cursed or believes that he is doomed to death, the effectiveness curses intensifies, since in this case the victim herself helps to bring her own death closer. This phenomenon is called sympathetic magic. However, witches and wizards say that curses work without such knowledge on the part of the victim. Indeed, many claim that they never let their victim know that they are being cursed, so as to prevent another witch from breaking the spell.
Like a blessing curse consists in calling on supernatural forces to produce some action that changes the state of affairs. The distinction between benefit and harm is created by inner intention. With the exception of neo-pagan witches, witches and warlocks in most societies throughout history have used both blessings and curses on other people, whether in response to payment from their clients or to a court verdict. Plato notes in his book "The Republic": "If someone wants to harm an enemy, then for a small fee they (sorcerers) cause harm to both good and evil people, calling on the gods to serve their purposes with the help of spells and curses."
People who feel targeted curse, can turn to the same witch or sorcerer to break it for an additional fee, or they turn to another witch to remove this curse from them. IN the latter case witches can engage in a magical duel in order to test which of them has more power.

Curses using a doll, photos

Perhaps the most common method of inducing a curse is rituals using a figure or portrait of the victim (photo). IN Ancient India, Persia, Egypt, Africa and Europe, wax figurines were very common and continue to be used to this day. Figurines can also be made of clay, wood, or stuffed with cotton wool (rag dolls). The wax figurines are painted, marked or labeled with something that has a connection with the victim - a strand of hair, nails, secretions, clothing, even dust from the soles of her shoes - then these figurines are melted or burned in a fire. When the figurine melts or burns, the victim suffers, and when it completely disappears, the victim dies.
The Egyptians often used wax figurines of Alep, a monster who was the enemy of the sun. The magician wrote the name Alep in green ink on the figurine, wrapped it in new papyrus and threw it into the fire. While the figurine was burning, the magician struck it four times with his left foot. The ashes of the burnt figurine were mixed with excrement and thrown into another fire. In addition, the Egyptians placed wax figurines in tombs. Wax images were very popular during the Middle Ages and Renaissance in Europe, and many witches were accused of using them to cast curses.

JAMES I, King of England, in a book he wrote called Demonology (1597), tells how witches cause illness and death by melting wax figurines:

"Some others of whom I speak, he (the devil) taught how to make images out of wax or clay. When these images are placed on the fire, the people whom they represent and whose names are inscribed on them begin to wither and wither from the constant torment of them from this moment of illness.
They can bewitch and take the lives of men or women by burning their images in the fire, as I said above, which they also apparently do for their Master; and although this wax instrument has no second effect if it does not turn out very well, but when the cursed one is conjured and obeys, and his wax image melts in the fire, even then it can partially succeed, as I just said, for the spirit , at first simply painful and weak, as happens in patients, can become even weaker, as happens in the most pitiful state of the body.

On the other hand, since there is no agreement among the sent spirits that cause such a strong disorder in the victim, a digestive disorder that weakens his insides so much, the condition of the body begins to radically deteriorate, and therefore it is not able to accept any new a good piece of food, so that, owing to the impossibility of digestion, the victim ultimately dies, and this happens after the image is completely destroyed in the fire."

As an alternative to melting over a fire, pins, spikes or knives can be stuck into the figures. The figurines can also be replaced with the hearts of animals and people. Hearts, animal bodies, or items that decompose quickly, such as eggs, are buried in the ground; at the same time it is pronounced curse, so that the victim will die as soon as this item decomposes.
In Ireland, "curse stones" are stones that are stroked and turned to the left while a curse is pronounced over them. Precious and semi-precious stones are often said to have the ability to transmit curses; Diamond "Hope", purchased Louis XIV in 1668, Tavernier is believed to have been cursed because all its owners quickly fell ill, were unhappy and soon died.

Curse of the Mummy

One of the most famous curses is believed to be the "curse of the mummy" of Tutankhamun. When the Earl of Carnarvon and Howard Carter excavated the burial chamber of Tutankhamun in 1922, in the next chamber they discovered a clay tablet with an inscription that read: “Death will cover with its wings anyone who disturbs the peace of the pharaoh.” Six months later, Carnarvon died from an infection brought into his body by a mosquito bite. In addition, six or seven of the main participants in the excavation were said to have died strange and sudden deaths, all as if as a result of a curse.

The described tablet was never photographed and mysteriously disappeared from the collection of finds. Perhaps it never existed, as Bob Brier believes. American parapsychologist and Egyptologist Brier noted in his book Ancient Egyptian Magic (1980) that it was unusual for the Egyptians to write curse tablets or talk about death as having wings. In addition, there is no other reliable source where this curse is given.

In the United Kingdom and Europe, there are many legends of curses being placed on entire families, especially aristocratic ones. One of the most terrible curses was childlessness or death of heirs, as a result of which the clan ceased to exist.

Curses in modern witchcraft

In numerous traditions of the neo-pagan witchcraft, the practice of casting curses is contrary to the ethics and laws of witchcraft (WICCAN RULE).
Most witches firmly adhere to these rules, believing that the curse in one form or another will still return to the curser (TRINITY LAW OF RETURN).
SIBILE LICK was a notable exception because she believed that curses were justified against enemies. Witches belonging to folk cultures, such as the Italian STRIGA, the Mexican BRUJA, and the Brauchers found among the Pennsylvania Dutch also believe that curses can be justified.

Breaking the Curse

Just like creating curses, there are many methods for breaking them; In the neo-pagan witchcraft, "banishing rituals" are practiced. It is said that curses are also averted by AMULETs made according to the appropriate formulas; Lizard blood, used in various mixtures with herbs, also provides protection.
A rag doll stuffed with nettles, on which the name of the curser is written (if known), and then burned, also stops the effect of curses.
OILS infused with rosemary and wanvan, as well as the numerous oil-based mixtures used in Voodoo, added to baths or smeared on the body, are also cures for curses.

Another method is to light a purple candle and say a specific spell.
Indian sorcerers are able to send curses back, “back downstream,” causing those who send them to die from them.
Traditionally, the most favorable time for both casting a curse and preventing the effects of curses is the period of the waning moon. Curse is created not only during magical ritual. And if damage can be caused by anyone who masters the techniques of a negative form of magic, then not every black magician can curse a person, and even more so, an entire family (although they can and do this too).

At the same time, create a terrible curse, sometimes it can be a person who is generally far from magic. A curse on a specific person, her sphere of activity, her family and descendants can be sent by someone who has sufficient energy power and is at this particular moment in intense hatred or envy of the object of one's curse.

How to Avoid the Curse

Curse- these are always words. Every word is saturated with the poison of destruction and death. You cannot curse with a cold mind and heart. Curse It is done on a whim, it breaks out from somewhere within. The one who curses can say only 2 words: Damn you! Or speak a more detailed text detailing what will happen to his victim. Sometimes the words of a curse can look innocent and veiled: God bless you! or: Have a good husband, girl! Or: All the best to you! But mentally a person wants exactly the opposite. But it's all about the poisonous malice hiding under the sheep's clothing of sweet phrases.

Beware strangers, especially elderly or ugly ones, who, out of the blue, wish you good luck in business, safety on the road, or mutual love. To ridiculous, even good wishes, you should respond in the same manner: And the same to you, grandma! And let this happen to you, grandfather! And don’t get sick, dear man! And you have a rich husband’s friend!

Ancestral curse

In addition to the usual curse, a person can be subject to a curse, which will be passed on to each of his generations, regardless of whether his children or grandchildren have anything to do with the activities of their ancestor. Therefore, such a negative magical effect is called ancestral curse. Sometimes, and most often, it is inherited and passed on through one’s children. Symptoms of the curse: sudden deterioration in health, sudden disruption of affairs and plans, sudden deterioration in appearance (for example, sudden thinness or weight), sudden change in relationships with people for the worse, sudden destruction of a happy marriage.

Symptoms generational curse: family bad luck with money family problems of a criminal nature hereditary disease that does not have a genetic predisposition the inability to procreate (infertility) repeated from generation to generation unsettled personal life hereditary suicidality early deaths family injuries and accidents in the family. Wish for people only what you wish for yourself!

Read more about magical curses, damage and protection from them, you can find out by purchasing and reading one of the books on this topic, purchasing a digital version of the publication at the CyberBOOK bookstore.

Make a sacrifice to the temple of Satan, take an oath of allegiance in your soul to Him, who rules this world,

Chapter VI

Magical revenge and attack

So, you can conclude from the previous chapter that the art of magical confrontation is unsafe because the only reason, that if the blow misfires, then the blow reflected by the ricochet on the sender is inevitable.
However, many witches put this troubling thought out of their minds and happily continue their vile, unholy deeds, without ever returning to the thought of a possible deflected blow. If you are also of a frivolous nature, then you will obviously want to learn those time-honored methods of sending fast-acting, powerful curses.
In relation to the basic principles of witchcraft, the means used for destructive purposes are exactly the same as those used for constructive purposes. The only difference lies in the magical intent and symbolism used. The medium for the transfer of energy is the same, namely: the subconscious of both interested parties. The type of energy evoked (which must be developed in oneself) to carry out the operations of anger and punishment can take two forms: a binding, suppressive force to induce inertia or “binding hands and feet” - this force is related to Saturn; and cruel (scorching), destructive (harmful) energy of harming and burning. People usually call it a curse. This force is related to Mars.
Those charms which are akin to the nature of Saturn are drawn from the same symbolism with which you have already met in the previous chapter, namely, from the symbolism of Hertha, the Great Mother, who in the negative aspect is seen as the dark, terrible, cold bearer of Inertia and the mother of Habondia in the form Nocticula-Hecate, Lady of Night and Death.
The Spells of Mars bring us to the fourth and final magical creature: It relates to the nature of fire - the last remaining magical element that will be discussed in this book.
You've encountered this creature in two places already, though. not too detailed. This is none other than Gernunnos - the Horned One. The first time you met him was when describing your making of a ritual witchcraft knife with a black handle with all its Martian symbolism, the second time you met him in the section on sex magic. He is the spirit of fire and energy, which is symbolized by the torch he sometimes holds in his hand and by the horns or branching shoots of the horns. He is also called the bearer of light. Hence his title - Lucifer. Because of this, he is often represented as carrying a flaming torch or candle between his horns, in addition to the torch he holds in his hand. It is known to witches by various names.
Besides the name Lucifer, he is called: Gernunnos, Mamilion, Robin, Dumus, Hu, Janus or Dianus, Barabbon or Barabbas. Its symbolism is partly akin to that seen in Thunor, the Northern Thunder God of Battle, as well as Pan and Dionysus, the classical gods of ecstasy, debauchery and debauchery.
In being compared to fire, Gernunnos is reminiscent of Vulcan (Hephaestus) and Wayland Smith. As Vulcan is the worshiper of Venus, and Pan of Diana, so the Horned One himself is the pursuer of Habondia.
Many witches who belong to all-female covens of witches fix their attention more on the deity than on the god himself, arguing that two boots are a match. There is an eternal dispute between witches about which of the deities is stronger.


Before getting into the ceremonial side of the curse, let's look at the more general aspects of the evil eye, looking at it only from the perspective of your pyramid energy. As already mentioned, enchantments always work best when the ground is well prepared in advance. This is especially important in the matter of curses. A man who knows that he is under a curse, whether he believes in the power of the practitioner of magic or not, is in a more receptive state of mind than when he remains ignorant of the fact. And for this reason, such a means of sending as a voodoo doll is suitable. Of course, the sorcerer must be absolutely sure that this doll will not be used for countermagic against the sender himself. One can only be absolutely sure of this if it is known for sure that the victim will be too afraid to respond with countermagic or, as is more often the case, if he does not believe in witchcraft at all, considering it medieval nonsense. The last option is the most suitable for your influences using a doll. You will know that he will never condescend to indulge in any counter-magic or allow his superstitions to play out. Of course, it is possible that later, due to an avalanche of unimaginable misfortunes, the loss of his wife, his fortune, perhaps all his hair, he may decide to change his position in relation to medieval superstitions; he may then begin to consult either a well-known witch or group of witches, or alternatively, an experienced lawyer who specializes in cases of psychological intimidation. Then passively sticking pins into the doll will not be enough, you will have to really use your mental abilities; this will only be the beginning of the fight.
If you have a taste for real psychic confrontation, then a personally delivered verbal curse will be the most appropriate means of performing the "act of communication." Try to make sure that you find the victim alone, although in some cases, especially in the case of impromptu, this is not always possible.
As with any process of sending spells through radiation over a distance or in direct contact, the projection of your witchcraft energy can be performed in three ways - with your gaze, with your hand or with your breath. Usually they rely on the first method, from now on we will call it the old term - the evil eye. As in love magic, you must first catch your victim's gaze and hold it. This may be more difficult than you think, especially if the victim knows your reputation as a witch. To accomplish this. For this purpose, you can say things like, “I don’t trust those who don’t look you straight in the eyes,” or as a final trick, “Don’t you notice that my eyes are different colors?”
To transmit a curse, use a gesture of energy from the hand - the left arm is extended, the fist is clenched, the first two fingers point towards the victim. This is a dramatic evocation, especially when combined with a specific druidic method of projecting your witchcraft energy. At this moment you need to stand only on the opposite leg (right) in relation to the pointing hand, close the opposite eye (also right), aim through the outstretched arm with an open eye and deal a full blow with witchcraft energy. At the same time, pronounce your curse calmly and clearly. Some witches prefer to keep this a secret and are mostly content to specialize only in misfortune and misery. Others prefer the graphical application, enjoying the description of the torture they must inflict. The choice is, of course, yours, however, I will advise you to adapt to the sacrifice. On top of that, you don't want to be ridiculed. The process of confronting the victim will immediately follow your ritual of anger and punishment, unless, of course, you have developed your energetic powers to such an extent that you can inflict instant curses with just a glance. At the first stage of your development this is unlikely. One is either born with this ability or only achieves it with years of practice.
To make your curse more than an empty threat, you must create a dark current or vortex.
This will require the greatest tension of all your powers of the pyramid, strengthened by incessant repetition. If you belong to a coven of witches, then your task is much easier. You can rely on the combined energy of the pyramid forces of all group members.
You must come into contact with the abyss within you and call forth all the hostility and dark hatred that you have hidden in the most remote corners of your subconscious since childhood. It takes time to whip up one's emotions to the point where one can perform magical work, since such a complex task cannot be accomplished in one sitting. This may take several days because this is working with harmful energies and they can (quite obviously) harm the person using them. This cannot be taken superficially. This witchcraft is dangerous in itself, even without taking into account the possibility of a backlash, in case of appropriate protection of the victim. Before starting any operation of anger and punishment, invoking exactly as is done for the forces of fire and darkness, achieve absolute confidence in your consciousness that this risk is necessary. Only a mind in which there are no doubts or other thoughts can accumulate the required forces and manipulate them effectively.
One of the simplest ways for you to set the dark current in motion is the time-honored method of the Black Fast.
Every time at the time corresponding to a meal, if possible, set before yourself either really or in imagination what you consider a delicacy and firmly refuse it in favor of a piece of food and a glass of water and maybe a vitamin tablet, just for the soul stayed in the body. The fast begins and ends inside a personally drawn circle, walking around the circle counterclockwise (against the movement of the sun) and expressing your intention in the form
the following curse:

“(name of victim)! Damn you!

Repeat this curse for yourself every time you reject food. The process will last two weeks - starting with the full moon and immediately after it, and ending with the new moon. When the moon wanes, the dark tide flows faster.
This practice can be successfully hidden from your non-witch friends with a simple apology for dieting. Everywhere you look there are starving people.
Second in a simple way placing a curse on someone is the Candle of Witchcraft.
Here again we use as a magical action the constant repetition of a magical remedy. According to tradition, the hour chosen for this operation is midnight, but in reality the most best time for an attack when you feel that your victim is fast asleep and therefore in the most defenseless state. In most cases, this is sometime in the morning.
You must begin the first series of this witchcraft, as in the Black Fast, during or in the new moon phase, that period of the lunar month which is known in the art of witchcraft as the dark moon.
Every night, at the same time, make a triangle on the floor, similar to that in Chapter 4, using the Martian Incense of Wrath and Punishment for the censer; On your altar there should be a bowl of ritual oil (see the last part of Chapter 7), ritual lamps, a cup, a cord, a knife with a black handle and a workbook, as usual.
Depending on the nature of the spell, either a Saturn spell or a Martian spell of destruction, surround your altar triangle with a circle of cypress branches, marble graveyard fragments and pieces of bone in the first case, or surround the altar with decorations of holly, spruce, ivy and animal horn in the second case. A witchcraft candle is placed inside the altar triangle: black - for the ritual of casting spells and suppression, red - for sending punishment and torment. This must first be ritually cleansed. For both the operations of Saturn and Mars, a small amount of powdered herb rue or myrrh should be mixed with the wine of consecration. You now need to tune your subconscious to the desired wavelength. For Martian operations, a red candle is used. You can use the spell Gernunnos, described in Chapter 4, beginning with the words "Eko, Eko Azarak...". Call forth a clear vision of a raging Gernunnos with a flaming torch between its horns. In his right hand, either a flaming sword, a trident, or the Lord of Misfortune holds a huge burning staff of gold, entwined with snakes and ivy, topped with a large glowing pine cone.
With his arrival, let your rage, anger and irritation play out with all its might. Feel the blood boiling with anger circulating through your veins.
Allow yourself to completely surrender to anger and rage) while walking in a circle counterclockwise! Then take the scarlet candle in right hand, and with your left begin to lubricate it with oil for ritual witchcraft holidays. Start in the center of the candle and work like this: up - down, then up - down again. Do this for five minutes. This is the most important part of the spell. With each stroke, you should sing alliteration from words you made up that express your intention. It doesn't matter how simple or absurd they may be, it is important that they well express your feelings towards towards the victim and in rhythm with your irritation. With all the power of your imagination and all the faith and desire that you can muster, you should really try to see how your spell creates misfortunes, causing visually the image of the victim suffering from the pains that you desire. This type of spell is best used to cause misfortunes in general rather than any specific disaster. Rely entirely on how your subconscious and enhanced imagination will work, coming into contact with the subconscious of the victim.
Certain misfortunes must be sent when corrupted using a communication object, as described below in the chapter. To perform a Saturnian type operation aimed at inducing inertia, forgetfulness or disruption of plans of one kind or another. You must summon the dark power of Habondia into its dark version called Nocticula, using a black candle. The spell described below works well for this purpose.
The magical landscape the image of which is conjured up must be a landscape of darkness and mystery. It is usually associated with the word death. Here's one we can recommend:
Night came, winter came, cold air. Two monolithic columns of granite rise from a sloping hill, and between them winds the path of the dead, pale in the starlight. Two columns mark the entrance to the kingdom of the dead beyond the north wind. Between them stands the representative of the dark force himself. An incomprehensible figure (either male or female), dressed in ancient black, motionless and silent. The face is hidden under the shadow of a hood thrown over the head. In one outstretched hand there is a rod with black thorns, in the other there is a torch flickering with a resinous, smoky flame. The owl - the symbolic bird of the dead - sits on the creature's shoulder. In the distance you can hear the barking of dogs or the howling of wolves ringing in the cold night air. Their guardian - Nocticula - Ruler of the Dead and Guardian of the indestructible Tower, is coming from home!
This is the basis for creating a Saturnian image in your imagination. Embellish it with your own imagination in any way. The more terrible and ominous they are for you personally, the more effective your magic will become.
Remember that you must evoke in yourself forgotten childhood fears of the dark, a deserted churchyard at night, a grave pit and a ghost in a cellar or attic. All the horrors and monsters that visited you in the most terrible moments of childhood must be caused by you and recreated with all the powers of your imagination. You must concentrate them and use them to create a dark vortex!
The triangle on the floor is marked in the usual way. The altar frame should be decorated. Saturn's incense of Wrath and Punishment must burn in the censer.
Repeat your spell to the four cardinal directions, crossing the circle with a cross as you did in the ritual of summoning the dead: cross to all four cardinal directions with your ritual knife with a black handle - a symbol of death. Here's the spell:

“Creation of the Ineffable Name and Boundless Power!
Ancient His Majesty Master of the Darkness;
You are cold, barren and gloomy
and bringer of death!
You, whose word is like stone and whose life is immortal.
You! The Ancient and the Only Impenetrable.
You! Who keeps promises best?
Who has the art of making people weak
and tired
Who is loved the most?
Knowing neither pleasure nor joy,
You! Old and skilled, unsurpassed in cunning,
Bringer of ruins and ruins,
Come here and fulfill your destiny!”

Bless the black candle with oil for ritual witchcraft holidays, just as you did with the red one, while reciting the usual intention spell from memory.
When you have finished anointing either this black or red candle, place it inside the altar triangle and draw a flaming cross in a blue shining circle above it in the air (with your black-handled knife). Light a candle with the words: “So be it!”
Then accumulate (create in yourself) concentrated hatred or anger. Maintain this state for the entire time until the candle burns out completely. Due to the fact that you are extremely tense during this process, it is better to stock up on short, thin candles.
If your subconscious was sufficiently tuned during the operation. Your victim will begin to feel signs of depression or inner anxiety sometime during the day. This type of sorcery does not always have an immediate effect.
Sometimes it turns out that it takes about 24 hours for the subconscious of the witch and the victim to communicate with each other through deeper levels and the awakening of consciousness begins. However, the secret of success here remains, as always, in whipping up your emotions to the required intensity and at the same time bringing your subconscious into a state of readiness with the right degree of concentration and the necessary number of repetitions.
While we are discussing Saturn type operations, it is a good time to look at the whole subject of the magical sending of Ligature spells in more detail. Ligature, as we have already seen, means the magical casting of a spell, usually performed by means of a symbolic cord or chain. The ligature belongs to the sphere of Saturn. In ancient times, the newly made creations of the Dark One himself were often laid to rest in the ground, bound hand and foot.
However, before considering ligature, we must touch upon a process of a similar nature, called the same, but significantly different in purpose.
Earlier in the pages of this book there was mention of a certain use of the witch's cord, when the cord was used by the sorcerer to tie himself up. This is done for two reasons. The first is that many witches believe that by restricting the movement of the body's members and preventing the passage of the senses, one can release the innate witchcraft energy and let it wander outside one's body: either in an invisible form, freed from the corporeal shell as a clairvoyant astral body, or in the form of a half-invisible, half-materialized ghost.
A witch's encircling cord is often used for this purpose - restricting mobility. To limit one's senses, a mask is put on that completely covers the head, but leaves the mouth free to breathe. This mask is sometimes called a witch's bridle or a witch's bridle (not to be confused with the old Scottish instrument of torture of the same name). The mask and cord are also used in ceremonial initiations into a group of witches. In this case, they symbolize the blindness and slavery imposed by the earthly world on the candidate. In none of these cases does the cord ligation process have any shady purposes. Quite the opposite. Another thing is the ligature itself. If you want to send a spell that prevents you from performing certain actions, then one of the best methods is a spell known to many as a “Confusing Spell.”
Get an object of communication with your victim: either a strand of her hair, which you must braid into a cord with red yarn, or some item of clothing on which it is convenient for you to tie knots. On the night when the moon is waning, preferably Saturday, at midnight, just before the new moon before the new moon, make your triangle with the incense of Saturn, having bitter wine in a goblet, and pieces of stone, twigs, sticks and bones on the altar. There must be a specially prepared cord in the altar triangle. Summon the dark force using circular crosses and a counterclockwise motion, and only then begin your spell when you feel a specific cold, numbing sensation of a presence nearby.
Take the cord in left hand(the left hand is always involved in the operations of darkness) and tie nine light knots on it, starting from one end, then from the other end, tying them towards the center. Chant this spell as usual, causing your witchcraft imagination to vividly conjure up a visible image of the result of your spell on the victim. See him unable to speak or perform any action you wish to prevent.

“(N), I conjure you.
At night your eyes are blinded!
Your ears are covered with clay!
Your mouth is sealed with earth!
Your limbs are bound by a rock!”

After tying the last knot, sing:
“So be it!”
Take the knotted cord and bury it somewhere in the ground, while quietly chanting these words as you usually do:

"Twist and entangle (N),
To never rise again.
Your eyes are dull
Your limbs are shackled
This is how I bury you in the ground,
Quiet and silent"

Have a real little symbolic funeral. If you suddenly want to remove this spell, you must perform a ritual that does everything in the opposite way. Call upon the powers of the air to free the victim. Dig the cord on a Wednesday when the moon is waxing. Draw a circle using Mercury incense and invoking Negpa using the Mercury square. Untie each knot, starting with the middle one, moving to the ends of the cord in the reverse order to the one in which you tied the knots. As you untie each knot, chant the following alliteration each time:

“The wind frees your limbs,
With your breath your mouth opens,
In a word, your ears open,
The light brightens your eyes.
(N), I conjure you,
Wake up, rise up. So be it!”

By doing this. You must, by the power of your imagination, force yourself to see the magical shackles falling from the former victim. Ligature is a relatively mild method of punishment (unless, of course, it is applied, as happened in the past, to one of natural processes sacrifices, such as the ability to reproduce or urinate). More evil and good known method is envolting - the sacrifice of a wax or clay image or doll, well known in the art of witchcraft.
Envolting is usually done using steel or iron in the form of your ritual witchcraft knife with a Black handle, using steel pins. In both defensive and offensive magic, steel or iron is often used. This metal, symbolizing fire and destruction, fits well with the nature of the Cuckolded Deity as the personification of the spirit of the wild hunt.
A ritual knife with a black handle is your main magical instrument of aggression. However, many witches in a witches' coven use a sword for group work. The symbolism is the same. The sword is only more dramatic in its effect, especially when used during initiation rituals. But speaking from the point of view of magic, a simple witch’s knife gives exactly the same effect.
To consecrate your sword. You must proceed in the same way as with a ritual knife. Buy it by bargaining and consecrate it. From an astrological point of view, iron is the metal ruled by Mars and it is its raw energy that we put into our invocations in Gernunnos as the personification of the Cuckolded God of War and Destruction.
We'll return to the topic of envolting later in the section called "Great Sorcery."
Whenever you wish to establish a connection with Mars or invoke it for the purpose of sending the Cuckolded God, the Great Witchcraft, to cause a storm, it is best to start with the talismanic square of Mars, acting like the squares of Mercury and Saturn, which were already mentioned earlier.

Mars square

Rows or columns of numbers added horizontally or vertically add up to 65.
On Tuesday night, when the moon is waning, take your ritually cleansed square and divide it into twenty-five equal parts: five down, five horizontal. In the censer, light the Martian incense of Wrath and Punishment (see the last section of this chapter). Now come up with an alliteration, phrase or word for yourself that you feel appropriately represents the power of war and destruction in your mind. This could be a list of names of gods from various pantheons.

11 24 7 20 3
4 12 25 8 16
17 5 13 21 9
10 18 1 14 22
23 6 19 2 15

An example of one of the spells.
"Thunos, Balor, Ares, Mars!" or the name of the Cuckold himself
God, such as: "Barabbas, Barabbas" or the old witchcraft
curse "Rentum tormentum" ("Tear and torture them!")
or a word that evokes a feeling and sensation in you
complete combustion, the terrifying presence of destruction, such as
"Hiroshima! Hiroshima! Hiroshima!"

Each number must be inscribed with the emission of fiery intensity from the repetition of your spell. Use your witchcraft imagination to spur the flow of the most terrifying and aggressive thoughts in your mind. In witchcraft, only your own imagination can trigger the energy of your subconscious, you should feel enraged enough to gnash your teeth, as I mentioned earlier. This was not an idle comment. Pay attention to this.
When you write the number 25, seal the square by crossing it three times and saying “So be it.” Now you must be completely devastated after experiencing and spending such violent emotions. If not, then you did not put in enough effort, and the talisman will not be as effective. You really have to push yourself. Such an outburst of anger is not a normal manifestation of human emotions. It must exceed all normal standards.
Wrap the square in ritually purified material and store it in a secluded place. You will constantly use it during any “tuning” to Mars.

Black cross or inverted pentagram spell

Each of the symbols mentioned in the title can be used for this spell, the choice depends on whether you wish to curse or cast a spell to prevent something. The black cross is nothing more than our cross for the circle when summoning the dead. It simply means death and only death, just like skull and crossbones. The black cross should be used to cast spells in order to prevent some influences.
The base-upward pentagram with two upper points denotes either the horns of Gernunnos or, more likely, a person over whom the powers of the four magical elements dominate, and not the dominance of a person over them. This pentagram can be used for curses. First, obtain a relatively recent photograph of your victim. On a night when the moon is waning, preferably in its darkest quarter, make a ritual circle using Incense of Wrath in a censer. Place a ritual knife, fire, water, ritual lamps, ritual pen, ink and wand on the altar. Place the photograph in the altar triangle.
Now, approaching the altar and facing the north, briefly and forcefully proclaim the purpose of the magical work you are about to perform, conjuring up the image of Gernunnos or Nocticula-Hecate, depending on whether it is curse magic or spell magic for the purpose prevent the victim from doing something.
You call upon these beings only to be present when you use your own witchcraft energy, not to act. You assume to be temporarily identified with them. Having clearly declared your intention, you must give them the photograph, sprinkling and fumigating it three times, saying each time: “Creation of paper, I name you (N)! You are the creation (N)! Then, using the wand, you symbolically “breathe life” into the photo by writing the name of the victim three times above the photo with blazing blue witchcraft fire; humming in a normal manner. Now, as in the rituals of evocation of the dead and necromania, carry the photo around the circle in a clockwise direction, carrying the wand of divination in your right hand. Show the image to all four cardinal directions, starting from the east, and chant the name of the victim each time you show the photo to the cardinal direction. End in the North.
This completes your identification of the photograph with the victim.
Now you must begin the darker elements of the ritual. Moving all the time clockwise to the west of the circle, facing east, place your wand across the altar and take the ritual pen in your left hand. Using this pen, draw on the photograph, very slowly and carefully, a death cross with a circle or an inverted pentagram, while chanting the following words:

“I (witch name)
I apply to you, (name of the victim) such and such
grief and misfortune"

Or formulate your intention in some other way. Remember that your own words are always the best.
Now, having put down the handle, take the ritual knife in your left hand and repeat your words and actions, using the blade of the knife instead of the handle.
At this point you must really concentrate all your attention and direct into your action all the concentrated anger or hatred that you feel towards the victim. Conjure a vision of blue witchfire of deadly intensity. See the blue witchfire from your blade crackle over the photo! Burn her, while experiencing an uncontrollable desire to kill the victim. Finish the above ritual by showing the charged photograph to the North, West, South and East three times in a row in the same sequence, holding it in your left hand. A total of only twelve times. Each time you pick up a symbol, announce to each part of the world:

"Once the symbol is destroyed,
so my words will come true"

This reversal of the circle is known as the dark path, performed towards the North, against the sun, and completes the first half of the process. The second half of the ritual is performed to facilitate the transfer of energy through the energy object, following the principle outlined in Chapter 4.
The next day (ideally the same night) secretly visit your victim's house and draw a circular cross or an inverted pentagram (either one) lightly with ritual oil for witchcraft holidays or gum arabic on the threshold of the house or apartment. Swipe your black-handled ritual knife over this symbol, charging the symbol with witchcraft energy.
If it is impossible to reach the threshold, outline the symbol in the place where you know your victim will pass and attack. This work of magic is in reality nothing more than a psychic subversive trap. Naturally, the victim should under no circumstances see you displaying the symbol under his door.
It must remain invisible to the physical eyes of your victim. The symbol is programmed to react and affect only the presence of the victim, therefore it does not endanger other passing people.
All that remains to be done now is to slowly destroy the photograph. Most best way to do this, dissolve it in a container with diluted nitric or hydrochloric acid (a photographic cuvette is ideal for this). Place the photo face up so that you can watch the image disappear.
If this is not possible, simply tear off a small piece of the photograph every night, at approximately the same time as you performed your ritual. This process, sometimes known as lesser witchcraft, is, as you can see, quite unpleasant. Most of the operations detailed in this chapter must be performed exactly as described, including those performed with the forces of hatred and fear continuously maintained.
If dark forces do not frighten you and you, as before, want to create a high reputation for yourself as a witch and achieve a certain weight among witches, use these methods. But when you dine with the devil, you must have a long spoon; As I mentioned before, the only “spoon” that has a truly sufficient safe length would be the immoral method: find someone to do the dirty work for you. And even then there is no complete guarantee that you will not be discovered and magical reprisals will not follow. As I mentioned at the beginning of Chapter 5, your occult activity will never go completely unnoticed. I am convinced that something, if not someone, is always on guard when the occult scales are tipped one way or the other by the use of witchcraft energy by one witch or group of witches.


Here is a ritual of anger and punishment, brought to us unchanged by witches from medieval Spain. This is an incantation of the Horned God using the Christianized titles: "Barabas", "Satan" and "Devil". From the point of view of the destructive powers inherent in Gernunnos, it can be loosely related to these images.
However, those who currently profess black art do not recognize its Christian-theological origins or any allusions to it.
The spell is impressive and traditional, even including theological digressions.
Make a triangle on a night when the moon is waning. Use the incense of anger and punishment. Decorate your altar with your regular Gernunnos decorations. Place a flaming censer in the center of the triangle.
Summon "Gernunnos" with the spell "Eko, Eko, Azarak" and so on. Then take a small amount of ritually purified salt, coriander seed and some carnelian or sardstone. Not only is it a magical "battery" or gemstone, but it also has the red Martian color. Place this in a mortar and grind it all together. The components must be turned into powder and mixed well enough. Divide the mixture into three piles.
When midnight strikes, sweep one of the piles into your left hand and chant the first part of the spell, passing it from hand to hand, back and forth, as you chant:

"Salt and coriander, I conjure you with Barabas, Satan
Devil be damned!
Not like salt and coriander I call you,
And what about the heart (N - the name of the victim)!
Having said these words, throw the mixture into the fire of the censer with your left hand. When it flashes, continue:

"How are you. you burn well, so let your heart burn (N)
Bring it here to me!
Conjured by the Queen of Sardinia
The most underworld
sailors at sea!
(N), I call you by the name of Barabas, Satan
cursed by the devil!
The most underworld
Spirit of Sardinia,
enter (N)
and bring it quickly to me!
Forces of the slaughterhouse, bring him here to me.
Powers over Cocodover,
bring it to me quickly!
I send all my strength to call you
In the name of the Queen of Witchcraft,
In the name of the Queen of the Elf Castle,
who walks through the fields during the day,
visits crossroads at night,
weaves wars and enmity.
I join you all!
Now we will all enter (N) silently,
From there I will return home again
After we wrap his sides, his lungs
and his heart is the strongest!”
Repeat this three times, using the second and third piles of powder. At the end of the third repetition, seal with a triple cross made with the left hand and the words:

“So be it!”
Before dealing with the great cornerstone of destructive witchcraft - the "Great Envoltage" (corruption) or witchcraft, it is necessary to consider three less sinister, but traditional processes that serve witches for such matters.

Three Simple Spells for Ruthless Witches

Rise before dawn on Saturday or Tuesday when the moon is waning. Select a branch of an annual hazel tree (this is a traditional tree, but any will do) and cut it with your black-handled ritual knife, chanting as you cut: “I separate you, your active branch by the name of (name of the victim) for the purpose of his overthrow.” Return home with this rod and that same night, when you are sure that your enemy is sleeping, make a circle using the incense of anger and punishment. Then, visually evoking the image of your victim's face in the altar triangle, circle around the altar, starting in the east, while rotating around your own axis counterclockwise.
During each rotation chant the following words:

"Droch! Mirroch! Esenaroch!
Betu! Baroch! Maaroth!

Do as many rotations (pirouettes) as possible. Every time you turn to face the altar, hit it hard with the rod held in your left hand. Make three full rotations in a circle. When you reach the east after the last circle, drop the rod completely to the floor, “letting go of your hands,” and chanting the words “So be it!” As a rule, the person who insulted or offended you will feel blows, if not directly to the face, then at least blows from fate. This spell does not use the energies of the object or object of identification, it is entirely dependent on the witchcraft energy of the operator and is therefore classified as a more elemental process than most spells.
Now consider another simple element of witchcraft, which uses the energy of an object in the form of a potion to add to pies and cooking; this potion is to be sent to the unsuspecting victim and his newlywed wife, preferably as a wedding gift.

Spells to discord lovers

Draw a circle when the moon is waning. Place the cup in the altar triangle. Wrap around the triangle as for your Hecate-Nocticula spells. Place the following items inside it: a pinch of crushed orange peel, a pinch of salt, a few grains of pepper, caraway seeds and powdered rue. On top of all this pour a small amount (about a quarter cup) of boiling distilled water, which should also be on hand.
While you are pouring boiling water into the mixture, clearly evoke with strong mental efforts the image of a couple who seems to you caught by surprise in the unpleasant, hostile, predicament that you have in mind, while saying the following incantation:

“I, (witch name) make this potion.
May it bring curse and deep sorrow
For this married couple (X) u (Y) (their names).
May they never be in agreement.
Let them fight every day.
May their marriage ties be broken
in less than a year.
This kind of life should be between them.
Let their life be like this!”

Seal the spell with the words “So be it!” and make three crosses with your left hand. Inject the potion into anything: chocolate, cooking, a bottle of homemade wine in any way that is most convenient for you. You can also enhance the potion's potency by adding a third process, which can be done the same evening in the same circle.

Sending Eight Magical Servants

This spell dates back to the Middle Ages. It uses the technique of sending "devils" or small magical servants.
Although they are called in broken Latin by the names devorator (devourer) - devourer and seductor (seducer) - devils, they should not be understood as real independent beings, but rather as materialized witchcraft desires, small flickerings of magical fire created by the imagination and sent to fulfill specific goals. In this case, sent for liberation from favorite spells.
Here is the spell method:
When the moon is waning, take out photographs of each of the lovers, enter the ritual circle that you made with your own hands. Write the appropriate names on the photographs using ritual pen and ink. Give them a name, using water and fire, as you did in the inverted pentagram spell, display them in the four cardinal directions, thus clearly identifying the photographs in your Magical Imagination with their originals.
Then firmly glue the photos together back sides. Now go to the south side of your altar table, facing north across the altar, and place a small amount of sulfur powder or asafetida gum on the hot coals of the censer. Hold the photographs in the foul smoke with your right hand and press them with the tip of the ritual knife, holding it in your left hand. Chant the spell. As you say each of the eight names, imagine lightning from witchcraft energy striking in the photo from your magical weapon:

Dentorl Concisor! Devorator!
Seductor et Seminator!

and sow irreconcilable hostility!
I guide, conjure and compel
You by the dark Deity and her
Cuckolded Spouse.
Like the face of one image
turned away from the face of another,
So let the face (X)
will be turned away from the face (Y)
(names of victims)"

When you turn photos away from each other and glue them together. You must visualize and actually see the quarrels and unhappiness. “It can’t be otherwise!” - You must be unshakably confident in this. Finally, bury the photographs in the ground for twenty-four hours and dig them up the next night, chanting softly in your usual manner:

“Soignator! Usor! Dilapidator!
Dentor! Concisor! Devorator!
Seductor et Seminator!
You who sow discord, where are you?
You who inspire hatred
and spread irreconcilable hostility!
I guide, conjure and compel you
dark Deity and her Cuckolded husband,
Do what you are ordered to do!”

Seal with the words “So be it!” and a triple cross with the left hand. To complete the spell. You must now somehow arrange for these photographs to come into the possession of the victims. Placing them in the binding of a gift book is the best method. You can also hide them under the double bottom of the box in which you send chocolate “filled with the potion.” As a last resort, you can bury the symbol under their porch or under some of their property. This is the traditional way.
Envolting is one of the darkest, most powerful operations of hostile witchcraft, this is the “Great Damage”. In English it is called “Operation Grand Conjuration”.
To achieve its goals, this spell uses all the magical tricks that can be mastered: repetition, evocation of a demon or soul, identification with an object, object of energy, energy of iron, incense of wrath and punishment, square of Mars, destructive herbs and witchcraft candle! This operation is quite complex, as you will see, and should only be performed as a last resort when all else fails.

Performing Great Sorcery (Envolting)

On Tuesday, at midnight, just before the new moon (the closer to the winter solstice, the better), mark a triangle around the altar, pointing north. Similarly, align the work table itself so that its altar triangle also points north. Inside it should be placed a discos-pentagram, on which the modeling material is located: clay or wax. The decorations around should be your usual Gernunnos decorations - antlers, evergreens and so on. Place outside the altar triangle:
A censer with burning incense of anger and punishment,
A cup of bitter wine (rue or myrrh),
wrapping cord,
Knife with black handle,
An unlit witchcraft candle (red),
Ritual lamps,
A bottle of oil for witchcraft ritual holidays,
Mars Square,
Items of identification
Destructive herbs and cemetery dust (see end of chapters),
Your Dagydes or ritually cleansed ritual needles.
In this type of complicated ritual there is no place at all on the altar for workbook, so you will have to learn the whole process by heart, or do what many witches do: place the notebook on a ritually cleaned book or music stand next to the table.
Begin your action by performing a meditation number alignment in the square of Mars to tune your subconscious. Use the same words you spoke when illuminating the square of Mars. To write numbers accurately, they can be written as a hint on the back of the square. Having brought your subconscious to the required Martian level, place the square on the altar, and begin to consecrate the triangle of the floor with your wine and the invocation of Gernunnos: “Eko, Eko, Azarak, etc.” Once you feel that you have evoked the presence of the deity, you can move on to the mortar and pestle.
Place the herbs of death and dust from the cemetery in a mortar, grind them into powder and quietly, rhythmically chant your intention to yourself over and over:

“I work for the destruction of (victim’s name),
I work for the destruction of (victim’s name), etc.”

Mix the resulting powder with clay or beeswax on the pentagram of the paten. Knead it thoroughly while continuing to chant your intention. Then start sculpting the doll (making it five to eight inches long). All the while, slowly chant the victim's name to yourself. Sculpt the figure as skillfully as your abilities allow. Some witches, instead of sculpting a face, place a photograph of the victim's face in this place. However, this is not necessary; remember that the main thing is that the image reminds you of the victim. Make sure the doll is the correct gender. It helps a lot if you focus on emphasizing the details of the parts of the body you intend to attack. If the attack is to the head, then make sure that the face has eyes, a nose, a mouth and ears. If it's on the foot, get the details, even if they are too small.
When you feel that the doll matches your idea, insert hair or cut nails into the appropriate places. (If the object of identification is liquid, such as blood or saliva, incorporate this into the base material before starting sculpting). When everything is done, write on the doll with the tip of your ritual knife the name of the victim and below the following words of power:

"Cabye Aaaze Hit Fel Meltat"
Then bless the doll with a dab of wine, chanting your intention and calling up an image of the sacrifice in your mental vision:

"In the name of the Cuckolded God
Creature of wax (or earth), I name you (N)!
You (N) - (where N is the name of the victim)
Moving the doll to your right hand and taking the wand with your left, breathe “life” into the image by tracing the name of the victim over it with witchcraft fire. Perform identification by pointing the doll to the north, west, south and east, chanting the name of the victim to each cardinal direction. Then place the figure in the altar triangle with the head facing north.
This completes the first section of the ritual. Now take your scarlet witchcraft candle and begin to rhythmically rub it as expected: with ritual oil for witchcraft holidays, quietly chanting a prayer of hatred and destruction aimed at the victim, accurately establish the torment that you want to send to him, and allow yourself to immerse yourself in the evoked fantasies. Continue to do this a predetermined number of times until your message is clearly and sincerely immersed in your subconscious.
Eighty-one is a good number of repetitions, but some practitioners insist on more repetitions.
When you have completed the rubbing, place the candle on the northernmost tip of the altar triangle above the doll's head and light it. Then go yourself to the north of the triangle and face south, across the altar, crossing your arms over your chest in the traditional gesture of the God of Death. Sing the words of identification:

“It is not my hand that does this deed, but the Horned God!”

Just as in your doll love spell, feel the Horned God standing behind you.
Feel him leading your left hand towards the enchanted ritual needles, the Dagydes! Feel it burning inside you with anger, emotions and energy! Again, with a mental effort, bring up the image of the victim in front of you. At this point, speed up your pulse with quick, sharp breathing. Let the Cuckolded God grab the pin with your left hand! Hear him sing in broken Latin the words of a medieval great witchcraft through your lips. See clearly how the “devilish” sparks flutter around
the points of the needle are like moths around a lamp!

"Arator, Lapidator, Omtator, Somniator, Subaerfor, Ikvator, Signator, Sudator, Combastor, Pugnator,
Duktor, Seduktor, Somostor, Voe omnes ministera odey et destructaones et Seratore discorde, et kyund
Libiter opera fisitis et traktibus. Cude pat nose!”

Now allow the God of Wrath to vengefully thrust a pin into the place of the doll that you intended for torment with the words: “So be it.” If the torment is headaches or loss of hair, stick a pin into the crown of the head, if there are heart or stomach pains - into the center of the body, rheumatism in the limbs - a needle into each limb, and so on.
If it is necessary to completely end the victim, then in this case it is usually necessary to pierce the heart with one pin and then slowly melt the wax doll over a fire, or dissolve it in water if it is clay.
After the sacrifice is completed, the witchcraft candle must be left to burn out. Needless to say, for best effect, a ritual such as this should be repeated on different occasions, thereby developing witchcraft abilities and ensuring the formation of an irresistible vortex, beam of rays or pyramid of energy. This is, or rather should be, an extremely great test for a witch. Performing this ritual involves considerable stress and risk, and for this reason is often postponed to be performed by the entire coven of witches, similar to the operation of evoking the dead. However, in this case, all actions are performed by one operator, although words and mental evocations of images are joined by everyone present in the form of responses - reactions of a reciprocal feeling. In this case, the circle surrounding the triangle on the floor should be used.
There are, of course, other variations of this process, some of which are practiced in an extremely simplified form. Such a primitive example is the hammering of three iron nails in the shape of a triangle into the northern part of a tree trunk, calling out the name of the victim with each blow. I'm sure this is still practiced to this day. On the other hand, some ultra-modern practitioners living in Europe modernize the process and, instead of using the traditional witchcraft pin as an instrument of sacrifice, mix a small amount of iron filings into the sculpting material, and then proceed to connect the head and legs of the image to the input and output of an electrical generator. At the appropriate moment, the switch is turned on - and the doll is either dissolved by the heat, or, if it is made of dried clay, destroyed into small pieces. There are practitioners who do not entirely rely on their own witchcraft energy and believe that their influence is enhanced by the magical images of other witchcraft beings. They can supplement their witchcraft with a separate spell of such a demonic creature of fire and destruction as the giant, about whom it is said in the Lemegeton: “... A strong and powerful prince, appearing at first in the form of a terrible leopard, but taking the form of a man with burning eyes and a terrible appearance. the operator’s team... He will destroy and incinerate those who are enemies of the operator, if he wishes it..."
Needless to say, performing this operation is fraught with the greatest danger. That is why it must be carried out within a large circle of protection, fully reinforced by four watchtowers. The manifestation triangle should also be drawn towards the north. The triangle contains a demonic diagram drawn with ritual pen and ink on ritually purified paper. The operation should be performed in clear weather, when the moon is two, four, six, eight, ten, twelve or fourteen days old, between sunrise and noon.
In the censer you need to light Martian incense or resin without other additives. You should have a pentagram of protection and a demonic diagram hanging on your chest. (They can be placed in one suede or silk perfume bag).
The words of energy in this process are: “Themesho-Masanin!”
It is not advisable to conjure up the image of Flauros before its visible appearance. This is not necessary in most cases, and I emphasize, very undesirable in this case. If a demonic image ever appears, it can be assumed that it was Satan - Flauros.

1 2 3

1. Flauros Seal
2. Initial appearance of the seal
3. Symbol for a witch's tambourine.
In order to further compel the demon into submission, after performing the initial ritual of identification with fire, water and wand, many practitioners include part of the initial ritual in the spell, a description of which can be found in last chapter. The diagram is removed from the operator's chest, tied with a witch's rope, and wrapped in black material. Then it is carried in a circle, brought to each part of the world for “showing” with the help of a sword or ritual knife with a black handle. She receives further consecration by fire and water and is finally unfolded and placed within the altar triangle of manifestation. After you charge the demon with his mission of destruction. Not only must you give permission to part, but you must also ritually cleanse your room with fire and water by burning one of the cleansing incense mentioned in Chapter 5 in the censer.
I speak about this ritual of evocation briefly, since it belongs rather to the area of ​​interest of a very well trained practitioner who already knows own experience, how to control demonic manifestations of a violent nature in your hands, if necessary.

Causing inclement weather

Now about the process, which can obviously lead to misfortunes (as the medieval Christian always believed). I will tell you how to cause a storm and the consequences associated with it, about weather control. In this section, the heading is chosen for convenience rather than to precisely define the content of the section.
From ancient chronicles We know that long ago, strong practitioners of the occult were credited with the powers and abilities to control the weather. All occultists, from the eastern shamans of the Kublahn Khan to the Druids of the British Isles, have a common ability to control wind, rain, fog and lightning. During the Middle Ages, in all Christian countries, this art was always seen as another manifestation of the ever-present satanic power. Orthodox Christian doctrine states the following: “Almighty God, in the depth of his wisdom and for reasons known only to himself, temporarily transferred power over the elements to Satan, under whose regency the world was until the Second Coming.” Hence the title of Satan - “Lord of the World”. “This power Satan, in turn, bestows on witches, sorcerers and other practitioners of the black arts, all, if not subservient to him, then at least in alliance with him.”
This power to control nature was then used either for the vile purposes of harming the harvest of those who are devoted to God or, if the actions of sorcerers led to good results - ending in an increase in harvests, then it was still used as a means of leading the unwary astray from the true path, as an indicator of the heretics’ reliance on the devil.
However, as with any eclectic (spiritual) dogma, witches had their own beliefs and managed to maintain the belief quite consistently throughout the various periods of persecution in Europe and England. Years of complete secrecy largely contributed to the fact that occult science was broken into the smallest fragments and hybrids were formed from the widest variety of knowledge, which is what we have now. It makes no difference who uses witchcraft energy: the owner of hereditary, innate talent or a witch who trained in a group of witches. The methods used to control the weather are extremely varied, it is impossible to list them all.
For example, someone who is familiar with the centuries-old practice of weather control will come to mind at least nine in various ways causing rain. There is a method based on burning the dried liver of a chameleon on the roof ridge, another on throwing flint pebbles behind the back, methods based on throwing sand into the air; knocking out splashes of water in the river with a broom; boiling hog bristles in a cauldron; vigorously shaking water with your finger in an earthen hole; splashing water on a naked virgin and finally sacrificing a pitch black cockerel.
Most of these methods Frazer would characterize as "sympathetic" magical gestures - processes designed to influence their target in accordance with the magical axiom: if you perform an action symbolically, then whatever you imagine can actually happen, thanks to the unity of the universe , the interaction of microcosm and macrocosm. This is, of course, the basic working thesis of witchcraft. However, this is what Prazer misses, and this is what distinguishes the children's game of imitation from the genius of a genuine witchcraft operation.
This is an inevitable factor of occultism - the participation of the subconscious in the work. If the operator is not able to penetrate into that deep-lying layer of consciousness that influences the harmony of the individual, called the subconscious, then all this “witchcraft” is in vain (it is limited to his inner personal sphere). IN best case scenario it will just be an exercise in auto-training. And in the worst case, it will be a fantasy game to hide from the hostile world around us. Only when the depths of the subconscious are in contact, only then does any real witchcraft take place.
This principle also applies in the process of weather control as in any other magical field. Much of the work done in this regard by modern witches' covens involves the direct use of personal or collective witchcraft energy and is used to "disintegrate" or dematerialize cloud structures. It is necessary to look at them intently, without looking away, and this is often done impromptu, rather than as a carefully designed ritual.
The process of “splitting” consists of simply sending the forces of the pyramid to cause the event you want to happen - the dissolution of the clouds. Only this and nothing more. Indeed, it is a simple process of sending energy. IN in this example it happens to a natural phenomenon, not to a living person. You must “see” the clouds splitting and spreading, emptying and shattering them with your concentrated water and imagination.
However, for witches who prefer more thoughtful actions, it must be explained that the point of the process is to use the associative (prototypical) symbolism of the four elements of wisdom.
In order to raise a storm or wind to be used either to disperse clouds or to uproot trees, contact must be made with the forces of the air, using as many magical images as you can think of; these images must follow the principles of air. The square of Mercury can be used and invoked by Negpe. From the watchtower of the east the Kerubic eagle or Great Bird must be summoned. The wand should be used in ritual as a symbol of power and you should strive to evoke all stormy, howling, gusty, windproof memories of a storm or hurricane from your personal life experience and strengthen them with a rhyming spell within a circle made with one's own hand, using the incense of Mercury.
To summon a light breeze for good purposes, call it on Wednesday when the moon is waxing at 8 am, 3 pm or 10 pm; for a destructive storm, conjure at the same hours on Thursday; when the moon is waning.
For a thunderstorm, call upon Gernunnoz and all the powers of fire on Tuesday when the moon is waning. The Great Lion from the watchtower of the south must be summoned and you must brandish your flaming ritual knife with a black handle or sword as a magical emblem, lighting the incense of wrath and punishment. Thunor and all the storm gods must serve you!
For fog, cloud or rain, invoke Ledy Habondia as the mistress of the Great Waters and that Ancient Serpent, the mighty Tiamat from the watchtower of the west. Light your moon incense (see Chapter 3) and use your ritual cup of salt water as a magical weapon of summoning power, performing the operation on Monday at 8 a.m., 3 p.m., or 10 p.m.
If you wish to conjure up a storm in advance, which is to occur in the indefinite future when you need it, use the old witchcraft device of tying the summoned force into a talisman, which is then “discharged” at the right moment. The best remedy is a rope (cord) tied in knots.
Perform the usual ritual and action of weaving the cord with red ribbon or yarn, as in making your ritual girdling rope, linking the forces invoked through repetition of alliteration (expressing meaning) using sounds of your own composition.
Perform the operations by tying three light knots on the rope: two at the ends and one, the last one, in the middle, with the words:

“When these knots are untied, let there be weather!”
When the operator wishes to produce the desired effect, he must take the rope in his hand and turn in the desired direction, to the west for a storm, to the south for a thunderstorm, to the east for rain. Then he must call upon all the forces of the required element from the depths of his being with all the strength of will, faith and imagination. According to tradition, at this point he must whistle three times for wind, clap his hands three times for thunder, or spit three times for rain. The metric spell of intent created by the operator will then be of thunderous force, enhanced by untying the three knots in the reverse order of how they were tied.
If you want to connect the forces of all three verses and raise a hurricane, then you must perform all three operations for each case separately. This is done by tying new knots on top of previously tied ones. Three large triple knots are made on the same rope. When you untie them, make sure you work in reverse order, chanting the all-encompassing incantation. This spell must include all the elemental images of the elements in question: rain, wind, thunder.
When doing all this, the most important thing is that the operator all the time “before possession” feels like a deity, using as a trigger device all the previously awakened prototype images of the elements within himself. That's the whole point. Weather control is something that needs to be worked on.
Very important factor is contact with the prototypical elemental forces in their most fundamental form.
As a beginner, you should be wise enough to begin experimenting with this type of magic in a season when the element you are trying to summon was not too unusual. As mentioned earlier, don't strive for the "impossible." And never try to create an “incredible” phenomenon for a given time of year.
You must always remember, especially on this initial stage witchcraft activity, that the most important thing for you is your own faith in your magical powers.

Herbs and incense

To conclude the chapter on magical methods of attack, I will give some indications of traditional destructive herbs suitable for this purpose.
I strongly advise avoiding toxic ingredients in your perfume bags and incense; stick to chemically more harmless ones. Remember that you should try to use magical rather than physical force. Injecting someone in the event of a magical attack is difficult and dangerous, since the use of real herbal botanical poisons can easily be construed as a highly antisocial action, regardless of how these herbs came into your possession.
Herbal compositions, like other subjects of the topic of this chapter, are divided into two categories: some are of the Saturnian nature, inducing inertia, and others are of the Martian nature - herbs of torment. Let's start with the last one.

Martian incense

This traditional Martian Incense of Wrath and Punishment was composed of the following ingredients:

Ammonium resin
Black and white hellebore roots
Powdered magnetic iron ore or magnetized iron filings

All this is mixed with a few drops of human blood, a black cat and the brain of a deer.
Not surprisingly, many of these components are poisonous, and the last two are difficult or impossible to obtain.
Taking this into account, a simpler modern Martian Incense can be composed:
4 parts powdered dragon's blood resin
4 parts dried, powdered rue
1 part dried ground pepper seeds
1 part dried ground ginger
1 pinch of sulfur
1 pinch of magnetized iron filings or powdered magnetic iron ore.

Instead, you can burn pure dragon's blood, sulfur, or asafetida resin in the censer. The last two have an extremely unpleasant and pungent odor and should not be used in large quantities. Sulfur should be used especially sparingly because of its foul, suffocating smoke.

Martian powders for perfume bags

"Cruel" or "destructive" herbal amulet bags are better known in the United States as hex powders. They may be composed of the following herbs and woods, used alone or in combinations. If the amulet has the shape of a bag, then it should be tied with a red ribbon or thread. It is tied when the moon is waning, preferably on the day and hour of Mars (8 am, 3 pm or 10 pm). Most herbs should never be used as a potion as they are extremely poisonous. But they are traditional witchcraft herbs and deserve to be mentioned for that reason, although it is best to leave them alone.
The first ones on this list are non-poisonous, and therefore you can place them in your witchcraft office.
"Strafe" - punishment grass (leaves of black thorn Prunus spinosa)
Pepper - black, white and red capsicum.
Earthy ginger root.
Dried chills
Dragonfly resin, used by grain makers as a coloring agent.
Powdered sulfur (sulfur color)
Grinded sawdust hollies - Ilex aquifolium (not edible)
Ground ash sawdust - Fraxinus excelsior (not edible)
Ground hickory sawdust - Carya alba
Dried stinging nettle - Urtica dioica - (and any other herbs or spices that have astringent properties).
Euphorbium - Euphorbia corollata - (in the United States "snow on the Mountain" - poisonous)
Bdelia aromatic resin - Balsamodendrum Wolfsbane - monkshood - Aconitum anqlicum - (from the same family as buttercup, Ranunculaceae - poisonous)
Ammonia resin (used in the past as a binder, poisonous!)
Death cup mushrooms - Amanita phalloides - deadly.

Here you can also add destructive herbs that are related to the nature of Saturn, the traditional Saturnian Incense of Wrath and Punishment from black poppy seed, henbane (black), mandrake root, powdered lodestone and myrrh. This needs to be mixed well together and combined with the cat's brain and bat's blood.
However, the following recipe will also work for your purposes:
4 parts myrrh resin
1 part dried elderberry leaves or twigs, powdered
1 part dried, powdered yew or juniper
I part dried powdered cypruz leaves
1 part patchouli leaves or a few drops of patchouli oil
1 pinch of magnetized iron filings or magnetic iron dust.
If this is not available, you can light one pure myrrh resin in the censer.

Cemetery dust

For a seasoned professional of the witchcraft, this can mean one of three things:
1. Either just dust, or soil taken from the church yard.
2. Dried, powdered mullein herb verbascum thapsus.
3. Bone dust and asphaltum - also known as mummy dust, obtained by scraping from Egyptian mummies. For obvious reasons, this is a very rare item nowadays.
Any or all of these may be used alone or in combination with Saturian hex powders or perfume pouches designed to convey inertia or restriction of some kind. The following “medicinal herbs” can be used in a similar way:
Ground myrrh wood
Black poppy seeds
Holda berries, leaves, and flowers - (elderberries or
Sambucum nigra)
Ruta - Ruta graveolens (edible but bitter)
Bitter aloe
Sourgrass (sorrel) - Rumex acetosa edible but bitter
Hawthorn inflorescences - crataegus axyacanthus
Periwinkle flowers - Vinca maior or minor
Ground juniper wood and flowers of juniperuz communis
Ground wood and berries of yew (Taxus baccata)
Felonwort (bitters weet or - woody nightshade - Solarium dulcamara - poisonous!)
Belladonna - sleepy stupor, devil's grass - Atropa belladonna - poisonous
Magic nightshade - circaea lutetiana - poisonous
Twilight sleep - black henbane Hyoscyamuz niger - poisonous
Devil's apple (Datura stramonium - poisonous!)
Markof Cain (hemlock - Conium maculatum poisonous)
The last seven, although they are traditional magical herbs, are used in homeopathy in potent, natural-based medicines. Just like with Martian herbs, take precautions with these herbs.