Why dream of being in church. Going to church in a dream. I dreamed about the Church, what is it for?

Seen burning candles, icons, church buildings, depending on their appearance and condition, carry both positive and joyless interpretations. So, it is impossible to say with certainty what the church is dreaming of.

A dream in which a person encounters church paraphernalia, the ringing of bells, or enters a temple leaves an alarming aftertaste for many. After all, the church is more often associated with the resting place of the dead or with prayers and requests for health and well-being. Usually unhappy people turn to God with their grief. Only recently the tradition of weddings has become popular in Russia, and this solemn event for the newlyweds also takes place in the temple. Let's talk about the dream with the temple.

One of the most common reasons for a person to remember a dream with a church is the end of a significant period of his life. Very soon his occupation, place of residence, and, possibly, will change. marital status. He has to personal growth And spiritual development. Some people need to calm down after experiencing worries or problems, and the subconscious sends a hint in a dream.

The fortuneteller Miss Hasse interpreted the church she saw as a sign that a person had found his destiny and was moving towards it along the right path. If at the same time he sings and prays, he will quickly achieve his desired goal.

Interpretations of sleep in different dream books

The more beautiful and majestic the temple, the more gifts of fate the dreamer will receive. On the contrary, a rickety or destroyed building speaks of financial difficulties that will affect the entire family of the sleeping person. Different situations and interpretations of what a temple means in dreams are given in the dream books of clairvoyants and psychologists.

According to Vanga

Vanga’s deep faith is reflected in her words regarding the night vision with the church. She suggested that the dreamer visit the temple and confess, since God had given him a sign. Anyone in need of forgiveness and cleansing will find them there. If a person enters a church in a dream, in reality he pays little attention to the opinions and advice of others.

A dreamer tormented by doubts may dream of an abandoned church. If your soul is restless and tormented by thoughts of unseemly deeds, the sleeper will be afraid to visit church even in his dreams. He should correct what he has done, then the restless dreams will disappear.

The approach of a special date or an important meeting explains participation in a dream in church service or chants.

According to Miller

The outline of a temple in the distance shows the dreamer's lack of deep faith. A dream with a funeral service in a temple has a similar meaning. A bad sign would be the ringing of one bell or the absence of icons in the church.

Both dreams suggest preparing for hard times. The efforts invested in interesting endeavors will not justify themselves, and the person will feel disappointed. Only by setting new goals for yourself will you be able to neutralize previous mistakes.

Dramatic changes in life will follow a dream in which the dreamer confidently entered the temple. Their character is unpredictable, only over time it will become clear where the scales will shift.

The psychiatrist interpreted the image of the church in the dream as female body. The beautiful and graceful structure reflected the girl’s pride in her appearance. A dream about being present at a church service characterized the sleeper as an incorrigibly romantic person, capable of entering into a relationship only in the case of ardent love. Options with mercantile calculations or betrayal of the other half are unacceptable for her.

If a man confidently enters the gates of the church in his lover's dream, she need not worry about her imagining infidelities. He is a serious person.

On the contrary, when a gentleman hesitates for a long time at the entrance and then leaves, he is prone to infidelity due to a low assessment of his sexual capabilities.

According to Loff

A temple in a dream shows that at the current moment in time the sleeper is experiencing doubts and needs help. The less calm he is inside the church, the more confused the situation he is in.

If there are no priests in the temple, a person carries out a moral search alone. He was captured internal struggle, forcing you to re-evaluate many things and actions. When a minister speaks about something, you should listen to what he says. He can voice the dreamer's problem that requires an immediate solution.

According to Nostradamus

The French predictor noted in his writings that being in church and praying is a dream of a person who has something to ask God for forgiveness for. Candles lit near the icons will become a symbol of spiritual purity. A dream with sparkling gilded domes is favorable. He promises profitable acquisitions and prosperity.

A destroyed church in a dream reminds of forgotten intentions or experiences, and a temple building entwined with a huge snake portends wars and disasters. It’s bad if the sleeping person secretly took something from the church. He will have to deal with difficulties and troubles in reality. The ringing of a bell foretells the death of a relative. Disputes in the family will happen after sleeping with the purchase of a blanket in the temple.

According to Tsvetkov

When he lights a candle in church, it is possible that he will encounter illness. If he stands in front of the icons, and a candle burns next to each, the sleeper trusts his friends and appreciates good relationship with them. However, this does not mean at all that he is reciprocated.

Dreaming of being in a temple with many burning candles before a great event in the dreamer’s life. His luck will be all-encompassing and bring rich fruits.

The condition of the temple building reflects state of mind the dreamer at the moment of night vision. A bright and clean church is much more positive than a burnt or old one. IN the latter case the sleeper should reconsider his life and change the moments that worry him.

With golden domes

A richly decorated church shows a favorable combination of circumstances in the near future. Golden domes speak of the dreamer's predetermined fate. He is protected by higher powers. The time has come when everything will work out. It must be used wisely and not be led by selfishness. Self-admiration and boasting will cause luck to turn away.

A dream with a golden dome falling down has a sad interpretation. There is a streak of losses and difficulties ahead. The sleeper will have to make a lot of effort to overcome them. A person who has made serious mistakes dreams of shooting at domes.

Destroyed Temple

Sigmund Freud believed that a woman who stumbled upon the ruins of a church in a dream was dissatisfied with her physical condition. Another interpretation is that the sleeper feels that life is wasted.

The man's moral fiber is as disorganized as the abandoned old temple in his dream, and his future is uncertain.

Burnt temple

The burning church, and even collapsing before the eyes of the sleeping man, shows the futility of his aspirations. The plans on which he pins his hopes are impracticable. Such a dream warns an unfaithful spouse that his secret will become known and he will lose his family.

In some dream books, deciphering a dream suggests that the sleeper should not waste time on empty, unreasonable fears, but rather live a full life.

Wooden church

A sleeper who enters a wooden church will soon be moved to new house or even in new city. He will change his place of work and circle of friends. Another image of a wooden church foretells the dreamer peace and well-being in the family.

New Church

Construction new church promises spiritual growth to the sleeper. What is the answer to the question, why does a woman dream about the church inside? Most likely, she will feel envy from others, since she is happy with her position and status.

A tall, recently erected temple characterizes the pinnacle of success if the dreamer decides to enter it. In his actions he should rely on the knowledge and experience of the older generation.

Depending on the actions performed in the temple, the events following the dream will bring joy or misfortune. The emotional mood of the dreamer who visited the temple plays a very important role.

Cry in the temple

According to Miller, tears shed in the temple promise adversity and unpleasant events in reality. Other dream books, on the contrary, indicate joyful meetings and fun. If the dreamer's acquaintances cried in a dream, good luck will come to their home.

Anyone who has decided in reality to make significant changes in their lifestyle is able to cry in church and feel calm. They will be useful.


Those who confess to the priest in church in a dream will expect great sadness or betrayal from close friends. Why does a woman dream of kissing the priest in church? Unfortunately, she will be overtaken by the news of her lover’s infidelity.

For an unmarried man, being in confession is promised in reality by marriage with kind woman. The poor man will earn a decent amount of money, while the rich man will have his income reduced. For the patient, sleep promises deterioration in health. The student and the employee will find themselves among the bosses' favorites.

See a church service

A wedding in a church dreams of a happy marriage, and communion means that a person has thrown off an unbearable burden. If many people have gathered for the service, in reality the sleeping person will earn respect and authority among his friends.

It's bad to see a priest standing at the altar. In reality, this means that the undertaking will not bring profit due to the fault of the sleeper. Attending a church service, especially on the eve of holidays, promises a comfortable existence.

Some people, after such a dream, meet a mentor who helps them understand themselves and put things in order. A significant acquaintance will occur in the very next few days after the dream.

See icons

Seeing and kissing icons is a dream for those who repent of their actions. If they are light and their faces are peaceful, the dreamer will achieve the same state. Icon for women Mother of God portends pregnancy. The cross is a symbol of prosperity and good events. The icon of Jesus Christ signifies the special power of every word and deed of the sleeping person. He is capable of doing great things, but in case of mistakes he will have to correct the situation himself.

The face of Matrona of Moscow speaks of salvation from danger that has passed by. The icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker seen in a dream will force you to find the right solution to the task at hand. When making a choice, the dreamer will show wisdom and foresight.


Even non-believers feel reverence for places of worship. In the church one can forget about adversity and conduct a dialogue with higher powers. Most leave the temple enlightened and with hope. Everyone decides for himself whether he should attend church or whether he would prefer to mentally pray and ask God for advice.

A church that appears in a dream will make you break away from routine activities and think about your purpose and contentment with your way of life. If in doubt, the issues causing dissatisfaction should be analyzed. Every day is unique, and you need to spend it with joy and pleasure.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently I help promote virtual reality projects. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions here that charge you with positivity and give inspiration. IN free time I study French medieval dances. I am interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate you with a new hobby or simply give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about something beautiful, then it will come true!

The appearance of this symbol in a dream indicates despair, spiritual cleansing, and repentance.

Seeing yourself entering a church is a sign that real life your actions are dictated by personal egoism and unwillingness to take into account the people around you. This dream is a warning that it is time for you to change your life and repent of your sins.

Being present at a church service in a dream means that in reality you can count on the love and respect of the people around you.

The dream in which you saw an empty church with boarded up doors foreshadows life changes for the worse, melancholy and hopelessness.

In a dream, you are standing in a destroyed church and trying to put a candle in a candlestick - this dream means that in real life you will contribute to spiritual rebirth and renewal.

You enter a church during a service. It's very cramped because large number people gathered under its dome. People kneel and pray. You raise your head up and see, instead of a dome, a sky dotted with stars, among which a bright red moon floats. The closer this month gets, the stronger you feel fear, it seems that a little more, and it will fall from a height directly on the heads of praying people - this dream is a harbinger of a cruel, bloody religious conflict. Most likely, you will become a witness rather than a participant.

To see in a dream how you are helping to restore an ancient church is a sign that in reality all old grievances will be forgotten, and you will be able to restore your old relationship with a person close to you.

Interpretation of dreams from Vanga's Dream Book

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Seeing the Church in a dream

Seeing a church in the distance in a dream means disappointment in events that have been anticipated for so long.

Entering a church immersed in darkness is a sign that you will have to take part in a funeral. This also portends vague prospects and a long wait for better times.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What does the dream Church mean?

The church is a symbol of cultural prosperity, spirituality, and purity.

Seeing a snow-white church with golden domes in a dream foreshadows the cultural flourishing of the country, its moral and spiritual foundations, and universal unity.

If in a dream you are present at a church service, then in real life you will experience remorse.

Building a church in a dream means your desire for knowledge will be rewarded a hundredfold.

Seeing a church entwined with a snake in a dream is a bad sign. This is a threat to humanity, as all human values ​​will be destroyed by evil.

If in a dream you saw a castle on a church - be careful! Your isolation and tendency to loneliness can alienate someone near and dear to you.

A dream in which you saw a church on fire foreshadows enmity between generations and the collapse of the universal world order.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Nostradamus

Seeing a Church in a dream

Praying is happiness in all matters;
enter - remorse;
to see is good luck.
Also see Priest, Monk, Temple.

Interpretation of dreams from Tsvetkov's Dream Book

What do dreams mean? Church

Wonderful future; to be in it - in need you will find help and consolation; hear singing in it - your wishes will come true. Illuminated - a serious misfortune; destroyed - you will recognize the need; to pass by - to commit a careless act

Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

What does Church mean in a dream?

The color of the clothes in which you stand in church in a dream is very important. If you are dressed in mourning, it means that a wedding awaits you. If you are in white - funeral.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

The meaning of dreams Church

Church - Wooden, small - to the choice of place or type of activity. Login to Ts. - you will do right choice, as you will soon see. To pass by - the decision you are currently leaning towards is not successful. Church altar - you are guaranteed help from your friends in finding a job, business, etc. Do not neglect it. See "Cathedral", "Temple".

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

The meaning of the dream Church

Church - a wonderful future - to be in it - in need you will find help and consolation - to hear singing in it - your wishes will come true - illuminated - a serious misfortune - destroyed - you will recognize the need - to pass by - to commit a careless act.

Interpretation of dreams from Kananita's Dream Book

Interpretation of the dream Church

The Church is a foreign side, a foreign land. As the church dreams, therefore, if anyone is in captivity, then this is a sign that will soon be released. The church is a prison. As churches dream, there will be some patience. Church, icon, dough, buns in the oven - sadness. Church - conversations. Before the wedding, a mother dreamed of her son in church.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

What does the Church predict in a dream?

Seeing a beautiful rural church in a dream means that friends will support you in trouble. This is a sign of good luck. Looking at a church from afar in a dream foreshadows melancholy and disappointment.

Entering a church in a dream is a sign of repentance. Finding yourself in it in a dream means that someone will console you in your sadness. Entering a church with your lover in a dream foreshadows a quick separation from him. The dream indicates that this person is completely indifferent to you.

Spending the night in a church in a dream is a sign of health for the patient. But for healthy people, such a dream portends illness. Sometimes such a dream indicates to you that you will be able to find the support you so need in the church. Praying in church in a dream foreshadows concern about family well-being.

A large church cathedral in a dream is a symbol of patriotism. If in a dream the cathedral is prohibitively large, then your ambitious aspirations are unfounded and you will face many disappointments if you do not give up your unrealizable aspirations. See interpretation: domes, temple, chapel, bell, pray, singing, music.

To appear in it at a ceremonial service in a dream is a sign of recognition of your merits in the future. Building a church in a dream means that you will achieve wealth on your own. A destroyed church in a dream means a change in luck, monetary losses, need, failure of plans. If in a dream you see the desecration of a church, then you will soon learn something bad about a person whom you respected and revered. Church utensils in a dream foretells prosperity. See interpretation: dishes.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What does it mean to see a Church in a dream?

The church you saw in a dream suggests that you will be disappointed with the person whose arrival you have long been looking forward to. If in a dream you enter a dark church, it means that you will have to refuse love to a person who is passionately in love with you. A wedding in a bright and spacious church promises you a fabulous happy marriage with your loved one.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Church

To see a white stone church with golden domes in a dream - this foreshadows the cultural dawn of the country, its moral and spiritual foundations; to see such a dream from Friday to Saturday - your desire for spirituality and knowledge will be rewarded.

If in a dream you saw a destroyed church from Saturday to Sunday or from Sunday to Monday, this is a harbinger of illness and moral suffering.

A dream from Wednesday to Thursday, in which you attend a church service, means that soon harmony and peace will reign in your home.

If in a dream from Friday to Saturday you saw a church entwined with a snake, this dream is a harbinger of trouble for all humanity.

Seeing a castle on a church is a bad sign.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for women

Dream prediction Church

The appearance of this symbol in a dream indicates despair, the need for spiritual cleansing and repentance.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Why do you dream about the Church?

A church seen in a dream foreshadows disappointment. Being in church means taking part in a funeral, bad times will come. Praying in church is happiness in all matters. Approaching the altar and kneeling is a valuable discovery. Seeing yourself as a beggar on a church porch means that in reality you will engage in charitable activities.

Confessing in church portends consolation and joy; talking to a priest - they will keep you from a rash step Friends. Leaving church is a mental relief.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What does the dream Church mean?

See well-being; awakening of religious feeling; event associated with her: wedding (marriage), funeral service (death loved one).

Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Book

Seeing a Church in a dream

If you dreamed that you were entering a church, in reality you will be disappointed in pleasures, but will find satisfaction in work.

You can work through this dream by imagining that you are going into a quiet village church and lighting candles; you feel good and calm here.

A beautiful, tall white stone church - thanks to your personal qualities you will achieve high position and respect of people. Wooden church - you will find peace and prosperity in the family. Standing at the church gates, looking at the domes and crossing yourself - you are standing on the threshold of a new life. Soon everything will change in better side. Seeing people entering church means friends will help you make the right decision. If people left the church (after a service or for a religious procession) - your problems will be resolved in the best possible way. An ancient, dilapidated church - meet an old man who will pass on a piece of his wisdom to you. Seeing many churches (for example, in a monastery) means great opportunities will open up before you. Whatever path you choose, you will be successful everywhere.

Imagine entering a church, lighting candles, and praying for your loved ones. You know everything will be fine.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

What do dreams mean? Church

A church visible somewhere in the distance foreshadows disappointment in events expected for a long time.

If in a dream you entered a church immersed in darkness, you have vague prospects ahead. Apparently, you will have to wait quite a long time for better times.

According to Nostradamus, the church is a symbol of cultural prosperity, spirituality, and purity. He interpreted dreams about the church as follows.

A dream in which you saw a destroyed church means illness and moral suffering.

If in a dream you are present at a church service, then in real life you will experience remorse.

If you built a church in a dream, your desire for knowledge will be rewarded a hundredfold.

A church entwined with a snake is a bad sign.

If in a dream you saw a castle on a church, be careful! Your isolation and tendency to loneliness can alienate someone near and dear to you.

A dream in which you saw a church on fire foreshadows enmity between relatives.

And the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted such dreams about the church in her own way.

If you see a church in a dream, then this indicates despair, spiritual cleansing, and repentance.

If you saw yourself entering a church - in real life, your actions are dictated by personal egoism and unwillingness to take into account the people around you. This dream is a warning that it is time for you to change your life and repent of your sins.

If you were present at a church service in a dream - in reality you can count on the love and respect of the people around you.

A dream in which you saw an empty church with boarded up doors foreshadows life changes for the worse, melancholy and hopelessness.

In a dream, you stood in a destroyed church and tried to put a candle in a candlestick - in real life you will contribute to spiritual revival and renewal.

If you saw in a dream how you are helping to restore an ancient church, in reality all old grievances will be forgotten and you will be able to restore your previous relationship with a person close to you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

Dream about the Church

Symbolizes eternal truths.

If you saw a church in your dream, this means that it’s time for you to think about your soul.

As a rule, such dreams foreshadow failures and difficult experiences, but at the same time they also suggest a way out of difficulties.

Leaning or destroyed church: very bad sign, saying that you may soon repent of some of your unseemly deeds and actions.

A separate case is to see a church rooted into the ground: such a dream suggests that in pursuit of everyday joys you are ready to step over your soul.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

What does Church mean in a dream?

To awakening conscience, avoiding danger and patience.

To dream of a beautifully decorated church means fun and safety.

I dreamed about a high church - to a respectful attitude.

Dreaming of a burning church means difficult times.

I dreamed about an abandoned church - a rejection of great truths.

Entering a church in a dream means you have favorable preconditions for the implementation of your plans.

Being present in the cathedral during a service is a sign of success in your good endeavor.

A man in prison dreams of a church - he will soon be released.

The abbot of the monastery dreamed - the atmosphere around you is thickening, the situation may be shaken.

You see the abbess of the monastery - it is a cruel test for a young woman, she must muster all her strength to survive.

In your dream, the abbess of the monastery smiles welcomingly - a symbol of the reliability of your friends.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why did you dream about the Church (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

  • Entering a dark church means your plans will not come true.
  • Seeing burning candles in a church in a dream portends great luck; your dreams will be able to come true.
  • Dreaming of a fire in a church means a decline in moral values, disappointment in God.
  • I dreamed of a church with gilded domes - a reward for the work done.
  • The church under construction symbolizes new stage in the dreamer's life, changes for the better.

Psychological interpretation of dreams according to Ivan Furtsev

Why did the Church dream?

Why do you dream about church? Most likely, the image is a reflection of the dreamer’s internal state, his spiritual development.

  • The beautiful decoration of the church, gilded candelabra, neat icons indicate harmony in the soul and orderliness of thoughts.
  • Why do you dream of an abandoned, empty church and mother - the dream eloquently hints at internal disharmony, lack of faith in one’s own capabilities.
  • See the ruins of a church on the mountain– in reality suffer from a lack of vital energy. The dream also signals the need to understand yourself.
  • You dream of a burnt church if a person is very afraid of something. In fact, the fears are unfounded.

Romantic dream book

Why do you dream about the Church?

The decoration of the church appearance will help you understand why you have a dream with this image.

  • A building under construction means improving your sex life and improving relationships with your partner.
  • burning church may dream of family breakdown. You indulge your desires too much, not paying attention to the opinion of your other half.
  • For a man, going to church is a sign of his desire for intimacy with the woman he loves. If you still can't go to church– the problem lies in doubts about your sexual attractiveness.
  • Seeing an unfinished church with people indicates doubts about the correct choice of a partner.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which the Temple was dreamed

The church building is architectural structure, in which people gather to perform special rituals that are very far from their natural essence and alien to their organic nature. The image of the church reflects a situation of pressure, control and violence on the part of the spiritual ego: submission to social rules, laws, norms. Moreover, this image means artificially preserved, protecting. a nourishing environment (the illusory world), and at the same time a negative, dictating, oppressive, limiting, programming, forcing one to act according to a rigid algorithm (computer mother).

Great dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about the Church?

  • The appearance of this symbol in a dream indicates despair, the need for spiritual cleansing and repentance.
  • To see yourself entering a church - in reality, your actions are dictated by personal egoism and unwillingness to take into account the people around you.
  • This dream is a warning that it is time for you to change your life and repent of your sins.
  • means that in reality you can count on the love and respect of the people around you.
  • You saw an empty church with boarded up doors, foreshadowing life changes for the worse, melancholy and hopelessness.
  • You are standing in a destroyed church and trying to put a candle in a candlestick - this means that in reality you will strive for spiritual rebirth and renewal.
  • I dreamed about a church in the distance means disappointment in long-awaited events.
  • Why dream of entering a church immersed in darkness - you will have to take part in a funeral. This may also portend vague prospects and a long wait for better times.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about the Church in a dream?

  • Seeing a white stone church with golden domes in a dream means the cultural dawn of the country, its moral and spiritual foundations.
  • Dreaming of a castle on a church is a bad sign.
  • I dreamed of a church in the distance, foretells disappointment in events.
  • Entering a church immersed in darkness in a dream means you will have to take part in a funeral.
  • Praying in church in a dream means you need support in your life.

The meaning of the dream about the Chapel (Vanga's Dream Book)

  • The appearance of this symbol in a dream indicates despair, spiritual cleansing, and repentance.
  • To see yourself entering a church - in reality, your actions are dictated by personal egoism and unwillingness to take into account the people around you. This dream is a warning that it is time for you to change your life and repent of your sins.
  • To be present at a church service in a dream- means that in reality you can count on the love and respect of the people around you.
  • You saw an empty church with boarded up doors, foreshadowing life changes for the worse, melancholy and hopelessness.
  • In a dream you are standing in a destroyed church and trying to put a candle in a candlestick- this dream means that in reality you will contribute to spiritual rebirth and renewal.
  • To dream that you are entering a church during a service. It is very crowded, as a large number of people have gathered under its dome. People kneel and pray. You raise your head up and see, instead of a dome, a sky dotted with stars, among which a bright red moon floats. The closer this month gets, the stronger you feel fear, it seems that a little more, and it will fall from a height directly on the heads of praying people - this dream is a harbinger of a cruel, bloody religious conflict. Most likely, you will become a witness rather than a participant.
  • To see how you are helping to restore an ancient church - in reality, all old grievances will be forgotten, and you will be able to restore your previous relationship with a person close to you.

The meaning of the dream about the Church (according to Nostradamus)

  • Why do you dream about a church without icons? - A symbol of cultural prosperity, spirituality, purity.
  • I dreamed of a snow-white church with golden domes- portends the cultural flourishing of the country, its moral and spiritual foundations, and universal unity.
  • You saw a destroyed building, which means illness and moral suffering.
  • You are present at a church service, there are many icons around, then in reality you will experience remorse.
  • Why do you dream of building a church in a dream?– your desire for knowledge will be rewarded handsomely.
  • In a dream you saw a church entwined with a snake - a bad sign. This is a threat to humanity, as all human values ​​will be destroyed by evil.
  • You saw a castle on the church - be careful! Your isolation and tendency to loneliness can alienate someone near and dear to you.
  • You saw the church on fire, foreshadows enmity between generations and the collapse of the universal world order.

The meaning of a dream about Icons (interpretation of the healer Fedorovskaya)

  • Church, icons, cross - To suffering, patience, prison. But: if a person is in prison, then similar dreams foreshadow freedom.
  • However, if you have a dream, it means extinction, when the dreamer’s soul visits other world, then the church is simply a sign of sacred space. If an icon talks to the dreamer in a dream, then this is a dream-vision that does not foretell anything that the icon said.
  • If in a dream an icon cries or exudes myrrh, oil, or blood, but says nothing, then this foreshadows suffering and serves as a blessing for long-suffering or repentance.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Why do you dream of a church in a dream?

  • If you dreamed of a rural church without crosses, it means finding truthful friends.
  • To be in church for confession with a priest - in need you will find help and consolation.
  • Hear singing in church– Your wishes will come true.
  • An illuminated church is a grave misfortune.
  • Why do you dream of a destroyed church - you will recognize the need.
  • Seeing the archbishop is an expectation of protection; talking to him is an expectation of a pleasant event.
  • Dreaming of a Bishop at a church service- Good news.
  • Seeing an Archimandrite - Seeing in a dream portends a surprise.
  • To be present at a church service means that you will soon be offered a promotion or a new, higher-paying job.
  • Church bells - Something pleasant awaits you.
  • Church utensils in the shop are for sale - you will receive a tempting offer that you should not refuse.

Many people believe that dreams can be prophetic, that they can predict any events in a person’s life. It must be said that many dreams are a reflection of human consciousness and a person dreams as a result of his thoughts, experiences, etc. Among all the symbols and signs that come in dreams, the church occupies a special place and therefore many people want to know what it means to see a church in a dream.

Why do you dream about church?

Dreams that are associated with the church, candles, priests, etc., are dreamed by people in order to draw their attention to some important things that are closely intertwined with spiritual life, conscience, and also human honor.

Seeing a church in a dream means: a person who had such a dream is in despair and needs spiritual cleansing, as well as repentance before God. Atheists who dream about church should seriously think about the fact that they need to cleanse their souls and stop treating religion the way they do. In a dream, seeing a church for such people foretells that they need to go to the temple of God and repent, pray for themselves and ask for forgiveness for all their sins.

If a person dreams of a church, this means: there are problems in his spiritual life that need to be filled as quickly as possible. Perhaps the person who sees the church in his dreams feels that he needs unity with God and his forgiveness.

Why do women dream about church?

Probably every woman is interested in what it means to see a church in a dream. Women's dream book says that if a representative of the fairer sex had such a dream, it means that she needs to be spiritually cleansed, as she is in despair.

If a woman dreamed that she was entering a church, this means all the actions that she performed in lately, dictated by her selfishness. The woman did not take into account the opinions of others and acted as only she wanted. She didn't care how the people around her would feel. That is why she dreamed of a church; a woman needs to repent and cleanse her spiritual world.

Seeing a church in a dream foretells a woman that she needs to change her life as soon as possible. A representative of the fairer sex who saw a church in her dream needs to repent of her sins. Then her life will improve and the state of despair will quickly pass.

If a woman dreamed that she was present at a church service, there is no need to worry. Such a dream promises her respect and love from people close to her.

If a female representative dreamed of an empty church whose doors were boarded up, there is cause for concern. Such a dream foreshadows that events will happen in her life that will change everything for the worse. An empty church in a dream means that soon the woman will be sad and feel hopeless.

Why do you dream of a church from afar and immersed in darkness?

In a dream, seeing a church from afar, but never approaching it, means that you will soon be disappointed in the events that you have been waiting for for a long time.

If in a dream you saw a church that was immersed in darkness and entered it, this means that perhaps you will attend a funeral. This dream also foreshadows that the woman will wait a long time for the times when everything will fall into place.

Many people are interested in what it means to see a church in a dream. Candles in such a dream foretell that great luck and changes will happen in the life of the person who sees this dream. Plans that were made a long time ago will finally turn into reality. Therefore, it must be said that seeing a church with candles in a dream is good sign, which will bring a person only luck and joy.

Why do you dream about a fire in a church?

If a person dreamed of a fire in a church, this indicates his emotional experiences, changes for the worse and negative moments occurring in his life. Such a dream may foretell that the sleeper will lose faith or be disappointed in it forever. If a person dreams of a fire in a church, most likely in real life good and evil are fighting inside him. In connection with this, a dream comes to him in which he sees how the holy place- temple.

Many people ask the question: “If you see a church in a dream, what is it for?” Anyone who wants to know the answer needs to remember all the details of the dream in order to find the correct and truthful answer.

Why do you dream of a destroyed church?

Many people dream of a destroyed church, and they wonder what such a dream means? It must be said that he dreams when in real life a person has spent almost all his vital energy and suffers from the fact that his plans do not come true. The dream book assures that a person who saw a destroyed church in his dream needs to understand himself, his desires and set priorities. He should also strengthen his faith, since its weakness contributes to the destruction of the temple within a person.

If you dreamed that the church was collapsing before your eyes, you need to think about the future. Such a dream foreshadows: things will happen in the dreamer’s life big changes, the outcome of which depends only on himself. That is why he should think carefully about how best to act in a given situation.

Why do you dream of a church with domes?

If the dreamer had to see a church with domes in a dream, then great luck awaits him. Soon the matter, which in real life is very important for a person, will end and he will receive moral satisfaction and pleasure from it. It can also bring income to the dreamer, and the larger the size of the dome, the more larger size monetary reward he will receive.

If the dreamer shot at the domes, this means that he is doing something wrong; soon the miscalculations will make themselves felt.

A dream in which a person sees someone shooting at domes may mean that in real life the dreamer trusted people who could betray and set him up.

Many people think about the question of what it means if they saw a church in a dream. What is this for? It is worth saying that the interpretation of such a dream can be different, since it depends on many details, such as candles, domes, funerals, destruction, fire in the church, etc.

Freud's Dream Book

If a man has a dream in which he goes to a temple, this means that in real life he strives for intimacy with his soulmate or a girl for whom he has great sympathy. However, if the dreamer was unable to enter the church, this may mean that the young man has doubts about his sexuality. In this regard, he will try in every possible way to avoid sexual contact with the girl.

Why do you dream about a church, a coffin and a dead person in it?

If a man had to see a church and a coffin in a dream, in real life this is a very bad sign. Such a dream may mean that a young man will marry unsuccessfully and will soon divorce his wife. Therefore, the dreamer must pay sufficient attention love relationships and decide for yourself whether to tie the knot with your current lover.

If a person had to see a church and a dead person in a dream, this means pain and melancholy. In real life, the dreamer most likely regrets the past and lost time. Also, such a dream means that a person often thinks and yearns for a person who has passed away.

Why do you dream of attending a wedding in a church?

If you dreamed that you were present at a wedding in a temple, this is a good sign. Such a dream means that the dreamer loves and appreciates his soulmate very much and wants to spend the rest of his life with her. If a person dreamed that he was a priest who performed a wedding ceremony, this means that soon there will be upheavals in his life associated with worries about his loved one. Such a dream warns the dreamer that he should not interfere in what is happening in the life of his other half, since events cannot become subject to a person’s control.

Why does a pregnant woman dream about church?

If a pregnant woman dreams of a church, this means that in real life she needs moral and material support. She needs to develop and grow, and also feel support from her loved ones.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller's dream book assures that if a person dreams of a church, he is in an unstable emotional state. If in a dream he entered a temple, this means that in real life a person does not take into account those around him and behaves like an egoist. Such a dream may warn him that it is necessary to change his priorities and outlook on life in order for everything to fall into place.

Vanga's Dream Book

Vanga's dream book interprets church in a dream as repentance, humility and despair. This means that in real life the dreamer experiences all of the above feelings and does not know what to do in various situations occurring in his life.

Why do you dream of praying in a temple?

If you dreamed that you were praying in a temple, this is a very good sign. Such a dream portends success in all matters and endeavors. If you are going to start any business, then do not be afraid and take the initiative into your own hands. Such a dream should serve as an incentive for you and soon you will notice how all your affairs will have a positive outcome.

If a person who is in captivity dreams of a church, this means imminent release. Also, such a dream may foretell that the dreamer will soon be far from home.

Why do you dream of icons in a temple?

Very often, people who saw a church in a dream dream of icons. It is very important to remember the faces that are depicted on them, because it is on them that the meaning of such a dream depends. If the faces depicted on the icons are joyful, peaceful and calm, such a dream foretells that in the near future no bad and unpleasant events will occur in the dreamer’s life. However, if a person saw in his dream cracked icons depicting evil and unfriendly faces, in the near future the person will feel the emptiness and meaninglessness of his existence.

Why do you dream of a burnt church?

If a person saw a burnt church in his dream, this means that all his experiences and fears are completely groundless and unfounded. The dreamer should stop worrying and pull himself together. You should not give in to panic, since everything that happens in a person’s life at the moment when he dreamed of a burnt church is not so serious as to spoil his nerves.

Unfinished church in a dream

If a person saw an unfinished church in his dream, this may mean that his spiritual development is on the verge of destruction. This can affect family relationships and the emotional state of the dreamer.

Old church in a dream

When a person sees an old church in his dream, he has a reason to think about his future, behavior and moral principles. The dreamer's future is very uncertain and gloomy, so you should not ignore such a dream.

Castle on a church in a dream

If a person had a dream that there was a lock hanging on the door of the church he wanted to enter, he should seriously think about it. Such a dream warns that the dreamer can push away a loved one and loved one because of his isolation and tendency to loneliness.

Church on the mountain

If a person had to dream about a church on a mountain that is shrouded in darkness, such a dream may tell the dreamer that he should think about his near future. If a person does not reconsider his attitude towards life and does not set priorities, this can end very badly.

If a person dreams of a church, it is necessary to remember all the smallest details and details. It depends on what exactly such a dream promises the dreamer. It is impossible to say unequivocally whether dream books should be believed or not, since there is no evidence that they are true. However, many people who followed their advice shared that dream books helped them understand themselves, improve their lives and relationships with their family.

The dream book calls a dream about a church a harbinger of internal growth, radical changes, and gaining authority. This symbol in a dream promises a favorable development of events, good news, and true friends. But there are other interpretations of what the temple means in dreams: you need to reconsider your attitude towards life, correct your behavior, and improve.

Interpretation from the Enigma dream book

Visiting church in a dream signals: the person sleeping has forgotten about the spiritual component of his life in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. In reality you also need to visit the temple.

Did you see her against the background of a blue cloudless sky, illuminated by the rays of the sun? The Enigma dream book explains: you are under the protection of a heavenly patron.

Did you dream about white, beautiful? Interpretation of the symbol: complete unity with loved ones, mutual understanding and a common vision of a happy future and the good of the family.

Did you often go there in your dreams? Do you want to get even closer to your loved one? But don't rush things - everything has its time.

Value according to Miller and Wang

Did you see a church from afar in a dream? Miller believes: you will be disappointed after the events that you are so looking forward to.

Entered a dark church? The meaning of this vision according to Miller’s dream book is that you will soon attend someone’s funeral. The plot also foreshadows vague prospects: better times will have to wait a long time.

Why dream of standing at a service and listening carefully to prayers? According to Vanga, this is a good omen. People will respect you, treat you well, listen to your opinion.

What church did you see in your dream?

Remember what she was like:

  • old - uncertain future;
  • new - spiritual growth;
  • wooden - you will have to radically change your life;
  • stone - the desire for internal change;
  • big - moral improvement;
  • small - a quick change of circumstances;
  • white, clean - new prospects;
  • black, gloomy - misfortune, failure;
  • cathedral - extraordinary luck in life;
  • monastery - you will find like-minded people and friends.

Have you seen it broken, with burnt walls? The dream book warns: there are losses and disappointments ahead, the collapse of long-term plans, divorce is possible.

Did you dream about the cathedral?

Visiting a cathedral in a dream is an excellent omen. The interpretation of the vision is as follows: next to you there are sensible, wise people who will support you and help you achieve a lot.

Why dream of being in a place where there are many churches and cathedrals? You feel regret and guilt for your unworthy actions.

With golden domes

Did you dream about a church with domes? This means that there is a prosperous future ahead, significant successes in all areas of life, says the dream book.

We looked at the golden dome and the roof reflecting sunlight? This means: life will go without problems, and luck will accompany you everywhere. The more domes, the happier and richer the future will be.

Priests, monks in a dream

Did you see a priest in a church in a dream? Analyze and comprehend your actions. The church minister acts as a reminder of the need to find a mentor who will help you understand yourself and the needs of your soul.

Have you visited a monastery and seen a monk there? You will face trials that you must pass with dignity.

Don't be afraid of difficulties - just move forward. From time to time, everyone has to overcome trials in order to prove that the lesson learned has been learned and the person deserves something better, something new. Mobilize your determination and you will succeed.

Going to church for a sleeping person

Why does a man dream about going to church? Freud's dream book explains: the sleeping person has an unrealized passion for a certain woman.

A meal in a monastery promises the dreamer anxiety about the future. Previous mistakes bad deeds(even if you thought they didn't have of great importance) can cause great harm.

If a person was kicked out of a church in a dream, there are failures ahead, condemnation of others, spiritual devastation. When he saw the witch being kicked out of there, it means he was bewitched with the help of black magic.

Why does a girl dream?

Why does a girl dream of crying in a temple? The dream book says: in reality she will get married soon. But her own wedding in a church in a dream warns: she will not get married soon.

For a girl to dream of building a church means: her business acumen and practicality will attract the attention of a man who wants to marry her. The plot also promises a calm and prosperous course of affairs.

Interpretations for women

For a representative of the fair sex, being in an empty temple means, according to the dream book: you need to think about your behavior and correct yourself.

If she saw a cross on the church and felt peace, tranquility - in reality the dreamer is going through spiritual development the right way. Soon she will be able to achieve her goal of self-improvement.

What did you see during your visit?

What happened when you visited church:

  • general prayer - you will find inner strength, conquer problems;
  • church singing - good news, hope for inheritance;
  • baptism - learn to sacrifice interests for the sake of others;
  • confession - you should reconsider your attitude towards life;
  • anointing with oil - you have to correct your own mistakes;
  • wedding - you will not soon find a life partner.

Why else do you dream about christenings? They signal: the dreamer needs to strengthen his reputation and more firmly defend his opinion when communicating with friends.

If a lot of people from this parish gathered for a service in a dream, according to the dream book, you will earn respect and earn authority among your friends and colleagues.

Easter, holidays

I dreamed that it was a holiday Happy Easter go to church and bring Easter cakes for blessing? The dream book promises: a favorable period will come when everything will work out.

Hearing the melodious ringing of bells on a holiday is an omen of the fight against enemies and victory over them. Christmas chimes in a dream promise excellent prospects for businessmen. To a young man hear the bell ringing - your dream will come true.

Funeral, funeral service

Have you attended the funeral and funeral service of the deceased? The dream book suggests: some important losses, sadness, and disappointment are coming. Maybe there is a separation ahead good friend or a close friend.

Why do you dream that a dead person was lying in front of the altar, and you felt grief from the loss? In reality you will seek consolation for your soul from God. You will find him, even when everyone turns away from you.

What does destruction, flooding mean?

In a dream, did you see that they were releasing water to flood a church - like during the construction of the Dnieper reservoir? Soon events will occur that will radically change your entire life.

IN night dream did it sink due to some kind of cataclysm? This means that in reality you are not making enough effort to defend your point of view. Improve yourself, don't let yourself be easily convinced.

Did you dream that the church was falling? The dream book says: your views are wrong, and soon you will be disappointed.

Did the temple fall right before your eyes in a dream? Your spiritual development is in a deplorable state. Deal with it immediately.

Angels and demons in the temple

Why do you dream that there is a demon in an empty church? For the sleeper, there is a danger of plunging even further into sins and mistakes. We need to reconsider our lifestyle.

Were there several devils there? The dream book indicates: the dreamer has taken the easiest path and now cannot refuse what seems pleasant to him. But this is very harmful. Need support, help from family or friends.

If an angel was present during the service in a dream, the plot has a very favorable meaning. You will soon hear very good news.

If the angels sang in the church, the dreamer is under the protection higher powers, everything will turn out great for him.

What did you happen to do?

  • come to the service - you offended someone close and you suffer;
  • writing a note about someone is a desire to make amends;
  • go out - you often act selfishly, without regard for others;
  • confess - awareness of one’s unworthy behavior;
  • to take communion - you have chosen the right path, follow it;
  • hide there - you don’t want to act, find excuses;
  • to get married - your merits will be recognized, your work will be rewarded.

Entering from the central or secret passage - according to the dream book, it’s time to rethink your views and show more concern for others.

Did you help with the restoration of the church? This is a harbinger of restoration of relationships with a loved one. It is also a symbol of spiritual rebirth.

Strange actions

Chatting and laughing in church is a sign of well-deserved punishment for a serious offense or sin. To dance in it means spiritual decline. After such an act, it will be very difficult for the sleeper to restore his reputation and find peace in his soul.

Why dream of sleeping in it? The dream book explains: you do not feel peace in your soul. Internal tossing and confusion prevent you from finding the right path. If you live in a church, you will live according to your conscience.

Were doing something different

We just passed by the church - an anticipation of significant changes. But they may not take place if you do not visit the temple.