World population. Total population of the Earth. How many people are there in the world? The most populated countries on Earth

Do you know which city is home to the most large number people? And TravelAsk knows. This is Shanghai. And this is not surprising, because China is breaking all records in terms of population, although this is a completely different story.

Where do 24 million live?

According to 2015 data, 24 million 450 thousand people live in Shanghai, with all its suburbs.

Just a little short of the population of the whole of Australia (the country has 25 million people). This is 28 times the population of Vatican City, one of the smallest countries. The area of ​​the city is 3820 square kilometers. It turns out that there are approximately 6,391 people per square kilometer of Shanghai. Of course, several million people do not live officially in the city, but come to work (about 4 million).

Interesting facts about Shanghai

Shanghai is an important financial and cultural center country, as well as the world's largest seaport. By the beginning of the 20th century, Shanghai had transformed from a small fishing town into the most important city in China and the third financial center in the world after London and New York.

Fact No. 1. Shanghai's population is constantly growing: over the past 25 years it has increased by a quarter (25%).

Fact No. 2. For 2003 average duration The lifespan of men was 77 years, and that of women was 81 years.

Fact No. 3. Shanghai has a low crime rate towards foreigners.

Fact No. 4. If you need to find a wife or husband, you can go to the marriage market, where instead of food or clothes, advertisements for searching for a second half hang on the shelves. It is very popular, many young people and their parents come here.

Fact No. 5. There is a train of the future in Shanghai, the carriages of which are driven by a magnetic field. It moves at approximately 430 km/h. This means that it covers a distance of 30 kilometers in 7 minutes.

Fact No. 6. There is only one monument to a foreign cultural figure in Shanghai. It is dedicated to Alexander Pushkin, and was installed in 1937.

Fact No. 7. Sometimes on the street you can meet a Shanghainese with long fingernails. According to ancient belief, it is believed that it brings wealth, luck and happiness. Many people wore long nails influential people China.

Fact No. 8. The Shanghai metro is the longest in the world at 434 kilometers. It's easy to get lost here: some stations have 20 exits, and transitions between them can take 10-15 minutes. Despite all this, it was rebuilt in just 15 years. For comparison, another leader in this indicator is . However, the London Underground took 140 years to build.

Who else is in the top three?

The second largest city in terms of population is the Pakistani city of Karachi. Its population, according to the latest data, is 23 million 500 thousand people. The same China closes the top three: 21 million 516 thousand people live in Beijing.

March 21 - “News. Economy". Many people have probably heard about how unevenly the population is distributed in the world. And in fact, most of the world's population lives in a very limited territory, which covers China, India, Japan and some other countries in Southeast Asia. This region has a high population density. And if you look at the map below, it becomes clear how critical the situation in this region is. When compiling this map, experts compared different regions of the world by population. As a result, each region was marked with a specific color. The area that is shown in red covers part of Bangladesh and three provinces in India. Country Region Population of Bangladesh entire territory of the country 172,019,000 India Bihar 99,000,000 India West Bengal 90,320,000 India Jharkhand 32,000,000 This territory is only 415,000 square kilometers. This territory is smaller than the state of California in the USA. However, this small territory is inhabited by more people than in all the territories marked blue on the map combined. However, the regions indicated in blue on the map cover a significant area of ​​countries such as Canada, Australia, Norway, Sweden and Saudi Arabia. The territories of China, the USA and most of Russia are also partially shaded blue. The following regions are marked in blue on the map: Country Region Population Canada Entire territory of the country 35,010,000 Saudi Arabia The entire territory of the country 28,123,000 Australia The entire territory of the country 22,280,000 Russia Siberian Federal District 19,254,300 Niger The entire territory of the country 18,124,000 Kazakhstan The entire territory of the country 16,137,000 Mali The entire territory of the country 14,478,000 Zambia The entire territory of the country 14,440,000 Russia North -Western Federal District 13,583,800 Chad Entire country 12,620,000 However, the uneven distribution of population is even more noticeable when you look at a map of the world's fastest growing cities. The map below shows the cities and their population growth rates per hour. One of the important demographic trends in the world is last century there was rapid urbanization. Back in 1950, less than 30% of the world's population lived in cities. However, experts predict that by 2030, over 60% of the world's population will live in cities.

Top 20 healthiest and happiest countries in the world Top 14 most optimistic countries Top 15 best countries world B developed countries most of the population lives in cities. In the USA - 81% of the population, in Canada - 82%, in Australia - 89%, in Germany - 75%. Cities in these countries contribute a significant share to their countries' GDP. Moreover, in the United States, 52% of total US production comes from just 20 agglomerations. The same pattern is observed in other countries around the world. According to McKinsey, 600 largest cities of the world generate 60% of the world's total production. It is new economic opportunities that become the incentive that makes people leave villages and move to cities. Particularly rapid urban growth rates are observed in Africa and Asia. Countries like China and India are leading the way in urban growth and development. Population

According to information published in a report by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan, the number of people living in the country rising sun, who are more than 100 years old, for the first time in history exceeded 50 thousand people, or more precisely - 51,376 people. This number exceeds last year's figure for the number of centenarians in Japan by approximately four thousand people. And according to UN forecasts, by 2050 in Japan there will already be about a million people who have crossed the 100-year-old mark.

Where else on our planet do people live noticeably longer than others and why?

Where in the world do they live the longest?

The oldest person in Japan is named Jiroemon Kimura, his current age is 115 years, and his date of birth is April 19, 1897. Kimura, according to the Guinness Book of Records, is the oldest man in Japan and in the world.

However, in Japan, as indeed in most regions of the world, representatives of the fair sex live the longest. Thus, 87.3 percent of all Japanese centenarians are women, a trend that has continued for 32 years. In general, in the Land of the Rising Sun the most large number centenarians per capita - according to data as of September 2010, there is one centenarian over 100 years old per 2,900 inhabitants. Most Japanese centenarians live on the islands of Okinawa and Kyushu. Everyone who has reached the age of 100 in the country receives a memorial letter and a gift from the country's Prime Minister.

If we consider the number of centenarians per capita in other countries, then Sweden follows Japan in the number of people over 100 years old. There, according to 2011 data, with a population of 9 million 417 thousand people, there are 1,600 centenarians, that is, one centenarian for every 5,888 people.

Next comes Great Britain - here there is one centenarian for every 6,777 people; in total, there are about nine thousand centenarians in Foggy Albion.

In Cuba, not least due to its favorable climate and well-developed healthcare, there are 1,551 people over 100 years of age. With a population of just over 11 million people, there is one centenarian for every 7,222 people.

There are also countries on Earth in certain regions of which there is an increased concentration of people whose age exceeds 100 years. Thus, in China, in its western part, as well as in Tibet, there live nationalities whose representatives live to a very old age. Many centenarians live in Shanghai - in 2010, there were 923 people over 100 years old living there.

The Italian island of Sardinia is also known for its long-livers - here, in a village with the unpronounceable name Perdasdefogu, the world's most big family centenarians in the world. The Guinness Book of Records states that the total age of Melis's nine siblings exceeds 819 years. The head of the family, Consolata Melis, turned 105 years old in August 2012. She has 14 children, 24 grandchildren, 25 great-grandchildren and three great-great-grandchildren. Consolata's oldest sister is 99 years old, and the youngest is 78. In total, according to statistics, 370 people over a century old live in Sardinia, and in 2002 Antonio Todde died on the island, who was almost 113 years old!

Another place where there are many centenarians is the Greek island of Ikaria in the Aegean Sea. IN beginning of XXI century there were many more people there, aged 90 years or more, than in Europe. At that time, about eight thousand people lived on the island, of which people who crossed the 90-year mark were 1.6 percent males and 1.1 percent female, which somewhat contradicts the generally accepted statistics on the predominance of centenarians women.

Why can people live so long in some regions of the world?

Reasons for longevity

Every region of the world with a large percentage of centenarians among the total population has its own reasons why people live this way. long life. Some of these reasons are universal, that is, they may be suitable for different regions of the planet, while others have their own local characteristics.

The country with one of the highest life expectancy rates is Japan, approximately 83.91 years (according to CIA World Factbook 2011). However, this was not always the case - before World War II, residents of the Land of the Rising Sun lived, on average, only about 40 years. The situation began to change in the second half of the 20th century. The secret of the longevity of the Japanese is considered, first of all, their diet. It mostly includes seafood, which enriches the body with fluoride and iodine, soy, products from which have a beneficial effect on bone health and prevent the occurrence of heart disease, as well as green tea- it activates metabolism in the human body. Such national culinary preferences also contribute to the fact that in Japan, only about three percent of the population is overweight.

In Scandinavian countries, life expectancy, despite the cold climate and short summer duration, is also high - approximately 75-78 years. One of the secrets of Scandinavian centenarians is eating fish with high content fat It protects joints, blood vessels, the heart, and also helps slow the development of Alzheimer's disease. In addition, long life also contributes to sports activities. fresh air- so, about 70 percent of Finnish residents are actively involved in this.

In Italy, the average life expectancy is approximately 77 years, and this despite the fact that Italy is one of the most smoking European countries. The secrets of Italian longevity are considered to be strong ties between relatives, eating hot peppers, and a mild maritime climate.

One more European country with high life expectancy - France. There this figure is almost 78 years - the highest in Europe. The secret here is not so much in the diet of the French (they eat pates, cheeses, cream, meat and drink wine), but in the amount they eat at a time - French residents eat, as a rule, in small portions and do it slowly.

The highest life expectancy outside Europe is in Cuba, reaching 76 years. Cubans live long lives despite traditional smoking of strong cigars and large amounts of coffee they consume. The secret here is believed to be the excellent healthcare system on Liberty Island, as well as the natural optimism of the Cubans.

What about Russia? Where in our country do people live for a long time?

What about in Russia?

As for Russia, in our country people live the longest in the Caucasus: in the mountainous regions of Karachay-Cherkessia, Dagestan, Chechnya and other places in the region. According to data for 2003, in Abkhazia, for a population of about 215 thousand people, there were 250 people aged 100 years or more. The secret of Caucasian centenarians is mountain and sea air, unique nature and good ecology.

According to Rosstat data for June 2011, the first place in life expectancy among Russian regions is occupied by Ingushetia (78 years), second by Dagestan (74 years) and third by Moscow (just under 74 years). They live the least in Tyva - the life expectancy of men in this region is 54 years.

An equally important indicator is population density. This value represents the number of inhabitants per 1 square. km. The calculation of the population density of each country in the world is carried out excluding uninhabited territories, as well as minus vast expanses of water. In addition to the general population density, individual indicators can be used for both rural and urban residents.

Considering the above facts, it should be borne in mind that the population on the globe is unevenly distributed. The average density of each country differs quite significantly. In addition, within the states themselves there are many uninhabited territories, or densely populated cities, in which per square meter. km there may be several hundred people.

The most densely populated areas of South and East Asia, as well as the countries Western Europe, while in the Arctic, in deserts, tropics and highlands it is not at all dense. absolutely independent of their population density. When examining the uneven distribution of the population, it is advisable to highlight the following statistics: 7% of the globe’s territory occupies 70% of the total number of people on the planet.

At the same time, the eastern part of the globe occupies 80% of the planet's population.

The main criterion that serves as an indicator of the placement of people is population density. The average value of this indicator per at the moment equals 40 million people per square meter. km. This indicator may vary and is directly dependent on the location of the area. In some territories, its value may be 2 thousand people per square meter. km, and on others - 1 person per sq. km.

It is advisable to highlight the countries with the lowest population density:

  • Australia;
  • Namibia;
  • Libya;
  • Mongolia;

Greenland is one of the countries with the lowest population density

And also countries with low density:

  • Belgium;
  • United Kingdom;
  • Korea;
  • Lebanon;
  • Netherlands;
  • El Salvador and a number of other countries.

There are countries with medium population density, among them are:

  • Iraq;
  • Malaysia;
  • Tunisia;
  • Mexico;
  • Morocco;
  • Ireland.

In addition, there are areas on the globe that are classified as unsuitable for life.

As a rule, they represent areas with extreme conditions. Such lands account for approximately 15% of all land.

As for Russia, it belongs to the category of low-populated states, despite the fact that its territory is quite large. The average population density in Russia is 1 person per 1 sq. km.

It is worth noting that the world is constantly undergoing changes, during which there is a decrease in either the birth rate or the death rate. This state of affairs indicates that population density and size will soon remain at approximately the same level.

The largest and smallest countries by area and population

The largest country in the world by population is China.

The number of people currently in the state is 1.349 billion people.

Next in terms of population is India with a population of 1.22 billion people, then the United States of America: the country is home to 316.6 million people. The next largest country in terms of population belongs to Indonesia: today there are 251.1 million citizens living in the country.

Next comes Brazil with a population of 201 million people, then Pakistan, the number of citizens of which is 193.2 million, Nigeria - 174.5 million, Bangladesh - 163.6 million citizens. Then Russia, with a population of 146 million people and, finally, Japan, whose population is 127.2 million.

For a more detailed understanding of the issue, it is advisable to study statistics regarding the smallest countries in the world by population. In this situation, it will be enough to consider the gradation of several independent states, which also include associated countries. The number of people in countries, in descending order, is as follows:
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis with a population of 49 thousand 898 people;
  • Liechtenstein, with a population of 35 thousand 870 people;
  • San Marino, the number of citizens of the country is 35 thousand 75 people;
  • Palau, a state in the Association of the United States of America, whose population is 20 thousand 842 people;
  • with a population of 19 thousand 569 people;
  • The Order of Malta, which consists of 19 thousand 569 people;
  • Tuvalu with a population of 10 thousand 544 people;
  • Nauru – the population of the country is 9 thousand 322 people;
  • Niue is an island with a population of 1 thousand 398 people.

The Vatican is considered to be the smallest state in terms of population.

At the moment, only 836 people live in the country.

Table of population of all countries of the world

The table of the population of the countries of the world looks like this.

1. 1 343 238 909
2. India1 205 073 400
3. USA313 847 420
4. Indonesia248 700 000
5. Brazil199 322 300
6. Pakistan189 300 000
7. Nigeria170 124 640
8. Bangladesh161 079 600
9. Russia142 500 770
10. Japan127 122 000
11. 115 075 406
12. Philippines102 999 802
13. Vietnam91 189 778
14. Ethiopia91 400 558
15. Egypt83 700 000
16. Germany81 299 001
17. Türkiye79 698 090
18. Iran78 980 090
19. Congo74 000 000
18. Thailand66 987 101
19. France65 805 000
20. United Kingdom63 097 789
21. Italy61 250 001
22. Myanmar61 215 988
23. Korea48 859 895
24. South Africa48 859 877
25. Spain47 037 898
26. Tanzania46 911 998
27. Colombia45 240 000
28. Ukraine44 849 987
29. Kenya43 009 875
30. Argentina42 149 898
31. Poland38 414 897
32. Algeria37 369 189
33. Canada34 298 188
34. Sudan34 198 987
35. Uganda33 639 974
36. Morocco32 299 279
37. Iraq31 130 115
38. Afghanistan30 420 899
39. Nepal29 889 898
40. Peru29 548 849
41. Malaysia29 178 878
42. Uzbekistan28 393 997
43. Venezuela28 048 000
44. Saudi Arabia26 529 957
45. Yemen24 771 797
46. Ghana24 651 978
47. DPRK24 590 000
48. Mozambique23 509 989
49. Taiwan23 234 897
50. Syria22 530 578
51. Australia22 015 497
52. Madagascar22 004 989
53. Ivory Coast21 952 188
54. Romania21 850 000
55. Sri Lanka21 479 987
56. Cameroon20 128 987
57. Angola18 056 069
58. Kazakhstan17 519 897
59. Burkina Faso17 274 987
60. Chile17 068 100
61. Netherlands16 729 987
62. Niger16 339 898
63. Malawi16 319 887
64. Mali15 495 021
65. Ecuador15 219 899
66. Cambodia14 961 000
67. Guatemala14 100 000
68. Zambia13 815 898
69. Senegal12 970 100
70. Zimbabwe12 618 979
71. Rwanda11 688 988
72. Cuba11 075 199
73. Chad10 974 850
74. Guinea10 884 898
75. Portugal10 782 399
76. Greece10 759 978
77. Tunisia10 732 890
78. South Sudan10 630 100
79. Burundi10 548 879
80. Belgium10 438 400
81. Bolivia10 289 007
82. Czech Republic10 178 100
83. Dominican Republic10 087 997
84. Somalia10 084 949
85. Hungary9 949 879
86. Haiti9 801 597
87. Belarus9 642 987
88. Benin9 597 998
87. Azerbaijan9 494 100
88. Sweden9 101 988
89. Honduras8 295 689
90. Austria8 220 011
91. Switzerland7 920 998
92. Tajikistan7 768 378
93. Israel7 590 749
94. Serbia7 275 985
95. Hong Kong7 152 819
96. Bulgaria7 036 899
97. Togo6 961 050
98. Laos6 585 987
99. Paraguay6 541 589
100. Jordan6 508 890
101. Papua New Guinea6 310 090
102. 6 090 599
103. Eritrea6 085 999
104. Nicaragua5 730 000
105. Libya5 613 379
106. Denmark5 543 399
107. Kyrgyzstan5 496 699
108. Sierra Leone5 485 988
109. Slovakia5 480 998
110. Singapore5 354 397
111. UAE5 314 400
112. Finland5 259 998
113. Central African Republic5 056 998
114. Turkmenistan5 054 819
115. Ireland4 722 019
116. Norway4 707 300
117. Costa Rica4 634 899
118. Georgia456999
119. Croatia4 480 039
120. Congo4 365 987
121. New Zealand4 328 000
122. Lebanon4 140 279
123. Liberia3 887 890
124. Bosnia and Herzegovina3 879 289
125. Puerto Rico3 690 919
126. Moldova3 656 900
127. Lithuania3 525 699
128. Panama3 510 100
129. Mauritania3 359 099
130. Uruguay3 316 330
131. Mongolia3 179 917
132. Oman3 090 050
133. Albania3 002 497
134. Armenia2 957 500
135. Jamaica2 888 997
136. Kuwait2 650 002
137. West Bank2 619 987
138. Latvia2 200 580
139. Namibia2 159 928
140. Botswana2 100 020
141. Macedonia2 079 898
142. Slovenia1 997 000
143. Qatar1 950 987
144. Lesotho1 929 500
145. Gambia1 841 000
146. Kosovo1 838 320
147. Gaza Strip1 700 989
148. Guinea-Bissau1 630 001
149. Gabon1 607 979
150. Swaziland1 387 001
151. Mauritius1 312 100
152. Estonia1 274 020
153. Bahrain1 250 010
154. East Timor1 226 400
155. Cyprus1 130 010
156. Fiji889 557
157. Djibouti774 400
158. Guyana740 998
159. Comoros737 300
160. Butane716 879
161. Equatorial Guinea685 988
162. Montenegro657 410
163. Solomon Islands583 699
164. Macau577 997
165. Suriname560 129
166. Cape Verde523 570
167. Western Sahara522 989
168. Luxembourg509 100
169. Malta409 798
170. Brunei408 775
171. Maldives394 398
172. Belize327 720
173. Bahamas316 179
174. Iceland313 201
175. Barbados287 729
176. French Polynesia274 498
177. New Caledonia260 159
178. Vanuatu256 166
179. Samoa194 319
180. Sao Tome and Principe183 169
181. Saint Lucia162 200
182. Guam159 897
183. Netherlands Antilles145 828
184. Grenada109 001
185. Aruba107 624
186. Micronesia106 500
187. Tonga106 200
188. US Virgin Islands105 269
189. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines103 499
190. Kiribati101 988
191. Jersey94 950
192. Seychelles90 018
193. Antigua and Barbuda89 020
194. Isle of Man85 419
195. Andorra85 100
196. Dominica73 130
197. Bermuda69 079
198. Marshall Islands68 500
199. Guernsey65 338
200. 57 700
201. American Samoa54 950
202. Cayman Islands52 558
203. Northern Mariana Islands51 400
204. Saint Kitts and Nevis50 690
205. Faroe Islands49 590
206. Turks and Caicos46 320
207. Sint Maarten (Netherlands)39 100
208. Liechtenstein36 690
209. San Marino32 200
210. British Virgin Islands31 100
211. France30 910
212. Monaco30 498
213. Gibraltar29 048
214. Palau21 041
215. Dhekelia and Akroiti15 699
216. Wallis and Futuna15 420
217. England15 390
218. Cook Islands10 800
219. Tuvalu10 598
220. Nauru9 400
221. Saint Helena7 730
222. Saint Barthelemy7 329
223. Montserrat5 158
224. Falkland Islands (Malvinas)3 139
225. Norfolk Island2 200
226. Spitsbergen1 969
227. Christmas Island1 487
228. Tokelau1 370
229. Niue1 271
230. 840
231. Cocos Islands589
232. Pitcairn Islands47

Planet Earth is home to many living beings, the main one of which is man.

How many people inhabit the planet

The world population today is almost seven and a half billion people. The peak value of its growth was noted in 1963. Currently, the governments of some countries are pursuing a restrictive demographic policy, while others are trying to stimulate population growth within their borders. However, the overall population of the Earth is aging. Young people do not strive to reproduce. The population of planet Earth today has an unnatural bias towards the elderly. This feature will complicate the financial support of pensioners.

According to scientists, by the end of the twenty-first century the world population will reach the eleventh billion.

Where do the most people live?

In 2009, an alarm bell rang. The world population living in cities has become equal in size to the number of people in villages and rural areas. The reasons for this movement of labor are simple. The world's population strives for convenience and wealth. Salaries in cities are higher, and life is simpler. This will all change as the world's urban populations become more food insecure. Many will be forced to move again to the provinces, closer to the land.

The world population table is as follows: Fifteen countries are home to nearly five billion people. In total, there are more than two hundred states on our planet.

Most populous countries

The world population can be presented in the form of a table. The most populous countries will be indicated.






Russian Federation


Most populous cities

The world population map today already has three cities whose population exceeded twenty million people. Shanghai is one of the largest cities in China, which stands on the Yangtze River. Karachi is a port city in Pakistan. The Chinese capital, Beijing, closes the top three.

In terms of population density, it holds the palm main city Philippines - Manila. The world population map reports that in some areas this figure reaches seventy thousand people per square kilometer! The infrastructure does not cope well with such an influx of residents. For example: in Moscow this figure does not exceed five thousand people per square kilometer.

Also on the list of cities with a very high population density are Indian Mumbai (this locality was previously called Bombay), the capital of France - Paris, the Chinese autonomy of Macau, the dwarf state of Monaco, the heart of Catalonia - Barcelona, ​​as well as Dhaka (Bangladesh), the city-state of Singapore , Tokyo (Japan), and the previously mentioned Shanghai.

Population growth statistics by period

Despite the fact that humanity appeared more than three hundred years ago, for a long time its development was extremely slow. The short life expectancy and extremely difficult conditions took their toll.

Humanity exchanged its first billion only at the beginning of the nineteenth century, in 1820. A little more than a hundred years passed, and in 1927, newspapermen trumpeted the joyful news of the second billion earthlings. Just 33 years later, in 1960, they spoke about the third.

From this period, scientists began to seriously worry about the boom in global population growth. But this did not stop the four billionth inhabitant of the planet from joyfully announcing its appearance in 1974. In 1987, the bill reached five billion. The six billionth earthling was born closer to the millennium, at the end of 1999. Less than twelve years have passed since there are a billion more of us. At the current birth rate, no later than the end of the first quarter of this century, the name of the eight billionth person will appear in newspapers.

Such impressive successes have been achieved primarily due to a significant reduction in bloody wars that claim millions of lives. Many dangerous diseases were defeated, medicine learned to significantly prolong people's lives.


Until the nineteenth century, people had little interest in the population of the world. The term “demography” was introduced into use only in 1855.

At the moment, the problem is becoming more and more threatening.

In the seventeenth century, it was believed that four billion people could live comfortably on our planet. As shown real life, this figure is significantly underestimated. The current seven and a half billion feel relatively comfortable with a reasonable distribution of resources.

Potential settlement opportunities are possible in Australia, Canada, and desert areas. This will require some efforts for improvement, but theoretically it is possible.

If we take into account exclusively territorial possibilities, then up to one and a half quadrillion people can be settled on the planet! This is a huge number that contains fifteen zeros!

But the use of resources and the rapid heating of the atmosphere will very quickly change the climate so much that the planet will become lifeless.

The maximum number of inhabitants on Earth (with moderate demands) should not exceed twelve billion. This figure is taken from food supply calculations. As the population grows, it is necessary to obtain more resources. To do this, it is necessary to use more areas for sowing, increase the number of livestock, and save water resources.

But if food problems can be solved relatively quickly, thanks to genetic technologies, then organizing the consumption of clean drinking water is a much more complex and costly undertaking.

In addition, humanity must move to the use of renewable energy sources - wind, sun, earth and water energy.


Chinese authorities have been trying to solve the problem of overpopulation for decades. For a long time, there was a program that allowed no more than one child per family. In addition, a powerful information campaign was carried out among the population.

Today we can say that the Chinese have succeeded. Population growth has stabilized and is projected to decline. Not last role The growth factor of the welfare of the people of China played a role here.

Regarding the poor in India, Indonesia, and Nigeria, the prospects are far from rosy. In just thirty years, China may lose the “palm” in the demographic issue. India's population could exceed one and a half billion people by 2050!

Population growth will only worsen the economic problems of poor countries.

Current programs

For a long time, people were forced to have a large number of children. Housekeeping required enormous forces, and it was impossible to cope alone.

A guaranteed pension could help solve the problem of overpopulation.

Also possible ways to solve the demographic issue are thoughtful social policy and reasonable family planning, as well as increasing economic and social status the beautiful half of humanity, the growth of the level of education in general.


It is very important to love yourself and your loved ones. But we should not forget that the planet we live on is ours. common house which must be treated with respect.

Today it is worth moderating your needs and thinking about planning so that our descendants can live as comfortably on the planet as we do ourselves.