The most numerous nationality. National composition of the world population and ethnic processes. The largest nations of Russia

>> Largest nations of the world

§ 5. The largest nations of the world

In total, there are 5-5.5 thousand peoples, or ethnic groups, that is, established stable communities of people in the world. The vast majority of peoples are extremely small in number.

There are 330 peoples in the world with more than 1 million people, but they cover 96% of the total population of the Earth. There are only 11 peoples in the world with more than 100 million people each (Table 20), but they cover almost 45% of everything population Earth.

Table 20

Largest nations and most widely spoken languages

Largest nations of the world Million people Most common languages Million people
1. Chinese 1170
1. Chinese 1200
2. Hindustani 265 2. English 520
3. Bengalis 225 3. Spanish 400
4. Americans USA 200
4. Hindi 360
5. Brazilians 175 5. Arabic 250
6. Russians 140 6. Bengali 225
7. Japanese 125 7. Portuguese 210
8. Punjabis 115 8. Russian 200
9. Biharis 115 9. Indonesian 190
10. Mexicans 105 10. Japanese
11. Javanese 105 11. French 120

12. German 100
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  • - - small in number. wide. one...

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  • - ...

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  • - ...

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  • - ...
  • - ...

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  • - ...

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"Numerous ethnic group" in books

7.3. Ethnicity and gene pool


7.3. Ethnicity and gene pool

From the book Genetics of Ethics and Aesthetics author Efroimson Vladimir Pavlovich

7.3. Ethnicity and gene pool In this regard, it may be necessary to somewhat clarify some of the provisions of L. N. Gumilyov’s very interesting articles devoted to the problem of the development, stabilization and fall of an ethnic group. Each of the three eras or stages identified by Gumilyov has its own corresponding

Communist ethnicity

From the book Applied Philosophy author Gerasimov Georgy Mikhailovich

Communist ethnos The ethnic impetus that gave rise to the emergence of the communist ethnos in Russia can probably be considered the translation of the communist manifesto by Plekhanov’s group. For several decades, the theory of Marxism has been accepted by some


From the book Philosophical Dictionary author Comte-Sponville André

Ethnicity A people regarded as cultural rather than biological (racial) or political (as nation and state)

III. Is there an ethnicity?

author Gumilev Lev Nikolaevich

III. Is there an ethnicity? There is no sign for defining an ethnic group. According to our proposed definition, the form of existence species Homo sapiens is a collective of individuals that opposes itself to all other collectives. It is more or less stable, although it appears and disappears in

Ethnicity is not a society

From the book Ethnogenesis and the Earth's biosphere [L/F] author Gumilev Lev Nikolaevich

Ethnicity is not a society But there is another point of view, according to which “ethnicity... is a socio-historical category, and its genesis and development are determined not by the biological laws of nature, but by the specific laws of the development of society.” How to understand this? According to

Ethnicity as an illusion

From the book Ethnogenesis and the Earth's biosphere [L/F] author Gumilev Lev Nikolaevich

IV. Ethnicity and ethnonym

From the book Ethnogenesis and the Earth's biosphere [L/F] author Gumilev Lev Nikolaevich

IV. Ethnicity and ethnonym Names are deceptive When studying the general laws of ethnology, one must first of all understand that a real ethnic group, on the one hand, and the ethnic name (ethnonym) adopted by its members, on the other, are not adequate to each other. Often we meet

VII. Ethnicity as a system

From the book Ethnogenesis and the Earth's biosphere [L/F] author Gumilev Lev Nikolaevich

VII. Ethnicity as a system “System” in a popular explanation A well-known example of a social system is a family living in one house. Elements of the system: family members and their household items, including husband, wife, mother-in-law, son, daughter, house, well, cat. They are a family until

Ethnicity is not a population

From the book Ethnogenesis and the Earth's biosphere [L/F] author Gumilev Lev Nikolaevich

Ethnicity is not a population Sometimes everyday phenomena provide the basis for scientific conclusions, the prospects of which go beyond the boundaries of school ideas. In the science of ethnos, one must change one’s mind and abandon much that is customary. It may seem to an inexperienced reader that

Ethnicity – a state or a process? (Landscape and ethnicity: XI)

From the book Suite “Landscape and Ethnicity” author Gumilev Lev Nikolaevich


From the book Biography scientific theory, or Auto-obituary author Gumilev Lev Nikolaevich

ETHNOS Not every generalization is fruitful for science. Thus, the concept of “humanity” is well known, which essentially means the opposition of the species Homo sapiens to all other animals. However, this overlooks variations in the main thing - the relationship between people and the environment. Eat


From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia(ET) of the author TSB


From the book The Newest Philosophical Dictionary author Gritsanov Alexander Alekseevich

ETHNOS (Greek ethnos - group, tribe, people) - an intergenerational group of people, united by long-term cohabitation in a certain territory, a common language, culture and identity. The concept of E., as a category that generalizes the characteristics of ethnic communities at all stages

19. But his father did not agree and said: I know, my son, I know; and from him shall come a nation, and he shall be great; but his younger brother will be greater than he, and from his seed will come a great nation

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 1 author Lopukhin Alexander

19. But his father did not agree and said: I know, my son, I know; and from him shall come a nation, and he shall be great; but his younger brother will be greater than him, and from his seed will come a numerous people. But Jacob answers him that his action was completely conscious, in accordance with

  • 2. Factors influencing the location of productive forces and their changes in the era of science and technology.
  • 3. Determination of the type of reproduction of the country's population using the age-sex pyramid.
  • 1. Environmental management. Examples of rational and irrational environmental management.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of Western European countries.
  • 3. Determine and compare the average population density of two countries (as chosen by the teacher) and explain the reasons for the differences.
  • 1. Types of natural resources. Resource availability. Assessment of the country's resource availability.
  • 2. The importance of transport in the world economy of the country, types of transport and their features. Transport and environment.
  • 3. Determination and comparison of population growth rates in different countries (teacher's choice).
  • 1. Patterns of distribution of mineral resources and countries distinguished by their reserves. Problems of rational use of resources.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of one of the countries of Western Europe (at the student’s choice).
  • 3. Comparative characteristics of the transport systems of the two countries (at the teacher’s choice).
  • 1. Land resources. Geographical differences in land availability. Problems of their rational use.
  • 2. Fuel and energy industry. Composition, importance in the economy, placement features. The energy problem of humanity and ways to solve it. Problems of environmental protection.
  • 3. Characteristics based on maps of the EGP (economic-geographical location) of the country (at the choice of the teacher).
  • 1. Land water resources and their distribution on the planet. The problem of water supply and possible solutions.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of the countries of Eastern Europe.
  • 3. Determination, based on statistical materials, of trends in changes in the country’s sectoral structure (at the teacher’s choice).
  • 1. Forest resources of the world and their importance for the life and activities of mankind. Problems of rational use.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of one of the countries of Eastern Europe (at the student’s choice).
  • 3. Determination and comparison of the ratio of urban and rural populations in different regions of the world (at the choice of the teacher).
  • 1. Resources of the World Ocean: water, mineral, energy and biological. Problems of rational use of the resources of the World Ocean.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of the USA.
  • 3. Explanation on the map of the directions of the main cargo flows of iron ore.
  • 1. Recreational resources and their distribution on the planet. Problems of rational use.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of Japan.
  • 3. Explanation of the directions of the main oil flows using maps.
  • 1. Environmental pollution and environmental problems of humanity. Types of pollution and their distribution. Ways to solve environmental problems of humanity.
  • 2. Agriculture. Composition, features of development in developed and developing countries. Agriculture and the environment.
  • 3. Drawing up a comparative description of two industrial regions (at the teacher’s choice).
  • 1. World population and its changes. Natural population growth and factors influencing its change. Two types of population reproduction and their distribution in different countries.
  • 2. Crop production: boundaries of location, main crops and areas of their cultivation, exporting countries.
  • 3. Comparison of international specialization of one of the developed and one of the developing countries, explanation of the differences.
  • 1. “Population explosion.” The problem of population size and its characteristics in different countries. Demographic policy.
  • 2. Chemical industry: composition, significance, placement features. Chemical industry and environmental problems.
  • 3. Assessment using maps and statistical materials of the resource availability of one of the countries (at the teacher’s choice).
  • 1. Age and sex composition of the world population. Geographical differences. Sex and age pyramids.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of Latin American countries.
  • 3. Comparative characteristics based on the map of the provision of individual regions and countries with arable land.
  • 1. National composition of the world population. Its changes and geographical differences. The largest nations of the world.
  • 2. Mechanical engineering is the leading branch of modern industry. Composition, placement features. Countries that stand out in terms of the level of development of mechanical engineering.
  • 3. Determination of the main export and import items of one of the countries of the world (at the choice of the teacher).
  • 1. Distribution of the population across the Earth's territory. Factors influencing population distribution. The most densely populated areas of the world.
  • 2. Electric power industry: significance, countries that stand out in terms of absolute and per capita indicators of electricity production.
  • 3. Determination based on statistical materials of the main grain exporters.
  • 1. Population migrations and their causes. The influence of migration on population changes, examples of internal and external migrations.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of the People's Republic of China.
  • 3. Explanation on the map of the directions of the main coal cargo flows.
  • 1. Urban and rural population of the world. Urbanization. Largest cities and urban agglomerations. Problems and consequences of urbanization in the modern world.
  • 2. Livestock: distribution, main industries, location features, exporting countries.
  • 3. Explanation on the map of the directions of the main gas flows.
  • 1. World economy: essence and main stages of formation. International geographical division of labor and its examples.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of one of the Latin American countries (at the student’s choice).
  • 3. Comparative characteristics of the provision of individual regions and countries with water resources.
  • 1. International economic integration. Economic groupings of countries of the modern world.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of African countries.
  • 3. Identification based on statistical materials of the main cotton exporters.
  • 1. Fuel industry: composition, location of the main fuel production areas. The most important producing and exporting countries. Main international fuel flows.
  • 2. International economic relations: forms and geographical features.
  • 3. Determination based on statistical materials of the main exporters of sugar.
  • 1. Metallurgical industry: composition, placement features. Main producing and exporting countries. Metallurgy and the problem of environmental protection.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of one of the African countries (at the student’s choice).
  • 3. Drawing up a comparative description of two agricultural regions (at the teacher’s choice).
  • 1. Forestry and woodworking industry: composition, placement. Geographical differences.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of Asian countries.
  • 3. Determination based on statistical materials of the main coffee exporters.
  • 1. Light industry: composition, placement features. Problems and prospects for development.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of one of the Asian countries (at the student’s choice).
  • 3. Designation on the contour map of geographical objects, the knowledge of which is provided by the program (at the choice of the teacher).
  • 1. National composition world population. Its changes and geographical differences. The largest nations of the world.

    2. Mechanical engineering is the leading branch of modern industry. Composition, placement features. Countries that stand out in terms of the level of development of mechanical engineering.

    3. Determination of the main export and import items of one of the countries of the world (at the choice of the teacher).

    1. National composition of the world population. Its changes and geographical differences. The largest nations of the world.

    There are about 3-4 thousand peoples or ethnic groups in the world, some of which have formed into nations, while others are nationalities and tribes.

    For your information: an ethnic group is a historically established, stable community of people that has a set of characteristics such as a common language, territory, features of life and culture, and ethnic identity.

    The peoples of the world are classified:

    I. By number:

    In total, there are more than 300 peoples in the world, each numbering over 1 million people, which account for 96% of the total population of the Earth. Including about 130 peoples have a population of more than 5 million people, 76 peoples have more than 10 million people, 35 peoples have more than 25 million people, 7 peoples have more than 100 million people.

    For your information: 7 most numerous nations:

    1) Chinese (Han) - 1048 million people (in the PRC - 97% of the total number of people in the country);

    2) Hindustani - 223 million people (in India - 99.7%);

    3) US Americans - 187 million people. (in the USA - 99.4%);

    4) Bengalis - 176 million people. (in Bangladesh - 59%, in India - 40%);

    5) Russians - 146 million people. (in Russia - 79.5%);

    6) Brazilians - 137 million people. (in Brazil - 99.7%);

    7) Japanese - 123 million people. (in Japan - 99%).

    But there are nations of less than 1 thousand people.

    II. By linguistic proximity:

    Related languages ​​are grouped together, which in turn form language families.

    1) The Indo-European language family is the largest, its languages ​​are spoken by 150 peoples of Europe, Asia, America and Australia; the total number is more than 2.5 billion people.

    This language family includes a number of groups:

    · Romanesque (French, Italians, Spaniards, Latin Americans);

    · Germanic (Germans, English, Americans);

    · Slavic (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles, Czechs, Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats);

    · Celtic (Irish);

    · Baltic (Lithuanians);

    · Greek (Greeks);


    · Armenian;

    Iranian (Persians, Kurds).

    2) Sino-Tibetan language group: its languages ​​are spoken by over 1 billion people.

    Slightly less numerous language families:

    3) Afro-Asian.

    4) Altai.

    5) Niger-Kordofanian.

    6) Dravidian.

    7) Austronesian.

    8) Ural.

    9) Caucasian.

    National criteria underlie the division of humanity into states.

    If the main nationality on their territory is over 90%, then these are single-national states (Denmark, Sweden, Latvia, Japan, etc.).

    If two nations predominate - binational (Belgium, Canada, etc.).

    If dozens and even hundreds of peoples live in countries and make up a significant proportion - multinational states (India, Russia, USA, Spain, Great Britain, Nigeria, Indonesia, etc.).

    2. Mechanical engineering is the leading branch of modern industry. Composition, placement features. Countries that stand out in terms of the level of development of mechanical engineering.

    Mechanical engineering is one of the oldest sectors of the economy. As an industry, it emerged 200 years ago during the Industrial Revolution in England.

    Mechanical engineering provides equipment and machinery to other sectors of the economy and produces many household and cultural items.

    In terms of the number of employees (more than 80 million people) and the value of products, it ranks first among all sectors of world industry.

    The level of development of the economy of any country is judged by the level of development of mechanical engineering.

    The following main branches (more than 70 in total) of mechanical engineering are distinguished:

    1) machine tool industry;

    2) instrument making;

    3) electrical and electronic industry;

    4) computer technology;

    5) railway engineering;

    6) automotive industry;

    7) shipbuilding;

    8) aviation and rocket industry;

    9) tractor and agricultural engineering, etc.

    The location of mechanical engineering enterprises is influenced by many factors.

    The main ones should be noted: transport; availability of qualified labor resources; consumer; and for some (metal-intensive) industries - and raw materials.

    IN lately the dependence of mechanical engineering on metal sources is decreasing, but its focus on labor resources is increasing, scientific centers etc.

    There are four engineering regions in the world:

    1) North America: where almost all types of engineering products are produced, from the highest to medium and low complexity.

    Largest corporations:

    · automobile (USA): General Motors, Ford Motor, Chrysler;

    · computer technology (USA): “International Business Machines”;

    · electronics (USA): General Electric, American Telephone and Telegraph, etc.

    2) Foreign Europe (in relation to the CIS): produces mainly mass engineering products, but also maintains its position in some of the newest industries.

    Largest corporations:

    · automobile (Germany): “Daimler-Benz”; "Volkswagenwerk";

    · electronics: Germany - Siemens, the Netherlands - Philips, etc.

    3) East and Southeast Asia: Japan leads here.

    The region combines the products of mass engineering with products of the highest technology - science centers.

    Large corporations:

    · cars (Japan): “Toyota Motor”, “Nisan Motor”;

    · electronics (Japan): Hitachi, Matsushita Electric Industrial, Samsung, etc.

    4) Commonwealth of Independent States: Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus are leaders in it.

    Recently, the pace of development of mechanical engineering in the region has decreased, although it produces a wide range of engineering products.

    Developing countries produce less than 1/10 of the world's engineering products. In most of these countries, there is not mechanical engineering, but rather metalworking, and in addition there are many assembly plants that receive machine parts from the USA, Western Europe and Japan.

    But recently in some of them - Brazil, India, Argentina, Mexico - mechanical engineering has already reached a fairly high level.

    3. Determination of the main export and import items of one of the countries of the world (at the choice of the teacher).

    Using the answer plan below, you can characterize any state in the world.

    Let's take Japan for example - it is one of the 7 economically developed countries peace.

    To answer the following were used: statistical materials; maps of world economic sectors; atlas maps of Japan (economics).

    Import to Japan (import of products):

    1) raw materials: fuel - 49%, ore, for the textile industry (textile fiber), etc.;

    2) chemical industry products (acids, alkalis, fertilizers, petroleum products);

    3) food products (grain, etc.).

    Export to Japan: products, products of the following industries:

    1) mechanical engineering (cars, ships, electronics, machine tools, watches);

    2) ferrous metallurgy (steel, rolled products);

    3) non-ferrous metallurgy;

    4) chemical industry (synthetic fibers, rubber);

    5) light industry (fabrics, clothing).

    From the above we can conclude: in Japan, as one of the developed countries, the following trend is observed: the import of mainly raw materials and food products (preferably from developing countries) due to the lack of their own natural resources; and export of finished expensive products, both to developing countries in Asia and to developed countries - Europe and America.

    Ticket number 17

    IN modern world Russia is the largest country, occupying a vast area - more than seventeen thousand square kilometers. Two continents divide it into parts - European and Asian. Each of them is larger in territory than many not-so-small states of the Earth.

    In terms of population, however, our country is only in ninth place. The number of Russians today does not reach one hundred and fifty million people. The problem is that most of the country's territory lies under deserted steppes and taiga, for example, these are the most remote regions of Siberia.

    However, this is compensated by the number of peoples living here. This was predetermined by the past. Historically Russia is multinational state, which it became, absorbing neighboring peoples, attracting strangers with large territories and wealth. According to official data, almost two hundred peoples now live in the Russian state, differing sharply in numbers: from Russians (more than one hundred and ten million people) to Kerek (less than ten representatives).

    How many of us are there?

    How many peoples live in Russia? How to find out? Leading sources useful information about the population of our country are statistical censuses regularly conducted in recent years. At the same time, according to modern techniques and according to democratic approaches, data on the nationality of Russian residents by origin is not noted in documents, which is why digital material for the census appeared on the basis of self-determination of Russians.

    In total, in recent years, a little more than 80% of the country’s citizens declared themselves Russian by nationality, leaving only 19.1% as representatives of other nations. Almost six million census participants were unable to identify their nationality at all or defined it as a fantastic people (elves, for example).

    Summing up the final calculations, it should be noted that the total number of peoples of the country who do not consider themselves Russian population did not exceed twenty-five million citizens.

    This suggests that the ethnic composition of the Russian population is very complex and requires constant special attention. On the other hand, there is one large ethnic group that serves as a kind of core of the entire system.

    Ethnic composition

    The basis of the national composition of Russia is, of course, Russians. This people comes from their own historical roots from Eastern Slavs who lived on the territory of Rus' since ancient times. A significant part of Russians exist, of course, in Russia, but there are large layers in a number of former Soviet republics and in the USA. This is the most significant European ethnic group. Today there are more than one hundred thirty-three million Russians living in the world.

    Russians are the titular people of our country; their representatives dominate a significant number of regions of the modern Russian state. Of course, this led to side effects. The spread of this nation over several centuries over a vast territory during historical development led to the formation of dialects, as well as separate ethnic groups. For example, on the coast White Sea Pomors live, making up a subethnic group of local Karelians and Russians who arrived in the past.

    Among the more complex ethnic associations, groups of peoples can be noted. The largest group of peoples are the Slavs, mainly from the eastern subgroup.

    In total, representatives of nine large language families live in Russia, differing greatly in language, culture, and way of life. With the exception of the Indo-European family, they are mainly of Asian origin.

    This is the approximate ethnic composition of the Russian population today according to official data. What can be said definitely is that our country is distinguished by a significant diversity of nationalities.

    The largest nations of Russia

    The nationalities living in Russia are quite clearly divided into numerous and small. The first ones, in particular, include:

    • The Russian inhabitants of the country number (according to the latest census) more than one hundred and ten million people.
    • Tatars of several groups, reaching 5.4 million people.
    • Ukrainians number two million. The bulk of the Ukrainian people live on the territory of Ukraine; in Russia, representatives of this people appeared in the course of historical development in the pre-revolutionary, Soviet, and modern periods.
    • Bashkirs, another nomadic people in the past. Their number is 1.6 million people.
    • Chuvash, residents of the Volga region - 1.4 million.
    • Chechens, one of the peoples of the Caucasus, - 1.4 million, etc.

    There are other peoples of similar numbers who played an important role in the past and, possibly, the future of the country.

    Small nations of Russia

    How many small nations live on the territory of Russia? There are many such ethnic groups in the country, but they are poorly represented in the total population because they are very few in number. To these national groups belong to the peoples of the Finno-Ugric, Samoyed, Turkic, Sino-Tibetan groups. Particularly small are the Kereks (a tiny people - only four people), the Vod people (sixty-four people), the Enets (two hundred and seventy-seven), the Ults (almost three hundred people), the Chulyms (a little more than three and a half hundred), the Aleuts (almost half a thousand) , Negidals (just over five hundred), Orochi (almost six hundred). For all of them, the problem of survival is a pressing and everyday issue.

    Map of the peoples of Russia

    In addition to the strong dispersion in the size of the national composition of Russia and the inability of many ethnic groups in modern times to maintain their numbers independently, there is also the problem of distribution within the country. The population of Russia is distributed very heterogeneously, which is caused primarily by economic incentives both in the historical past and in the present.

    The bulk is in the area between Baltic St. Petersburg, Siberian Krasnoyarsk, Black Sea Novorossiysk and the Far Eastern Primorsky Territory, where all the big cities lie. The reasons for this are the good climate and favorable economic background. To the north of this territory there is permafrost caused by eternal cold, and to the south there are vast expanses of lifeless desert.

    In terms of population density, one of the last places in the modern world received Siberia. Its vast territory is home to less than 30 million inhabitants. This represents only 20% of the country's total population. While in its vast area Siberia reaches three-quarters of the expanses of Russia. The most densely populated areas are the directions Derbent - Sochi and Ufa - Moscow.

    In the Far East, a significant population density runs along the entire length of the Trans-Siberian Highway. Increased standards of population density are also observed in the Kuznechny coal basin region. All these areas attract Russians with their economic and natural wealth.

    The most big nations countries: Russians, to a lesser extent Tatars and Ukrainians - mainly located in the southwest of the state. Ukrainians today are mostly located on the territory of the Chukotka Peninsula and in the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug, in the distant Magadan region.

    Other small peoples Slavic ethnic groups, such as the Poles and Bulgarians, do not form large compact groups and are scattered throughout the country. The Polish population is found in a fairly compact group only in the Omsk region.


    The number of Tatars living in Russia, as noted above, exceeded the level of three percent of the total Russian population. About a third of them live compactly in the region of the Russian Federation called the Republic of Tatarstan. Group settlements exist in the Volga regions, in the far north, etc.

    A significant part of the Tatars are supporters of Sunni Islam. Certain groups of Tatars have differences in language, culture and way of life. Common language located within the Turkic group of languages ​​Altaic language family, it has three dialects: Mishar (western), the more widespread Kazan (middle), and the slightly distant Siberian-Tatar (eastern). In Tatarstan, this language appears as an official one.


    One of the many East Slavic peoples is the Ukrainians. More than forty million Ukrainians live in their historical homeland. In addition, significant diasporas exist not only in Russia, but also in the countries of Europe and America.

    Ukrainians living in Russia, including labor migrants, number about five million people. A significant number of them are located in cities. Particularly large groups of this ethnic group are located in the capital, in oil- and gas-bearing regions of Siberia, the Far North, etc.


    IN modern Russia Belarusians, taking into account their total number in the world, constitute large number. As the 2010 census of the Russian population shows, there are just over half a million Belarusians living in Russia. A significant proportion of white people are located in the capitals, as well as in a number of regions, for example in Karelia and the Kaliningrad region.

    IN pre-revolutionary years a large number of Belarusians moved to Siberia and Far East, later there were national administrative units. By the end of the eighties, there were more than one million Belarusians on the territory of the RSFSR. Nowadays, their number has been halved, but it is obvious that the Belarusian stratum in Russia will be preserved.


    There are quite a lot of Armenians living in Russia, although different sources, their number differs. Thus, according to the 2010 census, there were slightly more than one million people in Russia, that is, less than one percent of the total population. According to the assumptions of the Armenians public organizations, the number of the Armenian stratum in the country at the beginning of the twentieth century exceeded two and a half million people. And Russian President V.V. Putin, speaking about the number of Armenians in Russia, voiced the figure of three million people.

    In any case, Armenians play a serious role in social and cultural life Russia. Thus, Armenians work in the Russian government (Chilingarov, Bagdasarov, etc.), in show business (I. Allegrova, V. Dobrynin, etc.), and in other fields of activity. In sixty-three regions of Russia there are regional organizations Union of Armenians of Russia.


    The Germans living in Russia are representatives of an ethnic group that has experienced a contradictory and, in some ways, even tragic story. Migrating en masse in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries at the invitation of the Russian government, they mainly settled in the Volga region, western and southern provinces Russian Empire. Life on good lands was easy, but in the twentieth century historical events hit the Germans hard. First the First World War, then the Great Patriotic War led to mass repression. In the fifties and eighties of the last century, the history of this ethnic group was hushed up. It is not for nothing that the mass migration of Germans began in the nineties, the number of which, according to some sources, barely exceeds half a million.

    True, in recent years, episodic re-evacuations from Europe to Russia have begun, but so far they have not reached large proportions.


    It is difficult to say how many Jews currently live in Russia due to their active migration both to Israel and back to the Russian state. In the historical past there were many Jews in our country - in Soviet era several million. But with the collapse of the USSR and significant migration to their historical homeland, their number decreased. Now, according to public Jewish organizations, there are approximately one million Jews in Russia, half of them are residents of the capital.


    They are a fairly numerous Turkic-speaking people, an indigenous population of the region adapted to local conditions.

    How many Yakuts are there in Russia? According to the 2010 All-Russian Census of the Domestic Population, there were slightly less than half a million people, mainly in Yakutia and surrounding regions. The Yakuts are the largest (about half the population) people and the most significant of the indigenous peoples of Russian Siberia.

    In the traditional economy and material culture of this people there are many close, similarities with pastoralists south asia. On the territory of the Middle Lena, a version of the Yakut economy was formed, combining nomadic cattle breeding and the most important extensive types of fisheries (meat and fish production), similar to the local one. In the north of the region there is also a distinctive form of harness reindeer herding.

    Reasons for resettlement

    Story ethnic composition population of Russia in the course of its development is extremely ambiguous. The accelerated settlement of the Russian state by Ukrainians occurred back in the Middle Ages. In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, according to instructions government agencies settlers from the southern lands headed east to develop new territories. After some time, representatives began to be sent there social strata from different regions.

    Representatives of the intelligentsia voluntarily moved to St. Petersburg in an era when this city had the status of the capital of the state. Nowadays, Ukrainians constitute the largest ethnic group in Russia in terms of number of people after, of course, the Russians.

    At the other pole are representatives of small nations. The Kereks, who have the smallest numbers, are in particular danger. According to the latest census, there are only four representatives left, although fifty years ago there were only one hundred Kerek people. The leading languages ​​for these people are Chukchi and common Russian; their native Kerek is found only in the form of an ordinary passive language. The Kereks, in terms of their level of culture and ordinary daily activities, are very close to the Chukchi people, which is why they were in constant assimilation with them.

    Problems and future

    The ethnic composition of the Russian population will undoubtedly develop in the future. IN modern conditions The revival of ethnographic traditions and the culture of peoples is clearly visible. However, the development of ethnic groups experiences a number of problems:

    • poor fertility and gradual decline of most peoples;
    • globalization, and at the same time the influence of the culture and life of large nations (Russian and Anglo-Saxon);
    • general economic problems that undermine the economic base of peoples, and so on.

    Much in such a situation depends on the national governments themselves, including the Russian one, and on global opinion.

    But I want to believe that the small peoples of Russia will further develop and grow in size in the coming centuries.