In what city was Picasso born? Pablo Picasso - biography, facts, paintings - a great Spanish painter. African creative period

Pablo Picasso was born on October 25, 1881 in Malaga, Spain, in the family of the artist José Ruiz Blasco. The future artist began to demonstrate his talent early. Already at the age of 7, the boy was adding some details to his father’s paintings (the first such work was the feet of pigeons). At the age of 8, the first serious oil painting called “Picador” was painted.

"Picador" 1889

At the age of 13, Pablo Picasso became a student at the Academy of Fine Arts in Barcelona - Pablo performed so well in the entrance exams that the commission accepted him into the academy despite his young age.

In 1897, Picasso went to Madrid to enter the Royal Academy fine arts San Fernando. But Pablo did not study there more than a year- it was too boring and cramped for the young talent at the academy with its classical traditions. In Madrid, the young man was more fascinated by the bustling life of the metropolis. Pablo also devoted a lot of time to studying the works of such artists as Diego Vilasquez, Francisco Goya and El Greco, who made a great impression on the artist.

In those years, the artist first visited Paris, then considered the capital of the arts. He lived in this city for months, visiting various museums in order to study the works of masters of painting: Van Gogh, Gauguin, Delacroix and many others. Picasso would often visit Paris in the future, and later this city would captivate him so much that Picasso would decide to finally move there (1904).

The most famous works of Pablo Picasso, written by him in the early period (before 1900)

"Portrait of a Mother" 1896

"Knowledge and Charity" 1897

"First Communion" 1896

"Self-Portrait" 1896

"Matador Luis Miguel Domingen" 1897

"Spanish couple in front of the hotel" 1900

"Barefoot girl. Fragment" 1895

"Man on the shore of a pond" 1897

"Man in a Hat" 1895

"Boulevard Clichy" 1901

"Portrait of the Artist's Father" 1895

The next period in Pablo Picasso’s work is called “blue”. In 1901 - 1904 Picasso's palette was dominated by cool colors - mainly blue and its shades. At this time, Picasso raised the themes of old age, poverty, misery; the characteristic mood of the paintings of this period was melancholy and sadness. The artist depicted human suffering by painting blind people, beggars, alcoholics and prostitutes, etc. — they were the main characters of the “blue” period.

Works of the "blue" period (1901-1904)

"The Blind Man's Breakfast" 1903

"Mother and Child" 1903

"The Absinthe Drinker" 1901

"The Ironer" 1904

“Beggar Old Man with a Boy” 1903

"Life" 1903

“Two Sisters (Date)” 1902

"Blue Room (Bath)" 1901

"Gourmet" 1901

"Seated Woman in a Hood" 1902

In the “pink” period (1904 - 1906) main theme The artist's work included the circus and its characters - acrobats and comedians. Bright, cheerful colors predominated. A favorite character of this period can be called the harlequin, who was most often found in the works of Picasso. In addition to the circus, he was also inspired by the model Fernanda Olivier, whom he met in 1904, at the very beginning of the “pink” period. She was the artist’s muse throughout the entire period.

Works of the “pink” period (1904 - 1906)

"Akrabat and Harlequin" 1905

"Girl with a Goat" 1906

"Boy Leading a Horse" 1906

"Family of Comedians" 1905

"Peasants" 1906

"Nude woman with a jug" 1906

"Combing" 1906

"Woman with Bread" 1905

“Two acrabats with a dog” 1905

"Toilet" 1906

One of famous paintings P. Picasso “Girl on a Ball” (1905), which is now in State Museum Fine Arts named after. A. S. Pushkin, some experts call it a transition from the “blue” period to the “pink” period.

“Girl on a Ball” 1905

The turning point in Picasso's work was the portrait of Gertrude Stein, painted by him in 1906.

The work on the portrait was difficult - the artist rewrote the portrait about 80 times and as a result, Picasso moved away from the portrait as a genre visual arts in its classical sense. All further creativity Picasso can be characterized by just one of his phrases: “We must paint not what I see, but what I know.” It was this attitude that P. Picasso tried to adhere to until the end of his life.


This long period in the work of Pablo Picasso is divided into several stages. This is a time of complete refusal to detail the characters: the subject and the background almost merge into one, there are no clearly defined boundaries. Picasso was convinced that an artist can do more than just show what the eye sees.

The first stage is the “Cézanne” period, also known as the “African” period. This stage is distinguished by the construction of images using simple-geometric shapes and a predominance of muddy blurry green, ocher and brown tones.

In 1907-1909, the artist’s attention was directed to African art, which he first became acquainted with in 1907 at an ethnographic exhibition at the Trocadéro Museum. From now on, simple, even primitive forms of depicted objects began to predominate in Picasso’s work. In technique, the artist began to use rough shading. The first painting made in the “African” style is considered to be “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon” from 1907.

This picture was painted by the author over the course of a year. Picasso never worked on any of his paintings for so long. As a result, this work was so different from his previous paintings that it was received ambiguously by the public. But having found a new style that was interesting to him, Picasso was not going to retreat and over the course of 2 years the artist developed it in every possible way.

Works of “Cézanne” cubism (“African” period) (1907 - 1909)

"Farmer's Lady" 1908

"Head of a Man" 1907

"Bather" 1909

“Still life with bowl and jug” 1908

“Nude with Drapery (Dance with Veils)” 1907

“Portrait of Manuel Palhares” 1909

“Three figures under a tree” 1907

"Glasses and Fruit" 1908

“Bust of a Man (Sportsman)” 1909

"Woman" 1907

During his analytical period, Picasso came to the realization that he needed to focus entirely on the volume and shape of objects, pushing color into the background. Thus distinctive feature analytical cubism became monochrome. It is also worth noting the structure of the works of this period - the artist seems to be crushing objects into small fragments. Between different things the edge disappears and everything is perceived as a single whole.

Works of "analytical" cubism (1909-1912)

"Man with a Guitar" 1911

"Man with a Violin" 1912

"Accordionist" 1911

“Still Life with a Bottle of Liqueur” 1909

"The Poet" 1911

"Portrait of Fernanda" 1909

“Portrait of Wilhelm Uhde” 1910

"Seated Nude" 1910

"Woman in Green" 1909

"Woman in a Chair" 1909

The beginning of the synthetic period was the painting “Memories of Le Havre”, painted by Pablo Picasso in 1912. More bright colors, not inherent in analytical cubism.

Monochrome works again gave way to color. Mostly, the paintings of this period were dominated by still lifes: bottles of wine, sheet music, cutlery and musical instruments. To dilute the abstraction in the work on the paintings, real objects were used, such as ropes, sand, wallpaper, etc.

Works of "synthetic" cubism (1912-1917)

"Man by the Fireplace" 1916

"Man in a Top Hat" 1914

"Glass and playing cards» 1912

"Guitar" 1912

“Still life with fruit on the table” 1914-1915

"Pedestal" 1914

“Table in a Cafe (Bottle of Pernod)” 1912

“Tavern (Ham)” 1914

"Green Still Life" 1914

“Man with a pipe sitting in a chair” 1916

Despite the fact that Cubism was actively criticized by many, the works of this period sold well and Pablo Picasso finally stopped begging and moved into a spacious workshop.

The next period in the artist’s work was neoclassicism, which began with Picasso’s marriage to the Russian ballerina Olga Khokhlova in 1918. This was preceded by Pablo’s work on the scenery and costume designs for the ballet “Parade” in 1917. It was while performing this work that the artist met Olga Khokhlova.

Curtain for the ballet "Parade" 1917

Program for the ballet Parade with a drawing by Picasso. 1917

Chinese magician, dressed as Picasso, modern interpretation, 2003

Character of the French "steward" (barker)

This period is very far from Cubism: real faces, light colors, correct forms... Such changes in his work were inspired by his Russian wife, who brought a lot of new things into Pablo’s life. Even the artist’s lifestyle has changed - attending social events, costume ballets, etc. In a word, Picasso began to move in a secular environment, which had previously been alien to him. Picasso was criticized by many for such a sharp transition from cubism to classicism. The artist responded to all the complaints in one of his interviews: “Whenever I want to say something, I say it in the manner in which I feel it should be said.”

Works of the neoclassical period (1918 - 1925)

"Reading a Letter" 1921

"Bathers" 1918

"Lovers" 1923

"Mother and Child" 1921

“Olga Khokhlova in a mantilla” 1917

"Olga Picasso" 1923

"First Communion" 1919

"Pierrot" 1918

“Portrait of Olga in an Armchair” 1917

"Portrait of Paul" the artist's son 1923

"Sleeping Peasants" 1919

"Three Bathers" 1920

“Woman with a child on the seashore” 1921

"Woman in a Mantilla" 1917

"Women running along the shore" 1922

In 1925, the artist painted the painting “Dance,” which fully reflects the problems in the artist’s personal life at that time.

In the winter of 1927, Picasso meets his new muse- seventeen-year-old Maria Theresa Walter, who became the character of many paintings of the surrealism period. In 1935, the couple had a daughter, Maya, but in 1936, Picasso left Maria Teresa and Olga Khokhlova, with whom he never formalized official divorce until Olga's death in 1955.

Works from the period of surrealism (1925 - 1936)

"Akrabat" 1930

"Girl Throwing a Stone" 1931

"Figures on the Beach" 1931

"Still Life" 1932

“Nude and Still Life” 1931

"Nude on the Beach" 1929

"Nude on the Beach" 1929

"Woman with a Flower" 1932

“Dream (portrait of the artist’s mistress Maria Teresa Walter)” 1932

"Nude in an Armchair" 1932

"Nude in an Armchair" 1929

"The Kiss" 1931

In the 30s and 40s, the bull, the Minotaur, became the hero of many of Picasso’s paintings. The Minotaur in the artist’s work is the personification of destructive power, war and death.

"Minotauria" 1935

"Palette and Bull's Head" 1938

"Ram's Head" 1939

“Still Life with a Bull Skull” 1942

“Bull skull, fruit, jug” 1939

"Three Ram's Heads" 1939

Spring 1937 Small town In Spain, Guernica was literally wiped off the face of the earth by the German fascists. Picasso could not ignore this event and thus the painting “Guernica” was born. This picture can be called the apotheosis of the Minotaur theme. The dimensions of the painting are impressive: length - 8 m, width - 3.5 m. There is one known case associated with the painting. During a search by the Gestapo, a Nazi officer noticed the painting and asked Picasso: “Did you do this?” to which the artist replied “No. You did it!

"Guernica" 1937

In parallel with the paintings about Minotaurs, Pablo Picasso creates a series about monsters. This series expresses the artist's position during the Spanish Civil War, in which he supported the Republicans and opposed the policies of the dictator Franco.

"The Dreams and Lies of General Franco" (1937)

"The Dreams and Lies of General Franco" (1937)

All Second world war Pablo Picasso lived in France, where the artist became a member of the French Communist Party in 1944.

Wartime works (1937-1945)

"Pheasant" 1938

“Head of a Woman in a Hat” 1939

"Maria Teresa in a Wreath" 1937

"Artist's Workshop" 1943

"Maya with a Doll" 1938

"Begging" 1937

"Still Life" 1945

« Crying woman with a scarf" 1937

"Birds in a Cage" 1937

“Wounded Bird and Cat” 1938

"Crypt" 1945

"The Woman in the Red Chair" 1939

In 1946, the artist worked on paintings and panels for the castle of the Grimaldi family in Antibes (a resort town in France). In the first hall of the castle, a panel called “Joy of Life” was installed. The main characters of this pano were fairy creatures, fauns, centaurs and naked girls.

"The Joy of Being" 1946

In the same year, Pablo met the young artist Françoise Gilot, with whom they settled in Grimaldi Castle. Later, Picasso and Françoise had two children - Paloma and Claude. At this time, the artist often painted his children and Françoise, but the idyll did not last long: in 1953, Françoise took the children and left Pablo Picasso. Françoise could no longer tolerate the artist’s constant betrayals and his difficult character. The artist experienced this separation very hard, which could not but affect his creativity. Proof of this are the ink drawings of an ugly old dwarf with a beautiful young girl.

One of the most famous symbols, the Dove of Peace, was created in 1949. He first appeared at the World Peace Congress in Paris.

In 1951, Picasso painted “Massacres in Korea,” which tells the story of the atrocities of that “forgotten” war.

"Massacre in Korea" 1951

In 1947, the artist moved to the south of France, to the city of Vallauris. It was in this city that he became interested in ceramics. Picasso was inspired to take on this hobby by the annual exhibition of ceramics in Vallauris, which he visited back in 1946. The artist showed particular interest in products from the Madura workshop, where he later worked. Working with clay allowed the recognized painter and graphic artist to forget the horrors of war and plunge into another joyful and serene world. The subjects for ceramics are the simplest and most uncomplicated - women, birds, faces, fairy tale characters... The book “Picasso Ceramics” by I. Karetnikov, published in 1967, is even dedicated to Picasso’s ceramics.

Picasso in Madura's workshop

Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Maria de ls Remidos Crispin Crispiano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso was born on October 25, 1881 in Malaga, Spain. Or Pablo Picasso. Full name it meant, according to Spanish custom, the listing of the names of revered relatives and saints. Picasso had his mother's last name. Father Jose Ruiz was an artist.

Little Picasso showed interest in creativity from childhood. At the age of 7, Pablo Picasso learned painting techniques from his father.
At the age of 13, Picasso entered the Barcelona Academy of Fine Arts, amazing all his teachers with his high level development. Then his father decided to send Pablo to study at the San Fernando Academy in Madrid. It was the most prestigious art academy in Spain. Picasso went to Madrid in 1897 at the age of 16. But he no longer showed such diligence in his studies, he completed his studies less than a year, but began to fascinatingly study the works of the great masters Diego Velazquez, Francisco Goya, and especially El Greco.
During this period, Picasso went to Paris for the first time. He spent a fruitful time there and managed to visit all the museums. He meets the prominent collector Ambroise Vollard, as well as the poets Guillaume Apollinaire and Max Jacob. Subsequently, Picasso came to Paris again in 1901. And in 1904 he moved there to live.

If we talk about the work of the artist Pablo Picasso, it is usually divided into several periods.
The first one is the so-called "blue period". This is work from 1901 to 1904. This period of creativity is characterized by cool, gray-blue and blue-green colors in Picasso's works. They are saturated with sadness and sadness. The plots are dominated by images of beggars, vagabonds, and exhausted mothers with children. These are the works “Blindman’s Breakfast”, “Life”, “Date”, “Mean Meal”, “Ironing Lady”, “Two”, “Absinthe Lover”.

"Pink period" runs from 1904 to 1906. Here the works are dominated by pink and orange colors. And the images of the paintings are acrobats and actors ("The Acrobat and the Young Harlequin", "A Family of Comedians", "The Jester"). Overall a happier mood. In 1904, Picasso met the model Fernande Olivier. She became a muse and inspiration in his work. They began to live together in Paris. Fernanda was nearby and continued to inspire him during the difficult period of Picasso's life without money. The artist's famous work "Girl on a Ball" appears. Also among the works of this period are “Girl with a Goat” and “Boy Leading a Horse”.

"African period" date back to 1907-1909. It is characterized by a turning point in Picasso's work. In 1906, he begins to paint a portrait of Gertrude Stein. Pablo Picasso rewrote it eight times and then told her that he stopped seeing her when he looked at her. He moved away from the image of a specific person. At this moment Picasso discovers the peculiarities African culture. After that, he finally completed the portrait. In 1907, the well-known work “Les Demoiselles d'Avignon” also appeared. She was shocking to the public. This painting can be called the first landmark work in the direction of cubism.

A long period begins cubism from 1909 to 1917. There are several sub-steps here. "Cezanne" cubism is reflected in the works “Can and Bowls”, “Woman with a Fan”, “Three Women”. It is named so because it contains typical “Cézanne” tones: greenish, brown, ocher, cloudy and blurry. "Analytical" cubism. Objects are depicted fractionally, as if they consist of many parts, and these parts are clearly separated from each other. Works of this period: “Portrait of Kahnweiler”, “Portrait of Ambroise Vollard”, “Portrait of Fernanda Olivier”, “Factory in Horta de San Juan”. "Synthetic" cubism is more decorative in nature. Mostly still lifes. Works from the period: “Violin and Guitar”, “Still Life with Wicker Chair”, “Bottle of Pernod (cafe table)”.

The direction of Cubism was not particularly accepted in society, quite the contrary. Nevertheless, Picasso's paintings sold well. This helps him get out of the financial hole. In 1909, Pablo Picasso moved to his own workshop. In the fall of 1911, the artist broke up with Fernanda because... in his life he had a new muse and inspiration, Eva or Marcel Humbert. One of the works dedicated to her is “Nude, I Love Eve.” But their happiness together did not last very long. A difficult period of wars, Eva becomes seriously ill and dies.
Period neoclassicism 1918-1925.

In 1917, Picasso received an offer from the poet Jean Cocteau to design the sets and costumes for the planned ballet. Picasso went to work in Rome. There he found his new muse, his beloved. One of the dancers of the Diaghilev group Olga Khokhlova. In 1918, the couple got married, and already in 1921 their son Paul was born. Changes occurred in Picasso’s work; he had already moved away from Cubism as such. The style becomes more realistic: bright colors, clear shapes, correct images. Works of the period: " Child portrait Picasso's Fields", "Portrait of Olga in an Armchair", "Women Running on the Beach", "Bathers".

And now the time comes surrealism from 1925 to 1936. Picasso's first painting in this style was "Dance". Quite aggressive and difficult, which is associated not only with a change in creativity, but also with family problems. Other similar works: “Figures on the Beach”, “Bather Opening a Cabin”, “Woman with a Flower”.

In 1927, Picasso had a new lover - seventeen-year-old Maria Teresa Voltaire. For her, the artist purchased the Boisgeloux castle, where she became the prototype of some of his works: “Girl in front of a mirror”, “Mirror” and the sculpture “Woman with a Vase”, which would later stand on Picasso’s grave. In 1935, Maria Teresa and Picasso had a daughter, Maya. However, Pablo was not divorced from his previous wife. But by 1936 he had separated from both. His official wife died in 1955.

In the 1930s, Picasso began to become interested in sculpture, creating various images in the style of surrealism and various metal compositions, as well as engravings for works. The same year was marked by the appearance in Picasso’s work of the mythical bull Minotaur. Several works with him are being published, and for the artist the Minotaur is associated with war, death and destruction. The highest work was the work "Guernica" in 1937. This is a small city in northern Spain. It was almost destroyed after a fascist air raid on May 1, 1937. The size of the work was 8 meters in length and 3.5 in width. Written in monochrome style, only 3 colors - black, gray, white. In general, the war had a great influence on Picasso’s work. He writes the works “Dreams and Lies of General Franco”, “The Crying Woman”, “Night Fishing in Antibes”. During the Second World War, Picasso lived in France, where he joined the communists - participants in the Resistance. The image of the bull does not leave him. Reflected in the works “Morning Serenade”, “Still Life with a Bull Skull”, “Slaughterhouse” and in the sculpture “Man with a Lamb”.
In 1946, after the end of the war, Picasso released a whole series of paintings commissioned for the Grimaldi Castle, for the princely family. It consists of 27 panels and paintings. In the same year, Pablo met the young artist Françoise Gilot, after which he moved with her to the same Grimaldi. They have two children: son Claude and daughter Paloma. Françoise became the prototype for the painting “Flower Woman”. But in 1953, she ran away from Picasso along with her two children, unable to get along with his complex character and his betrayals. The artist had a hard time going through this period; in his works, the old dwarf prevailed in contrast to the young beautiful girl.
In 1949, the famous “Dove of Peace” appears, drawn by Picasso on the poster of the World Peace Congress in Paris. In 1947, Picasso moved to the south of France to the city of Vallauries. There he began painting the old chapel in 1952. Depicts favorite characters: bull, centaurs, women. In 1958, Picasso was already very famous in the world. He creates the composition "The Fall of Icarus" for the UNESCO building in Paris. At 80, the restless Pablo Picasso marries 34-year-old Jacqueline Roque. They move to Cannes, to their own villa. In her image, he creates a series of portraits.

In the 1960s, Picasso again worked in a cubist manner: "Algerian women. After Delacroix", "Lunch on the grass. After Manet", "Las Meninas. After Velazquez", "Girls on the banks of the Seine. After Courbet". All this, apparently, was created on the themes of the great artists of the time. Health gets worse over time. Jacqueline, faithful to him, remains next to him and looks after him. Picasso dies at the age of 92, being a multimillionaire, on April 8, 1973 in Mougins in France, and is buried next to his castle of Vauvenargues. For your active creative activity he painted about 80 thousand works. Back in 1970, while Picasso was alive, the Picasso Museum in Barcelona was opened. In 1985, the artist's heirs opened the Picasso Museum in Paris.

Pablo Diego Jose Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Maria de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santisima Trinidad Mártir Patricio Ruiz and Picasso (1881 -1973) - the great Spanish artist and the most provocative painter of the twentieth century Pablo Picasso lived to be 91 years old. Almost in all directions contemporary art he left his indelible mark.


He was born in 1881. Pablo took his mother's surname, since his father's surname - Ruiz - was very common, and besides, the father of the future artist was an artist himself, and Pablo had someone to learn from.

As a child, his father allowed Pablo to finish his work for him - for example, finishing the legs of pigeons. One day, when Pablo had the opportunity to complete a larger-scale work, Jose Ruiz was amazed by his technique, and, as one of the legends about Picasso says, he was so amazed that from that day on he himself quit painting.

Already at the age of 16, Pablo went to Madrid, the best at that time art school. He did not study there for long, although he managed to amaze both his fellow students and teachers with his skill. He became much more interested in various aspects of life big city, and also plunged headlong into the work of artists that interested him - Diego Velazquez, Francisco Goya, and especially El Greco.

Picasso lived a very long life, never stopping creating. Over the course of almost a century of life, he experienced many creative changes, romantic meetings with women, changed a dozen luxurious houses and died a multimillionaire.


“Brilliant talent” is how the teenager was described at the Madrid Academy of Fine Arts. However, Pablo soon announced to his parents that complete conservatism reigned there and he would not learn anything new. At the age of 15, the young artist created a work of deep content - “Knowledge and Mercy”. The picture received gold medal, and the cafe “Four Cats” hosted Pablo’s first solo exhibition.

In 1900, Picasso visited Paris and fell ill with it. Four years later he moved there to live. "Bent Harlequin", "Absinthe Drinker". The artist removes everything unnecessary from the compositions, perfectly conveying the emotional state of the characters.
Gradually, multicolor disappears from Picasso’s paintings, giving way to a piercing blue color. The works are filled with a feeling of melancholy and loneliness, which are akin to the mood of the painter himself.

Knowledge and Mercy Bent Harlequin Absinthe Drinker

Changes in the master’s life followed after his acquaintance with the Russian philanthropist and collector Pyotr Shchukin. He bought several paintings young artist. Well, then Pablo’s life was illuminated by his love for the red-haired beauty Fernanda Olivier, who inspired the artist to create famous image female guitarists. The girl lived in the same house as the master. The jealous Picasso put a lock on the door, protecting his treasure. Transparent and light colors appeared in his palette.

The "pink" period reflects Pablo's passion for the circus. Harlequins and street gymnasts are his favorite characters. A miniature gymnast wants to maintain her balance while standing on a spinning ball; she is impressed by her success, showing the man sitting next to her agility and grace ("Girl on a Ball"). The picture truly has magical property: Not a single detail can be excluded from it - otherwise the whole composition will fall apart.

A combination of geometric objects and human figures. In 1906, the artist's style changed dramatically. In "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" the master created a completely new reality by constructing figures from geometric volumes, broken sharp corners. The public and Picasso's friends were shocked. However, this particular work will be called important step on the way to cubism. Fine Esperanto, as this genre is called, developed in stages.

The “Cézanne” stage is characterized by gray, brown and green tones (“Woman with a Fan”), and the image is based on juxtaposition geometric shapes. “Analytical” cubism literally “splits” the image into parts. The canvas resembles fragments broken glass, preserving the reflection of a person (“Portrait of Ambroise Vollard”). “Synthetic” cubism (“Violin and Guitar”) is distinguished by its decorativeness and contrast. Despite the audience's rejection of most of Picasso's ideas, his paintings sold well.

Woman with a Fan Portrait of Ambroise Vollard Violin and Guitar

In 1917, the artist decided to try his hand at a new field, creating sets and costumes for the performances of the Diaghilev Ballet in Paris. Olga Khokhlova danced in the corps de ballet, had a proud posture, was aristocratically refined and unapproachable (“Portrait of Olga in a Chair”). Passionately in love, Pablo married his beloved. Olga sought to make her bohemian husband more sophisticated. However, it soon turned out that they were absolutely different people. Even the birth of a son did not save the dying relationship.

Well, since 1927, the image of a fair-haired woman (“Dream”) began to appear on the artist’s canvases. Marie-Therese Walter's passion coincided with her attempts to express herself in a surreal manner. Scandals in the family and quarrels with Marie-Therese - Picasso cut this Gordian knot in one fell swoop, leaving both women behind.

The avant-garde photographer Dora Maar provided an intellectual outlet for the artist. She filmed the entire process of creating the famous triptych “Guernica” - the master’s response to wartime events. Dora stood on long years Picasso's main model.
Pablo learned the real joy of life with the young artist Françoise Gillot (“Joy of Life”). Independent and freedom-loving, she gave the artist a son, Claude, and a daughter, Paloma, but could not be with him.

The last companion and the second official spouse master - Jacqueline Rock called him “Monsignor” and kissed his hands. One of best works late creativity Picasso - "The Kiss". Everything about it is exaggeratedly large. The woman clung to her beloved man with trusting devotion, peering into the features dear to her.

Portrait of Olga in a chair Dream Joy of life Kiss

One can argue for a long time about whether Picasso loved his muses or mistook passion for love. One thing is clear: all of them were needed to leave the priceless legacy of a genius whose importance for world art is difficult to overestimate. This is 50 thousand paintings, sculptures, ceramics and drawings. Such creative energy completely changed the landscape of world painting; even during his lifetime, Picasso was recognized as a genius of the 20th century.


At birth, Pablo was considered dead - the child was born so weak. The mother had a very difficult birth, and this could not but affect the heir. The midwife even went to tell the baby's mother the sad news that the baby was stillborn. However, Uncle Picasso loved cigars, and even entered the room where his “dead” nephew lay, holding a smoking cigar in his mouth. Without thinking twice, the uncle blew a stream of smoke into the baby’s face, and he reacted by crying. Naturally, after that he was no longer considered dead.

The first word the boy said was “PIZ,” short for “LAPIZ” (“pencil” in Spanish). Pablo's father, an artist by profession, began raising his son to be an artist, starting at the age of 7. However, Picasso's father vowed to abandon his calling when his son turned 13 years old - he had already surpassed his father (by the way, an art professor).

The artist painted his first picture at the age of nine; it was of a rider on a horse who participated in a bullfight. Already at the age of 15, Picasso created his first masterpiece - a painting depicting his relatives at the altar.

The artist was very hot-tempered since childhood, and he was constantly punished. The artist's temperament became more and more eccentric with age, but his talent did not disappear, but became brighter.

Picasso received his first serious work by concluding a contract with the seller of paintings Pere Menach from Paris. This brought him 150 francs (in modern money, about 750 US dollars - in terms of course).

In 1909, young Picasso and his friend invented Cubism - although it was not they who came up with the name, but French critic, who noticed that Picasso's paintings are full of cubes.

Picasso was extremely rich, and left behind only real estate worth one and a half billion dollars. His paintings are absolutely invaluable. Now some works by Pablo Picasso are valued at hundreds of millions of dollars.


Kostenevich A. “Dryad”. Genesis and meaning of Picasso’s painting // Bulletin of history, literature, art. Department of History and Philology Sciences RAS. M.: Collection; The science. T. 1. 2005. pp. 118-131.

Pablo Picasso. Poems.

M., Marina Picasso. Grandfather: memories.

M., Nadezhdin N. Ya. Pablo Picasso: “The Flame of Guernica”: Biographical stories. - 2nd ed. - M.: Major, Osipenko, 2011. - 192 p. - (Series “Informal biographies”). - 2000 copies.

German M. Yu. “Picasso. The path to triumph" // M.: Art-21st century. 2013

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Pablo Ruiz y Picasso, full name - Pablo Diego Jose Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Maria de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santisima Trinidad Martir Patricio Ruiz y Picasso (in Russian the variant with accent is also accepted in the French style of Picasso, Spanish Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Mártir Patricio Ruiz y Picasso; October 25, 1881 (18811025), Malaga, Spain - April 8, 1973, Mougins, France) - Spanish and French artist, sculptor, graphic artist, theater artist, ceramist and designer.

The founder of cubism (together with Georges Braque and Juan Gris), in which a three-dimensional body was depicted in an original manner as a series of planes combined together. Picasso worked a lot as a graphic artist, sculptor, ceramist, etc. He brought to life a lot of imitators and had an exceptional influence on the development of fine art in the 20th century. According to the Museum of Modern Art (New York), Picasso created about 20 thousand works during his life.

By expert assessments, Picasso is the most “expensive” artist in the world: in 2008, official sales of his works alone amounted to $262 million. On May 4, 2010, Picasso's Nude, Green Leaves and Bust, sold at Christie's for $106,482,000, became the most expensive work art in the world at that time.

On May 11, 2015, at the Christie's auction, a new absolute record was set for works of art sold at public auction - Pablo Picasso's painting "Algerian Women (Version O)" went for a record $179,365,000.

According to a survey of 1.4 million readers conducted by The Times newspaper in 2009, Picasso - best artist among those who lived over the past 100 years. Also, his paintings rank first in “popularity” among thieves.

According to Spanish tradition, Picasso received two surnames from the first surnames of his parents: his father - Ruiz and his mother - Picasso. The full name that the future artist received at baptism is Pablo Diego Jose Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Maria de los Remedios Cipriano (Crispiniano) de la Santisima Trinidad Martir Patricio Ruiz and Picasso. Picasso's maternal surname, under which the artist became famous, has Italian origin: Picasso's mother's great-grandfather Tommaso moved to Spain in early XIX century from the town of Sori in the province of Genoa. The house in Malaga's Merced Square, where Picasso was born, now houses the artist's house-museum and a foundation bearing his name.

Picasso began drawing from childhood; he received his first artistic lessons from his father, the art teacher José Ruiz Blasco, and soon became very successful at it. At the age of 8, he painted his first serious oil painting, “Picador,” which he did not part with throughout his life.

In 1891, Don José received a position as an art teacher in A Coruña, and young Pablo and his family moved to northern Spain, where he studied at the local art school (1894-1895).

The family subsequently moved to Barcelona, ​​and in 1895 Picasso entered the La Lonja School of Fine Arts. Pablo was only fourteen, so he was too young to enter La Lonja. However, at the insistence of his father, he was allowed to take entrance exams on a competitive basis. Picasso passed all the exams with flying colors and entered La Lonja. At first he signed with his father's name, Ruiz Blasco, but then chose his mother's surname, Picasso.

At the beginning of October 1897, Picasso left for Madrid, where he entered the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando. Picasso used his stay in Madrid mainly for detailed study of the collection of the Prado Museum, and not for studying at the academy with its classical traditions, where Picasso was cramped and bored.

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Pablo Picasso(1881 - 1973) - the greatest Spanish artist, the founder of cubism, who illuminated with his talent most areas of modern art.

Childhood and educational period.

On October 25, 1881, in the city of Malaga, Spain, Pablo Diego Jose Francisco De Paula Juan Nepomuceno Maria De Los Remedios Cipriano De La Santisima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Ruiz and Picasso was born, who went down in the history of world art under the name Pablo Picasso.

Picasso is the maiden name of the artist’s mother, which he chose for himself instead of his father’s - Ruiz. There were several reasons for this. Firstly, in the Spanish environment the surname Ruiz was considered quite simple and was widespread, and secondly, Jose Ruiz was also an amateur artist and art critic.

The work of Pablo Picasso: “blue” and “pink” periods.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Picasso and his friend C. Casajemas left Spain and came to Paris. Here Pablo becomes closely acquainted with the works of the French impressionists, in particular A. Toulouse-Lautrec and E. Degas, who in their time would have a serious influence on the development of the artist’s creative thought.

Unfortunately, in love with a French woman and rejected by her, Casajemas committed suicide in February 1901. Edges real life and art for Picasso were always inseparable, and this tragic event, which deeply shocked the artist, was reflected in his subsequent works.

"Cubism" by Pablo Picasso.

At all times, regardless of the directions to which their work belonged, artists looked for ways to convey the world, its colors and forms on the plane of the canvas. By the beginning of the 20th century, the time of the development of photography, it became obvious that painting is no longer the only way to display artistic images in their “correct” light. In order to have the right to life and not lose its relevance in a changing world, art needed to discover new language communication with him. For Picasso, this language was cubism.

Pablo Picasso: the period of neoclassicism.

The beginning of the First World War, which split the world into pieces, the death of his beloved woman - Marcel Humbert (Eve), difficult relationships with friends and family, forced Picasso to rethink his life and work. The result of such introspection was the awareness of the primacy of painting, which overshadows all other aspects of the artist’s life. Neither the duty of serving his homeland, nor relationships with women, nor making friendly acquaintances were as important to him as art. At the same time, Pablo is increasingly moving away from the cubism he created, which from his main style of creativity is turning into a passed stage in the development of the master’s artistic views.

Surrealism by Picasso.

Picasso was never a follower of one style of art; his entire life was spent in creative pursuits. In 1925, the search for new ways, forms and techniques of displaying the world through the eyes of an artist led him to surrealism.

In many ways, this turn was facilitated by the atmosphere of the collapsing family life Spanish artist and a Russian ballerina. Olga Khokhlova, who was raised in the best traditions high society, demanded that Picasso observe similar rules of decency when attending social events.

War in Spain. Guernica. The Second World War

In 1936, an outbreak broke out in Spain Civil War. Supporters of the young republican government fiercely tried to resist the power aspirations of the military-nationalist dictatorship led by General Franco and the establishment of a fascist regime on Spanish soil.

How true patriot, Pablo Picasso could not stay away from the events taking place. He did not fight the enemy on the battlefield, did not rush to the barricades. The artist did what he could do better than many - with a brush in his hands, he expressed his position through paintings, with his canvases he inspired the fighters and exposed the crimes committed against humanity.

The work of Pablo Picasso in the post-war period.

With the end of World War II, moods of peace and joy illuminated the artist's life and settled in his paintings.

In 1946, Picasso received an order from the princely Grimaldi family to create a series of paintings and panels for their castle in resort town Antibes. Inspired by the Nature of the Mediterranean coast of France, the artist creates 27 beautiful canvases that personify the harmony of the world, where naked beautiful nymphs and mythical fairy-tale creatures live - fauns and centaurs.