Why do moths dream and how can such a dream be useful? Why did you dream about a moth: features of decoding from dream books

Every person who has at least once encountered this domestic insect can see a moth in a dream. Most often, a moth in a dream is interpreted as a bad sign, foreshadowing troubles or indicating the presence of secret enemies.

However, some dream books are not so categorical: they claim that a moth can be a harbinger of good luck and some good events. It all depends on the context of the dream, on the circumstances in which the moth dreamed.

This is interesting

According to the doctrine of symbols (semiotics), the moth is the antipode of the butterfly. Unlike the latter, the moth symbolizes the unknown side human nature– fears, complexes, premonitions and the subconscious in general. The most favorable dream is in which a moth flies out of the darkness towards the dreamer - this means that he successfully cognizes the depths of his own “I”.

A person who dreams of a moth should pay more attention to his own spiritual development, seek contact with the unconscious. Most often, the necessary hints and explanations can be found without outside help by asking yourself the right questions.

Miller's Dream Book about Moths

You can find out why moths are dreamed of in one of the most authoritative dream books – Miller’s dream book. He also offers several interpretations of the dream.

If a large moth flies around the room and cannot be killed, this indicates a lot of boring paperwork, protracted paperwork, and bureaucratic red tape. You should immediately prepare for delays and procrastination, wasting time. The matter in question will be resolved slowly but successfully.

If you have such a dream: either another fur or woolen product, then you should expect some tension on the love front. The dream book does not call moth itself a sign of a breakdown in relationships or their deterioration - we are only talking about things eaten away by moths.

If a person dreams that he is buying a moth repellent or placing plants with a strong repellent smell in the closet, he will experience short-lived joy, which will be replaced by sadness, loss and disappointment.

In general, Miller’s dream book interprets moths as a sad sign, promising the dreamer loss, sadness and bad changes in life. Other sources most often share this opinion, but recommend paying great attention own feelings from what he saw.

Moth in a dream: a sign of trouble

Smurova’s dream book warns for the whole family: this insect in a dream threatens financial losses and troubles. He also answers the question of why there are many moths in dreams - most often such a dream is associated with the appearance of real life enemies who are waiting to cause some trouble. You should be careful and avoid casual acquaintances.

Smurova’s dream book also calls a flying moth not a very good sign: this symbol indicates an inevitable quarrel with relatives and lover.

Freud's dream book indicates minor adversities that will come at the same time and can cause serious damage to business. And if a moth in a dream left traces of its vital activity, you should beware of returning to old bad habits that will not allow you to move forward. For a young girl, a dream of this kind means gossip, slander, which she will have to endure due to the fault of envious people. If there is a lot of moth, there is correspondingly a lot of gossip.

The English dream book, the dream book of Hasse, Azara and Tsvetkov are unanimous in their interpretation of moths in a dream: it always indicates obvious or secret enemies who poison the dreamer’s life and interfere with the success of his affairs.

The modern dream book points to a moth as a symbol of lack of activity, ambition and inner strength. Perhaps you should be more attentive to your desires, allow yourself to be successful and in demand. The dream book also regards moths as an image of old habits that prevent the transition to high-quality new level life. To improve your mental and material state, you should throw off the old ballast, which does not leave room for something new.

The 21st century dream book warns: a moth flying in a room warns of family and financial troubles, crop failure, losses, and the presence of enemies.

Why do you dream about moths eating clothes?

According to Grishina’s dream book, a moth that eats clothes or other household items indicates future expenses. However, these expenses will not be associated with new things or pleasant moments - a parasite will appear in the house.

A guide to the interpretation of dreams Denise Lynn offers another interpretation: if in a dream a moth gnaws holes in the fabric and gnaws at it, the dreamer in reality is gnawed by problems and difficulties that he is not able to solve now. It is necessary to determine the cause of endless worries as soon as possible and try to get rid of it.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z connects things damaged in a dream with complications in love relationships, with separation or misunderstanding from the outside loved one. The dream is given as a warning, so you should pay attention to the claims of your significant other and try to prevent the relationship from deteriorating.

According to Vanga’s dream book, moths in clothes speak of impending unpleasant changes, betrayal of a loved one, and decline in business. For people involved in trade, this symbol predicts deception on the part of partners, non-payment of financial obligations, fraud and litigation. Also, a moth eating through clothes indicates damage to property belonging to the dreamer: this can happen either through the fault of other people or through his own negligence.

Killing a moth in a dream: is it good?

The image of a moth in a dream itself is negative; it hints at the worst sides of human nature, not the most best period in life and in relationships with others. Killing a moth in a dream - that is, committing a seemingly bad action, is actually not bad at all. This action is regarded as the destruction of a negative symbol and complete disposal of its influence.

It is worth saying that when interpreting dreams of this kind, all dream books are unanimous: the destruction of moths promises good luck, security and prosperity. Let's try to understand this in more detail:

  • Freud's dream book convinces that killing a moth in a dream is the key to understanding your family problems and the ability to avoid them in the future. Such a symbol promises good luck in love and a guarantee of maintaining the warmth of the family hearth.
  • The dream book of birthday people in January, February, April and March, as well as the Wanderer’s dream book, indicate a favorable omen: in a dream it means gaining support, neutralizing enemies and getting rid of them for at least six months. If a person sees how a harmful insect (a projection of his fears, experiences and external aggression) is destroyed, everything bad is destroyed along with it. We can say that a killed moth is a symbol of a new life, full of joy and prosperity.

Why do you dream about a lot of moths? In a dream, this image symbolizes the dilapidation and frailty of materiality, and in addition warns of jealousy and family troubles. The dream book will help you correctly interpret the dream sign based on its characteristics.

According to Miller

If you happen to see a lot of moths in a dream, then Miller’s dream book is convinced: hidden enemies have taken up arms against you, or get ready for a long illness and multiple griefs.

Everything is perishable...

Why do you dream about moths in general? This is an eloquent indication that something valuable will one day lose all its significance. In addition, the dream book reminds you that you should not become overly attached to anything or someone.

Did you dream about an incredible number of insects? You have a lot of things to do and problems, or perhaps you are simply too often and sometimes unreasonably irritated by bad trifles.

Hold on!

Did you happen to watch a lot of moths flying into your house in a dream? The dream book suggests that you are surrounded evil people, quietly making your existence disgusting.

This is a signal that you will have to withstand a series of nagging and zealous attacks from your spouse, and at the same time resolve a dozen minor difficulties.

Are you ready?

Did you dream that there were a lot of moths flying around your apartment, and you were unsuccessfully trying to destroy them? The dream book thinks that you will be busy processing numerous documents for a long time.

If insects appear everywhere, this means that you are destined for a difficult period of lack of money and total bad luck. In your dream, did you even have to buy a moth repellent? Short-lived joy will be replaced by annoying disappointment.

Who dreamed?

Why do lovers dream about moths? This vision means that someone will spread unflattering rumors, which will cause endless disputes and mistrust.

For people involved in trade and commerce, the dream book prophesies deception of subordinates or partners. The image warns all others of the appearance of ill-wishers.

What are you hiding?

In your dream, bugs ate all the clothes in your closet? Expect a rather voracious person to visit. Seeing things eaten by moths means unforeseen difficulties in an amorous relationship.

Did you dream that you opened a closet and a lot of moths flew out? The dream book believes that something evil and nasty is literally eating you from the inside, but you don’t notice it.

  • Furniture is a series of mistakes.
  • Carpet - a trip without money.
  • Hat - illness, failure.
  • Fur coat - winter will be cold.
  • A sweater is a conspiracy against you.

If in a dream you suddenly discovered a larva in a scarf, then in reality you will have a “freeloader”.

Unpleasant communication

Why do you dream about a lot of moths that you are trying to catch? For a man, this is a sign of communication with charming but selfish ladies, for women - with impudent men.

Have you ever seen someone catching and killing pests? You will have to face a person whom you clearly do not want to meet, and this will happen through the fault of one of your relatives.

Moths are a household pest known to everyone, so it is not surprising that one day a small butterfly may flutter into our sleep. Most dream books define this symbol as a negative sign, which indicates the machinations of enemies and other troubles.

But at the same time, other sources recommend paying attention to the details of the dream, since in most cases the correct decoding will depend on them. Today we will try to explain as accurately as possible what moths dream about by referring to different dream books.

Dreaming with a moth? The dream book will tell you what this means!

Let's reveal popular dream books

If we consider the moth from the point of view of semiotics, or the doctrine of symbols, then this image represents the undisclosed side of the human subconscious.

In other words, after such a dream a person will experience full disclosure of himself, his potential, getting rid of complexes, fears, and an increase in self-confidence.

Many dream books claim that the most favorable dream is when a moth flies out of the darkness towards you, and it means quick self-knowledge.

Miller's Dream Book

First of all, we decided to look into the most authoritative publication, which is called Miller's Dream Book. And this is what it says about dreaming with a moth:

  • If a moth flies around your house and you try in vain to catch it, then such a dream indicates paperwork that you will spend on huge amount time.
  • An unpleasant discovery in the form of clothes damaged by flying insects indicates personal troubles - a serious quarrel with a loved one is possible.
  • If in a dream you are going to purchase chemicals against moths, then such a dream symbolizes short-term joy, followed by disappointments and losses.

According to Miller's dream book, a moth is a symbol that hides not the most joyful events

Esoteric dream book

The esoteric dream interpreter, which was created by the philosopher and mystic Elena Anopova, is also able to give several explanations for the dream of a moth.

  • Winged insects are a symbol of old imperfections that haunt you and thereby prevent you from moving forward. Advice! You need to try to free yourself from obsessive thoughts, let go of the past and look boldly into the future. Old attachments and habits are just a burden, freeing yourself from which you can straighten your shoulders and make a worthy leap forward! Act boldly, freshly, in a new way and you will succeed!
  • Seeing a moth in a dream and trying to catch it - such a dream indicates that you will soon return to your old activities. And the reason for it all is boredom and lack of progress in your life.

Esoteric dream book will help reveal the secrets of the subconscious

Newest dream book

A modern dream book of the 21st century interprets a dream about a moth as follows:

  • Kill insects - good sign. Such a dream suggests that soon you will finally find the cause of all the troubles in the family and numerous quarrels. This knowledge will later bring peace to your home and protect you from adversity.
  • If there are a lot of moths flying around your apartment, then the 21st century dream book calls such a dream unfavorable. He talks about the approach of bad events - losses, troubles in the family, evil jealousy between lovers.

Folk signs and beliefs

Our grandmothers interpret dreams about insects in most cases as profit. But insects are different from insects, so if you dreamed of a moth, then this does not bode well. According to folk beliefs, the appearance of this pest in a dream is bad sign and speaks of the emergence of ill-wishers and enemies who will entangle your life with squabbles and gossip.

Note! But even in this case, a dream about a moth can be beneficial - having learned what it means, you can protect yourself from impending troubles, identify enemies, avoid the harm that will come from them, reconsider your actions and draw the right conclusions!

But before interpreting your dream, you need to remember it in detail. After all, as mentioned above, the decoding will depend on the details and development of the event.

  • A moth sitting on a carpet symbolizes a parasite. Someone is taking advantage of your kindness and trying to live at your expense. Advice! Pay attention to the people who surround you, review your list of friends - this way you can identify the parasite. This dream allows you to free yourself from unnecessary burdens and make your life easier!
  • If insects fly around you, then such a dream warns of gossip. Someone is spreading rumors about you, false ones at that, and this significantly denigrates your person in the eyes of others. According to popular beliefs, a dream about a moth speaks of enemies who are trying to denigrate your name
  • Pests in an apartment are a symbol of disagreements in the family, which will result in quarrels. Advice! Be reasonable and control yourself, don’t let your emotions break out - this is the only way you can maintain peace in your home!
  • Killing an insect in a dream is a very good sign. Such a dream symbolizes getting rid of enemies and ill-wishers. Don't be afraid of anything.
  • If there are a lot of moths, then you have envious people, and if you provoke them, you will get into serious trouble.
  • Fighting insects using various means is a sign of getting rid of evil. And if in a dream you managed to destroy pests, then in reality everything will go well for you.

As you can see, a dream about a moth in most cases does not foretell good events or any special joy.

But even despite this, such dreams have positive character– they warn you of impending troubles, help you draw the right conclusions and avoid disappointments.

Don't be upset when you see a moth in your dream! On the contrary, take night dreams into your arsenal and be bolder and more attentive - this is the only way you will be able to prevent evil.

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Why do moths dream and what do dream books say about it?

Every person who has at least once encountered this domestic insect can see a moth in a dream. Most often, a moth in a dream is interpreted as a bad sign, foreshadowing troubles or indicating the presence of secret enemies.

However, some dream books are not so categorical: they claim that a moth can be a harbinger of good luck and some good events. It all depends on the context of the dream, on the circumstances in which the moth dreamed.

According to the doctrine of symbols (semiotics), the moth is the antipode of the butterfly. Unlike the latter, the moth symbolizes the unknown side of human nature - fears, complexes, premonitions and the subconscious in general. The most favorable dream is in which a moth flies out of the darkness towards the dreamer - this means that he successfully cognizes the depths of his own “I”.

A person who dreams of a moth should pay more attention to his own spiritual development and seek contact with the unconscious. Most often, the necessary hints and explanations can be found without outside help by asking yourself the right questions.

Miller's Dream Book about Moths

You can find out why moths are dreamed of in one of the most authoritative dream books – Miller’s dream book. He also offers several interpretations of the dream.

If a large moth flies around the room and cannot be killed, this indicates a lot of boring paperwork, protracted paperwork, and bureaucratic red tape. You should immediately prepare for delays and procrastination, wasting time. The matter in question will be resolved slowly but successfully.

If you have such a dream: a moth has eaten a fur coat or other fur or woolen item, then you should expect some tension on the love front. The dream book does not call moth itself a sign of a break in relations or their deterioration - we are talking only about things eaten away by moths.

If a person dreams that he is buying a moth repellent or placing plants with a strong repellent smell in the closet, he will experience short-lived joy, which will be replaced by sadness, loss and disappointment.

In general, Miller’s dream book interprets moths as a sad sign, promising the dreamer loss, sadness and bad changes in life. Other sources most often share this opinion, but recommend paying great attention to your own feelings from what you see.

Moth in a dream: a sign of trouble

Smurova’s dream book warns for the whole family: this insect in a dream threatens financial losses and troubles. He also answers the question of why there are a lot of moths in dreams - most often such a dream is associated with the appearance of enemies in real life who are waiting for the moment to cause some kind of trouble. You should be careful and avoid casual acquaintances.

Smurova’s dream book also calls a flying moth not a very good sign: this symbol indicates an inevitable quarrel with relatives and lover.

Freud's dream book indicates minor adversities that will come at the same time and can cause serious damage to business.

And if a moth in a dream left traces of its vital activity, you should beware of returning to old bad habits that will not allow you to move forward.

For a young girl, a dream of this kind means gossip, slander, which she will have to endure due to the fault of envious people. If there is a lot of moth, there is correspondingly a lot of gossip.

The English dream book, the dream book of Hasse, Azara and Tsvetkov are unanimous in their interpretation of moths in a dream: it always indicates obvious or secret enemies who poison the dreamer’s life and interfere with the success of his affairs.

The modern dream book points to the moth as a symbol of lack of activity, ambition and inner strength. Perhaps you should be more attentive to your desires, allow yourself to be successful and in demand.

The dream book also regards moths as an image of old habits that prevent one from moving to a qualitatively new level of life.

To improve your mental and material state, you should throw off the old ballast, which does not leave room for something new.

The 21st century dream book warns: a moth flying in a room warns of family and financial troubles, crop failure, losses, and the presence of enemies.

Why do you dream about moths eating clothes?

According to Grishina’s dream book, a moth that eats clothes or other household items indicates future expenses. However, these expenses will not be associated with new things or pleasant moments - a parasite will appear in the house.

A guide to the interpretation of dreams Denise Lynn offers another interpretation: if in a dream a moth gnaws holes in the fabric and gnaws at it, the dreamer in reality is gnawed by problems and difficulties that he is not able to solve now. It is necessary to determine the cause of endless worries as soon as possible and try to get rid of it.

The dream book from A to Z associates things damaged in a dream with complications in a love relationship, with separation or misunderstanding on the part of a loved one. The dream is given as a warning, so you should pay attention to the claims of your significant other and try to prevent the relationship from deteriorating.

According to Vanga’s dream book, moths in clothes speak of impending unpleasant changes, betrayal of a loved one, and decline in business.

For people involved in trade, this symbol predicts deception on the part of partners, non-payment of financial obligations, fraud and litigation.

Also, a moth eating through clothes indicates damage to property belonging to the dreamer: this can happen either through the fault of other people or through his own negligence.

Killing a moth in a dream: is it good?

The image of a moth in a dream itself is negative; it hints at the worst aspects of human nature, not the best period in life and in relationships with others. Killing a moth in a dream - that is, committing a seemingly bad action, is actually not bad at all. This action is regarded as the destruction of a negative symbol and complete disposal of its influence.

It is worth saying that when interpreting dreams of this kind, all dream books are unanimous: the destruction of moths promises good luck, security and prosperity. Let's try to understand this in more detail:

  • Freud's dream book convinces that killing a moth in a dream is the key to understanding your family problems and the ability to avoid them in the future. Such a symbol promises good luck in love and a guarantee of maintaining the warmth of the family hearth.
  • The dream book of birthday people in January, February, April and March, as well as the Wanderer’s dream book, indicate a favorable omen: killing a moth in a dream means gaining support, neutralizing enemies and getting rid of them for at least six months. If a person sees how a harmful insect (a projection of his fears, experiences and external aggression) is destroyed, everything bad is destroyed along with it. We can say that a killed moth is a symbol of a new life, full of joy and prosperity.

From a scientific point of view, moths in the human mind are a symbol of dilapidation, old things and memories, old relationships that have become obsolete.

When the image of this insect appears in a dream, it can be interpreted as a desire to return to the past, experience old emotions or feel young again.

Moths also indicate stagnation and decline, lack of vitality, reluctance to start something new.

Sweet dreams to you!

Interesting video: dreams - decoding and a look into the future

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Source: http://klop911.ru/mol/pro-mol/k-chemu-snitsya-mol.html

Why do you dream about moths?

Seeing a moth in a dream is not the most pleasant dream, but it is not by chance that people are given such a sign. This insect symbolizes anxiety and tension, anticipation of something inevitable.

As a rule, such a dream foreshadows phenomena that are not entirely pleasant for the dreamer, but there are still exceptions. To find out correct interpretation, you need to look into the dream book.

I dreamed about a moth, what does this mean?

Usually a moth is dreamed of by a person who is anxious or cannot resist the ill-wishers around him.

To correctly interpret a dream, you need to remember every detail:

  • running after her across the room in a dream, but not catching her - bureaucratic troubles await you soon, you will have to fill out a whole bunch of different papers and wait for a decision important issue in the offices of officials;
  • dreamed of catching an insect - you will carelessly offend your close friend, offend him with a rude word or a rash act;
  • watching a lonely moth flutter around the room and not trying to catch it means all sorts of minor troubles;
  • if an insect simply circles around the chandelier, it means you will be sad and suffer;
  • if moths rush around the room in disarray, you will experience poverty and financial losses;
  • if she makes jerky and sudden movements from the ceiling to the floor, it means that you will have health problems;
  • finding larvae in a variety of places in a dream means trouble at work; your boss will be too picky with you;
  • to see that food moths have laid their larvae in food - you will have to be nervous at first, but all the troubles will soon end on their own;
  • finding it closed in a jar is a neutral sign, you don’t have to worry, just let the situation go and everything will settle down on its own.

Why does a woman dream about moths?

A modern dream book says that if a woman dreams of a moth, the meaning of the dream may be as follows:

  • for a woman to see how she flew into the house through the window - this is a symbol of enemy activity and the fact that someone from the outside is trying to destroy your quiet family happiness;
  • if an insect flew into your home through the door, take a closer look at your neighbors and people who often visit your house, perhaps they don’t have the best feelings for you sincere feelings and want to do harm;
  • For a young girl, a dream in which a moth is tangled in her hair foreshadows gossip behind her back, which will cause tears and grief;
  • a woman dreamed of a fur coat eaten by moths - this means losses, perhaps one of the household members will lose a good job;
  • if a girl fails to catch a dodgy insect - to her envious girlfriends;

Why do you dream of killing moths in a dream?

  • If a moth dreams of killing it in a dream, it means a deterioration in relations between family members. Soon the apartment will be filled with scandals and quarrels, and everyone will blame each other for the problems.
  • If you dreamed that you purchased a special insect repellent, you will soon no longer need to do unnecessary and labor-intensive work. However, you shouldn’t relax, just direct your own energy in the right direction.
  • If in a dream you caught a moth with your hands before killing it, you will soon be captivated by a new hobby.
  • Seeing crawling insects and slapping them with your palm means your loved ones are deceiving you.
  • If you notice a dead gray butterfly or its larvae in the house, in reality you are worried about your relationship with your relatives, but you are not doing anything to improve them.

Why do you dream a lot of moths in a dream?

If you dream of a lot of insects entering your home, this may symbolize some kind of trouble that will happen in the near future.

The dream book will help you find out the exact meaning:

  • in a dream you cannot cope with an invasion of insects and feel completely helpless - the well-being of the family will be lost;
  • gray moths flutter around the room, the flight of which is extremely difficult to follow - you are surrounded in reality by petty and envious people, communication with whom drains you and deprives you of vitality, so try to change your social circle;
  • kill large number– you have accumulated too much unfinished work that urgently needs to be completed;
  • to see a fur coat hanging in the closet, completely eaten by pests, is a loss of financial well-being.

Why do you dream about a big moth?

  • If you dream of a large moth settling in your house, you will have to deal with paperwork and the preparation of important documents.
  • If in a dream you had to kill an insect of enormous size, it means that in reality the solution to an important issue will be delayed, and additional moral and material investments will be required from you.

Source: https://mysekret.ru/snovedeniya/k-chemu-snitsya-mol.html

Why do you dream about moths, insect pests according to dream books?

Let's find out what moths mean in dreams - small butterflies that prefer to live in closets and feed on that pathetic organic matter that is preserved in wool, fur and leather things. Moth larvae eat large holes in carpets and ruin tapestries. Moths are a terrible pest, despite their harmless appearance.

Recently, even a moth has appeared that eats polyethylene and products packaged in polyethylene. The moth is the only butterfly that people usually do not rejoice at and try to destroy by all means. From clapping your hands after a flying butterfly, to tasty and nutritious pesticides that cause allergies in the whole family.

Except for the moth, which gnaws holes in bags of chemicals and tastes new flavors with appetite. The only thing that can kill moths is cleanliness, ventilation, lack of dust, and aromatic herbs.

A moth in a dream is a sign of desolation, withering, poverty and mismanagement. Seeing a moth in a dream means that you are very worried about the current situation, but at the moment your efforts to overcome it are not enough.

Look for pests and banish them from your life. You will have to be ruthless. Be prepared that in the eyes of society you will not look too great.

The people closest to you will understand and support you.

Take the time to interpret the dream literally and clear out the old trash from the closets. Pay attention to the people who will stop you from throwing away things that will never be useful to anyone in your life.

Find out why you need an old scarf and a set of planks, who needs skates of the wrong size, who will ski on wooden skis without bindings.

If people are absolutely not ready to think and want to keep the trash “what if it comes in handy” - beware of them and try to leave or transform this place.

Source: https://TayniyMir.com/sonnik/k-chemu-snitsya-mol.html

Mol: why do you dream, what does such a dream portend for a woman?

Why do you dream about moths? The appearance of moths in the house always means problems, because these invisible pests can significantly affect your wallet and nerves, ruining an expensive mink coat or other valuable woolen items, be it wardrobe items or furniture.

But here's the question. What to expect in the near future if a moth appeared to us in one form or another in a dream. Should we expect trouble or, on the contrary, profit? After all, the interpretation of dreams is a very indirectly proportional science, and something unpleasant seen in dreams does not always mean the realization of something bad in life.

General interpretation

But, alas, in to a greater extent The above does not apply to moths. Much, of course, depends on the context and circumstances in which we saw this harmful insect in a dream. But still, in most dream books, the appearance of a moth in a dream is explained as an omen of certain troubles, a streak of failures, unforeseen losses, and the like.

Even in ancient times, people, having seen a moth in a dream, prepared for all sorts of troubles and bad weather. For the farmer, this meant problems with the harvest. The businessman was preparing for trouble in financial matters. For a military man, a dream about a moth meant danger in military affairs.

Of course, we can say that belief in the interpretation of dreams is nothing more than a prejudice. Who knows... Perhaps it’s not for nothing that to this day there are many systems for interpreting human dreams, designed not only to entertain, but also to make our lives easier, conveying clues from the universe in time and warning us about what is coming in the future.

Miller's Dream Book

For example, Miller’s dream book is to this day the most authoritative of all known, considered a “classic of the genre.”

According to Miller’s interpretation of the dream book, the appearance of an insect such as a moth in a dream generally means certain changes in life. Which ones exactly depend on the details that accompany what you see. Most often, of course, these are changes for the worse.

If a moth sits on expensive clothing, this usually promises bad days in the near future.

A person must prepare to deal with problems in his personal life that are destined to arise and be ready to take the blow.

At the same time, we should not be afraid of a large number of moths on our clothes, since in this case we will not face a disagreement or troubles, but minor troubles that we should easily cope with.

If a woman dreams of a moth, this especially means that changes should be expected on the personal front. At the same time, a butterfly fluttering closer to the ceiling signals positive changes in your personal life. If moths eat your clothes, you should prepare for the worst.

This dream book also warns a person who sees a large accumulation of moths about the possible appearance of secret enemies in his life. Especially if insects flutter in the air in a flock. This promises pitfalls in business and possible betrayal.

But not always, according to Miller’s dream book, a moth seen in a dream can be considered a harbinger of trouble.

Attempts to kill a moth scurrying around the closet or flying around the room may mean, albeit associated with a considerable number of delays, but still the impending successful completion of affairs.

If in a dream we have to fight this insect pest, as in life, using aerosols, fumigators, laying out tansy that is unpleasant for moths and using other folk remedies, this means the possibility of minor joyful events in life, some unexpectedly pleasant short-lived emotions associated with little things.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Another popular dream book in our open spaces, published back in the 90s and never reprinted.

According to Academician Grishina, dreaming of moths, especially those eating clothes, can mean future expenses. At the same time, the dream book emphasizes that such spending will bring joy only if you buy new desired things.

Otherwise, if forced expenses are coming, this may mean the appearance in the life of a person who is unfavorable in materially a relative or an intrusive friend who will try to use you for his own purposes.

Vanga's Dream Book

According to the great soothsayer, who during her lifetime answered people’s questions about dreaming moths, the appearance of this insect in dreams can mean both minor troubles in life and success in business.

Dreaming of moth butterflies means good luck in financial affairs, especially if you managed to kill a large number of insects.

If a woman kills a large moth, this means possible success in her personal life. If the killed insect is small, you should be more careful with people in a group, someone is slandering you behind your back.

Esoteric dream book

Created by the philosopher and mystic Anopova, this dream interpreter gives the following interpretation of the appearance of these harmful insects in dreams.

According to Anopova, if a person saw a moth in his dream and tried to kill it, this may indicate that it is time to change something in his life. With the appearance of these butterflies in a dream, the cosmos gives us a hint, a signal that our life is meager and full of boredom. Lack of progress and movement forward is what the appearance of a moth in a dream means.

Loff's Dream Book

According to D. Loff’s interpretation, if a person dreams of a moth at night, it is, to a greater extent, good sign. This is an omen of the renewal of old friendships, getting rid of old problems and debts, success in work and business.

Dream book of the 21st century

The so-called newest dream book gives a fairly traditional interpretation of the appearance of these harmful butterflies in dreams.

When asked why moths are dreamed of, modern interpreter warns that business troubles may be around the corner. Family squabbles, troubles at work, losses in the home or business - you should be prepared to solve these problems if you see many flying butterflies of this insect in the house.

At the same time, killing insects is a good sign, meaning the crowning of hard work by solving many old problems, as well as gaining invaluable experience and skill in the process of solving them, which will help in the future not to repeat past mistakes.

OUR READERS RECOMMEND! To get rid of insects, our readers recommend Pest-Reject repeller. The operation of the device is based on the technology of electromagnetic pulses and ultrasonic waves! Absolutely safe, environmentally friendly product for humans and pets. Read more here...


Having worked like this interesting topic, as the interpretation of dreams, one can notice not only coincidences in the interpretations of this or that dream among different sources, but also certain discrepancies in the interpretation of what was dreamed.

In this article, we figured out what, according to experts of the past and present, the appearance of a moth in a dream can mean, and how the context and circumstances under which this butterfly appears to us in our night dreams influence the future.

Moths are a household pest known to everyone, so it is not surprising that one day a small butterfly may flutter into our sleep. Most dream books define this symbol as a negative sign, which indicates the machinations of enemies and other troubles. But at the same time, other sources recommend paying attention to the details of the dream, since in most cases the correct decoding will depend on them. Today we will try to explain as accurately as possible what moths dream about by referring to different dream books.

Dreaming with a moth? The dream book will tell you what this means!

Let's reveal popular dream books

If we consider the moth from the point of view of semiotics, or the doctrine of symbols, then this image represents the undisclosed side of the human subconscious. In other words, after such a dream a person will experience full disclosure of himself, his potential, getting rid of complexes, fears, and an increase in self-confidence. Many dream books claim that the most favorable dream is when a moth flies out of the darkness towards you, and it means quick self-knowledge.

Miller's Dream Book

First of all, we decided to look into the most authoritative publication, which is called Miller's Dream Book. And this is what it says about dreaming with a moth:

  • If a moth is flying around your house and you are trying in vain to catch it, then such a dream indicates paperwork on which you will spend a huge amount of time.
  • An unpleasant discovery in the form of clothes damaged by flying insects indicates personal troubles - a serious quarrel with a loved one is possible.
  • If in a dream you are going to purchase chemicals against moths, then such a dream symbolizes short-term joy, followed by disappointments and losses.

Esoteric dream book

The esoteric dream interpreter, which was created by the philosopher and mystic Elena Anopova, is also able to give several explanations for the dream of a moth.

  • Winged insects are a symbol of old imperfections that haunt you and thereby prevent you from moving forward.

    Advice! You need to try to free yourself from obsessive thoughts, let go of the past and look boldly into the future. Old attachments and habits are just a burden, freeing yourself from which you can straighten your shoulders and make a worthy leap forward! Act boldly, freshly, in a new way and you will succeed!

  • Seeing a moth in a dream and trying to catch it - such a dream indicates that you will soon return to your old activities. And the reason for it all is boredom and lack of progress in your life.

Newest dream book

A modern dream book of the 21st century interprets a dream about a moth as follows:

  • Killing insects is a good sign. Such a dream suggests that soon you will finally find the cause of all the troubles in the family and numerous quarrels. This knowledge will later bring peace to your home and protect you from adversity.
  • If there are a lot of moths flying around your apartment, then the 21st century dream book calls such a dream unfavorable. He talks about the approach of bad events - losses, troubles in the family, evil jealousy between lovers.

Folk signs and beliefs

Our grandmothers interpret dreams about insects in most cases as profit. But insects are different from insects, so if you dreamed of a moth, then this does not bode well. According to popular beliefs, the appearance of this pest in a dream is a bad sign and indicates the emergence of ill-wishers and enemies who will entangle your life with squabbles and gossip.

Note! But even in this case, a dream about a moth can be beneficial - having learned what it means, you can protect yourself from impending troubles, identify enemies, avoid the harm that will come from them, reconsider your actions and draw the right conclusions!

But before interpreting your dream, you need to remember it in detail. After all, as mentioned above, the decoding will depend on the details and development of the event.

  • A moth sitting on a carpet symbolizes a parasite. Someone is taking advantage of your kindness and trying to live at your expense.

    Advice! Pay attention to the people who surround you, review your list of friends - this way you can identify the parasite. This dream allows you to free yourself from unnecessary burdens and make your life easier!

  • If insects fly around you, then such a dream warns of gossip. Someone is spreading rumors about you, false ones at that, and this significantly denigrates your person in the eyes of others.
  • Pests in an apartment are a symbol of disagreements in the family, which will result in quarrels.

    Advice! Be reasonable and control yourself, don’t let your emotions break out - this is the only way you can maintain peace in your home!

  • Killing an insect in a dream is a very good sign. Such a dream symbolizes getting rid of enemies and ill-wishers. Don't be afraid of anything.
  • If there are a lot of moths, then you have envious people, and if you provoke them, you will get into serious trouble.
  • Fighting insects using various means is a sign of getting rid of evil. And if in a dream you managed to destroy pests, then in reality everything will go well for you.

As you can see, a dream about a moth in most cases does not foretell good events or any special joy. But even despite this, such dreams are positive in nature - they warn you of impending troubles, help you draw the right conclusions and avoid disappointments. Don't be upset when you see a moth in your dream! On the contrary, take night dreams into your arsenal and be bolder and more attentive - this is the only way you will be able to prevent evil.

There are various ancient beliefs and signs, and among them there are many related to the interpretation of dreams.

Often mothers and grandmothers interpret dreams with confidence, saying that wedding dress- a very bad symbol, fish - for pregnancy, and insects - for money. But this is not always the case! Today there are reliable interpreters who will help you understand and get an accurate answer.

Insects are different and can mean different things. In particular, moths are a pest, and dreams involving them do not bode well. Dream books designate this harmful creature as a symbol of hidden harm, ill-wishers and gossip - but do not be scared when you see something like this.

After all, having learned what moths are dreaming of, you can identify your enemies and avoid harm from them, find out where the danger comes from, reconsider your behavior and draw the right conclusions. Before you ask the dream book why you dream of a moth, remember the details. Scenarios can be different:

  • Just seeing a moth in your dreams.
  • Found on carpet.
  • She flies around the room.
  • Found in the house.
  • Sits on clothes, in the closet.
  • See moth marks.
  • Spoils things, eats wool.
  • Pray a lot in your sleep.
  • Catch her in a dream.
  • Kill, slam.
  • Treat clothing or carpet with moth repellent.
  • Put on a fur coat and notice that it has been eaten by moths.
  • Buy a remedy against it.

Such completely everyday dreams are actually serious and carry important symbols. So be careful - the dream book will give important advice, which you should listen to.

See with my own eyes

Let's look at dreams in which you just saw this harmful creature. What does the interpreter say?

1. As the dream book says, a moth in dreams is a symbol of groundless jealousy, which should be avoided. This feeling can ruin a good relationship.

2. Seeing it on the carpet is a sign of the presence of a parasite, a parasite. It is worth discovering it and getting rid of unnecessary troubles and burdens.

3. A moth that flies in a dream speaks of the danger of gossip and lies about you. You should be more careful and take care of your reputation.

4. Finding a pest in the house is a symbol of quarrels in the family. Prudence and tolerance towards loved ones will help you avoid conflicts.

5. If the insect just sits, it means that in reality you have old unfinished business that does not allow you to move forward. Finish them, bring them to an end - and move on to the fulfillment of new plans.

6. Seeing traces of an insect in your dreams is a sign that your excessive attachment to the past binds you and prevents you from moving towards your happiness. Let go of the past, move on!

7. If you find in a dream how she spoils things, then in reality an unkind and unpleasant person, an imaginary friend, will impose itself on you. Be attentive and selective in your communication.

8. A lot of moths in dreams is a symbol of secret envious people who should be avoided. Do not get involved in conflicts and do not provoke your enemies, be modest.

Active actions

If you not only saw a moth from the outside, but also did something, these dreams have a different character, but are also warning dreams. Remember what you did in the dream - your actions will help interpret the dream.

1. As the dream book indicates, the moth that you stubbornly tried to catch with your hands is a direct indication of your return to old activities, probably out of boredom. But it’s worth doing something new, making new plans and going towards them!

2. Did you kill the moth in the dream itself? Do not be afraid of any rivals or enemies, they will not harm you. Nothing threatens you!

3. If you treated various fabrics, fur, carpets, clothes from these pests in your dream, your prudence and wisdom in reality will certainly help you avoid enemies and any evil. You are doing everything right, no doubt about it.

4. If in your dreams you put on a coat, dress or fur coat and found moth holes, a lie or betrayal will be revealed to you. This truth will be unpleasant, but thanks to it you will avoid disappointment.

5. Buying anti-moth remedies in a dream means that in reality you will experience the joy of your own strength, freedom and courage! You are not afraid of enemies, the truth is on your side - enjoy it, and do not change your principles!

Dreams with moths do not foretell joy, but they are very useful - after all, they will help you draw the right conclusion, avoid making mistakes and not be disappointed. Don’t be upset, but be more attentive, wiser and braver - and you won’t be afraid of any evil! Author: Vasilina Serova