The most truthful fortune telling for a partner and a triangle. Online fortune telling “Love triangle” on cards: fast and free

Hello dear tarot readers! Help me deal with this situation, namely, we met a man, he is single, a widower, according to the sign of Taurus, there were plans, and then the attitude changed, there were no conflicts, quarrels or swearing and there was less communication. I'm divorced, Scorpio. I asked the cards why we stopped communicating and what to do to restore the relationship. S- king of wands, 1- horseman of wands, 2- ace of wands, 3-7 swords, 4- moon, 5-8 denarii, 6-2 cups, 7- 6 swords.

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Hello dear Cheshire! I was very impressed by your comments, I ask you to help me with the interpretation. I’m at a crossroads, so much so that it’s tearing me apart, I can’t drag this story on any further, I’m up to my neck in a swamp
My husband is an Aries, my beloved married man is a Libra, I am a Libra. Fifth year in the quadrangle... although the wife there, even if she knows, pretends that nothing is happening. I don’t have the strength to torment myself by deceiving my husband, I don’t love him, but as a person he is close to me and I have feelings, I need to leave, but the fear that I’m making a mistake gets in the way; on the other hand, I understand that I can no longer live with him. She asked how to get out of the situation, to put an end to it?
S-Knight of Cups
1-5 cups
2-ace of wands
3rd Queen of Wands
6-8 cups
7-9 cups
I would appreciate your help!

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PLEASE TELL ME. Will we make peace with the pier? by a person, if it rolls:
1. Strength
2.jack of pent.
3. 9 cu.
4. 3 rods
5. Jester
6. Devil
7. Sun

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Hello, dear Cheshire! According to my horoscope, I am a Scorpio, the man is a Libra. It seems to me that the feelings were mutual, and plans for a life together.
We quarreled, but without scandals or insults, but somehow strongly. We don't communicate.
I made a layout, judging by 10 swords, there is no chance? Several months have passed, has he got another one?
I would be very grateful if you look at my schedule.
S - 6 cups
1. Priest
2. 8 swords
3. 3 of wands
4. Queen of Wands
5. Queen of Cups
6. 10 swords
7. Empress

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Hello Cheshire. Will we make peace with the pier? a person? He provoked a quarrel, but she spoke from the heart.
S. 5 cu.
1, court
2.7 wand.
3. 4 days
5. 7 cu.
6. Peace
7. 3 cubic meters
Thank you

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Hello! We started communicating with the man, but he suddenly disappeared! After a while I wrote to him, he answers, but I’m texting about nothing... I asked why this happened and what to do next?
1.knight of cups
2.king of denarii
3.two denarii
4.five of cups
5. Six of Cups
6.ace of denarii
7.king of wands
Thank you!

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Dear Cheshire, I ask for help. Things don't work out with my husband family life. So today again we didn’t say nasty things to each other. It's heading towards divorce. I asked the cards why it doesn’t work and how to fix it?
Cards dropped:
S jack of denarii
1 queen of cups
2 king of swords
3 king of cups
4 king of denarii
5 hermit
6 priestess
7 tower
I'm a Scorpio, he's a Gemini. I don’t have any men, although I haven’t had an intimate relationship with my husband for almost a year
We have Small child and two girls from my first marriage
I don’t want a divorce, I want to improve our relationship, but we don’t understand each other

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Good afternoon, I asked the cards if my husband and I will overcome our alienation and become closer. Now we have separated, we live separately, his mother influences him, I think. And not together, and not apart. Please help me fight.
S 2 of Pentacles
1,2 - King of Wands, Ace of Pentacles
3.4 - Sun, Abstinence
5.6 - Empress, Priestess
7 - 6 cups.

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Hello, dear Cheshire! It's me again, "the princess who fights for the prince with the dragon." I allowed myself to make another arrangement. My man returned from his family and on Sunday I went to see him. I returned yesterday, waited a day and laid it out. So far there have been no external changes. No news. On the contrary, everything seemed to be exactly the same on his part. I no longer read the correspondence with the other one, specifically to save my nerves and not get emotional. I don’t even know what they have there and how. But at the same time, I understand that I can’t be completely ignorant either, because I still feel depressed and uncertain. And now I see the catch in his every action. For example, he was accompanying me in the evening, some messages arrived, and it was clear that he was in a hurry, as if his thoughts were no longer with me, that he was at least planning to call her... That is. It turns out that by waiting and not fighting the “mills” I am wasting away, stressing myself out and not being happy with what I have.

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Please watch me again, if possible, maybe something new will become clearer? It’s hard for me to decide how to behave... I’m confused, even somehow beaten down.
S Court
1 Strength
2 8 Denariev
3 ace of cups
4 Jack Denariev
5 3 of wands
6 10 swords
7 Queen of Swords
And thanks again! These days I have comprehended all your words).

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Dear Cheshire! You are already like a member of the family for our couple, we are very grateful to you and Regina for your advice. My other half fulfilled your request with the amulet and it helped me! The sensations are not ordinary: pain, etc. as if frozen. Thanks a lot!

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Thank you! It's too early for you to stop. Alex, you are completely weakened. Even your spirit helper cannot help you. Very big loss of energy. The Spirit protected you and gave you strength in the face of obstacles and injustice around you, and gave impetus to development. But now he can't cope. Although this is your luck in the flesh. Now you need to gain strength and continue moving, but without stubbornness and fanaticism. As for the amulet: as I said. You cannot live with Regina on a permanent basis now, otherwise the wall will collapse and all your actions will be in vain. If you are alone, you will recharge again and there will be no craving for alcohol.

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Thank you! I’m on duty anyway: two through one with her. I understand about energy. Not much about the spirit. Get well!

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The weather is not kind, the load on the cardiovascular system is noticeable. Both of you should really clean up. Where is your missus? Ask her: today I can make a schedule for the next 3 months about her helping spirit and how to further help ourselves. List what is interesting. The layouts have become quite similar on this site. And your case is unique in my practice, considering Manara. Well, very interesting!

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Hello, dear Cheshire! Please tell me the schedule. I like one man, we see each other occasionally at work. I asked if it would be possible to get to know him better (I don’t know anything about him).
S - 6 wands
1. 3 denarii
2. King of Wands
3. Emperor
4. Death
5. Ace of Wands
6. 9 denarii
7. Chariot
Maybe it’s important, I’m single, I recently broke up with a man, I was in a frivolous relationship. Thanks in advance for your answer!

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Actually, I don’t see any serious prospects for you to build a relationship right now. The man also had a “barrier” passed life path. Relatively recently. The man is conservative in many aspects. He, and you actually, need to survive the death of the past. And from the situation itself, there is no confidence that you personally know what you want. We haven’t decided for ourselves yet. You can communicate, learn too, but understand yourself and your goals. The man is serious, don't play on his feelings.

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Thank you for watching!) I know what I want, but I don’t know it at all. Of course I won’t play, I’m also quite conservative! In general, it seems to me that you saw correctly, perhaps that’s why I paid attention to him, that he is serious and intelligent. It's a pity that no development is visible.

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Dear Cheshire.
Decipher the layout. I have known the man for a long time. Really like. It seems to me that he is not indifferent to me either. We trample and trample. I asked why we don’t move on to sensual relationships. Shall we move on?
1. Jack of Cups
2. 4 denars.
3. justice
4. Mage
5.6 wands
6. Lovers
7. Strength
S. 8 denarii
Maybe he has a woman?

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The woman did not fall out even after 5 attempts. The man himself is very sensual, vulnerable, sometimes even a dreamer. Don't rush. you walked the right way in relation to him by the Force. Don’t turn around and rush like a Soviet tank into the German trenches! The prospects are good. But don’t expect him to be wow, what a leader. He can pretend, but nothing more. You will move on to deep feelings if you hear my advice.

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Dear Cheshire! Please help me deal with the schedule.
I asked the cards: “Will my loved one and I be a couple again?”
Cards dropped: s. Lovers, 1. 3 Cups, 2. 6 Denarii, 3. Horseman of Wands, 4. 9 Denarii, 5. Moon, 6. Queen of Denarii, 7. Priest
We had very a good relationship, we sincerely loved each other and understood each other almost without words, I still believe that we should be together, it’s as if we were made for each other. But there was a serious disagreement, each blamed the other, and then, to spite me, my boyfriend started an affair, now it’s as if they broke up, but this girl persistently seeks the attention of my loved one.

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We gradually began to communicate, but MCH takes such small steps forward so that no one can accuse him of taking them at all. Whether he wants to be with me again is simply unclear.
I'm generally in trouble. On the one hand, my pride is terribly hurt by his demarche, but on the other hand, I’m afraid of losing him, I’m sure that everything can still be improved.
Tell me, what do the cards say? Maybe I'm hoping in vain? Or maybe, on the contrary, you need to show your feelings more actively?
No one is married, I am a Leo, my MCH is a Virgo.
Help! I really hope for you!

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You've clearly overexerted yourself. According to the cards, you personally want a relationship and continuation of the relationship. They are in a romantic mood. You dissolve too much in your man, and meanwhile he continues to deceive you on the Moon. The lady of denarii with the priest foretells that a woman will help you make a fair decision. You need to cool down and think for yourself: do you need a person who lies to you even now, or not. I didn’t see any coincidence in the affair with the girl who was pursuing him, sorry.

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Dear Cheshire, hello! Please comment.
We quarreled with MCH and said we were breaking up.

After the conversation, he finally put an end to it. And according to the maps... It's gloomy.
What should I do to have a happy relationship with him?
S 4 Denariev
1. Ace of Wands
2. Jack of Swords
3. Peace
4. 8 Denariev
5. 5 swords
6. Star
7. 3 of swords
Thank you.

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Hello, Cheshire, I would be grateful for your help, I can’t understand how to act anymore. The situation is this: after a divorce, my personal life doesn’t work out... if someone is dating, it’s without serious intentions. I asked a question... why am I alone, what should I do to improve personal life? S3 of Wands, 1. Magician, 2. Strength, 3. Judgment, 4. Horseman of Wands, 5. Star, 6.2 of Cups, 7.6 of Wands

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I just know one MCH, it seems to me that he is suitable for me for a relationship, but he hasn’t shown much interest. What should I do with him or is it just my illusions? Rider of Cups, 1.7 cups, 2. Hermit, 3. Wheel of Fortune, 4.9 denarii, 5 .Court, 6.9swords, 7.Priest

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Sorry, but I will concede this interpretation to other tarot readers. I do not work with mistresses or those who take up tarot for fun. You pick people like cucumbers on a counter. Suitable or not suitable for life. Here's your main problem. I don't work with such arrangements. I respect love.

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Thank you for your answer, but I’m not a lover, I also respect feelings, that’s why I’ve been alone for a long time and it’s very difficult and lonely for me. And I don’t want to enter into a relationship with married people, although there is interest on their part. That’s why I turned to you for help and Tarot.

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I want to say that this is not idle interest... but the question is whether it is worth taking the initiative and developing the relationship or is it all empty and he is simply not interested in me. Or will there be another disappointment?

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Cheshire, I have a very serious request to ask of you. Can you consider my situation? I didn’t consciously find myself drawn into a love triangle. I didn't know about this at all. And that's not the problem either. I don't need anything from anyone from them. I know everything now what is happening, although my fault here is relative. I'm worried: is this woman doing something to me? My life is just starting to get better - once and again something happens. And again there is a wall to climb. Why does she blame me? What's the point of this?

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That is, why blame me, I more or less know. Although for me personally it’s complete nonsense, but I’m not her competition - I don’t need anything from them.

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Why did I even cross paths with her: 1. King of Swords 1. 2 Swords 2. 3 Swords 3. 10 Swords 4. 3 Denarii 5. Star 6. Death 7. Peace
Everything that came from her was just a lie. It would have been better to never have known her at all.

Why did I even cross paths with him: Temperance 1. Queen of Denarii 2. Queen of Cups 3. 10 Denarii 4. 2 of Wands 5. Priestess 6. Sun 7. Empress

I feel like I’m pulling everyone out. My husband's life is difficult. This one I don’t even really know. And also somehow in between. Nothing just falls from the sky either.

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I have never had lovers. I will add so that there are no misunderstandings. In fact, nothing happened to the man at all. I didn’t explain, I thought the tarot reader would understand everything on its own, what’s what and what’s the matter and what is my role there. There was an emotional connection to both. But there’s probably no point in explaining any more.

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For my husband
S 10 wands 1. 6 wands 2. 10 denarii 3. 2 cups 4. 4 denarii 5. 2 denarii 6. hermit 7. knight denarii

With my husband it’s the same thing again every time. There is no more strength. Everything seems to be fine, but now there’s a problem again and again it’s my fault, a child who doesn’t understand. It's small, don't care. Everyone is to blame. Like his mother. He pretends for years that there are no problems, just like his parents, and then someone is to blame - usually me and my son. He withdraws into himself and I procrastinate because he has problems.
I met this man, with whom it’s just calm and, in principle, enough. Maybe he doesn’t have anything like that for me. I thought maybe there was some meaning to what I met. And then there’s this one, who turns out to have grandiose plans for him and is working intensively on them. It was she, and it was with him. She is a person who knew about my life and pretended to be worried. But in fact, he’s waiting for me to stretch my legs. What should I do in all this situation?

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They are very belligerent towards you. However, the fault is yours. You don’t seem to be a lover, but you got into a relationship. Leave this couple, and especially the men, alone. There is no magical effect on you.

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Thank you, dear Cheshire, for your help. Only we don’t communicate, not quietly, and haven’t crossed paths in any way for a year. Communication at the level of hello / bye / how were you - too little for guilt or advice to leave alone: ​​and so everything is alone. So it’s generally dangerous to communicate with anyone. Who knows? The fact that she hates me can only be if he has feelings for me. There is no other meaning.
It's not that simple with my husband. If you looked at what the problem is, you would understand in what fear I have lived in recent years.

Good luck to you

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Dear Cheshire! Here, as you said yesterday, I laid out on my chosen one cool head. I tried to remove my emotions. The only thing I miss is him. He went to the dacha to visit his sister and her family. He doesn’t take me to his family. S Jack of Wands, 1 9 Wands, 2 Jack of Denariev, 3 8 Denarius, 4 Empress 5 Ace of Swords, 6 Priest 7 10 Swords

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I mistyped, I apologize - 10 wands, not 10 swords.

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I can't get a clear answer. Your throwing is getting in the way. This trip was an adventure. He has a defensive position. It seems that there they will “read” to him about what he is doing wrong. And wait for news. The man is going through financial changes. The relative will put pressure, but the result will be the opposite. Your relationship will begin to improve, although you will expect more. Moving in small steps is also movement. Do not demand a radical solution to the issue. And if you want one, then get ready for a serious choice: either you or the rest. And accept it. I don't like this. You are fighting windmills.

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I'm ready in small steps. I’ve been moving with him in these steps for a long time. I won't push. Will wait. I'll accept. It was only with him that I learned to do this. I will try to learn to enjoy little things. Please explain what exactly you don’t like - my throwing around or something about our relationship? Windmills are my throwing, apparently. Yes, I am like that. I'm fighting with myself out of nowhere. And I’ll add about the influence of relatives. IN New Year For some reason they also had a disagreement, I left them earlier, and first I went wrong, I thought about dealing with me. I don’t understand in what way they are putting pressure on him... He is dissatisfied with his job regarding finances and is thinking about changing things. I want to understand him, support him, but I’m like a blind kitten myself)
Thank you for showing up!

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I give up everything halfway. Even your own marriage and business. It’s as if I’m “jumping” when the hardest part is already behind me and I just need to be patient, develop and multiply. I want to change with him. First, I’ll calm down and stop rushing about. Don't disappear please

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I don't like his condition. The jester falls out all the time. Yes, you just have to pay for it. These throwing around the rivals, your desire to fight with them and win... You are like a princess who fights with a dragon for the hand of a prince. A very wrong position, even slightly comical. A relationship in which a woman fights against other women, while a man looks at himself in the mirror and powders his nose, is not healthy. Will change jobs successfully. It will be better. And you should meet your relatives. There hazy story. It will have a great effect on your attitude towards a man.

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I fight, that's my character. Only before I was open in other relationships, aggressively, but now under the guise of gentleness. Literally until the beginning of this year, I had not fought with my rivals. He never hid the fact that we were not serious. That communicates with exes. But he said that he only has a physical permanent connection with me. Therefore, every time the door closed behind him or me, I mentally tried to let him go. At that time, he was the one who proposed a more or less stable relationship. I came from another city, never empty-handed. Then he bought an apartment and started calling me over. He gave me shelter and comfort, at least for the duration of the meetings. And this friend showed up as a friend. Moved back to hometown. And I saw all his correspondence, which I had previously tried not to read. And all this when they began to get closer, when they spent almost all the winter holidays together, when on weekends she already lived with him for 3 days. Those. gave in and got it right away))

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And among my relatives I only introduced him to my cousin. And then, my brother was the initiator. His parents have already died, he loves his family, but I feel something hidden. They are not on good terms with their brother.

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I understand that if I want to get closer to him and move to another level, I still have to learn a lot, and not necessarily pleasant things, and accept. But the main question is: Is it worth it? Is a fruitful result possible? Or have you decided to move forward no matter what? If we put aside rivals, stereotypes, ideas of “how it should be,” what people will say, then I feel good with him. Is it true. He teaches me one thing, I teach another. I can feel it. And then doubts kick in and I start to rush: maybe I’ll run away and leave everything... That’s it

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Cheshire, Good morning. You mentioned us. It’s interesting about karmic nodes. And, about take care at night it was written. Alex saw it, but didn’t save the screenshots. Everything has disappeared. I overslept. If possible, please duplicate!

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Answered below. Regina, I am more and more surprised by you. Get rid of the fool already. You are you. As long as you drag garbage into your life, the result will be zero.

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I want to take a nettle broom and flog you, forgive me for my impulse and directness. What kind of whims? You want large-scale changes, to be at least an equal in the family, and even better, the head, but you behave like a girl in adolescence. The higher the goal, the greater the sacrifice. The more force you need to put in. I laid everything out for you, gave advice, and you are back to your old ways. You are standing in the same place. The future has not been brought closer, you are fighting with Alex, instead of helping, you are looking around and interfering with third parties. Even I'm tired of you, Regina. Take care of yourself.

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Knot 1-death on water, 2-3death by fire, 3-death by poison (poisoning), 4-execution by hanging, 5-death by the sword of the enemy, 6-execution by beheading (like John the Baptist), 7-present embodiment. And all because of you, Regina. You either killed him yourself, a very vivid picture of taking a chalice of poison. Grief, pain and awareness of your death. A very persistent person. You are tied to death. It's as if you are trying to destroy him. And return again and destroy again. Your soul was cleansed after your knight left for Space. You have exhausted his soul. You told the higher powers that you understood everything and are ready for it. And again, healthy. Everything started from the beginning. Moreover, it’s like everything at once. There was already a problem with water, fire and poison on your part. It’s not those you connect yourself with, and that’s why you can’t connect with him. You are not ready and do not want to change this. I'm looking for the reason. A little bit later.

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The answer was simple: a karmic connection with another. I assume that at the time of Alex’s appearance in your incarnations, you had a husband. Wedding ceremony. You were attracted to another man when he first appeared. It’s bad with you even without you. He chose you and died. When I first saw him, I saw him as a tall blond man with broad shoulders and light eyes, about 35 years old, wearing a white and red robe. Full of strength, with a grin on his lips. And now he stands in jeans and a stretched-out T-shirt, clutching something in his hand, well over 50 with obvious gray hair, dried out. The hand is strong, although thin. His face is scarred and deeply wrinkled, tired and for some reason brown-haired with dark eyes. I think this is what scared Alex himself in the vision. Then there was fire from heaven, and now there is a smoldering flame. Tired, very tired of fighting for you. Doesn't see the point anymore. The cosmos calls him back.

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There was no wedding. I deliberately refused this. I don’t know how important this fact is now.
Tell him, there is no need to fight for me, it’s enough for him not to push me away and not look for cons in me. There are flaws, yes. But the main thing is the desire to Be and Do. I can do a lot, but I want to do it. I would like to give you a hand. And then, like a first-grader, they beat me on the hand with a ruler because I didn’t learn the multiplication table. I'm not complaining. Apparently I'm really stupid.

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He is afraid of. And this fear arises again and again. Now, having read about the 7th node, I understand where the fear comes from. What was the reason for me to kill him in these incarnations and in this one? I tried with reason and persuasion and a pause for a while. Nothing helps. Fear blinds him. He pushes away again and again. Perhaps I am funny in my stupidity and as it was written in inaction. But, I’d better get together here. It may not be too late yet.
He has a fear of choosing. Be with me. And I have an insane fear of being abandoned. And the more afraid I am, the more often this happens. He is running. Constantly. Always. Accusing me of a mistake, a deed, or vice versa of something I didn’t do. This is actually a struggle between two fears. He thinks I'm not ready. For what? To a choice, to live life together? I feel like I wasn't chosen.

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You once wrote Mouse Fuss. This is so true. All our problems and clarifications are the result of a mouse. It's not a problem! I repeat, strong fears. He doesn't trust. He double-checks everything. He checks my words and facts. I am catastrophically afraid of this loss. I can leave a lot. He's gone. Every escape on his part is like falling out of a plane without a parachute for me. Hold it in any way. Here's the point in my head. It's mind-numbing. Hence all the jambs.

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There was no need to lie to him and he would not have started checking. If you plant a seed of doubt, it will definitely sprout. You lied, a chain reaction began and you are surprised that he does not believe you anymore. I repeat: you cannot deceive him. He senses lies. If you are not ready to bear responsibility, if you are not ready for honesty, if you are not satisfied with Alex as a person, let him go. You've done this before. Everyone around you and you yourself are exhausted. You choose the path that you have. You can't handle relationships. You can step aside. Begin new search. In principle, you have opportunities. The influence will wash away from Alex and you will go your separate ways. At least it will be easier emotionally. Yes, you will lose your half, you will again admit defeat to the Cosmos, but there will be no more storms. There will be a lot of men and everyone will run away from you, except ex-husband. Perhaps it will be easier for you. Restore the family.

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I don't want to lose. I don't want anyone else or the former. I chose. From the age of 16 I knew what I was waiting for and who.
Help. Please

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It turns out that Alex and I common soul. My and his fears are rejection of ourselves. Until death. He cannot forgive me for what he essentially rooted out in himself long ago, because he does not accept it. What happens if souls merge into one? What then? It turns out that behind the fairy tale about the only one who will come on a white horse and save me, at the age of 16, I did not discern a more serious reality. It is clear that the task is to connect, but the connection must have a purpose. What's next?

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In Plato's myth about androgynes it is said that it was their souls that were divided in half. And them only wish always be together, never be separated, and die together as one death for two.
And that this, the third gender, the gods feared for their strength and power. Therefore they divided it in half.
Does this mean that it is possible to live the last incarnation here in love and joy? And die in 1 day?
Then I don’t understand Alex’s fear of running. And why Regina in all incarnations was the cause of death.
It is logical to assume that we need to overcome these fears. Alex choose and stay, and should I let him go?
Am I talking nonsense?

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You are wandering in three pines. I wrote everything to you. About everything. She said: go, take a new watch, talk, put it on Alex, then go and implement the option that suits you. Things, Regina, don't get done on their own.

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Regina, I’m not talking about the current incarnation! And about the very first thing. You are duplicating it. You built this relationship from the beginning. And the lady of swords, who appeared in your current incarnation and is the first legitimate husband from the first incarnation. Alex knows and instinctively fights the Queen of Swords. Like the Queen of Swords and Alex. Please understand correctly. Your understanding of others is incorrect.

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This is the same case that I described yesterday: we have many paths in Fate, many options true love. In your case, you met a person who is destined for you, but almost simultaneously with him someone with whom you have the same soul. You chose Alex, but in the end you ended up with the person with whom it was right to stay in your opinion. The trace of this person, that is, the legal husband, is also in this incarnation. I can't interpret it correctly. It turns out to be nonsense according to manara. Again, the very person you have to say goodbye to if you leave the territory of the Russian Federation falls out. This is why there is probably a choice between them. They fought again for you. The time frame is very old. It was difficult to change anything. So all the knots got twisted, and now there’s no way out. You should cut them down, but you just don’t dare. You are looking for a debt for him, but you yourself have been in debt for a long time. Ask your soul: it remembers everything. Tossing about as before. She knows him, she recognized him. Space has a very strict schedule, remember this.

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Cheshire, dear, dear Alex, there is no one to fight with! Understand. I already said, there is no one else. Look carefully. Could there be something else there?

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I looked at everything from all sides. You have a repeat of the original state of affairs. The Queen of Swords met Alex. If he leaves Russia, the conflict will flare up and you will have to choose. Again. Between the person who was your destiny and the one with whom you have a common soul. I'm afraid the circle has closed. I can’t understand how you got this story. Two ladies were pulled in. When the ladies of swords left, Alex came. That is, he was finally embodied. But I don't insist. This is my vision, you don't have to accept it.

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About the lady. And a conflict with choice at home. We can only talk about a childhood friend. But are they rivals? Alex is Alex's friend is a friend. The choice is obvious. Alex is in his place. She, if she wants, has her own way. We had a lot with her, over many decades. Everything will work out. But, Alex and her. What's the choice? To each his own. Moreover, I spoke to her today. She approves of Alex and is sincerely happy for us.

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Are you kidding me? I know which one is which. Your friend was not your friend before. And in this incarnation the “joy” is superficial. I explained everything to you: who was who and what started and how. What should you do, how and why. You can't see it point blank. I am already beginning to doubt your sincerity and desire to understand and hear me. You are somehow inverting or misunderstanding.

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Cheshire! Your messages to Regina have disappeared. If it’s not difficult, repeat, otherwise she’s not calm.

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Yes, here it is not necessary to repeat, but to radically change the advice. Regina, why are you breaking the relationship? Why do you tell fortunes on others and under a different name? You cannot show idle interest. Power doesn't like that. And you can’t sit on several chairs. Not good... You can’t let go of your husband, you offended Alex, and someone else is interested in you. It doesn't come out nicely. At night I gave advice on how to make a talisman for Alex, but I see that it’s useless now. Alex made a talisman for you. He's even trying to protect you now. You yourself have attracted everything that is available. I described that Alex is like a shepherd, a leader of fanatics, but now without his flock. But this does not mean that he ceased to be one. You insulted him. Again third parties.

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Public censure is much worse for you than losing your boy. So we lost it. Did it turn out better? Why aren't you happy? Why are you bringing your husband back into your relationship? Why are you guessing? Why are you lying to your musical boy? He feels everything very much. You won’t fool him, you have one soul for both of you. The fool fell on the extra card. I gave in to him. This came from my mother. I need to get my thoughts in order. The stupidity needs to stop. You are acting like a mad horse right now.
There is a very powerful thing next to you. Alex owns it. He gave something in an impulse and now it protects you. As if he had transferred part of his soul. Intuitively, with pure thoughts. The thing was conspired for protection by a not bad specialist. The boy knows about this. He knows everything about this thing. Therefore, there are fewer consequences for you. Alex's thing and Alex himself protect you.

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You should now be the calmer link in the pair, but you too were carried away like a mare in a field. But spears are flying at him, which is not surprising. Not only do mom and husband break it, but you also increase the impact. You can't live without it. You live their lives and carry them into yours. Yes, it just flies off your shoulders and hits Alex. Almost killed me the other day. The danger was mortal. Everything would be great for you, yes, great. You don’t understand that you will kill a person like this again, by the way. You are controlled for this purpose. Don’t attract negativity, fight and help it. Like a sponge, it washes away from you and, by the way, from your daughter. And you are not grateful... It's a shame. If you experience an impact on yourself, put on something from Alex, it will become easier. Alex, we saw the vision. Try to accept. This is unchangeable.

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Cheshire, that's not fair. I know about the dangers of idle interest. After the meeting in court, I feel everything. And it seemed that I was holding the defense effectively. Alex is freaking out, I'm trying to extinguish his outbursts. There are no third parties and there cannot be any. Why aren’t you writing about me today? Or I'm not myself. I really don't understand. Like in a cocoon.

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Everything is more than fair. It's high time you were shaken up. Voz is still there. I gave you 3 options, you follow the last one. Wait for the water to flow from the underlying stone. And you make the situation worse. To destroy third parties, as Lyudmila Prokofyevna said, in famous movie. Once you’ve leveled out the emotional background, go and buy a wearable item that Alex can’t take off (watch, pendant, etc. that is worn regularly), speak to it or moisten it with holy water and let him wear it. The main thing is that the thing should be from the heart, with passion. It doesn’t have to be expensive, on the contrary, it shouldn’t be too conspicuous. And you start working to achieve results: action. Only through official means will you be able to resolve your issues. Don't attract trash anymore.

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Don't stress. It's a waste of time. It's already reset there. I don't understand about the vision. The dream was strange in the morning. Even scary. But this is not a vision. This is a piece of the past. With some edits.

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Regina's choice is Regina's choice. He who wants to hear will hear, but he who does not will will shut his ears. You weren't dreaming. This is exactly the vision. Between the worlds: real and cosmic. Everything you saw is true. Accept it. This is you. You denied this for a long time, tried to be an ordinary person, because those around you do not accept this and turn away, pretending that this does not exist. In the end, the truth stood right in front of your face. You have grown old. Dried very quickly. Did that scare you that much? Dust yourself off, perk up and reclaim your former glory. Youth cannot be returned, but strength is quite possible. Believe your dreams. They give hints. Accept your loneliness.

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I heard everything. Thank you. As Alex said, no brains. I agree. Sorry for the spam.

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When you come to your senses, I will talk to you. You adult woman, and worse is a child. If you realize, there will be development, but if you don’t realize, this is already a conscious choice. Alex, I feel sorry for you. Death is following you. On the one hand, the vision speaks of the importance of accepting oneself, and on the other, seeing a copy of oneself bad sign. Be careful. Try to refrain from rash actions. Even from icicles there is a danger to you. And be careful with Regina. She can be switched and she will try to harm you, I think you understand what I mean. Don't blame her, it's not her. She is working on a program to destroy her rivals. By any means.

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Working out the program should disappear with the removal of the love spell. I found a man. Another. Will she help me with this matter?

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I looked about the new witch. A woman knows how to impress and keep the situation under control. But according to the moon, you yourself understand that its actions are deception and quackery. All her actions will be based on rationality, that is, based solely on your reactions. This is just psychology and an attempt to introduce a placebo. Your goal: getting rid of enemies and a constant feeling of fear, as well as the Last Judgment card - completing the stage. You are sure that the situation will resolve itself with the removal of the negative program. Regina, that's not true! I told you so!!! You will not defeat them by returning the negativity and removing it from yourself. It's even, perhaps, final stage. Feathers are cleaned before flight to ensure good flight.

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Understood. I'll leave it aside. And not with her. Thank you.

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You even know who to contact. If you want to remove the program, contact someone who knows the sorcerer who cast the program. But don't talk about it. The woman will give you information. Wait. It's not time yet. You are in a period of active protection. And watch yourself. Take action in a different direction. And during this, you will remember a woman who knows who to turn to. A blonde about your age, maybe a little younger than you. You have a connection with her on a secret level. She knows someone who will help you get rid of this. And the one who will shoot is familiar with the attacking magician. Everything will work out in such a way that there will be no unnecessary movements. Very organic.

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Yes, it really was unsettling to see myself as such an old man. It's hard to accept what everyone around you is trying to deny. There will always be loneliness in this. Thanks for the advice. We will bring back the leader of the fanatics. Here you hit the bull's eye. Just because I don't accept it doesn't make it go away. On the contrary, it began to come out as if from an overflowing glass. The devil escaped from the snuffbox. He also needs to please. Thank you and good luck!

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It's difficult for me to give you an answer. A hint of a constellation can mean a lot: the name of her soul (it is given for the first time and forever), her patron, her native constellation, the time of incarnation or birth. I won’t judge. This is Space.

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Cheshire, what I don’t understand, is the words about the constellation Hydra to himself. I'm not into Astronomy, but I'm not into Physics. I know the myth of Hercules. But I can't understand the context. "Ruled by the constellation Hydra"

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Well, because of my worries and the alignment, the significator himself did not write death 29 of swords 3 Ace of Cups 4 4 of Wands 5 Priestess 6 King of Wands 7 10 of Cups I have the impression that he stopped trusting me, both of us air signs Thank you

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Sorry, I got confused there, I forgot the hermit significator death 1 9swords 2ace of cups 3 4wands 4 hermit 5 priestess 6 king of wands 7 10cups the question was why we can’t improve relations now thanks all

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Cheshire, hello! Please look at my schedule! I'm in a relationship with a secretive man who doesn't want anything serious. In addition, there are two potential rivals (who also happen to be his ex), one is distant, the other is hanging around nearby... And he firmly defends his position of independence. I read fortunes on the Secret Pocket several times and with the help of the tarot reader Guest (for which I thank her very much) I managed to clarify his hidden motives a little. I decided to be by his side no matter what, not to nag him, not to remake him, but to accept him as he is. Therefore, now I need your advice on how I should behave further in the relationship. This is the question I asked the cards.
S Ace of Cups, 1 3 Denariev, 2 Devil, 3 9 Swords, 4 7 Cups, 5 Horseman of Wands, 6 Jack of Denariev, 7 6 Wands

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Or rather, I have already chosen a certain line of behavior for myself, but it still “storms” me a little, sometimes a little resentment still breaks through here and there, and I cannot rejoice at the good things that exist in the relationship. We are also at a distance from each other, we see each other only on weekends, every parting is hard. I would also be glad to see anyone additional information, which you can see. Because although I’m jealous and it’s hard to constantly carry the role of a temporary powerless girlfriend, yet in the person himself and the time that I spend with him, there is hidden for me what I’ve been looking for for a long time, I firmly decided to be with him while such an opportunity is given . Therefore, I will be grateful for your interpretation and any advice!

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I apologize that it’s a lot, but I forgot to add, when the Guest and I were looking at the layouts, he always had some kind of dependence on the past and on one of my rivals in particular (she was his first woman in his youth, now they’re like friends), that It’s as if he wants to shake off this obsession, become happy, but nothing... She somehow uses and manipulates him, her friends said that she wants to divorce me, although she doesn’t need him as a man. 3 Devil swords and 6 cups constantly fall on him. I just read how you explained everything to Regina about your mother, about your man, maybe you can give me some advice about my man? What prevents him from being happy? I act almost blindly, as my heart advises, while my pressure and higher power have been keeping us together for more than a year, and I don’t want some girlfriend to break everything for the sake of games and manipulation. Maybe there are some kind of bindings on it, even a love spell???

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I can't make you happy. I don’t see any attachments, but I do see women. As many as two. One is his old story and everything is not finished there, and the second is a relative. They put a lot of pressure on him. Everything is heading towards a break. You would happily already know the joy of motherhood, but he is not with you yet. And it’s unlikely that he will decide. If you need such a person nearby, make him decide where and with whom he lives. Otherwise, it will continue to jump from side to side. Only your time will take away your strength. The only temptation I can name is his desire to sit on all the chairs and the pursuit of convenience.

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Oh, thank you! Exactly! After all, this is an old story - that’s exactly what I’m asking about! And the relative is his sister, she is in his authority. And only now I realized that this oldest friend-lover, who recently returned to his city and constantly keeps in touch with him, she is a friend of his sister!!! It’s probably not him who is being pressured to be with her, to get married. Because he is 38 and a bachelor. Of course, it is very beneficial for the sister that he is with her friend. He knows that I know about the situation... But when I had already decided to firmly talk to him, I was afraid that this would play into the hands of another woman. Because he immediately closed down even to my softer hints and began to speak harshly. How can I make him decide? Just talk? I wanted to tell him then that it wasn’t that I was breaking up with him, but that I was stepping aside. But ah last moment changed my mind...

And would you like to clarify something else? Does he have a physical relationship with a woman? And will it happen? And in what way is the relative putting pressure? Is there something against me? And will he initiate the breakup? And when approximately will this happen? If I just endure and do nothing.

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Or, alternatively, the old story is his novel from two years ago, it is far from him, things didn’t work out for them, but I think he still hopes to return everything someday. Then the “relative” may be an even older ex who has now turned up nearby. It’s just that for some reason she is a great authority for him, has great influence, the way the queen behaves with him, and he adapts. Maybe so? I understand that you don’t need to delve into women, but somehow decide with him and decide on something yourself. But I can’t figure out how to act to make him decide... Thank you very much, dear Cheshire, for your time

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Get ready for the schedule. You have too many emotions. According to your scenario, there is self-deception. You hope so much good news from him that you do not notice the obvious. Try to determine the degree of your internal intensity yourself. There are many deceptive hopes and beautiful patterns of the future, written rather by your imagination. Your chosen one is covered in fog and succumbs to temptation. Both of you are emotionally unstable and immature. The situation is given so that a person becomes more mature, strong and courageous to move along his own path, overcoming difficulties, resistance and conflicts. Make a new alignment in the morning. But in a calm state. Now you have found enemies and rushed to defeat them. But you need to understand: is it worth it? Alex and Regina are clear: they have about 7 karmic knots with each other. And always, Regina is there for him coffin board brought it up. The boy returned to space, so she gave him away from there. I want to consider you just as seriously. To do this, focus.

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Thank you very much for the answer. Yes, I re-read it now - a lot of emotions. I myself have more than once come to the conclusion that we met in order to both grow up and become more mature. I'm also tossing around. I want to be with him, but I'm afraid to experience the pain of loss again. So I’m testing the waters to see if I should be the first to leave the relationship. I'm afraid to make up my mind, be calm and reasonable, be patient and calmly move towards my goal. It’s more common to fight enemies or get emotional). So in this search for “where it’s more comfortable,” I understand him. I just found a quiet haven with him. I understand with my mind that there are many obstacles for us to be together, and on my part they exist, and he is not ideal, especially as a husband and possible father. But internally, by his energy, by the way the feminine qualities in me are revealed next to him, I have the feeling that this is the one I was looking for. In our union, he is even more mature than me. With him I learned to be soft, compliant, and calmer. And I’ve been trying to develop this femininity in myself for so long.

Tarot reading “Triangles” for a specific situation is indispensable if important changes or events are planned in your life about which you have doubts, uncertainty or confusion. This Tarot spread in detail will clarify current circumstances and predict developments in the future.

Tarot cards will give a clear answer to a specific question about the situation, tell you about your strengths and weaknesses, obstacles and support in a matter of interest, which will manifest itself as the pros and cons of the situation; this fortune telling will show the result of what is happening and the main path to it.

If you experience a feeling of excitement or anxiety before fortune telling, we recommend.

Scheme and meaning of Tarot cards in the layout for the “Triangles” situation

Card 1 – Your strength or advantage in the situation in this moment
Card 3 – Yours weak side in a situation in which you are vulnerable at the moment
Card 2 – Prospects and the possibility of fulfilling your hopes and plans
Map 4 – What is important now for the development of the situation
Card 5 – What may be the main obstacles and difficulties associated with
Card 6 – What speaks against changes or your participation in events
Card 7 – What works for you, what you can use, what you can rely on
Card 8 – From what source or what help can you get?
Map 9 – The result of the development of the situation, the outcome of events in the future
Card 10 – What is important to achieve results, what to pay attention to
Card 11 – What is not important in the situation, what not to waste energy and time on

So, focus and... look at the schedule!

Your strength or advantage in the situation at the moment

You got “Lovers”, which always means Decision, Choice (even if it doesn’t concern love). This Choice carries within itself unquestioningness and irrevocability to the rejected option. “There are two sides to a coin” - The Real Truth can only be seen by studying all possible sides of the issue. The need to rely on intuition and inspiration. Deep emotional connection, equality in relationships, the ability to understand the importance of another opinion and value it.

Your weak side in the situation in which you are vulnerable at the moment

You received the “Star” card, meaning a wonderful future, hope, justified optimism, happiness, luck, good news. Receiving benefits that exceed expectations, success. Long-term long-term planning, brilliant projects. Thirst for life, a surge of creative inspiration. Making dreams come true. Positive solutions to issues. Well-deserved rest, relaxation in nature.

Prospects and the possibility of fulfilling your hopes and plans

The Page of Wands fell here, symbolizing enterprise, ingenuity, fiery impulse, courage, and irascibility. These are good chances, incentives and motives that come from outside world that inspire and energize. External support, an interesting offer, encouragement, competition, a vibrant professional experience. The appearance of a stranger with friendly intentions, a young friend or relative.

What is important now for the development of the situation

You have received the Nine of Wands, which speaks of stopping your actions in order to think over the circumstances and exercise caution. Feeling threatened, withdrawn, tired, secretive. Feeling ashamed of what you have done. The need to avoid getting close to someone or something, to be on guard, to take care of safety. Confrontation, readiness to attack, the opportunity to show strong character traits. Stubbornness, idealization of the past, false value system.

What might be the main obstacles and difficulties?

Here your card is the King of Pentacles, representing a solid, educated, wealthy, pleasure-loving, rational, active man. A successful leader with rich experience, a reliable partner, successful businessman who knows how to make money. Constantly engaged in self-development and self-realization. Also – realism, preference for long-term results over short-term benefits. The need to demonstrate reliability and practicality, wise use of all possibilities. The ability to achieve lasting financial well-being.

What speaks against changes or your participation in events

You got the Ace of Swords, which means outstanding inner strength, courage, as well as a chance to gain clarity and certainty in an important, complicated matter, and help in making a fateful decision. Entering the path of development in business, establishing the truth. Sharpness of thoughts, openness of communication, the need to delve into the essence of the problem. Unbridled passion, vivid emotions.

What works for you, what you can use, what you can rely on

You got the Nine of Pentacles, symbolizing the onset of a good moment, a happy occasion, a favorable combination of circumstances for receiving a prize, big win, gaining prosperity. The ability to see and catch the right moment, bet on victory, bearing maximum results. Joyful amazement, a happy turn in business, luck. Foresight, reliability, safety.

From what source or what help can you get?

The Seven of Pentacles you have been dealt speaks of the need to be patient while waiting for the results of your efforts. Endurance test. Long-term concern for the developing situation, slow but guaranteed growth, the need to give time to the ripening fruits. Hard work to maintain harmony, talent, self-realization and giving back. Achieving the desired goal with sufficient investment of effort.

The result of the development of the situation, the result of events in the future

Here your card is the King of Swords. This is an intellectual, sociable, but cold man, critical, wise, independent. Discriminating, professional, witty, strong. A brilliant analyst and logician, sarcastic, capable of breaking any resistance, going to great lengths for his goals. A tough careerist, always relying only on himself. Leader, supporter of forceful methods of influence. Military, high-ranking lawyer. Also – the final concretization of plans, the onset of the active action phase.

The concept of a triangle in itself is not complex. This is a figure that has three angles. But when people or events appear in these corners, the triangle makes you think. When a person needs to make a choice between partners, when he wants to understand which of the two to give his, he begins to analyze events, look closely at the little things, and listen to his heart. But sometimes this is not enough. And then Tarot cards come to the rescue.

In our case, we will use the Zen Tarot deck, the creator of which is considered Great master Osho Rajneesh. The names in the cards are determined taking into account the traditions of Zen Buddhism. When a person stands at the crossroads of three roads, and it is difficult for him to make his choice, the only thing the right decision will receive advice or advice from Zen Tarot. These cards are able to penetrate to the essence of the problem and comprehensively reveal the situation. They operate in strong ways and with deep images that help penetrate the depth of the problem.

The amazing power of the “Mysterious Triangle” layout

If the Zen Tarot cards do not see the opportunity to make a classic layout, then they can always be laid out in an individual layout made especially for you. In the cards of the “Mysterious Triangle” layout, you will be given a detailed description of the situation that is bothering you at the moment, which led you to fortune telling. Perhaps your vision of the problem does not correspond to reality, and the Tarot cards will certainly tell you about this. But you have to look at this situation through the eyes of the Tarot, and they are never wrong.

Two cards from the layout will give you the reasons why this situation. There may be several of them, and for each of them you can make a separate layout to find out which of the reasons is more “to blame” for what happened. How the situation will develop in the near future is a question that the cards will analyze in the next position. Then you will understand which paths to take so that the problem is finally resolved. The last card of the layout is something like a point in a sentence: it sums up and makes a final diagnosis. If in the scenario you do not have any additional questions, and you see the exit from the triangle in reality, it means fortune telling in Once again has proven its power and ability to help people.

Love triangle– online fortune telling, which helps to find out the future of the relationship with a partner, the opponent’s intentions, ways to overcome obstacles and a way out of the current situation.

  • Before fortune telling, focus on the request.

  • It is important to be in a calm environment.

  • You can take a couple of deep breaths and breaths.

  • It is useful to think about the time of the fortune telling in advance.

  • You should not often guess at the same situation.

  • See the answers as an opportunity for personal growth.

  • You decide how wonderful your future will be.

Have a nice session!

  • Your partner's plans and feelings for you
  • Plans and feelings of the Partner towards the rival (rival)
  • Plans and feelings of the rival (rival) regarding the Partner
  • What happens if you fight for a relationship?
  • What happens if you let go?
  • Will you stay with your Partner in the end?
  • Will the rival(s) stay with the Partner?
  • Postscript: Your personal love prospects.

  • Your Partner's plans and feelings for you.
  • Plans and feelings of the Partner towards the rival (rival).
  • Plans and feelings of the rival (rival) about the Partner.
  • What happens if you fight for a relationship?
  • What happens if you let go?
  • Will you stay with your Partner in the end?
  • Will the rival(s) stay with the Partner?
  • Postscript: Your personal love prospects.

Click on the cards to fill out the layout

Click on the cards to find out the meaning


Interpretation of the layout

Pay attention to the first three cards of the layout. They can fill in the missing information about the feelings and plans of the Partner or the rival party.

Points 4 and 5 show the results of two different elections: in the case when you let the situation take its course and will not interfere in events, or take the most active part and fight for your feelings and the person. Positions 4, 5 – probable consequences of the steps taken. If the answer suits you, then the very meaning of the arcana will suggest the method of action in the intended question.

Election cards can be turned upside down, with a negative connotation, which does not mean a lack of prospects, but more often indicates that the way out of the situation will take time and may be accompanied by pain and sacrifices. The inverted Tarot lasso sometimes indicates the end of suffering (or those events that the negative upright card symbolizes).

We pay most attention to positions 6 and 7, which describe the future of all participants in the triangle in the form of an answer to the question: yes or no. Sometimes the answer to both questions is “yes” as a sign that the Partner has not yet decided or does not want to make a choice, everything suits him. Or one of the rival parties is interested in maintaining the relationship.

Often in layouts like the Love Triangle, Return of a Beloved, or Test of Fidelity, many inverted cards appear. They should be regarded as signals for change. They suggest where conflicts, restrictions, suppressed feelings, strong negative emotions are possible, including fear, unfinished situations, unmet important needs of you or your Partner.

Point 8 shows your prospects not only in the current situation, but also in general. Aces and friendly Major Arcana (their names in English) dropped here are often associated with favorable opportunities, relief, forgiveness. And figured cards can be recommendations to develop specific qualities, be it the stability of pentacles, the ardor of wands, the unpredictability of swords or the tenderness of cups.

Coming soon new project!

Red Book of Love

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