Living in duality and striving for harmony and balance. The quest for harmony in the aesthetic and artistic culture of the 19th century

Harmony and disharmony

What should we do? How to break out of the vicious circle? After all, we are not able to track all the negative thoughts and thoughts that visited us throughout the day!

Don't worry, it's not that scary. All that is required of us is to return to our magical genius, to our feelings, and learn to identify them, learn to recognize what feelings negative and positive flows of energy manifest themselves in, learn to determine when we feel good and when we feel bad, when we are not we experience no feelings, but when we are truly happy.

But let's return to vibrations for a moment. Everything in the Universe responds to vibrations - this is the law. For people living on planet Earth, vibrations (or vibrations, whatever you want) mean smell, touch, color, taste, hearing... and emotions.

Fun, love, delight and any other feelings that can be called “just happiness” are our interpretations of certain high-frequency vibrations. Feelings of anxiety, guilt and envy are also nothing more than an interpretation of certain vibrations, only low-frequency ones. And do not forget that from one feeling our well-being becomes better, and from another - worse, because the first brings us closer to the Source, and the second moves us away from it.

Each of us is incomparably more than can be seen. Our body is just a temporary shelter for our broadest non-physical Essence, our Source of energy. When our vibrations are in harmony with the Source of pure positive energy, we feel good.

If there is no harmony, we either feel bad or not at all. The closer the frequency of our vibrations is to the frequency of the Source, the better we feel.

Reluctances indicate that we live in disharmony. As soon as we say “I don’t want this,” two things happen.

First, we prevent Unwillingness from disappearing because we tune our vibrational frequency to it.

Secondly, we feel bad or just not at all, we are depressed, sad, anxious, that is, we experience any feelings other than happiness.

The closer the frequency of our vibrations is to the frequency of the Source, the better we feel; The stronger the disharmony, the worse it is for us. We can say it another way: feeling good is natural for us, but it is not yet our normal state. No matter how sad, but our “ normal life” is absolutely unnatural for us.

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Harmony: consistency with the Divine Laws of Existence.

Vasilets Marina, Klevtsova Irina,
Marusev Svyatoslav


Harmony acts as the ideal of beauty, all elements of which are internally balanced and create the perfection of integrity.

Harmony is the balance between male and female energies. To become a Human, you need to achieve a balance between these energies.

Harmony is the Power of self-awareness as a Human. By concentrating attention in the Heart, a person becomes in tune with his Essence (Male or Female): natural and free.

Harmony is the absence of internal contradictions, vanity and chaos, the desire to assert oneself, proving to someone that one is right, or imposing one’s opinion.

Harmony manifests itself as internal order and discipline, conditioned by the awareness of Existence, the clear alignment of Life on the basis of Divine Laws.

Harmony in the ability to love and appreciate Life, every moment of it. Harmony in creative actions and impeccable service to the power of Love.

Harmony is inner strength the consonance of the Spirit, the Soul of a person, his body, consciousness and subconscious, which is manifested by naturalness and purity of thoughts, openness and sincerity, lightness and sublimity, a clear understanding of one’s purpose as a person in any situation.


You can awaken the state of Harmony in yourself, feel it and be saturated with it - you can use settings, relaxations, performing spontaneous dances, contemplating pictures of Nature, reading beautiful poems, etc.

(see Appendix 1 for other examples of settings)

Setting “Harmony of Life”

Imagine yourself standing in the middle of a huge meadow on a hot summer afternoon. The heat reigns all around. The air is saturated with the smells of grass and flowers. The sun's rays warm up the entire body. Latitude and space... Above the meadow, shimmering mysteriously, a barely visible haze sways... Bottomless blue sky... The Kingdom of Harmony and Life... You deeply inhale the aromas of meadow flowers and become saturated with the Harmony of Life...

Poem "Harmony of the World"

Harmony of the world - color mosaic

The shades and colors are all gathered in it,

Filled with light, sparkles, shines

Life showed its versatility in it.

Here every drop counts

Each spark has its own meaning, its own essence

And so that the desire for Beauty is embodied

Here everyone follows their own path flawlessly.

Spontaneous dance "Harmony"

“We feel the state of Harmony around us, in the soft sunlight, in the light touches of warm air, filled with the honey aromas of herbs and flowers, pine forests, and the purest freshness of the river. With every movement of spontaneous dance, we feel how the soft golden light of Harmony fills the body, strengthening the inner Harmony. We strive to manifest and strengthen our state through dance movements, merging with the Harmony that reigns around us. We fill many channels that connect us with the people around us with a state of Harmony, we brighten them, saturating them with soft golden light, strengthening Harmony in relationships. We become in tune with each other"

Examples of relaxation “Harmony”

  • Imagine a dark blue sky with a purple tint. Absorb its harmony and charm.
  • You feel yourself under the gentle rays of the Sun. You feel yourself dissolving in their bliss...
  • Feel yourself on the top of a hill, you enjoy and are saturated with the depth of the sky and the surrounding space
  • You dissolve in an ocean of emotional warmth...

Manifestations of Harmony

Harmony is perfection in the interaction of the Masculine and Feminine principles, all forces and energies in the World and Reality. Such interaction has complete consonance, a single desire, integrity, and is aimed at constant creativity and the birth of something new, strengthening Life everywhere and in everything.

The basis of Harmony is Divine Love. Achieving Harmony is one of the main tasks of development and improvement of Man, Humanity, the World and Reality.

Development and improvement is accompanied by the transformation of old and the creation of new energy structures in people, Humanity, the World and Reality, which have Content and Form. The integral expression of Content and Form is Beauty.

Harmony of the physical body manifests itself as a state of Health. The health of the physical body directly depends on the health of the mental, emotional and spiritual.

Basis Harmony in the family are Love, Respect and mutual understanding between a Man and a Woman. The task of People living on Earth is to make relationships harmonious, based on Love and mutual understanding.

A woman, as an individual manifestation of Matter, is the bearer of those energies from which a man, as an individual manifestation of the Spirit, forms a reality that satisfies both.

Harmony between man and woman manifests itself through emotions and states: Joy, Love, Admiration, Tenderness, Tenderness, Care, Attentiveness, Sensitivity, Happiness, Fullness of life, Magic of being, a feeling of one’s own relevance and “need”, Heroism, Calmness, Acceptance, Sympathy, etc.

You can consider the relationship between a man and a woman using the example of sound harmony. Intervals and notes strive for each other and want to sound beautiful. They are in search of consonance with each other, which means they are in Harmony. For example, intervals are Masculine, and notes are Feminine. They want to unite, make a sound and start living beautifully, i.e. harmoniously, building appropriate relationships. The Divine Forces act here as a pianist. The pianist knows which notes will sound harmonious, i.e. in tune, but at different moments he needs different harmonies, so he tries different chords. And a chord is a consonance of notes and intervals. Likewise, the consonance of Man and Woman represents the Human Being.

Harmony in everyday life manifested by order, where each thing knows its place, according to its individual characteristics, cleanliness and neatness reign.

It is also very important to be able to interact harmoniously with electrical appliances. For example, when used correctly, an iron not only smoothes out wrinkles on things, but also removes problems, inharmonious situations, and even returns youth to the face, reducing the number of wrinkles.

Harmony in relation to the Earth and Natural Forces manifests itself in a sensitive perception of Them as living beings and in a careful attitude towards Them. Harmony in the desire to be in tune with the emotional states of Nature, admiring its amazing Beauty, diversity of shapes, colors and shades, enchanting sounds.

Harmony in relationships between people based on sensitivity, respect and understanding, an attunement to what the Divine Powers want to convey to me through this person. Harmony is the ability to achieve mutual understanding.

Often on public transport, strangers start talking, telling each other about their lives, seeking understanding and sometimes asking for advice. This is a manifestation of Harmony in relationships, in the ability to listen and support each other. We are all children of God, and our Father dreams that his children will live together, in Harmony and Love!

Harmony in society , in the work team is manifested in the ability to understand and accept the point of view of colleagues, respecting their professional experience when developing a common decision and searching for a program of joint actions in moving towards the goal.

Harmony in a team of like-minded people manifests itself in cohesion and unity of hearts, in sensitive attention to the manifestations of everyone and the impeccable, responsible fulfillment of one’s obligations. Harmony manifests itself “in the feeling of elbow grease,” in mutual support, assistance, and in cheerfully encouraging each other on the path to achieving results.

Harmony in music , harmony of sound is consonance, i.e. harmonious sound. The works of great composers: Mozart, Chopin, Vivaldi, Beethovin and others bring Harmony to the world.

Harmony in the Sufi tradition

A Sufi avoids any inharmonious actions. He keeps the rhythm of his speech under the control of patience, so that he never speaks a word prematurely or begins to answer without listening to the question.

The Sufi carefully observes his every movement and expression, as well as other people, trying to form a consonant chord of harmony between himself and others. Achieving harmony in life is achieved in the same way as the ability to play music, although it requires even longer and more serious study than the development of musical ear and voice. For a Sufi, every spoken word sounds like a note, true if the word is harmonious, and false if the word is inharmonious.

To withstand the pressure of inconsistency coming from the outside, you need to practice resistance to what comes from your own “I”. It is more difficult to control your own “I” than others, but if a person is not able to control himself, he will fail.

In order to create harmony, the power of the Spirit is needed. A person who has acquired a state of harmony is able, regardless of external and internal states, to act in accordance with human ethics, reducing disharmony in himself and the surrounding space.

Inner Harmony is very important criterion acceptance the right decision. It manifests itself as calmness and light joy. Any task is done with love, and the result radiates Beauty.

Each Person is called to bring Harmony to the World, filling it with warmth and light, human emotions and creative deeds.

Ways to achieve Harmony or Advice for beginning Harmonists

  • Realize the value of Life and every moment of it, determine its meaning and purpose. Remember that the meaning of life and purpose are determined only when thoughts are pure (there is no admixture of egoism) and you realize yourself as a Human, concentrating your Attention in the Heart. Build a strategy and tactics for your Being, make a plan for achieving your goals and strive to fulfill it.
  • I love it life situation accept with gratitude. Gratitude will not allow you to fall into disharmony (fear, panic, irritation, perception of life as punishment, etc.), it will open up a vision of the balance of Powers and highlight those qualities that attracted the situation that need to be transformed, strengthening your Human Power.
  • Put things, affairs and Life in order. Develop self-discipline and self-organization, thanks to which you will learn to value time and bring all planned tasks to their logical conclusion. Don’t take on increased obligations and unrealistic plans, be adequate.
  • Perform all your actions with Love, which carries a charge of joy, lightness and efficiency.
  • Treat people and the World the way you want them to treat you. Realize that the World is a mirror, everything around you reflects you inside. Then, by cleaning and harmonizing yourself inside, you can observe changes outside.
  • Respect the physical body as a living structure through which the spirituality of the surrounding world occurs. Consciously accumulate health and well-being in your body using the appropriate settings, physical exercise, stretching, kill-free nutrition, hardening and other healing methods.
  • Review your past life and return the energy spent in destructive and disharmonious situations, transform it into Human qualities and condition. Revision will rid you and your life of such energies, and as a result, most of your egoism will undergo transformation. Carefully monitor any manifestations of egoistic states in everyday life and immediately transform them, avoiding disharmony.
  • Be aware of yourself throughout the day. This gives an influx of Divine energy into the physical body, which constantly loses energy in everyday activities, since all matters, including social ones, are done by the physical body and require attention.
  • Learn to laugh at yourself, you will stop feeling bad or good and depending on the opinions of other people. By ceasing to be afraid of looking like a fool, you will gain the ability to impersonate anyone and learn to easily and harmoniously participate in any situation, which will give you strength.
  • Consider the Man (or Woman) who is nearby as your other half, gifted by God. Learn to maintain a harmonious relationship with him on the basis of Respect, Mutual Understanding, Openness and Sincerity. Remember that the main task of Men and Women living on Earth is to learn to love each other and the whole World!
  • Realize yourself as an Essence, cultivate the qualities of the Human Essence, realizing in Everyday life the desire to become yourself!

Appendix No. 1. Settings for the “Harmony” state

We very sensitively move our attention to the Heart Center, listen to the beating of the heart and feel how with each pulsation heart warmth and soft light, the light of your gratitude and Love for your body, spreads throughout the body. We strive to fill the whole body with this light, we feel how every cell begins to pulsate in time with the heart rhythm, imbued with Love. The boundaries of the body are blurred and the soft light of your heartfelt warmth and Love connects with the soft shining light spread around. This light is manifested everywhere and everywhere - this is Harmony. Feel how your emotional state has changed, balance and light joy, inner Harmony have appeared.

Feel how the state of Harmony manifests itself in the surrounding Nature. Harmony as a manifestation of the Love of the Masculine and Feminine principles. The love of the Sun and the Earth is embodied in the Harmony of colors, shapes and the enchanting Beauty of flowers, in the fragrant aromas of various herbs, in the majestic power of stately trees. The Love of Water, connecting with the Sun, fills the World with the rainbow radiance of diamond dew. All-pervading Air, connecting with Water, is embodied in the Harmony of the movement of clouds, captivating the eye. Everything around in the surrounding Nature is in harmonious balance. Our Task, as Human Beings, is to strengthen this Harmony with our emotions and words. We tune in to the Harmony that reigns around, asking the Forces of Nature to help us become harmonious.

Love and Harmony

Imagine yourself sitting on the Earth. Touch it with your hands. Lean towards the Earth and feel its aroma. Listen to her and feel her Life. Let into the realization that the Earth is our Home. She is always with us, wherever we are. Her care, her warmth and softness, her Love are constantly manifested... Press your chest to the Earth, open up to her and immerse yourself in her affection, softness, warmth and Love...

Harmony and confidence

Imagine a cliff hanging over mountain lake. Feel its power, calmness and strength... Feel its leisurely, wise rhythm of life. Tune into the emotional states of the rock, merge with it. And together with the rock, admire the surface of the lake and the reflections in it. Listen to leisurely conversations with the wind and clouds. Feel the comfort of grasses and mosses, birds and animals. Bask yourself in the gentle rays of the Sun.


Imagine yourself among white spherical chrysanthemums. You admire the slender stems of chrysanthemums, the openwork and lightness of their flowers. You admire the perfection of the petals, their purity and freshness. You inhale the aroma of flowers and, along with it, absorb their purity and freshness, grace and beauty, lightness and tenderness.

Harmony of life

Imagine yourself in the mountains. You see snow-white shining mountain peaks. Inhale clean, transparent air. Admire the power and beauty of the mountains. You are bathed in the golden rays of the shining Sun. You feel the virgin purity and tenderness of the snow caps of the peaks and dissolve in them, feeling the caress of the Sun...

(When writing the abstract, materials were used from the website of the Center for Physical Education and Social Sciences “Unity” and the book by S.V. Baranova)

A thing that seems beautiful in given time and in this place, may turn out to be ugly under other circumstances. This also applies to thoughts, words, and actions. What we call beautiful is so only at certain times and under certain conditions that make it beautiful; so the only way to truly define beauty is through harmony. The harmony of the combination of colors, the harmony of outlines and lines constitutes what we call beauty; and the word, thought, feeling or action that creates harmony are derivatives of beauty.

Where does the desire for harmony come from and where does the desire for disharmony come from?

The natural inclination of every soul is towards harmony, and the inclination towards disharmony is an unnatural state of mind or affairs; in fact, what is unnatural robs the soul of its beauty. Human psychology is such that he reacts to both harmony and disharmony. He cannot help it because he is naturally created that way; mentally and physically he responds to everything that comes to him, be it harmonious or inharmonious.

Christ's teaching: “Do not resist evil”

This is advice not to respond to disharmony. For example, words of kindness or sympathy, actions of love or inspiration should resonate, but if words of insult and actions dictated by disgust or hatred also resonate, then this creates even greater disharmony in the world. By giving way to disharmony, we allow it to grow and multiply. Where did the great divisions, unrest and strife that we now see prevailing in the world come from? It seems to be out of disregard for the fact that disharmony creates disharmony and it will multiply. If a person is insulted, a natural need arises in him to respond with an even greater insult. As a result, he receives short-term satisfaction that he answered well. But the energy that came from the offender influenced him, and these two forces, being negative and positive, created great disharmony.

“Non-resistance to evil” does not mean that you have to carry evil within yourself

This means not returning the disharmony that has come to you, not being like a person playing tennis and hitting the ball with his racket. But, on the other hand, this does not imply that you need to receive the ball with your bare hands.

The desire for harmony can be compared to a rock in the sea: in wind and storm it stands firm; the waves violently attack it, but the rock withstands their onslaught, allowing them to beat against itself. By fighting disharmony, we increase it; By refusing to fight it, we avoid adding fuel to a fire that would otherwise grow larger and cause destruction. There is no doubt that the wiser we become, the greater difficulties we face in life, because any disharmony is directed at us precisely because we do not resist it. However, we must understand that all these difficulties help to destroy the disharmony that would otherwise multiply. This position has its advantages, because every time we withstand the pressure of disharmony, it increases our strength - so in any case we increase our strength, although outwardly it seems like a defeat. But he who realizes the increase in his strength will never again consider himself defeated; and in due time the day will come when the person from whom the disharmony emanated will understand that it was he who was defeated.

A Sufi avoids any inharmonious actions

The Sufi keeps the rhythm of his speech under the control of patience, so that he never speaks a word prematurely or begins to answer without listening to the question. He perceives a word of disagreement, even if spoken during an argument, as dissonance and strives to turn the argument itself into a harmonic chord. The desire to contradict will eventually develop in a person into a passion so that he will begin to contradict even own ideas, if someone else expresses them. To maintain harmony, the Sufi easily and smoothly modulates his speech from one key to another; in other words, by looking at a problem from another person's perspective, he accepts his point of view instead of insisting on his own. She sets the stage for every conversation with the introduction, preparing the ears of the listener in such a way as to receive the perfect response. He carefully observes his every movement and expression, as well as other people, trying to form a consonant chord of harmony between himself and others.

Achieving harmony in life is achieved in the same way as the ability to play music, although it requires even longer and more serious study than the development of musical ear and voice. To the ear of a Sufi, every spoken word sounds like a note - true if the word is harmonious, and false if the word is inharmonious. He makes the scale of his speech now major, now minor or chromatic, in accordance with the situation; his word, be it sharp, flat or pure, flows into the chord according to the laws of harmony.

Living in the world has a constant irritating effect, and the more subtle we become, the harder it becomes for us. There comes a time when the more humble, full of good will, the more kind and supportive a person becomes, the worse life becomes for him. Discouraged, he will slide down; but if he maintains his courage, he will find in the end that it is not a loss, for his powers have so increased and reached such a level, such a degree, that now his presence, word, action will control the thoughts, feelings and actions of others. His own rhythm will become powerful and will set the rhythm for everyone who follows him. This property in the East is called the quality of the ruler's mind. But in order to withstand the onslaught of incoherence coming from without, we must first practice resilience against everything that comes from within, from our own self. It is more difficult to control your own self than others, but if a person is not able to control himself, he will fail; the most difficult thing is to stand firmly against disharmony from the outside.

What creates disharmony within ourselves?

Weakness. Physical weakness or mental, but it is always weakness. Very often, therefore, one can see that bodily illness gives rise to disharmony and a tendency towards inharmony. Moreover, there are many diseases of the mind that have not yet been discovered by modern scientists. Sometimes people consider as normal what is actually a disease of the mind. Congenital defects of the mind are not given enough attention, and the patient himself has no chance of noticing them in himself. He constantly finds mistakes in others; whether working in an office, in a high position, at home, or anywhere else, it creates disharmony. Nobody is aware of this; In order to treat him, he must first be recognized as sick.

The cause of all discomfort and all failure is disharmony

The most important thing to convey in teaching now is a sense of harmony. Developing a sense of harmony in children and drawing their attention to this is not as difficult as it might seem; you just need to show your child various manifestations of harmony in a variety of life matters.

The closest definition of a subtle combination of energy is a harmonized aura. In this combination all creative energies can be found, for in a harmonized aura the composition contains all the subtle ingredients. A harmonized aura brings together a unified consciousness and a unified heart. At each harmonization voltage, a special current can pass through without damage when the pole forces are the same. The same law applies to sendings, for the sender and the receiver must correspond to the same vibration. That is why the heart factor is so important. And if you can act at a distance mentally, then the power of the heart is incomparable, for the heart can awaken all the dormant energies of memories and accumulations of the past. Thus, one must understand that power of the heart as the revelation of the Fiery World.
The Teaching of Living Ethics: The Fiery World, part 3, § 389

Mother of Agni Yoga: The most necessary thing on the path is harmony, or internal consistency. If present, its progress becomes rapid. Desire to establish internal consistency. It is this that enhances luminosity and gives a radiant aura. The affirmation of coherence is not a personal matter, but a spatial one, benefiting everything around a large radius. It is as if the Light spreads around the bearer of such an aura. Strive to establish consistency.
Facets of Agni Yoga, 1966 § 635. Novosibirsk, “Algim”, 1995

Our efforts cannot be wasted whether they are noble or monstrous. In the funnel of tension, the spirit gives birth to diamonds of luck. Without labor, even a small glimpse of destiny will not be possible. The clouds of timelessness are dispersed by the wind of human enthusiasm. Determination holds the secret of success. But, in addition to desire, you need the greatest patience and a reserve of benevolence. The order to love and heal oneself and others is transmitted aurically - from one DNA chain to another. This is the energy of healthy and inspired people collaborating towards the same goal.
Konstantin Ustinov. Blowing the wind of Heaven. § 2. February 5, 2011 - March 28, 2011

(From High Source Messages)

“Any dependence on anything or anyone is condemned. Compassionate, help, participate in acts of mercy, but do not be dependent on them: otherwise you can carry the burden of someone else’s fate without noticing it. If the weight on the shoulders is called the load of Atlas and corresponds to the degree of taking on enormous responsibility for a country or part of the world, then joint disease, corresponding to the lower chakras, arises from lower qualities.

It is time to leave the games of the body, for the spirit has risen so high that the flesh is exhausted. There can only be one channel for releasing energies - give Me everything that weighs on you and prevents you from freeing your consciousness. The Reverend keeps. And Elder Seraphim, the Great Healer, will help. Trust in the Saints, but make your life worthy of Them, remembering the example of Their spiritual asceticism.

It is difficult for a lotus to grow in a swamp, rising above the fetid odors of poisonous gases. But many grown lotuses even turn swamp water into spring water, passing it through themselves.

Clearing space is a great task. In a clean aura, bacilli will not be able to develop. Purity of heart, purity of mind, purity of body are the three foundations of spiritual development. The spirit is initially pure, but it, like a lotus seed, needs to sprout and rise above all the elements of the world, making them the noblest part of itself.

But even in a swamp, the lotus remains a lotus, fragrant over the lake of earthly dreams. So you too stay awake. Let the illness be borne by the one who must do it, exhausting the karma of his kind.

Be afraid of idleness. Be afraid of empty minutes. Occupy your mind with noble thoughts. Improving your thoughts, cultivate in them their fiery potential.

The lightning of thought flies in a whirlwind of joy. With a whirlwind of joy, the soul strives for the Sun of the World. You gather hearts into a ringing network of cooperation. Many hearts are given the joy of checking their thoughts and aspirations with the Guiding Ray. Karma helps not the one who waits for luck with a lying stone, but the one who earns his happiness with sweat and blood.
Every spark of someone else's pain that burns in your heart remains in it a golden grain of ringse sand. By being compassionate, you accumulate the power of grace within yourself. It is not so easy to become a melting furnace for other people's sorrows and sorrows. But even an approving glance thrown at the extinct aura throws off the ashes of inexhaustible bitterness.

It is not always possible to suffer through the moment of a mentor’s appearance in one lifetime.

There cannot be only sinless people, just as there cannot be openly evil ones. The tangle of good and evil has so mixed up the white and black threads that removing the black ones will weaken the elasticity of the overall strength.

Let us find a use for negative force in its best quality. Let's find time to change our view of the human race. And to those who play with human hearts, it must be said that you are not playing with juggling balls, but with the lives and hopes of people.
You can't cloud your aspirations. Hope cannot be extinguished.

In the midst of delusions, you can forget about your well-being. But people who strive for light must be remembered like children gifted with beauty. inner world. Let them carry Our Word. Let the concepts get confused sometimes. But the main thing is not to extinguish the pure fire of spiritual inspiration.

Torches flared up all around. Torches of future ascetics who weave the fabric of the New World and new constructions and relationships between people. The world will never be able to go back. And Our Word, like sparks thrown into dry grass, ignites the power of human hearts.

The land of the Great Assurgin will be reborn. Asu the Blessed - who gave the name to half of the earth, which now sounds like Asia, or the country of the sons and daughters of Assurgina.

The eternal creativity of the spirit will never dry up. The eternal creativity of mental forces is always unique. The thought may return, but it will have a different form and a different accompaniment, enriched by the experience of life’s cycles.

The spiral of light not only closes our life, but gives it a continuation, where it expands the circle of the great spiral of ascension, turning into a materialized ray going to the center from where it once came.” Konstantin Ustinov. Blowing the wind of Heaven. § 8, 109. February 5, 2011 - March 28, 2011

The motionless ether is ringing,
The forest is inspired and bewitched
Fractured with black gouache
the tired pond is its zenith...

But in the spheres of the highest heavens
He spreads his wings,
emitting like an earthly bud
explosive-fairy tale mixture...

From the highest distant spheres
free spirit weighty and audible
With the lights of the north like a peg
We hurry through the lace of the elements...
Laura Eisen rings the still air

We saturate space with Our calls. A sensitive ear catches them and puts them into action if the spirit is ready. A kindled fire causes consonance of its own kind. There is a consonance of black lights with the spheres of the lower layers of the Subtle World. And the thought, accordingly, then clearly flows into the receiver of consciousness. A stream of black thoughts can flood your consciousness. And woe to him, drawn by darkness. Therefore, it should be remembered that each thought establishes consonance with its corresponding sphere. Therefore, control over thought is needed. Thought leads a person, but it is allowed and affirmed by the will, and it is expelled by the will. The law of consonance governs the world and all processes occurring in it. Even a stone will be in tune with the spatial fire, receiving the warmth of the sun and heating up. But the human apparatus is multi-stringed, and its harmonies are infinitely diverse, and control is needed. A pig eats garbage and remains a pig. A person controls the choice of his food, but this control can be refined indefinitely. The same is true in the area of ​​thoughts, feelings, emotions, and everything that happens in it. One goes to a tavern, the other chooses to go to the opera. And so it is in everything. Freedom of choice remains the prerogative of man under any and all conditions of life. And even of two evils you can choose which is less. But choice is necessary, and the choice is conscious, because responsibility for the choice cannot be avoided. It happens all the time. Only no one gives themselves an account of this and does not want to give it. It is impossible to evade this way, and one has to reap the constant consequences of what a person has chosen.

“The basis of transmutation depends on self-activity. The spirit, which senses all cosmic tensions, strives to perceive currents. Transmutation depends on the aspiration of the spirit towards consonance. Only cosmic tension can attract the spirit to transmutation. Only the spirit, which understands the power of attraction, gives consonance. Therefore, when the tense Magnet of the spirit manifests spontaneous activity, the center of the “Chalice” makes a cosmic affirmation. This is how a sensitive spirit responds to the sound of cosmic currents. Therefore, when transmutation is strained by amateur activity, the center of the “Chalice” sounds. The creativity of the spirit depends on the creativity of fire.

Cosmic displacement attracts all Spatial Fires, and the human spirit takes shape in its tensions. After all, only when humanity is attracted to new construction does it follow the path of the Cosmic Magnet. Therefore, only the search for the paths of the Cosmic Magnet will give humanity the knowledge of higher energies. So when humanity saturates space with its quests, space responds by sending higher energies. The attracted energy can take shape in life application. Therefore, every thought gives consonance. All life is built on this. Therefore, only conscious aspiration will give form and every possibility is affirmed by the attraction of thought. So the ways of thought are limitless!” Teaching of Living Ethics: Infinity, part 2, 551, 841.

The spirit plunges into the Dense world,
through time – to the Subtle Worlds, –
astral and mental side by side,
and further - Behold the Fiery One!

And the ascent to the Heights,
and achievement of the World of Spheres,
where by affinity is the Planetary Spirit,
since he succeeded in returning.

And again - in a return orbit,
and the earthly world - a condition of measures,
where the mind and feelings are like boundaries,
spirit is in the Infinite limit.

And someone gets stuck in the Dense world,
someone has their head in the clouds,
and who walks on the stars at night,
and who - and during the day, taking the World of Heaven...

And man is the measure of the World,
and measurements - in their own age, -
and from aeon spirit to aeon, -
and then there’s more and more running...
Vladislav Stadolnik 12/25/2002

The higher dimensions of space are concentrated in the human being. And when the stages of omnipresence gradually begin to be comprehended, distances lose their usual meaning, for in the spirit one can be anywhere. This, in turn, is associated with the ability to act consciously in different shells on different planes, in accordance with each of them. But much can be started to be affirmed already now, outlining, as it were, a prototype of oneself, having mastered the secret of three and subdued three. I would like to pay special attention to the sphere of thought, as an area that is more and more easily accessible. Consonance in thoughts with Me is already a stage of achievement. This consonance can be refined and deepened endlessly, because the basis of quality is its infinity. The periods of manifested forms are finite and limited, but they appear in infinity and are carried away into infinity. But beyond the deadlines, the spirit and the treasures of qualities accumulated by it are deposited in the form of crystals of fiery formations in the storage of the Chalice. What then are the qualities of the spirit? Not an abstraction, not an ethical concept, but obvious crystals of the Treasure of the Stone. A crystal of courage, a crystal of devotion, a crystal of balance - with what beauty they shine, with the beauty of the supermundane lights and the essence of man!

Thus, the affirmation and accumulation of the Fiery Treasure in the Chalice will be the Great Work. The crystal of fearlessness shines in space with amazing light or to the Lord of blazing bright love. The truly greatest wealth then belongs to the person who bears the Stone. Thus, everyday life can be turned into a continuous process of growing the Stone and collecting, at least bit by bit, new crystals into it. All the infinity is before us on this path without end. You can cover a mountain in handfuls, just as a Treasure, collecting it bit by bit, can be turned into a flaming mass. Collectors of the Fiery Treasure, oh if only they knew how ardently I want to help you in your quest to increase the Treasure of the Stone! So, the qualities of the spirit for you are no longer worthless abstraction, not virtues sung in the name of who knows what, but the true path to the power of the spirit, the fiery path to the happiness of the supermundane worlds. The fiery energies of the Stone give power over space. And if here on earth they help overcome earthly distances, then what do they give there, where the body-prison can no longer be shackled to the spirit. The accumulation of the Treasure of the Stone is an absolutely useful action, that is, perfect or correct, and it always brings joy of the spirit and is accompanied by it. They ask how to establish joy amid the joyless existence in the lowlands. I will answer - with the right actions, the essence of which is now clear to you. The path is established by the joy generated by right actions. It takes a lot of courage and determination to defeat and break the old man within ourselves, and the path from victory to victory over ourselves will lead us to our destination. When the goal and destination are known, the path is straight and defined. You go to the Lord Himself, and you have to get there. I Show the Path and Give a Helping Hand. You go with all the strength of your spirit.

The joy of overcoming oneself – that’s how we’ll remember it.

Who and what will make the path easier when it becomes unbearably difficult? A thought, just a thought. Look for a solution in your thoughts. Everything is in it. She creates, she creates, she leads, she leads to the goal. Man is an innate thinker. He just doesn’t know about what has been given to him in order to take possession of his property. Awareness is almost already mastery. You need to know before you can. Let us deepen this understanding by adding: one must realize before mastering, and then be able to. So, thought is the basis of everything, the Great Aum gives the solution to life. When pronouncing it, one should remember the Foundation, which is affirmed by the sound of this word. It is necessary to separate thought from its attachment to the environment and from its dependence on it. The human consciousness is a laboratory for all sensations, but thoughts create sensations. Reflexive thought causes sensations automatically, without the intervention of the will, but the will is created by thought, therefore, the basis of sensations is thought.

We must realize that all processes of consciousness are connected with thought, which is a lever for everything that happens in it. Will is created by thought, and thought is generated by will - the wheel of cooperation. The harmony of the interaction of will and thought affirms the path of steady ascent. If the will wants one thing, and the thought wants another, destructive dissonance results, and progress is suspended. A clear goal towards which the spirit is directed helps to coordinate the energies of will and thought. But this is possible when the goal is constantly before your eyes and is not forgotten for a minute. It is good when the Image of the Leader is affirmed in the third eye - this will be, as it were, a stabilization of the constancy of the goal, because everything is concentrated in the Leader, the Alpha and Omega of all achievements. Forgetting a goal takes you away from it. Perhaps the one walking towards her would not have deviated from her, but so many evil eyes are looking around from the Subtle World to block the path, taking advantage of every opportunity. That is why vigilance and wakefulness of consciousness are indicated. We cannot calm down for a moment, we cannot lay down our arms, we cannot forget that we live, like on a volcano, in constant danger. Only with such consciousness can one pass through and not linger. Many traps are placed to the side of the road by a dark hand. The goal of each is to involve consciousness in it and slam the lid. The circle of hopelessness is the work of the dark. It should be remembered that there is always a way out, that no dark force can obscure it, that this way out is to the Lord, in the consciousness that no one and nothing can separate from Him. Thus, the thought of the Lord is a direct movement towards the Light. Who and what can make the path easier and break through all barriers when the dark ones are closed in their circle. I Say, I Affirm – thought. For, no matter what is happening around, thought is always at a person’s disposal, and consciousness cannot separate anything from thought. So, the solution to everything is in thought, adamantly and firmly directed towards Me.

Acceptance with the heart of the Testaments of the Teaching of Life and their affirmation in the consciousness is necessary because under this condition the Law of Free Will is not violated and the Will of the Master enters into all the affairs and thoughts of the student not as an extraneous, externally influencing force, but as his own will. Two wills voluntarily and harmoniously merge into one and act as one. If this is not the case, then opposition or subordination arises instead of merging and harmonizing. This harmony will not be born immediately, but as consciousness is filled with the World of the Lord. Its world, cleansed of rubbish and free from denials, opens its doors wide to the World of Light, and then My World manifests itself in My Days in your days. What people live with on Earth and what their consciousness is immersed in is so far from the Days of My Life that the gap separates the worlds of personal consciousness of ordinary people from the World of Cosmic Truth. This separation and isolation from the life of space has a particularly detrimental effect during a person’s stay in the Supermundane, creating around him a ghostly world of personal illusions that he lived on Earth. Maya Supermundane is destructive in that it completely separates the spirit from reality, plunging it into a sphere filled with the products of its own distorted imagination, and isolating it from the possibilities of bright, colorful and beautiful truth. Higher Worlds. Therefore, We call heaps the shreds, scraps and rubbish of unconscious thinking of earthly remnants that are completely unnecessary in the Supermundane and clutter the path. Cleansing the consciousness of excess debris while still on Earth is a necessary step towards understanding reality.

Well, sometimes it’s also good to look at yourself from the outside, to look strictly, sternly, impartially, weighing all your good and bad qualities and evaluating the baggage that you have to carry into the future. Experience shows how, during trials, everything that has not been overcome rises from the depths of the spirit and lays claim to its right to exist in consciousness, and how it stands as an obstacle on the way. If the foundations are strong and firmly embedded in the essence of a person, the path can still be continued, because changing shells cannot be avoided and evolution with all its possibilities cannot be avoided. But the opposite pole of evolution will be the involution of the spirit, which can last for centuries, leading to the abyss and final decay. We need to think about what energies clothe the grain of the spirit, developing in the direction inherent in them. Everything that a person has collected within himself during his existence develops; the weeds must be removed. They cannot be allowed to develop unhindered; they can completely choke out good shoots. The choice depends on yourself. Free will remains the prerogative of man. Everyone goes into the future, and one must unmistakably know where the spirit is led by the energies that it puts into itself with its free will, choosing, affirming and supporting those that are in tune with it and are closer to it more than others. The choice of energies or the choice of “paths” to the future is entirely in the hands of man. The growth of weeds or weeds illustrates how wildly negative energies spirit.

Without correspondence there is no consonance. Conformity is necessary for consonance to take place. Affirmation of the qualities of the spirit is necessary in order to have something to live up to. The elements of correspondence will be in tune with the vibrations of the Teacher’s aura. The qualities of the spirit are these elements, because they consist of them. The qualities of the spirit consist of the elements of fire. A person will be in tune with the aura of the Hierarch with the lights of his aura. And the man becomes fiery-sounding. The law of consonance governs the world in all spheres. Elements of consonance can be collected consciously. The antipode of consonance will be dissonance, disharmony. Darkness is characterized by a lack of harmony. The essence of its phenomenon is destructive. So, consonance, correspondence, harmony are the foundations of luminosity. The phenomena of Light are harmonious. Calmness and balance are the harmony of centers. Calmness and balance determine the depth of consonance. A symphony of qualities makes it a full string. Fiery sounding is possible only if the approved qualities are present. According to the degree of accumulation of qualities - and consonance.

“Before ruling a country, you need to study its history and traditions. It is impossible without a national code, which is completely sane and accommodates the interests and cultural accumulations of national minorities. But we must not forget about the state-forming nationality. We are not talking about chauvinism, but about the extent of sacrifices in building the state, about the sacrifices made by the people, under whose protection small nations gathered.

No one is belittled in building the country. But “Secret Russia” can provide rich material for creating a code of national ideas. Without it, the country will not be able to move forward and take on the responsibility of the Leader of the World.

The spirit grows. And the physical carrier can hardly withstand the power of the attracted Hierarchical Forces. But you will not find another, despite all the shortcomings, who could unite the Network of Light into bonds of cooperation. The phenomena of increasing power are obvious. There are fewer dips and more peaks of elevation.

The solar tension is so great that the flesh suffers under the onslaught of solar plasma. Astral human auras burn out. The larvae of our vices are burning. Before healing, a person always gets worse.

Carrying the load of Atlas is not easy. Even part of the Teacher's burden is unbearably heavy. Don't expect consistency from people if you yourself are not always consistent. Don’t put part of your responsibilities on others and don’t expect help if you yourself can’t always help people.

Any reason would be capable of stopping the flight of our mental plans if the high fate itself did not guide the person. Injections of good karma solve everything.

Temporary knots are untied and new ones are tied. Karma changes shape. Karma acquires a new quality of execution. Just so as not to drown in the false shine of future prospects. If force leaves the general direction of evolutionary processes, it can take on ugly forms. And the desire to get easy money can turn into a tragedy.

Every person balances between two principles. And deviation, now in one direction, now in the other, creates a pendulum that swings under the attraction of one or another force. Energy works alone. But different charge qualities work.

The aura of wisdom can awaken in the most unpredictable conditions. Difficulties of comprehension are the key to the strength of learning the lessons of life.

We are not afraid of frank instructions and even sharp comments. The insults are inflicted by one’s own self-esteem. But the demands are often fair. And you should not be offended by righteous remarks, but carefully look into the conflicts of your inner world.

Lightweight yarn does not always mean lack of strength. The thin, almost invisible thread of communication between us and our highest principles cannot be severed even by the possessed. The Star of the Absolute can constantly hang at the top of the human aura in constant anticipation of patrol.

The network of heart connections trembles. The rainbows of the auric web shine. And the power of the vibrations of the spirit increases from their vibration frequency. The stronger the vibration, the more powerful the movement forces fire from space. It is no longer a torch accidentally lit that represents a student, but a powerful light formation, which one day, breaking away from the body and condensing, will become a plasmoid or ball lightning” Konstantin Ustinov. Blowing the wind of Heaven. § 118, 141, 157. February 05, 2011 - March 28, 2011

* The second part was posted in on December 1, 2013.
Vladislav Stadolnik

Contradictory culture of the 19th century. was highlighted even more clearly in the development of its aesthetic and artistic component. It was in this century, more than ever, in European aesthetics and artistic culture there was a tendency to be sober artistic analysis visible and audible world, to naturalism or realism in its depiction, in the expression of artistic thought, to the dynamic harmony of artistic creations, to the unprecedented scale of understanding human existence, to freedom artistic creativity. Reason was believed to be the basis of all this. Kant also defined beauty as a form of purposiveness of an object (though purposiveness without purpose). And for Hegel, beauty was associated with reason, with truth; He understood beauty as a sensory phenomenon of truth. Both believed that art reveals the ideas of the mind in a sensually comprehensible way. Are these ideas, including moral principles, as harmony. Schiller directly stated that beauty is one of the manifestations of harmony. Harmony was understood in the 19th century. as the implementation of a special relationship between parts, parts and the whole, as proportionality, proportionality, consistency of forms, movements, etc. In general, the ideal of artistry turned out to be clear harmony, even if it is complex. In connection with a certain absolutization of knowledge, the main task of art was considered to be the knowledge of the world and life, comprehension, comprehension of the secrets of the universe, the peculiarities of human existence and society. Some difficulties arose with music, which was highly valued, but which was difficult to associate with cognition. However, music, which became in the 19th century. one of the leading forms of art, filled with literary themes and plots. The same thing happened with painting. Literature in the 19th century. dominated and permeated, fueled other arts: music - through the libretto of operas and ballets, the themes of instrumental works, the texts of oratorios, cantatas, romances, etc.; art- through thematic range, not to mention the plots of the paintings. Large forms have developed significantly in literature and other forms of art: novel, story, opera, ballet performance, symphony, large-scale paintings. This did not mean the disappearance of smaller, but honed to perfection, forms, such as, for example, the stories of I. A. Bunin in Russia at the end of the 19th century.

Realistic line in art of the 19th century V. proceeded from the need for conscious creativity of the artist, cognizing and analyzing reality for artistic generalization. Fiction was acceptable, but up to a certain limit. In fine art, and in art in general, accuracy was valued above all else (artistic, of course, not protocol). Accuracy in the depiction of what you see and know, accuracy in the expression of artistic thought. Therefore, images of nature as it is, the characteristics of man and the environment (geographical and social), and the characteristics of national, psychological, and speech became valuable. The artist revealed the truth of the world, sought the truth of life. And it was new, large-scale, deep, serious. IN XIX literature V. realism is associated with the names of O. Balzac, C. Dickens, N. V. Gogol, L. N. Tolstoy, A. P. Chekhov and many others. etc.; in music - Beethoven, J. Brahms, F. Liszt, G. Verdi, M. I. Glinka, M. P. Mussorgsky, N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, P. I. Tchaikovsky; in the theater - K. S. Stanislavsky. Large-scale and realistic fine art of the 19th century, the brightest representatives of which were Russian Itinerant artists (I. N. Kramskoy, I. K. Aivazovsky, I. I. Shishkin, I. E. Repin). 19th century realism was powerful and fruitful. This was great classical art (Fig. 8.1).

Rice. 8.1.

But all the artistic wealth of the century was not reduced to realism. And even for the most passionate realists, along with truthfulness, truth, as a principle of artistic creativity, the principle of freedom was important - that freedom that was limited only by the requirement of artistic truth, the correspondence of image and expression to the real world. The principle of freedom was professed differently by the romantics of the 19th century, and then by the symbolists and representatives of the so-called “modern” style. For realists, life was obviously more important than art. Art had to serve life, being itself vitally intelligent, even if stormy and rebellious. The Romantics, and later the Symbolists, were convinced that art is valuable in itself, that the artist is not initially connected with the external world and its appearance. Moreover, he is not bound by artistic principles, established styles, rules and canons. Many of those whom we call great realist artists remained or were at the same time romantics (for example, Gogol). According to V.V. Veidle, romanticism was, to one degree or another, characteristic of any great artist of the 19th century. Indeed, after all, J. G. Byron in England, and V. Hugo in France, and G. Heine in Germany, A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov in Russia and many, many others at least started with obvious romanticism . Veidle even finds in Tolstoy, not to mention Flaubert. romantic traits. For by romanticism he understands, first of all, a rebellion against style, rules, conventions, and aesthetic norms. Romanticism, according to D. S. Nalivaiko, was not only and not so much an artistic movement as a special attitude. And the romantic attitude manifested itself to varying degrees in a variety of artists of the XIX V. (and in E. T. A. Hoffman, and in F. M. Dostoevsky, and in G. Berlioz, and in R. Wagner, and in K. P. Bryullov (Fig. 8.2), and in V. V. Vereshchagin).

Rice. 8.2.

The romantics, in whom this worldview dominated, proceeded from the fact that there is nothing complete and self-sufficient in the world. They saw the world as a living organism, in each particle of which, one way or another, the whole was expressed. And if the mechanics explained living nature as a machine, then the romantics also spiritualized inanimate nature:

“Not what you think, nature:

Not a cast, not a soulless face -

She has a soul, she has freedom,

There is love in it, there is language in it...”

The romantics comprehended the complex contradictions of the world as its wealth, and imagined the world as multifaceted. They also saw art as a living, multifaceted analogue of creative nature. For them, an artist is not just a subject who comprehends existence, but a creator capable of re-creating worlds, a genius. Therefore, no methods, systems, rules of eternal models, traditions, but complete freedom of the creative spirit of the artist, who cares about drama human problems. In the works of the romantics there are often grandiose and almost always rebellious-tragic, sometimes grotesque-tragic images and passions. In romanticism of the 19th century. the idea of ​​the hostility of reality to man, of the discrepancy in life between what should be, what is desired and what is, was embodied. The Romantics expressed their rejection of bourgeois reality, its cold, calculating and vulgar practicality, rational rationalism, and standardization of personality. From the point of view of the romantics, every person should be free. The creative freedom of an artist is simply the most complete realization of the freedom that is natural to man. In our imperfect world, an artist is able to create something perfect using unusual means and techniques. The art of the romantics is most often symbolic, allegorical, and metaphysical. It obviously began a departure from traditional art methods that had been established in Europe since the Renaissance. However, in line with the realistic direction, intertwined with the romantic, the same thing was ripening. Thus, within the framework of completely traditional painting, impressionism matured in France.

Impressionist artists, such as C. Monet, O. Renoir, C. Pissarro and others, were determined to bring the image of reality as close as possible - to reality itself, and strived for the most accurate depiction of nature and man. They tried to capture fragments of the world as they were. The Impressionists strengthened the traditional principle of “paint what you see” to “paint as you see.” They continued to consider the eye as a guarantee of truth in the image, and the goal of art is the vision and expression of the truth of this world, its truth, its objective beauty. But at the same time, the emphasis in creativity was transferred to the subjective vision of the world “as it is.” The world depicted by the impressionists seemed to “float,” vibrating, losing stability and definiteness of forms. And at the same time, artists, passionate about the search for new means of expression and visual possibilities, creating canvases of magnificent picturesqueness, moved away from acute, painful social and personal themes and problems, leading viewers into a world that excites with its beauty, both real and seemingly surreal .

Thus, in the art of the 19th century. Two main directions, two, in general, converging lines, stood out quite clearly. The first is the line of realism, taken to its extreme to the point of naturalism and fundamental anestheticism, taken to a line that no significant artist has ever crossed. No matter how shocking Baudelaire’s “Flowers of Evil” may have shocked readers, they revealed a romantically intentional naturalism within the framework of completely traditional poetics. However offensive to puritanical taste Zola may have appeared in his novels, his prose was on the verge of actual naturalism, but not beyond the bounds. The very way of describing all kinds of everyday “dirt,” the composition of words and expressions used for this, remained in line with literary tradition. Russian Itinerant artists, depicting the most unpleasant and even terrible moments of life, depicted them without destroying established aesthetic norms. Vereshchagin painted the horrors of war, but he still painted “beautifully.” Of course, realistic aspirations in art were opposed to the embellishment of reality. Realist artists fought against inhumanity and vulgarity social life by depicting her as truthfully as possible. Their talents and spiritual strength were consciously directed towards understanding problems that are significant for man and society, including moral ones, and at awakening good feelings with the “lyre”. In this way, they affirmed and defended the values ​​of culture.

Impressionism and post-impressionism seem to be between this realistic line and another, seemingly opposite to it. The line of romantics, symbolists, and representatives of the Art Nouveau style embodied the desire of artists to rise above the dirty and vulgar bourgeois reality, to overcome it, to fight it, generating perfection in an imperfect world. This is how they “saved” culture, trying in every possible way to bring beauty into life, including into people’s lives.

Post-Impressionists (V. Van Gogh, P. Gauguin, A. Toulouse-Lautrec, P. Cezanne) all, one way or another, went through the “school” of impressionism. But the paintings of their older brothers seemed to them too carefree and peaceful, too insistent on accurately reproducing what they saw. It was not for nothing that Cezanne once said about C. Monet that he was “only an eye” (although he added, “but what an eye!”). For the Post-Impressionists, the painting of their predecessors was little reflective, focused on depicting the harmony of lines, light and color, and the pictorial harmony of the world. The Post-Impressionists rather focused on its disharmony, dissonances, pictorial and social, and expressed their dissatisfaction with life “as it is.” Their paintings are permeated with a sense of drama, feelings of rage, pain, and melancholy. They depicted the vileness of the bourgeois “prose of life” and “fled” from it to the naturalness of nature and human communities untouched by civilization (like Gauguin on the island of Tahiti). And if the impressionists “blurred” the forms of the surrounding world, then the post-impressionists began the process of exaggerating them and, at the same time, emphasizing color, and, as Van Gogh put it, color itself. Art researchers bring together the post-impressionists in the nature and essence of their work with different artistic movements - either with the realists, in connection with their desire to depict what is, without embellishing reality, then with the symbolists, since the work of the post-impressionists is often symbolic, then with the later, clearly modernist, trends in painting of the 20th century.

The connection between post-impressionism and symbolism obviously existed, as did the “pure” impressionists and neo-impressionists. The Symbolists were close to the innovations of the Impressionists, for they brought the illusory nature of the image to a critical point, beyond which the object becomes inseparable from its subjective vision. Symbolism placed emphasis on the latter, without striving for exact reproduction outside world, but by creating illusions-symbols, images-allegories, expressing their artistic ideas. The symbolists also liked the independent innovative position of the impressionists and post-impressionists, who for a long time were not accepted by traditionally minded artists, art critics and the public.

The Symbolists were characterized by the assertion of the exclusivity of the artist, his right to free improvisation, to phantasmagoria. Thus, A. Bely noted that the preachers of symbolism “see in the artist the legislator of life ...”, that “symbolism emphasizes the primacy of creativity over knowledge ... the importance of the form of works of art.” Bely defined a symbol as “ image taken from nature and transformed by creativity; a symbol is an image that combines the artist’s experience and features taken from nature. In this sense, every work of art is essentially symbolic."

Even if this is so, then the symbolism characteristic of any work of art, among representatives of symbolism, consciously realized by artists of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, became the central, self-sufficient dominant of creativity.

Symbolists - artists and poets - were concerned not with accurately conveying the features of the external world (nature), but with depicting their ideas about it, with the help of symbols, allegories and magnificently developed decorative forms. They claimed to embody their artistic ideas in sensory-perceptible, aesthetic forms. As O. Redon, one of the symbolists, said, he sought to unite human beauty with the magic of thought.

Symbolism developed both in painting and in European, including Russian, poetry (P. Verlaine, A. Rimbaud, S. Mallarmé, A. Blok, Bely, etc.); in the European theater (M. Maeterlinck).

The emphasis on symbolism, decorativeness and general aestheticism, the desire for the author’s creation of beauty, magical, unearthly, permeated European art of the last quarter of the 19th century, partially capturing the beginning of the 20th century. This was especially pronounced in the development of the last great artistic style (after classicism, baroque, rococo, etc.), the so-called Art Nouveau style, which under different names began to dominate in Europe. This art style absorbed romantic, impressionist, and symbolist tendencies. But he became characterized by a special focus on mass participation, on the applied nature of creativity, and the desire for artistic influence on all spheres of life. On the one hand, this came from the artists’ awareness of the gross industrialization of life and its disfigurement. From here arose, sometimes exaggerated, aestheticism and decorativism. On the other hand, since the artists set out to transform the entire environment, including the industrial environment, everyday objects and things, by means of art, they also developed a rational constructive principle and, obviously, tried to combine beauty with usefulness, with function.

Beauty acquired a meaning for them, almost religious. As M.A. Vrubel said, “beauty is our religion.” Artists tried to see this beauty in the real world, i.e. the world of living nature (plants, animals, insects), and in everything mysterious beyond, mystical, implicit - in the movement of elements, vortices of lines, round dances of forms. Art was understood as the best, most perfect life, and the artist - as the creator and prophet of such a life. The task of the artists was to do as much as possible ordinary life artistic, beautiful. In Europe, art shops and salons multiplied. Orders poured in for new architectural solutions in the construction of banks, various, sometimes grandiose, structures (the Eiffel Tower!), and private houses. Moreover, architects began to design not only the buildings themselves, but also the interiors with all the furnishings, all the surroundings, involving artists and craftsmen in the work. In the Art Nouveau style they began to make furniture, clothes, table lamps, screens, etc. and so on. This style is widely used in book and magazine graphics and advertising. Art Nouveau works were sometimes somewhat (sometimes overly) complicated, but always elegant, exciting the imagination, as if teasing the taste. The artists masterfully used mythological, poetic and fairy tale images(centaurs, sphinxes, mermaids), symbolic images of flowers, both simple (sunflowers) and exotic (orchids, lilies), as well as animals, birds, insects (especially snakes, swans, peacocks, butterflies, dragonflies). All this was skillfully connected in compositional solutions, elegant, sinuous, mobile, bright, theatrically impressive, artificial and beautiful. This artistic style, which is generally gone, still continues to have a fruitful impact on industrial and household design, architecture, and fashion.

Both lines - realistic and symbolic - in the 19th century. combined, crossed. And both, together and separately, going to extremes, reaching the heights of artistry, heralded the beginning of a great turning point not only in artistic, but also in European and world culture as a whole - a turning point that began to be felt at the end of the 19th century. and became a reality for the entire 20th century.

However, throughout the 19th century. The development of civilization and culture even in Europe (not to mention the world) remained uneven. This development outlined and presented some of the features of future structural upheavals. But not everyone felt them. On the contrary, the conscious population of Europe was confident in the success of civilizational and cultural progress, in the stability of the existing value systems and preferences. Reason seems to have established itself as the highest value and the main value criterion for Europeans. All other values ​​of civilization and culture were correlated with it, checked against the scale of “reasonableness - unreasonableness.”

In this regard, Truth had to be useful, Good - expedient, Faith - convenient, Beauty - clear, functional, serving Good, Freedom - reasonable, Love - formalized and legal. And such values-ideals must be realized in life, which is already ordered to a certain extent and will be ordered even more, on the basis of reason, for the implementation of these ideals wherever they do not yet operate. Intellectual snobs, whiners, and decadents doubt this. In the 19th century many people looked to the future, albeit with restrained optimism, and believed that traditions operate in culture. And it is traditions European culture will provide an opportunity for the triumph of humanism. They believed that society, humanity, despite all deviations from the principles of humanism and ideals traditional culture, as a whole, moves, developing these traditions, towards harmony, achievable, albeit through struggle.

From the very beginning, the 20th century began to refute the general optimistic mood inherent in the previous century - the Golden Age of European, including Russian, and even world culture.

Bely A. Symbolism as a worldview. P. 23.

  • Somewhat later, “constructivism” also developed, but this style was not so universal.