The story of how Hannah and Pasha met. Hannah: singer before and after plastic surgery (photo), biography, real name, career, personal life, love story with her husband Pavel Kuryanov (Pasha), birth of a child. Perhaps men think it gets there faster this way

Pasha is the director of the Black Star music label, known throughout Russia and beyond. True name men - Pavel Kuryanov. Pavel was born on September 16 (Virgo according to the horoscope) 1983 in Moscow.

His family was very wealthy and for this reason they did everything possible to give their son a decent education. True, by nature the boy turned out to be very restless and restless. He and his parents were called to the director more than once. But despite all this, Pavel studied very well.

Taste of adulthood

As soon as Pasha graduates from school with high enough scores, he decides to go to college to study finance. After studying at college, he transferred to a specialized university in order to become the Minister of Finance in the future.

Pavel was independent from childhood. At the age of 9-10, he earned his first money, which his parents gave him for cleaning the apartment. So they tried to develop a sense of hard work in the boy. He spent all the money he earned on gifts for relatives, friends and parents, making it pleasant not only for them, but also for himself.

Meet Timati

Pasha’s first meeting with Timati took place in a nightclub. After some time, they begin to bump into each other more often, talk and spend more time with each other. Thus, they become close friends. In 1998, Timati, together with Pasha, founded the rap group “VIP77”, which included such famous performers as Dominic Joker, Baby Lee, Master Spensor, etc. The group was doing very well, and after some time they released hits such as “I need you alone” and “Fiesta”.

Today, Timati’s career is very successful, he has a large baggage of various projects, and also has a lot planned for the future. Of course, such success came not without the help of his colleague, friend Pasha.

Pasha's personal front

In fact, much about Pasha’s personal life remains unknown. But in 2015 they find out about the wedding popular singer Hannah with the CEO of Black Star. The first time Anna (Hannah's real name) noticed Pasha was in a program on the MUZ-TV channel. She noted his appearance and pleasant voice.

Two months later they meet in Turkey, where the girl wins a beauty contest. Sitting in a restaurant, she notices her future man along with Timati, who were sitting at the next table. Thus, they exchange numbers and simply communicate for 2 years, since Anna at that time had a young man, and Pavel had no plans for a serious relationship. But after some time they meet again and realize that they are irrevocably in love.

Hannah is the creative pseudonym of a girl from the capital of Chuvashia, who at a young age achieved brilliant success in her sports and modeling career. However, her childhood dream of becoming a singer also came true. Today the whole country sings her songs.

Childhood and youth

The girl's real name is Anna Ivanova. She was born in Cheboksary, from early childhood she was interested in music, and later graduated from a music school with a degree in piano. When the girl turned 6 years old, the list of activities was supplemented with sports ballroom dancing. A bright talent was discovered in this direction, and seven years later Anya, at the insistence of her coach, left for Moscow.

The life of the young ballerina consisted of school studies and dancing; there was simply not enough time for more - she had to forget about the computer, TV, and even just aimless walks around the city. Grueling daily training often lasted until midnight.

But already at the age of 15, the girl could boast of dizzying success in her chosen field. Ivanova is the winner of the Novorossiysk Cup, the Caucasus Cup and the Federal District Cup. The geography of the girl’s performances went far beyond home country. Anna “rose” to the rank of candidate master of sports.

Ivanova remembers this period as one of the most difficult in her life. As a result, the girl could not withstand such a load and fell ill, and after three months of treatment she had to give up ballet.

After school, Anya entered the branch of the St. Petersburg University of Economics, from which she successfully graduated in 2013 with a diploma in “Economics and management in a tourism and hotel industry.”


Anna's creative biography is rich. Tall, with a chiseled figure - all the qualities for a modeling career. The girl decided to try her hand at the beauty industry, and here she also managed to achieve success. Anya’s collection includes the crowns “Miss Cinema”, “Miss Chuvashia”, “Miss Apollo”, “Miss Volga” and other victories.

Hannah at the Miss Russia 2010 beauty contest

She graced the cover of the capital's glossy magazine"Elle Girl" And in 2010, she shone at the Miss Russia beauty contest, but was not included in the list of the first 15 contenders for the title of Russian beauty.

At this time, Anna Ivanova became interested in the acting path, the girl went to Kyiv, where she starred in a number of television series. However, she thoroughly prepared for her debut in the film industry by completing acting courses at the New York Film Academy (Los Angeles).


The old dream of becoming a singer, which the girl had cherished since early childhood, haunted her. And fate gave Anna such a chance. The ticket to show business was presented by the future husband, director of the Black Star label. The man became the producer of the rising musical Olympus stars named Hannah.

The pseudonym appeared back when the girl was dancing. Its origins are simple: Anna is the Russian interpretation of the Hebrew name Hannah, plus Ivanova admired the talent of the Latin American dancer Hanna Kartunen.

The singer's career started in 2013 and quickly took off. Music lovers, fans of popular music, appreciated Hannah’s first track “I’m Just Yours,” for which a colorful video was released. Soon the girl pleased with a duet with - the young people in the early spring of 2014 performed the composition “Being Modest is Not in Fashion.”

Anna turned out to be a hardworking and prolific singer, giving her fans several songs and videos every year. Some of them immediately fell into rotation on the main Russian radio stations. At the same time, she tried her hand at television as the author of the program “Hip-Hop Chart with Hannah,” with which she entertained viewers of the RU.TV channel.

Soon the girl traveled across the expanses of Russia and outside the country with concerts, the singer was warmly welcomed in Chelyabinsk and Shakhty, in Astana and Kazan. Hannah often visits small towns.

2016 was eventful. The artist was invited to participate in the large-scale project Big Love Show (organized by Love Radio), taking place at the Olimpiysky. The list of songs was replenished with three new tracks, two compositions received their own videos - “Omar Khayyam” and “I can’t live without you.” Another achievement is that Hannah was nominated for the Muz-TV Award in the “Breakthrough of the Year” category.

In 2017, the singer presented videos for the songs “Bullets” and “Te Amo”, and also became a participant in the show “Improvisation” on the TNT channel, performed as a guest on a project with “Icon of Style”, and appeared with her husband on the program “ Where is the logic? At the same time, the artist was preparing for the release of her first album.

Personal life

Hannah knew her future husband in absentia. I noticed Pavel Kuryanov, famous in show business circles, on TV in my youth. In an interview with journalists, the girl said that she watched the program with her mother and noted that it would be nice to have such a husband, handsome, like dad, with in a pleasant voice.

The first meeting took place in 2010 at a Turkish hotel during breakfast. Anna came to this sunny country for a beauty contest, where she won. Pavel really liked the girl, and he asked for her phone number. However, for a couple of years the relationship did not go beyond pleasant conversations and non-binding friendly meetings. Moreover, Anya had a boyfriend with whom she almost walked down the aisle - the young man proposed marriage to the girl, giving her three days to think about it.

One evening, Anna and Pavel crossed paths in a club in the capital. The director of Black Star realized that he had fallen in love. The girl broke off relations with her potential husband, and in 2015 Ivanova and Kuryanov had a magnificent wedding on the island of Capri.

The girl's interests include fashion and beauty. Hannah released a capsule collection of clothes, became the owner of a beauty salon, and runs a beauty blog on YouTube. Page in "Instagram" replete with photos from concerts and vacations, interviews and TV shows.

Hannah now

In the spring of 2018, fans learned that. At the same time, the girl does not hide her position, appearing at social parties in tight-fitting outfits that emphasize her noticeably rounded belly.

And in winter, the artist’s first studio album “Thoughts” was released. Part 1,” which included 15 compositions, including the songs “Bullets,” “I Won’t Return,” and “I Can’t Without You,” which have long been familiar to fans.

Pavel Kuryanov, known as Pasha, - general manager and co-founder of the Black Star label, close friend and right hand musician and businessman Timur Yunusov (). Producer, who currently oversees more than 10 business areas, - shining example self-made biography, a man who brilliantly applied financial talents in the world of show business.

Childhood and youth

On September 16, 1983, Pasha Kuryanov was born in Moscow. Parents are average Muscovites: my mother worked as a teacher in kindergarten, father is in the subway. In the 90s the couple opened own business, although, according to Pasha, this did not affect him. They didn’t give the boy any pocket money, and they didn’t make the desired purchases.

As Pavel later admitted in an interview, he began to negotiate with his parents about monetary reward for one or another completed task. The sociable boy spent his pocket money on trips to cafes and clubs. In one of them, a 15-year-old teenager met a man with whom years later he would build the Black Star business empire shoulder to shoulder.

Kuryanov - majority shareholder on the Black Star label. The businessman owns 40% of the shares, while Timati owns 30%, the same amount in the arsenal of the third co-founder Evgeny Zubitsky. According to RBC estimates, the total revenue of the Black Star group of companies at the end of 2017 was more than 1 billion rubles.

Personal life

In 2015, Pavel Kuryanov met his future wife, a model and singer known under the pseudonym Hannah. The girl made the businessman forget about all his previous hobbies in his personal life.

The singer Hannah's name is Anna Ivanova. The 28-year-old girl is a multiple winner of beauty contests. Bright and talented, she is successfully making a career in Russian show business.

Hannah's husband Pavel Kuryanov

In 2010, Anna won an important competition - Miss Kemer International. It took place in Turkey. It was there that she met her future husband Pavel Kuryanov (Pasha). He is the director of the famous Black Star label, best friend rapper Timati and his right hand.

Pavel Kuryanov

Pavel was interested in the spectacular blonde, but only fleetingly. The young man later noted that she did not look like “ordinary fashion models with beautiful figure and empty-headed." They talked a little and exchanged phone numbers.

"Husband ❤️"

For 2 years the young people communicated as friends. They saw each other from time to time in the company of mutual friends, but there was no talk of an affair. The singer had a young man, Pasha “was spoiled by female attention.”

“He makes me so happy ❤️”

According to Hannah, during one meeting an epiphany came.

“We realized that we love each other and should be together.”

Pavel proposed marriage to the girl on Valentine's Day, during a festive dinner. The setting was very romantic. Anna notes that her husband knows how to make beautiful gestures.

Pavel knows how to charm

In July 2015, they got married in the Moscow registry office, but the magnificent wedding ceremony took place abroad, on the island of Capri.

“It was the most unforgettable day of my life”

The holiday turned out to be simply gorgeous, as evidenced by numerous photos.

Hannah says it took six months to prepare. The star notes that before Kuryanov she had no serious relationship with men.

“I have never loved anyone as much as I love Pasha, so we can say that I had no love affairs before him.”

The husband promotes the girl as a singer, and, as Hannah says, work is the only topic over which they quarrel: “He often yells at me, I get offended, but he doesn’t understand what’s the matter? The criticism is on point, not directed at me. True, all this passes quickly.”

Singer Hannah is expecting a baby

In April, celebrities attended a social event where they announced that Hannah was expecting a baby. The birth is planned for September.

Hannah and Pavel are expecting a baby

The sex of the baby can already be determined, but young people don’t want to know. The singer says that it doesn’t matter who is born, as long as the child is healthy.

“Pasha wants a boy, and I want a daughter.”

Hannah has an easy pregnancy. She continues to actively tour and record new compositions.

The girl plans to go on maternity leave at the end of June. The couple have not yet decided where the birth will take place. Most likely in Germany, but we don’t know for sure.

How does Hannah and Pasha’s family live today?

Anna and Pavel live in luxury apartments in the center of Moscow. They travel a lot. Favorite vacation spot is the Maldives. They spent their first wedding anniversary there.

The family has several cars from leading brands. The singer, by the way, is an excellent driver: “I like to be behind the wheel. It’s so amazing when a huge, heavy car listens to a fragile woman.”

Hannah loves to drive

Anna plans to return to work almost immediately after giving birth. A nanny will be hired for the newborn.

Hannah and Pasha

The girl says that she cannot afford a full 3-year maternity leave.

“I want to earn money myself. It is unacceptable for me to say that my husband, a producer, provides for me.”

Now Anna is finishing her studies and will rest for several months and prepare for childbirth.

“If I work, I work without breaks”

She communicates a lot with fans on Instagram, posting latest photos and video, answers the most interesting questions.!

Hannah is a versatile person who has achieved success in various fields creativity. She professionally practiced ballroom dancing and music, won numerous beauty contests, worked as a fashion model, and sings beautifully. Russian performer They are warmly welcomed with concerts in various cities of the country, and the songs occupy the first lines of the charts.


Hannah is a pseudonym that the girl decided to take while dancing. This name is the Greek prototype of the name Anna, and it is also worn by Hanna Kartunen, who at that time was the idol of the future star.

The girl believed that fame would come to her along with her pseudonym.

The singer's real name is Anna Ivanova. Date of birth: 01/23/1991. Anya is Chuvash by origin; she was born in the city of Cheboksary. Nationality indicated is Russian.

IN early childhood parents noticed a love for music in their daughter. Therefore, the decision to send the baby to a music school was made unanimously. Since her father left the family early, Anya was raised, taught and instilled in her human qualities grandmother and mother. In the future, they became a real support and support for the girl.

Anya's dad was replaced by her grandfather. The girl did not feel that she was growing up in a single-parent family; her mother and grandmother invested maximum love and care in her.

IN music school Anya played the piano. At the age of 6 she took up ballroom dancing. Here the girl reached considerable heights - she became a candidate for master of sports. At first, the concerts were held for charitable purposes. Then Anya’s team was invited to other cities in Russia, and then abroad.

The girl had an incredible talent for dancing. Her coach stated this every time. On his advice, Anya left for Moscow to continue to advance in career ladder. She lived in Butovo in a rented apartment with two guys - dance partners.

The girl’s life was divided between dancing and going to school. There was no time left for entertainment. Anya forgot what TV was like, communicating with peers, and she rarely even managed to walk around the city.

Often returning from training at one in the morning, the girl cried into her pillow, but did not tell anyone about her experiences or complain, not even her mother, who called every day. In the morning she got up wondering when it would end. First, the school was waiting for her, then the coach was waiting for her at the other end of Moscow. My nerves were on edge, my strength was slowly running out.

Finally, Anya’s labors bore fruit. In 2006, the girl was invited to work at a prestigious Moscow dance club"Aleko."

Creative career

Hannah acted in films, participated in shows, hosted programs, and tried herself as a model. But the girl settled on her singing career - cherished dream childhood.

Modeling career

Hannah has an attractive appearance, which allowed her to achieve success in the modeling business.

In 2007, the future singer participated in the Miss Cinema competition - the 16-year-old girl became the undisputed winner.

After the beauty contest, Anya received job offers - she was invited to modeling agencies and to photo shoots.

After 2 years, the girl again becomes the winner, but this time of several beauty contests:

  • "Miss Chuvashia 2009";
  • "Miss Apollo 2009";
  • "Miss Volga 2009";
  • "Miss Viva Volga-Don 2010";
  • "Miss Volga International 2010";
  • "Miss Kemer International 2010".

In 2010, Anna demonstrates her beauty and charm at the Miss Russia 2010 competition. However, this time she does not win and takes 9th place.


The girl’s musical career started in 2013. The public appreciated the singer's voice and attractive appearance. Hannah's first song was “I'm Just Yours.” After some time, a video for this composition was released.

In 2014, the performer recorded joint track with Yegor Creed “Being modest is not in fashion.” Then the girl who attracted the attention of the public released 7 more compositions.

In 2015, she was offered to become the host of the “Hip-Hop Chart with Hannah” program. In the same year, the singer released the song “Lost My Head” and “Mom, I Fell in Love.” The latter occupied the first lines of the charts for a long time. The composition became a hit and was loved by thousands of listeners.

In 2016, Hannah became a participant in the Big Love Show at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex (Moscow). In the same year, the singer releases a new track “Omar Khayyam”. In 2016, another important event took place for Hannah - she was nominated for the Muz-TV “Breakthrough of the Year” award. After this, another track “I can’t live without you” comes out, and then “When He Comes In”.

The singer’s first studio album is “Thoughts. Part 1". It comes out in 2018. It includes the singer’s new hits “Puli”, “Te Amo”, “I won’t return”. Recently another hit of Hannah was released - “Kissing”.

In 2016, Hannah was nominated for the Golden Gramophone Award.

In 2017, the singer won the Major League and Music Box awards in the Best of New category. The song “Omar Khayyam” wins in both cases.

In 2018, Hannah was nominated for “Best Female Video” at the MUZ-TV Awards.

Hannah at the MUZ-TV awards

Other projects

In 2011, the girl quit dancing and decided to devote herself to a film career. This period was difficult in her life. Anna understood that in the future she would have to give up dancing in any case. The only thing that awaits her is a coaching career. The singer was not impressed by such prospects. In addition, at that time she was experiencing serious health problems.

The first step towards acting was a trip to Los Angeles. There the girl entered the New York Academy to major in film actor. In the same year, she moved to Kyiv and starred in the TV series: “Family Melodramas”, “Mess”.

In 2015, the singer released a capsule collection of 8 clothing items “GOLD X by Hannah”. The line was marketed as "Black Star Wear".

In 2017, Hannah opened a beauty studio “X LASHES BY HANNA” in Moscow and started a beauty blog on the YouTube channel. The same year she posed nude for Maxim magazine. Bright and candid photos can be viewed on the publisher's website.

Personal life

Hannah does not hide her personal life from the public. In show business, the name of the director of “Black Star” Pavel Kuryanov (Pasha), whose wife the singer is, is widely known.

The way the couple met is of interest to Hannah's fans. The love story began in 2010, when Anya performed at the Miss Kemer International beauty contest, which was held in Turkey. At that time, Pasha was already working as the director of the Black Star label, famous in Russia and abroad.

Pasha said in one of his interviews that the girls were always the first to meet him and his friends, in particular Timati. But in Hannah's case it was the other way around. She and her friend sat at a table, looked at each other, smiled, and did not pay any attention to the guys.

Then Pasha took the first step and came up to get acquainted, the initiative turned out to be fateful. The young people talked a little, and Pavel asked Hannah for her phone number. As the director of “Black Star” himself said, he persuaded her for a long time.

Pavel was in no hurry to offer the girl a serious relationship. Spending time with the model allowed us to add another name to Kuryanov’s personal list beautiful girl. This ended their communication. Only occasionally did they meet in nightclubs in the company of mutual friends. Their relationship was regarded as friendly.

At that moment, Hannah is not free. It was unknown at the time who the girl was dating. Anna later told the press that the man proposed to marry him. The potential groom was much older and had a child. However, the noticeable age difference did not stop him. The man believed that Hannah was the ideal option for him. It is worth noting that the girl was only 20 years old at the time. Inspired by the beautiful courtship, she “lost her head.”

As Hannah later admits, the epiphany came when she met Pavel in a nightclub. She wanted to spend time with her friend and have fun. At the club, Anna saw Timati and Leps. The girl realized that Pasha must be somewhere nearby. She took the phone and texted him: “Are you here?” The couple spent that evening together, and at night Pasha wrote to the girl that he could not live without her.

“We realized that we love each other and should be together.” - the singer said in an interview.

Hannah refused the marriage proposal and left for Kyiv. After 2 weeks, Pasha came to her and offered to move to Moscow. So it began life together couples.

Pavel and Hannah lived together for less than a year, then on Valentine's Day the man proposed to marry him.

In 2015, the couple signed in the Moscow registry office. A gorgeous wedding was held on the island of Capri. Preparations for the event lasted six months; the photo was also presented on the singer’s Instagram.

Hannah claims that she didn’t have a serious relationship before Eugene, she didn’t love anyone that much. Pavel acts as the singer's producer. The couple, as a sign of love, got themselves a tattoo with the names of their halves.

Husband Pavel Kuryanov (Pasha)

An important moment in Pavel’s life was his meeting with Timati. They met in one of the nightclubs and became true friends.

In 1998, the guys created a rap group called “VIP-77”, which included performers: Dominic Joker, Master Spensor, Baby Lee and so on.

Things went quite well for the young people. After some time, they released 2 hits: “We really need you” and “Fiesta”.

2006 was marked by the creation of the Black Star label, which Pasha created together with Timati and Walter Chassem.

After Dzhigan left the team, the company's business began to decline. Then Pavel thought about changing the direction of his work. Ilya Kusakin helped him in this. The label's business was picking up again. Success began when Yegor Creed joined the team. The label currently includes 13 young and talented performers.

Kuryanov owns 40% of the shares of the Black Star company, while Timati himself owns 30%. According to recent estimates, the label's revenue is more than 1 billion rubles.


In April 2018, it became known that Hannah was pregnant. The couple did not want to find out the sex of the child in advance. The singer said that it doesn’t matter who is born, the main thing is that the baby is healthy.

The singer admits that during pregnancy she suffered from terrible toxicosis. However, the girl still remembers this period with pleasure.

The singer went to concerts until she was 8 months old. “Pregnancy is not a disease, but a magical period!” - she said in an interview.

On September 3, Hannah gave birth to a child - a charming girl. Famous singer gave birth in a clinic in Miami.

The baby's father and grandmother (Hannah's mother) met her from the maternity hospital. The woman helped young parents and happily babysat her granddaughter.

Pavel and Hannah do not disclose the girl’s height and weight. The parents are also silent about the baby’s name. Perhaps they have not yet decided what to name their daughter, or do not want to put their personal life and family happiness on display. The couple shares photos together, but so far the baby’s face is not visible on them.

Singer before and after plastic surgery

Hannah claims that no plastic surgery was performed on her body. She achieved ideal figure parameters thanks to sports ballroom dancing, which the performer has been doing professionally for several years.

However, it is noticeable to the naked eye that the girl’s face has undergone several significant changes. First of all, it touched the lips. Hannah enlarged them with Botox. This is immediately noticeable in the photo.

Not without rhinoplasty. Hannah's nose, in comparison with the photographs before the operation, has become more neatly shaped and its size has decreased.

There was a correction of the cheekbones. The “real” Hannah had “Slavic” rosy and rounded cheeks. Now the singer’s cheekbones stand out more. Due to this, the face elongated and acquired a diamond shape instead of a triangular one.

Hannah's eyebrows are also unnatural. The use of tattooing is noticeable. The star's teeth were also corrected Russian stage. They became several shades whiter.

The singer herself denies involvement in plastic surgery and claims that she changes her appearance only with the help of well-chosen makeup and the services of a cosmetologist. By the way, Hannah prefers to do her own makeup herself.

Fans noticed sharp increase singer's breasts. The singer is silent about this and avoids answering such questions.

The “upgrade” has led to the fact that it is already difficult for the singer to single out from the crowd of similar star girls with pumped lips, sharpened cheekbones, a sharp nose and large breasts.

Beauty secrets

Hannah has not eaten meat for several years. “Epiphany” came to the singer when she became acquainted with the relevant literature indicating that meat, seafood and fish have a detrimental effect on the functioning of the body and beauty.

In this matter, the singer followed in the footsteps of her friends. No one around her eats such foods. For more than 5 years, the girl has been an avid vegetarian.

As the singer says, she has never regretted her choice and will not return to her previous lifestyle. According to Hannah, avoiding meat, seafood and fish is one of the secrets of her beauty.

Another secret of the singer’s attractiveness is her skillfully selected makeup, which she always does herself. Hannah wears minimal makeup outside of concerts and prefers to be natural.

The singer is constantly improving and admits that she uses Internet blogs that teach the correct and new ways to hide flaws and emphasize advantages.

Hannah admits that she not only does her own makeup, but also chooses her haircuts and hair color. The singer believes that the main thing in beauty is restraint. “If you want to paint brightly and do plastic surgery- good riddance, the main thing in this matter is not to overdo it!” - says the performer.

Despite the girl’s attractive appearance, she has complexes. Hannah herself said this in an interview. She said that she often has complexes and is constantly trying to change and re-educate herself. For a long time, Hannah believed that she had a protruding belly, so she wore loose-fitting clothes.

Fans are wondering how the singer manages to maintain perfect shape bodies. Hannah says that for sports gym she doesn't have enough time. Therefore, she practices at home and during tours. The singer begins her classes with stretching and warming up.

The performer has a personal trainer who selects training programs for her. It is based on exercises for tightening the buttocks, thighs, pumping up the abs, muscles of the arms and legs.

The girl's skin also looks perfect. Hannah takes her care seriously. Her face and body products are made by a personal cosmetologist who lives in Miami. The singer monitors the condition of her hair on her own. He admits to using various oils. The singer has about 20 of them.

IN lately Hannah often shows photos without makeup, on vacation in a swimsuit, in simple clothes, etc. once again proves that the girl looks great.