Heroes of Eugene Onegin. Characteristics and image of Evgeny Onegin. The image of Evgeny Onegin in the village

The novel in verse Eugene Onegin, written by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, is central to his work. The work contains many bright, unique characters in their own way, including Alexander Sergeevich himself, who introduced himself into the novel as a character.

Evgeny Onegin

Evgeny Onegin, one of the main characters of the novel, belongs to the type of “superfluous man” in literature. " Extra person" - This literary hero a person who has exceptional talents, but is unable to realize them in society, and does not find the right application for them.

Onegin is a young rich nobleman living in St. Petersburg. Evgeniy was born “on the banks of the Neva”, he was an ordinary child in a completely ordinary noble family. His father did not raise him, and the Frenchman “taught him everything jokingly.”

The hero's youth takes place in the capital. Onegin is fashionably dressed, has a haircut, speaks French and dances the mazurka. Evgeniy has no education, but is distinguished by his erudition, wit and broad outlook. The hero is interested in cultural, historical and political issues. People around him decide that Onegin is “smart and very nice.” However, the light was not interested internal qualities hero, people only looked at his shell, they did not know what kind of person he really was.

The author does not idealize Eugene Onegin, endowing him with such character traits as hypocrisy, selfishness, indifference, and coldness. Blues, dissatisfaction with life, boredom, monotony disappoint the hero.

Onegin is mentally empty, prone to melancholy, his life is monotonous and boring, because it directly depends on the opinion of the false high society. Onegin is bored, “hard work makes him sick.”

The turning point in the hero's life is the murder of Lensky. Onegin suddenly begins to understand the insignificance of his previous existence. He goes on a journey in hopes of changing and calming his conscience. He returns to St. Petersburg as a completely different person. At this point, the development of the main character’s character ends; Alexander Sergeevich leaves the ending open.

Tatyana Larina

One more main character novel in verse - Tatyana Larina. This is a girl from a poor family living in the provinces. Pushkin makes the heroine his favorite, endowing her with modesty, homeliness, simplicity, naivety, but at the same time a deep inner world.

Tatyana appears to the reader as a poetic young girl, exploring the world around you through the pages of your favorite novels. She is withdrawn and immersed in her own feelings.

As a child, Tatyana did not like playing with dolls and hanging out with her friends; she liked listening to her nanny's stories, embroidering, or sitting alone with a book.

Seeing Eugene Onegin and comparing him with the Byronic hero of her favorite novel, Tatyana succumbed to an impulse of feelings, which was completely unusual for her, and confessed her love to her beloved. Tatyana Larina, being naive, gentle and meek, did not expect to hear a refusal. And it broke her heart.

At the end of the novel, the reader sees a completely different Tatyana Larina. This Tatyana has matured and turned into a beautiful, wise, sensible, noble woman. She behaves proudly, evenly and coldly, as expected in high society. Tatyana continues to love Onegin, but diligently hides her feelings, deeply respecting her husband. She places a sense of duty and self-esteem above all else, maintaining honor and loyalty to moral principles.

Vladimir Lensky

Vladimir Lensky is presented in the novel as the antipode of Eugene Onegin. He is still very young, naive, stupid in his own way, a sentimental romantic poet. Lensky, having studied in Germany, returns home full of hopes and aspirations.

Despite the contradictory characters and different views on the world, Lensky easily converges with Onegin and becomes his best friend: “They got together. Wave and stone, poetry and prose, ice and fire...”

Vladimir has not yet succumbed to the influence of the corrupted world, she is sincere, bashful and timid, blushes at the smile of her beloved girl, allowing himself only to touch the hem of her clothes or hair.

Lensky, this hot-tempered, gentle, romantic poet inspired by life, dies in a duel at the hands of Onegin: “Almost out of a baby’s clothes, he has faded!”

Olga Larina

Olga Larina is the complete opposite of Tatyana Larina, her younger sister. Olga has a flighty character, carefree, flirtatious, and differs from her sister in her “innocent charm.” The heroine likes to flirt with Lensky, although she does not take him seriously. Olga is not distinguished by a deep inner world, “Olga has no life in her features,” she is stupid, and is easily attracted to men. She does not yearn for the deceased Lensky and very soon after his death she gets married. The author creates the image of a beautiful, but stupid and empty doll.

Thus, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin reliably showed a picture of a typical noble life, way of thinking, moral principles and values ​​of this society.

Characters of the novel

The novel "Eugene Onegin" was written by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in 1831. This work is still relevant today. And it is not surprising, because it raises very important and relevant problems to this day. Moreover, the novel is remarkable bright characters, whose characters not only influence the plot itself, but are also the author’s means to show the reader how different people are. Let's look at the main characters in more detail.

Main character - Evgeny Onegin. A young rake, tired of everything, a playmaker who has become fed up with secular society. It was in this society that he grew up, it was in it that he acquired his qualities. Evgeny is cold, indifferent, cunning and, partly, smart. He honors science, keeps up with the times, but at the same time, the reader understands that this is just following a fashion that is accepted in high society. Even Onegin’s attitude towards love is based on the ideals of the secular world. Can Onegin be called noble? Not at all, but he, like Pechorin in M.Yu. Lermontov’s novel “Hero of Our Time,” is the hero of Pushkin’s modern times. Therefore, it is impossible to say with confidence whether the moral character of the main character of the novel is bad or not.

About Evgeny Onegin, in particular, it can be noted that he is capable of friendship. The relationship with Lensky was a real friendship, when one person completely complements the other. But only Onegin’s indifference, Lensky’s temper and Olga’s frivolity led to the fact that Vladimir died, and Eugene lost, perhaps, his only friend. Also, although the story with Tatyana is sad, the blame lies entirely with Onegin, and he understands this. The reader can only sympathize with the main character and conclude that sometimes composure, principles that do not correspond human nature and indifference can lead to tragic consequences.

Second main character this novel - undoubtedly Tatyana Larina. Eldest daughter in the Larin family, the “gray mouse”, a sensual, gentle and very sincere nature. Tatyana is dear not only to the author, but also to the reader, because she combined the qualities of a simple Russian girl and the qualities of the daughter of a noble nobleman. She also showed how a person can change in new conditions and at the same time remain himself.

Having married the general, Tatyana became a true aristocrat, but retained her personal qualities. She remained the same romantic nature, vulnerable and slightly sad. No one can doubt that the elder Larina’s love for Onegin was the most real and sincere love that people are capable of. However, Evgeniy’s refusal not only painfully disappointed Tatyana, but also taught her life lesson. So, when meeting Onegin again, she preferred marriage whirlwind romance with the one she loved so dearly. This indicates that Tatyana is a person of principle and nobility.

Bright secondary character - Vladimir Lensky. He is young, hot, quick-tempered, passionate and dreamy. Onegin is his complete opposite, and this is what attracts the young poet to the capital's rake. Vladimir had a fiancée - Olga, an ordinary laughing woman. I dare to suggest that because of her frivolity and Lensky’s integrity, a duel to death took place. Vladimir during it, but the reader initially understands that both friends do not want to shoot each other, but the conflict is a matter of principle. Also, it is worth noting that in the famous lines about poetry and prose, ice and fire, Lensky acts as everything passionate and living.

In his friendship with the completely icy and prosaic Evgeniy, Vladimir is the hot word of poetry, bringing revival and action. We can conclude that the death of Lensky was Onegin’s greatest tragedy, and also that the love between Olga and Vladimir was a short-lived impulse. Proof of this is the fact that Olga went to the officer almost immediately after her death.

And the last character about whom they said so much and said nothing - Olga. Tatyana's younger sister, a favorite in the Larin family. If Tatyana were the moon, then Olga would be the most bright sun. Yunna is charming and simply beautiful. All these qualities of Olga lead to the fact that she is always in the center of male attention. And, as mentioned earlier, because of her unreasonable actions, her fiancé died, and he died at the hands of his own friend. But Olga, presumably, does not take the sin on her soul, and, after grieving for a short time, marries a promising officer.

Also, the main secondary characters cannot but be called Larin spouses. They gave birth to two beautiful and completely different girls. At the time of the development of the story, the father, Dmitry Larin, is no longer alive. The reader only knows about him that he was a humane and kind nobleman with the rank of brigadier. His wife, Praskovya Larina, was forced into marriage, according to the principle “endure, fall in love.” And in fact, love arose between the Larins, and its fruits were two sisters. The couple are extremely close to their serfs and the traditions of the Russian people. This strikingly distinguishes them from the secular nobility. But this does not contradict the fact that the Larins are kind, hospitable people whose morals and principles stand above all else.

In conclusion, I would like to say that it is the characters of the novel “Eugene Onegin” that give color to this work. Their contrast, images, qualities and characters - all this contributed to the logical course of events. In addition, through the images of the main and minor characters Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin showed the reader what the consequences may be from one or another type of behavior.

In the novel “Eugene Onegin”, next to the main character, the author depicts other characters who help to better understand the character of Eugene Onegin. Among such heroes, first of all, Vladimir Lensky should be named.

According to Pushkin himself, these two people are absolutely opposite: “ice and fire,” as the author writes about them. And yet they become inseparable friends, although Pushkin notes that they become such because there is “nothing to do.”

Let's try to compare Onegin and Lensky. Are they that different from each other?

Why did they get together? It is better to present the comparison of heroes in the form of a table:

Evgeny Onegin Vladimir Lensky
Education and upbringing
Traditional noble upbringing and education - in childhood he is looked after by a mamzel, then by a monsieur, then he receives a good education. Pushkin writes: “We all learned a little something and somehow,” but the poet, as we know, received an excellent education at the elite Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. Studied in Germany. The author does not say anything about who raised him at an earlier age. The result of such education is a romantic worldview; it is no coincidence that Lensky is a poet.
State of mind, attitude to human values
Onegin feels tired of life, disappointed in it, for him there are no values ​​- he does not value love, friendship, or rather, does not believe in the sincerity and strength of these feelings.
>No: his feelings cooled down early
He was tired of the noise of the light.
And then the author “makes a ‘diagnosis’ of his hero’s condition - in short: the Russian melancholy has taken possession of him little by little...”
Having returned to his homeland, Lensky expects happiness and miracles from life - therefore his soul and heart are open to love, friendship and creativity:
The purpose of our life is for him
Was a tempting mystery
He puzzled over her
And he suspected miracles.
Evgeny Onegin Vladimir Lensky
Life in the village, relationships with neighbors
Arriving in the village, Onegin is looking for an application to his strengths, a way out of his aimless existence - he is trying to replace corvée with an “easy quitrent”, and strives to find people close to him in outlook and spirit. But not finding anyone, Onegin himself separated himself with a sharp line from the surrounding landowners.
And they, in turn, considered him an “eccentric,” a “farmazon,” and “they stopped their friendship with him.” Soon boredom and disappointment take hold of him again.
Lensky is distinguished by an enthusiastic and dreamy attitude towards life, spiritual simplicity and naivety.
He had not yet had time to fade “from the cold depravity of the world,” he “was ignorant at heart.”
Idea of ​​purpose and meaning of life
Doesn't believe in any lofty goal. I'm sure there is some highest goal in life, he just doesn’t know her yet.
Poetic creativity and the attitude of heroes towards it
Onegin “could not... distinguish iambic from trochee...,” had neither the ability to compose nor the desire to read poetry; Lensky, like A.S. Pushkin, treats Lensky’s works with slight irony. Lensky is a poet. He wandered the world with a lyre Under the skies of Schiller and Goethe With their poetic fire, the Soul ignited in him. Lensky is inspired by the work of German romantic poets and also considers himself a romantic. In some ways he is similar to Pushkin’s friend Kuchelbecker. Lensky's poems are sentimental, and their content is love, “separation and sadness, and something, and the foggy distance, and romantic roses...”
Love story
Onegin does not believe in sincerity female love. Tatyana Larina, upon first meeting, does not evoke any feelings in Onegin’s soul, except perhaps pity and sympathy. Only after several years has passed, the changed Onegin understands what happiness he gave up by rejecting Tatyana’s love. Onegin's life has no meaning, since there was no place for love in it. Lensky, as a romantic poet, falls in love with Olga. For him, the ideal of female beauty, fidelity - everything is in her. He not only loves her, he is passionately jealous of Olga for Onegin. He suspects her of treason, but as soon as Onegin leaves the evening dedicated to Tatiana’s name day, Olga again sincerely shows her affection and love for Lensky.


With all the differences in characters, temperaments and psychological type between Onegin and Lensky one cannot help but notice a whole series similarities:

They are opposed to the nobility, both in the city and in the countryside;

They strive to find the meaning of life, not limited to the “joys” of the circle of secular youth;

Broad intellectual interests - history, philosophy, moral issues, and reading literary works.


The duel becomes a particularly tragic page in the relationship between Onegin and Lensky. Both heroes perfectly understand the meaninglessness and uselessness of this fight, but neither was able to step over the convention - public opinion. It was the fear of judgment from others that forced two friends to stand at the barrier and aim the muzzle of a gun at the chest of their recent friend.

Onegin becomes a murderer, although according to the rules he does not commit murder, but only defends his honor. And Lensky goes to a duel in order to punish universal evil, which at that moment, in his opinion, was concentrated in Onegin.

After the duel, Onegin leaves, he goes to travel around Russia. He is no longer able to remain in a society whose laws force him to commit acts that are contrary to his conscience. It can be assumed that it was this duel that became the starting point from which serious changes in Onegin’s character began.

Tatyana Larina

The novel is named after Eugene Onegin, but in the text of the novel there is another heroine who can fully be called the main one - this is Tatyana. This is Pushkin's favorite heroine. The author does not hide his sympathy: “forgive me... I love my dear Tatyana so much...”, and, even vice versa, at every opportunity emphasizes his affection for the heroine.

This is how you can imagine the heroine:
What distinguishes Tatyana from representatives of her circle Tatiana in comparison with Onegin
. She is not like all the secular girls. There is no coquetry, affectation, insincerity, or unnaturalness in it.
. She prefers solitude to noisy games, does not like to play with dolls, she prefers to read books or listen to her nanny's stories about antiquity. And she also amazingly feels and understands nature, this spiritual sensitivity makes Tatyana closer to to the common people than to a secular society.
. The basis of Tatiana's world - folk culture.
. Pushkin emphasizes the spiritual connection of a girl who grew up in a “village” with beliefs folklore traditions. It is no coincidence that the novel included an episode in which Tatyana’s fortune-telling and dream are told.
. There is a lot of intuitive and instinctive in Tatyana.
. This is a discreet and deep, sad and pure, believing and faithful nature. Pushkin endowed their heroine with a rich inner world and spiritual purity:
What is gifted from heaven
With a rebellious imagination,
Alive in mind and will,
And wayward head,
And with a fiery and tender heart...
Believes in ideal happiness, in love, creates in his imagination under the influence of what he reads French novels perfect image beloved.
Tatyana is somewhat similar to Onegin:
. The desire for loneliness, the desire to understand oneself and understand life.
. Intuition, insight, natural intelligence.
. The author's good disposition towards both heroes.

Russian reality of the 20s of the 19th century appears before the reader in the novel “Eugene Onegin” by the great poet of reality Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. This work has a very great value in world literature. The author was able to combine romanticism and realism, humor and elegy, truth and dream. Beautiful poems combined with lyrical digressions and conveyed amazing paintings Russian national life. Pushkin subtly describes the urban reality of Moscow and St. Petersburg, rural life, and the seasons. Called it an encyclopedia of Russian life great critic Belinsky's novel "Eugene Onegin". Analysis of the work will demonstrate to you its significance and grandeur.

How was the novel created?

An analysis of Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" proves that the novel was created over several periods of the poet's work. The genius himself said that work on the book lasted just over 7 years. The novel was published in parts as it was written, and in 1833 a complete edition appeared. Pushkin had been making some amendments to the text all the time before. As a result, the master produced a masterpiece consisting of 8 songs, or parts, and the appendix “Excerpts from Onegin’s Journey.” Pushkin wrote another chapter, but since it contained some dangerous political hints associated with Decembrism, the author had to burn it. The poet began work on the book while in exile in the south (in Odessa), and finished the work in the village of Boldino.

The focus and genre originality of the work

"Eugene Onegin" is a realistic novel with a socio-psychological direction. It is written in poetic form. There was no such work in Russian literature of that time. Alexander Sergeevich retreated from the romantic canons and gave his creation more realism.

What did A.S. want to show in his book? Pushkin? The reader sees young man, Eugene Onegin, a typical hero of that time. Next to him, the poet draws several more images, their characters, behavior, situations in which they find themselves. This is how the author explains the various social problems. The formation of the hero’s views and character took place under the influence of various events in secular society. A detailed and thorough description of the characters’ actions allows us to call the novel a social one.

The love story of the work is devoid of the usual romance. Pushkin shows a mutual feeling that the heroes have to eradicate under the influence of external circumstances. In addition to the world of the heroes of the work (Eugene, Tatyana, Lensky), the novel clearly traces the world of the author - the narrator, which is reflected in lyrical digressions. This allows us to classify the work as a lyric-epic genre.

Brief analysis of Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin"

Alexander Sergeevich's masterpiece begins with an appeal to the reader, where he characterizes his work, calling its chapters half funny, half sad, common people and ideal. Get to know the story and brief analysis"Eugene Onegin" by chapters:

  • Name day. Lensky proposed to Olga and is preparing for the wedding. The Lenskys invite Evgeny to Tatiana's name day. Before this the girl sees prophetic dream, in which Onegin kills Lensky. Excited Tatiana at the evening does not know how to behave in front of Evgeniy. He noticed this confused behavior of the girl and is angry with Lensky, who brought him there. As a sign of revenge, Evgeniy courts Olga, and she flirts with him. A jealous poet challenges Onegin to fight a duel.
  • Duel. Analysis of chapter 6 of “Eugene Onegin” is very important for the general understanding of the entire novel. Evgeniy realizes his vile act, but still agrees to the fight. Onegin shoots first and kills Vladimir. A poet who could have become famous throughout the world died.
  • Moscow. Olga did not worry about Lensky for long and soon got married. Tatiana still loved Onegin. After some time, she is taken to Moscow to get married. A general became her husband.
  • Wandering. Big light . Onegin traveled around the world for several years. Upon his return, at one of the balls in the capital, he met Tatiana, who turned into a society lady. He falls in love with her and writes several letters of recognition. The changed Tatyana still loves him, but chooses the honor of her family and her husband. The novel ends with a touching farewell between the characters.

Mirror composition of the novel

Alexander Sergeevich used the technique of mirror composition to create his masterpiece. This method reveals the spiritual formation of Onegin and Tatiana. At the beginning of the work, the reader sees Tatiana in love, suffering from unrequited feelings. The author strongly supports, sympathizes and sympathizes with his heroine.

At the end of the novel, Evgeniy, in love, is revealed to everyone, but Tatyana is already married. Now the author empathizes with Onegin. Everything is repeated in a mirror sequence. Examples of the boomerang effect are two letters: one from Tatyana, the other from Onegin.

Another example of mirror symmetry is Tatiana's dream and her marriage. The bear that saved her in the dream was her future husband.

Main themes and issues

In the novel "Eugene Onegin" Alexander Sergeevich showed the typical natures of his era in their formation. The reader sees representatives of different layers of society: metropolitan high society, provincial nobility, ordinary city residents and peasants. Portraying realistic images nobility, Pushkin touches on the following topics:

  • education;
  • upbringing;
  • family relationships;
  • cultural traditions;
  • Love;
  • friendship;
  • policy;
  • customs and mores;
  • historical issues;
  • morality.

The novel is full of lyrical digressions, where the author’s reflections on life are most clearly visible. Pushkin talks about literature, theater, music. The author reveals the most important social, moral and philosophical problems:

  • purpose and meaning of life;
  • real and false values;
  • the destructiveness of selfishness and individualism;
  • loyalty to love and duty;
  • transience of life;
  • the value of moments.

Main idea and pathos

Pushkin's novel is named after the main character, this indicates the importance of this character in the book. The author's task was to create a hero of that time. And he did it. Pushkin shows that happy life awaits only the few who think, the few knowledgeable people who do not strive for anything spiritual and lofty. People who have a sensitive soul will suffer. Some, like Lensky, perish, others languish in inaction, like Onegin. People like Tatyana are destined to suffer in silence.

Pushkin blames everything not on the heroes, but on the environment in which their characters were formed. She is beautiful, noble and smart people made you unhappy. Moscow and St. Petersburg high society the writer draws critically. To portray him, Pushkin uses satirical pathos.

Hero of his time - Evgeny Onegin

Onegin represents the high society of St. Petersburg. He grew up selfish, not accustomed to work, his training was done in jest. He spends all his time on social entertainment. This led to the fact that he was unable to understand the feelings of young Tatyana, her soul. The hero's life never turned out the way he wanted. The reason for such misfortune is that he did not understand the simple truth - happiness is next to a devoted friend, a faithful woman.

An analysis of the hero of "Eugene Onegin" proves that his transformation was influenced by many events, especially the death of Lensky. Onegin's inner world at the end of the book became much richer.

Tatyana Larina - the sweet ideal of a poet

Pushkin’s ideas about the Russian are associated with the image of Tatyana Larina national character. With a Russian soul, she absorbed all the traditions and customs of the Larin family. The heroine grew up among Russian nature on the fairy tales and legends of her nanny. The heroine is very thin inner world and a pure soul.

Tatyana is a strong personality. Even at the end of the novel she remains simple and natural. She sacrifices her love to moral purity, fidelity to duty, and sincerity in relationships.

Vladimir Lensky

Another representative of the nobility, Lensky, appears as a young romantic dreamer. The author sympathizes with this hero, admires him, sometimes feels sad and smiles. Vladimir strives for heroism and lives in an imaginary world. He is very ardent, impetuous and far from reality.

Sacred concepts for Lensky are love, nobility and honor. In a heroic outburst, Vladimir dies during a ridiculous duel with a friend.

Novel in verse by A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" is one of the most significant works in the works of Pushkin and in Russian literature. Much of it revolves around the relationship between Onegin and Tatyana Larina. But not only that. The author introduces many other main and minor characters in the work.

Below we briefly talk about the main characters of the novel “Eugene Onegin” and give a small description. But the divisions into positive and negative heroes no, in Pushkin they are all ambiguous, just as many of their thoughts, desires and actions are ambiguous. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Evgeny Onegin- representative secular society. A young man who has not found meaning in life. He received home education “something and somehow.” He occupied his time by hanging out at balls and theaters, chasing ladies and getting bored. I came to the village with grandiose plans:

He is the yoke of the ancient corvée
I replaced it with a light quitrent.

But he was not enough for more. Didn't get along with the neighbors. It is obvious that he was reading some books on the estate, but this reading was not so much for the sake of self-education, but rather to kill time. Onegin was not a hard-hearted person. On the eve of the duel, he was executed, suffered, tried to find a way out of the situation. I understood that this duel and insults were stupid. On the other hand, he was afraid of the “opinions of the world.” He didn't want to kill, he shot without aiming. But His Majesty disposed of the case in his own way. Read more about the image of Eugene Onegin.

Vladimir Lensky is a charming young man who received a university education in Germany. A passionate and ardent young man, completely ignorant of deception and ignorant of life. The poet dedicated his poems to his beloved. Jealous. and was killed by him in a duel.

Olga Larina- just a girl, lively, kind

Always modest, always obedient,
Always cheerful like the morning,
How a poet's life is simple-minded,
How sweet is love's kiss;
Eyes like the sky are blue,
Smile, flaxen curls...

Cheerful and spontaneous, but her behavior at (namely, dancing with Eugene) involuntarily caused a quarrel between Onegin and Lensky.

Tatyana Larina- Olga’s older sister, but the complete opposite of her sister, both in appearance and in character. The dark-skinned, dark-haired girl was unsociable. She was not interested in any of the things that girls her age are usually interested in: fashion, dolls, needlework. She didn't help around the house. I just sat silently by the window and read books. She also believed the legends of the common people of old times. Tatyana is sincere, does not know how to lie or pretend. She will not tolerate falsehood in relation to herself. Despite early age, her intuition is highly developed. Only this feeling, unknown to science, can explain the bizarre dream that she had on the eve of her name day. , "sweet ideal." Read more about Tatiana's image.

Mother of Tatiana and Olga. A thrifty and caring landowner. kind woman and mother. Once upon a time her head was also filled with romantic tinsel. When she got married, she dreamed of high romantic love. But then daughters appeared one after another, romanticism disappeared from her mind, she adapted to her husband, who, by the way, loved her in his own way, and even learned to manipulate him. Manage, as Pushkin says.

Zaretsky- Lensky's neighbor and his second in the duel. He was once an avid gambler and drunkard.

The head is a rake, a tavern tribune,
Now kind and simple
The father of the family is single,

But he was a bad-tongued man. He could reconcile the duelists and immediately accuse one or both of cowardice. But his youth flew by, he became an ordinary landowner:

Lives like a true sage
Plants cabbage like Horace
Raises ducks and geese.
And teaches the alphabet to children.

Zaretsky was not a stupid person, and Onegin respected his sharp mind and ability to reason.

PrinceN- Tatiana's husband, an important general. This man dedicated his life to serving the Fatherland, participated in Patriotic War. Despite his wounds, he continued to serve his king. He was treated favorably at court. He loved his wife and was proud of her. I would not regret my life for her honor and dignity.

And although Tatyana did not love her husband, we must give her credit, she respected him and took care of the honor of his name. She found the strength to give up her love for the sake of the one with whom she was married before God.

The novel in verse “Eugene Onegin” is one of Pushkin’s most significant works, a pearl of classical Russian literature. Despite the fact that the difficult relationship between Tatyana Larina and Onegin is at the center of the poem, the writer paid a lot of attention to the secondary characters. It is noteworthy that in the book “Eugene Onegin” the heroes are not divided into negative or positive, since all the images are very ambiguous and do not lend themselves to harsh criticism. This work is timeless: it was incredibly popular in XIX century, remains relevant today.

Characteristics of the heroes “Eugene Onegin”

Main characters

Evgeny Onegin

One of the main characters of “Eugene Onegin” is a young wealthy nobleman originally from St. Petersburg. At the time of the story, Evgeniy is about 26 years old, and he is used to spending all his time in idleness: in theaters, at balls and receptions. Despite the fascinating social life, the young man does not feel satisfied: he is constantly bored, moping, and it is difficult to surprise or delight him with anything. Onegin has the reputation of an experienced heartthrob with an impressive list of conquered women's hearts.

Tatyana Larina

A reserved, calm, well-mannered girl. Free time she would be much more happy to spend time with an interesting book than in a noisy company. The girl does not have a striking appearance and does not strive to seduce men. Peace of mind Tatyana's life is disturbed when she meets Onegin, and unrequited feelings for the young rake become a difficult test for her. But, possessing an inner core, the girl opens a new chapter of her life and marries a worthy man.


Despite the fact that the name of the narrator does not appear in the novel, during the course of the story it becomes clear that this role belongs to Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin himself. He often reminds himself, intervenes in the course of events, and shares his views on life with readers in lyrical digressions. This is Onegin’s good friend, who does not hide his sincere sympathy for the main character, does not reproach him for anything and forgives him for any mistakes.

Minor characters

Vladimir Lensky

A close friend of Onegin and his bright opposite. This is an ardent, enthusiastic young man who did not know life and did not know betrayal. A monogamous man and a homebody who sincerely believes in friendship, love, and justice. He is passionately in love with Olga Larina, to whom he dedicates his poems. He dies at the hands of Onegin in a duel.

Olga Larina

Tatiana's younger sister. Incredibly cheerful, carefree, cheerful girl, the image of which, however, does not differ in depth. The light blue eyes and flaxen hair of the young coquette captivate Lensky's heart. Olga's flighty behavior becomes the reason for a duel between Onegin and Lensky. She doesn't grieve for long after tragic death lover and soon successfully marries a rich officer.

Mother of Tatiana and Olga

A kind, caring woman who directs all her strength to raising children and running a household. In her youth she dreamed of sublime love, and her beautiful head was full of romantic illusions. However, with the birth of her daughters, the young woman’s enthusiastic fantasies and daydreaming came to naught. She was able to adapt to the realities of married life and learned to deftly manage her husband.


Neighbor and close friend of Onegin and Lensky. His youth was very stormy and cheerful. Despite his status as a bachelor, Zaretsky has illegitimate children from serf peasant women. This is a smart, sharp-tongued person, but at the same time cruel, cold and indifferent. During the duel he acts as a second for Vladimir Lensky.

Prince N

Husband of Tatyana Larina, a rich and noble general, a respected nobleman. His whole life is connected with serving the Fatherland. During the war, he was seriously wounded, but this did not become a reason for him to retire to his well-deserved retirement. He is very kind to Tatyana, and for the sake of her happiness he is ready to do a lot. And, although Larina does not love her husband, she remains faithful to him and does not succumb to Onegin’s temptations.

Princess Alina

Cousin of the eldest Larina, that is, great aunt of Tatyana and Olga. Princess Alina lives in Moscow, alone - she has no children of her own, she has never been married. When Tatyana and her mother come to the capital for the “bride fair,” they stay at the house of their relative.

Nanny Tatyana Larina

Filipyevna is a kind old woman with a sensitive heart, who served in the Larins’ house for a long time. She often tells her pupil fascinating stories from life, takes care of her in every possible way and gently instructs her.

In the table of characteristics of the heroes of “Eugene Onegin” it is given brief description main and minor characters. This material will be useful when writing an essay in this topic, and also when detailed analysis novel in verse.

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