Tai and qigong healing gymnastics. Tai Chi exercises: ancient Chinese gymnastics that prolongs life

Centuries-old oriental traditions are today honored not only in the Asian region, but throughout the world. The accumulated knowledge and experience of the ancient sages have stood the test of time and proven their viability, regardless of modern realities. IN lately enjoys increased popularity Chinese gymnastics- a system of exercises that allows you to strengthen the body and spirit at the same time by performing simple manipulations.

General information about Qigong exercises

Chinese gymnastics Qigong in its homeland is considered one of the most ancient and effective methods of general healing and strengthening of the body; it is actively used in both traditional and folk medicine. It is generally accepted that such a technique arose back in 300 AD; at least the first mentions of it date back to this period. The name of the technique comes from the term “Qi”, which means the energy of life.

Chinese breathing gymnastics Qigong is considered one of the most complex, and is currently divided into five main areas, namely therapeutic, author's, philosophical, martial, general. Each current is characterized specific features and three degrees of mastery of the technique. General features gymnastics consists of:

  • special breathing training;
  • relaxation of the body;
  • relaxation of consciousness, freeing the mind from emotions;
  • training specific poses.

Training results

These measures together ensure restoration of the body, strengthening of physical and spiritual strength, which has the most beneficial effect on human health. By strictly following the rules of technology, you will be able to:

Basic information about Qigong exercises

Exercises should be performed correctly, measuredly, without haste. The exact lessons are usually determined individually with a professional instructor, this avoids mistakes and absences. desired result. As for the frequency and duration of their implementation, you should devote time to gymnastics on a daily basis, for about half an hour. You should also not overdo the exercises; this will not only not increase positive changes, but will also lead to the accumulation of fatigue.

On initial stage you can get acquainted with the Qigong technique, which involves the following three phases:

  • General strengthening of the body. Achieved by changing the state of relaxation and tension.
  • Physical recovery, disease prevention, increased immunity. It is achieved by following certain breathing techniques during movement and special poses.
  • Gaining emotional calm. It is acquired through a skillful combination of physical movements, breathing and the work of consciousness (mind).

Features and tasks of Wushu

Another popular Chinese gymnastics is called Wushu. This technique is perfect for both professionals and beginners, as well as any age groups, including senior citizens and young children. Its main feature is simplicity and high efficiency, positive influence on muscles, joints, respiratory and circulatory systems. By regularly performing Chinese gymnastics exercises, you will be able to:

  • slow down the aging process, achieve a rejuvenation effect;
  • increase the level of the immune system;
  • achieve the ability to control your body perfectly;
  • achieve peace and tranquility.

Wushu involves many different movements and schools, so before you start mastering any exercises, be sure to study the material and choose a direction you like. To get acquainted, we will clarify the list of events recommended by the most popular Shaolin school.

The simplest exercises

Chinese gymnastics for beginners is based on the following simple exercises, which absolutely anyone can master. Among them:

  • Take a relaxed classic pose (feet shoulder-width apart, arms casually hanging at your sides, keeping your head straight and your gaze directed forward), clench your fists tightly as you inhale, protruding them and pressing them to your hips thumb. As you exhale, you need to relax your hands; the manipulations are repeated 9 times.
  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart and raise your arms to shoulder level, thereby forming a line parallel to the floor. Please note that your palms should be up, not down. Your task is to tense your arms as you inhale, and then relax them as you exhale. Try to imagine a heavier load each time.
  • Without changing the position of your legs, bring your hands together opposite your chest, sticking out your thumbs and pressing them towards your body. As you inhale, your palms will need to be spread apart, and as you exhale, they will need to be brought together with a certain effort.
  • Finally, try moving the air. Again, you do not change the position of your legs, but spread your arms along the shoulder line in different directions, working with force with your hands, as if pressing on the free space in front of you.

Such Chinese breathing exercises will be especially effective if you follow general requirements. They consist in the following postulates:

  • At the initial level, manipulations are repeated no more than 9 times; professionals perform exercises up to 81 times per gymnastics session.
  • All exercises are carried out some time after meals, do not forget to maintain intervals between meals and physical activity.
  • You should not do more than three approaches in one day.
  • If you feel tension in your muscles after gymnastics, be sure to give a light massage, this will relieve you of discomfort.

The effectiveness of Tai Chi technique

Chinese Tai Chi gymnastics is ideal for beginners; it is smooth and measured, and even reminds many dance moves. Due to its simplicity and relative ease, a set of such exercises is mostly popular among people with poor health, minimal physical strength, or lack of even the slightest training.

Quite often, Tai Chi is referred to as Chinese breathing exercises for weight loss. Indeed, the technique is excellent for combating excess weight, and in addition, helps with:

  • rehabilitation after serious illnesses or various injuries;
  • healing the body from the inside;
  • the need to normalize metabolism;
  • high blood pressure;
  • low coordination of movements, lack of flexibility;
  • stress and for stabilization peace of mind, search for new physical strength and resources.

Basic rules of technology

Let's formulate basic rules, which characterize Chinese Tai Chi gymnastics. First of all, these include:

  • Performing physical manipulations not only with the help of muscles, but also by visualizing all actions.
  • Mastering Chinese philosophy regarding all areas of life.
  • Perform movements in a calm rhythm, smoothly, without sudden jerks.
  • Regular control of breathing, slow and rhythmic inhalations and exhalations.
  • The ability to control the feelings and emotions of your own body.

Don’t expect an immediate effect; be prepared for the fact that positive changes will occur only after a certain period of time. At the same time, the achieved results last for a long time, and with constant gymnastics, throughout life.

Chinese gymnastics Tai Chi is based on the knowledge of the energy “Qi”. Absolutely everyone can master basic exercises, regardless of age and gender. It is preferable to pay attention to gymnastics in the first half of the day, for example, in China all manipulations are carried out outdoors in the pre-dawn hours.

Chinese gymnastics this direction also implies division into a significant number of different schools. At the same time, despite certain differences between individual movements, the principle of performing all exercises is largely similar (softness, consideration of breathing techniques, meaningfulness).

Simple Tai Chi exercises

Such Chinese gymnastics should be carried out under the guidance of specialists; in this case, you will avoid a number of mistakes and be able to master the necessary skills as quickly as possible. However, with some diligence and attentiveness, you can master the basic exercises on your own. Here is a list of the most popular exercises special for this area:

  • Immersion. Feet shoulder-width apart, bend them at the knees, but keep your back as straight as possible, try to distribute your body weight evenly on both feet, shifts to one side are not allowed. Fix the pose and, while inhaling, raise your arms in front of you to approximately your shoulders. Then begin to bend and straighten your arms so that your palms rise to forehead level and return to the starting point.
  • Embrace of the Moon. Take the starting position indicated above, press the toes of your right foot firmly into the surface, and move your heel towards your left leg, touching the ankle. Stretch your arms forward, smoothly bending them at the elbows as if you were trying to hold or embrace a circle of significant diameter (manipulations are carried out while inhaling).
  • Throw. The starting position is classic. As you inhale, you need to bend back and slowly straighten up. At the same time you will need to bend left hand so that the palm can reach your head, forehead level, and right hand- mirror opposite downwards. Exhale, and then with a certain sharpness make a throw with your left hand (hand bent, palm forward).

Tai Chi is the national Chinese gymnastics. Initially, the exercises were part of a combat discipline, but over time they turned into a health complex. Back in the second century BC, the Chinese physician Hua-To believed that tai chi gymnastics slows down aging. He argued that movement helps digestion and blood circulation, and prevents chronic diseases. Modern scientists agree with him - numerous studies confirm the benefits of Tai Chi for older people.

How is it useful?

Exercises in Tai Chi gymnastics involve maximum quantity muscles. As a result, it intensifies circulation in all organs deep breathing leads to increased oxygen supply. Due to this, gymnastics improves overall health, trains the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, strengthens the immune system, and increases body tone. Tai Chi is good for joints, is a way to prevent salt deposits and age-related changes.

Spanish researchers from the University of Jaen found that the ancient Chinese practice (Tai Chi gymnastics) reduces the risk of falls by 43% which in the elderly often lead to hip fractures. Doctors at Massachusetts General Hospital note that Tai Chi patients suffer less from depression, their mood improves, a positive attitude towards life appears. According to another study, regular Tai Chi training leads to noticeable beneficial changes in the body's functioning within a month. More than 60% of people who started exercising for the first time noted improved coordination of movements, decreased stress levels, normalization of sleep and appetite, lowered blood pressure, and disappearance of back and joint pain.

Tai Chi gymnastics is perfect for older people over 60 years of age, for whom jogging in the morning, classical fitness and other intense types of exercise are no longer possible. Chinese gymnastics exercises are simple and do not require special physical training.

How and where to practice

Tai Chi training in the Chinese tradition is used to keep the Chi energy circulating in the body. The Chinese believe that the human body is composed of various elements, the balance of which determines health. It is the normal functioning of energy channels that leads to achieving balance and improving the condition of the body. Therefore, to achieve success, it is important not only to perform the exercises correctly, but also to acquire the right attitude and calm your thoughts.

It is better to perform the complex twice a day: in the morning, sitting in bed, and in the afternoon on fresh air. In cool weather, classes are also held outside, but you should dress warmer. According to the rules of Tai Chi, training begins in a calm state of mind. First, you should sit for a while with your eyes closed, watching your breathing and thinking about pleasant things. An important condition is to concentrate on each exercise, imagine how energy flows from one part of the body to another. The meditation part of the practice is no less important than physical exercise.

In Tai Chi, the load is dosed taking into account the age and health of the practitioner. Load control is carried out using different durations of classes - from several minutes to an hour; number of repetitions of each exercise – from 5 to 50; pace of movement - it can be slow or fast; range of motion; the number and length of rest periods between exercise cycles. In Tai Chi, an elderly person can determine the level of stress that is comfortable for his body.

“It is important that the movements are soft and smooth, one exercise gradually gives way to the next. The entire training cycle is continuous, so from the outside Tai Chi resembles a dance.”

For gymnastics, comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement are suitable. It is desirable that it be made from breathable fabrics that allow air to pass through well. You can train in socks or barefoot; when going outside, you should wear shoes with thin soles, the main thing is that they do not slip.

How to start doing Tai Chi gymnastics

Tai Chi can be practiced independently or in a group with a trainer. Before starting training, you should consult with your doctor - although there are no contraindications for Chinese gymnastics, you need to clarify how to start new ones physical activity without harm to health.

Basic training rules:

  1. If you experience dizziness, rapid heartbeat, nausea and other unpleasant sensations, you should stop training.
  2. For beginners, it is important to increase the load gradually: at first, do not exercise longer than 15-20 minutes, limit yourself minimum quantity repetitions
  3. Don't strive for athletic performance: age-related changes in joints and muscles can lead to injury when trying to perform exercises with a large amplitude or training for too long.
  4. Do not perform exercises during illness or poor health, wait until you recover.

When choosing a trainer for Tai Chi classes, check his experience and qualifications, talk to students, and attend a trial lesson.

Ekaterina Kushnir, higher medical education

Illustrations: Anastasia Leman

Tai chi is a type of gymnastics that originated from China. It combines elements of martial arts, harmoniously intertwined with easy-to-perform gymnastics. The success of this type of sports activity was discovered and highly appreciated by people all over the world.

Tai chi will teach a person to relax in classes and spend time with benefits for health and oneself. Almost everyone can attend tai chi training, regardless of age, weight category or endurance. But visiting a doctor is good idea, he will definitely tell you whether tai chi is right for you or not. To avoid overexertion, constantly evaluate your own well-being, and if you become overexerted, lighten the load or rest.

Once upon a time, tai chi was considered a kind of leisurely movement exercise, reminiscent of both dance movements and elements of martial arts. That's what makes her beautiful. Despite its martial origins, tai chi techniques are not based on tension or constant effort. The main thing is relaxation, which you achieve through tai chi classes.

If we evaluate the impact of tai chi classes on human health, we can draw a colossal conclusion - even the very weak health of the classes does not have a bad effect; on the contrary, you get the maximum benefit for the body from the training itself. The essence of the classes is simple - alternating specially separated smooth and neat, almost intuitive movements.

A person initiated into the tai chi technique is able to direct personal energy in a useful direction in order to feel his own body and its slightest urge to action. Interestingly, the active use of this technique in life helps to establish and improve the emotional background and improve the functioning of the body. In addition, during tai chi classes you will become familiar with the basics of martial arts.

How did the special tai chi gymnastics come about?

Tai chi was not so long ago only a military technique in China, but it appeared relatively long ago, in ancient times. There are various beliefs and stories about this, in which you can hear different stories about the emergence and development of this technology in the world of people.

One of the most plausible stories convinces a person that the technicality and flexibility of the movements of this gymnastics are due to the movements of the snake. They imitate them quite well. According to legend, a martial arts expert witnessed the fight between a crane and a snake. He was so delighted with the clarity, dexterity and measured calm of the snake's movements that the tai chi technique was soon born.

And for good reason. Over the course of many centuries, the people of China have improved their emotional, physical and mental well-being through this technique. It is also important that constant exercise can give a person a cheerful state of health and excellent health. The interweaving of combat and tai chi gymnastics has spread outside of China over the past couple of decades. For many people, it now replaces fitness classes and other intense physical activity.

What is the significance of tai chi training?

  • As already mentioned, tai chi helps a person stay energetic and alert. At the same time, it promotes active relaxation, both physical and emotional-volitional.
  • Knowledgeable people claim that exercises of this kind help prevent the occurrence of bone diseases and fractures. You strengthen muscle tissue, joint elements, your body becomes elastic and resilient, you improve motor coordination
  • Tai chi classes are recommended for people who have recently suffered fractures and various types of injuries.
  • Exercises also have a deeper effect on the body - blood flow increases, the functioning of the cardiovascular system improves, and blood pressure improves. As a result, a person who exercises increases the body’s immunity and maintains his health.
  • The benefits of tai chi for overweight is also wonderful - one activity burns from three hundred calories
  • During training, you learn to control your own body, not only its bodily shell, but also your own thoughts. It’s not for nothing that Tai Chi is put on a par with meditation.
  • Classes are available to all people, and in some cases even to people with limited physical activity. You don't need special clothing or equipment
  • First, attend a class with a trainer, then you can practice at home, even daily
  • Monitor the depth of your breathing during training - it relaxes and helps fight stress.
  • Tai Chi helps improve and develop peripheral vision during active activities
  • Sometimes there is a slight dizziness - the exercises work well on the vestibular system.

Rules for practicing tai chi

  • To start using tai chi, make sure you wear comfortable clothing. Let the clothes not restrict movement and be comfortable, made from natural fabrics
  • During class, it is best to engage in physical activity by removing any shoes and wearing non-slip socks or bare feet.
  • Exercise in a ventilated room, and, if possible, in the fresh air
  • Master coordination of movements and balance, do everything smoothly and feel the body.

Almost every person cares about their health. Some, to normalize the body’s activity and prevent excess weight, adhere to proper nutrition, others visit gyms or fitness centers. But, as research shows, not all people are able to withstand loads of this kind.

We bring to your attention one of the ways out of this ambiguous situation - Chinese gymnastics called “Tai Chi Chuan”. It represents an ancient, not entirely traditional healing discipline, thanks to which many people were able to get rid of serious illnesses. In addition, Tai Chi is an excellent method for combating the early signs of aging.

Chinese gymnastics called “Tai Chi Chuan” are certain exercises that require special physical preparation and a desire for self-improvement. This art is based on three criteria: health system, military technique and dance plasticity. It would seem that all these criteria are completely different, but each of them is in complete harmony with the others.

Tai Chi directs the human mind to interact with the body through total interconnection. All movements of the arms and body that are performed during this gymnastics are visualized and controlled by the human consciousness.

With this, the body fully concentrates on performing a particular exercise. Tai Chi technique distracts the mind from everyday worries and problems, having a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system.

According to history, this gymnastics appeared in Ancient China a long time ago, when it was ruled by Fu Tzu. The emperor ordered to come up with a dance that could be used to heal from illnesses and acquire additional strength. As a result, one of the sages came up with exercises that combined smooth movements and fighting stances.

Exercises of this art are allowed to everyone without exception. Age is also not a barrier: both teenagers and the elderly can practice Tai Chi. In the country where this Chinese gymnastics originated, people prefer to exercise outdoors during sunrise. Currently, there are a lot of specialized schools that teach how to combine proper breathing and smooth movements, imitating various forms.

Tai Chi gymnastics is not immediately learned, so do not expect instant results. Patience and humility are the main rules of this art. In China, it is generally accepted that these exercises are more suitable for older people, since they do not have the opportunity to go to fitness centers, go for morning jogs and adhere to any dietary nutrition system. In addition, gymnastics helps to develop and improve flexibility, normalize the performance of all internal organs, blood pressure and put the nerves in order.

How is this gymnastics useful?

The effectiveness of Tai Chi training is very high.

Regular exercise helps:

  • increase joint flexibility;
  • strengthen the central nervous system;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • stimulate full functioning of the brain;
  • improve the functioning of the vestibular apparatus;
  • normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system and digestive tract organs.

Tai Chi has also been proven to be beneficial in the fight against osteoporosis. And all thanks to the fact that all movements are made meaningfully and smoothly.

According to research, systematic exercise reduces the risk of various colds to almost zero and helps strengthen muscles.

Tai Chi gymnastics for injuries

Every trainer, or as they are also called - master, of the Tai Chi technique will say that the most important criterion of this art is balance, which, in turn, serves as a guarantee of health. That is why Chinese exercises are recommended both for older people and for those who often lose coordination and fall, resulting in various injuries and fractures.

Clinical studies show that fractures in old age cause serious complications and also affect life expectancy. If you check the statistics, you will notice that most elderly people end up in hospitals with hip fractures. It is very difficult to recover from an injury of this kind, especially in old age. The only things that help are swimming lessons and movements with weight transfer from foot to foot.

Impact on the psyche

This discipline is known to significantly reduce the fear of falling. As research in the field of psychology shows, after three weeks of regular training, a third of people develop confidence in their own strengths and abilities, and after three months, more than half of the people who train begin to believe in themselves. It's all about balance and concentration, perfection, which can only be achieved after completing the entire course.

You can do Chinese gymnastics Tai Chi exercises every day, and for older people, three classes a week will be enough. By exercising for ten days, you can observe that the body's endurance has increased, flexibility has increased and muscle tissue has strengthened. Well, if you exercise in the fresh air, you can saturate your organs and tissues with oxygen, which will have a beneficial effect on the overall health of the practitioner.

What do you need to know?

Most important nuance– this is not only physical participation in training, but also spiritual. Systematic classes help you forget about the vanity of the world and understand the depth of your soul and mind.

The accompanying music is also important. A correctly selected composition helps you tune in to the right wavelength and also promotes rapid relaxation. The best options are the melodic sounds of a flute or other Asian musical instruments. Music where you can hear the sounds of wild nature is also quite relaxing.

This art is great for people with overweight bodies. Chinese gymnastics movements do not require much physical effort. By devoting a little time every day to exercise, you can burn as many calories as are not expended during jogging.

Where do you need to start?

Any surface except a sliding surface is suitable for Tai Chi training. Exercises can be done in shoes with a rubber base or in socks with reinforced feet. If you plan to exercise outside - on the grass, then you can do it barefoot, but only if the ground temperature is not very low. As for clothing, it should be light and not restrict movement.

Currently, training is usually carried out in small groups of 10 people, under the guidance of a master. Such training is necessary for beginners, since this is how you can learn how to do this or that exercise correctly.

Basic exercises of Chinese gymnastics

Before you begin the exercises, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules of this art:

  1. Each movement should be performed slowly and smoothly.
  2. Focus on your own body and soul.
  3. Breathing should be arbitrary and measured.

Exercises for beginners

  1. "Waterfall of Freshness"
    We stand straight and bend our legs in knee joint. We extend our arms and tilt our head slightly forward. Now slowly tilt your shoulders forward, and then your entire body. While performing such movements, you should not feel tension in your muscles. Having reached the extreme point, we smoothly return to the starting point.
  2. "Circles on the water."
    We stand up straight, place one handle on the lower back and the other on the abs. Now we begin to gently rotate our pelvis clockwise, and then from side to side.

Exercises for more experienced people

This art involves performing some exercise based on your thinking. What does it mean? Initially we present a certain figure, after which we begin to reproduce it with our body.

All movements must be done on slightly bent legs:

  1. "Immersion in Chi"
    This is the most important movement in this technique. We take a deep breath, after which we raise our arms to the shoulder joint, and then slowly and smoothly straighten them in front of us.
  2. "Horse's mane"
    This movement is based on the alternating and simultaneous placing of one and the other leg and arm in front of you.
  3. "Hug the moon."
    We mentally imagine the moon and try to clasp it with our arms above our heads.
  4. "Throw."
    Without moving the feet, we make a smooth gadfly of the body back and then forward. At the same time, you need to bend your left arm at the elbow joint and bring it to your forehead.

Each of these exercises must be done at least five times throughout the workout.

Be always healthy, beautiful and young!

But the benefits of Tai Chi don't end there! By improving strength, flexibility, body control and concentration, Tai Chi also improves your health.



To warm up, start practicing proper breathing and concentration. Like other martial arts, tai chi is not about how hard you can break a board or knock down your opponent. The basis is maximum concentration and control of your thoughts. To clear your mind, focus your chi ( driving force) and unlock your potential, you need to start with proper breathing, which, in turn, will help you concentrate.

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Place your hand on your lower abdomen - approximately 5 cm below your navel. Apply gentle pressure.
  • Slowly inhale and exhale through your nose, relaxing your lips. Feel as if the breath is passing through the part of your abdomen that you are pressing with your hand. If you don't feel this way, press your hand a little harder.

Focus on each part of your body one at a time. Once you get used to this type of breathing, relax each part of your body in turn. Start with your feet and work your way up to your head. If you wish, you can relax even the smallest parts of your body, such as your fingernails. You will find that you have been tense without even realizing it.

  • If you start to sway, this is a good sign. This means you relax and your body does not strain to maintain balance. If this happens, move your legs slightly or get into a comfortable position so that you can stand confidently.
  • Root yourself. Rooting is one of the concepts of Taiji. It explains itself - imagine roots growing from your feet. You are part of the earth that always keeps balance, focus. Your hands sway like branches in the wind, you feel neither fear nor apprehension. You are rooted.

    • This doesn't mean your legs have to become stiff. Instead, imagine that the roots are underneath you. This is the part of your body that gives you freedom of movement and prevents you from falling. You cannot fall and you will always be part of nature.
  • Think about your body position. There are several positions in Taiji. Typically, each style has a certain shape. Here's a quick summary of the main points:

    Experiment with different styles. Since practicing Tai Chi will benefit you, it is better to try different styles rather than spend hours wondering which style will suit you. But once you get into the art, you might want to experiment. Here is a short list of directions:

    • Chen style combines slow movements, suddenly interrupted by sharp ones. For beginners, this style can be difficult.
    • Yang style is the most popular. It is characterized by a measured pace and, as mentioned above, the movements of a large frame. This may be the style you think of when you think of tai chi.
    • In the Wu style, the movements are almost microscopic. Because of this, they are easy to perform, but difficult to perfect - requiring extreme concentration on strong energy flows and internal movements. The movements are very slow and measured.
    • Hao's style is not widespread. You may not find a teacher who practices this style.


    1. Improve your movements by delving into the philosophy and study of the creators of Tai Chi. In order to understand the nature of taiji chuan (translated as “fist of the great limit”), it must be considered in the context of the culture in which this art was formed. That is, you need to concentrate on Chinese culture and, in particular, on the spiritual tradition of Taoism, in which Taijiquan has its origins.

      Try not to just make a move. In Tai Chi you don't just have to stretch your arms out in front of you. Each movement has a purpose, direction, and sometimes even a combat purpose. Think about these things during class. What does movement mean? How does such a simple element produce such energy?

      Try the single whip move. We'll look at a few moves (although there are actually hundreds of them), and the "single whip" is a standard element in many styles. Each point along your arm and upper torso represents a portion of the whip. They can explode in a burst of energy at any moment, becoming the upper end of the whip. So this is not such a simple element!

      • In this movement, the fingers of one hand most often represent a beak. Four fingers lightly touch the thumb, and the palm faces down. Depending on the Tai Chi style, your hands may be at different levels, but basically they should be at shoulder height and resemble wings.
    2. Perform the “white crane flashes its wings” movement. To do this, shift your weight onto one foot, but keep both feet on the ground. As you try to find your balance, you may sway back and forth. With the hands it’s the other way around: one should make quick movements in different directions, the other is to move slowly and measuredly (but in no case weakly and sluggishly).

      • The name of the movement sounds bland, but it actually has a combat purpose. Please note: your weight and arm position are constantly changing, but when 100% of your mass is on one leg, you can safely strike with the other. This is the purpose.
    3. Make a flow movement. It might remind you a bit of waiting in line. Place your feet parallel, shoulder-width apart. Then slowly shift your weight onto one leg, as if pouring, and hold; After inhaling and exhaling several times, smoothly shift your weight to the other leg and hold. Repeat the movement for several minutes, clearing your mind and focusing on balance.

      Rotate your arms. Extend your elbows forward and relax your wrists. Start rotating your arms. Rotate your fingers slowly first, then your wrists, then your forearms and shoulders. Try to perform the movement perfectly, without losing your balance even for a second.

      Perform the “snake crawling down” movement. It, like others, may vary slightly different styles tai chi, but the essence is the same: move from a standing position into a deep lunge as gracefully as possible.

      • Once you have done this, check with your hands how you keep your balance. Make movements with your hands in different directions and at different speeds. Didn't you fall?
    4. Start with a short set of exercises and gradually move on to a long one. Like most beginners, you may want to practice the short version. It includes 13-40 movements and usually lasts 5-20 minutes. But once you get the hang of it, you may want more. Then proceed to the long complex. It includes 80 or more movements, and the lesson takes more than an hour. This is the best release after stress!

      Search for a trainer

      1. Choose a style of Tai Chi that suits your needs and interests. There are hundreds of styles, but each of them has its own specifics, for example, it is intended to improve health or is a martial art. So decide what results you expect from Tai Chi training. There are six most popular styles that originate from the founding families: Chen, Yang, Wu, Sun, Wu-Hao and Fa. The Yang style is the best known for health promotion, while the Chen style, with its lower positions and emphasis on martial movements, is most popular as a method of self-defense. Regardless of which style you choose, practice diligently and remember that, despite external differences, all branches of Tai Chi are based on the same philosophy.

        Make sure you are physically ready for Tai Chi. Anyone can exercise, but if necessary, choose a softer form. Tai Chi is suitable for everyone because this art puts technique above strength, and this gives every person the opportunity to practice regardless of physical abilities and age. The load is light and therefore suitable for most people. If in doubt, consult your doctor.

        Find a competent teacher who suits you. There are no titles or documents that give permission to teach Tai Chi, and the key factor is the accessible teaching method. Although there are many teaching materials available, it is impossible to learn Tai Chi from a book or video. The DVD cannot reprimand you, and this is important because everyone needs to correct mistakes at the beginning. Moreover, the support from others that you receive by attending classes is priceless. You can find a Tai Chi teacher at a local health center, community center, martial arts school, etc. There are many services on the Internet that will help you find a Tai Chi teacher. Factors you should consider when choosing a teacher include the following:

        • There is no universal or widely used accreditation system for Taiji teachers. Because of this, it is often difficult for a beginner to judge the professional competence of a particular trainer. You should not choose a teacher who cannot fully answer your questions and find an individual approach to you, so the best thing is to listen to yourself and look for a teacher with whom you will find a common language.
        • If you are a beginner, it is entirely possible to learn from a more advanced student.
        • Please note: if you need a special approach due to a health condition (for example, arthritis or multiple sclerosis), you should choose a teacher who has experience working with people with such pathologies.
        • If you have to travel an hour to get to class, you have a huge chance of putting off your Tai Chi class year after year. Make sure the class location is convenient for you.
        • Pay for classes that you can afford. A fashion studio and a free form won't help you if you don't put in the effort to learn. Most traditional classes take place outside in an informal setting, as opposed to training at a local taekwondo school.
      2. Choose a teaching method. It doesn't matter if your teacher is a suburban mom or an old Chinese guy with a white goatee, choose the teaching method that suits you. It doesn't matter how much your coach knows. If you don’t understand him, you won’t be able to learn from his experience and show his skills in practice. Be sure to choose a teacher who has the same goals as you (health promotion, self-defense, etc.). To get an idea of ​​what you want, take a trial class before signing up. Trainers who do not allow trial lessons should not be trusted. There is no need to approach a teacher who calls himself or insists on being called a “great master” or something like that. A true Tai Chi teacher will say that he is still studying this art despite for many years practices.


        Practice. Of course, reading about Tai Chi is interesting, but the main way to improve your skills is to practice. Stories about famous master Taiji Chen Feike claims that he practiced his styles more than 30 times a day. Since you don't have to go that far, it's best to practice once a day. Two classes per week is the required minimum for most effective learning and noticeable results. During practice, focus on the movements that you remember. You shouldn’t beat yourself up over a bad memory, you need to work on what you can. Even if you only remember one position, practice it, it will benefit you.

        • Develop a sequence of movements that is easy to remember. Let there be a positive connection between your Tai Chi practice and your mood.
        • The results of your practice depend on how and how much you practice. To get the most out of your workouts, regular training is necessary. Set aside time for yourself in your daily routine, such as 15 minutes. Let them pass every day with benefit for soul and body. The result is worth it.
        • You can exercise indoors or outdoors, with friends or on your own. Whatever you choose, the location and method of conducting the classes does not affect the result.
      1. Study for at least 12 weeks. The results of the classes will become noticeable no earlier than after 3 months. Then you will see the result clearly and clearly, but don't stop there. Let this be the minimum period during which you should notice improvements. But once you reach the end of it, keep going to get better, longer lasting results and improve your skills.

      2. Make sure that there are no distractions in the place where you study. So that you can concentrate, nothing should interfere. Deep breathing and relaxation will help you:

        • Relax. Tensing your body is a sure way to avoid the positive results of Tai Chi. But relaxing does not mean “turning into a wuss.” Maintain the correct position without excessive tension. IN classical literature Tai Chi often describes standing "as if you were hanging from a thread attached to the top of your head."
        • Breathe correctly. One of the secrets of the benefits of tai chi is deep abdominal breathing. Most styles teach abdominal breathing, in which you inhale by expanding the diaphragm (not the chest) and exhale by contracting abdominal muscles. You need to inhale only through your nose, exhale through your mouth, while your tongue should touch the roof of your mouth, stimulating the secretion of saliva.
        • Learn about the forms in which weapons are used. Almost all styles, including non-combat directions, have forms that practice using weapons - from simple poles or swords to esoteric Chinese weapons.
        • Try a faster form of Tai Chi. Ironically, contrary to the general perception of taiji, most traditional generic styles (including Yang, Chen, Fa and Wu) have a "fast form". It is often used as a means of expressing fighting power, which is honed and stored in "slow forms." Sometimes in the Chen style this force is called "cannon fist" (pao-chui).
        • Find out about partner activities. If you train standard movements you need to do it yourself, then the “pushing hands” (tui shou) exercise requires a partner. Although it may ultimately result in sparring, "pushing hands" is an exercise designed to develop quick reactions and Tai Chi skills through interaction with a partner. In general, the push-hand technique is developed gradually, starting with stable positions using one hand and ending with moving positions using both hands at different heights and speeds.
        • Think about how your body should move as a whole, not in parts. To push with your arms, start with momentum from your legs, then move your entire body forward and make the movement rather than just extending your arms. Typically, this is described as moving from your dan tien, the center of the body that is just below your navel. Movement of the whole body as a whole is the source of " inner strength" in the Tai Chi method of self-defense.


        • Taiji – martial art, which was originally used for fighting. Don't think that these are just Chinese physical exercises, otherwise it will be considered a sign of disrespect and you may offend practitioners.
        • Don't let your knees extend beyond your toes or become weak from the inside. This is a very common mistake made by beginners when trying to relax and settle in, and can lead to serious knee injuries.

        What you will need

        • Flat shoes. In Tai Chi, it is important to maintain a connection with the earth, and heels and thick soles will not help with this.
        • Loose, comfortable clothes. Skirts and jeans are not recommended.
        • No special equipment required. This is one of the nice benefits that makes Tai Chi classes inexpensive.