How to get to the “Housing Question” program on NTV? This review is about

You will need

  • - be a resident of Moscow or the nearest Moscow region
  • - have an apartment with at least two habitable rooms


To fill out a form to participate in the program “Apartment question"First take a photo of your family that you want to redo. Try to capture at least 3 related people in the photo.

Go to the program website and click on the “Application for Participation” section. In the first field, enter your last name, first name and patronymic. On the following form, list the details of each family member shown in the photograph and identify for each person whether they are related to you or other family members.

Next, indicate how many years you have lived together, regardless of whether your marriage is civil or official. Be sure to write the contact numbers of at least two family members. Be sure to include your landline number in addition to your mobile numbers.

Indicate the address where the apartment is located. Also check the floor and area of ​​residence. Tell us in detail how you can get to your place of residence, what landmarks will tell you the correct path, and how to get to the entrance.

To ensure that the right materials are used for remodeling your rooms, indicate the type of house, the number of floors in the building and the presence of passenger and freight elevators.

In the field next to question about who lives in this apartment in at the moment, enter those family members who are in the photo. Determine which room you would like to remodel and outline what function this room serves now and what other role it should serve in the future. Try to ensure that your wishes for the purpose of the room before and after the remodel do not coincide.

When talking about your family, indicate detailed information about the education of all its members, academic degrees and awards (if any), about previous and current places of work, hobbies, etc. To clarify the formalities, write. who is the owner of the apartment or the responsible tenant if the living space is not privatized.

Finally, answer whether your family members took part in television programs (if yes, then specify the date and title of the television story) and write as detailed as possible about what interests your family. In the last paragraph, be sure to indicate common hobbies, interests, family traditions etc.

Useful advice

When filling out the form, please note that for the organizers of the event, the story about your family is of much more interest than a description of your place of residence.


  • official website of the Housing Question program
  • housing issue how to become a member

Well, who would refuse to attend a recording of their favorite TV show and meet their favorite TV presenter. However, many people think that visitors famous shows and programs are actors, but in reality this is not the case, the audience is quite real, in addition, anyone can take their place in the project.

In order to get on the program, you must fulfill a number of editorial requirements, which we will consider in detail:

1. In order to become a viewer or participant in the program, you need to become familiar with the specifics of the program, as well as find out exactly what requirements are imposed on its participants. For example, for some programs, just casting is enough, but for others, something more is required: filling out a questionnaire, as well as testing, or preliminary tests. To find out exactly what is needed to participate in the program, you can visit the programs, where there are usually a lot of interesting information and data on participation in the transfer.

2. In order to get on the program as a viewer, you need to get into the viewer reserve, which exists for every modern TV channel. To do this, you need to come to the casting and successfully participate in it.

3. In order to successfully cast, you need to come across as smart and interesting interlocutor, which corresponds to the format of the program and its concept.

4. For many channels having large number programs varied in scope and focus, it is important that the potential viewer who will be present in the studio has clear ideas and preferences. Often these preferences are needed in the questionnaire.

5. TV show websites usually have enough full information about upcoming castings, if you follow her carefully, it’s quite possible to get into the project.

Visiting a TV show is much more interesting and exciting than watching it on TV, which is why many people strive to get on the air as a spectator or participant. That is why modern requirements are becoming more and more stringent. If earlier to participate you just had to show your skills, now you need to show your personal qualities and advantages that will make you stand out from the crowd of casting participants. There are certain requirements and difficulties for both viewers and program participants, which, if desired, can be overcome.

Related article

Employees of the TV show "Apartment" question“They really do everything for free. But such a gift, as indicated on the official website of the program, can be received by “only energetic, creative, optimistic people.”

You will need

  • An apartment that you have lived in for a long time (the “Housing Issue” team, as a matter of principle, does not take on unfinished new buildings) in Moscow or the region, consisting of two or more rooms. The desire to write and send a detailed letter - via the Internet or by regular mail.


You can go to the site and leave a request to participate in the program there. On the Internet, you need to fill out a form in which you need to indicate your name, address, date, time, number and size of rooms and even yours, and also write a funny story about yours and expectations from the program with your participation. You will also need photographs of the housing.

Please note

The team of “Housing Question” and “Dachny Otvet” also invites designers and architects to collaborate (an application form for these specialists is also posted on the program’s website).

Useful advice

If you have a dacha, at the same time you can try to get into the “Dacha Answer” program, which is produced in parallel with the “Housing Question”. The program staff is interested in remodeling a dacha in the Moscow region - no further than 40 km from the Moscow Ring Road.


  • Official website of the program " Housing issue"
  • dacha answer how to get there

Many people have cherished the dream of being on TV since childhood. Previously, when there were very few channels and programs, it was practically impossible to implement it. Now various talk shows constantly hold auditions for studio audiences and program participants.


Search the internet for popular talk shows and documentaries. This is where you can leave a request for or presence in the studio. Indicate your age, first name, last name, hobbies. Write how you might be of interest to a wider audience. Attach to message best photo and add the number mobile phone. If your application is of interest to the casting manager, you will be invited to an interview. You will even get paid for participating in programs based on real events. You are also paid to stay in the studio as a spectator. Usually a shooting day costs three hundred to five hundred rubles.

Send a letter to the email inboxes of all kinds of reality TV shows. They are constantly looking for new ones bright participants. Describe all your talents. It will be better if you attach a small presentation to the text. At the casting, behave openly, don’t be afraid to answer questions honestly, even be a little extravagant. These are the ones that are often missing from TV shows, and all producers are hunting for them.

If you are an erudite person and want to show off your intelligence, go to intellectual programs. There you can not only show yourself in all your glory, but also pay decent amounts. The recruitment of participants is constantly carried out by such programs as “Own Game” on NTV, “Brain Ring” on STS, “Clever Men and Clever Girls” on “Pervoy” and “Night at the Museum” on the “Culture” TV channel. You can apply by finding their websites on the Internet and filling out the appropriate form.

If you are a brilliant physicist or a beginner, but already quite popular poet, the creators of specialized programs are waiting for you. This is where comments are often required in certain areas. Tell us about your talent or advanced education by calling the production center of a particular program. After this, you will be invited to an interview, where you will answer questions on the topic. Thus, the casting will test the real depth of your knowledge.

“Housing Question” is one of the TV shows in which a team of highly qualified workers makes luxurious designer renovations quickly and free of charge. And what’s most intriguing is that the program is filmed in the apartment of an ordinary TV viewer like you. If after watching “KV” you dream of becoming the hero of the show, read the basic requirements for participants.

If you live in Moscow and are the owner of at least a two-room apartment with an area of ​​60 square meters– you have the right to apply for participation. Keep in mind that “Housing Question” does not carry out renovations in uninhabited new buildings and will only agree to remodel the apartment in which you have lived for a long time. Besides all this, you must be interesting creative person, easy-going and able to have a positive attitude towards any changes. Don't forget that it won't be easy good repair your apartment, and also a plot for a new episode of a TV show. Accordingly, you must have a memorable story so that TV viewers will sympathize with you and your family.

If you meet the first two points, the next step will be an application for participation in “KV”.
You will have to fill out a very detailed 29-item application form (including uploading a photo). Please note a few important points:
  1. Information about you in the application form should be presented in a positive way. Do not under any circumstances complain about how bad everything is now and how much you need this repair. We have already said above that only bright, optimistic people can become heroes of the program.
  2. You cannot put forward requirements for the future design of your apartment in the questionnaire; do not write what kind of work the specialists will have to do - these nuances will be sorted out without your participation.
  3. When you reach the last point in the application (adding a photo), in addition to a picture of the room that needs to be remodeled, add a photo of your family. Choose a photo where everyone is happy and smiling - this will increase your chances of participating in the program.
If you manage to interest the editors of “Housing Question” with your profile, you will move on to the next stage of selection – “telephone dialogue”. Don’t worry when talking with the editor, stay calm and confident, and when answering questions, stick to the information that was specified in your application for participation. If the dialogue was successful, the editors will soon call your family members. The main thing now is that none of your household members during the conversation show their doubts or distrust of the specialists, otherwise your chances of participating in the program will be zero. If everything went well, you will face the last stage of selection - a personal meeting. This stage takes place in an informal setting at your home over a cup of coffee or tea. The editors of “Housing Question” record communication with you and your family on an amateur camera in order to subsequently evaluate how confident and natural you can be during the shooting. Let's assume that you meet all the editors' criteria. One fine day, the “Housing Issue” film crew, led by the presenter, will knock on your house, and you will be asked to leave the apartment for 1.5-3 months. You will not take any part in the repair or even in the development of the design; you will be provided with the final result. Regardless of whether you like the remodel or not, you will have to portray delight on your face as soon as you cross the threshold of the updated room. They will conduct a short interview with you (short for broadcast, but filming it can take up to two days), give you designer trinkets as gifts and say goodbye to you for good, leaving you alone with the new renovation and your own emotions.

This whole story has one significant drawback - after the film crew leaves your apartment, you may realize with horror that repairs will now have to be done throughout the entire apartment, and, unfortunately, no longer for free.

The TV show “Housing Issue” has been broadcast for a decade and a half now. Its first episode was shown on the NTV channel in May 2001. Since then, Russians have been watching with undiminished interest how venerable designers turn ordinary living spaces into real works of art.

In this regard, a lot of people are interested in how to get on the list of the lucky few.

However, few people know that the “Housing Question” does not come to everyone - the conditions for participation in this program are quite harsh, and for this reason, not every apartment in Russia meets them.

What you need to know

First of all, the work of the creative team of “Housing Issue” is aimed at creating a spectacular and memorable show. For this reason, we can say with confidence that the benefit to program participants is to some extent secondary. But this does not mean that the work is performed poorly or that cheap materials are used. Sponsors provide the craftsmen with the best, because, among other things, the program also promotes certain brands.

Those wishing to take part often send letters of application to the TV channel. They often include pictures of their apartments. As a rule, the greatest interest in the transfer is shown by those who, in their own lives, try to ennoble interior decoration own home. Such citizens share their achievements.

After reviewing the applications, the editors of Kvartirny Vopros select the most promising applicants. They, in turn, are interviewed, usually by telephone. During its course, other details not specified in the letter are clarified. If everything is in order, the applicant will need to independently take a video of the room that is intended for demonstration repairs. This is a very important and mandatory point.

Current requirements

It is important to note that only people living either in Moscow or in the near Moscow region can become the hero of the next television program.

In addition:

  • they must own an apartment with an area of ​​at least 60 square meters;
  • they are also required to find temporary shelter for themselves during the filming of the program.

At the same time, it is prohibited to submit for selection new buildings in which no one lives yet, or emergency premises.

Only in the TV show are repairs quick and easy. In reality, it takes at least 2 months, and sometimes more, to film one program. Thus, the availability of temporary housing becomes an urgent necessity, because the Housing Issue specialists carry out renovation and design work at an intensive pace, which is impossible if the owners remain at home.

Other aspects

First of all, it is necessary to point out that the repairs are being carried out with the money of sponsors and the homeowners will not have to pay for anything.

The application is submitted in three ways:

  • on the official website of the program (;
  • via email ( [email protected]);
  • by regular letter via post office.

In addition, the editors give preference to people:

  • having a creative streak;
  • cheerful;
  • energetic;
  • ready for adventure;
  • with interesting life stories.

Filling out an application

The official web resource has a ready-made electronic form in which you only need to enter the relevant information:

  • the full name of the person submitting the application and his age;
  • Full name of other family members (degree of relationship and how old someone is);
  • how long does the marriage last?
  • who exactly lives in the premises permanently;
  • telephone numbers (at least two), different family members with a note indicating who exactly they belong to;
  • e-mail;
  • city;
  • exact address indicating the area, street, house, entrance, floor and apartment, and information about the presence of an intercom;
  • route by which you can get to the apartment of the applicant for participation;
  • type of housing, and number of floors (it should be noted whether there are elevators, both freight and passenger);
  • apartment area (total) in square meters;
  • how many residential premises, their type (separate, walk-through, area of ​​each);
  • size of the kitchen, hallway, corridor;
  • Are there balconies and the degree of their amenities (glazed, insulated, open);
  • how many years has the applicant lived in this apartment;
  • whether there have been moves from city to city in the past;
  • the name of the person who owns the property;
  • what specific part of the apartment has been identified by the owners for remodeling;
  • what exactly needs to be done in it;
  • the purpose of the room in the present and future;
  • what is the level of education of each family member, and where exactly did they study (university, faculty, year of graduation)
  • for children, it is necessary to indicate the school number and class;
  • availability of academic degrees or state awards;
  • the last place of work of each adult living in the apartment, their positions, length of service, etc.;
  • hobbies (details);
  • participation in television filming in the past (if yes, then name the programs);
  • reasons that prompted you to submit an application (in detail);
  • the story of the whole family.

how to become a participant in the housing problem program and how much it costs

  1. And if I can provide you with housing in TOMSK, will you be able to come? I'm just crazy about YOUR PROGRAM and also about the program "DACHA QUESTION"
  2. Good afternoon.

    My name is Alla, I am 60 years old, I currently work in a medical school with children. This year my granddaughter Andrey turned ONE YEAR OLD.
    We live with our mother, our son is married and lives separately. My mother is 83 years old in October, I would like to invite a large friendly family to join us. I really love to cook and bake, and my mother bakes very well too.
    And most importantly, I really want to surprise my mother, that is, completely change the apartment. We live in Moscow, the area of ​​our apartment is 34 m2. I ask you very much, if possible, help with the repair.
    I will really hope for your understanding.
    Write, I'll be waiting for you. Yes, and I’m just in love with YOUR PROGRAM
    Thanks in advance.

    Sincerely, Alla Artemovna

    Alla Grigoryan

  3. in Russian it is written what is needed
  4. It’s a pity that you don’t do this in a one-room apartment ((((((((
  5. What a pity that only Moscow and the Moscow region. I constantly watch your program, I really, really like it. I myself have been building a house for 60 years, so I wanted to count on you, but alas, it’s a pity. I have 6 grandchildren who all live on their own. One is 1.6 years old, the second is 2.6 years old, the third is 4 years old, etc.
  6. Are there any options to participate from other regions?
  7. It is more noble to help the poor or those with many children... You make repairs for those who could do it for their own money... You have no respect...
  8. And if this is the Chelyabinsk region.
  9. Good afternoon, “Housing Question” program. Of course, it is very good to help people, especially those who need it. There are indeed a lot of people in need in our country. These are not only kindergartens and orphanages remote from the capital, these are schools, these are houses for temporary and permanent stay of pensioners and disabled people and not only!!! Everyone understands that getting help, no matter what, is pleasant and important for everyone, but there are, so to speak, categories of people who simply need it. And these people are NOT politicians, NOT artists, NOT actors, these are pensioners living, as is already customary in Russia, below the poverty line, these are children in schools, children. gardens, children houses, etc. How often do we hear “a fire in an orphanage, the cause is faulty electrical wiring,” “a fire in a home for the disabled, a person died, the cause has not been established,” etc. Life and its conditions are improving those who have everything, and those who have lost everything??? how should they live???
  10. But you can’t come to North Ossetia to the city of Mozdok. I am divorced and raising two children myself; I don’t even have time to do repairs all the time at work. I will provide you with an apartment for your stay. We’ll even go to the mountains. We have the most beautiful mountains!
  11. Don't be humiliated People. Sorry to read.
  12. In the Housing Question program on NTV, repairs are done completely free of charge...

    How much does it cost to participate in the Housing Issue program?

    We truly do EVERYTHING for free. New interior this is our gift. But only the energetic and creative can get it. The rework takes 1.5 months.

    How can I take part in the Housing Issue program?

    Indeed, to get into the Housing Issue program, you need to fill out an application. This can be done on the official website, or by sending a letter to the editor. In the letter, write about yourself, your household and, finally, about your favorite and unusual apartment. Don't forget to attach a photo of yourself in the interior.

    There are restrictions:

    The apartment to be remodeled must be in Moscow or the nearest Moscow region, your apartment has at least two rooms, and you have lived in it for a long time (uninhabited, unfinished new buildings are not remodeled in the program!). You have to leave during the repairs (this lasts about a month) and you can’t come back. And most importantly, energetic, creative, optimistic people take part in the program.

    There are three ways to send an application letter:

    First fill out the form on the website

    Second use email:

    And the third one is to send an application by regular mail.
    Postal address: 127000, Moscow, Academician Korolva street, building 12,
    Housing issue program.

  13. Casting! Heroes for a new TV project about REPAIR on the federal TV channel.


    People with interesting story about yourself, your family, with unusual fate, a bright acquaintance or development of relationships;

    People of outstanding professions (doctor, inventor, social work, creativity, etc.) with fascinating events from their lives;

    It could be large families, families where only the father raises children, families with brilliant children, etc.

    Requirements for the renovation project: a room with an area of ​​at least 18 square meters. m in an apartment ( country house) in Moscow or the nearest Moscow region. The apartment must have 2 or more rooms.

    All repair work, furniture, decor are FREE for participants of the TV project.

    Applications for participation should be sent to:

    Attach to the letter 1. A story about your family, why you deserve to participate in a television project, 2. Vivid photos families and rooms for renovation. 3. A short video message from the family.

What Russian doesn't like free repairs! Especially if it gives you the opportunity to show yourself on TV. To do this, you need to come to the “Dachny Answer” program. How to become a participant, how much it costs - everyone who wants to find a cozy house in the village should know all these nuances.

Brief information about the show

Several years of convincing success of the “Housing Issue” program pushed the management of NTV to the idea of ​​​​creating a similar project dedicated to country estates Muscovites. The program was called “Dachny Answer” and was released at the end of 2008.

Today it is a popular Sunday hour-long show, which consists of the following parts:

  • First, the film crew introduces the audience to the main characters - the dacha and its inhabitants. This is a backstory that shows the condition of the house before renovations were carried out according to the original design project;
  • Now comes the time for the actual reconstruction. Modern materials and technologies that will be the highlight of the estate are described in detail. Every stage of repair is covered;
  • Attention is turned back to the home owner's family. The presenters inquire about the wishes of the builders and the designer;
  • Shows the final finish. The designer decorates a certain piece of furniture with his own hands. It is assumed that viewers can replicate his actions at home;
  • The owners are invited to the rebuilt dacha and given souvenirs from the NTV company.

How to get to “Dachny Otvet” on NTV?

Competition for participation in the program very tall: According to representatives of the TV channel, several hundred applications are received per day. However, most of them have to be eliminated because The selection criteria are very strict:

  • Only people can count on free home redesign owners of estates near Moscow . The transfer team will not come to the deep provinces;
  • It is necessary to have an interesting family history, worthy of occupying several tens of minutes of airtime. The presence of photographs, medals and other evidence will be additional arguments in favor of the contestants;
  • Family members must look good on screen. The selection is not only based on appearance, but also on the ability to move correctly;
  • Ability to communicate with people, resistance to stress and a sense of humor. The presence of all these qualities is checked during a personal conversation with candidates;
  • Provision of all necessary communications, such as sewerage, heating, electricity. The latter has special requirements: the network must withstand 5 kW of power;
  • Availability of free housing for temporary residence: to carry out major reconstruction, you will need to leave the dacha for 60-70 days.

Legal side of the issue

All transformations that will occur with the estate in the event of participation in the transfer fall under Chapter 4 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation “Rearrangement and redevelopment of residential premises.”

To carry out reconstruction or redevelopment the owner will need to present such documents:

  • Application for work;
  • Papers confirming ownership of real estate;
  • Technical passport;
  • Written consent of all persons permanently residing with the owners, as well as the tenant of the residential premises (if there is one) and members of his family;
  • A document confirming the positive decision of the body for the protection of architectural heritage (if required).

For consideration of the application government agencies 45 days are allotted. Once a decision has been made, it will be communicated to the applicant within three working days.

In case of refusal, the authorities are obliged to indicate the reason for such a decision (most often it is failure to provide the necessary papers or lack of grounds for reorganization).

Service cost

For carrying out redevelopment to the owners of the dacha you won't have to pay a penny. However, we cannot exclude the possibility of other expenses and risks:

  • If housing is the only one, then it is necessary to take into account the cost of living in rented housing. Two months of repairs will cost the family 80-100 thousand rubles (subject to renting a two-room Moscow apartment);
  • The vision of an invited designer may seem too bold to the home owner. Remodeling the entire room or its individual elements can cost from several tens to hundreds of thousands of rubles;
  • A risk that is rather theoretical. A television company may mistakenly carry out work that violates someone's property rights or current legislation. The burden of returning the premises to its original condition will be placed on the homeowners. Subsequently, expenses can be judicial procedure recover from the culprits, but this is time, and time is money.

In all other respects, there is no need to worry: participation in the program promises continuous advantages. Free repairs can increase the value of a property by 20%. The resulting value can be obtained by selling the dacha.

"Dacha Answer": take part

Candidates for participation in the show will have to tell the following details about themselves and their home:

  1. Personal data (full name, age, etc.) of the applicant;
  2. Method of use of residential premises (for seasonal or permanent residence);
  3. Owner real estate(in whose name the state registration certificate is issued);
  4. Availability of legal encumbrances (lease, mortgage, shared ownership);
  5. Persons permanently residing in the house;
  6. Temporary residents;
  7. Description of the location of the house (distance from the Moscow Ring Road, nature of the road surface, availability of an access road);
  8. Date of construction of housing;
  9. Technical characteristics: total living area, ceiling height, availability of auxiliary premises;
  10. Level of physical wear and tear (can be found in technical passport for real estate), the nature of the decoration, the level of furnishings;
  11. Provision of public services;
  12. It is also worth indicating exactly which rooms are allowed to be converted (total footage up to 35 m2).

NTV company gives a “Dachny answer” to every housing question. How to become a member, how much it costs and other questions can be found on the website. There is no fee to participate in the program, but to get into it, you must meet strict criteria. Only ideal families With beautiful story living in the near Moscow region have real chance get on TV.