Mikhail Shufutinsky: biography, creativity, personal life. Shufutinsky is having a hard time with the death of his wife. Who does Shufutinsky live with now?

Mikhail Shufutinsky – Russian crooner, music producer, composer and pianist, multiple winner"Chanson of the Year" award. The author managed to combine in his works the features of urban romance and bard song, leaving the most important thing in the music - sincerity.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Shufutinsky was born in Moscow on April 13, 1948 into a Jewish family. The musician’s father, Zakhar Davidovich, was a participant in the Great Patriotic War, later worked as a doctor and devoted a lot of time to work. He turned out to be musical man– played the trumpet, guitar, sang well. The future chansonnier’s mother died suddenly when the boy was five years old, so the singer remembers her little.

Due to the father’s difficult shift work, grandmother Berta Davidovna and grandfather David Yakovlevich began raising the child, who not only taught and guided Misha, but also developed the child’s taste and love for art. Noticing his grandson's craving for music, the grandfather began to teach the child to play the accordion.

At the age of seven, Mikhail entered the music school. But due to the fact that at that time the accordion was not taught in Soviet music schools, considering this instrument an echo of bourgeois culture, Misha went to the button accordion class - folk instrument, somewhat similar to the one on which the boy began his musical education.

The future singer loved and appreciated classes at the music school; after a few years he was already fluent in the instrument and was a regular participant in school orchestras and ensembles. Every week, together with his grandfather, the young man organized impromptu concerts in the courtyard of the house where his family lived. Mikhail enjoyed playing the repertoire that he liked.

From the age of fifteen, Misha became seriously interested in a new direction in music - jazz, which only began to appear on Soviet stages, and very unofficially. Thus, being just a teenager, Mikhail chose his life path. Therefore, upon completion secondary school Shufutinsky, without hesitation, submitted documents to the Moscow School of Music named after Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov.

After graduating from music school, having received the qualifications of conductor, choirmaster, music and singing teacher, the musician and the orchestra leave for Magadan to perform at the Severny restaurant. There Shufutinsky first approached the microphone as a vocal performer, although out of necessity - replacing the main singers. Shufutinsky’s favorite authors were and, whose songs were included in the repertoire of the aspiring artist.


Later, Mikhail Zakharovich returned to Moscow and worked in several musical groups, for example, in the then popular “Chord” and “Leisya, song”. The last ensemble was a success: the guys recorded records at the Melodiya studio, traveled around the cities of Russia, where the musicians were warmly received by enthusiastic fans.

Mikhail Shufutinsky and VIA "Leisya, song"

Shufutinsky's conflict with the Soviet regime was growing, so in the early 80s the musician immigrated with his family and moved to New York through Austria and Italy.

At first, in the USA, the musician works as an accompanist, playing mainly the piano. Later he creates his own orchestra, “Ataman”, with which he regularly performs in the New York restaurants “Pearl”, “Paradise” and “National”

In 1983, Shufutinsky presented his first album entitled “Escape”. The album includes 13 compositions: “Taganka”, “ Farewell letter", "You are far from me", " Winter evening" and others.

When the Ataman ensemble gained popularity in immigrant circles, Shufutinsky received an offer to perform in Los Angeles, where at that moment there was a boom in Russian songs in the chanson style. Then Shufutinsky's fame reached its peak.

Mikhail Shufutinsky - "Russian Autumn"

Shufutinsky's music was listened to and loved not only in immigration, but also in the Soviet Union, which was confirmed by the first tours in his homeland, when the audience filled even large halls and stadiums.

In the 90s, Shufutinsky returned to Russia and after that lived permanently in Moscow. In 1997, the artist published the book “And Here I Stand at the Line...”, in which Mikhail introduced fans to the facts of his biography. Later the collection " Best songs. Lyrics and chords."

Mikhail Shufutinsky - "Left Bank of the Don"

In 2002, the musician received the first “Chanson of the Year” award in his career for the songs “Alenka”, “Nakolochka” and “Topolya”. From now on, Shufutinsky receives this award every year.

During creative career Mikhail Shufutinsky wrote, performed and produced many famous hits. Songs such as “Two Candles”, “Third of September”, “Palma de Mallorca”, “Night Guest” became popular, which paradoxically gained popularity under the name “Knives Not Sharpened”, “Khreshchatyk”, “Left Bank of the Don” , “Come and visit us”, “ Duck hunting", "For lovely ladies" and others.

Mikhail Shufutinsky - "Jewish Tailor"

The song “The Third of September” is so popular that with the spread of the Internet and social networks, September 3 has become the unofficial Shufutinsky Day; flash mobs are held on this day, and groups on social networks massively post memes and quotes from this song.

Shufutinsky also shot 26 music videos for his songs, as listed on the musician’s official YouTube channel. The videos were made on the compositions “The Soul Hurts”, “Mom”, “ New Year in the cabin”, “Love is alive” and others. In total, during his performing biography, Shufutinsky has released twenty-eight albums and a huge variety of different collections of songs. The singer's repertoire also includes several popular duet recordings. In addition, Shufutinsky produced records of other musicians - Maya Rozova, Anatoly Mogilevsky.

Mikhail Shufutinsky - "White Roses"

Besides the main thing musical creativity, Mikhail Shufutinsky is engaged in dubbing animated films, has experience filming in feature film, however, in a cameo role.

In 2009, Mikhail Shufutinsky became a participant in the music show “Two Stars”, where he performed together with. The duet performed the songs “White Roses”, “A Drop of Warmth”, “Taganka” and other popular hits from the works of both Shufutinsky and other musicians.

Mikhail Shufutinsky and Alika Smekhova - "A Drop of Warmth"

On April 13, 2013, Mikhail Zakharovich gave a concert at Crocus in honor of his anniversary City Hall, which was called “Birthday Concert”. Shufutinsky performed popular songs of past years: “The Third of September”, “For Lovely Ladies”, “I Adore”, “The Jewish Tailor”, “Marjanja”, “Nakolochka” and others.

In April 2016, Shufutinsky presented new album“I Just Love Slowly,” which included 14 compositions. In addition to the title song of the same name, the disc includes solo compositions “We’ll wait and see”, “Tanya, Tanechka”, “Provincial Jazz”, a duet with Eteri Beriashvili “I Treasure You”, a collaboration with Varya Demidova “Snow” and others.

Mikhail Shufutinsky - "Marjanja"

On September 27, 2016, the musician was invited to become part of Russian Academy music and accept the post of academician. On December 2, 2016, Mikhail Zakharovich gave a solo concert “Chanson before Christmas” in Moscow State Theater stage.

By 2016, the discography of the “king of chanson” reached 29 albums, including collaborations with Suzanne Tepper (1989) and (2004). Shufutinsky annually won the “Chanson of the Year” award for 15 years.

Famous chansonnier Mikhail Shufutinsky

In April and May 2017, the musician toured the country and gave solo concerts in Moscow, Sevastopol, Korolev, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk, Barnaul, Novosibirsk, Kolomna, St. Petersburg and other cities.

Personal life

A stately, impressive man (Mikhail’s height is 187 cm, weight is 100 kg) has always attracted the attention of the opposite sex. But unlike many public people, Mikhail Shufutinsky is an excellent family man. The musician was married only once. In 1971, he married Margarita Mikhailovna, whom he had known for several years. In this marriage, Shufutinsky had two sons - David, born in 1972, and Anton, who was born two years later.

Now the brothers are separated by an ocean. Anton lives with his wife and four children in Philadelphia, where he teaches at a local university and is writing his doctoral dissertation. David, his wife and three children permanently live in Moscow, engaged in production activities.

To be closer to Anton, Shufutinsky bought a house not far from him. Together with his wife, Mikhail started renovations in the mansion, which lasted for long time. It was assumed that the couple would live there together, visiting relatives. But the intention could not be realized.

Mikhail Shufutinsky with his wife Margarita in his youth and now

At the beginning of 2015, grief happened in the singer’s family - Shufutinsky buried his faithful life partner Margarita, who died in America while visiting her family youngest son. The cause of Margarita’s death was heart failure, which the woman suffered from for many years.

At the time of her departure, Mikhail was on tour in Israel. There were no signs of tragedy. When the woman stopped answering her husband’s calls, he did not attach any importance to it, because the difference in time zones was significant. After a while, the sons also noticed their mother’s disappearance. They were able to enter the apartment only with the help of the police.

Mikhail considers the death of his wife the most difficult loss in his life; for the singer, Margarita forever remained the keeper of the hearth and his personal guardian angel. The couple lived happily together for 44 years.

Mikhail Shufutinsky now

2018 turned out to be an anniversary year for the artist - in April Mikhail Shufutinsky celebrated his 70th birthday. The artist celebrated the beginning of the year with a performance at the “Chanson of the Year” concert with the song “She Was Just a Girl” and a duet with “Peter-Moscow”. Thanks to these compositions, the singer again became a laureate of the prestigious award.

Anastasia Spiridonova and Mikhail Shufutinsky - "Peter-Moscow"

On the eve of the celebration, the singer visited the studio humorous program“Evening Urgant” became a guest of the show “The Fate of a Man” and the release of the “Once Upon a Time” program on the NTV channel. On anniversary concert Mikhail Shufutinsky gathered fans in the Crocus City Hall. Stas Mikhailov appeared on stage that evening. On the eve of the anniversary, changes were outlined in the personal life of Mikhail Shufutinsky. In the spring, the artist introduced his beloved dancer Svetlana Urazova to the public, who turned out to be 30 years younger than the singer. This age difference does not prevent Mikhail and Svetlana from being happy, but when asked about the wedding, the singer jokes that he is still too young to get married. The couple has already appeared in public, as evidenced by joint photos of lovers in the media.


  • 1982 - “Escape”
  • 1983 - “Ataman”
  • 1984 - “Gulliver”
  • 1985 - “Amnesty”
  • 1987 - “White Stork”
  • 1993 - “Kisa-Kisa”
  • 1994 - “Walk, Soul”
  • 1995 - “Oh, Women”
  • 1996 - " Good evening, gentlemen"
  • 2006 - “Duets of different years”
  • 2009 – “Brato”
  • 2013 – “Love story”
  • 2016 – “I Just Love Slowly”

It is reported that the 67-year-old singer is now in a relationship with a dancer from his show ballet "Ataman". Svetlana's friend, Irina Savina, told the Russian publication StarHit that Sveta had been in love with the chansonnier for many years, and after the death of his wife, it was she who helped him come to his senses.

Sveta has been working in the team for a long time, for more than 15 years. She always sympathized with Mikhail Zakharovich, but he was married to Margarita. In June, Shufutinsky’s wife passed away. He learned about the death of his beloved while he was on tour in Israel. He flew straight to her, canceling the concerts. He felt very bad then, was very worried, and did not want to communicate with anyone. Sveta bought a ticket and went to America to get it. It turned out that she was in Los Angeles after the funeral. Sveta became a real lifeline for him. She pulled him out of this state, and from that moment they were together.

Who knows how the relationship between the newly-made couple will develop further, but we can assume that everything is more than serious, since Urazova even told her daughter Arina about her lover. According to friend Svetlana, Mikhail Zakharovich blossomed again with a new passion. Savina also hinted that Shufutinsky is not shy about showing signs of attention and is courting his new chosen one on a grand scale.

He gave me an expensive foreign car, a fur coat, and he constantly gives me luxurious jewelry. We are always together on tour. She flies with him in business class, and not with the team in economy. They live in a luxury room. They are planning to fly to Israel on vacation soon.

Let us recall that Mikhail Shufutinsky had one wife, Margarita, with whom they lived in perfect harmony for 44 years. The marriage produced 2 sons who live with their families in the USA. The artist’s wife passed away in early June. Mikhail Shufutinsky himself learned about what happened while he was on tour in Israel.

Mikhail Shufutinsky is a Russian pop singer, music producer, composer and pianist, multiple winner of the Chanson of the Year award. The author managed to combine in his works the features of urban romance and bard song, leaving the most important thing in the music - sincerity.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Shufutinsky was born in Moscow on April 13, 1948 into a Jewish family. The musician’s father, Zakhar Davidovich, was a participant in the Great Patriotic War, later worked as a doctor and devoted a lot of time to work. He turned out to be a musical person - he played the trumpet, guitar, and sang well. The future chansonnier’s mother died suddenly when the boy was five years old, so the singer remembers her little.

Due to the father’s difficult shift work, grandmother Berta Davidovna and grandfather David Yakovlevich began raising the child, who not only taught and guided Misha, but also developed the child’s taste and love for art. Noticing his grandson's craving for music, the grandfather began to teach the child to play the accordion.

At the age of seven, Mikhail entered a music school. But due to the fact that at that time the accordion was not taught in Soviet music schools, considering this instrument an echo of bourgeois culture, Misha went to the accordion class - a folk instrument somewhat similar to the one on which the boy began his musical education.

The future singer loved and appreciated classes at the music school; after a few years he was already fluent in the instrument and was a regular participant in school orchestras and ensembles. Every week, together with his grandfather, the young man organized impromptu concerts in the courtyard of the house where his family lived. Mikhail enjoyed playing the repertoire that he liked.

From the age of fifteen, Misha became seriously interested in a new direction in music - jazz, which only began to appear on Soviet stages, and very unofficially. Thus, being just a teenager, Mikhail chose his life path. Therefore, after graduating from secondary school, Shufutinsky, without hesitation, submitted documents to the Moscow Music College named after Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov.

After graduating from music school, having received the qualifications of conductor, choirmaster, music and singing teacher, the musician and the orchestra leave for Magadan to perform at the Severny restaurant. There Shufutinsky first approached the microphone as a vocal performer, although out of necessity - replacing the main singers. Shufutinsky’s favorite authors were Alexander Vertinsky and Pyotr Leshchenko, whose songs were included in the repertoire of the aspiring artist.


Later, Mikhail Zakharovich returned to Moscow and worked in several musical groups, for example, in the then popular “Accord” and “Leisya, Song”. The last ensemble was a success: the guys recorded records at the Melodiya studio, traveled around the cities of Russia, where the musicians were warmly received by enthusiastic fans.

Mikhail Shufutinsky and VIA “Leisya, song”

Shufutinsky's conflict with the Soviet regime was growing, so in the early 80s the musician immigrated with his family and moved to New York through Austria and Italy.

At first, in the USA, the musician works as an accompanist, playing mainly the piano. Later he creates his own orchestra, “Ataman”, with which he regularly performs in the New York restaurants “Pearl”, “Paradise” and “National”

In 1983, Shufutinsky presented his first album entitled “Escape”. The album includes 13 compositions: “Taganka”, “Farewell letter”, “You are far from me”, “Winter evening” and others.

When the Ataman ensemble gained popularity in immigrant circles, Shufutinsky received an offer to perform in Los Angeles, where at that moment there was a boom in Russian songs in the chanson style. Then Shufutinsky's fame reached its peak.

Mikhail Shufutinsky - “Russian Autumn”

Shufutinsky's music was listened to and loved not only in immigration, but also in the Soviet Union, which was confirmed by the first tours in his homeland, when the audience filled even large halls and stadiums.

In the 90s, Shufutinsky returned to Russia and after that lived permanently in Moscow. In 1997, the artist published the book “And Here I Stand at the Line...”, in which Mikhail introduced fans to the facts of his biography. Later, the collection “Best Songs” appeared. Lyrics and chords."

Mikhail Shufutinsky - “Left Bank of the Don”

In 2002, the musician received the first “Chanson of the Year” award in his career for the songs “Alenka”, “Nakolochka” and “Topolya”. From now on, Shufutinsky receives this award every year.

During his creative career, Mikhail Shufutinsky wrote, performed and produced many famous hits. Songs such as “Two Candles”, “Third of September”, “Palma de Mallorca”, “Night Guest” became popular, which paradoxically gained popularity under the name “Knives Not Sharpened”, “Khreshchatyk”, “Left Bank of the Don” , “Come to see us”, “Duck Hunt”, “For lovely ladies” and others.

Mikhail Shufutinsky - “The Jewish Tailor”

The song “The Third of September” is so popular that with the spread of the Internet and social networks, September 3 has become the unofficial Shufutinsky Day; flash mobs are held on this day, and groups on social networks massively post memes and quotes from this song.

Shufutinsky also shot 26 music videos for his songs, as listed on the musician’s official YouTube channel. The videos were made on the compositions “The Soul Hurts”, “Mom”, “New Year in the Airplane Cabin”, “Love Is Alive” and others. In total, during his performing biography, Shufutinsky has released twenty-eight albums and a huge variety of different collections of songs. The singer's repertoire also includes several popular duet recordings. In addition, Shufutinsky produced records of other musicians - Mikhail Gulko, Lyubov Uspenskaya, Maya Rozova, Anatoly Mogilevsky.

Mikhail Shufutinsky - “White Roses”

In addition to his main musical work, Mikhail Shufutinsky is involved in scoring animated films and has experience in filming a feature film, albeit in a cameo role.

In 2009, Mikhail Shufutinsky became a participant in the music show “Two Stars”, where he performed together with Alika Smekhova. The duet performed the songs “White Roses”, “A Drop of Warmth”, “Taganka” and other popular hits from the works of both Shufutinsky and other musicians.

Mikhail Shufutinsky and Alika Smekhova - “A Drop of Warmth”

On April 13, 2013, Mikhail Zakharovich gave a concert in Crocus City Hall in honor of his anniversary, which was called “Birthday Concert.” Shufutinsky performed popular songs of past years: “The Third of September”, “For Lovely Ladies”, “I Adore”, “The Jewish Tailor”, “Marjanja”, “Nakolochka” and others.

In April 2016, Shufutinsky presented a new album, “I Just Love Slowly,” which included 14 compositions. In addition to the title song of the same name, the disc includes solo compositions “We’ll wait and see”, “Tanya, Tanechka”, “Provincial Jazz”, a duet with Eteri Beriashvili “I Treasure You”, a collaboration with Varya Demidova “Snow” and others.

Mikhail Shufutinsky - “Marjanja”

On September 27, 2016, the musician was invited to become part of the Russian Academy of Music and accept the post of academician. On December 2, 2016, Mikhail Zakharovich gave a solo concert “Chanson before Christmas” at the Moscow State Variety Theater.

By 2016, the discography of the “king of chanson” had reached 29 albums, which included collaborations with Suzanne Tepper (1989) and Irina Allegrova (2004). Shufutinsky annually won the “Chanson of the Year” award for 15 years.

Famous chansonnier Mikhail Shufutinsky

In April and May 2017, the musician toured the country and gave solo concerts in Moscow, Sevastopol, Korolev, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk, Barnaul, Novosibirsk, Kolomna, St. Petersburg and other cities.

Personal life

A stately, impressive man (Mikhail’s height is 187 cm, weight is 100 kg) has always attracted the attention of the opposite sex. But unlike many public people, Mikhail Shufutinsky is an excellent family man. The musician was married only once. In 1971, he married Margarita Mikhailovna, whom he had known for several years. In this marriage, Shufutinsky had two sons - David, born in 1972, and Anton, who was born two years later.

Now the brothers are separated by an ocean. Anton lives with his wife and four children in Philadelphia, where he teaches at a local university and is writing his doctoral dissertation. David, his wife and three children permanently live in Moscow, engaged in production activities.

To be closer to Anton, Shufutinsky bought a house not far from him. Together with his wife, Mikhail started renovations in the mansion, which took a long time. It was assumed that the couple would live there together, visiting relatives. But the intention could not be realized.

Mikhail Shufutinsky with his wife Margarita in his youth and now

At the beginning of 2015, grief happened in the singer’s family - Shufutinsky buried his faithful life partner Margarita, who died in America while visiting the family of her youngest son. The cause of Margarita’s death was heart failure, which the woman suffered from for many years.

At the time of her departure, Mikhail was on tour in Israel. There were no signs of tragedy. When the woman stopped answering her husband’s calls, he did not attach any importance to it, because the difference in time zones was significant. After a while, the sons also noticed their mother’s disappearance. They were able to enter the apartment only with the help of the police.

Mikhail considers the death of his wife the most difficult loss in his life; for the singer, Margarita forever remained the keeper of the hearth and his personal guardian angel. The couple lived happily together for 44 years.

Mikhail Shufutinsky now

2018 turned out to be an anniversary year for the artist - in April Mikhail Shufutinsky celebrated his 70th birthday. The artist celebrated the beginning of the year with a performance at the “Chanson of the Year” concert with the song “She Was Just a Girl” and a duet with Anastasia Spiridonova “Peter-Moscow”. Thanks to these compositions, the singer again became a laureate of the prestigious award.

Anastasia Spiridonova and Mikhail Shufutinsky - “Peter-Moscow”

On the eve of the celebration, the singer visited the studio of the humorous program “Evening Urgant”, became a guest of Boris Korchevnikov’s show “The Fate of a Man” and the release of the “Once Upon a Time” program on the NTV channel. For the anniversary concert, Mikhail Shufutinsky gathered fans in the Crocus City Hall. Stas Mikhailov and Elena Vorobey took the stage that evening. Shufutinsky’s longtime friend, Vyacheslav Dobrynin, also arrived at the celebration.

In May, the singer visited the filming of the “Tonight” program, which was called “Legends of Chanson.” Guests of the Channel One studio also included Igor Krutoy, Vladimir Vinokur, Alexander Rosenbaum, Lyubov Uspenskaya and others. Now Mikhail Shufutinsky plans to visit Israel on a tour, and in the fall he will continue touring Russia.

On the eve of the anniversary, changes arose in the personal life of Mikhail Shufutinsky. In the spring, the artist introduced his beloved dancer Svetlana Urazova to the public, who turned out to be 30 years younger than the singer. This age difference does not prevent Mikhail and Svetlana from being happy, but when asked about the wedding, the singer jokes that he is still too young to get married. The couple has already appeared in public, as evidenced by joint photos of lovers in the media.

Our today's hero is the famous chansonnier Mikhail Shufutinsky, whose biography and personal life are of interest to many fans. Do you also want to know where he was born and studied? How did you get on stage? Why did you go to the USA? Then we recommend that you read the contents of the article.

Mikhail Shufutinsky (biography): family

He was born on April 13, 1948 in Moscow. He has Jewish roots. In what family was the future singer brought up? His father, Zakhar Davidovich, took part in the Great Patriotic War. IN Peaceful time he got a job as a doctor. The man spent very little time at home.

Mikhail's mother died when he was 5 years old. The boy was raised by his grandmother Bertha and grandfather David. It was they who instilled in Mikhail a love of art. And when the grandfather noticed that his grandson was showing interest in music, he began to teach him to play the accordion.

School years

At the age of 7, Misha entered a music school located not far from his home. The boy signed up for a button accordion class. Our hero attended every lesson with pleasure. His teachers predicted a brilliant future for him. And they turned out to be right. In just a couple of years, Mikhail mastered this musical instrument. He became a regular member school ensembles and orchestras.

At the age of 15, our hero became interested in a new direction of music for the Soviet country - jazz. He played only on Only over time, jazz was approved and loved by the citizens of the USSR.


By the time he graduated from high school, Mikhail already knew what profession he would choose. He was going to connect his life with the stage. Having received the certificate in his hands, the guy submitted documents to the music school named after. M. Ippolitova-Ivanova. Shufutinsky successfully passed the exams. Over the course of several years, he mastered such specialties as choirmaster, singing and music teacher, and conductor.

First performances

Where did Mikhail Shufutinsky go after graduating from college? His biography as a performer began in Magadan. There he and his orchestra performed at the Severny restaurant. The local public received them with a bang.

Later our hero returned to Moscow. IN different time He performed in such groups as “Leisya Song” and “Chord”. At some point, Mikhail wanted creative development. But there was no opportunity for this.


In the early 1980s, Shufutinsky and his family left for permanent residence in America. And all because he had a serious conflict with representatives of the Soviet government.

In the USA, Mikhail Zakharovich did not sit idle. He organized his own team. The performances took place in New York restaurants. The talented performer was noticed and invited to Los Angeles. Many Soviet immigrants and Russian-speaking citizens lived in this city.

Mikhail Shufutinsky managed to become a chanson star. His songs were listened to on both sides of the ocean. Such compositions as “The Third of September”, “Night Guest”, “For Lovely Ladies” have become truly popular.

In 2003, the famous chansonnier returned to Russia. He purchased housing in Moscow and continued musical career. Between 2003 and 2013, 8 studio discs were released.

Mikhail Shufutinsky: biography, personal (family) life

WITH youth talented musician was popular with girls. Some saw him as a subtle and vulnerable soul, while others looked at him as an idol. Mikhail often had affairs with beautiful girls. But in serious relationship they didn't cross over. It's very simple: the feelings faded away as quickly as they flared up.

When did I meet my true love Mikhail Shufutinsky? The biography indicates that this happened in the early 1970s. The beautiful Margarita conquered his heart and deprived him of peace. After a long and persistent courtship, the girl agreed to become Mikhail’s other half.

In January 1971, the marriage of Mikhail and Margarita Shufutinsky was registered in one of the capital's registry offices. Then the celebration “moved” to the restaurant. The guests at the celebration were close friends and relatives of the bride and groom.

A loving husband, a caring dad and an exemplary family man - all this is Mikhail Shufutinsky. The singer’s biography in August 1972 was replenished with another joyful event - his first child was born. The son was named David. The young father could not stop looking at the heir. He himself bathed him, swaddled him and put him in his crib. Mikhail even tried to sing a lullaby to his son. But because his voice was too low, he was unable to do this.

In December 1974, another addition occurred to the Shufutinsky family. His beloved wife gave the singer a second son. The boy got a widespread Russian name- Anton.

Today, the children of Mikhail Shufutinsky are adults and accomplished people. David is married to Angela Petrosyan. They have three children - two sons and a daughter. The family lives in Moscow. The singer hoped that his eldest son would follow in his footsteps. But David is far from show business. He is producing.

The youngest son (Anton) lives in the USA. He married an African American woman named Brandi. They had 4 children. A few years ago, Anton worked as a medic at a US naval base, and now he teaches at one of the universities in Philadelphia.


Most pop stars who gained popularity in the 80s and 90s try to hide their personal lives from prying eyes and ears. Mikhail Shufutinsky was no exception. Biography, wife of the chansonnier - all this continued to interest his fans. And so in the summer of 2015 printed publications and popular Internet resources reported the sad news. On June 5, Mikhail Zakharovich’s wife, Margarita, passed away. She was buried in one of the Los Angeles cemeteries.

New love

Mikhail Shufutinsky, whose biography we are considering, had a hard time with the death of his wife. Of course, they lived together for 44 years. She always surrounded her husband with affection and care.

During this difficult period, the famous chansonnier was supported by a dancer from his show ballet “Ataman”. 39-year-old Svetlana Urazova was next to Mikhail Zakharovich, helped him around the house and gave him valuable advice. At some point, the singer realized that their relationship had already outgrown the scope of friendship. He offered the woman to live together. There is no talk of any marriage. Mikhail Zakharovich had only one wife - Margarita. And no one can take her place. Sons understand and do not condemn their father. After all, they cannot see him as often as they would like. And loneliness is a terrible thing.

What is known about Svetlana Urazova herself? More than 15 years ago she came to Russia from Ukraine. She has a choreographic education. Almost immediately, the blonde was accepted into Shufutinsky’s show troupe. If you carefully watch the video from the concerts, you will notice that Svetlana always dances right hand from the chansonnier. Many can envy her natural flexibility and ability to stay on stage. It is impossible not to fall in love with such a beauty.

Currently, the singer has serious health problems. It became difficult for him to walk. Svetlana is literally his support.


Now you know what path to popularity Mikhail Shufutinsky took. Biography, family, photo of the singer - all this is contained in the article. Let's wish him good health And for long years life!

In June 2015, the Internet was agitated by the news of the sudden death of the wife of chansonnier Mikhail Shufutinsky. The tragic event is accompanied by guesswork and speculation. What are the reasons for the death of Shufutinsky's wife?

The answer to this question was given by Mikhail Zakharovich himself in the “Mirror for a Hero” program. Every word he says about his departed wife is filled with tenderness and love.

Decembrist's wife

The future wife of Mikhail Shufutinsky, Margarita, was raised by her parents in strictness.

The acquaintance took place at Rita's friend's house. Mutual sympathy arose. Not everything worked out perfectly. As with any couple, sometimes misunderstandings arose.

As Mikhail Shufutinsky recalls, thanks to sincere feeling Margarita, their union took place.

In 1971, he and his friends went to work in Magadan. Having deceived her parents that she was going on a trip to Dagomys, Rita went after him. She was not afraid of her parents’ anger, she went against their will. Agree, this is a decisive act for a girl brought up in strictness.

In January 1971, in Magadan, their marriage was registered. The wedding was celebrated by a friendly company in a small two-room apartment. In 1972, Margarita flies to Moscow to give birth to her first child. In 1974, Mikhail Shufutinsky returned to Moscow.


The family waited for permission to leave for two years. In 1981 they emigrate. By this time, the Shufutinskys had two small children. Margarita got a job sweeping hair in an elite beauty salon with a salary of three dollars. Subsequently, she was allowed to wash clients' hair. The salary was four dollars.

As soon as things started to improve for her husband, she left this job. She devoted all her strength to helping her husband in his business.

Mikhail Shufutinsky remembers this time like this: “She is my person, close, this is part of me and has always been so. Her whole life was subject to my turmoil, and she dealt with it perfectly. Over the years, we stopped being husband and wife, we became something more.”

In one of the interviews, Margarita expressed her attitude towards her husband with the words: “I know how to forgive and believe. I love him and I've trusted him from day one."

June 3, 2015

On this day, Mikhail Shufutinsky flew off on a tour to Israel. In the morning he called his wife in Los Angeles, but no one answered. Due to the time difference, my wife called back later. He was waiting for her call. I called on the way to the airport, but there was silence in response. I called my son Anton in Philadelphia. Anton said that he also couldn’t get through. I assumed that my mother had gone out somewhere. Later, Mikhail Zakharovich asked his son to contact the police. Anton called the police station and asked to go to his mother's house.

Mikhail Shufutinsky finished the concert and had to go to Tel Aviv to continue the tour. The phone rang. It was a representative of the Los Angeles Police Department. He said police opened the house and found a woman without signs of life. She was lying on the sofa, in front of the working TV.

Mikhail Zakharovich canceled the tour and urgently flew to Los Angeles. At the same time as Shufutinsky’s plane, a plane from Philadelphia landed, on which his son Anton arrived. A few hours later, son David arrived from Moscow.

Her favorite men gathered around Margarita.

Causes of death of Shufutinsky's wife

According to the official conclusion of doctors, the death of Margarita Shufutinskaya was caused by heart failure. According to Mikhail Zakharovich, his wife never complained of heart pain. There were cases of slight increases in blood pressure, but this was attributed to age.

A close family friend, Svetlana Morgulyan, noted Margarita’s reluctance to see doctors. She said that in the first place she had the health of Mikhail Zakharovich. She didn't pay attention to herself. Morgulyan called the departure of her friend a holy death.

The tragedy happened suddenly. Maybe if someone had been nearby at that moment, everything would have turned out differently? Nobody can answer this question.

The body of Margarita Shufutinskaya was cremated in Los Angeles. Anton transported the urn with the ashes to Philadelphia. The soul of a bright, wise, noble woman rested on this earth.

The grandchildren visit their grandmother’s grave every week.

Happy memory to a woman, wife, mother, grandmother!