Pharrell Williams biography. Biography. Multiple Grammy winner and great mentor

Pharrell Williams, better known as Pharrell, was born in Virginia Beach, Virginia on April 5, 1973. In the seventh grade, while relaxing at summer camp, he met Chad Hugo. Later they studied together in the same high school Princess Anne, where they organized a school group. And in the mid-1990s, Pharrell and his friends Chad Hugo, Shy Haley and Mike Etheridge formed an R&B group called “The Neptunes”. Soon they decided to show their creativity to Tedd Riley, who appreciated creativity guys and signed a contract with them.

Pharrell's career took off when he wrote the hit "Rump Shaker" for the rap duo Wreckx-N-Effect. He was only 19 years old then. In 1994, Hugo and Farrell created a duet, for which they used the old name “The Neptunes”. Continuous musical activity soon gave its results. Together with Puff Deddy, they work on the discs of Ol' Dirty Bastard, Mystikal and other rappers, which significantly increased the ratings of The Neptunes. They worked with such stars as Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake, and this was no longer just an application for the title of the most sought-after production team, but the actual reign on the market of the best arrangements and beats for famous artists.

In 2000 appears new project, which is called N.E.R.D. (“No One Ever Really Dies”), which, in addition to Pharrell and Chad, also included their friend Shai. The mixture of R&B, funk, rock and rap turned out to be exactly what the music world was missing. On at the moment at N.E.R.D. only two albums, released in 2001, “In Search of...” and “Fly or Die” in 2004. In the spring of 2005, Farrell announced the breakup of the band due to problems with the releasing label.

Continuing to make music, Pharrell and Chad Hugo created the production company Star Trak, which they use mainly to promote new rappers. Soon Pharrell began working with Snoop Dogg. The first joint creation was the hit “Beautiful”, later the single “Drop It’s Like It’s Hot”. The latter significantly increased sales of Snupp Dogg’s new album “R&G Rhythm&Gangsta Masterpiece”. In 2003, Pharrell and Chad won the Grammy Award for Producer of the Year.

On September 9, 2005, Pharrell presented the single “Can I Have It Like That” from his debut solo album “In My Nind”, dedicated to Gwen Stefani. The second album, Hell Hath No Fury, was released in 2006. Pharrell later collaborated with Madonna, Beyonce Knowles and Shakira. Now there is a queue of performers lining up for him, and he has a dream to work with Eminem.

In addition to income from the musical field, Farrell launched his own clothing line and also participated in the development sunglasses together with one famous designer. In addition, he receives considerable dividends from the use of The Neptunes theme songs in Nike advertising. Pharrell is the co-founder of the clothing brand Billionaire Boys Club and the shoe line Ice Cream Clothing.

Pharrell Williams

Pharrell Williams - bright and talented musician, whose work is popular not only among fans of rap and hip-hop. He is in great demand among famous performers. This American managed to produce more than a dozen songs for world-class stars, which we will discuss below. With more than 20 years of “experience” in music, Pharrell has managed to become someone people look up to.

Brief biography

On April 5, 1973, the family of Faroy and Carolyn Williams became larger: a boy was born, who was given the name Farrell. He was born in big city Virginia Beach, where four of his brothers grew up.

Young Farrell's childhood was filled with music, or rather learning to play various instruments. His parents sought to develop creative abilities in their children, which had a strong influence on their future career youngest son. As a schoolboy, he learned to play the keyboard and drums.

According to the musician himself, in early years he tried to surround himself with people with similar hobbies. He managed to find such a person in a regular summer camp, where the young rapper was sent at the age of 13. He didn’t like the place, so Farrell decided to make a friend “by misfortune” to pass the time. It was Chad Hugo, who played an important role in Williams’ life.

As it turned out, the teenagers studied at the same school, where school activity was encouraged. Without thinking twice, two talented boys in 1990 organized a group called “The Neptunes”. Initially it was a quartet, which later transformed into a trio. The guys sang in the style of RnB and hip-hop, were popular within the walls of their home school and received awards at music competitions.

Despite their success, Farrell and Chad did not consider themselves masters of their craft, so they did not strive to gain a wider audience. But the famous American producer Tedd Riley changed everything. He convinced the guys that they deserved more and offered to sign a contract with his studio.

The Neptunes practically didn’t write their own singles. What were they doing then? They created hits for other stars. At 19, Farrell wrote “Rump Shaker” for Wrecks-n-Effect. The song reached high positions in the charts, and gave Williams himself the opportunity to feel like a good composer.

The young people's careers took off thanks to their bold and original arrangements. Their songs feature electronic funk, oriental motifs and other effects. Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, Nelly, Gwen Stefani, Mariah Carey are just a few of the names that Pharrell and Chad have worked with.

In 2002, already in-demand musicians created the group “N.E.R.D.” If “The Neptune” was positioned more as a production project, then “N.E.R.D.” - as an opportunity to play independently. The debut album “In Search Of...” cannot be called commercially successful - in the USA it could only reach number 56. But the subsequent works of the young men evoked a greater response from listeners. After 5 years of existence, the group broke up.

The guys didn’t want to be just the best producing duo. Therefore, in 2005 they created their own label “Star Trak”, the main mission of which is to help promote aspiring rap artists. That same year, Farrell decided to take up solo career and presented the debut single “Can I Have It Like That” to the public. The first album, In My Mind, was released the following year. When writing it, Williams was inspired by the creativity and energy of Gwen Stefani, whom he calls his muse.

In 2013, the “Happy” era began. This song was included in his second solo album and made the public look at Pharrell differently. A difficult rapper appeared before the listeners, who had previously often appeared in the videos of other artists. A new performer appeared before them modern music, which stands out for its light lyrics, pleasant male vocals and catchy rhythms.

What has Pharrell Williams achieved at 44 years old? Universal love from fans and recognition from colleagues. This is not counting a happy family and self-realization in various creative fields. In general, everything is as it is sung in his song: “I"m happy.”

Interesting facts

  • Farrell doesn't like giving interviews. The singer explains the reason for this attitude towards the “usual” point of star life simply: he hates talking about himself.
  • The famous musician is dedicated to protecting the environment with the Parley project. The company's activities boil down to cleaning the oceans from plastic bottles and processing them into recyclable materials. Williams himself does not consider himself a role model: he calls himself “green” with a stretch.
  • The singer’s charitable projects also include a fund to support children and adolescents from disadvantaged families.
  • The Western press is often concerned with one question: how does Farrell manage to look so young? Nobody dares to give him 44. The secret of eternal youth is simple: Americans actively use facial scrubs and drink a lot of water. Whether he's joking or not is unknown.
  • At one time, Michael Jackson interviewed the hero of our article. Similar experiments were carried out by the American magazine Interview Magazine. During the conversation, the musicians found out that they have the same musical preferences: Stevie Wonder, Donny Hathaway.
  • In 2015, the singer released a children's book called “Happiness.” Its appearance was provoked by the song of the same name, which topped the American hit parade 100 best compositions in 2014. What is the book about? About how good it is to be happy and true to yourself.
  • In 2014, Williams became a guest of Oprah Winfrey. During the TV show, she showed the rapper several clips filmed different people for the song "Happy". The man burst into tears right on the air, saying that it touched him very much.
  • Farrell is married to Helen Lasichanh. At the time of the wedding, which took place in October 2013, the couple had already been together for 5 years. The eldest child, Rocket, was born in 2008, and Helen gave birth to triplets in 2017.
  • The name of the eldest son, Rocket, was not chosen by chance. Inspired by the song Elton John"Rocket Man" The love for this composition can also be seen in the soundtrack “Rocket’s Theme”, written by Pharrell for the cartoon “Despicable Me”.
  • Pharrell Williams is famous not only for his successful musical career. It attracts attention with its characteristic stylish images. The passion for dressing differently led the singer to create his own brand. Under the Billionaire Boys Club brand, he produces sports and casual clothing. The rapper also launched a line of “Ice cream” shoes. It comes in comfortable sneakers in bright colors.
  • The musician participated in the development of the design of sunglasses. The collection was presented by the French fashion house Louis Vuitton, which produces luxury clothing and accessories.
  • As a teenager, Williams worked part-time at McDonald's, but not for long. The guy turned out to be too lazy, for which he was fired.
  • Farrell devotes his free time to family and... astronomy.
  • Group name "N.E.R.D." is an acronym for the expression "No One Ever Really Dies". Translated from English, it means “no one ever really dies.”
  • There are two videos for the song “Happy”. The first version lasts for the usual 4 minutes or so, and the second version lasts for 24 hours. Farrell was the first to undertake such an experiment, which earned him an Oscar nomination. The musician admits that he has not seen the entire video.
  • In 2015, Farrell and Robin Thicke, with whom he collaborated, were accused of plagiarism by the court. The precedent arose from the song "Blurred Lines", which is similar to Marvin Gaye's "Got to Give It Up". The creators of the hit denied the moment of borrowing, but the judge was not inclined - the musicians were ordered to pay more than $7 million to Gaye's family and write his name in the authors.
  • Farrell wrote a song that it is unlikely that any of his contemporaries will ever hear. Its release is scheduled for... 2117. The composition is called “100 Years”. But the future generation will be able to hear it only under one condition: if it begins to care about environment. The fact is that the single is recorded on a clay disc and placed in a safe that is protected from moisture. Due to climate change, sea levels are rising. If nothing is done, water will penetrate the safe and ruin the record. These are Williams' calculations.
  • When is Happy Day celebrated? March 20. And all this thanks to Farrell, who enlisted the support of the UN and made the people around him even happier.
  • The beginning of the 2000s was the real peak of the success of the group “The Neptune”. 43% of the songs that were regularly played on American radio were created by Pharrell and Hugo. This allowed musicians to take large amounts for your work. In 2009 - 2010 they earned about half a million dollars per song.

Vivid collaborations

  • Britney Spears. For this American singer Pharrell wrote "Boys" and "I slave 4 you". Moreover, in the first composition Williams acted as a co-performer, which became a common practice for him in the future.
  • Snoop Dogg. In creating the single “Beautiful,” Pharrell did not limit himself to a duet. He also took part in the recording of the video clip. A year later, Snoop Dogg specifically invited Williams to collaborate on the song “Drop It Like It’s Hot.” It is noteworthy that Pharrell considers Snoop his friend. It was to him that he turned for help when he decided to start a solo career.
  • Jay Z (Jay-Z). Pharrell's backing vocals can also be heard on the song "Excuse Me Miss", written for Jay-Z. But their work didn't end there. In 2003, Williams released his solo single "Frontin", where Jay-Z performs one verse and is already listed as a co-author, but not as the owner of the song.
  • Madonna. In 2008, this eccentric singer topped the Spanish and Dutch charts and entered the top ten songs in many other countries. And it's all thanks to Pharrell, who produced "Give It 2 ​​Me" for her. Further fate This song is no less enchanting - it was nominated for a Grammy Award.
  • Gwen Stefani. The opportunity to work with his own idol and inspiration for creating hits came to Pharrell in 2005, when he was working on his first solo album. Together they recorded "Can I Have It Like That".

This list can be continued endlessly: Beyoncé Knowles, Justin Timberlake, Mariah Carey, Shakira, Jennifer Lopez, Miley Cyrus... It is difficult to name a world-class star who did not have time to take advantage of the talent of Pharrell Williams.

But the main hit for many remains the single “Get Lucky”, written for the French duo “Daft Punk” in 2013. At the same time, Farrell sings it from beginning to end, although the song is included specifically in the French album. At the time of release, the composition became the most listened to among British and American audiences. Commercial success was also high: in the first two days, sales amounted to more than 50,000 copies. But that's not all. In 2014, the song won two Grammys.

Best songs

If we talk about best songs Pharrell Williams, then these are, of course, “Happy” and “Freedom”. Both compositions are filled good mood and a call to live happy life without restrictions.

  • "Happy" won the love of the public at the end of 2013. The wave of her popularity swept across Europe, Australia and New Zealand, leaving behind a sweet aftertaste and a desire to fill existence with pleasant moments.

"Happy" (listen)

  • "Freedom" you will not find on any solo album of the musician. This composition was written specifically for the launch of the service Apple Music. The video for the song was nominated for a Grammy Award, but the award went unnoticed by Pharrell.

"Freedom" (listen)

Films about and with Pharrell Williams

In your busy schedule famous singer finds time to film in feature films. True, he gets cameo roles. He managed to play in the following films:

  • "Entourage" (2015);
  • “Pitch Perfect 2” (2015);
  • "Escape from Vegas" (2010).

Music by Pharrell Williams in films

The career of this American musician includes more than 300 films, TV series and TV shows in which his work was used. Farrell was invited to create individual soundtracks specifically, for example, for the cartoon Despicable Me. Let's touch only on the most famous films, which the rapper worked on.



Despicable Me 3 (2017)

"Freedom", "Despicable Me", "Fun, Fun, Fun"

"Bridget Jones 3" (2016)


"The Secret Life of Pets" (2016)


"Entourage" (2015)


"The Adventures of Paddington" (2014)


"The Amazing Spider-Man: High voltage"(2014)


"One Meeting" (2014)

"Hypnotize U"

"Despicable Me 2" (2013)


“Catch it in 30 minutes” (2011)

"Got Your Money"

"Once Upon a Time in Ireland" (2011)

"Rock Star"

"Despicable Me" (2010)

“Rocket's Song”, “Despicable Me”, “Prettiest Girls”

"Death Race" (2008)

"Click Clack"

Whatever Pharrell Williams undertakes, success awaits him everywhere. Whether it's production, fashion design or solo career. What is his secret? In your own feelings. According to the singer, it is emotions that make him create and create things that others like.

Video: Listen to Pharrell Williams

Pharrell Williams is a popular American singer, rapper and musician. He produces mainly hip-hop music. Williams released several solo albums. He is also known as a clothing designer. Today there is literally a queue of performers who want to collaborate with him. Williams has already worked with Beyonce Knowles, Madonna, Shakira, Britney Spears and Timberlake.

Pharrell Williams' childhood

Williams' hometown is Virginia Beach. He grew up with four brothers. His parents thought important development creative abilities of sons. Farrell spent a lot of time playing various musical instruments.

After graduating from seventh grade, the future musician and singer went to camp. There he met Chad Hugo, who was also interested in music. This acquaintance became significant, since later they studied at the same school and even organized a school musical group.

Some time later, Farrell and Hugo, together with their friends, created an R&B group, giving it the name “The Neptunes”. When the guys showed the work of their team to Tedd Riley, they received high praise for their potential. Riley signed a contract with aspiring musicians.

Career rise, Pharrell Williams' greatest hits

Williams became famous after he wrote the hit "Rump Shaker", intended for the rap duo Wreckx-N-Effect. Farrell was only nineteen years old at that time.

At the age of twenty-one, Williams decided to form a duet with Hugo. At the same time, they left the old name - “The Neptunes”. The young people devoted all their time to music lessons, so the result was not long in coming. The rating of this group increased significantly after the musicians began collaborating with other rappers. Known about them working together with Puff Deddy.

Soon the duo began producing stars. They have worked with Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears and others famous performers, which was a good application for the title of one of the best production teams.

N.E.R.D. - the name of the new team in which Williams worked. The full title is "No One Ever Really Dies". Musical world gladly accepted the creativity of the group working in the style of funk, rap, R&B and rock. The result of the new project was the appearance of two albums. One of them is called “In Search of...”, the name of the second is “Fly or Die”. The group broke up after existing for five years. The reason was the problems that the musicians had with the releasing label.

Pharrell Williams Production Company

In 2005, Williams and Hugo created their own production company. Their goal was to promote aspiring rappers. The name of the created production company is “Star Trak”.

Soon Pharrell began collaborating with Snoop Dogg. Their first joint creation was the hit “Beautiful”. They later recorded a single called "Drop It's Like It's Hot". Williams and Hugo were so successful in their work as producers that in 2003 their work was recognized by the Grammy Awards.

Pharrell is also known as solo artist. His debut album was released in the fall of 2005, its title is “In My Mind”. A year later, fans of Williams' talent were able to appreciate his second album, entitled “Hell Hath No Fury.” In 2013, the third studio album appeared with the sonorous name “GIRL”.

Thanks to the fact that a talented musician and performer collaborated with such worldwide famous stars like Madonna, Shakira and Beyonce, there are literally queues of performers who want to work together. Williams himself dreams of performing a hit with his idol, Eminem.

Personal life of Pharrell Williams

Williams is married. His wife was the model and longtime girlfriend of the musician, Helen Lasichan. The wedding took place in the fall of 2013. Soon a son appeared in the family. He was named after the famous Elton John song called "Rocket Man". The boy's name is Rocket Williams. In the cartoon “Despicable Me,” the song “Rocket’s Theme” is heard, which the musician dedicated to his son Rocket.

A musician makes money not only in the musical field. He also launched his own clothing line - caps, T-shirts and tracksuits. The brand was developed jointly with Reebok, its name is “Billionaire Boys Club”. There is also a shoe line, namely a line of sneakers called “Ice cream”. Shoes from this line are decorated with designs of pagers, radios, diamonds, dice and dollars. “Ice cream” sneakers are sold in packaging made in the form of an ice cream box. Together with a famous designer, Williams developed the design of sunglasses. The series was called “Millionaires” and was presented by the house of Louis Vuitton.

Pharrell has a tattoo on his right leg of a cherub playing a lute. Under the picture it says “Thank You Master”. It is known that one of the musician’s hobbies is astronomy, and his favorite TV series is “ Star Trek" Williams skateboards often.

And 36-year-old Helena Lisichan is enjoying a happy baby boom. The wife of an American musician gave birth to triplets. The addition to the Williams and Lisichan family took place back in January, but a representative of the couple confirmed the news only now: Farrell and Helena chose to keep the names and gender of the newborns a secret. Welcoming babies and congratulating happy parents, the site has collected six facts about the wife of one of the most successful musicians and remembered the photo archive of the couple from gossip columns.

Helen Lisichan and Pharrell Williams at the 17th Annual Latin Grammy Awards, November 2016

1. Helen Lisichan is known as a model and designer. Lisichan is also a columnist for the Huffington Post and regularly compiles a ranking of the most stylish for the publication.

Helen Lisichan and Pharrell Williams at the Chanel show during Paris Fashion Week fall-winter 2016/2017

2. C Helen Lisichan's own style is clearly underestimated. She looks elegant and confident in both animal print and sequined dresses. She has also perfectly mastered the art of wearing clothes in a men's style and, like her husband, knows that it's all in the hat.Lisichan is not afraid to take risks and for her, it seems, there are no taboos: a sports jumpsuit with stripes on the Grammy red carpet is proof of this.

3. While Pharrell Williams is considered one of the most stylish men in the music business, 36-year-old Lisichan also deserves the title of style icon and is even ahead of her husband in some ways. For example, for the wedding, Lisichan made an avant-garde fashion choice - a blue checkered dress. Voluminous puffed sleeves, a spacious hem with a small train and a sparkling tiara on her head turned her into a princess, despite her unconventional wedding dress. Williams himself was in a red tartan suit. By the way, Helen Lisichan for many years was Pharrell Williams' best friend before they got married in 2013, and still is.

4. Helena Lisichan and Pharrell Williams already have an 8-year-old son, Rocket Man. By the way, the couple chose a truly “musical” name for their son: Rocket Man - an homage to the Elton John song of the same name.

Helen Lisichan and Pharrell Williams with their son Rocket Man

5. For the last two years, Helen Lisichan, together with her husband, has been participating in charity project Los Angeles - Los Angeles Mission Christmas Celebration: on Christmas Eve, a couple contributes to the city's volunteer movement and feeds residents of the Skid Row area - there are many homeless people here, and half of the families live below the poverty line.

Helen Lisichan and Pharrell Williams during the Los Angeles Mission Christmas Celebration, December 2016

6. Pharrell Williams chose his ideal life partner. At various ceremonies and fashion shows Lisichan and Williams look amazingly good, coherent and perfectly complement each other's style down to the smallest detail.

Celebrity biographies


05.04.17 10:06

At the 2017 Oscars, Pharrell Williams was one of the nominees - he produced the biopic Hidden Figures. This is his second “application” for the statuette – in 2014, Williams could have received the award for best song(“Happy” from Despicable Me 2). It is curious that then the award also went to the hit cartoon “Frozen”.

Biography of Pharrell Williams

Fateful meeting at summer camp

The biography of Pharrell Williams began on April 5, 1973 in Virginia Beach (Virginia), in the family of jack of all trades Faroy Williams and his wife, teacher Carolyn. The couple has four sons, Farrell was the first-born. The family's roots are in Liberia, from where one of the Williams' ancestors emigrated to America (in the 1830s).

When Pharrell Williams was in seventh grade, he went to summer camp– there he met Chad Hugo. They were part of a local orchestra together: Farrell played keyboards and Chad played tenor saxophone.

Both were members of the marching party. Williams played the snare drum smartly, and Hugo was the drum major. IN school years Farrell, by his own admission, was considered a "nerd" and often did things that made him stand out from the crowd of his peers.

Both Pharrell Williams and Chad Hugo attended Princess Anne School and later founded the hip-hop quartet The Neptunes with friends Hayley and Mike Etheridge. They successfully performed at a school talent competition, which later led to the signing of their first contract - with Teddy Riley.

Became successful producers

The Neptunes later became a production syndicate, with only Pharrell and Chad remaining. Williams wrote poetry and music and collaborated with many performers. So, in 2000, Pharrell Williams released a joint single with Jay Z. Main composition Britney Spears' 2001 album Britney was also written by The Neptunes. New same year music group Pharrell Williams "N. E.R.D (consisting of himself, Hugo and Hayley) released their first album, which was not successful. But production activities flourished: Pharrell Williams worked with Justin Timberlake, Beyoncé, Mariah Carey, recording singles with them.

Snoop Dogg, Madonna, Gwen Stefani

In September 2004, Pharrell Williams and Snoop Dogg presented the song “Drop It Like It’s Hot,” which reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100, and two months later topped the American chart. In 2009, this song was named “Rap of the Decade.”

At the end of 2004, Pharrell Williams helped Gwen Stefani with her debut studio album, and a few years later he recorded her 11th disc “Hard Candy” with Madonna, which included tracks from “The Neptunes”, including the single “Give” It 2 Me" (Pharrell Williams starred in the music video of the same name).

Collaboration with Zimmer

In July 2010, in the biography of Pharrell Williams, the new stage: He collaborated with Hans Zimmer and recorded the soundtrack for animated film"Despicable Me" (with Hollywood symphony orchestra) and music for the 84th Oscar ceremony. During the same period, he also worked with Miley Cyrus (on her disc “Bangerz”).

Lifebuoy "Happy"

As Pharrell Williams recalls, at that time he felt a powerful creative crisis, from which the music for the sequel to the cartoon “Despicable Me” helped him get out of it. He wrote several songs, including "Happy". The cheerful composition was a wild success: as of July 2013, more than 1 million copies of the single were sold; in November, a video was released in which Steve Carell, Magic Johnson, Jimmy Kimmel, Jamie Foxx, Miranda Kostrov, Janelle Monáe and many other stars took part. . By Christmas, the video received 5.5 million views; by April 2017, their number exceeded 938 million. Music video was a candidate for two MTV awards.

Multiple Grammy winner and great mentor

In December 2013, it became known that Pharrell Williams was nominated for seven Grammy awards (he won four awards, becoming Producer of the Year). He soon signed a contract with Columbia Records to release his own album, G I R L, with the single "Happy". The song was nominated for an Oscar, but, as we have already said, the statuette went to other authors.

On March 31, 2014, Pharrell Williams became the new coach of the 7th season of the American show “The Voice”. A little over a year later, the future winner of season 8, Sawyer Fredericks, was on Farrell’s team. She chose Williams as her mentor and became the best.

Philanthropist, designer, film producer and star winner

Pharrell Williams' biography also includes non-musical achievements. He is an active philanthropist, produces lines of sportswear, shoes, sunglasses, and starred in advertising with Cara Delevingne. And in December 2014, another star lit up on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, Pharrell Williams’ star.

Williams, whose film producing debut (“Hidden Figures”) was received very favorably, plans to make his own musical film. By the way, Pharrell Williams was nominated for a Golden Globe for the soundtrack to Hidden Figures.

Personal life of Pharrell Williams

Married a friend from his youth

There have been various rumors about Pharrell Williams, his personal life, his height and age: he looks like a teenager. In fact, the producer is family man. Pharrell Williams' wife, Helen Lasichanh, is his childhood friend, model and designer. They dated for a long time, then lived together, and got married relatively recently - on October 12, 2013. By the time of the wedding, the couple already had a son, Rocket (born in 2008). It was his father who dedicated the composition “Rocket Theme” in the cartoon “Despicable Me” to him. In 2015, Farrell bought a house in Laurel Canyon (Los Angeles), where he lives with his family.

Made me happy... with triplets

In September 2016, the media reported that changes were coming in Pharrell Williams' personal life: Helen was pregnant again. Imagine the surprise of the musician and producer’s fans when they found out: in January 2017, Pharrell Williams’ wife gave birth to triplets.