Analysis of the work “The Little Prince” (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry). Analysis of the work "The Little Prince" Analysis of the fairy tale The Little Prince by chapters

1) The history of the creation of the work. « A little prince" - most famous work Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Published in 1943 as a children's book. The history of the publication of A. Saint-Exupéry’s fairy tale is interesting:

Written! in 1942 in New York.

First French edition: "Editions Gallimard", 1946

In Russian translation: Nora Gal, 1958. The drawings in the book were made by the author himself and are no less famous than the book itself. It is important that these are not illustrations, but an organic part of the work as a whole: the author himself and the characters of the fairy tale constantly refer to the drawings and even argue about them. “After all, all adults were children at first, only few of them remember this” - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, from the dedication to the book. During the meeting with the author, the Little Prince is already familiar with the drawing “Elephant in a Boa Constrictor.”

The story of “The Little Prince” itself arose from one of the plots of “Planet of People”. This is the story of the accidental landing of the writer himself and his mechanic Prevost in the desert.

2) Features of the genre of the work. The need for deep generalizations prompted Saint-Exupery to turn to the genre of parables. The lack of specific historical content, the conventions characteristic of this genre, its didactic conditionality allowed the writer to express his views on things that worried him moral issues time. The parable genre becomes the vehicle for Saint-Exupery's reflections on the essence of human existence. A fairy tale, like a parable, the oldest genre oral folk art. It teaches a person to live, instills optimism in him, and affirms faith in the triumph of goodness and justice. Real human relationships are always hidden behind the fantastic nature of fairy-tale plots and fiction. Like a parable, moral and social truth always triumphs in a fairy tale. The fairy tale-parable “The Little Prince” was written not only for children, but also for adults who have not yet completely lost their childish impressionability, their childishly open view of the world and the ability to fantasize. The author himself had such a childishly sharp vision. We determine that “The Little Prince” is a fairy tale by the fairy-tale features present in the story: the hero’s fantastic journey, fairy tale characters(Fox, Snake, Rose). The work of A. Saint-Exupery “The Little Prince” belongs to the genre of a philosophical fairy tale-parable.

3) Theme and problems of the fairy tale. Saving humanity from the coming inevitable catastrophe is one of the main themes of the fairy tale “The Little Prince”. This poetic tale is about the courage and wisdom of an artless child’s soul, about such important “non-childish” concepts as life and death, love and responsibility, friendship and fidelity.

4) The ideological concept of the fairy tale. “Loving does not mean looking at each other, it means looking in the same direction”

This thought determines ideological plan fairy tale stories. “The Little Prince” was written in 1943, and the tragedy of Europe in World War II, the writer’s memories of defeated, occupied France leave their mark on the work. With his bright, sad and wise tale, Exupery defended undying humanity, a living spark in the souls of people. In a certain sense, the story was the result creative path writer, philosophical, artistic comprehension. Only an artist can see the essence - inner beauty and the harmony of the world around him. Even on the lamplighter’s planet, the Little Prince remarks: “When he lights a lantern, it’s as if one more star or flower is being born. And when he turns off the lantern, it’s as if a star or a flower is falling asleep. Great activity. It’s really useful because it’s beautiful.” The main character says inside beauty, and not its outer shell. Human labor must have meaning, and not simply turn into mechanical actions. Any business is useful only when it is internally beautiful.

5) Features of the plot of the fairy tale. Saint-Exupéry coast based on traditional fairy tale plot(Because of unhappy love, Prince Charming leaves his father's house and wanders along endless roads in search of happiness and adventure. He tries to gain fame and thereby conquer the unapproachable heart of the princess.), but reinterprets it in his own way, even ironically. His handsome prince is just a child, suffering from a capricious and eccentric flower. Naturally, oh happy ending The wedding is out of the question. In his wanderings, the Little Prince meets not with fairy-tale monsters, but with people bewitched, as if by an evil spell, by selfish and petty passions. But this is only the external side of the plot. Despite the fact that the Little Prince is a child, a true vision of the world is revealed to him, inaccessible even to an adult. And people with dead souls whom he meets on his way main character, much scarier fairytale monsters. The relationship between the prince and Rose is much more complex than the relationship between the princes and princesses from folklore tales. After all, it is for the sake of Rose that the Little Prince sacrifices his material shell - he chooses physical death. There are two in the story storylines: the narrator and the related theme of the world of adults and the line of the Little Prince, the story of his life.

6) Features of the composition of the tale. The composition of the work is very unique. The parabola is a basic component of the structure of a traditional parable. "The Little Prince" is no exception. It looks like this: the action takes place in a specific time and specific situation. The plot develops as follows: there is a movement along a curve, which, having reached highest point incandescence, returns to the starting point again. The peculiarity of such plot construction is that, returning to the starting point, the plot takes on a new philosophical and ethical meaning. A new point of view on the problem finds a solution. The beginning and end of the story “The Little Prince” relate to the hero’s arrival on Earth or the departure of the Earth, the pilot and the Fox. The little prince again flies to his planet to care for and raise the beautiful Rose. The time that the pilot and the prince - an adult and a child - spent together, they discovered a lot of new things about each other and in life. Having parted, they took pieces of each other with them, they became wiser, learned the other’s world and their own, only from the other side.

7) Artistic Features works. The story has very rich language. The author uses a lot of amazing and inimitable literary devices. In its text you can hear the melody: “...And at night I like to listen to the stars. Like five hundred million bells...” Its simplicity is childlike truth and accuracy. Exupery’s language is full of memories and reflections about life, about the world and, of course, about childhood: “...When I was six years old... I once saw an amazing picture...” or: “...For six years now, how my friend left me with the lamb.” The style and special, unique mystical manner of Saint-Exupery is a transition from image to generalization, from parable to morality. The language of his work is natural and expressive: “laughter is like a spring in the desert”, “five hundred million bells” It would seem that ordinary, familiar concepts suddenly acquire new ones from him original meaning: “water”, “fire”, “friendship”, etc. Many of his metaphors are equally fresh and natural: “they (volcanoes) sleep deep underground until one of them decides to wake up”; the writer uses paradoxical combinations of words that you won’t find in ordinary speech: “children should be very lenient towards adults”, “if you go straight and straight, you won’t get far...” or “people no longer have enough time to learn anything " Narrative style The story also has a number of features. This is a confidential conversation between old friends - this is how the author communicates with the reader. We feel the presence of an author who believes in goodness and reason, soon when life on earth will change. We can talk about a peculiar melody of the narrative, sad and thoughtful, built on soft transitions from humor to serious thoughts, on halftones, transparent and light, like watercolor illustrations of a fairy tale, created by the writer himself and being an integral part of the artistic fabric of the work. The phenomenon of the fairy tale “The Little Prince” is that, written for adults, it has firmly entered the circle of children’s reading.

“The Little Prince” was born in 1943, in America, where Antoine de Saint-Exupéry fled from Nazi-occupied France. An unusual fairy tale, equally well received by both children and adults, turned out to be relevant not only during the Second World War. Today, people still read it, trying to find in “The Little Prince” answers to eternal questions about the meaning of life, the essence of love, the price of friendship, and the necessity of death.

In form - a story consisting of twenty-seven parts, in plot - a fairy tale telling about the magical adventures of Prince Charming, who left his native kingdom because of unhappy love, according to art organization– a parable – simple in speech execution (it’s very easy to learn from “The Little Prince” French) and complex in terms of philosophical content.

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale-parable is affirmation true values human existence. The main antithesis is the sensual and rational perception of the world. The first is typical for children and those rare adults who have not lost their childish purity and naivety. The second is the prerogative of adults, firmly rooted in the world of rules they themselves created, often absurd even from the point of view of reason.

The appearance of the Little Prince on Earth symbolizes the birth of a person coming into our world with a pure soul and with a loving heart, open to friendship. Return fairy tale hero home occurs through real death, coming from the venom of a desert snake. The physical death of the Little Prince embodies the Christian idea of eternal life a soul that can go to Heaven only by leaving its bodily shell on earth. The fairy-tale hero's yearly stay on Earth correlates with the idea of ​​the spiritual growth of a person learning to be friends and love, to care for and understand others.

The image of the Little Prince is based on fairy-tale motifs and the image of the author of the work - a representative of the impoverished noble family, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, who bore the nickname “Sun King” as a child. A little boy with golden hair is the soul of the author who never grew up. The meeting of an adult pilot with his child self occurs in one of the most tragic moments of his life - a plane crash in the Sahara Desert. The author, balancing on the brink of life and death, learns the story of the Little Prince while repairing the plane and not only talks to him, but also goes together to the well, and even carries his subconscious in his arms, giving him the features of a real character, different from him.

The relationship between the Little Prince and Rose is an allegorical depiction of love and the difference in its perception between a man and a woman. Capricious, proud, beautiful Rose manipulates her lover until she loses power over him. Tender, timid, believing in what he is told, the Little Prince suffers cruelly from the beauty’s frivolity, not immediately realizing that he had to love her not for words, but for deeds - for that wonderful aroma that she gave him, for all that the joy she brought into his life.

Having seen five thousand Roses on Earth, the space traveler becomes desperate. He was almost disappointed in his flower, but the Fox, who met him on the way in time, explains to the hero the truths long forgotten by people: that you need to look with your heart, and not with your eyes, and to be responsible for those you have tamed.

The artistic image of the Fox is an allegorical depiction of friendship, born from habit, love and the desire to be needed by someone. In an animal’s understanding, a friend is someone who fills his life with meaning: destroys boredom, allows him to see the beauty of the world around him (comparing the Little Prince’s golden hair with ears of wheat) and cry when parting. The little prince learns the lesson given to him well. Saying goodbye to life, he thinks not about death, but about his friend. The image of the Fox in the story also correlates with the biblical Serpent-tempter: for the first time the hero meets him under an apple tree, the animal shares with the boy knowledge about the most important foundations of life - love and friendship. As soon as the Little Prince comprehends this knowledge, he immediately acquires mortality: he appeared on Earth traveling from planet to planet, but he can leave it only by abandoning his physical shell.

The role of fairy-tale monsters in Antoine de Saint-Exupery's story is played by adults, whom the author snatches from the general mass and places each on his own planet, which encloses a person within himself and, as if under a magnifying glass, shows his essence. The desire for power, ambition, drunkenness, love of wealth, stupidity - the most character traits adults. Exupery presents the common vice of all as activity/life that is devoid of meaning: the king from the first asteroid rules over nothing and gives only those orders that his fictitious subjects can carry out; the ambitious person values ​​no one but himself; the drunkard is unable to escape the vicious circle of shame and drinking; business man endlessly adding up the stars and finding joy not in their light, but in their value, which can be written on paper and put in a bank; The old geographer is mired in theoretical conclusions that have nothing in common with the practical science of geography. The only one reasonable person, from the point of view of the Little Prince, in this row of adults looks like a lamplighter, whose craft is useful to others and beautiful in its essence. Perhaps this is why it loses its meaning on a planet where the day lasts one minute, and on Earth electric lighting is already in full swing.

The story about the boy who came from the stars is written in a touching and bright style. She's all permeated sunlight, which can be found not only in the hair and yellow scarf of the Little Prince, but also in the endless sands of the Sahara, ears of wheat, the orange Fox and the yellow Snake. The latter is immediately recognized by the reader as Death, because it is she who is characterized by power greater “than the king’s finger,” the ability to “carry further than any ship” and the ability to solve “all riddles.” The snake shares with the Little Prince his secret of knowing people: when the hero complains about loneliness in the desert, she says that “it can be lonely among people too.”

The sad end does not cancel the life-affirming beginning of the fairy tale: the author begins to hear the stars and see the world in a new way because “somewhere in an unknown corner of the universe, a lamb that we have never seen, perhaps, ate a Rose that is unknown to us.”

Reading the works of A. de Saint-Exupery, you feel more acutely the beauty of the world and the power of human attraction to brotherhood. The writer and pilot died three weeks before the liberation of his native France (1944) - he did not return to base from a combat mission, but his books continue to help us better understand ourselves and the world.

The philosophical fairy tale “The Little Prince” was written by Exupery shortly before his death. The wisdom of her hints cannot always be conveyed in formulas and words. The halftones and shades of allegorical images are as gentle as the elegant drawings with which the author illustrated his work.

A little prince - main character fairy tales - he is shown to us on a journey, in motion, in search, although he understands that from time to time he needs to stop and look back and around: if you walk straight ahead, where your eyes are looking, you won’t go far. On different planets he meets their adult inhabitants, who, due to income figures, ambition, and greed, have forgotten their human calling.

On Earth, the Little Prince finds himself in a garden with many roses. At this difficult moment for the baby, when he experiences excitement from the thought that the rose was deceiving him, talking about its uniqueness, November appears. He talks about the bottomlessness of the human heart, teaches true understanding love that perishes in the bustle of life. Never talk sincerely, look inside yourself, think about the meaning of life. To have friends, you need to give them your whole soul, give them the most precious thing - your time: “Your Rose is so dear to you because you gave her so much time.” And the Prince understands: his Rose is the only one in the world, because he “tamed” her. Every feeling, including love, must be earned through tireless mental labor. “Only the heart sees well. The most important thing is not visible to the eyes.” One must be able to be devoted in friendship and love; one cannot be passive towards evil, because everyone is responsible not only for their own destiny.

Absorbing the moral lessons of a small work, but so capacious in its content, one can agree with the opinion of A. Prasolov, a Russian poet: “Saint-Exupery wrote about the Little Prince shortly before his end... perhaps human souls(individuals, some) always give out their last swan-clean, farewell cry...” This fairy tale is a kind of testament of a wise man to us who remain on this imperfect planet. And is this a fairy tale? Let us remember the desert in which the pilot, who suffered an accident, meets the Little Prince. In any extreme situation, a person’s entire life may pass before him. The good things are remembered, but more often - where and when you showed cowardice, dishonesty, dishonesty. A person “suddenly” begins to see clearly and realizes something that he underestimated or did not pay attention to throughout his life, and therefore, from his lips in these moments of truth and insight, a prayer breaks out: “Lord! Take away the trouble, and I will become better, more noble and generous"

Apparently, in the image of the Little Prince, his sinless childhood came to the narrator (“But you are innocent and came from the star,” says the author, addressing the Little Prince), his pure, unsullied conscience. So little hero helped the pilot take a sharper and more attentive look at life, his place in it, and appreciate it all in a new way. The narrator returns to his comrades as a completely different person: he understood how to be friends, what to value and what to fear, that is, he became wiser and less frivolous. The little prince taught him to LIVE. It was in the desert, far from the bustle, that completely absorbs us and our souls, where in solitude prophets and hermits recognized great truths, the pilot, also in solitude, came close to understanding the meaning of life. But the desert is also a symbol of human loneliness: “It’s also lonely with people...”.

A magical, sad parable, “made up to look like a fairy tale” (A. Panfilov)! Moral and philosophical problems are revealed in it with the help of elegant aphorisms, which then accompany us in our lives, asking for moral guidelines: “it is much more difficult to judge yourself than others. If you can judge yourself correctly, you are truly wise,” “Vain-glorious people are deaf to everything except praise,” “But the eyes do not see. We must search with our hearts.”

This work makes us look at the world and people around us differently. Each of the newborns seems to be the same mysterious and enigmatic baby as the one who came to planet Earth on his tiny planet. These Little Princes came to understand our world, to become smarter, more experienced, to learn to search and see with their hearts. Each of them will have their own concerns, each will be responsible for someone, for something, and will be deeply aware of their responsibility - just as Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s Little Prince felt his duty to the one and only rose. And may they always be accompanied by victory over the terrible baobabs!

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Literature lesson based on Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's fairy tale "The Little Prince".

Lesson objectives:

    to cultivate in students a sense of love for beauty;

    teach the skills of reasoning over philosophical concepts: happiness, love, friendship;

    teach reading faces;

    learn to stage episodes, play a role correctly, and understand it;

    Continue learning to read expressively.

Equipment, visibility :

1) children’s illustrations on the topic: “How do you imagine the Little Prince?”, “Rose” (exhibition of children’s drawings);

2) Portrait of A. S – Exupery, article with the biography of the author;

3) musical recording “Magic Flight” (group “Space”).

On the desk: topic of the lesson, questions for conversation, posters with an epigraph for the lesson

Here is my secret, it is very simple: only the heart is vigilant. You can’t see the most important things with your eyes.”

People have forgotten this truth, but don’t forget: you are forever responsible for everyone you have tamed.”


I. Organizational moment.

II. Setting goals and objectives for the lesson.

III. introduction teachers: Today in the lesson we will get to know you in more detail about the work of the French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry “The Little Prince”. You will get to know the fairy tale characters better, their thoughts, feelings, desires; we will learn to analyze piece of art, as well as improve the skills of correct reading, reading by heart, and learn to dramatize a literary work. This will be a reflection lesson, a reasoning lesson.

Teacher: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, eminent French writer and a professional pilot, died in 1944 during a combat mission.

While undergoing treatment after an accident in New York, he wrote his work “The Little Prince” in 1942. And he published it there for the first time in the spring of 1943.

Not a single finished work was hatched by him for as long as “The Little Prince”.

The motives of “The Little Prince” really began to take shape for Saint-Exupery with the beginning of the war. During this period, he often drew the same picture: a boy with wings looks from behind a cloud at the earth, at its houses, at the sheep. This surprised boy increasingly haunted the writer, pilot, fighter, preacher of spiritual values, calling people to fight.

Saint-Exupéry, as a writer, always set himself the same task: to express himself, to reveal in himself that person who needs love and who is capable of love.

The Little Prince” throws light on the writer’s other works, and it is impossible to understand them in all the depth of their plans and aspirations without this fairy tale.

The dedication to Leon Werth – “Leon Werth when he was little” – is symbolic. “The Little Prince” was, as it were, Saint-Exupery’s answer to his friend to all the disputes that they had, and this answer was supposed to show the futility of disputes and differences in the face of the beauty that exists in every person, no matter how deep this beauty was. hidden.

Musical pause: “Space” - “Magic Flight”, the reading of the dedication is heard in the background of music.

IV. Analysis of the work.

Reading Chapter 1

Question: Why do you think adults didn’t understand the author when he was little and showed his drawings?

Analysis of Chapter 2

The episode “Meeting with the Little Prince” is being read out.

Question: How do you imagine the little prince? Draw his portrait in words. (Children draw verbal images and compare them with their drawings)

Chapter 4 Analysis

Questions: What important discovery did the author make when he met the little prince?

On what planet did the prince live? What was the name of this planet?

How was his planet discovered?

Answer : These adults are strange people.

Question : In what true beauty? (When appeared new friend?”

I have seen beautiful house frompink bricks in his windowsgeranium , and on the roofpigeons ”.

I don’t want my book to be read just for fun...”

It is very sad when friends are forgotten. Not everyone had a friend. And I’m afraid of becoming like the adults who are interested in nothing but numbers.”

Question : Why do children and adults look at the world differently?

Episode analysis. Chapter 5

On the planet of the little prince there is such a rule: get up in the morning, wash your face, put yourself in order – immediately put your planet in order...”

Question : Baobabs - what are they? What can they be compared to?

But if you give free rein to the baobabs, trouble will not be avoided.”

Chapter 6 Analysis

For a long time you had only one entertainment: you admired the sunset...

It feels like I'm at home. You know, when it gets really sad, it’s good to watch the sun go down.

Question : Why did the little prince love the sunset?

Answer : Dreams, thoughts, memories.

Chapter 7 Analysis

Question : What is the real value in understanding the world around us, people?

Episode Analysis : “I know one planet, there lives such a gentleman with a purple face. He had never smelled a flower in his entire life. I never looked at a star. He never loved anyone. And he never did anything. He is busy with only one thing: he adds numbers. And from morning to night he repeats one thing: “I am a serious person.” He’s a mushroom, not a man.”

(Comparison with a flower is about the development of feelings) “After all, it is so mysterious and unknown, this country of tears...” “How to call so that he can hear, how to catch up with his soul, which is eluding me?”

Dramatization of Chapters 8–9 (Author, Rose, The Little Prince)

Episode Analysis

Questions : Do you think the little prince loved the rose?

How does this feeling manifest itself?

What is love?

Dramatization of Chapter 10. (Author, King, Prince)

When analyzing, we draw the children’s attention to the words of the King: “Authority must first of all be reasonable.” The king who gave orders to be carried out was kind.

Dramatization of Chapter 11. (Ambitious, Prince)

He was alone on the planet and said and thought that he was better than everyone else.”

Question: What does the word “ambitious” mean? Why was he alone on the planet?

Chapter 12 Analysis. Drunkard. “I want to forget that I am ashamed, ashamed to drink.”

Conclusion: Drunkenness is the disease of the century.

Dramatization of Chapter 13. (Business man, prince)

Conclusion: He doesn’t see anything around him, which means that this is also not real man?

Analysis of Chapter 14. Lamplighter

Questions: Why did the little prince like the lamplighter the most of all the people he saw? (Lights the lights, performs the right job, gives people light)

Analysis of Chapter 15. Geographer. A scientist who does not move and does not see anything. Therefore, nothing can be opened.

Analysis of chapters 16–18.

Conclusions: “It’s also lonely among people,” “They are carried by the wind. They have no roots - this is very inconvenient.”

Chapter 20. Meeting with roses. “You are beautiful, but empty, I don’t want to die for you... She is mine.” (About my only friend, beloved). “After all, he now knows that only what you give your soul to becomes yours.”

Chapter 21. Meeting with the fox. “Here is my secret, it is very simple: only the heart is vigilant. You can’t see the most important things with your eyes.” “People have forgotten this truth, but don’t forget: you are forever responsible for everyone you tamed.” You are responsible for your rose.”

Questions: What is friendship? What does it mean to tame? (To fall in love, to make friends)

Chapter 22. “Only children know what they are looking for. They devote all their days to a rag doll, and it becomes very, very dear to them, and if it is taken away from them, the children cry...” (Discourse on happiness)

Chapter 25. Discussion of the statement. “On your planet, people grow five thousand roses in one garden... and do not find what they are looking for. But what they are looking for can be found in one single rose, in a sip of water. But the eyes are blind. You have to search with your heart.

Conclusion: You need so little to be happy. And if you are a loving, kind person, who knows how to see the big in small things, then you will definitely be happy.

V. Conclusion : Golden ears of wheat; the stars come to life; the ringing of silver bells. When we have tamed someone, we immediately feel rich - there are so many new impressions and experiences, because everything, absolutely everything around us reminds us of the beloved creature we have tamed, and is a “gift from the heart.” Serious, business people do not receive such gifts. Yes, they would not be able to appreciate them. Therefore, it becomes clear to the Little Prince that their power and wealth are only apparent; in fact, they are powerless and poor. In “The Little Prince,” the author appeals equally to children and adults - to everyone, small and large, who wants to think about life and try to understand what is of real value in it. The fairy tale is philosophical, it turns out, and you can talk about very serious and deep things quite simply and understandably to everyone, especially if you have a sense of humor.

VI. Summing up the lesson.

"Keep searching for yourself..."

(Lesson-reflection on a philosophical fairy tale

A. de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince")

Lesson objectives.


    Help students understand the philosophical meaning of the fairy tale.


    Improve analysis skills literary works philosophical content (the ability to see artistic media implement the author's idea and draw conclusions).


Lesson equipment:

    laptop, projector, electronic presentation for the lesson.

    Musical recordings

    assignments for work

Type: reflection lesson using COT

During the classes

Org moment.

On the board is the topic of the lesson: “Will the Little Prince return to us?”

Epigraph: “You are forever responsible for everyone you have tamed.” A. Saint-Exupery.

Teacher's word.

Guys, today we will introduce you to a new name. This is the French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. It was amazing person, who lived surrounded by friends and people he loved. He did not live on Earth, he lived on the planet of People, feeling like a part of the vast Universe and bearing responsibility for everything that happens in the world.

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Antoine Saint-Exupéry was a pilot. A man of unusually bright talent, from childhood he was interested in drawing, music, poetry and technology. “Childhood is a huge land from which everyone comes,” wrote Exupery. “Where am I from? I come from my childhood, as if from some country.” In his work, perhaps, there is no book where he does not remember his childhood. Exupery always knew how to value friendship, considering this feeling the most precious thing on earth. He was involved in severe plane crashes, participated in the struggle of the Spanish Republicans, and was often on the verge of death. Friends recalled: “He did not shy away from any risk. Always ahead! Always ready for anything!

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In Africa, Saint-Exupéry saved friends 14 times who had crashed over the desert and were captured by wild tribes.

When his friend Guillaume crashed in the Cordillera, he circled the dead mountain peaks day after day, diving to the very bottom of the icy gorges.

“Lying in the snow, I saw you, but you didn’t notice me,” Guillaume, who miraculously escaped, later said.

“How could you know that it was I who was looking for you?”

“Who else would dare to fly so low in these mountains?” - answered Guillaume.

As he performed mind-boggling stunts, the car began to fall apart in the air. “I’m done, but I can’t fall on the festive crowd,” he managed to think and found the strength within himself and on the plane to reach the place where, in the event of a disaster, he alone would suffer.

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For many years, the Negro Bark, kidnapped by nomads, languished in captivity without hope. Saint-Exupery bought Bark and helped him leave for his homeland - to his wife and children.

Somehow in South America he accidentally met a poor old Frenchman who had set out in search of happiness in New World and living out his lonely life in a foreign land. He bought the poor man a ticket on a ship to Marseilles, giving his last money.

Perhaps the only way to be convinced of the reality of miracles is to create them yourself; and let it be even the smallest miracles.

He taught a little boy to blow soap bubbles. But when they hit the wall, the bubbles burst. The boy was crying. For several days Exupery walked gloomily. Then I added a drop of glycerin to the soap foam. Now the bubbles were bouncing off the walls like balls; they became even brighter and more beautiful.

He owned many adult inventions, but he was prouder of jumping soap bubbles than of all his other discoveries.

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"A little prince" - philosophical tale. In the widest philosophical sense– this is a story about love and friendship, about life and death;

- I ask you to determine the genre features of the fairy tale. Prove their presence in the text of the work. Give examples of symbols and allegories.

- Tell us about the pilot's meeting with the Little Prince;

- How did the Little Prince live on his planet?

5 slide

What does the Little Prince teach us, the inhabitants of the Earth?

How do you understand the author’s words: “Children, beware of the baobabs!” Why are they dangerous?

Why does the Little Prince ask to draw a muzzle for the lamb?

What place did Rose occupy in the boy's life?

6 slide

Why does the Little Prince fly away from her?

What are the golden-haired boy and Rose teaching us here?

Why does the hero of a fairy tale go on a journey? How does he talk about it himself?

Travels of the Little Prince.

Work in pairs.

Visiting various planets, the Little Prince meets adults who have devoted their lives to unreasonable goals. Tell us about each planet and the child’s attitude towards their inhabitants. What lessons did the Little Prince learn from each asteroid? (Lessons are recorded on special sheets, and they work with dictionaries along the way.)

“Asteroid” - 325. Planet of the King” – the message of the first couple. Students reveal the meaning of the words: asteroid, subject, authoritarian, and tell why the boy left the king. Read out philosophical thoughts Exupery: “It’s much more difficult to judge yourself than others. If you can judge yourself correctly, then you are truly wise,” “Everyone should be asked what he can give,” “Authority, first of all, must be reasonable.”

“Asteroid - 326. Planet of the Ambitious” - performance of the second couple. Explanation of words: vanity, ambitious, egoist. A story about a meeting with an ambitious man. The little prince realized thatvain people are deaf to everything except praise.

“Asteroid – 327. Planet of the Drunkard” - work on words: perfection, faith, degradation. The lesson the Little Prince learns:the drunkard drinks because he is ashamed of himself; he finds oblivion in vodka. Every person must find the strength to change themselves if necessary.

“Asteroid – 328. Planet of a business man” - interpretation of the words: business man, beauty, benefit. Let's think about the words:“And the stars have no use for you.”

Lesson:if a person considers his main advantage to be that he is serious and businesslike, and is busy only with business, his life has been lived in vain. If he “in his entire life has never smelled a flower, never looked at a star, never loved anyone, he is not a man, he is a mushroom.”

“Asteroid - 329. Planet of the lamplighter” - students talk about why the Little Prince wanted to make friends with the lamplighter. Lesson:to be true to your word, to work tirelessly, in spite of laziness and difficulties, to light the way for people.

“Asteroid – 330. Geographer’s Planet” - work with the dictionary: reputation, formalist. On this planet, the prince understands: you can’t live like that.


Depicting the Little Prince's travels different planets, Saint-Exupery shows us the false meanings of life. He shows us vicious people who could not withstand the temptations of power, fame, and wealth. They are devoid of faith, truth, knowledge. Their destinies are sad, but none of them calls for help, does not see in the Little Prince a good messenger of fate, a savior.

Now tell us about the boy’s visit to planet Earth.

Does the pilot look like the previously met heroes? (no, he is sociable, kind, selfless, caring);

What truth, forgotten by people, does the Fox remind the Little Prince? (“You are forever responsible for everyone you have tamed, you are responsible for your rose.” Reading the dialogue between the Fox and the Little Prince by role. Chapter 21);

How do you understand the word “tame”? Does this apply to us? Why did we take these words as an epigraph to the lesson?;

Why did the little prince feel very, very unhappy when he saw the garden, full of roses? (He feels deceived and impoverished, he believed that his Rose was the only one, and in this garden alone there are five thousand of the same beauties. But the Little Prince understands that his Rose is unique: “You are not at all like my Rose. No one likes you I didn’t tame, and you didn’t tame anyone. My Fox was like that before. He was no different from a hundred thousand other foxes. But I became friends with him, and now he is the only one in the whole world that is dearer to me than all of you. , and not you, I watered every day. I blocked it with a screen, protecting it from the wind... It’s mine”).

In that main lesson science of love. Love is work. The one we care about, to whom we give our soul, or whom we have tamed, becomes dear.

Why does the Little Prince return to his planet? (Because he tamed his rose, he is responsible for it).

Connected with the theme of love is the theme of feat, the theme of responsibility. What does the prince decide to do in order to fly to his planet? (He must die on Earth, freed from the burden of his body. The little prince is in pain and scared, but he goes for it, turning to the wise snake for help, which has “good poison”).

Let's read the end of chapter XXVI - the scene of farewell to an adult. “It’s in vain that you come with me. It will be painful for you to look at me, it will seem to you that I am dying, but this is not true.”

How does this scene characterize the pilot and the Little Prince? they tamed each other.

At the end of the fairy tale, the author addresses us: “To you, who also fell in love with the Little Prince, just like me, this is not all the same at all: the whole world becomes different for us because somewhere in an unknown corner of the Universe there is a lamb that we have never seen before. we didn’t see it, maybe he ate a rose unfamiliar to us.

Look at the sky. And ask yourself, is that Rose alive or is she no longer alive? What if the lamb ate it? And you will see - everything will become different...

And no adult will ever understand how important this is!”

Let's think about these words.

Guys, why do you think the author so wants the Little Prince to return to Earth? (So ​​that adults finally understand what children understand. So that people look at themselves and their actions through the eyes of a pure, sincere, kind friend, and become better and more perfect);

Do you think the boy with golden hair will return to us? (guys’ thoughts).

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(You have to search with your heart...

There is no perfection in the world

Words only make it difficult to understand each other

your rose is the only one in the world

Only the heart is vigilant. You can’t see the most important thing with your eyes)

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Truth... To find it, “you must search with your heart.” And if “the heart sees” - the sand is not just yellow, but “golden, like honey”, “the stars are blooming in the sky” and for each person they are different, and the water in a spring in the desert is “like music”. All this is mysterious and incomprehensible, just like the space that continues to the sky and above!

    Have you ever wondered why a fairy tale begins and ends with an encounter with a snake?

    (The coming and going of a person on this planet is painful. When a person leaves, it is as if the white planet ceases to exist.)

    Your feelings at the end of the fairy tale (tragedy)


The student reads the poem Eug. Yevtushenko. “There are no uninteresting people in the world”

Final against the backdrop of the song “Tenderness” (Hvorostovsky)

At home: essay “Beware of the Baobabs”

“The Little Prince” was born in 1943, in America, where Antoine de Saint-Exupéry fled from Nazi-occupied France. This unusual fairy tale, equally well received by both children and adults, turned out to be relevant not only during the Second World War. Today she is still read by people trying to find answers to questions in The Little Prince. eternal questions about the meaning of life, the essence of love, the price of friendship, the necessity of death.

By form- a story consisting of twenty-seven parts, according to plot- a fairy tale telling about the magical adventures of Prince Charming, who left his native kingdom because of unhappy love; according to the artistic organization - a parable - it is simple in speech (the Little Prince makes it very easy to learn French) and complex in terms of philosophical content.

main idea fairy tales and parables are a statement of the true values ​​of human existence. home antithesis– sensory and rational perception of the world. The first is typical for children and those rare adults who have not lost their childish purity and naivety. The second is the prerogative of adults, firmly rooted in the world of rules they themselves created, often absurd even from the point of view of reason.

The appearance of the Little Prince on Earth symbolizes the birth of a person who comes into our world with a pure soul and a loving heart, open to friendship. The fairy-tale hero's return home occurs through real death, which comes from the venom of a desert snake. The physical death of the Little Prince embodies the Christian the idea of ​​eternal life a soul that can go to Heaven only by leaving its bodily shell on earth. The fairy-tale hero's yearly stay on Earth correlates with the idea of ​​the spiritual growth of a person learning to be friends and love, to care for and understand others.

The image of the Little Prince based on fairy-tale motifs and the image of the author of the work - a representative of an impoverished noble family, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, who in childhood bore the nickname “Sun King”. The little boy with golden hair is the soul of the author who never grew up. The meeting of an adult pilot with his child self occurs in one of the most tragic moments of his life - a plane crash in the Sahara Desert. The author, balancing on the brink of life and death, learns the story of the Little Prince while repairing the plane and not only talks to him, but also goes together to the well, and even carries his subconscious in his arms, giving him the features of a real character, different from him.

The relationship between the Little Prince and Rose is an allegorical depiction of love and the difference in its perception between a man and a woman. Capricious, proud, beautiful Rose manipulates her lover until she loses power over him. Tender, timid, believing in what he is told, the Little Prince suffers cruelly from the beauty’s frivolity, not immediately realizing that he had to love her not for words, but for deeds - for that wonderful aroma that she gave him, for all that the joy she brought into his life.

Having seen five thousand Roses on Earth, the space traveler becomes desperate. He was almost disappointed in his flower, but the Fox, who met him on the way in time, explains to the hero the truths long forgotten by people: that you need to look with your heart, and not with your eyes, and to be responsible for those you have tamed.

Art Fox image- an allegorical image of friendship, born from habit, love and the desire to be needed by someone. In an animal’s understanding, a friend is someone who fills his life with meaning: destroys boredom, allows him to see the beauty of the world around him (comparing the Little Prince’s golden hair with ears of wheat) and cry when parting. The little prince learns the lesson given to him well. Saying goodbye to life, he thinks not about death, but about his friend. Fox image in the story it also correlates with the biblical Serpent-tempter: for the first time the hero meets him under an apple tree, the animal shares with the boy knowledge about the most important foundations of life - love and friendship. As soon as the Little Prince comprehends this knowledge, he immediately acquires mortality: he appeared on Earth traveling from planet to planet, but he can leave it only by abandoning his physical shell.

The role of fairy-tale monsters in Antoine de Saint-Exupery's story is played by adults, whom the author snatches from the general mass and places each on his own planet, which encloses a person within himself and, as if under a magnifying glass, shows his essence. The desire for power, ambition, drunkenness, love of wealth, stupidity are the most characteristic features of adults. Exupery presents the common vice of all as activity/life that is devoid of meaning: the king from the first asteroid rules over nothing and gives only those orders that his fictitious subjects can carry out; the ambitious person values ​​no one but himself; the drunkard is unable to escape the vicious circle of shame and drinking; a business man endlessly adds up the stars and finds joy not in their light, but in their value, which can be written on paper and deposited in a bank; The old geographer is mired in theoretical conclusions that have nothing in common with the practical science of geography. From the point of view of the Little Prince, the only reasonable person in this row of adults is the lamplighter, whose craft is useful for others and beautiful in its essence. Perhaps this is why it loses its meaning on a planet where the day lasts one minute, and on Earth electric lighting is already in full swing.

The story about the boy who came from the stars is written in a touching and bright style. She is completely imbued with sunlight, which can be found not only in the hair and yellow scarf of the Little Prince, but also in the endless sands of the Sahara, ears of wheat, the orange Fox and the yellow Snake. The latter is immediately recognized by the reader as Death, because it is she who is inherent in a power greater than "than in the king's finger", opportunity "carry further than any ship" and ability to decide "all the riddles". The snake shares with the Little Prince his secret of knowing people: when the hero complains about loneliness in the desert, she says that "among people too" It happens "alone".