Dream interpretation: stroking a dolphin in the water. Dolphins on the shore in a dream. Why do you dream about a dolphin?

Dolphins in the water, playing or jumping out in a dream, portend getting help for problems, career growth, passionate love. The vision also warns of gossip and obstacles on the way to the goal. Why else do you dream about them? Our dream book will tell you.

You will have a patron, get help

Did you dream about these mammals frolicking in the waves? If they were friendly, the dreamer will soon have a patron.

Did you see dolphins playing in the water in a dream? The dream book suggests: they symbolize independence, freedom.

Why dream about how the sleeping person splashed and played with them? This means: under difficult circumstances, he will unexpectedly receive help.

Interpretation according to Miller

Miller's dream book calls the dolphin an alarming symbol. If you saw him floating on the waves, you have an overly compliant character. But don’t take on impossible obligations.

Count on the positive, make a career

Did they swim in clear water in a dream? The dream promises: you will have significantly fewer negative life moments than positive ones.

Did you dream of dolphins in the water, frolicking on the clear surface? Management will appreciate the dreamer for his perseverance and determination. Career growth is also possible.

Dream details

Remember the temperature and purity of the water where they were. So, you saw these mammals:

  • V clean water- you are surrounded loving people, always ready to help;
  • in muddy - ill-wishers spread gossip;
  • cold - rethink and change your life positions;
  • warm - do not interfere with the natural course of events.

Be careful: problems

In the dream, did they rush back and forth in the muddy water? The dream book warns: health may deteriorate, so do not put off visiting a doctor.

Why do you dream of dolphins in the water, but it is dirty and high waves are raging? The sleeper is torn apart by internal contradictions, which often lead to conflicts.

Seeing dirty water from which these animals jump out in a dream means: the dreamer is now going through a difficult period. Problems and obstacles on the way to achieving your plans have a negative impact and provoke depressive moods, as well as the desire to achieve a safe haven. But we must move on to achieve our goal.

Friendship and love ahead

Did the man dream about dolphins in the water? The dream book promises: he will develop a strong friendship that can last a lifetime. It will be facilitated by common interests and compatibility of characters.

For a girl, swimming with them portends a passionate mutual love. But you need to try not to spoil the relationship with impulsive actions or nagging.

Beautiful dolphins in the water, frolicking and jumping out in a dream, promise the girl a handsome, passionate and wealthy gentleman, says the dream book. Passion will completely capture both of them so much that they will forget about the consequences. The outcome of this story depends on whether the dreamer manages to win the heart and “tame” her lover.


Dolphins are incredibly smart creatures that have helped people in difficult situations more than once. Their appearance in a dream also carries positive character. It is believed that the image of this animal in the kingdom of Morpheus symbolizes the purity of the soul and the beginning of a new life. To get more full information, you will need a detailed analysis of the dream, taking into account all the nuances and emotional coloring.

Miller's Dream Book, despite positive character dolphin, considers it not a very good sign. According to the psychologist, this image indicates the dreamer’s tendency to fall under the influence of others, which often causes harm. However, thanks to this character trait, it will be easy for him to adapt to the new leadership.

Meaning in other dream books:

  • Freud is a sign of boredom in a relationship; perhaps you should agree to the experiment proposed by your partner and try to introduce something new into your sex life;
  • Tsvetkova - success in the professional sphere, fate gives you a chance, the main thing is to have time to take advantage of it;
  • the English interpreter advises to be wary of the sea;
  • Longo - you will cope with all problems;
  • By modern dream book, friendly animals are a sign that the decision you made has already yielded results, and if you want to finish the job, you need to gain strength for a new breakthrough;
  • Vangi is a symbol of love, kindness and perseverance; the dream predicts financial stability and good luck in love;
  • astromeridiana - the personification of people to whom the dreamer is very attached; the behavior of the sea creature indicates future fate a loved one, for example, a wounded animal is a sign that someone close to you will soon get sick;
  • the newest one - the image of a lonely dolphin indicates love without reciprocity.

According to Hasse's dream book, dolphins in their natural environment dream of dramatic changes, which will have a beneficial effect on the dreamer’s life. If the animals were in the zoo, someone is controlling your subconscious. Perhaps ill-wishers used magic.

Dolphins in a dream do not always promise joyful events in reality

Who dreamed of a dolphin: a girl, a woman or a man

A married woman’s dream of a dolphin means her dissatisfaction with her intimate life. Apparently, the husband has not been paying attention to the dreamer for a long time, which greatly offends her. For a pregnant woman, cute sea creatures are a symbol of a quick and easy birth. The appearance of a bottlenose dolphin in a dream promises the birth of a boy, but if a beluga whale appears in a dream, the dreamer will have a daughter.

According to various interpreters, a dolphin in a dream foreshadows an unmarried lady:

  • a worthy groom and a speedy wedding;
  • bright events that diversify her life;
  • you need to be careful with new acquaintances - deceptions and disappointments are possible.

For a man, meeting this animal in a dream predicts an acquaintance with a pleasant person who will soon become his best friend. Did a child dream of a sea creature? New friends will appear with whom they will share common interests.

Dolphin in the sea - to great success and stable income

Number of mammals: one or many

According to Freud's dream book, if you dreamed about a lot of dolphins, this indicates the dreamer's increased sexuality. Modern interpreter believes that the business you have started will be successful and will soon bear its first fruits. Looks like you've found your niche. The main thing is to stick to the chosen course and do not waste energy on trifles.

One dolphin in a dream means life changes. Probably in at the moment you are at a crossroads and don’t know which road to choose. Interpreters advise listening to your heart and doing as it tells. According to Denise Lynn's dream book, the image symbolizes unpredictability and spiritual enlightenment.

IN Ancient Greece It was believed that dolphins carried the souls of the dead to the islands of bliss.

Have you seen yourself in the water with dolphins? According to the Mayan interpreter, you have true friends who will come to your aid in difficult times.

White dolphin in a dream - good luck

The dolphin's mood is an important factor

A friendly dolphin means that you will be able to make the right decision, thanks to which you will find peace and serenity in your soul. According to Meneghetti’s dream book, you won’t need to make any effort to achieve your goal - everything will work out by itself. The English interpreter states: if the animal behaves friendly, the dreamer has leadership qualities, but does not use them.

You should not expect success if the dolphin showed aggression. Most often, this image suggests that you can achieve your goal, but have not yet made the necessary efforts to achieve this.

In Christianity, the dolphin is associated with Jesus, resurrection and salvation. An animal pierced by a trident represents the crucified Christ.

The indifference of a mammal is also bad sign. The dream foretells many failures. To cope with them, you will have to ask for help from family and friends. A dead dolphin dreams of big trouble. Perhaps one of your friends will turn out to be a traitor.

Interpretation of sleep taking into account the color of the dolphin

When interpreting, it is important to take into account what color the dolphin was:

  • white - the Italian interpreter assures that the image prophesies rapid career growth, but the dreamer will achieve promotion not on his own, but under the patronage of an influential person; Miller considers an animal of this shade a harbinger of good luck in all areas;
  • pink predicts a pleasant pastime for a woman and increased attention from the opposite sex; for a man - a passion for a mercantile lady who is only interested in money; the chosen one does not have special tact, so she can simply ruin the dreamer, taking advantage of his weakness;
  • black - you may come under pressure from a person holding a high position; according to Longo’s dream book, the image prophesies an unexpected inheritance.

For a girl, the appearance of a dolphin in her night dreams promises an early marriage.

Location: in the pool, sea, on the shore

A dolphin swimming in a pool warns of the presence hypocritical people in your surroundings. Take a closer look at those who are trying to impose their opinion on you. A whole flock of animals means that you cannot express your feelings fully, you live too limited. Remember - life is fleeting, and it may happen that all the most interesting things will pass you by. Be decisive, don’t be afraid to take a step towards new adventures!

Meaning of other locations of a dolphin in a dream:

  • on the shore - health problems, try to visit specialists in the near future and undergo a full examination, because it is easier to cope with any disease at the initial stage; By gypsy dream book, the plot promises the loss of your best friend;
  • at sea - huge success and stable income; some interpreters are sure that the image portends pregnancy;
  • holding an animal in your hands means attracting good luck and happiness; At present, fate is favoring you, so any business you start will be profitable.

A mammal jumping out of the water is considered a bad sign. One of your friends may drown.

Many dolphins predict success in business

Dreamer's actions: see in the distance, swim with a dolphin, ride a horse

A dolphin in the distance indicates that you are not putting in enough effort to achieve your goals. If you had to swim with these animals, there may be several interpretations:

  • You may change your job in the near future, new team and management will cause a feeling of discomfort;
  • someone “has their eye” on your soulmate and will do everything to “beat” her off;
  • have a sexual experience in the water.

Catching a mammal on a hook means you are taking a big risk. You should not get involved in various kinds of adventures now, as you may even lose what you have.

Since ancient times, the dolphin has been represented as man's friend. This animal symbolizes freedom, salvation and nobility.

Interpretation of other actions of the dreamer with the dolphin:

  • dive - to meet influential person;
  • ride a horse - discover new talents, develop these abilities, because they will help you achieve great heights;
  • kiss - the time has come when you can turn to management with any request, it will definitely be satisfied;
  • feed - try to give a bribe and thereby offend the person;
  • ironing - to intense activity, you will take part in the discussion of new projects, but everything will not be resolved as you dreamed;
  • playing with an animal means an easy and carefree life.

Did you save a dolphin in a dream? Yours bad habits will cause conflict with loved ones. Try to control yourself, otherwise there is a risk of remaining in all alone. If the animal saved you, your friends will have time to provide timely assistance.

In most cases, dreams about dolphins foretell success and support from friends in a difficult situation. Do not be upset if the dream does not have a very positive interpretation. After all, our dreams are a warning, and in reality we can change the course of events, thanks to which it will be possible to avoid troubles.

Dolphins seen in a dream foreshadow amazing events that will happen in your life. The article suggests finding out what fish, mermaids mean, why a girl dreams of a dolphin, in pure or dirty water, killer whales, whales, fur seals, sharks, sperm whales, penguins, in the aquarium and much more.

Why do pregnant women, men, young girls, and married people dream about dolphins?

A dream in which a pregnant woman saw a dolphin means that she will have an easy birth and the birth of a healthy and smart baby.

If a man saw a dolphin in his dream, real life good news awaits him.

A young girl dreams of dolphins as a sign of meeting an interesting young man who will later become a reliable friend for her.

A dream about a dolphin seen by a married woman predicts.

Why do you dream of dolphins without water, white, in a pool, in the sea, in a river, in the ocean, in a lake?

If you dreamed of a dolphin on land, this is a sign that in real life you have chosen the wrong path for yourself. Before it's too late, it's better to return back to your element.

A white dolphin is usually dreamed of before a promotion.

A dream in which a dolphin swims in a pool or lake means that in real life you are too concerned about maintaining decency.

If in your dream you watch dolphins swimming in the sea or ocean, it means that in reality all good and joyful events pass you by, you only watch how happy others are.

If in a dream you saw a dolphin swimming along the river, it means that in real life you need to stop being an outside observer, start being active and, if necessary, swim against the current. Only then can life change for the better.

Why do dolphins dream of petting a dolphin, biting, saving, dead

A dream in which you come into close contact with dolphins - pet them, or they save you - means that in real life you can always count on the support of your loved ones.

If a dolphin in your dream shows aggression towards you, you should think about whether you have offended a loved one with your behavior.

Dead dolphins are a dream that predicts separation from a congenial person.

If in a dream dolphins are on land, in the sky, on a ring, on the shore, swimming with them, jumping out of the water

If in a dream you see a dolphin that is forced to live in an element other than its native one, it means that this dream serves as a warning to you that you are doing the wrong thing.

So seeing a dolphin on land or on the shore is a symbol that in real life you need to back down before things go too far.

A dolphin fluttering across the sky is a sign that you are soaring in the clouds instead of getting down to business.

A dolphin jumping through a ring is a symbol of the fact that you blindly obey the will of your spouse and have no say in your family.

Dolphins jumping out of the water are a sign of a promotion or that you will be able to overcome all difficulties with dignity and will be above the circumstances.

A dream is considered a good sign when you swim with dolphins - you will be able to feel like a fish in water and not panic in any situation. life situations, because they are confident in their loved ones as well as in themselves.

Why do beluga dolphins dream?

A young woman's dream of a beluga whale means that she will become pregnant with a girl.

The same dream may mean that you will have a reliable and sincere girlfriend.

Why do dolphins dream about Miller's dream book?

In Miller's dream book, dolphins symbolize good luck, which is easy to miss if you show softness and indecisiveness. Be active and there will always be people around you who will support you in difficult situations.

Why do dolphins dream about Freud's dream book?

According to Freud's dream book, a dolphin symbolizes your desire to experience the joys of love and the thrill of doing everything in the water.

A dream in which a man sees himself swimming among dolphins speaks of his strange desires.

Why do dolphins dream about Vanga’s dream book?

In Vanga’s dream book, dolphins symbolize spiritual enlightenment and a person’s ability to “stay afloat” in any difficult situations that arise in real life.

Why do Juno dolphins dream?

Dreaming of dolphins, according to Juno’s dream book, symbolizes a harmonious family life.

Also, this dream can predict the conception of a child who will be destined to save the lives of other people. What you dream of about two (2, 3) dead dolphins is the appearance of unforeseen circumstances in your life that will not affect you in the best way.

A toy or playing dolphins can be a sign of pregnancy. Feeding a lot of small dolphins or touching a dolphin in a show (dolphinarium) means that the children will eat well. Hold in hands, tattoo, family, hug, feed, see at home, dreamed of a baby dolphin, kissed (kisses), gives birth, wounded with a baby dolphin, in muddy water, or they are from Wednesday to Thursday with people or want to be photographed, sick, it has different interpretation, which you can find out by leaving your question in the comments.

You don't know why dolphins dream? Dream interpretations differ depending on different dream books. It is believed that people with a bright soul dream of kind sea animals. Remember all the details of night vision, this will help to accurately decipher it.

Why do dolphins dream - let’s turn to dream books for help

  1. Miller's Dream Book. If dolphins swim in a clear sea, the dream foretells family well-being. They jump in the water - all your life plans will be successfully fulfilled. Playing with dolphins in a dream - in reality you may fall under the influence of management or other people because of your gentle nature, this does not always give a positive result.
  2. Dream Interpretation of Felomena. If in a dream you enjoy a school of dolphins or swim on one of them, then everything will turn out well in life. If sea animals do not please you, then prepare for disappointment.
  3. Vanga's Dream Book. Dolphins in a dream, according to the predictions of the prophetess, are considered a symbol of spiritual insight. The dream indicates your resilience in different life situations.
  4. Family dream book. A dream with a flock of sea animals foretells meeting new friends. If you ride a sea creature in a dream, do not take on complex problems and affairs in reality, you will spend a lot of physical and spiritual energy on them.
  5. Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus. Night visions of dolphins indicate your cheerfulness and success. But sometimes a dream shows that you lack communication in life.

Why do you dream about dolphins – the sea or the pool?

Sleeping with dolphins swimming in a calm and clear sea will bring you joy and you will get rid of problems. Life priorities will change, and your life will sparkle with new colors. If dolphins perform different tricks in the water, think about your behavior. You are arrogant and arrogant towards other people. If sea animals look at you from the sea in a dream, in reality you should change your place of work.

Interpretation of a dream with dolphins in a pool:

  • There is a lot of water in the pool and dolphins swim there. Get ready to meet an old friend;
  • Sea animals lie on the bottom of a pool without water. Beware of scams;
  • You are swimming on a dolphin in a pool. Get ready for advantageous offer, don't give up on it. The dream may also indicate a lack of intimate relationships.

Why do you dream of wounded, kind and dead dolphins?

A dead dolphin washed ashore portends misfortune, illness, and loss of mental strength. A dream may indicate a betrayal of a spouse, a collapse of hopes. Dreams with wounded sea animals warn of illness and also indicate your coldness, mental insensitivity and inability to do acts of mercy. Kind mammals point to your right choice in difficult situations and a firm decision. Dreaming of aggressive sea inhabitants will bring an unusual situation into your life. If they attack, do not expect quick success in business.

Why do you dream about dolphins - their size, color and number

Remember what color you saw dolphins in your dream, and how many there were:

  • Big dolphins. The dream indicates the emergence of new values ​​in your life;
  • Little dolphins. Soon you will meet a person who will help solve your problems;
  • White or gray dolphins. The dream indicates a successful career. You will easily move up the career ladder;
  • Dark colored dolphins. Expect conflicts and disagreements;
  • Large flock of mammals. You waste a lot of time in your life, think about it;
  • Lonely dolphin or pair of mammals. You have hidden intimate desires and a thirst for love adventures.

Dreams with sea inhabitants often have positive interpretations. Psychologists say that the dreamer should rejoice at such a night vision. After all, the dolphin is a symbol of purity, tranquility and spiritual enlightenment.

Although in life we ​​associate a dolphin with exceptional romance, the fiery sunset on the coast of the blue sea, beautiful and dynamic circus performances - in a dream it is a symbol of a different plan. According to the dream book, it is either a harbinger that a change of leadership should be expected in the near future, or your emotions simply do not find an outlet in real life. But these are far from the only interpretations of such a dream.

Phelomen's Prediction

According to Felomen's dream book, swimming on the back of a dolphin means in real life seeing the world in pink glasses. By the way, this may lead to disappointment in your partner, because he may turn out to be a person with slightly different views, down-to-earth and practical, which you, to put it mildly, may not like. Look for a middle ground, then you won’t have to break everything that was built so long ago. If a pod of dolphins in a dream is not free and frolics in an artificially created fence, it means that someone is constantly holding you back in your impulses and aspirations. You are unable to give free rein to your true feelings. Think and take a good look at your surroundings. If in a dream dolphins perform circus acts, you are overacting. Be yourself. And if dolphins in a dream do not want to perform tricks, think about changing the existing environment. Perhaps you are not on the right path.

Miller's explanation of the dream

If dolphins jump out of the water in a dream, it means that everything is going according to plan. Depending on the temperature of the water, the dream can be interpreted differently. If it’s cold, the business development strategy should be reconsidered. Warm water in a dream - do not interfere with the natural course of events, so as not to overshadow the existing situation. Did you dream of a friendly dolphin? Miller's dream book warns of excessive softness in real life. You don’t need to take on too much, beyond what you can handle, then you won’t have to be disappointed either in yourself or in the environment that couldn’t come to your aid in time. Miller’s dream book also gives a purely pragmatic interpretation of the dream. It is believed that in real life you may come under psychological pressure from the new leadership, or even the government.

Chinese interpreter

The Chinese dream book warns that if you see a dolphin in your night dreams, you may soon be promoted. Especially if you dreamed of a joyful dolphin. So don’t click your beak and keep both eyes open for brilliant prospects. In general, these are difficult to miss. Have you noticed a connection - you adapt to your superiors - are you promoted? Not the most honest ways, but if you really want to, then you can. You may also dream about dolphins because you are simply subconsciously tired of the way your life is going. Perhaps many things have long become commonplace and turned into routine. It is also possible that the boat of love crashed on the reefs of everyday life. Add romance to everything that surrounds you in reality, and then you may not have to regret wasted years.

Family dream book

To new friends - that’s what, or rather, who dolphins dream of, according to the family interpreter. These friends will be from a completely different circle, will have a completely different occupation and will differ significantly from the previous ones. True, it doesn’t have to come from you at all. Most likely, on the contrary, you will meet kindred spirits. This source also explains why you dream about riding a dolphin. Riding a dolphin means that in life you are taking on a difficult task, the implementation of which will require a lot of mental and physical strength. In any case, you yourself must feel what emotions you experienced when you dreamed of this representative of the family of mammals from the order of cetaceans and project them into your life. The subconscious will tell you a lot, the rest is a dream book.

Various interpretations

This is what dolphins dream about, according to the Mayan people. If you dreamed that you were swimming in a pond with dolphins, it means that your loved ones and friends completely rely on you. You have earned their trust and respect, all that remains is to keep it for many years. Grishina’s dream book interprets this plot differently. Grishina's dream book believes that you are using your mental abilities in the implementation of projects. A dolphin seen in a dream represents the totality of your intelligence, sociability, and friendliness towards other people. If a dolphin attacks you in a dream, reconsider your attitude towards others. Perhaps they are seriously dissatisfied with something. Especially if you dreamed of an angry dolphin. Meneghetti also explains why a dolphin dreams. Seeing a dolphin in a dream is a sign that you have a reliable, loyal friend, companion, accomplice next to you, on whom you can completely rely. Meneghetti's dream book says that a dreamed dolphin is a symbol of harmonious, stable, friendly relationships. In addition, it also reflects your brightest impulses of the soul.

A dolphin in a dream is a symbol of dependence. The dreamer shows weakness, and that is why unpleasant things happen to him. If a pregnant woman sees a dolphin, it can mean that the birth will be painless and the baby will be healthy.

Who dreamed of a dolphin? Where is the dolphin in a dream? Who dreamed of dolphins? What did you do in your dream with dolphins? What were you doing at the moment you saw dolphins in your dream? How many dolphins were there in the dream? In what sea did you see dolphins in your dream? Who dreamed of a dolphin? What do you do with a dolphin in your sleep? What color is a dolphin in a dream? What size is a dolphin in a dream? Did you dream about living dolphins? How many dolphins were there in the dream?

Who dreamed of a dolphin?

Why does a woman dream about a dolphin?

A dream in which he sees a dolphin married woman, reflects the cooling of her feelings for her husband. Perhaps new sensations will come from variety in your sex life or an unusual hobby together.

A girl dreams of a dolphin

If you dreamed about a young dolphin unmarried girl, this may not be a good sign. Such a dream foreshadows surprises that will most likely turn out to be unpleasant. Unwanted pregnancy is possible.

Dolphin in a pregnant woman's dream

When a pregnant woman dreams of a dolphin and she strokes it and feeds it, this is a good omen. Such a dream promises the unborn child health, activity and a good appetite.

Where is the dolphin in a dream?

Dolphin in the sea

Who dreamed of dolphins?

A woman dreams of a dolphin in the sea

If a woman dreams of a dolphin in the sea, there is a high probability of meeting a man with whom she will have a strong spiritual connection. This person can become for the dreamer both a good friend, a lover, and a husband.

What did you do in your dream with dolphins?

I dreamed about swimming in the sea with dolphins

Swimming in the sea with a dolphin in a dream is often a reflection of frivolity. You are in the clouds, your dreams are divorced from reality and are unlikely to ever come true. It is possible that you are a creative and vulnerable person, which can complicate relationships with the opposite sex.

What were you doing at the moment you saw dolphins in your dream?

Why do you dream about swimming in the sea and seeing a dolphin?

A dream where you swim in the sea and see dolphins nearby is a warning that your current acquaintances are having a bad influence on you. Perhaps you should think about whether they are doing the right thing, decide whether the interests of your friends are really close to you.

How many dolphins were there in the dream?

I dreamed of a school of dolphins in the sea

Seeing a pod of frolicking dolphins in the sea in a dream means that someone else probably finds your partner attractive. Try to appreciate your loved one, surround him with care, and show love more often.

Many dolphins in the sea in a dream

If you dreamed about a lot of dolphins, perhaps the dreamer feels that he has chosen the wrong path in life, in particular, he is dissatisfied with his work. Don’t waste your time, do what you’ve always been interested in, have a passion for, and improve in this direction.

In what sea did you see dolphins in your dream?

Dream of dolphins in a clear sea

When dolphins swim in a clear sea in a dream, success in your work or business will surely await you. You may be promoted, and bonuses and salary increases are also very likely.

Dolphins in the Black Sea in a dream

A dream where dolphins swim in a dirty, black sea symbolizes your concern about your health. Most likely, it is not unreasonable: there is a high probability of sexually transmitted diseases. It is recommended to consult a doctor, especially if you experience pain or discomfort.

Dolphin in the water Dolphins in the pool

Who dreamed of a dolphin?

A woman dreams of a dolphin in a pool

A dream in which a woman sees a dolphin in a pool suggests that she is overly concerned about her reputation and tries too hard to maintain decency. Surely this prevents the dreamer from liberating herself and establishing close relationships with anyone.

Why does a woman dream of a dolphin in the river?

If a woman sees a dolphin in a river in a dream, she is probably used to “going with the flow” in reality. Such a plot encourages the dreamer to take more active action. Start taking initiative in all areas and see how your life changes.

What do you do with a dolphin in your sleep?

Pet a dolphin Swim with dolphins

Catch a dolphin in a dream

If you dreamed that you caught a dolphin - this good sign. You have chosen the right one life path, make every effort, constantly improve. Continue in the same spirit, and the result will not be long in coming.

Dreaming about being saved by a dolphin

A dream in which a dolphin saves you means that you will be helped in difficult situation a strong and strong-willed person. This can be either a man or a woman, a relative or friend, a colleague or even a boss.

I dreamed about riding a dolphin

Riding a dolphin in a dream means the manifestation of talents or abilities that you had not previously noticed in yourself. Perhaps development in this direction will allow you to earn money.

Feeding a dolphin in a dream

When you dream that you are feeding a dolphin, most likely someone will have a strong influence on you, which may well be fruitful. However, there is a high probability that this will not affect your fate.

Why do you dream that you are touching a dolphin?

Touching a dolphin in a dream means strong relationships in the family. Your loved ones love, respect and appreciate you. Communication with your family will always make you happy and give you many wonderful memories.

Dreaming about kissing a dolphin

If you dreamed about kissing a dolphin, it means that you are, without a doubt, grateful for the help of your loved ones, and the dream expresses this feeling. Perhaps an unpleasant event recently happened to you and your loved ones supported you.

Play with a dolphin in a dream

A dream where you are playing with a dolphin foretells a transition in a relationship from a platonic level to a more intimate one. For a woman, such a dream can also portend a wedding, pregnancy or childbirth.

Why do you dream that you are hugging a dolphin?

Hugging a dolphin in a dream means strengthening emotional affection between lovers or relatives. Such a dream is interpreted exclusively in a positive context.

What color is a dolphin in a dream?

Dreamed of a white dolphin

And a dream in which you saw a white dolphin or dolphins is especially favorable. After such a vision, you can be sure that luck and happiness will certainly knock on your home. A white dolphin is usually dreamed of before a promotion.

A dream in which you saw a white dolphin is considered especially favorable. It portends a long period of good luck in your life and the fate of your family and friends. There are many pleasant surprises and memorable events ahead.

Dreaming of a black dolphin

If you dreamed of a black dolphin, it is possible that you trust someone too much, rely too much on them. Remember that people are not perfect and may, unwittingly, not live up to your expectations. Also, you should not put great hopes for a new work project.

What size is a dolphin in a dream?

Little dolphin in a dream

Seeing a little dolphin in a dream means an upcoming acquaintance with an extraordinary person with whom you have a lot in common. There is a high probability that a friendly relationship will develop between you.

Did you dream about living dolphins?

Dead dolphins

How many dolphins were there in the dream?

Dreaming of a school of dolphins

If you are swimming in a dream with a school of dolphins, new acquaintances await you soon. Surely they will have a positive impact on your life in the future. professional activity: Try to make a good impression.

What does a Dolphin mean in a dream? What does it mean - a connection with your subconscious.

Jewish dream book What does a Dolphin mean in a dream:

What does a Dolphin mean in a dream - Seeing a dolphin from afar or swimming next to it In the spring this means that people will unexpectedly appear ready to help you; a dream seen in the summer means a good turn of events; in the fall - to the pretense of your friends; seen in winter, this dream means that you acted rashly, refusing the support of a person who sincerely wanted to help you.

Magic dream book In a dream, why does a Dolphin dream?

What does it mean to see in a dream? You dreamed of a Dolphin, what is this for - the new temporary boss.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does a Dolphin mean in a dream:

What does a Dolphin mean in a dream - You will have a persistent and very pleasant admirer. Imagine that you are swimming in a clean sea ​​water next to the dolphin.

British dream book What does a Dolphin mean in a dream?

What is it about a dolphin - Dolphins are smart, curious, friendly animals. The relationship between dolphins and people has always been friendly, and on the part of the dolphins, forgiving, considering how many of them die due to the irresponsibility and greed of people. Why do you have a dream: A dolphin can play several roles in a dream. Was he a guide who led you through confusion and doubt to peace and deep awareness of yourself? Or did he help you understand your emotions? Or did he embody the playful side of your nature that yearns for liberation?

Dream Book of Catherine the Great What does Dolphin mean according to the dream book?

Why do you dream? What does a Dolphin mean in a dream - You dream of a dolphin frolicking in the waves - you are an overly soft person, inclined to fall under the influence of others; instead of defending your opinion, you agree with the opinions of others; You will never be the first in any matter; your success will always depend on the success of others. It’s like you’re sitting astride a dolphin - the job you’ve taken on is not yours, it’s beyond your strength.

Psychoanalytic dream book If you dream of a Dolphin, what is it for?

Interpretation of the dream book: You dreamed of a Dolphin, what is this for. 1. Sailors consider dolphins as guides and saviors because these fish have specificity and awareness. Emerging from the depths of the unconscious, the dolphin represents a hidden part of ourselves that needs to be understood. 2. From a psychological point of view, the dolphin can portray a more playful part of our personality, but at the same time alerts us to deception. 3. At the moment, the dolphin is responsible for spiritual sensuality and security.

Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious What does a Dolphin mean in a dream:

What does a Dolphin mean in a dream? Dolphins are commonly associated with intelligence, communication, grace and playfulness. Thus, the appearance of dolphins in a dream suggests that these are the qualities that predominate in the real life of the sleeper at the moment.

Positive value

The appearance of a dolphin in a dream indicates that you are using your intellect to successfully solve the problems facing you.

Negative implications

Sometimes dreams about dolphins are interpreted as a feeling of lack of happiness at the moment, a need to start quickly new stage life.

Dreams about dolphins are often associated with the sphere of communication or its lack: perhaps this is the subconscious trying to “contact” the conscious mind.

Jumping dolphins. A dolphin jumping out of the water represents a successful strategy in various aspects your life. Cold water. Dolphins swimming in cold water may express a need to change the way they solve a particular problem or perform a task. Warm water. Dolphins swimming in warm water can be seen as a symbol of satisfaction with their situation at the moment.

Dolphin, Dolphins in the sea

Did you dream about Dolphins in the Sea or did you see a Dolphin in a dream? Dream Interpretations assure that Dolphins in a dream are a very favorable sign; you can safely count on recognition, support and success.

Seeing a dolphin in a dream- support of a powerful patron.

Dolphin is not only the name of an animal, but also a definition, which in the Middle Ages was the name of the heir to power, the Young Ruler (from the French "dolphin" - "prince"). Dolphin in a dream in this case very symbolic. This image foreshadows that in your affairs you can count on the patronage of either someone from the management team, or you will find a powerful patron (sponsor, Patron).

Seeing dolphins in the sea in a dream- faithful companions.

Dolphins as an image of a dream carry with them only the most favorable meaning and represent close people who are ready to help. However, attention should be paid to appearance Sea water and the nature of the current. If the Sea was calm and serene, and the Dolphins were frolicking happily in it, you don’t have to worry about anything - the circumstances will work out in the best possible way for you, And true friends will be there at the right moment. And vice versa - the seething Sea or frightened Dolphins Swimming in the muddy sea waters are a sure sign that both you and your companions will have a difficult joint struggle to implement your plans.

Seeing a dolphin in a dream, Dolphins- joy, luck.

Dolphins are traditionally interpreted only with the most positive side. And a particularly favorable dream is one in which you saw a white Dolphin or Dolphins. After such a vision, you can be sure that good luck and happiness will certainly knock on your home.

Dolphin pool

Dream Interpretation Dolphin pool dreamed of why the Dolphin pool is seen in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Dolphin swimming pool in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

Swimming in a pool in a dream: for an imminent and important meeting for you, be prepared for it.

Maybe you will meet with one of your old acquaintances, to whom you were there before not indifferent.

If you swam in a pool in a dream as well as you can do it in reality, it means that in the near future they will make you an offer that will seem very profitable, and you will gladly accept it.

In fact, you need to call on all your discernment to help you find out exactly whether this offer is trustworthy.

It is quite possible that they want to deceive you, do not fall for the bait! Seeing someone close to you swimming in the pool: a time is coming in your life big changes, which will captivate you so much that after the end of this turbulent period you will feel like a different person.

These changes affect all areas of life, if in a dream you really liked swimming in the pool and did it with great pleasure: it means that in reality you are too overwhelmed by everyday worries, you are unable to leave the everyday hustle and bustle and at least get some rest.

Be careful, otherwise you will exhaust yourself too much.

If you didn't like being in the pool for one reason or another (the water was cold, just... Bad mood etc.): the dream indicates that you will have to part with a close friend for some time.

This may be due to his trip to another city on vacation or a business trip.

Although you will both miss each other, the separation will pass quickly and almost unnoticed.

Jumping from a tower in a pool: you are on the verge of some very important, global decision affecting the rest of your life.

This decision will entail strong changes, which will primarily affect your future.

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

Admiring a swimming pool in a dream foreshadows long-term erotic pleasures.

Swimming in clean, beautiful pool water is a very good sign.

You will be recognized in society, your friends will be loyal to you.

For a young girl: her dignity and decency will help her find a true friend.

If the pool has dirty, cold water, you will have minor troubles.

Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

Your wishes will come true in a way that is unexpected for you - but you will be satisfied.

Imagine that you see a pool with clean, clear water in front of you. Imagine the landscape around you that you like best. So you approach the pool, touch the water with your foot, then get in there and swim with pleasure. Then get out of the water and sit near the pool, looking at the water surface. At this moment, new possibilities for implementing your ideas may come to your mind. This dream is especially necessary when you want a desire to be fulfilled, but do not see a way to fulfill it.

Dream Interpretation - Dolphins

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

After this, throw away the candles.

School of dolphins

Dream Interpretation Flock of dolphins dreamed of why you dream about a flock of dolphins? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a school of dolphins in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

The dolphin is a symbol of the penis.

A frolicking dolphin symbolizes your health and sexual attractiveness.

Many dolphins symbolize your active and varied sex life.

If you are sailing on a ship and dolphins are frolicking around you, then there are a lot of people hovering around you who would like to beat off your sexual partner. Be vigilant and attentive to your partner.

If a man swims among dolphins or on a dolphin, then this symbolizes his homosexual aspirations.

If a woman swims among dolphins or on a dolphin, then this symbolizes her insatiability. One man is clearly not enough for her.

A wounded dolphin symbolizes diseases of the genital organs.

A dead dolphin symbolizes impotence or frigidity.

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

For a girl, such a dream predicts a handsome and intelligent groom from a good family. If a married lady dreams of a dolphin, she will have a persistent and very pleasant admirer. For a man, a dream about a dolphin promises a good friend.

Imagine that you are swimming in clear sea water next to a dolphin.

Dream Interpretation - Dolphins

Dreams about dolphins are not good. After this dream, you should be wary of the sea: yours will die in the sea. best friend, the sea will bury your bright hopes and dreams of love. If you dreamed of a dolphin while traveling, it means... You are in great danger.

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

Friends will support you in difficult times. If a dolphin rushes at you, not playing, but attacking, do not expect success, you did not make enough effort to achieve it. If the dolphin is friendly, you will avoid long doubts and worries, make a firm decision and find peace and freedom. If the dream was from Thursday to Friday, you don’t need to make any effort, everything will work out by itself. If from Friday to Saturday you take a thoughtless and unjustified risk, you should not do it.

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

A dolphin seen in a dream indicates your tendency to easily succumb to the influence of others, which has already done you a disservice more than once. Riding a dolphin means that in reality you cannot find a way out for your romantic aspirations.

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

Dolphins are dreamed of by those who lack the thrill of sensations in real life. You are fed up with what you have and are hungry for something new.

Ride a dolphin in a dream - soon you will make love in the water. You couldn't decide to do this before, but someone else's experience will inspire you.

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

If in a dream you swam with dolphins, your loved ones and friends completely trust you and will gladly come to your aid, no matter what happens. Drink 1 glass of warm water every day on an empty stomach for a week.

If in a dream you only watch dolphins swim, everything interesting events they pass you by and you have no influence on them. To make this time pass faster, at midnight light 3 candles, burn a hair in each and fill the fire with salt;

After this, throw away the candles.

Dream Interpretation - Machine

A working machine or working at it - you are now busy looking for better income.

A broken machine means a stubborn and gloomy person will be the cause of your troubles.

Working on a loom is a sign for a man of great trouble and groundless irritation, absurd gossip; for a woman it is a sign that she will have a wealthy wife and beautiful children.

A beautiful woman who monitors the work of the loom - complete mutual understanding in love awaits you.

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

Seeing a dolphin means your tendency to fall under the influence of the new government. This is not a very good dream.

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

Dolphin - child, child; prosperity, well-being.



I had a pretty dream the other day strange dream. I don’t remember it completely, of course, but only one episode is clearly remembered in my memory. I was standing in a room that looked like a temple, a bald man in a suit called me: “Holy Father!!
I followed him, he invited me to swim, and here we were already on the pier. From here I saw the fins of dolphins slip into the sea and a moment later they were already nearby and looking at me. The last thing I remember is that I am stroking them. I don’t know what this is, but it’s a very strange dream.
Alexey, 20 years old


In a dream, my friend and I went to the sea. My friend slipped on slippery stones and went into the depths of clear water, but floated out. I also almost fell over her a couple of times, but I held on. 2 dolphins swam to the shore, and I, sitting on the rocky shore, stroked them


I dreamed of a little dolphin, he was dying without water, and I saved him, and he came to life, became so alive, cheerful, jumped into my arms and fawned over me like a dog


I approached the sea, a dolphin swam up to me and started running after me along the shore, I stroked it, I’ve been dreaming about this in my life for a long time. Then the little dolphin jumped into my jacket, and then onto my mother. I also saw a small killer whale, so sticky something like a feeling. Very good mood from such a dream


Hello! I dreamed about a dolphin very much big, big size like a ship, I stood near the sea and looked. They swam in the sea people and started A dolphin emerged and swam up to me, and I tried to pet him, and it felt like he was calling me into the sea, and I fell into the water. And he started swimming next to me!


I saw dolphins swimming in my yard in the clear water of blue and white whales, the dolphins swam up to me and I stroked them and I was very pleased, and then I started a conversation with their trainer and wanted to make friends with him.


Hello, Tatyana! In a dream, I was walking with someone I knew along the shore of something (I don’t remember exactly) and we saw a dolphin in the water, and then it swam out of the water towards us and I stroked it.. there was a very friendly little dolphin in the dream)))


I swam in the sea, there were other people there. Closer to the beach, the water was emerald-transparent, and when you swim further, there were 4 palm trees right in the water, 2 on the left and 2 on the right, forming a square. And after the palm trees the water was not clear and deep. Suddenly dolphins appeared, they jumped high out of the water and were so happy! All the people were delighted. Dolphins began to swim near the palm trees and I managed to pet one dolphin swimming past.


I dreamed of a beautiful and bright sunset on the sea and in the distance there was a school of dolphins, I was standing knee-deep in the water and suddenly a dolphin swam up to me and I stroked it and it began to play with me in response, splashing water on me.


There was a sea all around and my friends and I saw dolphins and watched them swim and frolic in the water, they swam right close to me, I stroked them, they were pleasant impressions.. Like something joyful in the middle of something boring


I dreamed that first I watched the performance of dolphins, then I stroked them and even kissed them. admired them very much


large pool...the water is clear, clean, blue....I am holding my child and kitten in my arms...and I really want to pet the dolphin...and there are a lot of them in the pool...and they are very small...and I managed to pet the dolphin....he is slippery and very hard head...it was a very pleasant feeling


I had a dream that I was swimming in the sea. The sea was a normal color, not stormy. Immediately I was swimming on my own, then I saw a dolphin. I thought it would be nice to pet him, I started to swim towards him, but he swam by himself, then another one swam. They swam next to me and I was able to stroke them. It was unusually joyful because... it was my dream to pet a dolphin.


everything was very unclear, but I clearly remember that I was on the beach, I saw a dolphin, somehow it swam up to me, looked at me with a very familiar look and I stroked it (the dolphin was dark blue, almost black)


At first the dream was unfavorable, I felt discomfort. Then a childhood friend invited me to go for a walk, and I agreed. We walked down an unfamiliar road, after which we came out to a quiet sea. By then evening had come. Very warm tones predominated (sunset yellow). A little later, I saw dolphins diving one after another and swimming up to the very shore. Screaming with delight, I ran up to them and extended my hand to pet them. At that moment I felt scared because I didn’t know what to expect from them. I was afraid that they would bite me. But still she stroked the smooth head of first one, then the other... After which she got ready to leave. I walked towards the house along the sandy shore, and they jumped out of the water after me, as if not wanting to let go. My friend said: “They want you to stroke them.” So I walked, periodically stopping to stroke them again, experiencing an incomprehensible feeling of fear. They continued to crawl after me. At the end of the dream, I counted the dolphins. I can’t remember what the number was, but I can definitely say that it was from 10 to 20, odd. How to understand this dream?


Hello, I first had a dream that I was going to the sea, then I dreamed of sea water, then that I was swimming in a pool with a dolphin, he was playing with sleep, I was petting him and the water in the pool was clean..


Sea, rocks, mountains - everything is covered in vegetation. I see a girl diving from a cliff, emerging and her stomach and back begin to hurt. Suddenly I find myself in a coastal area, not even a shore, but rather a rocky shelf. Two dolphins swim up to me, and one of them is very close, and begins to purr, as if he is telling me something. I stroke him, and it’s not very pleasant, despite cold water and a wet dolphin, another dolphin swims in the distance, but it does not swim up. Suddenly on the shore I see a little penguin... The dream ends...


At the beginning of my dream, I saw a white dolphin in the distance and was a little scared, but then my daughter came up to him and began to play with him. then I also decided to approach them and entered the water, he immediately swam up to me and began to caress me, I stroked his back and head, for some reason I felt sorry for him and I asked my friends for a fish to feed him, and then the dream was interrupted.


Hello! I had a dream during the day on December 28, 2014. I’m sitting on the side of the pool and a dolphin jumps onto my lap, I’m petting it, then the trainer saw it and started swearing, the dolphin jumped off, then the dream abruptly transitioned to me starting to paint my nails simultaneously with two colors, yellow and blue, and the dream ended.


I dreamed of a green pond, they said it was magical and made wishes come true, and a dolphin leaned out of it and I stroked it


I entered the water. This is the sea and right almost at the shore I saw a dolphin under the water. the water is clear. my granddaughter is standing in front of me in the water, I don’t see her, but I know it and I call her to look and pet the dolphin. I touch the water with my hand, the dolphin touches my hand with its mouth, kisses and smiles at me. It's more shaped like a whale, but I know it's a dolphin.


I was in the water. Apparently in an open body of water, but near the shore because... stood on his feet. A dolphin swam up and attacked me like a dog. He started flirting with me, climbing on me. He behaved like a faithful dog. And I stroked him and said - well, enough already, stop smiling and being surprised at such a dolphin. The dolphin was the usual color for a dolphin slightly larger in length than myself. It seemed to make a sound. But I don’t remember exactly.


I dreamed that I was petting a lot of dolphins, and then they slowly began to turn into small fish, and then they turned into dogs and began to chase all the people in the area.




I was walking along the road on a summer day and had to cross the bridge, but it was located low above the water; there were a lot of fish in the water, their heads were visible, sticking out of the water and there were a lot of bubbles. and then a dolphin swam up, a beautiful big one, I stroked him, then they started taking pictures of me with him, he jumped halfway onto the bridge, I hugged him......then I woke up


I dreamed of dolphins in the clear sea, then one of them swam up to me, I stroked him and he kissed me


I'm on the seashore watching people swimming. suddenly I see a dolphin swimming near the shore. I went into the water for a generation. he swam up and, like a kitten, began to caress his hand. I saw a penguin near him. I tickled him several times and laughed at the way he laughed.


a dolphin, but it was as if the head was round like a person’s and there was a little blood coming out of it. I washed off the blood and released him into very clean and clear water.


I walked along the shore, the sea was clean and small dolphins were born in it, some were nimble and I helped some so that they would not be carried away by the current, I stroked them, there were a lot of them, they moved beautifully, jumped...


I dreamed of the sea (calm). 2 dolphins swam along it, they swam very close to the shore, one might say on land, I went up to one and began to stroke it, it was very smooth and pleasant to the touch. I had such joy. Then they swam away, but I didn’t see how.

Katya (14 years old):

I was sleeping... at first I didn’t dream of anything, then my mother and I found ourselves on the seashore, we saw a dolphin that was not very large, only it was kind of oval, and my mother said that I could pet him if I wanted, I petted him for a long time and calmed down, he didn’t want to swim away from me, but I woke up..
It is very important for me to know what this dream means! Help please! Thanks in advance!


It was as if they lived in the north and opened the house, moved the ice on the floor, put their hands in the water, dolphins swam and I stroked them, and my husband showed me that dolphins lived in the house


The water is dark, an artificial reservoir (like a swimming pool) I’m on the side looking at the water and suddenly a dark shiny head appears from the water, either a whale or a dolphin, I stroked it and it dived, a moment later another one appeared, but something strange, I’ve never seen such animals , like a dolphin with one eye on its forehead, but I wasn’t scared, on the contrary, I wanted to hug it, I touched it and immediately woke up,


Hello! I dreamed that I was by the sea and then a dolphin swam to the shore and drowned me in the sea, we swam with him, I stroked him, was happy and then I kissed him, he didn’t let me go anywhere!!


I dreamed that my boyfriend and I were standing together, and then a dolphin swam up to us. I sit down and start petting him, and he’s so playful. And he, as if playing with me, pushes me in the belly, I flop down on my butt
My boyfriend raises a fine and we laugh, have fun, giggle.
This is such a dream. Please tell me what this is for)


I dreamed that my mother and I were standing on the seashore, it was getting dark. Mom goes for a swim in the sea, dives and I don’t see her anymore. I start screaming, calling her, crying, when suddenly a dolphin jumps out of the sea onto the shore and jumps past me behind the building.


I dreamed of our five-story house... and behind it there was not land, but a large swimming pool... the water was blue, transparent. And a dolphin swam there, then I stroked its nose.


I first saw a little dolphin on the floor full of water, admired him, stroked him, he played, then the water disappeared and so did he. And in the moment I found him on a chair in a net, gasping for breath and ran a bath of water


In a dream I saw a strange pool with a dolphin in it, he jumped out of the water onto land, I stroked him and he went back into the water, the water was dark.


I dream of a dolphin in the water and I’m on a platform, he swam up to me, he’s happy, I stroke him, I hug him, I feed him, he’s male in a dream, I understand that for sure ah, aside female dolphin blue or purple


I had a dream in which I was walking on the seashore and saw a mother dolphin, who (as it seemed to me) asked to help her. I walked up to the water and saw her giving birth to a baby dolphin! I stroked her and calmed her down! After which, the dolphin’s father swam up to me (as I realized later) and thanked me for my help and that I had not harmed his family) We played with him a little, I stroked him and they swam away with the baby.


A small platform with a few steps, all around the sea! A large light gray dolphin swims out of the sea! I stroke him, kiss him! Then we end up in the water together, but I soon return back to the site!


I jumped and began to drown and suddenly I felt the face of a dolphin under me and hugged it like a lifeline.


A cheerful, cheerful dolphin swimming by the pool. I stood by the pool, as if I had poured in, and with my mouth beginning to pull on my back, wanting to be pulled into the pool, I stroked it and began to water. Dream in gray tones.


A lonely little dolphin washed up to me in the sea. I helped him rise to the surface and breathe so that he would not choke, and I also played with him and stroked him. The dolphin also fawned over me and did not want to swim away, completely trusting me.