Russian matryoshka. Matryoshka traditional souvenir of Russia

State government educational institution

“Uryupinsk Cadet School named after Lieutenant General S.I. Gorshkova"



Completed the work

Trainee of the 2nd platoon

Uryupinsk cadet school

Timofeev Mark

Head: teacher

1 qualification category

Zubtsova Valentina Nikolaevna

Uryupinsk 2017

Introduction 3 pages

Relevance 3 pages.

Goal 4 pages

Problems 4 pages

Hypothesis 4 pages.

Research methods 4 pages.

Subject of research 4 pages.

Object of study 4 pages.

Theoretical part 5 – 9 pp.

Practical part 10 pages

Results 11 pages.

Conclusions 11 pages.

Used literature 12 pages.



In Russia, people are very fond of myths. Retell old ones and create new ones. There are different myths - traditions, legends, everyday tales, stories about historical events, which acquired new details over time... not without embellishment on the part of the next storyteller. It often happened that people’s memories of real events over time acquired truly fantastic, intriguing details, reminiscent of a real detective story. The same thing happened with such a famous Russian toy as the nesting doll. One of the main images that arises when mentioning Russia is a matryoshka doll - a painted, turned wooden doll, considered almost the ideal embodiment of Russian culture and the “mysterious Russian soul.” However, how Russian is the nesting doll? It turns out that the Russian nesting doll is quite young, it was born somewhere on the border of the 19th and 20th centuries. But with the rest of the details, not everything is clear and precise. Matryoshka symbolizes motherhood, family unity, kindness, respect for the older generation, which in our modern times it became so lacking.

Relevance of the topic.

The world of toys is surprisingly diverse. With the help of a toy, a child discovers the world and comprehends the accumulated life experience adults. We meet toys in museums and exhibitions and value them as works of art, created by talented folk craftsmen, artists, sculptors, designers.

Matryoshka is not just a toy, but also a piece of art. And we thought about its origin, where and when it was born, about who created it, who came up with the painting of this toy. Why is a wooden folding doll-toy called “matryoshka”? What does such a unique piece of folk art symbolize? And we decided to learn more about this miracle - the Russian Matryoshka.

Purpose of the work: the history of the appearance of the nesting doll and the making of the author's nesting doll.


Study the history of the appearance of the nesting doll.

Find out the origin of the name “matryoshka”.

Find out why this wooden doll was called a symbol of Russia.

Identify the types of nesting dolls.

Trace the technology of creating matryoshka dolls.

Determine what is the secret of its success and longevity.


Despite its foreign origin, Matryoshka is a Russian national toy, a symbol of Russia known throughout the world.

Research methods:




Partial search

Subject of research: decorative and applied art of Russia.

Object of study: matryoshka

Theoretical part.

The history of the appearance of the nesting doll. The origin of the nesting doll.

When starting work, first of all it was necessary to find out: what is a “matryoshka”? Ozhegov’s dictionary gives the meaning of this word as “a semi-oval, hollow wooden painted doll separated in the middle, into which other similar dolls of a smaller size are inserted.”

Although the nesting doll has gained a reputation as a symbol of our country, its roots are not Russian. The history of the nesting doll originates in Japan. How did this happen? Japan is a land of many gods. Each of them was responsible for something: either for the harvest, or helped the righteous, or was the patron of happiness and art. IN late XIX century, someone decided to place several figures one inside the other. The first such fun was the figurine of the Buddhist sage Fukuruma, a good-natured bald old man who was responsible for happiness, prosperity and wisdom. The Japanese claim that an unknown Russian monk was the first to carve such a toy on the island of Honshu. The Japanese figurine made its journey to Russia and was met with interest by turner Vasily Zvezdochkin. It was he who carved similar figures from wood, which were also nested inside one another. Famous artist Sergei Malyutin painted the figure in the Russian style - it was a round-faced, ruddy girl in a colorful scarf, a sundress, with a black rooster in her hand. The toy consisted of eight figures. Girls alternated with boys, and in the center was a swaddled baby.

Why was this wooden toy given this? unusual name? There are many opinions on this matter. Some historians claim that this name comes from the beloved and common name in Rus' Masha, Manya; others - that this name comes from female name Matryona "matryoshka" is associated with the name of the Hindu mother goddess Matri.

Everyone knows that Matryona is a female name, beloved among the peasantry. But there are still quite a lot of popular peasant names, why was this one chosen? Perhaps the toy in its appearance resembled a certain girl Matryosha, which is why it received such a name. Perhaps when someone saw the doll, they gasped: “Yes, this is the real Matryona!” So the name was assigned to the toy.

Today we do not perceive the name matryoshka as a proper name. It merged with the toy and became a common noun - a name.

Types of nesting dolls.

The first Russian nesting dolls were created in the city of Sergiev Posad as fun for children, which helped them master the concepts of shape, color, quantity and size. Such toys were quite expensive. But demand for them appeared immediately. A few years after the appearance of the first nesting doll, almost the entire Sergiev Posad was making these charming dolls. Nowadays, this is the Zagorsk nesting doll, it is painted on white wood, with gouache paints, using red, green, blue colors. When you mention the “Zagorsk” nesting doll, an image of a round-faced girl in a scarf and a sundress covered with an apron, painted lushly and brightly with simple flowers, leaves and dots, appears before your eyes.

The matryoshka spread and began to be made far beyond the borders of Sergiev Posad - in the Semenovsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod province. Semenovskaya matryoshka dolls are characterized by bright colors, mainly yellow and red. Although the city itself is famous mainly for Khokhloma painting.

Polkhov nesting dolls. In its shape, the Polkhovskaya nesting doll is noticeably different from its Sergiev and Semenovskaya nesting dolls. The painting of Polkhov nesting dolls is based on a combination of raspberry-red, green and black colors along a previously drawn outline with ink. The main element is a multi-petalled rose hip flower (“rose”), next to which there may be half-open buds on the branches.

Vyatka nesting dolls. Perhaps the most complex manufacturing technology is distinguished by another type of matryoshka from Vyatka. In addition to traditional painting, its design uses an original artistic and technological technique generally characteristic of products from this region - straw inlay.

The Kruttsky nesting doll is also painted in its own way: next to the roses bloom huge bells, incredible carnations, daisies, tulips and flowers that you can’t even find a name for – fabulous.

But she was expensive - and this doll, intended for children, was mainly bought by adult art connoisseurs.

In 1900, the nesting doll was presented at the World Exhibition in Paris, where it earned a bronze medal and recognition from the world. Soon matryoshka dolls began to be made in many places in Russia.

Merinovskaya nesting dolls. In 1922, Merinovo master A.F. Mayorov bought a matryoshka doll at the fair. The whole family liked the matryoshka doll. He carved a similar shape himself and, together with his daughters, painted it in his own way. Soon, not only the Mayorov family, but also many of their fellow villagers switched to making nesting dolls. Making nesting dolls to this day remains the main craft for Merinovo craftsmen.

Modern designer nesting doll. Just like a hundred years ago, now in Sergiev Posad and Semenov whole families are painting again. Especially many such workshops appeared in Moscow and its environs. The greatest interest has become the author's nesting doll, made by an artist, professional or amateur. Modern matryoshka artists, first of all, turned to the traditions of the first Russian nesting dolls.

Fantasies contemporary artists no boundaries. Traditional type Matryoshka, holding an object in its hand, has now been replenished with numerous options. Matryoshka dolls, on the aprons of which scenes from Russian folk tales are depicted, are becoming increasingly common.

The most common and still the most popular is the five-seater nesting doll. However, nesting dolls with three – seven – ten – fifteen places are also often found. By the way, the nesting dolls were enriched not only with painting, but also complicated by the number of inserted figures. Nikolay Bulychev broke a kind of record by carving a 48-seater nesting doll. Current technology makes it possible to make 20-50-seat nesting dolls. In 1970, Evgeny Bezrukov, a Semyonovsky master, made man-made miracle– 72-seat nesting doll! That year, Semyonov toy makers showed it at the All-Union Exhibition of Decorative and Applied Arts of Amateur Artists and Craftsmen. And in funds Historical Museum There is a copy of a 100-seat nesting doll.

Artist Boris Krasnov painted the largest designer nesting dolls that stand in the Afimall shopping center in Moscow. Their height is 30 meters, they are painted with Gzhel and Khokhloma, Gorodets painting, some depict Russian fairy tales.

Having divided the nesting dolls according to the place of their manufacture, we saw that we can find a lot in common among these different groups. Here are the new groups:

    Matryoshka dolls “dressed” in national costumes.

    Historical nesting dolls.

    Matryoshka dolls - literary works and their heroes.

    Family matryoshka.

The technology of making nesting dolls by craftsmen.

It should be noted that Russian craftsmen who knew how to carve wooden objects that fit into each other (for example, Easter eggs) mastered making nesting dolls with ease. A whole team of craftsmen is working on the creation of the matryoshka doll. Each master has his own secrets.

The first stage is choosing a tree. And it should be smooth, without knots. As a rule, these are linden, birch, and aspen. Drying time is approximately two years.

The second stage is preparation. To make a workpiece, take a suitable block of wood, insert it into the machine and turn it out. The master begins to sharpen wooden blanks from a one-piece little one, the “first one”. It can be very small - about the size of a grain of rice. Following it is the lower part (bottom) for the next one. First, the master grinds the head, then the body, trims it in the right places with a chisel, and the workpiece is ready. Making nesting dolls is a delicate art that takes years to learn; some skilled turners even learn how to turn matryoshka dolls blindly!

The third stage is sanding and priming. After the turner has turned out the matryoshka figures, the grinder begins work. It smooths out all the unevenness and roughness on the body of the nesting doll, making its surface smooth and comfortable for the artist.

The fourth stage is painting. The process begins that gives each nesting doll its own individuality - painting:

    before painting, the wooden surface of the nesting dolls is covered with potato paste;

    first, the base of the drawing is applied with a pencil;

    then the contours of the mouth, eyes, cheeks are outlined;

    Then clothes are drawn on the matryoshka.

Among the paintings there are:





Since the mid-twentieth century, nesting dolls began to be not only painted, but also decorated - with mother-of-pearl plates, straws, and later with rhinestones and beads. But the first nesting dolls did not have these decorations - and a “real”, original Russian nesting doll is still considered a wooden painted doll, without inlays or “overlays”.

Matryoshka dolls always make us happy unique beauty: originality of painting, brightness of colors. How much imagination the craftsmen put into their production!

Practical part.

Making a doll with your own hands

You can make a matryoshka doll yourself. This requires imagination and creativity. It can be drawn, sculpted from plasticine, or made from salt dough.

Matryoshka dolls made from salt dough.


1 glass of salt;

1 cup flour;


Knead the dough and make dolls from it.

We dry it in a warm place for one week, then we begin painting.

We paint nesting dolls according to our own design (author's).

Matryoshka dolls can be drawn on paper:

Before we paint crafts, we try to imagine on paper.

Matryoshka dolls can be made from plasticine:

1. We used different vitamin bottles as a basis.

2.Smoothed out the shapes of the head and neck with plasticine.

3. We made a face from white plasticine and the base of the sundress in red and blue.

4.Then we make thin plates of plasticine different colors, place on top of each other and roll up.

5. Cut the rolls into thin transverse slices and decorate our nesting dolls.

6. Depending on the color and shape, different flowers are obtained.

As before, the nesting doll is very popular among children; 47 out of 50 people consider it a symbol of Russia.

Not many people have a nesting doll at home, only 17 people out of 50 respondents, but 30 people out of 33 would like to buy a matryoshka. This suggests that the nesting doll remains an expensive and very desirable toy.


    Russian nesting dolls have always symbolized fertility, motherhood, wishes for happiness and prosperity;

    this toy is made in many parts of our country, its name depends on the place of its manufacture and the type of painting;

    in its appearance it reflects the history of the Russian people, its traditions;

    as before, the nesting doll remains a rather expensive souvenir, not everyone is able to purchase it;

    you can make a matryoshka doll with your own hands;


Currently, the Russian nesting doll is experiencing a rebirth, probably associated with the enormous interest in the world in Russia, in the changes taking place in our country. We confirmed our hypothesis that the nesting doll, despite its foreign origin, is a Russian national toy, a symbol of Russia known throughout the world.


1. Andreeva R.P. Etymological dictionary for schoolchildren. – St. Petersburg: Publishing House"Litera", 2005.

2. Blinov G.M. Miracle horses, miracle birds: Stories about Russian folk toys. – M., 1997.

3. Dal V.I. Dictionary Russian language: Modern version. M., 2000.

4. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Russian Academy Sci. – M.: Azbukovnik, 1999.

5. R.A. Bardina. Products of folk arts and crafts and souvenirs. - M.: graduate School, 1986.

6. G.L. Dine. Toy makers. - M.: Education, 1994.

7. N.I. Kaplan, T.B. Mitlyanskaya. Folk arts and crafts. M.: Higher School, 1980.

8. L.N. Solovyova. Russian matryoshka. – M.: Interbookbusiness, 1997.





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Matryoshka... This Russian beauty has won the hearts of lovers folk toys and beautiful souvenirs around the world. Now she is not just a folk toy, a keeper of the original Russian culture: she is also a souvenir for tourists - a commemorative doll, on the apron of which play scenes, fairy tale plots and landscapes with attractions are finely drawn; she is also a precious collectible that can cost hundreds of dollars; and they can experiment with her image young artists by purchasing special “blanks” - “linen” - in an art salon or from the master turner himself. Now on the streets of St. Petersburg and Moscow you can buy a variety of souvenirs for every taste - nesting dolls depicting politicians, matryoshka dolls with portraits famous musicians, grotesque characters... But still, every time we say “matryoshka”, we immediately imagine a cheerful Russian girl in a bright folk costume. The matryoshka has become as traditional a souvenir of Russia and a symbol of its culture as Dymkovo toys, Zhostovo trays... Matryoshka dolls are not only wooden and inserted into each other - tiny glass painted dolls connected by one thread can be hung on a Christmas tree; We see a lot of keychains, pendants and pendants with figures of “indivisible” nesting dolls on trays in Sergiev Posad - the capital of Russian toys...

The first matryoshka is chubby and plump cheerful girl in a headscarf and Russian folk dress - she was not born in ancient times, as many believe. The prototype for this doll was the figurine of the Buddhist sage Fukuruma, brought to Abramtsevo at the end of the 19th century from the island of Honshu (Japan). The wooden sage had an elongated head and a good-natured face - and inspired by a charming toy (according to legend, such figures were first started to be carved by a Russian monk who lived on the island of Honshu!), in the early 1890s, toy turner Vasily Zvezdochkin carved the first Russian nesting doll. From the walls of the workshop " Children's education", founded by philanthropist Savva Mamontov, a beautiful, rosy-cheeked maiden with a rooster in her hands, painted in gouache, became the first nesting doll made in Russia. The sketch for its painting was created by the artist Sergei Malyutin, who personally painted the matryoshka doll. The first nesting doll was eight-seater - inside the big girl there was a smaller boy, and so on - boys and girls alternated, and the smallest, “indivisible” doll was a swaddled baby.

But where did this name come from - matryoshka? Some historians claim that this name comes from the beloved and common name in Rus' Masha, Manya; others - that this name comes from the female name Matryona (translated from Latin mater - mother), and still others believe that the name “matryoshka” is associated with the name of the Hindu mother goddess Matri... At the end of the 19th century in Russia there was a huge rise in interest in Russian history, folk art, fairy tales, epics and crafts. Matryoshka quickly gained wide popularity and earned people's love. But she was expensive - and this doll, intended for children, was mainly bought by adult art connoisseurs. Soon after the nesting dolls painted with floral patterns, matryoshka dolls appeared, decorated with picturesque scenes from fairy tales and epics. Such nesting dolls “told” whole stories. In 1900, Russian nesting dolls “reached” Paris - they were exhibited in this city at the World Exhibition, where they received world recognition and a medal. By the way, at the beginning of the twentieth century, some nesting dolls actually “learned” to walk: the legs of such a nesting doll, “shod” in bast shoes, are movable, and it can walk if placed on an inclined plane. Such toys are called “matryoshka-walkers”. The principles of making nesting dolls have not changed over the years for many years that this toy exists. Matryoshka dolls are made from well-dried, durable linden and birch wood. The smallest, one-piece matryoshka doll is always made first, which can be very tiny - the size of a grain of rice. Making nesting dolls is a delicate art that takes years to learn; some skilled turners even learn how to turn matryoshka dolls blindly! Before painting the nesting dolls are primed, after painting they are varnished. In the nineteenth century, gouache was used to paint these toys; now, unique images of nesting dolls are also created using aniline paints, tempera, and watercolors. But gouache still remains the favorite paint of artists who paint nesting dolls. First of all, the face of the toy and the apron with a picturesque image are painted, and only then the sundress and scarf. From the mid-twentieth century, nesting dolls began not only to be painted, but also to be decorated - with mother-of-pearl plates, straws, and later with rhinestones and beads... But the first dolls did not have these decorations - and a “real”, primordially Russian nesting doll is still considered a wooden painted doll, without inlays and “overlays”.

There are several cities and villages in Russia where nesting dolls are traditionally produced - and everywhere these dolls have their own characteristics. Craftsmen from the village of Krutets are experimenting with coloring and even, slightly, with the shape of nesting dolls. In the village of Polkhovsky Maidan, the nesting doll is the breadwinner and support of the entire village: its residents live almost entirely on the income received from the sale of traditional dolls. The nesting dolls from this village are famous for their “rose” designs - the main element of the ornament of these toys is the rose hip flower. Semenov nesting dolls - made in the city of Semenov, Nizhny Novgorod region - are easily recognized by their rather large unpainted surfaces and a lush bouquet of fantastic flowers on the apron. They are distinguished by their “spaciousness” - traditionally such a nesting doll consists of 15-18 dolls, and the most capacious nesting doll in Russia, made in Semenov, is as many as 72 dolls, the largest of which is a full meter in height! The most “northern” one in Russia is the Vyatka nesting doll. And in Sergiev Posad, even members of the royal family who came to worship the shrines of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra bought the famous bright nesting dolls.

There are entire museums in Russia dedicated to nesting dolls. The first in Russia - and in the world! — The Matryoshka Museum opened in 2001 in Moscow. The Moscow Matryoshka Museum is located in the premises of the Folk Crafts Fund in Leontyevsky Lane; its director, Larisa Solovyova, devoted more than one year to the study of nesting dolls. She is the author of two books about these funny wooden dolls. And more recently, in 2004, it opened its own museum of nesting dolls in the Nizhny Novgorod region - it collected more than 300 exhibits under its roof. There are presented matryoshka dolls with a unique Polkhovsky-Maidanovsky painting - the same Polkhov-Maidanovsky dolls that are known all over the world and which villagers have been bringing for sale to Moscow for many decades in huge baskets, sometimes loaded with up to a hundred kilograms of precious toys! The largest matryoshka doll in this museum is one meter long: it includes 40 dolls. And the smallest is only the size of a grain of rice! Matryoshka dolls are admired not only in Russia: quite recently, in 2005, a group of painted dolls came to the International trade exhibition of high-quality consumer goods “Ambiente-2005” in Germany, in the city of Frankfurt am Main. The image of the matryoshka combines the art of masters and a great love for Russian folk culture.

When foreigners are asked about their first associations with Russia, they usually remember hats with ear flaps, bears with balalaikas walking along the city streets, and nesting dolls. If the first has become obsolete over time, then nesting dolls continue to be in trend to this day. A positive and original souvenir is a true reflection of the Russian spirit and is eagerly bought up not only by tourists, but also by lovers of colorful figures.

Despite the fact that the nesting doll is considered a native Russian and ancient toy, its age is a little over 100 years. And the prototype of the nesting doll is the figurines of the Buddhist sage Fukuruma, brought at the end of the 19th century by the Mamontov family to the Moscow toy workshop “Children’s Education”.

The author of the first nesting dolls was a wood turner Vasily Zvezdochkin, and the artist painted them Sergey Malyutin. There were only eight figures. The largest one had a rooster in its hands, and the smallest nesting doll looked like a baby wrapped in a swaddle.
Historians come to the conclusion that the name “matryoshka” comes from the Russian name Matryona, popular at that time, which was associated with a portly woman with many children.

When the demand for such toys began to increase, different styles painting of dolls (Semyonovskaya, Ivanovskaya, Sergievskaya). Matryoshka has become a real trend. IN modern Russia Matryoshka dolls are painted not only as traditional pink-cheeked girls in headscarves. Models of politicians or athletes are popular.
Among the nesting dolls there are also their own record holders. The largest consists of 72 figures, and the smallest ivory nesting doll measures 1.1 millimeters.

Preschoolers about the Russian nesting doll

Russian matryoshka for children

History of matryoshka
Although the nesting doll has long gained a reputation as a symbol of our country, its roots are by no means Russian. According to the most common version, the history of the nesting doll originates in Japan.
In the nineties of the 19th century, A. Mamontova brought from Japan a figurine of a good-natured bald old man, the sage Fukuruma, to the Moscow toy workshop “Childhood Education”. Wood turner Vasily Zvezdochkin, who then worked in this workshop, carved similar figures from wood, which were also nested inside one another, and artist Sergei Malyutin painted them to look like girls and boys. The first matryoshka depicted a girl in a simple city costume: a sundress, an apron, and a scarf with a rooster. The toy consisted of eight figures. The image of the girl alternated with the image of the boy, differing from each other. The latter depicted a swaddled baby.
In another version, the toy was: eight dolls depicting girls different ages, from the oldest (big) girl with a rooster to a baby wrapped in diapers. Today, only those turned and painted wooden souvenir toys that consist of several nested inside one another are called matryoshka dolls.
The first Russian nesting dolls were created in Sergiev Posad as fun for children, which helped them master the concepts of shape, color, quantity and size. Such toys were quite expensive. But demand for them appeared immediately. A few years after the appearance of the first nesting doll, almost the entire Sergiev Posad was making these charming dolls. The original plot of the Russian nesting doll is Russian girls and women, rosy-cheeked and plump, dressed in sundresses and scarves, with dogs, cats, baskets, and flowers.
In 1900, Maria Mamontova, the wife of S.I. Mamontov’s brother, presented the dolls at the World Exhibition in Paris, where they earned a bronze medal. Soon matryoshka dolls began to be made in many places in Russia. Also in Semyonov, at the Semyonovskaya Painting art factory, in 1922 the traditional Russian Semyonovskaya matryoshka doll was born, which the whole world knows today.
After the first children's nesting doll appeared in different regions of Russia, artists began to paint nesting dolls, they liked this doll so much! And they all did it differently. Sergiev Posad, Polkhov Maidan, Vyatka, city
Semenov - ancient centers of folk crafts, which
Matryoshka helped to become famous, and from here
names of types of nesting dolls - Sergiev Posad
(Zagorskaya), Semenovskaya (Khokhloma) and Polkhov-Maidanskaya.

Why was the doll called “matryoshka”?
Matryoshka (diminutive of the name “Matryona”. Almost unanimously, all researchers refer to the fact that this name comes from the female name Matryona, common in Russia: “The name Matryona comes from the Latin Matrona, which means “noble woman”, in the church it was written Matrona , among the diminutive names: Motya, Motrya, Matryosha, Matyusha, Tyusha, Matusya, Tusya, Musya.
Why this chiseled doll began to be called a matryoshka doll, no one knows for sure. Maybe that’s what the seller advertising his product called her, or maybe that’s the name the buyers gave her: the name Matryona was very common among ordinary people, so they began to affectionately call the toy Matryosha, Matryonushka; Thus, the name Matryoshka stuck.
What are nesting dolls made of? Manufacturing technique
Over the many years of the existence of the nesting doll, the principles of its manufacture have not changed. Matryoshka dolls are made from larch, birch, linden and aspen, which must be cut down in early spring. Each master knows his own secret to wood and preparing it for processing. He spends a long time choosing trees that are straight and not knotty. When clearing a tree of bark, the master always leaves it untouched in several places. This is done so that the wood does not crack when drying. Then the prepared logs are stacked so that air can pass freely between them. For several years, the trunks are weathered and dried in the open air to the desired humidity. Here it is very important not to over-dry or over-dry the log - folk craftsmen know this secret. As they say, the tree must ring and sing. Dried logs are sawn into logs and blanks. A fake doll undergoes up to 15 operations before becoming a beautiful, elegant doll. With great skill inherent in sculptors, the turner turns the head and body of the nesting doll from the outside and inside, using simple tools - a knife and chisels. First, the smallest nesting doll is turned from birch - a non-opening figurine. Then - the lower part of the next - the bottom. The master makes bottoms for nesting dolls for a thousand pieces at a time. This is done so that the lower part can dry out. When the turner finishes the tenth hundred, the first hundred has already dried and can be prepared for it top part toys. There is no need to dry the upper part of the nesting doll; it is put on the bottom, where it dries out and tightly clasps the thorn and therefore holds tightly. The figures are carefully sanded, primed with potato paste and dried. Now it is ready for painting, and after painting it is varnished. First, the base of the drawing is applied with a pencil. Then they plan
contours of the mouth, eyes, cheeks. And then they draw clothes for the matryoshka. Typically, when painting, they use gouache, watercolor or acrylic. Each locality has its own canons of painting, its own colors and shapes. Gouache was previously used for painting. Nowadays, their unique images are created using watercolors, tempera, and aniline paints. However, gouache still remains the most favorite paint of artists who paint nesting dolls. As a rule, the face and apron are painted first, and then the scarf and sundress.
A good nesting doll is distinguished by the fact that: all its figures easily fit into each other; two parts of one nesting doll fit tightly and do not dangle; the drawing is correct and clear; Well, and, of course, a good nesting doll should be beautiful.
The original subjects of wooden nesting dolls were exclusively female: ruddy and plump red maidens were dressed in sundresses and scarves, depicted with cats, dogs, baskets, etc.
Sergiev Posad (Zagorsk) matryoshka doll
This toy still looks like the first matryoshka doll with a rooster in its hands. The Zagorsk nesting doll is of good quality, steep-sided, and stable in shape. Paint it on white wood with gouache paints, using pure (local) colors. The oval of the face and hands are painted over with a “flesh” color. Two strands of hair are hidden under a scarf, the nose is represented with two dots, and the lips are made with three dots: two at the top, one at the bottom, and the lips are ready with a bow. The Zagorsk nesting doll has a scarf tied in a knot. Next, the master draws the sleeves of the jacket and sundress. The scarf and apron are decorated with a simple floral pattern, which is easily obtained if you apply a brush with paint, leaving a trace of a petal or leaf. A round center of a flower or a “pea” can be obtained by using the poking technique. Having finished painting, the master varnishes the matryoshka doll. This makes it even brighter and more elegant. Laconicism and simplicity of design created a clear and joyful image of a Russian village doll. That’s probably why everyone, young and old, loves the nesting doll.
Semenovskaya matryoshka
Semenovskaya (the town of Semenov, in the Nizhny Novgorod region) the toy is also turned on a lathe. For work, use well-dried linden, aspen, and birch wood. Undried wood cannot be used, otherwise a product made from raw wood may crack, split, and it will be a pity for the labor spent on it. The turned product - linen - is similar in shape to the Zagorsk one, but somewhat narrowed at the bottom. But they paint it differently, and use different colors. First, the white nesting doll is primed with potato paste, rubbing it into the pores of the wood. This is necessary so that the paints do not spread over the wooden fibers and so that the nesting doll shines immediately after the first varnish coating. On the dried, primed surface, the craftswomen make a “tip” with black ink: they draw an oval of the face, eyes, nose, lips, outline a scarf tied in a knot, and separate the border on the scarf (this is important, because the border with flower buds is a distinctive feature of the Semyonovskaya nesting doll). Then they draw an oval in which hands and flowers are depicted: lush roses, bells, spikelets.
So, the tip is ready. Now painting is done with aniline transparent paints of yellow, red, crimson, green, purple flowers. And finally, the nesting doll is varnished. And here in front of us is a bright matryoshka doll.
Polkhov-Maidan Matryoshka doll
This is the neighbor of Semenov’s nesting doll. And they grind it in the village of Polkhovsky Maidan, Nizhny Novgorod region. The first two stages - priming with paste and brushing - are carried out in the same way as in Semenovskaya, but the painting is more laconic: an oval face with curls of hair, a scarf flows from the head, a rose trefoil on the head, an oval replacing the apron is filled with floral painting. Lush roses, dahlias, bells, rose hips, and berries decorate this nesting doll. And she will be slimmer than her friends: the shape of the nesting dolls is more elongated, the head is small and flattened. Polkhovsky Maidan is the name of the village. “Maidan” is a very old village, and it means “gathering of people.” And Polkhovka is the river on which the village stands.
Vyatka (Kirov) nesting doll
Residents of Vyatka and surrounding villages have long been engaged in the production of toys. The special peculiarity of the Vyatka painted wooden doll is that they began to not only paint the nesting doll with aniline dyes, but also inlay it with straws. The Vyatka nesting doll is easy to recognize by its friendly, smiling face with large blue eyes, red-blond hair, and traditional outfit painted with bright aniline dyes. On her apron are bouquets of flowers from large scarlet poppies or roses framed by leaves. Matryoshka dolls are often decorated with patterns made using the straw appliqué technique. For inlay, rye straw is used, which is grown in special areas and carefully cut by hand with a sickle. One part of straw to receive decorative effect boiled in a soda solution until golden brown, the other remains white. Then the straw is cut, smoothed, and the details of the desired pattern are knocked out with a stamp. Glue the straws onto the damp nitrocellulose varnish.
The golden color, depending on the change in viewing angle, can become pearlescent; they have learned to paint it in different colors, reminiscent of precious stones under the varnish coating. A matryoshka doll painted with aniline dyes and inlaid with straws is covered with
oil varnish.
Tver matryoshka
The Tver matryoshka doll often reveals historical and fairy tale characters: Snow Maiden, Princess Nesmeyana, Vasilisa the Beautiful. Outfits and hats can be completely different, which makes the doll very interesting for children.

Physical education minutes
We are funny Matryoshkas -
(arms in front of chest, index finger right hand rests on the cheek)
Okay, okay -
(claps hands)
We have boots on our feet -
(alternately place the right and left legs forward)
Okay, okay -
(claps hands)
In our colorful sundresses -
(imitation of holding the hem of a sundress)
Okay, okay -
(claps hands)
We look alike, like sisters -
(hold on to the imaginary ends of the handkerchief and squat)
Okay, okay -
(claps hands)

(floods in place)
We are nesting dolls, these little ones -
(holding onto an imaginary sundress)
And we, and we have clean palms -
(claps hands)
We are nesting dolls, these little ones -
(holding onto an imaginary sundress)
And we, and we have new boots -
(alternately put the right and left leg forward
We are nesting dolls, these little ones -
(holding onto an imaginary sundress)
We went out to dance, dance a little -
(turns with stomps around you)
They clap their hands.
Friendly nesting dolls.
(clap hands)
Boots on my feet,
(hands on the waist, alternately placing the right leg forward on the heel, then the left)
Matryoshka dolls are stomping.
(stomping feet)
Lean left, right,
(body tilts left - right)
Bow to everyone you know.
(tilts head left and right)
The girls are naughty
Painted dolls.
In your colorful sundresses
(hands to shoulders, body turns right - left)
You look like sisters.
Okay, okay,
Funny nesting dolls.
(clap hands)

Riddles about matryoshka

Friends of different heights
They don't look alike
They all sit next to each other,
In this young lady
The sisters are hiding.
Every sister
For the smaller one - a dungeon.
These bright sisters
They hid their pigtails together
And they live as a family alone.
Just open the older one
Another sister sits in it,
That one also has a smaller sister.
You'll get to the crumbs
These girls are... Matryoshka
She looks alone, big,
But the second sister sits in it,
And you will find the third in the second.
Taking them apart one by one,
You'll get to the smallest one.
Inside them all is a baby, a baby.
All together - a souvenir.. Matryoshka
There are different girlfriends nearby,
But they look alike.
They all sit next to each other,
And just one toy.

Scarlet silk handkerchief,
Bright sundress with flowers,
Hand rests
On wooden sides.
And there are secrets inside:
Maybe three, maybe six.
I got a little flushed.
This is a Russian... Matryoshka.
The children sit quietly in it,
They don't want to show themselves.
What if their mother loses them?
What if someone scatters them?!
Hiding from you and me
One doll into another.
There are polka dots on the scarves.
What kind of dolls?
Like a turnip, it's steep-sided,
And under the scarlet scarf on us
Looks fun, smart, wide
A pair of black currant eyes.
Scarlet silk handkerchief,
Bright sundress with flowers.
The hand rests on the wooden sides.
And there are secrets inside:
Maybe three, maybe six:
Got a little flushed
Our Russian… Matryoshka

Poems about matryoshka

Take a quick look -
The cheeks are turning pink,
A colorful handkerchief
Floral dress
Chubby babes -
Russian nesting dolls.
Just a little scared
Everyone runs into a circle,
Hiding in each other
Smart girlfriends.
T. Lisenkova
colorful dress,
Rosy cheeks!
We open it -
The daughter is hiding in it.
Matryoshkas are dancing
Matryoshka dolls laugh
And they happily ask
Make you smile!
They jump towards you
Right into your palms -
How funny
These nesting dolls!
Wooden girlfriends
They love to hide in each other,
They wear bright clothes
They are called nesting dolls.
A. Grishin
There are many dolls in one doll,
This is how they live - in each other's lives,
Their size is strictly calculated -
Wooden girlfriends.
E. Krysin
Like in a big, big nesting doll,
There is less, a little bit,
Well, there’s a little more in it,
Well, there’s a tiny nesting doll in it,
Well, there’s no one in the crumbs.
There are four of them in total.
R. Karapetyan
Gave it to Masha
Matryoshka - there is nothing more beautiful!
Everything is so good:
Bright, elegant!

It's fun to play with her
You can even open it.
Open it up a little bit
There's another nesting doll inside!
Just a little shorter,
Otherwise, they're just twins!

We began to look for the third one,
It turned out to be as many as five!
Five nesting dolls - all in one
They can hide sometimes.
L. Gromova

There is a doll on the shelf,
She is bored and sad.
But you will take it in your hands
And you will find another one in it.
And in that one... And now in a row
Five cute dolls are standing.
Although the height is different, but still
They're all surprisingly similar.
In elegant colorful sundresses
Ruddy nesting dolls-sisters.
There was one, but there were five,
They have no time to be bored anymore!
And the girlfriends will play enough,
And again they will hide in each other.
N. Radchenko
These Russian nesting dolls
Colorful clothes,
To the secrets of the craftswoman,
The sisters are hiding in the older one.
You won’t understand how many of them there are,
If you can't find the younger one.
Julia Room
-Oh, you matryoshka young lady,
I'll take you in my hands
Show me those girls
What is sitting inside you!

Oh, you matryoshka young lady,
Multi-colored clothes,
The whole wide world knows
This Russian souvenir!
S. Ivanov
Nice doll - matryoshka,
Where are the pens?
Where are the legs?
Oh, what cheeks
Red, ruddy,
Flowers on the apron
And on a sundress.
Here is a matryoshka mother,
Here are the nesting dolls - daughters,
The mouth is like berries,
The eyes are like dots!
Mom sings a song
The daughters dance in a round dance,
Mom wants some peace,
They hide in one another!
A. Kuleshova
Polkhov-Maidan Matryoshka doll
From Polkhov-Maidan matryoshka
slimmer and a little stricter.
Loves the color crimson and scarlet.
All in poppies of unprecedented beauty!
Olga Kiseleva
Polkhov – Maidan Matryoshka
I am a matryoshka from Maidan.
My outfit is decorated with flowers.
With shining petals.
And different berries,
Ripe and red.
Matryoshka dolls from Sergiev Pasad
I'm from Sergiev Pasad
I am very glad to meet you.
Given to me by artists
Bright Russian sundress.
I have for a long time
There is a pattern on the apron.
My handkerchief is famous
Multi-colored border.

Semenovskaya matryoshka
From Semenov's nesting doll,
and inside there are matryoshka crumbs.
I can count them -
one, two, three, four, five!
To count to ten,
I need to grow up a little.
Red bottom and yellow top
all these nesting dolls.
Holds roses in hand
and spirals on a scarf.
Olga Kiseleva
Semenovskaya matryoshka
I'm from quiet green
The town of Semenov.
I came to visit you
Bouquet of garden flowers
Pink, burgundy
I brought it as a gift.
Vyatka matryoshka
Our lips are like a bow,
Yes, the cheeks are like apples,
Have known us for a long time
All the people are at the fair.
We are Vyatka nesting dolls
More beautiful than anyone in the world.
Painted, bright
Our sundresses.
colorful dresses,
Rosy cheeks!
We open it -
Daughters are hiding in it.
Matryoshka on the window
Under a bright sundress,
And the whole family is in a nesting doll.
Like in a wooden house.
Everyone loves nesting dolls very much
Multi-colored clothes:
Always amazingly painted
Very bright and beautiful.
They are noble toys,
Foldable and good.
Matryoshka dolls are famous everywhere.
We really like them!

We are all familiar with the nesting doll - a wooden folding doll that has long become a symbol of Russian folk art and a traditional souvenir that is customary to buy in Russia. But parents should pay attention to the nesting doll as a unique educational toy that is definitely worth purchasing for a child. The matryoshka is simple, like everything ingenious, but this makes it no less interesting for children.

Matryoshka: description of the toy

A traditional matryoshka is a painted wooden doll with smaller dolls nested inside it. The shape of the nesting doll is close to the shape of an egg, and the toy has a flat bottom for stability. Each doll, except the very last one, is disassembled into two parts - upper and lower. There are usually at least three dolls in a nesting doll. There are souvenir options of 20, 30 and even 50 elements!

The matryoshka doll, familiar to us, depicts a woman in a red sundress and scarf. However, nowadays there are a wide variety of variations of toy painting: girls, families (grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, child), fairy tale heroes (Turnip, Teremok, Kolobok, Chicken Ryaba), etc. Matryoshka dolls depicting political figures, as well as portrait ones, are popular as souvenirs.

Matryoshka dolls are made mainly from soft wood: linden, less often birch and alder. The logs are dried for several years, with good ventilation. Carefully monitor the quality of wood drying - it should not be damp or dry. Production begins with the smallest non-separable doll. The subsequent ones are made from blanks of the required size (they are cut into two parts and excess wood is removed so that the smaller doll fits tightly inside the larger one). The largest doll has a special stand for stability.

Each figurine is polished, primed and then painted. Most often gouache is used, less often - watercolor, tempera, oil paints. Next, the nesting dolls are coated with oil varnish and dried.

The size of the matryoshka toy depends on the number of elements. The top doll of small nesting dolls of 3 elements has a size of 8-10 cm, of standard ones of 5 elements - 16-18 cm, of 7 elements - 18-21 cm, of 10 elements - 20-25 cm. Huge nesting dolls of 50 dolls have height 65-75 cm.

Matryoshka - a toy or a souvenir?

Before the birth of a child, the matryoshka doll is usually associated among adults with a traditional Russian souvenir. Yes, indeed, this is a very beautiful and bright memento that will decorate any home. And yet, the nesting doll is not an ordinary souvenir.

When asked whether nesting dolls are toys or just a piece of furniture, you can answer unequivocally: a nesting doll is a great toy for children! In addition to the fact that the traditional nesting doll itself is attractive to a child and you can play with it like a doll, it also folds out, which means you can come up with huge amount options for playing with it.

Firstly, matryoshka is a toy that develops initial movements and perceptions . It develops visual perception and touch, teaches the perception of shapes and colors, and helps improve coordination of movements. The simple shape of the nesting doll and its environmental friendliness make it an excellent educational toy for the youngest children.

Secondly, the matryoshka refers to toys that promote the physical development of a child . Like other collapsible toys, it trains the muscles of the hands and fingers and promotes the development of fine motor skills.

In addition, matryoshka is educational toy . This type toys contributes to the mental and sensory development and learning of children, broadening their general horizons. When playing with a matryoshka doll, a child solves a problem that is contained in the very design of the toy - to assemble and disassemble the doll. During the game, the baby’s attention and memory develop, his intelligence and observation skills grow.

The history of matryoshka - a Russian folk toy for children

Story wooden toy nesting dolls is vague, as different sources describe it differently. Most publications in the media and the Internet say that the first nesting doll was created at the end of the 19th century, during the heyday of public interest in its own national culture. In the Moscow workshop "Children's Education", created specifically to preserve the traditions of Russian folk toys, turner Vasily Zvezdochkin turned out the first detachable doll. The prototype of the nesting doll, according to sources, is the Japanese figurine of Fukuruma (spelling options - Fukurimi, Fukurama, Fukurokuju, Fukurokuju), one of the seven gods of luck, the god of wisdom and learning.

The artist Sergei Malyutin, a promoter of the “Russian style”, is considered the author of the sketch, the “father of the nesting doll”; in addition, it was he who painted the resulting toy. She was a round-faced peasant woman, dressed in an embroidered shirt and sundress. She was wearing an apron and a colorful scarf, and in her hands she was holding a black rooster. Inside the doll there were 7 more figures: three sisters, one with a sickle and the other with a loaf, a brother in a painted shirt, two more sisters and a swaddled baby - the smallest, inseparable doll. In 1900, the nesting doll received recognition at the World Exhibition in Paris, which led to an increase in demand for this toy.

In fact, the authorship of the nesting doll has not been established for certain. On the one hand, researchers unanimously attribute it to the artist Malyutin. However, turner Zvezdochkin claims in his memoirs that it was he who invented and created the toy. In addition, the legacy of the artist Sergei Malyutin really does not include a sketch of a matryoshka doll.

There is also confusion about the date of origin of the nesting doll. They call it 1893, 1896, and 1898. Zvezdochkin himself generally mentions the year 1900 - but the World Exhibition had already taken place in April, and perhaps the author admits inaccuracy in the dating (the memoirs were written 50 years later). By the way, Zvezdochkin is talking about creating three- and six-seater nesting dolls, although the Toy Museum in Sergiev Posad houses a matryoshka doll with 8 elements, and it is considered the first.

As for the Japanese origin of the nesting doll, the question remains open on this score. Indeed, the Japanese were excellent turning craftsmen. However, the idea of ​​detachable toys was traditional in Russian folk crafts - just remember about easter eggs. Everyone also knows the fairy tale about an iron chest, inside of which sits a hare, and inside it is a duck, in the duck is an egg - and that’s where Koshchei’s death is located... Perhaps this is precisely the deep meaning of the nesting doll: in order to get to the truth, you need to literally get to the bottom of it , tearing off all the lids.

The first Russian nesting doll did not have a name. Matryoshka, according to the general opinion of researchers, is a shortened form of the popular name Matryona in Russia, which, in turn, has Latin roots and is translated as “noble woman.” In addition, the name of the nesting doll echoes the ancient Indian word “matri”, which translates as “mother”. Hindu mythology describes matris as female manifestations of the divine, the number of matris ranged from 7 to 16. It looks like our nesting doll, doesn’t it?

Matryoshka is an educational toy! The benefits of your favorite nesting doll in the development of children

Matryoshka dolls are an invaluable aid in children’s development, despite their apparent simplicity. How is a matryoshka useful for a child?

  • Matryoshka introduces the baby to Russian folk art, traditional Russian culture.
  • A child playing with a matryoshka doll develops fine motor skills, strengthens the muscles of the hands and fingers, which is important for the development of speech.
  • This toy can be recommended as one of the first for a child: it is not only attractive, but also environmentally friendly, and also safe due to its rounded shape.
  • Matryoshka helps to get acquainted with colors in the game, develops tactile and visual perception.
  • The need to assemble and disassemble a toy, due to its design, trains the child’s attention and thinking.
  • With the help of a nesting doll, it is easy to explain to your child the concepts of “big-small”, “more-less”, “before-behind-between”, and introduce the basics of counting.
  • Matryoshka is a great toy for role-playing games. The very idea of ​​a nesting doll implies a game of family, where there is a matryoshka mother and her children of different ages.

For the nesting doll to be an educational toy, do not make it a familiar piece of furniture that is constantly in the baby’s field of vision. Take out the nesting doll only for the duration of the lesson in order to maintain the child’s interest in it. Also, don't forget that positive emotions are the key to the success of developmental activities - play games when the baby is inclined to them.

Games with matryoshka dolls for children

The matryoshka itself is an attractive toy for a child, but it is best for parents not only to give it to the child, but also to teach simple games.

Matryoshka games for little ones (from about 1 year old)

  1. Teach your child to open a matryoshka doll. Be surprised and happy with your baby that inside the big doll there is another, smaller one. Is there really someone inside her too?
  2. Show your child that each figure is assembled from two specific halves. If the halves do not fit, you will not be able to assemble the whole doll.
  3. Tell the baby: “The little doll is scared and asks the big one to hide it.” Let the child try to put the elements of the toy into one another.
  4. When the baby is not in the room, place the nesting dolls in visible places. Invite the child who comes in to look for the lost sisters.

Educational games with matryoshka dolls for 2-3 years

  1. Ask your child to give you the largest one, two smallest dolls, and a medium-sized doll. Offer to arrange the pupae by height - ascending or descending. You can come up with a story: the nesting dolls went to visit, the mother is in front, and the daughters are behind her, from the largest to the smallest. And the nesting dolls return home in the reverse order.
  2. Arrange the nesting dolls according to height, and “forget” one. Let the child guess where exactly it should stand.
  3. Place the largest and smallest nesting dolls at some distance from each other. Ask your child to separate several toys of large and small sizes that you have prepared in advance, sending the small ones “to visit” the small matryoshka doll, and the large ones to the large one.
  4. Invite your child to place the nesting dolls in “beds” (for example, rings from a pyramid) or houses (they can be made from cardboard boxes of different sizes). To do this, he will first need to distribute the nesting dolls and their cribs/houses by size. Another option for this game is to make several cardboard gates of different sizes in advance. The child needs to find a gate that is suitable in height for each nesting doll.
  5. If you have two sets of nesting dolls, mix them up and ask your child to sort them. And two sets of the same number of elements can be arranged in pairs.
  6. Trace the bases of the nesting dolls on a piece of paper or cardboard. Let the child choose its owner for each “chair”. Or you can imagine the circles as train carriages, boats, seats in a cinema, etc.
  7. Explain, and then ask questions yourself about the concepts of “more-less”, “higher-lower”, “front-back”, “right-left”.
  8. With the help of nesting dolls you can study numerals and the names of the days of the week. Name the nesting dolls with names that are consonant with the necessary concepts. Having put the upper halves of the dolls on your fingers, teach your child the names of the fingers.
  9. Hide the small nesting doll in any of the larger ones. Ask your child to determine by ear where the baby doll is hiding.

Games with matryoshka dolls for older children (from 3-4 years old)

  1. You can put beads/peas or cardboard circles inside the nesting dolls, in ascending order of size. If you want to help your child master numbers, write on the bottom of each nesting doll how many peas it contains. Show your child the number and then count the peas together.
  2. Matryoshka is great for role-playing games. Usually the largest nesting doll is the mother, and the smaller ones are her daughters. But for someone, a big nesting doll can also be a dad. Play with nesting dolls situations that are close to the child (or children). Communication between a mother and a child who does not obey, relations between older and younger children, conflicts on the playground. Several sets of nesting dolls can represent several families.
  3. Children over 4-5 years old can be asked to color the matryoshka blank. How older child, the more independent and accurate his work will be.

Types of nesting dolls

There are both classic wooden ones (with different types paintings), and non-standard nesting dolls: soft, plastic, nesting dolls-Christmas tree toys and others. The photo below shows various variations of nesting dolls:

Wooden matryoshka toys:

(matryoshka, Khokhloma);

(matryoshka, Gzhel);

(Dymkovo matryoshka toy);

(matryoshka doll, Filimonov painting);

(matryoshka doll, Gorodets painting);

(Vyatka matryoshka);

(Semyonovskaya matryoshka).

Wooden nesting dolls depicting fairy tale heroes

Chicken Ryaba:

Soft toy matryoshka

(matryoshka doll, anti-stress toy from Smoltoys);

(knitted nesting doll, handmade).

Matryoshka doll, plastic

New Year's doll

As you can see, the nesting doll is the whole world! It is not without reason that it fell in love and “took root” in Russian culture... Eco-friendly, bright, revealing many possibilities for play, the nesting doll will definitely become one of your child’s favorite toys.