Children's horoscope. Scorpio is a child. Raising a Scorpio Child

Self-confident - the navel of the earth

One-sided deposits
Development ends only by age 35
Strong urge to discover new things

Scorpio girl

Problems related to love arise early


Even if the birth was difficult, the Scorpio girl has amazing innate endurance. Is it true. she is somewhat insatiable when it comes to eating, and the corresponding consequences cause some problems for parents if they do not realize that the child's stomach is simply full and therefore saves itself by vomiting.
Scorpio girls demand the mother's breast with the greatest tenacity and for a very long time, and the obvious reluctance to feed in any other way is a source of great anxiety for the mother. All this trouble with the baby suddenly ends as soon as mother's milk is replaced by another food. Then that strong physique, which is so characteristic of the sign of Scorpio, manifests itself. The girl very quickly reaches a maturity surprising for children, which, of course, has negative aspects. However, the latter only later clearly reveals itself.


School years bring a Scorpio girl enough joy and pain. The reason for both is primarily her emotional life. The child's imagination, although capable of satisfying all demands, willingly follows along intricate paths all imaginary or real secrets. Likes or dislikes are of exceptional importance and also determine the effectiveness of work. A teacher who knows how to win the trust of a Scorpio girl can inspire her to significant achievements.
True, in recent years Studying at school in most cases develops a slightly problematic and difficult character to educate.

Time of education and growing up

Scorpio girls often try to choose a profession that is controversial from the point of view of an adult. Therefore, in this case, one must be very careful to exert effective intelligent influence in order to somehow help avoid wrong decisions, which can never be excluded with emotional thinking.
Preference is given to professions related to the problem of death and its prevention, for example, this could be the profession of a midwife or operating nurse. And natural sciences are available to Scorpio women; two of the most famous female scientists of modern times, Marie Curie, who took part in the discovery of radium, and nuclear physicist Lise Meitner, a colleague of Otto Hahn, were Scorpio women (both born on November 7).
Early physical maturity causes some turmoil, since certain experiences acquired before the age of 20 usually give rise to skepticism. In many cases, the middle of the third decade is decisive in professional and personal relationships. Brief period recuperation lasts until about 28 years of age; then comes a turning point that is fundamentally important for the further course of life.

Best years

If mistakes in personal life do not give rise to any particular difficulties that impede final development, then between the ages of 28 and 35, Scorpio women should expect a period of extraordinary activity and creative achievement. At this time, their efforts bear rich fruits. A successful choice of partner can have such an impact beneficial influence that in material terms the Scorpio woman will be completely provided for.
This climax is followed by a pause of three to five years, which brings encouragement solely in the emotional life. Attractions are now more spiritual, and therefore the sympathies that Scorpio women experience are correspondingly more valuable and reliable.
Only at 38-40 years old does another creative impulse take place, which to a certain extent contributes to finding balance, development and improvement. The results of this benefit, first of all, not the Scorpio woman herself, but rather the person she loves. This period of development can last ten to twelve years.
The years after menopause (which in Scorpio women usually occurs very late on average, in exceptional cases only after 55 years) serve to a lesser extent professional activities, rather than the final awareness of one’s “I”. The Scorpio woman now lives completely consciously, and what was previously only an intoxication of the senses becomes a pleasure for the soul. The body reacts to this wise abstinence with good tone and freshness.

Scorpio, already in diapers, can be recognized by his hypnotic, very expressive gaze. It seems to pierce right through, and when this child looks at mom or dad, it seems that he already knows everything about them and is hiding some secret within himself. Magnetism does not leave Scorpio throughout his life.

Even if this child is not very beautiful, he is probably unusually strong energetically and is capable of influencing his environment almost on a telepathic level.

Scorpios are different. Some are demanding, noisy, self-confident. Others - with deep inner life, but calm in appearance.

It’s nice to look at Scorpios, they are neat, eat beautifully, don’t throw food around the table, don’t throw bread. They will demand a new blouse if there is a stain on the old one. Often their neighboring sign Libra is filled, so they are drawn to the beautiful.

IN kindergarten they have a hard time. They feel like everyone is insulting them. For any reason, they pout and withdraw into themselves. Sometimes a simple request from a teacher seems to them like an infringement of their rights and coercion. It's funny to watch Scorpio in an argument. At this moment he looks like a cockerel on the fence. Even a mere trifle can cause a storm of emotions in him. If someone said that Masha came yesterday in a white blouse, and he is sure that she was wearing a pink one, he will prove it frantically and bitterly, as if we are talking about something fateful.

He is a terrible faultfinder and clings to everything in the world. Why did Kostya look at him so strangely, why did Lena play not with him, but with Vitya, why did the teacher ask him how he was doing yesterday, but not today. There is probably some hidden meaning behind all this.

At school he is hampered by impulsiveness and lack of restraint. Often the whole school, young and old, knows Scorpios, and their fame reaches all schools in the area. They can learn in different ways, depending on their innate abilities. Among them there are many medalists and excellent students, but there are just as many inveterate hooligans who are on all possible records. They do not like weak teachers and sometimes make sarcastic remarks about them, but at the same time they respect those who are strict and domineering. At the same time, they have extraordinary mental abilities And good memory. Many have a fair sense of purpose.

Arguing with Scorpios is dangerous. They are vindictive and vindictive. One Scorpio, ten years after graduating from school, sent his teacher a letter in which he expressed all his complaints long ago days gone by. They do not forget insults and carry them with them through life, not daring to abandon them along the way.

Scorpios often choose a victim at school or in the yard and begin to abuse him - physically or mentally. Scorpios feed themselves in this way. They constantly need to gnaw on some kind of bone. To prevent this from happening, Scorpio must constantly be busy.

Scorpio is a big fan of criticizing. He is the best speaker at meetings. He will remember all the little things that everyone has long forgotten, he will brand him with shame and angrily demand his “debt.”

Scorpios' uneven temperament makes them unpredictable. They are either passive and phlegmatic, or impulsive and absurd. It's never boring with them.

Scorpio is already born with a certain intimate experience. He is distrustful and even treats close people with suspicion. He is confident that he always does the right thing, and begins to exercise his rights very early.

Scorpio doesn't know how to give in. You can only break him down using the most ingenious methods. Yes, he himself learns early to be cunning and disingenuous. One three-year-old Scorpio ran to the kitchen every five minutes and blew water from a jug. When mom hid the jug, he walked around the kitchen in circles for a long time, and then said: “Mom, tell me this: “Pavlik, are you thirsty?”” The two-year-old girl Alice ate the candy and praised it. When grandfather jokingly asked for a piece, little Scorpio found it: “She has become so bitter!”

Scorpios learn early to achieve and fight. If persuasion does not work, they use cunning. They are not afraid of anything and usually emerge victorious from any dispute. Scorpio, among other things, has a wonderful sense of humor.

There is such an amazing pattern. Very often, before Scorpio is due to be born, or after he has already been born, someone in the family dies within about a year and a half. This is not necessarily the family where he is raised; this fate can befall the family of an uncle or aunt, cousins ​​or cousins. Scorpio is so energy-intensive that it needs space to come into life.

How to raise a Scorpio

Scorpio needs a harmonious, friendly, but rather strict environment. From childhood he must understand that his mother is more important than him. Strictness will be required, but without humiliation and loud showdowns. Scorpio values ​​strength. Otherwise, he will instantly sit on your head. He likes people who are unusual, self-confident, and purposeful.

They must be “consulted” and their importance emphasized in every possible way. This way they will feel responsible for mom or dad.

One mother found this way of parenting. She says to a three-year-old child: “Sasha, come with me to the store, I’m afraid I’ll forget to buy milk, so you’ll remind me.” He always asks: “Sasha, do you like my new dress? Don’t I look beautiful in it?” Sasha knows that he is a full member of the family and he does not need to prove his own importance to anyone. He enjoys being friends with his mother and helping around the house.

Scorpio, who lives in a family as if on his own, becomes intolerable.

Study your child. Then he will not be a “mysterious stranger” for you and you will be able to predict his behavior. Never nag him, don’t read morals, he is completely deaf to this. Communicate with him as equals.

Teach him early the main thing - love of humanity. Remember that the aggressiveness to which he is prone corrodes the soul and leads to illness and trouble. Teach him to resolve conflicts calmly and balancedly, talk to him more, analyze other people's actions. Take advantage of everyone accessible ways work on his shortcomings without him noticing anything. Watch movies together, and then talk about what you saw, read books. Scorpio can hardly bear the pressure, but he is happy to figure everything out on his own. Remember that he is prone to violent actions and because of this natural tendency, he can find himself in the most unpleasant situations.

Scorpio is prone to self-criticism, is often dissatisfied with himself and often settles scores with his own soul: without regret, he can pour the first number into it. Be sure to teach him to love himself.

Often a child needs to be alone. Don't get into his soul. He also has the right to a secret. A Scorpio without a secret is not a Scorpio. But keep in mind that your child has a natural addiction to drugs.

Since Scorpio is born ruthless, raise him to have compassion for the weak. This is where a small domestic animal can come to the rescue. Read to him more as a child good fairy tales, give examples of knights and good fairy-tale heroes. But buy fewer pistols, monsters, transforming supermen.

Unfortunately, Scorpio is one of the most criminal signs. And if you seriously missed something in childhood, you may have to regret it.

A properly raised Scorpio is a bright, independent person, proud, persistent, and courageous. Such a Scorpio is always internally ready for a feat.

He needs sufficient intelligence: such a person will follow a high, bright path. Undeveloped Scorpios always get into trouble and even have criminal tendencies. You can restrain your natural tendency to violence only if you have a sufficiently high level of development.

Scorpios often have occult abilities. Be very careful. It is strictly contraindicated for children to get involved in mysticism. Especially with the impressionability of Scorpio. Explain to him the dangers of such activities. If you go to temple, take it with you. Let his interest in religion be realized before your eyes.

What do Scorpios suffer from?

The Scorpio zone on the body is the lower abdomen. A child may develop cystitis and other bladder diseases early on. Since next to Scorpio on Zodiac circle Libra is prone to kidney diseases; your child may also have a tendency to kidney diseases. And they often begin with cystitis. Therefore, do not start bladder diseases, carry out treatment to the end.

If little Scorpio is raised with the help of punches and shouts, he can become a patient of a neurologist. The hysterical Scorpio is a phenomenon well known to doctors.

Injuries to the face and head and operations occur. Infectious diseases that occur with high fever, delirium and hallucinations are not uncommon. In childhood, many Scorpios suffer from rubella and dysentery. Many Scorpios get hepatitis.

Their sexuality awakens early. In general, in the astrological tradition, Scorpio personifies everything related to reproduction and relations between the two sexes. Therefore, Scorpios are prone to genitourinary diseases and sexually transmitted diseases. And if we take into account their remarkable temperament, they are given many opportunities for this in life. Explain to your children the rules of protection against “gifts of Venus” and be sure to work on their morality.

Scorpios are sometimes bitten by snakes.

Scorpios have an unusually large margin of safety. Therefore, do not run around a sick Scorpio lamenting, it is better to leave him alone, give him the opportunity to rest. He is recovering well from his illness.

Professions for Scorpio

Those professions that require endurance, patience, and determination are suitable for this sign.

Scorpio shows an interest in manifestations of the fighting spirit. Suitable for him military service or working in the police. Scorpio boys enjoy playing at being scouts and spies; they retain this interest for the rest of their lives. Scorpios are good investigators with excellent intuition, criminologists. They are great at everything related to revealing secrets. Scorpios serve in prisons and colonies.

They are attracted by political and social activities. There are many human rights activists among them.

Scorpio is strong in medicine and can choose for himself the field of a surgeon, dentist, radiologist, anesthesiologist, gynecologist or paramedical personnel.

If Scorpio has chosen the profession of a journalist, then this is a special journalist. He is certainly attracted to “hot spots”, unsolved cases, secret machinations.

Many Scorpios are attracted to cars and mechanisms, weapons. They are attracted to mechanical engineering, metalworking industry, hot shop, forge. Lots of Scorpios in chemical industry, aviation, space industry.

Scorpios, who are drawn to art and literature, often choose the profession of critics, while others become creators themselves.

Representatives of this sign are often interested in alternative medicine, herbal medicine, cosmetology, and herbal medicine.

Scorpio chooses his profession himself, based on his own intuition. You can only give him a hint. Sooner or later he will find his place in life, although nothing comes easy to him.

Your child and you

Scorpio is poorly “trained”; he lives his own mysterious life. The only thing you can do is adapt. Don't be afraid of your child, look for him weak points. And be sure to take a break from it when necessary. Scorpio is a strong vampire, it is difficult to stay near him for a long time. Unload your energy during vacation, send it to grandma or to camp. Give yourself the opportunity to rest. However, do not abuse this, because you are still his main educator.

Scorpio child - Aries parent

Two strong signs are fighting for supremacy. They both have a spirit of rivalry and competition. Prove your superiority not too zealously and not every day. Do not overdo it in your zeal to “break off the horns of this slob.”

Scorpio child - Taurus parent

Taurus is ready to endure everything and is ready to forgive everyone. Or rather, he will push his resentment inside. Scorpio does the same. Most likely, the wise, thorough Taurus will be able to subordinate Scorpio to his influence. They have no expressed disagreements.

Scorpio child - Gemini parent

The superficiality of Gemini is in no way compatible with the depth of Scorpio. Your child can teach you a lot. First of all, the fact that close people need close communication, and not talking on the phone.

Scorpio child - Cancer parent

A good alliance if Cancer manages to prove its superiority. And to do this, you need not to sit and worry about every skirmish with your child, but to talk to him without losing your composure. Put it in its place, then everything will be fine.

Scorpio child - Leo parent

Both will get it here. Both are possessive, both are jealous, both are domineering. Here education is based on the principle of “who will break who.” In this combination, it is better if Leo is the father and not the mother.

Scorpio child - Virgo parent

Virgo, unfortunately, is weaker than her child. However, if they have common affairs, the situation improves. They work well together.

Scorpio child - Libra parent

Difficult tests. However, both are excellent diplomats and, with sufficient respect for each other, can coexist quite tolerably. Let Libra listen more to their children and trust them with serious matters.

Scorpio child - Scorpio parent

Two Scorpios in one jar. And they can either become friends or eat each other up. Of course, the first option is preferable.

Scorpio child - Sagittarius parent

“Wide” and “deep” collided. Sagittarius will be surprised by Scorpio's narrow focus, and he, in turn, will be annoyed that Sagittarius needs everything in the world. Don’t stop Scorpio from being himself; your job is to monitor his morality and help him develop.

Scorpio child - Capricorn parent

A very promising family. Capricorn has a lot to teach Scorpio, and they think alike. But Scorpio needs everything “here and now,” and Capricorn can wait until tomorrow.

Scorpio child - Aquarius parent

Since it will be very difficult for you to understand your child, seek the help of a psychologist. You are free, and Scorpio suffers from a given nature. Sympathize with him and help him in his difficult life, even if you don’t understand much about him.

Scorpio child - Pisces parent

Pisces has a great chance of getting under the thumb of their child. The relationship evens out as Scorpio grows and begins to care for Pisces. Try to get him on your side as early as possible.

Scorpio Friends

In kindergarten, these guys are on their own. They don't say anything, but it often seems suspicious. They are silent differently than everyone else. It always seems that their mind is busy with some grandiose work and they are in once again are up to something.

They can join the children's group right away, but they will keep to themselves, even if they start playing with everyone else.

They form an impression of a person at first sight and then do not like to change this impression. If they didn’t like someone, that’s it. However, they are loyal and serious friends.

It is traditionally believed that Scorpios begin to like you early opposite sex, even the most ugly boys and girls early become objects of adoration. This is to blame for their extraordinary magnetism, which is felt on a subconscious level. Sexuality awakens early in Scorpio. Something demonic appears in Scorpio boys, and witchcraft in girls. But Scorpio is possessive, and if he has the misfortune of liking someone, he will jealously make sure that no one looks at them suspiciously. But he himself will remain faithful.

Scorpios have good relationships with Cancers, Pisces, Taurus, Virgos and Capricorns.

Colors and talismans

Since the ruler of Scorpio is Mars, its Martian color is red. Shades of gray and black will also suit him.

Scorpio talismans - aquamarine, coral, garnet. Coral is especially suitable for Scorpio. Just like Pisces, he will benefit from sorting through sea pebbles. This will calm your nerves and activate your mind.

Let him have his own box with pebbles and shells. Carnelian will help Scorpio to deal with earthly affairs.

Iron and steel are suitable metals for a talisman. Let aloe and boxwood grow in your child's room.

Famous Scorpios

Pablo Picasso, Hillary Clinton, Francois Mitterrand, Woody Goldberg, Theodore Roosevelt, Alfred Hitchcock, Diego Maradona, Astrid Lindgren, Jawaharlal Nehru, Chiang Kai-shek, Julia Roberts, Christopher Columbus, Marie Antoinette, Anatoly Papanov, Nestor Makhno, Svyatoslav Roerich , Vivien Leigh, Demi Moore, Leon Trotsky, Alain Delon, Oleg Menshikov, Ivan Turgenev, Fyodor Dostoevsky, James Cook, Auguste Rodin, Claude Monet, Maya Plisetskaya, Leonardo DiCaprio, Prince Charles, Jodie Foster, Calvin Klein.

Specific features of the birthday

October 25. Very reliable, but not self-confident. The first attracts others to them, the second prevents them from living.

October 28. They are suspicious and afraid of getting sick. They can be real tyrants in their own family.

October 30. Broad-minded, not afraid of large-scale undertakings. They are not interested in small and everyday things.

October 31st. You've been struggling with something your whole life. Ascetic, do not strive for comfort. They love their family very much.

November 1st. They are inexplicably attracted to danger. Perhaps that is why they are so prone to accidents.

November 2. Needs updating of impressions. If life stagnates, they take action to change the scenery.

November 3. They are very secretive, silently worry and develop nervous diseases. They never rush and act with confidence.

November 4. Very attractive. They pay a lot of attention to the problems of other people, while forgetting about themselves.

November 5th. Secretive and lazy. They have amazing ability be in the center of events.

November 6. Very active and active. At the same time, their strong energy can be tiresome for many.

November 7. They cannot stand stagnation; everything around them must bubble. At the same time, simple calm family life they are bored.

November 8. They are attracted to money. But they are strictly contraindicated gambling and illegal monetary transactions.

November 9. Emotionally unstable, they devote a lot of energy to earthly pleasures. They need to develop their spirituality.

November 10. They are very picky and create a lot of problems for others. They can be withdrawn and passive.

November 12. They are extremely talented, but they do not always find the right point of application of energy.

November 13. They need to be rational own capabilities and sometimes give yourself the opportunity to take a break from stress.

November 14. Always ready for action. They are very suspicious and may suffer from diseases that they do not have.

November 15. Conflictful and aggressive. Very dangerous enemies. They constantly expect something bad from life.

November 17. They are pampered and cannot live without comfort and wealth. Often they achieve both. But it can be difficult for people around them because they lack diplomacy.

November 19. Rebels and rebels. They instinctively strive for conflicts because living in peace is boring for them.

November 21st. They are sophisticated, have good manners, but need tips, since they do a lot of stupid things in life.

November 22. Human rights activists take an active life position. At the same time, they are very self-sufficient and never care about what people think of them.

A mother can feel the first inclinations of the character of her unborn child during pregnancy. Belonging to a zodiac sign has its own meaning on the child’s character. Children born between October 24 and November 22 fall under the influence of the Scorpio sign.

Basic character traits

Babies born under this sign are endowed with a difficult character. Even from the beginning of their first days, loving parents will be able to face the difficulties of “raising” their babies. In the nature of children of this sign, excellent character traits can coexist with very difficult ones.

Character Traits of Scorpio Children:

General information about Scorpio children

Even in early childhood, parents show concern that children of this zodiac sign are subject to frequent colds. This trend really exists, but it is relevant only in the early stages of a child’s life. With each new month, the baby’s immune system strengthens, his body becomes stronger and can better resist colds.

Scorpio boys and girls, like Aries, tend to be overly curious. Moreover, they will be attracted not by the beautiful “wrapper” of an object or toy, but by its component. Therefore, you shouldn’t be too surprised when the Scorpio boy dismantles the new gift car for parts.

Scorpio boy

Despite the fact that both sexes have similarities in character, boys show less feelings and more persistence in their behavior.

Male children, for the most part, cause more trouble for their parents in the process of raising them. This sign is no exception. And if in infancy a boy maintains a strong spiritual connection with his mother, then as he grows up he will begin to move away from her. And this should not be associated with any problems, but should be accepted as a feature of the son’s character.

He will try to solve problems on his own, while showing independence and secrecy. These qualities cannot always be regarded as signs of a strong nature, because often refusing the help of parents can lead to big troubles. Mother and father will have to work hard to ensure that their offspring does not hesitate to turn to them for advice and help, and is not afraid of showing their emotions.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight such valuable human quality like devotion. Scorpio boys are very loyal in friendships and family relationships. But this does not mean that they can be treated with disdain, because they also have a vindictive nature. There is no need to intentionally offend Scorpio children, otherwise they will take revenge. And if you fail to implement your plan, then you can be sure that the resentment will not disappear like a goat in the forest, but will wait in the wings in the depths of memory.

Boys do not tolerate kisses, gentle hugs and other tactile manifestations of love. Therefore, mothers will have to put up with this feature of their children.

Truthfulness is another character trait that will often put a boy in an awkward position. Scorpio children express the truth head-on, rarely softening or embellishing it. Rarely does anyone like such categoricalness.

The boy’s physical development is most often excellent. He is endowed good health, prefers outdoor games and sports, where he can defend his leadership positions.

Perseverance can help him in sports achievements, but often harms him in friendships. The zodiac sign Scorpio (if the child is a boy) is characterized by such character traits as perseverance and self-confidence.

It is very difficult to change his opinion on certain points about which the guy has already formed his opinion.

It’s difficult to argue with a boy of this sign, so parents use a trick - they agree with him in general, but add some important “moments”. A Scorpio boy born in the year of the Monkey may be especially important. An adult must be very authoritative and respected for a boy to listen to him.

Scorpio girl

One of the main characteristic features girls of this sign are feminine cunning. From the first years of their lives, children understand charm and charm and put them into practice. If the baby decides to get a new Barbie doll, a soft toy or another chocolate bar, she will receive it.

Mother and child Scorpio girl will establish a spiritual connection with each other, which should exist between close people. The daughter will begin to share her experiences and secrets with her mother, but only if she is sure that the mother does not reveal these secrets to anyone. The baby is characterized by secrecy and suspicion. To earn her trust, an adult or her peer will need to try hard.

But all these qualities do not mean that the young representative of the fair sex does not need support. On the contrary, she simply needs words of love and support, admiration for her portfolio from loving parents. They must “nourish” her nature with love and give her confidence in her abilities.

The Scorpio girl child really needs personal space. Therefore, if the baby has moved away from her parents for a while, you should not disturb her. At first, this could be a playhouse, where parents are prohibited from entering, and then a private room where the teenager will spend time alone.

A girl born under this sign will be both very emotional and secretive. Such a mixture of qualities will not make it easier for parents to raise her. Besides the girl will have quick mood changes and a desire for leadership.

The girl will react rather negatively to criticism addressed to her. This should be taken into account before raising a child. It is also difficult for her to accept praise from stranger, especially if you were born in the year of the Monkey. A Scorpio child, despite his emotionality, is not able to show tenderness.

Astrologers and psychologists call this zodiac sign aggressive. A boy child justifies this statement to a greater extent. Scorpio children do not like excessive control, even from their beloved parents.

The horoscope assures that it is precisely thanks to the ability to understand people well that they almost always act decently, honestly, principled and bluntly.

Behavior of children in society

It is not entirely easy to communicate with people born under this zodiac sign. They are less endowed with communicative qualities. Their actions are often unpredictable. In childhood, little Scorpios quickly change mercy for anger, but with age they learn to master their temper.

Children, regardless of gender, can be very jealous. Moreover, the baby can be jealous of his parents, brothers and even friends in kindergarten. This trait may not disappear over the years and can cause a lot of trouble in family life.

Parents need to always be at their best so that their children consider them role models. Children, sensitive to falsehood, insincerity and lies, can very quickly become disillusioned with their surroundings.

If the surrounding children recognize the Scorpio child as a leader, then the friendship will succeed. The “stinging” crumbs are not used to obeying other people’s rules of the game. It is on this basis that conflict situations can arise. This sign also has noble qualities that are valued during friendship.

Valuable qualities of a Scorpio friend:

  • devotion;
  • desire to protect the weak;
  • honesty;
  • justice.

Learning ability

Thanks to leadership qualities and curiosity, children can achieve good academic success. But a good result will be ensured only if the child shows a desire to gain knowledge. If Scorpio does not have such a desire or his parents fail to awaken him, then it will not be possible to force this sign to study by force.

Scorpio children love mysterious and intriguing stories. Very often they choose exciting hobbies for themselves. During adolescence, there is a risk that such children will engage in extreme sports.

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This is a very closed sign, they let few people into their hearts, trust few people, even when they are kids. A Scorpio child can spend the whole day in some corner and not utter a single word. Moreover, this behavior is not explained by some hidden resentment, but only by considerations of personal comfort. Therefore, for many adults, children of this sign will seem like a mystery.

The Scorpio child is very emotional, willful, decisive, does not accept lies and falsehood, and can be too stubborn, but only in cases where his interests are hurt.

The hardest thing is for those expectant mothers who are awaiting the birth of little Scorpio. By its nature, this sign is endowed with colossal energy, in addition, it is under the protection of Mars, which always strives to launch full-scale military operations. Therefore, a woman carrying a future Scorpio must cope with seething emotions throughout her pregnancy.

But once they look into the eyes of their baby, Scorpio’s relatives will immediately find an explanation for the mother’s strange behavior. Such newborns have a piercing, magnetic gaze that literally sees right through everyone. All this is felt not so much on the physical plane, but on the energetic one.

However, despite the enormous energy potential, most of these children are born physically weak. And in early childhood they often suffer from infectious diseases, but as they grow older, their irrepressible energy will stabilize, and with it the entire functioning of the body will improve. In general, they can be described as pretty tough kids.

Scorpio preschoolers

Despite all their closeness, they are quite emotional. The patronizing planet Mars is a fiery element, and the zodiac sign is a water one, so the result is a kind of fiery, eternally seething water. It is this combination that explains their impulsiveness.

They are vulnerable and sensitive, but will never show it, considering such behavior beneath their dignity. The child will endure the insult in silence, but if the opportunity is right, he will definitely return his debt to you, without spending any effort on it, by saying one appropriate word at the right time. At the same time, little Scorpio may still demand sympathy from the mother, but will not caress for a long time.

Scorpion, children's horoscope says that such a child’s worldview is always categorical. For them there is nothing half-hearted or in-between. Therefore, they are also called perfectionists and maximalists. They have two extremes - good and bad. If it’s good, then it’s ideal, and if it’s bad, then it’s unacceptable.

They strive to control people, but unlike the little Lion Cubs, they do not do it so openly. In cases where Scorpio does not receive or does not receive enough sincere love and sympathy in childhood, lives in constant stress or under pressure, he can become prone to manipulation.

These children are extremely perceptive, so it is important to do everything sincerely. A lack of pure and open feelings can provoke the development of strong envy, not only towards strangers, but also towards your loved ones. Unlike the other 11 signs, it is Scorpios who are fully aware of their lack, while others are deluded and believe that they do not have any envy, and therefore are under its control.

Little Scorpios are attached to their grandparents. And the death of one of the relatives leaves an indelible mark on the child’s soul. These children deeply experience the passing of someone close to them, especially if they had to witness this event. Of course, the psyche of any child is not protected from such shocks until the age of 5, but in the case of Scorpio, the matter is complicated by possible consequences. For example, phobias associated with death may arise that will haunt him for the rest of his life. In this regard, parents should protect their baby from such experiences as much as possible.

These kids are alarmingly curious. They love to learn other people's secrets; keeping them is much worse than obtaining them. This predilection can be traced even in toys; Scorpio children are not interested in texture, material or shape, but in the internal component, because it is hidden, and therefore interesting by default.

On top of everything else, these are very independent and willful individuals. The patronizing planet rewarded them with excessive emotionality and an eternal desire to assert themselves. Adults should show patience and respect for little Scorpios. Their behavior is an integral part of their character.

With the right approach, your child will grow into a harmonious person with a clearly defined life position who knows his needs, weaknesses and strengths. He will intuitively maneuver through life’s ups and downs without losing enthusiasm or falling into depression.

Scorpio schoolchildren

Despite belonging to the same zodiac sign,

From an early age, Scorpios actively win their place in the sun and defend their opinions.

Little Scorpios are different. Some will grow up active and impulsive, while others will grow up quiet and modest; it will still not be possible to tame and control any of them. Some will agree with you, since their intuition will tell them that this is the least energy-consuming option, but in the end they will do as they themselves decided; others will get their way with shouts and whims. No amount of threats or pressure works in the case of Scorpios. The more strength and persistence you show, the more resistance you will receive.

These guys are always on the move. Looking at them, you can say that they are ahead of their time. They act first and think later, all because they sorely lack time for analysis. However, this goes away with age. If a child has committed an act that is not worthy of respect, he will reproach himself for a long time for it. Moreover, he will impose the same feeling on everyone else.

By nature, Scorpios are not very affectionate, and besides, the desire for constant action forces them not to linger on one object for long. Be it new toy or a bored mother. For them, showing affection is a sign of weakness, which they do not forgive either themselves or their loved ones.

The child is very demanding of himself and those around him. He rarely trusts anyone, but having found such a person, he will be sincere and honest, and expects the same in return. Having disappointed Scorpio once, you can lose his favor forever.

In any person, from time to time, positive - creative and negative - destructive energies accumulate. The strength of its action depends on the energy potential. With Scorpio children you need to be as careful as possible in this matter. If your baby has absorbed negative energy and does not get rid of it in time, you may end up with a cruel and tyrannical child.

Of course, you shouldn’t give in to any manifestation of waywardness, but every parent will be able to accurately determine the extent of permissibility specifically for their child. But adults still should not forget about the peculiarities of the psyche of a Scorpio child. Such children need to be allowed to let off steam from time to time.

Little Scorpio is distinguished by his keen intuition; he easily manipulates early age, which means he has a good understanding of people. Therefore, if you decide to scold him, then the reason for punishment must be compelling, so that he feels the seriousness of your intention. With such children, the level of respect for you is determined only by the amount of sincerity that you show towards them.

It is quite difficult for Scorpios to get along with their peers. The reason for this is the love of perfectionism. They do not forgive even the smallest mistakes, and in order to facilitate communication with other children, parents need to explain to their child that everyone can make a mistake and, moreover, has the right to do so. And maybe it makes sense to give the other person a second chance. At the same time, it is worth talking about his own mistakes very carefully so as not to hurt his pride.

The desire for leadership, the desire to control everything and everyone and at the same time the reluctance to obey anyone, can make a Scorpio a class commander. Arriving at school, the Scorpio boy will try to gain at least some kind of social power.

Natural insight and good intuition will help him gain trust among his classmates. And if they choose him as their leader, he will be the best of them. Such a leader will not act ostentatiously or demand daily praise. Comments and criticism are only to the point, but decisions made– always well thought out.

The Scorpio girl is a very capable student. To motivate her even more, you can take advantage of her passion for everything perfect. Since she is an idealist, she will try to be the first in her studies.

Hobbies and interests of Scorpios

In his hobbies, this child also loves everything unknown and unknown. It is for such children that fantasy books are written, for example, Harry Potter, Peter Pan, The Chronicles of Narnia. Scorpio can spend the whole day reading one of them.

Boys' favorite toys will be cars and weapons, and the Scorpio girl child will choose, oddly enough, the same cars and weapons.

As they grow older, the desire to reveal secrets for Scorpios will remain the first criterion in choosing hobbies; for example, among archaeologists you can often find representatives of this sign.

But since this is also a very emotional sign, in sports he will give preference to such activities as: surfing, skiing, parachute jumping. Especially if your Scorpio child is a boy. With the help of dangerous sports, they get rid of negative emotions.

Scorpio Child Health

  • The most vulnerable place is the genitourinary system. Even at a very tender age this will bring certain troubles, so for them good hygiene is the key to excellent health.
  • A cough may appear periodically, without any apparent reason. However, it appears as quickly as it disappears.
  • Ayurveda says that all diseases first appear in the energy level, and then they switch to physical. So Scorpio, like no one else, needs to get rid of negative energy to avoid health problems in the future.


Parents who receive a Scorpio baby will have a hard time. After all, despite his inexperience and young age, he already has his own point of view, and he will certainly defend it. And most adults have the belief that only with age do people become wiser and acquire the right to a personal worldview.

He has good leadership abilities. If parents respect him, take into account his opinion, believe in him and sometimes correct his behavior, giving correct arguments, they will grow up successful, harmonious and most importantly - happy man who accepts himself as he is, with all his shortcomings and advantages.

Scorpio may sometimes have an attack of aggression, to avoid this, this energy should be redirected into a peaceful direction or given some object to discharge. He needs this like air; he should perceive this behavior as a forced reboot, without which good activity is impossible.

Violent methods of education should never be used in relation to Scorpios. Of course, violence is not acceptable with any other children, but in in this case The law of resistance applies when you receive even more force in response. We must remember that with such a child the best remedy Problem solving will be a constructive conversation.

When little Scorpio is wrong or has made a mistake, there is no need to point it out directly. It is worth listening to his explanation; perhaps you do not fully understand the current situation and after the conversation you will change your point of view on this incident. If it turns out that he made a mistake, explain this to him. As practice shows, most children of this sign are more insightful and reasonable than we think.

Scorpios begin to become interested in the opposite sex earlier than others, so you need to provide all the necessary information in a timely manner. If this is not done, then they will study on their own with the same ardent passion characteristic of them.

In general, with such a child you just need to remain sincere and fair. Children love and accept us with all our shortcomings and strengths. And we must answer them in kind.

Children's horoscope for other zodiac signs

Table: Complete for all zodiac signs

Scorpio boy is unusual child who has secrets, but willingly shares them with his friends and loved ones whom he trusts. The horoscope of the sign from birth says that the Scorpio boy copes with all troubles easily, which surprises adults who set him up as an example to other children. Parents of little Scorpios will have to come to terms with the boy’s secrecy, which goes away with age and level of trust. The zodiac sign Scorpio is used to hiding their emotions, but this does not affect their mood, and this does not make their character complex.

The horoscope shows that this zodiac sign constantly tries to show itself as strong and independent of the environment and situation. Parents should instill responsibility in their child, but remember that it is inherent in him by nature. The zodiac sign Scorpio does not show its emotions, but this does not apply to likes and dislikes. If a sign admires someone, he will not hide it, but his character will also not allow him to hide his reluctance to communicate, his contempt for someone or something. This feature may interfere in the future; the child may lose company and authority.

Horoscope – Scorpio and its features

The horoscope highlights the following characteristics of the boy:

  • Well-developed intuitive thinking, the zodiac sign Scorpio rarely makes decisions based on emotions, he is reasonable and will think several times before making a decision.
  • The love of solitude and the tendency to hide one’s emotions - these characteristics of the sign cannot be avoided; the Scorpio boy, as his horoscope says, tends to spend more time alone with himself, he does not trust everyone, and even parents must deserve this, otherwise the boy will close himself off for a long time, and Trying to get him to talk will only make the situation worse.
  • Absent-mindedness and having your head in the clouds - a sign from the outside may relate not to this world, but to in a good way, his gaze is distant, he is completely immersed in his thoughts, and if you say something to a sign, it is better to repeat it twice, the first time the words will be just sound for him.
  • A careful study of everything that surrounds him - this absent-minded look just says that he is busy studying something and these are concrete things, and not his fantasies.

The horoscope of the sign prepared the boy to choose only the most faithful people in life. This manifests itself with early childhood when a sign shows a desire to communicate with only a few boys and girls from big company. Of course, this is very good, but there is also another side to the coin. Detachment and such selectivity will not be liked by other guys, and under the influence of the company, even the friends he has chosen may abandon him. This continues while the children behave “like everyone else,” but then, when the realization of individuality comes, almost all children show a desire to be friends with the sign.

The sign Scorpio has one very interesting feature. At the same time that children are accustomed to hiding their emotions, the horoscope says that it is emotions that are driving force sign. Such children feel good surrounded by several people, they feel the situation, people’s attitude towards them, and this helps them to separate where it is good and where it is bad. The Scorpio child has a reserved character, but when you need to share joy with someone, the sign cannot be stopped.

What abilities does a Scorpio child have?

Scorpio children are very responsible, trusting their emotions and the conclusions of their minds. The sign makes a decision on its own, but by pretending that it doesn’t care about someone else’s opinion, the child knows how to listen to useful tips. A child should not frighten his parents with independence from childhood, and this is exactly what should be expected. Scorpio children behave like adults, and facts and arguments are important to them. A child may often ask unchildish questions, and parents should answer encyclopedically. This way, children receive an answer and do not feel deceived.

This zodiac sign is quite energetic and parents may even take this for some kind of deviation, but until the age of 7-9 the child calms down and behaves as rationally as his thoughts are structured. The child is wise beyond his years, so it is advisable to send him to additional English courses, for example, or chess, which will allow him to cope with hyperreactivity earlier. The energy along with the strength of mind of the Scorpio zodiac sign makes him popular in school. He does well in math and in class. physical culture runs the fastest.

The zodiac sign horoscope warns of one danger. A Scorpio without an upbringing, a child from a dysfunctional family quite often chooses the wrong path associated with drugs, easy connections, and street life. Parents should give him maximum love, but raise him with a degree of severity, which the sign will only thank for in the future.

Health horoscope

The weak spots of a small scorpion can be identified as the organs of the excretory system - kidneys, liver, rectum. The sign corresponds to the genitals - the groin area, lower abdomen, bladder. These organs need to be especially monitored. Scorpio is prone to quite serious diseases, such as hepatitis, dysentery, and cholelithiasis. Boys may have congenital heart problems, but proper treatment will resolve this.

A child's nutrition is of great importance. The sign benefits from light foods, it is advisable to do fasting days and try to protect the child from products of unknown chemical composition.

Moderate physical activity will benefit, especially running, race walking, rock climbing and similar sports. It is important that boys can throw out their energy and emotions that accumulate in them in sports, as this is useful and will direct Scorpio in the right direction.

Upbringing and character

The character of a boy under seven years old can be clearly described in a few words - passion, energy, intelligence. These three characteristics form a capable child who can charm everyone, young and old, with his charm. As soon as a boy goes to school, he immediately chooses a company for himself in accordance with his upbringing, but if his preferences are very different, he may ignore his parents, which is not good. He studies without problems, is more inclined to choose mathematics, physics, geometry, but sometimes he may be interested in reading poetry.

After seven years, children are already beginning to seriously think about whether there is life after school, and if there is, then what place they occupy in this world. This outwardly manifests itself in serious conclusions and a desire to discuss the future. Already at the age of ten, Scorpio will tell his parents who he sees himself in the future and will definitely achieve this.