Denis Maidanov real name and surname. Biography and personal life of Denis Maidanov’s wife Natalia

Denis Maidanov - Russian singer, composer, songwriter, actor and producer. In 2012, Denis Maidanov’s team became the winner of the “Battle of the Choirs” project.

Childhood and youth of Denis Maidanov

Denis Vasilyevich Maidanov was born in the winter of 1976 in a small town in the Saratov region. WITH early childhood he did not miss a single concert that took place in Balakovo, and after graduating from the directing department of the Moscow state university culture and arts became seriously interested in music.


“When I left the city at the age of 25, I had already gone there from the leader of a vocal-instrumental ensemble to an employee of the city’s cultural department. Conducted major events - city, regional, international. IN free time wrote songs for local stars. I think that after some time I would have become a deputy, there was a direct path. Maybe I would still have ended up in Moscow, only along the political line - I also liked that and still like it.”

The creative path of Denis Maidanov

In 2000, he acted as a producer for the group HB and became the author of hits for many representatives Russian stage– Nikolai Baskov, Alexander Marshal, Natalia Vetlitskaya, Marina Khlebnikova, Ed Shulzhevsky, the groups “Strelki”, “White Eagle” and others. In 2002, singer Sasha performed the composition “Behind the Fog,” written by Denis Maidanov, and the author was awarded the “Song of the Year” award. The popular songs “Avtoradio” and “Happy New Year, Country” performed by the group “Murzilki International” were also written by Denis Maidanov.


“I used to write for pop artists to order in order to earn money. And among them there were many fly-by-night groups. Many people think that it is enough to buy a song from good author, record a video with a fashionable director - and success is guaranteed. But the crisis put everything in its place. Now I can allow myself to create songs for myself, more sincere, not to please the music market"

The artist admits that his favorite compositions “I love you so much” and “Next to you” were performed by Yulian and Nikolai Baskov. He has never been ashamed of his songs, but he considers some of them the most successful and worthwhile. Denis Maidanov does not like to give his songs to someone who does not feel them and does not breathe life, so the musician always controls later life compositions. If an artist seems promising to Denis Maidanov, then he can give a song.


“The path of a composer is very difficult. But the composer's Olympus is much harder, because basically all the laurels go to the performer. After all, very few people think about who wrote the famous song. The only exceptions are people working in show business. Everyone else is interested in the success of the performer. And when the artist finds his composer, who produces the series good songs, a tandem is formed, which shapes the success of the performer. In addition, the composer must also be a music producer. He must understand how his songs should sound in order to be successful."

Denis Maidanov has enormous experience as a composer; he has spent thousands of hours in studios and is proficient in various programs and instruments. He himself can make a preliminary layout of the future song. But the climb to Olympus for a composer is much longer and more difficult than for a performer. Over the 10 years that Denis Maidanov has lived in Moscow, various stars have approached him. From 2001 to 2008, selling songs was the business of Denis Maidanov, but in 2009 the musician decides to work only for himself and engage in solo career. In June 2009, Denis Maidanov’s debut album “I will know that you love me…” was released.


“I have a lot of autobiographical songs. That is, these are the stories that I live. They are very rich – after all, there is never a dull moment in our lives. Or I can simply take stories from life: hear a phrase dropped by someone or even listen to the president and continue thinking about the topic, embodying it creatively. All songs are born differently and there is no criterion for their writing. I can start with a piece of text, I can start with a fragment of a melody, I can compose in a traffic jam or in the bathroom in the morning.”

However, sometimes Denis Maidanov writes songs for his favorite artists. For example, in December 2010, Boris Moiseev sang “Little Paris”. But the singer suffered a stroke, and the song had already hit the radio stations. Denis Maidanov decided that Boris Moiseev should sing something else, and composed “I will live now.” The words: “I will continue to do what I did, I will not break” helped Boris Moiseev in 2011, when the singer performed at concerts, overcoming his illness. On May 1, 2011, Denis Maidanov’s second solo disc, entitled “Rented World,” was released. In addition to the stage, cinema plays a significant role in the composer’s life. Denis Maidanov wrote soundtracks for the famous TV series “Zone”, “Angelica”, “Revenge”, and also took part in the filming of several multi-part projects: “Trace”, “Dasha Vasilyeva - a lover of private investigation”, “Alexandrovsky Garden”, “Hunting” on Izyubrya", "Moscow Saga". In 2012, Denis Maidanov plays the role of Nikolai Sibirsky, a singer, in the TV series “Bros-3”. In 2010 Denis Maidanov was awarded a medal“For service in the North Caucasus”, for participation in the annual charity event of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 2009 for the composition “ Eternal love"The performer received the Golden Gramophone award. In 2012, he won the MK Soundtrack award with the song “Nothing I’m sorry for.” In 2012 he won the Chanson of the Year award in the Kremlin with the song “Bullet”. In 2012 he received the Road Radio Star award. At the beginning of 2012, Denis Maidanov performed together with Gosha Kutsenko on the same stage of the “Two Stars” project on Channel One. In August 2012, Denis Maidanov participated in the Russia 1 TV channel project “Battle of the Choirs” as a mentor of a choir from Yekaterinburg. Denis Maidanov named the choir “Victoria”, and as a result audience voting the team became the winner and won 1 million rubles. Another passion of Denis is sports. In his youth, he was even predicted to become a football player, but he chose to devote his life to creativity.


“Football is my hobby. I even played for the team of the Guild of Cinema Actors of Russia, which is called “Serial”. We went to matches and then performed in national concerts. And now he has moved to the “Artists of Russia” team, where more famous stars and athletes play. Even on tour I exercise – twice a week for two hours.”

Personal life of Denis Maidanov

The musician has been happily married to a girl named Natalya for a long time, which he immediately informed all his fans so that they would not have any illusions about him. His wife not only provides moral support to Denis, but also accompanies him on tour as a concert director. The daughter often remains under the supervision of her grandmothers, who play her father’s clips for the child. Denis Maidanov’s wife is the main critic and censor; the performer brings all new songs to audition, first of all, to her.

Popular wisdom says: if you want to truly know a person, look at who is next to him. Spouses of celebrities and stars are undeservedly ignored by glossy magazines. But in vain, because they are the ones who often build the careers of their other halves brick by brick. One of the wives of music producer and singer Denis Maidanov, who is always in the shadow of her husband, is Natalya Maidanov. The biography of Penelope of our time is worth a detailed story.

Singer Natalya Maydanova

Natalya Kolesnikova(before marriage) was born on February 13, 1980 in Tashkent, the capital of the Uzbek SSR. It is with this city that her early years are connected:

  • In 1987 she entered local school No. 263. She showed interest in the humanities, especially Russian and literature;
  • After the collapse of the USSR, interethnic relations in Central Asia has worsened significantly, prompting many Russian-speaking families to leave their home;
  • In 1998, Natalya Kolesnikova graduated from school, and almost immediately her parents decided to move to Russia;
  • The family settled in the city of Vyazma, in the Smolensk region;
  • But the girl was disgusted with provincial life after lively Tashkent, and she decided to go straight to the Mother See;
  • At first she worked at construction company and even managed to move forward career ladder, having risen to the rank of marketer;
  • She was haunted by her childhood dream - to write poetry for musical performers. This dream led the 23-year-old young lady to auditions for the Star Factory. It was there that she met her future love.

The story of the first acquaintance

In the early 2000s, Denis Maidanov was already an established star. For several years he collaborated with the largest singers in the country, including: Philip Kirkorov, Nikolai Baskov, Alexander Buinov and others. As a songwriter he managed to win heavy weight in the environment of Russian show business.

In 2003, Denis decided to try himself in a new guise as a producer. She rented a recording studio and organized a recruitment of female performers for music group. In pursuit of young talent, he rushed to audition for the “Star Factory” where he met Natasha:

  • Their first meeting was extremely unsuccessful. The girl presented her works to the drunken Maidanov’s court. He subjected them to severe criticism and personally insulted the author;
  • The next morning, having sobered up, he realized what he had done and organized a search for the unjustly offended beauty;
  • By a happy coincidence, the young poetess rented an apartment with his classmate;
  • After the apology, a friendly acquaintance began, which soon grew into something more.

Denis and Natalya Maidanova

For real serious relationship started for the couple only in 2004:

  • As Denis recalls, it all started on February 14th. And it’s not just that the advertised Valentine’s Day falls on this date - it’s his birthday. And Natasha’s name day falls on the 13th;
  • The couple decided to celebrate the coincidence of several holidays on the beaches of Egypt. They returned to Russia with the idea of ​​further cohabitation;
  • For about a year they looked closely at each other. And only in 2005 the girl finally decided to get rid of her maiden name Kolesnikov;
  • A rich and wealthy husband did not become an obstacle to her career. Several years after the wedding, she continues to work as a marketer, and then becomes a director. musical group spouse;
  • In this responsible position, she achieved considerable success. To begin with, in 2008, through pressure, she forced her husband to perform his songs;
  • The result of her aspirations was released only in 2009, when the album “Eternal Love” was released - essentially, the result of their joint work.
  • At Denis and Natalia Maidanov's general page on Instagram.

Family life

Melancholy and monotony everyday life killed more than one family couple. Family famous singer almost joined the general statistics: spouses manage to see each other fully only during vacations. The gaps between tours are rarely more than five days.

But Kolesnikova-Maidanova, being a smart lady, managed to find a way out of even this situation:

  • She often accompanies her husband on tours. Even while pregnant with her second child, Natalya did not leave her future father alone;
  • As a manager, she bears the responsibility of the organization. concert activities Denis and his accompanying musicians;
  • She is meticulous about her duties as the keeper of the hearth. The financial situation makes it possible to hire a maid, but the beautiful wife does not disdain cleaning the house and cooking borscht;
  • Several generations of the Maidanovs live in the family: Natasha’s parents on her husband’s side help her with housework. This allows her to brighten up loneliness during long business trips of her other half.

What are her children's names?

Five years after they first met, the couple decided to have offspring:

  • The first child in the family was Vlad's girl, born in 2008. Her parents initially wanted to name her Vladislava, but her father insisted on a shortened name as more suitable for a stage name;
  • As time has shown, Denis seemed to be looking into water: his daughter turned out to be unusually talented. Multi-talented, she is making progress both in a specialized language school and in the musical field;
  • In 2015, a seven-year-old daughter almost outdid her father on the “Big Little Star” program that airs on STS;
  • In 2013, Natasha gave her husband another child, who was named Borislav. Now the motives for choosing the name were different: the young man resembled a “strong man” and a “boss”;
  • As the head of the family said during an interview in 2016, he does not plan to have more children. But he noted, laughing, that if he had another daughter, he would have named her Masha.

In terms of upbringing, the spouses keep liberal views: They do not intend to force them to do anything. If they decide to throw in their lot with a profession far from music, then so be it.

Muscovite, poetess and simply beautiful. It would be possible to select hundreds more epithets for this girl, but her husband’s songs speak much more than the most beautiful words. Her name is Natalya Maidanova. The biography of the lucky woman seems to have come out of a Christmas card; we described it in this article.

Video about the Maidanov family

In this video, Denis will talk about his relationship with Natalya, what kind of order reigns in the Maidanov family:

Denis Maidanov talented producer famous performers of our time. His lyrics touch thin strings souls and do not leave the audience indifferent. Now, on the instructions of his chosen one, Maidanov began to perform his songs, which, performed by Denis, became even more beautiful and better, because in his lyrics he writes about his life, about his only love dedicated to his wife.

Denis Maidanov has not only achieved heights in his career, he is also an exemplary family man, who has two children with his beloved Natalia. We will tell you all the details of his interesting and eventful life.

Height, weight, age. How old is Denis Maidanov

Of course, everyone will be interested to know what the singer’s height, weight, and age are. How old Denis Maidanov is is far from a secret; at the age of forty-two he has achieved a lot both in his work and in his personal life.

With a height of 180 cm, the man’s weight is 83 kg and, although he is not particularly keen on sports, Denis Maidanov looks good. The singer’s photos in his youth and now differ only in a small amount of hair, and when Natalya, his wife, saw the early photos, she jokingly said that if she had met him earlier, she would not have even approached him, let alone gotten married. Denis leads a correct lifestyle, he does not have bad habits, and his wife pampers their family with delicious meals made from quality, healthy ingredients.

Biography of Denis Maidanov

The biography of Denis Maidanov began in the Saratov region, when the future talent was born on February 17, 1976. Parents had nothing to do with creativity; father, Vasily Maidanov, and mother, Evgenia Maidanov, worked at the factory. From childhood, the boy had a talent for writing poetry, and a little later he learned to play the guitar. No wonder everyone music competitions took place with his participation.

After school, the guy worked at the House of Culture, where he composed lyrics for performers. Denis graduated from the University of Culture in Moscow and worked as a director for several years, and a little later the Soyuz studio offered him cooperation, after which the NV group appeared.

After moving to Moscow, meeting a famous producer helped me reach new level Maidanov. He began writing songs for famous performers. His songs were performed by Kirkorov, Moiseev, Kobzon and others no less popular singers. After meeting his future wife, a lot changed in his life. Natalya made Denis believe in himself, and he decided to try solo performances.

On given time Maidanov is a very popular singer; he often goes on tour, where he wins more and more hearts of the public with his songs. The singer admits that his muse was his wife. He writes all the texts, inspired by Natalia’s love, because she gives self-confidence and self-belief, which is so important for a man.

Denis Maidanov also writes music for films and starred in some TV series, in which he proved himself to be a talented actor. The singer is also invited to television projects, and he participated in the shows “Two Stars” and “Battle of the Choirs”

Personal life of Denis Maidanov

Denis Maidanov’s personal life couldn’t have worked out better. Before meeting his future wife, Natalya Maidanova, he did not have time to think about his family, he was developing in his career, but their meeting changed all the singer’s plans.

Denis speaks only with warmth about his wife and admits that he is grateful to her for not trying to change him, as is typical for many women, but for accepting Maidanov as he is, with all his shortcomings and advantages. Although happiness loves silence, Denis is not afraid to frighten him away and every time he confesses his love to Natalya.

Family of Denis Maidanov

The family of Denis Maidanov lives in the Moscow region in their own house, which they dreamed of and purchased after the birth of their children. It has the warmth and comfort that Denis and Natalya created. Maidanov is a happy husband and a caring father who enjoys family happiness. They have a very friendly family, and you rarely see such an idyll as the spouses maintain.

The singer says that when there is time for a vacation, the question arises whether to take the children with you. After all, you want to be alone and enjoy the romance, but Denis is already on tour most of the time, so he relaxes with the whole family. Let the children scream and play around, but these are the happiest days.

Children of Denis Maidanov

The children of Denis Maidanov are the most precious and valuable thing the singer has. He gives all his love and affection to his loved ones. Denis often spends time with his children whenever possible. He loves to sing with his daughter, and notices that Vlad is growing creative child, and my son loves, like any boy, to play construction sets with his dad.

Whenever possible, the family visits children's attractions, where children have so much fun. Not long ago, children and their parents went to the dolphinarium, where they watched a performance and even swam with dolphins. It was an unforgettable delight from which we received a lot of positive emotions.

Son of Denis Maidanov - Borislav Maidanov

The son of Denis Maidanov, Borislav Maidanov, was born in 2014, although he is still small, he already has a strong character. The boy is very serious and even makes comments to his older sister when she does not obey, which greatly amuses the family.

“And recently my son got a bride,” Denis laughs, “He invited the girl to visit him, they rode a scooter together and even treated her to juice.” Borislav loves water very much, because according to his horoscope he is a water sign and therefore enjoys splashing in the pool, where his mother constantly takes the child.

Daughter of Denis Maidanov - Vlad Maidanov

The daughter of Denis Maidanov, Vlada Maidanov, born in 2008, is her dad’s favorite daughter, so much like him, both in behavior and manners, that her mother jokingly calls them a gang. Vlada is studying rhythmic gymnastics, and Denis dreams of sending the girl to tennis in the future.

When her daughter had a younger brother, Vlada was terribly jealous of her parents, but over time she realized that she remained the same beloved daughter and calmed down. Maidanov misses his child very much during his tours, but the moments of meetings for him are the happiest and most joyful in his life.

Denis Maidanov's wife - Natalya Maidanova

Denis Maidanov’s wife, Natalya Maidanov, met her future husband at an interview when she brought her poems to show the producer. Denis appreciated the creativity and the girls, but initially the couple had only friendly relations.

But after collaboration they realized that they had found each other and Denis proposed. According to Denis, Natalya is the most amazing woman he has met in his life. It combines all the ideal qualities that are inherent in women. He values ​​her very much and gives her expensive jewelry, although Natalya refuses, preserving the family budget. The couple has the same values, they move forward together and that is why it is so easy for them to maintain such a relationship.

Instagram and Wikipedia Denis Maidanov

Instagram and Wikipedia of Denis Maidanov are in great demand among the singer’s subscribers, because Denis is an active user social network. The spouses have one Instagram page for two, and this is understandable, because Natalya is right hand Denis. The couple regularly communicates with fans, posting videos of songs and family photos.

Denis never forgets to congratulate his fans on holidays, who instantly reacted and left thousands of comments with best wishes. Denis Maidanov has thirty-five thousand subscribers who follow his work daily. Article found on

This year has been very busy for Denis Maidanov, who recently turned 40 years old. The artist told ProZvezd why he moved to live outside the city and why he doesn’t want to have many children.

– Denis, how old do you feel?

– I have a wonderful song “36.6”. This is the age I have fixed on and will try to carry it through my whole life. I am often asked: what has changed since then? You probably become wiser and have an additional responsibility towards your own audience.

– Have you decided for yourself who you are more – a performer of chanson or pop music?

– I don’t classify myself. In 15 years creative activity so many different songs have been written! If I start to define what genre I belong to, I will immediately stop creating. Once upon a time, Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky wrote so many songs, and they were all completely different: military, and lyrics about love, and folklore - and all were equally loved by the people. He did not adapt to the genre, he wrote as he felt. I stand by this position. And I write not only to myself, but also to many pop stars.

- One of yours latest works- with Lolita. How do you work with a woman without complexes?

“I feel absolutely comfortable with her.” Lolita is very talented, unpredictable and extravagant. But at the same time dramatic, deep and real!

According to Denis, Lolita is very talented, unpredictable and extravagant. But at the same time dramatic, deep and real!

– Isn’t your wife jealous?

– Of course not (smiles). They are friends!

– Several years ago you moved to live outside the city. How do you feel being away from the bustle of Moscow?

- Wonderful. We always wanted to live in big house. Now we have settled down and calmed down. I believe that we deserve this house after thirteen years of persistent struggle for a place in the sun, for ours to be played on the radio. Yes, and they grow on fresh air- This is wonderful.

– My daughter Vlada will be eight years old this year. What does she do?

– She studies at a linguistic gymnasium. She has success in music school: This is probably a talent or something that may have been passed on genetically. But she tries herself, and her mother helps. He is involved in choreography and also tennis. I myself am a sports person and I insist that the child play sports. Actually, no one in the family will contradict me, because our mother is also athletic.

– Is the younger Borislav also athletic?

- Yes. He recently learned to ride a scooter. And he did it quite quickly and smartly. I recently asked a girl out on a first date. He went to her first, then invited her to his place. Everything was civilized, in front of my parents, I gave him juice (laughs).

– Denis, are you thinking about becoming a father of many children?

– We have enough children: a complete set.

Wife Natalya with children

In December, Denis Maidanov became a father for the second time - his wife Natalya gave the singer a son, whom the happy parents named Borislav.

“This name means “glorious in struggle,” says Denis. – I wanted to choose something strong for my son. male name, which will help him fight difficulties. You can't live without them in life.
Denis dotes on the boy and tries to spend all his free time with him. After giving birth, Natalya quickly got into shape and has already begun her direct duties - she is an artist’s assistant and regularly accompanies her husband on tour. Borislav and his sister Vlada live with their grandmother, the singer’s mother. To help the mother, almost immediately after the birth of their son, the Maidanovs hired a nanny, whom they carefully selected. However, they were dissatisfied with the woman’s work.
“We’re really not very happy with her work,” Natalya admitted to us. – He spreads gossip; he discusses much of what we have at home with other nannies. Naturally, we don't like it.

Denis Maidanov with his wife and daughter But what shocked the Maidanovs most was that the lady posted photographs of their house on the Internet. When patience ran out, they decided to radically change the situation and, having fired the insolent babysitter, hired a foreigner to help. Denis and Natalya hope that they will be able to establish contact with her faster.
“We have already discharged the Filipina, she should arrive soon,” Natalya continues. – I hope we can find her common language. They are said to be quiet, flexible and calm. But the main thing is that they don’t understand the Russian language, so they won’t be able to take what’s happening in the house outside of it.

Denis Maidanov with his daughter Vlada
Nannies from the Philippines are not uncommon in Russian show business. Now a foreign nanny is looking after the son of Anastasia Stotskaya. Nastya was pleased with her choice: the girl did not take her eyes off the child and literally followed on his heels. Plus it’s easier for a child to learn English. The Maidanovs hope that they will also like the Filipino nanny. Moreover, its services are much cheaper than Russian ones.
Meanwhile, the artist himself continues to actively tour. But he dreams of finding a window for rest. Denis and Natalya are going to go to Italy. They will take it eldest daughter Vlad. At this time, the son will be under the supervision of a Filipina.