Why do you dream about a green lizard? Why do you dream about a lizard?

A lizard is a small and nimble reptile. It is not for nothing that from time immemorial it has been a symbol of elusiveness, mobility, agility and rebirth. Some dream interpreters claim that this is not just a small and nimble reptile, but also the keeper of dreams. But is everything so smooth and sweet? In this article we will tell you about why a lizard dreams.

Miller's Dream Book. Lizard

The famous American psychologist Gustav Hindman Miller, contrary to the opinion of other interpreters, views lizards in a dream as an unfavorable sign. In particular, if you dream of this small and nimble creature, in the near future you may be attacked by ill-wishers. Be careful, because your enemies may be people you would never think of as such.

For women to see a lizard biting them in a dream means misfortune. Perhaps one of your loved ones will get into trouble. It is not excluded tragic outcome affairs. As you know, in reality lizards have a unique method of self-defense: if they are caught by their tails, they simply drop them. Gustav Miller interprets this in dreams in his own way. In his opinion, seeing this small reptile shed its tail in a dream is a sign of temporary material difficulties. To overcome them, a woman will need to make every effort and show some endurance.

Why do you dream about a lizard that you kill? Miller says that such a dream is more or less favorable, because in this case the dreamer in reality will have a chance to return luck and restore his good name, so carelessly tainted by envious people. True, the price of this may be constant quarrels with loved ones, wasted energy, and life in chaos and anxiety.

Why do we dream about lizards? A look from the past

In the old days, people believed that the gaze of lizards has magical power. They believed that it endows a person looking at a reptile with the ability to make predictions, turning him into a clairvoyant. In addition, people were sure that the blind could see only from one glance of the lizard at them. Ancient dream interpreters made an unpleasant allegory with this animal: a lizard in a dream symbolizes your enemies, and enemies are always danger, lies and intrigues.

Killing a lizard in your dream means stubbornly not wanting to see the real state of affairs. Usually such dreams are visited by people who are short-sighted and not pragmatic. Seeing an already dead lizard in a dream promises reconciliation with enemies in reality. Perhaps you will compromise with them and conclude something like a “non-aggression pact.” If a dead reptile suddenly comes to life in a dream, your truce with your enemies will be short-lived. It will all end in war. The dreamer will have to make a lot of effort to neutralize ill-wishers.

In a dream, seeing a lizard with its tail torn off means the uselessness of your existence. In other words, the dreamer is burning own life without any benefit both for yourself and for others. If you tear off a reptile's tail with your own hands, and then see how it grows back, all your attempts to deceive ill-wishers clean water will fail. Stroking a fast lizard in a dream means false peace and artificial peace. Seeing a lot of these nimble creatures means worries and worries.

Interpretation of Vanga

The famous Bulgarian soothsayer named Vangelia also decided to give such dreams a certain meaning. Why do you dream about a lizard according to Vanga? She claims that these animals can come in dreams not to just anyone, but only to people who have found themselves in this life. But even for them, this reptile does not always promise good luck. In most cases, this indicates a missed chance that fate gave you. However, you should not be upset: you will still catch up.

Vangelia claims that catching a lizard by the tail in a dream and holding it is a good event. In reality, you will finally be able to achieve your goal and get what has eluded you for a long time. Seeing a lizard shed its tail in a dream means a deal with your destiny: in order to get what you want, you need to sacrifice something. This, of course, is not a deal with the devil, so you definitely won’t have to sacrifice your life!

Lizard. Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Evgeny Tsvetkov, who is the author and compiler of his famous dream book of the same name, gives a more or less optimistic interpretation of what he saw. For example, holding a lizard in your hands in a dream means possessing some secret knowledge that are highly valued in society. Nevertheless, even here you need to be on guard: sometimes a complete bag of valuable knowledge can play a cruel and dangerous joke on its owner.

I dreamed about a lizard. Family dream book

What will he tell us family dream book? A lizard in the house, according to its interpreters, makes the dreamer think about his surroundings. Think about whether you chose it correctly. There is a risk that there are envious people next to you pretending to be friends. In reality, they are pursuing their own interests. At the first opportunity, they will not only betray you, but will also make the most of it.

Lizard. Women's dream book

A lizard that a woman dreams of and evokes hostility and unfriendly feelings in her indicates that somewhere in reality a strong enemy is hiding, wearing the mask of a friend. This is a powerful person, ready to go to great lengths to implement his insidious plans. Beware! If you have several girlfriends, then detecting the enemy will not be so easy. If a woman sees a reptile’s tail falling off, then in reality she will be disappointed in her professionalism.

Freud's Dream Book. I dreamed about a lizard

Sigmund Freud, in his interpretations of certain dreams, focuses on family values. In particular, he believes that a running lizard indicates that the dreamer's significant other is cheating on him. Freud believes that such dreams are the prerogative of women. Unfortunately, they are the ones who in most cases become victims of betrayal by a loved one. If in a dream you see a reptile’s tail falling off, think about your health: problems of a sexual nature are possible.

Lizard in Hasse's dream book

Why do you dream of a lizard according to famous dream book Mrs. Hasse? If in a dream you are desperately trying to catch a lizard, but nothing works, think about it! The fact is that in reality you are trying to achieve certain results dishonestly or using your cunning. Of course, it is not for us to judge the moral component of this, but if in a dream you nevertheless caught a fast lizard, in reality you will achieve your goal by some unseemly means. Whether this is good or bad is up to you to judge.

Why did you dream about a lizard? Longo's Dream Interpretation

Yuri Longo gives interpretation mainly to dreams with huge lizards. What will this dream book tell us? A monitor lizard (a large lizard) basking in the sun portends that you will receive some news, but this news can be dangerous. If you see a monitor lizard looking at you warily, then beware of your enemies in reality. If a large lizard wants to make an attacking throw in your direction, then real life your reputation may be threatened by envious people.

Lizard. Esoteric dream book

A lizard seen in a dream symbolizes the spiritual values ​​of the sleeper. If a reptile runs away from you, you will be disappointed in people in reality and lose faith. If, on the contrary, the lizard was caught by you in in my own dream, disappointment in people and resentment will bypass you. You will be able to gain spiritual freedom. For men, dreams with lizards running around promise romances with cunning and sophisticated ladies. For women, this will bring complete disappointment in business. Many lizards in a dream - many envious people and ill-wishers in reality. Be careful.

If you see in a dream that a lizard has shed its skin or bitten it, this means that misfortune awaits it. It is possible that she will be very strapped for money for some time, and she will need to muster the will to withstand this test.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Lizard- symbolizes your invulnerability or the resourcefulness of your enemies. Reflects a hostile relationship with someone.

In a dream you killed a lizard- soon luck will smile on you again.

Miss the lizard- to troubles in love affairs.

You were bitten by a lizard- keep in mind that the person you love will give you a treacherous stab in the back.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

A lizard is a sign of wealth and resourcefulness. Since ancient times, people believed that these creatures guard treasures and live only in places where there is gold and gems. It is for this reason that seeing something like this in a dream means favorable circumstances for increasing your financial wealth. Other descriptions of what this nimble reptile dreams of are listed below.

Dropped her tail

Are you wondering why you dream of a lizard that has dropped its tail? Grishina's dream book reports that such a plot symbolizes wisdom and logic, because these reptiles cast off their tail only at the moment of danger, and then it grows back. There are dangerous moments in your life that can be avoided if you are wise and careful.


A dream in which a lizard in a house is hiding from the heat of the day identifies inner world and the subconscious, which tells a person that everything life problems can be solved using simple logic.

According to Shereminskaya, if you dreamed of a lizard hiding, you will be able to preserve and increase your fortune.


Unfortunately, a dream with these reptiles does not always foretell well-being. For example, a large lizard means a future meeting with someone or something of sinister origin.

Aesop's dream book warns that if a large lizard also attacked, then evil can be expected from loved one whom he trusted.


And if you dreamed of a biting lizard, then you need to be careful in real life, since someone resourceful and cunning can cause harm in your personal life. But even if this beast did not bite, but was simply disgusting and unfriendly, then such a dream also represents strong enemy, which is very difficult to neutralize.

Lizard color

Many people are interested in why they dream of a bright green lizard. Universal dream book believes that such a plot is a sign of an ambiguous situation from which it will be quite difficult to get out. That is why you need to try to avoid slippery situations in life.

Miller's dream book is convinced that seeing a lizard in your night dreams means that in real life you will be subject to serious attacks from enemies. But if you kill the creature in your dream, you will be able to regain your luck and restore your lost reputation. But this can happen at the expense of failures in cordial relationships.


If you dream of a monitor lizard, this means serious changes in your personal life. The universal dream book is convinced that a loved one will soon appear in life, who can change everything and fill existence with meaning. After such a dream, women can expect numerous signs of attention from the opposite sex. For men, the Wanderer’s dream book promises the imminent appearance of a good housewife who will create comfort in his home.

A lizard in a dream is a very curious and ambiguous character. To understand what it means, you should remember the details of the plot and turn to dream books for interpretation.

Why do you dream about a lizard according to Miller’s dream book?

If you saw a lizard in a dream, then you should expect attacks from your ill-wishers and enemies. If you managed to kill her, then you will still be able to regain your reputation and stability in business, but this victory will be given to you at the cost of effort and anxiety.

If a woman dreams of a lizard, we should expect some shortage of funds, and in order to withstand such a test, she will have to gather all her will into a fist. If a lizard sheds its skin or bites a woman in a dream, this is a harbinger of failure and misfortune.

Lizard - Vanga's dream book

And why do you dream of a lizard according to the dream book of the great fortuneteller? Seeing a lizard in a dream means a lost chance provided by your fate.

However, such a dream does not promise a final loss; you will be able to get what you want next time. If in a dream you managed to catch a lizard, in real life you will have a successful outcome for matters that have not gone well for a long time.

If you see a lizard drop its tail, you should remember that in order to achieve your goal you will have to sacrifice something.

Juno's Dream Interpretation - a lizard in a dream

The lizard is a symbol of the enemy. If in a dream you met a lizard on your way, you should expect ill-wishers. If you managed to kill the lizard, it means that you will defeat your enemies and ill-wishers.

Why do you dream of a lizard according to Freud’s dream book?

If you dreamed of a lizard running away, there is a chance that your significant other is cheating on you. A lizard that has dropped its tail can be a harbinger of sexual problems, which, however, will be temporary and you should not get too hung up on.

If in a dream you catch a lizard, in reality you will be disappointed in the date you had hoped for. high hopes. The dream in which you only have the fluttering tail of a lizard in your hands has the same meaning.

Lizard according to Medea's dream book

The lizard is a symbol of your invulnerability, or the dexterity and resourcefulness of your enemies. Also, the lizard can become a reflection of hostile relationships. If you saw a lizard in a dream, you should expect to meet a capricious woman.

If in a dream you cut off the tail of a lizard, in reality you should be more careful, since such a dream is a warning against unreasonable and thoughtless actions.

Why do you dream of a lizard in a dream according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

The lizard is a symbol of an unpleasant, cunning and vile person. A dream in which you see a lizard promises you new ill-wishers or dishonest partners.

Why do you dream of a small or large lizard?

Seeing a large lizard in a dream means new enemies and ill-wishers who will express their hostility openly and decisively. Such a dream is the first signal and call for caution in choosing friends, and it may mean that among your acquaintances there are already ill-wishers, and you should take a closer look at your surroundings.

If in a dream you met a small lizard, you should be more careful in choosing partners and friends. Such a dream is a warning against frivolous and careless behavior.

Dream Interpretation - monitor lizard

Dreams in which people see monitor lizards, for the most part good sign, unlike those dreams in which main plan ordinary lizards come out.

So a dream in which you see a monitor lizard can promise big changes in my personal life. Usually such dreams indicate that a loved one may soon appear in your life, who will have a huge influence on you and your destiny. For a woman, a monitor lizard is a harbinger of signs of attention that her chosen one will bestow on her, and for men, such a dream promises the appearance of a housewife in their life who will be able to create comfort in his home.

If you dream that you are watching a monitor lizard in a crowd of people, such a dream may be a harbinger of your participation in some mass meetings and celebrations, including wedding invitations.

If the monitor lizard is not alone, but there are other animals next to it, expect to meet old friends.

Green lizard in a dream - interpretation of the dream

Very important point in dreams with lizards - their color. Green lizards can be a warning that in real life a “slippery” and ambiguous situation awaits you, from which you will have to find a way out on your own. Therefore, having seen such a dream, you should begin to be more attentive to what is happening and calculate your every step in advance.

If as a child you read Bazhov’s fairy tales, then a lizard in your dream is unlikely to scare you. Look, malachite boxes full of precious stones will fall after the tailed guest!.. However, dream books advise not to relax. Nimble, resourceful, capable of throwing off its tail if necessary, the lizard can equally symbolize both a dangerous enemy and impending troubles!

The meaning of the image of a lizard: versions of different dream books

Unfortunately, there are plenty of interpreters who are seriously inclined to consider the lizard an exclusively malicious symbol.

  • Miller's dream book: anyone who sees a reptile in a dream will be persecuted by ill-wishers in reality.
  • Dream Interpretation of Simon the Canaanite: even though the lizard itself does not have a poisonous sting, the enemy who is planning to harm you has it.
  • Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima: beware of finding yourself in an ambiguous position.
  • Danilova’s erotic dream book: your significant other is already unfaithful to you or is starting to look to the left more and more persistently.
  • Ivanov's dream book: one of two. Either there is a liar entrenched nearby who plans to use you for his own purposes, or you are facing an illness that can only be dealt with through surgery.
  • Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus: the lizard is the embodiment of violence, deceit and spiritual callousness.
  • Dream Book of the Wanderer: low intrigues and someone’s vile plans are boiling around. Don't allow yourself to act rashly!
  • Dream interpretation for the whole family: someone you consider a friend is being dishonest with you.
  • A modern combined dream book: the enemies, who were dozing peacefully in the sun, have perked up and are preparing to take active action. Think over your defense.
  • Italian dream book: a dream involving a reptile indicates negative experiences associated with the dreamer’s sexual partner.
  • Ukrainian dream book: lizard - disappointment.

The dream book of those born from January to April predicts a meeting with an intelligent enemy. Those who were born from May to August should be wary of... the wife of a close friend! The lady will try to secretly “put her paw” on some of your property. Well, for those who celebrate name days between September and December, it is better to trust only trusted people - you can get into trouble.

Have you managed to get upset? It’s not worth it, because the little lizard is not nearly as insidious as you might think! According to a fairly large group of interpreters, it often leaves the dreamer a chance for good developments.

The green guest visits the dreams of only exceptional people

  • Vanga's dream book claims that the nimble guest does not appear in dreams random people. If you see her, know that you are minding your own business and walking along the right way. True, the wayward reptile often brings news of missed chances... But there’s still nothing to worry about: sooner or later you will achieve your goal.
  • Aesop's dream book calls a cold-blooded animal a symbol vital energy, perseverance in the face of adversity and the ability to avoid danger. Even if you have to throw your tail away, you will get out of problems and still emerge as winners.
  • Medea's Dream Interpretation: the lizard truly embodies almost incredible vitality and cunning. However, all this can apply both to the dreamer himself and to his enemies. Until you find out who exactly the dream was talking about, be careful! In addition, the reptile often warns of a meeting with an unpleasant, capricious woman.
  • Dream Interpretation of Bitches: what looked like a failure and collapse of all plans will turn out to be a success.
  • Dream Interpretation by Denise Lin: As an animal that prefers to live under stones and in the shadows, the lizard symbolizes hidden fears hidden in the corners of our subconscious. Take them out into the light and examine them without fear - but how will you find out that you were afraid in vain?
  • Freud's dream book: the tailed animal is clearly a phallic symbol. And the details of the dream indicate problems or, on the contrary, their complete absence in the dreamer’s intimate life.
  • Psychoanalytic dream book: the image of a lizard is advice to devote time to reflection. Some events in your life need careful consideration.
  • Esoteric dream book: the dreamer will experience a thorough revision of his beliefs and principles. Perhaps even global shifts in the scale of values!

Some interpreters are convinced that the lizard in any case predicts significant monetary gains or losses - depending on what the amphibian was doing while walking with you around the kingdom of Morpheus. And the larger the animal, the larger the expected jackpot or hole in the wallet.

Interpretation of men's and women's dreams

Perhaps your betrothed will not be distinguished by sophistication, but with him you will feel protected

  • For a young girl, such a vision portends sadness and long-term need, from which she will be able to get out only at the cost of considerable effort;
  • for a married lady, in addition to financial difficulties, problems with her husband are predicted, up to and including his loss;
  • For a man, a dream about a lizard climbing his body promises a girlfriend who will try by hook or by crook to drag his gentleman down the aisle.

A reptile with its tail torn off indicates:

  • For a woman - a secret desire to change her sexual partner. Or find it if at the moment lady alone.
  • For a man - for hidden homosexual tendencies or weakened sexual function. Don't worry, interruptions with " male power"will be temporary. Rest enough and you are back on your horse.

If a girl dreams of herself caressing a large monitor lizard, a union with a strong, self-confident man awaits her. The chosen one will not allow himself to be led under any circumstances! On the contrary, the wife will have to take on the role of second fiddle. However, if the young lady is flexible and does not at all dream of being the head of the house, they family life will be quite successful.

A man stroking a reptile will be able to get a sponsor or reliable associate for his project.

Please pay attention to the size...

The bigger, the more menacing

If a truly large lizard for almost all interpreters is the embodiment of an external enemy, then a small miniature “gorynych” serves as a warning about problems hidden in the character of the dreamer himself. Your own careless actions can harm you much more than a hypothetical enemy from the outside. But the bite of a tiny lizard indicates that you will be hurt by someone’s caustic remark. Try to ignore the words of the offender, honestly, he is not worth your attention!

A large, seasoned lizard, looking lazily at you, predicts a meeting with a man of respectable age. Listen to the advice of a new acquaintance, you can learn a lot of useful things.

Large monitor lizard walking on hind legs, marks a meeting with a person of the opposite sex. If you don't miss a good opportunity, you will find your happiness.


A brightly colored reptile predicts the realization of bold sexual fantasies

  • The green reptile symbolizes temptation or mystical secret, which is dangerous to own. It would be better for you to avoid both! Although… green may also mean a large sum, which is about to fall into your hands, and this is a completely different calico.
  • Brown lizard predicts: you have enough life experience to stand firmly on your feet and make informed decisions.
  • Gold embodies wisdom.
  • White represents new ideas.
  • Black - secret and not always good knowledge.


A battle between two lizards marks your triumph over your enemies

A lot of small reptiles scurrying around your feet is a sign of the upcoming bustle. Alas, there will be a lot of hassle, but minimal benefits. However, if in a dream the tailed company was securely locked in an aquarium, you will be able to sort everything out and cope with the task as efficiently as possible.

Two fighting individuals suggest: your enemies will squabble among themselves and neutralize each other.

If in a dream your attention was attracted by one, but very beautiful and catchy lizard, in reality you will be able to find common language with a cunning and cunning person. Despite the fact that he will still pose a danger to others, your existence together will be completely peaceful.

Explanation of the actions of the lizard and the dreamer

Seeing reptiles peacefully basking in the sun means entering a calm and prosperous period. Don't count on great luck, but circumstances will definitely work out in your favor.

If you were looking after a fleeing amphibian, there is a high chance that your significant other is vigorously wagging its tail in front of you, hiding its secret affairs. Take a closer look at her behavior, what if the dream is really “in hand”? However, some argue that watching an animal quickly rushing into the distance only indicates the dreamer’s desire to make his sex life brighter. Maybe a couple of new poses, mastered with the help of the Kama Sutra, or fur handcuffs from an adult store will improve matters?

Instead of following the lizard with your gaze, did you start catching it? It seems that in reality you are ready to go towards your goal, not hesitating to cheat and resort to tricks. Well, if you don’t cross acceptable boundaries, that’s not bad at all. By the way, how did the dream end? If the nimble prey is in your hands, your plans will be achieved; disappeared into the nearest crack, expect failure.

Killing a lizard is interpreted in dream books in two ways:

  • Did the incident cause you negative emotions? Beware! Chances are, the situation you are in is much more dangerous than you imagined. It may also be that you yourself are ruining your life by pushing away someone or something that is extremely important and valuable.
  • However, the one who experienced relief in his dreams will be able to defeat his enemies, restore his shaky reputation and find peace. Although this will not be achieved without some hassle!

A lizard hiding from the dreamer under a stone is considered a sign of losses that the dreamer himself incurs through rash behavior. Until you learn to communicate with people and calculate the consequences of your actions, luck will continue to hide from you.

A tame animal does not foretell problems

If you dreamed of a pet lizard that you held and fed, get ready to deal with the service industry. For example, you will go on a trip and stay in a hotel for some time. Or visit a good restaurant with well-trained staff.

Playing with a pet lizard symbolizes the pleasure you will receive while doing what you love.

However, an amphibian, accidentally, without your desire, running through your body is a different matter. It can predict:

  • intimate relationship with a casual partner;
  • gaining important knowledge that can change your worldview;
  • significant changes in life.

Did a harmless-looking animal treacherously bite you? If the wound turns out to be painful, protect your back from a treacherous blow. The one you love is going to put a knife in her. But light scratches on the skin only warn of a minor skirmish with a stranger. At the same time, the one who managed to throw away the tailed aggressor in a dream will just as deftly deal with a real opponent.

Reptile domestic, wild, aquatic...

A lizard crawling freely around your apartment in a dream predicts the emergence of a new stable source of income. Financial problems will be solved completely and permanently! One minus: if in a dream you did not experience the joy that an animal settled in your home, work will not bring moral satisfaction, only money.

  • An animal nestled on the carpet prophesies a new position.
  • In bed - changes in your personal life.
  • On the table - sharp turn fate.

Lizard in the house - money in the wallet

If you watched an animal hidden in a terrarium behind thick glass, you don’t have to worry about your affairs - they are reliably protected from any troubles. True, there was a fly in the ointment here, since glass also symbolizes limitations in growth and development. Don't be afraid to go beyond the usual, success awaits you!

If in a dream a lizard was desperately trying to get out of the aquarium, you will experience a serious hobby, and mutual one. And a dream in which the runaway managed to accomplish her plan indicates that a happy and prosperous family life awaits you next to your chosen one.

If in your dream a reptile cheerfully fell across the bare ground, expect understatement in the relationship. You don’t work enough on them, which is why you risk getting dry sand instead of fresh green shoots.

But the one who saw how the animal made its way through the thickets of thick grass is ready to take on obligations and build life together with your other half.

A lizard swimming in the water is a sign of the joy you will experience from your success.

If you remember holding a camera in your hands and trying to photograph an animal in nature, you are about to embark on a long and exciting journey.

Other details

  • A dead or dying lizard, whose death occurred without your participation, tells of the loss of some source of income.
  • A reptile shedding its skin symbolizes renewal. Changes are possible in your personal life or at work. It's time to keep your eyes open and not miss your chance if the wave of change throws it at your feet.
  • But the animal, which dropped its tail before your eyes, advises the opposite. Hide low, wind down all matters that do not require urgent resolution, and wait for better times. Excessive activity now will only harm you, whereas, acting deliberately and slowly, you can pull your business or relationship out of the deepest black hole.
  • A lizard that appears in your dream without a tail, in addition to the intimate disorder promised to men and a new lover for women, predicts health problems. Which interpretation is correct? Depends on the circumstances.
  • A talking animal serves as a harbinger of a fun and noisy holiday.
  • If you were clearly aware that the animal is poisonous, you are about to meet a truly unpleasant person who does nasty things not for profit, but “for the soul.” Behave with him as carefully as possible!

An unusual dream in which you happen to find animal droppings promises money and lasting success at work. You will be able to win the recognition of your superiors, the respect of your colleagues and prove yourself to be a truly valuable employee.

When starting to interpret, take into account such an important detail as your personal attitude towards reptiles. If lizards cause you an involuntary shudder, you will have to listen to dream books that associate the “long-tailed symbol” with problems and losses. Alas, it most likely does not mean anything good for you. But those who in childhood, without trepidation, watched lizards in the grass at the dacha or kept a terrarium at home, have every chance of achieving unexpectedly great success. It’s unlikely that your subconscious would have chosen an image that was so interesting to you if it were about to deliver bad news!