How to be and what to do? How to ask for a salary increase from management

Hello! In this article we will talk about how to increase your salary.

51% of all Russians have at least once started a conversation with their bosses about raising their salaries. But only 30% achieved success. Experienced HR professionals say that if you structure the conversation correctly, you will be able to get a promotion half the time. In this article I will tell you how to correctly ask for a salary increase, when is the best time to do it and what to do if you are refused.

When can you ask for a salary increase?

First, I would like to talk about in what cases it is generally possible to ask for a salary increase. Managers drawing conclusions about how much employees should receive are guided by:

  • The importance of the employee to the company.
  • His actual and potential skills.
  • Average market value of an employee.

Moreover, the importance of an employee’s work for the company always comes first. Is it possible to work without this employee? What will happen if another specialist is appointed to this position? There are a lot of questions, and the value of a person is formed from them. And we are used to expressing value at work in money.

The most logical time to ask for a raise is when you are adding value to the company. Without you, the mechanism will work worse, and the manager will lose part of the profit.

The boss is only interested in those reasons that solve his problems. If your work brings everything over time more money, and there are objective indicators that prove this, then you can ask for a raise. Personal reasons don’t bother anyone, and HR specialists advise not to bring up such topics at all when talking with your boss.

Your manager will listen to how your wife nags you about how you need to provide for cats, a family, a mortgage, sympathize, nod his head, but until you provide him with a clear justification, nothing will change. It only works: “I began to work better, I bring more benefit, so I would like to get more.”

That is why you should think about increasing your salary only when you understand that you are bringing more value to the company than before, but remains at the same level.

How often to ask for a raise

This important question. The country has strong inflation, goods are becoming more expensive, and in most positions salaries remain surprisingly stable.

Experts say that you need to ask for a raise once every 1.5 - 2 years. This applies to both salary and position. Don't ask for a raise too often. But we shouldn’t forget about it either. best option. In the largest and most well-known companies, salary/position increases occur on average once every 3 years.

What leaders are talking about

The Superjob agency conducted a study on how to achieve a salary increase. HR specialists surveyed company executives about what motivates them to pay more. Among the most common and important reasons were:

  • Benefit of the company(32% of respondents said that if objective factors are visible that a person brings benefits to the company, they will agree to raise wages).
  • Increased work volume(28% of respondents said that they were willing to pay more if the employee expanded his area of ​​responsibility and took on more work).
  • Experience(17% of managers said that a person who works in one position for a long time should receive more. Work experience = acquired skills, and this is a powerful argument).

About 10% of respondents said that they were willing to pay more to specialists with character. If an employee asks for a promotion and can convincingly and convincingly defend his position, then he will definitely cope with clients.

How to ask for a salary increase: step-by-step instructions

There are simple step-by-step instructions on how to properly ask for a salary increase.

Step 1. Prepare the argument.

Before you start a conversation with your manager, you need to prepare your arguments. Why should you get a salary increase? What have you done and what indicators have you achieved? We need a clear argument, something like: “Over the last 4 months, I have closed 10% more clients per transaction, the average bill has increased by 5,000 rubles.”

If you don't have specific performance numbers, it's worth insisting on professional development.

You can prepare a topic for conversation: “what I learned during my work.” It will show that you are developing as a specialist, which means you are worth more.

Step 2. Choose the time and place of the conversation.

You have prepared your argument. Now you need to choose what day, when and where to talk to your manager. With the day, everything is extremely simple: do not choose the busiest one. If you have the most clients on Tuesday and Wednesday, then it is better to contact on Monday, Thursday or Friday.

Psychologists advise asking for a raise in the afternoon. The most work is done in the morning, and by the evening the main things are done and there is time to have a serious conversation.

Regarding the location, everything is just as easy: it is best to talk about a promotion with the boss in his office. There he feels comfortable and relaxed. The manager in his office is determined to resolve work issues, which means you will be in the most advantageous position.

You should not ask for a raise from management at corporate parties or after hours. The boss will be relaxed, with good mood, will listen to you, maybe even agree with your arguments, and after a couple of hours he will happily forget everything simply because he does not want to think about work.

There is no need to ask for a raise if:

  • Things are not going well for the company.
  • Your boss recently expressed dissatisfaction with your work.
  • You made a serious mistake the other day.
  • You asked for a promotion less than six months ago, and your request was granted.

Step 3. Talk about promotion.

We build a conversation according to the following scenario: “Hello! I like working in your company, solving the problems I work on, and I have good relationship with the team. I want to grow as a specialist and get more.”

After this, your arguments come into play: “Over the period... I achieved this and that. I learned this, and this too. I started working better." If your arguments are sufficient, the conversation can be considered successful.

There are two worst things you can say during a conversation:

  • The rest are paid more.
  • I'll quit if you don't give me a promotion.

The first phrase only causes irritation. Because you hardly know how other people work, how many tasks they solve and in what relationships they have with management. It’s better to expand this into “specialists in my position on average earn 20% more.”

It’s better not to talk about dismissal at all, because most likely you will get the answer “quit.”

If you do this correctly step by step instructions, you can a larger share likelihood of a salary increase.

What to do if you are refused

You may be refused for three reasons:

  • There is no option to pay more.
  • You are not valuable enough to the organization.
  • I don't care about you.

The first reason is simple: your boss would like to pay you more, but he can’t. There may be several reasons for this: an order from a superior manager, a difficult financial situation, the boss has personal problems. It's not critical, and that too good outcome conversation.

If you have been given one of the objective reasons why it is not possible to pay more, but you are satisfied with everything and are ready to be patient, then it is better to return to the conversation in 3 - 6 months. There is a good chance that when everything works out, you will get a promotion.

If you structure the dialogue correctly, your manager will also tell you about the second reason. And you and he will come to a common conclusion: I do this, this and this, and after that you raise the salary. And if this is an adequate leader, then after you start working better and bringing more benefits, your salary will be increased. Almost like the first option, only you have to put some effort into it.

If you don't come up with something specific, use the checklist I provided above. He will help you understand what you need to do in order for your bosses to value you.

And the third option is when they feed you breakfast and promises: “Yes, yes, starting next month I will pay more.” And then it turns out that they paid less.

You just need to understand one thing: you should only think about the fact that you are not appreciated when you have improved your work, bring more value, and the conversation about raising wages still goes nowhere.

If you work the same way as before, without professional growth, but continue to say that your boss does not value you, the problem is entirely with you.

If you did everything right, fulfilled the requirements that the boss wanted from you, but remain at the same level, then there is only one option: quit.

It’s better to leave the team that doesn’t care about the fact that you have become more useful, which means you are worth more.

Checklist for getting a promotion

I offer a small checklist for those who want to achieve a promotion and become a more valuable employee for the company:

  1. Talk to your boss about a promotion.
  2. Understand what company problems can be solved by increasing your salary.
  3. Start solving your boss's problems.
  4. Identify and improve professional qualities that can help you build your career.
  5. Read at least 5 books on your profession.
  6. Chat with the company's HR department.
  7. Find experts and communicate with them to get useful advice.
  8. Take more responsibility and coordinate actions less with your manager.
  9. Constantly strive for bonuses.
  10. Build good relationships with management;
  11. Make a career development plan.

If you do most of these points, you will become a more in-demand specialist. But I would recommend working in all areas in order to make a career as quickly as possible.


Don't be afraid to talk about how you want a promotion. Don't expect that one day your salary will increase by 30%, as you wanted. Objectively evaluate your work, prepare properly and have a conversation. Build your career confidently, and then you will succeed!

Good afternoon We - small company We are engaged in software development. On at the moment We are working on our first product, which is not yet profitable.

We have several programmers on our staff, and from time to time one of them comes asking for a salary increase. The motivation, plus or minus, is the same: “An offer came with a salary 30-40% higher.” The problem is that replacing a programmer is quite difficult, and it is impossible to do this without losing a month on onboarding a new employee.

How best to behave in such situations and build a dialogue with key employees? I don’t want them to feel like they can blackmail them into getting a pay rise.

Andrey PodshibyakinFounder of Insight ONE

This problem has no formal solution. Trying to keep people who have seriously decided to leave you is pointless. Hiring new ones, as you correctly noted, is long, tedious and often ineffective.

Therefore, if I were you, I would calm down, sit down and think - are these even your people? If not, then calmly part with them. If yes, then talk to them, go for a drink with them, find out what they dream about - and people dream about different things: for some, a Playstation 4 is enough to be happy, while others need a house in California and a blue Ferrari.

Convince them that you can give it to them. And don’t lie under any circumstances—you can’t make promises that you can’t or don’t intend to keep. And if you really understand that you are ready to fulfill the dreams of your employees, then they will go to the ends of the earth with you, you will make a new Facebook, a new Angry Birds or whatever you are going to do there. Because an idea (preferably one that can change the world - or at least a small part of it) is guaranteed to motivate people much more than a salary increase of twenty thousand rubles. Or even dollars.

Max KrainovCEO of Aviasales

At Aviasales we have two simple rules:

1. Salaries are increased for everyone once a year on July 1st. Until this year, the calculation formula was the same (+10% to the previous salary), this year we will change it slightly to take into account the state of the market. If you want a higher salary during the year, see point 2.

2. More responsibility - more salary and vice versa. That is, if the developer began to be responsible for more things, plus became involved in other projects, then this is more high level with all that it implies.

The same responsibility and the same productivity as your neighbor - the same salary. We have 100 people in our company, and only 2-3 employees have a pay imbalance; this imbalance will go away in a year, when we raise the salaries of others to the same level. Otherwise, there is no point in twisting your arms.

I live by the principle “don’t scare your wife with a divorce, and don’t scare your boss with leaving.” People usually leave not because of money, but because of relationships in the team, masking their problems with arguments about money that everyone understands.

Sergey Shalaevfounder of Surfingbird

My main advice is not to increase your salary in this situation.

First situation— your employee loves money very much. IN in this case there is a very high probability that the employee will take advantage of this and use your weakness as an additional argument in negotiations with a future employer. That is, you make him a counteroffer with some kind of compromise plus 20-30% of the current salary, he goes with this to the one who sent him the offer and increases his value due to your counteroffer.

This is a normal approach from a business point of view, rest assured - if money comes first for your employee, he will do this trick the same day you make him a counteroffer. In this situation, you increase the cost of the developer by one and a half times without any left-handedness in terms of professional skills. Nowadays this happens very often in the labor market, and in the end we are all faced with the fact that average cost the developer's market is growing many times faster than his professional skills. Don't participate in this kind of ***** [nonsense]. This will end badly for everyone.

Second situation- your employee is a blackmailer. He cannot answer who sent him the offer, or what he is going to do there, or why it is better there and worse here. I just want more money, otherwise that’s it, ****** [end], I’m tired, I’m leaving. In this case, you can offer him additional money (a thousand dollars, for example) so that he leaves the company as soon as possible and starts happy life somewhere else.

Although I would simply fire him after a couple of such performances. We recently had a case: one employee ran out of probation, and they decided to discuss with a colleague their small salary, in their opinion. During the conversation, it turned out that her colleague’s salary was twice as much, which she decided to use as an argument in negotiations.

The result is that we broke up with both of them. Why? Because your salary cannot be increased because somewhere else it is higher, or because they are trying to blackmail you. Also, such employee behavior can result in intrigue within the team and distraction of the entire work process.

Third situation— your employee considers himself undervalued. And somewhere inside him there is a feeling that others will appreciate his skills (in material terms). It is worth noting here that in my experience and the experience of my colleagues from other companies, an increase in salary pleases an employee for two or three months. Then everything descends into sad shit, and the employee again considers himself offended.

In this situation, I would also not recommend increasing wages. Try to talk to your colleague and together figure out the reason for his upset. Perhaps he doesn't like the tasks at hand, or you have different views on work processes, or he can't get along with one of his colleagues, or he doesn't feel important.

There can be a lot of reasons for this, and you don’t know what’s in your employees’ heads, so it’s better to talk to them about such topics more often. Perhaps a bonus for some kind of achievement or a percentage of sales of your software or something else that can motivate an employee to work for you and work better can solve this problem. But it definitely won’t be solved by raising wages.

To get a salary increase, prepare mentally, think through successful arguments, choose a convenient moment and place for negotiations. Show your manager your importance, but do not resort to banal blackmail. If you receive a refusal, find out when you can return to the issue of revising your salary, and what you need to do to get a raise in the future. Experts advise taking the extreme step - dismissal - when all options have been tried, and the income remains at the same level.

If the range of responsibilities is constantly expanding, the number of subordinates is increasing, and the tasks are becoming more complex, it’s time to ask for a salary increase. But what if your boss doesn’t notice or pretends not to see your achievements? How to decide to approach the boss? What arguments can you give to avoid getting rejected? There are many techniques for conducting successful negotiations. But not all of them are effective for the boss to make a positive decision regarding the increase in the subordinate’s salary. Therefore, we will figure out how to ask for a salary increase from management, what arguments will definitely make the boss think about reconsidering the motivation of a valuable employee.

Even if you have been thinking about the idea of ​​an increase in earnings for several days, weeks and even months, believe me, you are not ready for negotiations. Experts advise thinking through several important nuances at the preparatory stage.

The right time to negotiate

Experts advise starting a conversation about increasing your earnings no earlier than six months after starting work at the company. This period is a confirmation that the employee intends to continue working and not leave the company at the first problems.

Note! More than half of the directors classify employees as permanent no earlier than after a year of work.

You can talk about a new increase six months after the last increase.

Bad time for negotiations:

  • immediately after making a serious mistake at work - wait until the situation changes in your favor;
  • a period of sales decline or failure of serious projects;
  • during problems at the company. Inspections, litigation, accidents or accidents at work do not help improve the boss’s mood.

The best time for negotiations is the afternoon, when all urgent issues have been resolved and the boss is in good location after a hearty lunch.

Choose a meeting place

Talking on the go won't work desired results. It will not be possible to conduct full-fledged negotiations between the cases.

Not best idea is considered a request during a corporate party. The boss, despite great mood, is not inclined to resolve work issues in such situations.

During a joint business trip or business lunch, it also makes no sense to start a conversation. Even if the boss promises to consider your arguments, you will have to return to the conversation again later.

The ideal place is the manager's office. Here the boss is on his territory, so the negotiations will be most productive.

Determine your value to the company

The value of an employee consists of three main components:

  • real significance for the work of the company;
  • employee potential;
  • the average cost of specialists of a similar profile on the labor market.

Analyze all the components, answer the question why the manager should raise your salary, support your arguments with numbers and documents.

Designate the promotion level

Be extremely objective. Coaching experts advise targeting a 10-15% increase. It is possible to receive a 30% increase if the level of earnings in the market has increased significantly, or salaries in the company have not been revised for a long period.

Also decide which part of the salary will be discussed: salary or bonus part. Management is not always ready to revise the basic part of employee remuneration, as they are afraid that they will have to increase the salaries of other employees. But they go to increase the premium part much more often.

Common mistakes

If you don’t know how to justify your request, formulate why your salary should be increased, you shouldn’t even start a conversation. The manager will not spend extra money even if you overestimate your importance or express yourself in a pessimistic and pitiful tone.

But there are a number of other arguments that experts do not recommend resorting to under any circumstances:

  1. “I work until 10 pm and on weekends; I haven’t been on vacation for 2 years.” If you do not have time to complete your workload in the allotted time, this is not a reason for a salary increase.
  2. “My colleagues got their salaries raised last month.” Such an argument will only cause irritation. The management apparently had grounds for revising remuneration for other employees, which does not necessarily have to apply to the entire team.
  3. “If you don’t raise my salary, I’ll quit.” The blackmail method can only be used if you are an irreplaceable employee or are really ready to leave the company and have already prepared a letter of resignation.

Remember that excessive persistence can cause complications in your relationship with your boss. The boss will not tolerate regular reminders about the level of remuneration after each successful step.

Don't leave without a clear answer

Experienced leaders are great at avoiding direct answers. Postponement of negotiations, a request to show your abilities, a reference to a superior - all these are manipulations.

Don't leave until you get a clear answer to your question. Even if the boss is not ready to answer “Yes” at the moment, clarify what needs to be done to ensure that the answer is positive. Or suggest what personal responsibilities you are willing to take on in order to get a raise.

A clear example of how you can take the initiative into your own hands is in the video:

Advice! If you are not confident in your negotiation abilities or you know that the boss will definitely avoid answering, write official letter to the manager, where you state your request and justify the requirement. The manager will be obliged to give a reasoned answer to such an appeal.

After negotiations

If the negotiations end with your request being granted, congratulations! But this does not mean that you can calm down and continue to go with the flow. A new salary implies greater responsibility or an increased amount of work. At any time, the decision to increase can be canceled, especially if the increase concerns the bonus part.

You will have to work hard if the manager promised an increase under certain conditions. Everything is in your hands here.

But even if you receive a negative answer, you should not give up. Perhaps the company is not in the best financial position right now, and the budget does not allow for increased wages. Remember that negotiating a salary increase is a game and you can always make new move. The main thing is that the boss remembers that you adequately value your work and apply for a higher reward. Often, when the situation changes, it is these employees who are the first to receive increases, even without an additional reminder.

But if for a long time, despite inflation, rising salaries at similar enterprises, personal professional growth and lack of comments from management, your income remains at the same level, it’s time to think about changing jobs.

Or choose a job where income depends on the abilities of the employee himself, his ambitions, for example, in.

Education: Higher economics, specialization – management in production sector(Kramatorsk Institute of Economics and Humanities).
November 26, 2018.

How to ask your boss for a salary increase? IN foreign countries people do not consider it shameful to remind their management about the need to increase salaries. Employees independently initiate this conversation, because a positive result is only in their interests. It is important to first study all sources and find out how to ask your boss for a salary increase correctly. Otherwise, he may consider the employee to be an upstart or consider him too self-confident.

How to ask your boss for a salary increase? Psychologists recommend taking control of your emotions and thinking ahead individual nuances conversation. The correct reasoning must be conveyed to management. According to statistics, it is arguments that significantly increase the positive outcome of the conversation. Additionally, it is suggested to study the list of common mistakes that people make. They can lead to aggression and deterioration of relationships with superiors.

The employee is advised to prepare for the conversation and write them on a separate piece of paper. You can contact him at any time during the conversation. Thanks to the “cheat sheet,” a person will be able to cope with anxiety and correctly continue the dialogue. The current and desired salary must be mentioned in the conversation.

Professional psychologists know how to ask for a salary increase from their bosses. They propose to convey only indisputable arguments to management.

If the question arises of how to start asking for a salary increase from management, then attention is drawn to the mood of management. It should be interested in improving the work and interaction of the team. An increase in salary is an excellent incentive and one of the effective methods encouragement.

You can ask for a promotion after careful preparation.

  1. The employee is advised to use his contacts and scout the situation. For example, some organizations prefer to increase salaries only once a year. This issue is not always decided by the immediate superior. You may have to draw up an application for a salary increase and submit it to senior management. The employee must follow the regulations that were previously established in the company.
  2. Another ace in the hole will be the level of inflation in the region. The indicator is calculated once a year. It plays a direct role in salary indexation. Management always makes promotions this way.
  3. A conversation about a salary increase cannot be started during times of emergency. Unfavorable days Monday and Friday are also considered for discussion purposes. If a meeting is scheduled with management this issue, then it is strictly forbidden to be late for work that day. Psychologists advise thinking about a promotion after making a successful deal or completing a global project. The employee will also be able to mark their participation in the event. They refrain from talking during inspections, restructuring and reorganizations of the company.
  4. You need to initiate a conversation when you receive an offer from a competing organization. This period is considered the most favorable for negotiating a salary increase. A person has an alternative option that he can use in case of refusal.
  5. Psychologists advise scheduling a meeting for one o'clock in the afternoon. You can first find out about the director’s mood from the secretary or other employees.
  6. The conversation should take place in private. The presence of other employees may negatively affect the outcome. If the director has a lot of meetings that day, then the plan will have to be postponed until a more favorable period.
  7. You should ask for a promotion only after analyzing all the positive and negative aspects of your job. own work. Management should be made aware of the achievements and the feasibility of increasing the salary. If in lately certificates or gratitude were received, then this should be mentioned in passing during the conversation.
  8. It is necessary to ask for the exact amount of the allowance. According to statistics, the company annually raises the salaries of its employees by no more than 10%. It is recommended to initially raise the bar. Thanks to this, as a result of the auction it will be possible to achieve the amount that was originally planned. The boss will also be pleased that he was able to slightly lower the original figure.

During communication, rudeness or a pitiful tone is not allowed. Such communication will only anger the boss, and he will no longer want to continue negotiating. Best to choose business communication, during which the employee puts forward his demands. In some cases, it is impossible to do without a business plan. He will additional benefit process.

Before the meeting, it is recommended to analyze the list of possible questions. You should think through your answers to them in advance with arguments. In some cases, talking with friends or meeting with a psychologist helps to set yourself up correctly. If the director does not make contact or refuses to meet, then a memo is sent to him for a salary increase. The document contains arguments that are presented in writing.

When talking about a salary increase, you cannot be led by emotions. The boss needs to hear competent speech with enough arguments. There is no place for unreasonable manipulation. It can only cause aggression and provoke a negative result.

An employee must think about his reputation and image. He will feel the time that will be favorable for conversation.

However, the most important point is still the arguments. They need to be balanced and the main ones highlighted. What arguments can be considered successful?

It is recommended to take a note to the meeting that describes in detail its advantages and achievements. At the first stage of communication, it is allowed to use only indisputable arguments. Not only the person, but also his leadership must be confident in their veracity.

According to statistics, in 28% of cases, managers increase salaries if the employee’s range of duties or responsibilities has significantly expanded. They can be listed in the application and sent to higher management.

Starting a conversation correctly is how to set the tone for further conversation:

  • the conversation should begin with arguments in favor of the fact that you bring obvious benefits to the entire company;
  • In addition, achievements should be noted in front of the team;
  • the employee must assure the boss that he will cope with the assigned tasks even better;
  • the end result is maximizing the company's profit;
  • The last argument is that salaries should increase in proportion to new responsibilities.

Only in this case will the employee pay due attention to them and not ignore them.

Your colleagues in similar positions earn more

According to the rules of modern companies, employees should not discuss the size of their own salaries. However, there are remnants of the past. If a person receives information that his colleague receives more cash, then he can discuss this issue with management. At the same time, the range of their responsibilities should be approximately the same.

Management also takes into account experience and length of service. That is why this argument can only be made when the situations are completely identical. Perhaps an error occurred when calculating in the accounting department, so management should find out about it in a timely manner. However, focusing on other people's earnings is unacceptable.

You should not point out to management their mistakes or shortcomings. Reception is considered prohibited. The boss will not only not increase the salary, but may also doubt the human qualities. Additionally, he can convey information to the team. They definitely won't like it.

Management must evaluate the service contribution of each employee. According to statistics, thanks to this criterion, 32% of workers increase their salaries.

However, one's own merits should not be exaggerated. The boss will look at the work objectively. If it was done well, then he is guaranteed to meet the employee halfway.

It would be a good idea to document your successes. You can prepare graphs or reports that clearly show the work and its high quality. Thanks to this, the topic of increasing the boss’s salary will be more understandable and justified.

Are you willing to work more to increase your income?

As one of the arguments, an employee can cite his willingness to work more and harder.

  1. Management must see the ambition and desire to increase the company's income as a whole.
  2. Can you suggest ready business plan with calculations. It will propose further ways for the development of an industry, department or entire organization.

Perhaps management will consider them necessary and take them into service. In any case, it will understand the employee’s interest. However, it is not allowed to overdo it. The director should not understand that the person is ready to work more for the same pay.

Controversial arguments. It is recommended to move on to this group of arguments only if the previous ones did not give the desired result. They can also be used if the employee is completely confident in their accuracy. It is important to adequately evaluate your work and not exaggerate what you have achieved.

If a person is very worried and worried, then he should learn how to write a letter about a salary increase. In this case, he will be able to present his arguments and demands in writing. However, not all management will consider such an appeal worthwhile. The letter may remain unread or given due attention.

When there are almost no arguments, you can specify the following:

  • during the period of work, the employee gains additional experience and skills - they will not be available to a person who has just crossed the threshold of the enterprise;
  • continuing education courses are considered a positive aspect;
  • It is recommended to indicate regularly attended seminars and lectures that are directly related to the work of the enterprise;
  • salary should increase in direct proportion to knowledge and skills.

Management will see the employee's desire to work as best as possible. This should not be left aside.

Experience and knowledge are another argument in favor of increasing salaries. Management must value qualified specialists. Today, this argument helps increase the salaries of approximately 17% of employees.

If your salary is increased, you will move mountains

It will be easier for the director to make a decision if the employee first provides him with development projects. Additionally, you can also note courses or seminars that you plan to attend in the near future to improve your skills. A notepad with notes will help you not to miss important points. They need to be emphasized first.

If the salary has been proposed to be increased by a smaller amount, then ideas can be conveyed to management that will be implemented provided that the initial requirements are met. Try to get a one-word answer at the end of the conversation.

An incentive is always offered for the proposed idea. The employee, for his part, must show confidence and desire to achieve the goal.

No one is immune from unforeseen situations in which money is needed. When discussing a promotion, you should tell your manager about it. At the same time, it is worth refusing to describe unnecessary details. He must receive information from pure form.

It is better to immediately abandon the pitiful tone and tears. Such actions can only anger the boss. He also has problems that he is not eager to tell you about.

Excessive pessimism is unacceptable in this matter. The director needs confident and purposeful employees. He must understand that the team will not mix work and personal problems. Only in this case will a person be able to work for the common good.

You have been working in the company for a very long time

Salary is another way to motivate a person.

  1. With proper remuneration, he will strive to complete the task as efficiently and quickly as possible.
  2. He can note the period during which the employee works for the benefit of the company.
  3. Additionally, you can recall times of crisis and cite them as the main argument.

This conversation is best supported by charts and documents. They reflect the contribution and financial profit from the work of a particular person.

Decisiveness and perseverance appeal to all leaders. They must see the drive in their employees. If the specialist really high quality, then his salary is guaranteed to be raised.

Unfortunately, only 9% of employees can achieve a positive result in such a situation. Before going to the boss’s office, you need to make sure that you are a truly valuable employee. In such a situation, only an adequate assessment is suitable.

Blackmail and attempted manipulation are unacceptable. The manager should not feel pressure from the employee. Otherwise, he may refuse him on principle. You shouldn't make a huge mistake. Reputation will be at stake. Salary increases should be achieved in more tactful ways.

Ask for a specific increase

An employee should not propose a salary increase as his own decision. Only management can finally accept it. That's why this information should be conveyed to them as a recommendation.

It’s best to start the conversation with the need for indexing:

  • the director must receive calculations that indicate the specific amount you expect as an increase;
  • thanks to this, a complex psychological maneuver is performed - it almost always works, so the person receives long-awaited additional funds in the form of a reward;
  • The manager must receive information about the specific amount that a person sees as an increase to the basic salary.

You should not shift responsibility for work done incorrectly to your colleagues. A situation in which a person arrogates the laurels of others will also not lead to a positive result. The conversation should take place in a friendly atmosphere.

You can also refer to the current inflation rate in your calculations. For example, for last year prices increased by an average of 10%. This is the amount the employee wants in addition to ensure the same standard of living.

Wage indexation is an unconditional obligation of all firms and private entrepreneurs. For efficient work promotions should be performed at least once a year.

Unfortunately, management does not always accommodate employees halfway and increase salaries. It may refuse or take time to think. There is no need to be upset about this. In any case, the person was heard and, perhaps, his financial situation will soon improve.

Things don't always go as planned. In the following cases, expecting an increase would be a mistake.

  1. The employee failed to provide evidence or arguments for a salary increase.
  2. The company is in decline and experiencing financial difficulties.
  3. The management did not like the inflated self-esteem.
  4. The employee has no clear achievements and is underperforming or performing poorly in the main job.
  5. Any person does not like a pessimistic attitude and a pitiful tone in communication, and even less so for management.
  6. You should not use blackmail or an ultimatum of dismissal - they drive the director into a corner and make him less accommodating.
  7. You should not rely on the experience or merits of your colleagues.
  8. You should also not be overly persistent and intrusive.

Before visiting the manager’s office, you should think about every word again. It would be useful to indicate the main points in a notepad. In this case, you will be able to peek into it.

The conversation should be postponed to a favorable time if the manager is too busy for more important matters. In this case, you can send your request in writing. It will be reviewed at a convenient time.

Quite often there are cases when an employee clearly overestimates his importance in the company’s achievements. The boss may take this as a joke. In the future, he will not treat the employee seriously.

Unsatisfactory work results and lack of professionalism can lead to dismissal instead of the desired promotion. We should not forget that the boss is not obliged to help employees. He must evaluate them in terms of their overall contribution to the firm's profits.

High-ranking officials try to avoid stalemate situations, so they can react radically. When communicating with them, you should not confuse a request with a threat. Last option may have a negative attitude towards management.

You should not compare your salary with the salary of your manager. It shouldn't be discussed. It is recommended to use only your own merits as the main argument for an increase. Otherwise, a positive result will not be achieved. It is necessary to develop the conversation so that the impression does not arise only about the material interest of the applicant. This situation is unacceptable, because every employee works for the common good of the company and to achieve its goals.

According to statistics, only half of employees decide to start a conversation with management about raising their salaries. Most often this is done by men. However, women achieve positive results faster, because they make contact more easily and sense the mood of their interlocutor.

You should not be afraid to take the initiative, because many managers believe that only valuable employees dare to have such a conversation. That is why they easily raise their salaries.

Even if the attempt is unsuccessful, there is no need to be upset. It is important to adhere to a number of rules when speaking and maintain a businesslike tone. Rudeness and intrusiveness will not please any person. They should always be avoided when communicating. And if an employee is focused on results, then he is guaranteed to receive approval from management another time.

Employers are required to index wages, but how often is up to them. The law is vague, so few people follow it

Don't look at the market price

So, an employee asks for a salary increase. The first thought is to look at the price of a specialist on the market. Maybe the employee really doesn’t earn enough and needs to be paid extra. Or, on the contrary, he became insolent and it is better to fire him.

The problem is that market value has nothing to do with that particular employee. He can work for two or understand his work better than an expensive specialist from the market.

Here are two situations. First:

Accountant Marina comes to her boss:

- Anatoly, hello! I’ve been working for a year, I’m coping with everything, I’ve never received a fine from the tax office. I think I deserve a raise.

- How much do you get?

— 30,000 rubles

- How much do you want?

— 40,000 rubles

- Marin, you bent. On Headhunter in Saratov, accountants earn even less than you, so no.

Marina leaves upset and finds another way to make money: she takes on several more companies in addition to her main job. The main job is suffering, but Marina is not ashamed, she warned. If the boss doesn't care, then she doesn't care either.

Second situation:

- Anatoly, hello! I've been working for a year and I'm coping with everything. I want to earn more: not thirty thousand, as now, but forty.

- It's clear. Marina, I like the way you work, but I’m not ready to answer right now. I'll think about what can be done. Come see me the day after tomorrow and we'll talk.

Marina didn’t get what she wanted, but she sees that the manager doesn’t care. Two days later she comes, and she and Anatoly find a solution.

Employees already know market salaries. Poking it at them will not solve the problem, but will only ruin the relationship. You don’t have to immediately rush to raise your salary, but show that you care:

Mention the employee's accomplishments. It’s enough to say the most important or recent thing: “Marina, I like the way you work. You brought order to deadlines and figured out how to catch errors in documents.” Yes, even a simple “I like” or “I am satisfied with your work” is already good if it is true.

Promise to think about it. You don't have to answer right away. Maybe you will increase the salary, but not as much as the employee asks. Or give him new tasks. This will take time to resolve, so ask the employee to check back in two to three days. The main thing is that he will know that his issue is being addressed.

Don't kick me out. If an arrogant slacker comes for a promotion, great. You will refuse him and give him a reason for dismissal. The main thing is to be patient: explain that you are not ready to increase your salary now or in the next six months or a year, and you don’t even see any reason to increase it. Either he will remain working with the same salary, or he will quit. It definitely won't get any worse.

The leader's task is to ensure that good employee left calm. Even if he doesn't get a promotion, let him know that it is possible in the future and that he is valued and does not want to let him go.

Find out the reason

Before giving an answer, figure out why the employee is not satisfied with his salary. So ask: “Valera, when you came, we agreed on 30,000 rubles. What has changed? A good answer is about work in a company, a bad answer is about a personal one.

Bad answer

I have a dollar mortgage

One of these days my second child will be born

Sasha works in the same position, but receives 45,000 rubles

If you don't raise my salary, I'll go to competitors

Good answer

I came to the company to work with old clients, and now I bring new ones. I work more, and I think the salary no longer matches my job, so I want an increase.

For the last six months I have been meeting my sales targets and overall have become a stronger and more experienced employee. I am ready to take on training newcomers so that we can sell even better. And for this I want to get more.

If I fall short of a higher salary, I'm ready to catch up. What do I need to learn to earn more?

I don't feel comfortable working for the same salary. What can I do to increase it?

If an employee comes with a specific proposal for a new salary and justifies it, this is good sign. In our culture, this is not accepted; it is common to complain about low salaries to spouses, friends and family, but not to the boss. So imagine how much courage it took for the employee. Apparently, in his work he does not complain about the problem, but solves it.

Blackmail is a clear dismissal. A phrase like: “If..., otherwise I’ll leave” is a danger signal. If you satisfy the demands, this scoundrel will continue to blackmail: if you don’t like the client, give it to someone else or I’ll leave; Vacation dates don't work - let me go in August or I'll leave. It’s better to stop this right away.

Mortgage, children, car loans are the employee’s personal problems and do not concern the company.

Estimate budget

It happens that the manager is not against raising the salary, but cannot: the budget has been drawn up, there is no extra money.

The department's budget for the year is 1,980,000 rubles.

Of this, accountants receive 1,560,000 rubles along with taxes.

Marina receives 780,000 rubles a year including taxes, but wants to receive more. Marina’s salary with an increase will cost the company 1,014,000 rubles per year.

Together with the salary of the second accountant and other expenses, it comes out to 2,214,000 rubles.

Try a calculator that calculates how much an employee actually costs: with salary, taxes, vacation and sick leave

In such a situation, managers advise three methods: make a reserve for a salary increase when hiring, switch to contract work, transfer an employee to piecework.

It’s easy with a margin for improvement. The manager hires a manager for 35,000 rubles, but plans to increase the salary to 45,000 rubles in six months if he meets the targets. Money for a raise is already in the plan. This good way, but if this is not foreseen in advance, it will not work.

If an employee opens an individual entrepreneur, the company will be able to pay more without loss to itself.

Employment contract

The company pays 50,000 rubles

Personal income tax - 6500 rubles

Pension contributions 30% - 15,000 rubles. The company pays them

The employee receives 43,500 rubles. It costs the company 65,000 rubles without vacation pay and time off.

IP agreement

The company pays 65,000 rubles

Taxes 6% - 3900 rubles per month

Insurance and pension contributions per year - 23,153.33 rubles, per month - 1929.44 rubles

The employee receives net 59,170.56 rubles

The option seems ideal, but there are risks for the employee. According to the contract, he does not receive sick leave, he is not entitled to vacation, and he can lose his job in a day. Therefore, an employee enters into such a relationship only with complete trust.

There is also a risk for the company. The employee worked as a staff member, and now as an individual entrepreneur. The tax office may suspect that the company is evading taxes. While such things are in judicial practice are decided in favor of the company, but it is better to consult with your lawyers and accountants.

Another option is piecework payment. The employee receives a salary and a bonus for performance. This gives him an incentive to work better and his salary increases.

The accounting company “Partner” advises clients via the Internet via chat. The best accountants answer for 5 minutes, weaker accountants - for 12, others are lazy and answer for 20. The company loses money on long answers: instead of twenty simple questions processes seven per hour.

The director reduces the salary and offers a bonus: 15,000 rubles for an average response time of ten minutes, 20,000 for five. Those who fail to cope leave, those who cope bring profit to the company and earn good money themselves

It happens that an employee wants an increase of 10,000 rubles, but the company can only give five. Don’t say that there is no money, but break the increase into two stages. First, increase the salary by five thousand and celebrate the employee’s achievements. And then agree on what indicators you will increase further.

An employee who does not want to earn money, but to receive it, will refuse the piece-rate system, because he will have to work hard and well. This is not bad, identify the slacker. But be sure to ask why the employee refuses. Maybe he’s just scared, or he’s used to a specific amount because he strictly allocates the family budget.

Don't fall for manipulation

If an employee comes for a promotion and is willing to discuss options, that's fine. It’s not normal if he manipulates. To avoid being manipulated, pay attention to the following behavior:

An employee comes not to his direct supervisor, but to the main boss. It means they have anything bad relationship, or the employee has already tried to talk to the manager and was refused. In any case, find out why he came to you, and then talk to the manager.

He mumbles and hints, but is afraid to say directly about the promotion:“You know, this is the thing... How should I put it. Well, in general, my salary is 30,000 rubles. Do you understand? He is waiting for proposals from you, although he should offer himself. Pretend you don't understand. Let him say what he wants. Until then there is nothing to discuss.

Blackmails: “If you don’t give me a raise, I’ll leave and steal the client base.” The most unpleasant thing is that he can actually do this. If the employee signed a non-disclosure agreement trade secret- There is nothing to be afraid of, the court will be on your side. If not, things are worse. Explain to the employee that you will give a bad recommendation and tell competitors about his dishonesty. The employee’s reputation is over, it will be difficult to find a job.

Drives out on feelings of guilt:“I’m so dedicated to the company, I stay late, answer calls even on vacation, sometimes I work on weekends and get paid as a junior employee.” The fact that an employee stays late is his personal choice and is not related to the quality of work. If he has to stay late after work, he accumulates unnecessary tasks and does not know how to plan his time. Let him figure out the planning first, and come for a promotion when he has something to brag about.

Refuses to discuss options: open an individual entrepreneur, take on new tasks or work with a bonus. Apparently, the employee has no place in the company. He wants things to be tense for him, but he himself is not ready to change anything.

In any of these situations, remain calm and discuss the problem. If you are not ready for a promotion, just say: “I am not ready because I am not satisfied with the quality of your work.” Ask questions: why did he come to you, why the offer is exactly what he wants, what he wants from work in the near future. You will probably learn a lot of interesting things.