The best tips on how to enlarge your hips and buttocks. How to make your hips wider

IN lately It seems that everyone around has become literally obsessed with slender thighs and the desire to achieve the formation of the treasured internal gap between them, which is talked about so much.

Although it is known that such a period is not an indicator of health and good physical fitness However, everyone wants to tone their legs to look better and feel satisfied.

Here is my selection 17 useful tips about how to make your hips slim. They will help you wear short summer dresses and shorts without any embarrassment!

1. Eat healthy

Not a single exercise in the world can transform the body if you do not adhere to a healthy diet.

Additionally, it is impossible to lose weight in one specific part of the body, so eat fruits, vegetables, grains and lean protein along with your workouts. This approach will return your legs to their former slimness.

2. Do lunges and squats

These are extremely effective helpers in the fight for slender legs, which will also tone the entire lower body as a whole. You can't do without these exercises!

Lunges will strengthen your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, and squats will also tone your sides.

3. Wear shapewear

Shapewear will help the laziest to become slimmer.

Do you want to wear bold, body-hugging dresses, but your physical fitness doesn’t allow it yet? Choose slimming leggings or breeches that fit properly.

They will give your hips a more graceful silhouette and smooth out unaesthetic irregularities that you may be embarrassed about. Buying them will be a good investment in the beauty of your thighs.

In short, transform your lower body, as they say, “without surgery”!

4. Do cardio

Another healthy way to lose weight is to do regular cardio exercise.

If you burn more calories than you consume, your body will inevitably transform and your legs and thighs will become slimmer.

Lunges and squats will help build and strengthen muscle mass, and cardio will burn fat reserves in the body.

Add to this a healthy diet, and the results will exceed even your wildest expectations.

5. Apply self-tanner

A self-tanner or bronzer will help you quickly and easily add attractiveness to your legs.

In addition, they will give the appearance of excellent physical shape to the thighs, since tanned skin looks much more toned and smooth than pale skin.

So, if time is running out and you need stunning legs (pardon the pun) urgently, now you know what to do!

One of the main advantages of self-tanning is that it does not harm the skin.

6. Use anti-cellulite cream

Today on the market there is huge amount creams that help get rid of cellulite and smooth out other skin irregularities, but their effectiveness begins to appear only in combination with a healthy diet and exercise.

Caffeine is also famous for its anti-cellulite effect.

Make your own body wash by mixing coffee grounds with regular shower gel, and you will have another daily assistant in the fight against problem skin.

7. Don't forget to dry clean

Dry brushing leather is a little known but... effective method, which women all over the world have been using for centuries!

The procedure helps to tighten living skin and remove dead skin, improve blood circulation, reduce the appearance of cellulite and cleanse the body of toxins.

Use only special brushes for the body (but not for hair!), which are sold in most cosmetic stores or specialized online resources.

8. Give up sugar

If you think that regular workouts are enough to build perfect thighs, then you are mistaken.

Proper nutrition involves not only consuming vegetables and fruits, but also excluding from the diet foods with a high glycemic index, which lead to the accumulation of fat deposits, including on the hips.

Eliminate refined and added sugars and your body will transform into... as soon as possible, especially in the waist area.

Exercise is very important, but if you want to lose weight, then eliminate energy bars and all kinds of healthy organic sweets from your nutrition program. Instead, switch to naturally sweet foods like grapes, carrots, cherry tomatoes, berries, organic Greek yogurt with stevia, and even 100 percent dark chocolate.

You enjoy tasty and healthy food, while burning fat and getting rid of sugar addiction. Isn't it great?

9. Drink mate

Did you know that some drinks have a thermogenic effect and can burn fat in the body much faster than any harmful pills?

This is exactly the property that mate has. Plus, it's delicious and contains no sugar!

Try this drink in combination with mint to enhance its flavor.

Yerba mate has been proven to promote weight loss and improve digestion.

10. Eat more plant-based protein

Plant proteins from foods like hemp seed, sprouted brown rice, and spirulina are great for curbing your appetite and helping you lose weight. extra pounds. Try to eat them as often as possible.

For animal sources of protein, use organic Greek yogurt and fish.

Plant proteins speed up metabolism (metabolism), and also nourish muscles and burn fat, making your thighs slimmer and more defined.

11. Try HIIT training

High-intensity interval training (abbreviated HIIT) is one of the best ways tone your entire body, especially your lower part, since during training sessions you spend more time on your feet.

The main advantage of HIIT workouts is that they last much less than regular cardio, which means they save a lot of time, which can be usefully spent on yourself.

12. Take evening walks

Autumn - perfect time for walks. Walking is the simplest and at the same time very effective (along with running!) way to tone your hips.

Evening walks are not only pleasant in themselves, but also productive because they help the body relax and relieve tension. Real anti-stress therapy!

Just 20 minutes 5 days a week will bring invaluable benefits to the body.

A beloved dog will only improve your mood and allow you not to slow down.

13. Try to stand while working

Here's another easy way to tone your thighs!

Of course, if the work involves constantly being at a desk, then this is quite difficult to do, and an awkward feeling may arise.

Then use any opportunity, for example, stand while telephone conversations or just get into the habit of walking for 5 minutes every hour.

If you work from home, build or buy a desk that allows you to work while standing.

Remember: while sitting, fat accumulates, while standing, it burns.

14. Avoid stress

As paradoxical as it may sound, the stress caused by constant attempts to lose weight can lead to gaining extra pounds.

Don't focus on the problem areas of your body, but rather focus on proper nutrition, physical activity and engage in calming practices such as walking, yoga, meditation, etc.

This will reduce the production of stress hormones that cause the body to store fat.

15. Stay on top of healthy fats

Yes, healthy fats, such as those found in almond, olive and coconut oils, should be present in the diet, but when losing weight, you should not be overzealous in consuming them.

Small amounts of these foods are very high in calories, so remember to use moderation.

In general, instead of fat, try to eat more lean protein, green vegetables, leafy greens, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers and celery.

Lie with your back on the floor, bend your legs at an angle of 90°, place your hands behind your head. Without lifting your shoulders from the floor, lift your pelvis up.

Hold the position for 5 seconds, keeping the muscles of the buttocks and thighs tense, and then lower yourself.

Do 25 repetitions every day and you will see fantastic results!

17. Squat, don't bend.

When we pick up an object from the floor or want to take something from the bottom shelf of a closet, we usually bend over, rounding our back, instead of just sitting down.

It's time to break this habit!

Squats will not only strengthen your back muscles and protect it from injury, but also in a positive way will affect your posture, not to mention your hips.

Whatever method of losing weight you like - a healthy diet, physical exercise, cosmetic procedures or pleasant walks - you still have a huge range of options for creating a beautiful body in your arsenal.

Have you already used any of these tips?

Do you know any other ways to get slim thighs?

To increase the width of your hips, you need to build up muscle mass and use a number of special exercises. Do them at least 3 times a week. Within a month you will notice that your legs and hips have become smoother and more rounded.

Get on your knees. Clearly fix the positions of your hands, knees and toes - they should be level. Make sure your fingers are pointing forward, your elbows are under your shoulders, and your head is in line with your spine. Raise your right leg and pull your toe towards your head. Then lower it and pull your knee towards your chest. The leg must be supported. Do another 12-15 times. Change leg and do the same. Lie on your right side and rest your head on your hand. Bend the knee of your left leg. Place your foot behind the shin of your right leg. Then lift your right leg and pull it towards you. Strive to turn the top of your inner thigh out. Hold the position for 1-2 minutes. Next, lower your leg, but not all the way. Perform 20-40 repetitions and change legs.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down, straighten your back and stretch your arms forward. Hold for 10 seconds. Make sure your thighs are parallel to the floor. Return to the starting position. Do the exercise 10-15 times. For the next exercise you will have to visit the gym. If you have never trained with a barbell, do not lift more than 15 kg. Take the barbell and place it on the edge of your shoulders. Straighten your back, place your feet shoulder-width apart and fix the position. Then begin to gently squat down. Slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 8-10 times. Make sure your knees are level and pointing straight. Look straight while doing the exercise, otherwise you may feel dizzy.

When you can easily perform the above exercise, place your feet not shoulder-width apart, but slightly wider. It is this position that will force the surface of the thighs to work. Try to squat as low as possible, but don't overdo it. The first time you do squats, do them slowly and carefully. If during execution you cannot keep your heels on the ground (they rise unconsciously), place small bars (3-5 cm) under them.

To widen your hips, do the following exercise. Sit down and touch the floor with your hands. Then jump up sharply. Stretch your arms above your head as you jump. Return to the starting position and take another jump. This exercise works the muscles well, so it will help you increase the width of your hips very quickly. Combine the above workouts with waist exercises. Do straight crunches. To do this, lie on the floor and lift your upper body. Press your lower back firmly to the floor. Bend your legs a little and also lift them off the floor. Hold for 1-2 minutes. Do 10-15 reps. Also do oblique crunches. They are performed in exactly the same way as straight ones, only while lifting the body, you should reach with your left elbow to your right knee, and then vice versa. During all exercises, make sure that your diet includes daily norm protein, which is necessary for muscle growth. Eat more meat, fish, low-fat cottage cheese and plant foods. If you don't eat meat at all, take extra protein. There are many manufacturers that make plant-based protein shakes and other quality protein products.

Regular exercise will help you make your hips more rounded and attractive. When you achieve results, don’t give up on training – always try to keep your body in shape.

A real decoration for girls and women. Some representatives of the fair sex are wondering: how to increase the width of their hips? If the individual characteristics of the figure do not favor curvy figures, they will come to the rescue proper nutrition and special physical exercises to increase hip size. In addition, such integrated approach will tone the body and improve mood.

To acquire the desired shape, diligence and regular exercise are required. A properly selected program will allow you to build muscle mass in in the right places, make narrow hips wider.

  • mastering the correct exercise technique;
  • performing movements slowly to ensure maximum muscle tension;
  • gradually increasing the load using dumbbells or other suitable loads;
  • selection of the optimal diet for increasing muscle volume.

If desired, the girl can study in gym under the guidance of an instructor or increase your hips at home.

How to get rounder hips at home

A set of simple exercises performed 3-5 times weekly will give a visible effect within a month. It is very important to master correct technique movements, the effect of exercise directly depends on this. Before starting training, it is advisable to find detailed information with video materials to understand how to perform the exercises correctly. To expand and pump up the hip girdle, you need to repeat the exercises 15–20 times in several approaches. So, let's get to work!

In the beginning, it is very important to spend 5-10 minutes preparing for classes in order to quickly warm up your muscles and joints. Warm-up may include walking in place with high knees, bending and rotating movements, stretching, and raising your toes.

Basic hip exercises

Squats are ideal for working almost all the muscles of the lower body. Plie squat - very effective exercise to expand the pelvis:

  1. Starting position for classic squats: legs together or slightly apart, arms extended in front of the chest, back straight. You need to squat while exhaling so that the angle when bending your knees is 90°, and the line of your hips is parallel to the floor. The torso is tilted forward. The number of repetitions should be gradually increased from 10 to 50 times, and then add dumbbells or stay in the squat for several tens of seconds.
  2. Starting position for plie squats: legs wider than shoulder-width apart, toes turned outward, do not arch your lower back. Your arms can be stretched out in front of you, folded in front of your chest or behind your head. You should squat while exhaling, without lowering your buttocks below knee level. If you stay in a squat, the tension will increase internal muscles the hips will increase, which will lead to the creation of a beautiful relief.

Lunges prevent the development of cellulite on the thighs by increasing blood circulation in the pelvic area.

There are lunges forward, backward, sideways and cross movements:

  1. Starting position for lunges forward and backward: legs slightly apart, hands on the waist, back straight. Take long steps forward or backward with a squat so that both legs are bent at the knee by approximately 90°. For greater effect, it is useful to linger in this position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position.
  2. When lunging to the side, the step is made left and right, bending one leg at a right angle, and keeping the other straight.
  3. Cross lunges are performed by crossing one leg behind the other so that the front leg is bent 90°. The second leg should not touch the floor with its knee.

Swinging with straight legs creates sufficient load and develops the femoral part. Swings are performed in a standing or lying position, abducting the working leg as much as possible:

  1. Standing, leaning on the back of a chair, perform movements with your legs forward, backward, and to the side. The body of the body should not deviate. By holding your leg up for a few seconds and speeding up the pace, you can increase the load.
  2. Lying on your stomach, you need to rest your head on your arms crossed at forehead level. Swings should be performed by tensing the hips as much as possible. The same exercises can be repeated while standing on all fours or lying on your side.

Additional classes

Half-bridge, jumping and chair exercises are effective exercises that help pump up narrow hips.

Mandatory inclusion of them in the training program contributes to the rapid development of the pelvic muscles:

  1. The half-bridge is performed lying on your back, with your knees bent and your arms extended along your body. From the starting position, the pelvis is raised until it forms straight line body from the shoulder blades to the knees, the muscles of the buttocks should tense, and the feet should not lift off the floor.
  2. Jumping from a sitting position, stretching your arms up, works the muscles well, making your hips wider.
  3. Chair - an exercise consisting of a series of squats, performed near the wall. From a standing position with arms extended forward, perform a squat until you reach right angle between the thigh and the calf of the leg. Stay in this state for 20 seconds at first, each time increasing the time as much as possible.

Exercises for hips in the gym

Detailed information on how to pump up a girl’s thighs in the gym can be provided by an instructor who will develop a program taking into account individual characteristics body and will explain in detail how you can make your hips wider. The same movements described earlier, performed on machines or using a barbell, give a quick effect.

Basic rules when exercising in the gym:

  1. Compliance with nutritional regimes. It is better to start training 2 hours after eating, and drinking water is allowed regardless of the time of training.
  2. Doing a warm-up. To avoid harming the muscles, before strength training you should warm them up more.
  3. Load compliance. To develop muscles, they should be overloaded, but this should be done gradually and moderately so as not to damage the muscle tissue.
  4. Consistency of exercise. Once you have achieved results, you cannot quit. This will lead to a rapid loss of tone, because the muscles need constant stress.

Exercises that increase thigh size will be much more effective if you eat right, taking in more protein foods, vegetables and fruits. Private walks on fresh air will strengthen the leg muscles and the general condition of the body.

It is better if training and a healthy diet become not a temporary phenomenon, but a way of life that will allow you to gain rounded and attractive hips and maintain a fit figure for many years.

I am glad to welcome you, friends! I think I won’t be wrong if I say that almost every woman wants to look attractive and meet certain canons of beauty. But, alas, not everyone naturally has a wasp waist or expressive legs.

Fortunately, there is such a sport as fitness, which can eliminate these shortcomings! It will allow you to kill two birds with one stone and visually make your waist narrower and give your hips a rounded shape. Today I’ll tell you exactly how to make your hips rounder!

If you are here, then you are tempted to get rid of tapered or square legs and give them an attractive roundness. To do this, you need to direct all your efforts. Especially on their outer part. The muscle located in this location is called the lateral head of the quadriceps.

  • To train our legs we will need such well-known exercises as squats and lunges, these are basic movements for pumping not only the hips, but also the buttocks
  • Training regime is important

Since we want to build some muscle, the exercises should put a good amount of stress on them. Therefore, for training at home, get a pair of dumbbells.

  • We need cardio training

After all, they train endurance, and it will be useful for working in the range of 10-20 repetitions in leg exercises. Why so many repetitions? Because girls have more slow-twitch muscle fibers that love prolonged work.

If you work out in the gym, then treadmill or an exercise bike will be very useful. Well, running and cycling at home can help you.

Guided by three points, you can create an effective training program and confidently go into battle.

Training programs

In order for the program to work, it is important not only to regularly pay attention to physical activity, but also to adhere to it!

In the gym

If you decide to work out in the gym, then the set of exercises will look like this:

  • Front Squats

One of best exercises for the development of thigh muscles. Many bodybuilders use it to add curves to their legs, but this does not mean that it is not suitable for women.

On the contrary, due to anatomical features, you will be able to squat with an almost perfectly straight back. You need to place your feet shoulder-width apart and squat until they are parallel to the floor. Perform 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

  • Front squats can be replaced with narrow leg squats

Thus, the outer part of the thigh will be loaded. However, you will feel it yourself. Here you are free to use either a Smith machine or a barbell. Perform 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

  • And now our favorite attacks

But we will do them in a somewhat non-standard manner. It is most convenient to perform lunges with dumbbells, since in this case the center of gravity drops down and we have a more stable body position.

How to do the exercise? Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Step one leg back and to the side in the direction of the front leg, as illustrated in the photo. Return to the starting position and repeat the same steps for the other leg. Perform 3-4 sets of 12-20 repetitions.

  • You can complete your workout with classic lunges.

Using dumbbells, a barbell or a Smith machine as weights. You need to perform 2-3 sets of 12-20 repetitions.

Before training, do not forget to warm up well. Perform rotational movements with your arms and legs. Do a few bends and squats. You can also walk on a treadmill or pedal an exercise bike.

And after completing the lesson, take a couple of minutes to cool down: restore your breathing and stretch your tired muscles. And one more important note! During the final sets of each exercise, use a weightlifting belt to help keep your waist trim.

At home

At home, you most likely don’t have any barbells on hand, much less a Smith machine. But you can always come up with a burden. It could be dumbbells.

The complex itself remains the same as in the gym. Moreover, if dumbbells or expanders alone are not enough, then you can combine them!

For example, in front squats, you take dumbbells in your hands, throw them over your shoulders and squat, but if the load is not enough, also take an expander in your hands. Secure its other end under your feet. But in the latter case It is better to lower your hands with dumbbells down, since it will be quite difficult to hold them in a raised position.

Master each exercise for the same number of repetitions and sets (3-4 sets of 10-20 repetitions) and you are great! Now you can rest and recover.

But before you start training, be sure to watch the video!


In order to round your hips, you will have to sweat a lot, as you need to gain a little muscle mass. Fortunately, women's hips grow well from physical activity. For proportional body development, pay attention not only to the hips, but also to other muscle groups (upper body, hamstrings, buttocks and calves).

Train for the hip complex 1-2 times a week, with one day being heavy (doing 10-15 reps) and another day being light (doing 15-20 reps with a lighter weight). Leave a three-day recovery period in between. Set aside a separate day for cardio training.

That's all for me. Leave feedback on the article, subscribe to updates and share the article with friends on social networks. See you soon!


Many girls, especially teenagers, are thinking about how to enlarge their hips and give them roundness. The figure acquires feminine curves due to hormonal changes during puberty and the release of estrogen, the female sex hormone, into the blood. If a girl doesn’t think her hips are round enough, she can correct this without resorting to surgery. The long-awaited result can be obtained by adjusting your diet and special strength exercises, which are easy to perform both at home and on professional exercise equipment in the gym.

The most effective exercise for building muscle mass in the thighs is squats. It must be included in the warm-up or in the main complex. To get more effect from the exercise, it should be performed with free weights. Using a load (for example, dumbbells), you can work all the muscles of the buttocks, back and legs. In this exercise, you need to make sure that your knees do not “walk” and your heels do not leave the floor. Then the exercise will be performed correctly.

In order to seriously engage in building muscle on the hips and buttocks, it is advisable to purchase dumbbells: with them, the effect of the exercises will increase several times. But good shells cost a lot of money, and not everyone has the opportunity to purchase a quality product. In this case, sports equipment can easily replace 1.5-liter water bottles. You can do exercises with them initial stage. Then you can increase the load to 5-10 liter containers.

Those who have such an opportunity should buy an exercise bike. With it you can work all the muscles of the thighs and buttocks without special effort. For those who do not have a simulator, a bicycle will do. If you go for a half-hour walk in the park every day, the effect will be noticeable within a few days.

Complex for studying at home

Classic squat. This exercise uses almost all the muscles of the lower torso. This allows you not only to increase the width of your hips, but also to improve your posture and remove excess fat from the stomach and pump up your abs.

Starting position - legs together, shoulders back, arms extended in front of you. Technique:

  • You need to squat so that your knees are at an angle of 90 degrees and your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • The foot should not be lifted off the floor, otherwise you may lose balance during the exercise.
  • Before starting a squat, you need to take a deep breath and squat as you exhale.

Exercises to build muscle must be performed slowly, without haste or fuss. The muscles should be as tense as possible.

Plie squat. This exercise works the hamstrings and gluteal muscles. The plie squat makes your shape more rounded and your legs slimmer.

Starting position: legs spread as wide as possible, toes turned outward, arms clasped in front of the chest. Exercise technique:

  • You need to squat in such a way that your buttocks do not fall below your knees; the back should be absolutely straight and not arch in the lower back.
  • After sitting down, you need to stay in this position for a few seconds and then return to the starting position.
  • The exercise must be performed in 4 sets of 10-12 squats.

Lunges. The exercise perfectly trains the thigh muscles and prevents cellulite.

Starting position: straight back, hands on your belt or sides. Execution algorithm:

  • With your right foot you need to step forward and lower yourself so that the stepped leg forms an angle of 90 degrees; The left leg must also be lowered, but not touching the floor.
  • You need to stay in this position for a few seconds and then return to the starting position.
  • You need to do 20 lunges on each leg.

You can do backward lunges in the same way.

Before you start doing the exercises, you need to do a warm-up. Everyone chooses it independently, but it should include exercises that work joints and all muscle groups.