Take children from the orphanage. Adopt a child interpretation of the dream book

Seeing your children in a dream foretells happiness and prosperity if they look healthy, beautiful and elegant. If they are shabby, dirty and sick, it means real life they will always have good health. Seeing infants means your affairs will get better; cradling them means hearing promises in reality and believing them.

Playing with children in a dream means committing a reckless act in reality. Kissing children means peace and joy will reign in your home. Carrying children in your arms means minor troubles in the family. Placing them on your shoulders means you will have a boy if this is your first child, and a girl if this is your second.

Seeing children playing portends pleasure and fun. See them in kindergarten– will spend happy hours in peace and doing what you love. If children say or sing something in a dream, in reality you will make a pleasant acquaintance. Crying children in reality will cause you a lot of anxiety.

To dream that your child has fallen and hurt himself is a sign of obstacles in his endeavors. Seeing children doing their homework and helping you with housework portends peace and prosperity. Seeing your child seriously ill suggests that in reality something threatens him and you should pay the most serious attention to this. If a child has a sore throat, do not worry - this is a positive dream, all fears will be in vain.

See in dead in a dream a child portends anxiety and disappointment in the very near future. Hitting children in a dream means family troubles due to one’s own lack of self-control and irritability.

If in a dream you punish your children, this means that in your heart you doubt the correctness of the educational methods you have chosen, which lack respect for children. Upset children complaining about something are a sign of impending trouble due to the cunning of people posing as your friends.

Do something with your children interesting thing- this means that interesting purchases or gifts await you in reality.

Reading books to children and seeing them read them themselves speaks volumes about what you will find with them. common language and they will delight you when they grow up with their successes. Seeing children frolicking in a river, fountain, etc. is happy dream, foretelling good luck for you. For a mother to hear the voice of her child in a dream is a sign that she should be prepared for sad events.

Seeing mentally retarded children in a dream means grief and unhappy changes in life. If in a dream you protect children from an angry dog ​​or dangerous wild animals, it means that the enemies threatening you will succeed if you succumb to their tricks and evade fulfilling your debt obligations.

If, while visiting with your children, you feel ashamed of their ugly behavior, in reality this foreshadows your unfulfilled hopes in the future.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Orphanages cause people sadness, regret and heartache. After all, children are kept there who are deprived parental love, a happy childhood and have little chance of getting a prosperous life and the support of loved ones.

But what if I was destined to dream about an orphanage? Or did the children in it dream? What meaning does it have for the dreamer? This image could mean:

  • State of health.
  • The presence of difficulties or good luck.
  • Happiness.
  • Career growth.

And to know exactly what you are dreaming about orphanage, you need to take into account many factors, which we will now understand.

Kids, location, role of the dreamer

Surely in your dream you saw not only yourself, but also children, so pay attention to them. If they looked good and were in in a great mood– you are in an excellent period in life, when all your undertakings will be successfully completed, and good luck will accompany you in everything.

The children did not look completely healthy and were angry? The dream warns you not to start any business, since there is a possibility that it will not be completed. What will the dream book tell you when in your dreams there was an orphanage, and you were in it? It characterizes your friends in a wonderful way, who will provide you with any help in difficult times.

Seeing children in a dream means there are enemies who want to put a spoke in your wheels. If the fight doesn't stop long time, you will have to make efforts to change the situation in your favor. Did one of the adults separate the kids? Will help you influential person. But when the children from the orphanage played together, the dreamer will be successful in financial affairs, and in love.

Now let's turn our attention to the environment in which we dreamed about the orphanage. If it was a hill or - it is necessary to make efforts and overcome difficulties to achieve what you want.

But to see an orphanage surrounded by a garden or park in a dream means that everything is fine with you, things are going well and there is no reason to worry. Sunny weather in a dream is also a positive sign, promising good luck in career growth and any matters related to finance.

Maybe in your dream you returned to the orphanage where you grew up? In this case, the dream book explains, the orphanage personifies your longing for the past and lack of attention from others.

But to pick up the child from orphanage- to changes in personal life. Did you see who exactly was taken away? Then taking it means trouble, but promises surprise. If you saw yourself in the role of an orphanage teacher, it means that you are already ready for the birth of your own children, and this event will happen soon.

What will the dream book tell you, why see yourself in a dream visiting children in an orphanage? Most likely, someone around you needs your help; under no circumstances should you refuse someone in need. Also, when you understand why you dream about an orphanage, you can see a warning about troubles that your friends and relatives will help you cope with. The main thing is not to be shy about asking for help when needed and accepting it when offered.

The hackneyed phrase that children are the flowers of life in modern world does not lose relevance, because it is from children, regardless of their marital status and origin, the future of the world depends. Why do you dream about a child from an orphanage, and does the dream have a good interpretation?

What if you dream of a child from an orphanage?

A child from an orphanage is a generally positive sign, but it all depends on individual characteristics visions. So, for example, if the dreamer adopts a baby, then global changes await him in his personal life. If he takes in a girl, then some kind of shock will happen in life that can surprise a person. If the child turns out to be male, then in real life there will be room for troubles and worries, but they will turn out to be pleasant.

If a child cries loudly while within the walls of an orphanage, then in real life the dreamer feels unhappy because of the place he occupies in the world. Perhaps work has not been enjoyable for a long time, or perhaps the problem lies in unhappiness associated with your personal life. One way or another, the dreamer needs to decide on some action, otherwise the situation will not change.

Seeing several adopted children in a dream is a positive sign. Probably a person will experience a sharp rise on all fronts, which, despite its unexpectedness, will be absolutely deserved.

Seeing yourself as a child and a pupil in an orphanage means loneliness in real life. Perhaps the dreamer has recently experienced a difficult breakup or is about to become disappointed in his relationships with family and friends. In any case, the looming future is painted in sad tones.

If a person passes by a child from an orphanage, it means that in real life his indifference to those who need help will backfire on the dreamer. It is likely that his personal life will go downhill, not promising anything good.

A good interpretation is a negative vision in which the children of the dreamer himself become the inhabitants of the orphanage. Such a vision means that the children have a happy future, and now their well-being is absolutely not in danger. If a vision of abandoned children overtakes a woman on the eve of her wedding, it means that in real life her maternal instinct will soon awaken. It is likely that the dream of a strong and big family will also soon come true.

If in the vision a holiday is organized for the children from the orphanage, then in real life the dreamer himself will have to rejoice. His business will go uphill sharply, and his financial situation will improve before his eyes, to the envy of all his ill-wishers and numerous enemies.

What does it portend?

A vision in which a childless couple adopts a baby has a very good interpretation. Usually the dream means that their prayers will soon be answered and children's laughter will finally be heard in the house.

Adopting a newborn baby is a positive sign, heralding some kind of new beginning. Perhaps the business will reach new level, and maybe the person will start a happy relationship. In any case, the changes will be for the better.

Seeing in a dream a teenager whom a family takes from an orphanage means crises in relations with one’s own children. Mutual understanding will disappear from the family, and therefore parents will have to spend a lot of effort to establish contact in communication with the younger generation.

If a child from an orphanage turns out to be sick, then in real life the person’s investment will not be worth it. He will be extremely disappointed in any undertakings. If the child dies altogether, then the dreamer will have to go through a lot of trials in order to return to his previous standard of living.

Adopting a child is a serious decision, and not everyone is able to adequately care for a baby from an orphanage. However, a vision of such a child should not be taken literally, because sometimes it means positive changes or minor troubles in the real life of the person himself.

The article on the topic: “dream book orphanage” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Few people will remain indifferent to a dream in which the “main character” was an orphanage. Disadvantaged children, deprived of parental warmth, always evoke sympathy, therefore, having seen such pictures in a dream, a person is prepared for the worst when he wakes up. But don’t panic, dream books say. It’s better to remember all the details of what you dreamed about, and you will be able to understand why you dream about something like this.

Miller's Dream Book

Gustav Miller was sure that if in a dream you found yourself in an orphanage, this means that your friends in difficult times will show themselves with the best side. But if you see yourself as one of the orphanage residents, then be prepared for the fact that your “offspring” will cause you a lot of grief.

It’s good if you see yourself in a boarding school, but at the same time you don’t have heirs in reality. In this case, the vision will mean having fun with childhood friends.

Brief interpretations

Be sure to remember what exactly you dreamed about, at least without details, and dream books will not leave you in the dark, rest assured. Here, for example, is why you dream of an orphanage:

  • returning to your old shelter in a dream - you lack the attention of others;
  • leaving the walls of the orphanage means parting with illusions and dreams;
  • to dream that you have adopted a child means changes in your personal life;
  • see an old abandoned boarding school - to trouble.

“Mistress of an orphanage,” or changes await you...

Why do you have a dream in which you act as a teacher in an orphanage, carefully caring for children? This question is of most interest to women who do not have children of their own. The interpretation of the dream, according to Pastor Loff’s dream book, will please you: soon you may have your own baby.

Did you dream that you were a strict “orphanage” headmistress, whom all the children are afraid of? Do not try to deceive and portray something that does not exist in reality, this can cause great harm, warns the Eastern Dream Book.

Being a pupil: from success to sadness

It's sad when you are abandoned and betrayed. This is felt especially acutely by children whose parents left them in an orphanage. Did you dream that you were one of these kids? Don’t be upset, sometimes dreams are terrifying only because of the plot. But the interpretations of these dreams make you rejoice.

If in a dream you jumped merrily with other children in the orphanage, then you can rejoice - success awaits you, the Slavic Dream Book pleases. Things are somewhat worse with dreams in which you cried, huddled in a corner - quarrels and minor problems await you.

Adoption as a symbol of change

Do you want to know what the dream is about in which you decide to take a child from an orphanage? Remember what he was like and what gender. So, for example, adopting a male child is a sign of imminent worries, worries and troubles. And if the adopted baby is a girl, then you will encounter something that will greatly surprise you, says the Gypsy Interpreter.

In a dream, you decided to adopt a child from an orphanage, but you just can’t get custody of the baby? Tsvetkov’s dream book will tell you why you dream about something like this: something will get in the way of your happiness.

Why do you dream about an orphanage?

Orphanage in a modern dream book

Dreaming of an orphanage is a signal from the subconscious that in your heart you feel lonely and deprived of the support of a loved one, best friends or family members. To reach peace of mind and feelings of happiness, you need to take the first step towards your loved ones, communicate more with them and try to renew the mutual understanding and trust that was in your relationship before. Seeing yourself visiting an orphanage in a dream is an omen that you will soon end up in difficult situation and you will face problems that you cannot cope with on your own. They will come to your rescue best friends, and with their help you will quickly and practically without losses be able to find a way out of the current circumstances and return your life to its previous course. If in a dream you played children’s games with the children from the orphanage, it means that in reality you will soon be visited by a slight longing for your past youth and the serene joy of childhood. A dream in which you saw yourself in the role of one of the children in an orphanage indicates that one of the next days your child’s misdeed will become a cause of sadness and will lead to great trouble. If such a dream was dreamed by a person who does not have children, it is likely that he will soon have a pleasant, cheerful meeting with old friends, which may end interesting adventure. If you dreamed that you were leaving an orphanage, and the children living there were saying goodbye to you and waving their hands to you, it means that what you are dreaming about most now will never come true. You should say goodbye to many illusions in advance and give up unfulfilled desires, otherwise you will face great disappointments and emotional distress.

Don't lie low if you can't make money in bed.

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Dream Interpretation Orphanage, why do you dream of an Orphanage in a dream?

From this article you can find out why you dream about an Orphanage from dream books of different authors. An analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you what what you see means. And the lunar calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

Why do you dream about an orphanage: interpretation of sleep

Dream book of psychologist D. Loff

Why does the dreamer dream about the Orphanage, psychological analysis:

An orphanage, to be placed in an orphanage - As a rule, such a dream symbolizes neglect, the search for a place in life, the opportunity to put into practice the POWER of one’s charity. In most cases, the meaning depends on your position in the shelter dream scenario.

If you, an employee of an orphanage, want to ADOPT a child from an orphanage or simply visit this institution, then you are a bearer of world justice, and this situation requires detailed reflection.

Orphanage - Perhaps you are trying to rebel and fight injustice, you want to compensate for the injustice of the actions that you have committed in real life.

If you are playing the role of a child placed in an orphanage, you should analyze and study the nature of your relationships with people in real life. Do you feel like you belong to this world or are you constantly searching for your place in it?

Why do you dream about an orphanage in a dream?

An orphanage is a humiliation of dignity. If someone sees himself as an orphan in an orphanage in a dream, he will be offended and violence will be used against him, because orphans are usually offended people whose property is in the wrong hands.

Meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream of an Orphanage in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why do you dream of an Orphanage according to the dream book from Monday to Tuesday?
  • If you dream about an orphanage from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream of an Orphanage according to the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why do you dream about an orphanage from Thursday to Friday?
  • If you dream of an Orphanage in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why do you dream about an orphanage in a dream from Saturday to Sunday?

Orphanage in the dream book. Tell me your dream:

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What does a dream about an orphanage mean?

Orphanages cause people sadness, regret and heartache. After all, children are kept there who are deprived of parental love, a happy childhood and have little chance of getting a prosperous life or the support of loved ones.

But what if I was destined to dream about an orphanage? Or did the children in it dream? What meaning does it have for the dreamer? This image could mean:

  • State of health.
  • The presence of difficulties or good luck.
  • Happiness.
  • Career growth.

And in order to know exactly what an orphanage is in a dream about, you need to take into account many factors, which we will now look into.

Kids, location, role of the dreamer

Surely in your dream you saw not only the house itself, but also children, so pay attention to them. If they looked good and were in a great mood, you are having an excellent period in life, when all your undertakings will be completed successfully, and good luck will accompany you in everything.

The children did not look completely healthy and were angry? The dream warns you not to start any business, since there is a possibility that it will not be completed. What will the dream book tell you when in your dreams there was an orphanage, and you were in it? It characterizes your friends in a wonderful way, who will provide you with any help in difficult times.

To see children fighting in a dream means there are enemies who want to put a spoke in your wheels. If the fight does not stop for a long time, you will have to make efforts to change the situation in your favor. Did one of the adults separate the kids? An influential person will help you. But when the children from the orphanage played together, the dreamer will experience success both in financial matters and in love affairs.

Now let's turn our attention to the environment in which we dreamed about the orphanage. If it was a hill or a mountain, it is necessary to make efforts and overcome difficulties to achieve what you want.

But to see an orphanage in a dream surrounded by a garden, forest or park means that everything is fine with you, things are going uphill and there is no reason to worry. Sunny weather in a dream is also a positive sign, promising good luck in career growth and any matters related to finance.

Maybe in your dream you returned to the orphanage where you grew up? In this case, the dream book explains, the orphanage personifies your longing for the past and lack of attention from others.

But picking up a child from an orphanage means changes in your personal life. Did you see who exactly was taken away? Then taking a boy means trouble, and a girl promises surprise. If you saw yourself in the role of an orphanage teacher, it means that you are already ready for the birth of your own children, and this event will happen soon.

What will the dream book tell you, why see yourself in a dream visiting children in an orphanage? Most likely, someone around you needs your help; under no circumstances should you refuse someone in need. Also, when you understand why you dream about an orphanage, you can see a warning about troubles that your friends and relatives will help you cope with. The main thing is not to be shy about asking for help when needed and accepting it when offered.

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Why do you dream about an orphanage - interpretation of sleep from dream books

Miller's Dream Book

orphanage according to the dream book

Taking an orphan from an orphanage, or providing assistance to an orphanage in a dream - you will take on very difficult obligations and will fulfill them with diligence, thereby alienating your relatives and friends and causing them bewilderment.

Vanga's Dream Book

orphanage in a dream what is it for

An orphanage is a sign of loneliness and helplessness.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

dreamed of an orphanage

To see yourself in a dream living in an orphanage means your stinginess knows no bounds. Visit someone in an orphanage - those in need will ask you for support, do not refuse.

Muslim dream book (Islamic)

orphanage in a dream what is it for

Visiting an orphanage in a dream means fate will favor you; now is the time to sign contracts and get married.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

what does it mean if an orphanage is in a dream

The orphanage in your dream evokes compassion - engage in charitable activities.

English dream book

dreamed of an orphanage

A dream where you are a pupil of an orphanage portends misfortune, but visiting someone in such a place means helping unfortunate people and for this you will be more than rewarded.

Family dream book

dreamed of an orphanage

If you find yourself in an orphanage, you will make some good money, but not through entirely honest means.

With the dream, people also dreamed about the orphanage

A dream from Saturday to Sunday does not foretell negative events, but shows whether hopes and dreams will come true.

Why do you dream about an orphanage?

In reality, children who end up in an orphanage undergo serious trials. Seeing an orphanage in a dream also speaks of overcoming various difficulties in reality. Depending on the behavior of the children, the situation and other important nuances, the dream can be interpreted differently.

What if you dream about an orphanage?

You can correctly understand why you dream about an orphanage, taking into account following features. If the children from the orphanage look very happy, they enjoy life, then all the problems are in real world will soon be resolved in the best possible way. However, if in a dream children look sick and embittered, then it is best not to start any new things, since they will not be completed. For a woman to see sick children living in an orphanage or on its territory means that there is a high probability that her children may become seriously ill.

A bad sign is to see a completely empty orphanage in a dream. In reality, a person will be left alone with his troubles and problems, and no matter who he turns to for help, everyone will refuse him. Many people may stop communicating for no apparent reason, and those closest to them will betray or deceive.

To dream that children from an orphanage are fighting among themselves means that in reality a person will face serious rivals who can affect the achievement of their goals. If the fight does not stop, then this indicates that you will have to work hard to achieve a positive result. If the children are reassured by one of the adults, then the outcome of events will depend either on stranger, or from circumstances.

In a dream, children play with each other - this means that in reality a person will have great success in love and financial affairs.

What does it portend?

The location in which the orphanage is located also significantly influences the interpretation of sleep. If the orphanage is located on a hill or other elevation, then some difficulties will arise on the way to achieving the goal. The higher the elevation, the more difficult it will be to realize what you want.

It would be a good sign to see an orphanage next to a garden or park, or near a forest. This indicates that a person has happiness and prosperity in his home and work. If the weather is sunny, then success in financial endeavors or career growth. But it's raining or strong wind They talk about a sudden physical illness of their own child or loved one.

Why do you dream about an orphanage?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Seeing yourself in an orphanage means the loss of a relative; passing by an orphanage means an increase in the number of family members.

Why do you dream about an orphanage?

Spring dream book

Orphanage - to despondency, to undeserved offense.

Why do you dream about an orphanage?

Summer dream book

Orphanage - dreams of loneliness.

Why do you dream about an orphanage?

Autumn dream book

Orphanage - to the illness of the parents.

Why do you dream about an orphanage?

Modern dream book

If you find yourself in an orphanage in a dream, it means that your friends will support you in difficult times. Don't hesitate to ask them for help.

If you take part in the fun of kids in an orphanage, you will soon indulge in the pleasant memories of your youth.

Seeing yourself as one of the children in an orphanage means sadness and tears because of your child.

If such a dream occurs to a person who has no children, it foretells a fun adventure with old friends.

Leaving an orphanage in a dream means that your dreams are not destined to come true and you should give up illusions.

Why do you dream about an orphanage?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Orphanage - You see yourself in an orphanage - the dream suggests that in real life your environment is reliable; you can rely on friends and relatives and in difficult times, without hesitation, ask them for help. You see yourself as a child in an orphanage - the dream warns that your child is in danger.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Sunday to Monday

The dream is associated with state of mind the dreamer, his fears and concerns. A pleasant dream promises resolution of problems, a frightening one promises the development of depression. Such dreams rarely come true. However, for people born on Monday, they are prophetic.

28 lunar day

The dreamed picture is most often filled with non-standard images and ideas. Often in it you can see yourself in a different physical shell. It is believed that such dreams reveal the secrets of the sleeper’s past lives and show who he was in past reincarnations.

Waning Moon

A dream on the waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose value in real life. Only dreams with negative content come true: they carry a good meaning.