Interpretation of the influence of Saturn transits. Transiting Saturn in aspect to the Moon

Main influence: disharmonious, limiting
Duration of influence: 20-30 days (less often up to two months)

The influence of the transit Saturn squaring the Sun in the birth horoscope brings restrictions and obstacles that create difficulties in demonstrating one’s personal qualities, abilities and talents. The influence of Saturn, as with any of its aspects (both harmonious and intense), disciplines, but in your case this happens as if forcibly. Circumstances simply force you to show personal responsibility, whether you want it or not, and if you don’t want it, then life simply begins to punish you for it until you take responsibility for the situations and what happens in your life. That is why, despite the fact that the aspect is considered difficult, it ultimately leads to personal growth and development, difficult, complex, but still growth. By the way, if during the period of the aspect you consciously strive for order and be responsible, then the aspect will pass less noticeably.

Transiting Saturn square natal Sun also clarifies many situations, especially those in which you are personally involved. This is also a period of taking responsibility for past lies and dishonesty that will now come to the surface. Now do not try to hide behind new fairy tales, this will only aggravate the situation; on the contrary, admitting that you are wrong yourself will be a better decision (since you will have to do it anyway).

During this stressful period, you should not try to realize yourself in new areas. Not now best time for personal endeavors. At the same time, it is important to systematize the accumulated experience and knowledge, since without this you will now encounter obstacles. It is important to try to create a solid foundation, and circumstances will one way or another show you that without this foundation it is simply impossible to move on right now, while you do not yet have it. But having sorted it out and systematized your accumulated experience, you will get a clear picture and can easily remove obstacles.

The effect of transit Saturn square to the Sun on health

The impact on health is negative. This is a period of decline vitality, energy. It is imperative to take responsibility for your health during such a period, since neglect can very easily lead to illness. By the way, neglectful attitude towards your body in the past can now also result in a deterioration in your health. Exacerbation of chronic diseases is also possible.

During the entire period of the transit Saturn square to the Sun in the birth horoscope, it is important to avoid excessive stress, especially on the heart, spine, as well as on those organs and systems that are traditionally associated with your zodiac sign (for example, Aries - head, Taurus - neck, Gemini - arms, legs, speech apparatus and respiratory system). Despite the fact that treatment during such periods may be more difficult than usual, and any illness that begins may last longer, diagnoses are usually as accurate and obvious as possible. It is important to support your body as much as possible during the period of action and choose gentle regimens. Despite the fact that it will be quite easy to lose weight during such periods, diets are not recommended. An exception is possible if you are quite young and in very good health.

The influence of transit Saturn square to the Sun on conception

The influence is negative. The likelihood of conception decreases markedly. The likelihood of anomalies during pregnancy that began during the period of this aspect is also increased. A gentle regimen is important for pregnant women, since the impact on the health of this aspect in general, and on the course of pregnancy in particular, is still negative.

The influence of Saturn's aspect on personal life

If Saturn or the Sun are not strongly related to the houses of relationships in your personal horoscope, then the influence may not be so strong. It will be more difficult to establish new relationships (but most likely due to a decrease in self-confidence and attractiveness, and also due to the fact that during this period you will more clearly see not only your own shortcomings, but also the shortcomings in other people).

In existing relationships, try to avoid coldness. Seek moral support from your loved one.

The impact of Saturn square on work, career and business

Saturn's influence on these areas is more significant. These periods often coincide with periods when you feel obstacles in your life. professional activities, the need to put up with boundaries and limitations. At this time, you should not count on a promotion (although in very rare cases it can happen just during such a period, but only if you have been striving for it for a very long time and “plowed like a horse” to deserve it). You shouldn’t count on encouragement from your superiors. It is now much easier to receive a reprimand from management than gratitude. Again, this aspect teaches you responsibility, and therefore try to demonstrate this quality more often in your work.

In business during such periods, honesty is important. Inspections by regulatory authorities are not excluded. If you break the law or have violated it in the recent past, there is a high probability of receiving a fair punishment and fair fines.

Training course at the Munich Institute of Parapsychology. Transits

Saturn and the Moon are in their natural opposition, as the frivolity caused by the Moon will again be limited by the influence of Saturn. Based on this, we can characterize the main effects of these transits as inhibiting, depressive, slowing down and tending to losses. The transit of Saturn through the birth position of the Moon can be considered especially critical in this sense.
- Everything in life during these transits comes with certain difficulties: a decline in mood quickly occurs, the native is constantly tormented by bouts of depression, he sees life in dark tones. Q - Since women usually react much more more emotional than men, then they will be more intensely affected by these transits.
Partnership/love and marriage:
- In love, in marriage, in family, in relationships with others and in all those situations where the native will show his feelings for other people, these transits will have an inhibiting, slowing down and diverting effect on such manifestations.
Work and business contacts:
- Although many natives try to truly immerse themselves in their work during these transits, they will not be able to achieve real success, since spiritually they remain completely motionless. Such one-sidedness leads to numerous failures, and stubborn insistence on one’s own opinion will only cause negative evaluation from colleagues, subordinates or business partners.
Material sphere and finance:
- An increased sense of security leads to extreme caution and a lack of initiative; out of thriftiness, ordinary greed can develop: such moods will be completely unsuitable for business transactions. Before making various changes in his life, the native must carefully double-check everything to see if everything will happen as the proverb says: “Don’t promise a pie in the sky, give a bird in your hands!”
- During these transits there are often colds, rheumatism, gout, skin disease or stomach diseases. There may also be excess uric acid, and acute diseases can become chronic.

Transit - Business

A difficult, rather crisis period. Burden of worries, financial, economic and property problems, emotional depression. Difficulties in relationships with superiors, influential people and official authorities, especially if you have to deal with women. The affairs of close women, as well as household chores, interfere with the performance of official duties. But the opposite effect is more typical, when severe pressure from professional affairs can disrupt mutual understanding in the family. Possible financial decline, losses, profit delays. The state of your affairs causes anxiety and concern.

Transit - Health

A difficult and quite long period in terms of health and emotional state. Poor digestion, fluid retention in the body, which can worsen the course of some chronic ailments, for example, hypertension, kidney diseases, and gastric diseases. Reminds me of radiculitis and osteochondrosis. You yourself tend to attach exaggerated importance to unpleasant sensations and symptoms, and experience attacks of hypochondria. Danger to pregnancy. Conception is impossible. Sexual difficulties. Good period for therapeutic fasting, cleansing activities, and the stomach requires a gentle diet. Breast diseases are possible, it is better to get examined.

Transit - Love and family

A crisis period for family affairs and relationships. Troubles in the home, disagreements with women or because of women are likely. Quarrels, serious conflicts, possibly forced separation, separation. Financial troubles cause worry and anxiety. Relationships with older relatives are difficult. Your coldness hurts your loved ones, but the decision to be alone is perhaps one of the best. Possible sexual difficulties. The day is unfavorable for conception. Problems with pregnancy are likely.

Moon - Saturn, and Saturn transiting the Moon. Saturnian energies in our lives, WHAT are they?

The question has been haunting me ever since His Severe Majesty Saturn began to approach the stellium in Leo in the summer of 2007. He walked through Jupiter, Venus, Mars, the Sun and Pluto. The sensations were more than unusual, and ahead there was a passage through Mercury, the Moon and the MC,

Then Mercury was left behind, Saturn was approaching the Moon. There were thoughts of using the transit correctly))), going into divination, but Saturn was moving at a good speed, and nine full days of divination simply would not have happened. I decided to wait for Saturn to turn, and when it goes from retro to direct again (and this time it will turn exactly on my Moon) - then I will carry out this powerful practice, I thought. For now... for now - I'll just take a look..)))

(The time of the upcoming transit was also noted by another interesting point: on the same days, Mars was transiting natural Neptune))), excact)
Well, of course, I read about Saturn transiting the Moon; Of course, I heard reviews)) And besides everything else, this topic is natal conjunction Moon-Saturn manifested itself very interestingly in my life))) evidence of this was also one of the forum topics:

This forum topic instantly activated a lot in life that was somehow connected with the Moon and Saturn. Cancer and Capricorn are included signs in my chart (Placidus) (well, how can we not remember again the magnificent book by Karen Hamaker - Zondag “Finger of Fate”, where we talk not only about Fingers and quincunxes, but also planets - miners, and about included signs including cards.

Literally miracles began to happen

(A small digression: I didn’t know my father at all, and I saw him twice in my life for about 15 minutes each. When leaving for Germany, I needed a document (this is Legislation) confirming that my parents were letting me go and would not make claims against me to provide for her in old age. I had a death certificate for my mother, but I simply didn’t know anything about my father. However, the Law is the Law, I had to look for and find something, the requests did not give anything, and I went to my homeland, deciding to start. at least for some reason.. There I found out that he died, and he died in an absurd and scary way. I was given a death certificate, dated a couple of decades ago)

And after the topic Moon - Saturn SUDDENLY on the site of classmates (blessed site!!))) One day he brought me the news that the person I for many years I considered him dead, alive and well!)) - and then a guy from the next class “showed up”. As always - “where do you live, what do you do, photos sent...” he sends. And he was photographed in some state institution against the backdrop of some door with the inscription: “Registrar Office, Archive” - the photograph was accompanied by a caption: “I do NOT work in the Registry Office))) I just have friends in the Archive.

So - if anything.. I can help))) “The thought immediately flashes in my head - is it possible to make a request based on the date of death - and then look at the documents on the basis of which it was issued to see if there are birth data (because I didn’t know anything (I repeat - NOTHING AT ALL!) about my father.). I make an official request, I receive an official document that after paying a fee of 160 euros through the Ministry of Justice and the Russian embassy in Germany will be sent to me required document((((Again, through that person I find out the Archive’s phone number, I call, nice female voice reports that she remembers this unusual request, she worked on it herself - and since the law does NOT prohibit the transfer of data by phone (REMEMBER this, citizens!!!))) What if it comes in handy?))) - now she will tell me the data ....

Reports. I'm building a map...Need I say. WHAT do I see there?))) The notorious Moon-Saturn conjunction and the energies of my father present in me thus demanded their resolution in Space...

My father has the connection, I have the included signs, countless mutual attractions with people who have such an aspect, 2 husbands with such a connection))))) well, for WHY did I choose them as my husband??)))...

The unresolved potential, unrealized by my father, had to be “sawed out” by me...
Literally a couple of weeks after the topic was opened on Oculus, a person came into my life who ALSO had a natal Moon-Saturn conjunction, but here the situation was enlivened by another moment....)))

And again small digression..)) Having come to grips with the issue of the Moon-Saturn conjunction, I began to look at the cards of ALL the people close to me and people who are simply significant in my life. Or people to whom I was somehow “drawn” for one reason or another, with whom some kind of relationship arose.

I looked... And... to say that I was stunned is to say nothing!))))))) Almost ALL of these people had either planets, or fictitious points, or cusps of those houses in 10-20 degrees of Aries, or fictitious points, or cusps of those houses for which and our interests WERE “tied up”! What prompted me to this “research” was this circumstance: one person present in fate, in synastry with whom my exact natal sextile Moon - Saturn makes three Fingers. (one of which is the most accurate, I must say, Finger: my Moon is Saturn and his Sun on the finger of Finger, and which I tried for a long time to understand correctly, because it did not give me peace ((((Finger, not the person himself) ))) I feel quincunxes more than well..)))

My husband has Mars in the same place, etc.))) And I took the orb proposed (and justified) by Hamaker - Zondag in her book (3.5 - 4 degrees) for myself even BEFORE reading her book, because That’s when I begin to feel these energies in the synastry just like that. The interval from 10 to 20 degrees revealed as a result of viewing maps is included in this orb - only in one case do I feel better than the moon, and the other - Saturn))) End of retreat)

The person who appeared, who was both interesting and important to me, had a Moon-Saturn conjunction, and the degrees of this conjunction gave the exact Finger to my Moon-Saturn sextile. I was stunned... Needless to say, for me this was more than a sign that I was ready for resolution for myself? Over the next month, the number of people with whom fate began to collide, and who had Moon-Saturn conjunctions (as well as squares-oppositions), almost doubled))) The situation was maturing.....

Of course, I turned to books. ..of course, I thought for a long time, and sometimes in the most unexpected places and situations)))) I remember how, after repeatedly reading that Saturn is the planet of form, responsibility, limitation, verification, compression, I read from B. Brady: “ Saturn-Moon transit: loneliness, isolation, feeling of lack of support” - an absolutely NOT Saturnian spark flared up inside me))): “Yes, there can be NO such unambiguousness in ANYTHING!!” - my stellium in Leo “roared” in a binonagon to Saturn)))) And internally, immediately, but already calmly and coldly, I abstracted from everything that I read and heard about this, because the sameness and “one-sign” of what I read was no longer just amazing - she was starting to look like some kind of zombie. And I do not accept manipulation of consciousness in any form!))

There is such a method of behavior in difficult situation: do not allow yourself to get involved in it (an argument, a fight, a whirlwind of feelings, emotions, into a familiar routine everyday ideas) - rise ABOVE the situation. And instantly you calm down, separate from what is happening: i.e. you see, understand, hear everything, BUT - being “ABOVE”. You instantly begin to see not only the situation itself, but also the entire chain of events: both what is around and that. what was “before”; and what could happen “after”.

At this moment you see the “game” itself, and its tools, and its motives, and everyone has their own.))) So I, understanding and realizing that such a version has a right to exist, I abstracted from my own involvement in her - and... almost immediately the necessary “signs” began to appear... - slightly different materials, other (absolutely random))) TV programs from those rare ones that I watch in general; suddenly stood on interesting pages open books that have already been read, BUT!! - Now everything began to be seen from a different angle...

This is how I remembered chronobiology.... (Probably associated, but again in abstraction - Kronos (Time) and Saturn.
The Moon - Saturn pair began to OPEN.....
(to be continued...))))))

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The Sun and Saturn have always been considered antagonists in astrology since ancient times, like light and darkness. And indeed, here is the picture that is created during the passage of Saturn through the constellation of the Sun in the horoscope of any person: slowing down and inhibition of all physiological functions of a given person, constraint and oppression of his will and power, narrowing of the sphere of influence of a given person on other people, any kind of financial difficulties and material nature, loss of job or demotion, etc.

Transits of Saturn through the Sun

If the Sun and Saturn in the radix are connected by favorable aspects, then during the transit of Saturn over the constellation of the Sun, the influence of Saturn will not be harmful. Rather, on the contrary: most often during this period of time, which will last several years, Saturn will create a slow, but also persistent and lasting improvement in all matters in the field of profession, position, work, or, although with great difficulty, but reliably, will provide the opportunity to participate in large events or get a long-term loan to build or purchase your own home, farm, property, etc.

If in the radix there is no connection at all between the Sun and Saturn, then everything will depend on the simultaneous influence of the other transiting planets. At times, the influence of Saturn makes itself felt in the open, especially in the presence of obstacles, inhibitions, and delays.

Saturn does not give so-called “accidental happiness” at all; it forces you to receive all benefits only with difficulty, great difficulty. Saturn always shows its real face when it makes unfavorable and harmful aspects, quadrature or opposition in radix with the Sun. In these cases, he mercilessly reduces both the physical strength of the person and his spiritual strength of resistance.

Appears depressive state and various kinds of somatic suffering of the body, all bring only losses and damages: business, enterprises, transactions and speculation... everywhere and everywhere, instead of success, only failures. Imaginary connections and connections appear, imaginary alliances or connections, everything is wrong and wrong, even the position at work comes into a state of vacillation and hesitation.

During this period of time this person must be ready to accept any blows from fate. There may be any losses, both financially and socially. public order. It all depends on which houses of the horoscope both planets are in and what additional influences they receive from the other transiting planets.

For example, if the Sun is in the X house of the horoscope, then in this case transiting Saturn will bring a crisis in the field of profession, work or position, as well as various mistakes and failures or organic damage to the body.

All bets are relaxed, all activities are difficult: a lot of work and work, little success and luck, and even less appreciation and approval. During this period of time, you should refrain from any participation in financial transactions, because there is not the slightest chance of winning or luck, or a lucky break.

Transits of Saturn through the Moon

Compound; unfavorable aspects of transiting Saturn with natal Moon

The exact conjunction of transiting Saturn with the Moon’s place in the radix creates strong disturbance in a person’s soul, followed by depression and shaky mood. In the female horoscope this manifests itself much more strongly than in the male one, because female soul more sensitive, more receptive than men's.

IN men's horoscopes this applies more to relationships with a spouse or mother, in general to family relations. This transit may also begin separation. If the Moon in radix is ​​in houses 1, 6, 7 or 12, i.e. in houses indicating human health, then the transit of Saturn will cause organic attacks soul origin, as well as the illness and sometimes death of the woman's spouse or mother or other elderly relative.

Disharmonious incidents or events in marriage, especially due to jealousy or mistrust or due to internal alienation or disappointment in one's feelings, etc. At home and in the family, an atmosphere of excitement, indignation and anxiety is created, requiring mandatory relief in the form of trips or small trips that can bring short-term changes.

A change of environment will help you successfully overcome this period. IN women's horoscopes this transit often creates unnecessary worries and troubles, anxiety or annoyance, anger or evil deeds against one’s own home, i.e. against close relatives or friends, colleagues or co-workers.

This transit has a particularly strong effect in cases where the Moon and Saturn are unfavorably connected in the radix: the strength of resistance and mental adaptability and spiritual defensive will are reduced, creating mental relaxation and passivity. A woman with such a constellation in the radix often gets sick during this transit and suffers from the diseases indicated by the sign in which the Moon is located in the radix.

Such horoscopes are considered very burdensome; the world of feelings for these women must overcome frequent severe crises. In men's horoscopes, these phenomena are expressed differently: they have less influence on the psyche, but they strongly manifest themselves in married life with a spouse.

Both in the home environment and in love affairs, the same problems are repeated, burdening marital cohabitation, and the emotional experiences themselves due to the spouse leave him only with mild depression.

Transits of Saturn through Mercury

Here intellectual activity enters a slow but deep channel. Mercury under this transit loses its lightness, mobility and resourcefulness, becomes slow and deep both in the sphere of thinking and in the business sphere.

This transit has a good effect if in the main horoscope Saturn and Mercury are connected by a good aspect, especially for scientists involved in solving serious scientific problems, and for writers who popularize scientific problems, because this transit deepens thinking, consciousness and feelings; This incident can give a person excellent contemplation and creativity, creating spiritual balance. On the other hand, the transit of Saturn dampens the ability to adapt, muffles lightness, mobility and resourcefulness.

Unfavorable aspects of transiting Saturn with Mercury

With bad aspects, this transit can bring depression, contradiction and obstacles and create a predisposition to hard work and unnecessary worries and troubles, causing complications with external environment and lead to frustration and anger.

Transiting Saturn conjunct Mercury

Creates deep thinking, concentration, clear consciousness, sober mind and controlled feelings. A very favorable period for intellectual work and travel.

The ability to adapt is dulled, lightness, mobility and resourcefulness are stifled. Depression, contradictions and obstacles. Extra work and hassle, frustration and anger. Complications with the outside world.

Mistakes at work, bad letters, difficulties in trade, enmity, falling to the lower strata of society, disputes, quarrels, nervous illnesses, stupid debts, execution with forced executions, penalties), loss of official papers, documents, conflicts with older people and Jews, deterioration of financial affairs, suicide attempt. This period is completely unsuitable for visits.

Favorable aspects of transiting Saturn with Mercury

Contemplation and creative energy. Spiritual balance. A very important period for concentration, for scientific research work, for scientists and writers, to test mental strength. Useful time for financing and investment in houses and real estate, long-term agreements and contracts, wills, trade and travel, moving, contacts with older people, favorable correspondence.

Transits of Saturn through Venus and its aspects

Deepening feelings and connections. Disappointments, difficulties. This transit in most cases leaves a deep mark in the world of feelings, in the sphere of sensuality and impressionability, affects inclinations and impulses, influences love and sex life, which are the strongest factors in a person’s life.

Favorable aspects of Saturn transiting Venus

With good aspects between both planets in the radix, this aspect will have a harmonious influence, causing a deepening of feelings positive character. At the same time, other nuances of Saturn’s specificity will appear: difficulties and seriousness, insufficient inspiration, sluggish emotional experiences in relation to those closest to people.

Often such a person unexpectedly quickly connects himself with a partner much older than himself. Often enters into alliances in connection with a specific goal: the possession of a solid material base, which later creates a certain kind of complications and difficulties in the sphere of love, feelings and eroticism, in the field of joint marital cohabitation and family life.

But this will always be a serious union, with a consciousness of duty and responsibilities, full of worries and troubles. Compound. Sobering and disappointment, cooling of feelings and solitude, financial failures.

Unfavorable aspects of Saturn transiting Venus

Disappointments, difficulties, obstacles, seriousness, lack of inspiration, alienation in love, depression, loneliness, financial difficulties, illness, sexual perversion, immorality.

Transiting Saturn square to natal Saturn

The first thing to understand about transiting Saturn squaring natal Saturn is that this transit occurs more often than all other Saturn transits. For every return of transiting Saturn to the natal location, every opposition of transiting Saturn to the natal, there are two squares of transiting Saturn to the natal. This square occurs every fourteen years, starting at age seven, meaning that if you live to age eighty, you will experience six such transits. This is why it is extremely important that you know how to handle this transit.

We know that the first such quadrature is formed at the age of seven years, when the child is faced with diverse and important physical, psychological and social change when he passes from the complete dependence of infancy to the beginnings of autonomy. Of course, this transition is not easy for everyone. It was at this point in her life that Oprah Winfrey made the fateful decision to stay with her mother in Milwaukee, and Gloria Steinem had to take on the role of guardian for her mentally ill mother.

The second square of transiting Saturn to the natal occurs when a person turns twenty-one. From the point of view of the legislation of many countries of the world, it is at this age that people become adults, which is often marked by important and noticeable changes. Bono, Britney Spears, Jim Bakker and Lee Harvey Oswald got married during this Saturn transit, and Gloria Steinem began dating the man who would later become her fiancé. Jerry Siegel received word that Detective Comics wanted to acquire the Superman comics he co-created with Joe Shuster. Jayne Mansfield met with an advertising and press relations executive who led her to take Hollywood by storm. Of course, as with any transit of Saturn, a lot of not so happy stories. O. J. Simpson suffered the first major setback of his sports career when he ended up on a team that had little interest in him unique abilities runner, and Bill Clinton fought hard to resist the draft, weighing all his options in the face of the threat of ending up in the Vietnam War.

Later transiting Saturn squares vary much more and are much less predictable. For example, Bill Clinton was able to win an impressive victory in the elections for governor of Arkansas for the second time under this transit. During the next such transit, President Clinton awaited a decision from Congress regarding his impeachment. During the same transit, Jim Bakker took full control of PTL. When transiting Saturn next squared natal Saturn, Bakker was on his way to prison. Like Bill Clinton, Hermann Goering also won an election under Saturn's square when he was about thirty-five years old, and the Nazi Party grew from a fringe group to the second most powerful group in the German parliament. Then, under the next Saturn square, Goering surrendered to the US Army after Germany's defeat in World War II, only to find that he would not be treated as the head of state he had hoped for, but as a common war criminal.

As these examples show, transiting Saturn's square to the natal has such varied effects because, like transiting Saturn's opposition to the natal, it is usually part of an ongoing process. What happens to you during a Saturn square, especially in adulthood, is a direct result of the choices you have made and the work you have done during previous Saturn transits. Very often, Saturn's square represents the next step, the inevitable outcome, of saying "b" after you've said "a." Even though the events coinciding with this transit may take on a dramatic nature, they represent the completion of a process that has already begun.

In other cases, a person may begin to make efforts under Saturn's square, but this usually concerns long-term interests and ambitious plans. Typically, such a start is some small action that can often have large consequences. For example, Jimmy Carter entered his first political battle with transiting Saturn squaring his natal one. As a member of the local school board, he recruited a segregationist (separate education for white and colored children) and lost. Fourteen years later, under another Saturn square, Carter's long-term political dreams came true when he won the Iowa caucus and became the 1976 Democratic presidential candidate. Another example is Carl Jung. During a Saturn square at age twenty-one, Jung experimented with spiritualism, using his teenage cousin as a medium. During the next Saturn square, Jung used the ideas that came to him from these sessions and developed a new, spiritual approach to psychoanalysis.

Saturn's squares are like small stones on which you can ford a river, but their importance cannot be underestimated. Like any Saturn transit, transit Saturn squares a location on natal chart becomes a test. When Jimmy Carter tried to push his school district to integrate, he had to do difficult choice between the dictates of his own conscience and his position as a businessman and community leader, and when Carl Jung strongly encouraged his cousin to act as a medium for the sake of scientific research, he risked both the girl’s mental health and her family’s position in society. Things like Saturn transits don't come easy for anyone. They require your maximum effort and deepest wisdom.

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Square The point of the main crisis, instability and tension of any cycle. Often at this time there is a feeling of persistent desire and desire to implement the ideas of the cycle by volitional efforts. The challenges of these times seem to be matters of life and death. This is the "winter" point in the cycle when

From the author's book

2. Pluto in opposition to Saturn: October 1942 - June 1945 During this period the end of the Third Reich came. It began with two battles that led to the collapse of German power: in El Alamein at the end of October 1942 and the successful Russian counter-offensive in