How to make a flower of life mandala to fulfill your wishes. Mandala for fulfilling a wish, very strong and effective

To make your deepest desire come true, you can resort to any means. In the case when ordinary methods do not bring you one step closer to your dream, many turn to Higher Beings for help.

Now our culture is greatly influenced by Buddhist and Hindu religious practices. In particular, the term mandala, which, like runes, has a special meaning and concentrated power, has come into fashion. In this material we will tell you how a very powerful mandala is made to fulfill desires, as well as how to activate it.

A mandala is a divine mystical design that is used by Buddhists and Hindus. This is a symbolic model of our Universe. The mandala looks like a circle with a square inscribed inside it. And inside this square another circle is inscribed, which is often shaped like a lotus.

The figures have the following designation:

  • outer circle - symbolizes the Universe;
  • internal is the personification of the divine worlds;
  • square – directions of light.

A mandala can be made embroidered with threads, cut out of wood, drawn on sand, and metal, stone and paper are also used to make it. There are no strict requirements here - it all depends on the desire of the person and the means at hand.

Mandalas also vary in color, but in this case you cannot choose a shade at random - the color of the design is closely related to its main purpose and directly depends on it. It turns out that a mandala is a multi-colored geometric pattern that has a certain content, which is configured to solve necessary problems and provides information about the person who created it.

Choosing a color for a mandala

Now we need to dwell in more detail on the color design of the mandalas. Its colors reflect the subconscious sphere of a person. They have the following characteristics:

  • green – indicates love for life. A mandala, in which green shades predominate, will become a reliable talisman for parents, teachers and educators. The main quality of character that she will develop is caring for her neighbors;
  • red - suitable for militant individuals who, most likely, have faced great challenges in life and now cannot trust others, but rely solely on themselves;
  • yellow – symbolizes a clear mind, determination and determination. But even despite such positive characteristics, a person often suffers from timidity, which prevents him from realizing himself in the world;
  • blue is the color of calm and spiritual harmony. A person is in a peaceful state, no matter what happens in his life. He does not resist the current, but calmly floats along it;
  • white – personified with spirituality, purity and innocence. Demonstrates a person for whom material goods mean nothing, so they cannot be bought. You can achieve the trust and favor of such a person solely by your behavior.

Knowing the meanings of the colors of the mandala, you can better understand your surroundings and even strangers. You just need to invite them to make a mandala and paint it, and then turn their attention to those colors that will be the most.

Meanings of Mandala Patterns

In addition to different color variations, the symbolism of mandalas is represented by a selected geometric series. The patterns are very different from one another, but they are all included in the main geometric theme and can be represented by the following figures:

  • squares - tell about stability and balance in a person’s life. For such individuals, everything is orderly and clearly controlled;
  • circles are symbols of cyclicity. Such people are characterized by the trait of always bringing what they start to its logical conclusion. They also hate being idle and are constantly looking for some kind of activity;
  • triangles - if they are directed upward - talk about personal development and its implementation in life; if they are directed downward, they indicate destruction inner world, disappointments, need to receive support;
  • crosses are symbols of uncertainty. A person is now subject to reflection about his future actions;
  • spirals - if they twist to the right: they are personified with creation, the creation of something in life; to the left - symbols of destruction, destruction. The personality is now creating his future (or destroying the past) to begin a new construction;
  • stars are signs of peace. They will indicate that the situation has returned to normal, everything has been settled. All that is required of a person is to support this well-being.

If you complement the color interpretation with geometric shapes, the mandala will provide (or advise) a lot useful information. This is also due to the fact that in the process of creating mandalas, a person is immersed in his own inner world and easily extracts hidden information from it.

Mandala of wishes: how to make it

You can realize absolutely any desire you want in life, you just need to know how to do it. A special mandala for fulfilling wishes is ideal for this purpose. Let's look at how it is created:

  1. For your convenience, stock up on compasses. Take a piece of paper and draw a circle on it.
  2. You can just leave the circle, or you can add different patterns, flowers, stars and even animals to it - as your imagination tells you.
  3. Visualize your desire in colors and decorate what you have already depicted.
  4. Color the entire drawing.
  5. Focus on your dream, think about it as positively as possible. Fill the mandala with your energy.
  6. That's it - your talisman, which is set up to realize what you want, is ready. Now hang it in a prominent place in your home. Every time you pay attention to the drawing, hold your gaze on it for several minutes. To maintain the energy power of the drawing, five to ten minutes a day is enough.

By creating a mandala, you will notice an improvement in your mood, peace and tranquility. The mandala acts as a kind of psychotherapy, self-hypnosis, and conversation with oneself.

In cases where you no longer like the image, redo it using a new pattern and colors.

When interacting with mandalas, you need to analyze changes in your inner world, study the clues of the subconscious in order to help yourself deal with the contradictions that prevent you from realizing your dreams in life.

The mandala for realizing desires is a real ticket to fairy world happiness, harmony and love. But to make a wish come true, it will not be enough to just make a mandala and wait for it to take effect - you will have to take some actions that are aimed towards the realization of what you want.

The mandala is an expression of the inner state of a person, beyond which there are material things. And it is with the help of the inner world that you can attract this matter into your life - this is how our thoughts work.

We must not forget that the mandala of realizing what we want is a very strong motivation that encourages action. But you should not expect an instant result - positive changes will occur gradually and everything that is so lacking will be attracted into a person’s life.

Finally, watch the topical video:

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Since ancient times, people have used it to fulfill desires and improve well-being. magical power signs. Having become familiar with the secrets, we discover a huge and amazing world happiness, health and success. Mandalas are the keys that open the doors to dreams.

In this article

Mandalotherapy Flower of Life

The first in Europe to see the relationship between geometric patterns inscribed in a circle and a powerful therapeutic effect on the patient was Carl Jung.

Translated from Sanskrit, “mandala” means circle. In a global sense, the term is interpreted as “essence extraction.”

The sacred symbol awakens the internal reserves of Consciousness. Helps to find integrity and harmony. Eliminates the imbalance between mental aspirations and bodily needs.

How to make a mandala with your own hands? Master class from Yulia Kazarina: Jung's theory was later developed in the book Archetypal Stages Great circle

mandalas” by American researcher D. Kellogg. She collected the most famous types by which a person’s condition is determined.

  1. Merkabah - Flower of Life. Like a snowflake, it consists of many symmetrical crystals Allow interpersonal and internal conflicts
  2. and contradictions.
  3. Improve mental and physical health.
  4. Replenish vitality.
  5. Heal diseases on a psychosomatic level.
  6. Change your attitude towards reality and unfavorable situations.

Find harmony.

The popularity of geometric designs was brought by a passion for Eastern practices: yoga and meditation. In the culture of the peoples of Southeast Asia and India, mandalas occupy a special place. Ritual inscriptions are used in practices aimed at strengthening the spirit and expanding the boundaries of consciousness.

Meditation on the Mandala Flower of Life will improve the quality of life and reveal your inner potential:

Today, the sacred flower is used not only for rituals. Colored discs drawn on paper or made from ornamental materials will help you fulfill your desires, achieve success, and improve your financial situation. Household magic is available to everyone.

People believe that this disk model contains the complete body of knowledge about how the world works. Having received the access code, we can simulate situations of fate, turn on the genetic memory of cells, remember previous incarnations, and improve karma.

Performance Basis

There are proven and innovative ways fulfillment of plans.

  1. Make a drawing on paper.
  2. Weave from wire and beads.
  3. Paint flat round stones using the point to point technique.
  4. Lay out a pattern of rhinestones or diamond mosaics.
  5. Perform using floral technique. For this purpose, live or dried plants are used.
  6. Embroider on a canvas made of beads or colored threads.

It doesn’t matter what the process will be: embroidery, bead weaving or finished coloring - you will immerse yourself in meditation, take your mind off the hustle and bustle, and tune in to a dialogue with your inner self.

The video contains instructions for weaving the Flower of Life from threads:

You can decorate dishes with symbolic drawings

Dedicate at least two hours a day to esoteric creativity. Turn off your mind from the problems that accompany busy work days, and see how difficult it will be to tear yourself away from needlework.

Another way to create a sacred pattern is a tattoo. But when making a drawing on the body, remember: once applied, a symbol remains for life.

Mandala that is always with you. Example of a tattoo

If you later decide to get rid of it, the energy of the lines will not go away. Trust an experienced craftsman and do not paint the picture in a visible place.

How to draw the Flower of Life

It's hard to believe that the interweaving of lines and signs on paper or stone influence reality. But no one forbids experimenting. Give free rein to your imagination and let your subconscious float freely.

Sacred Geometry

In the process, follow the general rules:

  • the drawing contains 19 small circles inscribed in a large field;
  • the circles are symmetrical and diverge from the center;
  • have common points of intersection and as a result form a flower with six petals.

If you do not have artistic abilities, stock up on compasses. Draw smooth circle It’s difficult for an inexperienced person to write by hand.

Diagram of the Flower of Life in b/w version

The Flower of Life is created in stages. Each step is a certain ritual.

  1. Draw the first circle and place a dot in the center. Put down the tools and listen to the sensations: awaken the inner Sun, which will overshadow the work. Feel how the warming rays penetrate every corner of your mind and body. Let the Cosmic energy flow smoothly through the spine.
  2. Second circle. The symbolism contains a dualistic concept of Being. The unity and opposition of the masculine and feminine principles, the Sleepless Eye, the space of energy generation - this is what the intersection of two circles is. The Christian image of the “fish” is also discernible in them.
  3. The third stage symbolizes the Divine Trinity: God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. It refers to the concept of classical psychoanalysis, which reveals the levels personal development: higher, middle and lower order.
  4. The fourth circle is stability. The square is the basis of the world order, firmly based on the power of the four magical elements: fire, water, air and earth.
  5. Fifth is self-knowledge. Think about which of the spheres is closer. Who are you - the solid, reliable Earth or the fickle, changeable Wind? Pliable like Water and easily take any form or hot like Fire.
  6. The finishing touches are the waves. Impulses of desire that make it material. They convey plans and aspirations to the Universe.

This video gives step-by-step instruction, how to draw a Flower of Life mandala.

Take your time to finish the job. Put the power of Intention into every stroke and line; do not start meditation when you are irritated or tired. Don't let me negative energy move your hand in the creative process.

Mandalas that fulfill cherished wishes

There are many options for geometric designs that help realize your plans. One person likes floral patterns, the other is fascinated by classical geometry.

You can download, add and color any image

Draw from scratch or paint it yourself - there is also no definite answer to this question.

  1. Imagine that a powerful flow of warm energy emanates from the circle, the drawing comes to life under your hands, and forms swirls with a plus sign.
  2. Activate the colored picture using mental and bodily impulses.
  3. It is better to work on creating a visual talisman while listening to relaxing music. Listening to audio recordings of nature or singing bowls will help.

You can revive and fill paper with power like this: sit on the floor, place a piece of paper on your knees, place your hands on top. Don't cross your legs. The back is straight. Close your eyes, take a deep breath. Feel the warmth flowing down your spine, from head to toe. It spreads over the limbs and saturates the talisman through the palms.

Like any magical attribute, a floral design requires that it be treated with respect. Compliance simple rules will enhance the effect.

  1. The wishes made while working on the Flower (tree) should not be voiced to anyone.
  2. Precisely ask your request to the Universe. Avoid vague language. Space does not know the particle “not”.
  3. Remember - the message should be creative, not destructive.
  4. Even if everything is extremely bad, tune in to the positive. Don't accumulate negative potential.
  5. For coloring, choose colors correctly and thoughtfully. Each shade has a specific meaning in esoteric teaching.

If you are closer to the tradition of the Jewish sages, try depicting the Tree of Life, or Sephiroth.

Interweaving of traditions. Sephiroth and the classic Flower of Life

In classical Kabbalistic doctrine it corresponds to the Eastern concept of the mandala of Life.

Harmony classical music and Flower of Life. Just listen and look at the screen.

Choosing the right color is the key to making your wish come true

  • Red, orange and yellow shades will help you unlock your inner potential and learn to face difficulties;
  • light green color will soften your character and make things easier to look at;
  • green is the color of calm, harmony and unity with Nature, promotes the development of intuition and inner vision;
  • pink will provide positive relationships with the opposite sex;
  • blue, indigo – mystery colors. The carriers of such a biofield are called “not of this world”;
  • purple and lilac – paints Supreme Intelligence, intuition, divination;
  • golden – Enlightenment and opening of Sahasrara.

Regardless of the basis of the drawing, choose the right colors

Video tutorial on creating a mandala with colored pencils:

Pattern Meanings

Tibetan monks believe that geometric patterns correspond to the types of energy. For example, there are female and male symbols.

The world of mandalas is huge - choose the one that will help solve problems

Symbolism may mean:

  • protection;
  • enlightenment;
  • cash flow and financial independence;
  • healing properties;
  • image of the Sacred Lotus.

An experienced occult artist can easily create his own disc charged with luck, love, loyalty or courage.

Studying mandalas is a long process. It is impossible to comprehend the meaning and purpose of sacred circles in a few hours or days. Esoteric practice requires immersion and responsibility. Then the talisman will come to life and serve for the benefit of the owner.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

What color is your dream? Have you ever wondered? Although there is such a thing as a “blue dream,” each of us still has it in our own and unique shade.

Do you want to know which one?

There is one magic remedy for this. Called Mandala of Desires Fulfillment. Translated from Sanskrit, “mandala” sounds like “magic circle” and is a symbol of perfection, universal harmony, love and dreams come true.

It came to us from the East, where it is believed that in the depths of the human subconscious all the information about himself, about his past and future is stored. With the help of the Mandala of Desires, we can “awaken from sleep” the dormant intuition in us and, so to speak, “touch” this information. How to do it?

To do this you need to... paint it. Yes, just color in different colors your magic circle, turning it from a simple picture into a powerful tool fulfillment of dreams!

After all, it has long been known that any dream, clearly defined and expressed in the form of a drawing, has a thousand times greater ability to be realized. We can say that a mandala is a powerful transmitter of desires straight to the Universe, to its Heavenly Office. This quick way get what you want.

By coloring the “magic circle”, we put all our feelings, dreams and expectations into it. We place our entire essence in it, fill it with our energy and create a strong protective field for ourselves. In essence, we are conducting a powerful wish fulfillment ritual. The mandala is us, it is our inner world, and outside the magic circle is the outer world.

Mandala of Desires

How to work with a mandala correctly?

You have two options. The first is to draw it yourself and the second is to print the finished image. You can download the mandala here by clicking on the button below the picture.


  • Create a “magical” atmosphere. Turn on meditative music, light candles and relax. Then tune into your desire. Think about it, clearly formulate it and try to imagine it in the form of some kind of symbol and determine its color.
  • Start coloring the magic circle without letting go of your dream for a second and continuing to think about it. Use colored pencils, markers or watercolor paints. The rule for choosing colors is no rules! Your subconscious will tell you everything. Just give yourself entirely to this process and your hand will choose the appropriate colors itself!
  • Now all that remains is to carefully cut out the Mandala of Desires and find a suitable place for it. Try to place her where you can meet her gaze as often as possible, while remembering your goal. Place it under your pillow, hang it on the wall, or stick it in your planner. The main thing is to communicate with her, come up with and call her by name - now this is your personal magical thing, sending requests to the Universe.
  • When your wish comes true (and this will certainly happen), thank the Mandala and the Universe for helping you realize it. After this, you will need to part with it - burn it or cut it into small pieces.

Working with the “magic circle”, you will penetrate deep into your inner self. And in addition to making your dreams come true, you will be able to get rid of worries, problems and anxious states, harmonizing the space of your soul.

Mandala of Desires Fulfillment– this is your pass to the world of harmony, happiness and love!

This is sacred in the cultures of peoples different countries a symbol that helps a person get closer to what he wants. Coloring or weaving a mandala is a meditation, therefore it adjusts the consciousness in a positive way, bringing a person happiness, love, financial well-being, etc. The drawing is a two-dimensional image on a plane or has a relief, volumetric form. The magic circle is carved from stone or wood, embroidered on fabric using colored powders, drawn on sand, and woven with threads.

What is a mandala

This is one of the sacred symbols, which is a geometric pattern. When literally translated, the word "mandala" means "circle" or "circle". The symbol looks like a square inscribed in a circle and decorated with many decorative elements and patterns. Each figure and ornament is arranged symmetrically. While creating a drawing, a person is immersed in a state comparable to the practice of meditation; the image accumulates the positive energy of the creator. This explains why many Buddhist and Hindu temples are decorated with such symbolism.

The word “mandala” appears for the first time in the Rigveda, meaning “space”, “circle”, “totality”. Buddhists believe that the first symbolic image was created in the 8th century by the founder of the Vajrayana, Padmasambhava, who used this ritual geometric object to invoke the deity. Padmasambhava created a mandala and prayed continuously for 7 days, after which a deity descended into the center of the sacred circle to fulfill his wishes.

In the east, the symbol is very sacred: it is recognized by Buddhist and Hindu followers. The monks draw a sacred circle, seeing in the image not just figures or patterns, but an object of worship, symbolizing the structures of the Universe. Creating a mandala helps a person open the subconscious and establish harmony with nature. To achieve such a result, you need to be passionate about knowledge of the inner world, develop spiritually, and be able to meditate.

Mandalas and their meaning

IN Eastern countries the symbol is considered sacred, its image can be found on walls, ceilings, and floors. A circle filled with patterns is drawn during religious rituals, including the Kalachakra initiation. Sand paints are used for this. The destruction of the sacred drawing completes the sacred ritual. What does a mandala mean in a particular culture?


In Buddhist culture, the meaning of a mandala has a sacred meaning. This image came to Buddhist practices from ancient Indian mythology, receiving a slightly modified meaning. The ritual symbol appeared in India several thousand years ago and was used as an auxiliary tool for meditation. In Buddhism, images are used in sacred rituals, symbolizing the field of certain saints and bodhisattvas, their habitat after emerging from endless rebirths.

While contemplating the image, Buddhists at the mental level come into contact with the deities in the center of the picture, moving to the highest stage of meditation, becoming one with the cosmic Absolute. Modern psychologists suggest that drawings serve as a tool for internal transformation and self-improvement of people. By looking at or creating a sacred symbol, Buddhists achieve peace of mind, get rid of problems, restore their own strength, and recover from illnesses.


One of the tools for understanding man and the world is bringing different phenomena to a single measure, which is a number. With its help, you can connect seemingly incompatible things, for example, a person’s date of birth and the words he speaks. The numerical symbol of integrity allows you to see how speech works and use it consciously. This will make life more joyful, happier.

Even ancient philosophers adhered to the idea that everything in the world can be expressed in numbers, which at the same time are filled with magical meaning. Modern scientists also talk about similar things, who express the idea that everything that exists in the Universe represents energy flows and information that can be expressed in numbers. The vibration they create affects a person’s life, which is studied by numerology.

This pseudoscience draws all the information it needs to study from a mandala - a drawing of fate created individually for each person. Using this technique you can trace life path and identify hidden opportunities. Such knowledge helps to correct shortcomings and use existing abilities, which will provide the opportunity to more successfully solve the tasks set by fate.


According to one version, woven Indian mandalas in the form in which they exist now come from the South and Central America. It is known that such symbols were woven by the Huichol Indians living in the territory modern Mexico. During the colonization of America, many valuable skills in the art were forgotten, and today weaving is hardly remembered. The Indians themselves called such products “God's eye.”

Even children could weave the most primitive patterns: their products were hung in a prominent place, since it was believed that the mandala made by children brings prosperity to the house, through it God protects the family from misfortunes. A wise Indian, the leader of the Dakota tribe, said that everything done by the Power of the World is done in a circle - the sky, the earth, birds' nests, the sun, the moon are round, etc. The seasons also replace each other and are constantly repeated, forming a circle. Thus, the mandala symbolizes the cyclical nature of all living things.


On the path to self-improvement, understanding the structure of the human essence plays an important role. For this there is mandal yoga, which is a type of exercise that combines asanas, vinyasas, mantras and mandalas themselves. The result of these actions is the formation in space of a complex geometric figure oriented to the cardinal points. In the center of the symbol is a practicing person and, if the technique is performed correctly, he feels new unusual feelings located at the level of energy channels.

Mandala for coloring

A magical diagram used in Buddhist and Hindu practices. Creating and coloring a sacred drawing can harmonize a person’s inner state and give strength. The work requires the ability to contemplate and visually perceive the world. The goals of the practice are different: a mandala of love and happiness, material wealth, health, etc. can be created. The drawing is a circle, inside of which there are triangles, other figures and patterns arranged symmetrically. The elements are painted in different colors, which is considered a form of art therapy.

Why are they needed?

Modern publishing houses offer collections of meditative coloring books for sale. What are mandalas and why are they needed? Simple graphic drawings, with the right approach to creative process, help improve relationships in the family, attract love to own life, get rid of diseases and achieve other goals. Coloring diagrams and patterns will help your child learn to concentrate and independently understand his own feelings. Herals and mandalas are a tool for developing thinking, setting and achieving goals.

How to color

Real mandalas Tibetan monks draw with colored sand on a flat surface for 2 months. This process is a means of meditation. When the drawing is completed, the sand is blown off and a new one is started. No matter what your goals are when creating color mandalas, it is important to know how to do it correctly. The sacred symbol is always multi-colored, so for the technique you will need paints, pencils or felt-tip pens.

You need to color the drawing from the center to the edges, because this way the drawing will come out organic and the colors will not be smeared by hand. When drawing, completely different colors are used, each of which has a meaning. An example of deciphering popular shades for creating a picture:

  • yellow – prosperity, happiness, joy;
  • red – love, passion, life;
  • black – darkness, danger, despair;
  • green – understanding, support, desire to help;
  • orange – emotionality, ambition, controversy;
  • blue – conflict, mysticism, fear, intuition;
  • lilac – well-being, emotions, worries;
  • violet - emotional dependence;
  • light green – weak energy field;
  • blue – water, sky, source of life.

How to use

To meditate, take a comfortable position, you can light candles, incense, and turn on quiet, calm music. Clear your mind of thoughts and worries, look at the center of the image, but do not focus your gaze. Listen to your inner state without analyzing or evaluating what is happening. As you continue to perceive any feelings, concentrate your attention on them to achieve maximum intensity of these sensations. How to color mandalas? Meditative coloring can take from 5 minutes to an hour; you need to stop the process if you feel tired.

The circle symbolizes space and is an ancient peace symbol used in different cultures. Apply sacred symbols for a variety of purposes including:

  • amulet, protection of a person, home;
  • healing the body, healing from diseases;
  • energy filling;
  • meditation, purification of consciousness, subconscious;
  • raising money;
  • finding love, family happiness;
  • development of character qualities (elimination of negative ones, activation of positive ones), etc.

For women

Coloring mandalas brings sacred energy to a person and influences the outcome of many events. Thus, the figure acts as a tool for getting what you want through meditation. With the help of such technology, plans can be easily realized and dreams come true. Beautiful mandalas for marriage are capable of accumulating and exuding the beneficial energy of a woman. Such drawings are needed so that the girl does not lose confidence and finds family happiness.

For luck

The mandala of happiness awakens the spirit of integrity, helping to feel the joy of life, establishing peace of mind person. Contemplating the finished painted drawing, the mind tunes into a positive mood, attracting more happy moments into a person’s life. In addition, the image brings the effects of satisfaction and inner peace, helping to love and accept oneself.

For love

The symbol of relationships carries a special meaning and energy; it is used when they want to attract a bright feeling of love into life. In addition, individual symbols help strengthen existing relationships. While painting the figures, a strong energy surge occurs, making it possible to fulfill the dreams of the person who creates the mandala.

To fulfill a wish

This is a very powerful technique for fulfilling your plans and desires. By creating a magical image, a person imbues the drawing with positive energy, freeing himself from uncertainty and doubt. The completed bright picture is kept in a visible place where the image often catches the eye. Every time you pass by a drawing, you should focus on it and think about what you have in mind.

Family Mandala

Before performing the technique, think about the ideal family relationships whether they will be passionate or calm. If desired, having tuned in to the desired mood, draw a mandala using universal signs or creating individual symbols. Favorable colors for the family are red, white, blue, purple. If you don't want to draw, use it already ready-made template, presented below. While coloring it, constantly think about feelings and love.

To attract money

The image should be created with positive thoughts, while the mind is first freed from pressing problems and troubles, bad memories, and painful thoughts. If you thought about something bad while creating the symbol, it is better to burn the drawing. You should start coloring patterns from the center to the edges, intuitively selecting colors. Sacred rituals to attract money are recommended to be performed in the morning.

For good health

Certain symbols from Tibetan Buddhism carry special healing powers, their effect has been tested for centuries. Sometimes you just need to fill the finished template with color and place the work in a visible place to gain health. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to supplement the drawing of sacred images with meditations, affirmations, and reading mantras. It should be understood that this technique is not an alternative to going to the doctor, as it will not replace a medical examination, but recovery will be much faster and easier.
