The most recent terrorist attack. Remembrance Day: the bloodiest terrorist attacks in Russia

TASS DOSSIER. On November 17, the head of the FSB, Alexander Bortnikov, said that the A321 crash over the Sinai, where more than 220 people died, was a terrorist attack. According to him, traces of foreign-made explosives were found on the wreckage of the plane and things.

Less than two weeks after the events in Egypt, terrorists carried out a series of attacks in Paris. 129 people were killed and over 350 were injured. It is the second-deadliest terrorist attack in Europe after Madrid, when 190 people were killed in train station bombings in 2004.

Listed below are the 10 largest terrorist attacks in the world by death toll, excluding attacks that occurred in countries where there was military conflict at the time. In eight cases, the attacks were carried out by radical Islamist groups.

The September 11 terrorist attacks in the USA. 2996 dead

On September 11, 2001, in the United States, suicide bombers from the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda hijacked passenger planes and crashed them into two towers of the World Trade Center (New York) and into the Pentagon building - the headquarters of the US Department of Defense (Arlington County). , Virginia). The fourth hijacked airliner crashed near Shanksville (Pennsylvania). As a result of this world's largest series of terrorist attacks, 2 thousand 996 people were killed and over 6 thousand people were injured. The organizer of the terrorist attack was the al-Qaeda group and its leader Osama bin Laden.

Beslan. Russia. 335 dead

On September 1, 2004, in Beslan (North Ossetia-Alania), militants led by Ruslan Khuchbarov (“Rasul”) captured more than 1 thousand 100 students from school number 1, their relatives and teachers. On September 2, after negotiations with the ex-president of the Republic of Ingushetia, Ruslan Aushev, the bandits released 25 women and children. On September 3, shooting and explosions began at the school, which forced an assault. Most of the hostages were released, 335 people died. Among the dead were 186 children, 17 teachers and school staff, 10 employees of the Russian FSB, two employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The militants were destroyed, only one survived - Nurpashi Kulaev (in 2006 sentenced to death penalty, commuted to life imprisonment due to the moratorium on executions). International terrorist Shamil Basayev (liquidated in 2006) took responsibility for the terrorist attack.

Boeing 747 Air India. 329 dead

On June 23, 1985, an Air India Boeing 747 passenger plane, flying flight AI182 on the route Montreal (Canada) - London - Delhi, crashed in the waters Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Ireland. The cause of the disaster was the explosion of a bomb planted in luggage by Indian Sikh extremists. All 329 people on board (307 passengers and 22 crew members) were killed in the disaster. Canadian citizen Inderjit Singh Reyat was sentenced to 5 years in prison on charges of participating in the preparation of a terrorist attack in 2003. Prior to this, he served a 10-year prison sentence for preparing an explosion at Narita Airport (Japan), which occurred on the same day as the VT-EFO disaster. Reyat was later charged with perjury and sentenced to 9 years in prison in 2011.

Boko Haram attack in Nigeria. More than 300 dead

On May 5-6, 2014, gunmen killed over 300 residents in a nighttime attack on the town of Gamboru, Borno State. Survivors fled to neighboring Cameroon. Most of the city was destroyed.

Lockerbie attack. 270 dead

On December 21, 1988, a Boeing 747 passenger plane of Pan Am (USA), performing regular flight 103 on the route Frankfurt am Main - London - New York - Detroit, crashed in the air over Lockerbie (Scotland). A bomb placed in luggage exploded on board. All 243 passengers and 16 crew members on board, as well as 11 people on the ground, were killed. In 1991, two Libyan citizens were accused of organizing an explosion. In 1999, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi agreed to hand over both suspects to a Dutch court. One of them, Abdelbasset Ali al-Megrahi, was found guilty on January 31, 2001 and sentenced to life imprisonment (released in 2009 due to a fatal illness diagnosed in him, died in 2012). In 2003, the Libyan authorities admitted responsibility for the terrorist attack and paid compensation in the total amount of 2.7 billion US dollars - 10 million dollars for each person killed.

Terrorist attacks in Bombay. India. 257 dead

On March 12, 1993, 13 car bombs were simultaneously detonated in crowded areas of Bombay (now Mumbai). The terrorist attack killed 257 people and injured over 700. The investigation established that the organizers of the explosions were Islamic terrorists. The attack was a response to earlier clashes between Muslims and Hindus in the city. One of the organizers, Yakub Memon, was sentenced to death, which was carried out on July 30, 2015. Two of his accomplices are wanted.

Airplane A321 "Kogalymavia". 224 dead

October 31, 2015 passenger aircraft Airbus A321-231 ( registration number EI-ETJ) of the Russian airline Metrojet (Kogalymavia), flying flight 9268 from Sharm el-Sheikh (Egypt) to St. Petersburg, crashed 100 km from the city of El-Arish in the north of the Sinai Peninsula. There were 224 people on board - 217 passengers and seven crew members, all of whom died.

Russian President Vladimir Putin promised that those responsible and those involved in the terrorist attack on the plane would be found and punished. “We must do this without a statute of limitations, know them all by name. We will look for them wherever they are hiding. We will find them anywhere on the planet and punish them,” Putin assured.

Bombing of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. 224 dead

On August 7, 1998, two simultaneous terrorist attacks occurred in Nairobi (the capital of Kenya) and Dar es Salaam (the former capital of Tanzania), targeting the US embassies in these countries. Parked trucks filled with explosives exploded near the embassies. A total of 224 people died, of which 12 were US citizens, the rest were local residents. The organizer of the explosions was the al-Qaeda group.

Terrorist attacks in Mumbai. India. 209 dead

On July 11, 2006, Islamic terrorists detonated explosive devices hidden in pressure cookers in the carriages of seven local trains in the suburbs of Mumbai (Khar Road, Bandra, Jogeshwari, Mahim, Borivli, Matunga stations " and "Mira Road"). The attack occurred during the evening rush hour. 209 people were killed and more than 700 were injured. At the end of the investigation into the crime, the court sentenced 12 people to various prison terms, 5 of them were sentenced to death.

Terrorist attack in Bali. Indonesia. 202 dead

On October 12, 2002, as a result of a suicide attack and car bomb explosion near nightclubs in the resort town of Kuta (Bali), 202 people were killed, of which 164 were Foreign tourists. 209 people were injured. About 30 people were arrested in connection with the terrorist attack. In 2003, an Indonesian court recognized a number of members of the Jamaah Islamiyah organization as the organizers of the terrorist attack. In 2008, three of them - Abdul Aziz, also known as Imam Samudra, Amrozi bin Nurhasim and Ali (Muklas) Gurfon - were executed by court. Muklas' brother Ali Imron was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Al-Qaeda mentioned in the material is included in the Unified Federal List of Organizations Recognized in accordance with the Law Russian Federation terrorist. Their activities on the territory of the Russian Federation are prohibited.

December 30th In the Dzerzhinsky district of Volgograd, an explosion occurred in a trolleybus. According to preliminary data from the Investigative Committee and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, more than 20 were injured.

December 29th At 12:45 Moscow time, an explosion occurred at the railway station in Volgograd. The bomb went off between entrance doors and turnstiles. According to preliminary data, the bomb was detonated by a suicide bomber who did not have time to pass through the metal detectors. According to preliminary data, more than 40 were injured.

October 21 The terrorist attack occurred: seven people were killed, 37 were hospitalized. An explosive device filled with destructive elements was detonated by a native of Dagestan, Naida Asiyalova.

May 20 next to the controls federal service bailiffs in Dagestan there was a double terrorist attack. The first explosive device was installed under the car. The second was in the trunk of a nearby car. The second explosion occurred a few minutes after the first, when operatives were working on the scene.

On September 9, at the entrance to the central market of Vladikavkaz, a suicide bomber in a Volga car detonated a bomb with a capacity of 30-40 kilograms of TNT.

As a result of a terrorist attack.

The bombs were detonated by two female suicide bombers.

6th January A suicide bomber in a Niva car tried to drive to the base of a separate traffic police battalion at the Makhachkala Internal Affairs Directorate (Dagestan). At this time, the morning personnel separation was taking place at the base. The terrorist's path was blocked by a police UAZ, which took over the explosion. As noted in the Dagestan traffic police department, the policemen in the UAZ, at the cost of their lives, prevented much more dire consequences terrorist attack, not allowing the criminal to go to the place of divorce. The power of the explosion, according to preliminary data, ranged from 50 to 60 kilograms of TNT.

As a result of the explosion, the terrorist himself, from 12 to 19 people were hospitalized with various injuries in city hospitals.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Terrorist attacks have always happened and, unfortunately, may happen in the future. This is a dishonest way of waging war, which the weak resort to due to lack of military capabilities. And although the special services different countries fighting terrorist groups, sometimes they make mistakes, and the result of these mistakes is often the killing of civilians. This article contains information about the world's largest terrorist attacks. Most often, criminal organizations that hide behind Islam take responsibility.

9/11 terrorist attacks in the USA

This tragedy became the largest in history in terms of its scale and number of victims. On September 11, 2011, 11 terrorists from the Al-Qadia group captured 4 passenger aircraft. Two of them were sent to the Twin Towers in New York (large shopping mall). Having crashed into the buildings, the planes exploded, destroying its tops, as well as the adjacent buildings.

The third plane was sent to the Pentagon building (US military department). The fourth plane crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. There were many controversies and points of view about this plane: some believed that the crew of the plane on board tried to resist terrorists, while others argued that the plane was simply shot down, as it was assumed that it was aimed at the White House.

As a result of the September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States, 2,873 people died, including 343 firefighters and 60 police officers. As for material damage, no one gives exact figures, but the damage is estimated at $500 billion.

"Boeing 747"

There were also other attacks on civilians in Europe, but they should not be considered the largest terrorist attacks in the world. In particular, there were machete attacks on civilians by refugees who shouted “Allahu Akbar.” Such acts of terrorism happen, but are not actively advertised in the media.


Unfortunately, terrorist attacks in Russia, Europe and the world in general occur much more often than we hear about them. Most of the terrorist attacks carried out are closely related to the Islamic world, and terrorist groups themselves often claim responsibility for such events. However, often the press centers of the special services announce the prevention of the next terrorist attack and the capture of entire groups of banned terrorist organizations. If it weren't for the intelligence services, the world would have been shocked by even more horrifying tragedies.

The number of terrorist crimes in Russia has increased almost 4 times since 2013 - review and analysis by Marat Maksumovich Shibutov - political scientist, analyst of the Russian Association of Cross-Border Cooperation (APC, Almaty).

Publication by IA Regnum.

The terrorist attack committed on April 3 in St. Petersburg again raised the question of how terrorism is developing in Russia. What is its dynamics? What is the detection rate for terrorist crimes? Is the threat growing or falling? Let's try to answer these questions in this review.

First of all, it is necessary to determine which terrorists Russia has to fight. For example, Europol uses the following classification of terrorists:

1. Religious (until 2011 they were simply called Islamists)
2. Left radicals
3. Right-wing radicals
4. Separatists
5. Singles
6. Uncertain affiliation (those who have no clear motives - in general, psychopaths).

As you can see, this classification makes it possible to more or less immediately understand the motives of terrorists’ actions and what they want to influence with their terrorist acts. Were in modern history Russian and right-wing terrorists, there were also loners, but the bulk are Islamist terrorists, representing both their own organizations and cells of global terrorist networks such as ISIS (an organization whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation), the Islamic Movement of Turkestan (an organization whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation) and Al-Qaeda (an organization whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation), which are both Islamists and separatists.


It must be recalled that Islamist terrorism and its adherents have following features and traits:

The absence of unity of command, as indeed in Islam itself - each group has its own sheikh or ulema as a spiritual mentor and emir as a military leader.

- Network principle of building an organization- in fact, not a single terrorist organization has a single command, but there is a network of independent cells coordinating each other. The absence of hierarchy reduces the possible efforts of the organization, but increases its survivability.

- Close connection with general Islamization- the more active, rather than “ethnic” Muslims there are in the country, the more Islamic radicals there are. However, this dependence is not always direct, because most often converts to Muslims who become radicals are those who did not grow up in religious families and therefore have little knowledge of the current traditions of Islam.

- Development based on the franchising principle- an already formed cell of radicals is often looking for how to join an already existing organization, preferably with a big name, in order to then better look for sponsors and recruit new supporters. Therefore, there is no particular pattern in the spread of certain terrorist Islamist organizations.

- Extermination of other Muslim leaders, especially Sufis - as a rule, practiced by all Islamists. There are two goals here - depriving the Ummah of authority and seizing control over mosques or houses of worship, which allow for widespread propaganda and embezzlement of money from the endowment fund.

- Use of various criminal methods to replenish the general fund of the jamaat (community). They also willingly recruit criminals who actively participate in the life of the community, also committing crimes, but bringing money to the Islamists, and not to the common fund.

- Variety of recruitment and information transfer methods- used as open propaganda (leaflets, books, websites, social media, forums) and closed (oral recruitment, films and audio recordings with propaganda, transmitted on flash drives and disks).

- Ignoring everyone national characteristics local Islamic traditions. This is one of their main signs, along with contempt for funeral rites and rejection of music. Some of the first actions of those recruited are desecration of graves. At the same time, a specific appearance (short pants, a shirt and a hat in the Afghan style, a beard without a mustache, refusal to wear a tie with a suit) rather indicates harmlessness - here “all the steam has gone to the whistle.”


Islamist terrorism in Russia has three aspects or directions of development (conditional names):

North Caucasian- the most powerful and most controlled focus. It includes the republics of the Russian North Caucasus, as well as part of the border strip in Transcaucasia. The strongest outbreaks remain in Dagestan. People from the North Caucasus are spreading the influence of Islamists throughout the CIS and beyond. There is a vicious practice that the Mujahideen and local officials form a symbiosis - some intimidate the population, others receive subsidies from the center to fight them, some of which goes to the Mujahideen. Also, some young people consider their temporary stay among Islamist militants to be something of an initiation. Therefore, there is terrorist activity there nutritious soil and apparently it will not stop. There greatest number militants with military experience. Almost always these are local residents, and from different social strata and nationalities (except Ossetians).

Islamists are also extending their influence to communities of North Caucasian peoples living in other regions of Russia, serving as centers of internal migration ( big cities, oil and gas regions, gold mining regions). Among the terrorist organizations this direction include: “Higher Military Majlisul Shura of the United Mujahideen Forces of the Caucasus” (an organization whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation), “Congress of the Peoples of Ichkeria and Dagestan” (an organization whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation), “Al-Qaeda” (an organization whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation), “Al-Haramain” (an organization whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation), “Jamiyat al-Islah al-Ijtimai” (an organization whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation), “Caucasus Emirate” (an organization whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation ), ISIS (an organization whose activities are banned in the Russian Federation), etc. Currently, outside the North Caucasus, their activity is reduced due to the fact that local diasporas of the North Caucasian peoples are responsible for their behavior.

Povolzhsky- widespread in Tatarstan (most strongly) and Bashkiria, as well as among people from the North Caucasus who live in the Volga region. Distributed among religious segments of society, mainly Tatars and Bashkirs. The number of terrorist attacks is much less than in the North Caucasus, but volunteers are also being recruited to participate in the war in Syria. Terrorist organizations of this direction include: “Al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun” (an organization whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation), “Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami” (an organization whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation), “Jamaat-i- Islami (an organization whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation), ISIS (an organization whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation), etc.

Migrant- common among labor migrants from countries Central Asia(Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan). It arose both through the efforts of foreign preachers from the Gulf countries and Saudi Arabia, and due to the migration of Islamists from Central Asia. Representatives of this trend did not organize significant terrorist acts, but they are distinguished by high criminal activity. However, Moscow serves as a transit point for the recruitment of Central Asians for the war in Syria.

Terrorist organizations of this direction include: “Islamic Party of Turkestan” (an organization whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation), “Taliban” (an organization whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation), “Union of Islamic Jihad” (an organization whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation) , “Jamiyat Ihya at-Turaz al-Islami” (an organization whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation), “Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami” (an organization whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation), “Jund al-Sham” (organization, activities which is banned in the Russian Federation), “Jabhat al-Nusra” (an organization whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation), “Islamic State” (an organization whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation) and others (for example, the Uzbek organization “Akromiya” and radical representatives "United Tajik Opposition").


To assess the general state of the Islamist underground in Russia, you can use statistical data from law enforcement agencies. Of course, they do not specifically single out Islamists and reflect only exposed facts of terror and extremism, but in general they should give an idea of ​​the situation. In order for the data to be reliable, data from both the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Table No. 1) and the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation (Table No. 2) were taken.

Table 1. Terrorism and extremism in Russia according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Table 2. Terrorism and extremism in Russia according to the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation

Both sets of data show that terrorist activity has begun to intensify in the last three years, with registered crimes doubling. This is despite the fact that from 2004 to 2007 there was a decrease in crimes of a terrorist nature, and there was a long period of their stagnation from 2007 to 2013.

At the same time, there is a decrease in the detection of terrorist crimes from 87.1% to 33%. What does this mean? The fact that terrorists have already adapted to the methods of law enforcement agencies and have learned to counter them. This may also indicate that new people are joining terrorists who have not yet been “exposed” and are forming new cells about which there is no operational information.

As for extremism, the increase in crimes on this basis was small but constant, and over 10 years their number increased 7 times. It is quite possible that the growth of extremism, which partly includes the propaganda of religious extremism on religious grounds, has led to an increase in the number of crimes of a terrorist nature.

In any case, it should be noted that there has been an increase in terrorism and extremism in the last three years, and this trend should be alarming. There is a certain probability that due to the fact that the forces of the organs state security distracted by supporting operations in Syria and monitoring actions on the part of Ukraine, terrorists began to take advantage of the situation.

The civil war in Ukraine made the market for weapons and explosives more accessible. Detention Russian citizens- fighters of the Azov battalion who tried to sell weapons in Moscow, this is only the first clear example of the ongoing process. The truce in Donbass will lead to thousands of people traveling with weapons to Russia. Terrorists will be able to buy or obtain in one way or another all types of small arms, mines, grenades and explosives, and possibly anti-tank and anti-aircraft systems. In addition, the actions of the Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria to destroy ISIS (an organization whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation) and al-Nusra (an organization whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation) will lead to two consequences - the return of some of those who joined the Islamists to Russia and the fact that those intending to go to Syria will remain in Russia in order to conduct gazavat directly in Moscow and other cities. It should be noted that these can be both citizens of Russia itself and citizens of the CIS countries.

This means that if the fight against terrorism is not strengthened, it will continue to grow, reaching the level of 2004-2005.


1. In Russia there is a situation where there are three various directions and the region of development of Islamist terrorism. At the same time, the focus always remains North Caucasus, while the topic of others is hushed up - in the Volga region due to the powerful local lobby at the federal level, the migrant topic - because of falsely understood tolerance and interethnic harmony, as well as to preserve corruption proceeds.

2. The main targets of terrorists were and remain both law enforcement agencies and authorities, as well as the population of Russia itself, especially where a high media and political effect from a terrorist attack is possible.

3. In fact, Russia and especially its large cities are extremely vulnerable to Islamist attacks - the only thing is that a signal to gazavat is received, and required amount They already have terrorists, weapons and resources for this.

When a terrorist attack occurs somewhere in the world, the average person does not take what happened so seriously. Especially if a tragedy happens in troubled parts of the globe: well, they blow up in the Gaza Strip, but there is always an unstable situation there, and terrorist attacks in the Middle East are commonplace. But when the threat is breathing down our necks...
Remember how last year Nizhny Novgorod neutralized the militants? The whole area shook! Fortunately, the terrorist attack was then prevented. But on April 3 in St. Petersburg, our cultural capital, it was not possible to avoid the deaths of civilians.
The whole country mourns with St. Petersburg. And I would like to think that the whole world does too. Because the principle “my house is on the edge” does not work in the case of terrorism. When innocent people die, no matter where it happens, it is always a tragedy that cannot be taken lightly.
Today we are publishing a chronicle of the largest terrorist attacks that occurred in Russia and abroad in 2016-2017.

March 22 terrorists carried out a series of actions in Belgium. Two explosions occurred: in international airport Brussels and the metro. More than ten people were killed and 35 were injured. The terrorist organization ISIS, banned in Russia, claimed responsibility for the explosions.

11 April In the Stavropol Territory, there was an attack on a police department building in the village of Novoselitskoye. One of the militants blew himself up, the other two were killed by Interior Ministry officers. There were no casualties among police officers.

April 19 A series of explosions rocked the Afghan capital Kabul, killing more than 64 people and injuring more than 300.

1st of May Two explosions occurred in the Iraqi city of Samawa. The terrorist attack killed 38 people and injured more than 80.

May 11 As a result of a series of explosions in Baghdad, 94 people were killed and 150 were injured. The terrorist organization ISIS claimed responsibility for the attacks.

June 7 A strong explosion occurred in the center of Istanbul, as a result of which 11 people were killed and 36 people were injured.

the 9th of June a series of explosions occurred in Baghdad. A suicide bomber detonated a car filled with explosives in a Shiite neighborhood of the Iraqi capital. The second explosion occurred north of Baghdad. There, a suicide bomber rammed an Iraqi army checkpoint. The explosions killed more than 25 people.

June 11 Explosions occurred in the Shiite quarter of Damascus, killing 16 people and injuring more than 40.

June 28 A series of explosions occurred at Ataturk International Airport in Istanbul. As a result of a series of terrorist attacks, 44 people were killed, including 19 foreigners, and several hundred were injured.

3 July major terrorist attack occurred in the center of the Iraqi capital. A car bomb exploded in the center of Baghdad, where a large number of restaurants. The terrorist attack killed 292 people.

July 8 There was a major terrorist attack in the Iraqi city of Balad, which killed 40 people and injured about 70. The terrorist organization ISIS claimed responsibility for the explosion.

the 14 th of July A high-profile terrorist attack occurred in France. A suicide bomber in a truck rammed a crowd of people on an embankment in Nice. As a result of the action, 84 people died, many of whom were tourists. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack.

From December 31, 2016 to January 8, 2017 A series of terrorist attacks organized by ISIS took place in the capital of Iraq. As a result of the actions, more than 110 people died and 249 were injured.

1st of January lone terrorist with firearms in his hands attacked a nightclub in Istanbul. As a result, 39 people were killed and more than 60 were injured.

5 January A terrorist attack occurred in the province of Latakia, which is under the control of the Syrian government. A terrorist drove a bomb-laden car into a crowd of passers-by, killing 15 people and injuring more than 40.

13th of January A terrorist attack took place in the Syrian capital Damascus, killing at least seven people and injuring ten. The suicide bomber activated the suicide vest while in a densely populated area of ​​Damascus.

February 3rd in Paris, a terrorist with two machetes in his hands, shouting “Allahu Akbar”, attacked a police patrol. In response, the servicemen opened fire on the terrorist. He was seriously injured and was hospitalized. French authorities classified the incident as a terrorist attack.

25 February In the city of Homs, near a military base of the Syrian army, a series of terrorist attacks took place, for which the Jabhat al-Nusra group (banned in Russia) took responsibility. As a result of the militants' actions, 42 people were killed and several dozen were injured.

March 22 In London, a terrorist drove a car into a crowd of passersby on Westminster Bridge, after which he attacked a policeman with a knife. More than ten people died as a result of the terrorist attack. The IS terrorist organization claimed responsibility for the attack.

March 24 In the Chechen Republic, an attack was carried out on a Russian Guard base. Six soldiers were killed and three were wounded. Six militants were eliminated.

April 3- bomb explosion in the St. Petersburg metro. According to preliminary data from NAC, 11 people died and 45 were hospitalized. Three days of mourning have been declared in St. Petersburg since April 4.