Alexander Porfirievia Borodin. Musical Directory: Composers. Aesthetic foundations of A.P.’s creativity Borodin, genres and themes of works Alexander Borodin musical works

Unique person- Alexander Borodin, composer and scientist rolled into one. He realized himself with equal success in two opposite areas of activity, which is extremely rare. His life is an example of hard work and passionate love for all creativity.

Family and childhood

In 1833, a child was born in St. Petersburg; he was the fruit of an extramarital affair between Prince Luka Stepanovich Gedianov and the commoner Avdotya Konstantinovna Antonova. At the time of his son’s birth, the father was 62 years old, and the mother was 25; they could not get married due to class differences, and the prince had no opportunity to recognize the baby. Therefore, he was recorded as the son of the serfs of Gedian. This is how the future composer Alexander Porfirievich Borodin appeared. Until the age of 8, he was listed as the property of his father, but, fortunately, before his death he managed to give him his freedom. He also bought for the mother of his son, who was married to the doctor Kleineke, and for the child a large stone house with 4 floors and provided for them comfortable existence. In 1840, Gedianov died, but this did not affect the well-being of his son.

Alexander's unclear origin did not allow him to study at the gymnasium, so he was educated at home. His mother paid a lot of attention to this, and excellent teachers came to him, he studied two foreign languages and eventually received an excellent education, which allowed him to successfully pass the matriculation exams in 1850. However, before this, his mother and stepfather had to “legalize” the child, they turned to Kleineke’s connections and were able to enroll the boy in the merchant guild, only this allowed Borodin to officially graduate from the gymnasium and later enroll as a volunteer at the Medical-Surgical Academy of St. Petersburg.

Passion for music

At the age of 8, young Sasha began to show a strong interest in music; he played by ear on the home piano works that he heard near his home, on the military parade ground, where the military orchestra was rehearsing. He looked closely at all musical instruments and asked people who played them. Mom paid attention to this and, although she herself had no musical preferences or abilities, invited a musician from a military orchestra to join him, and he taught Sasha to play the flute.

Later, the boy was taught to play the piano, and he was able to master the cello on his own. At the age of 9 his first compositions appeared. Sasha Borodin, a composer by nature, composes the polka “Helen” for the young lady. Together with a school friend, he attends all the concerts in St. Petersburg, learns works of classics, and composes a little, for example, writing a concert for flute, violin and cello based on Meyerbeer’s opera “Robert the Devil.” Young Alexander Borodin was a composer from God, but he was not only interested in music. He had many interests, he loved to sculpt and draw, but his greatest passion since childhood was chemistry.

Passion for science

Already at the age of 12, the future composer Borodin met his second passion in life - science. It all started with fireworks, like many children, Sasha was delighted with these flashing lights, but he wanted to make them with his own hands. He wanted to penetrate into the composition of things, he himself made paints for painting, mixed various preparations. The house of the young naturalist was filled with flasks and retorts. The boy's mother was worried about the safety of the house, but could not stop him from conducting experiments. The magical transformations of solutions and vibrant chemical reactions fascinated Sasha Borodin, and it was impossible to prevent his fascination. By the end of school, his passion for science outweighed his love for music, and Borodin began preparing to enter university.

He successfully passed the exams, and the future composer Borodin became a student at the Medical-Surgical Academy, which became his second home. Throughout his subsequent life he was in one way or another connected with her. The meeting with Professor Zinin became fateful for Alexander; in a sense, he found his father in him. He inspired the student to study science and helped him understand all the secrets of chemistry. In 1856, Borodin brilliantly graduated from the academy and was assigned to a military land hospital. While working as a doctor, he wrote a dissertation and in 1858 received the degree of Doctor of Medicine. But all this time he does not give up studying chemistry and music.

Overseas experience

In 1859 A.P. Borodin, composer, doctor and scientist, was sent abroad to improve his skills in the field of chemistry. Alexander Porfirievich spent three years in Heidelberg, Germany, at the university of which at that time a brilliant Russian scientific circle gathered: Mendeleev, Junge, Botkin, Sechenov - the whole flower of modern Russian natural science. In this society, not only heated scientific discussions were held, but also problems of art, society, and politics were discussed. The results of research in Germany brought Borodin worldwide fame an outstanding chemist. But for scientific experiments he does not forget about music, attends concerts, meets new names - Weber, Liszt, Wagner, Berlioz, Mendelssohn, and becomes a passionate admirer of Schumann and Chopin. Borodin also continues to write music, from his pen comes a whole series chamber works, including the famous cello sonata and piano quintet. Alexander Porfirievich also travels a lot around Europe; he spends almost a year in Paris, where he comprehends the secrets of chemistry and immerses himself in the world of modern music.

Chemistry as a matter of life

All composers by vocation are closely connected with science. Returning from abroad, he successfully passes his research report and receives an associate professorship at his alma mater. Borodin's financial situation was not brilliant; the teacher's salary barely covered his basic needs. He continued to teach at the academy until the end of his life, and also worked as a translator. He is also actively involved scientific research. In 1864 he received the title of ordinary professor, and 10 years later he became the head of a scientific laboratory in chemistry. In 1868, Borodin, together with his teacher Zinin, became the founder of the Russian Chemical Society. In 1877 he became an academician of his native university, and in 1883 he was elected an honorary member of the Russian Society of Doctors.

Path in music

Even during his student years, Alexander Borodin, a Russian composer, created a number of outstanding works, and he also played music as a cellist. He continues to make music during his internship abroad. And upon returning to Russia, he joins the circle of intellectuals who are interested in music. In the house of Botkin’s comrade-in-arms, he meets Balakirev, who, together with Stasov, influenced the formation of his aesthetic worldview. He introduces Borodin to the group led by Mussorgsky, which with the arrival of the composer acquired its completed form and later became known as the “Mighty Handful.” Composer Borodin became a consistent successor of the traditions of the Russian national school, M. Glinka.

Opera creativity

For my creative life, which always ran parallel to other types of activities, Alexander Porfirievich wrote 4 major operatic works.

The operas of the composer Borodin are the fruit of his many years of work. He wrote “Bogatyrs” in 1868. Later, “Mlada” appears in a collective collaboration with other authors. For 18 years he worked on his most ambitious creation - the opera “Prince Igor” based on “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”, which he was never able to complete, and after his death the work was collected from sketches by his friends. Opera " The Tsar's Bride"was also not completed, and in fact these are just sketches.

Chamber music

The music of the composer Borodin is predominantly represented by chamber works; he writes sonatas, concertos and quartets. He is considered, along with Tchaikovsky, the founder of the Russian quartet. His music is distinguished by a combination of lyricism and epicness, he gravitates towards scope, actively uses traditional motifs of Russian music, but also subtly fits into Western European music, he is considered the progenitor of European impressionism.

Outstanding Essays

The composer Borodin is famous for several of his creations. His First Symphony in Es major, written in 1866, shocked his contemporaries with its power, originality and brightness; it brought the composer European fame. All three completed Borodin symphonies are pearls of Russian music. Composer Borodin's operas "Prince Igor" and "The Tsar's Bride" are world famous. In them he embodies all the best that is in Russian song, creates broad pictures of the epic history of Russia.

The work of the composer Borodin is not numerous, but each work is a real masterpiece. His music is often performed by modern orchestras. And “Prince Igor” is in the repertoire of all Russian opera houses.

Social activities

The name of the composer Borodin is closely connected with pedagogical activity. The students were very fond of the professor, who was passionately in love with chemistry. He was always ready to help poor students and was distinguished by his kindness and delicacy. He protects students from political persecution, for example, provides support to participants in the assassination attempt on Emperor Alexander II.

In addition to teaching, Borodin is organizing a free music school; he helps young talents find their way in music. Borodin spends a lot of effort on providing opportunities for women to receive higher education, organizing women's medical courses, which he teaches for free. He also manages to direct a student choir and edits the popular science magazine “Knowledge.”


Composer Borodin short biography presented in the article, lived an extremely rich scientific and creative life. And in family life I wasn't entirely happy. He met his wife during a business trip abroad. They got married only in 1863, the wife suffered from asthma and did not tolerate the climate of St. Petersburg, she often had to leave for warmer climes, which greatly undermined the family budget. The couple did not have children, but they took in several pupils, whom Borodin considered daughters.

A difficult and intense life undermined Borodin's health. He was torn between creativity, science and service, and his heart could not withstand such a load. On February 27, 1887, he died suddenly. After his departure, friends, led by Rimsky-Korsakov, complete “Prince Igor” and carefully collect the entire creative heritage of the great Russian composer.

Works for piano

* Helene-Polka (1843)
* Requiem
* Little Suite (1885; orchestrated by A. Glazunov)
1. In the monastery
2. Intermezzo
3. Mazurka
4. Mazurka
5. Dreams
6. Serenade
7. Nocturne
* Scherzo in A flat major (1885; orchestrated by A. Glazunov)

Works for orchestra

* Symphony No. 1 in E flat major
1. Adagio. Allegro
2. Scherzo. Prestissimo
3. Andante
4. Allegro molto vivo
* Symphony No. 2 in B minor “Bogatyrskaya” (1869-1876; edited by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov and A. Glazunov)
1. Allegro
2. Scherzo. Prestissimo
3. Andante
4. Final. Allegro
* Symphony No. 3 in A minor (only two movements written; orchestrated by A. Glazunov)
1. Moderato assai. Poco piu mosso
2. Scherzo. Vivo
* IN Central Asia(In the steppes of Central Asia), symphonic sketch


* Concerto for flute and piano and orchestra (1847), lost

Chamber music

* Sonata for cello and piano in B minor (1860)
* Piano Quintet in C minor (1862)
* Piano trio in D major (1860-61)
* String trio (1847), lost
* String trio (1852-1856)
* String trio (1855; unfinished)
o Andantino
* String trio (1850-1860)
* String Quartet No. 1 in A major
1. Moderato. Allegro
2. Andante con moto
3. Scherzo. Prestissimo
4. Andante. Allegro risoluto
* String Quartet No. 2 in D major
1. Allegro moderato
2. Scherzo. Allegro
3. Notturno. Andante
4. Finale. Andante. Vivace
* Scherzo for string quartet (1882)
* Serenata alla spagnola for string quartet (1886)
* Quartet for flute, oboe, viola and cello (1852-1856)
* String Quintet in F major (1853-1854)
* Sextet in D minor (1860-1861; only two movements survive)


* Bogatyrs (1878)
* The Tsar's Bride (1867-1868, sketches, lost)
* Mlada (1872, Act IV; The remaining acts were written by C. Cui, N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, M. Mussorgsky and L. Minkus)
* Prince Igor (edited and completed by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov and A. Glazunov)
The most famous number is Polovtsian dances.

Romances and songs

* Arabic melody. Words by A. Borodin
* For the shores of the distant homeland. Words by A. Pushkin
* From my tears. Words by G. Heine
* Beautiful fisherman. Words by G. Heine (for voice, cello and piano)
* Sea. Ballad. Words by A. Borodin
* Sea princess. Words by A. Borodin
* My songs are full of poison. Words by G. Heine
* Song of the Dark Forest (Old Song). Words by A. Borodin
* The fair maiden fell out of love... (for voice, cello and piano)
* Listen, my friends, to my song (for voice, cello and piano)
* Arrogance. Words by A.K. Tolstoy
* Sleeping princess. Fairy tale. Words by A. Borodin
* In people's houses. Song. Words by N. Nekrasov
* False note. Romance. Words by A. Borodin
* Why are you early, little dawn... Song
* Wonderful garden. Romance. Words by C. G.

Potapova Olga Nikolaevna
Job title: teacher of theoretical disciplines
Educational institution: MAU DO "Children's Art School"
Locality: Inzer village, Beloretsky district, Republic of Bashkortostan
Name of material: Methodological development open lesson
Subject:"Vocal creativity of the Russian composer A. Borodin"
Publication date: 06.03.2017
Chapter: additional education

Municipal autonomous institution

additional education

"Children's Art School"




Theory and methodology of additional education for children

“Vocal creativity of the Russian composer A. Borodin”

Completed by: Potapova O.N.


theoretical disciplines


Inzer village 2017

1. Introduction.

2. Vocal creativity of the Russian composer A. Borodin (conversation).

3. Assignment for students - stylistic direction in music.

4. The connection between music and poetry in the vocal creativity of A. Borodin.

5. Conclusion.

6. List of references.

7. Application.


Relevance of the study:

The academic subject "Musical Literature" is one of





spiritual and moral



spiritual and cultural values ​​of the peoples of the world.

During training sessions, students rely on their own impressions


listened to



stylistic direction in music. Students must learn to logically

and consistently express your thoughts orally and in writing.

By this period (the third year of studying musical literature)


are being formed



artistic image and content of a musical work. Students

can determine the genre, style, era in which the work was created,

carry out comparative analysis listened works.

On this lesson students get acquainted with vocal creativity Russian

19th century composer Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin. Previous lesson

was dedicated to the composer’s lifestyle and work, his achievements in science.

A.P. Borodin worked in the era of romanticism, he was attracted to heroic images.

“Borodin’s talent is exactly powerful and amazing both in the symphony and in

opera and romance. His main qualities are great power and width, colossal





passion, tenderness and beauty" V.V. Stasov.

Object of study: musical training and education of children's art school students.

Subject of research: vocal creativity of the Russian composer

A. Borodin.


introduce students to the vocal works of A. Borodin;

develop children's analytical and creative imagination skills;





compare, highlight the main thing.


Educational: based on the musical experience of students to shape their


in particular


A. Borodin);

organize the process of analyzing a musical work.

Educational: develop



composers; develop students' creative abilities.

Educational: on






A. Borodina

bring up




bring up




the opinions of others; enrich spiritual world students.

Equipment: portrait

A. Borodina,

M. Mussorgsky,


Russian artists, laptop.

Teaching methods and forms of organizing educational activities:

practical, verbal;





group activities.

Lesson format: lesson-dialogue.

Lesson Plan

1. Acquaintance with the vocal creativity of A. Borodin.

2. Test task “Stylistic direction in music.”

3. The connection between music and poetry in the vocal creativity of A. Borodin.

4. Lesson summary.


The romance genre was loved by Russian composers of the 19th century, gave it




the heritage looks more than modest - only sixteen works. IN

while his three comrades in the “Mighty Handful” have the number of romances

numbers in tens and even hundreds. But this is the same case when

Quantity cannot judge quality. They may be few, but each is a masterpiece.

Romances by A. Borodin can be divided into three groups:

Images folk epic, fairy tales.

Lyrical and psychological sketches.

Household, humorous.

Of particular interest are fairy-tale romances, for example “Sleeping

Princess." It combines images of a sleeping girl, evil fantastic

creatures and the image of a hero-liberator. The image of the princess was compared with the image



when is the hour

awakening." The romance has noticeable features romanticism - new style in art

of that time. The composer uses the rondo form, which expresses well

images of the work. Refrain - sleeping princess, episodes - fantastic powers

and the hero-liberator (watch video).

"Song dark forest"contains a more specific heroic image.

The composer himself composed the words in the spirit of ancient folk songs.

(it’s not for nothing that the composer gave his romance the subtitle “Old Song”). In this

romance Borodin showed folk images past and emphasized in them that

what was close to modernity - elemental strength and uncontrollability, desire

to freedom (watch video).

Among the lyrical romances, the elegy “For the Shores” occupies a special place

distant." The work was written in 1881 under the impression

death of Modest Mussorgsky. The music of the romance merges with the text





sorrow, pain of experience. (The student does short message: "Lyrics are

the spiritual world of man, the expression of various emotional experiences,

feelings and mood") It is in this romance that the depth and strength of

feelings combined with restraint and nobility (watching video).

A striking example of satirical romances is “Arrogance”

A. Tolstoy.

Borodin was not characterized by mockery and irony. His music





satire genre



A. Dargomyzhsky

M. Mussorgsky.


advisor is






character-arrogance -generally allegorical (watch video).

Student assignment

In some of A. Borodin's romances, features of a new style in art are noticeable

time - romanticism.




samples national creativity, including folk ones.

The formation of Russian romanticism is closely connected with the most important


victory event


national identity, belief in the great purpose of Russia and its people

stimulate interest in folklore. It seemed to Russian romantics that, comprehending

the spirit of the people, they joined the ideal beginnings of life. Folk character

manifests itself

as not just positive, but heroic, national





historical, bandit songs, epics, heroic tales.

The characteristic features of romanticism are the endless movement towards

slips away



dreaminess, deep spiritual themes.

Description of the task:

a tree is drawn on the board, romanticism is written on the trunk, students



romantic composers. (leaves - P. Tchaikovsky, F. Liszt, G. Sviridov, I. Bach,

N. Rimsky-Korsakov,


W. Mozart,

A. Borodin,

D. Shostakovich, F. Schubert, Ts. Cui, R. Schumann, M. Mussorgsky - students should

select Russian romantic composers).

4. The connection between music and poetry in the vocal work of A. Borodin

Borodin in his work turned to the poems of various poets - and not only

Russians They set to music the poems of Alexander Pushkin, Heinrich Heine,

Alexei Tolstoy. Like Mussorgsky, he sometimes composed texts for his

vocal miniatures, which helped to achieve greater unity of music and

text. The composer himself said that he was “drawn to singing, cantilena, and not

recitative." Hence the melodiousness and melody of his romances. A. Borodin

tried to express emotional experiences, depth of feelings as subtly as possible,

poetic images.

When working with texts by other poets, the composer took into account the author’s intentions,

used genres of romance close to the poetic genres: ballad, elegy, fairy tale,



accompaniment combined with melody and text.


The students got acquainted with the vocal work of A. Borodin;

Determined the stylistic direction in the composer’s work

romanticism and its characteristic features;

Reinforced knowledge of romance genres.


Academic subject " musical literature"is an important subject in

teaching students at a children's art school. In class, students rely on





heard and form their own opinion about the piece of music.

Based on the received own experience students improve

musical perception, ability to analyze, highlight the main thing. Form

knowledge about vocal music A. Borodin, develop improvisation skills in

styles of various composers. Students learned a short history

development of Russian romanticism, its characteristic features.

Using the example of A. Borodin’s romances, students traced a close connection

music and text composed by the composer himself, as well as texts by others

During the lesson, the following conclusion was made:

A. Borodin's vocal creativity is a masterpiece of world culture.


1 M. Shornikova “Russian musical classics", Rostov-on-Don, publishing house

"Phoenix", 2007

2 A.P. Borodin romances \\musisseasons\borodin-romansy\

3 Scientific and methodological journal “Music at school” 1-2004. Moscow.

4 A. Borodin “Romances”, Moscow, “Music” 1987

5 Music Club V-20, Moscow, “Music”, 1986.

6 A.V. Fedorov “Introduction to literary criticism”, Moscow, Onyx, 2007


Medicine and chemistry

Musical creativity

Public figure

Addresses in St. Petersburg

Family life

Major works

Works for piano

Works for orchestra


Chamber music

Romances and songs

Alexander Porfirievich Borodin(October 31 (November 12) 1833 - February 15 (27), 1887) - Russian chemist and composer.



Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin was born in St. Petersburg on October 31 (November 12), 1833 from an extramarital affair of 62-year-old Prince Luka Stepanovich Gedevanishvili (1772-1840) and 25-year-old Evdokia Konstantinovna Antonova and at birth was recorded as the son of the prince's serf servant - Porfiry Ionovich Borodin and his wife Tatyana Grigorievna.

Until the age of 7, the boy was a serf of his father, who, before his death in 1840, gave his son his freedom and bought a four-story house for him and Evdokia Konstantinovna, who was married to the military doctor Kleineke. In the first half of the 19th century, extramarital affairs were not advertised, so the names of the parents were hidden and the illegitimate boy was presented as the nephew of Evdokia Konstantinovna.

Due to his background, which did not allow him to enter the gymnasium, Borodin passed homeschooling in all subjects of the gymnasium course, studied German and French languages and received an excellent education.

Already in childhood he discovered musical talent, at the age of 9 he wrote his first piece - the polka “Helen”. Learned to play musical instruments- first on the flute and piano, and from the age of 13 - on the cello. At the same time, he created his first serious musical work - a concerto for flute and piano.

At the age of 10, he became interested in chemistry, which over the years turned from a hobby into his life’s work.

However, doing science and receiving higher education prevented by the same “illegal” origin young man, which, in the absence of a legal possibility of changing social status, forced Borodin’s mother and her husband to use the department of officials of the Tver Treasury Chamber to enroll their son in the Novotorzhskoe third guild of merchants.

In 1850, seventeen-year-old “merchant” Alexander Borodin entered the Medical-Surgical Academy as a volunteer, from which he graduated in December 1856. While studying medicine, Borodin continued to study chemistry under the guidance of N. N. Zinin.

Medicine and chemistry

In March 1857, the young physician was appointed as a resident at the Second Military Land Hospital, where he met the officer Modest Mussorgsky, who was being treated.

In 1868, Borodin received his doctorate of medicine, having conducted chemical research and defended a dissertation on the topic “On the analogy of phosphoric and arsenic acid in chemical and toxicological relations.”

In 1858, the Military Medical Scientific Council sent Borodin to Soligalich to study the composition mineral waters hydropathic clinic founded in 1841 by merchant V.A. Kokorev. The report on the work, published in the newspaper Moskovskie Vedomosti in 1859, became a real scientific work on balneology, which brought the author wide fame.

In 1859-1862, Borodin improved his knowledge in the field of medicine and chemistry abroad - in Germany (Heidelberg University), Italy and France, upon his return receiving the position of associate professor at the Medical-Surgical Academy.

Since 1863 - professor at the Department of Chemistry at the Forestry Academy.

Since 1864 - ordinary professor, since 1874 - head chemical laboratory, and since 1877 - academician of the Medical-Surgical Academy.

A.P. Borodin is a student and closest collaborator of the outstanding chemist Nikolai Zinin, with whom he became a founding member of the Russian Chemical Society in 1868.

Author of more than 40 works on chemistry. It was A.P. Borodin who discovered the method of producing bromine-substituted fatty acids by the action of bromine on silver salts of acids, known as the Borodin-Hunsdiecker reaction, was the first in the world (in 1862) to obtain an organofluorine compound - benzoyl fluoride, conducted a study of acetaldehyde, described aldol and chemical reaction aldol condensation.

Musical creativity

While still studying at the Medical-Surgical Academy, Borodin began to write romances, piano pieces, chamber instrumental ensembles, which aroused the displeasure of his scientific supervisor Zinin, who believed that playing music interfered with serious scientific work. For this reason, during his internship abroad, Borodin, who did not give up musical creativity, was forced to hide it from his colleagues.

Upon returning to Russia in 1862, he met the composer Mily Balakirev and joined his circle - “ A mighty bunch" Under the influence of M. A. Balakirev, V. V. Stasov and other participants in this creative association, the musical and aesthetic orientation of Borodin’s views was determined as an adherent of the Russian national school in music and a follower of Mikhail Glinka. A.P. Borodin was an active member of the Belyaev circle.

IN musical creativity Borodin clearly sounds the theme of the greatness of the Russian people, patriotism and love of freedom, combining epic breadth and masculinity with deep lyricism.

The creative heritage of Borodin, who combined scientific and teaching activities with service to art, is relatively small in volume, but made a most valuable contribution to the treasury of Russian musical classics.

The most significant work of Borodin is rightfully recognized as the opera “Prince Igor”, which is an example of national heroic epic in music. The author worked on the main work of his life for 18 years, but the opera was never finished: after Borodin’s death, the opera was completed and orchestrated based on Borodin’s materials by composers Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov and Alexander Glazunov. Staged in 1890 at the St. Petersburg Mariinsky Theater, the opera, distinguished by the monumental integrity of its images, the power and scope of folk choral scenes, and the brightness of national coloring in the tradition of Glinka’s epic opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila,” was a great success and remains one of the masterpieces to this day. domestic opera art.

A.P. Borodin is also considered one of the founders of the classical genres of symphony and quartet in Russia.

Borodin's first symphony, written in 1867 and released simultaneously with the first symphonic works of Rimsky-Korsakov and P. I. Tchaikovsky, marked the beginning of the heroic-epic direction of Russian symphonism. The composer’s Second (“Bogatyrskaya”) Symphony, written in 1876, is recognized as the pinnacle of Russian and world epic symphonism.

Among the best chamber instrumental works are the First and Second Quartets, presented to music lovers in 1879 and 1881.

Borodin is not only a master instrumental music, but also subtle artist chamber vocal lyrics, a striking example of which is the elegy “For the Shores of the Distant Fatherland” to the words of A. S. Pushkin. The composer was the first to introduce images of the Russian heroic epic into romance, and with them the liberation ideas of the 1860s (for example, in the works “The Sleeping Princess”, “Song of the Dark Forest”), and was also the author of satirical and humorous songs (“Arrogance”, etc. .).

The original creativity of A.P. Borodin was distinguished by its deep penetration into the system of both Russian folk song, and the music of the peoples of the East (in the opera “Prince Igor”, the symphonic film “In Central Asia” and other symphonic works) and had a noticeable impact on Russians and foreign composers. The traditions of his music continued Soviet composers(Sergei Prokofiev, Yuri Shaporin, Georgy Sviridov, Aram Khachaturyan and others).

Public figure

Borodin's merit to society is his active participation in the creation and development of opportunities for women to receive higher education in Russia: he was one of the organizers and teachers of Women's Medical Courses, where he taught from 1872 to 1887.

Borodin devoted considerable time to working with students and, using his authority, defended them from political persecution by the authorities in the period after the assassination of Emperor Alexander II.

Great value for international recognition Russian culture had musical works Borodin, thanks to which he himself gained world fame precisely as a composer, and not as a scientist, to whom he devoted most of his life.

Addresses in St. Petersburg

Family life

In the summer of 1861, in Heidelberg, Borodin met the talented pianist Ekaterina Sergeevna Protopopova, who had come for treatment, and in whose performance he first heard the works of Chopin and Schumann. In the fall, Protopopova's health worsened, and she continued treatment in Italy. Borodin found the opportunity to follow her to Pisa without interrupting his chemical research, and it was there that organofluorine compounds were first obtained and other work was carried out that brought the scientist world fame. At the same time, Borodin and Protopopova decided to get married, but upon returning to Russia, due to lack of money, the wedding had to be postponed and the wedding took place in 1863. Financial problems haunted the family for the rest of their lives, forcing Borodin to work hard - teaching at the Forestry Academy and translating foreign literature.

Due to a serious chronic illness (asthma), Alexander Porfiryevich’s wife could not stand the climate of St. Petersburg and lived for a long time with relatives in Moscow. There were no children in the family.

A.P. Borodin, who lived in St. Petersburg, died suddenly of a broken heart on February 15 (27), 1887 at the age of 53 years.


In memory of the outstanding scientist and composer the following were named:

  • State Quartet named after A.P. Borodin
  • Streets of Borodin in many localities in Russia and other countries
  • Sanatorium named after A.P. Borodin in Soligalich, Kostroma region
  • Assembly hall named after A.P. Borodin at the Russian Chemical Technology University named after. D. I. Mendeleev
  • Children's music school named after A.P. Borodin in St. Petersburg.
  • Children's music school named after A.P. Borodin No. 89 in Moscow.
  • Children's music school named after A.P. Borodin No. 17 in Smolensk

Major works

Works for piano

  • Helene-Polka (1843)
  • Requiem
  • Little Suite(1885; orchestrated by A. Glazunov)
  1. In the monastery
  2. Intermezzo
  3. Mazurka
  4. Mazurka
  5. Dreams
  6. Serenade
  7. Nocturne
  • Scherzo in A flat major (1885; orchestrated by A. Glazunov)
  • Works for orchestra

    • Symphony No. 1 in E flat major
    1. Adagio. Allegro
    2. Scherzo. Prestissimo
    3. Andante
    4. Allegro molto vivo
  • Symphony No. 2 in B minor “Bogatyrskaya” (1869-1876; edited by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov and A. Glazunov)
    1. Allegro
    2. Scherzo. Prestissimo
    3. Andante
    4. Final. Allegro
  • Symphony No. 3 in A minor (only two movements written; orchestrated by A. Glazunov)
    1. Moderato assai. Poco piu mosso
    2. Scherzo. Vivo
  • In Central Asia (In the steppes of Central Asia), symphonic sketch
  • Concerts

    • Concerto for flute and piano and orchestra (1847), lost

    Chamber music

    • Sonata for cello and piano in B minor (1860)
    • Piano Quintet in C minor (1862)
    • Piano trio in D major (1860-61)
    • String trio (1847), lost
    • String trio (1852-1856)
    • String trio (1855; unfinished)
      • Andantino
    • String trio (1850-1860)
    • String Quartet No. 1 in A major
      • moderato. Allegro
      • Andante con moto
      • Scherzo. Prestissimo
      • Andante. Allegro risoluto
    • String Quartet No. 2 in D major
      • Allegro moderato
      • Scherzo. Allegro
      • Not turno. Andante
      • Finale. Andante. Vivace
    • Scherzo for string quartet (1882)
    • Serenata alla spagnola for string quartet (1886)
    • Quartet for flute, oboe, viola and cello (1852-1856)
    • String Quintet in F major (1853-1854)
    • Sextet in D minor (1860-1861; only two movements survive)


    • Bogatyrs (1878)
    • The Tsar's Bride(1867-1868, sketches, lost)
    • Mlada(1872, Act IV; The remaining acts were written by C. Cui, N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, M. Mussorgsky and L. Minkus)
    • Prince Igor(edited and completed by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov and A. Glazunov)

    The most famous number is Polovtsian dances.

    Romances and songs

    • Arabic melody. Words by A. Borodin
    • For the shores of the distant homeland. Words by A. Pushkin
    • From my tears. Words by G. Heine
    • Beautiful fisherman. Words by G. Heine (for voice, cello and piano)
    • Sea. Ballad. Words by A. Borodin
    • Sea princess. Words by A. Borodin
    • My songs are full of poison. Words by G. Heine
    • Song of the Dark Forest (Old Song). Words by A. Borodin
    • The fair maiden fell out of love... (for voice, cello and piano)
    • Listen, my friends, to my song (for voice, cello and piano)
    • Arrogance. Words by A.K. Tolstoy
    • Sleeping princess. Fairy tale. Words by A. Borodin
    • In people's houses. Song. Words by N. Nekrasov
    • False note. Romance. Words by A. Borodin
    • Why are you early, little dawn... Song
    • Wonderful garden. Romance. Words by C. G.