Vowel sounds. Shocked and unstressed. How to denote an unstressed vowel sound with a letter

There are six in total - these are “a”, “o”, “u”, “i”, “e”, “s”. They are pronounced only with the participation of the voice, without the participation of noise. Can form syllables. There are shock and unstressed ones. Vowel sounds - stressed and unstressed - have their own characteristics and specific roles in the speech process. In addition, many norms for designating vowels in writing with letters depend on the presence or absence of stress.

The vowels “e”, “yu”, “ya”, “e” are not separate sounds. They represent the designation of two sounds. For example: ya - ya, yu - yu, etc. They are also endowed with additional functions - they indicate softness in writing.

Stressed vowels

Shock is the voice that is released during pronunciation. That is, the one on which the emphasis falls. This sound is always pronounced more clearly. Compared to the unstressed one, it is in a stronger position and plays a meaningful role. As a rule, writing letters that convey stressed vowels does not cause difficulties.

For example, in the words small (stress on the first syllable), peaceful (stress on the first syllable), distant (stress on the second syllable), the spelling of stressed syllables will not cause doubts in anyone. The principle “as it is heard is how it is written” applies here, and sounds are heard clearly.

Stressed vowel sounds are designed to perform the function of meaning differentiation. For comparison: mole, mal, soap, mule - words that we distinguish by ear due to the fact that different vowels are written in them.

Unstressed vowel sounds - what are they?

Unstressed vowels are vowels that are not emphasized by the voice. They are pronounced with much less force and not nearly as energetic as drums. They are in a weak position, and writing the letters that convey them is often difficult. The principle of “as we hear, so we write” in in this case will not work, since what is heard may not be what actually is.

An unstressed vowel sound is often in an altered state (state of reduction). And the degree of transformation may depend on the distance of the stressed vowel. The further you go, the stronger the reduction. For example, in the word “kolobok” the stress is on the last sound “o” - in the third syllable. The closest “o” (in the second syllable) is heard even more or less clearly, and the distant one (from the first syllable) is practically lost during pronunciation. Its duration in this case is minimal.

Relatively stable in this regard are the unstressed vowel sounds “i”, “s”, “u”. The degree of their transformation is almost not affected by the distance from the shock (mumiyo, Pinocchio, world). The only exception is “and” at the beginning of a word after a hard consonant, which ends the previous word of the phrase. In such cases, “and” turns into “s”. This situation is clearly visible, for example, in the phrase “smoke over the hut.”

Unstressed vowel sounds in roots. Spelling

As noted above, conveying unstressed vowel sounds in writing often poses difficulties. It can be especially problematic to understand which letter should indicate the unstressed vowel sound at the root of a particular word.

The spelling of such roots is allocated to a special section of grammar and is studied in detail in philology. The choice of the correct letter depends on various factors: the characteristics of its proximity to other letters, the presence or absence of a stressed syllable nearby, their origin, etc.

Unchecked vowels in roots

The most difficult case from the point of view of spelling is unstressed vowels. unverifiable words. When it is impossible to choose an option with an impact root.

The correct options in such situations can only be remembered or always carry a dictionary with you in which you can look up the spelling.

Words that fall under this section include, for example: meridian, vinaigrette, concrete, corvalol, cheesecake and others. Many of them are of foreign origin.

Checked vowels in word roots

The letters denoting unstressed vowel sounds in roots can, in most cases, be determined by choosing where the stress falls on the root.

For example, by changing the word “grass” to “grass”, it is easy to understand which letter should be written in the unstressed root. More options: mountain - mountain, water - water, rain - rain, and so on and so forth. There are a great many examples in the Russian language.

Spelling roots in words of different origins

Unstressed vowel sounds in the main morphemes of words can have different literal expression depending on the origin of that particular word.

So, for example, native Russian words are often distinguished by the full-vowel spelling of the combinations -oro-, -olo-: young, fence, shell. And their Old Church Slavonic variants have a shortened version of the letter combination and the transformation of “o” into “a”: baby, fence, cloud.

Alternation of unstressed “a” and “o” in roots

Letters denoting unstressed vowel sounds can alternate in the roots. One of the alternation options is “a” and “o”. Different roots have their own writing rules:

  • For example, regardless of which letter is written under stress, in the unstressed position we almost always have the roots of “mountains”, “clone”, “creation”, “zar” and “melt”: lit up, bow down, create, illuminated, melt. But there are exceptions: burnt marks, burnt marks, utensils, zarevat, swimmer, swimmer, quicksand, etc.
  • The morphemes “rast”, “rasch” and “ros” depend on the consonant closing the root. The letter "a" is preceded by "st" or "u", while the "s" is usually preceded by "o". The following do not fit into this rule: Rostislav, Rostov, usurer, sprout, outgrowth and variants derived from them (Rostov, usury, etc.), as well as the word industry.
  • In the morphemes “skoch” and “skak” there is usually an “o” before the letter “ch”, and an “a” before the “k”. For example: jumper, jump rope, upstart, jump up. The only exceptions are the words gallop, gallop, gallop and jump.
  • Unstressed vowel sounds in words with the roots “lag” and “lozh” are expressed in writing by letters, according to the following rule: “a” is used before “g”, and “o” is used before “zh”. For example: add, believe, decompose, addition, position, put aside. The exception is the canopy.
  • The presence or absence of the suffix “a” is determined by such roots as “kas” and “kos”. If the suffix is ​​present immediately after the root, then it will be “kas”, and if not, then it will be “kos”. For example: touching, touching, touching, touching.
  • The spelling of roots with unstressed vowels sometimes depends on their meaning. So, in the case of “mok” (“moch”) and “poppy”, the first option “works” if we are talking about soaking in liquid (blotter, wet), and the second - in the case when we mean immersion in liquid (dunk , dip).
  • The morphemes “equal” and “equal” also “equal” to the meaning of the word. If sameness is meant, then it is written “a” (equal, equation), and if straightness and smoothness, then “o” (to align, level). Exceptions: peer, plain, level, equally.

How “i” and “e” alternate

The letters of the unstressed vowel sounds “i” and “e” can also alternate in the roots of words.

Morphemes “bir” and “ber”, “zhig” and “zheg”, “steel” and “steel”, “blist” and “brist”, “world” and “mer”, “tyr” and “ter”, “ dir" and "der", "pir" and "per", "chit" and "chet" are directly dependent on the presence of the suffix "a". If it is in the vicinity of the root, it is written “and”, and if it is absent - “e”. Examples: begging - will take; cauterization - burned out; spreads - lay; brilliant - brilliant; freeze - freeze; rub off - rub off; tear off - tear off; unlock - unlock; read - deduction. Exceptions: couple, combination, combine.


  • The roots “world” and “mer” can alternate only if they mean the process of dying. If we are talking about peace (the antonym of war), then the root will always be “and” (peace, make peace). And if the morpheme means measure, then it is always written “e” (measure, measure).
  • The roots “pir” and “per” alternate only if they mean the processes of opening, closing and bulging (lock, unlock, stick out). And if we are talking about the word “feast”, meaning “feast of the belly”, then the root will always be “and” (to feast).

Alternation of the letter "a" ("ya") with the letter combination "im" ("in") in the roots

The letter “a” (“I”) alternates in the roots with the letter combination “im” (“in”) in the roots of words according to the following rule: if the root has the suffix “a”, then “im” or “in” is used. And if there is none, then “a” or “ya” is written. For example: accept - accepted, start - started.

Vowel sounds - stressed and unstressed - are found in every language in the world. And if, as a rule, no problems arise with drums, then unstressed ones create a lot of difficulties. Usually associated with them huge amount spelling And the spelling of roots is only a small part of a large iceberg.


To remember the topics we have already covered in the Russian language, let’s solve a crossword puzzle. To do this, we will write words vertically in empty cells, guessing them by meaning.

Rice. 1.Crossword

  1. I hear sounds, but will I hear letters?...
  2. Emphasizing a syllable in a word by using stronger voice or raising the tone.
  3. Sounds that form a syllable.
  4. Icons for recording sounds.
  5. We write and read letters, and we pronounce and hear...?
  6. The smallest pronunciation unit.
  7. A collection of words arranged in alphabetical order, with explanations, references, interpretations, and translations into other languages.

Let's check ourselves.

Rice. 2. Completed crossword puzzle with code word

In the selected horizontal cells we have the word RULE.

Let us repeat: speech consists of sounds. The sounds are vowels and consonants. They help each other. Vowel sounds combine consonants into syllables. And words are built from syllables, like bricks. In every word one brick is the most important. This is a stressed syllable. If the emphasis is placed incorrectly, the word will be difficult to understand.

Stressed and unstressed vowels

Let's complete the task: look at the photos and name what is shown on them.

Rice. 3()

Flowers, pine, balls. Let's put stress in the words and show the vowels that are in an unstressed position by emphasizing them. Flowers, from sleep, ball. Let's read these words not syllable by syllable, but quickly. It is noticeable that unstressed vowels were pronounced less clearly.

Vowels under stress - stressed vowels - are in strong position. Vowels without stress, they are called unstressed - in weak position . Letters that represent sounds in weak positions are called spellings. Spelling - (from the Greek orthos - correct and gramma - writing) - writing words according to some spelling rules.

Spelling - (from the Greek word: “orthos” - correct, and “grapho” - “write”) - rules of written speech (i.e. writing words). In Russian they say "spelling".

Pronunciation of unstressed vowels

Let's look at the words:

mushrooms, flowers- I hear And what should I write? I or E?

water, grass- I hear A, what should I write? A or O?

balls, rows- I hear an unclear sound. And what should I write? I? E? AND?

Conclusion - in the unstressed position we do not hear a clear sound and can make a mistake when writing.

In the modern Russian language there is a law - in unstressed syllables the sound O is not pronounced. The sound A works instead. And it will return to its place only when it becomes percussive. This is how sounds work in turn. Compare : sea - seas, table - tables, elephant - elephants. Other vowel sounds behave the same way: in unstressed syllables, each of them is replaced by some other one.

Unstressed syllables do not have the vowel sound E. Say the word floors. It is not pronounced the way it is written. It is not difficult to notice that the sound U in words is not dangerous; it is pronounced well and clearly even in an unstressed position.

For competent writing, it is very important to learn to identify unstressed vowels by ear without errors in order to anticipate the place in the word where a mistake can be made. Sometimes they say - find a dangerous place in a word. Let's write down the proposals.

The squirrel was on a twig. We hear unstressed sounds clearly and understand all words.

Children play with a ball. It is not clear what the children are playing with: a ball or a sword.

Checking an unstressed vowel

To understand written speech, it is important to learn how to write words without mistakes. There is a law in the Russian language: check a weak position with a strong one.

Let's read the sentences and find a clue in them.

The cat - to? Daddy. Cat - Oh, that means kittens are also Oh.

The tiger has t? dirty. Tiger - And, that means the cubs are also I.

Here's an elephant. Does he have sl? Nyata. Elephant - Oh, that means baby elephants are also Oh.

Remember the rule: To check the spelling of a weak position, you need to change the word. How to do this?

Step 1: Say the word being tested.

Does it have vowels in unstressed syllables?

If there are, what are they?

Step 2: Choose a test word, change the word so that the sound being tested is stressed.

Step 3: Write the vowel letter in accordance with the sound that is heard under the stress.

Step 4: Check what you have written, read the word syllable by syllable.

Now we will go to the zoo. All animals are listed here so visitors know what they are looking at. Here are different birds. Let's sign their names.

This owl. Impact sound A. How to write without error - owl or sava ? How will we proceed? Let's select a test word, change the word owl on With O You, Now under the accent O, that means we’ll write owl. Then we proceed in the same way.

Rice. 11. Crane ()

Crossbills? Blackbirds? Cranes? Rooks?

What to do with words sparrow, nightingale, crow, magpie?

Using a spelling dictionary

Worth taking advantage spelling dictionary , with which you can check spelling.

Rice. 17. Spelling dictionary ()

You just need to know the secrets of the dictionary and remember the alphabet well. Very often, short spelling dictionaries can be found at the end of Russian language textbooks. If you don’t have a dictionary at hand, ask an adult or a teacher for the spelling. Remember, the main thing is not to write with an error. It is better to leave space for the letter, marking it with a dot, and enter the letter when there is no doubt at all.

Let's draw a conclusion. The position of an unstressed vowel sound in a word is a danger that requires proof. Unstressed vowels cannot be trusted. Today in class we learned how to check them in different ways: by strong position, i.e., by selecting a test word, and by the dictionary, if there is no test word. Remember this:

Unstressed vowel sound
Causes a lot of pain.
So that there is no doubt,
We put emphasis on the sound. Or check it using a spelling dictionary.

  • Tutrus.com ().
    1. Andrianova T.M., Ilyukhina V.A. Russian language 1. M.: Astrel, 2011. Pp. 26, ex. 2; Page 28, ex. 3.
    2. Finish the word. Which letter will you insert? Fur hat - what kind of hat? (m.khovaya- E). Here is the garden, what kind of strawberries grow there? ( garden- A). Here is the forest, what kind of strawberries are there? ( forest- E).
    3. Read words with unstressed vowels. Select test words, name the vowel: sl.va, star.zda, sh.ry, b.ly, c.kidney. (Sl.va - word- Oh, the stars - the stars- E, sh.ry - ball- A, b.ly - pain- Oh, c.kidney - chain- E.)
    4. * Using the knowledge acquired in the lesson, compose 5 sentences with missing unstressed vowels in words, explain the spelling.

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    Class 1

    UMK program “Perspective”, L.F. Klimanova, S.G. Makeeva. Russian language. Textbook. 1st grade.

    Lesson objectives:

    • Observe the discrepancy between the pronunciation and spelling of a word;
    • Develop the ability to check an unstressed vowel sound by transferring it to a stressed position when changing the form of the word
    • Create conditions for practicing the skill of consciously writing tested unstressed vowels in a word;
    • Promote the development of students’ mental activity;
    • Foster a communicative culture.

    Educational technologies: collaboration technology

    Lesson format: lesson-dialogue

    Lesson equipment: CD Russian language. 1st grade. Electronic supplement to the textbook by L.F. Klimanova, S.G. Makeeva, electronic presentation, magnetic board, pictures for the work “Vocabulary words”, strips for paired and multi-level work, cards for reflection, music for work, music. physical education minute.

    Learning objectives aimed at achieving personal results:

    • development of motives educational activities;
    • developing the ability to evaluate one’s work;
    • developing a respectful attitude towards other opinions;
    • development of cooperation skills with adults and peers.

    Learning objectives aimed at achieving meta-subject results:

    • development of the ability to connect theoretical material with practical activities;
    • development of thinking operations: comparison, juxtaposition, generalization, classification.
    • development of the ability to competently construct speech statements, navigate through a textbook, and analyze;
    • developing the ability to listen and hear your interlocutor, explain and prove your opinion.

    Learning objectives aimed at achieving subject results:

    • developing the ability to select test words, write two difficult words with an unstressed vowel;
    • development of skills to compare sound patterns of words with letter spelling;
    • Improving the ability to recognize test and test words.

    Lesson progress

    1) Org moment.

    Stand up straight and let's show how well we have learned to work.

    Questions (answers in chorus) Presentation. Slide 2

    1. Are you ready to discover the secrets of Russian writing?
    2. Did you remember to take your intelligence and ingenuity?
    3. Will you try to understand everything?
    4. Will you write correctly?

    Well, I wish you good luck! Get to work! Sit down.

    2) Updating old knowledge.

    (Two people go to the board to complete the task:

    • Task 1: Write down a transcription for these words: pencil case, store, magpie, glass, birch.
    • Task 2: Create a sound diagram for the proverb: Without labor, rest is not sweet.

    I. Vocabulary dictation “Guess the riddle”

    A) – Let’s take notebooks and write down the date April 22. Let's check how we can write vocabulary words. And our guys will help us conduct a vocabulary dictation.

    PresentationSlides 3-8

    The teacher reads the riddle, the student guesses.

    Then I'm in a cage
    That's in line.
    Write about them
    Get it right!
    You can also draw...
    What am I?

    He draws and draws,
    And this evening
    He will color my album

    She is motley, eats green, gives white.

    If it weren't for him,
    I wouldn't say anything.

    It grows in summer and falls in autumn.

    b) Check(Guys guess the riddle, write down the answer with a comment, the teacher pins this word on the board.). Explain the spelling of words (Spelling reading, stress placement, spelling).

    P. Self-determination for activity

    Thanks guys. Pay attention to the spellings in the words. Which of you saw extra word? (leaf). Why? (all words are written with an unverified vowel, but in this word the vowel is verifiable). – How did you know which vowel should be written in this word?

    (Choose a test word - leaf). Why exactly this word? ( This is a word with the same meaning and the stress falls on the unstressed vowel, the vowel AND pronounced clearly, means in a word leaf you also need to write I)

    What do you think we will learn in class?

    (We will learn to find stressed and unstressed vowel sounds; observe the discrepancy between the pronunciation and spelling of a word; learn to check the unstressed vowel sound and write the desired vowel)

    PresentationSlide 9

    Topic: Stressed and unstressed vowel sounds. Designating them with letters.

    Look carefully at these words again and name the vowels whose spelling we doubt when the stress does not fall on them. (a.o.e,i,i)

    PresentationSlide 10

    2. Calligraphy

    Let's write these vowels.

    Sh. Checking the material covered

    Now let's check our guys.

    Student 1) Is his transcription for these words written down correctly?

    Does the pronunciation of words always coincide with their spelling? (The pronunciation does not always match the spelling).

    What should we do? How do you know which vowel to write?

    What conclusion do we draw? ( Words come with verifiable and unverifiable vowels. Words with unverifiable vowels must be memorized in spelling. And for words with vowels being tested, select words in which the vowel should be stressed).

    PresentationSlide 11

    Vowels and consonants
    There are such dangerous ones:
    The sound is very clear
    And a different letter is written.

    2. Vocabulary work

    What healthy drink does a cow give us? (milk)

    What word is this - verifiable or not? ( No, you need to remember its spelling)

    Slide with a vocabulary word.

    Task 1. Writing and memorizing a word.

    Task 2.

    2) Check at the board Student 2: How do you understand this proverb? Check the sound design.

    Which vowels indicate the softness of the preceding consonant? (e, e, yu, i, i)

    Hardness (u, e, o, a, s)

    A real student must be able to write correctly, and also be able to work together and harmoniously.

    Sh. Work on the topic of the lesson

    Let's summarize our work with verifiable and unverifiable words.

    Slide with Samovarov

    Listening from a disc (explanation of material)

    Let's let's listen what Professor Samovarov will tell us (listen to the recording, with stops)

    Interval 1 Explanation about sounds

    What important did the professor say? (... you need to be careful, you need to check the unstressed sound)

    Interval 2 Explanation l –sa l-sa

    It turns out that in order to spell words correctly, you need to change them!

    How should the word be changed? (so that the stress falls on the unstressed vowel)

    What will we do with words for this? (we will change them so that the unstressed vowel becomes stressed)

    Interval 3 Specification. Exercise from disk:

    Samovarov's question - stop recording

    sl-ny - elephant (write it down on a piece of paper, sort it out together)

    On entry: - Let's check what Samovarov says.

    Well done, you completed the task, let's applaud each other.

    1V. Physical education minute. (Music turns on)

    Guys come out with cards with letters written on them: A, O, I, E, Z

    Some guys have cards with a test word on their desks. And other kids have words with a missing vowel on their desks. The teacher calls a word, a student comes out with this word, a student with the vowel that is missing in this word must approach him, and then a child comes out with a card on which the test word is written.

    (Eye...for - eye, gn...zdo - nests, h...lmy - hill, r...dy - row, bl...ny - damn)

    2. Presentation Slide 12

    Unstressed cunning vowel,
    We hear him perfectly.
    What letter is in the letter?
    Science can help us here:
    The vowel is stressed
    To dispel all doubts.

    3. Work on leaves(Music starts) (And Samovarov will watch how we complete the task) (Appendix 1)

    Card 1 (Work in pairs)

    Exercise: Point out the words , in which the spelling of highlighted letters does not need to be checked.

    St. e cha, vr A chi, gr O knowledgeable, l And stick, p O myself I h, s O sleep.

    Card 2. Independent individual work(red stripes).

    Exercise: Fill in the missing letter in the words A or ABOUT:

    Shk...fy, g...ra, gr...for, gr...chi, in...lna, page...on.

    Card 3. Independent individual work (green stripes).

    Exercise: Find a test word for a word with a missing vowel and underline it, insert the missing vowel:

    Animal - (menagerie, animals)
    Snow...govik - (snow, snow, Snow Maiden)
    In…dyanoy – (water, aqueous, water)
    L...sap - (forest, forester, forest, wooded)

    Disk check


    • "green card" - everything is correct
    • "yellow card" - there were mistakes
    • "red card" - I don’t agree

    4. Musical physical education

    5. Independent work according to the textbook: 1 in – Ex. 145, p. 78

    Independent work using creative notebooks: 2 in – Ex. 1, from 39

    V. Reflection.

    Presentation Board slide 13:

    A) - So, continue the phrase.

    • Today I found out...
    • I filled out...
    • I understand…
    • I liked it...
    • I was surprised...
    • I wanted...

    B) Now show the desired card icon (slide on the screen)

    V1. Lesson summary. Presentation Slide 14

    Presentation Slide 15: In your workbooks you can do the following on pp. 39-42 to consolidate the material covered:

    a) Who had red stripes - Ex. 3

    B) Who had green stripes - Ex. 2

    B) Who worked in pairs - Ex. 7

    Presentation slide 16.


    Gavrikova L. V. Lesson in the Russian language on the topic “Stressed and unstressed vowels in a word” using ICT (2nd grade). – URL:

    In other unstressed layers ha x after soft hissing in place A, according to norms m am of Russian orthoepy, pronounced unstressed z woo to, reminiscent of [and], but significantly OS Labeled (designated [b]): watchmaker - [whose] owler, enchanter neither tsa - [whose] rovnitsa, chanovoy - [whose] new, parts s y - [ch]stick, Chartoriysk - [ch]rtoriisk, Chakalarovo - [ch] ka Larovo, Charodinsky district - [ch]ro Di district.

    In rare foreign countries strange words on the spot A after [h] save nya there is [a]: teariker - [tea]riker, chaturanga - [cha]turanga, h ah khan - [chay]khana, Changyrtash - [cha]ngyrtash, Cham n eriko-[cha]periko, Chattopadhyaya - [cha]ttopadhyaya.

    Orthoepy. Unstressed - e, i, e, and

    In place of sounds e And I after soft which consonants in the first pre-stressed syllable are pronounced without shock [ie]: spring - [in "ie]sleep, carry - [n"ee ]sti, cedar forest - [k "ie] wood forest, Beshtau- [b"i uh ]shtau, Venice - [vie] netia, Regina - [r "ie] gina, rowan - [r"ee ]bina, frog - [l"ie]gushka, dance - p[l"ie] With at, Vyazovka - [v"ie]zovka, Myaskovsky - [m"ie]s co Vsky. Pronunciation on the spot e And I distinct vowel [i] - [v"i]sna, [r"i]bina, [b"i]shtau, [m"i]skovsky - is not a letter atur nom.

    In less common words ah maybe pronunciation. nonreduction rowa data vowels: alegretto - a[l"e]gretto, bestseller - [b"e]stseller, l yeah then - [l"e]gato, Renklod - [r"e]nklod, Cape Town - [k"e]iptown, Medea - [m"e]dea, Nero - [n"e]ron, Vespucci - [v" e]spucci; gyaur - [g"a]ur, kariz - [k"a]riz, Nya asshole in - [n"a]zhlov, Shyashupe - [sh"a]shupe, Lyashko - [l"a]shko.

    At the beginning the words are in place e And I in the first in the pre-stressed syllable, an unstressed [ie] is pronounced in combination with the preceding [th]: riding - [yie]zda, Elabuga - [yie]labuga, jarl s k-[yie]rlyk, Japan - [yie]poniya, and also in the middle of a word after a vowel: trains - po[ yee ]zda, to hurt - to [yee] to call. The pronunciation [ya]rlyk, [ya]poniya is incorrect.

    In the rest we are pre-shocked x syllables, as well as in stressed syllables in place e And I By sl e soft consonants are pronounced unstressed [ъ]: led IR an - [v"b]lykan, generator - [g"b]nerator, ice od ny - [l'y] profitable, laborist - [l'y] borist sk y, endure - vy[n"b]sti, field - po[l"b], Peter op Avlovsk - [p"b]tropavlovsk, Gelendzhik - [g"b]lendzhik, Venezuela - [v"ьн] Suela, Mesopotamia - [m"b]sopotamia, B er stovsky - [v'b]rstovsky, Mendeleev - [m'b]ndeleev, Nest er ov - nes[t"b]rov, Vrubel - vru[b"l"]; piglet [p]tachok, frog - [l"b]gushachiy, Vyazovaya - [v"b]zovaya, Pyatigorsk - [p]t Ig Orsk.

    In non-Russian zai ms written words in place of letters e And I after soft consonants va no pronunciations are saved re duced vowels: becquerel - [b" e] Kquerel, Berkleanism - [b"e]rkleanism, Bersa l er - [b"e]rsalier, Weismanism - [v"ey]man And zm, genocide - [g"e]nocide, cenotaph - [k"e]notaf, Besançon - [b"e]z a nso n, Benvenuto - [b"e]nvenuto, Lekuv re r - [l "e]ku vr er; giardiasis - [l"a]mbliosis, kamancha - [k"a]mancha, ryasophora - [r"a]With orophoric, shamisen - [s "a] misen, Ganj ah ay - [g"a]njachay, Lyalmikar - [l"a]lmikar, Shyash uv is - [sh"a]shuvis, Lyatoshinsky - [l"a]tosh ins cue, Byalynitsky-Birulya - [b "a] Lynitsky-Birulya.

    In place of a vowel I, and also A after [h] and [w":] in unstressed endings iyah pronounced [b]: seas, fields - mo[r"b], po[l"b], brothers, branches - bra[t"yy" ], su[chy]; burden, flame - bre[m"b], pla[m"b]; songs, drops - pes[n"mi], drops[l"mi]; sitting, playing - si[d "ъ], game[yъ]; new, red - new [yъ], cr asna[y]; dacha, thicket - yes[ch], cha[sh":b].

    After [zh], [w], [ts] in place e in the first prev in a stressed syllable, a sound is pronounced, the middle one between [s] and [e] - [ые]: woolly - [shye]rsty, whisper - [shye]ptat, Sheksna - [shy uh ]ksna, Shelon - [shye]lon, Shevchenko - [shye]vchenko; yolk - [zhye]yolk, yellow Yesi sty - [zhye]leezy, chew - [zhye]vat, Zhelcha-[zhye]lcha, Zhernovsky district - [zhye]rnovsky district, Zhelyab ov - [zhye]lyabov, Zheromsky - [zhye]romsky; price - [tsye]na, cement - [tsye]menty, appreciate - [ tsye ]thread, Tselinny - [tselinny].

    In some borrowed words it is possible t be pronunciable. without vowel reduction: masterpiece - [she]devr, sherhebel - [she]erhebel, Cherbourg - [she]rbur, Shetl en children's islands - [she]tland islands, Chenier - [she]nye; ginseng - [zhe]ginseng, geode - [zhe]oda, AND emaite - [zhe]maite, Gervais - [zhe]rvais, Gerard - [zhe]rar; time trouble - [tsey]tnot, centuria - [tse]nturia, Cieschanow - [tse]sh en uv, Ceres - [ce]rera.
    In some foreign words in zmo please pronounce [uh] on the spot e after a vowel And in the first pre-stressed syllable: myelitis - mi[e]lit, piety - pi[e]tet, Pierre and I - pi[e]ria, Tiete - ti[e]te.

    In the remaining unstressed syllables
    sl e [w], [zh], in place of the letter e pronounced - [b]: silkworm - [sh']lkopryad, woolen - [sh']wool, shelu shi to be - [sh']obey, to ours - to [sh']mu, Shevardino - [sh']vardino, Shepetovka - [sh']petovka, She ba lin - [sh']balin, Shelgunov - [sh']lgunov, iron ore - [zh'] leznyak, tin - [zh']styanoy, gesticulate -[and ъ]sticulate, also - so[zh], Zheleznovodsk - [zhа]leznovodsk, Zhelnino - [zhа]lnino, Zhemch yy ova - [zh']mchugova, cellophane - [ts']llophane, entirely - [ts'] face, cement - [ts']ment, tree - tree [ts], Whole in fence - [ts]linograd, Celebes Sea - [ts]lebes sea.

    In some foreign words in order to accurately convey the sound appearance of the word, the pronunciation of the vowel can be preserved: “Chevrolet” - [she]vrole, sh ate interdek - [she]lterdek, shenapan - [she]napan, Shentala - [she]ntala, Sheridan - [she]ridan, " Shek pendekh" - [she]kpendekh; Germinal - [zhe]germinal, Zhetykol - [zhe]tykdol, Zhenisya - [zhe]nisya, Gerardin - [zhe]r ar den, Gericault - [zhe]riko, tsevadin - [tse]vadin, celibate - [tse]libate, cerapadus - [tse]rapadus, Tse denb al - [tse] denbal.

    At the beginning of foreign words, as well as in position ii after the vowel in place of the letter uh pronounced [e]: screen - [e]kran, ether - [e]fir, eucalyptus - [e]vcalyptus, Eif e l - [e]yfel, Eurydice - [e]vrydice, Echmiadzin - [e]chmiadzin, dielectric - di[e]lekt ri k, coefficient - coefficient, muezzin - mu[e]dzin, Buenaventura - bu[e]naventura, Joinville - ju[e]nville, Lohengrin - lo[e]n green.

    Incorrect pronunciation in place of a letter uh sound [and] - it is and gives a reduced stylistic coloring speech. Moreover, such a sound [e] can sue az to understand the meaning of the speaker’s statement: the pronunciation [i]kran instead of [e]kran evokes an association with the word no anium and crane, [and] world instead of [e] world - s and world, [and] mission instead of [e] mission - s and mission.

    Pronunciation of [and], [u], [s] in unstressed rn y syllables occur somewhat weakened compared to stressed syllables, but they do not change qualitatively: fox - [l "i] sits A, chipmunk - [bur]nduk, Kyzyl-[ky]zyl.

    On the spot And, if in the flow of speech it merges I with the preceding word on a hard consonant, according to the rules of orthoepy, is pronounced [s]: light and shadow - light-[ y]- shadow, cat and cook - cat-[s]-cook, in Italy - [in-s]talia, from Spain - [from-s]spain.

    If the speaker needs to give a clear presentation talking about the sound of the unfamiliar foreign word, resort to a backlash pause between it and the previous word, more often a sentence O homo. Then in the second word starting with a vowel And, will be pronounced [i]: so about The story was published in "Ibaraki Shimbun" (not [in-s] baraki shibun), we arrived at Ikwe (not: [k-y]kwe), our journey no began with Isakly (not: [s-s] sakly).

    In compound words, the first part of which x ends with a hard consonant, and the second begins with a vowel [i], in place And according to the norms of orthoepy oi pronounced unstressed [s]: Gosizdat - gos[y]zdat, city executive committee - city [s]polkbm, pedin st itut - pedagogical institute, Sovinformburo - sov[y]informburo. But the distinct vowel [i] is pronounced in the word Kom in turn - com[i]ntern.

    After [sh], [zh], [ts] in place of a vowel And in no beat in the arny position it is pronounced [s]: rosehip - [shy]povnik, gaiters - gama[shy], Gramsci - gram[shy]; giraffe - [wы]р af, beaches - beaches [zhy], Zhiguli-[zhy]guli, Gilardi - [zhy]lyardi; mat - [tsy]novka, cyclonic esk ii - [tsy]clonic, Civil - [tsy]ville, Cincinnati - [tsyntsy]nnati.

    To learn to speak beautifully and competently, study what learning the orthoepy of the Russian language, as well as consolidating the studied material in practice.After you have figured out the vowel sounds, look at how they are pronounced

    1. What determines the pronunciation of vowel sounds in Russian?

    2. What is word stress? What is the nature of the Russian accent?

    3. What are the features of Russian accent?

    How are unstressed vowels pronounced?

    Word stress. Features of Russian accent. Vowel sounds in syllables can be stressed or unstressed. For example, the word teach has four syllables, three syllables of this word have unstressed vowels (e, o, a), and the last one has stressed a.

    The pronunciation of vowel sounds in Russian depends, first of all, on their position in relation to stress.

    Stress is the pronunciation of one of the syllables of a word with greater force.

    Word stress is one of the main external signs of an independent word. Function words usually have no accent. Some of them (prepositions and conjunctions) are proclitics; they stand before significant words, for example: under the mountain, on the table, students and teachers; others (usually monosyllabic particles) are enclitics; they come after fully stressed words, for example: I would go for a walk; the father answered differently.

    In some combinations, the emphasis shifts to monosyllabic prepositions, while the significant word following the preposition becomes unstressed, for example: for the winter, through the forest, out of town.

    Sometimes the emphasis of the particle not and nor is “pulled” onto itself, for example: there was no, no matter what was, no matter who was.

    As a rule, there is one stress in a word, but some categories of words, in addition to the main one, have a side stress, which is usually in the first place, and the main one in the second, for example: Old Russian. These words include: 1) complex words (cotton harvesting, locomotive building); 2) words with prefixes after-, super-, anti-, trans- (postoperative, transatlantic); 3) some foreign words (postscript, after the fact).

    In Russian, stress can fall on any syllable - on the first (girl, uchit), on the second (teacher, law), on the third (student, stress), on the fourth (position “t, assimilation”) and into different morphemes, prefix, root, suffix and ending (release, house, wrote, deeds). Therefore, Russian stress is characterized as heterogeneous.

    Stress in the Russian language performs not only pronunciation (i.e., indicates how the word should be pronounced correctly), but also semantic and form-distinctive functions. Thus, different homograph words can differ depending on the place of stress: flour and flour, a'tlas and atlas, food (noun) - food' (adj.), road' (adj.) - expensive ´ha (n.)

    With the help of stress, the grammatical forms of words are often distinguished - cases of nouns, types of verbs, forms of moods, verbs, etc.: hands (I.p., plural), hands (R.p., singular), pour out ( owl. in), pour out (non-sov. in), write (indicative mood) - write (indicative mood.).

    When forming grammatical forms of a word, the stress may remain in the same place. This stress is called fixed (book, books, book, book, book, about the book, book, books, books, books, about books). It can stand on the base (card, red, work) or ending (young, article, carry).

    A movable stress is one that, when forming grammatical forms of the same word, moves from one morpheme to another: country (I.p., singular) - countries (I.p., plural), water ( I.p., singular) - water (V.p., singular) or one syllable on another within the same morpheme: lake - lakes, tree - trees.

    Exercise 39.

    Listen and repeat the words. Pronounce stressed syllables with greater force and tension.

    Educate, educator, educate, education, teacher, pedagogical university, institute, auditorium, laboratory, laboratory work, lecture, seminar, tests, rating, control, teach, student, education, educated person.

    Write a short story using these words.

    Exercise 40.

    Write down from the text in one column the words with stress on the first syllable, in the second - with stress on the second syllable, in the third - with stress on the third syllable, in the fourth - with stress on the fourth syllable. Learn to pronounce these words correctly.

    Language is a priceless gift that a person is endowed with. It allows you to learn the laws of nature and social development, move forward science, technology, art, become familiar with the culture of other peoples, convey your thoughts and talk about achievements achieved descendants, to understand each other.

    Language is the soul of the people, and without a linguistic attribute there is no nation; humanity itself does not exist without language.

    Name the language functions listed in the text.

    Exercise 41.

    Check if you pronounce these words correctly; say them out loud several times. Write down the words that you pronounced with the wrong accent in a dictionary.













    call (call)


    for a long time








    more beautiful






















    linguistic (fact)

    tongue (sausage)

    Exercise 42.

    Remember the accents in some short adjectives, participles and past tense verbs:

    Rude - rude - rude - rude, right - right - right - right, sold - sold - sold - sold, take - took - took - took - took, slept - slept - slept - slept.

    Exercise 43.

    Write out from explanatory dictionary S.I. Ozhegova meanings of these words. Remember their pronunciation. Make sentences with them. Explain the role of stress in these words.

    ugly - ugly, expensive - expensive, castle - castle, organ - organ, give - give, cotton - cotton, pa' ry - steam´, fall asleep - fall asleep (grain).

    Exercise 44.

    Read and then rewrite the sentences. Place emphasis on the highlighted words. Define its functions.

    1. Language is the main material of word artists. – The writer carefully selects words for his works. 2. In any country, the title of teacher is honorable. – Teachers are the people responsible for educating the new generation. 3. The weather is unusually hot this year. - This book costs five hundred soums. 4. B lately A lot of interesting newspapers and magazines began to appear. – A seriously ill person can only be taken out in a hospital setting. 5. During the celebration of Navruz there will be live coverage from the square. – We received good news.

    Exercise 45.

    Listen and repeat.

    From Tashkent, from Bukhara, from Samarkand, to Khiva, to Navoi, to Urgench, from parents, from a friend, from a teacher, in the square, at the bus stop, at the station, in the yard, under the table, under the window, above your head, above the roof , from behind a tree, from behind a house, from under a bed.

    Exercise 46.

    Read the following phonetic words aloud with the emphasis on the first syllable. Remember their pronunciation.

    On the mountain, on the leg, on the arm, on the back, on the soul, on the shore, on the house, on the floor, for the day, for the night, for two, for three, for five, by the leg, by the head, around the corner, outside the city , per day, per night, under the feet, under the arms, under the head, across the sea, through the forest, along the floor, along the nose, in twos, in threes, from the forest, from home, from the nose, out of sight, without a trace, an hour from time to time, year from year.

    Exercise 47.

    Read aloud the phraseological combinations below. Make sentences with them.

    Nothing to see; It doesn't get any easier hour by hour; struck hand in hand; but his hand is unclean; neither downhill nor uphill; as it were.

    Exercise 48.

    Read the words below correctly. Decline them verbally. Write words with fixed stress in one column, and words with movable stress in the other.

    Fable, shore, tie, case, earth, pencil, window, letter, hand, mountain, snow, dispute, student, arrow, heat, lesson, fog, ball, width, fire, towel, village, rock, table, cold, silence, service.

    Unstressed vowels. Unstressed vowels, unlike stressed vowels, are pronounced with less tension of articulation and are characterized by shorter duration and distinctness in pronunciation. Their pronunciation often differs from their spelling. Thus, in the word milk, according to the norms of literary pronunciation, only the third O sounds like [o], and the other two have changed their quality: in the first pre-stressed syllable a sound close to A [Ù] is heard, and in the second pre-stressed one there is a sound intermediate between O short and S short – [ъ] ([small]). The sound I is also pronounced in overstressed syllables, for example in the word ([loud]). Meanwhile, all these sounds in writing are denoted by the same letter O.

    The vowels [a], [o], [e] experience the greatest changes in unstressed syllables. The vowels [i], [ы], [у], although they sound shorter in unstressed syllables, do not change their quality.

    Exercise 49.

    Practice pronouncing words with unstressed vowels.

    1. Listen and repeat:

    Water, thunderstorm, board, leg, goat, basket, gardens, grass, country, people, cardboard, garage, fence, dawn, canal, novel, drop, drive, lantern, motor, report, threshold.

    Clock, watchmaker, watchmaker, for an hour, an hour, a particle, a particle, partially, a teahouse, a tea party, sorrel, sorrel, rows, row, in rows, a nickel, a nickel.

    2. Listen and repeat:

    One, lonely, loneliness, basis, main, organization, organize, protection, guard, general, generalize, society, public, authority, subscriber, graduate student, accompaniment.

    3. Listen and repeat:

    Pencil, shop, head, samovar, gardener, plumbing, document, housekeeping, young, dear, golden, in half, give, talk, cold, run out, write out.

    (Reference material I. 3. p. 202)

    Exercise 50.

    Form the plural form of nouns. Write it down and read it out loud, paying attention to the pronunciation [o].

    Table, yard, house, field, sea, garden, ball.

    Exercise 51.

    Rewrite the words below, adding emphasis. Read it out loud. Say what unstressed vowels sound like and write the reduction signs /Ù, ъ/.

    Turn, locomotive, stop, plane, hammer, nightingale, golden, vegetable garden, help, lanterns, watchman;

    hair, raven, summer, horse, look out, express, humility, worked, nearby.

    Exercise 52.

    Rewrite the words below, adding emphasis. Read it out loud.

    Say what unstressed vowels sound like and write the reduction signs /ь, е, Λ, ыe/.

    Master, wind, woodpecker, offended, sunny, domain, see, writer.

    Convey, shore, take care, amuse, magnify, age-old, business, wooden, general, craft.

    Private, dancing, heavy, piglet, little frog, sentry.

    Exercise 53.

    Rewrite the words below, place stress, underline unstressed vowels. Read it, say what the vowels sound like after sibilant Ш, Ж and after Ц. Write reduction signs above them.

    1. Sixth, whisper, rough, cruel, chew, turn yellow, wife, groom, iron, desire, price, appreciate, cement, chain, workshop, censorship, cling.

    2. Rustle, woolly, stir, silky, peel, tin, yellowness, foal, groove, yellow-mouthed, groom, virgin soil, kiss, whole, target.

    Exercise 54.

    Read phrases and sentences aloud, underlining the letters that differ in the spelling of words.

    To belittle a meaning is to beg for forgiveness. Red fox – coniferous forests. Write down the exercise - don’t rush with your tongue, hurry with your deeds. Boil the vegetables - open the door. It became fun - it weighed a little.

    Exercise 55.

    Read it. Tell me why the words in the second column sound the same. What are these words called?

    Exercise 56.

    Prove by selecting related words with emphasis on the vowels of the root that the words in each pair that have the same pronunciation have different meanings.

    Hurry (to exercise) - write it down (examples).

    Get down (from the attic) - lick (cream).

    To shine (in the dark) – to dedicate (romance).

    Reconcile (opponents) - try on (blouse).

    The guard (warehouse) is a well-known old-timer.

    Waving (flag) - developing (child).

    Exercise 57.

    Read the text. Watch the pronunciation of unstressed vowels. Complete the tasks given after the text.

    Learn to speak and write.

    After reading this headline, most readers will think: “This is what I did in early childhood! No, you need to learn to speak and write all the time. Language is the most expressive thing a person has, and if he stops paying attention to his language and begins to think that he has already mastered it sufficiently, he will begin to retreat. You must constantly monitor your language - oral and written.

    The surest way to get to know a person is to mental development, his moral character, his character - listen to how he speaks.

    So, there is the language of a people as an indicator of its culture and the language of an individual as an indicator of his personal qualities - the qualities of a person who uses the language of the people. If we pay attention to a person’s manner of carrying himself, his gait, his behavior, his face and judge a person by them, sometimes, however, erroneously, then a person’s language is a much more accurate indicator of his human qualities, its culture...

    A person’s language is his worldview and his behavior. As he speaks, so, therefore, he thinks.

    And if you want to be truly intelligent, educated and cultured person, then pay attention to your language. Speak correctly, accurately and economically. Don’t force others to listen to your long speeches, don’t show off your language, don’t be a narcissistic talker.

    If you often have to speak publicly - at meetings, sessions, or simply in the company of your friends, then, first of all, make sure that your speeches are not long. Keep track of the time.

    Second rule. To make a speech interesting, everything you say must be interesting to you. If the speaker speaks or reads with interest and the audience feels it, then the listeners will also be interested. Interest is not created in the audience itself - interest is instilled in the audience by the speaker. Of course, if the topic is not interesting, nothing will come of trying to inspire interest in listeners.