Chokeberry jam is a simple recipe for the winter. Chokeberry jam: delicious and healthy recipes

Along with other fruit and berry plants, chokeberry jam, popularly called chokeberry, is also popular.
Once brought from Canada, chokeberry was grown in Russia as an ornamental tree. But the properties of its berries attracted V. Michurin, who was able to prove that the fruits contain a large number of useful elements that make chokeberry not only a healing, but also a fairly nutritious product.
Since then, housewives have added winter preparations and fruit jam to the menu. chokeberry. They didn’t look for any special tricks in inventing recipes - the methods for cooking almost any sweet product are always the same. It’s just that each housewife makes her own individual additions, which makes any recipe unique, be it jam or.
Preparatory procedures.
Whatever berries are used to make jam, they must be pre-processed. Only ripe fruits are harvested. Regarding chokeberry, it is harvested in late autumn, when serious frosts begin. Low temperatures strip the berries of their unpleasant bitterness.
Chokeberries are cut from the tree with brushes - this way it will be more convenient to soak them. To completely rid the berries of bitterness, they are kept in cold water for another day. During this time, the fluid should be changed twice.
After the water procedure, each berry is separated from the tails and scallops, then sorted. Spoiled, bruised fruits are immediately removed. The rest are placed in a colander and blanched for 10 minutes in constantly boiling water. Now the chokeberry fruits are ready to be used in recipes for making delicious jam.

The easiest way to make chokeberry jam is according to our grandmothers’ recipe. It is considered the most reliable for long-term storage.

  • Prepared berries – 1.2 kg.
  • Granulated sugar – 1.2 kg.
  • Water – 0.5 l.

Algorithm for making jam

First you need to prepare a syrup from water and sugar. When it thickens enough, without turning off the heat, pour the berries into the container and boil. This should be done in 3 steps:

  1. Boil the berries in syrup for 10 minutes, then set aside and cool for 10-12 hours.
  2. Next, the syrup is boiled without the berries - they should be removed for a while.
  3. After 15-20 minutes, the rowan is returned to the syrup and boiled until fully cooked.

The jam is packaged in dry jars, preheated. Seal the containers with lids and leave to cool.

Variation of this recipe

If the jam is not stored in cool cellars, but, say, in the pantry of a city apartment, the finished product should also be pasteurized. To do this, jars that are not yet sealed, but only covered with lids, are placed in a pan with hot water (about 70 degrees) and pasteurized for 9 to 15 minutes (depending on the volume of the jar).

After pasteurization, the containers with jam are removed, the lids are rolled up on them, and the jars are placed for natural cooling.

Chokeberry berries in syrup

Here is another recipe for chokeberry jam that housewives have been using for a long time - berries in syrup. IN in this case It is not rowan that is added to the syrup, but the opposite. Why do berries in jam remain almost intact?

Ingredients used in the recipe:

  • Rowan berries – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 1.5 kg.
  • Water – 0.6 l.

Sequence of jam preparation

The syrup, prepared as usual, is poured over the sorted fruits and kept for about 8 hours. And only then do they start making jam.

Place the basin on the stove over low heat and immediately remove the jam after it boils. After 15 minutes, the procedure is repeated. There must be at least 5 such visits. This will allow the jam to thicken well without burning.

Jam with additives

Very fragrant, unusual delicious jam it turns out if you add other ingredients to chokeberry. The recipe now offered is good because such a product can also be used as a supplement in treatment colds, hypertensive crises and vegetative-vascular distance.


  • Rowan – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 1.3 kg.
  • Water – 2 glasses
  • Fruit and berry juice (any) – 1 glass
  • Lemon juice – 0.5 cups
  • Rum – 2 tbsp.

Making jam

The unusualness of this recipe compared to the previous ones lies not only in the addition of rum and juices of other berries to the jam. The preparation of chokeberry itself is already different. The berries are pre-baked in the oven for about 5 hours. In this case, the container must be covered with a lid so that the fruits give juice.

  1. The juice released from the chokeberry is drained and combined with water and sugar.
  2. The syrup is cooked in the usual way.
  3. Next, the rowan berries are returned to the syrup, fruit juice is poured in and rum is added. They continue to cook.
  4. At the final stage, lemon juice is poured in and after 5 minutes the jam is removed from the heat and packed into jars.

As you can see, there is nothing unusual, but the result will be stunning.

If you practice making jam and compotes for the winter, then be sure to try it, the recipes of which we shared with you on our website.

Chokeberry with citruses

Citrus jam itself is considered piquant. And if you combine it with chokeberry, you get a product that tastes amazing, which can be used to fill pies and season porridge.


  • Chokeberry berries – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 2 kg.
  • Water – 1 glass
  • Oranges – 2 pcs.
  • Lemons – 1 pc.

Citrus fruits can be peeled, but for those who like piquant flavors, it is better not to do this.

Cooking sequence:

This recipe is another way to prepare chokeberries. It is slightly different from the ones above.

  1. The fruits are placed in a pan and filled with water.
  2. Cover the container with a lid, place the berries on the fire and steam for 5 minutes.
  3. Without removing from the heat, remove the lid, add sugar and cook for another 5 minutes (stirring, of course).
  4. After removing the jam from the stove, they forget about it for about 3 hours. During this time, they prepare the citrus fruits - twist them in a meat grinder or grind them in a blender (whichever is more convenient).
  5. When the time is right, return the jam to the stove, add the remaining sugar and bring to a boil. After this, add twisted oranges and lemon, mix everything thoroughly and immediately turn off the heat.

You can also add apple pieces (0.5 kg) to this recipe. But they are added before the jam boils.

Chokeberry with nuts

The more healthy ingredients in the jam, the more nutritious it is. In this recipe, the walnut adds its components to the healing properties of chokeberry. At the same time modifying taste qualities jam for the better.


  • Rowan fruits – 0.6 kg.
  • Sugar – 0.6 kg.
  • Water – 1 l.
  • Walnuts – 0.15 kg.
  • Apples – 0.2 kg.
  • Lemon – 0.5 pcs.

Product preparation sequence

This recipe will also differ from those described above. Even the approach to preparing syrup is somewhat different.

  1. Chokeberry berries are poured with hot water and left overnight.
  2. In the morning, the infusion is poured into another container.
  3. To prepare the syrup, take only 1 glass of rowan infusion and mix with sugar.
  4. While the syrup is cooking, you should take care of the remaining ingredients:
  5. Peel the apples and remove the core. Fruits must be cut either into small slices or into cubes.
  6. The zest is removed from the lemon. The citrus itself is crushed into small pieces and sent to the refrigerator for now.
  7. Peeled nuts should be crushed.
  8. Prepared apples, nuts and chokeberry berries are placed in syrup, standing on fire. After boiling, boil the jam for another 15 minutes. Then remove from heat and set aside for 3 hours.
  9. The 15-minute cooking procedure should be repeated 3 more times at intervals of 3 hours. At the last pass, add lemon.

Chokeberry jam without syrup

You can make delicious jam from chokeberry without pre-cooking the syrup - just add sugar. But in this case, to be safe, you will have to resort to sterilization of the finished product.

It is also good for the dinner table in winter, as it is rich in vitamins and beneficial microelements, which is very important in the cold season.

Ingredients used in the recipe:

This recipe contains only 2 ingredients – chokeberry berries and sugar. They are taken in a 1:1 ratio. And the mass of rowan is determined here by the crushed berries.

Procedure for making jam

  1. Blanched berries are passed through a meat grinder. And you need to do this twice: first through a coarse mesh grid, then through a fine one.
  2. Next, the resulting mass is ground quite well with sugar. Then you can take advantage of one of the moments - either immediately put it on the fire, or first give the sugar the opportunity to dissolve in the juice of the chokeberry.
  3. The ground mass is placed on low heat and, with constant stirring, boiled for no more than 5 minutes. Then the jam is packaged in heated jars, which are covered with lids and sent to a pan for sterilization.
  4. The initial water temperature for heat treatment must be at least 80 degrees. Sterilization is carried out for 15 minutes for 0.5 liter containers, and for 25 minutes for 1 liter jars.

There are still many different recipes for cooking. unusual jam from chokeberry. By modifying the basic proportions, you can prepare various variations of sweet foods: jams, jams, lozenges, which will delight not only the little members of the family.

Chokeberry is a shrub that has two other names: chokeberry and simply “chokeberry”. This plant produces a rich harvest of dark, tart berries. They are used for food and medicinal purposes.


The beneficial properties of berries make it possible to prepare sweets from them that are not only tasty, but also have a positive effect on the body.

Aronia fruits contain 10% sugars. They contain fructose and glucose, as well as sorbitol, which also has a sweet taste.

Useful properties include:

  • lowering blood cholesterol levels;
  • positive effect on the liver;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • stimulation of immunity;
  • prevention of neurosis.

Jam helps remove certain harmful compounds from the body. It has valuable properties:

  • choleretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial.

The berries are used for cosmetic purposes both internally and externally. It is believed that regular consumption of chokeberry helps improve complexion. Berry puree is added to masks to support skin health.

In addition to jam, medicinal purposes They use chokeberry tinctures and eat fresh berries. Chokeberry is especially useful for hypertensive patients, as it reduces headaches and gently lowers blood pressure.

The presence of iodine in berries helps maintain thyroid health. This helps normalize hormonal levels. In addition, iodine regulates the transformation processes and absorption of certain vitamins. Almost all people who live far from the sea and rarely eat fish have a deficiency. Chokeberry can prevent problems associated with iodine deficiency.


Chokeberry berries increase blood viscosity. For most people, this is more harmful than beneficial. It is not recommended to eat a lot of jam from these berries if you have a tendency to form blood clots.

Chokeberry reduces blood pressure. It may be harmful for people with hypotension.


For some diagnoses, you should not eat chokeberry jam. Its benefits and harms are well known, so in the absence of diseases from the list, you can eat jam without fear. The presence of this dish in the diet will not cause illness.

Diagnoses for which you cannot eat chokeberry include:

  • increased blood clotting;
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • stool disorders;
  • hypotension;
  • varicose veins;
  • ischemic disease;
  • gastritis with high acidity.

Is it possible for pregnant and lactating women

Chokeberry jam is not contraindicated for both pregnant and lactating women. It restores normal iron levels in the blood and strengthens the body. You should not eat this product in large quantities, as it increases blood viscosity.

Composition (vitamins and microelements)

Chokeberry is rich in beneficial substances. The amount of vitamins in its composition is given in the table.

Vitamin Main signs of deficiency
A/beta carotene 0,008/ 0,05
  • poor resistance to infections;
  • disruption of internal organs;
  • decreased tone and performance.
E 0,5
  • mood swings;
  • reproductive dysfunction;
  • the appearance of pigment spots;
  • muscle dystrophy.
B1 0,01
  • nerve problems;
  • muscle atrophy;
  • carbohydrate metabolism disorders;
  • poor blood circulation.
B2 0,02
  • stomatitis, glossitis;
  • muscle weakness and burning pain in the legs;
  • cataract and keratitis;
  • anemia.
C 5
  • muscle pain;
  • low immunity;
  • bad mood, lethargy;
  • dry skin;
  • bleeding gums.
PP 0,4
  • nausea, loss of appetite;
  • heartburn;
  • dizziness;
  • Digestive problems.

Microelements and macroelements in the jam are given in the table.

Substance Amount of mg per 100 g of jam Main signs of deficiency
Iron 1,4
  • anemia;
  • persistent colds and chronic fatigue;
  • dry and pale skin, layered nails.
  • heart problems;
  • persistent constipation;
  • drowsiness and weakness;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • swelling;
  • low pressure.
Sodium 19
  • digestive problems;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • failures in regulating the amount of fluid in the body.

Excess sodium in the body is more common than its deficiency.

Magnesium 11
  • muscle cramps;
  • heart pain;
  • stool disorders.
Calcium 20
  • problems of the neuromuscular system;
  • feeling of numbness in the skin around the mouth and fingers;
  • cramps and pain in the hands;
  • bone fragility, osteoporosis.

Berries also contain other trace elements in small quantities, including iodine, fluorine and molybdenum.

How to cook

Ready-made berry jam does not require additional processing. It is only important to comply with the storage conditions after opening the can.

To make chokeberry jam, you need:

  • 1 kg of berries;
  • 1.3 kg sugar;
  • 1 glass of water.

The berries are washed and destemmed. After this, they are placed in boiling water for 7 minutes. You can do without this step, but the jam will be dense and tart. The berries are transferred from boiling water into the finished boiling syrup. Chokeberry jam is boiled for at least 15 minutes and then cooled naturally in selected containers.

Many recipes allow you to make jam of any consistency - from whole berries in syrup to thick jam. Sometimes several ingredients are put into it, not just chokeberries.

To ensure that the jam retains its beneficial substances, it should not be cooked for longer than 45 minutes.


For long-term storage, the jam is poured into sterile jars, which are hermetically sealed. The finished product can be stored at room temperature or cooler conditions. You can store the jam for a long time, but it is better to eat it in the first year after preparation.

Do not use aluminum containers to store jam. There is evidence that this causes products to acquire harmful compounds.

How to choose

Chokeberry usually produces a good harvest. Intact berries are harvested on a dry day at the end of September. Fresh berries are not stored for long, so they are processed immediately:

  • make jam and compotes;
  • frozen;
  • dried.

What goes with it?

Add to chokeberry jam:

  • nuts;
  • lemons;
  • oranges;
  • apples;
  • plums;
  • cherry;
  • cinnamon;
  • vanillin.

The finished product is used in different ways:

  • as a filling for sweet pastries;
  • dissolved in tea;
  • added to compotes;
  • eat separately.

Chokeberry jam is a specific product that has a known set of beneficial and harmful properties. A small amount of it will only bring health benefits if there are no contraindications to the use of this product.

The fruits of chokeberry have a tart, specific taste and a high content of useful elements. Many today mistakenly believe that the product is not suitable as a raw material for making desserts. Chokeberry jam is different unusual taste, but for proper preparation you need to know a number of important subtleties.

To obtain a tasty delicacy from black berries, it is important to follow the technology of its preparation. Only ripe fruits are selected for recipes; unripe and spoiled fruits are removed. The fruits of rowan berries have a fairly strong thick skin, so without pre-processing it you can get tasty treat it is forbidden.

To impart the proper softness properties, the following methods are used:

  • treatment with boiling water;
  • keeping in boiling water;
  • blanching.

After the skin has softened, the berries will be able to be soaked in syrup, and the jam will have a soft consistency. Many people note the bitter taste of chokeberry. A large amount of sugar can help you get rid of this deficiency. On average, the amount of sand when making jam should be 2 times the weight of the berries.

After collecting chokeberry berries, the first step is to select them. To do this, select ripe fruits without signs of rot or damage. Excess debris and leaves are removed. Next, it is important to rinse the berries well, which can be done under regular warm water, since the berries are resistant to external influences.

Next, choose a method for processing the fruit to soften the peel. If the volume of fruit is small, you can pour boiling water over them several times. If there are large quantities, they are placed in a large container, poured with boiling water and kept on fire for 5 minutes. Next, the berries must be transferred to a colander and wait until the water has completely drained.

Methods for making chokeberry jam

Rowan fruits go well with other berries and fruits. Apples and oranges are considered to be the best companions.

Simple recipe

In order to make jam, you will need 250 ml of water, 1 kg of berries, 1.5 kg of sugar.

Process for making jam:

  • boil a glass of water and, adding sugar, achieve the consistency of thick syrup;
  • add rowan berries to the container with syrup and, stirring constantly, cook the mixture for 12 minutes;
  • remove the pan and leave for 3 hours;
  • Bring the jam to a boil and leave again for 3 hours.

Next, the jam is heated with constant stirring for 15 minutes. Without allowing it to cool too much, it is laid out in sterilized jars and covered with lids. The average yield of jam with this amount of ingredients will be 2.5 liters.

With apples

For jam take:

  • 1 kg of rowan;
  • 0.4 kg apples;
  • 0.5 liters of plain water;
  • 1.5 kg granulated sugar;
  • 5 g citric acid;
  • 5 g ground cinnamon.

A syrup is prepared from half a liter of water and granulated sugar, berries are placed in it and kept on fire for 5 minutes. After boiling, remove the container from the heat and leave to infuse for 6 hours. After this, add the rest of the granulated sugar and cook the mixture for 30 minutes.

Peeled and cored apples are cut into small slices and placed in boiling water, boiled until a soft structure is obtained.

The fruits are placed in a colander to drain the water. After this, the boiled apples are mixed with chokeberries soaked in syrup and boiled for 5 minutes. Add seasoning and citric acid, mix and place in jars. The average yield of jam with this amount of ingredients will be 3 liters.

With oranges

Main ingredients:

  • 1 kg of rowan;
  • 0.5 kg of oranges;
  • 0.3 kg lemons;
  • 2 kg granulated sugar;
  • 200 g walnuts.

The berries are minced using a meat grinder. Place fruits in water brought to a boil and boil for 10 minutes. Take out lemons and oranges, cut them in half and remove the seeds, then pass them along with walnuts through a meat grinder. The twisted ingredients are combined, mixed, covered with sugar and placed on low heat. After boiling, keep on the stove for 7 minutes, then put into jars and close with lids. Next, you need to make a cover for the cans from a warm blanket.

Five Minute Recipe

To prepare, you will need 2 kg of rowan berries and 2 kg of granulated sugar. The fruits are boiled in water for 5 minutes, taken out and after drying on a flat surface, crushed using any in a convenient way. For these purposes, you can use a meat grinder or blender.

The berry mixture is placed in a container, covered with sugar and put on fire for 5 minutes, stirring constantly.

Storage Features

After preparing chokeberry jam, it must be divided into jars. To do this, they are first sterilized and only then used. The containers are covered with metal lids on top to prevent air from entering and ensure long-term storage. For immediate consumption, you can close the jar with a regular lid and put it in the refrigerator. Jars rolled up for the winter can be stored at normal temperatures.

Chokeberry is a wonderful berry that has excellent medicinal properties and contains all the necessary vitamins to maintain immunity. This berry is popularly called chokeberry, and botanists gave it the proud name “chokeberry”. But no matter what this storehouse of vitamins is called, no one can argue that chokeberry is extremely useful. It helps with hypertension, bleeding, diabetes, and even has a property that is very rare in plants - it removes radioactive substances from the human body. The only negative is its tart taste, which may not appeal to everyone. But if such a plant grows on your site, then you will not waste time if you decide to make chokeberry jam.

Chokeberry is a wonderful berry that has excellent medicinal properties.

This delicacy has a huge amount vitamins and improves immunity even better than a variety of citrus fruits. Another big plus is that this product can be stored both at room temperature and in the refrigerator.

For a kilogram of berries you will need:

  • Water - glass;
  • Sugar – 1.3 kilograms.

Prepare the jam this way:

  1. Pour sugar into the water and put on fire, stirring the syrup until completely dissolved.
  2. Dip the berries in boiling water for ten minutes.
  3. Pour the blanched berries into boiling syrup and let simmer for ten to fifteen minutes.
  4. Remove the jam from the stove and let it cool completely for three to four hours.
  5. Boil the jam for another fifteen minutes.
  6. Pour the delicacy into sterilized jars and roll up, or close with silicone lids and put in the refrigerator.

Please note. The berries must be blanched, because their skin is very dense and does not allow sugar to pass through.

Chokeberry jam (video)

Chokeberry jam without cooking

This preparation is very useful because, due to the lack of heat treatment, a huge part of the vitamins remains in the jam. The only downside is that this delicacy does not last as long as its canned counterpart.

To prepare “raw” jam you need:

  • Black rowan berries – kilogram;
  • Sugar – half a kilogram.

This preparation is very useful because, due to the lack of heat treatment, a huge part of the vitamins remains in the jam

Preparation is not difficult and consists of the following steps:

  • We sort the berries from twigs and debris.
  • Grind the berries with a blender, or pass them through a meat grinder.
  • Add sugar to the resulting puree and mix everything thoroughly.
  • Sprinkle the resulting jam into jars and cover with silicone lids.
  • Place the finished treat in the refrigerator.

Please note. Berries passed through a blender create a more homogeneous puree than those passed through a meat grinder.

Chokeberry jam with sugar

You can do it in approximately the same way quick jam from chokeberry with sugar. The only difference is that in this method the jam is canned, which means it can be stored much longer.

In order to prepare chokeberry with sugar for the winter, we will need:

  • Chokeberry - kilogram;
  • Water - glass;
  • Sugar – half a kilogram.

The jam turns out sweet and tasty

Prepare quick jam in this way:

  1. We sort the berries and put them in boiling water to blanch for five to ten minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, dissolve sugar in water and put the future syrup on the fire.
  3. While the liquid comes to a boil, place the berries in a blender and blend until smooth.
  4. Mix syrup and puree.
  5. Pour the resulting jam into sterilized jars.
  6. Fill the pan with water up to the hangers of the jars, put a towel on the bottom and place the jars in the water.
  7. Bring the water to a boil and simmer the preserves for five to ten minutes.
  8. Let's roll up the treat.

The readiness of any chokeberry jam can be determined by one factor - when the jam is ready, the chokeberry berries sink to the bottom of the vessel.

How to make chokeberry jam with orange

Of course, chokeberry is healthy on its own, but when combined with other fruits, the jam turns out incredibly tasty. If such jam decorates festive table, then the title of the best hostess is guaranteed to you.

And so, here are the products you need to prepare an incredibly tasty and equally healthy delicacy:

  • Chokeberry - kilogram;
  • Walnuts – 400 grams;
  • Apples - half a kilogram;
  • Lemon is a thing;
  • Orange - two large ones;
  • Sugar – 1.7 kilograms.

If such jam decorates the festive table, then you are guaranteed the title of best hostess

The jam is prepared in this way:

  1. Pour boiling water over the chokeberry berries so that it completely covers the berries and leave overnight.
  2. In the morning, take our infusion, discard the berries separately, mix two glasses of liquid with sugar and put on fire.
  3. We cut the apples into slices and crush them large pieces nuts.
  4. Add berries, apples and nuts to the boiling syrup.
  5. Take citrus fruits and put them in regular boiling water for a couple of minutes, this will remove the bitter taste.
  6. Cut the oranges and lemon into slices and add to the syrup.
  7. Bring our jam to a boil, set aside from heat.
  8. So we bring the brew to a boil three times and finally remove from the heat.
  9. Pour into sterile jars and roll up the resulting delicacy.

If you are preparing jam with whole berries, and not crushed in a blender, then when you boil it, cover the top with a towel and some kind of vessel so that an air structure is formed between its bottom and the towel. This design will help make the berries as soft as possible.

How to make chokeberry syrup

In cooking, chokeberry syrup is considered the most delicious of all. It goes perfectly with sweet cereals, ice cream and a variety of drinks. In addition, many consider this supplement almost a panacea for all diseases.

To prepare chokeberry syrup you will need:

  • Chokeberry - half a kilogram;
  • Citric acid – 15 grams;
  • Sugar – 800 grams;
  • Dry cherry leaves - a handful;
  • Water - liter.

In cooking, chokeberry syrup is considered the most delicious of all.

This syrup is prepared as follows:

  1. Cherry leaves and chokeberry berries are added to the prepared water.
  2. All this is put on fire and brought to a boil.
  3. Let the mixture simmer for five to ten minutes, then turn it off and let it cool slightly.
  4. Strain the liquid.
  5. Add sugar and citric acid to the broth.
  6. Boil the liquid again, stirring constantly to prevent the sugar from burning.
  7. Pour the syrup into sterile jars and seal them.

Black berry liqueur

Surprisingly, chokeberry berries produce an incredibly aromatic and pleasant-tasting liqueur. Try making this drink at home, and you will see that all your guests will be amazed by the taste and aroma of your liqueur.

To prepare an alcoholic drink we will need:

  • Vodka – 2 glasses;
  • Chokeberry syrup - half a liter;
  • Chokeberry - 2 cups.

The liqueur is prepared as follows:

  1. Add vodka and rowan to the syrup.
  2. Pour the liquid into jars, close them with silicone lids and place in the sun.
  3. Let the liqueur stand for about three months.
  4. Strain the liquid and bottle it.

Chokeberry and apple jam (video)

Chokeberry really is crazy healthy berry, from which you can make not only preserves, but also compotes, syrups, jams and everything your heart desires. So if this plant has grown on your site, then here’s some advice for you - don’t rush to remove it, it’s better to take your time and prepare a treat for the whole family.

Chokeberry is very useful, but not all housewives enjoy it. The fact is that these berries have a tart, slightly bitter taste and not everyone finds them suitable for making desserts. In fact, chokeberry jam, if prepared correctly, turns out very tasty, and the tartness gives it a kind of “zest.”

Cooking features

Compliance with the technology for preparing chokeberry jam is the key to its pleasant taste and long term storage

  • To make jam, you should collect ripe rowan. It must be sorted out to get rid of spoiled berries, and at the same time cleaned of adhering leaves. Rowan berries should be washed thoroughly, even under running water - this will not harm the berries.

Many people combine chokeberry with apples, oranges, and other fruits. Gourmets claim that in this case the jam turns out much tastier.

A simple recipe for chokeberry jam

  • Prepare the berries: sort, rinse well, remove the stems.
  • Place the rowan berries in a colander and place them in boiling water.
  • After 5-7 minutes, remove the colander with the berries and let the water drain.
  • Boil a glass of water and, adding a little sugar to it, cook a thick syrup.
  • Dip the rowan into the boiling syrup and cook it over low heat, stirring, for 12 minutes.
  • Turn off the heat and leave the berries to cool for 3 hours.
  • Bring the jam to a boil again and cook for 10 minutes, then leave it to cool again for 3 hours.
  • Bring the jam to a boil again and cook for 15 minutes.
  • Place the jam in pre-sterilized jars and screw the lids on tightly.
  • When the jam has cooled, store it in the pantry or other place where you store supplies for the winter.

Simple chokeberry jam can be stored at room temperature; after opening the jar, you need to move it to the refrigerator.

Chokeberry jam with apples

  • Sort and wash the berries. Place in boiling water and blanch for 5 minutes. Remove the berries and place them in cold water for 5 minutes. Remove again and let the water drain.
  • Make syrup from 0.5 liters of water and 0.5 kg of sugar.
  • Dip the chokeberry into the syrup, cook it for 5 minutes after boiling and leave for 6 hours.
  • Wash the apples and cut out the seed box. Cut the apples into small slices and place them in boiling water. Cook in it apple slices until soft, then remove and place in a colander to drain off excess water.
  • Add the remaining sugar to the container containing the chokeberry in syrup.
  • Boil chokeberry for half an hour.
  • Add apple slices, cook with them for another 25 minutes.
  • Add citric acid and cinnamon to the jam and stir.
  • Cook the jam for another 5 minutes and put it in jars that need to be sterilized in advance.
  • Close tightly with metal lids (you can use regular ones, for sealing with a key, you can use screw ones).
  • After cooling, remove the jam for the winter.

Chokeberry jam with apples turns out sweet and sour, with a pleasant tart aftertaste. Another advantage is its seductive aroma with notes of apples and cinnamon.

Chokeberry jam with oranges

  • chokeberry – 1 kg;
  • oranges – 0.5 kg;
  • lemons – 0.3 kg;
  • sugar – 2 kg;
  • walnut kernels – 0.2 kg.
  • Rinse and dry the selected berries, and grind through a meat grinder.
  • Wash the oranges and lemons, place them whole in boiling water for 10 minutes, remove and wipe.
  • Cut the oranges and lemons into large slices, remove the seeds and, without peeling, grind through a meat grinder.
  • Grind the walnut kernels. You can also use a meat grinder for this.
  • Combine chokeberry puree, citrus fruits and nut mass. Mix well.
  • Add sugar to the mixture and place on low heat. After the mixture boils, boil it for 5-7 minutes, remove from heat.
  • Without cooling, place in sterilized jars and seal them.
  • Turn over the jam jars, cover them with a blanket and leave them overnight.
  • In the morning, store the jam. You can put it in the pantry, but it is better to store it in a cool place, for example, in a cellar or refrigerator.

Chokeberry jam with oranges, lemons and walnuts is not only a tasty treat, but also a very healthy product. It strengthens the immune system and helps fight anemia.

Chokeberry jam “Pyatiminutka”

  • Sort and wash the berries. Place them in boiling water for 5 minutes, remove from it and dry on a paper towel.
  • Grind rowan in any way. The easiest way to do this is to grind the berries through a meat grinder, but you can also use a blender.
  • Pour the crushed rowan berries with sugar, stir and place over low heat.
  • Cook over low heat, stirring, until boiling.
  • Once boiling, turn up the heat and cook over high heat, stirring, for 5 minutes.
  • Place in sterilized jars, cover them with lids, do not roll up yet.
  • IN large saucepan Lay down a piece of cloth (you can use a kitchen towel). Place jars of jam there. Fill the pan with enough water to come up to the jars' shoulders.
  • Place the pan with the jars on low heat. After the water boils in the pan, sterilize the jars for 20 minutes if they are half-liter, 30 minutes if they are liter, 15 minutes if their capacity is less than half a liter.
  • After removing the jars from the pan, roll them up. Leave to cool at room temperature.

Five-minute jam is healthier than usual, as it undergoes less heat treatment and retains more vitamins. However, at high room temperatures (above 18 degrees), such a delicacy is not good and can spoil, so it is better to keep it in the refrigerator or basement.

Chokeberry jam turns out to be very aromatic, especially if you make it with oranges or apples, and has a unique tart taste. This is a very healthy dessert that even children will love. It’s worth spending a little time and effort on preparing such a delicacy - the efforts will certainly pay off.

Chokeberry jam for the winter: 4 recipes (reviews)

Chokeberry jam Chokeberry is very useful, but is not favored by all housewives. The fact is that these berries have a tart, slightly bitter taste and do not seem suitable for everyone.

Chokeberry jam: 6 unusual recipes

You can make sweet-tart jam from chokeberry berries, which will become great addition tea party or an excellent filling for baking. Chokeberry jam is characterized not only by its taste, but also by its healing properties, which are achieved thanks to its content in the berries. large quantity organic acids, vitamins and microelements. It is worth considering that the berries become most useful by September, so it is recommended to make chokeberry jam in early autumn.

Chokeberry jam with sugar without cooking

The absence of heat treatment during the preparation of jam makes it possible to obtain the most fortified delicacy.

To prepare it you need:

    1. Chokeberries are sorted and washed under running water.
    2. After the berries are dry, half of them are transferred to a blender bowl and filled with half the volume of sugar. The device is activated and the berries are crushed.
    3. A separate container is scalded with boiling water, and then rowan puree is transferred into it.
    4. The same is done with the second portion of raw materials.
    5. Both halves of the future jam are mixed so that all sugar crystals are completely dissolved.
    6. Then the container is closed with a lid and left for 15 minutes.
    7. Next, you need to sterilize small glass jars by steaming them.
    8. After this, the jam is put into containers and rolled up with scalded lids.

This raw sugar jam, which does not require cooking, should be stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Aronia jam: a simple recipe

Another name for chokeberry is chokeberry. Classic recipes Making chokeberry jam allows you to get a delicious delicacy with subtle tart notes and an attractive aroma.

To do this you will need:

  • 1100 grams of chokeberry;
  • 1650 grams of sugar;
  • 710 milliliters of drinking water.

Classic recipes for making chokeberry jam allow you to get a delicious delicacy with subtle tart notes and an attractive aroma

    1. The berries are washed, cleared of twigs, and poured into a deep container.
    2. The chokeberry is filled with running water so that its level is 1 centimeter above the berries.
    3. Drinking water is poured into the pan, and then granulated sugar is poured into it. Place the container on low heat and cook until transparent.
    4. The chokeberry is transferred to a colander, slightly dried and placed in an enamel bowl.
    5. The berries are poured with the resulting syrup, mixed and left to cool.
    6. After this, the syrup is poured into the pan, brought to a boil again, and cooked for 20 minutes. Then rowan is added to the syrup, everything is mixed and cooked for another half hour.
    7. The hot treat is distributed into sterilized jars, rolled up, turned upside down, wrapped in a warm blanket and left for 2 days until completely cooled.

If you want to make the taste of the future jam more fresh and aromatic, during the last cooking of it you should add a few sprigs of mint to the syrup. When distributing the treats into jars, the mint sprig should be removed.

How to make chokeberry jam without sugar?

Chokeberry is very useful for people suffering from diabetes. To save the maximum useful qualities this berry and do not use sugar, chokeberry jam should be cooked using a special technology.

This recipe does not require strict proportions of ingredients.

Chokeberry is very useful for people suffering from diabetes

  1. Place a towel on the bottom of a wide, tall pan.
  2. The berries are sorted, washed, scalded with boiling water and placed in clean half-liter glass containers.
  3. A saucepan with a towel is filled with water, which should be brought to a boil. Filled jars are immersed in boiling water so that the liquid level is up to their shoulders.
  4. The fire is reduced to a minimum at which the water boils quietly.
  5. During sterilization, the berries will gradually settle, so you need to carefully add raw materials to the jars.
  6. Sterilization should last no more than 40 minutes.
  7. After its completion, the jars are removed from the boiling water, rolled up with scalded lids, turned over and cooled at room temperature.

This product can be stored for 3 years in a cool place protected from sunlight.

Chokeberry jam: a five-minute recipe for the winter

Five-minute jam is an excellent option for preparing a healthy delicacy that will not take the hostess a lot of time. To prepare five minutes for the winter from black rowan you will need:

Step-by-step cooking method:

    1. The berries are washed, blanched for 5 minutes, and then crushed in a blender or passed through a meat grinder.
    2. The mass is thoroughly mixed with sugar, placed on low heat and cooked until the sugar granules are completely dissolved.
    3. The homogeneous mass is left on the stove until it boils, cooks for another 5 minutes and removed from the heat.
    4. Five-minute jam is distributed into pre-washed and dried jars.
    5. The containers are covered with a lid and placed for sterilization for 20 minutes.
    6. The jars are rolled up, turned over, wrapped in a warm blanket and left to cool.

Five-minute chokeberry jam can acquire interesting flavor notes if you add a baked apple, citrus zest or a small amount of citric acid to it.

Aronia jam with walnuts and lemon

An unusual but tasty combination is made from chokeberry, nuts and citrus.

To prepare this delicacy you need:

  • 0.5 kilo chokeberry;
  • 0.3 kilos of apples (Antonovka);
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 kilo of granulated sugar;
  • 100 grams of walnuts;
  • 200 milliliters of water.

An unusual but tasty combination is obtained from chokeberry, nuts and citrus fruits.

    1. Ripe berries are sorted, washed, filled with water, and covered with sugar. The berry mass is mixed and placed on the fire, brought to a boil and cooked for 25-30 minutes.
    2. At this time, the lemon is washed, cut into slices, and pitted.
    3. The apples are washed, peeled and cored, and cut into slices.
    4. Lemon and apple slices are transferred to the chokeberry mass, everything is mixed, brought to a boil, and cooked for another 15 minutes.
    5. The nuts are crushed and poured into the future jam, everything is mixed, brought to a boil, removed from the heat and poured into sterilized jars.
    6. The containers are rolled up, turned over, wrapped in a towel and left to cool completely.

It is worth considering that when distributing the jam into jars, it may seem too liquid, but as it cools, it will thicken.

Chokeberry jam with orange: step-by-step recipe

The astringency of chokeberry jam can be reduced by adding orange to it. This additional ingredient will not only improve the taste of the delicacy, but also its aroma.

For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • kilo of granulated sugar;
  • big orange;
  • lemon;
  • half a kilo of chokeberry;
  • a glass of shelled walnuts.
  1. The chokeberry washes itself, moves around, and leans back in a colander.
  2. Citruses are washed and immersed in boiling water for 10 seconds. Then the fruits are removed from the liquid and cut into slices.
  3. Lemon and orange are scrolled through a meat grinder. Next, the same thing is done with chokeberries and nuts.
  4. The resulting puree is sprinkled with sugar, everything is mixed and placed on low heat. During cooking, the mixture must be constantly stirred. After boiling, cook the jam for another 5 minutes and remove from heat.
  5. The hot mass is distributed into sterilized containers, rolled up and turned upside down.
  6. The blanks are wrapped in a warm cloth and left overnight.

This jam should be stored in the pantry or refrigerator.

If the lid swells during the sealing process, then the sterilization process should be repeated: otherwise, the shelf life of the product will be significantly lower. Chokeberry jam prepared according to the presented recipes will be an excellent option for baking, baked apples, pancakes, and sandwiches. Some housewives prefer to use the tart delicacy as a sauce for meat and fish dishes.

Chokeberry jam: recipes for the winter, with sugar without cooking, without, with orange, chokeberry, photo, video

Chokeberry jam: step by step recipes. Cooking with sugar without cooking. Options with walnuts, lemon, orange. Five-minute jam.

Quick chokeberry jam for the winter or a five-minute recipe for rowan berry jam.

Quick chokeberry jam made for the winter is a simple, pleasant and healthy delicacy. This so-called five-minute jam is light and quick recipe. I hope you will like it.

How to cook chokeberry jam for five minutes.

For our preparation for the winter, the proportion of sugar - berries is 1 to 2.

We sort the berries and blanch for no more than 5 minutes.

Add sugar to the berries and go to the stove. When cooking, set the heat quite high. Stir with a wooden spoon constantly. We don't let it boil. Cooking the jam lasts for 35-40 minutes.

Remove the pan and immediately pour into warm, well-washed and dry jars.

It is preferable to store quick chokeberry jam made at home at low temperatures, although it is already cool at the time of making it. This is a simple recipe for five-minute jam.

Quick chokeberry jam for the winter or a recipe for rowan berry jam - five minutes

Quick chokeberry jam made for the winter is a simple, pleasant and healthy delicacy. This so-called five-minute jam is an easy and quick recipe. I hope you will like it.

“Pyatiminutka” jam made from apples and chokeberries

If the apple harvest is large, part of it will either have to be thrown away, used as pet food, or canned. If simple jam doesn’t inspire you, make apple jam with the addition of chokeberry - it’s even healthier.

It is known that during heat treatment vitamins are not preserved in in full, so our task is to reduce cooking to a minimum. It's easy! Preparing apple jam with chokeberry “Five Minute”.

  • sweet autumn apples with red skin – 5 kg;
  • chokeberry, removed from branches, without debris - 2 kg;
  • sugar white sand produced in the CIS countries - 3 kg.

We sort and wash the rowan well, dissolve the sugar in 1 liter of water (you can warm it up) and pour the syrup over the berries. Let's cook. When the jam boils, set aside for 5 minutes, stir and skim off the foam, then let the berries cool.

Meanwhile, prepare the apples. Cook apple jam in slices with chokeberries - wash the apples, wipe dry, cut into 4 parts, remove the center with seeds and cut into thin slices. Dip the slices into the jam, mix and set to cook. From boiling, cook again for 5 minutes. Cool and boil a third time. You can put the jam in sterile jars and roll it up for the winter. As you can see, making rowan jam with apples is simple, although not very fast - it usually takes 2 days to prepare “Five Minutes”.

If you haven’t collected many apples, but the rowan harvest is large, we cook an unusually aromatic and tasty chokeberry jam with apples.

  • berries picked after frost, without branches - 2 kg;
  • sweet apples of autumn varieties – 2 kg;
  • domestic white sugar sand – 2 kg;
  • cloves (dried inflorescences) – 2 pcs.;
  • cinnamon - to taste and desire.

If you don’t have time to play with cooking and cooling, prepare apple jam with chokeberries using a quick recipe. We wash the berries, removing debris and making sure they are not damaged. If the berries are picked before frost, put them in the freezer for several hours, then they will not taste bitter. Pour the berries into a bowl in which we will cook the jam and sprinkle with half the sugar. We cut the apples into pieces the size of a rowan berry, of course, after removing the seeds. Pour into the same bowl and sprinkle the remaining sugar on top. We wait a couple of hours until the juice is released. You can start cooking. Heat over low heat, stirring until there is enough syrup. Add spices (you can do without them if you don’t want to interrupt the aroma and taste of rowan). When the jam boils, cook it over low heat for about a quarter of an hour, then roll it up using jars washed and sterilized with hot steam. You can experiment with apple varieties, but the most tender and aromatic is jam from Antonov apples with chokeberry. Try it - you won't regret it!

“Pyatiminutka” jam made from apples and chokeberries

“Five Minute” jam from apples and chokeberries If the apple harvest is large, some of it will have to be either thrown away, used as pet food, or canned. If simple

Chokeberry jam

Chokeberry (chokeberry) clusters are not as sweet as, for example, raspberries, but it is the amazing astringent taste that allows them to be successfully used in culinary crafts. Desserts, pastries, sauces, fruit juices, etc. – the range of uses of this unique plant is truly inexhaustible. Chokeberry jam is especially popular.

Moreover, there are many recipes for such a delicacy - the addition of one or another component significantly complements the taste. And before moving on to all this diversity, you first need to understand the peculiarities of harvesting.

We prepare the berries on time, preserving their beneficial properties.

Harvesting of chokeberry occurs in the second half of summer, when it becomes ripe and ripens along with other shrub plants. Depending on the storage methods, the bunches are separated from the bush with pruning shears or the berries themselves are collected. Next, the chokeberry path goes directly to canning jars. You can freeze the chokeberry. The berries are also dried and then they:

  • go into decoctions that increase immunity;
  • used as a blood pressure lowering agent;
  • are a powerful stimulant for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Experienced gardeners leave the surplus harvest that is not processed and remains on the bushes until spring - this will attract the necessary birds to the garden and give them the opportunity to enjoy the sweet berries right from under the snow. Having such a valuable product at home can significantly improve your health and the well-being of your loved ones.

The best recipes from healing berries

The peculiarity of chokeberry is that the berry itself, useful as a medicine, has a specific, astringent taste, which is more likely to be appreciated by an amateur than by a mass consumer.

But in chokeberry preserves and jams this property is not felt so clearly - just a pleasant tartness. Therefore, I recommend everyone to cook at least a couple of jars to try; I think that from the list below everyone will be able to choose a suitable recipe.

Advice: if medicinal qualities are primarily important, choose a cooking method where heat treatment is minimal.

Classic recipe

When cooked, chokeberry behaves very well, does not fall apart or become overcooked, keeping the berries intact, soaked in delicious sugar syrup. Classic chokeberry jam tastes tart, incredibly tasty and healthy. Of course, before cooking, chokeberry berries can be doused with boiling water, which will reduce the astringency, but perhaps this is the highlight of this healing delicacy.

I would also like to note that it is best to cook chokeberry jam for no more than 45 minutes. Be sure to prepare a couple of jars of aromatic chokeberry jam and no cold or cold will be scary for you and your family.

  • Cuisine: Russian
  • Type of dish: preparations
  • Cooking method: boiling
  • Servings: 1.5 l
  • 40-45 min


Cooking method:

Add sugar and let stand. After some time, the chokeberry will give juice.

You can add a little water to the berries with sugar and immediately put them on the stove to cook. Boil the chokeberry jam 2 times for 20 minutes.

After the first cooking, let the jam cool completely. Boil the jam a second time after it has completely cooled, or best the next day.

Place the finished aromatic delicacy in jars. Seal with lids and store. Chokeberry jam is perfectly stored at room temperature.

You can make delicious jam from this fragrant jam in winter. sweet pastries, for example, pies or open (closed) pies, small muffins or simply served with tea or as a dessert with ice cream.

Recipe for chokeberry jam with cherry leaves

By adding a cherry leaf to the jam, housewives turn it into a celebration culinary arts. An easy rearrangement of the components - and now you taste the sweet poetry of a fragrance that you will never be able to refuse! It takes 3 days to prepare, so be patient.

If you don’t have the patience to do 4 boils, then make do with one for 40 to 50 minutes, however, in this temperature and intensity mode they will become soft, lose their elasticity, and the finished product will rather look like jam.

For cooking, you will need a set of a ladle, a wooden spoon, glass jars and nylon lids for canning, a colander or sieve, thick gauze, and an enamel pan. Before you start making jam, carefully arrange all these items, each should have its place in order to create a process of celebration and pleasure from ordinary cooking.

Cooking products:

  • chokeberry - 2 kg
  • sugar - 1.6 kg
  • dry cherry leaf - 200 g
  • water - 1 l.

Step by step method:

  1. We begin to cook the cherry leaf. Before pouring it with a pre-prepared amount of water, we rinse the entire mass several times and sort it out, removing the branches. Then fill the pan with the leaf with water. Turn on the heat, bring to a boil and cook for about 20 minutes.
  2. While our raw materials are being cooked, we are preparing the fruits. We carefully sort through everything and remove garbage. Pour into a sieve or colander and carefully, trying not to damage the chokeberry, rinse in warm water. Leave it for a few minutes to remove any remaining water. We make several smooth movements up and down, getting rid of the last drops.
  3. Prepare the syrup. To do this, strain the resulting decoction from the leaf, then discard the latter, and add sugar to the aromatic water. Boil until the sand dissolves completely.
  4. Pour the chokeberry into the prepared syrup, set the heat to low, and let it come to a boil in this mode. Now, stirring the wonderfully fragrant mixture, cook and at the same time skim off the foam for exactly 5 minutes. Remove the boiled mixture from the burner and leave it to cool and settle overnight. And so that flies or other insects do not spoil our holiday, we cover the pan with prepared multi-layer gauze. The room temperature is constant, room temperature. The next day, set the heat to low again, bring to a boil, and cook, stirring, for 5 minutes. Leave to cool for several hours. Take your time, good product must have time to settle, then it will become rich and unusually aromatic. The third cooking also lasts for 5 minutes, and then the almost finished jam cools down for several hours.
  5. We thoroughly rinse the jars and lids for subsequent canning. This is followed by the fourth cooking, at the end of which the ready-to-eat mass is put into jars. The lids are waiting their turn while our wonderful jam cools to room temperature. Now it's time to close it and put it away for storage.

Little tricks:

  • Before cooking, do not forget about the optimal concentration of the “cherry” component. If you do everything correctly and do not overdo it, then the chokeberry delicacy turns out to be as rich and aromatic as its cherry counterpart, which is adored by many;
  • the resulting mass is remarkably easy to store, and if the jars are not adjacent to heating devices, then you can enjoy it all winter.

Five-minute chokeberry jam in a slow cooker

The simplest and quick way prepare a healthy delicacy at home - cook it for five minutes, using such a wonderful device as a multicooker.


  • chokeberry – 1 kg
  • sugar – 1 kg
  • vanillin – 1 tsp.
  • water – 300 ml

Cooking process:

  1. We sort the berries, wash them, and place them in a colander. Scald with boiling water and immediately place under ice water.
  2. We make syrup from sugar, water and vanillin - just bring it to a boil on the “Frying” mode or set the temperature to 120-140 degrees yourself, remembering to stir.
  3. Immediately add rowan and, stirring, wait for it to boil. As soon as it boils, turn off the multicooker and cover the lid.
  4. After 5 minutes, pour out the medicinal fragrant jam for prepared banks. Roll up with metal lids, cool and store in any dark place.

Recipe for chokeberry jam with lemon and orange

Another “magic key” that opens the door to the world of heavenly pleasure is citrus. Connecting in one glass jar amazing properties of chokeberry with lemon and orange, we get a pantry full of vitamins and wonderful medicinal and taste properties. The combination of these components will increase immunity during the most problematic winter period, prevent the onset of an infectious disease, and normalize metabolism in your body.

Prepares in one hour, ingredients are based on 4 servings. Indispensable for breakfast, dessert, fasting.

Products you can't do without:

  • orange - 1 pc.
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • chokeberry - 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg.

For cooking you will need:

  • enamel container;
  • meat grinder;
  • glass jars and nylon lids;
  • ladle;
  • wooden spoon.

How to cook:

  1. Cut into slices and pitted, citrus products are washed and doused with boiling water. The berry is cleared of twigs, it is washed with warm water, which is then allowed to drain.
  2. All three prepared ingredients are scrolled (including the peel!) through a meat grinder (you can use a blender-combine, this will further simplify the cooking process).
  3. The resulting mass is transferred (and poured) into a prepared container and covered with sugar;
  4. The finished raw material is stirred and brought to a boil over medium heat. Then the heat is reduced to low and the cooking process continues for another 45 minutes.
  5. The enamel container is removed from the burner, settled a little and cooled slightly, and then the hot jam is rolled into the prepared glass container.

It is no coincidence that the intended use is indicated above, first of all, breakfast. Jam is refreshing and invigorating, and is a wonderful remedy for people suffering from high blood pressure. For everyone else, it is important not to get carried away with this delicacy, since the pressure really decreases greatly!

Recipe for chokeberry jam with apples

Another amazing quality of this plant is its organic combination with apples. Normal apple jam It doesn’t turn out so healthy and flavorful. Plus the trademark is a slight tartness.

List of ingredients:

  • black rowan – 0.5 kg
  • apples – 3 kg
  • granulated sugar – 2 kg

Step by step method:

  1. The apple component is prepared peeled, without core, crushed using a blender-combine.
  2. The chokeberry is sorted and washed, and then crushed in the same way.
  3. Both components are mixed and transferred to an enamel container. The resulting raw material is boiled with constant stirring to the required consistency for about 40 minutes.
  4. After this, another grinding takes place with a blender until puree is obtained.
  5. Fill everything with granulated sugar and cook until the required thickness is obtained (to taste).
  6. When hot, the jam is put into containers and preserved.

Delicious jam recipe

Unlike jam and marmalade, jam has a jelly-like structure that forms during the solidification process after cooking. It differs from jam in its simplified form of preparation and longer shelf life.

List of ingredients:

  • black rowan, red rowan, viburnum - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • water - 400 g.

Cooking diagram:

  1. We prepare the fruits by clearing them of twigs, sorting them out and discarding the spoiled ones. After washing cold water Place in a sieve to remove excess moisture.
  2. Blanch the rowan berries by placing the sieve with them in boiling water and keep it for 10 minutes.
  3. If you have viburnum, then let it simmer a little and rub it through a sieve. getting rid of seeds and skins.
  4. Grind everything using a blender or meat grinder through a fine sieve;
  5. Cook, adding sugar, until you get a fragrant jam. We use an enamel container with a thick bottom. We determine readiness by the rapid thickening of a sample droplet taken from the pan with a teaspoon.
  6. The finished jam is packaged in jars.

A scattering of useful properties...

Bushes with lush clusters of appetizing black fruits take root well in any garden plot, produce a generous harvest, and the berries are famous for their amazing taste when cooked. Every housewife has the right to be proud of compotes, jams, preserves and other products made from chokeberry.

This berry combines a whole host of properties beneficial to the body. She is rich:

  • vitamins PP, P, E, B1 and B2, A and C;
  • carotene, anthocyanates;
  • iron, iodine, molybdenum, magnesium, boron, copper and manganese;
  • organic acids - cyanine, tocopherols, phylloquinone, riboflavin;
  • amygdalin and coumarin;
  • pectins and tannins.

There are other, no less valuable qualities that make it possible to evaluate the effect of appetizing fruits in a therapeutic and prophylactic context:

  • high iodine content allows us to attribute the beneficial effect of chokeberry to medical indications for various diseases;
  • 50 grams of dried chokeberry contain a daily dose of vitamin P;
  • Fresh juice reduces blood sugar levels.

This berry is especially famous for its astringent taste, which indicates the presence of valuable organic acids in it. It is not only very tasty, it is used to successfully treat diabetes mellitus, diseases of the thyroid gland, heart and blood vessels, it has excellent diuretic properties, and therefore removes heavy metals from the body.

Some useful tips will help you enjoy the healing fruits more often and more fully:

  • When placing black rowan taken from a bush “in the bins”, you should take it dry and certainly during the day, when the morning dew has evaporated;
  • the texture of the fruit leaves a feeling of dryness in the mouth; this deficiency is corrected by preliminary softening blanching in boiled water for 3-5 minutes, followed by “hardening” for a couple of moments in cold water;
  • Two or three cinnamon sticks will add piquancy to the jam;
  • To preserve the healing potential, do not throw away the water in which the black rowan was boiled, add fruit to it, boil it and drink compote.

Chokeberry jam - a variety of recipes with photos

Chokeberry berries, amazing for their medicinal qualities, are also good for numerous preserves, jams, and marmalades.