All types of genre. What is a literary genre


Explore epic kind literature. It includes the following: - story: a relatively small prose work (from 1 to 20 pages) describing an incident, a small incident or an acute dramatic situation in which the hero finds himself. The action of the story usually takes no more than one or two days in duration. The location of the action may not change throughout the story;
- story: a sufficient work (on average 100 pages), where from 1 to 10 characters are considered. The location may change. The validity period can cover a significant period, from one month to a year or more. The story in the story unfolds vividly in time and space. Significant changes may occur in the lives of the characters - moves, and meetings;
- novel: large epic form from 200 pages. A novel can trace the lives of the characters from beginning to end. Includes an extensive system of storylines. Time can touch past eras and carry far into the future;
- an epic novel can examine the life of several generations.

Familiarize yourself with the lyrical genre of literature. It includes the following genres:
- ode: a poetic form whose theme is the glorification of a person or event;
- satire: a poetic form that aims to ridicule any vice, situation or person worthy of ridicule
- sonnet: a poetic form that has a strict compositional structure. For example, the English model of a sonnet, which at its conclusion has two obligatory stanzas containing some kind of aphorism;
- the following are also known poetic genres- elegy, epigram, free verse, haiku, etc.

TO dramatic kind Literature includes the following genres: - tragedy: dramatic work, in the finale of which there is the death of the hero. Such a ending for a tragedy is the only possible resolution of a dramatic situation;
-: a dramatic work in which the main meaning and essence is laughter. It may be satirical or kinder, but every incident makes the viewer/reader laugh;
- drama: a dramatic work in the center of which is inner world human, the problem of choice, the search for truth. Drama is the most common genre nowadays.

Please note

In some cases, genres may be mixed. This is especially common in drama. You've probably heard such definitions of film genres as comedy melodrama, action comedy, satirical drama, etc. The same processes are possible in the literature.

Useful advice

Read the works of Aristotle “Poetics”, M.M. Bakhtin “Aesthetics and Theory of Literature” and other works devoted to the problem of genders and genres in literature.

IN modern literature many different genres, each of which is unique and original. But if tragedy or comedy is quite easy to identify, then it is not always possible to give an exact definition of the drama genre. So what is dramatic work and how not to confuse it with something else?

Unlike, the drama shows life experiences and various intricacies of fate. Of course, people's lives, their morals and characters can be quite vivid in comedic works, but drama is not so inherent in ridiculing vices and comically exposing any of the characters' actions. Here the hero’s life itself, his thoughts and feelings are at stake. Dramatic works are very realistic because they show a person exactly as he is without allegories, grotesqueries and embellishments. That is why drama is considered the most complex and, at the same time, one of the most interesting literature. Sometimes drama is very much reminiscent of tragedy, because here they are naked sharp corners and light is shed on many unpleasant details of the heroes’ lives. Often the drama becomes so intense and heavy that it is almost impossible to distinguish it from. But tragic works now they are no longer so popular and never have a chance of a successful outcome. But the drama can end well, despite all the intricacies of the plot and difficult fates heroes. In our language, the word “drama” itself has firmly become associated with a tragic plot or the life drama of characters, while historically the meaning of this word does not have such a meaning at all. Any dramatic the work, regardless of its content, shows real life ordinary people, their sorrows, joys, experiences and bright moments. It is not at all necessary that the reader will have fun during the plot, but the drama should not intimidate or make him cry. It is just a part of life, no more terrible or unsightly than reality. It is interesting that the very concept of drama, as in works of art, dates back to the 18th century. She was very much among the enlightened pundits, politicians and philosophers. Initially, dramatic works were strongly associated with tragedies, tragicomedies, farces and even costumed performances in masks. But centuries later, drama became part of artistic reproduction and received its own, separate from others. genres, place. Dramatic works amaze with their realism and genuine plot. There are few places where you can meet a destiny that is not fictional, but similar to your own, like two peas in a pod. In dramas, of course, there are also, but such dramas are also necessary, because they teach us goodness and faith in the best and brightest. Love drama because it is based on life.

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  • drama as a genre

To identify a person by laughter, it is not at all necessary to be a professional psychologist. The power of laughter, its intensity, and the actions that accompany it can all tell a lot about a person.


Laughter from the heart speaks of a cheerful disposition and flexible character e. Laughter until you wheeze, until you cry, relieves any nervous tension.

People with a weak will have a quiet, soft laugh.

A quiet, short laugh is evidence of strength, great intelligence, and will. Such people are often excellent storytellers. They can easily handle heavy loads.

Silent laughter is a sign of secrecy, caution, prudence and cunning.

They usually have a jerky laugh nervous people with troubled character ohm

Rough laughter is a sign of authority, selfishness, and animal nature. Often these people laugh alone with themselves.

Laughter ending in a sigh indicates a tendency to hysteria, susceptibility to sudden mood swings, and weak will.

A person who laughs openly and loudly is confident in himself and knows how to enjoy life. True, sometimes these people show rudeness and sarcasm. They love to laugh at others.

If a person laughs quietly, tilting his head slightly, he is not too confident in himself. People with such laughter try to adapt to the situation and please others.

A person who squints his eyelids is balanced and confident. He is stubborn and persistent, always achieves his goal.

If your interlocutor wrinkles his nose while laughing, it means that he is prone to frequent changes of views. Such people are emotional, capricious, and act depending on their mood.

A person covering his mouth with his hand is shy and timid. He doesn't like being the center of attention. People with such a laugh are quite repressed and cannot open up to a stranger.

Laughter accompanied by touching the face character depicts its owner as a dreamer and visionary. Such a person is emotional, sometimes even excessively. He has difficulty navigating real world.

If a person often holds back his laughter, he is reliable and self-confident. Such people are balanced, do not waste time on trifles, and firmly move towards their goals.

Your interlocutor does not smile, but grins, his mouth tilted to the right. Be careful! Here is a rude, thick-skinned and unreliable person, prone to deception and cruelty.

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Until now, people who are far from literary criticism as a science believe that “novel” and “romantic” are close concepts, which means that novels are about love. Of course, this is far from true. The novel is ancient, complex and ambiguous literary genre, which includes Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment, Palahniuk’s Fight Club, and Apuleius’s The Golden Ass. But these are, of course, very, very different novels.

But the emergence of the novel as a genre dates back to antiquity. For example, these are the works “Metamorphoses, or the Golden Ass” by Apuleius, “Daphnis and Chloe” by Long, “Satyricon” by Petronius.

The novel received its rebirth in the Middle Ages, it is either a chivalric novel. These include, for example, about King Arthur, Tristan and Isolde, etc.

What can be called a novel

The novel is a very complex and controversial genre, the study of which is still difficult for literary scholars. According to researcher M.M. Bakhtin, this happens because all others, except the novel, have already been established, have their own specific canons and distinctive ones, while the novel is still a very mobile, constantly changing genre, which has been in its infancy for many hundreds of years.

Distinctive Features the novel can be distinguished only very approximately. Typically this is epic work large form, in the center of which is an individual. Most often, this person is depicted at a turning point, a crisis moment in his life. Depending on literary movement, to which the novel belongs, a personality can develop (for example, the famous technique of “dialectics of the soul” by L.N. Tolstoy), find himself in non-standard situations and experience adventures (in an adventure or adventure novel), experience love vicissitudes (in love story).

The novel must be built on conflict - interpersonal, intrapersonal, social, etc.

A unified classification of types of novels does not exist to this day, but there are different types of them. For example, according to content they most often distinguish:

- moral, descriptive
- cultural and historical,
- psychological,
- a novel of ideas,
- adventure.

IN lately More and more new types of novels are appearing, for example the novel-. Many of the novels combine features of both.

Some literary works, which are essentially novels, are classified by the authors as a story, and stories and stories are often written into novels.

A literary genre is a group of literary works that have common historical development trends and are united by a set of properties in their content and form. Sometimes this term is confused with the concepts of “type” and “form”. Today there is no single clear classification of genres. Literary works are divided according to a certain number of characteristic features.

History of genre formation

The first systematization of literary genres was presented by Aristotle in his Poetics. Thanks to this work, the impression began to emerge that the literary genre is a natural, stable system that requires the author to fully comply with the principles and canons a certain genre. Over time, this led to the formation of a number of poetics that strictly prescribed to authors exactly how they should write a tragedy, ode or comedy. For many years these requirements remained unshakable.

Decisive changes in the system of literary genres began only towards the end of the 18th century.

At the same time literary works aimed at artistic exploration, in their attempts to distance themselves as much as possible from genre divisions, gradually came to the emergence of new phenomena unique to literature.

What literary genres exist

To understand how to determine the genre of a work, you need to familiarize yourself with the existing classifications and the characteristic features of each of them.

Below is sample table to determine the type of existing literary genres

by birth epic fable, epic, ballad, myth, short story, tale, short story, novel, fairy tale, fantasy, epic
lyrical ode, message, stanzas, elegy, epigram
lyric-epic ballad, poem
dramatic drama, comedy, tragedy
by content comedy farce, vaudeville, sideshow, sketch, parody, sitcom, mystery comedy
according to form visions short story epic story anecdote novel ode epic play essay sketch

Division of genres by content

Classification literary trends based on content includes comedy, tragedy and drama.

Comedy is a type of literature, which provides a humorous approach. Varieties of comic direction are:

There is also a distinction between a comedy of characters and a comedy of situations. In the first case, the source of humorous content is internal features characters, their vices or shortcomings. In the second case, comedy is manifested in current circumstances and situations.

Tragedy - dramatic genre with an obligatory catastrophic outcome, the opposite of the comedy genre. Typically, tragedy reflects the deepest conflicts and contradictions. The plot is as tense as possible. In some cases, tragedies are written in poetic form.

Drama – special kind fiction , where the events taking place are conveyed not through their direct description, but through monologues or dialogues of the characters. Drama like literary phenomenon existed among many peoples even at the level of works of folklore. Initially in Greek this term meant a sad event affecting one specific person. Subsequently, drama began to represent a wider range of works.

The most famous prose genres

The category of prose genres includes literary works of various lengths, written in prose.


A novel is a prose literary genre that involves a detailed narrative about the fate of the heroes and certain critical periods of their lives. The name of this genre dates back to the 12th century, when knightly stories originated “in the folk Romance language” as the opposite of Latin historiography. The short story began to be considered a plot variety of the novel. IN late XIX- at the beginning of the 20th century such concepts as detective novel appeared in literature, women's novel, a fantasy novel.


Novella - a variety prose genre. Her birth was caused by the famous collection "Decameron" Giovanni Boccaccio . Subsequently, several collections based on the model of the Decameron were published.

The era of romanticism introduced elements of mysticism and phantasmagorism into the short story genre - examples include the works of Hoffmann and Edgar Allan Poe. On the other hand, the works of Prosper Merimee bore the features of realistic stories.

Novella as short story with a sharp plot has become a characteristic genre for American literature.

Characteristics the novellas are:

  1. Maximum brevity of presentation.
  2. The poignancy and even paradoxical nature of the plot.
  3. Neutrality of style.
  4. Lack of descriptiveness and psychologism in the presentation.
  5. An unexpected ending, always containing an extraordinary turn of events.


A story is prose of a relatively small volume. The plot of the story, as a rule, is in the nature of reproducing natural life events. Usually the story reveals the fate and personality of the hero against the backdrop of current events. A classic example is “Tales of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin” by A.S. Pushkin.


A story is called a small form prose work, which originates from folklore genres - parables and fairy tales. Some literary experts as a type of genre review essays, essays and short stories. Usually the story is characterized by a small volume, one storyline and a small number of characters. Stories are characteristic of literary works of the 20th century.


A play is a dramatic work that is created for the purpose of subsequent theatrical production.

The structure of the play usually includes phrases from the characters and author's remarks describing the environment or the actions of the characters. At the beginning of the play there is always a list of characters With brief description their appearance, age, character, etc.

The whole play is divided into large parts - acts or actions. Each action, in turn, is divided into more small elements– scenes, episodes, paintings.

The plays of J.B. have won great fame in world art. Moliere (“Tartuffe”, “The Imaginary Invalid”) B. Shaw (“Wait and see”), B. Brecht (“The Good Man from Szechwan”, “The Threepenny Opera”).

Description and examples of individual genres

Let's look at the most common and significant examples of literary genres for world culture.


A poem is a large piece of poetry that has a lyrical plot or describes a sequence of events. Historically, the poem was “born” from the epic

In turn, a poem can have many genre varieties:

  1. Didactic.
  2. Heroic.
  3. Burlesque,
  4. Satirical.
  5. Ironic.
  6. Romantic.
  7. Lyrical-dramatic.

Initially, the leading themes for the creation of poems were world-historical or important religious events and themes. An example of such a poem would be Virgil's Aeneid., “The Divine Comedy” by Dante, “Jerusalem Liberated” by T. Tasso, “ Lost Paradise"J. Milton, Voltaire's Henriad, etc.

At the same time, it developed romantic poem- “The Knight in Leopard’s Skin” by Shota Rustaveli, “Furious Roland” by L. Ariosto. This type of poem to a certain extent echoes the tradition of medieval chivalric romances.

Over time, moral, philosophical and social themes began to take center stage (“Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage” by J. Byron, “The Demon” by M. Yu. Lermontov).

IN XIX-XX centuries the poem begins more and more become realistic(“Frost, Red Nose”, “Who Lives Well in Rus'” by N.A. Nekrasov, “Vasily Terkin” by A.T. Tvardovsky).


An epic is usually understood as a set of works that are combined common era, nationality, theme.

The emergence of each epic is conditioned by certain historical circumstances. As a rule, an epic claims to be an objective and authentic account of events.


This peculiar narrative genre, When the story is told from a person's point of view, allegedly experiencing a dream, lethargy, or hallucination.

  1. Already in the era of antiquity, under the guise of real visions, fictitious events began to be described in the form of visions. The authors of the first visions were Cicero, Plutarch, Plato.
  2. In the Middle Ages, the genre began to gain momentum in popularity, reaching its heights with Dante in his " Divine Comedy”, which in its form represents a detailed vision.
  3. For some time, visions were an integral part of church literature in most European countries. The editors of such visions were always representatives of the clergy, thus gaining the opportunity to express their personal views supposedly on behalf of higher powers.
  4. Over time, new acute social satirical content was put into the form of visions (“Visions of Peter the Plowman” by Langland).

In more modern literature, the genre of visions has come to be used to introduce elements of fantasy.

A genre in literature is a selection of texts that have a similar structure and are similar in content. There are quite a lot of them, but there is a division by type, form and content.

Classification of genres in literature.

Division by gender

With such a classification, one should consider the attitude of the author himself to the text of interest to the reader. He was the first to try to divide literary works into four genres, each with its own internal divisions:

  • epic (novels, stories, epics, short stories, stories, fairy tales, epics),
  • lyrical (odes, elegies, messages, epigrams),
  • dramatic (dramas, comedies, tragedies),
  • lyric-epic (ballads, poems).

Division by content

Based on this principle of division, three groups emerged:

  • Comedy,
  • Tragedies
  • Dramas.

Two latest groups talk about tragic fate, about the conflict in the work. And comedies should be divided into smaller subgroups: parody, farce, vaudeville, sitcom, sideshow.

Separation by shape

The group is diverse and numerous. There are thirteen genres in this group:

  • epic
  • epic,
  • novel,
  • story,
  • novella,
  • story,
  • sketch,
  • play,
  • essay,
  • essay,
  • opus,
  • visions.

In prose there is no such clear division

It is not easy to immediately determine what genre a particular work is. How does the work you read affect the reader? What feelings does it evoke? Is the author present, is he introducing his personal experiences, is there a simple narrative without adding analysis of the events described. All these questions require specific answers in order to make a final verdict on whether the text belongs to a certain type of literary genre.

Genres tell their story

To begin to understand the genre diversity of literature, you should know the characteristics of each of them.

  1. Form groups are perhaps the most interesting. A play is a work written specifically for the stage. A story is a prosaic narrative work of small volume. The novel is distinguished by its scale. A story is an intermediate genre, standing between a short story and a novel, which tells about the fate of one hero.
  2. The content groups are small in number, so it is very easy to remember them. Comedy has a humorous and satirical character. Tragedies always end in unexpectedly unpleasant ways. The drama is based on the conflict between human life and society.
  3. The typology of genres by genus contains only three structures:
    1. The epic tells about the past without expressing one’s personal opinion about what is happening.
    2. Lyrics always contain feelings and experiences lyrical hero, that is, the author himself.
    3. The drama reveals its plot through the characters' communication with each other.

Literature refers to works of human thought that are enshrined in the written word and have social significance. All sorts of things literary work depending on HOW the writer depicts reality in it, it is classified as one of three literary families : epic, lyric or drama.

Epic (from the Greek “narration”) is a generalized name for works that depict events external to the author.

Lyrics (from the Greek “performed to the lyre”) - a generalized name for works - usually poetic, in which there is no plot, but reflects the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of the author (lyrical hero).

Drama (from Greek “action”) - a generalized name for works in which life is shown through conflicts and clashes of heroes. Dramatic works are intended not so much for reading as for dramatization. In drama, it is not the external action that is important, but the experience of a conflict situation. In drama, epic (narration) and lyrics are fused together.

Within each type of literature there are genres- historically established types of works, characterized by certain structural and content features (see table of genres).

epic ode tragedy
novel elegy comedy
story hymn drama
story sonnet tragicomedy
fairy tale message vaudeville
fable epigram melodrama

Tragedy (from Greek “goat song”) - a dramatic work with an insurmountable conflict, which depicts an intense struggle strong characters and passions, ending with the death of the hero.

Comedy (from Greek “funny song”) is a dramatic work with a cheerful, funny plot, usually ridiculing social or everyday vices.

Drama is a literary work in the form of a dialogue with a serious plot, depicting a person in his dramatic relationships with society.

Vaudeville - a light comedy with singing couplets and dancing.

Farce – a theatrical play of a light, playful nature with external comic effects, designed for coarse taste.

Ode (from Greek “song”) - a choral, solemn song, a work glorifying, praising some significant event or heroic personality.

Hymn (from Greek “praise”) is a solemn song based on programmatic verses. Initially, hymns were dedicated to the gods. Currently, the anthem is one of national symbols states.

Epigram (from Greek “inscription”) is a short satirical poem of a mocking nature that arose in the 3rd century BC. e.

Elegy - a genre of lyrics dedicated to sad thoughts or a lyric poem imbued with sadness. Belinsky called elegy “a song of sad content.” The word "elegy" is translated as "reed flute" or "plaintive song." Elegy arose in Ancient Greece in the 7th century BC e.

Message – a poetic letter, an appeal to a specific person, a request, a wish.

Sonnet (from Provence “song”) is a poem of 14 lines, which has a certain rhyme system and strict stylistic laws. The sonnet originated in Italy in the 13th century (the creator was the poet Jacopo da Lentini), in England it appeared in the first half of the 16th century (G. Sarri), and in Russia in the 18th century. The main types of sonnet are Italian (from 2 quatrains and 2 tercets) and English (from 3 quatrains and a final couplet).

Poem (from the Greek “I do, I create”) - a lyric-epic genre, a large poetic work with a narrative or lyrical plot, usually on a historical or legendary theme.

Ballad - lyric-epic genre, plot song with dramatic content.

Epic – large work of art, telling about significant historical events. In ancient times - a narrative poem of heroic content. In the literature of the 19th and 20th centuries, the genre of the epic novel appeared - this is a work in which the formation of the characters of the main characters occurs during their participation in historical events.

Novel - a large narrative work of art with a complex plot, in the center of which is the fate of the individual.

Tale - a work of fiction that occupies a middle position between a novel and a short story in terms of volume and complexity of the plot. In ancient times, anything was called a story narrative work.

Story - a work of art of small size, based on an episode, an incident from the life of the hero.

Fairy tale - a work about fictional events and characters, usually involving magical, fantastic forces.

Fable is a narrative work in poetic form, small in size, of a moralizing or satirical nature.

Literary genres are groups of works collected according to formal and content characteristics. Works of literature are divided into separate categories by the form of the narrative, by the content and by the type of belonging to a particular style. Literary genres make it possible to systematize everything that has been written since the time of Aristotle and his Poetics, first on “birch bark letters”, tanned skins, stone walls, then on parchment paper and scrolls.

Literary genres and their definitions

Definition of genres by form:

A novel is an extensive narrative in prose, reflecting the events of any period of time, with detailed description the lives of the main characters and all other characters participating to one degree or another in these events.

A story is a form of storytelling that does not have a specific volume. The work usually describes episodes from real life, and the characters are presented to the reader as an integral part of the events taking place.

A short story (short story) is a widespread genre of short prose and is called “short story”. Because the short story format is limited in scope, the writer can usually develop the narrative within a single event involving two or three characters. An exception to this rule was the great Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, who could describe the events of an entire era with many characters in a few pages.

An essay is a literary quintessence that combines artistic style narratives and elements of journalism. Always presented in a concise form with high content specifics. The subject of the essay, as a rule, is related to socio-social problems and is of an abstract nature, i.e. does not affect specific individuals.

A play is a special literary genre designed for a wide audience. Plays are written for the theater stage, television and radio performances. In their structural design, the plays are more like a story, since the duration theater performances fits perfectly with a medium-sized story. The genre of the play differs from other literary genres in that the narration is told from the perspective of each character. The text indicates dialogues and monologues.

Ode is a lyrical literary genre, in all cases of positive or laudatory content. Dedicated to something or someone, often a verbal monument to heroic events or exploits of patriotic citizens.

An epic is a narrative of an extensive nature, including several stages. state development having historical significance. The main features of this literary genre are global events of an epic nature. An epic can be written both in prose and in verse, an example of this is Homer's poems "Odyssey" and "Iliad".

An essay is a short piece of prose in which the author expresses his own thoughts and views in an absolutely free form. An essay is a somewhat abstract work that does not claim to be completely authentic. In some cases, essays are written with a degree of philosophy; sometimes the work has a scientific connotation. But in any case, this literary genre deserves attention.

Detectives and science fiction

Detective stories are a literary genre based on the age-old confrontation between police officers and criminals. Novels and short stories in this genre are action-packed; in almost every detective work, murders occur, after which experienced detectives begin an investigation.

Fantasy is a special literary genre with fictional characters, events and an unpredictable ending. In most cases, the action takes place either in space or in the underwater depths. But at the same time, the heroes of the work are equipped with ultra-modern machines and devices of fantastic power and efficiency.

Is it possible to combine genres in literature?

All listed species literary genres have unique distinctive features. However, there is often a mixture of several genres in one work. If this is done professionally, a rather interesting and unusual creation is born. So the genres literary creativity contain significant potential for updating the literature. But these opportunities should be used carefully and thoughtfully, since literature does not tolerate profanation.

Genres of literary works by content

Each literary work is classified according to its belonging to a certain type: drama, tragedy, comedy.

What kinds of comedies are there?

There are comedies different types and styles:

  1. Farce is a light comedy built on elementary comic techniques. Found both in literature and on theater stage. Farce as a special comedic style is used in circus clowning.
  2. Vaudeville - play comedy genre with many dance numbers and songs. In the USA, vaudeville became the prototype of the musical; in Russia, small comic operas were called vaudeville.
  3. An interlude is a small comic scene that was performed between the actions of the main play, performance or opera.
  4. Parody is a comedic technique based on the repetition of recognizable features of famous literary characters, texts or music in a deliberately modified form.

Modern genres in literature

Types of literary genres:

  1. Epic - fable, myth, ballad, epic, fairy tale.
  2. Lyrical - stanzas, elegy, epigram, message, poem.

Modern literary genres are periodically updated, for last decades Several new directions in literature have appeared, such as political detective fiction, the psychology of war, as well as paperback literature, which includes all literary genres.