Angel Eugene's Day according to the church. The meaning of the name Evgenia: the character and fate of the girl

DOB: 1955-06-01

Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema, People's Artist of Russia

Version 1. What does the name Evgeniya mean?

Evgenia's name means persistence, stubbornness, delicious cooking. These women are delicate structures, sociable, love to travel, male society, and read a lot.

Girls always look after their father, whom they love madly, sometimes this feeling develops into the opposite.

Zhenya has a developed sense of self-esteem. The character shows detachment from people, great curiosity and a lot of knowledge in various fields modern life, be it the topic of industrial goods, the topic of cutting and sewing, apartment and home renovation.

Evgenia is easily vulnerable, but quick-witted. Happy is the one who loves her and achieves reciprocity. All Eugenes usually give birth to boys.

DOB: 1964-02-29

Russian singer, Russian performer folk songs, romances and art songs

Version 2. What does the name Evgeniya mean?

The interpretation of the name Eugene is noble. Touchiness is her main feature. It doesn't cost anything to offend her.

Evgenia is stubborn, irritable, and often the reasons for conflicts come from her. Claims absolute leadership. Deep down, Zhenya is good; she is hospitable and knows how to cook deliciously. But the hostess is not very clean.

Evgenia is a wonderful conversationalist, a loyal comrade. Intellectual, interested in art, a keen connoisseur of beauty. Impulsive, nervous nature. In her youth, Evgenia plays sports and achieves good results. Tends to be overweight. Due to her complex nature, usually the first marriage is unsuccessful.

Not many men can withstand such a complex, pretentious life partner as Evgenia.

3rd version of the meaning of the name Eugene

The origin of the names Eugene is from Greek. noble, colloquially Evdenia.

Derivatives: Evgenyushka, Evgenya, Genya, Zhenya, Zhenyura, Zhenyusha, Evgesha, Eva, Enya, Enyuta, Enyukha, Enyusha, Enyakha, Enyasha.

Folk signs.

On Eugenia, on Christmas Eve, they tell fortunes by the heavenly bodies: if the Milky Way is full and bright, go to the bucket; dim - to bad weather.


Fans with old-fashioned rules are attracted to Evgenia’s reputation for being touchy, girlish dignity, and strict morals. They take a long time to win her hand, but the one who finally hears the long-awaited “Yes” will not be disappointed in his choice.

Evgenia is very punctual, economical, and thrifty. A wonderful, caring hostess. She has strict taste and an exquisitely elegant appearance.

4th version of the interpretation of the name Eugene

The secret of the name Eugene is the feminine form of the name Eugene (noble - Greek).

Little Zhenya lives in a world she invented, which has its own laws and rules. She is interested in the life of Jesus Christ, while all her peers are reading the fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood.

Little Evgenia has a calm, even and thoughtful character, she is easily influenced. Shows a penchant for needlework, embroidery, and can play alone for hours, inventing different stories. She is not alien to common children's interests - running around the yard with her friends, eternal “jumping ropes” or sleds in winter, but she is not so selflessly devoted to these amusements in comparison with other children.

At school she reaches out to teachers, asks additional questions, and is known as an inquisitive girl. Classmates value Zhenya for her fair character and willingness to help. He usually doesn’t conflict with his parents and is strict about his friendships with boys. He prefers to learn about the intimate side of relationships between different sexes from specialized literature and avoids talking about this topic with his girlfriends.

With age, Evgenia becomes quarrelsome and stubborn. It doesn't cost anything to offend her. Simply disagreeing with her is enough for this stubborn woman to sulk, or even boil. Meanwhile, she most often gives reasons for conflicts herself, as she sometimes gets easily irritated over trifles. It is precisely because of frequent quarrels that Evgenia’s family life usually collapses - few can withstand such a character of a person who, moreover, claims to be the absolute leader in the family.

Punctual. For those born in winter and late autumn, punctuality is especially noticeable, to the point that it can cause irritation among loved ones. Zhen makes good housewives, doctors, and lawyers.

Lovers of easy and quick victories over women will feel the strict morals inherent in Evgenia from the first hours of their acquaintance. She likes men with slightly old-fashioned manners, courteous and reserved. Evgeniya is hospitable, friendly, and will surprise guests with a beautifully set table and elegantly served dishes. True, provided that it is warned about this in advance. She doesn't like impromptu things. She is thrifty, does not spend money on trifles, does not throw away old things. The children love her, but at the same time they are afraid of her strict disposition.

Evgenia’s marriage with Vladimir, Konstantin, Peter, Gleb, Egor, Arkady is especially favorable. He may be unsuccessful with Eduard, Stanislav, Felix or Roman.

5th version of the meaning of the name Eugene

1. Personality of the female name Evgenia. Advancing women.

2. Character. 98%.

3. Radiation. 98%.

4. Vibration. 73,000 vibrations/s.

5. Color. Blue.

6. Zhenya’s main features. Will - activity - sociability - sexuality.

7. Totem plant. Hawthorn.

8. Totem animal. Hippopotamus.

9. Sign. Aries.

10. Type. Difficult to define. Eugenias, like their totem, the hawthorn, both charm and prick. They act at random, headlong. They have the ability to get into hopeless situations, from which it is then difficult to extricate themselves.

11. Psyche. They have an urgent need for extensive contacts with the world. These are women with a well-developed, but slightly extravagant imagination and Machiavellian plans. They love to turn everyone into their slaves, starting with their parents.

12. Will. Like a tank or a bulldozer - if such a comparison is legitimate. For Zhenya, a delay is like a retreat, and a retreat is a defeat... Trouble is for those who do not keep up with them.

13. Excitability. They are in complete control of themselves. They strive for independence and tend to seek adventure.

14. Reaction speed. They are dangerous when things take an unpleasant turn for them, and the blame falls on them. It’s difficult for the husbands of these angry tigresses at such moments, but you, relatives, hold on as best you can!

15. Field of activity. Everything around them should be in motion, or rather, everything - relatives, husband, children. Evgeniya deals with everything related to travel, travel and recreation, as well as medicine and paramedicine. They can be school directors, secretaries to directors, etc. They adapt very well if the situation requires it, but, unfortunately, they succumb to the influence of others.

16. Intuition. Average.

17. Intelligence. More hardworking than talented, Evgenia achieves success thanks to her ability to work.

18. Receptivity. An amazing cocktail of friendliness and sensitivity. Evgenia rushes into the arms of the first person she meets, then forgets about them, then resumes the relationship again.

19. Morality. Unstable: come what may, just to get what you want.

20. Health. Good, but often violated life cycles, have irregular menstruation, sometimes suffer from insomnia, etc. Weaknesses- in youth, respiratory organs, especially the lungs; fractures should be feared.

21. Sexuality. Evgenia often gives in to violent impulses. All or nothing! Only great love can curb them.

22. Activity. At the lowest level.

23. Sociability. Those around them are often horrified by their antics, but are still confident that they can be dealt with. It is difficult to live with them, but life without Evgenia is too boring.

24. Conclusion. Evgeniya is like that tank that is the first to be blown up by mines.

6th version of the meaning of the name Eugene

Dictionary of names Eugene - noble (Greek).

Name day: January 6 - Holy Martyr Eugenia the Virgin, Roman of noble family; She believed in Christ, secretly, in men's clothing, went to a monastery and even became an abbot. After many torments for the faith of Christ, she was beheaded in the 3rd century.

Zodiac sign - Capricorn.

Planet - Mars.

Color - dark green.

Eugenia's auspicious tree is fir.

The treasured plant is thistle.

The patron of the name is the mountain goat.

The talisman stone is emerald.


Zhenya is stubborn and touchy, she has a certain old-fashioned strictness of morals, and this attracts lovers of a long courtship and a difficult siege. She is very punctual, economical, and thrifty. A wonderful, caring hostess. She has strict tastes and an exquisitely elegant appearance. Evgeniya is faithful and reliable.

8th version of the meaning of the name Eugene

The meaning of the name Eugene is “noble” (Greek).

As a child, Zhenya lives in a world she invented, which has its own laws and rules. She is interested in the life of Jesus Christ at a time when all her peers are reading the fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood.

Little Evgenia has a calm, even character, she is thoughtful, and easily amenable to cultural influence. Shows a penchant for needlework, embroidery, and can play alone for hours, inventing different stories. She is not alien to common children's interests - playing in the yard with friends, jumping ropes or sleds in winter, but she is not so selflessly devoted to these amusements in comparison with other children.

At school, Zhenechka reaches out to teachers, asks additional questions and is known as an inquisitive girl. Classmates appreciate Zhenya for her fairness and willingness to help. She enjoys communicating with nature - hiking in the forest, listening to birds, growing flowers, working in a zoo corner. He usually does not conflict with his parents. Strict in friendship with boys. He prefers to learn about the intimate side of relationships between different sexes from specialized literature and avoids talking about this topic with his girlfriends.

Subtle, with developed intuition, Evgenia likes men with slightly old-fashioned manners, courteous and reserved. Evgeniya is hospitable, friendly, and will surprise guests with a beautifully set table and exotic dishes. True, provided that it is warned about this in advance. She doesn't like impromptu things. Punctual. For those born in winter and late autumn, punctuality is especially pronounced, to the point that it can cause irritation among loved ones. She is thrifty, does not spend money on trifles, does not throw away old things. The children love her, but at the same time they are afraid of her strict disposition.

She is predisposed to bronchitis, she has weak heart and teeth.

“Winter” Evgenia is persistent and stubborn. The character of a man's warehouse. Nervous, hot-tempered.

“Autumn” is a bright realist, taciturn, reserved. Can work as a lawyer, doctor, teacher. The name Evgeniya is suitable for patronymics: Petrovna, Natanovna, Ivanovna, Emilievna, Anatolyevna, Vadimovna.

“Summer” Evgenia is a little softer in character. Responsive, sympathetic.

“Spring” is eccentric, selfish, narcissistic.

Evgeniya can work as a reviewer, journalist, editor, translator. The name matches patronymics: Aleksandrovna, Vitoldovna. Nazarovna, Solomonovna.

Name day named after Evgeniy

January 6, January 18, August 1, September 12, November 17,

The meaning of the letters in the name Evgeniya

E- sociability, insight, commercialism and selfishness. Owners of this letter are able to win people over. They are simple and charming at the same time. They constantly strive for a good life, which they value more than friendship. They realize themselves well in creative professions. They are interesting conversationalists.

IN- sociability, optimism, love of nature and art. People with names starting with "V" choose professions related to creativity. They are excellent musicians, artists, fashion designers and writers. Despite their passion, they approach the choice of a partner extremely responsibly and are able to live their entire lives with one person.

G- scrupulousness, unpredictability, thirst for new knowledge. To solve problems, they use the most non-standard solutions and take into account everything down to the smallest detail. Those with the letter “G” in their names are distinguished by their fine mental organization and disgust.

N- strong, strong-willed and decisive individuals. Quite hardworking, but cannot stand monotonous and boring work. Smart, attractive, critical thinking present. A person takes a long time to choose a chosen one with whom he can live until the end of his days. Loves to take care of loved ones.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, and men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

I- people who have this letter in their name know their worth. They strive to achieve love and respect from the people around them. People with the letter "I" are good thinkers and are capable of hiding many secrets. In addition, they are excellent conversationalists and romantic people with a rich imagination.

Name as a phrase

  • E- Esi (Is, Be, Exist)
  • IN- Lead
  • G- Verb (Speak)
  • N- Our (Ours, Yours)
  • AND- And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
  • I- (YA = A) Az

Brave Responsible Cheerful

Evgenia Osipova, Russian theater and film actress

Origin of name: Hebrew

When you're lucky: Monday, Friday

When there are problems: Thursday

Important years of life: 24, 29, 37, 42

Zodiac sign: Virgo

Lucky number: 4

What does the name Evgeniya mean?

This is the name ancient Greek origin, means "noble". The meaning of the name Evgenia greatly influences the fate of the owner - this strong woman, which always stands guard over justice. She cannot pass by the offended.

The name is popular in Europe. Almost every country has its own analogue: Jane and Eugenia in England, Eugenia in France, Eugenia in Spain, Eugenia in Italy, Eugenia in Germany.

Little known in the Americas. IN North America and Canada - Eugene. But the male version, Eugene, is common. IN Latin America where Spanish and Portuguese are spoken it is widespread.

Would you name your child this name?
Not really

The origin of the name Evgeniy is easy to trace. This is the feminine form of the name Evgeniy. Given this, it is easy to guess what the name Eugene means. Derived from the word “eugenis”, which translated from Greek means “nobility”, “high-born”, “descendant of a noble family”.

In Russia the name appeared only in mid-19th century. In noble families, the European version was used - Eugene, Eugenie. This is how the modern diminutive form came about - Zhenya.

The female form is less common than the male form, but is among the top ten popular female names.

Eugenia has a patroness in Orthodoxy - the Holy Martyr Eugenia of Rome. Raised in a noble family where paganism was practiced, she chose her own path and converted to Christianity. Pretending to be a man, she settled in a monastery. Evgenia suffered many trials; she was executed and posthumously canonized.

Forms of the name Simple: AnyaFull: AnnaAntique: AnnaTender: Anyuta

Evgeniya is endowed with a vivid imagination and active character. She is an extrovert and needs constant communication with the outside world. He has an addictive nature and cannot always stop in time.

Experiences great disappointment, not finding a common language with those she likes.

The characteristics of the name Evgenia show that she can be fond of needlework and has an interest in serious literature, which greatly helps in her studies. She is interested in history and religion. It has a refined, strict taste.

Evgenia has a huge reserve of hard work, compensating for her lack of talent. Has common sense.

For her great value has hospitality. Happy to receive scheduled guests. But uninvited visitors will not feel the hospitality of the hostess.

It is better to choose a professional activity in the field of pedagogy, medicine, and law. She will also like the role of a housewife.

Evgenia loves movement, routine tires her. Despite his democratic views, he will always defend his principles.

In material terms, wealth is important to her. The family budget does not shift onto the shoulders of the husband, he makes his own contribution.

There are problems with vision: it may be weakened. You should also pay attention to the respiratory system.

The secret of the name Eugene is its meaning. The bearer of the name has a strict character, knows how to be economical, and is faithful to her friends. Main feature Evgenia - the determination with which she can completely change her life.

Not having developed intuition, but with the help of an analytical mind, she has an excellent understanding of people and sees through the whole situation. Good at finding common language with people.

IN difficult situation will always console and help. She herself is also not shy about asking for help.

Since childhood, a heightened sense of justice and a willingness to help are evident. He treats male friends with a degree of severity, and female friends with devotion and kindness.

It should be remembered that Evgenia has a very touchy nature, this can become a reason for quarrels.

The best description of Eugenia is that she is obsessed with punctuality and frugality. She likes to feel her influence on others, although she herself is inclined to succumb to influence.

This is a rather strict and determined woman, with a good imagination. The main drawback can be considered her touchiness and inability to stop in time.

Character traits Kindness Responsiveness Generosity Optimism Hard work Willfulness Capriciousness Authoritativeness Demanding Unscrupulousness

Evgenia’s rigor and restraint scares away ladies’ men and lovers of easy prey. She herself does not favor such men.

good and bad couples Alexey Artem Vitaly Petr Ruslan Alexander Andrey Igor Nikita Taras

She likes reserved gentlemen with slightly old-fashioned looks. We already know what the name Evgenia means, so it’s clear why she is looking for noble men.

Falls in love passionately, selflessly. Love is a force that can tame and soften Evgenia.

While in a relationship, she subtly senses her partner’s moods and strives for understanding at a glance.

She is ready to do a lot for the peace of her beloved, but she will not forgive betrayal.

The thirst for leadership and resentment that worsens with age can shake the bonds of marriage. But if Evgenia really loves her husband, her character even changes - she becomes obedient and affectionate, a real keeper of the hearth.

When is the name day?

January 11 3, 16, 17, 23, 26 February 11, 14 March 8, 13 April 11 May 23, 25, 26 June 18 July 3, 5, 7, 29 August 10, 22 September 11, 15 October 4, 10, November 11, 16, 23, 27 December 3, 11, 22, 23 © Author: Alexey Krivenky. Photo:

Characteristics of the name Evgeniy | The secret of the name Eugene

Evgeniya - “noble” (gr.).

Characteristics of the name Evgeniy

As a child, Zhenya lives in a world she invented, which has its own laws and rules. She is interested in the life of Jesus Christ at a time when all her peers are reading the fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood. Little Evgenia has a calm, even character, she is thoughtful, and easily amenable to cultural influence. Characteristics of the name Evgeniya shows a penchant for needlework, embroidery, and can play alone for hours, inventing different stories. She is not alien to common children's interests - playing in the yard with friends, jumping ropes or sleds in winter, but she is not so selflessly devoted to these amusements in comparison with other children.

At school she reaches out to teachers, asks additional questions and is known as an inquisitive girl. Classmates appreciate Zhenya for her fairness and willingness to help. The mystery of Evgeniy brings joy to communicating with nature - hiking in the forest, listening to birds, growing flowers, working in a zoo corner. He usually does not conflict with his parents. Strict in friendship with boys. He prefers to learn about the intimate side of relationships between different sexes from specialized literature and avoids talking about this topic with his girlfriends.

Character of the name Evgeniy

Subtle, with developed intuition, Evgenia likes men with slightly old-fashioned manners, courteous and reserved. Evgeniya is hospitable, friendly, and will surprise guests with a beautifully set table and exotic dishes. True, provided that it is warned about this in advance. The secret of the name Evgeniy does not like anything impromptu. The characteristics of the name Evgeniy are punctual. For those born in winter and late autumn, punctuality is especially pronounced, to the point that it can cause irritation among loved ones. She is thrifty, does not spend money on trifles, does not throw away old things. Children love her, but at the same time they are afraid of her strict disposition.

She is predisposed to bronchitis, her weak point is her heart and teeth.

“Winter” Evgenia is persistent and stubborn. The character of a man's warehouse. Nervous, hot-tempered.

“Autumn” is a bright realist, taciturn, reserved. Can work as a lawyer, doctor, teacher. The name matches patronymics: Petrovna, Natanovna, Ivanovna, Emilievna, Anatolyevna, Vadimovna.

“Summer” Evgenia is a little softer in character. Responsive, sympathetic.

“Spring” is eccentric, selfish, narcissistic. Can work as a reviewer, journalist, editor, translator.

What middle name suits the name Evgeniy?

The name matches patronymics: Alexandrovna, Vitoldovna, Nazarovna, Solomonovna.

What does the name Zhenya (feminine) mean?

Evgeny m.

Eugenia in Latin means thoroughbred. Well, like, good aristocratic origin. That is, not an aristocrat in spirit, but an aristocrat by blood. In other words, this is what used to be called "noble birth."
There is even such a pseudoscience as Eugenics about how to improve the breed of people, to make sure that in the future only very beautiful children are born to everyone and thereby there would be no ugly people, everyone would have a fashion model appearance.

Source: My name is Evgeniy. I read a lot of literature about my name.

Yulia Sokolova

The feminine form of the name Eugene, translated from Greek means “noble”.

The girl Zhenya invents her own world, which to a stranger It’s hard to understand, it has its own laws and regulations. At a time when children are captivated by Little Red Riding Hood, Zhenya may develop an interest in religion and read Bible stories with interest. Shows a penchant for needlework and embroidery. She can play alone for a long time, but she is not alien to ordinary children's entertainment - riding a bicycle, playing with dolls. She is inquisitive, studies with great interest, and asks a lot of questions. Classmates appreciate Zhenya for her fairness and willingness to help. Constantly feels the need to communicate with parents. He learns about relationships between different sexes from specialized literature and is strict about friendship with boys. She is very punctual and because of this sometimes causes irritation among others. Growing up, Zhenya becomes more quarrelsome, stubborn and touchy. Often gives rise to quarrels, as he can easily become sulky over a trifle and ruin the mood of those around him.

Zhenya can become good doctor, lawyer or housewife.

Those who love easy victories over women quickly feel the strictness of Evgenia’s morals. She prefers men with old-fashioned manners, courteous and reserved. Evgeniya knows how to beautifully set the table and prepare delicious dishes. Thrifty, spends money sparingly.

Suitable for marriage: Vladimir, Gleb, Egor, Arkady, Konstantin, Peter.

Less suitable: Afanasy, Vitaly, Vsevolod, Maxim, Eduard.


This name is the feminine form of Eugene: noble (Greek).
Name meaning:

Little Zhenya lives in a world she invented, which has its own laws and rules. She is interested in the life of Jesus Christ, while her peers are reading the fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood. Little Evgenia has a calm, even and thoughtful character, she is easily influenced. Shows a penchant for needlework, embroidery, and can play alone for hours, inventing different stories. She is not alien to common children's interests - running around the yard with her friends, eternal jumping ropes or sleds in winter, but she is not so selflessly devoted to these amusements in comparison with other children.

At school she reaches out to teachers, asks additional questions, and is known as an inquisitive girl. Classmates value Zhenya for her fair character and willingness to help. He usually doesn’t conflict with his parents and is strict about his friendships with boys. He prefers to learn about the intimate side of relationships between different sexes from specialized literature and avoids talking about this topic with his girlfriends.

With age, Evgenia becomes quarrelsome and stubborn. It doesn't cost anything to offend her. It is enough to disagree with her for this stubborn woman to sulk, or even boil. Meanwhile, she most often gives reasons for conflicts herself, as she sometimes gets easily irritated over trifles. It is precisely because of frequent quarrels that Evgenia’s family life usually collapses - few can withstand such a character of a person who, moreover, claims to be the absolute leader in the family. Punctual. For those born in winter and late autumn, punctuality is especially pronounced, to the point that it can cause irritation among loved ones. Zhen makes good housewives, doctors, and lawyers.

Lovers of easy and quick victories over women will feel the strict morals inherent in Evgenia from the first hours of their acquaintance. She likes men with slightly old-fashioned manners, courteous and reserved. Evgeniya is hospitable, friendly, and will surprise guests with a beautifully set table and elegantly served dishes. True, provided that it is warned about this in advance. She doesn't like impromptu things. She is thrifty, does not spend money on trifles and does not throw away old things. The children love her, but at the same time they are afraid of her strict disposition.
Name compatibility:

Marriage with Vladimir, Konstantin, Peter, Gleb, Egor, Arkady is especially favorable. He may be unsuccessful with Eduard, Stanislav, Felix or Roman.

What does the name Zhenya (male) mean???


The secret of the name Evgeniy
Male name
Evgeniy · Names: origin and forms
Eugene - (from Greek) noble.
Spoken: Evgen.
Colloquial: Evdeniy, Vedeney.
Derivatives: Evgenyushka, Evgenya, Genya, Gena, Zhenya, Zhenyura, Zhenyusha, Zhekha, Zheka, Evgekha, Evgesha, Gesha, Enya, Enyuta, Enyukha, Enyusha, Enyakha, Enyasha.
Evgeniy · Directory of Russian names
Noble (from Greek).
As a rule, independent and strong-willed. Maximalist. Tends to organize life. Too demanding of himself and others. Capable of achieving a lot in society. Active. Persistent in everything. They curse them, but they cannot leave them. With his mother he is soft, affectionate, gentle.
Evgeniy · The secret of the name
Eugene - noble (ancient Greek).
The name is quite popular, in the 19th and half of the 20th centuries it was urban, in lately it is often given in rural areas. Men's names are more common than women's names.
Zodiac name: Pisces.
Planet: Venus.
Name color: pale blue.
Talisman stone: pearl.
Favorable plant: linden, forget-me-not.
Patron name: pearl barley.
Lucky day: Thursday.
Happy season: winter.
Main features: hot temper, developed intuition.
Eugene of Vifinsky, reverend, February 25 (12).
Evgeniy Melitinsky, martyr, November 20 (7).
Eugene of Trebizond, martyr, February 3 (January 21).
Eugene of Chersonesos, bishop, martyr, March 20 (7).
Eugene of Antioch, Mauritanian, presbyter, martyr, March 4 (February 19). For denouncing the atheism of Emperor Julian the Apostate, after suffering, he was exiled to Mauritania from Antioch, where he died.
Eugene of Sevastia, martyr, December 26 (13). The warrior, during the persecution of Christians in the 3rd century, declared himself a follower of Christ and in the name of faith endured terrible torture: his tongue was torn out, his arms and legs were cut off, and his head was cut off.
From Eugene, December 26, they observe the weather for 12 days, believing that each day will show the weather of one month of the next year: December 26 corresponds to January, the 27th to February, the 28th to March, etc. until Christmas, January 7, which will indicate the weather in December of the new year.
Already in childhood, Zhenya’s own world is more important than anything else. This makes him a superficial person. Parents need to instill in him determination and self-confidence. He studies well at school, writes essays easily, quickly masters a foreign language, and treats girls politely and even chivalrously. He may lie so as not to be punished, even if he himself is to blame. Parents need to pay attention to this special attention, because at this time he speaks extremely sincerely and looks with wide open honest eyes.
Adult Evgeniy is nervous and sentimental, with a weak will and a quick temper. He is indecisive and unsure of himself, but he carefully tries to hide it, trying to seem cheeky and indifferent. He most often hides his true feelings in his soul. He has a highly developed intuition, and he uses it. He seems to be dozing, immersed in his inner world, but notices everything around him.
Evgeniy works honestly, but the work does not completely capture him, and in the depths of his soul he is waiting for it to end quickly. Evgeniy is irritated by any obstacles to achieving his goal; he does not know how and does not want to overcome them. Evgeny is not devoid of ambition and will not miss an opportunity to advance in his career, especially if it increases his well-being. His choice in the field of technology and electronics is more successful; he is a good engineer, radio designer, and programmer.
In communication, Evgeniy is friendly and not without a sense of humor. Sometimes, in the heat of the moment, he can undeservedly offend a person, even his friend. Usually he doesn’t get along very well with people, but with women he always behaves correctly, gallantly, and enjoys great success. He is cheerful in company and dances well.
In a woman, Evgeniy values ​​spiritual purity and subtlety of feelings. He idealizes a woman, looking for some secret in her. Sometimes disappointed, but never initiates divorce

Is it Vladimir

Derived from an ancient Greek word meaning: noble.
Little Zhenya will amaze those around him with his ingenuity. He will learn to read and write very early. Big dreamer. At school - among the best, writes essays well, learns easily foreign language. He is friends with his classmates, they respect him for his kindness and honesty. He treats girls with consideration, in a chivalrous manner, and sometimes idealizes them.
Evgeniy is hardworking and delivers high hopes. He is interested in sports and has a special interest in various types oriental martial arts. Obstacles in achieving his goal unsettle him in life; he does not know how to concentrate and overcome them. He reaches average heights in his chosen specialty; his element is exact sciences and electronics. IN free time can write poetry.
“Spring” Evgenia is more specific and purposeful. More often than those born at other times of the year, they are repeatedly married. Among their friends there are journalists, artists, and writers.
In a woman, he values, first of all, spiritual purity, subconsciously looking for some mystery. Evgeny was created for family life. He sees nothing wrong with cleaning the floor, going to the market, or doing something else. homework. Organically cannot stand scandals, avoids quarrels and everything that could lead to them. Because of the eternal dispute about who should be the head of the family, he will not violate the atmosphere of mutual understanding and love that he so values. Unfortunately, wives often mistake such tolerance for lack of character. With all the consequences that follow from this, by the way.
Eugene is sensitive to the suffering of loved ones, but in extreme situations they show indecisiveness. They willingly walk with children; you can always see a flock of boys and girls around them. Many Eugenes are very jealous. Evgeniy will never initiate a divorce.
This is one of the oldest Greek names, it is translated as “noble”. It was extremely popular in Christianity. This name obliges its owner to be delicate and tactful towards different people from all walks of life, but at the same time pushes for great achievements. Evgeniy loves to provide support and is ready to happily help others; if necessary, he will take off his last shirt and give away his last piece of bread. Four Popes bore this name. The most famous Pope was Eugene III (Bernard Pignatelli), who lived in the 12th century. He began to reform the general church canons concerning monasticism and the clergy. His main task was the preparation of the crusade, conceived back in 1145. On this day, the holy preacher Eugene of Vithynia was born.
Their most successful marriages are with Alina, Anna, Bogdana, Valentina, Valeria, Vera, Daria, Juliet, Ksenia, Leah, Lilia, Lyudmila, Natalya, Nellie, Nina, Raisa, Christina, Yulia. Less luck with Ada, Alevtina, Varvara, Elena, Zoya, Claudia, Lydia, Marina, Yana.
This name suits Libra, Gemini and Aquarius. Don't call Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn that way.
The name Eugene symbolizes nobility not only internal, but also external. It is impossible not to love such a person, it is impossible not to admire his generosity and noble pride. So we wish the birthday boy to always remain as kind-hearted, responsive, loving, wonderful person, in which everything is beautiful - both soul and thoughts. Evgeniy fully possesses the most good qualities, So let's wish him to meet more people- worthy connoisseurs of his nobility. May he always walk through life surrounded loving people, capable of recognizing and appreciating everything that he is endowed with by nature. Let sadness, sadness and troubles pass by, but let luck and joy come to him more often.

Evgeniy Krutov

Derived from an ancient Greek word meaning: noble.
Little Zhenya will amaze those around him with his ingenuity. He will learn to read and write very early. Big dreamer. At school he is among the best, writes essays well, and easily learns a foreign language. He is friends with his classmates, they respect him for his kindness and honesty. He treats girls with consideration, in a chivalrous manner, and sometimes idealizes them.
Evgeniy is hardworking and shows great promise. He is fond of sports and shows a special interest in various types of martial arts. Obstacles in achieving his goal unsettle him in life; he does not know how to concentrate and overcome them. He reaches average heights in his chosen specialty; his element is exact sciences and electronics. In his free time he can write poetry.
“Spring” Evgenia is more specific and purposeful. More often than those born at other times of the year, they are repeatedly married. Among their friends there are journalists, artists, and writers.
In a woman, he values, first of all, spiritual purity, subconsciously looking for some mystery. Evgeniy was created for family life. He sees nothing wrong with cleaning the floor, going to the market, or doing other household work. Organically cannot stand scandals, avoids quarrels and everything that could lead to them. Because of the eternal dispute about who should be the head of the family, he will not violate the atmosphere of mutual understanding and love that he so values. Unfortunately, wives often mistake such tolerance for lack of character. With all the consequences that follow from this, by the way.
Eugene is sensitive to the suffering of loved ones, but in extreme situations they show indecisiveness. They willingly walk with children; you can always see a flock of boys and girls around them. Many Eugenes are very jealous. Evgeniy will never initiate a divorce.
This is one of the oldest Greek names, it is translated as “noble”. It was extremely popular in Christianity. This name obliges its owner to be delicate and tactful towards different people from all walks of life, but at the same time motivates him to great achievements. Evgeniy loves to provide support and is ready to happily help others; if necessary, he will take off his last shirt and give away his last piece of bread. Four Popes bore this name. The most famous Pope was Eugene III (Bernard Pignatelli), who lived in the 12th century. He began to reform the general church canons concerning monasticism and the clergy. His main task was the preparation of the crusade, conceived back in 1145. On this day, the holy preacher Eugene of Vithynia was born.
Their most successful marriages are with Alina, Anna, Bogdana, Valentina, Valeria, Vera, Daria, Juliet, Ksenia, Leah, Lilia, Lyudmila, Natalya, Nellie, Nina, Raisa, Christina, Yulia. Less luck with Ada, Alevtina, Varvara, Elena, Zoya, Claudia, Lydia, Marina, Yana.
This name suits Libra, Gemini and Aquarius. Don't call Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn that way.
The name Eugene symbolizes nobility not only internal, but also external. It is impossible not to love such a person, it is impossible not to admire his generosity and noble pride. So we wish the birthday boy to always remain the same kind-hearted, sympathetic, loving, wonderful person in whom everything is beautiful - both soul and thoughts. Evgeniy fully possesses the best qualities. So let us wish him to meet more people - worthy connoisseurs of his nobility. May he always walk through life surrounded by loving people who are able to recognize and appreciate everything that he is endowed with by nature. Let sadness, sadness and troubles pass by, and let luck and fun come to him more often.

1. Personality: advancing women

2.Color: blue

3. Main features: will - activity - sociability - sexuality

4. Totem plant: hawthorn

5. Totem animal: hippopotamus

6. Sign: Aries

7. Type. Difficult to define. They, like their totem - the hawthorn, both charm and prick. They act at random, headlong. They have the ability to get into hopeless situations, from which it is then difficult to extricate themselves.

8. Psyche. They have an urgent need for extensive contacts with the world. These are women with a well-developed, but slightly extravagant imagination and Machiavellian plans. They love to turn everyone into their slaves, starting with their parents.

9. Will. Like a tank or a bulldozer - if such a comparison is legitimate. Delay for them is like retreat, and retreat is defeat... Trouble is for those who do not keep up with them.

10. Excitability. They are in complete control of themselves. They strive for independence and tend to seek adventure.

11. Reaction speed. They are dangerous when things take an unpleasant turn for them, and the blame falls on them. It’s difficult for the husbands of these angry tigresses at such moments, but you, relatives, hold on as best you can!

12. Field of activity. Everything around them should be in motion, or rather, everything - relatives, husband, children. They deal with everything related to travel, as well as medicine and paramedicine. They can be school directors, directors' secretaries, etc. They adapt very well if the situation requires it, but, unfortunately, they succumb to the influence of others.

13. Intuition. Average.

14. Intelligence. More likely to be hardworking than talented, they achieve success thanks to their ability to work.

15. Receptivity. An amazing cocktail of friendliness and sensitivity. They rush into the arms of the first person they meet, then forget about them, then resume the relationship again.

16. Morality. Unstable: come what may, just to get what you want.

17. Health. Good, but life cycles are often disrupted, menstruation is irregular, sometimes they suffer from insomnia, etc. Weak points - in youth, the respiratory organs, especially the lungs; fractures should be feared.

18. Sexuality. They often give in to violent impulses. All or nothing! Only great love can curb them.

19. Activity. At the lowest level.

20. Sociability. Those around them are often horrified by their antics, but are still confident that they can be dealt with. Living with them is difficult, but life without them is too boring.

21. Conclusion. These women are like those tanks that are the first to be blown up by mines.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

Evgenia is firmly convinced that she knows everything well, for which she has grounds, because she always relies on common sense. In any situation, Evgenia is like a fish in water. She belongs to those women who are young and hot all their lives. Evgenia has a rare ability to penetrate into the world of her lover’s feelings, and if she sees love in his eyes, her own feelings for him flare up with renewed vigor. Eugenia's love is a feeling heightened to the extreme, to the point of self-forgetfulness; she feels her partner with all her skin and is able to guess his desire just by the expression of her eyes. However, such intensity of feelings has its downside: many men are simply afraid to shoulder such a burden.

Evgenia is very affectionate and, on her own initiative, rarely breaks up with her lover if she has achieved sexual harmony with him. Only extraordinary circumstances can force her to do this. Having parted, she is able to remember her lover all her life and resurrect in her memory the unique moments spent with him. Not every man can satisfy this ardent woman; she is often unlucky in finding partners. But Evgenia is able not to show her displeasure; she soberly analyzes the reasons for failures and tries to model the sexual behavior of her partner. She is very sensitive to erotic game, without it cannot reach the peak of pleasure.

“Winter” Evgenia is a strong, strong-willed woman who gives maximum warmth to the man with whom she is close. She strives to encourage a doubting man, instill in him confidence in his masculine virtues, and rid him of his complexes. Next to her, a man always feels like a man. “September” Evgenia is very difficult in marriage, life with her requires a lot of patience. Her sexual behavior is characterized by intransigence and inability to understand her partner.

According to Higir

Feminine form of the name Eugene (noble - Greek). Little Zhenya lives in a world she invented, which has its own laws and rules. She is interested in the life of Jesus Christ, while all her peers are reading the fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood. Little Evgenia has a calm, even and thoughtful character, she is easily influenced. Shows a penchant for handicrafts and embroidery, and can play alone for hours, inventing different stories. She is not alien to common children's interests - running around the yard with her friends, eternal “jumping ropes” or sleds in winter, but she is not so selflessly devoted to these amusements in comparison with other children.

At school she reaches out to teachers, asks additional questions, and is known as an inquisitive girl. Classmates value Zhenya for her fair character and willingness to help. He usually doesn’t conflict with his parents and is strict about his friendships with boys. He prefers to learn about the intimate side of relationships between different sexes from specialized literature and avoids talking about this topic with his girlfriends. With age, Evgenia becomes quarrelsome and stubborn. It doesn't cost anything to offend her. Simply disagreeing with her is enough for this stubborn woman to sulk, or even boil. Meanwhile, she most often gives reasons for conflicts herself, as she sometimes gets easily irritated over trifles. It is precisely because of frequent quarrels that Evgenia’s family life usually collapses - few can withstand such a character of a person who, moreover, claims to be the absolute leader in the family.

Punctual. For those born in winter and late autumn, punctuality is especially noticeable, to the point that it can cause irritation among loved ones. Zhen makes good housewives, doctors, and lawyers.

Lovers of easy and quick victories over women will feel the strict morals inherent in Evgenia from the first hours of their acquaintance. She likes men with slightly old-fashioned manners, courteous and reserved. Evgeniya is hospitable, friendly, and will surprise guests with a beautifully set table and elegantly served dishes. True, provided that it is warned about this in advance. She doesn't like impromptu things. She is thrifty, does not spend money on trifles, does not throw away old things. The children love her, but at the same time they are afraid of her strict disposition.

Marriage with Vladimir, Konstantin, Peter, Gleb, Egor, Arkady is especially favorable. He may be unsuccessful with Eduard, Stanislav, Felix or Roman.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: "Noble" (Greek)

Energy and character of the name "Evgenia"

Evgenia is one of those names that sounds somewhat softer in the male version than in the female version. For a woman with this name, such qualities of the name as mobility, noticeable optimism, and confidence come to the fore, but the cheerfulness inherent in the name is offset by sufficient firmness. You can often recognize Evgenia by her face, noticing a rather stern expression in her eyes behind her balanced, good-natured demeanor. However, even if this is not observed, Zhenya’s firmness will somehow find its manifestation in her behavior.

Much in Evgenia’s life depends on her upbringing and living conditions. Usually she has enough inner strength to be able to resist her parents even as a teenager, so if the situation in the family where Zhenya is being raised is nervous, then she can easily do more than one stupid thing in protest. However, much more often, everything is more or less well with her upbringing, and Evgenia’s strong character allows her to do well in her studies, and then in any career she has chosen. At the same time, Zhenya is greatly helped by her sense of humor and penchant for activity.

Surrounding people with the name "Evgenia"

She is very sociable, although it is possible that this sociability will begin to be somewhat obsessive with age. This can especially manifest itself in family life, where it inner strength, most likely, will persuade her to take a leading position, and either Evgenia will really be able to subjugate her husband, or her groovy nature will provide her with a great many conflicts and scandals, which will most likely end very badly. At the same time, Evgenia is unlikely to break, perhaps only this will increase her inner severity even more. It will be most favorable if Zhenya learns to trust more in the independence of her loved ones. Of course, they are often wrong, but where are the guarantees that Evgenia herself is always right in everything? In a word, a little trust and a calm attitude towards Fate will not harm her, and her hard work and cheerful energy in this case can become the key to real family happiness, in which she will find her place as a caring mother and housewife.

Secrets of communication: Often, in order to avoid conflict with Evgenia, it is enough to quietly turn the conversation to her past “exploits”, which she can talk about for hours. This does not happen because of a tendency to boast, it is simply that her internal energy and activity find their way out in such memories. In addition, we should not forget about her sense of justice, violation of which is often regarded by Zhenya as a personal insult.

Famous people with the name "Evgeniya"

Eugenia Montijo

In a strange way, the fate of Eugenie, Countess of Montijo, who was later destined to become the French Empress and wife of Napoleon III, developed, and, apparently, this high position was originally planned from above.

According to a family legend passed down from generation to generation in the Montijo family, Eugenia’s grandparents lived in Paris under Napoleon Bonaparte and became his ardent followers. It was then that Maria (Eugene's mother) as a little girl met the son of Napoleon's daughter-in-law (Queen Hortense) - Louis Napoleon, and such a tender friendship arose between the children that one fine day the boy brought his friend a bouquet of violets with a gold ring on it. And only many years later it turned out that the ring was nothing more than the wedding ring of Empress Josephine, in search of which she unsuccessfully ransacked the entire palace.

As for Maria, she, having realized which relic she was the owner of, gave the ring to her daughter in due time, believing that it would bring her happiness. And so it happened: once, while in London, Eugenia met Prince Louis Napoleon, and he was amazed to recognize the very ring that many years ago he had so frivolously given to a friend during childhood games. After this, the prince considered himself in some mysterious way connected with little Eugenia. And Maria herself did her best to add fuel to the fire, making sure that her daughter caught the eye of the future monarch as often as possible, and certainly decorated with a bouquet of violets. When in 1851, Eugenia, who had turned into a lovely girl, appeared at the royal ball with violets in her hair and a bouquet of violets on her shoulder, Napoleon III was finally defeated, and soon Eugenia became the French Empress.

He was born in 1877 and was named Semyon. After graduating from the Moscow Theological Seminary, he took monastic vows with the name Eugene. In 1902, he began teaching sect studies at the Chernigov Seminary, and in 1906, Archimandrite Evgeniy became the rector of the Irkutsk Theological educational institution. He had an amazing gift for preaching; seminarians listened to his reports and lectures with great interest.
In 1913, the consecration of Bishop of Cyrene, vicar of the Irkutsk diocese, took place. Exactly 10 years later, after the all-night vigil, he was arrested and taken to Moscow.
The whole city came to the defense of its shepherd. The security officers had no choice but to call the firefighters to pour water on the people who came to intercede for Bishop Eugene. While he was in his native Blagoveshchensk, his flock organized daily food collections for him. A cart was driving around the city, with the inscription “bread for the bishop.” There was so much food that the saint fed it to all his cellmates.
The bishop was nevertheless released, and in 1924 Patriarch Tikhon elevated him to the rank of archbishop. In the same year, he was arrested again, but was already sentenced to three years in a concentration camp. Until 1927, he served his sentence in Solovki.
Even in the harshest conditions, he was distinguished by endurance, wisdom and tact. He observed strict fasting, never ate meat, and ate fish extremely rarely.
In 1929, he was released and began to live in the Nizhny Novgorod region in the city of Kotelnich. At the same time, he was appointed Archbishop of Kotelnichesky, and in May 1934 he was transferred to the Nizhny Novgorod diocese. A year later he was arrested and sentenced to three years in the Karaganda camp. And in September 1937, the troika under the NKVD determined that Archbishop Eugene was to be sentenced to death by execution. The sentence was carried out that same month.

Beautiful female name Eugenia comes from the Greek male name Evgeny. The name gained popularity in Rus' in the 19th century. This was mainly the name given to girls in noble families. At that time it was fashionable to flaunt French words, so the name was pronounced in the French manner - Eugene. The diminutive form Zhenya appeared a little later.

Main Features

Meaning and fate

Translated from ancient Greek, “eugenes” means noble. Some sources translate "eugenes" as "with good genes."

Evgenia has lived in her own since childhood inner world, surrounding reality she doesn't really care. Doesn't cause problems for parents, doesn't fight or conflict with others. Independent and serious beyond her years, a good assistant for parents. If he sees a brewing conflict, he tries to resolve it, acting as a peacemaker. Education is easy, but in the absence of motivation or pressure from adults, academic performance may be poor. Evgenia's adult life is quite calm and balanced.

Owner's character

Due to her origin from a male name, a woman named Evgenia has a strong character. She is self-critical and strict in her assessments and judgments, and has a keen sense of justice. When communicating with people, he prefers smart and highly intelligent interlocutors. She knows how to make friends and is always happy to help. Conflicts with people only in extreme ambiguous situations; more often he tries to help others resolve the situation. She prefers to communicate more with men, since it is difficult for her to find a common language with women, she considers their conversations stupid and empty.

Depending on the time of year in which Evgenia was born, character traits may differ. More solid masculine traits winter Evgenia has them, she is persistent and stubborn, sometimes hot-tempered and nervous. On the contrary, a girl born in summer has a gentle character. She is responsive and sympathetic. Spring Evgenia can be unpredictable in her actions and is quite narcissistic; autumn Evgenia is taciturn.

Profession and career

Based on her character, the most preferred professions for Evgenia would be lawyer, teacher, medical worker, researcher, referent. Evgeniya is distinguished by her hard work and punctuality, thanks to which she quickly acquires professional skills. Modest and unnoticed at the beginning of her career, she quickly becomes indispensable and rapidly moves up the career ladder. Determination and confidence are the main helpers and allies in work. Can work in leadership positions and have creative profession, because he has creative thinking and is able to quickly make extraordinary decisions.

Love and family

Marriage for Evgenia is almost the main goal in life. She prefers more mature men who are smart, hardworking and conservative. Having found a reliable life partner, she becomes a good wife and mother. He quickly finds common contact with new relatives and begins to arrange family life.

The meaning of the name in Orthodoxy

In Orthodoxy there are three known martyrs with the name Eugene:

  • Evgenia Domozhirova, canonized as holy new martyrs.

She dedicated her life to God, for which, during Soviet times, she was arrested and exiled to Kazakhstan for three years. Due to poor health, she could not bear the journey and died.

  • Eugenia of Rome, venerable martyr, 262 AD. e.

She was the daughter of the Egyptian nobleman Philip. She deeply believed in God, and, having escaped from her parents, dressed in men's clothing and went to a monastery. She received Baptism and began to practice healing. During the persecution of Christians, Evgenia was subjected to excruciating torture and then beheaded.

  • Eugenia of Serbia, princess (1335 - 1405).

She lived in marriage with Prince Lazar for 36 years, and after his death she ruled the principality. When her son became an adult, she entered a monastery. Before becoming a monk, she was called Militsa Serbskaya. After tonsure, she was given the name Evgenia. She was buried in the monastery and canonized.

Evgenia's name day dates

Eugenia's name day is inextricably linked with the memory of the patrons of the name - the holy great martyrs. During the year, Evgenia’s name day occurs four times:

  • January 6, the memory of the Venerable Martyr Eugenia of Rome is honored;
  • January 18, the memory of Evgenia Domozhirova is honored;
  • August 1, day of memory of Eugenia of Serbia;
  • September 12, day of memory of Eugenia of Serbia.

Congratulations on Angel's Day

Many people treat Angel Day as a birthday, so they will be pleased to receive congratulations in verse as a gift. These poems may be useful to you if among your friends there is a person named Eugene.