Julie Poe: reviews of the book, lectures and seminars. Sacred Numerology by Julie Poe: The Teaching of Karma by Date of Birth

Sacred numerology by Julia Poe is an independent school, which, in addition, provides training in such areas as healing of ancestral programs, face reading (physiognomy), witchcraft, palmistry and others.

Four principles of sacred numerology

Julia Poe's method works based on four principles. If they are not followed, then the work of a numerologist can be considered useless.

These are the four principles:

  1. The first principle is the use of sacred numbers. Depending on the type of numerological teaching, the number will differ. For example, in this there is a nine, in the Tarot - and so on. When analyzing forecasts, numerologists have no right to go beyond these numbers.
  2. The second principle is cyclicality in the addition and subtraction of numbers. For example, in Tarology, inexperienced numerologists decompose the number 31 as 3 + 1 = 4, which is fundamentally incorrect. You need to subtract: 31 - 22 = 19 and consider the meaning of the nineteenth, not the fourth, character.
  3. The third principle is solarity in building the cycles of human life. If he was born on October 16, 1984, then all cycles count not from the beginning of the year, but from October 16.
  4. The fourth principle is strict adherence to instructions. If you use a specific method, the rules for calculating it must be followed inside and out, without retreating a single step. The mistake of many beginners is to mix the knowledge and calculation methods of different schools.

To summarize: a numerologist must choose one school for his work and strictly follow its calculation methods, not forgetting the principles of sacredness, cyclicity and solarity. This is the most basic rule.

Numerology schools

There are several schools of numerology. Each has its own rules and calculation methods. However, together they form a single whole. Therefore, we can consider the meaning and principles of each doctrine by analogy with a tree:

  • Western school - tree crown. This system was founded and invented by Pythagoras. The calculation is carried out according to the person’s date of birth: it is compiled, using which one can analyze the psychotype and personality. But such a thing as the subconscious does not exist in the Pythagorean school.
  • The Chaldean school is tree branches. The analysis is carried out based on the person’s full name: his last name, first name and patronymic. Each letter corresponds to a specific numerical value. The calculation methods of this school allow you to find out a person’s desires and reveal them creativity and intellectual, to predict what tests await life path.
  • Vedic school - tree trunk. It works through a person’s personality very deeply, allowing you to analyze his ancestral programs, the subconscious entirely. Calculates life cycles for different areas.
  • The Chinese school is the biosphere, the sky above the tree. The methods of this system are aimed at a deep and complete study of the human subconscious, its most hidden corners. An analysis of all subtle bodies is carried out: mental, etheric, karmic and astral. You can find out who a person was in previous reincarnations.
  • The Kabbalistic school is the powerful and strong roots of the tree, the most interesting numerological direction. Using the methods of this school, it is possible to construct detailed graphs of a person’s fate and predict certain events in his life with day-to-day accuracy.
  • The Tarot school is fruits growing on a tree. Calculation schemes help to understand what a person’s childhood was like and why his soul chose these particular parents before its earthly incarnation. The life mission, the purpose with which he came into the world is determined
  • Astronumerology is the stars shining above the tree. Knowledge about everything related to karma: and, cycles and tasks. Allows you to understand what is inevitable in a person’s life, and what circumstances can be adjusted.
  • Occult numerology - small roots of a tree. This is the rarest school. When calculating, you can predict the fate of not only an individual person, but also entire countries. Previous incarnations and karmic attitudes are worked out very well.

This is the theoretical part of the numerological teachings of Julia Poe, then we will consider the practical part.

Karma by date of birth

Each person is born on a certain day for a reason - he comes into the world with his own karma. Depending on whether he has worked it out or not, the tasks of his current incarnation are formed.

Diagnosis of karma by birthday:

  • If your birthday is from the 1st to the 9th, it means that in previous incarnations you completed your karmic tasks completely. Such people are very lucky in life.
  • From the 10th to the 19th - karmic tasks are completed by 80%. Most often, such people during their lives are faced with one serious test that they must pass.
  • From the 20th to the 29th - the tasks have been completed by 60%, you need to try to fully fulfill the mission in its current purpose.
  • From the 30th to the 31st, karmic tasks are almost not worked out, so in a person’s life there are many failures and difficulties that he must go through.

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Numerology according to Julie Poe is a complex system that incorporates almost all currently existing methods for analyzing a person’s personality and predicting his future. The basis of its popularity is the ability to meet the needs of not only beginners in the field of esotericism, but also those who already have some practice in one of the sciences related to this area.

Who is Julie Poe? First of all, he is a person with a clear drive and remarkable learning abilities. As a result, this Russian woman has behind her the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (architecture), the Russian Academy of Advocacy (law) and many other, quite “canonical” courses in various specialties.

However, the craving for occult areas of knowledge, in particular for the sciences of the influence of numbers on human destiny, ultimately won. Therefore, in addition to classical Western, Julie Poe’s arsenal includes such varieties of karmic and prognostic numerology as Tarot numerology, matrix, Chaldean, Chinese and Vedic numerology, as well as astronumerology and rodology.

Esoteric Skills of Julie Poe

Julie Poe's list of esoteric skills can impress even people who have a very vague understanding of the occult. This includes palmistry, physiognomy, and fortune telling with Lenormand cards. Well, and purely practical healing techniques: reiki, visceral therapy, witchcraft, making amulets.

Obviously, some of the above are sacred practices. What is Julie Poe's sacred numerology? How to understand this phrase, which combines sacred (divine) influence and ancient science?

And this should be understood this way: having mastered a huge amount knowledge in the field of esotericism, Julie Poe, unlike many other numerologists, did not attempt to reduce numerology either to pure mathematics or to pure occultism. In fact, she found a point of balance between God’s providence (the purpose of a person’s coming into the world) and the physiologically determined qualities of his personality, which can be expressed in numbers. And there is no contradiction in this. After all, even Einstein said: “I cannot imagine a real scientist who does not have deep faith. This can be expressed this way: you cannot believe in godless science.”

Therefore, Julie Poe’s karmic numerology - as a method of practical forecasting - is based precisely on sacred numbers various numerological schools existing in our time.

Works on numerology from Julia Poe.

Peru Julie Poe owns such books on numerology as “We are from the matrix” (the most famous and popular work), “Sacred codes of the matrix”, “Chinese school of numerology”, etc. Read them, extract them useful information and anyone can draw up graphs of their own life cycles based on it, regardless of the level of preliminary training.

And although opinions about their value, as usual, are divided, everything is ultimately decided by individual practice. Only on the basis of personal experience can one conclude to what extent Julie Poe's numerology is applicable in real life.

If you are interested in numerology, then most likely you have come across information about our compatriot Julie Poe on the Internet. Reviews from those who had the honor of knowing her in person or via the Internet are mixed. Most often, people resort to the help of Julie Poe to learn more about themselves, about their purpose, or about why failures plague their personal lives. Julie is not only a numerologist, she declares her abilities in witchcraft, palmistry, physiognomy, and reiki. In addition, Julie Poe provides training in numerology, which also arouses some interest.

Who is Julie Poe, is her knowledge effective in terms of practical application? Or is it a network marketing product to make money? If you are interested in such subtle matters, would you find Julie Poe's numerology useful?

Training, reviews from those who listened to lectures or consulted a numerologist, books by Julie Poe - this is what this material is devoted to.

Age of Aquarius

Even if you are indifferent to esoteric trends, you have probably heard that in the 21st century planet Earth entered new era Aquarius in the space-time continuum. This time portends an increased interest in the occult, secret knowledge, the development of internal abilities and extrasensory perception. Whether this is true or not is difficult to say. After all, the twentieth century was not short of such public interest. The movement was quite popular New age, and the emergence of various religious groups and sects was the most significant and diverse in terms of quantity in recent history.

Where do wizards hide?

Meanwhile, if we talk about our time, the presence of various magicians and clairvoyants, the number of which is increasing exponentially, indicates that there is definitely a surge of interest in to the other world and "miracles". If earlier word of mouth helped to find out about the existence of such people, and most often these were grandmothers in villages and villages, now magicians have come out into the world via the Internet. And, curiously, these magicians look young, stylish, know how to talk and attract a client only through oratory.

Ads in social networks and through search services you won’t surprise anyone about all kinds of healers, prophetesses and fortune tellers. In addition, people of these “professions” do not hesitate to take advantage of a person’s grief, coming “to the rescue” on forums dedicated to the loss of loved ones. However, if a person really has extraordinary abilities, then he is able to help, calm and alleviate grief.

If we have decided on the place where to look for knowledgeable people, then what about the quality of the services provided? Unlike a hairdresser or a cook, whose skills are immediately visible, psychics can simply be excellent psychologists without possessing any paranormal powers. We'll talk about this a little further.

As for numerologist Julie Poe, training, reviews of working with her, purchasing her books - this is possible on the specially created Alvasar website. More precisely, this is the name of the Institute of Parapsychology and Numerology, created by Julie and existing not only on the Internet, but also in real three-dimensional space.

Who is Julie Poe?

So we come to the personality of the numerologist. One of our compatriots who is doing something not related to “real things” is Julie Poe. Reviews of consultations with her or seminars can be found on the Internet - people share their impressions of what they learned new about themselves and whether the information received is true. The tool that Julie owns and uses is numerology.

Is this area of ​​research considered scientific today? Of course, a lot depends on our perception. On the one hand, physics and astronomy were once considered unscientific and displeasing disciplines. Galileo Galilei suffered seriously, even to the point of losing his life, for his scientific discoveries from the Catholic Church, which is completely unscientific by today's standards. On the other hand, today in India the same “unscientific” astrology is recognized as an official science and is studied in higher educational institutions.

Numerology several thousand years ago was considered a serious science. Today she operates with numbers, turns to mathematics, which we understand, and the achievements of already extinct civilizations, the knowledge of which is not fully accessible. To some extent, numerology seems more understandable to modern man than fortune telling by coffee grounds or laying out cards.

One of famous people who developed numerology was the Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras. Unlike his theorems, numerology is not studied in school, but this does not mean that this area of ​​research is fiction. It’s just that everything related to predicting the future (even with the help of mathematics) for many looks like quackery and not real science.

Julie Poe: biography

Reviews of the work of any specialist are impossible without knowledge of his living conditions and specific experience. It is unlikely that you will go for an operation with a home-grown surgeon who has worked as a plumber all his life. No, you need diplomas, regalia, patient reviews. It's the same with psychics. Having decided to turn to such a person for help, you must first find out how and when he developed his abilities, how many people he helped.

Julie Poe is no exception. Feedback from people who listened to her seminars or personally communicated is one thing, but what she represents as a specialist in the esoteric sphere of knowledge is another.

You can only learn about the life of a numerologist by looking at her own story about myself. Julie Poe is a pseudonym, her real name is unknown. On the aforementioned Julie Alvasar website it is said that from childhood the girl showed extraordinary abilities in all subjects, but she was especially interested in mathematics and genetics. Julie cared about who people were, where they came to Earth from, how the Universe was formed. To answer these questions, the girl in her youth went to Thailand, where she met a lama.

According to her, he not only revealed to her the secrets of the universe, but also advised her to direct her inquisitive mind to the study of numerology. Numerology is a reflection of astrology and palmistry, but using numbers as a tool, which is similar to Julie Poe. Reviews about the numerologist's seminars and her consultations given below will help you make a conclusion about whether it is worth contacting this specialist for help.

Education of Julie Poe

If you think that there is no place to learn numerology, then you are mistaken. What kind of courses are not offered today to those who seek knowledge! For a fee, you can learn to tell fortunes using Tarot cards and develop psychic abilities, and numerology is no exception.

But before learning numerology from anyone, Julie Poe studied architecture at the completely secular Moscow State University of Civil Engineering. She also graduated from the Russian Academy of Advocacy with a degree in lawyer, studied design and computer graphics. But Julie mastered not only earthly specialties. The numerologist completed courses at the Tarot Club and Matrix centers, and the American Association for the Study of NLP. Julie does not look like a grandmother-healer from a remote village; she has quite a significant education. Please note that the numerologist studied NLP. Neuro-linguistic programming teaches how to win people over using psychological techniques, inspire their trust and inspire what is beneficial to the speaker.

Types of numerologies that Julie Poe knows

If we consider physics, then this science is based on laws, on the basis of which all new research is carried out. In physics there is no vagueness or multivariate judgments according to one or another law. Modern research varies, but not because of the uncertainty of the base, but because of a lack of information.

But numerology does not have such a base. This discipline, which in disappeared civilizations was considered as scientific as physics, was unique to each nation. For example, there are Western, Chaldean, occult, Vedic, astrological, Kabbalistic, Chinese numerology. Each of these types operates with numbers, but the essence and interpretation of the numbers and meanings differ. Julie Poe, whose work has received mixed reviews, not only studied these types of numerologies, but also developed her own working number system.

Esoteric Skills of Julie Poe

Julie Poe's skills are not limited to numerology. Reviews from people who have used her services indicate that she is a specialist in many modern directions esoterics. The official website states that Julie practices witchcraft, healing, reiki, palmistry, physiognomy, and card fortune-telling. All these skills, coupled with numerology, allow Julie to see the whole picture of everyone’s fate, their karma, destiny, predestination. If someone who turns to Julie has problems, then the numerologist undertakes to help the person and solve them. Can one person possess so much knowledge and skills? Most famous stories psychics showed abilities for one thing in terms of extrasensory perception.

Training center "Alvasar"

Today on the Internet you can find information about the brainchild of Julie Poe - the Alvasar Institute of Parapsychology. If you are interested in the codes of a person’s destiny and the ability to find out the future by date of birth, then we offer courses on mastering numerology. In addition, on the site you can order books written by a numerologist. Are Julie Poe's lectures helpful?

The reviews are quite different, but, apparently, not everyone who attended Julie Poe’s seminars became professional numerologists. Moreover, on the forums you can also find negative feedback that people just gave away their money in vain, and the lectures, in fact, represent more detailed material available in Julie’s books.

Seminars on numerology

One of the main areas of activity of the numerologist is the performances of Julie Poe. Reviews of the seminars are contradictory. Those who like Julie's work say that after lectures you leave with a full store of knowledge. Julie is an excellent lecturer and speaker and can give a detailed and detailed answer to all questions from the public. But there are also those who consider positive reviews on the Internet to be intentional and advertising in nature.

Unfortunately, if you do not have the opportunity to take seminars at a training center, then you will not be able to independently draw conclusions about Julie’s skills. All information about the lectures is limited to a few short and uninformative videos on the Internet, but if you are seriously interested, then sign up, pay money and become a listener to her seminars.

Numerology Works by Julie Poe

Julie Poe's activities are not limited to lectures and consultations. So, in collaboration with Irene Poe, Julie wrote several works that are dedicated to numerology. These are the works “We are from the matrix”, “Sacred codes of the matrix”, “Numerological Oracle” cards, “Chinese school of numerology”.

Where can I buy Julie Poe's work? Firstly, you can order them on the website training center“Alvasar”, secondly, some stores in Russia sell such literature. These are second-hand booksellers “White Clouds” and “Sunny Gate” in Moscow, “Bukvoed” in St. Petersburg, “Capital” in Yekaterinburg.

Most famous work Numerologists consider the book “We are from the Matrix” by Julie Poe. It is interesting to read reviews about this book and comparisons with other works on numerology before purchasing the product - the price in stores is about 1,100 rubles.

Book "We are from the matrix"

The author promises to reveal to readers the secrets of this mathematical science, teach the basics of numerology, introduce them to the world of demons and angels, find out how many years you have been living on this planet, and also help you calculate your own code. Let us note that on the Alvasar website you have the opportunity, by substituting your date of birth in the calculation field, to receive a calculation of your destiny using Julie Poe’s method.

“We are from the matrix” - reader reviews of this book are mostly not enthusiastic. Those who managed to familiarize themselves with the difficulty write on the forum that this is far from the most complete guide on numerology among similar works of domestic and foreign authors, and contains a lot of “water”. In addition, the promised calculation of the fate code, for which many people bought the book, does not differ much from the value of the calculation by date of birth given on the Alvasar website. But, of course, in order to form your own opinion, it is best for the reader to familiarize himself with this work by Julie Poe.

| collection website
| Danil Walter
| Your Destiny Code: Numerology for Beginners

People are much more dependent on numbers than is commonly realized. This statement also applies to a city person involved in a frantic rhythm modern civilization, and a villager living in the wilderness. Deprive any of us of the concept of numbers and we will perish. And in the literal sense of the word. A village resident will not be able to provide himself with his daily bread, since he will not be able to navigate the time of planting and harvesting, although he will survive without numbers a little longer than a city dweller. The existence of the latter will instantly turn into complete chaos without numbers. Imagine what will happen to our technogenic civilization if we deprive it of numbers. Remember the famous computer panic of the beginning of the millennium? Even the most advanced specialists feared big troubles when computer time switched to the year 2000. But this is a small thing compared to the numerical vacuum. A modern city dweller is faced with a huge number of numbers every day in his everyday life. Computers, telephones, cash registers, banknotes, credit cards, license plates of cars and public transport... The list is endless. Try to count how many numbers you perceive not even every day, but in just one hour completely an ordinary day. I assure you, it will turn out much more than you expect. People are accustomed to not focusing on the meaning of numbers in their lives. In the same way, they do not notice their own breathing, gravity and the passage of time.
But such a person’s dependence on numbers is just the tip of the iceberg. Materialistic elite. Much deeper in each of us is a mystical perception of numbers. The history of the mystical relationship between man and numbers begins in early childhood. And these relationships are formed, in particular, when the baby is read or told fairy tales. Three heroes, a distant kingdom, three sons or three daughters, three wishes, a seven-flowered flower and similar numerical images. The selection of “magic” numbers in fairy tales is not accidental. In every culture, fairy tale numbers directly depend on the religion professed by the people who create these fairy tales. In particular, in Orthodoxy, the magic number in fairy tales is most often 3. It is not difficult to guess that the Holy Trinity (God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit) is most directly related to this myth-making. The pagan roots of fairy tales familiar to us from childhood are expressed in the numbers 7, 9 and 33. At the most crucial moment - at the moment of formation of not only the consciousness of the child, but also his spiritual core - the little man gets used to endowing these numbers with miraculous properties. And even if he subsequently completely forgets about the fairy tales he read, the subconscious (spiritual) awe of these numbers remains with him for the rest of his life.

In addition, the matured child in each of us still fulfills the need for mystical numbers, only on the basis of superstitions. The unlucky number 13 poisons the lives of many superstitious people. Seeing a black cat crossing the road, most people will spit three times over their left shoulder, without really thinking about why this should be done. Few people realize that in everyday material life they are often guided by the number 3 as fateful. And yet this is exactly the case.
“Magic”, mystical numbers are present in the life of every person. Regardless of what culture he was brought up in. If you are interested in the topic of this book, you are welcome to come under the mysterious shadow of the tree of numerology.

Numerology is a mystical knowledge that contains (possibly) the secret of the creation of the universe. This statement was first voiced by the Pythagoreans, who relied on the Egyptian and Eastern roots of numerology. It still remains unclear from which country it came to the modern world. ancient knowledge. Some numerologists insist that from India, someone claims that from Egypt, in different sources are called different countries. Yes, needless to say, opinions vary greatly. Unfortunately, this book will not be able to contain even a hundredth of the most interesting numerological theories and practices.
The more I study numerology, the more I admire its versatility. Numerology as a system of knowledge about the world around us includes concepts that correspond to the material world, energy and spiritual development person, that is, answers any question that may arise. Which, however, is not surprising, because numbers—explicitly or hidden—surround us from birth to the end of our life’s journey.
Numerological techniques can be compared to the smooth surface of a mirror: by looking closely at it, a person can discern all the virtues and additional features, not noticed by him before.
The life of every person is determined by several numbers, and there are an incredible variety of their combinations. And the science of numerology, its forecasts and predictions are individual for everyone. Numerology can tell not only about important events in your life, but also talk about a diet suitable for you, a method of treatment with traditional medicine. For myself, I define numerology as the algebra of fate. A clearly posed question can receive an equally clear answer. So let's get started?..

Numerology has principles and concepts that are common to all calculations. For example, the concept of basic numbers. The basic numbers in numerology are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. All of them have eigenvalues(different in different calculations). If, during the calculation process, you receive a number following nine, this number is not basic and you need to add further (10 = 1 + 0 = 1). But numbers 11 and 22 are exceptions. In numerology they have special meaning and are called master numbers. The master number is a number of the highest order. A person in whose calculations 11 or 22 appears must definitely know about this and draw the appropriate conclusions for himself. True, in practice, a person who receives 11 or 22 in calculations rarely fully corresponds to the concept of a master number, so you can add further (1 + 1 = 2, 2 + 2 = 4). However, the presence of these numbers, even in intermediate calculations, has a strong influence on his life.

One is a symbol of self-confidence. It emphasizes such human qualities as independence, leadership, and ambition. This number is characterized by the desire to go towards the goal in one’s own way, without counting on anyone’s help, and the desire to be the first in everything.

The most important thing for a Two is relationships with the outside world. Her well-being depends on how harmonious and strong they are. The characteristics of a Two can be expressed in words: friendliness, contact, compliance, objectivity. Two has the gift of maintaining relationships with people in any setting and under any conditions.

Troika is a great storyteller and an equally great listener. The scope of her talents is not limited, but most often manifests itself in literature. Troika can turn boring everyday life into a constant holiday. Doesn't get discouraged under any circumstances. Eternal optimist.

Four, at first glance, seems like an unlucky number. This number is not associated with difficulties, but with hard work. Yes, the Four does not get anything for nothing, but the satisfaction from the result obtained is much greater than that of others. Not everyone succeeds in finding a foothold to turn the world upside down, but the Four is capable of this. Reliability, sincerity, vitality - these are the main features of this number.

Five is a parade of possibilities. Festival of abilities and interests. Always full of enthusiasm, people of this number prefer to be on the move. The variety of interests allows her to communicate with a variety of people and receive not only pleasure from it, but also benefit.

The key concept for the Six is ​​maintaining balance in everything: this includes relationships with people of other numbers and material well-being. For this number, for complete happiness, it is not enough to just receive; you also need to give, and this applies to everything: friendship, love, knowledge.

The destiny of the Seven is solitude, research, and the pursuit of perfection. People of this number adore everything mysterious and strive to understand the essence of all phenomena. Seven prefers to accumulate experience and knowledge on their own, not trusting the judgments of other people. The desire for solitude becomes especially strong in difficult life situations.

Complete materialist. He doesn’t take anything for granted; he demands proof of everything. Only the real, tangible, practical result. The essence of this number is: determination, fearlessness, responsibility, competence. Eight is sometimes called the “businessman’s number.”

The defining task for Nine is serving people. The main difficulty in fulfilling this mission is to learn to give what you already have without demanding anything in return.

Master number. Representatives of this number usually have increased intuition and the ability to use internal reserves inaccessible to other people. They can make various discoveries and comprehend things hidden to most. However, the capabilities of this master number are not so often used in ordinary life. Often the number 11 simply reduces to Two.

Another master number, even stronger than 11. A person with this master number can exhibit extrasensory abilities and become literally a Creator and Creator. These people have charisma, a talent for organizing, and can subdue and captivate people. However, in ordinary life, the properties of the number 22 are realized very rarely and, as a rule, 22 is reduced to the usual Four.

In order to start any numerological calculation, we need only two parameters - the date of birth (day, month, year) and full name, which you received at birth. This name, even if you later change it or rarely use it, is of particular importance for numerological research, since it represents the basis for further development.
We may also need your nickname or diminutive name that certain people call you. We will also take into account the change of surname. However, all this data is of secondary importance.

Numerological addition (sometimes called convolution) is very simple to do.
You need to add up all the digits of a particular number in question. If the result is one of the base numbers (1, 2, ... 11, 22), the addition stops; if not, it is performed again.

For example, let's take 1967.
Add: 1 + 9 + 6 + 7 = 23
23 is not a base number, so we continue the addition:
2 + 3 = 5.
Thus, the result of the numerological addition of the number 1967 is the number 5.

If several numbers are involved in the addition - say, day, month and year, then first we perform the folding of each of the numbers separately, and only then we add the resulting base numbers. And then, if necessary, we collapse the resulting amount.

For example: 04/17/1976.
Let's add it up like this:
First day: 1 + 7 = 8.
Then the month: 04 = 4 (zero is not used in numerology or is used in very rare cases, which are agreed upon in advance).

Now all together: 8 + 4 + 5 = 17 = 8.
The result of numerological addition is the number 8.

Another example: 03/25/1963.
Let's add it up like this:
First day: 2 + 5 = 7.
Then the month: 03 = 3 (zero is not used in numerology).
Then the year: 1 + 9 + 6 + 3 = 19 = 1 + 9 = 10 = 1.
Now all together: 7 + 3 + 1 = 11. Here it is, the master number! Decide for yourself whether to continue adding to 2 (1+1=2).

In order to calculate the number of your name, you need to understand the numerical correspondences of the letters of the alphabet. The calculation is made according to the table.

For the English alphabet the correspondences are:

For example, let's calculate the number of the name Stanislav. We add using the table.

1 + 2 + 1 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 3 = 20 = 2.
The result of numerological addition for the name Stanislav is the number 2.

If you need to calculate the number of a full name, then first add for the first name, then for the patronymic, then for the last name. The resulting numbers are then added and reduced to the base number.

Numerological characteristics are divided into basic and additional. The main ones reveal those personality traits that will help you set and then achieve your main goals and fulfill your destiny. Simply put, with their help you can determine that during your life (by and large) you need to do several things: plant a tree, give birth to a child and build a house; they will also tell you how you personally need to act to achieve this. The main characteristics include decoding of the Life Path Number, the Expression Number, and the Soul Motivation Number, based on the full date of birth and full name, surname and patronymic. Additional numerological characteristics will help you navigate situations that are less fateful, but important. Continuing the analogy, we can say that with their help you can determine the type of tree that you need to plant, what material will be easiest for you to build a house from, and how many children will make you truly happy. Additional characteristics include Expression Number and Soul Motive Number, based on calculation diminutive name or the name your loved one calls you. Our various names occupy an intermediate position. Some of them are closer to the basic level - say, the name that is written in the passport, if it differs from the one given at birth, or the surname that a woman receives when she gets married. Other names are closer to additional decodings: what friends, parents, colleagues call us. Today your name is this, tomorrow it’s that, one friend prefers one of your names, another prefers another.
To make it easier for you to understand what this or that number is responsible for, I will give definitions of all numerological meanings.

The Life Path number is the main numerological characteristic. This number is determined based on full date birth and shows the basic personal characteristics of a person, helps to more fully reveal the global goals and objectives that life sets for this person. The life path can also help determine the most effective direction for a person’s development, his capabilities and abilities.

The Birthday number is an additional numerological characteristic. Calculation is based on birthday. This number provides more specific information about a person’s character and inclinations, and also determines ways to achieve life goals and objectives. Despite its secondary role in numerological characteristics, the Birthday Number is important because it manifests itself in a person’s personality in to a greater extent and more practical for everyday use.
The Life Path and Birthday numbers are based on the date of birth, while the Expression Number and Soul Drive Number are based on the person’s name, full or abbreviated.

The Expression Number is the result of the numerological addition of the numbers of a person’s full name. This number is responsible for a person’s talents, his calling and spiritual inclinations.

When calculating the Number of Soul Urge, the numerological addition of the name is also used, but in in this case Only the sum of the digits of the vowels is used. Decoding the Number of Mental Motivation will help to more accurately determine the motives of certain actions of a person, his impulses. It also clarifies the sincerity of a person’s aspirations and helps determine which of them are truly characteristic of this particular person, and which were formed under the influence of others.

The Personality Number is calculated by numerologically adding the person's name, but only the sum of the consonants is used. The Personality Number characterizes the impression that a person makes on others. In other words, those sides of his nature that he prefers to use as his calling card and with which most people are familiar. The Personality Number does not affect the inner world of a person at all, providing information only about external manifestations (actions).

The Number of Reason is an additional numerological characteristic that, when deciphered, gives an idea of ​​a person’s way of thinking and his individual inclinations.
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In order to more accurately understand the relationship between the main and additional characteristics in the general numerological portrait of a person, I will give an abstract example. If we are asked to characterize a person we don’t know well, we won’t be able to say much. The maximum we can comment on is profession (occupation), marital status(and even then not always) and approximate (often “by eye”) age. Of course, this very simple information refers to the main components human life. But this does not mean at all that we know much about this person.
And only by getting to know a person more closely, perhaps having eaten more than a pound of salt with him, can we say: has this person chosen a profession in accordance with his vocation or is he simply serving the prescribed hours at work; is he happy at family life or his marriage has already become a meaningless habit; how old he is, not according to his passport, but in spirit. Who will undertake to say which knowledge is more important? But in order to effectively help a person in difficult times, it would be better to know him closely.
We are not the same every day. Why, every minute we live is different from one another! Sometimes we are sad, sometimes we are happy. Moreover, the reasons may be different each time for both. But there are some unshakable values ​​that constitute (by and large) our destiny. Basic and additional numerological characteristics differ from each other, like different tools that we use to repair the same mechanism. In one case, we may need a thin screwdriver, and in another, it may even come down to a sledgehammer. The choice of tool depends on the breakdown. But, most importantly, it is necessary that the entire set of tools is at hand.
Additional numerological characteristics allow you to solve everyday problems and tasks, therefore it is necessary to use everyday names that are most suitable for each specific case to calculate and decipher them.

There is some knowledge that can be called the foundation of numerology. The Life Path number is the base number. It will tell about the strong and weaknesses a person, given to him from birth and remaining unchanged throughout the entire age allotted to him. This number should only be used at special, turning points in life. It, like a lighthouse, will help you avoid underwater reefs and shoals in the sea of ​​your life. Lost course? The Life Path number will show you the direction of movement.
This number can be compared to the human skeleton, which determines the constant outline of the body: foot size, height, length of arms and legs. Let's take me as an example. In old photographs I see a twenty-year-old thin young man, and today a “moderately well-fed” respectable guy is reflected in the mirror. We are united by the same meter eighty height, forty-three foot size and non-standard arm length, which is why it is still difficult to buy a ready-made jacket. Behind the appearance, which seems to have completely changed over the years, are hidden characteristics programmed from birth.
Lack of attention to detail is the main difference between the Life Path Number and the Birthday Number.
I know from my own experience: calculating the Life Path Number brings the most benefit at the moment of deciphering it, when you compare your knowledge about yourself with the result obtained and draw some conclusions, and in those periods of life when things are especially difficult and you urgently need to improve your situation . Knowing your Life Path Number at such moments is simply necessary. Now I will try to explain why. Remember comparing this number to your foot size? So, you won’t buy shoes without knowing your size and without trying them on? In the same way, you should not make serious decisions “by eye”. There is a big risk that such decisions will hurt or hurt you later. In this case, you should not be guided by “ useful tips“even the closest people who want only the best for you. Believe me, in my practice I have seen enough situations where a person’s action initially aroused the warm approval of those around him, but after some time it backfired not only on him, but also on those around him. I don't want you to mistake these statements for promoting selfishness. It’s just that my many years of observations prove that by making the right choice for oneself, a person thereby greatly facilitates the subsequent life of friends and relatives.
So, let’s calculate the Life Path Number for ourselves. It is calculated by sequentially numerologically collapsing and adding your full date of birth.

Take, for example, the date of birth February 14, 1976.
Let's put it like this.
First day: 1 + 4 = 5.
Then the month: 02 = 2
Then the year: 1 + 9 + 7 + 6 = 23 = 2 + 3 = 5.
Now all together: 5 + 2 + 5 = 12 = 3.
Thus, the Life Path Number for a person born on this day is 3.

Below are breakdowns of the basic numbers with some recommendations and comments. The transcripts partially repeat the descriptions of numbers that we gave at the beginning of the book, but this is a necessary measure so that you can get a much more complete and objective understanding of the numbers, first only briefly getting to know them.

Hello, dear blog readers. No matter how much we deny it, each of us, at least a little, believes in fate. There are things in this world that are completely beyond our control, and it is very difficult to explain why life went wrong. Many are sure that the reason for this is bad karma - mistakes and sins accumulated in past lives. To minimize the negative impact on today's events, I propose to learn how to calculate karma by date of birth.

Calculation of karmic number

34 is a methiacycle. That is, every 34 years in your life there will be a kind of exam to work out karma or a global event that will radically change your destiny.

The resulting number indicates the level of soul development and who you were in a past life.

First digit double digit number indicates whether you have assistants for working out karma.
The second number indicates mistakes made in past lives and tells you in which direction you need to move.

Now I propose to analyze the meaning of the karmic number. Let's start in order.

Level of soul development

At the first stage of development there are people whose karmic number is from 10 to 19:

  • 10 is the number of karma, but a very good one. It means that you have learned from past mistakes and what awaits you is wonderful life. Stable income good health and a happy family is given to you by right. Keep doing good. In a past life you may have been a shepherd or a hunter;
  • 11 – such a character trait as gullibility can ruin you. You will have many children and no fewer marriages. Search perfect couple It can take a lifetime and there is no guarantee that it will be successful. Don't be alarmed, but in a past life you could have been a thief or a murderer;
  • 12 – you are naive and need strong support. Get ready to be deceived for the rest of your life. Past incarnation – terrorist or enemy of the people;
  • 13 is the number of karmic debt. In your past life you were selfish and irresponsible. Prepare for frequent problems. You can work off your debt only by steadfastly enduring all adversity and bringing things to their logical conclusion. A slave or prisoner is your past reincarnation;
  • 14 – you will have to work off the debt for escaping reality. Avoid alcohol, drugs and other psychotropic substances. Don't indulge your base desires. Sailor or military personnel;
  • 15 – charm and natural magnetism will help you achieve your goals. Don't cross the moral line and don't take advantage of people. In a past life you sold yourself for money;
  • 16 – modesty will help you work off your karmic debt. Put the interests of your loved ones above your own. Think carefully about every decision you make. Remember, royal blood flows in your veins, at least it was so in your previous reincarnation;
  • 17 – you will finally find happiness in your personal life. Fate will return what you were deprived of in past incarnations. A poor and completely lonely person;
  • 18 – you are cruel and selfish. Most likely connected to crime. If you don't stop, life will be very short. You are a former sorcerer;
  • 19 is the number of karma. If you don’t learn to care about the people around you completely unselfishly, you will remain alone for the rest of your life. Then your next reincarnation will have to work off the debt.

  • 20 – bring good to people and do not be afraid of obstacles. Your past life was connected with money;
  • 21 – great happiness awaits you; the main thing is not to sit still, but to confidently move forward. You are a former blacksmith;
  • 22 – kindness and responsiveness are your main character traits. Communicate with people more often, and do not go into your illusory world. Past reincarnation is a petty thief;
  • 23 – hard work, perseverance and kindness will help you create a strong family and build a successful career. Dressmaker or seamstress.
  • 24 - karma is in order, but only if you give up unseemly actions and evil thoughts. Overall a pretty happy life. In your previous incarnation you painted icons;
  • 25 – curb your difficult temper and life will improve. Try not to transfer your royal character into this life;
  • 26 – you should be wary of betrayal from your close circle. Be careful. Sometimes you can't even trust your own intuition. You were a doctor in the past;
  • 27 – do not be afraid of minor troubles in the first half of life. Kindness and sincere help to people will bring you great happiness. You were a scientist;
  • 28 – you don’t know what morality is. Sometimes, you are completely immoral, but still a talented person. Do not spoil your karma and direct your energy towards the path of creation. Suicide - this is how your past life ended;
  • 29 – you deceived in a past life, now they will deceive you. To keep in touch with the world, find a soul mate. You were a rich but deceitful merchant.

The numbers from 30 to 39 belong to the third stage:

  • 30 – intelligence and developed intellectual abilities are given to you for a reason. Do good, and don't chase money and fame. You are a former writer;
  • 31 – you are alone, but this suits you absolutely. You have been an actor for a very long time;
  • 32 – the number of active, sociable and optimistic people. Try not to talk too much. You were a traveler;
  • 33 – very good future. You will be happy if you dedicate your life to teaching children. A great magician in a previous incarnation;
  • 34 – the difficulties of the first half of life are compensated by a cloudless life after 35 years. Expect family happiness and financial well-being. Knight;
  • 35 – don’t despair, but your fate is not very good. Expect problems, betrayals, betrayals. Spend a lot of time with your children. They may become addicted to alcohol and drugs. You are a former singer with a failed career;
  • 36 – do not rely on the help of others. If we manage to achieve stability, it will be exclusively on our own. In a past life you were a convict;
  • 37 – success always and in everything. But don't be too proud. Know how to thank and share the fruits of your labors. Hermit;
  • 38 – don’t trust anyone, rely only on yourself. In the past you were a girl of easy virtue;
  • 39 – stop being jealous and life will get better. An avid gamer.

And finally, the fourth step:

  • 40 – many people don’t understand you and don’t support you. Search internal forces to achieve all your goals. Writer;
  • 41 – you are surrounded by numerous fans and you are used by people without hesitation. Do not forget that selfishness and the eternal search for one’s own gain are fraught with sad consequences. Poetess;
  • 42 – life is filled with happiness and bright emotions. You've brewed beer in the past;
  • 43 – get ready for trials on all fronts of life. You were royalty executed for treason;
  • 44 – dangers await you at every step. Murderer;
  • 45 – real life It will only start after 40. Before that, get ready for disappointment. Doctor;
  • 46 – happy life. Just choose your spouse, guided by your heart and not by mercantile desires. Military;
  • 47 – choose your friends carefully. On your life's journey you will meet many traitors. Hermit;
  • 48 – develop your leadership skills and achieve success in your career. In your last incarnation you worked with weapons;
  • 49 - you are destined for a lonely and gray existence. This is how sinners pay for previous mistakes.


Help in working off karma

If the first digit of your karmic number is even, a person will definitely appear in your life who will help you work off the sins of past incarnations. He'll tell you the right way.

Odd number- These are anti-helpers. On the contrary, they will interfere with leading a healthy lifestyle. Try to stay on track, but protect yourself from people with obvious negative thoughts.

If your karmic number is single digit, you have practically no sins that require working out. Try not to ruin everything.

Meaning of the second digit

The second digit of the karmic number helps to find out about the purpose. Read carefully and find out what mistakes you should avoid:

  • 1 – selfishness that was yours main feature in past lives, will not allow you to find love and true friends for a long time. Beware of deceptions from loved ones and never lie yourself. Selfless deeds and good deeds will help improve karma;
  • 2 – in past incarnations you did not want to take responsibility and lived for your own pleasure. Now, fate is not on your side and it will be quite difficult to attract good luck. We'll have to fight for our place in the sun. The main thing is not to risk your life and exercise prudence;
  • 3 means that in the past you have been quite stingy. Be sure to do charity work and help people in need. Develop your spiritual qualities and do not pursue material wealth;
  • 4 – you have already cleared your karma, because in your past life you had to experience failures and loneliness. Now you will find family happiness. The main thing is to appreciate the gifts of fate and take care of loved ones;
  • 5 – the number of those who devoted their past lives to black magic. Avoid everything supernatural, and serious problems will bypass you;
  • 6 – in your past life you did everything right. In this one, maintain harmony and do good. Carefully weigh any decision and help the people around you;
  • 7 – the past incarnation was accompanied by constant difficulties, failures, moral and physical pain. Everything is fine now. The main thing is that victories do not go to your head. Try to restrain yourself and not go into all serious troubles;
  • 8 – in a past life you hurt your loved ones, but in this life the situation will change exactly the opposite. Try not to take revenge and endure all insults steadfastly. Only in this way will you ensure good karma in your next reincarnation;
  • 9 – your last incarnation was very short. Therefore, fate gave you natural wisdom and developed intuition. Listen to your inner voice when accepting important decisions and don't forget to help people;
  • 0 – you were a very hardworking person, so in this life you will have . Continue to achieve your goal, and do not give up under any circumstances. You will succeed.


Numerology by Julia Poe

Experienced numerologist Julia Poe has developed a comprehensive system of meaning for karmic numbers. It takes into account not only the basic principles of all schools of numerology, but also aspects of astrology and the science of gender.

Julia says that the month of birth plays an important role in working out karma and indicates the main tasks. I suggest you study a unique horoscope from a numerologist:

  • January– you must help your brother or sister;
  • February– develop kindness and mercy in yourself. Throughout your life you will have to care for loved ones. If you don’t help the older generation, the women closest to you will start to get sick;
  • March– you need to learn to take responsibility and make important decisions. The sooner you become an independent person, the better life will be;
  • April– get rid of the negative character traits you inherited from your father. Don’t waste your energy: help your friends, do good, and don’t close yourself off in your inner world;
  • May– eradicate the negative traits in yourself that you inherited from your mother. Do not limit the freedom of other people, try not to enter into conflicts;
  • June– yours main task create a strong family and take care of loved ones;
  • July– you definitely need to change your place of residence. Moving to another city or country will be a great solution;
  • August– you are a peacemaker who is able to unite your own parents. In your personal life, try to build only serious relationship. Fleeting romances can ruin karma;
  • September– develop your talents. You need to glorify your family;
  • October– your purpose is to improve the material well-being of the whole family. You can achieve financial well-being only through hard work;
  • november– work on yourself, develop in all areas. You must achieve high social status;
  • December– there are no serious sins behind your soul. In order not to spoil your karma, try not to commit evil and unseemly acts.

Based on the date of birth of both spouses, the compatibility of the couple can be calculated. Interesting? Then let's start the calculation.

Natalya – 02/15/1988. Karmic number: 1+6+0+2+1+9+8+8=35.

Oleg – 11/01/1983. Its number: 0+1+1+1+1+9+8+3=24.

We determine the sum of two numbers: 35+24=59.

Now you need to subtract 22: 59-22=37. When the required number is greater than 22, you need to subtract again: 37-22=15.

After calculating the family karma number.

You can proceed to deciphering the values:

  • 1 – the man will be the head of the family, imposing his worldview. It is better for the girl not to interfere in his affairs and not to provoke conflict situations. In general, the union will turn out to be very interesting and creative. The main thing is to find common ground;
  • 2 – you are kindred spirits who understand each other without words. There will be absolute harmony in your relationship;
  • 3 – a stable, strong family in which the main decisions will be made by the woman. Try not to listen to the advice of close relatives in order to maintain mutual understanding and harmony;
  • 4 – passion and strong emotions will prevail over common sense. Try not to limit each other's personal space and do not give in to destructive feelings of jealousy;
  • 5 – value your partner. He will help you navigate life and take the right position. Do not pay attention to the difference in characters, temperament and social status;
  • 6 – misunderstanding is possible only on initial stage relationships. The longer you are together, the stronger love, happiness and mutual support;
  • 7 – vibrant and dynamic relationships, filled with travel and new acquaintances. However, the likelihood of betrayal is high;
  • 8 is more of a marriage on mutually beneficial terms. Don't try to change your partner, change yourself;
  • 9 – this relationship can hardly be called comfortable. Both partners will experience a mutual feeling of loneliness, lack of love and attention. The couple will eventually separate;
  • 10 – you are incredibly lucky. Relationships will help you achieve success and significantly increase your financial well-being. This is a lifelong relationship;
  • 11 – difficult relationships. Both partners strong in spirit and character. A constant struggle for power will lead to a break. The only way out is to look for compromises;
  • 12 is a relationship that requires sacrifice. To save them you will have to give up some important things or people. Unfortunately, even this will not save you from difficulties and lack of mutual understanding. This is your karma;
  • 13 – It is unlikely that you will be able to maintain the relationship. Partners are incompatible. In addition, the likelihood of domestic violence is high;
  • 14 – you have common goals, you are comfortable and cozy with each other. The union will be long and happy;
  • 15 – it’s better to give up this relationship. The union is implicated in manipulation, cunning and strong sexual attachment;
  • 16 – you are too different. Frequent quarrels will lead to separation and completely weaken you both mentally and physically;
  • 17 – you are two halves of a whole. Appreciate your partner and be sure to live a long and long life with him. happy life;
  • 18 – you don’t know your loved one. There are a lot of misconceptions and incorrect judgments. It will be difficult for you to be together. High probability of betrayal;
  • 19 – everything is fine with you: strong family, happy children, mutual support and absolute harmony;
  • 20 – it will be difficult at first. It takes time to know true essence loved one. Don't worry, you will become not only passionate spouses, but also true friends;
  • 21 – you are compatible on energy level. Prepare for a lifelong relationship;
  • 22 – extremely unstable relationships. One of you longs for freedom. To be together you will have to moderate your desires and put the interests of your loved one first. High probability of divorce.

But you should still try to be a little kinder to others and not deny your loved ones the necessary support. Karma will definitely get better.

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