How can you lose weight using baking soda? How does soda drink affect the weight loss process? Soda drink on an empty stomach

You can read how to drink soda to lose weight on any thematic portal. Women who practice extreme weight loss techniques share own experience. However, before experimenting with soda, you need to be aware of the possible negative consequences. It is strictly not recommended to drink soda for weight loss for people with low acidity, kidney failure and gastrointestinal diseases. Also, this method should not be used by pregnant and lactating women.

It is believed that baking soda helps remove extra pounds. Unfortunately, this is not entirely true. Of course, drinking soda can help you lose weight. But this loss will occur due to the removal of fluid from the body. Therefore, if the main problem of appearance excess weight consists of a tendency to swelling, a person will lose weight very well and quickly. But if the reason is an excess amount of subcutaneous fat, soda will not give the desired effect.

Internet weight loss gurus often advise how to drink baking soda to get rid of belly fat once and for all. The technique is to dissolve 1/6 teaspoon in a glass of artesian water and take this drink 3 times a day. But there's one here interesting point: the method only works in combination with special physical exercise for the stomach.

The following recipe describes how to drink soda with lemon: freshly squeezed juice of 2 ripe fruits should be diluted with 1 liter boiled water, add 10 g of purified soda. The drink should be drunk throughout the day.

IN Soviet time baking soda was considered an excellent remedy for heartburn. Today doctors criticize this method, recommending the use of pharmaceuticals. Is it possible to lose weight with soda? The question is ambiguous. Adherents of the technique claim that it really works. Opponents find evidence that the method is inappropriate and even dangerous. The latter are manifested by stomach problems (up to colitis and even ulcerative conditions).

For those who are afraid to take soda internally, but really want to experiment, you can try taking soda baths. Fashion bloggers advise preparing such baths according to the following scheme: 200 g of soda should be mixed with 500 g sea ​​salt, add lavender oil, take hot water and immerse yourself in it with your favorite book for half an hour. If you are allergic to lavender, you can add another essential oil to taste.

IN Lately A lot of articles and materials have appeared on the Internet, and not only about losing weight with the help of ordinary baking soda. Both soda baths for weight loss and ingestion of soda itself according to a certain method are offered. At the same time, many arguments “for” and “against” are given, various expert opinions are expressed. In general, the question is more about the plane, is there a correct recipe for drinking soda to lose weight?

First of all, it is necessary to clarify whether soda taken orally is really useful? You can often hear the opinion of doctors that drinking soda leads to an imbalance in the acid-base balance in the body, causes irritation of the mucous membranes, and leads to gastritis and even stomach ulcers.

On the other hand, everyone recognizes that it has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, neutralizes high acidity in the stomach, and, most importantly, is actively involved in the process of processing fat that enters the body with food. This important property is often decisive in the question of using or refusing soda as a product for internal consumption.

So is it possible to drink soda for weight loss? It is possible if you do it correctly and follow all recommendations. Of course, you should not consider soda as a panacea. Take it and expect a positive effect. You need to arm yourself with the right recipe for drinking soda to lose weight. It is worth noting that it is naive to hope for a quick and easy result. Losing weight with soda is a long and systematic process. An overdose of this substance, like any other drug, is fraught with dangerous complications and diseases.

Start with a small dose that fits literally on the tip of a teaspoon. This portion is best diluted with warm milk or water and taken on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals. As a last resort, you can take soda powder, but you just need to wash it down with plenty of warm water.

Thus, by taking soda 2-3 times a day, before meals, the body receives an initial daily dose of about half a teaspoon. Gradually, this dose can be increased to one and a half teaspoons per day (half a spoon per dose). An overdose of soda is fraught, even for a healthy person.

Before you begin the process of losing weight using this technique, you must undergo a comprehensive examination. Any recipe for drinking soda to lose weight is designed for a person without serious chronic diseases. In these cases, even small doses are dangerous. Uncontrolled consumption of soda is dangerous even for a healthy person.

Don't forget, soda is not a panacea. When using this substance, remember not to overeat, avoid foods that are too fatty and high in calories, and move more. Then drinking soda will definitely benefit you and relieve you of extra pounds ov.

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Comment, review No. 1

Please tell me a recipe for drinking soda to lose weight? I read on the Internet that you should drink it in tablespoons, but it seems to me that this is harmful. And you write that 1.5 teaspoons per day is enough. Will such a small portion help?

Yes, Alena, you understood correctly, it is these small portions, but taken regularly, that can help you. You can’t drink soda with tablespoons! The right recipe How to drink soda to lose weight is to take small doses, but regularly. Be sure to take it on an empty stomach, with plenty of liquid. It is best to dissolve this portion in warm milk. It is completely useless to “bomb” the body with large doses of soda taken at a time, as some sites advise. Any useful substance in unlimitedly large doses can become poisonous. Remember that losing weight is a long process, and quick results are often very harmful.

Alena Marchenko

Comment, review No. 2

I really want to lose weight, I’m tired of gaining kilograms and buying loose clothes. I wanted to try to lose weight with soda, but... last moment I doubted it: it’s somehow too simple, and they say it’s unsafe. Please advise, is it possible to drink soda for weight loss?

Of course you can, Larisa. Just don’t expect stunning results in a few days. There are a lot of negative reviews on the Internet about the ingestion of soda, but all these reviews, if you carefully study them, were written by those who uncontrollably drank soda in large doses at a time, and at the same time expected immediate results. You need to understand that this is a long process that requires some effort and caution. When wondering whether you can drink soda for weight loss, you must remember that you need to drink it correctly.

Comment, review No. 3

Unfortunately, many people do not read advertising articles carefully. They will come across something like: “A miracle remedy for weight loss! I lost 25 kilograms in a week!”, and they run to pharmacies and stores to buy the magic medicine. IN in this case, soda costs a penny and is sold everywhere. But serious medical articles warn: start with a small dosage, half a teaspoon per day, and not in one dose, but dividing this portion into 2-3. And only then, gradually, increase this dose to one and a half teaspoons per day, no more. You need to drink half an hour before meals, on an empty stomach. At the same time, do not forget that soda is not a magical remedy that will easily remove excess weight and does not require any additional effort. You need to take soda for weight loss orally in combination with physical activity– exercise, walking and jogging. And also by observing certain restrictions in food: less fatty, high-calorie foods, do not eat after six in the evening. Then you can hope for a good result.

Svetlana, nutritionist

Comment, review No. 4

When I'm in Once again I decided to lose weight and read about soda. At first I didn’t believe it - regular baking soda, and such results. But then I spent the whole evening, read a lot of articles, including serious, medical ones, and decided to drink soda for weight loss - a review from one girl convinced me of this, right: half an hour before meals, in tiny portions, literally on the tip of a teaspoon. Gradually increased the dose, up to half a teaspoon at a time. At the same time, she gave up high-calorie foods, stopped eating in the evenings, forced herself to do exercises, and go to the pool. Soon I began to notice weight loss. Of course, not as much as in advertising, a few kilograms a day, but quite noticeable. I believe that only all these measures taken together helped me achieve this result.

Ira Samoilenko

Comment, review No. 5

We are ordinary girls, we study at the university, we live in a dormitory. We eat in the dining room, drink tea and buns in our room, and during the holidays we eat at our mothers’. Of course, such nutrition does not contribute to a slim figure, but we want to look good, and guys like slim people more. We read about baking soda and how you can lose weight from it. Is it true? Because we students don’t have enough money for expensive drugs.

Dear girls, you can lose weight with soda, you just need to make an effort. Advertising sites are full of stories about the miracles of losing weight in a few days, without saying anything about how exactly to drink soda correctly to lose weight? What doses, how many times a day. And don’t mindlessly drink soda according to the principle - more so that it will definitely work. And then you get inflammation, ulcers, gastritis, and scold an innocent healthy product - baking soda. Be prepared for a long struggle, the result will not come immediately, soda is not a magic powder from a fairy tale, but regular product, which helps to lose weight, but does not replace other means. Drink little by little, 20 to 30 minutes before meals, three times a day, in tiny portions so that the daily dose does not exceed half a teaspoon. Gradually increase this dose to one and a half spoons, and do not forget about exercise and daily routine.

Lena, Katya, Ksyusha, students

Comment, review No. 6

I don't know if I can take baking soda orally. After all, soda is an alkali, and my acidity is already low. I'm afraid of ruining my stomach, but I want to lose weight! What can you recommend?

First of all, we can advise you to be careful. Advice on whether you can use baking soda for weight loss and how to drink it can only be given by your attending physician. But in any case, even for a healthy person, the daily dose of soda at the beginning of treatment should not exceed half a teaspoon. If you really can’t, we recommend soda baths: dissolve 500 g of sea salt, 300 g of soda in water, and continue the procedure for about 20 minutes. It's better to take a week-long course. But even here you need to be careful - such baths are contraindicated during pregnancy, heart disease, vegetative-vascular dystonia, etc. A doctor's advice is also required.

Svetlana Sergeevna

Comment, review No. 7

Please explain clearly and clearly, is it possible to take baking soda to lose weight? Perhaps this is another advertising campaign? We will be grateful to you for your detailed and clear answer.

Yes, there are now a lot of articles about losing weight with baking soda. Not all of them are equal. There are openly advertising articles, and there are also serious medical works. Let's say right away that if you are advised to drink soda in tablespoons, and at the same time they promise to lose weight by 5-6 kilograms or more, do not waste your time on them. No medicine guarantees such instant weight loss, and if a person loses weight so sharply, then he then gains it back just as sharply, and also gets health problems. You can only lose weight correctly gradually, losing weight little by little, but regularly. For this you need A complex approach– you need to combine physical exercise, certain dietary restrictions, a daily routine, and to consolidate the result, gradual, in small doses, regular ingestion of this product. You can take baking soda to lose weight not only internally, but also in parallel with soda baths. A warm 20-minute water procedure with dissolved baking soda (about 300 g) and sea salt (about 500 g) can also achieve a positive effect.

Comment, review No. 9

Baking soda promotes weight loss, not technical soda; it is harmful to humans. It is better to take it orally in small doses (literally on the tip of a teaspoon), regularly, half an hour before meals. And only in combination with the usual measures used for weight loss: eat less fat, high-calorie, flour. Exercise, exercise, and visit the pool more often. Recipe for weight loss: drink soda carefully, without getting carried away, in small portions, without expecting immediate fantastic results. It is impossible to lose ten extra pounds at once without spending any effort. You can, as an addition, take soda baths. And be sure to consult your doctor - soda can be harmful to the stomach, especially when taken in large quantities, haphazardly and uncontrollably.

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Soda or sodium carbonate is not a natural compound at all, as many people believe. It is produced industrially by “baking” Glauber’s salt, chalk and charcoal. The aura of “ecological purity” of the product was created largely due to another method of its production - the processing of seaweed ash, but today it is not practiced on an industrial scale.

The opinion that soda for weight loss on an empty stomach helps to lose fat deposits is formed due to its specific effect on fats. Sodium carbonate actually has a fat-dissolving effect, which is why it is actively used in the production of detergents (dishwashing gels, washing powders). However, in external environment and inside the body, soda acts differently. How? Let's figure it out.

What soda does inside us: a drink for weight loss

So, baking soda for weight loss is recommended for oral administration as a drink. To prepare it, you need to dissolve half a teaspoon of sodium carbonate in a glass of warm water and drink it 30 minutes before meals. Sometimes you can find a recipe for soda with lemon for weight loss, where the two main ingredients enhance the effect of each other.

How does a soda drink work for weight loss? Sodium carbonate does not dissolve in water and remains suspended. Once in the stomach, it reacts with gastric juice, as a result of which the acidity of the latter sharply decreases. Due to this effect, soda is usually used for heartburn and increased stomach acidity, which cause significant discomfort in the person suffering from them.

After reacting with gastric juice, soda is completely neutralized and breaks down into its original components, most of which are salts. When fats (which we so strive to dissolve with this soda) enter the stomach, absolutely nothing happens. And it is impossible to do anything with fats coming from food in the stomach, since their absorption occurs not here, but in the intestines. That's why baking soda for weight loss, the recipe for which involves its use in the form of a drink, is useless.

What does sodium carbonate do outside: baths for weight loss

The second way to use soda for weight loss is to take baths with it. To do this, it is recommended to fill a bath with as hot water as possible (so that it can be tolerated with great difficulty) and dissolve 300 grams of sodium carbonate in it. You can add 300 grams of sea salt and aromatic oils, stir everything well. You need to lie (or sit) in such a bath for 20 minutes, after which you can boldly step on the scale and make sure that your weight has dropped by 1.5-2 kilograms. Miracles?

Not at all, just another aspect of how baking soda affects weight loss. This express method does not consist in beneficially cleansing the body and removing toxins and waste from it, but in dehydrating it.

Soda baths for weight loss are recommended to be very hot to induce active sweating. The complex interaction of sodium carbonate and salt only enhances it. Within 20 minutes of being in this “atmosphere,” the body begins to sweat: liquid comes out through the open pores, which takes with it not toxins and waste (90% of them are in the intestines), but salts and microelements necessary for the body. Weight loss is achieved through fluid loss, which in itself is dangerous for humans.

After the first bath procedure, losing weight with soda will eliminate about 2 kilograms of weight. After the second and each subsequent one - already 500 grams. By the way, all the lost grams will return very quickly, since soda for weight loss helps temporarily: exactly until you drink a couple of glasses of water and replenish the fluid deficiency in the body.

Is it worth using this method of weight loss?

And what does baking soda do for weight loss: harm or benefit? According to doctors, the method cannot bring any benefit. Just because it has no effect on body fat. Is baking soda harmful for weight loss: reviews from those who have experienced its effects confirm that it is harmful.

  • Application of any experiments with sodium carbonate prohibited for people suffering from cancer, diabetes mellitus, pregnant women and nursing mothers.
  • People with stomach diseases should always forget about soda for weight loss and how to drink it. The method of consuming the drink internally is dangerous due to the constant decrease in the acidity of gastric juice and, as a result, disruption of the process of food digestion. In addition, the salts formed when soda breaks down have a detrimental effect on the kidneys, after which long and difficult treatment may be required.
  • Taking hot baths with sodium carbonate is prohibited for anyone suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system. Hypertensive patients, hypotensive patients, and patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia should avoid them.

So is soda for weight loss worthy of your attention? Recipes and reviews about it in a positive light - this is one of the popular folk myths, completely refuted by science. Losing weight with sodium carbonate is dangerous - that's a fact.

Surely you have heard about the use of soda for weight loss, but like me, you did not pay attention before. Now there will be no call to buy affordable drops, miracle capsules, tablets and other pharmacy nonsense.

Do you want to quickly lose weight and gain a graceful figure? I will share with you a method that will help eliminate fat deposits, achieve amazingly smooth skin and great health. You will be surprised, but all this can be done for mere pennies.

IN last article I wrote about it in detail. I, too, was skeptical about the abilities of this white powder until I saw the results achieved by a work colleague. She lost 8 kilograms in 3 weeks. During the same period, I managed to lose only five using well-known weight loss capsules (I won’t mention the name), while terrible rashes appeared on the skin of my face, which I struggled with for more than a month.

I switched to special teas. There was a slight effect, but I was afraid to leave own apartment, because I had to visit the toilet very often. Seeing the success of my friend, who, I gasped.

How to drink soda to lose weight?

If you want to lose weight at home, then baking soda is perfect for this. But it should be remembered that this folk way gives quick results, and if you have a very heavy weight, the skin will begin to sag. That is why the struggle process must be comprehensive. You can add sodium bicarbonate baths, as well as select a few exercises to strengthen all the muscles of the body and prevent the skin from sagging.

Weight loss soda can be used in two ways simultaneously:

  • external use (wraps, baths);
  • internal.

We will look at how sodium bicarbonate should be consumed internally, because this is the most important and effective process. Of course, losing weight with soda without harm to health is possible only if there are no contraindications to its use. If you have disorders that do not allow you to take this product, then choose the second option to combat excess weight.

Let's look at how to drink soda for weight loss. This is not my personal opinion, but the result of a thorough analysis of the information I read before using the technique.

Use this product in pure form forbidden. It is taken orally in the form of a solution. To lose weight by reaching maximum results, you should consume the prepared composition 1 hour before meals. You can also lose weight if you drink the solution 2 hours after eating.

Drinking bicarbonate correctly means adhering to the following rules:

  • Start using the composition in the morning, taking it on an empty stomach.
  • Consume throughout the day. It is important to drink the product half an hour before meals, or at least an hour after eating. There should be no digestive processes in the stomach when tea soda gets there.

To quickly lose weight using this method, it is not at all necessary to start taking “white powder” in large doses. Losing weight with soda will give an excellent effect, even if you start with a tiny dosage (1/4 tsp), and increase it gradually.

For preventive purposes, it is enough to take no more than 1/2 tsp. sodium bicarbonate and dilute it in a glass of water. The solution should be drunk no more than once a week.

Bread soda (or baking soda), used in for medicinal purposes, the norm should be one full teaspoon. In this case, losing weight with soda can be done in several ways:

The powder should not be dissolved in cold liquid. Penetration into the blood occurs in the intestines, and before that, water enters the stomach, which has a low acidic background. A certain percentage of solution and hydrochloric acid will react, which will lead to partial neutralization of the miraculous properties of the composition. Accordingly, the intestines will receive an ineffective cleansing liquid.

Absolutely anyone who has no contraindications can use soda for weight loss. It is not at all difficult to use, because the solution is prepared quickly. If you study the benefits and harms of this product, you will notice that negative impact practically none, if you follow the rules for using the product.

Weight loss soda is suitable for those who:

  • does not have the opportunity to go to the gym;
  • does not want to subject himself to grueling and exhausting workouts, i.e., the use of soda is ideal for the lazy;
  • leads a sedentary lifestyle and does not have the free time for physical activity.

Advantages and disadvantages

Having considered the pros and cons of baking soda, I can say that this product can be used not only as a means of losing weight, but also for medicinal purposes.

Sodium bicarbonate is able to act on fats and effectively remove them from the human body. The effectiveness of the method is even confirmed by experienced nutritionists, but this does not mean at all that once you start taking a product that is endowed with many beneficial properties, you should lean on fatty foods, sweets and other “harmful things” that leave “traces” on your figure.

To understand what effect the mentioned product has on the problem, it is enough to familiarize yourself with its composition, which is what we will do. Sodium bicarbonate is an alkali that can neutralize fats, while actively affecting them, working not only from the outside, but also from the inside. The powdery substance affects weight loss as follows:

  • salt, which appears during the reaction of sodium bicarbonate with gastric juice, is gradually absorbed into the blood, which leads to an increase in the activity of the lymphatic system;
  • Losing weight with soda is also ensured by the product removing toxins and waste products. A bicarbonate solution breaks down fats, which play the role of a barrier to the full functioning of the body;
  • the product helps improve metabolic processes as it effectively restores PH levels;
  • bicarbonate also acts as a relaxing substance that can combat the effects of stressful situations.

These are not all the advantages that indicate that soda for weight loss allows you to get excellent results if you adhere to the recipe for using this substance.


Let's take a look at how to prepare a cocktail and take it so that losing weight on soda will give results.

Soda and water on an empty stomach

Recipe for losing weight using soda water on an empty stomach. To do this you will need:

  • water in the amount of 250 ml;
  • sodium bicarbonate – 0.5 tsp.

The solution should be consumed for one to two weeks, after which a two-week break is taken and oral administration is repeated. The mentioned ingredients are thoroughly mixed, the composition is divided into parts. Their number should be equal to the number of food consumed per day. The resulting dose is taken 1 hour before meals.

Weight loss soda can be used in the preparation of “pure” solutions, or with the addition of various products.

Another recipe for a drink that can also be consumed on an empty stomach. Here are the instructions for use:

  • Dissolve sodium bicarbonate (1/2 tsp) in hot water (50 ml);
  • add the solution to warm water (450 ml).

You should take weight loss soda prepared according to this recipe in the morning on an empty stomach. Frequency of administration: 2 times a week. The duration of the course is at your discretion (until you receive desired results), since in this case there are no restrictions.

Baking Soda and Apple Cider Vinegar

Fight excess weight with baking soda and apple cider vinegar no less effective and does not require frequent use. It is enough to drink the solution according to this recipe once a day in the morning on an empty stomach.

Soda and vinegar are taken in the following proportions:

  • sodium bicarbonate – 1/2 tsp. (gradually increase to 1 tsp);
  • apple cider vinegar – 2 tbsp;
  • water - 1 glass.

The fizz is prepared as follows. 100 ml of water is mixed with vinegar. Sodium bicarbonate is added to this composition, and everything is thoroughly mixed. After the reaction is complete, add the rest of the water, mix and drink in small sips. This is done in the morning, and at night you can take a soda bath to achieve quick desired results.

Soda with milk

You will need:

  • milk -200 ml;
  • sodium bicarbonate – 1 tsp.

Hot milk should be poured into a glass of soda and stirred thoroughly. Use the product in tiny sips before meals (2 hours). It is better to drink soda with milk for two weeks, then take a break for 14 days and repeat the course.

Kefir with soda

Kefir with soda for weight loss is used as follows:

  • dairy product with a fat content of no more than 1% - 200 ml;
  • sodium bicarbonate – 1/2 tsp;
  • ground cinnamon - on the tip of a knife;
  • ginger – 1/2 tsp.

Mix all ingredients and consume immediately in small sips. It is recommended to drink this cocktail 2 hours before bedtime. The dosage schedule is similar to the above recipe.

Lemon, soda and honey

In this case, if you are allergic to honey, then this ingredient can be excluded. All you need is:

  • water - 250 ml;
  • lemon juice – squeeze from 1/2 of the fruit;
  • sodium bicarbonate - 1/2 tsp.
  • honey -1/2 tsp.

“White powder” is added to lemon juice; after combining the ingredients, you can add water in a small amount. Once the reaction is complete, add the rest of the water and honey. The drink should be consumed once a day. The duration of the course is an unlimited period until the desired results are obtained.

In the process of losing weight, peroxide and even soda with iodine can also be used, but these methods are not suitable for everyone and cannot be used for a long period.


When losing weight, soda should not be used in the following cases:

  • presence of diabetes mellitus;
  • during pregnancy, as well as during lactation;
  • various gynecological disorders;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • personal intolerance to sodium bicarbonate;
  • excessively low acidity level (determined by test results).

Every housewife knows a white powder called soda. Today you will learn how to lose weight by 10 kg in a week at home using soda?! Typically, baking soda is added to the dough and used as a cleaning agent. But now you will find out how you can lose weight with soda? And remove weight from your buttocks, stomach and thighs!

How to lose weight by 10 kg in a week at home using soda using a real method?

There are several ways to lose weight in this way. Within the framework of this article, 2 options for losing weight will be considered. These methods will help you lose 10 kg in a week at home.

  1. Losing weight with soda baths
  2. Getting rid of excess fat by drinking a drink with soda

The first way to lose weight using baking soda:

Pour water into the bath and add about 300 grams of soda. Also add a little sea salt, about 3-4 tablespoons. Now you can immerse yourself in the bath and enjoy it for 10 minutes. With subsequent doses, you can increase the time to forty minutes. The water temperature should be about 40 degrees.

How does baking soda affect fat?

Baking soda has a certain effect on the lymphatic system. As a result, microcirculation increases. The body cleanses itself and gets rid of excess weight. Soda contains these chemical substances, which promote the breakdown of fat. Toxins and harmful substances come out through sweat. After you finish your soda bath, put on a warm robe.

The second way to lose weight using soda:

To make a cocktail that will help you lose 10 kilograms in a week, you need to take the following ingredients:

  1. One liter of plain water for drinking
  2. Three lemons
  3. One teaspoon of soda

When baking soda combines with lemon juice, an alkaline effect occurs. This causes an increase in metabolic processes in the body. And a large amount of fat is burned.


You need to take three lemons and squeeze the juice out of them into water. Next, add a spoonful of soda to the water and stir everything thoroughly. You need to store this product in the refrigerator. This is necessary so that the body makes an effort to heat the water in the stomach. And the cold will also preserve the beneficial substances in the lemon.

You need to drink a liter of this weight loss product a day. One glass in the morning on an empty stomach, and the rest of the drink should be drunk throughout the day.

The weight will begin to come off within a day. On day 2-3, you can already lose about 10 kilograms with the help of soda. Of course, to achieve a very pronounced effect, you need to reduce the number of calories and start exercising. At least run.

You already know how to lose weight by 10 kg in a week at home using baking soda! Also read below about beneficial properties soda!

Video on the topic of how to lose weight by 10 kg with soda in a week at home?

Soda and its beneficial properties

  1. Protection against infections
  2. Reduces the risk of kidney stones
  3. Reduces acidity in the stomach
  4. Balances uric acid levels

Consuming baking soda will help you quickly lose 10 kg in a week at home. But still, you shouldn’t just rely on soda alone, since it doesn’t help everyone reduce the specified figure. Sports and proper nutrition in place with soda they will give a much more pronounced effect than soda alone. That's all, good luck!

Attention! If you use the methods indicated in the article, it is at your own peril and risk. The method has not been tested. Information for the article was taken from other Internet resources.