A land survey plan must be developed. Rules for drawing up and examples of territory planning projects and territory surveying projects

1. The land surveying project for a land plot or land plots determines the size and location of the boundaries of the land plot or land plots that can be allocated to account for the land share or land shares (hereinafter also referred to as the land plots being formed). Land survey project subject to approval general meeting participants in shared ownership, must also contain information about land plots allocated on account of land shares in municipal ownership (if any), and about the land plot or land plots, the right of common ownership to which is retained or arises.

2. The land surveying project for a land plot or land plots is prepared by a cadastral engineer. The customer of such a land surveying project can be any person.

3. Requirements for the land surveying project are established by the federal body executive branch, authorized to carry out functions on legal regulation in the field of maintaining the Unified State Register of Real Estate, carrying out state cadastral registration of real estate, state registration rights to real estate and transactions with it, providing information contained in the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

(see text in the previous edition)

4. Maximum maximum prices (tariffs, rates, rates, etc.) for work on preparing a project for surveying a land plot or land plots may be established by constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

5. The project for surveying a land plot or land plots is approved by a decision of the general meeting of participants in shared ownership or, in the case specified in paragraph 4 of Article 13 of this Federal Law, by a decision of the owner of the land share or land shares.

Simultaneously with the decision of the general meeting of participants in shared ownership to approve the land surveying project, a decision must be made to approve the list of owners of the formed land plots and the size of their shares in the right of common ownership of the formed land plots.

6. When preparing a land surveying project, subject to approval by the general meeting of participants in shared ownership, the cadastral engineer provides the rights holders of the land plot or land plots from which land plots will be allocated on account of the land share or land shares (hereinafter also referred to as the original land plot or original land plots) , the local government body of the settlement or urban district at the location of each original land plot and, if the customer of cadastral work is not the legal holder of the original land plot or original land plots, the customer of cadastral work has the opportunity to familiarize himself with this project before its approval and submit proposals for its revision. The period for familiarization with the land surveying project cannot be less than thirty days before the date of its approval.

7. Notice of the place and procedure for familiarization with the land surveying project is sent to participants in shared ownership or published in the media mass media, determined by the subject of the Russian Federation.

1) information about the customer for the preparation of the land surveying project, including postal address and contact telephone number;

2) information about the cadastral engineer who prepared the land surveying project, including postal address, email address and contact telephone number;

3) cadastral number and address of each original land plot;

4) the procedure for familiarizing yourself with the land surveying project, the place or address where this project can be familiarized with from the date of receipt or publication of the notice;

5) deadlines and mailing address for the delivery or sending by interested parties of proposals for finalizing the land surveying project after familiarization with it.

9. The land surveying project, approved by the decision of the owner of the land share or land shares, is subject to mandatory agreement with the participants in shared ownership. The subject of approval is the size and location of the boundaries of the land plot allocated for the land share or land shares.

10. A notice of the need to approve a land surveying project is sent to participants in shared ownership or published in the media determined by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

11. The notice specified in paragraph 10 of this article must contain the information provided for in subparagraphs 1 - 4 of paragraph 8 of this article, as well as the deadlines and postal address for the delivery or sending by interested persons of reasonable objections regarding the size and location of the boundaries of the land share allocated or land shares of the land plot.

12. If, within thirty days from the date of proper notification of the participants in shared ownership about the approval of the land surveying project in accordance with paragraphs 9 of this article, the participants in shared ownership do not receive objections regarding the size and location of the boundaries allocated on account of the land share or land shares of the land plot, the land surveying project is considered agreed upon. The cadastral engineer is obliged to draw up a conclusion that there are no objections regarding the size and location of the boundaries of the land plot or land shares allocated.

13. Objections regarding the size and location of the boundaries of the land plot or land shares allocated must contain the surname, name and patronymic of the person who put forward these objections, details of his identity document, justification for the reasons for his disagreement with the proposed size and location of the boundaries allocated in account of the land share or land shares of the land plot, cadastral number of the original land plot. These objections must be accompanied by copies of documents confirming the right of the person who raised these objections to a land share in the original land plot.

A land surveying project is necessary to conclude various transactions (purchase, sale, lease of land, etc.) or resolve disputes related, for example, to the boundaries of plots. The document is compiled by land professionals and consists of an analytical part and drawings.

What is a land surveying project?

A land surveying project is a document defining the boundaries of a land plot. In this case, there may be a permanent structure on the territory. When a territory surveying project (TMP) is being prepared, the boundaries of the plots are established in accordance with the conditions of urban planning legislation and the requirements of Federal Law No. 190, Article 43 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2004.

The project contains the marking of the area where construction is planned. The document determines the actions of developers when constructing new facilities. If the site is to be divided into smaller parts, there is also a need to draw up this document.

Who does PMT?

Design work is carried out by order of administrative authorities by the following specialists:
  • local administration experts;
  • employees of the organization that performs land surveying work (the company must have a license allowing it to engage in this type of activity).

Document structure

The requirements for the structure of a linear object surveying project are specified in clause 5 of article 43 of Federal Law No. 190. Traditionally, the document should contain the following information:
  • Detailed information about the plot of land.
  • Drawings indicating plots that border the described territory.
  • List of costs for registration of documentation, its preparation, and implementation of the land surveying procedure.
The introductory part should contain:
  • explanatory note;
  • land surveying features;
  • the tools that were used;
  • justification of decisions.
The first part contains a description of the object in which the survey was carried out:
  • boundaries of the studied territory;
  • its features;
  • measurements, calculations performed;
  • result of surveying.
The second section of the project consists of drawings of the territory. They must be marked with lines that outline the boundaries of the allotment and the location of permanent buildings on the site, if any.

The structure of the graphic part contains:

  • the boundaries of the site, which are traditionally indicated by red lines;
  • offsets from boundary lines – restrictions on the construction of buildings;
  • indication of the territory where the capital structure is located;
  • land on which new structures are being built;
  • areas for which a special procedure for use has been established.

In some cases, the document also includes the boundaries of protected lands, which cannot be changed, since they are recognized as historical and cultural heritage.

How to formalize a land surveying project that has been allocated as part of a land share can be seen in the video recording of the webinar from the creators of the Polygon program:

Quarter survey project

The document that is drawn up for already built-up areas of the city is called a quarter project. The boundaries, area of ​​land, and directions of its use are also indicated here.

The size of the areas around the houses is determined in accordance with the standards that existed at the time of construction of the buildings. In general, the pattern is as follows: the earlier the house was built, the fewer floors it has, and the greater the ratio of the local area to the squares of living space.

The procedure for drawing up a land surveying project

To create a land surveying project, you need to contact the specialists who deal with this. There should be no errors in the document, because it is submitted to government bodies for subsequent registration.

The project preparation procedure includes several stages:

  • Experts provide all the necessary preparation for conducting land surveying. To do this, all available documentation on this land is being studied.
  • Based on the studied papers, a drawing is drawn up with boundaries marked.
  • The land surveying procedure is being carried out.
  • Calculations are performed and the area is determined.
  • Two parts of the project are being compiled.
  • The cost of the work performed is estimated.
  • The land surveying project is being approved.
The completed project must be approved by the local government of the locality to which the territory belongs. After approval, public hearings are held, and at the end the project must be approved by the head of the district or region. As a result, the document is either approved or sent for revision.

In total, all these stages can take from three months to one year.

Cost of the territory surveying project

The cost of drawing up the document depends on the company the customer contacts, as well as on the location of the object. IN rural areas prices are several times lower than in the city. The following factors may also affect the increase in cost:
  • size of territory;
  • unexpected difficulties in collecting materials;
  • use of expensive equipment;
  • urgency of work;
  • disputes with neighbors regarding the drawing of boundaries.

In rural areas, prices for drafting a project start from 500 rubles, in the city they range from 5,000 to 500,000 rubles.

Making changes to the territory surveying project

If technical errors are discovered in the territory surveying project, changes must be made to it. Amendments are also possible in connection with a change in the purpose of a building existing on this land, with restrictions or encumbrances applied to the site.

To make changes to the project, you need to submit an application to the administrative authorities. It must be reviewed within 30 days.

If a positive decision is made, the survey is repeated and a new project is drawn up with the changes made. The reason for refusal may be insufficient argumentation about the need for re-design.

You need to spend both time and money on drawing up a land surveying project, but without these papers it is difficult to fully manage the site and defend your interests. The document must clearly define the boundaries of the site and clearly indicate the direction of use of the land, so it is important to entrust its preparation to trusted specialists.

Territory surveying project (TMP)special kind urban planning documentation, which is developed in accordance with certain types activities requiring internal land surveying. It differs from land surveying for the purpose of allocation and is not defined in cadastral records.

Thanks to land surveying, a marking of the area is created on which construction or other work is planned, taking into account the creation of a structure on the area. That is, if a common area is to be divided into the most fractional parts, there is a need to draw up a PMT.

The basis for drawing up the project includes information from urban planning and architectural plans, which determine the possibilities for transferring the developer’s plans to the area. This document coordinates their actions, creating their consistency and harmonious combination of actions.

Information from the PMT is available to all interested citizens. Specialized geodetic departments within the architectural departments of municipalities post all information on websites for review.

Territory planning project (PPT)– also applies to urban planning documentation. Directly related to the land surveying project, but unlike it has more detailed characteristics, relying on the smallest details of information that take into account the optimal effect of the work planned on the site and minimizing the risk of errors during construction.

In addition, the PPT contains data that goes beyond the boundaries of the site on which internal boundary work is planned; it covers the complex context into which the development of the site must fit.

This document is created in conjunction with the land surveying project, but includes some additional and sufficient important information, based on the analysis of which it is subsequently possible to carry out land surveying. These include:

  • drawings of linear objects;
  • infrastructure facilities;
  • capital construction projects.

The designated projects are used to create preliminary activities to prepare the site for construction work. Documents can be used not only in newly allocated empty areas, but also in areas with an already developed structure.

If construction work is planned on an empty plot, then the will of the developer has practically no restrictions. However, here too it will be necessary to take into account the structure of the soil and the possibility of development in accordance with certain of its features. Almost every owner knows that the characteristics of the land can become an obstacle to its maximum load on capital buildings.

Besides, in some cases, the allocated areas must harmoniously combine all existing buildings and objects in a single style, determined by the urban planning context. This function imputed to these important design documents, which are obliged to provide for all the nuances of future construction.

Projects have an equally important function in planning construction work on territories with already erected permanent structures. Here the role of design work will be special - to correctly fit new buildings into the existing urban planning structure.

In addition to the specific goals pursued by the creation of projects, they carry the general function of systematic organization of construction.

Systematic construction education is of particular importance for large urban development complexes.

Capital and regional, as well as some regional urban areas, where land for construction is characterized by extremely high prices, in the pursuit of profit may allow violations in the exploitation of land under development buildings.

In cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg, there are already quite a lot of such violations. For these cities, the highest possible requirements are provided for the development of land surveying and planning projects, in order to not only comply with the required regulations, but also correct existing shortcomings.

In what cases may projects be needed?

In addition to construction, a boundary design is used in all cases of dividing a site into smaller parts without allotment and without registering these parts with cadastral registration. Accordingly, it may be required:

  1. When determining the boundaries of use of shares of a land plot in common shared ownership, the general area is marked out into separate parts.
  2. The part of the plot alienated as a result of the establishment of an encumbrance is delimited from the general territory.

But in these cases, projects are drawn up at the request of the owners. They may be necessary and provide maximum efficiency to land exploitation, but they are not mandatory.

In addition, there is an interdependence between the need for one project to create another. They carry different information. The basic information provided by the planning project is an auxiliary tool for creating a PMT. And also vice versa. Due to this inextricable mutual connection, projects must be coordinated with each other.

The content of design information has the nature of a standard. The PMT includes a textual and cartographic part. In the text part, the central link is the table; it contains a detailed descriptive information message characterizing the main trends of the land surveying being designed on the ground. It includes the following sections:

  1. Basic provisions.
  2. Basic and specific resolutions for the compilation of text and cartographic parts.
  3. Sections of the textual and cartographic part of the PMT, which occupy a significant amount of the project and consist of separate paragraphs and subparagraphs.
  4. Content.

The project starts with title page, which provides information about the contractor and provides a brief overview of its structure and content. Separate information is attached to the project in the form of annexes, and an explanatory note is attached.

An important stage of design is drawing up a map.

It is reproduced in paper form. The electronic medium for its creation is the basic system; the context of the site is copied from it in the current content, reflecting the current state of affairs at the time of drawing up the project.

New design information reflects the existing potentially or ideally existing context, so it is applied to the copy interactive map specialized topographical signs.

Upon request, design information is applied to the cartographic base manually, always in blue color, in compliance with all the rules specified as requirements for the preparation of the project.

Preparation requirements

The project is drawn up on the basis of standards and requirements determined Federal law. It is based on Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated August 3, 2011 N388.

Points for preparing PMT include a number of provisions:

  1. Rules for drawing up a map.
  2. Using A-4 sheet format.
  3. Use of appropriate office supplies.
  4. Use only Russian language.
  5. Rules for numbering sheets and using only Arabic numerals.
  6. Special rules for transferring information to the next sheet.
  7. Project points.
  8. Total volume of text.
  9. Rules for preparing PMT.

The identified requirements form standard procedures for processing data in the PMT for a number of information data:

  • information about the customer and contractor;
  • on the content of the explanatory note;
  • according to cadastral (initial) data of the site;
  • according to cadastral data on parts of the site subject to design;
  • information about access to the site for specialists;
  • according to the graphic plan;
  • by application.

You can order a land surveying project from the local administration, where the town planning committee should be located. He is authorized to plan architectural work and, among other things, to prepare a boundary design.

It is provided with relevant qualified specialists and is licensed in accordance with state regulations. He takes full responsibility for the implementation of the project. In Moscow, approval of project documentation is carried out by the Main Architectural and Planning Department.

To prepare the PMT, you will have to get it approved. Prepare a package of documents:

  • territory planning project;
  • sketch master plan land plot (with communication diagrams);
  • cadastral passport of the plot;
  • topographic survey of the site.
When thinking about who can do this work, know that your project must be approved by the head of the local executive committee (administration) at the location of the land object intended for the work being designed. He is presented with an application submitted by the owner of the site, or a decision of the commission from the architectural or urban planning committee responsible for preparing the PMT.

Approval of the project is done through hearings based on the qualification commission appropriate verification. The requirement for approval is technical compliance with the planned characteristics, as well as a general town-planning (municipal) plan, presented in topographic form.

The outcome of the hearing will decide the issue. It can be both positive and negative, which is due to the objective nature of the situation in the planned design land zone. Here it is important to consider a number of factors that can influence seismic processes and the overall background of the landscape.

If there is a negative decision, the reasons for the refusal will be set out in detail in separate paragraphs and supported by expert opinions.

If there are errors or shortcomings in the project, which emerged after its preparation and approval, a revised additional document is attached to the project, where the necessary changes are made. The project itself is not being remade.

To prepare a PMT, you can contact a lawyer intermediary who will take on your troubles. In this case, the listed documents must be accompanied by a power of attorney for the representative, drawn up in a notary’s office.

The deadline for completion is 30 days, during which time the administrative commission will check the suitability of the site for the planned work and determine the date of the hearing. After a decision is made, it must be reported within 3 days.

Preparation of a land surveying project takes on average from 4 to 7 months, depending on the complexity of the work being carried out. If both projects are running simultaneously - deadlines will be significantly increased.

Payment for work is made after you have been issued permission to prepare projects. The cost of the work is determined by its complexity and volume, and accordingly is set in each case individually.

When using the services of an intermediary, preparing a land surveying project in licensed companies is estimated at 30,000 rubles, the remaining elements necessary for preparing the project are calculated additionally. Is land surveying necessary - read.

This project is the basis for the formation of a land surveying project on its basis and is prepared in a similar way. The basis for its production will be your application to the authorities local authorities. It should be prepared before or in conjunction with your surveying project.

If you are submitting an application to your local authority for the preparation of both projects - then the algorithm of actions will be the same for the boundary plan and the planning project, as one of the stages of creating a holistic basic picture for the subsequent delimitation of territories, taking into account the data specified in the planning.

Since the PPT is basic, before you start preparing it, you need to find out whether the planned type of development is allowed on your site in accordance with the General Plan. If allowed, you can submit an application to the authorities to prepare a project.

Keep in mind that the production of a planning project has the legal force almost equal to the building permit issued to you. Therefore, the municipality is especially careful in its production.

Accordingly, to create a PPT you will have to collect large number documents. These include:

  • architectural and planning task;
  • certificate of connection to energy networks;
  • technical specifications for design;
  • town planning conclusion;
  • topographic survey;
  • title documents for the site.

In addition, other documents may be required in accordance with the specific planning purposes. These documents will need to be accompanied by permission from the administration after it is issued.

Agreement must be made:

  • with the municipal administration;
  • chief architect;
  • engineering services.

In some cases, approval from the Affairs Committee may be required. cultural heritage and security department natural resources. The approval is carried out by the customer.

The timing and cost of work depends on the area of ​​the territory for which the PPT is being compiled. For multi-storey housing PPT on plots:

  • up to 5 hectares – 400,000 rubles in total – period 20 working days;
  • 5-20 hectares – 80,000 rubles per 1 hectare – period 25 working days;
  • 20-50 hectares – 75,000 rubles per 1 hectare – period 25 working days;
  • more than 50 hectares - 65,000 rubles per 1 hectare - period 30 working days.

For holiday villages and low-rise buildings:

  • up to 10 hectares – 350,000 rubles in total – period 20 working days;
  • 10-50 hectares – 32,000 rubles per 1 hectare – period 25 working days;
  • more than 50 hectares - 30,000 rubles per 1 hectare - period 30 working days.

The price is indicated without VAT.

You can download a sample land surveying project.

A sample planning project.


As you can see, the process of preparing PMT and PPT is quite labor-intensive, but its importance is difficult to overestimate, especially when it comes to large-scale developments.

As a rule, participants in collective ownership pay for this work jointly, which does not greatly affect the budget of summer residents.

And when constructing new buildings, the cost of the work is included in the total cost of the apartments provided to residents. When participating in shared construction, first of all it is necessary to check with the developer the availability of PPT, without which he does not have the right to purchase investments for future construction

Drawing up and processing of territory planning documentation is a complex process that allows you to collect the maximum useful information about a specific plot of land. A territory planning project may be needed if you want to develop a plot of land. Usually, to draw up a project, a whole range of work is carried out, which includes both planning and land surveying.

Sample plan for land surveying

Certainly, the right decision will entrust all the work to specialists. Only they will be able to perform all this work efficiently, correctly and quickly, correctly formatting the results and presenting them in an understandable form.
But it will still be useful for everyone to know about the basic terms and types of work that are included in the planning.

Most often, when talking about territory planning documentation, experts mean a project for planning and surveying the territory. Therefore, it is worth talking about them in more detail.

When the work of specialists is completed, you receive a comprehensive state of the transport infrastructure, the ecological state of the land plot, and the socio-economic potential of a certain territory.

Why do you need territory planning documentation?

Many people encountering such a situation for the first time challenging task, often do not understand the purpose of documenting the planning of territories.

Types of documentation for territory planning

However, this is very important stage to ensure the stable development of certain land plots in accordance with the developed urban planning documents. This is achieved by:

  • details and clarifications planning structures located in separate territories;
  • organization of roads and streets;
  • establishing the boundaries of the territories where buildings for communal, social and cultural purposes, and other construction projects will be located.

Collecting all the necessary data and performing the calculations correctly is extremely difficult work. Some of the data is collected directly on the ground, for a specific object, which significantly complicates the task assigned to specialists.

Landscape data collection

How the project is drawn up

The main purpose for which a territory planning project is drawn up is to confirm the correctness of all decisions (architectural and planning) that will be used in the construction of residential and industrial buildings, the creation of engineering and transport infrastructure.

During the compilation, specialists also determine the most important and relevant technical and economic indicators that will be used in the future.

To ensure that all the work is completed not only quickly, but also as correctly as possible, specialists carry out a whole range of complex work:

Only after collecting all the necessary data and conducting a thorough analysis can we proceed to the next stages of construction.

How is land surveying carried out?

Territory demarcation is a very important operation. Without this, it is impossible to carry out most operations with land plots. Any transactions you make with land that is considered yours may be considered illegal. Moreover, without having a project created on the basis of land surveying, you cannot use or otherwise dispose of the land plot.

Construction, inheritance, donation, purchase, sale, division, merger - none of these processes takes place without land surveying, the implementation of which must fully comply with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. It is also prohibited to carry out any land management work.

If you need to get a project for land surveying, its development can be entrusted to licensed individuals or legal entities, providing a range of cartographic or geodetic services. In addition, this work can be carried out by specialists from the design and survey departments of Rosnedvizhimost.

Existing Features Rosnedvizhimost

All work is divided into several steps:

As you can see, land surveying is an extremely complex and painstaking operation, during which a large number of nuances are taken into account. However, it is impossible to carry out territorial planning, as well as carry out any construction work without it.

Development of territories

Development of territories can be carried out only after the final collection of all necessary data, the list of which necessarily includes land surveying. In many ways, the composition of the package of documents depends on what kind of object is planned to be built on a specific land plot.

example of a site plan for construction on a garden plot

A number of requirements for construction also depend on this. For example, if you are interested in developing the territory of gardening associations, then it is regulated by SNiP 30-02-97. It lists in detail all the requirements that must be met not only by the construction process, but also by the resulting object.

Regular low-rise housing construction(the height of the house should not exceed 3 floors plus an attic, but not more than 12 meters in total) is regulated by SNiP 30-102-99.

The land plot planning project is an annex to the PMP and is carried out on its basis, in compliance with the same requirements. Focused on development planning, taking into account:

  1. nuances of territory zoning;
  2. elements included in the project structure;
  3. planning purposes;
  4. urban planning context beyond boundary boundaries.

Why are PMT and PPT needed?

Land surveying and planning projects serve as documentation necessary for the construction of capital buildings and linear infrastructure facilities. Include:

  1. land surveying drawings;
  2. elements of structural objects;
  3. text description app.

Topographic information and standards for construction and other work are focused on. In accordance with it, the territory of the site fits into the general context of the development of the settlement. You can read the instructions for filling out the GPZU at.

An important nuance is the architectural calculations carried out in relation to objects under construction. Based on them, acceptable standards for development are established that correspond to the state of the soil and reduce the risk of overloading the land with erected buildings and structures.

Difference between PMT and PPT

The land surveying project is focused on the procedure for zoning the territory according to established shares or marking out the territory for the construction of a building. Accordingly, the main information here is data on boundary boundaries:

  1. highlighting memory from the general context;
  2. dividing the memory into established parts.

The planning project draws up these parts in accordance with the customer’s goals, designing geodetic layouts for them:

  1. building elements;
  2. transport lines;
  3. engineering communications.

Drawings of capital construction projects taken outside the boundaries of the land plot are also drawn up here.

Planning is carried out on the basis of a drawn up survey project, taking into account compliance with construction standards and required offsets from.

Situations for using PMT and PPT

The designated documents, based on, are interconnected both in function and in content and are regulated by Article 11.3 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation. Applies to lands that are in shared ownership.

For example, for those located in the dacha area of ​​SNT, DNT and others. In this case, the common territory, placed under a single area, allows for division based on the land surveying project and territory planning. The project establishes the boundaries of the dachas, and the layout presents a picture of the location of transport lines, water supply and energy systems throughout the entire territory of the dacha community.

For lands intended for individual housing construction, documentation is drawn up in the same way for shared ownership of a plot. In other cases - if the area of ​​the plot is large and requires additional division through conditional fragmentation of the territory. As a rule, this requirement is relevant for multi-storey buildings that include a planning project both in relation to the building and in relation to the design elements of the local area.

Territory surveying projects: sample gas pipeline diversion from the city of Ustyuzhna and from Chusovaya

This is what one of the sheets of these projects looks like:

Step-by-step instructions for preparing PMT and PPT

We have familiarized ourselves with the land plot planning projects (your samples are available) and have an idea of ​​what it is. Now let's move on to receiving them.

You can prepare documentation in two different instances, the specifics of whose activities provide for a number of nuances and a difference in the algorithm that must be followed when applying. The document's standards are based on SNiP No. 30-02-97.

So, who can carry out a land surveying project? Let's look at the options further.

The first option is to contact the administration

To do this, you should contact the department of urban planning and architecture, under the administration. In Moscow and St. Petersburg - to the Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture. Receive technical specifications for design and place an order for the preparation of PMT. They contact the head of the administration or another authorized person, for example, the head of the land management department.


When applying, you should submit an application to an authorized person, accompanied by documentation:

  1. (or other form of law);
  2. sketch of the General Plan of the ZU, with a communications diagram;
  3. about the presence (absence) of permanent buildings;
  4. with the designation of communications.

Preparation of a land surveying project

Based on the received documentation, the project is prepared. The documentation submitted by the applicant and the documents available in the administration are examined. Please note:

  • to analyze the soil structure in the development area;
  • specifics of the architectural context;
  • analysis of the environmental friendliness of the work being carried out;
  • technical support for the work being carried out;
  • analysis of development results.

On this basis, the admissibility of the declared work on the site is considered.. If the administration’s decision is positive, a technical specification is drawn up, on the basis of which the indicated ones are made.

Development of a planning and land surveying project

The development of a land surveying project and a territory planning project includes prerequisite for the execution of the topographical part, which is copying the cartographic basis from the cadastral map of the land plot, located in the information bank of Rosreestr, with the current boundaries already highlighted, framing the site. Lines of internal boundaries corresponding to the purposes of land surveying are drawn on the designated base. When preparing the PPT, linear and other objects that are planned to be built are also drawn.

Approval of PMT

After drawing up a drawing and a textual basis with applications, the document must be approved by the local administration. For approval, an extract from the General Development Plan of the zone in which the designated land plot is included is attached. Consent is carried out at public hearings.

Timing and cost

It takes at least two months, one of which is spent on obtaining permission to carry out work.

In the administration this service is issued free of charge.

The second option is to contact commercial companies

This is allowed on the basis of local regional orders and local acts. In this case, you need to contact local architectural companies licensed for the relevant type of work.

Preparation of land surveying project and documents

IN in this case happens similarly, but it is allowed to order the development of technical specifications and its coordination with the administration, at the expense of the efforts of the work contractor.

In this case, there may be no sketch of the master development plan, which the company will receive under its own authority.

Development of PMT and PPT

The company’s specialists independently make a copy of the cadastral map, on which they apply design elements, according to the terms of the technical specifications.

Timing and cost

In this case, the time frame can be reduced to one month.

Depends on the terms of the contract and the scope of work. Each element of work is calculated individually. For small plots it costs from 30 thousand rubles, which only includes project preparation. To prepare a project for the construction of a multi-storey building, the cost can reach 400 thousand rubles or exceed it.


The same is carried out at public hearings. Responsibility for presenting the project at hearings is established by the terms of the contract.

The presence of this documentation at the start of work on the construction of a capital structure allows for the replacement of other documentation required for a construction permit.

More information about surveying can be found in.