In a dream there is a big white hare. Why do you dream about the Hare?

The hare is one of the most ambiguous images in dreams. Dreams with this beast can be interpreted in completely different ways, largely depending on the specific details of the dream. This article will talk about why the hare dreams.

The hare is one of the most controversial images in dreams

Any animal that a person sees in a dream carries many meanings. Rabbit is no exception. Many people associate it with cowardice, while others associate it with loyalty, because... these are monogamous animals. In order to correctly interpret a dream with this image, you should pay attention to important details of the dream: the color of the animal, its behavior, the dreamer’s feelings after meeting it, etc.

Any animal that a person sees in a dream carries many meanings.

If a person cannot identify any specific details of his dream, then it can be interpreted as follows:

  • A hare in a dream symbolizes a careless attitude towards oneself. Perhaps the dreamer is not at all inclined to accept criticism addressed to him.
  • A rabbit looking into a person's eyes symbolizes public condemnation and slander. Very soon the dreamer will be faced with a lack of support from the people around him.
  • The dreamer's plans are not destined to come true in the near future.
  • If a rabbit slowly approaches a person, this indicates that he will soon have to face a cunning person. This meeting will bring despondency.
  • If you have to follow a hare, this portends good news.
  • A dream in which a person feeds a rabbit portends a lot of joy. The dreamer will probably soon become a participant in some important event. This dream has another interpretation: big expenses await the dreamer’s loved ones.
  • Such a dream may indicate that the dreamer may have been making some plans these days, but got carried away by other things and completely forgot about them. IN in this case, the image of a rabbit is a reminder of plans.
  • If a person runs around a rabbit, this is interpreted as follows: before deciding to take a serious action, you need to think very carefully about the consequences of this action.

But Aesop’s dream book interprets such a dream not as a harbinger of something, but as a reflection of a person’s subconscious fear. Everyone knows that the bunny is a coward. In all fairy tales, this furry animal runs away from a wolf, fox or bird of prey. It turns out that if a person dreams of this animal, he is subconsciously afraid of someone or something.

Seeing a white or gray hare in a dream: interpretation

The color of the animal is one of the main details of this dream. The interpretation of the dream depends on what color the rabbit is.

  • A white and gray rabbit in a dream is a very good sign. Things will go well for the dreamer. If he had any plans the day before, then they were all destined to come true. In addition to good luck, a person will be surrounded by an atmosphere of prosperity and prosperity. You can also expect to meet a person whom the dreamer can confidently call his friend. The people a person meets on the eve of such a dream will positive influence for his entire subsequent fate. Thus, luck, prosperity and friendship await the dreamer.
  • A black hare in a dream, on the contrary, is not a good sign. Most likely, the dreamer will soon have to face a number of difficulties. He will live in an atmosphere of stress and nervousness. But that's not all. This symbol carries a warning that a person needs to spend less money, otherwise he may go bankrupt in the very near future.

If the animal has a bright light shade and sits in a home box or cage, this promises a person career growth or huge profits.

Big or small hares in a dream: what does it mean?

The size of the hare is also important for the interpretation of sleep

The size of the hare is also important for the interpretation of the dream. It is believed that it is associated with emotions that the dreamer will have to face in the near future. The larger the animal, the more emotions and feelings a person will experience.

  • The big hare carries a lot of strong emotions. If it is not only large, but also has a light shade, then all the feelings that a person will experience in the near future will be only positive for him. If in a dream a person dreams of a bright white large rabbit, a lot of happiness, joy and grace await him.
  • Small hares speak of minor emotions. Most likely, nothing will happen to the person big changes, his life will develop at an even pace without sudden ups and downs. If the dreamer saw a small but black rabbit, then one should expect trouble. And if the animal also tried to attack him, this means enemies.

Seeing a lot of hares in a dream

It is impossible to say unequivocally what a dream in which many rabbits were seen promises.

It is impossible to say unequivocally what a dream in which many rabbits were seen promises. Two factors play a huge role here: the behavior of animals and the feelings that arise in a person when he is near them.

  • If there are many charming fluffy rabbits next to a person, and he is happy at the same time, this is a sign of goodness and joy. In the near future the dreamer will receive a lot positive emotions, will be touched and cheerful.
  • If there are hares next to a person, whom he is afraid of because they are aggressive towards him or have a scary appearance (big teeth, bloodshot eyes, etc.), then he will soon experience negativity while being in public. Perhaps he will be ridiculed in the company of comrades or in public.

The more joy the dreamer experiences while being in “company” with hares, the more positive emotions he will soon experience.

Catch a hare with your hands

A caught hare is a very good sign

A caught hare is a very good sign. When a person catches something with his hands in a dream, it always symbolizes his pursuit of a dream. Thus, if in a dream he managed to catch this animal, all plans are destined to come true. However, catching rabbits in a dream has a somewhat specific interpretation:

  • Caught bunnies promise quick love. If the dreamer has not yet been engaged to anyone, he will meet a person whom he will love with all his heart. And if he already has such a person, then their relationship will work out in the best possible way.
  • Miller's dream book interprets a running rabbit as something valuable slipping from the dreamer's hands in real life. If he managed to catch the beast, then he will return what he lost, which is of high value to him.

Kill a bunny in a dream

Sometimes people dream of terrible things they do in their sleep. Having woken up, a person cannot come to his senses for a long time after such a dream, especially if in it he killed someone.

Killing a rabbit is a serious sign warning a person about the trials that he will have to face. But, if he was able to kill this beast, then he will be able to cope with all these trials. However, victory is only possible if a person makes some sacrifices. In this dream, the symbol of sacrifice is the killed rabbit. Many might say: “Tough measures are not the solution.” But there are situations in life in which you simply cannot do without these measures. Perhaps one of the dreamer’s close people will need his help, which he will certainly provide by taking control of the situation.

Why do you dream about a hare (video)

Why do you dream about a hare: dream book (video)

After a person has correctly interpreted his dream, he must draw the right conclusions for himself. If the dream was a warning for him, taking the situation into his own hands will not be difficult, because, as the people say: “Forewarned is forearmed.”

Attention, TODAY only!


The hare is a cute, fluffy animal that is often the main character good fairy tales, familiar to everyone since childhood. But if you dreamed of a scythe in your night dreams? Can he prophesy misfortune? To understand why a hare dreams, interpreters advise remembering the color of the animal, what it did in the dream, and how it treated the person. It is also very important to take into account the actions of the dreamer himself, because this can also affect the meaning of the dream.

  • Russian folk dream book suggests that the appearance of a hare in a dream is due to the fact that the dreamer regularly takes on several tasks at once, but very rarely completes them. It is noteworthy that the obstacle to this is the dreamer’s cowardice, which he unsuccessfully tries to hide from other people.
  • The famous psychologist Miller interpreted the vision taking into account how the dreamer relates to hares in reality. If a person loves these animals in reality, it means that having dreamed about them, they indicate the appearance of cute but unintelligent friends in the dreamer’s life.
  • The healer Fedorovskaya counted the visionary oblique good sign. The author of the dream book assured that the image of a hare indicates an addition to the family.
  • Idiomatic dream book claims that a scythe in a dream characterizes the dreamer’s behavior. Apparently, the sleeper is so afraid of everything that he resembles a cowardly bunny.
  • According to Hasse's dream book, a plot in which a hare was sitting in a green meadow is considered a good symbol, foreshadowing happiness and prosperity.
  • The Small Velesov Dream Book convinces its readers that a hare in a dream is a sign after which the sleeper will soon be able to purchase his own home, which he has dreamed of for many years.
  • The 21st century dream book does not give such a positive interpretation. In his opinion, the appearance of an oblique person in a dream is associated with the danger that threatens the dreamer. Probably his enemies have become more active and are starting a “full-scale war.”
  • The famous psychologist Freud, as always, is individual. He is sure that a hare in a dream means that the dreamer does not trust his partner and believes that he is cheating on him. According to the interpreter, the sleeper’s fears are completely unfounded. In addition, it should be taken into account: such an attitude towards a loved one can destroy even the strongest love.
  • Aesop's dream book believes that a hare in a dream is an image of a two-faced person who is next to the dreamer. Moreover, he gives the sleeping person advice on how to act in a given situation, although he himself only wishes him tears and misfortune. Therefore, it is not advisable to listen to him.
  • The seer Vanga is sure that the dream indicates prosperous events. But this will only happen if the dreamer does not make rash decisions. According to the soothsayer, all the dreamer’s actions must be clear and verified.
  • According to Medea's dream book, a hare in a dream is a symbol of the dreamer's indecision, inability to behave in difficult situations.
  • Unpredictability, vanity, and confusion are prophesied by the image of the oblique man according to the interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima.
  • Jewish dream book believes that even the cutest bunny is a sign of loss. Perhaps the sleeper will have to bury someone close to him.
  • According to Longo's dream book, a hare seen in a dream foretells good news that the dreamer will soon receive from friends.
  • Esotericist interprets the flowers of a hare in a dream as a great danger. Moreover, the culprit will be a close friend of the sleeping person.
  • Often a hare in a dream is a sign that the sleeper has missed the chance given to him by fate and will soon begin a streak of bad luck

    Video: why do you dream about a hare according to Miller’s dream book

    Who dreams of a hare, man, woman, girl

    To a young woman, the appearance of a hare in her night dreams often seems great sign, because the image prophesies an early pregnancy. If the lady is already in an interesting position, then it would be useful to remember the gender of the animal. This is due to the fact that a male hare in a dream prophesies the birth of a son, but if there was a hare in the dream, then a sweet girl will be born.

    To an unmarried girl the appearance of a sideways eye in night dreams promises an acquaintance with an interesting young man who may become her husband.

    A man who sees a hare in a dream dreams of declaring his independence to the whole world. Probably, the young man believes that he has already become an adult and can now teach others about life. Often such an image is dreamed if the dreamer dreams of becoming a parent, and there is a high probability that his wife is pregnant and will soon give him a son.

    A hare on a green, sunlit lawn means that you will remember an old dream and try to make it come true

    Interpretation of sleep taking into account details

    To correctly decipher a vision, you need to remember many details that can significantly change the meaning of the dream.

    Color of the hare's coat: white, black, gray

    White the oblique is considered a positive sign. The dreamer's life in the near future will be filled with happiness and pleasant events. If the sleeping person feeds the hare from his hands, then soon he will have to attend a celebration dedicated to one of his close friends. Animals running towards you indicate the emergence of new, loyal friends. A dream in which a person watches hares with delight means that a meeting with someone whom the dreamer is terribly afraid of will be crowned with success. If in a dream the scythe changed color from white to some other color, it means that in reality a person wants to be left alone with himself and reflect on his past.

    Gray hares in a dream indicate the dreamer’s fear, unpleasant events that may soon happen to him. If a sleeper talks to animals, in reality ill-wishers will try to slander him. This vision can also talk about events that will make the dreamer very worried. An influential patron is prophesied by a dream in which gray hares catch up with the dreamer. If the sleeping person hunted animals, it means that a conflict will occur between him and his loved ones, which will quarrel them with each other for a long time.

    If a sleeping person is afraid of a gray hare, it means that in reality he will show himself in his true light, forgetting about morals and principles

    A black bunny dreams of troubles in the financial sector. The sleeper will probably spend it thoughtlessly a large sum money, much more than what he can really afford. This vision also indicates the appearance of an unreliable person who can cause financial losses for the sleeper.

    Fluffies of bright colors are a symbol of deception and frivolity. For example, if you dreamed of spotted hares, then the dreamer is surrounded by two-faced people who will try to push him to participate in a risky event.

    Red hares are a disappointment. Probably, the wish that the dreamer made will not come true, and sad events will be to blame for this.

    Quantity and size matter

    There are many hares in the forest - to many small but troublesome affairs. If a pack ran past the dreamer, it means that in reality he is chasing unnecessary things, forgetting about really important things. Two hares in a dream, followed by the dreamer, indicate unfinished business. One bunny is a sign that the sleeper is very worried about the upcoming event, so he cannot control himself.

    The size of the dreamed animal also has great value:

  • a huge hare means that due to his own indecision, the sleeper may lose his position;
  • medium-sized animal indicates acceptance important decisions, on which the life of not only the dreamer himself, but also his family will depend;
  • the little coward promises the joy that children will bring to the sleeper.
  • What was the hare like in the dream: alive, dead, plush

    A live hare caught in a net means gossip that will surround the sleeping person. If in a dream you see a stuffed bunny received as a gift, it means that changes will occur in the dreamer’s personal life, but not as quickly as he would like. An old plush toy means sad events.

    If in a dream a person sleeping kills an animal with his own hands, in reality he himself will act as a deceiver, and close people will become the victim. A hare that dies a natural death means losses.

    A plush hare in a dream can predict sad events

    The dreamer's actions: feed, stroke, play, catch or kill

    The actions performed by the dreamer determine the nature of what happens in the dream and influence its interpretation.

  • Deterioration in health is prophesied by a dream in which the sleeper tries to grab the scythe with his bare hands. Catching an animal with a noose is a sign that all the troubles will settle down by themselves and the sleeper will be able to go out new level. If the dreamer takes part in sports competitions, then this vision predicts complete and irrevocable victory for him.
  • Letting a pack of dogs loose on a hare means that the sleeper will become the instigator of the conflict, as a result of which he will have to justify his actions.
  • Removing the skin from the carcass of a killed hare means that there is a high probability of developing an awkward situation in which the dreamer will find himself.
  • Unacceptable weakness shown by a person is foreshadowed by a dream in which he eats hare meat.
  • Walking behind a hare means pleasant events.
  • Feeding an animal means the successful completion of affairs, marriage.
  • Receive a gift of an oblique - to new love.
  • Selling a hare in a dream indicates changes in the professional sphere. Apparently, the dreamer will say goodbye to old partners forever and find new ones.
  • Purchasing an animal indicates receiving advantageous offer.
  • Stroking a hare and admiring its fur means a slight discomfort that will quickly pass.
  • Taming an animal in a dream means that in reality the dreamer is overprotective of his children, but they have already grown up and do not need it.
  • Play with a hare - to visit have a fun event.
  • Shoot at the oblique - hit difficult situation, from which it will be impossible to get out on your own. The dreamer will urgently need the help of family and friends.
  • A dream in which the sleeper killed a hare has a rather contradictory interpretation. So, for example, Grishina’s dream book interprets such a vision as major losses. Ukrainian dream book, in turn, on the contrary, considers such a plot a harbinger happy events.
  • Hunting a hare in a dream is a sign of deteriorating relationships in the family, the emergence of quarrels and misunderstandings.
  • The white hare dreams of happiness and pleasant changes in life

    Other interpretations

    Hares in a cage are a sign that the sleeper is out of place and subconsciously expects punishment for this. Small, cheerful bunnies indicate the appearance of children in the family, who will greatly delight the dreamer.

    If a scythe chews something in a dream, it means that the sleeper will have a difficult period. There may be temporary financial difficulties that will need to be patiently endured.

    A hare and a hare dream of love. The sleeper will probably also meet his match and be very happy in the future. A hare's wedding means ingratitude. The dreamer should be prepared in advance for the fact that his efforts will not be appreciated.

    Video: hare in a dream

    As you can see, a hare that appears in a dream at night has a contradictory meaning. Some dream books perceive it as good sign, others believe that this image promises misfortune. That is why the dreamer should not blindly believe the predictions. It’s better to rely on your own feelings and try to make every effort to make your life prosperous and happy.

    Dream interpretation hare

    Small wild animals, as a rule, have ambiguous interpretations in dream books. Some believe that if you dreamed of a hare, you can count on quickly making a profit and quickly achieving what you want. Others, on the contrary, consider this fluffy a harbinger of misfortune.

    It is difficult to say unequivocally what the hare is dreaming of. It can symbolize one’s own cowardice and intolerable character traits in oneself for the dreamer. In order to eradicate them, you need to be prepared for deep changes, and this is always painful.

    In order for the interpretation of what the hare is dreaming of to be as accurate as possible, it is important to remember as many details of the dream as possible.

    • Identification of the animal (whether it was wild hares or domestic rabbits is also important).
    • Fluffy color.
    • Have you ever dreamed of hunting these little animals?

    By analyzing these main aspects of dreams, it will be possible to obtain a detailed interpretation of what the hare is dreaming about.

    If you dreamed of a hare

    It is also important to pay attention to your own sensations and feelings. If in reality these animals cause you fear and a feeling of unreasonable disgust, then you need to prepare for minor troubles at work or at home.

    To be a sincere connoisseur of eared beauty in life means such night dream will bring not only pleasant impressions from the vision, but also extraordinary luck. If the animal just sat and did not move, and you admired it in the rays sunlight– this is definitely family happiness. Young people can begin to prepare for the wedding.

    Hares or rabbits

    Most European dream books do not take into account the difference between these two animals, because they have a single concept, expressed by the same word in the language, to designate a long-eared fluffy. They only say "wild" or "domestic".

    IN Slavic cultures that's two different types animals. Moreover, wild animals - hares are considered the personification of cowardice and timidity. And domestic rabbits are a symbol big family and welfare.

    What does a hare mean from dreams - different opinions

    If you held a hare in your hands

    Dreams about small furry animals are usually pleasant. They do not cause negative emotions and painful impressions. Even if they have a very negative interpretation. Seeing a hare on a green, sunlit lawn means remembering a long-hidden fear in your soul. And to kill him while hunting is to receive a reward in competitions.

    There are several points of view on what the hare dreams about. Western European popular and well-tested dream books say that this is a symbol of cowardice and hypocrisy of friends (hares change color, which means the opinions of friends can also be changeable). Miller's opinion also applies here.

    Eastern European, including Slavic interpretations say that catching a hare with your hands means getting what you want, and for a woman such a dream promises a desired pregnancy.

    Ancient Slavic dream book (Velesov)

    The ancients believed that to see a hare in one of their dreams was to receive a warning that caution would be useful in some matter. Catching it with your hands means good luck. Ran away - parting with a friend or distant relative. This is what Velesov’s dream book says: a hare caught in a dream means that natural dexterity will help you show yourself in the most favorable light, which means success in the intended business is guaranteed.

    • He runs as fast as he can through the village - the herald of a fire.
    • White people dream of good luck. The gray hare means routine work.
    • Hunting with dogs is exciting. To see that the hunt is going badly, the hounds can neither drive nor catch - the work begun will not bring a positive result. Solo hunting with a gun - if you managed to kill a lot of birds with one stone - you will receive an inheritance.
    • To see in one of your dreams that you have a big one in your hands gray hare- for a gift.
    • Dead is a failure.
    • There are many on the hill, and you cannot reach any of them - you will need to make every possible effort to achieve what you want.

    Miller's Dream Book

    Based on psychological interpretations Miller’s dream book believes that hares seen in a dream symbolize those obstacles that we are afraid to overcome due to the softness of our character.

    Family dream book

    That's what he says family dream book: a hare that came in a dream from Thursday to Friday brings news from distant friends. And if you had one of the dreams with this beast from Monday to Tuesday, expect an incident that will greatly scare you, but in fact, all your worries were in vain.

    • White, runs away - luck may turn away from you.
    • For a pregnant woman, catching a hare means giving birth to a boy, and if in one of the dreams a pregnant woman catches a hare, a girl will be born.
    • I dream of people walking on the edge of the forest, there are many of them and nothing threatens them - quiet family happiness. For lovers - a loud wedding.
    • You dream of hares running as fast as they can - beware of false friends.
    • Dead - the engagement will be upset.

    Fluffy bunnies from dreams

    There is practically no separate interpretation of what a rabbit seen in a dream means in Western interpretations. And East Slavic sources believe that this pet symbolizes home comfort, family well-being and material wealth.

    Own sensations and feelings

    If a rabbit or hare seen in a dream evokes a feeling of disgust or fear, then such a dream can definitely be considered a bad omen. Expect an unpleasant conversation with a friend who has long been suspected of duplicity.

    Feeling the excitement of chasing a wild animal, hunting, running in its tracks or tracking it through the snow - you have long been thinking about a serious project that can bring you serious well-being. Now is the time to take your first steps.

    Pay attention to loud dog barking, hounds are driving animals - you will recognize gossip. There is another interpretation: you really need to talk to your other half. And this conversation will not necessarily be pleasant. But relations improve significantly after this.

    Owning a significant number of rabbits in a dream means wealth and prosperity.

    If you really love eared fluffies in reality, but in a dream you were touched by their pleasant appearance- expect good news from good friends.

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    Dream Interpretation - Hands

    Admiring your own hands in a dream is a harbinger of prosperity.

    In the old days it was believed that right hand in a dream means the present or close male people, and the left one means the future or close female people.

    Losing a hand in a dream means losing a loved one.

    Shaking hands in a dream means establishing a good friendship with someone.

    If in a dream someone shakes your hand important person, then soon you will have a high-ranking patron, using whose capabilities you will be able to succeed in life.

    A dream in which you shake someone's hand to comfort the person indicates that you will soon fall out with that person.

    If you dream that you want to shake someone's hand but cannot, it predicts that you have competitors.

    A dream in which you saw someone kissing your hands encourages you not to trust this person.

    If the person is unfamiliar to you, then you should be wary of envious people and slanderers who want to discredit you, but at the same time gain benefit.

    If in a dream they say about you that you are sitting with your hands folded, then you should immediately begin to implement your plans.

    Having many hands in a dream is a sign that you will have a lot of work that will provide you with a decent living. But for criminals, such a dream foretells that they will soon be caught and they will suffer a well-deserved punishment.

    If you dream that your hands are stained with blood, then soon you will face a difficult separation from a loved one. Sometimes such a dream predicts that a quarrel with relatives awaits you.

    A dream in which you saw that your hands are covered with ulcers or pimples portends you sadness and disappointment.

    If you break your arm in a dream, then poverty, deprivation, need, hunger or illness await you.

    For women, such a dream predicts a short separation from a lover or husband.

    Seeing dirty hands or getting your hands dirty in a dream is a harbinger of failure in business. Sometimes such a dream warns you that you should refrain from risky or gambling activities or games. Sometimes such a dream warns you of slander or envious people.

    Washing your hands in a dream means that you will get rid of some unpleasant responsibilities or will be able to refuse to do some unpleasant work.

    If you dream that someone said about you that you have golden hands, then success in business awaits you. However, it is believed that having golden hands in a dream means that obstacles await you in business.

    A dream in which you saw that your arms have become stronger and longer promises profit and wealth.

    For women, such a dream foretells that their husband or lover will become richer or receive a promotion.

    Seeing hairy or rough hands in a dream is a sign of wealth and good luck in any endeavor.

    If you dream that your arms have become muscular, then you will successfully overcome difficulties and be able to stand up for yourself in any matter. For patients, such a dream predicts a speedy recovery.

    Seeing the hands of a child in a dream is a sign of prosperity and family happiness.

    If in a dream you find out that your hands have become weak and small, then you will be disappointed due to constant failures in everything you undertake. Sometimes such a dream indicates that your friends or partners may betray you at the most inopportune moment.

    A dream in which you saw an arm without a torso predicts losses in business and the danger of deception.

    If you dream that your hands are tied, then you will find yourself in a difficult situation and will be powerless to do anything to improve this situation.

    To give up on something in a dream means that you do not have enough patience and perseverance to carry out your intentions.

    If in a dream you saw that someone covered your hand with his or took you by the hand, then someone will interfere with the implementation of your plans or will convict you of a dishonest or vile act.

    See interpretation: palm, fingers, wash, soap, foam, nails, hair.

    Interpretation of dreams from

    Rabbits and hares are perceived by most people as cute but cowardly creatures. What if we saw these eared creatures in a dream? For the interpretation of such a dream, we decided to turn to the most popular and famous dream books modernity.

    Why do you dream about a rabbit?or hare: dream book of Gustav Miller

    If you saw these creatures in a dream, then luck and prosperity await you in everyday affairs. The white rabbit symbolizes fidelity in love for both married and single people. If in a dream you are surrounded by frolicking and playing hares or rabbits, then in real life your own children will bring great joy. If you dream that a hare is running away from you as fast as you can, then you risk losing something valuable. If you manage to catch the fugitive, then most likely the missing person will be found. Dead hare predicts a serious illness or even death to one of your friends. If you dream of hares or rabbits being chased by hunting dogs, then quarrels and conflicts between people close to you are possible, which will require your intervention to establish the former peace.

    Why do you dream about a rabbit?or hare: An ancient French dream book

    If you dreamed of a white hare or rabbit, then great success and good luck await you, but if it is black, then you will experience grief due to hostility towards you. If you killed this long-eared animal, then losses and losses await you in reality. If you dream that you eat rabbit meat, then you will live a long time and will not have serious health problems.

    Why do you dream about a rabbit?or hare: American dream book

    This interpretative book interprets the eared creature seen in a dream as a symbol of well-being and well-being. If you dream of a rabbit or hare running, then in life you will rush from one thing to another for a long time, not being able to make a choice.

    Why do you dream about a rabbit?or hare: An old English dream book

    Hares or rabbits seen in a dream, according to the interpretation of the Old English Dream Book, predict an imminent change of your place of residence. Perhaps you will move to another city, where you will meet great love and start a family. Also, such a dream portends great success in financial affairs. If you dream about rabbits married woman, then she may soon become pregnant.

    Gypsy dream book: hare or rabbit in a dream

    If you dream of a hare or rabbit sitting calmly in one place, then soon an opportunity will present itself, without missing which you can significantly improve your well-being. The black rabbit warns of great risks associated with finances. White symbolizes the possible receipt of an unexpected inheritance.

    Seeing rabbits in a dreamor hares: Dream book from A to Z

    According to the interpretation of this book, a dream in which white rabbits appear foreshadows a successful turn in both family and financial affairs. Black rabbits in a dream symbolize the presence of ill-wishers in your environment posing as friends. A running rabbit or hare is a symbol of unexpected great luck or a happy occasion. If you dream about how you catch these creatures, then harmony in love awaits you.