House 2 Evgeny Rudnev Liberzh. Wedding of Evgeny Rudnev and Liberzh Kpadon. Evgeny Rudnev. Biography before the project

One of the brightest and most memorable participants in the popular television series, whose life continues to be followed even after leaving the project, is Evgeny Rudnev. “House 2” became a second home for him, he speaks warmly of the show. The young man came to the project in November 2013, voicing that he wanted to find love.

Evgeny Rudnev. Biography before the project

Zhenya was born in October 1987 in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Since childhood, Evgeniy devoted a lot of time sports activities and caring for your own body. At the same time, the guy received a secondary education at school, graduating with good grades. After school, Zhenya decided to go to the Northern capital - St. Petersburg. It was in this city that he entered the university in the direction of “International Civil Law”.

However, getting a job during internship and after graduating from higher education educational institution turned out to be quite problematic. In most cases, employees with work experience or good recommendations from his place of study, but the guy had neither the first nor the second. Then Evgeny Rudnev decided to get a job that was close in spirit - as a coach in gym. Despite the fact that he was fascinated by sports and now Zhenya could spend a lot of time in the gym, the pay for the work was small. This money was not enough to pay for housing, utilities, and food. After working as a fitness trainer, Evgeny Rudnev mastered other professions - he produced stands, tried himself on television. Zhenya also worked as a DJ and played electronic music. IN free time the guy actively spent his leisure time with his friends.

Arrival at "House 2"

Rudnev’s relationships with girls did not work out: he had complaints about some of his companions, others themselves rejected Zhenya’s advances.

One day, a guy came up with the idea of ​​going to the casting of the popular show “Dom-2”, where people find love. Evgeny Rudnev came to the construction site in early November, voicing his desire to pursue Tatyana Okhulkina.

Relations with Tatyana did not work out: in the very first hours of their acquaintance, Zhenya voiced his dissatisfaction with his new passion, which led to a scandal. Soon the couple decided to make peace and even move into the same room. From the outside, the relationship looked like some kind of agreement, according to which each of the partners was simply looking for ways to stay on the project territory. When even small kisses stopped, Evgeniy’s mother, Lyudmila Valerievna, intervened in the situation. She came to improve the relationship between Zhenya and Tanya, and she really succeeded. Thanks to Lyudmila’s instructions, the couple began to spend much more time together.

A few weeks later it turned out that Tatyana Okhulkova had relationships outside the television set. The participant left the project and went to live with her man. Lyudmila Valerievna subsequently also became a participant in the project.

Black love

Evgeny Rudnev remained alone on the project, but not for long. His new love the dark-skinned Liberzh Kpadonu became. Already on the third day, the couple moved into a separate room. None of the participants believed in the sincerity of this relationship, but later they began to develop. Liber began to talk about children and marriage, and Zhenya did not resist this.

Soon the guys decided to submit an application to the registry office. After this, the situation worsened: Liber was constantly crying because of the failure of the relationship and Evgeniy’s grievances, and he himself did not realize the depth of the problem. This influenced Liber's decision. Rudnev proposed marriage to her four times, but each time there was a refusal.

After breaking up with Liberzh Kpadonu, the guy began dating Kristina Deryabina. The relationship did not work out due to Rudnev’s excessive temper and Christina’s constant manipulation. The girl crossed all boundaries: she tried to blackmail Zhenya with a non-existent pregnancy, but the truth was later revealed.

Life after the project

After the “House 2” project, Evgeny Rudnev did not earn more and does not work in a prestigious company. He works in a job he loves, and considers his feelings for a girl to be his main achievement. Evgeniy has finally found a life partner with whom he feels good and comfortable. At the same time, it is easy and calm for him to be with his beloved, and he himself has changed his character.

The project that brought him fame and popularity is still watched by Zhenya. Most often this happens over dinner over the Internet. Sometimes he is outraged by what is happening on the television set and does not understand why the participants receive money. He is also grateful to the producers of “House-2” for putting up with his nervous attacks. Former member admits that he has not forgotten anyone from the previous composition and is grateful to everyone for the love and kindness shown. TO ex-girlfriend He also treats Liberz well, but he despises Christina and Tanya and doesn’t want to talk to them.

The long-awaited wedding of Liber Kpadonu and Evgeniy Rudnev took place. The ceremony was scheduled for a beautiful date and time - December 12 at 12:20. According to the already established tradition among many participants in the TV show, the wedding took place in the Gagarinsky registry office in Moscow, where the closest friends and relatives of the newlyweds gathered. The lovers decided not to take witnesses, and only Liber’s parents, Zhenya’s mother and younger sister, as well as several friends were present at the painting. The rest of the guests joined the celebration later.

Everything was very touching: the bride in a lush white dress, the beaming groom. We can say that the painting of Liber and Zhenya was private, since on that day they were the only couple in the Gagarin registry office. In an interview with StarHit magazine, Rudnev admitted: “Before that, I had only one bright event in my life - the birth of my younger sister. But what’s happening today overshadows everything!” The bride's parents brought the rings to the newlyweds; they were made to order: white and yellow gold and one diamond on each piece.

It is worth noting that before the ceremony, Liber was noticeably worried, and when the Mendelssohn march began to sound, she became completely emotional and shed a tear. Her mother also cried, of course, with happiness. Immediately after the painting, the young people received their first wedding gift- computer monitor. After which the guys went for a walk along the Sparrow Hills, and then to a banquet, which took place in a cafe in the city apartments of House 2. The newlyweds spent the weekend in the company of their parents, went to a restaurant, and then went for a walk around Moscow.

It is worth recalling that Liber Kpadonu and Evgeniy Rudnev planned to get married back in May 2014 and combine the holiday with the significant event House 2 - the tenth anniversary of the project. However, at that time the guys’ relationship was not stable, the couple broke up and got back together several times, but in the end they decided to be together. (Based on materials from StarHit magazine -

The biography of Liber Kpadonu is of great interest to fans of the television project “Dom-2”, because the exotic mulatto conquered the whole country with her appearance and vocals. Kpadonu became one of the most prominent participants in the reality show and was remembered by viewers as a sensible and confident girl who is not afraid of difficulties.

Childhood and youth

Addah Gilbert Kpadonu came to practice in the town of Oktyabrsky. The African guy first studied in France and then moved to St. Petersburg to enter the mining university.

Gilbert saw his chosen one by chance: Nadezhda was a stranger passing by, whom a young man in broken Russian asked how to get to the cinema. The girl saw off her interesting companion, and from then on they never parted: the very next day after they met, Kpadon proposed to the white-skinned beauty. It was love at first sight. /p>

The newlyweds' parents were initially against it such a union, but the girl Liberge, who appeared on December 17, 1987, forced both sides to try on each other.

The daughter grew up in an educated and intelligent family, her father is a candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, and her mother is a lawyer by education.

Young Liberzh studied at school diligently, and was also fond of sports: she went in for athletics and was even a champion in hometown. Coach Liber predicted a sports career for her, but when Kpadon turned 14, the family moved to Ufa. In a new city future star I didn’t like the TV project, and the school didn’t want to communicate with the new student who had an unusual exotic appearance.

Nobody offended Liberzh, since the athlete could calmly give the bully back. But they often made fun of the mulatto because she did not know the Bashkir language. One day her classmates told her instead the right word expletive, and Kpadonu said it in front of the whole class. The girl thinks this incident is funny, so she remembers school years with a smile.

Liberz earned her first money in her youth. When the long-legged mulatto beauty was 16 years old, the art director of a nightclub noticed her and invited the young girl to work as a dancer. Despite her father's prohibitions, Kpadonu agrees and begins her career as a dancer.

After graduating from school, the mulatto moves to the capital and enters a Moscow university to specialize in organizing cultural events - Liberzh is very creative personality.

She managed to study at the university, and worked part-time as a go-go dancer, and also performed songs. They say that Kpadona was even invited to cameo role in the film. Also, the young university student manages to surprise her friends with delicious dishes - Liberzh is seriously engaged in developing her culinary skills.

"House 2"

Having come to the reality show “love TV”, Liber Kpadonu set a clear goal - to find her chosen one. Liberge was unable to find love outside the perimeter due to her exotic appearance. When the parents of her boyfriends found out that their sons were dating a mulatto woman, there was no talk of marriage. And Liber, like any girl, dreamed of a cozy family life.

Liberzh Kpadonu without makeup on the project "Dom-2"

Arriving at the project on September 20, 2011, Liberzh expressed sympathy for the extravagant guy Gleb Klubnichka. But the beauty’s relationship with the young man did not work out. Despite this, Liber did not despair of finding her chosen one within the walls of “House-2”.

Kpadonu's second choice was Antti Kurhinen. But even with this young man it was not possible to build love, since the participants frontal place They came to the conclusion that the newly made couple was a fictitious couple, and sent Antti out of the gate.

The next guy who attracted the African beauty was. Initially, the young man came to Ekaterina Tokareva, but Liber managed to hit Vanya. Their relationship was short-lived and was accompanied by either happy emotions or conflict situations. The guy didn’t like the girl’s bad habits: she loved to smoke, and the show participants also accused her of alcoholism.

Vanya and Liber left the gate together. But after six months of living together, the young people separated, and in the spring of 2013, Kpadonu returned to the show.

Divorced Evgeniy Rudnev became Liberzh’s new chosen one. Initially, the show's participants reproached their lovers for being a fictitious couple, but the young people decided to refute these rumors and got married, although the newlyweds' marriage lasted only six months.

After the project

Liberzh is a purposeful and confident girl. Outside the scope of the project, Liberzh holds dance school, and also owns the Liberger jewelry store.

Kpadonu does not communicate with all people; according to the girl, already at the moment of meeting she feels the energy of her interlocutor. Liberj values ​​kindness in men, love for children and animals (Kpadonu adores dogs), and most importantly, determination and intelligence. According to the ex-participant of the project, she values ​​​​in her chosen one not even the presence of a diploma, but worldly wisdom.

Like other participants in "House-2", Kpadonu has both fans and ill-wishers. But to the negative comments under the photo in Instagram the girl treats with humor: Liber is a perky and cheerful person who loves to laugh.&

It is known that Liber is greedy for computer games, for example, in one of the episodes of the show you can see how a mulatto woman plays Dota2.

Has Liber separated from her bad habits After the project, fans are left guessing. Moreover, some viewers of the show are sure that Kpadonu’s alcoholism is an invention of the project’s producers to increase ratings.

Liberzh Kpadonu now

In 2017, Liberzh Kpadonu continues to appear on Dom-2, but only as an invited guest. On at the moment she is not married.

The sultry brunette radically changed her image and said goodbye to long hair with a bob haircut.

In 2016, Liberge Kpadonu recorded new song"Rain Lines" The girl is actively developing her vocals and sings in classes under the guidance of Eteri Beriashvili, a participant in the TV project “The Voice”.

Rumor has it that the participant in the television project had to close the jewelry store for an unknown reason. Some sources are confident that Liberge's business closed due to bankruptcy. According to latest news, Kpadonu decided to devote her energy to another business idea: ex-participant scandalous show became the owner of a laser hair removal and tattoo removal salon, which she eagerly talks about on social networks.

18/05/2015 - 19:28

Evgeny Rudnev, who is divorcing Liberzh Kpadonu, will become a father - this news shocked all participants in the Dom-2 project. Rudnev’s new friend Kristina Deryabina showed everyone a positive pregnancy test and assures that Rudnev is the father of her child. Eugene's dream has come true, but even his mother suspects an insidious deception.

Rudnev will have a child, a new friend Kristina Deryabina, who came to see Evgeniy, announced to the participants of the Dom-2 project. To prove her words, Christina showed a double-line pregnancy test. All his friends and acquaintances from the project, including his own mother, doubt that Evgeny Rudnev, still married to another participant in the Dom-2 project, Liberzh Kpadonu, is really the father of Deryabina’s unborn child. According to eyewitnesses from love story, too little time passed from the moment of Rudnev’s first intimacy with his mistress until the test results were revealed. It’s just some kind of miracle that Deryabina’s everything worked out so quickly and clearly. Rudnev’s mother even insists on a DNA test if the pregnancy is subsequently confirmed. And Evgeny Rudnev himself is incredibly happy - after all, he has long dreamed of a child.

While Rudnev is “multiplying,” Liberzh Kpadonu is trying to revive them family business- jewelry store in Moscow. Liberzh does not lose heart after the betrayal of her former betrothed, but finds solace in the company of Joseph Mungole, another black ex-participant of the Dom-2 project. And despite all the assurances of the purely friendly nature of their relationship, viewers of the project predict good chances for them as a romantic couple.

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Participants television show“House-2” Evgeny Rudnev and Liberzh Kpadonu are not yet officially divorced. Their marriage was registered half a year ago, but almost immediately mutual claims began between them, including those related to their joint business. Relatives even intervened in the showdown between the young couple - Rudneva’s mother is a frequent guest of the Dom-2 project, and her African father even came to defend Liberzh, threatening his daughter’s offender with castration.

The long-awaited wedding of Liber Kpadonu and Evgeniy Rudnev took place. The ceremony was scheduled for a beautiful date and time - December 12 at 12:20. According to the already established tradition among many participants in the TV show, the wedding took place in the Gagarinsky registry office in Moscow, where the closest friends and relatives of the newlyweds gathered. The lovers decided not to take witnesses, and only Liber’s parents, Zhenya’s mother and younger sister, as well as several friends were present at the painting. The rest of the guests joined the celebration later.

Everything was very touching: the bride in a lush white dress, the beaming groom. We can say that the painting of Liber and Zhenya was private, since on that day they were the only couple in the Gagarin registry office. In an interview with StarHit magazine, Rudnev admitted: “Before that, I had only one bright event in my life - the birth of my younger sister. But what’s happening today overshadows everything!” The bride's parents brought the rings to the newlyweds; they were made to order: white and yellow gold and one diamond on each piece.

It is worth noting that before the ceremony, Liber was noticeably worried, and when the Mendelssohn march began to sound, she became completely emotional and shed a tear. Her mother also cried, of course, with happiness. Immediately after the painting, the newlyweds received their first wedding gift - a computer monitor. After which the guys went for a walk along the Sparrow Hills, and then to a banquet, which took place in a cafe in the city apartments of House 2. The newlyweds spent the weekend in the company of their parents, went to a restaurant, and then went for a walk around Moscow.

It is worth recalling that Liber Kpadonu and Evgeniy Rudnev planned to get married back in May 2014 and combine the holiday with the significant event House 2 - the tenth anniversary of the project. However, at that time the guys’ relationship was not stable, the couple broke up and got back together several times, but in the end they decided to be together.