About space and astronautics. Methodist's piggy bank. Interesting facts for Cosmonautics Day

Scenario for Cosmonautics Day

"First in Space"

Poem read by elementary school

Palm shielding yourself from the light,

The boy is sitting.


And suddenly magical:


Reached Luna station.

And looking up from my notebooks,

He said with dignity:


As if this is how it should be.

It must be like this

Not otherwise.

And it’s not surprising

What is it by us,

We have started

Assault on unsolved planets.

Presenter 1: - On April 12, our country celebrates Cosmonautics Day. This is a national holiday. It seems familiar to us that spaceships launch from Earth. In the high celestial distances, spacecraft dockings take place. Cosmonauts live and work in space stations for months, and automatic stations go to other planets. Can you tell what's special about this?

Presenter 2: - But just recently they talked about space flights as science fiction. And so on October 4, 1957 it began new era- era of space exploration. On April 12, 1961, for the first time in the world, the planet's first cosmonaut flew on the Vostok spacecraft. He was our citizen Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

Poem by Sergei Kirsanov “One for all...”

The ether lived with its own worries.

And the thunder of the jet roars -

Gagarin! – did not thunder throughout the world.

And he was walking towards the rocket. Suddenly I looked back,

To smile at everyone who saw you off.

Luckily, someone touched my shoulder,

And someone shook hands heartily.

Everything went as usual, as in training,

And everything will become unusual later,

When the rocket is torn off the edge

Dagger fire, jet thunder!

He looked at Herman as if he were a brother,

To your faithful backup.

And he shouted to those seeing him off: “Guys!”

One for all and all for one...

Presenter 1: - The inhabitants of the Earth will always remember with gratitude the names of people who discovered a new sphere of human activity. In this constellation, some of the brightest are the name of the planet’s first cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin, and the name of the chief designer, Academician Sergei Pavlovich Korolev.

Ved.2: - The chief designer, as the cosmonauts called him, will remain the chief forever. My whole life was in work. No hobbies, no hunting, no fishing. He didn't know how to rest. Many years from now, Earth's astronauts, flying in their spaceships to other worlds, will raise a toast to New Year's Eve for this person.

Ved.1: - Yes, great things do not die, they remain for people. The achievements of today's cosmonautics live on the thought of the first, chief space designer, Academician Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. And precisely to today His words include: “What seemed impossible for centuries, what yesterday was just a daring dream, today becomes a real task, and tomorrow – an accomplishment.”

Ved.2: - It was they, the first builders of spaceships under the leadership of Korolev who made humanity’s dreams of space exploration a reality.

We were prisoners on a modest ball

And how many times, in countless changes of years,

The persistent gaze of the Earth in the dark expanse,

I watched with longing the movements of the planets.

Song “Land of Children”, words, music

Sketch “I discovered sleepwalkers”

1: Where are you going?

2: Man took off from the earth for the first time in many centuries. A new space age has opened. Everyone - into space! There are only fools left on Earth!

1: Do you understand what you are saying?

2: Quite.

1: Chatterbox! Baroness Munchausen.

2: You yourself are a baroness! I don't want to talk to you at all. What do you understand about space problems? Darkness! At all times in history, all sorts of obscurantists persecuted great people and considered them crazy. Giordano Bruno, Copernicus, Galileo...

1: Fi!

2: Yes, fi! Dogs even fly into space! But I can't? What do you think I am, worse than dogs?!

1: It’s worse, at least the dogs were scientists, but you somehow managed to get a “3” in mathematics!

2: Just think, mathematics. Even without your mathematics, I came up with something that you never dreamed of!

I thought for 4 days

Moon... Moon? Moon!

Was born in my mind

There is only one theory.

The moon has come away

Was a piece of the Earth

On that piece at that very hour

And there could be people.

My conclusion is quite logical

And, therefore, he lives,

On our companion Moon

Our kindred people!

1: Listen, what you make up all the time is good. But this is not enough for a real researcher. Yuri Gagarin is the world's first cosmonaut, he graduated from his craft with excellent marks, from technical school, and from aviation school - all with excellent marks! He was involved in sports and was interested in many things! To fly into space, you first need to stand on Earth with both feet. Then off to space! And you? You study poorly! If you break away from the team, you'll have to go to the station young technicians you have to go - they build models of spaceships there.

2: All this is nonsense, by the way, I saw sleepwalkers through my telescope.

1: Come on!

2: I decided to check myself, brought the Moon closer and at the same moment discovered sleepwalkers on it!

1: Come on!

2: They look like people who lived in the old days! They have hair everywhere, like gorillas.

1: Come on!

2: They live in stone caves, they don’t build cities! Sleepwalkers graze their cows in the forests!

1: Well, yes?!

2: Not in the kitchen, right on the fires, food is being prepared, and robbers roam the mountains at night.

1: Well, yes?!

2: Don't give a damn! You yourself know that the Moon is a piece of the Earth that took it and broke away. And maybe when it came off, your close relatives were on it.

1: Fuck you... (leaves)

2: (runs after her) Listen, but this is scientifically proven...

The poem is read by elementary school students.

We live on our planet

In such an amazing age,

And the first of the first in the rocket

Soviet man flies.

Not for military intelligence purposes

On a super-fast ship

He flies alone in the Universe,

To return to the Earth again.

It was not in vain that skillful hands worked

For the glory of the people! For the glory of the country!

Working people and people of science

We are strong in a peaceful Commonwealth!

Ved.1: - It is known that there were other cosmonauts next to Gagarin. They were also well prepared and could successfully complete the task of building the first space trench. However, they sent him, Gagarin. So he was the best of the best? The easiest thing to say is: yes.

Ved.2: - The fact is that for the first flight we needed a person whose character would intertwine as much as possible positive qualities. And here such undeniable Gagarin advantages were taken into account: selfless patriotism, unshakable faith in the success of the flight, excellent health, frantic optimism, flexibility of mind and curiosity.

Ved.1: - Courage and determination, accuracy, hard work, endurance, simplicity, modesty. Great human warmth and attentiveness to other people. This is how he was before the flight. This is how he met his well-deserved fame. Remained like this until the end...

Poem by Nikolai Dobronravov “Gagarin’s Constellation”

Let the stars make a date for us again,

We hear discharges of cosmic blizzards...

You are with us, you are going on a mission with us,

First, true, only friend!

In the forests beyond Vladimir there are hundred-year-old pines,

And the gloomy sun rises in the morning...

There will be no, there will be no last flight -

People remember your first flight!

The outskirts of Paris remember you,

Moscow avenues and Ryazan rye.

And the children in the world play Gagarin,

So you live on the planet!

You made friends with an amazing fairy tale,

A smile shines like a dawn in the darkness...

From this smile, both kind and affectionate

People on Earth have become warmer.

The endless sky is getting closer and closer to us,

And there will be no end to exploits in life.

The Gagarin Constellation rises above the world, -

In truth, hearts start towards the light.

Ved.2: - And now the words of Yuri Gagarin himself: “Having flown around the Earth in a satellite ship, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, let us preserve and increase this beauty, and not destroy it!”

Ved.1: - Cosmonaut No. 2 German Titov: “I saw it, our Earth, I saw it all. She's beautiful, but she's really small. If you look at it from space. And, remembering the Earth as I saw it from there... I suddenly understood with all my being how we must take care of it.”

- Song “Bells”, lyrics by Yuri Entin, music by Evgeny Krylatov

Sketch “I want to be an astronaut” by Elena Ponomorenko

(Mom is sitting at the table, there is a second chair nearby)

Host: Every boy dreams, of course,

That someday he will fly into space.

And the boy Seryozha was no exception,

I decided to be an astronaut when I grew up.

(Seryozha comes out)

Seryozha: The astronauts are lucky,

They fly into space every day

They count the stars, walk on the moon...

How I want it too.

I want to be an astronaut

When I grow up and fly into space!

Host: But first we need to find out

What does it take to become an astronaut?

(Seryozha approaches his mother)

Seryozha: I’ll ask my mother. Mom, tell me

What does it take to become an astronaut?

Mom: Astronauts have their own special regime,

Exercise every day and they go to bed on time.

It's very important for health

Follow this special regime.

Jogging, push-ups, squats,

Douse with cold water.

At least start with this.

Seryozha: Well, it’s a couple of trifles.

I’m already ready to do exercises.

And go to bed by the hour.

I can do all this myself.

Mom: Well, son, since you're ready,

Let's get started today.

Host: He studied with his mother all day,

And he did squats and push-ups,

I wiped myself with cold water,

And he even lifted the barbell.

He jumped, ran and skipped.

And by the evening I was terribly tired.

(Mom and Seryozha do exercises, running, squats, rubdowns, etc. On last words the presenter Seryozha sits down tiredly on a chair)

Mom: Are you so gloomy, son?

Have you changed your mind about becoming an astronaut?

Seryozha: Now I understand - this is not easy work

Space flights.

I haven’t changed my mind about becoming an astronaut,

But I'm not ready yet

Being an astronaut is not easy!

Of course I won't be sad

I will develop strength in myself,

Do exercises in the morning

And go to bed on time.

Host: All boys dream about space,

They read books about space.

They study the stars in the sky,

They dream of becoming astronauts.

Poem by Alexander Gavryushkin “Space”

I would like to fly to the moon

Plunge into an unsolved world.

And like a beautiful dream

Touch the brightest star.

Fly to distant orbits,

Dimensions unknown to us all,

Where the mysterious cosmos keeps

There are many secrets of the vast universe.

To visit other planets,

Which science doesn't know about.

And see unearthly creatures, -

That they fly on strange saucers.

Ask them how they live there,

Is there autumn, winter or summer,

For what purpose do they always fly to us?

To a planet forgotten by God...

Everyone always dreams of something,

And they strive to achieve something.

Only space, alas, never

He probably won’t want to open up...

Ved.2: - Many years have passed since the first flight. During this time, a lot has changed in astronautics. Work in space now takes a long time. They work in space courageous people- heroes. Today, working in space is scientific research and daily work.

Ved.1: - This is today. And tomorrow?.. Settlements on the Moon, travel to Mars. Scientific stations on asteroids, communications with other civilizations... All this is the future. Maybe not so close, but real. After all, it builds on what has already been achieved. And we will not be upset that you and I will not become participants in long-distance interplanetary expeditions.

Ved.2: - Let us not envy the people of the future. They will, of course, be very lucky; things that we can only dream about will become familiar to them. But we were also very lucky. The happiness of the first steps into space. And let our descendants envy our happiness.

Song “Childhood”, lyrics by Mikhail Plyatskovsky, music by Yuri Chichkov

Space Festival for Students primary classes(material for the holiday in honor of the flight of the first cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin)

April 12 ___ marked _____ years since the flight of the world's first cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin.

Cosmonautics Day is a major national holiday in honor of pilots, cosmonauts, designers, employees, and workers who create rockets, spaceships, and artificial Earth satellites.

Cosmonautics Day can be celebrated in a variety of ways. These can be: literary and musical composition; travel game “Schoolboy, don’t forget, you’re on your way to becoming an astronaut”; game program“The door to space is open to everyone, come on, check yourself!”; drawing competition on the theme “An astronaut flies and carries the baton of his homeland over the entire planet!”; competition of poems and songs about space; conversations on the topics “From student rockets to space rockets”, “Fairy tale becomes reality”.

We offer approximate version holiday using literary and musical compositions and game competitions.

The celebration can take place in the school assembly or sports hall. The design of the hall uses slogans: “You can’t live well, you need to live with passion” (S.P. Korolev), “We all want to go to the Moon,” “If you want to become an astronaut, you need to know a lot,” “Cosmonauts are growing up among us.” "

On the stage are portraits of Yu. A. Gagarin, K. E. Tsiolkovsky, S. P. Korolev. Portraits of other astronauts are in the hall. The children's uniform is athletic; it is advisable to arrange the chairs in a semicircle to leave a clear area in front of the stage.

The progress of the holiday

The presenters take the stage.

1st presenter. We dedicate our holiday to the first flight of the world's first cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin.

On the screen are stills from a movie or filmstrip.

2nd presenter. Moscow speaks! All radio stations work Soviet Union! Moscow time - 10 hours 2 minutes. We are transmitting a message about the world's first human flight into outer space.

On April 12, 1961, the Soviet Union launched the world's first spacecraft-Vostok satellite with a person on board.

The pilot-cosmonaut of the Vostok spacecraft is a citizen of the Soviet Union, pilot Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.


Dawn doesn't mean anything yet

The usual “Latest news”.

And he is already flying through the constellations,

The earth will wake up with his name.

“My native country is wide”...

We start our reports with them.

And it’s not for nothing that I remember this.

Without asking anyone for help,

Having risen from the ashes and from the dust,

My country, which knows no fear,

Now he is sending his son into space!

K. Simonov

Leading. The world held its breath. The world listened to the voice of a man flying over oceans and countries, and people in these countries repeated: “Ga-ga-rin”, “Yuri”, “USSR”. The earth recognized the man who paved the way to the stars. A simple, charming person. He became the hero of the whole Earth. This is how the word “cosmonaut” appeared. (On the screen is a portrait of Yu. A. Gagarin.)


We live on our planet

In such a wonderful age.

And the first of the first in the rocket

Soviet man is flying!

Not for military intelligence purposes

On a super-fast ship

He flew alone through the Universe,

To return to the Earth again!

It was not in vain that skillful hands worked

For the glory of the people, for the glory of the country!

Working people and people of science

We are strong in a peaceful Commonwealth!

S. Mikhalkov

Song “VISITING THE STARS”(lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by S. Tulikov)

1. Distant stars in the sky are burning,

They invite the October boys to visit.

It won't take long for us to get ready for the journey -

And now we are ready to fly.

2. The announcer will command: “Attention - take off!” -

And our rocket will rush forward.

They will blink farewell and melt into the distance

Golden lights of the beloved Earth.

3. We want to make friends with you, Luna,

So that you don't get bored all the time alone!

Mysterious Mars, wait for us a little,

We'll be able to stop by and see you on the way!

1st presenter. Yu. A. Gagarin paved the way to the stars. He was the first, which is why he is called a space pioneer.

2nd presenter. Many years have passed since the start of Yu. A. Gagarin. During this time, a lot has changed in astronautics: technology, crew training, and the program of work in orbit.

3rd presenter. Work in space now takes a long time. New ships are launched, orbital stations are circling the planet. One expedition is leaving for the sky, another is preparing for flight. Courageous people, heroes, work in space!

4th presenter. Look, guys, at these faces! (Portraits of astronauts are projected on the screen and their names are called.)


Rockets are rushing to distant worlds,

The heart yearns for exploits...

Who believes dreams that fly like a song,

He will achieve his goal!

N. Dobronravov

1st presenter. The first cosmonauts were pilots. Then designers and doctors continued working in space. Now space is calling for those who know how to operate electronic computers, melt metal, and carry out installation and unloading work.

2nd presenter. And the working conditions of the astronauts became different. “On my first flight, I couldn’t even shave, but there was a real bathhouse on board the Salyut” (from the story of A. Nikolaev).

3rd presenter. Today, work in space means scientific research and everyday work for the sake of progress throughout the world. That is why international crews began to fly into space.


The roads are clear for our scientists

They will be in cosmic darkness,

But these roads are only needed then,

For a better life on Earth.

Let's pave the way to distant worlds,

We'll fly in rockets to the moon,

And if we meet our peers there,

Then we’ll invite you to visit us.

From the song “Star Road” (lyrics by G. Selyanin, music by A. Fattah)

1st presenter. If you ask our cosmonauts how the road to space began, you will certainly hear the answer: “With a dream.”

2nd presenter. A dream becomes reality if a person is hardworking, inquisitive and persistent.

1st student.

We hurry to school quickly,

To our favorite class.

Lots of big and new things to do

They are waiting for us.

There will be a day, dear light

We will fly too -

To the secret, fabulous planets,

To distant worlds.

2nd presenter. Guys! Do you want to go to space? (Yes.)

2nd student.

If we want to go into space,

So, we'll be flying soon!

Ours will be the most friendly,

Our cheerful crew!

Reader(via microphone behind the stage). Attention! Attention! The control panel speaks. We are in the area of ​​the launch pad of the Druzhba cosmodrome. The first passengers arrived here, participants in the first passenger flight “Earth - Mars - Moon - Earth”. The participants of the flight have passed difficult tests and will now show us their readiness No. 1.

(Groups of guys (teams) take turns pronouncing the name of the rocket, their motto. The names of the rockets can be different: “Friendship”, “Starship”, “Space”, “Brave”, etc.)

1st student. The team is ready to fly! Commander (student's first and last name).

Leading. During flight, every astronaut must follow space rules. I will name the beginning of the rule, and you all must continue it together. So...

Student, don't forget

All. You're on your way to becoming an astronaut!

Leading. Our main rule is

All. Follow any order!

Leading. Do you want to become an astronaut -

All. Must know a lot, a lot!

Leading. Any space route

All. Open to those who love work!

Leading. Only friendly starships

All. You can take it with you on a flight!

Leading. Bored, gloomy and angry

All. We won't take it into orbit!

Leading. Well done, guys! Which rocket will take off first? This will be decided by a counting rhyme (done with team captains).

Reading book "ROCKET"

Flew in a rocket

On a distant

There was a planet.

Had lunch there

In the blue

And in the evening

I was in Moscow.

From a rocket

Toy, friends,

The very first

The student on whom the last word “I” falls, along with the team, is the first to take a place in the rocket. The rocket launch is accompanied by sound effects recorded on film.

Leading. Attention! Attention! Everyone get ready to launch! Fasten your seat belts!

Commander. Fasten your seat belts!

Leading. Start the engines!

All. Got to start the engines!

Leading. Enable contacts!

All. There are enable contacts!

Leading. Five, four, three, two, one - start! (The sound of a rocket taking off is heard.)


The rocket rises

Draws the sky with bright light.

We found ourselves in orbit.

All. Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Let's fly!

Teams take their assigned places and are offered competitions.

Relay game “What will we take with us into space.”

Two sets of drawings depicting the following items are laid out on the floor: a book, a notepad, a fountain pen, a spacesuit, a cat, an apple, a tube of semolina, a tube of cake, a photograph of a child, an alarm clock, and sausage.

During the relay, each player must take one picture depicting what an astronaut can actually take with him to the spaceship.

Competition “The door to space is open to everyone,

Come on, check yourself!”

The proposed questions should be discussed with the children in advance.

1. When is Cosmonautics Day celebrated (name the day and month)?

2. Can Yuri Gagarin be called a pioneer, why?

3. Name domestic female cosmonauts.

4. Who was the first astronaut to go into outer space?

5. What professions have been to space?

6. Why were several ship crews called international?

7. What is the name of the city where astronauts live and work?

8. Where is the launch pad from which spaceships launch?

Leading. Now we will check the health of our players during the first minutes of the flight.

Each team has 5 boys and 5 girls. Boys and girls work in pairs. At the presenter’s signal, the boy inflates the balloon, the girl helps to tie it. Then you need to quickly tie all the threads from the balls. One of the players of the team that completed the task faster raises a bunch of balls above his head.

Relay race “Who is most likely to form the word “COSMONAUT”?

The presenter gives the players cards measuring 20 X 30 cm with letters written on them. The cards are arranged randomly, shuffled and turned upside down. At the signal “Three, two, one - start!” Team players turn the cards upside down and quickly form the word “COSMONAUT”.

Relay "Weightlessness".

On one side of the hall, near the starting line, the guys are holding a baton with the inscription “Earth”. On the opposite side of the hall, the guys have wands with the inscriptions “Mars” and “Venus”. Between the planets Earth, Mars, and Venus, at an equal distance, there are three large hoops, inside of which there is the inscription “weightlessness.”

The presenter learns poetry with the guys:

Fast rockets are waiting for us

For walks to the planets.

Whatever we want

We'll fly to this one.

But there is one secret in the game:

There is no room for latecomers!

Once! Two! Three!

After these words, the player standing first runs forward, but, having encountered “weightlessness” on the way, he must jump around each hoop circle on one leg. When one player reaches the planet Mars or Venus, the next player starts, and so on.

The team that is the first to line up near the planet Mars or Venus wins.

The presenter records the time and at the end announces the result.

Competition "Space Dictionary".

The boards are fixed on both sides blank sheets Whatman paper On each of them there is the inscription “Cosmic Dictionary” at the top.

The presenter invites the team players to take turns running to the board and writing under one word related to flight. For example: satellite, spacesuit, cosmodrome, lunar rover, rocket, etc. Game time is 3-5 minutes. The team that writes the most and most correct words wins.

Competition "Name the astronauts."

Everyone participates in the competition. To the sound of music, a “magic” wand is passed around the hall from one to another. Whoever gets it into his hands must quickly name the name of the astronaut or the ship on which he flew. The team that names the most names and ships wins.

Leading. Guys, now guess the riddles.

1. Floats boldly in the sky,

Overtaking the birds in flight,

Man controls it.

What is it?... (Starship.)

2. There are no wings, but this bird

It will fly and land on the moon. (Lunokhod.)

So, we became astronauts. What qualities can you name that are necessary for an astronaut? What should an astronaut be like? (Brave, honest, resourceful, inquisitive, educated, modest, smart, kind, friendly.)

Leading. Guys! You all passed the tests well, during the flight you proved that you know and can do a lot, and most importantly, you acted together and helped each other. Now we are returning to Earth. (The sound of a rocket being launched is heard.)

Leading. Attention! Everyone get ready to descend!

Children. Get ready to descend!

Summing up. Rewarding.

Performance of the common song “14 minutes before the start”.

Additional material

Song “OUR Merry CREW”

(lyrics by P. Sinyavsky, music by Y. Chichkov)

1. Like on the field of a cosmodrome

We run out into the yard.

Let's get down to business together:

From the swing near the house

We need to make a simulator

You need to get used to weightlessness.


If we want to go into space,

So, we'll be flying soon,

Ours will be the most friendly,

Our cheerful crew.

2. If we don’t have a spacesuit,

To go on a flight -

We can make it.

We got glass from an old headlight

Suitable for a spacesuit

And a cardboard box too.


3. Why aren’t we astronauts?

If each of us

Do you even dream about the orbital complex?

And we agree even tomorrow,

Even today, even now

Ride a rocket into space.



You will say: “Gagarin!” - and suddenly in front of us

He rushes upward, drawn by a whirlwind,

Promethean flames shooting up into the sky,

The steppe is deafening with enthusiastic thunder.

You will see how inspired he is

The golden thread is lowered in turns,

The ball flying around and the strings of the Universe

Touching in bold flight with your hands.

I sense the interweaving of those invisible strings.

Rushes between them into immeasurable expanses.

Listen up! Singing flows into the heart -

He rushes, violating with his daring flight

There is eternal peace in the stellar Universe.

Sensitive star ears listen

Heartbeats and human sighs.

I see: the calmness of the eye under the eyebrow,

There is a glow of life in a clear smile.

One hears from the sky: “Your health is fine.

Glory to our dear Soviet fatherland!”

Our contemporary, he lived among us,

I was waiting for a new task from my homeland.

Loyal, always ready with friends

Towards new explorations of the secrets of the universe.

He is still between us, the living,

And the memory of the people will not die about him,

His name will forever remain in our hearts

A call and symbol of a bold takeoff!

A. Surkov


(lyrics by V. Orlov, music by I. Arseev)

Cosmodromes thunder like distant thunderstorms,

The astronauts are looking at the blue ball,

And somewhere high stars shine,

That will be open to both me and you.

Nothing disturbs the expanses of the Fatherland,

The earth fell asleep and the city became silent...

And the Chief Designer finished,


Drawing of your and mine starships.

They are sailing somewhere on their own paths,

Now they don’t even know themselves

That they will be called by names,

And it is very possible - yours and mine.

The midnight stars descended to the bedside,

They call for you, ringing quietly.

The Motherland believes in us and looks at us with love,

And gives a smile to you and me.


There are different dates. Some are remembered only by a few people, others are celebrated by all people. This is the date that April 12, 1961 refers to. From that festive morning, the habitation of space began. More and more powerful rockets are rising to the stars. But the further the year of man's first flight into space passes from us, the louder and more solemn the name of the pioneer of the Universe sounds. Everyone loved Yuri Gagarin. He has an ordinary biography. The grandson of a worker at the Putilov plant, the son of a peasant, a vocational school, a technical school, a flying club, a flight school - these are the milestones of his path. But Gagarin loved and knew how to work. And that's why he became a hero.

For centuries, people have dreamed of flying to the stars... In 1960, a series of spacecraft flights were carried out with automatic control, whose “passengers” were animals.

Finally, on April 12, 1961, at 9:07 a.m. Moscow time, the Vostok spacecraft, with a man on board, launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Having circled the Earth, the ship landed on the Volga land near Saratov. The world's first cosmonaut was Yu. A. Gagarin.

The night before the flight, Yuri slept for 8 hours and woke up cheerful and calm. He was sure that everything would be fine. Gagarin boarded the ship. Rocket engines with a capacity of 20 million roared horsepower. The Vostok spaceship rushed upward. At an altitude of three hundred kilometers, Vostok entered orbit. He raced around the Earth at a speed of 28 thousand kilometers per hour. The flight lasted 108 minutes. The ship made a complete revolution around the Earth and smoothly descended in a given area. Thus began the era of manned space flights.

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Target: activation of cognitive activity of students


  1. Expand children's understanding of astronautics.
  2. To form feelings of patriotism through acquaintance with the great achievements of the Russian people.
  3. Develop students' creative abilities through the use of game elements.
  4. Organize competitive activities between teams.
  5. Create active student interaction in a team

Equipment: computer, projector, screen, balloons, pens, sheets of paper, 2 rockets (layouts) with team names, stars, medals for awards.

Progress of the event

(Slide No. 1.) Children read poetry.

Stars, stars, for a long time
Chained you forever
A man's greedy gaze.

And sitting in animal skin
Near the red fire
Continuously in the blue dome
He could watch until the morning.

And looked in silence for a long time
Man in the expanse of the night -
Then with fear
Then with delight
Then with a vague dream.

And then with the dream together
The tale was ripening on the lips:
About mysterious constellations,
About unknown worlds.

Since then they have lived in heaven,
Like in the night land of miracles, -
Aquarius, Sagittarius and Swan,
Leo, Pegasus and Hercules.

(Vasily Lepilov)

All planets in order
Any of us can name:
One - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four - Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row.
And after him, then,
And the ninth planet
Called Pluto.
(Arkady Khait)

First verse:

Here is our spaceship flying forward
Towards the stars.
Goodbye home! Let his tail wag at us
Comet and then


Second verse:

Yes! Let's fly wherever we set our feet
It's not easy to set foot!
We will open everything, we will remove all barriers,
Let's save everyone from monsters


Third verse:

Everyone there is happy to see us! Cosmopotamus
Invites us to visit!
Thousands of planets tell us: “Hello!
Stay here!" But no -


(Back to the first slide.)

Shielding myself from the light with my palm,
The boy is sitting.
And suddenly magical:
- Rocket
Reached Luna station. - And looking up from the notebooks,
He said with dignity:
- Order. -
As if this is how it should be.
It must be like this
Not otherwise.
And it’s not surprising
What is it by us,
We have started
Assault on unsolved planets.
Don’t blame him for his stinginess:
The boy is restrained because
What a continuation of discoveries
The era entrusted him!
(L. Tatyanicheva)

IN space rocket
With the name "East"
He is the first on the planet
I was able to rise to the stars.
Sings songs about it
Spring drops:
Will be together forever
Gagarin and April.
(V. Stepanov)

Teacher: Guys, who can guess what our event will be dedicated to? Can someone tell me what holiday our country recently celebrated? (On slide 1 - click, the entry appears: April 12 - Cosmonautics Day)

The mysterious world of stars and planets has attracted the attention of people since ancient times. But it became closer and more accessible only with the penetration of man into outer space.

Look how it happened.

(Slide 1. Link control button, showing the “Star Flight” video. This link sends to the Internet address ( http://viki.rdf.ru/item/2113/download/) , where you need to download this clip, because it is very large in size - 41.2 MB. After viewing, return to slide 1) .

Let's go with you guys on a space journey. Raise your hands, how many of you want to fly into space? (Everyone raises their hands) Great! Only you and I will travel to unusual planets.

Presenter 1

Do you want to become an astronaut -
Must know a lot!
Any space route
Open to those who love work.
Only friendly starships
Can be taken with you on a flight.
Bored, gloomy and angry
We will not take it into orbit.
Fast rockets are waiting for us
For flights to planets.
Whatever we want
We'll fly to this one.
If we want to go into space,
So, we'll be flying soon!
Ours will be the most friendly,
Our cheerful crew.
(D. Chibisov)

Guys, what planet do we live on? ( Earth).

Right. (Slide 2. Click on the image of the planet Earth and click on the name “Earth”).

You and I will have two crews, two teams. The crew of the starship "Youth" and the crew of the starship "Dream". ( Rockets are placed on crew tables). You and I will fly to planets where tasks await us. And at the end of the event, we will see whose crew knows more about space, whose crew will win. So, let's hit the road.

The first planet we came to was the “Mysterious” planet. (Click, an image of the planet and the name “Mysterious” appear on the slide). The inhabitants of this planet invite us to answer the riddles that they have prepared for you. ( For each correct answer the crew receives a star). (Link – planet, go to the slide with the image of the planet and the name “Mysterious”).

  1. To equip the eye
    And be friends with the stars,
    To see the Milky Way
    Need a powerful... ( telescope)
  2. Telescope for hundreds of years
    Study the life of planets.
    He will tell us everything
    Smart uncle... ( astronomer)
  3. An astronomer is a stargazer,
    He knows everything inside out!
    Only the stars are visible better
    The sky is full... ( Moon)
  4. A bird cannot reach the moon
    Fly and land on the moon,
    But he can do it
    Make it quick... ( Rocket)
  5. The rocket has a driver
    Zero gravity lover.
    In English: "astronaut"
    And in Russian... ( Astronaut)
  6. An astronaut sits in a rocket
    Cursing everything in the world -
    In orbit as luck would have it
    Appeared... ( UFO)
  7. UFO flies to neighbor
    From the constellation Andromeda,
    It howls like a wolf out of boredom
    Evil green... ( Humanoid)
  8. The humanoid has lost its course,
    Lost in three planets,
    If star map There is not,
    Speed ​​won't help... ( Sveta)
  9. Light flies the fastest
    Doesn't count kilometers.
    The Sun gives life to the planets,
    We are warm, tails are… ( Comets)
  10. The comet flew around,
    I looked at everything in the sky.
    He sees a hole in space -
    This is black... ( Hole)
  11. Black holes are dark
    She's busy with something dark.
    There he ended his flight
    Interplanetary... ( Starship)
  12. Starship - steel bird,
    He runs faster than light.
    Learns in practice
    Stellar... ( Galaxies)
  13. And the galaxies are flying
    In loose form as they wish.
    Very hefty
    This whole universe!

We have solved all the riddles (link control button, return to slide 2 with planets) and we move on. Let's fly. The next planet we land on is called “Star” (on slide 2 click – the image of the planet and the name “Stellar” appears). New tasks await us here (link – planet, go to the slide with the image of the planet and the name “Starry”, on the slide link – asterisk – music for the competition).

(Children go out, 1 person from each team, while the music is playing to collect as many stars as possible.)

We collected all the stars and moved on (control button - return to slide 2). The next planet we landed on is “Planet of Questions” (slide 2: click – an image of a planet appears with the name “Planet of Questions”). The inhabitants of this planet have prepared a quick survey for you (link – planet, an image of the planet appears with the name “Planet of Questions”, then click on a slide with questions and answers. We check the answers using the links and letters. Next we act using the control buttons).

  1. What did Yuri Gagarin say at the moment of launch? (A. Let's fly, B. Let's go, C. Forward, D. Bye)
  2. What is the name of the city of astronauts? (A. Starry, B. Solar, C. Cosmic, D. Floral)
  3. What instrument is the main tool of astronomers? (A. Microscope, B. Telescope, C. Filmoscope, D. Kaleidoscope)
  4. What is the name of the spacecraft launch site? (A. Airport, B. Aerodrome, C. Cosmodrome, D. Rocket launch site)
  5. How do astronauts store food? (A. In pots, B. In jars, C. In thermoses, D. In tubes)
  6. Which of these devices can be used to go into space? (A. On hot air balloon, B. On an airplane, C. On an airplane, D. On a rocket)
  7. Which planet is called the "blue planet"? (A. Venus, B. Earth, C. Jupiter, D. Mars)
  8. What is the name of a stone that fell from space to Earth? (A. Meteor, B. Fireball, C. Asteroid, D. Meteorite).

Well done guys! All questions answered. And we are leaving this planet and go to another planet. And it's called "Air" (slide 2: click – an image of a planet with the name “Aerial” appears). The inhabitants of this planet have prepared for us relay race (link – planet, an image of a planet with the name “Aerial” appears, on this slide the link is an asterisk, music for the game).

Balloon relay race.

Each team has 5 people who form columns. The two leading players of each team are given balloon. Players from both teams raise their hands. At the leader’s command, the game participants pass the balloon from hand to hand to the back of the column. Then I pass the ball back between my legs. The team that completes the given task faster wins.

Well done! Let's move on (link is a control button, return to slide 2). The next planet we land on" Unknown planet» (slide 2: click – an image of a planet appears with the name “Unknown Planet”). The inhabitants of this planet offer you this task (link – planet, an image of a planet with the name “Unknown Planet” appears, on this slide the link is an asterisk, a slide appears with the word "cosmonautics") . You need to make as many words as possible from the word astronautics(plates with this word are placed on the tables). You can rearrange the letters in any order and use each letter once in one word. For each word you get a star.

Well done guys. You did a good job (link is a control button, return to slide 2). Another planet on which we land is the planet “Planet Fantasy” (slide 2: click – an image of a planet with the name “Fantasy” appears.) Imagine meeting a real alien (link – planet, an image of a planet with the name “Fantasy” appears). What do you think he might look like? Imagine and draw what you think an alien might look like.

Well done! The drawings turned out good. And we end our journey and return to our planet - Earth (link – control button, return to slide 2: link from planet Earth – an image of a planet with the name “Earth” appears).

Let's summarize. Counting stars. Awarding the winners (click – the next slide appears with the words “Thank you for your attention”).

When you leave the classroom, put a red star on your typesetting sheet if you liked our journey, or a blue one if you did not like our journey.

When preparing this event, I used online resources (

script of the holiday-competition

Target: developing children's knowledge about space, famous astronauts and space discoverers.


introduce the history of the creation of rocket technology,

develop children's curiosity, thinking, speech, memory, attention,

cultivate discipline, curiosity, pride in one’s country,

teach activity and collectivism.

presentation, laptop, projector

2 newspapers,
- cards with tasks,

The competition is formalized in game form: crews of astronauts compete, the progress of the competition is displayed on a colorfully decorated “Flight into Space” stand; the final route is Mars, Venus or the Moon. They create a gaming organ - the cosmonaut headquarters; at the headquarters they resolve all issues related to the course of the game.

Possible game roles:
space crew commanders,
astronaut number 1, etc.


I. Class organization.

II. Setting the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Teacher: Guys, you know that on April 12 our whole country celebrates Cosmonautics Day. Today we will talk about how people began to explore outer space, and why on April 12 we celebrate Cosmonautics Day.
Since ancient times mysterious world planets and stars attracted people's attention, attracted them with its mystery and beauty. Previously, a long time ago, when people were just beginning to recognize the Earth, they imagined it as an inverted bowl, which rests on three giant elephants, standing importantly on the shell of a huge turtle. This miracle turtle swims in the sea-ocean, and the whole world is covered with a crystal dome of the sky with many sparkling stars. The mysterious shine of the stars and the bottomless depth of the sky have always attracted people. They have long tried to conquer the sky.

Do you know the legend about Daedalus and his son Icarus? Icarus and his father lived on an island that belonged to a very cruel king; it was impossible to escape from him either by land or by sea, the only way of salvation was heaven. But how?
Daedalus came up with a very interesting and convenient device - wings. He collected bird feathers and secured them with wax. Father and son attached wings to their backs and flew into the sky. Before the flight, Daedalus warned his son not to fly high into the sky, as the sun would melt the wax that held the wings together. The feathers will fly away and he will die. But Icarus was so captivated by the spectacle that he forgot about his father’s instructions and flew too high. The sun melted the wax, the feathers scattered, and Icarus fell into the sea from a great height. This is such a sad story.

Several thousand years have passed since then, many generations of kind and smart people. They built ships and, having completed trip around the world, learned that the Earth is a ball. And astronomers have proven that the Earth flies in space, revolving around the sun, making one revolution around its axis per year.

The next step was to make a ball with a basket for passengers. A brazier with hot coals was placed in the basket. The ball was constantly filled with hot smoke. But such a ball did not fly long and low. They began to fill the balloon with gas; it could fly for a long time, but it was large and clumsy. He flew in the direction the wind was blowing. Then the airship was created, and then the airplane. And they began to fly to air envelope Earth. But people did not stop there; they were attracted by space.

And here's 5 1 a year ago, an ordinary spring day on April 12, 1961 was destined to forever go down in human history. On this day, the spacecraft, the Vostok satellite, launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome with the first cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. Cosmonaut - there was no such word among many, many thousands of words. The pilot Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin brought it to Earth from the sky.)


I asked my dad one day:

"Who is Yuri Gagarin?

He's probably very important

But I don’t know much about him..."

And dad then answered me:

"I'm glad you asked me about this,

He is a brave and courageous pilot,

He glorified the country throughout the world.

Gagarin was the first in the world

Who once flew into space?

To the boys on our planet

He gave me the dream of becoming an astronaut."

Now I'm proud to know

Who was Yuri Gagarin?

Ask me, I will answer you proudly:

He is the astronaut who was the first to reach the stars!

Reader: We live on our planet
In such a wonderful age!
And the first of the first in the rocket
Our Russian man is flying!
Not for the purpose of military intelligence,
On a super-fast ship
He flew alone in the Universe,
To return to the earth again!
(Sergey Mikhalkov)

Teacher: Guys, you listened well, and now we’ll play a little. To do this you need to split into two teams.

Team names are given (“R A chum salmon", "K O rabble" ) Vocabulary work

Teacher: Guys, would you like to visit outer space? Why?(guys' answers) Today our squad of young cosmonauts is setting off on a journey. We will take a flight through our solar system.

Let's look at the journey map. We have to launch from Earth. Visit the Sun, visit Mercury, Venus. Fly over the Earth and see the Moon. Then we will land on Mars and see its satellites Deimos and Phobos. Next comes the ring of asteroids or it is also called the Asteroid Belt. This will be the last point of our journey. Then we will return to Earth. Our squad of young cosmonauts consists of... crews, each of them has its own commander. Astronauts! Be very careful during the flight! Listen to the commands of your commanders!

(Music performed by the ensemble "Earthlings" sounds. All children perform physical exercise under the teacher's commands.)

Teacher: But to fly, we need a spaceship.

Competition 1. A drawing of a rocket on a poster opens. The second copy of the drawing is cut into parts. Crew teams are invited to assemble the ship (according to the model ). A drawing of a rocket is shown. The teams have envelopes containing the same rockets, only cut up.
Task: collect the drawings as quickly as possible.
Teacher: Well done! You have completed this task!

The ship is prepared for flight, but the crew is not. Guys, what are the astronauts wearing?

Children: In spacesuits.

Teacher: Correct. Where are your spacesuits?

Competition 2.
From geometric shapes draw a spacesuit.

(Children draw on the board. The jury evaluates.)

Teacher: Guys, do you know how many planets there are in the solar system?

Competition 3.
Name the planets that revolve around the Sun along with the Earth.
(Teams are named one by one. Teams receive a point for each planet.)

Competition 4
Where are the planets of the solar system located? Our cosmonauts will show this.

They must put the planets in order and read their motto.

(Teams are given sheets with the names of the planets. On the back of each sheet is a word from the motto)

Any space route is open to those who love work.

Only the strong ones can be taken on a flight by a starship.

Teacher: And now we will be transported to the center of the solar system. The solar system is a family in which our planet Earth lives. In its center there is a hot ball of gas - this is the Sun. Surface temperature + 6000°C. Even in ancient times, people realized that without the sun there would be no life on Earth. The earth receives only a small portion of the sun's radiated heat. But this is enough for all life on Earth.

Nine planets and thousands of asteroids and comets revolve around the Sun.
And we are already flying over the planet Mercury. Astronauts, look carefully out the windows! Oh, how many unprecedented animals there are here!

Competition 5.
Arriving on Mercury, the astronauts find themselves in a space zoo. Each crew receives a task: to draw one animal and tell how it eats, what it is called and where it lives.

(Children receive sheets and pencils or markers. Draw animals and talk about them.

For example: Our animal is called Togo-Toot. It lives on the island of Wild Hippos and eats purple tomatoes. Here is his portrait (drawing is shown).

The jury evaluates drawings and stories.)

Teacher: Well done! Interesting drawings you got it. We fly further, approaching Venus.

Competition 6. /With fans/

Solve the crossword puzzle.

1. aircraft, on which Baba Yaga rode.
2. It is visible only at night.
3. The largest planet.
4. The closest star visible during the day.
5. The name of the dog who was the first to go into outer space.
6. Which spaceship did Yuri Gagarin visit in space for the first time?
7. Earth satellite.
8. Alien aircraft.

We can clearly see what is happening on our planet. We are flying over Russia. Our country is very large, it spreads from Baltic Sea in the west to Chukotka and the Bering Strait in the east. And here comes the Moon. The Moon is a satellite of the Earth. This is also a planet, but very small. She cannot move independently and is, as it were, “tied” to the Earth.

Teacher: And we are already flying over Mars. What is another name for this planet? (Red)

The Ancient Romans had the name of a rather bloodthirsty god of war. And indeed the reddish color of the planet is associated with the blood that people shed in their numerous military campaigns. Moreover, like mythological god, the planet has 2 satellites that accompany it in battles - and - Fear and Horror.

It was necessary to have not only great courage and strength, but also dexterity in order to fight these mythological monsters.

Competition 7.
The task "Who is faster and more dexterous."
One participant from each team is invited. You need to grab the corner of the newspaper with one hand. At the signal, try to collect the entire sheet into a fist. You cannot correct the sheet with the other hand. The first one to complete will win.

Competition 8.
"Asteroid Ring".
Let's practice how to dock the ship correctly. The crew commander runs first, runs around the conditional planet, returns for the next player, takes him by the hand and the two of them run around the planet, return for the third, etc.

Teacher: It's time to return to Earth! And on the way - another competition.

Competition 9.
Make as many words as possible from the letters of the word COSMONAUtics.

Teacher: While the astronauts are working, we will try to answer the quiz questions.


1. Who invented the rocket with which it was possible to go into space?
(K.E. Tsiolkovsky, S.P. Korolev)

3. What animals have been to space?
(dogs Belka and Strelka, Laika, Chernushka, Zvezdochka, white mice and rats)

5. What is the name of the cosmodrome from which Russian rockets launch into space? Where is it?
(Baikonur, Kazakhstan)

6. What was the name of the ship on which Yuri Gagarin went into space?
(Ship "Vostok")

7. What were the names of the ships on which the first Soviet-American flight was made?
("Soyuz" and "Apollo")

8. Name the first Russian female cosmonaut.
(Valentina Tereshkova)

9. Who was the first to go into outer space?
(Alexey Leonov)

10. What planet solar system the biggest?

Well done guys, they listened well and played! While the jury is summing up the results, tell me which of you dreams of becoming an astronaut.



You will now hear

Not comic at all

The boys and I will sing

Cosmic ditties.

I, like all our boys,

I want to be an astronaut

I will grow up and certainly

I'll fly to the distant stars.

The very first astronaut

Gagarin became Yura.

To become as strong

Need physical education.

All the guys know from childhood:

Yura is not an easy guy.

He said: “Let's go!”

He boldly waved his hand at us.

And shot straight up

Huge rocket

Leaving behind

The trail is like a comet.

Yesterday Tanka experienced

Flight in zero gravity

When the boys pushed

Her from the hill into the snowdrift.

I'm equipping a rocket

I'm going to the moon.

Maybe in space far away

I will find new friends.

Teacher: How should you prepare yourself for long-distance space flights?

Elena Ponomarenko

Dad is sitting at the table (the role is played by a boy). There is a second chair nearby.

HOST: Every boy dreams, of course,
That someday he will fly into space.
And the boy Seryozha was no exception,
I decided to be an astronaut when I grew up.

The boy Seryozha comes out into the middle of the hall.

SEREZHA: The astronauts are lucky,
They fly into space every day
They count the stars, walk on the moon...
How I want it the same way.
I want to become an astronaut
When I grow up and fly into space!

HOST: But first we need to find out
What does it take to become an astronaut?

Seryozha approaches dad.

SEREZHA: I’ll ask dad. Dad, tell me
What does it take to become an astronaut?

PAPA: Cosmonauts have their own special regime.
Exercise every day and they go to bed on time.
It's very important for health
Follow this special regime.
Jogging, push-ups, squats,
Douse with cold water.
At least start with this.

SEREZHA: Well, it’s a couple of trifles.
I’m already ready to do exercises.
And go to bed by the hour.
I can do all this myself.

DAD: Well, son, since you're ready,
Let's get started today.

HOST: He studied with dad all day,
And he did squats and push-ups,
I wiped myself with cold water,
And he even lifted the barbell.
He jumped, ran and skipped.
And by the evening I was terribly tired.

Dad and Seryozha mime pantomime exercises, running, wiping with water, etc.
At the last words of the presenter, Seryozha sits down tiredly on a chair.

DAD: Are you so gloomy, son?
Have you changed your mind about becoming an astronaut?

SEREZHA: Now I understand - this is not easy work
Space flights.
I haven’t changed my mind about becoming an astronaut,
But I'm not ready yet
To such cosmic loads.
Being an astronaut is not easy!
Of course I won't be sad
I will develop strength in myself,
Do exercises in the morning
And go to bed on time.

HOST: All boys dream about space,
They read books about space.
They study the stars in the sky,
They dream of becoming astronauts.

Now the jury will announce the winner to us
(The jury sums up the results and awards the teams.)

Teacher: I want to quote the words of the great cosmonaut Gagarin: “Having flown around the Earth in a satellite, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, let us preserve and increase this beauty, and not destroy it.” Let's fulfill the behest of the first cosmonaut! Goodbye!

Attention! The site administration is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development with the Federal State Educational Standard.

In this methodological development a quiz is presented, including questions about astronauts, spacecraft and celestial bodies.

Purpose of the event: expand students’ horizons about astronauts, spacecraft and celestial bodies.

Objectives of the event:

  1. To acquaint students with the basic facts from the biography of astronauts, with interesting information about celestial bodies and spacecraft.
  2. To promote the development of attention, memory and creative thinking in students.
  3. To cultivate a sense of patriotism for one’s country, pride and respect for people who dedicated their lives to the conquest of space.

Form of organizing children's activities: group work (team work)

Preparation for the event: This event is held within the framework of the decade of physics as extracurricular activity for Cosmonautics Day. It can be carried out in the entire parallel of seventh grades or in one class.

In classes (class), you need to select team captains, give them a task: form teams, make emblems and come up with a team name. All children are given the task of preparing for the event and viewing biographies of domestic and foreign astronauts, reading about spacecraft and celestial bodies.

Equipment: multimedia, presentation “Step into the Universe”, presentation “Hubble”, video “Dedicated to Gagarin’s first flight”

Progress of the event

Teacher: Hello, dear guys! I am glad to welcome you to our game “Step into the Universe”. !On April 2, the whole world celebrates Cosmonautics Day. Remind me, please, in honor of what event is this holiday celebrated?

Suggested answer: On April 12, the whole world celebrates Aviation and Cosmonautics Day - memorable date dedicated to the first human flight into space. On April 12, 1961, citizen of the Soviet Union, senior lieutenant Yu.A. Gagarin, on the Vostok spacecraft, made the world's first orbital flight around the Earth, opening the era of manned space flights.

Teacher: Thank you! Absolutely right! I invite you to take your first step into the Universe today. Captains, please introduce your teams.

The teams take turns saying their names, the captains introduce the guys by name.

Teacher: But before we step into the Universe, let's talk about the man who opened the way for us to its secrets. I offer you stage 1 of our game called Warm-up. It consists of 10 questions worth 1 point. The right to answer and choose a question goes to the team that told us about this wonderful day. Attention, for each correct answer the team receives 1 point, if the answer is incorrect correct right the answer goes to the other team. We answer one by one. I will give you little stars that say 1 point.


(from 2 to 13 slide)

  1. How long did Yu. A. Gagarin's space flight last? (1 hour 48 minutes)
  2. What was the name of the spaceship on which Yu. A. Gagarin flew into space? (East -1)
  3. Why in the Star City Museum in Yu.A.’s office? Gagarin, the clock above the door always shows the same time - 10 hours 31 minutes? (at this time Gagarin’s life was cut short)
  4. From which gate did Yuri Gagarin receive the keys for eternal storage? (From the gates of the cities of Cairo and Alexandria (1962, Egypt)).
  5. When and where was Yuri Gagarin born? (March 9, 1934, in Gzhatsk, Smolensk region)
  6. What is Gagarin's call sign on his first flight? (Cedar)
  7. Often in newspapers and magazines you can see a photograph where Yuri Gagarin is depicted with a white dove in his hands. What is the story behind this photo? (It was in the GDR, Gagarin stood surrounded by Germans. Suddenly a boy ran up and handed him a dove. Gagarin pressed the bird to his chest, and it trustingly spread its wings. That’s how the photographers captured it)
  8. What was Gagarin called abroad? (Columbus of the Universe)
  9. Who was Gagarin's backup in space flight? (German Titov)
  10. As you know, during the flight Yuri Gagarin wore an orange spacesuit, a white helmet and the same white lace-up boots with thick soles. Why was a thick sole needed, since the astronaut did not intend to fly to the Moon and land there?

(They must have a thick sole that can withstand the blow well. This is necessary because the loads during an emergency landing can be very large. So large that the bones are destroyed and the tendons burst. The boot must at least partially soften the blow. Andrei Sobetov described a case when the heel bone the pilot broke through the thin sole of the boot, which subsequently led to infection of the fracture, gangrene and amputation. A high ankle can protect against dislocations and sprains during an improper landing. An important requirement is that the boot should not have hooks or similar parts).

Teacher: Let's summarize. (captains announce the points scored). Let's see how the preparations for the space flight and the launch of the spacecraft with Yuri Gagarin on board took place. Includes a video clip (included with development).

Teacher:(slides 14 to 35) We are moving on to the second stage of our game called “The abyss of stars has opened and is full...”. This stage consists of 4 blocks of questions: names, stars, planets, spacecraft. Each question has its own cost. The value of the cost shows the degree of difficulty of the question. You will choose your own question. If your answer is incorrect, then the question goes to your opponents. For correct answers, the team receives a card with the number of points earned.

Category "Names"

20 points

First woman astronaut

Answer: Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova

40 points

The first man to walk into outer space.

Answer: Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov

60 points

The world's first female astronaut to go into outer space.

Answer: Svetlana Evgenievna Savitskaya

80 points

Name the astronaut who first stepped on the surface of the Moon.

Answer: This man was Neil Armstrong, commander of the American spacecraft Apollo 11. He famously said when he set foot on the moon: “This is one small step for a man, but one giant leap for all mankind.”

100 points

Name the astronaut who holds the world record for the longest flight into space (437 days and 18 hours in 1994 and 1995)

Answer: Valery Vladimirovich Polyakov.

Category "Stars"

20 points

The closest star to Earth.

Answer: Sun

40 points

A star whose presence in the sky will help determine the cardinal directions.

Answer: Polar Star.

60 points

This constellation was called different peoples and a hippopotamus, and a horse on a leash, and a star cart, and a camel. We know it under the name...

Answer: Big Dipper.

80 points

How many constellations are there in the sky?

Answer: 88 constellations

100 points

The most bright star in the sky?

Answer: Mercury

40 points

This planet reaches its maximum brightness shortly before sunrise or some time after sunset, which gives rise to the name it is also called the Evening Star or the Morning Star.

Answer: Venus

60 points

Which planet's moons are called Phobos and Deimos?

Answer: Mars

80 points

Which planet? greatest number satellites?

Answer: Jupiter, 63 satellites

100 points

Which planet is called “blue” because of the methane content in its upper layers.

Answer: Union

40 points

Soviet space station, which successfully operated in orbit for 15 years.

Answer: Mir station

60 points

What was the name of the American spacecraft that made the first Soviet-American joint flight?

Answer: Apollo

80 points

What was the name of the Soviet spacecraft that flew through the head of Halley's Comet on March 6, 1986?

Answer: Vega

100 points

An astronomical observatory around the Earth, named after a major American astronomer.

Answer: The Hubble Space Telescope is an automatic observatory in orbit around the Earth, named after Edwin Hubble, an American astronomer.

Teacher: Guys, I would like to introduce you to the images that were obtained using the Hubble telescope. Placing a telescope in space makes it possible to record electromagnetic radiation in ranges in which the earth’s atmosphere is opaque, primarily in the infrared range. Due to the absence of atmospheric influence, the resolution of the telescope is 7-10 times greater than a similar telescope located on Earth.

Launch of a presentation called Hubble.

Then the results are summed up. Winners and runners-up are awarded diplomas of 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree, and chocolate medals. (see appendix) The rest of the event participants are awarded space-themed candies.

Final words from the teacher: Dear guys, I thank you all for participating in the “Step into the Universe” game. Let your curiosity follow this step, and you will discover many interesting things in the world of astronautics. Goodbye, see you again!

The game is very interesting, the children participate in all stages of the game with great pleasure, they say that they have learned a lot of interesting things, some even want to be astronauts. Therefore, the goal of the event was achieved. Throughout the month of April, I spend five minutes on astronautics at the very beginning of the lesson. I include videos about the biographies of our cosmonauts and introduce them to the latest achievements of astronautics. And rightfully our team took first place in the city competition for the second year in a row, dedicated to the Day astronautics.